Q- c (cj o ■ lluiL’tijUinL’ Ile u /s g ie oAfinety-oAftoes $nc. President's Column

August 1. Not in office yet — and the cal records workshop for the Georgia mailbox getting fuller very day! Time’s so Hospital Association, in Macon, and in important — guess I’ll use the old annotated attendance was RRL JEAN BOMAR, the original correspondence shortcut — where only other RRL-99 I know of in the world. you make notes on the original letter, xerox, JEAN is also a medical records consultant, and return — and we both have all the Bonanza’d down from Mansfield, Ohio. OCTOBER, 1970 information. Informal but thorough. Sept. 2. Questions from the field that I’ll send on to Committee Chairmen. That’s THE NINETY-NINES, Inc. Aug. 3. Thank-yous off to the New England girls. They surely did a great job what the committees are for. And we have Will Rogers World Airport some wonderful chairmen 1 Somebody International Headquarters with the convention! I think we accom­ suggests a “ Letters to the Editor” column in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73159 plished a lot, too. It’s obvious that Ninety Nines are growing in stature, responsibility, the News. The idea has merit, but I wonder Headquarters Secretary knowledge. I noticed that delegates are how we’d edit it... HAZEL has a full-time LORETTA GRAGG being instructed regarding resolutions, but job, so do I, and that sort of a column takes when IN THEIR CONSIDERED JUDG­ HOURS and HOURS. You can’t just print MENT, they should depart from the instruc­ all of a 4-page hand-written letter. Must Editor tions due to developments on the floor of the think about it. Maybe things should just be HAZEL McKENDRICK house, they vote what they think best and funnelled direct to the appropriate com­ P.O. Box 38499 have the courage to go home and tell their mittee and comment made in the news ... Dallas, Texas 75238 chapters what and why. This is legislative Will ask membership for more thinking on acumen. the subject. Aug. 6. Replies re committee appoint­ Sept. 3. After telling my 49'/2-er that I THE NINETY-NINES NEWS ments. There are so many competent people certainly wasn’t going to be elected and not O ctober, 1970 in this organization! We will never tap all to bother planning for Bretton Woods — Vol. 14 No. 22 the ability. Each new chairman contributes well, I ended up Pres. What would the her thing to the whole — and thus we grow. membership think, I wonder, about letting Published monthly, except bimonthly July-August newly-elected officers KNOW they are and January-February. Annual subscription rate is Aug. 7. Wonderful letters incoming since $4.50 and is included as a part of the annual mem­ elected prior to planning for convention? the election returns. Regardless of prestige, bership of The Ninety-Nines, Inc. Might make a big change in plans ... espe­ THE NINETY-NINES, INC. “worthy goals” or any other consideration, cially for an International member. I Will Rogers World Airport just the friendships one makes in Ninety Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73159 wonder why we shouldn’t know as soon as Return Form 3579 to above address Nines are reward enough for any effort. 2nd Clas9 Postage pd. at Dallas, Texas the official count of ballots is made? This Aug. 10. SOPs. HEAVEN S, I HOPE ALL would also permit defeated candidates to THE CHAIRMEN are sending in sugges­ decide if they want to run for Executive INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS tions for improving their SOPS, and are Board. Wonder if I’m too radical in my forwarding those Standard Operating Pro­ thinking? President cedures to their successors. We’ve worked so Sept. 7. Have just had the most wonderful BETTY W. McNABB hard through the years to make the SOPs time. North Central invited me to their 926 Third Avenue practical and useful, but it takes constant section meeting in Louisville. I Bonanza’d Albany, Georgia 31701 upgrading — and if the committee chairmen up to Southern Pines, picked up E. B. Vice-President and chapter chairmen don’t pass them member PAGE SHAMBURGER, and off we along — breakdown 1 Of course there are SUSIE SEWELL went, fighting thunderbumpers and a tooth­ extras at headquarters. Hope everybody who c/o Catlin Aviation Co. ache all the way across the Blue Ridge Will Rogers Station needs one, GETS it from somewhere. mountains. Finally, after dodging a couple Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Aug. 15. SUSIE SEWELL says, “The of characters shooting doves on a runway Secretary insurance program can encourage more where we stopped to refuel, we landed and proper flying activities — or discourage happily in the Race-Horse City — and had JOAN HRUBEC 16902 Dartmouth Ave. them if used improperly.” SUSIE’S the a perfectly great time. Cleveland, Ohio 44111 expert in this field. I’ve asked her to do a Kentucky Blue Grass Chapter, quite column on it and keep the membership young and apprehensive about their section Treasurer posted in this vital area. meeting, couldn’t have done better if they’d VIRGINIA BRITT Aug. 24. To Maxwell AFB for a Civil Air been at it for 20 years. PAGE, BETS, and 6121 Cypress Road Patrol National Safety Committee meeting, Tennesseans LADY McREYNOLDS and Plantation, Florida of which I am a member — and saw three BEA REID soaked up all the informa­ Executive Board Ninety Nines. LT. COL. JEAN FERRELL, tion we could and decided this is an excel­ PAGE SHAMBURGER Deliver, represents the Rocky Mountain lent way to get new ideas for our section. Page Hill region; PAT HUGHES AOPA Safety Foun­ I enjoyed sitting beside DR. JAMES Aberdeen, North Carolina 28315 dation, was down “selling” the SKY-SAFE MARIS of Purdue — dinner speaker — and program — and I had a delightful visit with PAT JETTON an aviation great if there ever was one. Alabama Chapter Chairman JUANITA Redbird Airport Lovely trip home, good weather this time, HALSTEAD and her 49’/2er, FOY, at their Dallas, Texas 75232 and my first appearance as Ninety Nines farm near Mongomery. President was thrilling. (“DR.” BECKY EDITH DENNY 439 Temagami Cres. September 1. I’M ACTUALLY THE THATCHER, incidentally, cured the tooth­ Port Credit, Ontario, PRESIDENT TODAY! Taught basic medi­ ache 1)

October, 1970 Now ladies, with RHUFLS and ILYs, I trouble but much easier for me. Also am off to see the world. I am going to Fort make the paper big enough so I can Lauderdale to shed a little truth and light write notes to the printer. and then on to Covington, Ky. for our 16. RETAIN THIS INFORMATION FOR NAATS convention. I have also been asked A REFERENCE to speak at the New York-New Jersey DON’TS sectional seminar and will be there on 1. Don’t be late October 2-3. Home again for launderin’ the 2. Don’t send negatives unmentionables (the size I wear could not 3. Don’t send color pictures be classified as “dainties” ) and back to 4. Don’t send report in longhand Florida for AOPA SkySafe part of the 5. Don’t send carbons or reproduced Plantation Party, on October 8-14. Since, copies this is an election year, it would almost 6. Don't single space HEADLINES from Hazel seem that I am compaigning. This is exactly 7. Don’t report in June or October what I am doing! I am campaigning for W HEW !!!!! Would you believe that I 8. Don’t send report to headquarters better understanding between the pilot and also missed the deadline. This has been a 9. Don’t send change of address to me— the weather briefer. Somewhere along this very involved month and the days ahead send that to headquarters trail I hope that we can get together for show 110 promise of slowing down. The foot­ 10. Don’t send announcements of races some conversation and fun and friendship. ball season is upon us and of course MIKE, until they have been cleared by the Get APT! be active; tell us about it. And my beloved son, is starting defensive tackle race committee HIRAM, if you’re on my frequency, I love for Lake Highlands Highschool. My pro­ 11. Don’t forget to Report you bettern green grapes. fessors at North Texas, DRS. BEEMER and 12. Don’t throw this away— you may not BERG have all kinds of keen things lined be reporter now, but you might have to up for us. The Ninety-Nines would like a pinch-hit, so retain for ready reference. magazine now and then. Last, but certainly Special Instructions not least, the Flight Service Station at Love To Reporters Field would like to see me once in awhile to DEADLINES FOR do some work for them. Oh yes, the DO'S AND DONT’S FOR REPORTERS National Association of Air Traffic Special­ 1. Do send reports double spaced NINETY-NINE NEWS ists, of which, I am secretary, would like to 2. Do send original—no carbons, zerox see me at our National Convention in DEADLINES FOR ISSUE copies, onion skins, etc. Covington, Ky. So, betwixed them all, I am September 20, 1970 October Issue 3. Do leave margins so I can make love running fast and the faster I go, the be- October 20, 1970 November Issue notes to the printer hinder I get. November 20, 1970 December Issue 4. Do use white paper—no yellow-blue- For all of us in the Flight Service Stations grey-or any other color NO DECEMBER DEADLINE across the country, may I say “THANK 5. Start report like this: YOU” for all you did to make our 50th ‘ January 10,1971 January-February Issue Name of Section birthday a big success. Several of the re­ February 20, 1971 March Issue Chapter ports have pictures of cakes, reports of March 20, 1971 April Issue participation, and salutes to the various your name, Reporter April 20, 1971 May Issue EXAMPLE: FSSs. I am so glad that the Ninety Nines May 20, 1971 June Issue SOUTHCENTRAL SECTION participated and I am sure than the con­ WAXAHACHIE CHAPTER NO JUNE DEADLINE trollers in these stations are very grateful ARABELLA BROADBOTTOM, Re­ for this tribute of your love and appre­ July 20, 1971 July-August Issue porter ciation. August 20,1971 September Issue 6. Number pages as follow s: •The Executive Board has decided to let Page 1 of 3 2 of 3 3 of 3 the Editor and the reporters off the hook I regret that this issue contains the names 7. It is not necessary to repeat heading at for the December deadline. This is the worst of some members who have made their “last top of each page. deadline of the year because of the Christ­ flight” ; JIMMIE KOLP, HELEN APPEL. 8. Try to confine report to two pages—If mas Holiday activities. Please note however, JAY LAWRENCE, DOROTHY DAUB, and copy is longer, start with most impor­ that the January deadline is moved up to CATHERINE TILLER. If we have any faith tant items and put least important the 10th. This is an absolute deadline. This items last as they may be deleted be­ at all, we must believe that they have gone gives adequate time for the nominations on to better things and that our personal cause of space. and so forth and the news must be in the 9. Mail so as to be received in Dallas by grief is the sorrow we feel for ourselves, hands of the chapters by February 1st. because we will miss them. They were all the 20th. Regular mail posted on the great gals, active Ninety-Nines, involved 19th rarely makes it on time. REMEMBER 4 THINGS: and concerned. 10. Use first and last names. Y ou may 1. No report due in June and no report due know who “Teenybopper” is, but the in December. ***** rest of the membership does not. To 2. The January report is due in my hands I trust that each of you will be reporters make it meaningful, use last names. by January 10th. for the coming year will save the September 11. Remember the news goes all over the 3. The other reports are due in my hands issue containing detailed instructions on how world. Try to confine articles to that by the 20th of the month. to send in your report. We will print it which would be of interest to everyone. 4. Report!!!!!!! ______again in this issue and then in subsequent 12. Do report... We don’t know what you issues we will just print the schedule of are doing unless you tell us. deadlines. Please hang on to this informa­ 13. Send reports to me, the Editor, Box NEXT ISSUE tion as it does make my job much easier. 38499, Dallas, Texas 75238. Loretta, at Deadline Also be sure your various flying activities headquarters, loves to get my mail, but Oct. 20, 1970 have been cleared by the “flying activities” not much. committee before you send copy to me. I try 14. Do send pictures MAIL TO: to give you all the publicity I can, but it 15. Do put a separate paper attached at Box 38499 must be cleared before we can include the bottom of EACH picture telling Who- Dallas, Tex. 75238 information. What-When-Where!!!! This is a little

October, 1970 BACKWARD GLANCE COLUMN However, I feel the secret of her success is that she is one of the outstanding char­ By VIRGINIA THOMPSON acters of the age, a person who represents the most perfect balance of the physical, Nineteen thirty-five seemed to be a year MR. CLARENCE S. WILLIAMS who the mental, the psychological and the of struggle, change and the setting of some helped chart some of her flights, paid her a lightweight luggage went on sale, AMELIA very important records for our women high tribute. “I am happy to have contrib­ spiritual elements of human nature.” pilots. uted my small part in aiding Miss Earhart. That same year, LAURA INGALLS set Despite the fact that a number of col­ leges and universities were trying to stiffle the awakening desires of many of their America's Top Women Flyers students in competitive flying, an Intercol­ legiate Flying Conference was scheduled in Washington, D.C. during the Easter week. This was to be followed by the New En­ gland and National Intercollegiate meets in May and June respectively. The flyers were struggling against two serious obstacles: (1) expense (still with us) and (2) the opposition of faculty and parents to an activity which they felt was dangerous and out of place for a college boy or girl. Despite these obstacles, the girls at Smith College formed the first Flying Club at a purely feminine educational institution

and trained in the boys Amherst Flying Edna M. Cardncr of New Orleans, Phoebe F. Omlie of Memphis, Laura H. Ingalls, in her nine years Club’s Taylor Cub plane for $6/hr. At a flying instructor at Shushan Air­ Tenn., at 35 has flown 2,541 hours. of flying, has set speed, loop and port, has flown 2,888 hours, the She has won air races, taught fly­ barrel roll records, made a notable Wellsley College, another girl was trying to most of any U. S woman. She was ing, marked airways and was once flight over the Andes in South bring aviation to the forefront. It was re­ formerly a nurse and became in­ listed by Mrs. F. D. R oosevelt as A m erica, and has flow n 2.05G ported that RUTH NICHOLS in her Ju­ terested in flying when an ex­ one of the “ 10 most useful women hours. She was once a stage danc­ patient took her aloft in 1925. in the ." er. Her home is on Long Island. nior year at college approached the dean with the idea of flying. “Miss ...... , I think I’d like to learn to fly”, said Ruth. “Fly” queried the dean, “My dear young lady, I have enough to do with several hundred students as it is. Motor cars brought trouble of their own. Now I certainly am not going to add more by admitting air­ planes too. No, you may not fly” . With that ultimatum, she left college for a year, learned to fly, and began breaking flight records. While the college girls were struggling to make aviation a part of their school’s ac­ tivities, the New York Chapter was trying to purchase an airplane. Their Air-Fashion |anet H. Knight. She has 1.802 Edith Foltx Stearns is one o f the Jean La Rene Foote. In 1934. Jeai Show and Party was so successful that they air hours and since the disappear­ pioneer women flyers of the Pa­ and another girl flew a plane f »r ance of Amelia Earhart (who had cific northwest. She competed in eight days in an endurance flig’it. were able to purchase their dream — a 1,794 hours) ranks fourth in fly­ four transcontinental air races, She has been flying since she v. ■ Taylor Cub, painted “99” colors, so that ing time. A flyer since 1930, Miss has 1,538 air hours and is now as­ 13, now has 1.424 flying hours Knight is now a flying instructor sistant manager and instructor for helps her husband, Lou Foote, i their members could hop about at very low at the San Francisco airport a flying service at Salem. Ore. a flying school at Dallas. T ex cost. For most of the other women pilots, the newness of flying appeared to have worn off and the competitive spirit lagged. In fact, it alarmed LOUISE THADEN into writing an article entitled, “And What is Your Record” in “Airwoman”, Aug., 1935, which won her praise from N.A.A. It brought to the attention of our women pi­ lots the fact that other women throughout the world were breaking their records and that they had rested too long on their laurels, there being very few new official records since 1932 to that date, either national or international by American girls. Aline Rhonie Brooks. W hen she Louise Thadcn, first woman to Elizabeth L. Lund is w id ely For AMELIA EARHART, though, the wed Reginald Brooks, also a flyer, win the Bendix transcontinental known as a stunt flyer and calls challenge was ever present. It was in Jan. they took an air honeymoon, each an race, received the Harmon Hollywood home. In 1930, when 19 flying a plane. She has 1,420 air trophy for the most outstanding years old. she put a plane through of 1935 that she became the first woman to hours and is also an artist. She re­ flying achievement of 1936. She 67 barrel rolls over Miami. Flu fly the Pacific Ocean, crossing from Hawaii cently painted a history-of-flying has flown 1,400 hours, has two Department of Commerce records mural at Roosevelt Field. to California. Later that same year, she set children, lives in Bentonville, Ark. give her 1,398 air hours. a speed record by flying nonstop from Mexico City to New York Gty in 14 hours In 1938, were America’s top Women Flyers. 19 min.

4- October, 1970 an international inter-city women’s record many a gal gets off to a bad start when she breeches, windbreaker, helmet and gog­ by flying from N.Y. to Los Angeles in 18 rolls onto a field wearing what is playfully gles” . hours 23 minutes and made a non-stop known as the third act make-up. Heaven Pants or skirts, the girls continued to coast-to-coast record for women of 13 hours knows it is pretty stilly to see a human carve out a place for themselves in aviation 34 minutes. Both records were accom­ stalk around all bound up in boots, history. plished in her Lockheed Orion Auto-da-fe’ meaning “East of the Sun and West of the M oon” . Norwegian Aviatrix, Three U.S. “Moon Landing" HELEN McCLOSKY in a Monocoupe set an international women’s record, first Astronauts and Two British VTOL Transatlantic category, by flying at a speed of 166.632 Pioneers Win 1970 Harmon International Trophies mph at Miami; SENORITA CAROLINA NEW YORK, SEP. 05 — The Harmon LINE COCHRANE of the United States, ELENA LORENZINI an Argentina airwo­ International Aviation Trophies for 1970 AMY MOLLISON and LADY MARY men, an altitude record for light planes of have been won by Flight Officer TUR1 BAILEY of the and 18,356 feet; L1ESEL ZA N G EN M EISTER, WIDEROE of , the Apollo Eleven JACQUELINE AURIOL of . a women’s soaring record of 12 hours 57 Astronauts and two pilots of Britian’s minutes at Rossiten, East Prussia; MARY- Joint winners of the 1970 Astronaut , it was announced here SE BASTIE, a new altitude record for light Trophy are Apollo 11 Spacecraft Com­ tonight by Rear Admiral CHARLES E. planes, second category, of 24,075.97 feet; mander NEIL ARMSTRONG, Lunar Mod­ ROSENDAHL, Chairman of the Trustees and JEAN BATTEN, solo flight - ule Pilot EDWIN E. ALDRIN JR. and of the prestigious awards. England (first woman to complete return Command Module Pilot MICHAEL COL­ Awarded to recognize piloting skill flight), solo flight England-Argentina (first LINS, who participated in the historic worthy of international recognition in the woman to make solo flight across South moon landing on July 20, 1969. Colonel past, the Harmon Trophies are traditionally Atlantic Ocean to South America, and es­ ALDRIN won the Aviator’s Trophy in 1967 presented by the President of the United tablished world records o f 61 hours 15 as one of the three men involved in the States at the White House in Washington. minutes. England to and fastest flight of the B-70 Supersonic Airplane. No date for this year’s presentation has yet crossing of South Atlantic Ocean by air in This year’s Aviators Awards go to R.A.F. been set. 13 hours 15 minutes. Squadron leaders THOMAS LESLIE Flight Officer WIDEROE (member of This particular year also saw ELLY LECKY-THOMPSON and GRAHAM the famed Ninety-Nines) will receive the BEINHORN, flying a Messerschmidt plane, W IL L IA M S for the first nonstop transat­ 1970 Harmon Aviatrix Award in recogni­ make the first round trip flight from Ger­ lantic crossings in history by vertical take­ tion of the determined and unaided effort many to Asia (Berlin to Istanboul) and off and landing aircraft. The former flew by which she accumulated flight time and back the same day in 13 hours, a distance a Harrier VTOL aircraft from a vertical skills in arctic flying which led to her ac­ o f some 2,500 miles. takeoff at St. Pancras in the heart of Lon­ ceptance by Scandinavian Airlines last year LAURA INGALLS reported that records as the first woman pilot for a worldwide don on May 5, 1969, and landed in could not be broken if it were not for the international airline. Manhattan six hours, 11 minutes and 57 advancement in design and equipment. By She joins a distinguished company of seconds later. The latter flew the return then, the controllable pitch propeller had previous Aviatrix Trophy holders which in­ flight several days later in five hours, 49 become standard on airlines and numerous cludes AMELIA EARHART and JACQUE- minutes and 59 seconds. private planes and the “constant speed” propeller with automatically controlled blades, designed to keep the motor at a constant pace regardless of the position of the plane, were some of the latest aeronau­ tical improvements. However, the most out­ standing achievement at that time was the development of the radio compass direction finder. With or without all the latest refinements in equipment, the Women’s Race at the Cleveland Air Race was won by EDITH BERSON in a Bird followed by MELBA BEARD also in a Bird and EDNA GARD­ NER WHYTE in a Porterfield. Great Lakes and Travel Air planes also placed. Other things besides airplanes were changing. Alas, this time it was not for the better. “Airwoman”, the Ninety-Nines of­ ficial publication was suffering from an ail­ ment diagnosed as financial pains. Airwo­ man Associates, a co-partnership com­ posed of CLARA STUDER and FAY GIL- LIS WELLS, publishers and co-editors, sold to a corporation known as Airwomen, Inc. under the laws of New York. But alas, this interesting magazine was soon forced to cease publication. I just couldn’t close this article without mentioning a few other interesting bits of news. The Michigan Chapter celebrated its TURI WIDEROE, at sweetheart luncheon sponsored by the Wings Club, New York first anniversary, A M ELIA E A R H A R T City. The occasion was the presentation of the Amelia Earhart Medal, by ELLIE McCULLOUGH (right), Governor New York-New Jersey Section Ninty-Nines. On turned school teacher, and women’s clothes the right is former 99 Exective Board member & current President of Women’s were a good topic of conversation. MISTER International Association of Aeronautics, DORIS RENNINGER. TURI Subsequently SWANEE TAYLOR wrote, “Ah, dear me, became a member of Ninety Nines.

October, 1970 on, with Anne now and then assuring us that when we reached Durban we couldn’t radioed we were landing and needed medi­ miss the airdrome as it was adjacent to the cal assistance. But it wasn’t as dramatic as coast line. it looked and a change of clothes and a bird Upon discovering we were with the bath, not to mention a chocolate ice cream “Wings” group and a day early, the man at sunday which Jim bought for me, put me the Hotel desk remarked, “I hear one of back in business. A new windscreen was your planes had a forced landing in the ordered, and a shifting of luggage and peo­ mountains yesterday.” All our questions ple allowed us all to get to Wavecrest on brought forth no further information and the Wild Coast for the afternoon. we could purchase no paper so we went to Wavecrest lies in the Transkei in the bed with some apprehension. News broad­ picturesque Bantu Country with a majestic, casts are sketchy and only twice a day, rolling landscape. It is the home of the Red 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM, so no help there. Blanket People whose women smoke long­ Next morning while at the local Ivey’s, stemmed pipes and paint their faces with the lady manager, a former resident of white ochre. Pat and Ian Glass owned this Boston, spotted us and brought out her interesting resort and they took us back newspaper with the story of Mary Coale into the hills where we were taken into the and Alice Seaborn. They had put down for huts of the Bantu and treated with their gasoline before reaching Sani Pass but no dancing. Our mid-air collision was reason one came to service the plane so decided to APT PROJECT for a great celebration that evening and a go on. Running out of daylight and fuel Braaivleis of fresh oysters from the bay, they found a good stretch of road and put CHARLOTTE GRAHAM, CHAIRMAN prawns, duck, salads and fruit was enjoyed down on it. They were immediately sur­ by all. Many Rhodesians were at Wavecrest rounded by natives and had forced a car We strongly recommend that each on their “Holiday.” All joined in, there off the road. A police officer appeared from Ninety-Nine member participate in the self- were speeches in our honor and we were somewhere and took them to a farm home imposed, annual proficiency test program presented a plaque made from the wings of for the night. They notified the others that (APT), a most important endeavor to fur­ the Hadeda Ibis retrieved from our bag­ they were OK but apparently about fifty ther promote safety in flying. gage compartment. miles from Sani Pass. The next day John Illustrations are of the APT form to be Following lunch on Thursday, the group and Jim took gasoline for the plane and used in the proficiency flight, and signed by took off from Wavecrest for Sani Pass in drove them to Sani Pass. All agreed that your instructor, and the APT pin to be the Drakensberg Mountains, leaving us be­ Sani Pass was almost impossible to locate awarded for your efforts upon completion. hind to await Foxtrot-Mike-Romeo. Anne and Saturday morning Herm went with This past APT year has been progressive, went with Mr. Glass to pick up the plane Mary to make sure there would be no dif­ and of course very encouraging. Let’s while I went on a hike along the beach to a ficulty getting the plane off the dirt road. really get behind the APT program this spot where shells could be picked up by Later that morning Dr. Anne and I ran into next year and work toward a 100% APT the bucketfull. Not just common shells; the the group at the Indian Market. membership. Not only will we be safer kind you see in curio shops! We walked 7 Durban extends 95 square miles, is the pilots by maintaining proficiency and mak­ miles and I found it almost impossible to country’s major port and the premier all­ ing us more at ease in our everyday flying, sort out a shoe box full; I love shells and year-round holiday resort of the country, but we’ll earn respect and uphold our could have had a trunk full! The Rhodes­ offering a brilliant beach front. Ricksha image among the leaders in the aviation ian guests at Wavecrest adopted us, took us rides are one of the prime attractions. We world. riding around the area and to visit the walked on the beaches and watched the Additional forms and buttons are avail­ native trading store. Ceilings were low, it surfers and visited the Centenary Aquar­ able from your International APT Chair­ was raining and we discovered it was snow­ ium, the home of over 1,000 fish. man. Just drop a note. Let’s get off to a fast ing in Sani Pass where the rest of the Ann White, Governor South African start this year. group had gone. We decided we would Section, arranged a party for us Saturday rather be by the seashore in the rain, that night where we were interviewed by the we had seen all the snow in Wisconsin and local reporters and met many flyers from Iowa we cared to for some time. the area. The Bowling tournaments were in U-FLY-IT-SAFARI It was impossible for us to get through to full swing in Durban the days we were there and there was a practice field out our ( Continued) Sani Pass as we had planned Friday morn­ ing so we decided after lunch to head for Hotel window in the park. These ladies in On to Port Elizabeth for aerial viewing, Durban and pick the group up there. Ian their matched costumes looked so English! and East London, a beautiful airport that Glass checked the weather and reported it The park was also the spot for the local Dr. Anne and I will long remember as was QBI at Durban. When we asked what Zulus to practice for their competitive when we taxied out for takeoff I remarked that was he replied, “ QBI is Quite Bloody dances. One particular group represented upon seeing a large flock of birds along the Impossible.” However, he flew this route the local cleaning establishment down the edge of the runway, “I hope those darn often and thought if we could get around street and became our favorite. birds don’t decide to fly up when we take Port St. John we should be able to get the Monday again, and less than a week left off.” Well, they did just that and with a rest of the way. A ll that was needed was to of the Safari! We had just started getting terrifying thud one went through our wind­ keep the white line of the surf in sight and used to no time or temperature or advertis­ screen. Anne was flying this leg. A horrify­ stay over the edge of the ocean along the ing of much intent on the radio, no TV, ing shower of glass engulfed me as bird coast. We decided to try it and with Anne used to it being practically impossible to and windscreen sailed over my head. I on the horn and finger on the map we took get a taxi, giving up rather than spend an immediately grabbed for the throttle to get off. She called East London and they also hour to place a phone call on the hand the plane back on the ground and felt told us it was QBI but that they would give crank phone, almost used to being awak­ Anne’s hand there also and she said, “Are us a Special if we wanted to try it. W e ac­ ened at 6:30 AM for morning tea, the you alright.” I said, “No, you OK?” “Yes,” cepted and were instructed to fly along the MANY coursed meals with morning and was her reply, “It only hit your side.” I coast below 1,000 feet and keep the coast afternoon tea in between, Madam this and learned a head wound will bleed quite pro­ line in sight at all times. It got pretty bad Madam that, the QNH, etc. and here it is fusely and I was a real mess trying to catch by the time we reached Port St. John but getting too close to the time we will take what bleeding I could in the map. Anne thinking it could get no worse, and after South African Airlines back to the United speed of 160 K in the gale, we continued all we were traveling at the breakneck States.

October, 1970 We flew along the coast over beautiful We arrived at Lourence Marques, Mo­ come to abrupt halts while the great white Sisal fields. Beehive shaped huts of the zambique in the late afternoon and the hunter and the native exchanged gibberish Zulu dotted the countryside of fertile paper work to enter this country was un­ and would find dung and remark the ele­ coastal plains and rolling hills. Arriving at believable! It took 1V2 hours to complete phant or rhino were just here! Finding a Hluhluwe (pronounced Shloo-Shloo-wee) the forms and formalities and chase from huge spot of blood in the bushveld and we were met by Zululand Safaries and we one place to another ‘til not only our brains much gibberish: “Oh, the lion just disap­ were driven thru this spectacular hill coun­ and fingers got their exercise for the day peared in the bush with her cubs, dragging try covered by alternating forest, grassland but our legs as well. That evening, John’s the Impala!” Well, the blood was probably and savanna woodlands covering 57,000 friend and correspondent from Mozambi­ from the Impala they had killed earlier and acres. Here we saw White Rhino, Buffalo, que, Mario deAzvedo, took us to the tied to the trees for us to watch that even­ Giraffe, Warthog, Zebra, Wildebeest, Im- Restaurante Cervejaria Coimbra for ing from the tree house as the wild ani­ pala, Kudu and Waterbuck. When tea time prawns, lobster, piri-piri chicken and other mals were to come and devour the poor arrived the tour bus was stopped atop a goodies that made up for the hard work of dead animal. All that came were two hyena beautiful knoll and our guide proceeded to getting into the country. and a civet cat as we sat in the mist which the rear of the bus and prepared tea and The next morning we went through the turned to rain and to keep from drowning biscuits for us! At lunch time we were same rigamaroll, only backward, to get out in the tree we were returned to the com­ taken to a thatched roofed pavilion where of the country, this time with an added pound for dinner which was to be served in the two guides prepared a delicious picnic flight plan procedure and to top it all off I the outside Boma (a huge circular reed lunch for us. The tour traverses the tribal made the fatal mistake of taking a picture enclosure) around a log fire. Due to a lands. W e were honored that night while of the tower and was immediately con­ change in weather we ate willingly under eating around a camp fire by a group of the fronted by military police! First he was cover in the lodge. In all fairness to Mala local Zulus dancing and singing. The Zulu going to take my camera, then the film, and Mala, it was managed by a group of well people are unexcelled in their magnificent in my most hurt, little girl from the coun­ informed rangers. It was geared to the choral singing and in their colorful bead- try routine I managed to escape with a wealthy, we were glad our leader had seen work and as they sang their inspiring na­ warning of “no more pictures.” fit to expose us to this and he used good tional anthem it was hard to visualize them judgement in saving it until last. We did We landed at Kanatipoort to clear cus­ as the once powerful tribe of warriors that actually see Hippo from a distance the next toms back into and then dominated this comer of the sub-continent morning and experienced the thrill of hear­ headed on to Mala Mala. The weather for many years. ing them thrash about in the river with again was interfering with our progress and their distinctive sounds. We saw crocodile After this colorful day at Hluhluwe we those who got off early made it through and wild dogs which we had not seen spent the night in a very Americanized with no problem. We managed to be one of previously on the trip. Holiday Inn, a boring experience after the the last and found the ridges hidden in fog colorful hotels and rondavels where the and rain. After attempting first this direc­ The schedule at Mala Mala was com­ roofs had been known to leak in your face tion and then that we located a railroad pleted. With box lunches in hand and a few while sleeping. and was able to follow it through a pass to sad farewells to Yvonne and Molly, we took Next morning found us enroute for Pon- a village where by picking up the correct to the air climbing above the clouds to gola and police clearance to Swaziland. stream you would end up near Mala Mala. clear the 7,500 foot peaks enroute to Johan­ This was a simple process; land show your When we landed everyone was there with nesburg where at Jan Smuts we closed the passport and visa, sign a paper, all on the the exception of Mary and Alice. We were door on Foxtrot-Mike-Romeo. She had hood of a pickup truck at the end of the all quite concerned as there were many faithfully carried us approximately 5,000 runway, and again on your way to Matsapa ridges and the visibility was down to the miles and we had not treated her too well. Airport near Manzini, Swaziland and the ground throughout the area. Yvonne Van As the door closed a final whiff of Hadeda Swazi Spa Casino Hotel. The Hotel nestles Den Dool and Molly Lowe had flown to Ibis feathers fluttered around in her, the against a mountain, embraces a swimming Mala Mala to bid us goodbye and learning back of the baggage compartment bore the pool, hot springs and a scenic 18-hole golf of Mary and Alice still up there somewhere marks of its tangle with the famous bird. course. The Spa health and beauty studio decided they knew the area well enough The elevator was well dented where a sec­ was visited by only one of our group. that they would venture out and search for ond bird had hit that eventful day, her Herm. them. It was with relief that while eating prop was nicked from the rock runways. our lunch we heard the two planes come in. We had left our marks in Africa — most of Our trip to the native market brought us Mary and Alice had picked up the railroad them on poor little Foxtrot-Mike-Romeo. face to face with a contrast of people; beyond the river, decided they had gone Another mark we left was a desire in our Swzai princes in fancy cars, well dressed new South African friends for ice water with wives of engineers and wealthy farmers, too far, turned around and Molly spotted their meals. It took me a week, until we Swazi women with hunge loads on their them in the air. were in Cape Town, to learn to say “Mina heads and country people in skins and Mala Mala is Africa’s luxury camp. Mud- Funa Manzi!” Otherwise our leader would shoulder cloths. Back at the hotel that coloured plastered buildings with thatched create a small scene to get water at the night many people from South Africa could roofs set among shade trees on the lawns table for us. It is unheard of to drink the be spotted enjoying the casino. by the banks of Sand River, Zebra and stuff down there but Peter and Jim dis­ other game skins carpet the floors, the at­ The fog hung in on the mountains and covered it “was right good with a meal.” mosphere is informal blended with sophis­ the rain continued to fall the next day but They probably picked up other bad habits ticated comforts. We felt like tourists here, John, with his favorite expression whenever from us like some of our slangish expres­ actually the first place we felt that way. we thought the weather looked bad, assured sions but we all became close friends and Everything had a schedule which was us “It was clearing Irom the South.” He we will look forward to the day that they pointed out and things happened at the saw to it that we went to the airport in late plan to visit us here in the United States. scheduled time. afternoon where we waited until it looked Africa is truly an exciting, interesting Cheeta viewing consisted of a tame ani­ better on the ridges we would cross and land of lovely people and adventure. There when we showed reluctance to leave, after mal that it was possible to do most any­ is much more that could be told of our filling out the forms with customs, the thing with. Game viewing consisted of get­ trip; however, I fear I have taken up more tower operator came down and said, “La­ ting in the Land Rovers, the white hunter space than Virginia Britt, our Flying Ac­ dies, please go to your aircraft, I will get carried a powerful rifle with a native on a you off at the earliest possible moment.” high seat in the rear to spot game for us. tivities Chairman, expected me to when she John had gone on ahead and we slowly We would leave the trails and tear off at asked that I write up the trip for the rest compiled as we could see it was “clearing breakneck speed hanging on for dear life of the 99s to share. If you get a chance to from the South.” as we drove over trees, rocks, ditches and take the U-Fly-It-Safari — do!

October, 1970 P o w d e r PufF D erbjj


Not too much to report this month. It’s sort of the betwixt and between season for the A W T A R . Not that we haven't been busy. We have been catching up with our thankyou notes. It is not too late for you to write yours in case you have been procrasti­ nating or too busy with summer activities. We are also busy firming up the next race route for an early announcement. We had the plasure of having FRAN BERA with us at one of our meetings. Its always nice to have a West Coast Board Member visit AWTAR homebase head­ quarters. Don’t miss M A RSH A IV A N ’ S article in the September issue of Air Facts magazine. MARSHA was the youngest First Pilot in the 1970 Powder Puff Derby. Another don’t miss is the story by FR AN K KINGSTON SMITH in the September AOPA Pilot magazine. MARDO CRANE’S novel “Ladies, Rev Up Your Engines”, a story based on the Powder Puff Derby, is being published in October, delivery in November. Write now for your copy or for Christmas giving to the FAIR race winner receives awards. Seymour, Ind., Sept. 19, 1970 publisher d’ANGELo Co., 171 Webster St., From left: Indiana Governor EDGAR D. WHITCOMB, presents the Indiana chapter Monterey, Calif. 93940. Include $2.95 plus of 99’s traveling trophy to 1970 Fairladies Annual Indiana Race as she holds check 25

Coming Events WANTED: Information about any 99 or woman pilot utilizing the airplane or helicopter in missionary work. Please write: Oct 2-3, 1970 llovene Potter New York - New Jersey Sectional 12705 Shorewood Drive S. W. Sheraton-LaGuardia, NYC Seattle, Washington 98146 Michigan Small Race Oct. 2-4, 1970

Maple Leaf Chapter First Annual Directory of 99-Owned/Operated Airports Poker Run October 4th (rain date Oct. 11th) What a pleasant experience to stop for gas or RON at a strange airport and find a Fly Southwestern Ontario, for further State- fellow 99 there! This need not be a information contact: chance meeting if we knew ahead of time C it y - JOAN CORBETT that a 99 operated or was associated with a 538 Hale St. particular airport, and that we could be Sectional Chart- London, Ontario assured of a warm welcome there. Believing that many of us on cross-country flights Airport Name.— Pacific Air Race would perfer to plan our stops, if possible, FBO Name_____ Oct. 10, 1970 at a member’s airport (if only we knew which ones they were), we are compiling a Contact Eleanor Richardson 99’s Name______list of such airports. November 7, 1970 A More complete list will be published in 99’s Connection- Ninety-Nine News this winter and updated Kachina Doll Race for inclusion in the 1971-72 Membership (or 49-1/2’s) (partner; manager; Roadrunning Race Directory. secretary; instructor, etc.) Ruth I.undberg If you operate an airport or FBO, or are 5146 N. U th Ave. employed full time by one, would you Send to: Catherine Grover Phoenix, Az. 85013 please let us have the following infor­ 1378 Pentwood Road Kit 1.00 mation : Raltimnro MorvlnnH 91919

October, 1970 AM ELIA ★ GENERAL AVIATION ACCIDENT ★ lengthened because the extra thrust re­ quired to carry additional weight limits the E A R H A R T PREVENTION PROGRAM rate of climb. Excessive fuel is used to climb FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION to altitude. In addition, many overloaded SCHOLARSHIP aircraft fail to clear obstacles or rising ter­ JEAN PEARSON, Chairman WHY KEEP A CHECK ON YOUR WEIGHT rain beyond the runway because of It is both wonderful and frightening to AND BALANCE? decreased climb capability. follow DR. DORA DOUGHERTY STRO­ “ G” force tolerance is lowered by an THER as chairman of the Amelia Earhart Airplane performance and handling excessive load. Your aircraft is stressed for Memorial Scholarships. characteristics are affected by the gross a certain load factor, expressed in “Gs,” at Wonderful because she has organized weight and center of gravity limitations the maximum allowable gross weight. Over­ everything in such perfect file order that — perhaps in more ways than you are aware loading, therefore, has the effect of you can put your finger on any information of Improper airplane loading is the direct decreasing the “G” load capability of the you seek immediately. cause of some accidents, and the indirect aircraft and thus could result in the wing, Frightening because it all arrived in three cause of others. or other aircraft parts, being stressed to the large express boxes and four big, heavy Cruise performance is adversely affected point of permanent distortion or structural duty manila envelopes — written testimony by an excessive load. At normal weight the failure. o f the work involved. airplane requires a certain angle of attack Loading that is not within the C. G. limits But, most of all, following DORA is chal­ to maintain straight and level flight at a will adversely affect the aircraft stability. lenging because in her years as chairman given airspeed. A heavier load at that same This can result in dangerous flight she used her creative thinking ability to airspeed requires a greater angle of attack characteristics such as poor stall recovery, streamline procedures, to develop new ad­ to provide the increased lift that is neces­ higher stalling speed, greater take-off dis­ ministrative viewpoints for the trustees’ sary. More power must be added to over­ tance and higher landing spees. An air­ consideration and to suggest possible ex­ come the increased drag which results from craft becomes less and less stable as the pansion of the scholarship program. A hard the increased lift and angle of attack. Addi­ C. G. moves rearward. Stalling speed and act to follow. tional power, in turn, burns more fuel, required stick forces become greater as the We all owe DORA a resounding “well thereby reducing the range of the aircraft. C. G. moves forward. done” for her chairmanship of one of the Many accidents caused by fuel exhaustion For your safety — and the safety of your Ninety-Nines most ambitious and worthy are really the result of overloading. passengers, keep a check on your airplane projects. Climb performance is adversely affected weight and balance, keep your gross weight As those who attended the convention by excessive load. The time or distance and center of gravity within prescribed know, in 1971 we hope to be able to award required to climb to a given altitude is limits. four scholarships instead of three. Each winner selected from the many de­ serving applicants who apply will be eligi­ ble to receive a $900 award. But the goal can only be reached if all of us, as individuals and members of well- organized chapters, contribute as generously as possible. Let’s all do our best, through the A.E. Scholarships, to help more women to achieve success in the field of aviation.

NOTE! FACT SHEET Our new International Flying Ac­ PERTAINING TO THE 1971 APPLICATIONS FOR THE 99’s tivities Chairman is DARLENE GIL­ MORE of the Sacramento Valley AMELIA EARHART MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPS Chapter. Please, all 1970-1971 Sec­ The 1971 Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholarship appli­ two or three 99s or other members of the local avia­ tion community who would have a non-biased interest tion Flying Activities Chairmen, let cation form is made a part of this Newsletter. Any Ninety-Nine wishing to apply for the 1971 scholarship in furthering aviation. This committee will screen the her know who and where you are ... is invited to read it thoroughly. The criterion for a candidates using the following criteria: you are a member of her Committee. candidate includes the following: • What has the applicant already accomplished? • How much does she need the Award? The Flying Activities SOP has been • have a sincere desire to further woman’s place in aviation • How well will she use it? revised, approved, and forwarded to • have been a 99 in good standing for two years • How wide a field in aviation will this benefit? • Is she worthy of the Award? headquarters for distribution to Sec­ prior to the date of the application • hold a current medical certificate • Will she be a “ good investment"? tion and Chapter Flying Activities • have a minimum of 200 hours pilot-in-command • How long has she been a Ninety-Nine and how Chairmen. flight time since receiving her private license active has she been in its affairs? • have the support of her chapter since her Chapter Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholarship Chair­ “How to” outlines are in file on chapter chairman must recommend her men will mail her quota, or less, of the applicants to Poker Run, Treasure Hunt, Plane • must agree to complete the course/or training the Section Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholarship Chair­ within two years. men to reach her no later than January 15, 1971. The Wash, Fun Air Tour and other An applicant must complete five copies of this form, Section Governor will have informed each chapter of events. Keep them (Race & Derby, obtain the Chapter Chairman's letter of recommenda­ the name and address of the Section A.E. Chairman well in advance of this date. ltf & 2


This scholarship is made possible through the desires of THE NINETY-NINES, INC. to develop the talents of women in the fields of aviation and aerospace. The monies making this scholarship possible are drawn partly from the interest on the trust fund and partly from annual donations by chapters, sections, individuals and special interest groups within THE NINETY-NINES, INC.

N a m e ______(As it appears on Airman's Certificate)

Airman Certificate No.______

Address ______

S e c tio n ______Chapter______

A g e ______Single Married ______Husband’s Name______

Minor Children ______Other Dependents______(How many?) (describe)

99 Since Private Rating Rec’d Solo_H ours______(Mo.-Year) (Mo.-Year) (since private rating)

Ratings Now Held ______

Ratings Formerly Held & When______

Scholarship Would Be Used Toward ______

Reasons For Above Decision (Proposed use of rating, opportunities available, etc.) ------

Present Position and Employer

Previous Employment

Husband’s Occupation

October, 1970 EXPERIENCE

CROSS COUNTRY: (If your solo time exceeds 500 hours, describe cross country in general. If less than 500 hours, give details.)

Instructing (Year, place, approx. hours, or duration of job)

Other Aeronautical Experience or Training:

Hours in Various Types of Ships: (Give details)

(number of flight hours or semester hours)


Be it known that I am a member in good standing of and I understand it is to be used only for the pur­ THE NINETY-NINES, INC., that I have been a member pose/or rating for which I am applying and I further for 2 full years prior to the date of this application, agree to retain my membership in THE NINETY-NINES, that I have logged 200 hours or more as pilot-in-com- INC. during this time and to keep in communication mand since receiving my private pilot certificate and with the Board of Trustees of the AMELIA EARHART that if I receive the AMELIA EARHART MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP TRUST FUND and to inform them, at SCHOLARSHIP I will complete the course of instruction least quarterly, of my progress. for which this application is submitted within 2 years



S ig n e d :.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this ______day of


Notary Public

My commission expires

October, 1970 — 11— ELIGIBILITY FORM


(name of school)

(address of school)

Approximate cost of Instruction:______.______

Approximate Duration of Course:______(number of flight hours or semester hours)


“ I have examined the credentials (certificates, logs, transcripts, etc.) o f ______(name of applicant) and find her to be fully qualified to begin instruction for the rating or course entitled______

(full name of course)

The cost quoted above is standard for this school.



D a te ______

(If application is for more than one course a copy of this form, duly signed, is required for the course.

The following is to be completed by the Chapter Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholarship Chairman. “ I have examined all three pages of this application and any substantiating credentials I have deemed necessary and I find them to be true and in order. I recommend this applicant with no reservations. A letter of recommendation from the Chapter Chairman accompanies this application.”

(Chapter A.E. Scholarship Chairman) (date)

If the Chapter Chairman is the applicant then the next responsible chapter officer will write the letter of recommendation.

One copy of this application must be submitted to the Section Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholarship Chairman to reach her on or before January 15, 1971. A photograph suitable for publicity reproduction must be attached. Letter of recommendation from Chapter Chairman must also accompany this application.

October, 1970 — 12— Example of Special FLYING ACTIVITIES

Event Outline 1969-1970 YEAR-END REPORT Weber College? VIRGINIA BRITT, Chairman One Chapter has an annual contest for 1. Event — Pilots Poker Run landing at the most different air strips 2. P urpose— Fund Raising Many thanks to all Chapters and Sections in the State? The purpose of the contest 3. Consideration for Locale— Seven airports for their fine Flying Activities reports! Did is to improve flying skills, and it is also within a 2 hr. flying range of Terminus you know — considered good public relations for the airport for 100 mph plane, having paved JUDY WAGNER set a cross-country Ninety-Nines. runways, accessible to 99 ground crews speed record ? 4. Requirements — Posters, post cards for Two Tennessee Ninety-Nines helped Two Chapters report best member par­ publicity, entry forms, Rules of Poker locate a downed aircraft in Search & ticipation in connection with events or­ Rescue? Run (attached to report), 8 decks of ganized exclusively for men? cards per airport, change and staplers. Two El Paso Ninety-Nines flew two Results of the Fun Air Tour question­ 5. Advisory Assistance — D. O. T. children from Juarez to Albuquerque to naire returns? Without exception par­ 6. Sources — Each member responsible for visit their critically ill father? ticipants would like the Tour continued a prize, other requirements either do­ One Chapter scheduled an APT Test yearly, when feasible. Preference for nated or purchased. day? Result: 10 Ninety-Nines, 4 49,/£’s, scope is national, when practicable, with 7. Publicity — Notices in Aviation Maga­ 1 daughter of a former Ninety-Nine were organization lying with interested and zines and Newspapers, posters at each “ A P T ed.” cooperating Sections. Chance-type con­ airport, direct mailing of postcards to air­ A group of Ogden Ninety-Nines at­ tests are preferred, with early breakfasts craft owners within 100 mile radius. Fur­ tended instrument ground school at and briefings. ther publicity through radio interviews and newspaper coverage. 8. Results — 150 planes entered. Over 600 hands of poker sold at $2 per hand. MICHIGAN SMALL RACE 9. Contact — First Canadian Chapter for Kansas Chapter further information. OCTOBER 2-3-4, 1970 Items for Sale COLDWATER, MICHIGAN Due to higher costs both in material For Entry Packet Write Entries and labor for our 99’s article approved Chairman: for sale, we are compelled to raise our Dorothy Brewer price on our notepaper from $1.40 post­ paid to $1.65 postpaid. We are sorry for Mt. Pleasant Airport the price increase, but feel you are still Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 48858 getting a quality and useful item for a Please Enclose $1.00 reasonable amount. This notepaper is Handling Fee white with compass rose in blue. 24 folded sheets and 24 envelopes. $1.65 Entries Close August 31, 1970 postpaid. Thank you.

cake, it was a beauty and the FSS person­ XM10W.E 0 S F nel really appreciated it. Tail-winds for everyone next 30 days. \ SECTION,. s Congratulations to our Vice Chairman ELYSE CHAPMAN, she is now the proud possessor of an instrument rating, another COUNT ME IN! job well done. Sure I'm coming . . . EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA CHAPTER My pampers are packed . . . I've asked ANNE SHIELDS, Reporter Another gold anniversary was celebrated the boss for two weeks' vacation . . . on September 8th to commemorate the and I may even bring my Mom and Our September meeting was held at Mon- 50th anniversary of the inauguration of Dad! tauk Point, Long Island, it was a beautiful Transcontinental Airmail service by the U.S. Post Office. Pilot’s of the Silver Wings See you there . . . CAVU day. NANCY and BUZZ DIEMAN "Fun in ’71” came in their bonanza with daughter DEB­ International 99’s Convention BIE visiting from Vancouver, B.C. and August 11-15 Wichita, Kansas ELYSE CHAPMAN. MARIE and TONY (P.S. Can you guess my name and 99 D’ALTERIO in their mooney, EILEEN Mommy? Turn to Last Page). WEIGAND with MARIANNE and EILEEN B LAIR in a C172. A N N A and JIM S P I­ VEY bought ANN WINSOR in their chero- kee. KATE and TOM MACARIO brought NOTAMS their twins MATTHEW and MARK in their VAL JOHNSON wants clippings for bonanza. ALICE MOORE our newest mem­ Scrapbook. No hiding your light under ber brought her husband, MARY D’AN- a basket. Keep “Them cards, letters, & GELO and friend RAY in the family chero- news clips coming.” Mail to: kee. HELEN ZUBROW brought CAROL BOHACH, ELEANOR SMITH and ANNE VAL JOHNSON SHIELDS in her Skyhawk. 525 S. Main St. St. Clair, Missouri 63077 Our chapter paid homage to PNE FSS on Birthday cake presented to PNE FSS their 50th birthday with a 15 lb. decorated from Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter.

October, 1970 13— Fraternity flew simultaneously across the (Md.) Airshow where she and DORIS Pittsburgh and flying her brothers 210 United States, flying legs of the original JACOBSON, KAY BAYS, LENORA Cessna. She has made several trips to Ohio transcontinental route. ANNE SHIELDS EATON, and CATHERINE GROVER took and Virginia with co-pilot HELEN ZUBROW were depu­ tickets while PORTIA HUTTON worked With both planes down for their annual, tized by the postmaster of DuBois, Pa. to with the CAP. We made MARY BETH TOBY LEHMAN has been hangar flying fly the commemorative mail in HELEN’S JONES an official member of the Chapter and leg running — you know “get me this Cessna 172 to Bellefonte, Pa. When they and greeted three new prospective mem­ and hand me that”. arrived in Bellefonte they were greeted by bers. The day really reached some kind Our July and August meetings were the Mayor, the Postmaster and the High of a climax when JUNE HANSON drove primarily making plans for our 2nd Annual School hand, then into town to lunch with off with CATHERINE GROVER’s pocket- General Aviation Dinner-Dance. It will be the Kiwanis and MARION DUNLAP, book, leaving CATHERINE with a neatly held October 17th at the Holiday Inn in SHIRLEY WEINHARDT, HELEN SHEF- locked-up plane and no way to get it open. Chester, Virginia at Interstate 95 and Rt. FER and MARY HULL from Central Fortunately, JUNE found it when she took 10 Exit. W e will be charging $8.50 per Penn Chapter. her wet swim suit out of the car, and person with Cocktail hour 7-8, Dinner The night before the mail flight HELEN managed to get CATHERINE on the phone 8-9, and Dancing 9-12. If any of you will and ANNE flew from Philly to Sky Park at the airport and untangle the whole deal. be in our neighborhood contact JEAN Airport in Bellefonte which is owned and I’ve save the most important news for last, HARRIS for reservations. operated by our fellow 99 MARION DUN­ so here it is — Our first Chapter Chairman, LAP. MARION had a reception in their ADA MITCHELL is now MRS. WILLIAM honor, along with many guests from town BARRETT. LEAH and RAY STINCH­ HAZEL BARTOLET and CAROLYN COMB met the bride and groom at Kent- HARBOLIC drove over from State College morr where they tied up for lunch during and HELEN SHEFFER and MARY HULL their yachting honeymoon on Chesapeake flew up from Williamsport. Central Penn­ Bay, and they have promised to come to sylvania Chapter really knows how to treat the next Chapter meeting so that BILL a gal. can be made a 491/4er. MERLE STARER, our chapter chair­ man stays busy, she flew out to Denver to pick up hubby in their Cessna 401. G R O UN D ED Our Chapter has been busy, we had 14 by JUNE GLASER HANSON CAROLINAS CHAPTER new members join so far this year. Looks MARYLAND CHAPTER MERCY, Reporter like women’s lib is in the area. The clouds in the sky and the weather With the PS reporter’s parting shots ring­ reports ing in our tender ears and ye Editor’s Sometimes make me out of sorts. admonitions re-typing caps and margins and MARYLAND CHAPTER The winds that roar and rain that falls what all, a blank sheet of paper becomes a LEAK STINCHCOMB, Reporter Keep me indoors, behind four walls. terrifying spatial challenge. Best we pick The haze and smoke and poor visibility up the gauntlet and hunt and peck our Who said summer is “relaxin’ time” — Cause me to display my irascibility. way through this maze. Boy! not around here. This has been the Ice on the runway and snow blocking Down here in the Carolinas, the “ goodli­ busy season for Maryland 99’s. CATHE­ doors — est land”, our August meeting found us RINE, TOM, and JOHN GROVER flew to You know why I’m fuming while scrubbing homed in on our most favorite Carolinian, Nova Scotia early in July and then to the the floors. BETTY HAMILTON, and her lovely Fly­ Flying Farmer Convention in Ames, Iowa. But then I start sighing ing H Farms. Her gracious hospitality really LENORA and HOWARD EATON went I want to go flying. unhinged the calorie watchers in our midst south first, to Florida, and then to Ames. Comes a clear day, when weather is fine, and we all reacted like the original starving The trip to the IFF Convention is de­ A doctor’s appointment for one of mine Armenians. The meeting turned up a brand scribed as “the trip home was just beauti­ Keeps me in his office for many long hours new roster of officers for the coming year ful.” They report a wonderful time in While our plane stands awaiting -— my and with this team, how can we lose? Ames, but the curtain of merciful silence attitude sours. Calling the shots is EVIE HYMAN, as covers the trip out. The blue sky above is cool, clean and clear. Chairman. Vice-chairman, always an inter­ LEAH and RAY STINCHCOMB spent a With a few puffy clouds, some far and esting title, is SYLVIA ROTH. BUZZ TAY­ week in Jekyll Island, Georgia with Ameri­ some near, LOR, as Sec.-Treas., will keep the notes and can Navion Society. That must be the true But company’s coming, I must cook and guard the till. Herself, the Luv Guv, was home of “Southern Hospitality”. Any small clean there with side-splitting references to the airport that can cope with 110 Navions with Not fly just for fun — no wonder I’m mean! Fun Air Tour and the Convention. By golly, infinite courtesy for a whole week has to I nearly am crying we’re already making plans for Wichita . . . be the greatest — all this and superb food! I W A N T TO GO F L Y IN G ! Of course, there are always a few flies maybe the FAT will start in N. C. and head in the ointment and Maryland weather westward . . . some of us, anyhow. LOUISE SMITH and 49^er, HERMAN, did it’s darndest for our August meeting VIRGINIA CHAPTER made an interesting motor trip in August, in Cumberland. DOLORES EIRICH re­ TOBY LEHMAN, Reporter cruited (drafted?) her friends with sail­ retracing much of the route LOUISE flew planes and rides were available for the It has been a poor summer in Virginia in the PPD . . . the rim of the Canyon, whole gang. Only one plane (the trusty for flying. Page, Farmington, Walsenburg. One of the Stinchcomb Navion) flew in, but prospec­ Our newest member MARTHA PIERCE, highlights was the eighty plus mile drive by tive member MARY BETH JONES and a Navy nurse, from Norfolk has managed DEEDO HEISE and her H ERM AN , 49V2er, ELIZABETH and DON SULLIVAN made to fly to all our meetings. M A R T H A is to have dinner with our traveling ones. it by auto. is instrumented rated and also an instructor Another of our straying Tar Heels is September found us in Pennsylvania’s at a Navy flying club. HORTENSE McGEHEE, who calls Ohio Codorus State Park where LOIS and FRAN VANSTAVERN with her new State University home. She is the Super­ BRUCE BATY and friends produced per­ commercial rating and transponder has visor of the Flight Training Program for fect weather and a beautiful lake with been busy flying from Richmond to Phila­ the University. HORTENSE passed her sailing and pontoon boating for all. JUNE delphia. A T R recently and flies charter as 1st. Pilot HANSON reported on the recent Frederick DORIS PHILLIPS has been driving to on an Aztec and Co-pilot on a DC-3.

— 14— October, 1970 We have another wanderer somewhere in BRITT — Vice Chairman. RUTH FLEISH- make it to our meeting. Two new members the guerrilla ridden jungles of Guatemala. ER — Secretary, CECILE HATFIELD — were voted in, and we are anxiously await­ SARA SHONK. how do you read us? Treasurer, HELEN MENNITTO — Mem­ ing the receipt of their applications so you The Guv has been on the go . . . guesting bership Chairman, “BEBE” SEDLACEK — will be able to read their names in the new at the North Central Section in Louisville News Reporter, ELOISE RUBY— Public roster. Any of you girls that have trans­ and then down to Atlanta to the Charter Relations Chairman, DOTTIE SHAW — portation problems when hosting your chap­ presentation of the newly born North Geor­ AE Scholarship Chairman, and LOIS ter should talk to THELMA DAWSON. gia Chapter. How about those gals, with PORTER — Apt Chairman. Welcome She managed to take ten girls to lunch in eighteen members, newly hatched? aboard, all! her car without any one sitting on any T oo had that this won't he off the press MARY BARRER of Hialeah, Florida has one el-e’s lap. Looked like the circus car in time for you neighbors to join us for just joined our growing chapter. Glad to when we all started to crawl out of that our annual beach fly-in at Ocean Drive, have you with us, M A R Y . Just maybe we car at the restaurant. B E TTY SM ITH and S. C., the week-end o f October 2-3-4. W e’ re will be so lucky to acquire two more mem­ her 49Vi MORCIE are the proud grand­ going armed with fishing gear and kites bers as transfers — N AN CY LEVINE has parents of a baby girl born to their daugh­ and blenders, and if we can have a report moved to Ft. Lauderdale from the Sun ter SAN DY and husband Sept. 3, 1970. from the Committee on Aviation Folk Coast Chapter and LAVONDA HEINTZEL- First grandchild and are they proud. Dis­ Music in the Carolinas . . . we’ ll understand MAN is moving to Boca Raton from Michi­ cussion regarding the Sectional Meeting why these beach hostelries close up for the gan. We’re keeping our hungry fingers and the com ing Poker Run Oct. 18, 1970 winter. crossed! took up meeting time. Next month meeting We’re looking forward to air-marking the SHIRLEY DAVIS took her family on the to be at Sarasota, Fla. new Onslow County Airport near Jackson­ Fun Air Tour and came back with the ville, N. C. this fall and hope some of you Tail End Tony cup. At least she didn’t ex-WASPies will lend a hand. It’s near your come back empty-handed. DOTTIE SHAW GEORGIA CHAPTER old stamping ground of Camp Davis at and VIRGINIA BRITT flew together and SHIRLEY NESMITH, Reporter Holly Ridge, N. C. had a very good time sight-seeing our The Georgia 99s held their last state wide And as we look into the future, it’s not beautiful America. meeting in Atlanta September 12 at the too early to plan on getting down to the Looks like KITTY’S up North again, this Sheraton Emory Inn. First on the agenda Outer Banks for the December 17 festivities time in an Aztec. Have fun! was a cocktail party from 5 ’til 7. Then the for Orville and Wilbur. THK MAN WILL Let’s get apt — come one, come all. members and their guests assembled in the NEVER FLY MEMORIAL SOCIETY SH IRLEY DAVIS is still tugging away to banquet room for a delicious meal. The meets on the day before, like the 16th . . . obtain her instrument rating. Sock it to tables were decorated with paper flowers So, as our good mountain neighbors say, it — g a l! made by LINDA BRINK and runways with “ you’ns com e” . . . to which you’ re sup­ Oh yeah, do come to our Southeast miniature planes. PAGE SHAMBURGER, posed to say . . . “We’uns will when we Chapter Convention on the 18th and 19th our governor for the Southeast Section tidy up our things.” So, tidy up. and come for good ole Florida buffet and banquet, presented the North Georgia Chapter their on. (I’ll powder the flanks and be rite over and especially to hear our Editor— HAZEL charter. Officers were installed by BETTY — BS II Sea Hag Reporter) McKENDRICK, speak on “How to obtain M cN ABB, President of International 99s. a WX briefing from the FSS!” Fly Away LOIS LACY, Chairman of the North is on Sunday, the 20th. Georgia 99s presented BETTY McNABB So girls of our chapter, please write or FLORIDA GOLDCOAST CHAPTER with a President’s Plaque. call me and tell me of your new ratings, BEBE SEDLACEK, Reporter Attending the meeting from South flights, travels, etc., so that I may do my Georgia were ESTHER WRIGHT and share of contributing news 100% of the So in the gay month of sunny May a SHIRLEY NeSMITH from Thomasville. coming year’s issues of the News. Fly, get team of “Angels” winged their way south­ BETTY McNABB, TERI RAE, DEE Apt, and have fun till we meet again. bound to Nassau. Our chapter here con­ LOWE, and NANCY PETERSON from tributed four contestants; LOIS PORTER Albany. We missed all the other girls from and her CO-PILOT, CECILE HATFIELD South Georgia and hope to see you real in their Beech Travel Air; KRIS LUDING- SUNCOAST CHAPTER soon. (DEE; how are ya doin’ — hope to TON, solo, in her Beech Musketeer; and PENNY COUCH, Reporter see you soon! ED) "BEBE” SEDLACEK, solo, in her Mooney Mark 21. The two Beeches had plane Wednesday, September 10, 1970 dawned toubles and had to drop out, hut “BEBE” bright and beautiful, so much so that even MEMPHIS CHAPTER managed to slip in 39th. Oh well, it was the LOVE BUGS were out in all of their NETTA HOLDEN, Reporter her very first race . . . “ Phew". black, ugh, splendor and did bother the car The Powder Puff Derby started out with driver on way to lunch, however, did not Vacation over, children returned to school a "Boom” for your reporter here as she stop the seven members and three guests and fall weather seems to be in the air. My spent two exciting days in Disneyland and from arriving at Brooksville Airport for 49’/4er, Doug, and I are getting back to then meeting TRUDY COOPER at the our regular meeting. This being the time normal after a vacation on the Gulf Coast. : tart. Pro rarer M IR IA M DAVIS im­ of year for election of officer, the ballots In August, a luncheon and swim party pounded her plane in her 5th PPD. Flying were tallied and new slate of officers pre­ was held at HILDA and DOYLE SAV­ over Mt. Whitney, Death Valley, and sented for installation at the October meet­ AGE’S home in Memphis. The delicious breath-taking Grand Canyon was so new ing. Will have some new and some of the food and fun get-together were enjoyed by to “ BEBE” in her first PPD , and it was old faces in office this year, ETHEL GIB­ many Memphis 99’s and their 491/4ers. topped off with frosting at the terminus by SON staying on as Chairman; FLORENCE Those attending were JENNY COOK, her meeting the one and only — MAX BEAMON to be new Vice-chairman; CHRIS BROWN, MARTHA TOBEY, C O N R A D !!! Hed 2nd logbook has his JOYCE DIAMOND the new secretary and GLADYS ESTES, JUNE PENTECOST, valueless autograph in it, on the inside FRAN BUCHAN to repeat this year as BETTY ROCKWOOD, ROSEMARY and cover! The coast to coast race was blessed treasurer. New member MARY LOU BOB WILLIAMS and CAROLYN and with good VFR WX most of the way. The SHAPIRO was able to make the meeting a JOHN BELL. BRAESES of sweet Dyersburg were won­ litle late due to having “bugs” in the Pitot JOANNE and JOHN M U RD OCK flew derful beyond all words. tube, and thus was finally able to be pinned to Houston, Texas in a Cherokee Six. New officers of our chapter are: SHIR officially at this meeting. MARY LOU was Congratulations to CRAIG SMITH on LEY DAVIS — Chairman, VIRGINIA in North Carolina last month and did not getting his Instrument ticket.

October, 1970 — 15— MARGE SCHULTZ and daughter, CIN­ NORTH GEORGIA CHAPTER ters on their rehearsal nights. As Regent DY, have just returned from a cruise of MAVIS CHEEK, Reporter for the area, she has flown over 7000 miles the Greek Islands and also a tour of this summer. F ranee. The North Georgia gals have been busy ELIZABETH KIRBY, a long-time friend DOT WILSON and VIRGINIA PROC­ preparing for the banquet chartering for of the Tennessee 99s, is retiring as secretary TOR attended the Instrument Instructors our Chapter. Each one has a job and we of the Tennessee Aeronautics Commission. Seminar held at Memphis State last Sep­ know that they will do their utmost to make EVELYN JOHNSON and LADY McREY- tember. DOT has her commercial license it an eventful occasion. NOLDS attended the dinner in her honor. now. 99 JAN GAMMELL from the Denver Tennessee 99s helped the Knoxville FSS HILDA SAVAGE is happy to have her Chapter surprised PAULINE MALLARY celebrate their birthday/anniversary recent­ Mooney, 44 Whisky, flying again. with a telephone call in Atlanta. She and ly by pouring punch and showing visitors her 49l/4’er was enroute to Florida to see CHRIS BROWN, mixing work with around the facility. pleasure, attended a conference in Switzer­ some of their family and made a stop in Representing the Tennessee Chapter at Atlanta. MAVIS CHEEK had the pleasure land and also went on a tour of . the recent North Central Section meeting in of joining these gals for lunch and I tell Yours truly has been busy brushing up on Louisville were LADY McREYNOLDS and you, if you don’t or haven’t raced you sure Instruments. BEE REID. learn from listening to a couple of winners, ROSEMARY and BOB WILLIAMS flew In the What’s New Department: BETTE emergency landings, compass out, weather their Bonanza to Atlanta, Georgia to visit C O R R E LL has her Instructors Rating, and and lots more. relatives. GENIE RAE O’KELLEY is instructing The Flying Rebel 600 race was in Sep­ On Sunday, September 6th, we had our full-time at Smoky Mountain Aero in Knox tember over Labor Day week-end with the annual fly-in picnic, to M A R Y S T A N ­ ville. MARILYN AYERS and MARGARET race terminating at Chalet Suzanne resort LEY’S at Augusta, Arkansas. On arriving, MILLS are both working on higher ratings. near Cyprus Gardens in Florida. There we were happy to see JUANITA and Several new planes are around — JUDY were three lady pilots out of 30 entries and CECIL HALSTEAD from the Alabama and DAVID COX had their J3 Cub recov­ two of them just happened to be 99’s Chapter. Memphis members, their 491/4ers ered and relicensed and are both taking PAULINE MALLARY with her Musketeer and guests attending were: JENNY COOK, aerobatics. DONNA and BEN BOWER are and MAVIS CHEEK flying her Bonanza. GLADYS ESTES, SANDY ROBERTS and proud owners of a new Cessna 310. EDNA This is a proficiency race with time and BETTY ROCKWOOD in a Cherokee, and C U R LE Y BRO YLES have a new fuel being the main factors. PAULINE MARTHA and FRANK TOBEY in their Myers. And CHARLOTTE and JOHN MALLARY was again a winner — placing Debonair. MARGE SCHULTZ and MARY PARISH have joined the antique owners third and taking a car load of prizes with OLIVER came with the Tobeys. CAROLYN with a Staggerwing Beech. They recently her. MAVIS CHEEK placed in the top two and JOHN BELL in their Champ. BOB took it to Ottumwa, Iowa where they won a thirds but was proud to have placed at all WILLIAMS flew his Bonanza with JIMMY first place in their type. since this was her first race. WILLIAMS, MRS. J. ARNOLD and Congratulations to IRENE FLEWELLEN PEGGY HUSBY and family spent their LAURA MILLIZER. ROSEMARY WIL­ on her new Commercial Rating and to vacation in Graceville, Minnesota visiting LIAMS drove from Memphis bringing with LADY McREYNOLDS on her appointment family and bringing their 13 year old son her ROSEMARY, JR. and NELLIE as APT Chairman for the Southeast Section. home with them. PEGGY says it sure takes MARET. HOLLY and CRAIG SMITH longer by car than by air but they com­ flew in bringing with them their children, pensated some for having to drive by camp­ MARJORIE, PRESTON and TIMOTHY. ing out along the way and enjoying some NETTA and DOUG HOLDEN in their of the sights on land. M T / U Arrow with guests PEG and BOB FEN­ ■H 1 i W NELL. EVERETT PROCTOR flew in from ___\ s rA V ' V j Wynne, Arkansas, bringing son RICK and IOWA 1 V rue t IRENE NIX. DOT and JERRY WIL­ TENNESSEE CHAPTER / 1 1 | J r — \ i o A j SON flew in from Whiteville, Tennessee. MARIE A. HURLEY, Reporter % S L A x J HI A MARY and JOE STANLEY, as usual, made There flying gals in Tennessee have been our day a most pleasant one with aero­ up to lots of things during the long, hot batics, a spot landing contest and glider summer. rides. The spot landing contest was shared ALL-OHIO CHAPTER The August meeting was held on the by JENNY COOK and GLADYS ESTES. JUDY LaRUE, Reporter Cumberland Plateau at Crossville. There is A box lunch with all the trimmings was a resort motel off the end of the runway, It rained allnight, is what we heard, enjoyed by all. Sure was fun and many and the most obliging manager picked up But soon the weather cleared. thanks to MARY and JOE STANLEY and eight plane loads and carried them over for We hopped aboard our shiny birds, their friends who made our day one to lunch, swimming, and a business meeting. The sun is out, we cheered. remember. Officers elected were: BEE REID, Chat­ Our Poker Party is today, From Augusta, the HOLDENS and FEN­ tanooga, Chairman: EDNA BROYLES, And though it seemed a loss, NELS flew to Savannah, Tennessee to spend Tullahoma, Vice Chairman: MARIE HUR­ It looks like now in time the haze the rest of the, Labor Day weekend at LEY, Knoxville, Secretary: and IRENE Is lifting just for us. Pickwick. FLEWELLEN, Chattanooga, Treasurer. The busiest member of our 99’s no doubt There will be no chapter meeting in Sep­ We really love the fun and games is BETTY DUNN. BETTY is traveling with tember due to the Southeast Section meet­ That Sunday always makes, her husband, WINFIELD, during his cam­ ing in Florida the 18th and 19th of Sep­ And we’ll be back next year to claim paign for Governor of Tennessee. Wouldn’t tember. Several of our members plan to At least a second place. it be nice if we pilots had a pilot at the attend and in fact, some are lengthening controls in Nashville? Good luck, Winfield. their stay for a few extra days on the beach. I’m turning over my pen to HOLLY Summer vacations have taken our members SMITH, the new Memphis Chapter News­ all over the world. FRAN DAVIS had a CHICAGO AREA CHAPTER letter Reporter. It has been a pleasant and trip to the Far East, , and Expo. SANDY KLOCK, Reporter sometimes hectic experience writing for the MARIE HURLEY and her family spent Newsletter, but all in all, it was fun. Look­ some time in Europe. While this was going August 15th was the date o f our chap­ ing forward to being a reader instead of on, RUTH THOMAS spent her time in a ter’s annual air meet. The morning began writer next time — Netta. four-state area visiting Sweet Adeline Chap­ with heavy haze — most area airports IFR.

— 16— October, 1970 There were 99s at almost every airport CAP group down to Decatur to take in­ QUAD-CITY AREA CHAPTER waiting for the visibility to go to 3 miles ventory for bringing equipment back for SHARON EHRICH, Reporter so they could get into Naperville Aero the local squadron. for the race start. This was to he a pro­ This column ends on a sad note, as we NORMA SMITH volunteered to be chair­ ficiency contest, where the closest esti­ extend our deepest sympathy to sister man o f Sectional M eeting in Q-City in 71. mate to actual time and fuel consumption 99 MARY PANCZYSZYN IN THE LOSS She wins Hero Medal for 1970. wins the race. OF HER HUSBAND. GEORGE, ON MARY DAVIS went to Wichita and got 12 planes finally got off, enroule first JULY 21ST. her Commercial license and Basic Ground to Tri-City Airport, where we were to Instructor. identify what was written on the hangar FERN RATHE had an exciting time roof. Would you believe “LaSalle” ? And IOWA CHAPTER flying her college age nephew over the then on to Naked City, Indiana, where CLAUDETTE PARKER, Reporter we had to make note of the shape of the Watseka Rock Festival. The excitement swimming pool at the nudist colony. Many wasn't seeing the musicians, but in watch­ Since no meeting was scheduled for of the planes went astray here, circling! ing for all the other planes circling below August, my news this month seems rather One came into Naperville 28 min. after them. FERN was flying high that day! limited. Believe me, August was anything time of estimate — must have stopped for Five percent of our Chapter got their but dull, especially at our house. BILL and a sw im ! Sea Plane Rating. They took it on Grand I are quite proud to announce the birth Lake in Oklahoma. It took 7’/2 hours, in­ Anyhow, a good time was had by all, and of our new son, CHRISTOPHER ALAN, cluding the check ride. The instructor here are the winners: born August 15th. This may com e as a asked if they had had any boating experi­ Novice Trophy — won by JULIA KON­ surprise to some of you, but don’t feel ence and if they could swim. SHARON GER. (This is a new trophy this year, bad — it was for us to o ! Especially since EHRICH said she had once taken a mail­ in memory of MARY SHUMWAY.) he was about six weeks early. order course in swimming on the piano 1st Place in Cross-Country — ARLENE Felt a little bad to miss the Fall Sec­ bench. He wasn’t impressed. Part of our ODEGAARD and co-pilot GEORGE tional at Louisville, but I understand those instruction was from a girl, ANN BRAND. EDGECOMB. that attended had a swell time. W e had (Note: 5% of Quad-City 99’s is one 2nd Place— PAM STOWELL and JUDY quite a group from Iowa attending: m ember.) SUIT (who are just hack from finishing LUETTA and JAMES WHITE (Bloom­ YVONNE BOONE and DOROTHY AN­ 8th in the Sky Lady D erby). field), MARY LOU WRIGHT (Webster DERSON reported a record number of 3rd Place — ELSIE WAHRF.R and City), KITTY and CLIFF HACH (Ames), people attended the Pilots’ Pumpkin RUBY WYANT. LOIS and RAY GRANGE (Des Moines), Festival. Winners of Spot Landing Contest — a GERRI and DON WALKER (Cedar Falls) family affair, NORMA FREIER for women’s and IOWA CHAIRMAN PHYLLIS and DEBBIE McFARLAND is going to Air­ and 49l/4er ART FREIER for men’s. HAROLD BARBER (MARION). line School in Minnesota. PAT STOUF- I understand Ohio was selling chances FER and NINA NOEL ROOKAIRD After the air meet was over and all the on a wooden propeller and that Iowa chair­ stopped in for dinner at C ARO LYN birds hark at Naperville, everyone enjoyed man PHYL won it. Which brings to mind POBANZ' house on their way home from a chicken box luncheon by EVA WHITE's about MARY LOU WRIGHT nearly loos­ International Convention. GIGI KATZ and pool, or in the White Hangar, or under ing her seat home, with the Barber’s be­ CAROLYN POBANZ want to an Illi-9 their airplane wings. A business meeting cause o f it. Glad all arrived home fine. Race meeting at Midway Airport. CHAR­ followed, at which our new chapter officers On September 12th, BILL and I had a LENE FALKENBERG asked our Chapter were announced. They are: most enjoyable experience. Earlier that to be Aircraft Spotters. Chairman — NITA FINEMAN week, ROGER PEASE, Black Hawk Vice Chairman — CHARLENE FALK- VON ALTER invited us for lunch and County Republican Chairman, got in touch ENBERG 99 meeting at her house in October. with BILL, asking if we’d like a busy Recording Secretary — SANDY KLOCK The Mail Room Crew reports that more Saturday, and that it was! We were asked Corresponding Secretary — ELSIE and more subscription requests for our to Pilot U. S. Senator Jack Miller from W AH RER Newsletter have been coming in. Since it Charles City to Waterloo and back later Treasurer — MARGIE KINNEY is getting to be more than they can handle that day. Niederhauser Airways (F.B.O. As you probably know, the FAA Flight we have decided to eliminate the center­ Waterloo) donated Aztec 5764Y for the Service Stations just celebrated their 50th fold section next month and see if business occasion. (It’s colors were red, white and anniversary. On August 21st, the Chicago will drop off a little. Actually we will be blue) We arrived Charles City 12 noon, FSS at Du Page County Airport held an forced to discontinue the entire letter un­ picking up SEN. MILLER with a return open house during which they opened their less one o f us can get it printed free. trip back to Waterloo. Our arrival at facility to 250 visitors during the afternoon Someone dropped some pills in our old Waterloo only preceded Iowa Governor and evening hours. mimeo and it won’t reproduce anymore. Robert D. Day’s plane by five minutes. A number of the Chicago Area 99s Both planes were greeted with a drum and RUTH SOLLEY, NORMA SMITH, and helped out at the open house, including bugle corps and local dignitaries. Later CAROLYN POBANZ attended Fall Sec­ MARY STROH, NITA FINEMAN, ANN that afternoon SEN. M ILLER was ready tional. CAROLYN was made Section Air HALLER and PAM STOWELL. JEANINE for his return trip to Charles City. So we Marking Chairman. TELLEKSON came as a guest. The gals all boarded Aztec 64Y, this time with an GINA MILLAR got some time in flying a participating received a beautiful letter extra passenger. Representative Willard Piper Arrow. from MR. MICHAEL of the FSS. Many Hansen (Cedar Falls) of the State Legis­ B A R B AR A W H ITE of Chicago 99’s flew favorable comments were received from lature. Everything was fine . . . except, in to the Pekin Airport while building local pilots and the general public tour­ would you believe . . . NO RADIOS. We x-country requirements for her commercial. ing the facility. This was a giant step in tried . . . and tried . . . but finally gave She runs a Soaring School near Chicago- good will for our chapter and for 99s and that up and ended up changing planes, this land Airport. women pilots in general. time to a Twin Commanche. Finally we all BARB WHITE has been named as our snuggled in, a little closer than before, MARIE MERDIAN and LILLIAN FAA liaison lady to make contact between with radios working this time, off we went SPRICKLER won First Place in the Cross­ Chicago Area 99s and the FAA and FSS’s. bark to Charles City. Seems it never fails, country Crossword Puzzle Contest. They BARB will give us all the latest on what’s when you want everything to work just used a left handed computer. MARILYN going on. perfectly it never does. But finally it did. KATRANA and PATSY CLINE were NITA FINEMAN recently flew with a Again I say . . . what a fun day. judges.

October, 1970 — 17— WISCONSIN CHAPTER the highest percentage of members in Chairman; DONA RIDGEWAY BORGHILD L. OLSON, Guest Reporter attendance at the North Central sectional Vice-Chairman: JOANN MAPLE meeting in Louisville, Kentucky on Labor Recording Secretary: THEDA The damp, soggy weather 011 September Day weekend! Bringing back the trophy BENINGFIELD 13th did not dampen the spirits o f W is­ because of their attendance were ANNE, Corresponding Secretary; FRANCES consin Ninety-Nines as they gathered in LOIS, KATIE, FLORENCE FINTAK, DUNFIELD Waukesha for their monthly meeting and CAROLYN, PECGY and CASSEY KIE- Treasurer: EDYTHK VICKERS to view the EAA airshow. MARGE DROWSKI. They reported a most inter­ We are hoping for fair weather for our DUNNE put the coffee on and KATIE esting meeting and an enjoyable time, airlift September 20th. CONKLING served as our congenial local proving that the 99s are a Fun and Our 30th Anniversary Hangar Dance is hostess. To everyone’s surprise, such a Friendship Club. Saturday, October 3rd at EDDIE FISHERs large group came to the meeting that your CAROLYN and PEGGY modeled their at Fairfax Airport. Join us and help us reported did not even get the names of all newly created dacron polyester 99s outfits celebrate! the 49*/£ers and families recorded! There which they completed 011 Saturday! Slacks were SO many things going on at the and vest are blue; the top is white and meeting that we just managed to record they rated acclaims of their being really the members, most of whom had to drive; “ neat” . several came hundreds of miles and surely Again we dream of beautiful weather for reflect the enthusiasm of Wisconsin’s an aviation weekend at Phillips on October Chapter. 10th and 11th. A Satuday evening ban­ We welcomed secretary JANICE quet is planned and the welcome mat is THOMAS back following her accident; out for Ninety-Nines, a most gracious invi­ there was CHARLOTTE CLEVE who is tation having been extended by BOB transferring from Colorado; CAROLYN WHITE, a good friend of aviation and of DIETZ, FLORENCE FINTAK, PAM the Ninety-Nines. BINDL, ANNE ROETHKE, JUDY STONE, Wisconsin Ninety-Nines are being kept LAST FLIGHT CAROLYN ARNOLD, PEGGY MAYO, informed of activities and accomplishments Catherine I. Tiller ARLENE SCHWARTZ, LOIS ERICKSON, of members via a chatty Newsletter initi­ SHIRLEY SCHEVERS, PAT WEIR, ated by BORGHY OLSON in July. Since Kansas Chapter Member BETTY WILLMORE, MARILYN RITZ- then, its publication is on a regular sche­ August 22, 1970 MAN, FLORENCE TONEY and BORGHY dule two weeks prior to every monthly- OLSON and prospective member, ROBIN meeting. The assignment was made part of TRAVETT! the duties of the Public Relations chair­ RAMONA HUEBNER reported on ac­ manship. LAST FLIGHT tivities for which she was local coordinator At the September 13th meeting, Presi­ Jimmie Kolp at the EAA Convention in Oshkosh the dent FLORENCE FTNTAK appointed week of Aug. 1-7. Meetings for women were JANE ANNE RAETTIG of Burlington to Wichita Falls Chapter held on Monday and Friday mornings. be News Reporter for the year. September 16, 1970 RITA EAVES conducted the Monday forum and told of helping build the Skeeter, a low-wing experimental craft, GREATER KANSAS CITY CHAPTER ALBUQUERQUE CHAPTER in which she and her husband flew to FRANCES DUNFIELD, Reporter WANDA COTHRAN, Reporter Oshkosh from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Several Ninety-Nines had fun at the AERO RITA is a member of the 99s and devel­ CLUB’s ANNUAL WHATSIT RACE, Permit me to introduce our new officers: oped interest in flying as a child. We which included identification of locations JOY FEAK, Chairman; BEVERLY' deeply appreciate her contribution to the by aerial photographs, and a scavenger GRADY, Vice Chairman; BECKY' LUTZ, success of the “Women of EAA” forum. hunt. Second place was won by MARY Secretary; BLANCHE GRISCOM, Treas­ ANNE PELLEGRENO of Ames, Iowa, ANN NOAH, GORDON HAMILTON, and urer; and MILLY ELRICK, Membership. who flew the same around-the-world route DONA RIDGEWAY. A spot-landing award And we can start by listing an accom­ as Amelia Earhart, in 1967 on her 30th was won by KATHY ZIMMERMAN and plishment. We airmarked Mid-Valley Air­ birthday in a 30-year-old plane on the DEL RICHARDSON. JOANN and JOHN port between LOS LUNAS and BELEN on 30th anniversary of the Earhart flight, MAPLE , ROSAMOND OLIVER and August 29th. Those participating were conducted the Friday forum. MRS. BOBBI MILLER competed as did MAR­ BECKY LUTZ, airmarking charman, BER- PELLEGRENO, too, helped her husband GARET WRIGHT, VEE ST. JOHN, and NIECE SWARTZ, PAT CICARDO, LILY build planes and now lectures, writes MARGARET McDOWELL. Other 99s and SANDOVAL, JOY FEAK with 49% BUD, articles for aviation magazines, has written 491/2s joined them for the banquet. (Who BLANCHE GRISCOM with 49% JIM, and two books and is a flight instructor who won 1st Place — Ed.) WANDA COTHRAN with 49% CHUCK. gave rides to women as part of the forum. Greater Kansas City Ninety-Nines who The surface on the runway was too fresh The women were transported in a Volks­ attended the Sectional at Louisville report to paint in the letters, but they are out­ wagen bus driven by a woman to the it very well-organized and enjoyable in lined and will be filled in later. Appleton airport (less congested than every way. Four of us didn’t make it be­ For the information of other chapters, Oshkosh!). MRS. PELLEGRENO was cause of weather. Those attending were we found that a chalk string is much faster assisted by the youngest pilot in atten­ JOANN and JOHN MAPLE, LOIS and and straighter than a steel tape and chalk, dance, ROBIN BLAKE of Florida, a wing RALPH WILLY, FAY and LOU GLENN, especially since we didn’t have a steel tape walker and a tower operator from the and BOBBI MILLER. long enough to mark off some of the legs Chicago area, both women. Our September meeting was held at the on the letters. These chalk lines can be We think The Paper should be con­ Regional Office of the Weather Bureau in bought at most any hardware store. Now gratulated for their superb news coverage the Federal Building. The speaker was that we have found out how much fun it is, of these women’s activities. Interest in ELLIS BURTON, Aviation Quality Con­ we plan to do more. attending future meetings of this nature trol Officer for the Kansas City Forecast By the time you read this, hopefully, was evident among all who were present Area. It was a very interesting meeting SHIRLEY' JANSSON will be completely this year. and included a film and tour of the facili­ recovered from her recent surgery, and A permanent silver goblet trophy was dis­ ties. Officers for the coming year were LAURA MARIE WEBB will be recovered played in recognition of Wisconsin having announced: from her foot injury.

— 18— October, 1970 99’s who air marked Mid-Valley Airport L to R standing, Mid Valley Airport during the beer break. Letters outlined WANDA COTHRAN, BLANCHE GRISCOM, JOY FEAK, LILY but not painted in yet. SANDOVAL, and BERNIECE SWARTZ KNEELING, BECKY LUTZ and PAT CICARDO.

Our August meeting was a picnic at Vacation wise: Blanche and JIM GRIS­ DALLAS CHAPTER Elephant Butte Lake. Attending were JANE COM headed for Wisconsin in August but LIL TAFEL, Reporter and JOHN SPILLER, RANDA and JACK had to turn back at Dodge City because of SUTHERLAND, JOHNNIE and HARRY IFR weather. Got to work harder on that Well here I am as your sub-reporter HICKEY, LILY SANDOVAL, JOY and instrument rating, BLANCHE. DOROTHY again, news time seems to roll around so BUI) FEAK, BLANCHE and JIM GRIS- M AN N AH AN is vacationing in Europe for quickly. Our girl DOROTHY WARREN COM, BECKY and ED LUTZ, WANDA three months. recovering from gall bladder surgery really and CHUCK COTHRAN, MAYNARD and JOY FEAK drove and pulled their boat missed a delightful weekend in Longview, EUGENE PEREZ. to San Carlos Bay, Mexico a couple of Texas, where our sectional meeting was Speaking of Maynard, her son, “ GENIO” , weeks ago. Quoted JOY “ Nevermore”. 49'/2 held after being cancelled in San Antonio. just earned his private pilot license and flew BUD flew down on the weekend and drove Everyone missed you DOROTHY, we hope himself and sister “PUD” over to the lake the car back and “ let” JOY fly home. While you will have a speedy recovery. Attending to the picnic in the family super cub while there they met RANDA and JACK SUTH­ the meeting was JERRY ANN GLENNIE, MAMA and PAPA PEREZ drove. How’s ERLAND and had a good times despite TANYA THORNTON, KATHY LONG, that for topping the old “son takes the miserable rainy weather. ANN ENGLISH, JO ALLISON, DORIS family vehicle" routine? WELLER, HAZEL CORRY, EDNA GOVERNOR CARGO proclaimed July as WRIGHT, BARBARA POWELL, ELINOR ARKANSAS CHAPTER general aviation month and encouraged all JOHNSON, HAZEL McKENDRICK, PAT MARGUERITE NIELSEN, Reporter pilots to polish their proficiency. PEG JETTON and LIL TAFEL. The Dallas NOLTENSMEYER’S 49>/2 BUD volun­ CHARLENE POE is the happy owner of Chapter won the achievement award with teered his services for any 99’s who wanted a brand new Bellanca, a dacron covering LIL TAFEL accepting a dozen red roses in m get APT. PAT CICARD O and W ANDA with a Continental 300. CHARLENE & behalf of the chapter. The Shreveport Chap­ COTHRAN private pilot, and BERNIECE DR. MAC took delivery in Plainview, ter did a wonderful job for such short SWARTZ, commercial pilot took advan­ Texas, flew to Rocky Ford, Colorado, Great notice. Everyone was saddened when tage of BUD’s generosity to get APT. Falls, Montana, Blakely Island and Van­ KATHY CASTON sprained her ankle Sat­ PEG said “Shux” and got another instruc­ couver, B.C. CHARLENE & DR. MAC urday while at the airport; she had put so tor to give her an APT ride so there could attended the Flying Physicians Convention much work into this weekend. The air show be no charges of nepotism. Bet it was in Vancouver, flew to Tacom a, Euphrata, dedicating the new 10,000’ runway at Gregg easier with another instructor. St. George, Utah, and Denver, visiting County airport was just great. Everyone Another Albuquerque school has added friends in those places and flew back home enjoyed it! Aero-space Education to its curriculum. to Arkansas. In August we had a dinner meeting in­ Highland High has five classes with our DELORES MITCHELL is staying busy cluding our 49Veer's and had CLYDE DE­ own BEVERLY GRADY as the full time working on a beauty pageant to be held at HART and HUARD NORTON of GADO instructor. With all of her ratings those the time of the Kerr Dam Dedication on Accident Prevention officers as our guest should be interesting classes. the Arkansas River. DELORES is also busy speakers. They are having a Flight Instruc­ And BECKY LUTZ is the teacher and working on the Wings Over America Youth tors Clinic in Dallas November 10, If & sponsor for an aviation club at Los Lunas Derby. 12th and have asked the 99’s to host this ses­ High. She hopes Aero-space Education will MARGE NIELSEN is staying busy with sion. We have one new member, JAN be added to their curriculum soon. a 7 year old on the Rinky Dinks football ALMAND, 12825 Cranberry Lane, Dallas, team and a If year old Cheerleader. Texas. Home phone is 241-4344 or 241-3864. MARGE is also very busy working on the 49>/2er GEORGE and SUE ANDREWS Please send News Clippings, Pictures, Wings Over America Youth Derby. have made and donated a beautiful plaque etc. to SCS 99 Scrapbook Chairman: RAMONIA SLOAT, Chairman drove to of the 99 Compass Rose large enough to be Marge Nielsen Little Rock to attend the W.N.A.A. Instal­ used on a speakers podium. Many thanks J&J Ranch lation of the Little Rock Unit of which go to the ANDREWS for their labor of love. Route 1 KAY NEWTH is President as well as new MARY KIRKPATRICK is home after Van Buren, Arkansas 72956 National President of W.N.A.A. Orthopedic surgery; JANIE KING is get­ Happy Flying! ting her strength back after a round with

October, 1970 — 19— DALLAS CHAPTER the flu; and 49(4er ARTHUR STULTS is Country really keeps her moving. PILOT REFRESHER AND FLIGHT home after a hospital siege with a blood Our two guests for the evening were COU R SE clot in his leg. DOROTHY WILLIAMS and RUTH HUD­ DALLAS, TEXAS HELEN & ED WILKE flew their Bo­ SON. DOROTHY received her private NOVEM BER 10, 11, 12, 1970 nanza to Palm Springs and then went on license in 1969 and is now getting checked Sponsored by to Hawaii via the 747 — ( first class so they out in the family M ooney Mark 21. At BUSINESSMEN’S FLYING could climb the spiral stairs). ELINOR night she sings and plays piano at the ASSOCIATION OF DALLAS JOHNSON and family flew to Padre Island Rodeway’s Inn’s Roadrunner Club. RUTH, in for the Labor Day weekend. JUDY COBB the daughter of an FAA man, just grad­ cooperation with and 49C.cr were off to Georgetown S.W. uated from Texas Tech, has her private FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION Regional EAA Fly-in and air show over the pilot license, and is starting at Braniff Labor Day weekend, their Clipper won 1st Stewardess School this month. All pilots are invited to attend, regard­ place in the Vintage Aircraft! Konda Wyss Your reporter, CAROLYN MERRI­ less of ratings. The purpose of the course is is back as a full-time college student. THEW and her 49!4'ER BOB have spent to familiarize all pilots with the latest fly­ CAROL MORRIS also has joined the col­ most of the summer, boating, waterskiing ing procedure. The course includes 24 lege student category by registering at and swimming on the lake. In July, they hours of ground scchools. Eastfield for the fall term. She also squeezes flew a Cessna 182 to Santa Fe, Grand Can­ Flight instructors who attend all sessions in Girl Scout leader activities, flying to yon, Page, and Carlsbad Caverns. Camped will meet the requirements of AC 61-46 Oklahoma and going to Wichita, Kansas to out on the runway at one small airport in (8) (c), “Flight Instructor Procedure” for pick up Ted Cooper’s new Skyhawk which New M exico. M uch fun! It is amazing how Gold Seal Certificate. Also, a valid flight she’ll be flying in the Dallas Doll Derby. much baggage packed to the ceiling and instructor certificate may be renewed at LIL TA FE L is up to her neck with real under seats, these small planes will carry. the completion of the course. The houder of estate but did manage to get APT before an expired flight instructor certificate may the deadline. JANIE KING’s 49(4 >s °R to secure a curent certificate by completing England “again” says JANIE. The PEG & HOUSTON CHAPTER the course and passing a practical test with JIM ONG family were off to Illinois in­ M. E. OLIVER, Reporter the General Aviation District Office. stead of the sectional meeting, to carry their All classes will be presented by FAA No summertime ho-hums in this chapter daughter KATHY off to college, then Academy instructors, and will be held from . . . we’re reporting new ratings, awards, PEG will be back at Plano University as 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the auditorium of interesting vacations, race participation, big ye ole school nurse again. The Dallas Doll the Texas Bank and Trust Company of turnout for our fall sectional, and all kinds Derby will be September 26th and all over Dallas, One Main Place, Dallas, Texas. of goodies. before this issue gets to you. We know A ten dollar (10.00) registration fee RUTH HILDEBRAND is our newest everyone will enjoy flying it again this year, will be required to defray the cost of class­ IFR pilot; JUDY HANNA got her Com­ the results will be in the next issue. room material and the buffet. mercial ticket and passed her Flight In­ Your roving editor, HAZEL is off to For those requesting room reservation, structor’s written, as did JACKIE KELLY Southeast Sectional to speak and then on the Businessmen’s Flying Association of and our new Chairman BETTY FRITTS. to CVG to National Association of Air Traf­ Dallas will make them for you at the down­ August found LOUISE and MYRL fic Specialist convention. town Holiday Inn. BICKFORD and the younguns flying to Transportation from the airport to the the Int’ l. Cessna 170 Ass’ n. meet in Colo­ motel will be provided. FORT WORTH CHAPTER rado Springs, where they visited with T o assist us in planning, please complete RHEA ALLISON, and enroute they spent CAROLYN MERRITHEW, Reporter and return with ten dollars (10.00) regis­ the night with GERTRUDE HOWARD. tration fee, the information blank below to Plans are well underway for our Wright’s GERTRUDE and RHEA are both former the Businessmen’s Flying Association of Day dinner in December. HELEN MORRIS Houston Chapter members. Dallas, c/o Federal Aviation Administra­ reported that invitations have been printed A hearty welcome to our newest mem­ tion, SW-GADO-2, Redbird Airport, Dallas, and are ready for a committee to address. bers, MARILYN HOFFMAN, TRUDY Texas 75232. We will be able to secure a new member­ COOPER (watch how you spell that, ship list of Pioneer Pilots from the OX-5 HAZEL!), and SHIRLEY NANCARROW. Name president, MR. JOE HARTMAN. MARILYN and her 49(4 CARL, and Many of our members were unable to TRUDY, wife of astronaut GORDON, at­ Address ...... attend a dinner-business meeting held Sep­ tended our sectional with us. SH IRLEY is tember 2, at the Rodeway Inn. More news a transfer from Mt. Diablo and was on hand City and State about them in next month’s issue. JACKIE for our installation banquet. Another word WHITE presided over the meeting. DIANE about TRUDY . . . this year’s PPD pilots Certificate No. COON and her 49(4’ER ROGER reported will remember her as one of their race Flight Instructor they have been out practicing her commer­ starters. (T R U D Y also flew with M A R ­ Certificate Expiration Date cial maneuvers. Another new rating coming GARET MEAD in Palms to Pine Race Medical Certificate up soon? They have been camping during and they won! That COOPER family are Class and Date...... the summer at many interesting Texas winners all around — ED.). parks. Next on their agenda is a flying trip Off to the Reno Air Races where her P-51 I do/do not desire motel reservations at to El Paso and Mexico. is flying is ADELLE BAKER, and joining MALENA RICHARDSON and her her on the pit-crew are MARY BYERS the Holiday Inn. Singles , 49(4’ER BOB have also been out camping and their 49(4’S, GERALD and BUDDY. Doubles in a new camper they built. M ALEN A Latter part of July, JANET PREST- hopes to find time to becom e proficient in RIDGE, a Cadet Colonel in Civil Air I expect to arrive on flying again soon. Patrol, served as cadet encampment com­ Before 6:00 p.m. arrival □ or guaranteed TONY PAGE had just returned from the mander at Perrin AFB and reports she and all the other cadets logged time in the arrival, hold □ . Please make registration Hump Pilots Association 25th Annual Re­ union in Monroe, Louisiana. A friend flew F-102 simulators; sounds pretty exciting. fee check to the Businessmen’s Flying her there in his Aero Commander. In JANET is in her third year at Rice Uni­ Association of Dallas. Refund will be hon­ August, she flew in a Lark Commander to versity and attended her first sectional ored if cancellation is received prior to Oklahoma City for the Aviation/Space meeting when she went with us to Long­ November 5, 1970. Writers Association meeting. That Cross view in September.

— 2 0 — October, 1970 Our installation and awards banquet, held jointly with Petticoat Pilots, was a sell-out, due, undoubtedly, to the feature attraction. Meaning our irrepressible editor, HAZEL McKENDRICK, and the intriguing title of her talk, “SEX IN THE COCKPIT.” We recommend that you book her for your chapter’s next soiree, and invite all those men pilots. MARY ABLE (dubbed “our ABLE Secretary” by V-Gov. MARILYN COPELAND) flew up to Big D and brought back HAZEL and no less than our Gov. herself, DOROTHY WARREN, for the oc­ casion, held at Sonny Look’s Sir-Loin in Houston Ninety-Nines Installation and Houston. A real treat having both of ’em. Awards Dinner, August 29, 1970. Left Achievement Award trophies were pre­ Houston Ninety-Nines Installation and to right: DOROTHY WARREN — Gover­ sented to MARY BYERS, MAYBELLE Awards Dinner August 29, 1970. Left nor S.C.S. SALLY COX — Outgoing FLETCHER and M. E. OLIVER, and per­ to right standing: BETTY FRITTS— In­ Chairman HAZEL McKENDRICK — fect attendance pins were distributed. coming Chairman, ADELLE BAKER — Guest Speakers and International News Incoming Vice-Chairman, SALLY COX SALLY COX installed with a unique and Editor. — Outgoing Chairman. Seated left to impressive “key” service. right: MAYBELLE FLETCHER — Out­ Seventeen of our members attended the going Vice-Chairman, MARY ABLE -— Fall Sectional Sept. 11-133 in Longview, Sec. S.C.S. & P.R.-International, MARY Texas, originally scheduled for San An­ BYERS — Outgoing President Petticoat tonio, but diphtheriaed out of the Fiesta Pilots. City. Our sympathy to the hard-working SAT gals, and a tip of our finest lace- trimmed cap to the Shreveport team, KANSAS CHAPTER headed up by KATHY CASTON, for doing ALICE DODD, Reporter a 6-months job in about two weeks . . . that takes teamwork and dedication. We Our gals, (and 2 guys), who attended enjoyed every minute of it, the Air Show the Sectional meeting in Longview, Texas was breathtaking, and our “Nervous Navi­ wish to say “Thank You” to the Shreveport gators” add their jolly “ROGER!” to that. Chapter for a grand time; and to KATHY You’ll be hearing more about the Nervous CASTOR, the gal who worked so hard on Navigators in future reports. the convention, we send “Best Wishes” for Houston Ninety-Nines Installation and SALLY COX enjoyed dinner and a visit a speedy recovery from your unfortunate Awards Dinner, August 29, 1970. MARY with 99 MARILYN HIBNER of the Long fall. Those attending the meeting were: ABLE — Secretary S.C.S. DOROTHY Island Chapter and is planning for all of MARTHA GILES, BETH HALL, PAT WARREN — Governor S.C.S. HAZEL us to meet her. M A R IL Y N ’S 49*/2, KEITH , MLADY, HELEN SIMMONS, CHAR­ McKENDRICK — Guest Speaker and is in St. Luke’s Hospital, Houston, for a LOTTE and GERALD PARKER, CHAR­ International News Editor. SALLY COX check-up. LOTTE and CHUCK PETERS, MARILYN — Outgoing Chairman. MARY BYERS — Outgoing President of Petticoat By the time this issue is in your hot COPELAND and GARNETT HASTINGS. Pilots. little hands, the Dallas Doll Derby will be (Our Den Daddy — Malcolm Budding and history, but we expect Houston to be well his 99 were there) represented as usual. We’ll have the low- MARY AIKINS has a new rating, I down on that in our next installment... thought she had them all; but on Sep­ tune in again next month, same time, same tember 11, Mary received her ATR. Con­ station. And in case you haven’t already gratulations! done it, GET APT NOW! HELEN and REX LEE attended the Flying Physicians meeting in VanCouver, British Columbia recently. It was to this same meeting that KAY and JACK TIL­ LER were bound when they evidently en­ countered severe turblence in a canyon near East Yellowstone Park. Their daugh­ ter and her husband were along when the plane crashed — all were killed. DR. TIL­ LER had been scheduled to speak at this meeting. The TILLER’s were great lovers of the outdoors and especially the moun­ tains. We were all very saddened by this tragedy. While at the meeting, HELEN LEE met and visited with several 99’s, and she Houston Ninety-Nines Installation and reports that enthusiasm is running high Awards Dinner, August 29, 1970. Left for the Convention in Wichita next Au­ to right standing BETTY FRITTS, MAY- gust. Well, I’ll tell you, It’s running high BELLE FLETCHER, ADELLE BAKER, here, too! We can hardly wait to show MARY BYERS. Seated left to right Houston Ninety-Nines Installation and DOROTHY WARREN — Governor. SALLY Awards Dinner August 29, 1970. Left off our new facilities, to say nothing of the COX — BETTY, MAYBELLE and ADELLE to right standing: BETTY FRITTS— -In­ plans that are being made for the best receiving awards from MARY BYERS coming Chairman, ADELLE BAKER-— International Convention ever! President of Petticoat Pilots. Awards Incoming Vice-Chairman, SALLY COX Our Airmarking Chairman, ARLIENE for their work with student pilots. — Outgoing Chairman. DAN DO, has done a superb jo b — having

October, 1970 — 21— just completed the fifth Airmarking project this year! While many of us were vacationing in cooler spots this summer, both JOYCE CASE and MARY AIKINS flew their acrobatic planes in several air shows around the country. As for me, I hope to get in a little straight and level flying, now that fall is here; that is, if I ever get my spring house-cleaning done!

NEBRASKA CHAPTER HEIDY UNDERWOOD, Reporter Surprise! Popping out of a cardboard box birthday cake is Nebraska 99 MIMI Flight Service Station — no matter where HAWORTH (SNOOPY) wishing the FSS you are — East or West, North or South — Still shocked but pleasantly surprised personnel Happy Brthday on their 50th we think you’re great. are Lincoln FSS personnel (in back­ Anniversary. Party Hostess EVELYN Two birthday parties were held cele­ ground) as Snoopy clearly reveals she SEDIVY (at right of cake) assists. FSS is 99 Mimi Haworth, Lincoln. MILLIE brating the 50th Anniversary of the FSS employees are in background. BARRETT, a FSS staff member and August 20 — one in eastern Nebraska also a Nebraska 99, is seen second (Lincoln) and one in western Nebraska from the right. (Scottsbluff). PAULIE PERRY, Scotts- bluff, and DOTTIE ADCOCK, McGrew, combined efforts and made a 4ft by 7V^ft tall birthday card which read “Happy Birthday FAA — 50 Years of Service” and featured an omni station (of course) with a candle on top. During the Day an ice cream social at the FSS was held with homemade ice cream, cake, coffee, and lemonade. Meanwhile back in Lincoln, plans had been made for a similar event. Ninety- Nines served coffee and cookies in the FSS during the day and that evening — WOW! Corrugated roofs aren’t the easiest We had a party. Invited were all the em­ places to airmark especially when its ployees and spouses of the control tower, windy. But hanging in there are Ne­ GADO, FSS, State Department of Aero­ braska Chapter 99’s (from left) MILLIE Taking a breather during the FSS nautics, both FBO’s and Air Guard. Held BARRETT, JAN HEINS, JAN'S 24 3/4er birthday party are Nebraska 99’s (from at their air guard’s officer club, the party KATHY, VERA BARTUNEK, airmarking left) EVELYN SEDIVY, MIMI HAWORTH turned out to be a tremendous success — chairman, and SHIRLEY AMEN (in and VERA BARTUNEK, all of Lincoln. at least it was talked about for days. background). Giving all the advice is Birthday cake reads "Congratulations 50th Anniversary Flight Service Sta­ Who was on duty during that night at SHIRLEY'S husband, HARRY. Air­ marked was Ogallala. HARRY had to tion" and the names of all the per­ the FSS, no one knows. But those at the keep the A’s straight from the L’s. sonnel. party were treated with party hats and a welcoming kiss by EVELYN SEDIVY, a past chapter chairman. To top off the evening was the official chapters out of 350 publish newsletter. cause of distance, these 99’s are unable to presentation of our cardboard box birthday Twenty-five entered a contest at the con­ attend most meetings held in eastern cake. And following the singing of Happy vention. In addition to her trophy for Nebraska. Since naming themselves, the Birthday, who should pop before our editor, Beth also received second place in PPP’s airmarked the roof of a T-hangar wondering eyes but the patron saint of the newsletter contest. at the Scottsbluff airport. Other airmark­ pilots — S N O O PY — right out of the mid­ A 747 pilot in our midst! Well, it’s as ing in that area is planned. dle of the cake, (see picture) Thanks to close as we come. While vacationing in Airmarking chairman, VERA BARTU­ M1MI HAWORTH, who for 15 minutes or Texas in early September, JAN HEINS NEK, Lincoln, led her crews on more paint more was inside that cake with little air spent about 30 minutes in a 747 simulator jobs — 2 more. That makes six that VERA and inside that unairconditioned flight suit. during take off and landing procedures. has personally engineered and none have So amid dancing, games, presents and The simulator is part of American Airlines been runways. All have involved climbing surprises, the Flight Service Station was Flight Academy. Also Jan practiced touch up and hanging on. (see picture) The certainly recognized. and goes for an hour from the right seat latest were MULLEN and HYANNIS, both Election of officers was held during of a Navajo. on August 29. From reports, some of the August with the following results. Chair­ PAULIE PERRY has a new family runways in smaller Nebraska towns aren’t man— JEANNE GIVEN, Omaha; vice addition — 17 year old NADEZDA PLE- too wide — in fact, so narrow that the wing chairman — MARION LARMON, McCook; SKATSCHOW or “Nadya” — an American tips cut tall weeds. treasurer — JAN HEINS, Lincoln; corre­ Field Service student from Caracas, Vene­ Our chapter is again co-sponsored an sponding secretary— JUDY WESTBROOK, zuela. For the next ten months, NADYA FAA Safety Clinic held in Grand Island Omaha; and recording secretary — HEIDY will live with the Perry’s and attend the September 19. Ninety-nines assisting were UNDERWOOD, Lincoln. local high school. Maybe an American 99 MIMI HAWORTH, JAN HEINS, EVE­ Personal notes include the winning of can help create a Venezuelan 99. LYN SEDIVY, and VERA BARTUNEK. a trophy by BETH HOUCHIN, Omaha, for Other news from the Western Front — Other sponsors were the State Depart­ the EAA newsletter she writes. In August 99’s, prospective 99’s and students have ment of Aeronautics, Civil Air Patrol and the International Convention of the EAA named their monthly meeting group — the the FAA. was held in Oshkosh, Wise. Over 200 EAA Panhandle Petticoat Pilots (PPP). Be­ See you all in December.

— 22— October, 1970 OMAHA AREA CHAPTER GUENTER SOBECK took their two daugh­ DELORES ZUCK from Victoria, Texas. GEORGIANN RYNEARSON, Reporter ters to Europe, to the land of their birth. She is a Private Pilot. She also has a They spent a greater part of the summer pilot husband. We were happily looking forward to hav­ there renewing old acquaintances and re­ Now how’ s that to start the new roster ing DOROTHY WARREN, our section viving old memories of the place they left out with new San Antonio members? governor, with us at dinner at Gorat's Steak as teen-agers. V IO LA and ELM ER RINNE House in observance of our second anni­ also went to Europe as members of a tour versary. YERDAYNE and DICK MENZE group. LUCILLE ULEMAN and children planned to stop in Dallas for her on their visited in California just before school re­ REMEMBER THE SPRING SEC­ way home from Laredo, but apparently the sumed. VERDAYNE and DICK MENZE TIONAL IN SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS weatherman is no pilot, as he sent rain, low took off for Laredo, Texas to visit their son APRIL 23-24-25 ceilings and poor visibility from Texas to and family and get in a last bit of fishing Nebraska, grounding the trio. SEE THE FIESTA AND ALL before winter sets in. THE COLORFUL PARADES CLAUDINE and ED KEAN drove up Our congratulations and best wishes to from Humboldt. The rest of the group ob­ SUE and JIM RYAN on the new addition REGISTER EARLY . . . COME LET serving the occasion were from Omaha, to their family. Sorry, girls, it isn’t a future THE SAN ANTONIO CHAPTER HOST YOUR WEEK END LAVONNE and BILL TRIPP, HELEN and 99, but a sweet, little future 49%er is just JOHN EHRLICH. LUCILLE ULEMAN, as nice. REMEMBER THE DATES INEZ and HERB STOCKER. ROSEMARY We have several events planned for the APRIL 23-24-25 and M \\ BLOCK, BETTY and BOB I \R- coming months, so get your planes ready VIS, GEORGIANN and BILL RYNEAR­ to go. SON and 66s. BOBBI McCAFFREE and DOROTHEA PHARRIS. The San Antonio Chapter wishes a speedy recovery for DOROTHY WARREN SAN ANTONIO CHAPTER who had recent surgery and also a speedy recovery for KATHY CASTON from the MARIAN BURKE, Reporter sprained ankle she got during the sec­ Because of the diphtheria epidemic in San tional meeting. Without you two gals we Antonio, the sectional meeting was changed wouldn’t have had a Sectional. Sorry you to Longview, Texas at the last minute. It had to miss part of a meeting that you was a very short notice and the Shreveport played such a great part in. Chapter did a beautiful job of the whole affair. It was all tied in with the “Big Air­ port New Runway Dedication” at Longview and included a wonderful airshow put on SANTA FE CHAPTER by the Blue Angels along with many other CAROLYN MILKEY, Reporter interesting aviation events. Winning the trophy for the “Highest Chapter elections were held in August; New Chairman, BETTY JARVIS, present­ officers are president GAILYA IMPRES- ing a gift to the outgoing Chairman, percentage of members from one chapter CIA, vice-president CAROLYN MILKEY, ROSEMARY BLOCK at the second anni­ present” made the San Antonio Chapter versary dinner of the Omaha Area feel real glad that we had such a good secretary PAULINE DOW, and treasurer Chapter. INEZ STOCKER, new Secre- turn-out of members at the Sectional. REGINA THORNTON. tary-treasurer, at right side of picture. The San Antonio Chapter will have the Due to an extraordinary set of circum ­ SPRING SECTIONAL APRIL 23-24-25. stances ROSE RAGLAND was able to co­ That’s FIESTA TIME IN SAN ANTONIO pilot a Hawker Siddley DH-125. It’s a Introduced at the dinner were the new and you can’t afford to miss a single day wild story — seems the pilot of the jet officers: BETTY' JARVIS, Chairman; LU­ of this great show. Register early because was chauffering around the fifth richest CILLE ULEMAN, Vice-chairman; INEZ we are going to have to guarantee a block woman in the U.S. dropping her off in STOCKER, Secretary-treasurer. Committee of rooms early since this event fills every Raton. The nearest rental car was in chairmen selected were: Air-marking, BUR- room in town for a week. Santa Fe (who’s trying harder??)— with TIS AUFENKAMP; Publicity, HELEN The Chapter got a nice letter from KAYE a hasty affirmative ROSE and 49%’er hus­ EHRLICH; News Reporter, GEORGIANN and DAN BAKER. They are now in Cali­ band drove the car to Raton and rode back RYNEARSON; A. E. Scholarship, SUE fornia and DAN is a Marine and loves it. in the jet. The pilot had enough faith and RY AN: Aerospace Education, CHARLENE KAY’s transfer to the Orange County trust to let ROSE in the co-pilot’s seat MYERS; Ways and Means, BARBARA Chapter is certainly our loss and their gain. for approximately five minutes of skim­ KREJCI; Scrapbook, JANICE KNEIFL; We miss both KAYE and DAN. They were ming over the Pecos Wilderness and Membership, Lavonne Tripp; APT and a real high to our chapter and we hope Sangre de Criston Mountains. W e 150 Flying Activities, ROSEMARY BLOCK. they will come back even if it’s for a short Red Barons are pretty impressed! Since the last report, six more girls have visit. Anyone in that area can find the POLLY DOW is APT and flying the become APT, CLAUDINE KEAN, BUR- BAKERS AT HOME AT 15505 WIL­ family Bonanza. TIS AUFENKAMP, LAVONNE TRIPP, LIAMS ST., APT. N-13, TUSTIN, CAL. PAT and JACK DIETZ announce that VERDAYNE MENZE, CHARLENE MY­ 92680. they’re sponsoring an advanced weather ERS, BETTY JARVIS. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! MELBA seminar. It will be presented by the U.S. ROSEMARY and MAX BLOCK have AYLESWORTH from Boerne, Tex. She is Weather Bureau in Los Alamos later on stepped up from a Tripacer and are hap­ a reinstatement and has a Commercial this month. pily flying around in a Cherokee 180. They Rating with Flight Instructor. Husband GAILYA IMPRECIA reports that she are also on their way to becoming a flying LYNN is also a pilot. Welcome to our visited the Antique Aircraft Exhibit at the family now that 16 year old Debbie has group MELBA! Orange County Airport in Casta Mesa, soloed. ANOTHER NEW MEMBER ... RUTH California. BETTY and BOB JARVIS are busy these NICHOLS from San Antonio. She has a This reporter is pretty proud of her new days working toward their Instrument rat­ private license. We enjoyed having her instrument rating. She and hubby BOB ings. join us at sectional meeting. She and her flew to Silver City, New Mexico and the Flying is definitely the way to go on husband have a ranch south of San Antonio. Gila Wilderness recently and are preparing vacation say the girls. MARGARET and STILL ANOTHER NEW MEMBER... to fly to New England in October.

October, 1970 — 23— SHREVEPORT CHAPTER was presented with a gavel charm for her SPANISH PEAKS CHAPTER KAY ALEXANDER, Reporter charm bracelet and MOLLY STOCKWELL RUBY LEE BALLANTYNE, Reporter our chairman for this year, then took over. On September 1st, Shreveport 99’s met for We are off to another year of work, fun FLASH! TO ALL TARS! Although lunch at Greater Munipical Airport to and flying!! there are still no facilities on the field, discuss plans with KATHY CASTON for the Walsenberg Johnson Field has now Congratulations to the Shreveport girls South Central Sectional at Longview. been paved! Sorry about the delay, girls. for putting on such a marvelous sectional HELEN HEWITT arrived a little late The regular September meeting was held — especially on such short notice! Every­ and very calmly explained how she found at the home of ANN FRINK. The group thing went smoothly, was so intetresting herself locked inside her Bellanca at voted on “look alike” ensembles, and and such fun. This was my first one and Downtown Airport, and nary a soul around everyone hopes they will be ready when I thoroughly enjoyed it. We also enjoyed to help free her. The 90 plus temperature we hostess a Colorado 99 Fly-in October visiting with our friends with the Blue motivated her to climb over the seats and 25. (Rain date for the affair is November Angel team again. This is the third time into the baggage compartment — screw­ 2.) this year that we have been where they driver in hand, she removed the small door CHRIS BERRY reported an active sum­ are performing and I must say their per­ to the compartment and slipped through the mer flying schedule climaxed with instru­ formance was never better!! opening to freedom. She decided to drive ment and commercial ratings. CHRIS has her car on to the luncheon and arrived So sorry to have missed DOROTHY returned to college for her senior year but cool, calm, and collected without a hair WARREN, our Governor, and hope she is will continue flying as she can. out of place, as she related her harrowing on the road to recovery by now and also Although flying hours didn’t seem to be experience. KATHY CASTON deserves a medal for accumulating too rapidly by other members After the luncheon meeting, KATHY “above and beyond” and then had to miss of the group, there were extenuating cir­ CASTON planned to depart for Longview it all. I am certainly looking forward to cumstances. Violinist GERTRUDE HOW­ only to find a large swarm of bees had going to San Antonio in the spring so I ARD is rehearsing for her third year with inhabited the tail section of her plane. can meet them. Members of our chapter the Peublo Civic Symphony. KATHY quipped, “If there is going to be who attended were: ELEANOR LOWRY Psychiatrist ANNE COURTRIGHT has a QUEEN BEE on board this plane, I and POLLY BAUGHMAN, who flew up in opened her private offices for Family Psy­ want IT to be ME.” After the bees were ELEANOR’S Piper Colt, and CAL MERE­ chiatrist Services in partnership with DR. removed, she was once again on her way. DITH, SHIRLEY BERNHARDT and yours E. E. BOLLINGER ACSW. Until recently Television channel 3 covered the lunch­ truly, BEVERLY TITZER, who took the ANNE was on the staff at the Colorado eon giving good publicity to the upcoming long way!! “For those who didn’t come — State Hospital. She is a busy woman as she Air Show and Fall Sectional Meeting. you missed a lot of fun — but plan on San has four children at home and is co-owner Shreve 99’s met again the following Antonio, in the Spring of ’71.” How’s that of PanArk Aviation Pueblo and Alamosa, week in Longview to help finalize plans for a new motto? Colo. for the sectional meeting, September 11, 12, PAT WARD must be the most versatile The newly elected president MARY LOU and 13 in conjunction with the Gregg person we know — we thought she would MILLBERN is by profession a dietitian Aviation Appreciation Day and Air Show. have her hands full with the Powder Puff and is employed at the Colorado State Attending the sectional meeting from Derby this year but she now has become a Hospital. She is program chairman for our chapter were: HELEN and CHARLIE career woman. She is the Secretary of the the local Dietitian's Association and is up- WRAY, JOAN and DAVID CARROLL, Baton Rouge City Court Advisory Commit­ to-her-neck in work for an approaching JERE and HENRY SAUR, DOTTIE and tee and was “sworn in” in a special session state convention for the association which BUD PORTS, MARTHA and RAY of City Court by two judges, no less. This will be held in Pueblo. CHRISTY, KAY and ED ALEXANDER, is a pilot program, financed by a joint City- ANN FRINK and your reporter have HELEN HEWITT, SARAH HENLEY, Federal Grant, for the probation and re­ returned to the classroom for another SARA CALDWELL, MARY L’HERIS- habilitation of alcoholics and narcotic of­ teaching session. SON, and EVELYN SNOW. fenders as well as first through third o f­ Sectional Chairman, KATHY CASTON fenders of misdemeanor cases. At any rate did a marvelous job planning this meet­ she says she is enjoying it thoroughly. ing along with her many other tasks Two proud 99 mothers are DEE COM­ (chairman of static and industry displays) EAUX and ELEANOR LOWRY, whose in connection with the Gregg County sons soloed ELEANOR’S Colt. At least Aviation Day and Air Show. We were all there is one plane that gets in the air a lot. so very sorry about Kathy’s painful injury Congratulations to both the moms and sons. which prevented her from enjoying the SHIRLEY & DAVE BERNHARDT took a fruits of her labor. Hope that by now she trip to the Virgin Islands during the past is feeling much better. month and she has quite a tan to show for MARY L’HERISSON just returned it. Also she is now APT. JANIE and JIM from Dallas where she enrolled daughter, KIMBALL covered 4,000 miles this August Sandra in school at Hockaday. in their Bonanza — from La. to Florida — Congratulations to EVELYN SNOW. to Wisconsin — to Texas and back. That She recently earned her instrument rating. must have been great! ROGER WARD (PAT’S other half) logged his 10,000th SOUTH LOUISIANA CHAPTER hour in the holding pattern at O’Hare in POWDER PUFF DERBY ’71 Chicago. That’s sure a lot of flying. TERMINUS COMMITTEE We want to welcome POLLY BAUGH­ WHITE HOUSE INN — ROOM 501 MAN as a new member of the South La. 1501 NORTH 3RD ST. Chapter. She made the sectional with us BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA 70802 and we enjoyed getting to know her. Last BEVE TITZER, Reporter but not least, our Chapter helped the New Orleans, Lafayette and Baton Rouge Flight The new officers were installed at our Service Stations celebrate their anniversary Chairman MARY LOU MILBERN and September meeting which was held in Baton by presenting them each with a Certificate two Walsenberg officials survey "won­ Rouge at the Black Angus Restaurant on of Appreciation. We do indeed thank these derful Walsenberg" on the occasion of August 30th. Past Chairman PAT WARD wonderful people! its being paved.


Is there anyone who has not heard about Hurricane Celia? She slammed into the South Texas coast with a monster’s fury and gale winds up to 180 mph. She took the sparkle out of our City by the Sea. Except for damaged roofs, broken windows, wet furnishings, and damaged yards, our chapter members still all had houses left to live in. Many others were not so fortu­ nate. As usual most boat owners were hit hard; and this time airplane owners were really hit too, as most hangars in the area collapsed, totaling many planes. PAULINE’S Sessna 175 was plastered like a bug against the back wall of a roof­ less, doorless, sideless hangar. She went to the factory and bought a new 172. In spite of all the misery PAULINE is doing quite well. JEANIE CROW’S Bonanza and ROOKY CHARLOTTE KENNEY (co pilot), left, standing next to the first place pilot trophy. BIEHN'S Lake Amphibian also were dam­ Right, SONDRA RIDGEWAY (pilot), first place winners in the WNAA Skylady Derby. aged. Their husbands managed to fly them in to their respective factories for repair. Holiday Inn franchise. We were completely On September 3 & 4 Jayhawk Aviation Our air-marking car also had to be dug chagrined to find SOPHIA PAYTON and sponsored an FAA clinic at which the 99’S out of the rubble, what a sight! MARILYN COLLETTE (TAR 77) emerge BARBARA DONOVAN, SONDRA RIDGE­ MACE WISS of Shelden, Wash, and with looks of complete disbelief at the red WAY, SUE RUEHLE and DOROTHY DOTTIE KLOTZ of the San Diego Chapter carpet, key and fanfare. They had picked POWELL served coffee. Over 450 pilots came to Corpus Christi to check on their the spot 10 minutes before as a possible attended. property. overnight and were mystified as to how we Topeka was one of the cities in the BOBBIE BAKER is going to join the knew they were coming! BETTY and United States to receive the Airport Beauti­ Santa Clara Chapter. PAULINE and I en­ ESTHER arrived shortly and we all had a fication Award. The 99’s helped by painting joyed her and her 49*4 so much in Mon­ good visit. the Welcome sign which greets all pilots terey. Thanks for all the help we had from Six of our nine members attended the on the taxiway. you. Tulsa Sectional which gave us the highest Aviation Day is October 11 and the city At our Aug. 29 meeting our new officers percentage of groups attending. is planning many ways to show the general were elected. They are — ARDATH Mc- In September we elected new officers: public what flying is all about with demon­ CREF.RY, Chairman, CHRIS FUIIRMAN, SONDRA RIDGEWAY, Chairman; CHAR­ strations by Forbes Air Force Base per­ Vice Chairman, PAT McNEIL, Secretary- LOTTE KENNEY, Vice Chairman; SUE sonnel, a static aircraft display, an aerobatic Treasurer, BARBARA LEWIS, Membership RUEHLE,secretary; DOROTHY POWELL, Chairman, JEANIE CROW, News Reporter, treasurer. SONDRA passed her commercial pilot, and the 99’s are giving away free airplane rides in a drawing. ELOISE NASH, Project Chairman. written. MARTHA ANN PAULSON and MARGARET EBERLE were made new Pound for pound if our group had any members and MARJORIE ANN HEWITT more enthusiasm we might overwhelm the TOPEKA CHAPTER is a new 66. whole organization! DOROTHY POWELL, Reporter

This has been a memorable summer for this chapter! WICHITA FALLS CHAPTER Burial was in New Electra Cemetery. Two of our nine members brought in NAN PARK, Reporter Graveside fly over was flown by Ralph enough hardware won in an air race to Knight in Pat O’Neil’s Stearman, Pat make everyone’s eyes pop and get busy O’Neil flying the first flight of wife Mari­ flying. SONDRA RIDGEWAY and CHAR­ lyn’s new Cardinal, Tony Page (Ft. Worth LOTTE KEN N EY placed first in the 19th LAST FLIGHT 99) flying her Mooney, Ruth Renton (first Annual WNAA Skylady Derby in Jefferson Septem ber 16, 1970 chairman Wichita Falls Chapter) with City, Mo. They brought in the first place co-pilot 49V£er Dr. Paul in their twin pilot, first place co-pilot, 2nd leg (by one Love Field Comanche. second of estimate), 3rd leg (by one second JIMMIE KOLP Jimmie was the first woman in W ichita of estimate) and best scoring Cessna County, third in Texas and thirty-nineth in trophies. It took them 2 days to figure out the Nation to qualify for a pilots license. how to fit it all in the plane to come home. It all began one afternoon as Jimmie left SONDRA RIDGEWAY, DOROTHY Jimmie Kolp was stricken at Love Field, an Electra movie theater and heard a POWELL, PAT LANE, CHARLOTTE enroute home from South Central Section plane overhead. That very afternoon she KENNEY AND SUE RUEHLE had a lot meeting in Longview, Wednesday Septem­ took her first plane ride and from that of fun greeting Powder Puff Derby entrants ber 16, 1970. moment forward her love of aviation never BETTY McNABB, and ESTHER WRIGHT She was pronounced dead on arrival at diminished. Her first solo, March 13, 1929, on their way to Monterey. The mayor, com­ a Dallas Hospital of an apparent heart was in an open bi-plane powered by Ox-5 plete with red carpet, and the Chamber of attack. Eaglerock engine. That year was ever Commerce Golden Girls with a key to the Services were conducted in Electra First memorable not only because she first city, and 2 TV cameramen walked out to Baptist Church at 2:00 P.M. September soloed, but also, as a Christmas gift her greet their plane. This stop had been 19, 1970 with Rev. William Ethridge, pas­ late husband, C. F. Kolp gave her the first planned because Topekans hold a large tor, officiating. airplane she owned and the Electra Airport.

October, 1970 — 25— Site was the first woman in Texas com ­ was fulfilled with the Charter of the missioned by the Civil Air Patrol in Texas Wichita Falls Chapter. She also served during World War II. Jimmie served on as Chairman of the Fact Finding Com­ NORTHWEST former President Lyndon Johnson’s Federal mittee and Trustee Amelia Earhart Fund. SECTION Aviation Administration Women’s Advisory On May 18, 1970 Southwest Airmotive, Committee on Aviation; was first woman Service Center U.S.A., honored her as the president of Texas Private Flier’s Associa­ “outstanding aviatrix of the year,” in tion, member Sportsmen Pilots and Silver recognition of the time and work and her Wings, open only to pilots having flown great contributions to aviation. Senator more than twenty-five years. She also par­ Barry Goldwater was the male recipient. ticipated in air races across the nation, Honors have been bestowed from all served on National Board N.A.A., member over the globe. Her love of flying has C.A.F., OX-5 Club, named by that associa­ taken her all over the world. After re­ tion ‘‘Woman of the Year” for “selling turning from Russia, she stated it was LAST FLIGHT aviation as well as being a part of it”, good to breathe free air and to he an HELEN APPEL recipient of Tiny Broadwick Award. Jim- American. She was one of the few Ameri­ i.iie was unable to attend the organizational cans in Korea when the Pueblo crew WESTERN WASHINGTON CHAPTER was released. meeting of the Ninety-Nines, but soon after September, 1970 its inception, became a member. She was Jimmie carved a deep mark in the his­ proud to be a 99 and served as an officer tory of aviation. on the Chapter, Section and International This Chapter’s Guiding Light has been level as well as News Editor. She was a snuffed out but she instilled in us a dedi­ permanent member and Treasurer of the cation never to be forgotten. All our lives LAST FLIGHT 99 Museum Committee. One of her dreams are enriched from having known her. JAY LAWRENCE WESTERN WASHINGTON CHAPTER September, 1970



Congratulations seem to be in order for the day — first, to all the new Chapter officers. W e are proud to announce that our new officers and committee members are PAT DUKICH, president; DIANE JEX, vice-president; ELAINE PART­ RIDGE, secretary; PAT CHASE, trea­ surer; SHIRLEY JOHNSON and LOIS BAUER, membership; DARLENE SCHIERS, news reporter and GLENNA I.INDERMAN, scrapbook. By the time this goes to press, the new Northwest Section officers will have been installed, so our very best wishes to you, whoever you are. In August our Chapter met for lunch and a meeting at the Bannock Hotel in Poca­ tello. Those attending were MARY KIL- BOURNE, PAT DUKICH, PAT CHASE, ELAINE PARTRIDGE, DARLENE SCHIERS, LOIS BAUER, VIRGINIA FINKELBURG, DIANE JEX, BEVERLY LEDBETTER, and from Eastern Washing­ ton, MINNIE BOYD. Plans were dis­ cussed for the Sectional Convention and we do hope that many of you will be here to enjoy the fun with us. Proud parents are PAT and DEAN JIMMIE KOLP, Wichita Falls Chapter, shown with her beloved Cessna attesting, by her license plates, she learned to fly OX-5 powered aircraft and she was a Ninety- CHASE whose son, DOUG, soloed in May Nine. on his sixteenth birthday; their nineteen (Photo courtesy Wichita Falls Times and Record News Photographer George Smiley) year old son, MIKE, already holding a

-26— October, 1970 commercial rating, received his flight in­ summer. On August 10th she flew to Sal­ something as she is a wonderful person and structor's rating in August; and a belated mon, Idaho with a girl friend and they had we should all be proud that she is our new announcement of their daughter, ROD- an exciting 5 day float trip down the boss. Our Chapter feels especially honored I.YNN's marriage early last spring. Middlefork of the Salmon River. Flew as in May we also bad a visit from BEA BEVERLY and A. .1.’ LEDBETTER and home via Pendleton, Oregon and Kelso, STEADMAN, who was International Presi­ SHIRLIE and JOHN JOHNSON attended Wash. Later in the month she flew her dent at that time. the Bozeman Air show in Bozeman, Mon­ three grandsons to Medford, Oregon, Rose- As I write this newsletter the Idaho dele­ tana, sponsored by the Bozeman Optimist liurg, Eugene, Crater Lake and Diamond gation is enroute to Pocaello to attend the Club. BEV visited with Montana 99's Lake on a fishing trip — lucky boys. Northwest Sectional Meeting. Attending VIVIAN SCIIRANK and ANN GROSKIN- FLORNECE BELL, 49'/2er and 2 guests fiom Boise are GENE NORA JESSEN, SKI, also with family friend, JOHN left Seattle Aug. 18 to make a trip to l-RAN BROWN, LUCILLE TAYLOR, and BURNS, who has a homebuilt Pitts Spe­ Alaska in their seaplane. After leaving FLORENCE \\ ATKINS, and accompanying cial. SHIRLIE and JOHN were interested Prince Rupert their progress was slow and them are BETTY McNABB, MARY JO in observing FRANK GEELON and his plagued by fog and low ceilings. Their and JIM OLIVER. BOB JESSEN and AT-6 because they, too, have an AT-6. experiences included following a bush pilot BRIANA, JIGGS TAYLOR, and JANET DARLENE and BOB SCHIF.RS. with (who hopefully knew where he was going) WATKINS. their son JIM, his wife, JOHNITA, and into Juneau and being forced to stay Our September meeting was held Tues­ daughter, KIM , flew into Copper Basin overnight at a fishing cannery camp. The day, September 8th, at GENE NORA JES- for a Sunday afternoon of fishing and plane finally made it into Anchorage in SEN’S home. This was a combination meet­ picnicing. time to start back. Better weather luck ing and workshop as we spent most of the What a pleasant surprise to have MARY next year, FLORENCE! On Sept. 20, evening making favors for the Friday GANGE from Alaska stop in Pocatello FLORENCE and her husband are flying to evening dinner for the Northwest Sectional for a night on her way to Arizona. She Sun Mountain, Oregon to celebrate their for which we are co-hostesses with Eastern visited at the ELAINE and CLARK PART­ 29th wedding anniversary. How about that! Idaho and Eastern Washington. Those at­ RIDGE home: DARLENE SCHIERS joined KAY STEARNS, 49'/2er, GEORGE and tending this meeting were GENE NORA them for a piece of CLARK’s birthday son GEOFF flew a Comanche B 260 to JESSEN, ELOISE STOVER, HELEN rake and some hangar flying. Before leav­ San Francisco on Aug. 28th to see the HIGBY, LUCILLE TAYLOR, CLAIRE ing town the next day, MARY had lunch sights and attend the wedding of some STOKER, FRAN BROWN, JOANNE with MARY and GRANT KILBOURNE. young relatives. They returned Monday, CAMPBELL, and EULA LOGSDON. The It’s always such fun when a Ninety-Nine Aug. 31st. Nominating Committee reported on the phones or drops in for a visit. election of officers for the coming year with the following results; CHAIRMAN, GENE NORA JESSEN; VICE-CHAIRMAN, JOY LOU WAITE: SECRETARY, ELOISE GREATER SEATTLE CHAPTER IDAHO CHAPTER EULA LOGSDON, Reporter STOVER; and TREASURER, FRAN KATHLYN STEARNS, Reporter BROWN. CHAIRMAN GENE NORA made The Idaho 99’s have to be the most hon­ the following appointments for the coming Greater Seattle Chapter election of offi­ ored Chapter in all of “99-dom.” We have year: FLORENCE WATKINS, MEMBER cers for the ensuing year saw few changes just been honored with a visit from our SHIP; HELEN HIGBY, PUBLIC RELA­ (we’re satisfied!) Those elected were: brand new International President, BETTY TIONS; JOANNE CAMPBELL, SCRAP CHAIRMAN: CHARLOTTE KAMM, McNABB. BETTY arrived in Boise Septem­ BOOK: NOMINATING COMMITTEE, VICECHAIRMAN: HELEN DURHAM. FRAN BROWN, EULA LOGSDON, and SECRETARY: IONA FUNK, and VAN ber 17th on her way to the Northwest Sectional meeting which is being held in LUCILLE TAYLOR; and NEWS, EULA ADDERSON as SE C R E T A R Y. LOGSDON. CHARLOTTE KAMM will represent Pocatello September 18 and 19th. W e cele­ LYN CLARK reports that her daughter our chapter at the AOPA Safety Seminar brated her visit with a small dinner get-to­ CONNIE spent a couple weeks visiting to be held Thursday, Sept. 21, at the Shera­ gether at the Thunderbird Thursday even­ friends in Sacramento, and LYN flew her ton Renton Inn. Many of our members ing. We were happy on such short notice 170 down to pick her up. Also while there, have volunteered to serve on the trans­ that we were able to have a good repre­ LYN bad an hour and a half of aerobatic portation committee for the AOPA Flight sentation of our Chapter, which included dual in a Citabria. HELEN HIGBY’S Clinic & Ground School to be held on GENE NORA JESSEN and her 49>/2ER daughter, BARBARA, is off to Mount Sept. 25, 26, and 27th at Renton, Wn. BOB, CLAIRE STOKER and 49'/2ER The Sept. meeting, a fly-in to Yakima GENE, LUCILLE TAYLOR and 49>/2ER Holyhoke College in Massachusetts. Airport, was a huge success with 11 mem­ JIGGS, JOANNE CAMPBELL and 49>/2ER JACQUE BATT’S daughter is attending college in Portland. One of EULA LOGS­ bers, 3 prospective members and 3 guests in CHUCK, ELOISE STOVER and 49'/2ER attendance, and 6 airplanes flying over the DAN, EULA LOGSDON and 49‘/2ER DON'S sons is just back from a summer in Cascades from the Seattle area. It was DICK, FRAN BROWN, JACQUE BATT, Europe and is now working on his Master wonderful to have II.OVENE POTTER FLORENCE WATKINS. Special guests Degree at the University of Oregon. back in our midst, fully recovered from a besides BETTY were MARY JO and BILL CLAIRE STOKER’S husband, GENE, is recent illness. She reports that she attended OLIVER from Wichita, who are house- home again after a bout in the hospital. a 3 day FAA FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR guests of the JESSENS this week; and the ELOISE STO V ER has a new daughter-in- Clinic in Spokane the first week in Sep­ Idaho State Director of Aeronautics CHET law. FRAN BROWN is able to hobble tember— flying there in her Twin MOULTON and his wife MABLE. Other around again after her serious fall a couple Comanche. special guests were JANET WATKINS, months ago. LUCILLE TAYLOR is dividing Two of our members have brand new daughter of FLORENCE and DON WAT­ her time between Boise and Oakland, Cali­ ratings to add to their licenses. MARY KINS, who completed her check-ride for fornia, where she has a nice decorating job. ELSE received a COMMERCIAL rating her private just in time to attend our GENE NORA JESSEN has several liouse- and BETTY KRAMER her INSTRUMENT meeting, and accompanied by her instruc­ guests, including MARY JO and BILL rating this August. Our heartiest congratu­ tor (who happens to also be her fiance) OLIVER from Wichita, Kansas. BOB'S lations, gals. JAY THOMSON. Everyone had a wonder­ mother is also visiting at the JESSEN BETTY DENNEY, 49>/2er, BILL, and ful dinner and evening of visiting with home. FLORENCE WATKINS’ daughter, two sons flew to Columbia, Cal. to spend BETTY and might say for those of you JANET, will be our newest member. ARDIS Labor Day weekend with friends. who haven’t had the pleasure of meeting BRIGGS lias just joined us too. Glad to HELEN DURHAM has had an eventful our new President, you have really missed have both of them with us.

October, 1970 — 27— MONTANA CHAPTER caught up with them and passed them JUDY McCRUM, Reporter again.

I have become Montana’s roving reporter since I have been doing a lot of roving over the Montana skies — like this morn­ WESTERN WASHINGTON CHAPTER ing when 1 tried to leave Montana for the PRISCILLA COOK, Reporter Northwest Sectional in Pocatello, Idaho. Our September meeting was held at We were turned back due to bad weather Chapter Chairman, JAY LAWRENCE’S in the mountains, hence had to fly the home in Seattle. Aviation writer H. ready reserve: Commercial. GLENN BUFFINGTON was our guest The September meeting was held in speaker. He is particularly interested in the Glasgow, Montana, home of our hostess history of the 99’s and has a wealth of tendance at the meeting were VIVIENNA material including correspondence from Chairman, PEARL MAGILL. Those in at- charter members of the 99’s and many SCHRANK, who drove up from with pictures. Anyone interested in interesting her 49'/2er, MILTON. HELEN DUNLOP items pertaining to early day 99 activities and ELSIE CHILDS flew in in the Stinson or recent activities may contact him at his from Helena with their co-pilots, GENE address which is 8401 Rainier PI. S., and GLENN. HELEN must have done the L to R BETTY and ARCHIE NUNN, JULI Seattle, Washington. flying — ELSIE said she had a long day the PEDEN, and JUDY McCRUM. JAY LAWRNECE was in Vancouver, day before and that she slept most of the B. C. recently. She tried to reach VIVIAN way. broken leg (seems to be the thing around PATCHETT to say “hello” from her CAROL SCHWARTZ flew a Commanche Montana) she wot while standing on a pair southern sisters but, alas, no answer! We from Anaconda with a friend, CARLEY of skiis, went to Toronto with The Daugh­ hope VIVIAN will call us if she is ever N YQ U IST. It was C A R L E Y ’S second ride ters of the Nile Oriental Band. She plays in the Seattle area. in an airplane, and toward the end when the musette! Flying activities of our members seem to have slowed considerably even though the goin’ was a bit bumpy asked CAROL, Our two featured members this month our weather has been great. MARIAN “ When will it be over?” Sometimes it takes are LAULETTE HANSEN and ELSIE MORTON and 49V&’er BOB and daughter a bit getting used to, CARLEY, but hang CHILDS. Since they were at the Northwest KARIN had a nice trip to Idaho and Mon­ on — flying is fu n !! Sectional Meeting in Pocatello they were tana last month. RHODA JOHNSON drove in from Malta chosen for this month’s feature. PRISCILLA COOK and 49y2’er BILL and JULI PEDEN and I flew in a 182 with LAULETTE HANSEN began her flying with son WYATT as co-pilot flew PRIS- BETTY NUNN and her co-pilot, ARCHIE sometime in 1957, encouraged by her hus­ CILLA’s eighty-three year old Mother to — cast and crutch! ARCHIE is still re­ band, ERMAL. She earned her private in Pasco, Washington for an afternoon’s visit covering from a fall off a bike last month. May of 1959, and her instrument rating with their cousin. Grandmother said it was Our candidates for officers for the coming in September, 1964. the highlight of her visit. year were discussed, and now, with 2/3 LAULETTE has taken part in many 99 of the votes in, JOAN ORLEY is our new sanctioned air races: Three Big Sky races, Chairman, HELEN DUNLOP is our new the Section race from Bozeman, Montana to Vice-Chairman, and JUDY McCRUM, Sec­ Pocatello, Idaho, and this summer’s Poker WYOMING CHAPTER retary. We must wait for the rest of the Party which ended up in Great Falls, MABEL G. BLAKELY, Reporter votes, as CAROL SCHWARTZ and JULI Montana. PEDEN are tied for Treasurer. Our August meeting was fun in Worland In 1964 LAULETTE was the Flying — those gals are such good hostesses! We Interesting trips last month were taken. Farmer Queen. In 1955-1956 she was the had our meeting over coffee and rolls at VIVIENN E and M ILTON SCH RAN K flew Northwest Section Treasurer, and in 1960 MARIE ENGELMAN’S lovely home. Elec­ to San Clemente, California (via Sheridan, was the Northwest Section Vice-Governor. tion of officers was the main order of busi­ Wyoming, and a view of the forest fire She and her husband live in Great Falls. ness, and it surprised no one that RANDY there) to see their kids and grandchildren. They have a daughter, LAULETTE, who HILTON was unanimously voted into the HELEN DUNLOP, on crutches with a also is a Private Pilot. Chairman’s seat for another year. Vice- ELSIE CHILDS began her flying in 1948 Chairman is ELAINE MONCUR, MARIE and since then has logged over 1650 hours, ENGELMAN our new Treasurer, and MA­ but has flown well over 3000 hours working BEL BLAKELY Recording Secretary and with pilots to better their proficiency. News reporter — think this makes my 4th year as news reporter — glad they weren’t ELSIE soloed a Piper J3C-65 without a radio. She and her husband, GLENN, are consecutive! My job as assistant Timer during the now in a partnership in a Stinson named Walsenburg Fly-By of the AWTAR was Charley. great fun! Working with DEEDO HEISE ELSIE has been quite active, being a and CINDY CARSON was just pure past Chairman of the Montana Chapter. pleasure, and thoroughly enjoyed meeting She has participated in the Big Sky Races, GRACE and other Colorado 99s. and with HELEN DUNLOP as her co-pilot, We were greatly saddened at the death won the Third Big Sky Race. She flew in of one of our Charter members of Wyom­ two Section Races and in July, 1963 flew ing Chapter: PAL'I.IN E P O W F R S last in and won the COPA Calgary Stampeed flight was on August 10th, and seven of Air Race. She came in First for women our members attended the services in Basin, and Second over all. Wyo. She will certainly be missed by a'l One of the most interesting trips was who knew her. L to R. GENE DUNLOP, GLEN CHILDS, ELSIE CHILDS, HELEN DUNLOP and from Phoenix to Helena when she was We’re all planning to go to Sectional CHARLEY. They flew in from Helena, flying in a 30 knot headwind. A Santa Fe Convention in Pocatello in Sept., and hop­ Montana. Streamliner passed them, stopped for fuel, ing for cooperative weather.

— 28— October, 1970 making final plans for a trip to Alabama to by her hostess PAT DAVIS. MARIE, en visit relatives after which both will con­ route home from the National Colvention, SOUTHWEST centrate on getting that much-desired In­ had met PAT at the Powder Puff Derby strument rating. Several chapter members this year and recently spent a delightful already have reservations made for the three days in the DAVIS home. ftSECJI?®£ $ & swing Southwest Section Meeting coming Meanwhile ADELE BINSFIELD of the up in Santa M onica Sept. 11-13. Hope to Michigan Chapter vacationed in Hololulu see you all there. So long for now. and looked up her old friend WINN MIL­ ALAMEDA COUNTY CHAPTER LER. Seems the girls, along with DOT ELLY JONES, Reporter READ and ANN ANDERSON, got to­ ALOHA CHAPTER gether over lunch at Honolulu’s La Rolde The 1st Anniversary Dinner of the Ala­ JANE KELLEY, Reporter restaurant (which revolves for a better meda County Chapter will be held at the view of the town). Later ADELE flew out APEUPUELELE! Whatsamatta you? Holiday Inn in Livermore, Oct. 5, 1970. of Hawaii’s Country Club of the Air with Can’t pronounce? Never mind; just enter! BEVERLY DAVIS is handling reservations instructor JIM PIERCE and saw Honolulu That’s the cry from Aloha Chapter Ninety for those wishing to attend, (415 ) 846-3025. from above! Nines these days. APUEPUELELE is Ha­ DOROTHY SHACKLEY had the great Sorry Shreveport, but we’re delighted to waiian for “a flying contest” ; in this case pleasure on Aug. 16, giving her 99 sisters welcome into our chapter transfer member one sponsored by this chapter and open to and their spouses demonstration rides in ROSE MARIE BURKETT. Your loss; our all women pilots. For the first time in many the Americal Aviation Yankee. The re­ gain! sponse was very good and greatly received. years, Hawaii is going to have its own Air CHARLOTTE LARSON, a brand new Ala. Show. To be held September 26th and 27th Co. 99, earned her Commercial license Aug. at Honolulu International Airport, the show BAY CITIES CHAPTER will include static and aerial displays and 26 at Hayward Airport through Flight KATHY MARQUARDT, Reporter Safety. Congratulations, CHARLOTTE. our own Ninety-Nines event. Apuepuelele, Chapter Chairman, GLADYS COBB and a proficiency contest based upon estimated Hello again from sunny California. Five Sec’ty JAUNDA BIGELOW, were recent Time En Route and Fuel Consumption of us have just returned from the Fall Sec­ participants in the Palms to Pines Air Race from the new Keahole Airport on the Big tional at Santa Monica. For us it was a fun from Santa Monica to Independence, Ore. Island of Hawaii. MARY AIKINS from the filled weekend and a last chance for us to They flew a Cessna Skyhawk and were Kansas City Chapter has been invited to see how it’s done. Journeying to the south­ sponsored by Flight Safety Inc. of Hay­ put on aerobatic displays, filling in for land were: FRAN GRANT and NORM, ward. The girls came in 20th — not bad for BETH OLIVER who unfortunately came DALE GRAVES, KATHY MARQUARDT, their very first attempt at racing, eh? down with virus pneumonia. (Hard to be­ RUTH RUECKERT, and JOYCE WELLS. GLADYS and RAY COBB are presently lieve one can get that in a warm climate JOYCE was one of many who got to test Cherokee-ing to Iowa again for their vaca­ like this, but BETH is an unusual woman!) her skill at VOR approaches. I took the tion to visit relatives. Vice Chairman, Ninety-Niners thoroughly enjoyed them­ opportunity to visit my grandmother who lives in Westwood. We took the opportunity PETRINE LOCKHART conducted the selves at an Installation Dinner Party held to announce, with Redwood Empire Chap­ Sept. meeting in GLADYS’ absence. One at Hickam Officers’ Club Sept. 11th. M A R ­ ter, the Spring Sectional to be held in guest at the meeting was CORAL BLOOM GUERITE WOOD, PAT and BUD DAVIS, Santa Rosa on May 7, 8, 9th. Plan now of the Sacramento Valley Chapter RUTH DOROTHY KELSEY, MURIEL and WAL­ to attend. and JOE MAGILL were passengers of LY LELAND, NANCY and HAL BUCK- Word from LILLIAN ANDERSON that JAU N DA BIGELOW in a Cessna 182 on a ELEW, DIANE and GARY RICKMAN, she was feted by about 75 friends for a flight to Pine Mountain Lake to see the Air JANE and RICHARD KELLEY, LINDY belated birthday party in August. Belated Show. Due to limited visibility because of BOYES, MARY KING, WINN MILLER, because we understand the winters are a smog, El Toro Marine Corps Base almost VIRGINIA and ED SEAVERS, ROSE MA­ little hard in Minn, and people are hiber­ had an unexpected visitor — WILLIE MO­ RIE and WALLY BURKETT, GEORGE nating during her birthday in Jan. She and SHER in her Atec. She safely landed at READ, and student pilot STEPHANIE her sister are establishing a library on their Santa Ana, however, in spite of the smog. CZECH applauded as our new chairman property in hopes that they will go to the CONNIE and NORM SANDERS again DOT READ presented outgoing chairman Pine County Historical Society. ENA AY­ spent their summer up in the Sierras at ANN ANDERSON with a gold 99 mono- ERS has been busy redecorating her apart­ their Echo Lake cabin. They returned look­ gramed pin. Hats off to MURIEL LELAND ment. She has hung several of her paintings. ing well tanned and relaxed. CONNIE and who arranged the enjoyable evenilg. We are all awaiting the return of MARGE WILLIE have been visiting all local airports “A houseguest who is a real treat to FAUTH from her Australian trip. She have” was the description of Australian in conjunction with the Oct. 18th Pilot's has been touring and visiting for several Section Governor MARIE RICHARDSON Poker Flight which Ala. Co. Chapter is months. How could I forget to say that we sponsoring. LIZZ HEALD, a student pilot, had the pleasure of meeting GERI HILL at works with chapter member ELEANOR AL­ the Sat. Banquet at Sectional. GERI makes FORD and attended the Sept. meeting. She her home in Redondo Beach and met us is anxious to complete her pilot training and for the dinner. She has had word from become a 99. Temporarily grounded due to MARGE and hopes to see her if by chance jury duty is ELEANOR ALFORD. HIA­ her ship stops in Los Angeles. We’re sorry LEAH and HARRY REILICH journeyed to report that RALPH FIELDS has had to Montana during their vacation to make an auto accident. With an instructor’s rat­ further changes and improvements to their ing he should know that flying is safer. ranch in addition to just relaxing. Cessna MARGARET and JOHN GERHARDT 182-ing to Canada for fishing, among other spent last weekend at the Lake Tahoe things, were ADELAIDE and DON MOR­ Lodge. They are on a committee to try and RIS. The fishing was excellent according to get the wires underground on their prop­ ADELAIDE. They visited relatives in Se­ erty at Valley View. A lot of our 99’s own attle along the way. ELLY JONES is back Aloha Chapter Officers, Left to Rt, WINN property on this strip. A boon for Air Age to flying again having just earned a new MILLER, Secretary; JANE KELLEY, Vice Education from GERI HILL, many of the rating as one of California’s newest Licensed President; DOT READ, President; VIR­ students in her Aviation Class passed their Vocational Nurses. ELLY and ROY are GINIA SEAVERS, Treasurer. FFA Private written. CAROLINE SCHUTT

October, 1970 — 29— was our only representative in the Palms to KATHY McNAMARA and her Officers BECKY MASTERSON will share a table Pines Race. She reported a race that was were installed, BARBARA FALLER at with DALE KUHNS; and HEATHER run very nicely and had a fabulous time the August 21 Banquet held at Hyatt McNEIL will polish her knowledge of the in Independence. CAROLINE went solo Tradewinds in Fresno. Outgoing Chairman Navy with test pilot W ILLIA M M U R PH Y. expecting to meet her sister and tour British VIOLET HUCKLEBERRY presented the We warmly welcome our new member, Columbia in a camper. They missed con­ Chairman’s gavel to KATHY McNAMARA. MARILYN WILMS. She will help kick off nections and CAROLINE came home some­ W AITER MARTIN, llll.l, COLE. JERRI our Coax-or-Capture-a-Member campaign what disappointed. ETHEL SCHAFFER MAHONEY and HARLAN WILLIAMS next month. If you live near the San Carlos spent the summer doing over one more were ceremoniously dubbed 49V&’rs by MC airport, you couldn’t be led astray by a room of their lovely home (Bit by bit they DON CLOUSE. Guests included MR. & nicer bunch of gals. Remember there’s have converted their S. F. home into a MRS. CLAYTON HOUGARD of Selma another sexual, I mean sectional, coming up showplace.) ELEANOR WILSON spent a and ELLEN TRINDLE and BUD MILLER next fall. week in Salem, Oregon flying her 172 full of Long Beach. of relatives to meet relatives for a reunion. Plans are now in the final stages for They also got in some good fishing. I finally “Operation Raincheck” beginning October LOS ANGELES CHAPTER got to take my mother flying in late August. 5. This is a 12 hour ( iourse to acquaint ANN LODWIG, Reporter Trying to find a time we could both go was pilots with air traffic control procedures the problem. She found our club Cessna programmed by Lemoore Naval Air Station The Southwest Sectional is now an event 150 a little different than my father’s B o­ — Air Traffic Control Center. We plan to of the past. Congratulations are in order nanza. Went on our scenic (slow) flight be the best informed pilots in the west. for our newly elected officers: CLAIRE to the Nut Tree and met JOYCE WELLS WALTERS, Governor; MARY VIAL, Vice- who flew up in her Arrow with two of my Governor; HELEN SHROPSHIRE. Secre­ cousins. GOLDEN WEST CHAPTER tary; and ELLEN TRINDLE, Treasurer. That’s all of the news that I have for KIMBER ROTHANS, Reporter I think this meeting produced the shortest this month as our meeting is late due to business session in the recent history of the Sectional. As we head into the fall I hope “The Southwest Sexual was great!” . . . Section — something less than 2 V2 hours. you will all keep flying, get APT, and we’ll er, I mean Sectional. But what would YOU Witli the election of a new governor, we all look forward to hearing about all of you call it if five gals raved about spending the offer out-going ALBERTA NICHOLSON again in our holiday issue. night in a prestigous bachelor’s apartment our fondest regards and thanks for a diffi­ (the supervisor of the Santa Monica tower, cult job well and graciously done. yet), then riding down the rainy freeway As hostess chapter for this sectional, we FRESNO CHAPTER in an open-air trolley in cocktail dresses learned again how grand it is to be able LOIS BEELER, Reporter only to end up alone with the driver in a to welcome old and new friends. We did cob-webbed barn? Combine those incidents our best to provide a fun-filled two days, Southwest Section Meeting in Santa with the 5 of them wandering around Santa and you must admit, not many chapters Monica was attended by Chairman VIOLET Monica airport at 3 AM looking for some­ can provide their guests with a wake-up HUCKLEBERRY, SARA JANE CLOUSE, body— ANYBODY — to help them, and earthquake! Our special thanks go to our MAUREEN MAHONEY, BEVERLY MAR finally sandwiching themselves in a gas own chapter officers, to SALLY LA FORGE TIN and VOLINE DODGSON. They were truck. All that trouble reaped some mighty as chairman for the event itself, and to the successful in presenting our bid for 1971 fine benefits, however. GOLDEN WEST many gals who put in so many hours on Fall Section Meeting to be held at Ahwah- chapter received the attendance trophy for the vital committees. There is no way to nee Hotel in Yosemite — but really, girls, the largest turnout; the “early bird” trophy adequately thank CAROLYN WEST and don't you think Indian headbands and for getting their reports in with the most her husband JACK, who, with their able Tom-Toms are a little bit much added to haste; and (polish our buttons) TONY crew, MR. and MRS. YOUNG, made Mon­ Hawaiian costumes? Our new Chairman, KUHNS placed third as Woman Pilot of soon II available all Saturday afternoon for KATHY McNAMARA, and her Officers are the Year. To add fern to the bouquet, we cruises in and out of the Marina Del Rey. busy preparing “Que Que Inishi — bog” took second place for total flying hours. JACK and CAROLYN are noted authori­ (Warm Indian welcome) for the Fall of HEATHER McNEIL landed a lovely door ties on cruising the coastal waters from ’71. Plan to be there — we promise a week­ prize at the banquet, and JOAN HANSEN, Mexico to Alaska, as their books atest. I end to remember! being an early registree, earned a sail boat sometimes shudder at the 12-17 airplanes We proudly announce that, with the help ride on tbe pearly Pacific. in the pattern at SMO on weekends, but of 10 new members and several members PAT APPEL earned a bronx cheer on after seeing the WESTS maneuver their 70- being students toward varied ratings, we the return flight when she attempted to get foot, twin-diesel Monsoon II in and out of have won the traveling Flying Trophy with an I. F. R. clearance. TOWER: Are you the harbor channels at the Marina, skill­ a grand total of 2800 hours. transponder equipped? PAT: Negative, but fully avoiding what seemed like hundreds Welcome to 2 newest members -— BETTY we can make a lot of squawks. TOWER: of sailing vessels, I have a new and healthy MARTIN of Selma and VERONICA PAO- Understand. Your parrot is sick. respect for the lot of the weekend boating LINI of Sanger. Congratulations to 2 in­ While they were frolicking in Southern enthusiast. CAROLYN was winner of the strument rated pilots— BEVERLY MAR­ California, the home front members were first Powder Puff Derby as well as Los TIN and RETTY McPHERSON. planning some good times on their own. Angeles Chapter Chairman and Southwest A gala time was had by all — VOLINE The roster for the October Safety Seminar Section Governor in times past, and it was OODGSON and KATHIE MULLER, BEV­ held some mighty impressive men, and hos­ a treat to be able to honor her at our ban­ ERLY MARTIN and her 49^’r, DAVE — tesses were planning how to keep each quet Saturday night. who attended and participated in the Elko- guest entertained during the Saturday and M A R Y D O R R , Los Angeles 99, past- Reno Race. The hospitality of the Reno Sunday luncheons. BARBARA LA POINTE president of American Women in Radio gals just can’t be beat. knows enough about aerobatics to juggle and Television, currently spearheading August 14 saw yet another race — this manuevers with BOB LANE; HONEY women’s activities of the American Bible time, the Palms to Pines. Racing from COWAN (who planned the entire seminar, Society as well as lecturing and broadcast­ Santa Monica, California to Independence, even while on the Santa Monica venture) ing extensively, was Mistress of Ceremonies Oregon were VOLINE DODGSON-KATHY will offer a toast with ROBERT DILLE; at our banquet Saturday night. This was MULLER and KATHY McNAMARA- NANCY STOCK (who has been itching to not an easy job, but she managed it beau­ BEVERLY MARTIN. We can still hear get bark in a plane since her baby was tifully and with great style, as always. And VOLINE saying, “Look for anything, but born) will ground-fly with NORM MER­ SUSAN OLIVER, also a Los Angeles 99, find som ething!” KEL, San Francisco control tower chief; co-pilot to MARGARET MEAD in the

— 30— October, 1970 winning airplane of this year’s AWTAR, IIINN and GENEVA CRANFORD. DELL, Award. Congratulations HELEN and CON­ actess, and femme extraordinaire — what GENEVA, and DOUG (GENEVA’S NIE— we’re proud of you! fun to have her with us and doing such 49%er) flew the Cranford's Bonanza to “ Happy Flying” until next month! a great job at the head table. Page, Ariz. for DELL and GENEVA to Despite all the activities associated with make the raft trip down the Colorado the Sectional, I’ve gleaned a little chapter River through the Grand Canyon. DOUG­ MONTEREY BAY EARLY BIRDS news which was filtered through the meet­ LAS met them 230 miles down stream and Reporters: 9 days later so they could fly home. ings and work sessions prior to the Sec­ MARY ANNE CLARK tional. SALLY LA FORGE and DOROTHY JUNE and WARREN KNAPP attended JO DIESER PEPIN flew two patients hack to Calexico the American Bonanza Society Convention from the Orthopedic Hospital in Los in Denver, Colorado in August. During Powder Puff Week, HELEN Angeles. They learned that the two boys IVAN PAINTER flew his little home- HARRISON held a party for the Early who came hack to Los Angeles with them built to the Ogden Air Fair in Ogden, Birds of the 99s. Here’s some information were the 98th and 99th patients to come Utah. Ivan came home with four trophies on the Early Birds who attended the party. from the clinic in Calexico to the Ortho­ in the following categories: 1st place tro­ MARIE RICHARDS, who is Governor pedic Hospital this year. In the entire year phy for the best experimental aircraft, of the Australian Section, holds license No. of 1969, 70 patients were brought to Los most popular homebuilt, flew the longest 1953 issued in Australia in 1935. She was Angeles, so this year the number should distance, and oldest pilot with an experi­ the first woman to qualify for a license in almost be doubled. The increase has been mental aircraft. That’s the way to do it that country. possible because of the generous donation IVAN! MADELINE ROYLE, a charter member, of 10 additional beds at the hospital. Flying their Cherokee 235, GERI and attended the party. RACHEL BONZON logged 29 passenger NORM HALFPENNY placed third in the RITA HART and RUTH REUCKERT, hours in big jets, taking a 747 to Japan Reno Fun Race this summer. Congratula­ both of the Bay Cities Chapter, received for a delightful 3-week vacation. She then tions! their licenses in 1929. Also from Bay Cities, spent 2 days in Honolulu and a week in JO DIESER received her instrument rat­ FRAN GRANT, MARGARET GER- Seattle, visiting her son and daughter-in- ing in August. MARY PAINTER got her HARDT, and HELEN KELTON got their law. W hile in Seattle, she logged her first commercial rating this summer. licenses in 1940. SES dual in a Taylorcraft on floats. Her AUDREY MORANDA’S 40%ER, JIM, MARDE CRANE and MARION BARN- instructor, flying for Kurtzer Flying Service got his commercial helicopter rating early ICK attended from Santa Clara. MARION on Lake Union in Seattle, mentioned that this summer. got her license in 1940. he soloed 99 BARBARA LONDON “way GERI HALFPENNY’S 16 year old ALICE HAMMOND, Garden State, re­ back when.” daughter, DEBBIE, soloed recently in Sa­ ceived her license in 1931 and ANNA GRACE McGETTIGAN spent a very fas­ linas. Congratulations to all! BRANNER received hers in 1932. cinating and instructive day at George Air HELEN AND FRANK SHROPSHIRE ADRIENNE CLARK was licensed in Force Base participating in their high alti­ and ANNA MAE and EARL PARK at­ 1935 and DORIS LANGHER, Colorado, in tude indoctrination program. She also took tended the Fall Sectional. Congratulations 1937. her first non-flying passenger on a trip to to the Chapter for such an enjoyable VIRGINIA COOK, Tucson, and JANE Palm Springs and back in a Cherokee weekend. LAMAR, San Gabriel, were licensed in Arrow. HELEN SHROPSHIRE is the secretary 1938. DORIS ROBERTSON has been checked of the S.W. Section and received No. 2 Receiving their licenses in 1939 were out in a 172. She also won the trophy for Pilot of the Year Award. ELEANOR VERKUYL and HELEN HAR- high points in the women’s division of the At the installation dinner, CONNIE RISON, who hosted the party. Culver City Police Range Master’s Pistol HOOD was presented with a trophy for IRIS CRITCHELL and ESTHER FLEM­ Club competition. winning the chapter Pilot of the Year ING were licensed in 1940. CAROL LEWIS and 49%ER BERNIE enjoyed a flying vacation to Winchester Bay, Oregon where they fished for salmon, caught crabs, dug clams, picked blackber­ ries and enjoyed the lovely country and beautiful sand dunes along the Oregon coast. BEULAH KEE flew Air-West DC 9 to Twin Falls, Idaho for her 35th class re­ union. (ED NOTE: No message other than I’ll miss you.)


Several of the girls in the Monterey Bay Chapter of the 99s have become rats — that is “ river rats.” Last May, JOANNE AIELLO took a raft trip down the Colo­ Front row, I to r: IRIS CRITCHELL, RITA HART, RUTH REUCKERT, LYNN COULT- rado River. Since that time, several girls HARD, VIRGINIA COOK, HELEN HARRISON. have made the trip and report having a Back row, I to r: HELEN KELTON, FRAN GRANT, JANE LaMAR, ELEANOR VERKUYL, ANNA BREEN, MADELINE ROYCE, ALICE HAMMOND, MARION BARNICK, MAR­ wonderful time. GARET GERHARDT, DORIS LANGHER, ADRIENNE CLARK, MARDO CRANE, MARIE The most recent trip was made by DELL RICHARDSON.

October, 1970 — 31— MT. DIABLO CHAPTER NORTHERN ARIZONA CHAPTER chapter meeting because her son was leav­ MARJORIE ROGERS, Reporter EUNICE DICKEY, Reporter ing from Phoenix that day to be stationed in Viet Nam. We wish him all the good Under the leadership of our new chair­ The Northern Arizona 99’s held their luck, ELOISE. man, GRACE ELLIS, Mt. Diablo Chapter August meeting in the home of DOT and RUTH and BILL SMITH were seen at will have many more evening meetings WAYNE WARD, enjoying a potluck din­ the Flagstaff Airport the other day, having planned for those who cannot join us for ner. JEAN and BOB KNOTT, BILL and just returned from taking some friends on lunch fly-ins. The first o f these evening RUTH SMITH and HELEN LAWRENCE a nice flight. meetings was held in July at Navajo Avia­ were the 99’s and 49Vi’s present. Student JEAN KNOTT has flown two hours re­ tion. 49i/2er JACK ROGERS (CFI, CFII) pilots and husbands attending were the cently and will be busy taking an art was our guest speaker, and his interesting SHOUGHS and the JAMESENS. course at NAU this fall. subject was “ Easily Forgotten Facts” about The September luncheon meeting for our MARY LOYD is now living in Flagstaff flying, airplane safety, Special VFR, con­ chapter was held on the 12th at the Holiday and is managing the Chateau Royals •— a trol zones, traffic areas, and changed radio Inn in Flagstaff. The 99’s attending were trailer-apartment complex for NAU stu­ frequencies. Ten members paid close atten­ JEAN KNOTT, DOT WARD and MARY dents. tion to his humorous as well as helpful LOYD from Flagstaff; PENNY CAR- PENNY and JOHN CARRUTHERS en­ presentation of these elusive details. RUTHERS from Sedens and EUNICE joyed marvelous flying weather on their DICKEY from Cottonwood. We had a nice Our lunch rendezvous in July was the recent trip to Ames, Iowa to attend the group of women student pilots attending, famous and favorite Nut Tree Restaurant. annual Flying Farmers Convention. We are and a nice enthusiastic group they are. Your intrepid reporter was not able to at­ proud to note that “our” PENNY was the The girls from Flagstaff are TERRY tend, but we know from past experience only 99 from Arizona attending the con­ JAMESON, who has just started flying, that an excellent lunch and happy comrade­ vention that has completed the APT pro­ ship was enjoyed by all who did attend. ANNA MACKEY, who has logged 43 hours gram. The CARRUTHERS flew from Iowa and JANINE WITT, who now has 12 hours Sunday, August 16th, was the date this to Kalamazoo, Michigan to visit friends. of flying time. ELSIE GOLDSMITH has year of the Concord Air Fair at Buchanan From there they flew to the Chicago area, really logged her 40 hours the hard way, Field. Re-organized this year, the fair experiencing flying under the new regula­ since she lives at the Grand Canyon and boasted many new attractions: aerobatics, tions system. Wichita, Kansas was their last drives to Flagstaff for her flying lessons. sport parachuting, static displays of experi­ stop before returning home, and there they DOT WARD presided over the first part mental and antique aircraft, U-controlled enjoyed a tour of the Beechcraft factory. of the September business meeting. The planes, radio-controlled planes, and sight­ PENNY logged 19 hours on this trip, flying ballots for new officers for the coming year seeing rides. Since it was a beautiful, warm, their Dehonaire. were counted by JEAN KNOTT and the clear day a large crowd attended, and our DOT WARD is keeping busy flying com­ slate nominated by the nominating com­ Mt. Diablo Chapter booth had just the mercially for Wright Flyte. mittee was elected unanimously. The new thing — soft drinks and snow cones. Many That’s all the news for now. Good flying slate of officers includes PENNY CAR- chapter members helped out in the booth to you all! RUTHERS as Chairman, EUNICE DIC­ under the direction of JOAN GORE and KEY — Vice-Chairman and ELOISE SEL- GRACE ELLIS. All helpers have finally VIDGE is the Secretary-Treasurer. After thawed their frozen pink and purple fing­ ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER the election, DOT turned the meeting over ers, and look forward to another successful MITZI RINEHART, Reporter to Chairman PENNY CARRUTHERS. occasion next year. The biggest event in the near future for Movieland of the Air Museum, on the JONESY’S Restaurant at the Napa Rir- our chapter is the Air-Lift to be held at Orange County Airport is making a display port was the destination for our August the Flagstaff Airport on Sunday, September on Women in flying. They have given us lunch date. Late-clearing morning coastal 26th. PENNY CARRUTHERS is chairman the room on both sides of this exhibit to fog may have deterred some, but not: and has been doing a lot of hard work on work up our own unit on the history of JEAN BRADLEY, MARIE PORTER, the coming event. ELOISE SELV1DGE is the Ninety-Nines and the Powder Puff BUCKIE JOHNSTONE, BETTY SHIELDS, publicity chairman, MARY LOYD is in Derby. MAGGIE BURCH is in charge of SHIRLEY NUNN, LOUISE G1ERSCH, charge of the soft drink concession and this project. If you have any old posters, MARTY GRAHAM and MARGE ROG­ DOT WARD and JEAN KNOTT are in drawings or photographs in connection with ERS. We heard about the amazing meta­ charge of the food for the pilots. EUNICE the theme, please let MAGGIE know. All morphosis of Mooney 21X during the Reno- DICKEY made 20 posters and RUTH such donations will be appreciated. This Elko Air Race — how it started out a pink SMITH will distribute 13 of them to the is our way of helping the public to learn tiger but ended up a pink pussy-cat. Don’t public schools in the area and the rest in more about women in aviation, and the be discouraged, gals; when you’re in train­ strategically placed locations around town. Ninety-Nine’s history and accomplishments. ing for a future PPD, any race experience Of course all our members and their fami­ Our chapter is growing again as we gain has to be helpful. lies and numerous friends will be on hand three new members: JEAN FUDGE, JOAN GORE, with 49',4er BILL as co­ for the big day and hoping for great suc­ MARY COLE, and KAY BAKER who cess. transferred from San Antonio, Texas. Wel­ pilot, also flew the Reno-Elko Air Race, We are so proud to announce the names come you all. and managed to finish 7th out if 22; very of our members who have completed the Imagine having the most members in at­ nice for her first air race experience. APT project. They are RUTH SMITH, tendance at the Fall Sectional in Santa Merced Airport was the lunch bunch’s ELOISE SELVIDGE, DOT WARD, HEL­ Monica. That’s what we did with nineteen meeting-place for Sept. The cafe on the EN LAWRENCE, PENNY CARRUTH­ of our gals showing up for the business field is famous for its Clam Chowder, on ERS, MARY LOYD, HELEN VAN CORT meeting. They were: ZONA APPLEBY, Fridays, and we agree that the reputation and EUNICE DICKEY. This is an es­ DARLENE BRUNDAGE, MAGGIE pecially great number when you consider BURCH, KAY BAKER, HELEN CRANZ, is well-deserved. “We” included JOAN there are only a dozen or so members in JEAN FUDGE, VIRGINIA FLANARY, GORE, MARIE PORTER, JEAN BRAD­ our chapter to begin with. We are a very ESTHER GRUPENHAGEN, THON GRIF­ LEY, BARBARA GRABER, LIL RILEL, fortunate group to have been able to take FITH, CHRIS HOFFMAN, MADGE GRACE ELLIS, ARLENE ROSSMAN, advantage of the Beth Wright Scholarship, JOHNSON, WYN JAKL, JOYCE NASH, NANCY WALLIS, guests BARBARA HAR­ which was offered to all licensed women DELIA NEFF, LYNN NEWTON, SANDY PER and SONYA DEITZ, and MARGE pilots in Northern Arizona. RULLER, KAY RUSSELL, MARGO ROGERS. ELOISE SELVIDGE missed the last SMITH and SHIRLEY TANNER.

October, 1970 line for the Jim Long Proficiency Race at PALOMAR CHAPTER instructor at Fallbrook Community Air Brackett Field. PAM VAN DER LINDEN, Reporter Park with six students. BARBARA is a real The race terminated — because of weath­ active flyer who knows how to fill each hour er — at Parker, Arizona with the banquet Palomar Chapter had a joyous installa­ in the air with sixty minutes of practice. She scheduled at Scottsdale. The DARCHS and tion party on September 1 at San Luis Rey soloed 12/1/68, got her private licence GRUPENHAGENS headed for home and Downs. Forty ninety-nines, 49'/iers and 8/19/69, her commercial 3/7/70 and guests were present. Very special guests the BRUNDAGES and many others for Flight Instructor’s 6/19/70. Congratula­ were ERNIE and JOY GENTLE, owners Scottsdale — or as close as possible. tions BARBARA. What next? When not of AERO Publishers, Fallbrook, who have The rest of the story as DARLENE tells flying, BARBARA is active with the Fall­ for the past two years so generously sup­ it, is an exciting, wet and muddy adventure brook Four Wheel Drive Club making trips plied us with the P.P.D. Route post cards. to Baja and the Desert with 49'/^er GENE of hard work by the thirteen crews who BETTY WHARTON, with usual whit and and their two teenage daughters. landed “in” Buckeye, only to find them­ rhyme, installed WANDA MILLER as Pres­ Our October meeting will be at Solvang selves marooned there as the rain had ident, NEL CONNOLLY as Vice-President, on Saturday, October 17, landing at Santa washed out all the roads in the area. The EVELYN ASHTON as Secretary, and Inez 10 A. M. We invite members from sur­ Army came to their rescue with helicopters AGNES I.ANGEVIN as Treasurer. MARY rounding chapters to join us for a fun get- and air-lifted everyone to Litchfield where PEARSON was presented the Chapter’s together. they happily dined on hamburgers from the Trophy for Woman Pilot of the Year. Congratulations to MARY PEARSON local drive-in. MARY PEARSON, EVELYN ASH­ and WANDA MILLER for placing 6th in MARA CULP has returned from her TON, AGNES LANGEVIN, and PAM the Palms to Pines Race and to JANICE jaunt of Europe, as navigator in a Lear VANDER LINDEN with 49>/2er, VICTOR FREE co-pilot with JEAN ROSE for plac­ Jet for her husband RICHARD. At our attended the Fall Sectional at Santa ing 11th. Talking o f racing, the second September meeting she showed us slides of Monica. We had a great time and were A.M.P.A.R. (All men’s Palomar Air Race) all the exciting and beautiful places she thrilled to get second place for air marking. will be a Mystery Round Robin from Palo­ had seen. E.C.V. look out — we are moving up! mar Airport November 21st (raindate Labor Day turned out to be just that for Sunday morning, after the Sectional, 11/22). By the time you read this, kits will many of our busy members — a day of La­ PAM and VICTOR flew on to Coos Bay, be available from MARY PEARSON, bor. YVONNE KOEPKE, CHRIS HOFF­ Oregon, on a combined business and plea­ Flight Trails, Palomar Airport, Carlsbad MAN, LYNN DAVIS and ZONA AP­ sure trip, the pleasure part being an over­ 92008. Get the men on the ball girls and PLEBY spent the day at the Orange night stay and early morning salmon send those entries in pronto! County Raceway watching the show and fishing trip with CAROLYN and TED Till next moneth, have fun flying! selling our most prized product, Ninety- TERRY, formerly of Palomar Chapter now Nine Cooking Maneuvers. Have you gotten with Southern Oregon. Its great to be a 99 your copy yet? There are so many, easy, and have friends in every port! REDWOOD EMPIRE CHAPTER quick and delicious recipes in it to try! BETTY and BOB KITCHEN just re­ NINA ROOKAIRD, Reporter Labor Day was very busy for ESTHER turned from a 2]/i week tour of Alaska. We and MAX GRUPENHAGEN, TERRY and are looking forward to a showing of their Our June meeting found the Chapter JIM DARCH, and DARLENE and DICK pictures. celebrating PAT STOUFFER’S retirement BRUNDAGE as they all plotted, planned BARBARA WHIPPS, who has been a from teaching. Now she can fly any time and pushed their planes up to the starting member just one year, is now a full time she desires — weather permitting. Lun­ cheon was served by NINA ROCKAIRD for PAT STOUFFER, JUNE O’DONNELL, MYRTLE WRIGHT, JANET MEYER, LOUISE RAMSEY and guest, PAULINE WADE. PAULINE had just passed her written exam. The summer allowed a great deal of flying by our members. PAT STOUFFER and NINA ROOKAIRD enjoyed the Powder Puff. Monterey Chapter certainly did a tremendous job, as did the Eastern Pennsyl­ vania Chapter. After the terminus cere­ monies, PAT and NINA drove to Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. The country was lovely. NINA was able to have a 100% aver­ age of throwing coins in the Thruway baskets! The Convention was great — so worth­ while to attend. One has a better perspec­ tive of 99 activities around the world; and your own chapter activities become more important. PAT and NINA learned the true 99 hospitality when bad weather forced a stay at Moline, Illinois. Thanks go to CARO­ LYN POBANZ and her 49>/2 NEIL for hospitality and assistance (such as an excel­ lent dinner and newer charts). The July meeting was held at the Napa Airport; so that elections could be held, Which is the way to Santa Ynez? Left to right: MITZI RINEHART, SYLVIA PAOLI, and spring sectional information worked on, and DARLENE BRUNDAGE are planning their route to Santa Ynez and Solvang where the results of the Convention discussed. Orange County and Palomar Chapters are getting together for lunch and Danish Members attending the meeting were: pastries. BETTE SMITH, BETTY WORSTELL,

October, 1970 — 33— PHYLLIS CANTRELL, PAT STOUFFER, besides I don’t really like to cook and keep Our Chapter placed 2nd for the Profes­ OLIVE AGRON, LOUISE RAMSEY, house anyway (don’t tell anybody). sional Trophy Award. And we would like ANNA BRENNER, ANITA WOREL, STAN and ELAINE BROWN went to the to send our congratulations to LAVERNE MYRTLE WRIGHT, HAZEL BERT- Southwest Sectional. ELAINE reports that GUDGEL (San Joaquin Chapter) for cop­ AGNA and NINA ROOKAIRD. a good time was had by all. Her suitcase got ping the Section Woman Pilot of the Year New officers are: NINA ROOKAIRD, on the wrong airplane and ran away from Award. She’s kinda close to home being Chairman; BETTY WORSTELL Vice- home. Now isn’t that a fine thing. How do from a neighbor chapter and maybe some Chairman, OLIVE AGRON, Secretary; you manage to get along when all your fa­ fo that will rub off on u s!! LOUISE RAMSEY, Treasurer, ANNA vorite clothes are on a world tour. New Chapter officers were nominated and BRENNER, News Reporter; MYRTLE This will be my last contribution to the elected at a lakeside party given by DAR­ WRIGHT, Publicity; PAT STOUFFER, newsletter, we elected officers at the last LENE GILMORE in August. Nominating Membership; ANITA WOREL, Scrapbook. meeting and it gives me great pleasure to Chairman DONNA E. MARTIN announced PHYLLIS CANTRELL was selected to be introduce our new reporter, BARBARA THELMA CULL as Chairman (her second the Redwod Empire Chairman of the M OUCHOU — year for the jo b and the first time our Spring Sectional at Santa Rosa (May chapter has ever held over a Chairman); 7-9). ROSE SHARP ol Bay Cities Chapter MARCELL BINK for Vice-Chairman; will be their Chairman. Hope to see you SACRAMENTO VALLEY CHAPTER EDITH RIECKS, Secretary; and DEE there. AUDREW E. SNOVEL, Reporter OLSEN, Treasurer. Other committee ap­ B E TTY W O R STE LL and her 49*/2 pointees by THELMA are: BARBARA Returning from the Sectional in Septem­ DICK were hosts at a swim-barbecue party FOSTER, membership; this reporter on ber at Santa Monica, we have two new for the August meeting. A good time was again for another year as Newsletter-Oof!; Section Chairmen from our Chapter— THE­ had by those attending who were: ANITA SHIRLEY LEHR, Flying Activities; LMA CULL, our current Chairman, is Aero WOREL and JACK: LOUISE MONTEREO RUTH LUMMIS, Aero Space Education; Space Education for the Southwest Section and MEL; and LOUISE RAMSEY. MIRIAM BURCHAM, Air Marking; and SHIRLEY LEHR, our outgoing secre­ ANITA WOREL and JACK, PHYLLIS MAXINE NORTHART, Publicity; DOR­ tary, is Flying Activites. She takes over CANTRELL and NINA ROOKAIRD flew OTHY HUNTLEY, Scrapbook; and LOR­ from DARLENE GILMORE (our Chap­ to the L.A. Sectional. Colorful Mu Mus — RAINE HERY, Woman Pilot of the Year ter) who held the post for the past two with Indian headbands (Yosemite ’71 — Contest. years. We know these girls will do a job Fall Sectional), Hawaiian dancers, business that the Section will be proud of. And meeting, boat trips, shopping, excellent certainly our Chapter is proud of their se­ speaker combined with the fun of seeing so SAN DIEGO CHAPTER lection by CLAIRE WALTERS. many from the S. W. section, made this a BONNIE ADAMS, Reporter Attending the Sectional from Sacremento memorable event. Congratulations and good were THELMA CULL, SHIRLEY LEHR, As the new year gets under way the San wishes to the new officers. LORRAINE HERY, DEE OLSEN, and Diego Chapter members are busy making Your reporter also managed a trip with MAXINE NORTHART — all traveling via final arrangements for our Pacific Air 49*4 DICK to Seattle and to Denver in a PSA. Going it alone and fighting the fog- Race. We are working hard with our co­ week and a half, in their 172 Cessna. That smog and what-have-you that the “Basin” sponsors, the El Cajon Valley Chapter, to storm over the Labor Day weekend was not has to offer, was BARBARA GOETZ (One be sure that things go smoothly and that for comfortable flying. of our newest members and a fairly new everyone has a grand time. Race chairman JANE PATTERSON and husband just p ilot) in a Citabria. ELEANOR RICHARDSON reports that returned from Europe. We will be happy to see them at meetings and hear about the trip. PHYLLIS CANTRELL was able to begin the air show at China Lake, no less, by fly­ ing her own homebuilt Pitt Special. M A R G A R E T H A H IN M AN and 49*/2 JOHN have been flying a great deal. Seattle was the last trip we heard about. OLIVE AGRON and NINA ROOKAIRD are congratulating one another in passing the commercial written. It will seem strange not to have to worry about the “20th” to get the news reports in. ?REE I hereby hand the (20th) worry to ANNA

BRENNER. f d o n a tio n S0


This is the week the Reno Area Chapter has been looking forward to with mixed emotions all year. Houses get a lick and a promise, husbands and children are fed out of cans or at the local drive in, all other activities are put off until next week, (unless we are unfortunate enough to have to work for a living) while we work in the office of the National Championship Air Left to right: CLEO HUTSON hands super-salesman MARGARET MOODY tickets for Races. For some of us I guess it’s work, I the Carnival door prize, a PSA trip for two, prior to MARGARET’S departure for the really enjoy it. We get to meet all these big sectional meeting. BONNIE ADAMS and PAT OSMON hold signs advertising the names, and listen to the engines roar, and event.

— 34— October, 1970 results will be included in the next news­ met us and took us to motels.” Ending the working on the Brackett Air Fair. MAR­ letter. race at Independence the gals enjoyed a GARET GAMBLE is still communting to Six members attended the fall sectional riverside barbecue and a dance at the Elks Nogales where her husband has business. meeting at Santa Monica and thoroughly Club. Can you just pciture a dance for 68 MARION MARRIETT has been to Atlanta enjoyed the weekend. MARGARET unescorted women? Most danced, sez PAT and NAOMI WILDEN has been to Oregon. MOODY flew her Bonanza with BONNIE HALLETT, with willing and/or elbow- MARIE HIGHT with her husband STER­ ADAMS and PAT OSMON as passengers. nudged husbands. Three cheers for HAR­ LING attended the Experimental Aircraft This trio elected to divert to Van Nuys when RIET BAIR and PAT HALLETT for fin­ Association meeting in Wisconsin where that stubborn low overcast kept hanging ishing the rare without a radio. That takes they camped out under the wing of a over the coast. THELMA BISHOP. LYNN grit. Poor HARRIET, that’s about the fifth Cherokee 180. BRIGGS, and STELLA HARDIN used four time that has happened to her-— can she MARIE CAWYER and husband EARL wheels and freeways as their transportation be jinxed? had an exciting Labor Day weekend in the from San Diego after eyeing all those clouds Our monthly Fly-in was August 20th for Pacific Northwest dodging clouds and ice. and receiving a rather discouraging report a picnic on the beach at Santa Barbara. MARIE reports she wished she had her from the weatherman. All of them agreed Unfortunately BERNI STEVENSON and instrument then. She’ll soon have it though that sectionals are great fun and even the JAN DREYFUS had to picnic alone due to as she was the lucky winner of our $100 business meetings are not painful when they weather. BERNI wants to know why the scholarship drawing. JANE LaMAR and zip along as this one did. rest of us don’t get IFR rated — and MARY SEBELIUS, back from the Powder On October 31, our chapter and El Cajon FLORA HUTCHINSON, PAT HALLETT Puff are busy soloing new students at Valley will co-host a Halloween Carnvial, and POLLY FLEMING want to know why JANE’S Flying Service. Our new mothers complete with costumes, game booths, everyone didn’t join them for a picnic un­ PORTIA CORNELL and JEAN GILLING­ dancing, etc. Our big door prize has been der the trees beside Santa Ynez Airport — WATORS are being kept busy by little donated by Pacific Southwest Airlines and sorry gals, I was wine tasting somewhere PORTIA and ANDREW. PORTIA does is a free round trip for two from San around Sacramento that day. You know find time to work on her commercial rating Diego to San Francisco. A donation of 50tf how these vacations by car are. and JEAN is back at work teaching will put a ticket in the tub and the draw­ Speaking of vacations, AUDREY’ school. ing will be part of the evening’s festivities. SCHUTTE didn't get one. She spent three We are hoping to have many guests as well weeks in the hospital, had surgery and just as chapter members attend and join in the got out on the 14th of September. 49V&er SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY CHAPTER fun. RAY’ says she is fine and getting her DOROTHY McALLISTER, Reporter CLEO HUTSON and husband BOB flew strength back now. to Oakland recently on a business trip. JEANNE DAY passed on the gavel to Our September meeting at the Chuck W hile in the area they hopped over to new Chapter Chairman FLORA HUTCH­ Wagon in Modesto brought a record turn­ Napa Valley to see the wine country and INSON September 14th at the Schlitz Brown out— three more than our usual lucky enjoyed a tour of the Tibouron Winery. Bottle Room. Nearly everyone brought their thirteen. Our great new slate of officers BETTY LAMBERT and ART took a 49l/2ers to share in the good food, great (LAVERNE GUDGEL, Chairman; SHIR­ quick trip to the east coast in their 310 and beer and merry making. Other officers in­ LEY MILLER, Vice-Chairman; DIANE as soon as they returned, they boarded a jet stalled were Vice-Chairman POLLY FLEM­ KAUFMANN, Secretary; and THELMA for Europe. They spent several weeks ped­ ING, Recording Secretary RODG RODG­ HANSEN, Treasurer) were elected unan­ aling around Europe on a bicycle. Now ERS and Corresponding Secretary BREDA imously, to no one’s surprise, thought that is really the “low and slow” method, CREESE. KMPC Helicopter Airwatch Pilot, LAVERNE kept insisting she expected to but what a marvelous way to go sight­ HERB GREEN was our guest speaker. be defeated by a dark-horse write-in. seeing. With a kick off like that, we will expect Bouquets to HELEN McGEE as she LOIS and HARRY BARTLING flew up great things from our new officers. Con­ steps down after two years as Chairman. to San Jose for the Labor Day weekend. gratulations gals, you are real winners. None of us will let her forget she’s prom­ LOIS also played taxi driver recently and ised she’ ll consider a nomination for a Sec­ made two round trips to Van Nuys to pro­ tion office “sometime in the future.” vide transportation for SUSAN OLIVER. SAN GABRIEL VALLEY CHAPTER “SMITTY” SMITH, manager of the SUSAN was due in San Diego to do some PORTIA CORNELL, Reporter Modesto Airport, gave us a fascinating television publicity for the International glimpse behind the scenes at what an air­ Aerospace Hall of Fame. The Arbor Restaurant in Upland was the port manager’s job involves. From now on setting for our annual banquet on Septem­ we'll appreciate the fact that smooth run­ ber 17. The officers for 1970-71 were in­ ways, efficient lighting and adequate SAN FERNANDO VALLEY CHAPTER troduced; MARGARET LAWSON, Presi­ parking don’t just happen, but have to be dent; MARGARET GAMBLE, Vice Presi­ planned and budgeted and maintained. We ROCHELLE JENSEN, Reporter dent: JEAN GILLINGWATORS, Secretary were relieved to learn that the disabled What fun! That is the word for the and MARIE CAWYER, Treasurer. Mem­ Twin Beach at the end of Runway 29 Palms to Pines Race from Santa Monica, bers that joined our chapter during the last hadn’t really crashed, but was part of a California to Independence, Oregon. The year were honored and given a long stem recent full-dress emergency drill, complete San Fernando Valley 99’s were well re­ red rose. Those present were NANCY with ninety “casualties” labelled with their presented by MARGARET WARD flying GORDON, JUNE GUTHERIE, DORIS various injuries who were transported by solo in a Cherokee 140, HARRIET BAIR CORWIN and NAOMI WILDEN. ambulance to hospitals, and with fire­ and P A T H ALLETT in a Cessna 150, We all enjoyed our speaker of the even­ fighting and other emergency equipment ELLEN TRINKLE and THON GRIFFITH ing, DR. ALBERT PUSKAS, a flight sur­ out in full force. in a Debonair, and BERNI STEVENSON geon, formally with North American Rock­ We also learned that Modesto’s Runway in her Mooney. The gals RONed friday at well. He spoke on the role of the flight 29R is to be resurfaced in mid-September Red Bin IT where the local people greeted surgeon, particularly in the aerospace and renamed 28R — no, it won’t be realign­ them, made transportation available to and program. Later we caught up on each oth­ ed, but hopefully the new designation will from motels and provided a marvelous ers summer activities. discourage the all too common and danger­ chicken barbecue. Later the gals were in­ VIRGINIA WAGNER has been busy ous practice of pilots (including airline terviewed by a radio announcer where placing in air races; 5th in the Powder types!) who come flying up the Valley, see BERNI STEVENSON stopped the show by Puff, 2nd in the Palms to Pines and 2nd in an airport on the nose, and land, thinking remarking “The hospitality was great. the Jim Long. MARGARET LAWSON and they’re at Stockton, instead of Modesto. Everyone was lovely, and some businessmen family are back from Europe and busy For the same reason, plans are also under-

October, 1970 — 35— way for our group to airmark a structure LAURA MAY CRAWFORD. And BIL­ two daughters. Licensed in July, she out on final approach, which hopefully will LIE’S lovely centerpiece for the luncheon learned to fly in Paso Robles in the bring the errant pilots up short before they table was a mound of homegrown grapes DUVALI.-KREIDER C-150. enter the wrong traffic area. which the shared with all of us afterward. BRYAN got his license in the same a/c Thanks to CHARLOTTE RYAN for ar­ last year. PAT’S claim to fame (but she’s ranging for SMITTY’S presentation. too humble to talk about it) is the return CHARLOTTE reports she’s casing up on SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY CHAPTER from a student solo x/c to find her home her flight-instructor schedule this month hase boasting a 90° x-w gusting to 30 k. To WANDA STRASSBURG, Reporter because of her delicate condition. (She’s see her plant that 150 was hartwarming! about to become a grandmother.) M A RC I B A R N ET has becom e the Welcome, PAT DUVALL! We’re fortu­ None o f us flew in the Palms to Pines PEARL MESTA of San Luis Obispo and nate to have you and CALLIE and Race, but we made up for it by having an ... our County News Media knows about KATHY! efficient and hard-working crew stationed at the Ninety-Nines! Chowchilla for the fly-by: SHIRLEY MIL­ This chapter hostessed a champagne- LER as Chief Timer with CHARLOTTE luncheon for the Press at the BARNET'S SANTA BARBARA CHAPTER RYAN and JEAN MURRAY assisting; home to launch our new officers, congratu­ ANN LOUISE SWANSON, Reporter ROSIE HI JOS, whose delicious food was late the out-going, and to inform all of the devoured to the last sandwich; C H A R ­ activities of 99 Int’l and local. The fall is the time for getting back LENE KIRK who helped with the food Immediate and Only Past-Pres. WANDA together again, looking back over the sum­ and with welcoming the contestants; and EWING prepared a printed “Purpose, Pro­ mer and planning ahead. ROB and LAVERNE CUDGEL, who fur­ jects, History. & Activities" closing with Summer kept most of our chapter mem­ nished transportation, donated a generous JOHN MAGEE JR’S “High Flight.” The bers on the go. THELMA DREW, MAR­ leg prize, masterminded the planning and Press felt as if they were honored guests GARET MEAD, and JOAN STEINBER- worked like beavers. Everything went with­ and left “warmed” by our hospitality. GER went on the Powder Puff Derby. And out a hitch, thanks to all these gals and WANDA was presented a (Monterey are we proud of them. THELMA DREW their helpful 49*4’s. LAVERNE and BAY) 99 Tray by her peers, and thanked just managed to get her commercial licence ROSIE were so caught up in the spirit of for her devotion and dedication in leading before take off and then recevied the high­ the race that at the last minute they hop­ us our first year. M A R C I was inducted as est score for a low-time pilot. JOAN ped in LAVERNE'S Debonair and fol­ our new leader. STEINBERGER received the leg prize lowed the contestants up to Independence EMILY CLETSOWAY was the honored from Monterey to Fresno. Both JOAN and for the festivities there. pilot of our group in Sept. when she chauf- THELMA flew solo. MARGARET took At this writing MARGARET AN­ fered EVELLE YOUNGER, Los Angeles first place in the Powder Puff Derby and D REW S is in the hospital and has under­ District Attorney, and aspiring State Att’y the Palms to Pines Race. ANN LOUISE gone surgery. We miss you, MARGARET, General, from Santa Barbara to San Luis to SW ANSON received third place in the 17th and hope you’ll be back with us soon. It’s speak. Annual JIM LONG RACE and for the been great to have EV HENDLEY at the Our ranks thin this month ... JIM and second year in a row the Best Piper last two meetings. It has been unanimously PRISCILLA BERGER, The BARNETS, trophy. voted that we go to EV’ S next August to CRISS and ROGER MOULIN ... all off to This was also the time to elect our of­ pick peaches! y the races in Reno. ficers of the year. ERMA CHRISTIAN did August was a great month for flying for MOUI.IN’S are going so they can try to a wonderful job in getting our chapter fun — MARIE McDOWELL took two forget the disastrous fire which ravaged rolling and having regular meetings with friends to Montana, then went on to visit their business the 2nd of September. Can programs of aviation education last year. her mother in Idaho. ROSIE HIJOS flew' you imagine how many irreplacebles are This year we felt we just had to have her with her family to Lake Tahoe; CHAR­ lost when an FBO burns to the ground? there in the left seat again. ANNLOUISE LENE and BOB KIRK to Oceano and to logbooks, shirtails, records ... to say noth­ SWANSON was elected Vice-Chairman and Clear Lake; CHARLOTTE and CHUCK ing of the office equipment, auto and a/c took on the duty of being the news report­ MORRILL to Spokane; THELMA and keys etc ... Our sympathies to Coastal and er, (I try to help). SHIRLEY SENDRAK ELWOOD HANSEN to Napa for supper; hopes for a better year in ’71. is our new secretary and the notes we get RENE and VAN NEALON to their Tahoe CALLIE NICKELL, one of our newest of the meeting are a beautiful informative cabin; HELEN and HARVEY McGEE for pilots, began flying in ’66 in a Cessna 140, newsletter. HELEN BECK is our Treasurer a fabulous fishing and boating trip to encouraged by her pilot-husband DELL. and we feel we will have the best set of British Columbia; LAURA MAY and She is such an avid horsewoman that she books about our account. JOAN STEIN­ GENE to their beach place at Aptos. managed to get thrown and injured, re­ BERGER was again elected as our mem­ Piloting in for the Medesto meeting were quiring long recuperation. In a few years, bership chairman. She has helped some ROSIE HIJOS bringing LAVERNE CUD­ she was ready for flying again and ’69 wonderful girls become 99’s. JOAN is very GEL: CHARLENE KIRK with guest found her a charter member of our group, modest, she doesn't tell us about the times TRIXIE CLAYTON (also a licensed pi­ flying everything she can get her hands on. this summer she spoke to various groups lot); HELEN McGEE in her Comanche She and DELL are in a 172 club and are about the 99’s and the Powder Puff Derby. with DIANE KAUFMANN; THELMA indeed a great part of the flying community We may be a small chapter, but we try. HANSEN in her Skymaster with DOTTIE here. (Please read instructions on how to send M cA l l i s t e r and c h a r l o t t e m o r - THE SPIRIT OF SAN LUIS NINETY- in your report. See Sept. issue.) RILL. THELMA earned an extra stripe for NINES is found in K A T H Y SH ERM AN . her cool head on the return trip, continuing She flits about the skies with that beautiful a smooth approach across the Bay and the DR. EI) and daughter ERIN in their red SANTA CLARA VALLEY CHAPTER landing at San Carlos as suspicious odors Bonanza. JEANNE McELHATTON, Reporter started wafting from the direction of the KATHY also began flying in ’66 in San instrument panel. THELMA tentatively Luis, and was licensed in ’68. Their flying “But you couldn't possible be a lady diagnosed the problem as the wiring to the highlight each year is a trip to Gallatin pilot” said the astonished blonde guide gas gauge — do hope they were able to get Gateway in Montana and they are planning from Intourist, “you don’t have a uniform” . it repaired so they could go off on schedule a Mexico trip this winter. She says her We were at the Simferopol Airport,. to Las Vegas the following day. ambition is to check out in “that Bonanza”. U.S.S.R. waiting for the Aeroflot flight to Providing transportation from the Mod- Our brand new member is PAT DU­ Kiev, when the conversation caused our desto Airport to the restaurant were BIL­ VALL who resides in Atascadero with guide’s eyebrows to shoot skyward in LIE WYATT, MARIE McDOWELL and banker-pilot-husband BRYAN, and their disbelief. A “private” pilot... flying her

— 36— October, 1970 own airplane! Impossible! Yes, the Soviet him. Our guide didn’t know ARMSTRONG associated passenger pleasing propaganda. skies had seen women at the controls of an was in town. Were we sure? Yes, there was The Russian pilots might just as well be airplane in a Kremlinized version of the an International Space Conference being flying a fighter. They really rack their birds W.A.S.P. and VALENTINA TERESH­ held not far from our hotel, but NEIL ARM­ around. And while in the plane, no picture KOVA was the “ first lady of outer space” , STRONG? We knew more about what was taking. No pictures at the airport either. but an ordinary female civilian pilot? The going on in her town than she did. W e The Soviet stance seems to be, a camera is guide’s mind boggled. It was just one of the brought the information with us from the less a tourist toy than a device of propa­ aviation-oriented differences that pointed outside world. She wasn't evasive, as we ganda and intrigue. The only “ little” planes up the Capitalist/Communist communi­ first thought, just uninformed. The Govern­ we saw looked like vintage Cabin Wacos cation gap. ment had decided to play down the pres­ outfitted for ag dusting. Few things are done just for fun in the ence o f the first man on the moon. So for While all the this might have the sound of land of “the bear who walks like a man”. most of the Russian people NEIL ARM­ a disgruntled “knock” it really isn’t. For the In a country where an ordinary plastic STRONG wasn’t in Leningrad at the most part the people are warm and friendly, raincoat, overpriced at $6 in Berlin, has a Space Conference. That’s a lot of unin­ especially so toward Americans. The coun­ Moscow price tag of $54 dollars it’s easy to formed people. The Soviet Union covers one try is fascinating, the performing arts see why there are few frills. sixth of the land surface of the earth! breathtaking. But for one who has grown up I was traveling through the Soviet Union There were other notable differences in in a land where people count as individuals, with my Newsman husband DAVE, who was the Russian way of life, from a pilot’s per­ rather than just cogs in the machinery of the "011 assignment” for KCBS Newsradio in spective. The Russian airports are loaded State the often senseless flexing of the San Francisco. As he gathered notes and with airplanes just sitting idle. Not many government’s muscles is a frustrating tape recordings of our adventures, we tried flights, but lot's of airplanes, ranging from exercise in endless futility. There is a to learn about Russian aviation. But in DC-3’s in the warpaint of WW II to modern Russian word that sound like “pot-chee- Russia getting the answer to one’s questions passenger jets that look like a borschterized moo". It means “why”. But nobody ever isn’t easy. The people aren’t as guarded as version of Boeing and Lockheed. There seems to use that word. The State is sup­ they are uninformed. If you ever wondered interiors are utilitarian in the extreme, with posed to have all the answers. And while the Russian man on the street is living better about the value of a free press, try spending the cockpit secured by a hatch that looks than he ever has, his government is more some time in a country where the only news like it had been taken from a water-tight human than it would wish to admit, it is you get is that which the State wishes you compartment of a submarine. Passenger fallable. And as our teen age son, who to get. We found a beautiful example during travel, plane, train or bus, is not to be traveled with us, said one day as we walked our first day in the Soviet Union. W e were enjoyed ... it is to be endured, at least when along Red Square, “I never thought we had in Leningrade, so was Astronaut NEIL experienced by a Westerner who grew up a bad country, but I didn’t know how good ARMSTRONG. DAVE wanted to interview with the “ Friendly Skies of United” and the we had it.”

graciously and taxirolled to the aviation the glider ASK-13, made in , which field tower at RAYSKALA, which is the is two-seated, and directed by the talented largest sailing flight center of Finland. A sailing flight teachers REIJO PIRTOLA total of 15 Finnish woman pilots had their and PAULI RISSANEN. The flight started morning coffee together, then they admired by winch towing up to an altitude of 1500 the fool hardy ARJASISKO AIRILA doing ft, speeding about 50 ft/sec. Motorless some hair-raising trick flying by the flying was indeed a special experience to CESSNA 150 AEROBAT aircraft. In order everybody. During the meeting we were ANNELI KOKKOLA, Reporter to vivify the present ladies sense of humour surprised to receive a greeting from the The Finnish Ninety-Nines met for the a sack race was arranged, and that International Convention through MRS. brightened indeed everybody’s disposition very first time as an authorized section on PIRKKO PESONEN. Then the evening was in spite of the rather gray day. July 18, 1970 on the aviation field of spent in the Finnish sauna and swimming. RAYSKALA at 10:00 o’clock in the Then we inspected the gliders, and all Hostesses of the occasion were MIRJA morning. Aircraft after aircraft landed ladies did sailing flights by turns, utilizing SIPILA and the Reporter.

Starred are four of the orginial six pilots I met in Finland to start the Section. Other 2 are HELENA HEIDE, IRMA VAHAKALLIO

October, 1970 —37— failure to return went out of my head until I eventually ‘buzzed’ the Homestead just on dusk and arrived to find the whole place in sheer panic and about to set out on a search. Sandstone, where we are now is one of the old ghost towns of the West. Once there were 5,000 people here, now there are about 30. But it is starting to hum again and everyone is pegging the area hoping to make a million on nickel. Rain is still fol­ lowing me and the poor old Baron is shivering out on the wet and windy strip.” After reading that do you wonder we are so proud o f R O B IN ! This area ROBIN flies so often is part of approximately one half of the Australian Continent which is de­ signated by D.C.A. as “ Remote Area.” Air­ craft operating in the Remote Area must carry H.F. R/T and a “Survival Beacon”, A photo of our trick flying pilot ARJA SISKO AIRILA. but a pilot’s greatest asset is his or her ability to Map read and Navigate by Dead Reckoning. CHRISTINE HENDERSON has just completed 4 months flying for a Mission in New Guinea to gain experience in that area before commencing flying duties for a Mis­ sion in West Irian. Her last trip from rain, that came up during the day forced N.G. was to ferry a Cessna C172 back to Australian me to pack the Dentist and his gear up in Sydney (Aust) for sale, her cargo this time frantic haste and head further North to the was a spare engine, secured on back seat, Section sun. W e only just got out too, by pulling for repairs. She did the flight in 29% hours the poor old Baron into the air well before over 5 days. After a short visit to her family ☆ she wanted to fly! in Adelaide she left for Djajapura in West I went into Onslow last week for fuel, Irian, where she will be located for the MARIE RICHARDSON, Reporter leaving the dentist at ‘Yarraloola’ Station, next two years. Her firends know she isn’t 60 miles away and saying that I’d be back a prolific letter writer and will understnad Have a letter from ROBIN MILLER re for lunch. Onslow had also had inches of if they don’t get replies to all letters. But her Aerodental Clinic flying tour of North­ rain-— you just about need a tidal chart any of you who have ever felt lonely or west Western Australia earlier this year so to get in there at the best of times — but isolated will know just how much the re­ will give it to you in her own words... as the ground is all hard coral, the strip is ceipt of newsy letters can mean to a young “The Aerodental Clinic has been a great usually O.K. Was taxying out for take-off girl like CHRIS whose only communication success, teethwise, but has been fought back to ‘Yarroloola’ about 11:45 am, just now with the outside world will be a regu­ with numerous hazards flyingwise. Some­ in nice time for lunch, when I heard a lar fortnightly air service from Wewak, how I’ve always been a great ‘rain bringer’ terrible banging noise. To my amazement, N.G. So do write to her through her only and it seems to follow me wherever I go. when I looked behind, I saw a poor mud- reliable address up there: Even the most drought stricken areas have spattered, red faced man running behind attracted big water laden skies as soon as the Baron banging frantically on the elva- C/O Rev. Father John van de Pavert I come near. We had far too much (dental) tor. I stopped, hut the fellow was so puffed O.F.M. gear to use the Cessna 180 as originally out and excited, the only word I could Catholic Mission planned so we have been doing it in style catch was ‘hospital’. Thinking something WEWAK, T.N.G. in the Baron! However wet strips have must be seriously wrong, I taxied back, heen a constant headache. Often Station shut down and looked for this man, but Good Luck, CHRIS and Safe Flying. (Ranch) people just don’t understand. there was no sign of him or anyone else, so M A R G A R E T K E N TLE Y has joined the Typical was one Station manager I'd I walked out to the main road and hitched ranks of “Flying Grannies” in Australia, spoken to over the ‘pedal’ early the other a ride 5 miles into town. The nearest Doc­ in August when her son PETER and morning asking how his strip was for the tor to Onslow is 200 miles by road or % daughter in law presented her with a future Baron. (Reporters note; ‘pedal’ short for hour over the sea by air, at Exmouth. The Ninety-Nine, for a first Grandchild. M A R ­ pedal-radio the original type of radio set Sisters at the Onslow Hospital talk to the GARET has made two trips in her Mooney used in remote areas, and ‘powered’ by the Dr. in Exmouth over the Royal Flying Dr. from Sydney to Melbourne since to see the feet on pedals) He told me one strip was Radio if anything urgent crops up and new arrival. MARGARET has also entered under water, but there was ‘heaps of length’ when I walked in they were just trying to the “Warana” Air Races with MARIE on the other which was well drained and get through to him. A child had been RICHARDSON as Navigator. Commencing hard. We went up there and I did about brought in with a strangulated hernia — a on Friday night, October 2nd with 188 nm four low passes over the short area avail­ surgical emergency — and pretty serious, Night Cross Country, followed by a two- able and worked out I could just get in if not to mention painful for the poor kid. day out and back speed against Par Race. I did a real short field landing. We came Well within half an hour I was winging The Victorian girls are very busy or­ to a skidding halt on this strip, stopping my way West over Exmouth Gulf with the ganizing the All Womens’ Fly-in to Ber­ about a foot from a large ‘lake’ of water, sick child and the Matron, and within an wick for Saturday, 17th October. This is putting the fear of God into my Dentist hour we were all scrubbed up in the part of the official programme for Austra­ passenger. Over came the Station manager Theatre of Exmouth Hospital, Operating. lian wide celebrations of “Aviat ‘70”. Be saying .. ‘J . . . C . . . I didn’t know you The fact that it was Sunday and there were seeing you then. were coming in a bloody 70711’ My com­ no communications and that the people at That is all for this month. Come on girls, ments to that are better not recorded. More ‘Yarraloola’ might be worried about my Give with the News. Bye.

— 38— October, 1970 through , Thialand, Singapore and craft were re-handicapped for the Ninety .) Nines race, and MARY stayed out in front to win — a result we were all very pleased The British Section’s main activity since with. our last report was the Ninety-Nines Tro­ CHRISTINE COOMBE missed the phy Air Race. There were 6 entrants: GIL­ Ninety Nines Air Race as she was collect­ LIAN CAZALET, ELIZABETH OVER­ ing a Tri-Pacer from Lisbon, after BURY, DAPHNE POYNTER, MRS. HIL overhaul. But she has been very much part DICK, MARY KNAPP and yours truly. of the racing scene as she organized an aii MARY KNAPP is a keen pylon-rarer from race round the Isle of Wight at the end of Connecticut and came over to this country July. I missed this due to the ferry trips especially to sample our handicap races. but, knowing CHRISTINE, I’m quite sure She entered both the Goodyear Trophy (an it was a great success, and a woman pilot open event with 40 competitors in a wide won it ( though not a Ninety Nine un­ variety of aircraft) and the Ninety Nines fortunately! ) race. MARY raced a Turbulent aircraft be­ FIRST CANADIAN CHAPTER Eleventh hour news re. SHELIA SCOTT longing to the Tiger Club and had the is that she has broken yet another record — I’m sorry to say that when the last report doubtful privilege o f being first away in this time from New York to London (Gat- was due I was involved in another ferry both races (so she had to find her own way wick) in a little over 20 hours. Marvelous trip which again extended itself longer round the course!) The Turbulent is a tiny news, especially after the gloomy report than expected, and so I missed the dead­ single-seat ultra-light plane, with 45 HP previously of “Myth Too” being damaged line. (This was rather unusual trip taking converted Volkswagon engine, open cock­ by a gas truck at Kennedy. a Heron from Portugese pit, a speed of about 90-95 mph and very Guinea in West Africa to Alice Springs, light controls — quite a change from Australia — the route being initially in a MARY’S usual mounts of the Bonanza, Northerly direction to the Cape Verde Is­ Comanche, Siai Marchetti 260 variety, but lands. the Canary Islands, then through the MARY enjoyed flying the tiny blue plane. Mediterranean, , Iran, Afghanistan, In (lie big race, the Turbulent was handi­ West Pakistan, then the usual route capped out of the running, but all the air­


Recently our Chairman BARBARA B RO TH ERTO N and husband TOM flew with SYBIL and CHARLES DUNN to northern Ontario and Quebec for a week. A guide from the Timmins area took them by “lobo” to a camp on Lake Remi where the fishing was terrific. Their itinerary also included Val D’Or, a tour of a gold mine and a flight in a Beaver to another secluded lake for more fishing. But according to SYBIL the highlight of the trip was the flight from Kapuskasing to Moosonee and Moose Factory where two wide rivers flow into James Bay. We all wish to congratualte MISS CHI- YOKE MURAKAMI who recently secured her instrument rating in only four months. No wonder we haven’t seen you lately, CHICO. SHIRLEY and NEIL MACDOUGALL have just returned from a trip to Finland. While in Helsinki SHIRLEY was enter­ tained at a luncheon arranged by M ARJA AARNIO-WIHURI, the Governor of the Finnish Section, with four other members, When SHEILA SCOTT landed at London’s Gatwick Airport on Thursday, September EIRA KUORINKA, MAY AMINOFF, 3, in her single-engine Piper Comanche, she had established her 93rd point-to-point PIRKKO HELMINEN and ANNELI KOK speed record. This latest record, subject to official homologation by the Federation KOLA. Gliding is popular in Finland and Aeronautique Internationale, cover her flight from New York (JFK) to London with a stop at Gander, Newfoundland. Her total elapsed time was 20 hours and 12 ANNELI has her license. MARJA and minutes. The landing at Gatwick also was the final leg of the SECOND round-the- PIRKKO are working on their float en­ world flight MISS SCOTT has made in her Comanche which is named "Myth II.” dorsements and EIR A flys a Swedish MFI. Her first global trip was made in 1967 which set a new official speed record for According to SHIRLEY the luncheon and aircraft in the Comanche class. For this she was awarded the Harmon International a trip to visit MARJA’S lovely home was a Trophy, highest award given annually to astronauts, male and female pilots for memorable experience and we all look for­ outstanding flying feats. In all, MISS SCOTT and her 260 horsepower Comanche ward to meeting any Finnish members or have crossed the Atlantic six different times. Last spring she entered the London friends who come to Canada. Daily Mail Race flying from London to New York’s LaGuardia Airport in 25 hours Also SHIRLEY and NEIL were able to and 48 minutes elapsed time. On her return flight she established a new speed record between New York and Copenhagen via Goose Bay and Iceland. Among rent planes at both Helsinki and Jyvalskyla other long distance flights in her Comanche, she also has flown the round trip with only a short check ride and a Cana­ twice from London to Cape Town, South Africa. dian license.

October, 1970 — 39— The Central Ontario Aviation Council is MAPLE LEAF CHAPTER a newly formed association concerned with JACQUELINE FRAMPTON, Reporter improving general aviation facilities in this area. Since I last wrote our members have been Our Chapter was requested by the busy enjoying a lovely summer with many Council to undertake a survey of general away on holidays and others getting away to aviation at nine airports between Septem­ the many Hying events this summer. I also ber 14th and 20th. have been busy this last little while, moving We are at present just commencing this our household to a new home in Waterford, survey but are anticipating a fantiastic re­ Ontario and as a consequence nobody seems port on general aviation traffic in this to have caught up with me with any news. immediate area. This summer has been filled with many fun flying events in Ontario, even if this reporter has missed many of them. There are still more scheduled for Sept. and Oct. Among these is The Maple Leaf Chapter’s Annual Poker Run on Oct. 14th which I’ll have more to tell you about later. Again I have sent pictures of our Air­ marking in June, because all of us who were A long, hard day and a job well done! there will never forget the fun and the good Cleaning up after the Airmarking are feeling of accomplishment which followed from left to right JOAN CORBETT, that day of effort. Again a genuine thank JACKIE FRAMPTON, MARY CASSAR and JEANNE McEACHERN, who as Airmark­ ing chairman furnished the car for load­ ing and taking out to the runway.

you to the friends and husbands that assisted us in putting “SARNIA-CANADA" in 20’ letters on Sarnia Airport. Our Annual Chapter meeting is latter this month because of several week-end flying events the first two week-ends in Sept., but again, the many plans and decisions to come forward at this meeting will be reported later. Some miscellaneous news items gathered lately. BERNICE ESKRITT and her family have gone on a campig trip to the West Busy painting one of the many ’’A” s of coast for the month of Aug. the day are from left to right, FAYE IVANKA ZUZEK and her 49>/2ER CARDINER, JOAN CORBETT and MARY HANK have an addition to the family — a CASSAR. new baby girl. Other 99’s who have moved this summer are BARBARA SHULMAN, LORNA DE BLICQUY and MARIE WALKER. Busy working to further their Airman ratings this summer are HILDA DEV- EREUX, working on her Instructors rating and BERTHA SNELGROVE busy getting her night flying endorsement. HILDA DEVEREUX and JOAN COR BETT are also planning to fly to the East Canada Section meeting in Ottawa Sept. 26th. Remember the next time you are planning J (..p tL ’Dimptraluf filing that flying holiday that Ontario is year round flying country with many airports and facilities throughout the province. A very ' l U . complete manual of information for anyone interest in flying in Canada anywhere is; “ Air Tourist Information Canada” compiled by the Civil Aviation Branch of the Depart­ ment of Transport, Canada. This book is All ready to start painting SARNIA- obtainable on request by writing to the / ? / f 7 W/)/5 MfMfS CANADA at Sarnia Airport are from left Aeronautical Information Services Publi­ Helen Shropshire to right, JACKIE FRAMPTON, MARY cation office, Civil Aviation Branch, P. O. BOX 534 CASSAR, JEANNE McEACHERN, JOAN Department of Transport, no. 3 Temporary PACIFIC GROVE, CAUP. 939SO CORBETT and HELEN WILSON. Building, Ottawa, Ontario.


This reporter seems to have been knee deep in everything but writing to the News­ letter these last few months, please forgive, attention was directed to the Convention before July. Now tliat our week in the White Mts. is over we have many wonderful memories. DON & PEG DAVIDSON let us have a “swim and relax” meeting at their summer cottage on the shore in August. Everyone brought their families and a good time was had by all I New officers for the coming year have been elected. We’re very happy to have MARY NEIL as our CHAIRMAN for a The Northern New England Chapter held its September meeting at Greenville, Maine second year. BOBBIE HERBER gave up as guests of RAMONA MORRILL who flies her Cessan 170 commercially from her her secretarial duties to be our VICE- own dock on Moosehead Lake and is known as Maine’s only lady bush pilot. Left to CHAIRMAN. Our busy gal, EVELYN right in the photo are JANE BENNET, JEAN BATCHELDER, PAT MACK, JOY KROPP will be the new SECRETARY. BRICKER, BEA HILTON, RAMONA MORRILL and JACKIE TEMPESTA. JANE, BEA This reporter will struggle with the fiances and JACKIE may join the ranks of the Ninety Nines in the future— JANE is one of for another year as TR EA SU R E R . RAMONA’S seaplane students, BEA and her husband fly a Cessna 310 and keep a glider for fun, and JACKIE is a new private pilot. At the Chapter meeting, new officers were elected: Chairman, PAT MACK; Vice Chairman, KAY HOSMER; Secre­ tary, JOY BRICKER; and Treasurer, KAY HACKLEROOD.

EASTERN NEW ENGLAND CHAPTER folks in Chatham, and also to an EA A fly in KATHERINE TOMPKINS, Reporter at N orfolk and an aerobatic competition in Waterbury. Conn. VIRGINIA was an assis­ As summer dribbles to an end in a cold tant judge at the IAC sponsored competi­ autumn rain, New England Ninety Nines tion. Also there was MARTY POOL, wrapped up the season with a couple of fun Pennsylvania Ninety Nine with her 49'/^er fly-ins. At the August meeting in Provi­ Champ, and RICK and KATHY TOMP­ dence, Rhode Island, convention was KINS, who were on their way to Ramapo EVELYN KROPP, CONN. CHAPTER, with remembered, final details completed and Valley to visit parents. JOAN and MOR­ her new plane. filed under finished. LILLIAN EBBERSON GAN VIGNERON have a new Cherokee was welcomed as a new member and several 3-300 which they flew out West this summer. MANY & DAVID NEIL have certainly prospective members were entertained for MONA BUDDING attended the South had a eventful time since convention. They lunch at Valle’s restaurant. The September Central Sectional in Longview, Texas. flew to San Antonio for their son ALAN’S gathering was held in Sturbridge Village on BILLIE, 49V&ER STU and STU SENIOR graduation from Officers training in the Air such a gorgeous day that many flew in even are off on a 30 day flying vacation in a 172. Force and then on to Deerfield, III. for his if it took longer than a drive. New members They plan stops in Seattle, San Francisco, wedding. They will be stationed at Colum­ welcomed are MARILYN FENTON and Las Vegas, and the Grand Canyon. New bus Air Force Base, Columbus, Mississippi LUCILLE FLYNN, both private pilots and member LILLIAN EBBERSON and 49>/2er for his flight training. MARY also reports MARILYN a student of RIPLEY MIL­ TOM made a delightful trip to St. Jovite, that they had a wild IFR to Philadelphia LERS. Guest speaker NANCY TIER, Char­ Canada in their Cherokee 180D where they International Airport recently. While they ter member, received many a chuckle as she vacationed at the Gray Rock Inn. were parked at Atlantic Aviation two very told of taildraggin’ delights and frights. She HARRIETT FULLER has a new Com­ inebriated characters got in their plane and said flying is so relaxing now, she hasn’t had mercial rating, and also is carrying a key to started to start same. Fortunately they did an engine failure since 1931 (six before). a clipped wing J-3 which she says will be not find the Master switch, but they pushed RIPLEY MILLER and NANCY had a flying soon. LOIS AUCHTERLONIE is off every other botton and generally had a gay fine time hangar flying at head table about Salmon fishing in California. I and my time in a very short time when they caught the virtures of the Cessna 170 — it seems 49]/£er flew to Michigan for a weekend in them. Half an hour later they left the field they both have one. our Citabria. By the way, Old Rhinebect in the protective custody of six policemen New officers installed are GEORGIA New York is a great place to watch the who promised to give them a very hard time. PAPPAS, Treasurer and HARRIETT World War I planes dogfight but if it’s rain­ The CONN. CHAPTER will be getting FULLER, Secretary. Remaining in office ing, don’t sit in the bushes to keep dry,.. together next Sept. 26th at Bradley Field, are CHAIRMAN RIPLEY MILLER and (and I thought poison ivy was just for Hartford. There will be hangar flying the VICE CHAIRMAN VIRGINIA BONE- k id s). the pilots lounge, a tour of the Museum on STEEL. Section representatives will be More on the ground side of things, the Field, participation in Link training for FRAN PORTER and CHRIS SEAVER. Our RIPLEY MILLER was guest on a Lowell, interested members, and an informative members have been airborne quite a bit Mass. radio talk show with WARREN lecture by an AOPA Clinic Instructor. lately. CHUCK and VIRGINIA BONE- HUPPER, TEW MAC airport manager. This is all the news from the Nutmeg STEEL have been 182-ing to Cape Cod BFO’ers (Bonesteel-Fuller-Outings) in State for now. many weekends this summer to visit his August went to Lebanon, New Hampshire,

October, 1970 — 4 1 — Hiller in Barre, Mass., Keene in New Hamp­ Ninety-Nines members turned out for Would anyone believe a lady pilot could shire, Block Island, Rholde Island, and the the annual W IA A tea on Sunday, Sept. 13 fly her husband’s treasured airplane, in this last one of the season will he Saturday Sept. at Floyd Bennett Field, N.Y. According to case a Cessna 195B, while he sat in the 26 in JalTrey New Hampshire. Next month Greater New York member DORIS REN- back seat? It actually happened... to me. I’ll report on the winners of the BFO’s, in N1NGER who is WIAA President this will the meantime. be the last tea they will bold at that field WE’RE FLYING HIGH, HOW ABOUT because of the impending closing down of WESTERN NEW YORK CHAPTER YOU!!! (Hello Den-Doddy MALCOLM facilities there. PEG PIEPER, Reporter wherever you are — EO). One of our most strenuous activities this summer was airmarking at the Dunkirk, LONG ISLAND CHAPTER N.Y. Airport (DKK on V-14 between Erie, IRENE HENRY, Reporter Pa. and Buffalo, N.Y.). Nine 99’s and a p l C , . f N Y. • N.J? goodly number of 49’/tiers plastered on the HELEN MOXIM and her 49>/2 are twenty foot yellow letters “ DUNKIRK” . The headed for Japan on September 18 to visit s e c t io n ! fast drying (5 minutes) highway marking brand new grandson. They expect to return paint supplied by the City of Dunkirk was before our Penny-A-Pound, at which time more than appropriate for the deavy down­ HELEN will fly and A L will help with GREATER NEW YORK CHAPTER pour o f rain that began just as the last dab ground operations. LORRAINE BRUCK, Reporter was applied. Our thanks to TERRI PIR- FRAN BERA was our guest at our RUNG’S 491/oer for the engineering and An Air Show and Memorial Service in September 2nd meeting. It sure as a plea­ layout. The airmakring was preceded by honor of MARJORIE JEAN STRAUB who sure to have such a distinguished pilot in refreshments at JEAN VALVO’S home. The died recently while instructing over our company. toughest job went to her 49*4er BERT, Dutchess County Airport, took place at that e l l i e M cC u l l o u g h and i r e n e who volunteered to baby-sit for more than a airport on Saturday, Sept. 19th from 1:30 HENRY (me) flew to Martha’s Vineyard dozen 24%thers (boy, that’s a mouthful), to 3:30. An eternal light and a plaque were Sunday the 6th, for a pleasant lunch and while the airmarking was in progress. placed at the airport in MARJORIE’S chat with PAT ARNOLD, who operates the Those present were: DORIS CULP, memory. airport on weekends. AGNES DENLER, ETHEL FEDDERS, Aerobatics anyone? ART MEDORE of DAISY and BOB POSS will be vacation­ DONNA JOSS. PEG PIEPER, TERRI Sussex Aero, Sussex, N.J. has offered ing in Majorka, an Island off the Coast of PIRRUNG, KATHY POTOCZAK, JEAN Ninety-Nines a 10% discount on the cost of , by the time you read this. VALVO, and JANE VAN BUREN. A good a 14-hour Aerobatics Course at Sussex Air­ Congratulations are in order for our feeling of accomplishment was shared by port. Chairman’s husband, CHARLES DOBRE- all. BETTY PATTON has a one-man show SCU, who recently made Captain for TWA. of her paintings at the Englewood Hospital­ On Friday 9/11, our Governor ELLIE ity Shop, Englewood Hospital, N.H. from McCULLOUGH took part in the Garden October 5 to October 10. Go see! State Chapter’s presentation to the Airport Notes: Red Bank Airport, N.J. AWTAR Board for terminus of the Powder is discouraging use of the airport by tran­ Puff Derby 1972 at Ocean County, New sient students and is prohibiting all touch Jersey. ELLIE also attend the 2nd Anni­ and go practice there. Kobelt Airport, versary ceremonies of the Airport the fol­ Wallkill, N.Y.: the CAVU restaurant is re­ lowing day. opened and recommended. Twin Mountain MARJORIE GRAY and ELLIE attended Airport, Twin Mountain, N.H. where many the WIAA Jesse R. Chamberlain Memorial 99’s tied down during the Convention and Tea on the 13th of September at Floyd were accorded that special brand of Bennet Field, at which JERRIE COBB was O’BRIEN (DOT and JOE) hospitality, presented the Lady Hay Drummond Hay — were still dispensing delicious hot coffee JESSE R. CHAMBERLAIN Memorial Tro­ (on the house) last weekend when this phy. In JERRIE’S absence JEAN ROSS reporter and 49’/>er flew up to visit. They HOWARD (last year’s recepient) accepted were very pleased with all the letters they the trophy for her. JIM LOCURTO, center, Chief of BUF received from Ninety-Niners post-Conven- DONNA FLAUM is busily engaged in FSS with an assist from J. CARR, try to tion. instructing at Zahn’s Airport, Amityville. blow out candles on cakes presented by New Members: BARBARA PIGOTT, 3 DONNA, who was one of last year’s re­ (from I. to r.) KATHY POTOCZAK, PEG Old Church Road, Warren, N.J. flying a cipients of the A. E. Scholarship awards, PIEPER, ARLENE BRAY and TERRY PIR Bonanza out of Somerset, N.J., and BETTY just obtained her Seaplane rating, passed RUNG in celebration of the 50th Anni­ BARLIA, 9 Shoshone Road, Oakland, N.J. the ATR written and by the time this goes versary of FSS. flying with 49*4er LOU out of Caldwell, to print will have her Glider rating. They N.J. JANE JACOBUS has joined BETTY leave her with only the Helicopter to go in ARLENE BRAY took over the reins as and LOU BARLIA as a member of the order to have them all. chairman at the last meeting and we wish Fairfield Aero Flying Club at Caldwell, After many tears and regrets, DOTTIE her much success in her term of office. N.J. BOCK sold her cherished Luscombe 8e Newly elected assistants will be KATHY Greater New York Chapter members will “Sassy”, however, it was of some consola­ POTOCZAK, Vice-chairman, JEAN VAL­ not soon forget a glorious day spent around tion to have passed her instrument written. VO, Secretary-Treasurer, ETHEL FED­ the pool at the home of DORIS and FRED Two of our members, IRENE BRUNKS DERS, Membership Chairman and PEG STOLL in Chappaqua, N.Y. August 20. and GUS ANDERSON, were timers for the PIEPER, News Reporter. Our chairman, Present at the festivities were MRS. FAIR­ Powder Puff Derby. ARLENE BRAY is an active instructor/ BANKS, LOIS FAIRBANK’S mother, who ANNA DIETRICH and ELLIE took instrument rated pilot. She and hubby, celebrated her 90th birthday the following ANNA’S houseguest from The Black For­ MILFORD, just returned from a trip to week, and MARGOT STOLL who cele­ est, Germany, MRS. MARIE HULSMANN Bar Harbor, Me. in their Skyhawk. She re­ brated her 17th birthday by passing her for her first ride in a small airplane. She ported a great trip except for a RON at Private Written Exam at Wooster, Mass. enjoyed seeing all of Long Island from the Albany, N.Y. due to severe thunderstorms. the weekend of August 7. Congratulations air and wanted to fly over to Nantucket for Despite all the haze this year, JANE to both. lunch the next day. VAN BUREN is piling up lots of hours in

— 4 2 — October, 1970 her newly acquired Skyhawk. JANE rightly predicted we would have a lot of haze this Ill ANNUAL PHOENIX PROFICIENCY year. Who needs FSS! Despite JANE’S mystical weather predicting, we do need FSS and that’s why ARLENE BRAY and AIRRACES! her little hakers (KATHY POTOCZAK, TERRI PIRRUNG and PEG PIEPER) SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1970 whipped up a batch of birthday cakes and entries close Oct. 15 presented them with lighted candles to the FSS at Greater Buffalo International Air­ GALS! KACHINA DOLL RACES — Morning TROPHIES! port to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of PRIZES! FSS. The bosy at FSS sure were surprised. GUYS! ROADRUNNER RACES — Afternoon J. LO CURTO, chief of Buffalo FSS, re­ $25 entry fee each race * includes GALA BANQUET sponded by giving the girls a personally 250-300 Mile Round-Robin Phoenix Litchfield Airport conducted tour of the FSS facilities. A grand hunch at F’SS and we were glad to Sponsored by PHOENIX CHAPTER OF THE 99’S INTERNATIONAL help to help them celebrate. TF.RRIE PIRRUNG can also celebrate! To: Ruth Lundberg □ $1 W ould you believe a sea plane rating? She is our Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholar­ 11245 West Hidalgo FOR KIT ship Recipient who now holds every rating TOLLESON, AZ 85383 ENCLOSED but ATR (maybe by next report). TERRI checked out in the new Teal Amphibian, NAME______said she hasn’t had so much fun since mak­ ing her helicopter rating. STREET______KATHY POTOCZAK, our nominee for STATE ______ZIP ______Treasurer of the N.Y.-N.J. Section flew her 182 to Penn’s Cave, Pa. — a lovely place with picnic facilities and a boat ride through the underground caves. KATHY and her 49%er HENRY', will take their DECALS, 3” x 3” , compass rose, 182 to the Section meeting in Morristown, NOTAM pressure-sensitive type emblem, suitable N.J. afterwich they continue to Florida for PALOMAR CHAPTER ANNOUNCES for plane and car, luggage, etc. 25c their vacation. JU M P S U ITS each. Order from: A beautiful trip to Italy with her 49%er Pretty blue in sizes 10-20%, 50% poly­ Laura Sellinger BILL occupied most of DONNA JOSS’S ester, 50% cotton. $20.00 with 99’s 640 E. Jefferson Ave. vacation this summer (along with airmark­ St. Louis, Mo. 63122 patch, $19.50 without patch. This in­ ing). She was not successful in contacting our 99 sister in Rome. cludes postage. Calif, residents add 5% Make checks payable to Greater St. ETHEL FEDDERS and her friend sales tax. Louis Chapter 99’s. MARY’ OSHEI flew to Albany and Ben­ nington, Vt. JEAN VALVO is still under the hood (or is it the weather?). JEAN claims that her 49%er BURT likes flying alone and that is why he is taking his time about getting his license. Could it be that BURT enjoys the peace and quiet up there? AGGIE DENLER expressed her thanks to the chapter members for the support and cooperation given to her during her chair­ manship. Our thanks to you, AGGIE for a job well done. Until next time — FLY HIGH and DRY! (I’ll drink to that).

ANSWER: Hi! My name is BRIANA, and my Mommy is GENE NORA JES- SEN, immediate past chairman of Idaho Chapter 99’s.

October, 1970 — 43— SEYMOUR, INDIANA SEPTEMBER 19f 1970 1970 F.A.I.R. SCORE SHEET TOTAL FINISH RACE PAR ACTUAL SPEED PAR ACTUAL FUEL % POSITION NAME NO. AIRCRAFT SPEED SPEED % FUEL FU EL % 99.775 1 Jean lennertson 38 Cessna 172 102 101.89193 .49947 19.43330 19.5 .49828 Rich Lennertson 1 Hr. 50 Min. 07 Sec. 9 9.012 2 Pamela Stowell 26 Cessna 175 108 108.77363 .49642 21.47035 21.2 .49370 1 Hr. 45 Min. 09 Sec. Judith Suit 98.880 3 Betty Cull 36 Piper Cherokee 103 102.20131 .49612 17.24754 17.5 .49268 Dr. F. D. Ellis 1 Hr. 49 Min. 47 Sec. 98.681 4 Sue Mathias 25 Cess Cardinal 111 110.52372 .49785 23.41705 22.9 .48896 Bernard Bathuer 1 H r. 41 M in . 31 Sec 98.607 5 Jane Wight 22 Piper Cherokee 114 113.29519 .49691 17.71578 18.1 .48916 Robert Wight 1 Hr. 39 Min. 02 Sec. 98.124 6 Virginia McKee 46 Cessna 150 89 89.05940 .49967 11.76627 12.2 48157 Joyce McKee Toman 2 Hr. 05 Min. 59 Sec. 98.068 7 Priscilla Barr 43 Cessna 172 101 99.05827 .49039 19.07035 18.7 .49029 Byrd Barr 1 Hr. 53 Min. 16 Sec. 8 Geraldine Krause 2 Twin Comanche 154 153.20887 .49743 23.31418 22.5 48254 97.997 Ralph Krause 1 H r. 13 M in . 14 Sec. 9 Sophia M. Payton 8 MooneyM 20E 133 132.07772 .49653 16.87224 16.3 48304 97.957 Ethel Knuth 1 Hr. 24 Min. 57 Sec. 10 Winifred DuPerow 40 Cessna 170 101 101.41609 .49794 16.10788 15.4 .47802 97.597 Gloria Schaefer 1 Hr. 50 Min. 38 Sec. 11 Ruby Mensching 11 Apache PA 23 127 130.51550 .48616 27.97636 27.4 .48970 9 7.586 Ruth Sitler 1 Hr. 25 Min. 58 Sec. 12 Hazel Jacobs 9 Piper Arrow PA-28R 132 126.23279 .47815 16.29171 16.5 .49361 9 7.176 Jean Dunmore 1 Hr. 28 Min. 53 Sec 13 Charlene Falkenberg 12 Mooney M20C 126 129.71068 .48528 15.43495 15.0 .48591 97.119 Joseph Goodyear 1 Hr. 26 Min. 30 Sec. 14 Marcia Reynolds 42 Beechcraft Musketeer 101 97.90576 .48468 22.58818 23.4 .48203 96.671 Dorothy Neikamp 1 Hr. 54 Min. 36 Sec. 15 Lois Kennard 6 Cessna 210 139 129.76109 .46677 17.62369 17.5 .49649 96.326 Dick Kennard 1 Hr. 26 Min. 28 Sec. 16 Betty Nicholas 47 Cessna 150 89 89.27198 .49847 13.02694 14.0 .46265 96.112 Paul Schlundt 2 Hr. 05 Min. 41 Sec. 17 Virginia Haney 44 Cessna 172 101 99.21887 .49118 19.25539 20.5 .46768 95.886 James Swisher 1 Hr. 53 Min. 05 Sec. 18 Loretta Jones 19 Cessna 182 121 120.45089 .49773 20.09085 18.5 .46041 95.814 Toni Carlelli 1 Hr. 33 Min. 09 Sec. 19 Jan Kuechenmeister 41 Cessna 172 101 97.72100 .48377 16.84856 15.8 .46888 95.265 Clara Tharpe 1 Hr. 54 Min. 49 Sec. 20 Pauline Genung 17 Cessna 182 122 124.09217 .49143 22.83857 20.85 .45646 94.789 Robert Genung 1 Hr. 30 Min. 25 Sec. 21 Billie Anderson 10 Bonanza G-35 131 129.58619 .49460 15.41678 16.9 .45190 94.650 Carl Anderson 1 Hr. 26 Min. 35 Sec. 22 Maretta Simpson 16 Cessna 182 122 125.38648 .48612 24.21808 23.2 .47898 94.510 Carl Simpson 23 Patricia Paulsen 28 Cessna 175 107 109.12635 .49006 17.12707 18.8 .45116 94.122 Roland Paulsen 1 Hr. 42 Min. 49 Sec. 24 Virginia Chamberlain 48 Cessna 120 85 80.52639 .47368 12.98000 14.0 .46071 93.439 Edgar Morgan 2 Hr. 19 Min. 20 Sec. 25 Rae Cawdell 34 Piper Cherokee 103 102.76294 .49885 20.87860 22.8 .45399 93.284 Dale McKinnis 1 Hr. 49 Min. 11 Sec. 26 Mid Cassidy 1 Bonanza V-3 5 154 140.83659 .45726 17.60706 18.6 .47180 92.906 Esther Berner 1 Hr. 19 Min. 40 Sec. 27 Barbara Simmons 27 Cessna 175 108 98.69521 .45692 22.33609 23.9 .46499 92.191 Lois Hawley 1 Hr. 53 Min. 41 Sec 28 Kathleen Wood 3 Mooney M20F 148 136.91309 .46255 13.64591 14.5 .46871 92.126 Jean Wood 1 Hr. 21 Min. 57 Sec. 29 Tannie Schlundt 4 Cessna 210 146 148.21625 .49241 21.00545 24.0 .42872 92.113 Joe Norman 1 Hr. 15 Min. 42 Sec. 30 Helen F. Grahn 7 Beechcraft Debonair 138 137.02445 .49647 16.93838 19.0 .43914 91.561 Vernie Grahn 1 Hr. 21 Min. 33 Sec.

31 Mary Miller 35 Piper Cherokee 103 94.77685 .46008 17.42909 19.1 .45207 91.215 Paul Brosher 1 Hr. 58 Min. 23 Sec 32 Jeanine Tellekson 14 Cessna 182 124 118.1055 .47623 24.73218 21.4 .43263 90.886 Walter Neuman 1 Hr. 35 Min. 00 Sec. 33 Beverly Suverkrup (Rookie) 37 P ip e r Cherokee 103 102.92004 .49961 18.15530 21.6 .40513 90.474 "Bud" Suverkrup 1 Hr. 49 Min. 01 Sec. 34 Cynthia Vogel 49 Funk B85C 85 68.86957 .40512 13.20000 13.1 .49621 90.133 Don Powell 2 Hr. 42. Min. 55 Sec. 35 Dottie Anderson 23 Piper Cherokee 114 102.82572 .45099 17.71578 19.8 .44118 89.217 Virginia Stephan 1 Hr. 49 Min. 07 Sec. 36 Barbara G. Hause (Rookie) 45 Cessna 172F 101 97.25513 .48146 18.51480 22.0 .40588 88.734 Fred C. Hale 1 Hr. 55 Min. 22 Sec. 37 Barbara H. Jennings (Rookie) 39 Cessna 172 102 102.48135 .49764 14.84997 18.7 .37037 86.801 Tina Sturdevant 1 Hr. 50 Min. 29 Sec. 38 Norma Nevitt (Rookie) 31 Cessna Cardinal 105 102.03092 .48586 14.78189 18.3 .38100 86.686 James Broadhurst 1 Hr. 49 Min. 58 Sec. 39 Margaret Ringenberg 13 Mooney Ranger 125 130.76923 .47693 16.15680 19.3 .40273 86.966 Julie Werling 1 Hr. 25 Min. 38 Sec. 40 Betty Moseley (Rookie) 33 Piper Cherokee 103 92.26974 .44791 17.06598 20.6 .39646 84.437 Kent Moseley 2 Hr. 01 Min. 36 Sec.

41 Ada Lee McNulty (Rookie) 29 Cessna 175 106 97.15699 .45829 15.87735 20.7 .34813 80.642 Robert Voeltz 1 Hr. 55 Min. 29 Sec. 42 Patricia Davison (Rookie) 32 Piper Cherokee 104 91.29373 .43891 17.80167 21.9 .35896 79.787 Dorothy Arnett 2 Hr. 02 Min. 34 Sec. 43 Marsha Ringenberg 15 Cessna 182 123 103.31492 .41998 21.58869 27.9 .35383 77.381 M. M. Hanes 1 Hr. 48 Min.36 Sec. 44 Cari Downs 24 Cherokee 180 113 97.25502 .43033 21.67879 29.3 .32422 75.455 Ruth Christen 1 Hr. 45 Min. 22 Sec. 45 Madeline Wagoner (Rookie) 18 Cessna 182 121 87.39461 .36114 18.85449 24.6 .34764 70.878 B. D. Wagoner 2 Hr. 08 Min. 23 Sec. 46 Kathleen Sage 20 Piper Cherokee 117 94.64377 .40446 17.58119 25.4 .27764 68.210 Jill McCormick 1 Hr. 58 Min. 33 Sec. 47 Donna Fulks 5 Comanche PA-24 145 103.28296 .35615 19.08697 26.7 .30057 James Fulks 65.672 1 Hr. 48 Min. 28 Sec. 48 Mary Scheafer 30 Piper Cherokee 160 105 16.02855 30.0 Marion Stacks 49 Ruth Lake 21 Piper Cherokee 160 17.26153 Frances Henke

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INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF WOMEN PILOTS International Headquarters — Will Rogers World Airport Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73159