African Painted Dog

Description The African Painted Dog has long legs, a lean body, a relatively small head, large ears and a short broad muzzle. It has only four toes on each foot. Its black, grey, yellow, white and brown coat varies in pattern and is different for each dog. The African Painted Dog has a 31–41 cm long tail with a white tip. Fast Facts Diet African Painted Dogs are carnivores. They hunt small to medium-size antelope like Impala and Kudu. Sometimes they hunt Wildebeest which requires team - work. Scientific Name: Lycaon pictus In the wild Other Names: , Cape Hunting dog, Hunting dog African Painted Dogs live in packs of 30 or more. Usually only the dominant male and female breed, however, the whole pack helps raise the young. Adults : Endangered regurgitate their food for the pups to eat until their hunting skills develop by Extinct Threatened Least Concern about 12 months. Threats EX EW CR EN VU NT LC In less than a century, their numbers have fallen from an estimated 300,000 Body Length: 76–110 cm across 39 countries to a mere 3,000 with viable packs in just six countries today. They are killed by farmers because they are thought to kill livestock and Weight: 17–36 kg they are also caught by poachers. Painted Dogs also suffer from habitat loss and domestic dog diseases. Gestation: 69–73 days At Perth Zoo Number of young: 6–16 pups The Zoo has the African Painted Dog pack on display in the African Savannah. Habitat: Plains, semi-desert, savannah, Perth Zoo contributes to the conservation of wild populations by supporting Painted Dog Conservation Inc and its efforts to protect this species woodlands and forest in the wild. If you would like to help, visit the PDC website at Distribution: , , South Africa, Namibia, and

DID YOU KNOW? When Painted Dogs become old or sick they are taken care of by the pack rather than being abandoned or killed by other pack members.

When the pack goes hunting and makes a kill, pups are allowed to eat first.
