Please complete and mail this form with payment to the contact below by July 12, 2012. Contact Name: ______________________________________ Company: _________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________________ E-mail: ___________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ City:_______________ State: _______ Zip: _______________ Please sign me up for: ❏ $1,000 Golf Award Sponsor ❏ Diamond/Celebrity Airline ❏ $1,000 Hole Sponsor Sponsorship ($25,000) ❏ $750 Beverage Cart Sponsor ❏ Gold Sponsorship ($10,000) ❏ $500 Putting Green Sponsor ❏ Silver Sponsorship ($5,000) ❏ $500 Driving Range Sponsor ❏ Bronze Sponsorship ($2,500) Total Enclosed ___________ ❏ $2,500 T-Shirt Sponsor Make checks payable to Greater ❏ $2,500 Gift Bag Sponsor Trinity Academy and mail to: Suquamish Clearwater Casino Names of golfers (optional) attn: Darilyn Gordon 15347 Suquamish Way NE 1. ____________________ Suquamish, WA 98392 2. ____________________ Questions? Call Karen at 763.439.9176 3. ____________________
[email protected] You may also register online! Just visit Greater Trinity Academy is a registered non-profit, Charitable Tax ID: 91-1872298 July 19 & 20, 2012 SUQUAMISH CLEARWATER CASINO RESORT & WHITE HORSE GOLF CLUB 2) 7) The 2nd Annual GTA Celebrity Golf Classic incorporates two days of activities Diamond $25,000 Silver $5,000 designed to raise awareness and support for the invaluable Early Learning and After School programs at Greater Trinity Academy. Our hope is to reverse (Celebrity Airline Sponsorship) Logo Placement: the downward educational trend that has been the legacy to many students in Logo Placement: • GTA website • E-mail blasts Snohomish county and the surrounding areas. • GTA website • E-mail blasts • Promo materials at Vicci • Promo materials at Vicci Martinez Martinez concert • Golf Course The academy is comprised of children from a wide range of ethnic concert • Golf Course event materials event materials backgrounds.