10 November 1994

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10 November 1994 .* TODAY: 'SPECIAL !FEATURES ON' THE'ELECTIONS & WALVIS * GENBEL-lISTS.ON NSE * Bringing Africa South Vol No 536 N$1.50 (GST Inc.) Th.ursday November 10 1994 Hot kisser jai'led CLEVELAND, USA: It was the kiss of theft• . That's what a judge decided here on Mon­ day ~ sentencing a woman to 50 years in prison Air Nami ia's for slipping men tranquJllizer-laced cham­ pagne and robbing them as they slept. Tabetha Dougan, 22, was dubbed the 'kiss­ ing bandit' because she would pass wine or champagne from her mouth into those of her ---- victims during a kiss. Three men told the police they awoke to find their homes bUrglarised. Charges were dropped in one case because opes ashed the man was too embarrassed to testify. Dougan, who did not testify, said before sen­ tencing that she was innocent. She will be eligible for parole in six years. - Sapa-AP Airline faces· battle for.survival -- - _u. ,_ LUCIENNE FILD _16S 2 2 I THE OUTLOOK for Namibia's national airline, Air Namibia, looks bleak following the outcome of the two days ofbi-Iateral talks between Namibia and Germany in Windhoek. "Gennany scored a resounding victory over Na­ mibia," General Manager of Air Namibia, Keith Petch, who attended the talks told The Namibian THE KILtER disease Aids is continuing yest.erday. Petch said Namibia ha(j emerged the loser and mow down Namibians at an alarming rate "Air Namibia and Namibian businesses will have with the number of mv I Aids cases in Na­ to suffer the consequences". mibia rapidly approaching the 10000 mark. Yesterday morning the Namibian and Gennan Health and Social Services Minister Dr Nicky delegations signed a memorandum of understand­ Iyambo yesterday said the official figure of an ing which becomes effective immediately. estimated 9 441 HIV / Aids cases, reported by the In tenns of.this it was decided to increase the seat end of September this year, could only be the tip of c ap~cit y per week per country to 58 per cent, the iceberg. although both Air Namibia and Gennan repre­ Iyambo said their surveillance system was still sentatives ~greed the present allocation was 40 per being developed and the official figures did not cent over capacity. reflect the true extent to which the deadly disease Previously the seat capacity was fixed at 524seats was ravaging Namibian soci~ty. a week for each country on the NamibialGennany The Minister's sombre announcement was made route. This has now been boosted to 828. when he inaugurated the National Aids Commit­ And, according to Petch, this will be to the benefit tee. of Gennan airlines and to the detriment of Na­ Iyambo warned that Aids posed an unprecedented mibia's national airline. public threat in Namibia with its population of only The talks on Monday and Tuesday saw the Min­ 1,4 million. istry of Works, Transport an,d Communication Not only that, but an analysis of the HIV infection locked in disc ussions with the Gem1an govern-' showed that most of the Namibians infected fell SENSATIONAL SINGER ••. Sibol,lgile Khumalo who is taking South ment. into the most economically active population group, Africa by storm will be performing in Namibia this weekend. The Soweto­ At issue was whether to increase the seat capacity between the ages of 25 to 45 years. born sensation is receiving rave reviews in South Africa, where she has on flights between Gem\any and Nanlibia; The Iyambo noted that more than 92 per cent of the been singing to capacity audiences_ Namibians can hear her at the talks were also attended by representatives of Air infections had been contracted through unpro- Windhoek Theatre on Friday and Saturday nights. Sibongile is bringing Namibia, Lufthansa and L TU. tected heterosexual intercourse, while in eight per her own backing singers and band. Her musical talent has been described Yesterday Petch explained that at the meeting Air cent of the cases the HIV virus had been passed on as such that she can effortlessly glide between African music, jazz, soul when mothers gave birth to babies (Paediatrix and the Western classics: continued on page 2 Aids). "But it should be borne in mind that since hetero­ sexual transmission of the human 'Curfew not in force at time of shooting' immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the predominant mode of spreading HIV in Namibia, it is logical to • JOSEF MOTINGA tied that between 1985- was shot at by SADF and is basing its case on expectHIV infections among women ofchildbearing 87 the curfew provision troops at Valombola in South Africa's terror laws. age to rise steeply. This means a corresponding THE NOTORIOUS former curfew legisla­ had been relaxed to allow Ongwediwa. When be took the stand increase in the number of infants acquiring HIV tion (AG9) could not be invoked to defend the free movement in towns Both the High Court and yesterday Mwandingi said infection from their mother, before, during or attack on.him and Laina Taaipopi by SADF like Oshakati. Ondangua Supreme Court ruled that, that on the evening ofJ ul y in terms ofNamibia 's con­ 8 1987 he had been at a s~ortly after birth." Iyambo pointed out that the troops as they had been in a 'free-movement and Ongwediwa, as well as on the road between stitution, the Namibian neighbour's house for a Aids situation in Namibia had a number of impli­ zone', Israel Mwandingi said when he took Oshakati and Minister of Defence could birthday party. Around cations for the development of the country "that the stand·hi the Windhoek High Court yes­ Ongwediwa. be held liable for the ac­ midnight he had borrowed calls for concern' , . terday. Mwandingi isc1aiming tions of the previous oc­ a car to take Laina Taapopi One of the major concerns was the size of the His statement was ment and Housing and damages after he suffered cupying power. home. On the way he had population. backed up by Frans Chief Executive for the extensive injuries result­ Instead of settling out seen lights shining in his Iyambo said if strict measures were not rapidly Viljoen, deputy director former Owambo Second ing in partial paralysis and of court, Namibia's Min­ mirror. He had seen what instituted to combat the spread of Aid, it was highly of the Ministry of Re- Tier Authority between his friend Laina Taaipopi istry of Defence has opted continued on page 2 gional and Local Govem- 1983-1989. Viljoen testi- was killed when his car to fight the ·case in court continued on page 2 - 2 rhursdc1y '"N6vember 10 '1994 'THE NAMIBIA'N Air Namibia hit hard Killed by [ i -FROM-PAGEc=J operate a total of three flights a week in each di­ tractor Namibia had told del- rection. egates that there was pres- "The agreed package - A scven·yearold boy died endy a 40 per cent over increase in seats per week, when he Jumped from a capacity of seats. In effect maintenance of three fre­ tractor and it rode over this means that 40 percent quencies per week - con­ him Thc incident took of the seat allocations are sti tutes a balanced com­ plaJc at the farm not utilised. promise which takes the Goodhope in the Strangely enough, the interests ofall airlines con­ Kalkrand area, Nampol ' s German qele,gatjon had cemedfullyintoaceoun t,'l Inspector A ndrew agreed with thj s fi.gute but the statemen\ inalntained. Kirsting The Namibian. had ' nonetheless pushed- . It'said the foreseen in­ . The deceased. Bobby fora seatcapacity tncrease. ~ crease in,air.traffic capac- Matheus, reportedly According to Petch, sur-. ity would make an impor­ sprang off the tractor pl~s capacity was 'now . tant contribution to the. which was being driven being allowed to the ben- further development of by Matheus Mahopo, pre­ efitofthe'German airlines tourism in Namibia which sumably his father or a and to the detriment of Air was increasingly becom­ re lative. Namibia. ing a major income-gen- Petch said Air Namibia erating factor in the At the time of going to had proposed a compro- Namibian economy. press it could not be es­ mIse of 20 per cent in ca- While the increase in tabl ished why the boy had pacity increase, but the seat capacity is good news COPPING NEW SKILLS .•• Twenty-four police officers from Namibia,Botswana, Ghana, Nigeria, jumped from the tractor. offer was "politically over- for Gennany ,Air Namibia South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Kenya, Zambia and Zimbabwe who deal with drug-related A three-year old boy, ridden for reasons un- is devastated. crimes completed an Advanced Drug-related Crime Investigator's course in the Namibian capital Wilson Johannes, died at known". Namibia's national air- at the end oflast week. T he course was aimed at enabling the countries to fig ht against international Otjiwarongo after the car Furthermore, the in- linewillfromnowonhave drug trafficking, money laundering, narcotics crimes and to develop investigation measures, in which he was tarvelling crease had been agreed on to cope with a dramatic international co-operation, border control and the use of snifTer dogs. Pictured displaying his was bumped from behind despite the fact an agree- increase in competition. certificate is one of the Namibian participants, Warren Bussel. He is flanked by Na mpol Inspector­ and overturned. The inci­ ment existed which fi xed Indications are that Air General Raonga Andima (left), German Ambassador Hans Schumacher and course leader, Waus dent happened on Octo­ :: ir the capacity at 524 until Namibia is not ready for Windrich (right). Photo: Christof Maletsky. ber 4.
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