I AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT REPORT -Puerto Rico International Airlines
I AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT REPORT -Puerto Rico International Airlines, Inc. De I-lavilland Heron 114-2, N563PR Sierra de Luquillo San Juan, Puerto Rico March 5, 1969 Doc NTS B AAR 70/09 AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT REPORT / PUERTO RlCO INTERHATIONAL AIRLINES, INC. DE HAVIlMNO HERON 114-2, N563PR SIERRA DE LUQUILLO SAW JUAN, PUERTO RlCO I ,. i. ,.,... .- ... r I Page synopsis . 1 1. Investigation . 2 1.1 History of Flight . 2 1.2 Injuries to Persons . 4 Demage tc Aircraft . 4 Other Damage . 4 Crew Information . 4 Aircraft Infomation . 4 Meteorologicnl Infomation . 4 1.8 Aids to Navigation . 5 1.9 Cammications . 5 1.10 Aerodrome and Ground Facilities . 6 1.ll Flight Record-rs . 6 1.12 Wreckage . * 6 l.l> Fire ........................ 7 1.14 Swtival Aspects . 7 1.15 Tests and Research . 7 1.16 Other Information . 1 2. hnalysis and Conclusions . 9 2.1 Analysis . 9 2.2 Conclusions . 14 Findings. 14 iz] Probable Cause . 15 3. Recammendations . 15 Appendices File No. 3-2365 NATION& TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOhRD DEFMTMIXI! OF TRANSiU?IXTION AIRCRAFT ACCIOENT REPORT Adopted: April 24, 1970 FIJER?X3 RICO INTERNATIOPW, AIRLINES, INC. DE MVILLAND HERON 1142, N563PR SIERRA DE WUILLO SAN JUAN, FIJERTO RICO MARCH 5s 1969 SYNOPSIS Pucrto Rico International Airlines (FRIWJR), N563PR, a De Havilland Heron 114-2, a regularly scheduled air taxi passenger flight frm St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, to San Juan, herto Rico, crashed in the Sierra de Lukuillo mountains while beiug vectored for an ILS approach to Runway 7 at the San Juan International Airport, at approhimately 1738, March 5, 1%~.
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