Job S.Earch Hindered by Reality Surely. However, Things Have
:"01:73:"N.~~:." ..~.' Mr· .'.' ..~:ttaW., ... ".(.'. ·...·7· ..... <. :~~:,;aLa.. , 6 '199'·S· ..- . DSSGElect~~~~.·•.·.-4~-~7 _.-.:"-~ ,--~.- ~,. By Chan-joo Moon' ..... ."" '.. ..... ....... ...,... w_ -:-:"':'" •• .... .. •. -. ... Thisyear's.DaySession Student Government (DSSG) election is a choice between the BEST party, which emphasizes campus issues ....... -". ~,,~ "'.', ' -.. such as the quality ofstudents' so cial lives, and the STAR party, which has a more activist stance on issues such as Open Admis sions. The Bringing Every Student To gether party has members from current DSSG staff, and the Stu dents Together Achieve Reform party heavily criticizesthecurrent DSSG for not being active enough in working for students. Reannah Ramsingh, BEST presi dential candidate, is currently the Reannah Ramsingb (BEST·-(.arty>,Lennox' Henry (STBparty> executive treasurer of DSSG and brings the experience of having Romana Ali, secretary. hensive Action Plan. He had said worked in the student government The STAR party candidates are that he would only take part ifthe for an academic year. Lennox Henry, president,Omar majority of the student· body Lennox'Henry, STAR presiden- Morales, vice president; Anthon wanted him to, and then cited a ~U~11 tial candidate; says that he will Grant, treasurer; and Simone. De. DSSG..SurYey, which s.hQ~~ that.~~~;; change the way'DSSG works. He Suze, secretary. only 8 per cent of the participants ltl~mt has directly taken part in protests Ramsingh said that she did not wanted DSSG to take a parlin it. againsttheComprehensiveAction participate in the protests at 80 "We areconcemed with Baruch Plan and states that under his street, despite statinga concern for as part of a larger spectrum of leadership, DSSGwill be active in OpenAdmissions on herplatform, things, of course, but we're more promoting students'rights,both on because"youhave toget a consen- .
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