List of Treaties (A Short Introduction Should Explain How I Have Dealt with Names and Titles and Also the Issue of Where Treaties Have Been Concluded) Key: Abp
List of Treaties (A short introduction should explain how I have dealt with names and titles and also the issue of where treaties have been concluded) Key: abp. (archbishop); c. (count); d. (duke); k. (king); p. (prince) Name of Treaty Printed edition Parties and date 1. II Æthelred Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen, ed. F. 994 Liebermann, 3 vols. (Halle, 1903–16), I, Æthelred II, king of the English 220−5. A modern English translation is Olaf, Josteinn and Guthmund Steitason, leaders available in English Historical Documents. of the army Vol. 1 c.500-1042, 2nd edn., ed. D. Whitelock (London, 1979, repr. 2004), 401-2. 2. Treaty between Alfred and Guthrum Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen, ed. F. 886x890 Liebermann, 3 vols. (Halle, 1903–16), I, Alfred, king of the West Saxons 126-8. A modern English translation is Guthrum, king of the people in East Anglia available in English Historical Documents. Vol. 1 c.500-1042, 2nd edn., ed. D. Whitelock (London, 1979, repr. 2004), 380-1. 3. Concordat of Worms Pax Wormatiensis cum Calixto II, in MGH 1122 Const. I, ed. L. Weiland (Hannover: Hahn, Callixtus II, pope 1893), no. 107 (pp. 159-60) is the promise of Henry V, emperor Henry V; no. 108 (pp. 160-1) is the promise of Callixtus. 4. Division of the Realms Divisio regnorum in MGH Capit. I, ed. A. 806 Boretius (Hannover: Hahn, 1883), 126-30. A Charles (the Great), emperor (check title in modern English translation is available in text) P.D. King, Charlemagne: Translated [Sons??] Sources (Kendal: [], 1987), 251-5.
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