Naltrexone, Naltrindole, and CTOP Block Cocaine-Induced Sensitization to Seizures and Death
Peptides, Vol. 18, No. 8, pp. 1189–1195, 1997 Copyright © 1997 Elsevier Science Inc. Printed in the USA. All rights reserved 0196-9781/97 $17.00 1 .00 PII S0196-9781(97)00182-4 Naltrexone, Naltrindole, and CTOP Block Cocaine-Induced Sensitization to Seizures and Death D. BRAIDA,1 E. PALADINI, E. GORI AND M. SALA Institute of Pharmacology, Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, University of Milan, Via Vanvitelli 32/A, 20129, Milan, Italy Received 10 March 1997; Accepted 15 May 1997 BRAIDA, D., E. PALADINI, E. GORI AND M. SALA. Naltrexone, naltrindole, and CTOP block cocaine-induced sensitization to seizures and death. PEPTIDES 18(8) 1189–1195, 1997.—ICV injection for 9 days of either naltexone (NTX) (5, 10, 20, 40 mg/rat) or a selective m peptide (CTOP) (0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 3, 6 mg/rat) or d (naltrindole) (NLT) (5, 10, 20 mg/rat) subtype opioid receptor antagonist affected sensitization to cocaine (COC) (50 mg/kg, IP) administered 10 min after. NTX (5 and 40 mg/rat), NLT (10 and 20 mg/rat), and the peptide CTOP (0.25–0.5 mg/rat) attenuated seizure parameters (percent of animals showing seizures, mean score and latency) in a day-related manner. The DD50 (days to reach 50% of death) value for COC was 2.69, whereas it was 9.67 and 7.27 for NTX 5 and 40 mg/rat, 8.59 for NLT (10 mg/rat), and 6.11, 5.95, and 4.30 for CTOP (0.25, 0.5, and 1 mg/rat respectively).
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