Aligning G20 Infrastructure Investment with Climate Goals & the 2030 Agenda
Foundations Platform F20: A report to the G20 Aligning G20 Infrastructure Investment with Climate Goals & the 2030 Agenda Authors: Amar Bhattacharya and Minji Jeong, Global Economy and Development Program, The Brookings Institution1 Kevin P. Gallagher, Miquel Muñoz Cabré, and Xinyue Ma, Global Development Policy (GDP) Center2 , Boston University Suggested Citation: Bhattacharya, A., Gallagher, K.P., Muñoz Cabré, M., Jeong, M., & Ma, X. (2019) Aligning G20 Infrastructure Investment with Climate Goals and the 2030 Agenda, Foundations 20 Platform, a report to the G20. Published: June 2019 Cover and Design: Rick Lawrence, Samskara Design | Notification This report is written in the spirit of the mission statement of the F20 platform. It does not necessarily represent the views of each participating organization on the platform. The publishers encourage the circulation of this report. Please credit the authors and publishing organizations accordingly. 1 The contribution of the Brookings Institution team was undertaken under the Sustainable Growth and Finance Initiative of the New Climate Economy. Amar Bhattacharya would like to acknowledge the joint work with Professor Nicholas Stern over the past several years on the issues of this report. 2 The GDP Center would like to thank Rebecca Dunn, William Kring, Rebecca Ray, Hannah Schwank, Lilly Bayly, Xintong Bu, and Kehan Wang for timely and meticulous research assistance for this paper. In the end, any errors are those of the authors. Aligning G20 Infrastructure Investment with Climate Goals & the 2030 Agenda A report by theFoundation Foundations Platform Platform Presentation Foreword In many parts of the world, the issue of climate change and the UN 2030 Agenda with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are experiencing an unprecedented momentum.
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