NORTH RIVERSIDE VILLAGE BOARD MEETING AGENDA APRIL 19, 2021 7:00 PM – COUNCIL ROOM I. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA IV. BIDS V. CASH RECEIPTS REPORT VI. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Village Board Meeting – April 5, 2021 VII. REPORTS OF TRUSTEES a. Trustee Czajka 1. Parks and Recreation report b. Trustee Demopoulos: c. Trustee Flores: d. Trustee Mandel: e. Trustee Mengoni. 1. Request for Board Action to approve the Subrecipient Agreement, pertaining to the 26th Street Water Main Improvement between Cook County and North Riverside. f. Trustee Sarro: VIII. MAYORAL REPORT IX. CORRESPONDENCE Request from the Sons of American Legion to solicit on May 3rd-7th and May 10th-14th at Cermak and 1st Avenue. X. APPROVAL OF BILLS Bills to be paid on or before April 19, 2021 XI. ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS NORTH RIVERSIDE VILLAGE BOARD MEETING AGENDA APRIL 19, 2021 7:00 PM – COUNCIL ROOM A Resolution Authorizing the President and Clerk to Execute the 2020 Community Development Block Grant Program Year Agreements with the County of Cook For Project Number 2007-096 (21-R-03) XII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS XIII. NEW BUSINESS XIV. AUDIENCE XV. EXECUTIVE SESSION Proposed action of collective bargaining between the Village and Teamsters Local 705, public works unit. XVI. ADJOURNMENT TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS CONFERENCE CALL/MEETING: PLEASE CALL (312) 626-6799 MEETING ID: 847 6238 4460 TO JOIN BY ZOOM: Public comments may be sent prior to the meeting/conference call via email to
[email protected] until 3pm the day of the meeting.