Supreme GPI Is the Most Advance Custom Build for the Retroflag GPI Case (Pi Zero and Zero W)
Supreme GPI is the most advance custom build for the RetroFlag GPI case (Pi zero and Zero W). Our goal is always to make the very best base build for every type of user. We only use the most updated emulators, scripts, front end advancements and tweaks from the pi community. Supreme GPI have : -The Biggest systems support. -The Biggest script library. -Most advance tweaks from the community. 1 1/ Features -5 ES themes rework to fit GPI screen perfectly. -Gpi screen case patch. -Safe shutdown. -No Boot logo and text. -Background music. -Mono audio output. -Fast boot. -Many Script added from supreme unified and community : *Audiotools, *Controllertools, *Emulationtools, *Retropietools, *Visualtools, *Wifi-Bluetooth. -Some script created for GPI case and pi zero(W) only: *Audio output, *Overclock, *Wifi and BT toogle, *Wifi restore, *Fix my build Script. -Online build updater (download, change or upgrade your Supreme GPI build in one click). -Control updater menu. -Clean Emulationstation and options menu. -Standalone emulator (PSX, GBA, SNES, ARCADE, SCUMMVM…) for better performance (no input tweak). -Video loading screen. -PSX-Rearmed crash “fixed”. -All package updated to last commit. -News emulators and systems added. 2 -New tweaks, build Features, options and more… 2/ How to install A) Burn your SD card -Format your sd card with sdformater (format type full). -Burn the ".img" file with Win32DiskImager (WIN) or Appbaker (MACOS). First boot can be longuer (the devise will boot and reboot). Wait until you are on Emulationstation home screen. B/ Wifi setup (pi zero W) -Open the wpa_supplicant.conf file with notepad (or notepad++).
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