PKR to file report against IGP, AG .com Jun 29, 2008

PKR is expected to lodge a police report tomorrow against the police chief Musa Hassan and attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail later today over their alleged misconduct during 's trials in 1998-1999. MCPX wan azizah pc on anwar sodomy saiful bukhari azlan allegations 290608 03PKR president Dr will be making the report on behalf of her husband Anwar Ibrahim.

Yesterday Anwar had said that he had evidence implicating Inspector-General of Police Musa and AG Abdul Gani Patail in the misconduct, including fabrication of evidence in the cases launched against him after his sacking from government 10 years ago.

He added that a fresh police report lodged against him for sodomy was a result of "interested parties to attack me in retaliation" over this evidence in his possession.

The report alleging sodomy was filed by Anwar's aide, 23-year-old Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, yesterday.

Anwar claimed that the accusation against him was a "complete fabrication". PKR also said that Saiful was arrested and forced by the police to lodge such a report against Anwar.

Anwar is presently seeking refuge at the Turkish embassy after fearing assassination attemps on him.

Wan Azizah: Aide was volunteer staff

This morning Wan Azizah said that Saiful was a volunteer who joined to help the party during the general election period three months ago. saiful bukhari azlan old images with ministers 290608 02She added that little was known of him and that no background check was done on him as he was just a volunteer. He later become a special assistant to Anwar.

Saiful (photo, left) is a former student leader at the Universiti Tenaga Nasional, who have taken photographs with a number of ministers.

Wan Azizah also added that Anwar "was taking it well" with the latest happening.

The police have denied that Saiful was arrested and forced to fabricate evidence as claimed by PKR.

Prime Minister has also denied that the government was behind the new allegation against Anwar and he would let the police investigate the matter and take the necessary action.

Photos of aide with ministers

Wan Azizah accused the government of orchestrating the allegations and produced a photograph of the 23-year-old aide (in blue shirt) with Khairil Anas Yusof, special officer of Deputy Prime Minister (photo). anwar sodomy saiful bukhari azlan allegations 290608PKR has also released a number of other photo showing the alleged victim with other top ministers.

They show Saiful posing with Agriculture and Agro-based Minister Mustapa Mohamed, Tourism Minister Azalina Othman and Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister .

She said it proved a link with the government, which was trying to divert attention away from problems such as fuel price hikes. anwar quality hotel 270608 crowdAbout 100 supporters gathered at a hotel where PKR leaders were meeting, shouting "Reformasi" or "Reform," the opposition movement's battlecry.

"We will take to the streets if they arrest him," social activist Marvin Madahvan told AFP.

James Chin, a political analyst from 's Monash campus, said more mud-slinging would emerge as the date approaches by which Anwar said he would seize power.

"As we head towards September 16, Anwar's own deadline on when he will topple the government, more and more political things will be coming out of the closet from both sides," he told AFP.

"In all probability, these sorts of events are designed to distract the population from real issues such as the slowdown in the economy and the rising fuel prices."

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