
Their walls are bllul of ca""o"balls, Their mollo is, "Doli 'I' .read 0" me. "

- Robert Hunter

Photos: Malcolm Smith

Patient's Charges Union Describes Graft at UCSD Clinics Inside: The San Diego Union published an A man Layne accused of tampering unknowingly purchased stolen property article Friday containing allegations of with urine samples, who became a from a patient two years ago . Fiction by McCarty bribery and corruption at San Diego area counselor and later assi stant director of methadone clinics operated by the UCSD the I ndia Street clinic before losing his I n addition, Layne said he and his WIfe, Top Ten Books Medical School. job recently, admitted he had done so. also an addict, had contributed at the Softball Playoffs The man, Peter Cortez, 45/ told the Market and Harbison-5treet facilities to a The allegations were made by a Union that drug dealing between fund that would supposedly help supply patient, I 36-year-<>ld Michael Layne, a patients and counselors is common at all coffee and soft drinks for the clinics heroin addict for 15 years who now takes the clinics, and that patients who want Layne said he had discovered later that methadone, a drug that in most patients more methadone can obtain a recom­ the county pays for the coffee at the acts as a substitute for heroin. mendation for same from a counselor he clinics, and that he suspects the money has paid. " went into the pockets of clinic per­ Layne said, "It is a county policy to Cortez said payoffs come in money, sonneL" administer low doses of methadone to all drugs, favors, and sex. The author of the Union story, Patrick patients regardless of their addiction The Union story also contained an Dillon, wrote that he had asked at UCSD background. But a low dose of admission by Harbison Clinic assistant where the money had goner but had methadooe, less than 80 milligrans, director Fred Lord that he had received no answer. doesn't completely shut off that per­ sistent craving for us ."

Layne described situations in which patients supposedly on methadone manage to conceal their heroin intake by bribing counselors to swap urine sam­ Prices Up 1 1 %, Says CALPIRG ples . He said, "The best way to remain clean, at least on paper, is to payoff a counselor to either falsify the findings on sample urine checks or to switch bot­ tles." Prices are up but com­ CAL P I R G ' sst u d y food costs rose even more­ petition is keener among compares prices on about 28%. Layne told the Union that such activity San Diego supermarket 100 item sin stores occurs at all five UCSD-run clinics, and chains, according to the represen~ing .eight retail As a switch, the price of that it has in some cases been en­ results of CALPIRG's latest food chainS In the area, meats dropped 5% since courageu by clinic personnel , who stand food price survey taken according to project the last survey and 22 % to profit. Some of the counselors are early this month. The study coordinator , Jim from CALPIRG's August former addicts. also showed San Diego's McReynolds, a stu?ent . at price listing, when price inflation rate is growing San DIego State UnIversIty. controls were in effect. m~re slowly than the Low Turnout in national average. He said computerized results show which stores Dairy products also dropped one percentage The survey, th'e seventh have lower prices in Revelle Election point, from November. taken by the California comparison to the other "Milk prices jumped but by Jeff Tidus Public I nterest Research tested . Copies of the food eggs fell an average of .21 Group, indicates the price survey are available at per dozen," McReynolds highest and lowest rated CALPI RG offices. Eight students were elected last week said, explaining the overall supermarket chains are only in Revelle College's annual elections for drop The Undergraduate Student Council six percentage poi nts apart In general , prices are way . (T .U.S.C) and Revelle Committee on in overall pricing. That up--11 % from ovember. College Affa rs (R.c.CA.). compares to a difference of Prodl.ft:e skyrocketed 28 %. " It may be encouraging," 11 points on the last survey, The cost of a 10-pound bag he aid ~ "that even with all The new T.U.s .C representatives are taken in November. of potatoes jumped 82 % the ~nce Increa~es here, Jane Ferguson and Mark Liska . T.U.S.c. is from an average of .98 in Inflatlo.n IS cll~blng mo~e the school-wide student government FedMart won agai n as the November to $1.79 on this slowly In San DIego than In with representatives from each of lowest priced store, overall, month's survey . other parts of the country " U .CS.D.'s colleges. on . the survey. Second on The Bureau of Labor the list was K-Mart. FedMart StatIstic reports the local The new R.C.CA. members are Tim has been the lowest priced Prices on staples soared inflation rate for the past Cohen, Linda King, Robin Mitchell, Mark store on all seven CALPIRG 22% since November; year was 2'12 % less than the Rispler, Susan Schaefer, and Paula Smith. studies. miscellaneous prepared natIonal average The R.CCA. is responsible for spending the college/s share of the vending machine profits. It also makes ap­ Alpha Beta ranked last

pointments to various student com­ place on the survey, the Erratum # I. mittees. With the exception of Paula highest priced chain Smith, all of the students elected are new overall. "Consu mers are Nole fO'I1Id 0" city tdilor's des~ ; "To : Ricil to their office. being rpisled by Alpha Beta Dram . From : Dana M. Rowley. Subject: advertising claims that their In addition to the election of T.U.S.C Walermelo" Qllee", 1973 . prices are among the 'I was the watermelon qMeen last :j'ear, a"d and R.CCA. members there were two lowest," warned Dan impatant questions decided. The first Ihere 0 is a corn",iiufI. i lnulce. uti p,e - t;JU~.;"1!. Franklin, CALPIRG director. records with a drop dista"ce of 155 feel a"d 7 VoIlI",,22, NII",ber 17 was on the new plus/minus gradin8 "Our survey indicates that proposal which was defeated by a sizable i"ches. II was a legal drop, with "0 iicil'''g or 'you won't like the total ' cheah·"g. Looi at yoilr news article from lasl J#>ar. TII.slilly, MiIy 28, 1974 majority. This vote was taken to inform better' at Alpha Beta." I~ the faeu Ity of student opinions on this I 'I'm super disappoi"ted i" you. It mea"t a lot November's check, its to me that I participated iff the o"ly TRADITION UNIVERSnY OF CALIFORNIA, issue. Also decided was the name for the stores rated next to the la t­ SAN DIEGO Student Center. 300 students voted that UCSD has. I eve" made Esqu,re IS Dllb,olls the highe t price were Awards for 1973 . It m'ght "ot seem ltile much to qainst all of the names, with 43 votin8 found at Brad haw YOM, but I feel it is ;mporta"t. I I for the Triton Union, 14 for DieBeno Hall, Markets whIch have sin e and 2 for T arey Center. closed . student that came on opinion, was focussed on April Fool campus. The school acted because the editor was to permanently cease black. The administration is Fiction/Mark McCarty continued from ....e ] fundinll of the paper, a trying to say that "you decision that was overruled didn't want your editor fired went through meetl:1g after by the court of appeals in and we don't want ours Latest John kept his mother in the action. Just by chance Sara was and stand there and talk with her meeting, le~ture after the Fourth District. fired." freezer. This would seem cruel and there too. He saw her, and their for a few minutes. Not about lecture, legal advice, about uncaring, except that John's eyes met. She obviously anythinl in particular-just to be a hundred letters, and Most studenls do not When it comes down to a mott~r was dead, and so it was just recognized him and so he boldly neiahborly;and friendly. Of course probably a few extra hours realize that no attempt was minority against a white in The Deed about the best place for her. John walked over and struck up a he never actually entered the door­ on their pay checks while made and if any, to reject to a predominantly white Fashions was just dOing his best to keep her conversation. He was delighted to -he was afraid that that miKht seem David Buchbinder ran take funds away from the society, the minority always I" which COII"lerc.lllJre meels CrJlllre losi"g fresh and unspoiled. Of course, he aggressive, and he didn't want her around like wet chicken Triton Times, only to loses. miserably. didn't keep her there all the tim~ to think that he was a rapist 01' that yelling, I'm going to sue! dismiss an editor whom she needed a social life and a he didn't have respect for her as a many thought to be, Students, your money has The Bank of America in Isla Vista carries more certain amount of variety like Leven, a person of great In total person. slanderous, defamatory and been wasted on this paper. student accounts now than any other bank in town. everyone else--and so John would One day he knocked at Sara's legal knowledge and rae ially insensitive to Probably because all its windows were broken three education, cited the Joyner It stands now that no action dress and undress her, and give her door, and she opened it, and he "people of color." has, or will be, taken years ago before rioting UC Santa Barbara students showers, and feed her and noticed that there was a rnan vs. Whitinll cas,e . Or as I burned it to the ground, the new B of A has no glass against the Triton Times . deodorize her; and he kept a chart sitting in Sara's living room. John have reviewed it, the "The implications of the windows, though no one in Isla Vista would be inclined Blackie vs. Whitie case. Wire for her and gave her her monthly excused himself and wanted to case are . impressive," to throw a rock at it now, anyway. The only difference in the protection whether she needed it leave, but Sara asked him to stay, Murphy said. "It makes it It seems as though there paper is that there are now Twenty-five thousand people assembled in that town or nOt. And once in a while he and said that the man was her virtually impossible to act last Saturday to listen to the Grateful Dead in the UCSB is a discrepancy in the two, cou nt them, two would dress her up smartly and father, and wouldn't , he like to against a student stadium. It was a concert I felt I had to go to ("The Dead similarity of the two minority people on the prop her up on the sofa, and his meet him? And so John went in and newspaper, unless the like Santa Barbara," someone had told me), but I was situations and can only be staff, with the exception of Frames friends would come over and they met Sara's father . John liked Sara's editorial policy involved not sufficiently compelled to get in the line at six in the exp lained as a racist a Japanese-Mexi can would all play bridge: His mother father very much. In fact, he liked obscenity, defamation, or morning. Others were, however, because the line was a comparison. American, and he only would always be the dummy, of Sara's father !D much that suddenly the advocacy of violence." counts as two more as far as half-mile long when we arrived at nine, 30 minutes course, but she wouldn't mind; and he knew that II WAS RIGHT! He new midway before opening time. The case involved a the Triton Times is con­ John knew tha t she really enjoyed stared at Sara long and hard and The line was assembled on a six-foot wide asphalt predominantly black North "Defamation," Murphy cerned. these evenina flings. hopefully. Carolina State University said. What does he think sidewalk. Movins on either side of it were people John knew that his friends fedmart store running for office, people working for candidates, or opposing the schools policy the April Fools articles thought him a bit odd, that they ••• of recruiting white students. were? He either has You have a right to Mon. Tun, Thuni. Fri. people lobbying for religious movements. All these couldn't figure out why he In the front page editorial reading comprehension implement certain policy' pm manner of beast · were almost completely ignored wouldn't treat his mother in the 10:30 AM _-8:00 The wedding was very beautiful. (see April Fools front page problems or his idea of a over this paper since your because, I decided, people were excited about seeing callous way that other children John and Sara made sure that it was money is being used to Saturdays the Grateful Dead. for comparison). the editor good joke is racist attacks treat their dead parents. And he a proper religious wedding. There encour aged students to, on "people of color." The budget it . The only action 10:00 AM-6:00 pm I began to unders~nd the temper of the crowd a little also knew that behind -his back were many pretty flowers of all you can take that is your Sundays later on, when policemen riding big, brown stallions Murphy said, "harass and use of the Joyner vs . they were saying that he was shy kinds, and orchids for the bride and right, is to demand that arrived to ride up and down the line. Lf in timidate" any white Whiting case, in my 11:00 AM-6:00 PM and afraid of girls, and that he was groom. John and Sara had invited your money be taken out of Since the line was, most of the time, not moving, and downright--well, 'et's not · be of­ all their friends. And there was the Times budget. Closed WednesdaYI since it was growing warm, some people had chosen to fensive. But that was before Sara plenty of pistachio ice cream for sit on the grass on either side of the walkway. The moved into the apartment next everyone. Minority students can policemen would stop their horses near anyone seated ·door. find that she was religious too (his The large new Frigidaire F.reezer and make the person stand up and return to the asphalt. now look forward to seeing Dr. Marvin Weitzman friends also made fun of him for that John and Sara bought for the articles every other week Once told, no one strayed back again to the grass. ••• that) and was really surprised when newlyweds was big enough to hold I was bothered not by the policemen's orders, nor with titles like, "The 36 he found out that her high school two comfortably. John took care of even the fact that their orders were followed, but by the Ways of Eating Rice, By Sara had long dark hair and a colors-green and orange-had been ' his mother just as before, and Sara Optometrist Cho Ling," "Deportation for eyes examined­ expressions of complacent, polite obedience with whi ch shapely body. John had only a few the same as his. And that they both ' they were followed . took care of her father, but often Sanitary Reasons," or fleeting gl impses of her after she had ' friends who were plumbers. John would take his mother to visit For some reason, it made me think of having seen "Schockly to Head Sickle first moved in . He was attracted to And that they both liked pistachiO Sara's father in Sara's apartment, Jerry Rubin, Renne Davis, and Tom Hayden on the Dick Cell Testing," and it would her, but much too shy to make any ice cream. John couldn't remember and of course vice versa. John and contact lenses fitted­ Cavett show last March. I had been struck by the look of be perfectly legal as long as' social advances. But one Sunday when he had had so much in Sara made sure that the two were in frustration on the face of Hayden, who is the only one phrases like, " Vive La afternoon when John was attending common with a girl. their freezer by ten every night-­ of the three still involved in trying to end the war in Raza," "Black Power," or prescriptions filled- 224-2973 the Church Bazaar, he went to the In the days that followed, John and were very careful to give them Vietnam, as he listened to Rubin justify his full-time "Stop Discrimination" are charity cock ring (cock-fighting now and then would work up the all the privacy that they wou Id occupation with feeding himself organically and Davis used. was his favorite sport) to see the courage to knock on Sara's door need ti II the next morning. his following of Guru Maharaj Ji "The revolution will David Cassidy .,.3_2_45___ Sp_o_rts_A_r_en_a_B_lv_d. __ 2_24_-2_9_9_4 _ ...... continue-the government'is falling apart," they said. The meaning of the day was now clear. We had come fro m all over California with our plastic jugs of mixed Spiegelman to Joiri drinks and sm ugly bearing our small illegalities to ComR1unity CIA Minimal Artists immerse ourselves in the anonymity of 25,000 very similar people. We fed off each other: a representative Blood Bank continued from poage] continued from potge 4 sampling of our generation, listening to music that four Med School Faculty their interests in Europe and guard against. the years ago spoke for the mystical, unconscious side of a 327 F. Street precedent set in Chile if a communist-s upported, vital new culture, but which is no longer balanced by abstract video image and RESEARCH Dr . Sol Spiegelman, biology and bio-cheri1istry socialist government had been elected through sound by Warren Burt the more tangible music of the groups that have si nce Pays Donors for Service democratic process believed to operate in the United fallen aside, no longer able to produce. (Was it because internationally renowned research since receiving his entitled "A Guided Tour to Thousands of Topics cancer researcher, has doctorate at Washington States. In Chile, U.S . owned industries were the Caves of Uranus"; a 52.75 per page the Jaggers and Kantners just wrote themselv~s dry, Dr nationalized by such a government. because they cou ld no longer sustain singJe-handedly a accepted a prefessorship at University in St. Louis , in Monday·Saturday 8:45-5:30 Closed Sun. videotape documentary of Send for your up·to-cUte, l~ .e . the UCSD School of mail order catalo,. Enclose $1.00 cu lture that was dying?) 1944. an environmental sonic to cover post.,e (de livery lime IS Medicine. He initially gained Most of all, Wayne revealed, because of France's I to 2 days). The Grateful Dead sa~g many of their familar songs, 233-5481 closer ties with the United States through tourism and performance/ event given and sang them as carefully and cleanly as they ever did. With this acceptance preeminence in the cancer on May 4, 1974 in the Anza­ RESEARCH ASsfsTANCE, INC. Spiegelman also announced field by being the first to cultural exchange were closer than with Chile, U.S. 11941 WILSH(RE BLVD .. SUITE :12 They lost their audience only when they stopped government and corporate officials feared socialist Borrego Desert, entitled LOS ANGElES, CAliF. 90025 and allowed key to slip away, letting their instruments plans to establish in San demonstrate that an in­ ,,1 r." ,." '., Ir.' I I "Oracles (paragraph 2) for (213) 477·8474 or 477·5493 Diego an I nst itute of fected virus tissue could be Mitterbrand's election in France would have lended Our rUtart" mlteri,l is lold for delve into the soft, random improvosation (nothing like two Oscillators and Two research uslsUl'lce on l1 . Molecular Medicine-a non­ support to a similar movement in the United States, a the audacious virtuosity we're accosted with today) that distinguished from normal Accordionists" by David profit center for cancer tissue by a molecu lar sort of turnaround, said Wayne, of the events of 1776 once meant something, and had a context, and tended Gregg'. SheD Service and 1789. Dunn , and a collaborative to inspire rather than bore. research supported by Life hybridization process UBR.TOWING work for dance, synthetic But they played Sugar Magnolia, and Truckin' (a song, Sciences, Incorporated, of which he developed. Since leav ing the CIA and leaking their France plans video and Iive camera New York . RIDES FOR RIDERS ironically, about continuing), and pleased us im­ Recently he used the to the press , Wayne has been indefinitely in­ modifications by dancer RIDERS FOR OF. JE RS Until Spiegelman for­ Phone 45~9992 454-6628 mensely, the now and future bourgeoise that the Dead same technique to detect stitutionalized by federal co urt order in Camarillo State Kim Pauley, cameraman TO ANY C(TY mally joins the School of suddenly find themselves playing to, and that doesn't "mal ignant" messages in Hospital, a mental health facility northwest of Los Chester Wood and Elec­ CaUtornl • • USA. Medicine staff he will Service Is our pollcy. Canada. Mexico. deserve:J them. the RNA and the DNA of 6861 La jolla Blvd. Angeles. troni cist Warren Burt. continue in his present cancer cells which are not Centrel America position as Director of the La Jolla, CaUf. 92037 akle ... to Judaica Lecture present in healthy cells. State license-lights, smog control Mammoth, Tahoe. Institute of Cancer With this technique a study Owner-Greg Lovelady Co(ol1ldo ~esearch at Columbia of identical twins, con­ we .110 arrange The Ju~iu Lecture Series tomorrow will pr~t Joel University. local cor pool. Gordon, who will discuss Biblieoal Women: Housewife ducted with Dr. William G . Chancellor McElroy said Baxt, UCSD Assistant otnd Witch, ott 8:00 p_m. in the Revelle Informotl Lounle. QUALITY LIVING OTTO CAR POOLS of the acceptance, "The Professor of Medicine, CAll TODAY Cord4:K1 will present Votrious biblicotl texts in which the resources and expertise that person;alitles of individuotl women are brouaht out, and showed that the twin with &12.'. Dr. Spiegelman and his leukemia had a viral in­ .. ElCAJONBlVD. true the development of the role of women in Jewish :!SSociates will bring to San flammation in its cell DNA; AT AFFORDABLE PRICES literatute The liter~ture of m~ny Westem societies is Diego will give it the the other twin did not, bued f ...d.1mentaHy on Biblical imaaery, themes oand potential for bei ng one of events, a"d the roles of women in todays society can prOVing that the viral in­ the most important cancer flammation must have been PLUS all the soci.l otdvoantoales of beina .monl friends, convenient for doatina. often ~ traced to Bi1.lital stef'l!Otypei and oarchetypes. research centers in the introduced after fer­ world". tilization, and was not jFRANCEfSPAIN Spiegelman has been genetically inherited from ~' o,-neon~ has stol~n a black 6riefcas~ EXCEPTIONAL recreation~1 fuilities: clubhouse, 101 rile cooed .otuna, heated pool involved in molecular the parents. Any student in~ted in containing: 1) A 100s~leaf not~book with Continental otnd heotted ther.peutic whirlpool. Movies and trotnsportation, too! the competition records of th~ San Diego otn eilht week summer Mlz21e Loaders . 2) \ rolumbia Scientific linluale and literoature p'ogrotm in Frotnce ~nd Poc ket Calculator. j) I wallet with cards Motors and 1.0.'s. 4) Mscellar. ~ ous papers . All oapartments and studios 'fully furnished including phone, T,V., kitchen and Spiin should contoact the A .n.oo reward for the return of the CENTRAL BOX OFFICE kitchen utensils. Privotte patios and SPUiOU5 groun'ds. '"fn.~ '~nq .... 1 J'A. r'St'....,. notebook is offered with NO QUESTIONS AbrO.1d Coordin.to, ott ASKED!!! An additional 'n.oo is off~red MOVED TO THE BOOKSTORE FOR the Internoationotl Center for the return of [h~ other 3 items (which is 601 S. Hill Street (Extension 1940 1 on IDOR than they could possibly be fenced THE REST OF THE QUARTER. Oceanside, Calif. Monda and Wednesd.y for) again, with NO QUESTIONS ASKED!!! PRIVACY'QUIETNESS'RELAXATION otftemoons. Both study ff you have any Information regarding ADVANCE TICKET SAlES 92054 programs ~re lICcredited these items (which quite possibly might by U.C .S.D. haw: been dumped omewhere on ampus) APPLY NOW FOR FALL RESERVATION: 755-6666 please contact Dave Eberhardt at 223-300~ NOON to 4:00pm (714) 722·1868 e.r.276-414), or 2~.1 ~21 , or Larry IA:ckcl, inIon limes xIO)I>. TUESDAY THROUGH FRIDAY. Pap ] Triton Times. May 21, 1974 Maximum Music from Concert Notes Minimal Artist The Young California British Minimalist Com- Minimal Artists, a group of. . poser Hugh Shrapnel's younl San Diego area "Cantation II for four artists concerned with the pianos", and a group U5es of sculpture, video, composition by 4 members body movement and sound of the VCMA, entitled in real time will present "Purr" for four syhthesizers. their two initial events in The second of these the area in the next few events will be a presen­ weeks. tation of works for Video, The first of these, a Dance and Synthesized concert of Music for Four ,/.Z8, • ,. Sound to be presented on Pianos and Four Syn­ Thursday, May 30th, 1974 at thesizers will take place in 8 :30 PM at the Center for i the Recital Hall on the Music Experiment, 406 • 5/30, 5 ]a K campus of the San Diego Matthews Campus. To be State University on Friday, presented on this program May 24, 1974 at 8 :30 p.m . r are a work for synthetic 6/1, 1 ]a i To be performed are the American Premiere of continued on INRe 6 CIWP SP Splashes on Records: All Ears Greg Leonard Larry Deckel , calls it " News to Harvey Brooks, and drummer (with Billy Preston 's help). Paul III Untitled VI McCartney is readying his band ):>---1 Peruse", I call it " Etceteras". Buddy Miles. The personnel line-up Wings for a return stateside in four Whatever the title, it merely spells in the new " Flag" has not, as yet, Everyone is aware of or five weeks to begin recording Do you want to have a type of league they want. BS and record-biz bruhaha for your been announced. good time-now, I mean a what a,good job Lee, Harry, Let's face real ity, some edification and enjoyment. On June 3, Asylum Records will their next . Maybe it's spring, maybe it's just the end of the really good time? Listen Gary and the rest of the people are going to be On the news front: release a two record set culled from And lastly: Though streaking quarter, but concerts are popping up all over. here, bunkie, there are ways better than others. The Ousted Columbia Records the Bob Dylan/ Band tour of early may not have set any new stan­ Thursday, May 30, in the acoustically unique San but there are a few bozos over at the In­ truth is, there is a sport that president is rumored to 74. The package, which lists for dards for human wit or Diego sports arena, Kiss (member of same pictured requirements. You gotta be tramural Department are serves as an equalizer. That be headed for the presidency of 511 .98, will be backed by the imagination, it did generate one above), Manfred Mann, and Savoy Brown! able to laugh at yourself­ doing. How involved have is coed innertube water Bell Records . Davis was fired from largest promotional campaign in very successful pop hit, "The Also on Thursday May 30, John McLaughlin and his like REALLY laugh at you been in the program? polo. CCED SOF'l1ULL PLUOYPS his Columbia post in June of 1973 Asylum Records history. Streak", for country star Ray ne)Nly formed eleven piece Mahavishnu Orchestra, will yourself. That doesn't mean Are you on a softball, The sport has grown over for his alleged roll in payola and Ex-Beatie producer George Stevens. Having been released only be appearing at the EI Cortez Convention Center. The that you won 't get to laugh volleyball or the latest fad­ the last couple of years . payola cover-up activ ities at Martin is presently supervising seven weeks ago, the single has new Mahavishnu orchestra features an old new line-up at others, but unless you're floor hockey team? Face, it, Last year there were Columbia. Since that time he's recording activities for folk-rockers already passed sales of 3 million, of musicians, including Jean-Luc Ponty (of Zappa fame) extremely lucky or talented, fourteen teams and this been in the market for a new America on their soon to be everyone needs to get out and thereby eclipsed sales highs for on violin, and the addition of viola, cello, and horns to you will be laughing at year there are over twenty corporate post, one which may completed . The LP is being of the library, room, or car past Stevens hits including the orchestra's previous sound. yourself first. So what kind teams in three leagues. To have opened up last week when prepared in London . and get away from those "" and AND ... Last concert at UCSD this year! The Climax of jive am I giving you now be truthful, there are two or incumbant Bell Records president Also in London : The Moody books and do something "Ahab the Arab". Band and Nova, Sunday June 2 in the UCSD half right? three exceptionally good Larry Uttal announced he was Blues, putting finishing touches on gym . fun out in the sun for once. According to Stevens, "I read the Tickets only 52.50 for UCSD students! An exceptional way of teams who have been leaving the label to form his own their long overdue eighth album. story about streaking (in a national doing this is through in­ around awhile and know independent record company. It's currently in the final stages of You've seen pretty magazine) and clipped it out, the game quite well. To be Ian Hunter, lead singer for deco­ getting a space-age quadraphonic strange things in this tramurals-anyone of the thinking perhaps that if it became a equally honest, there are a glitterband Mott the Hoople, has mix. column but you're about above mentioned or even popular fad I could write a song . So whole horde more who written an autobio appropriately A gala dinner party was held at re ady to start throwing darts all of these as some do. I I began writing a song and then put still haven't gotten to the know nothing about the called "Diary of a Rock Star". 'LA's Bel-Air Hotel last week, at Chet's picture for this it aside. Streaking did become game and don't even care if According to the book's publisher, celebrating the formation of Swan onel (Yes, that was Chet' point yet. popular-or at least it got plenty of they know anything. Panther Books, advance orders Song Records. The new label is Top Ten Sellers Chebunski's picture in the publicity--so I completed writing The innertubes serve as exceed 40,000. owned jointly by the four members paper last Friday--right The rest of the above the song one weekend, went to the an equalizer making most The reformed Electric Flag are of and their manager there in full size living black mentioned sports all have studio on M onday and recorded it. On u.s. campuses [from On U(SD Cilmpus [from athletes as good as the cam ClWIPIOIf currently recording at Miami's Peter Grant. It was Grant who and white-cor«ratu lations their advantages. Everyone Chronicle of Hilher University Bookstore] regular schmuck. Besides, 5/31, 6 ]a It was one of those things that to all of those of you who knows how to play baseball Criteria Studios. Unfortunately for threw the star-studded party, at­ EduQtion] everyone is equally as bad GUlf -"S happens every now and then that guessed--I ike it was really both the band and its new label tracting, among others, Groucho 1. The Joy of Sex, by Alex 1. The Joy of Sex, by Alex (more or less) so everyone since water is not mans makes this business fascinating." difficult.) Let's start the (probably ) due to Marx, Rolling Stone Bill Wyman, Comfort Comfort can try their luck with element, even in in­ Stevens' next release is a song certain ,Jnspecified legal dif­ Billy Preston, members of ELO, and 2. The Exorcist, by William 2. Our Bodies, Our Selves, story another way. a group of people in any nertubes-and there aren't 6]a )>--_ __' parody of the "Midnight Special" sm. ficulties, the band must use a Maggie Bell. Blatty by Boston Women' s many people who know TV -con ce rt series entitled different mon iker. The original All four ex-Beatles are presently 3. August, 1914, by Collective much about the game. "Moonlight Special". " It has wild PE Dept. Gains Electric Flag, who recorded at loast in London with John Lennon and Alexander Solzhenitsyn 3. The Great Gatsby, by F. This is where the fun characters and voices in it, sort of = 1'/, superb in 1969-1970, Ringo Starr staying well out of the 4. I'm OK, You're OK, by Scott Fitzgerald comes in. Most participants like 'Ahab the Arab' ", said Stevens . included guitarist Mike Bloomfield, public eye . George Harrison is Thomas Harris 4. You Can Profit from the spend a large amount of organist Barry Goldberg, bassist recording material for his next LP Remember? 5. Chariots of the Gods?,. by Coming Monetary Crisis, by New Supervisor time laughing at their Erich Von Daniken Harry Browne friends, who can't seem- to Striking a blow for all women on the UCSD campus, a Our Bodies, Our Selves, Glass House Tapes, by stay in their tubes, and then 6. 5. new face will join the Physical Education Department by Boston Women's Donald Freed after they get done next year. The new face is that of the new PE Supervisor Collective The American Condition, laughing, they end up o. Diana Dann. The Great Gatsby, by by Richard Goodwin falling out of their tubes. 7. Outstanding in aquatics, Diana is coming to this lIII3T 'fVO ROUIIDS MmT II CQlJU1SJ) B! SUIIlIlY ~ I. F.Scott Fitzgerald Shelter, by Lloyd Kahn This is great for t heir friends 7. campus from UCLA as UCSD's first female full-time PE 8. Journey to Ixtlan, by 8. I Heard the Owl Call My who laugh at them . instructor. Carlos Castaneda Name, by Margaret Craven Coed innertube water strongly suggests that yOu She arrives backed by a most impressive set of 9. Serpico, by Peter Mass 9. Rabbit Boss, by Thomas polo, except for a few all get on a team . If you feel recommendations, and has worked on research projects Fear and. Loathing on . Sanchez exceptions, is played as a like having some fun on 10. with renowned professors at UCLA. Her research in­ the Campaign Trail, by 10. Bob Dylan's Writings sport mainly for fun. You Wednesday and Sunday cludes work for the United States Navy and on a book Hunter S. Thompson and Songs, by Bob Dylan see, necessity forces it to be nights, you ought to go out LOW PRICES soon to be published called How to Swim: The Four that way since nobody is and watch this year's HIGH TRADE-INS Competition Strokes . MAKE any good . Next year Chet performer s in action. RENTALS At the present time she is working on a book of her YOURVW own, which concentrates on underwater exercises. PROFE SIONAL & Miss Dann is also holding down two jobs in the Los INDUSTRIAL STREAK... Angeles area, as part time supervisor at both UCLA and DEALER HIPS .• Pepperdine College . .• As Rart of her duties at UCSD next fall, Miss Dann will E.UROPE . be teaching swimming, tenniS, conditioning and ••• volleyball. In addition to her regular teaching duties, ••• she will most likely be coaching an intercollegiate team .

•••• ring it in for a $14.95 TUNE-UP TH" T INCLUDES POINTS .. PLUGSI i njedi o". I.tra) NEWYOIk: • . D:Mt17DG.ONE WAY JUNE 17 LA/ NEW YORK UNITED DC-8 Specl.1 Guest Stir EUROPE: .'240(; lSI)AYS ,]61 238-1161 JUL Y 24 LA/PARIS TIA DC-8 lilT UlIIIII AUGUST 17 PARIS/LA TIA DC-8 # 8HDC 34 days 1378 SUNDAY JUNE 2 uopm . " 8u5t UlA/FRANKFURT TlA DC-8 SAN DIEGO Sept. 15 PARIS/ LA TIA DC-8 sroaTl AI.. _, . ~ --=- ((.;.'4TACT: SSWTRAVFl OFFICE fICK ETS $5 50 'N ADVA!IC£ $6 AT TH( DOOI! UCSD I NTERNATI'JNAl CINltR FIIEI VALlDAftD~ ___ Tldlets AV'II.ole at ~1I1111 Clmble's Me,,', Stores All Artn. Ti cket Altntlts. SPOrls Artn. fIcke! Office 451·JiJO ror Inform.tlon ClII 224 ·4116 ."AM MOIl! ~ l.- .... MaN WID '''1 2356584 2355 INDIA ...... Wild Pets CIA Plots in France Editor: Charles Heimler At the end school. by students abandon their pets mistakenly thinkinl that it In a sidebar to a story announcing Giscard d'Estaing's is kinder to liven them a election to the presidency of France a week ago Sunday, THE WORK SHEET chance a,ainst the a popular American daily asserted that the U.S. Central elements than to send them Intelliaence Agency (CIA) had formulated plam to to the Humaine Society. hinder France's economy in the event of a victory by Thl • .-ee I...... for lIIICI.".....tld through the Joint .ffort. of tit. Student Employmant oflice Ind C.,.., Pl8nnlng .nd P-lecemanl Sef¥1cn. What often happens is that Francois Mitterbrand. d'Estaing's communist backed," the animal is killed by a car, veteran socialist opponent. it slarves, it becomes fatally i" due to inadequate Relying on information supplied by a former CIA nutrition, or the pound agent, John Marion Wayne, the newspaper charged the SEO Employment Notes CP&P Full Time picks it up and destroys it. I CIA wit.h actively plotting to cause general social. economiC, and political havoc similar to alleged CIA Today the . specializati~n of labor definitely appears . hope students will try to SUPER TEMPORARY POSiTION" C-'-II ~ of t"-oo pooIdono _ IocoWd In t"-C._ to place the liberal degree at a distinct disadvantage find new homes for their operations in Chile after Socialist Salvador Allende was SEO • .,. arts LIHwy. ... Muir .....: N ..... DOka in the professional employment arena (see Employment ...... lone tIbIo In tho c._ .....ry oomoln __ ...... 'Tho __onuonc. .... pets. If they cannot. I elected president there. Those operations resulted in the p_ to.-v ..,.,..nd "ne folic muIIo or ...... muelc; JURI' for 31 tn.; ..... ~- Job 1IItI_ rocoIvod ""-h t"- moIIo; aCID suggest they call the military coup and death of Allende a few months ago. Notes, T.T. issue of May 21, 1974). Employers often seek _uonce CLERICAL & PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS ~ople who have taken educational programs which lobo _ phoftod Into C.... p. ond ... uouoIIy loco! lobe with 1m­ Humaine SOciety. S.D. 297- The CIA's multi-faceted attack, according to Wayne, mod.... -"'_ NOT£: 'Tho ..-..- IIotIId ...... only • SEO cat give measureable kinds of degrees and credentials. 1813 or in Encinitas 753- sought to cause uprisings among the French middle S_lYIIIot to work wi'" " __,, "-to; 1twthII1Id• • _; typo" ...... of tho lobe cunwwtIy IIotIId with C ....P . Unfortunately, as Dr. Howard Figler, Director of CPP..... 6413. They will pick up an £lass . These were to include boycotts by French _ - __/mo./31 ...... /fulJ-d ..... housewives, work stoppages by professionals and Counseling at Dickinson College in the Journal of Mo.... _ T..e- IftIIf ortontotIon. wII be ~ for animal, but only on Sun­ SEO'~ M2 IUII!'0rvlllon of I to 11 _ unit IncIu6>o ....ry ... M_1ty oIort __ ...... fOf dIMne...... '" It"-- ....ry College Placement, Oct - Nov 1973, puts it, "liberal arts troI..... managers, and protests by preparatory school students mIt_blthM.nd wort. ~ \IOIri of days, for a S6.00 charge. .1Id houri open. "_Iro...... ,. __ on the steps of the presidential palace . Through leaking graduates today think of themselves as educated oood work ---..... 4 _ ..... or -"'oIont ond ~f for Also cat owners can try The SEO C ZII gadflies without homes or products that have no buyers. u-" mobllty. IP...... CAl Friends of Cats, 445-4428 information to the world press, the CIA planned to give Two -"'_ for typIotI, __ ...... cortaIn flnoncIII .tondI_ - the impression that these demonstrations were the t1.7111Iv. T~ have been socialized by the technocracy to CPP~ (call after 12 noon) both Dleltal D ••len; •• ".rl.ne. In Comput.r TechnololV. Letters to the Editor result of the French people's dissatisfaction with the SEOC. believe that people get trained for jobs and that MIcrOIN...-...... Todlo IooIc ...... circuitry ond The 0PInI_ .....-d - tNt _ ... t"- of .... .uthorw w"- __r In t"- bytI". .nd these groups give animals a MeIo u...... ~ wi'" HOd wrttIne ...... to oc­ programs of the new socialist government. _0"". education is designed to place them on ' a suitable c __ ~ IW1.-...... v-... CAl do not e .-My rofIoct t"- ...... of t"- Tilton n-. Any_ dooIrInI to IUbmlt ...... to be chance' to find new homes. comHftY ...,..., to ~ .... .utl1v. mlnIIIIu.... n. Another aspect of the CIA's plan would have at­ conveyor belt which will deposit them in the ap­ CPP~ puWohed In ... 1KtIon ohould lORd It to t"-'£dItortoI Dnctor. Tm-n-. 117 ...... HoI. UCSD. Unlike Walt Disney's "True SEO C GI Proo__ 0" .nIIon II our c ___ In t"- City of tempted to destroy the cultural fabriC of French society. 0.-.1 offIoo r.e.pdo"iot ...... _ ...... typi", ,..... - propriate job ceiL" life Adventures" creatures, Com_ ... -W ...._tor ___ Minimum' Y_ According to Wayne, he headed a phase of the plan SlIt U. Sun 10-3..... ry __ Most graduates often fail to realize their own at­ most domesticated animals SEO C., _ .....- CDeOl ...... Doeroo I.. Computor SoIoMe or FI.. nce in Palesti ne struggled Department of literature which called for the dismantling and stealing of the tributes: For example, the ability to communicate well ...... llooA...... CAI No Sense can't make it on their own. Neod edItor/typlot to .... wi'" work on tIIeeIo; JNWVf_ ...... continually for its liberation. know what courses they Eiffel Tower and L'Afc de Triomphe by a corps of - n./1v. If ty_rItor - IC...... _ ...... in writing, orally, or in creative media' the in­ CPP~ from the British Margo Sasse _n " __h AooIatIInt; IS In l_noIoov. Chomiltry or Modlcol Editor: would like to see offered. Yugoslavian midgets posing as circus performers touring SEOC. terdiSCiplinary viewpoint which enables them'to look at colonizators. On the other Neod bu.. _ .....tont to ...... boold...... _ mMhodI· ToohrlolcleY _ ..... _ In Immunoloov or "IA. ....oIoot_ . or I would like to comment So far, so good. But he France. events from several vantage points, contributing to the Im_Dle.le.1 proceduroo. IC_ M_ CAl hand, the Palestinian mull how ..nowIIdl./bocker-1Id In buII_ 8dmlll. .. 1NInd", . on Dave Darval's letter underestimates the variety possibility of inventive actions. CPP'- Arabs never fought the April Fool Upshot Wayne told the newspaper that other segments of the ....ry ...0 ...... -noecL entitled "Ridicule" which of offerings in the Spring SlOC .. Ce~inly th~ ~umber of college graduates aspiring to Mo ...._ T ...",,,, ' ...... In Morchondlll.... 1Id CrodIt. operation planned to link the French kiss with venereal C ...... I'OCIUIrod. IAIhom ..... CAl British for their own self Quarter of 1974, possibly Neod ooc ....ry with Monne. typ...... lou...... --'-"" - satlsfymg positions has outstripped the number of appeared in the May 17th Editor: CPP.... determination; their mere disease. Wayne said various French scientific tlI.OO/hr. - IChodu" ...... owing to the somewhat positions available. To begin lessening the potential Circuit DoIIon E.... __ - "E. ~1 _ .____. I ...... In tho issue of the T.T. In this The rescinding of organizations would be given grants channeled through SEOC_ objective was opposition to confusing arrangement of disillusionment, students must make on their own or clrcult ...... n for c __ control and mornorv .ncI letter, he expressed concern McElroy's decision to fire Neod IOCrotIry to ._",,-. fill"" tylll",. IC ...... ncI ....ry ""'c ...... Zionism . As a natural the World Bank to e)(plore the increasing use of the through programs (such as the Career Planning & _ IUppiy ...... n. IIrvlno. CAl over the T.1.'s ridicule of courses in the Catalog. At David. Buchbinder is a big conseque nce, when in 1974 all events, he deserves a French kiss with rising venereal disease rates . The rising SEOC_ Placement workshops) the conceptual jump between CPP-G17 student minority groups on joke. The whole issue is a -. AIOIotIInt PIonnor- To work wi'" "_re. P"n_ most of the members of the rates were to be attributed to the socialist government. FI.. C"'" to fl...... 1 documonta; ...... "honoi; X.. o.ln. . academic talents and the working world. Many em­ ,,_roe campus (April 1st issue and circumstantial reply, with big April Fools joke, dotannInI", tho eopocIty of ...... c-'ol Iond .1Id _tor ~ U.N . (including all Eastern Papal proclamations were advise on the immorality of t2.2II/hr.; IC ...... -nood. ployers are actually Quite flexible in accepting people vtroo_ to ---' __n ..... ond ocUvItIoo. Profor M ...... " New I mproved Jesus" facts and figures . because the Triton Times SEOC_ Block countries and ex­ French kissing, warning Catholics that practice of such without specific vocational credentials. Indeed, how ..... In bIoIoev. oooIoeY...... hv . or othw notu.. 1 1CIonce; advertisement) by the There are, as he says, six gets off. Since this is a legal S.nII toIIor . ....:I cal"'" It book: ....th uporionce - mull bo llood cluding Britain) issued a upper-division courses kissing could be a mortal sin, absolved only by at lea.~t workl ... with __ • *2.G/Iv.; IC"""''' ....nood . many careers are actually straight-line affairs? Many, if llood ocodomlc booII.round, worIIo ..... wtth ...... of .-.... newspaper which they help matter, acquitted. two rosary recitations and a stations of the cross...... ond wtth ...... -. will", ...... ;J.V_ cornmhmont resolution call ing for the being offered in English SEOCa not most persons are far afield from where they began. to support financially. I too The decis ion to fire Sec:...,., tnllnp; .....1 otfIco; typl", • _m; Mon-Frt ...; tJ1I...... nnI'" Juno t . 1174. 1"-tIn. T_I establishment of two during the present quarter. Ask them . CPP.aDI am amazed at what you Buchbinder was a teething Further plans, said Wayne, included having America~ MODI mo. sovereign states in the area Three of these are seminars, SEa C IZI AIOIotIInt P---, AnoIywt; tIowoIoPI .... wtftIno. ond _bl", have learned through the ring to pacify the anger Teamster Union organizers infiltrate French grape and w'"- ond --'_nco For • vortoty 01 occuDltl-. of Palestine, the Jews in which the average Neod -..1 clorlcol ...... nta for .ummer, Mon-Fn"'; mo.. Info _me. April 1st affair and D. exhibited by minority COMMUNITY AND PERSONAL SERVICE POSITIONS WrItI", ~ conductl...... ry complied while the Arabs wine industries. The organizers were to have been ." lob dOIcrIptl_ ...-n... Darval 's letter-NOTHING! enrollment is eleven : this to students. With the threats .... .,... .u.....,.; mokl", NComm."cIotlo".; cou .....'" lie. IA ...... IS.n refused to accept that classified as NATO observers . It was hoped the SEOC .. Ou. to _. Ilmltotl __ ... "Imlnltl", t"- lilt of lobe In thIa To show this, the .recent me is an agreeably Som_ with pIoolIng __Htv; KCUrl" typllt to fill ...rt-tlm...... w. cu_ntly he.,. 31 1IOIItI_ ....I .. b ...... co.... to our D".01 by Buchbinder to take legal Teamsters would incorporate some of their California CPP.... compromise. The present teachable number. In the ,ec:eptlonlot "OIItIon . e2.00/hr. IChocIu" Irroneod. offIe. to obtoln d.tol... Nut -'c 1l1li .... In thIa ...,tlon will once letter entitled "Christians" action, third students were vineyard union practices in re-organizing French "-"to E... I-..-Entry ...... - rec:ont c ...... _ wtth state of affairs in the Middle three other upper-division SEO C IZ7 ....In .,,_r. which appeared in the May aware that a white ad­ workers . The planned effect of such efforts the CIA doI_ In chomlcol. mechonlcal. etructu... . eM!. oIoctrIcol. Iloo East is the direct outcome courses, the average Neod "roductl_ typllt 'uIHlm.; 4:30 " .m .. 1:00 • . m. - tUO/wk. pi .... 21st issue was so severely ministration would not believed, would be to turn the French W\Jrke~ over the SEa C lIZ CRAFT, INDUSTRIAL AND OTHER PHYSICAL lABOR A"""". CAl of the Arab attempt in 1948 enrollment is forty-three edited that it did not make support them entirely or governing body of Teamsters International thus in­ P.rt-tlm. lOC ....ry for ...... offlc. work - *2.211 hr. 3 d • .,. per POSITIONS to eliminate the young (not 100 as Mr. George WMk. any sense. The questions even partially. The SEO H 21 Israeli state. suring their subjugation and control by U.S. 'economic SEO C 133 and apology presented were estimates) . I myself much stoutness of McElroy's mt4!rests. Wom.n w.ntod for IIOrm.nent lI.n... 1 tloulOClNnlnll - noecI own SEO H 511. As for the Arab terror, it is Socr.tory/M..... tlnll R_reher - much opportunity for .d· P_1o to ...Int numbore on cu.... - own tnI...... utlon; sadly quoted out of context prefer a class of this sort to decision is like that of rice Wayne alleged that some ot tne proposed tuoolng tor car - t2.00/hr.l3 hrs. por w ..... absolutely not "an act of vlne.m.nt: ...... ,1 mo. to Itort; fun-tim. - M ... Info .".II.ble. SEO H 31 tl.OO/ hr.lMon-Frt; 3-6 ..... _ .y. and thus the opinion of the have an enrollment of paper; ilcan be broken with the operation. dubbed "Frog legs," was to come from SEO H Ii21 misguided individuals." It is SALES Hau.... _' . one •• wMk for 4-6 h ... - .2.00/ h,. authors was not truly about thirty, but the the slightest touch. The several American based multi-international cor­ SEO H 100 5 ...... 1 countor w.'- - .'.70-*2.00/"r. IChodtI...... Ib ... supported, funded and presented. I question seminars have ' got to be Communications Board porations. Wayne said that these companies were in­ Due to .IIOC. IImltotion. w .... "Imlnltlng tho lilt of lob. In thl. 5 ...... , op.nlng. for roItaursnt h.lp. v.rloul lob• • hours ...... ry SEO H IiZJ enthusiastically apotheo­ fI.a1ble. . N.... 3-4 food Mntlce workOrllIl.ht cINnlng; .ome c:oehIor dutloe; 2- whether the Editor's paid for by larger classes terested in the proiect because they wanted to protect .,.. . W• • CUrNntlV ...... 1. pOlItI on. 1".I.. b ... '"'- com. to ou, sized by Arab governments continued on pale ~ offiCI to obtoln d.tol • . Nut w_.. I.. tlnll. In thle MOtIon will onc. SEO H 104 3 nllI"" per w". 5-11 p.m. e2.00/hr. tc ltort. prerogative to what elsewhere. In any event. the continued on pale 6 SEO HUI and public. as demon­ • geln .pp.. r . ,. _nln.. forw.lt.rs .nd w.ltr..... · .1.1Ii/hr. + tip• . students want to say in their average seems to be going D.H. lawrenct: VI James SEa H 21. H.. vv cINnl",. ICrubblng, wlnd_ ...... '" - ..lory .. IOhocIu" strated recently by the newspaper to fit his own down : in the Spring of 1973. Joyce." But Jack Behar NOW AVAILABLE IN UCSD BOOKSTORE PROFESSIONAL ARTISTIC AND SCIENTIFIC POSITIONS Hauooc'-nlnll + .om. bebVlittlnll . Mon-Thu ... 4-7 p.m ...... ry .... ngocl. funeral of the three Maalot ngod. SEO H 1141 personal bias is right! the upper-Oivisi on English taught a seminar in .r .. "heroes" held last week in SEa E 110 SEO H 240 bertonclor- muat ho".work8II In either In "mlaod drinll." ber or boor Mari Evans courses (excluding Lawrence in the Fall of S ...... I full .nd IIOrt-tim. _I",. for .,.,...... to tooc" p ...ion. Sovoral _nlnll' for w.lt_ .. w.lt... . t2.00/h,. + tlllO. h ... ber - ....ry ...checlule Vlrtod. Damascus. seminars) averaged fifty­ 1973, and would have F.rsl. A ..blc .• nd SlIOnlah: ..tIvo ..,...... or very fluent - eli ..... , Yo f ..a1b .. . SEO HMI Can Israel not fight the eight. gladly admitted such a h.. . SEO HM S.bYlin.. for J..yr. old IIlrt . 2 • .,./wlL loIIry __ hideous terror? How can SEO E :rM 0 __1 hou ...._lnll - Mon. Wod. & Fri 4-6 hrs/dev - ....ry SEO H 1111 Next Fall, an im- student as Mr. George who Ind",,"n ._.... needod to _c,,; no needod. will be that be done without hitting .,..,.rterw:. • lTIIngod. Odd Jobber· IllIht ...... MpI"' . driving - SlIt'" tn.; *2.2I/hr . Terror provement is in prospect: has a high GPA. Perhaps it tralnod - ....ry ...choclu ..._neod . SEO H21I SEO H !lIZ the terrorists in their bases we are scheduled to offer is not as generally known as SEO Em Need two _ .. to work .t countor. m.k... nclwichOl , take ordora Two _Ie to moVl fumlturl - mull be ...... how CoIIf. Drfvor". Editor : in lebanon and Syria? seven upper-division Neod m.th moJor with IUrfI ... 111111 to tutor 1J..vor. old ...... In moth - tz.OO/hr + lunch/n·' p.m . lie. - .chedule It ....ry _n. it ought to be that ad­ • nd .urfl", - ....ry ...chodu" ._ngocl. SEO H_ The "long-range view" of Daniellubzens English courses and three SEO H 213 vanced undergraduates SEO E 4111 0 ...... 1 houMCINnlnll . *2.00/h,. • echoclu" ._ngod. G...... I ,.rdwo'" - $2.00/hr.; acodu" .-need. the Middle East conflict David Navon seminars. with high GPA's are ad ­ P.rs_ noodod to lIIot Itoc" priCOI .nd do I__ .... tod SEO H211 SEO H sao which your editorial from This quarter five upper­ missable to graduate work. quontltotl... moth bock-ground noecIod - ....ry, tz.2II/hr.. 1-2 _1_ - t1.71/hr. mu.t he ...... 1th cord - echoclull ....ngod . Qu.llfled lilvOrlmlth Of lIoidemlth . ...._1 -"' .... -.... ry .. May 21 pretends to present division General literature hours f ...lble . SEO H 3111 echeclule on .....m.nt. Lit Courses semindrs. with the per­ SEO E 43111 P.,.on to do odd lobl.round hou.. - t2II/wk. SEa Hili is highly distorted due to a courses are being offered mission of the instructor . Neod two or mo.. J.IIO __.. lnll tour lIuldOl to III ... tours of SEO H 3:M Two _nlng. - 'ry cook .nd POI'lOf1 to but! to...... ~ number of erroneous Editor: which are of interest to I am not providing this S.n Diogo city to toun.to from J ....n - mull be ..... to drt_ .nd Dn-. Dlrt·tlm•. on-coli · .'.70/hr. + .11 ••po_. e.r """,,dod. .2..lO/hr.llchedule fI... i ble. stateme nts and parti al I am writing in response those majoring in English : hi". C.IIf. Ile_ . t1."*2.lO/hr.lport-tlm•• on-coll SEO H:DI SEO H_ information in order to SEOE_ ommissions. to two letters from Kim leonard Barkan is teaching 0-..1 h_"'nl"" once. w ...... ry _n. G.rd_r tZ.OO l hr. refute what Mr. George has N.tI.,. ..,..k.. or vory fluent In H.w.... n or Sponillt to _h SEO H 3G SEO H_ Zionism-the movement George complaining about a course in epic poetry; said. because I am very .....u ..... no tMc"l", uportonco roqulrod . two opoN",' - .. IIOr Hou...,'-nlnll.nd ehlldco,. - ,oom .. boo,d thru .um.... . Live-in comlIOnlon fo, elderly "dv who Ia po.. 1yz8II; ... Mon-W8II.; for self determination of the the courses being offered in Saul Steier is teaching a much in sympathy with the 1)', ..... - echoclu" ....ngocl . SEO H lIZ ....ry ....nIl8d . SEO E en SE:> Jewish people in its literature at UCSD. He course in the novel; linda spi rit of his letters. I n fact I A COMPLETE LO<.:AL TELEVISION GUIDE 0_.. 1 houooc ...nllI1I ft wlnd__ w ..hllI1I , t2.lOfhr. IChocIu" H_ Nood '.m.1e ..,_ writ.. to c ....r It...... nod - ....ry ft '1o.lb.. . G.no.. 1 hou.acIMnlnll; Thu .... 4 hrs./t2.1iO _ hr. homeland-started long complains, quite rightly, Durling is teaching an hope more literature IChodu" .rroneod. SEO H3IlI SEO H_ before the second world that too few courses are introduction to lyric poetry majors will e)(press SEO E 477 P.,.on to bu. tob.... Ib.. to 11ft ....vy trsye tz../hr.. echodu" Porion to move .toc,," of old new'IIO.,.,..; wort< nil""; .a.,a. war. larg{' number of Jews being offered ; he also as is Wai-lim Yip; and themselves on such mat­ Neod two __ with ....th or Itotl.tIcol boc"lIround to tIIIlhor .to ....nttOd . t3.00/hr. immigrat .? ~ to Palestine complains, again quite Fred ric Jameson is teaching ters, and they may be sure ft do .totlotlcol .RI""" . tz.11 unclorwrod/lOIory .. IC"""''' SEO H 4D1 SEO Hm • rronood. Mointenence .round • mobl.. "omo - Sllturdlye - ....ry ._need . Doll e ..... with ••porlene. p .....nnll fooele, ..,..... _til. lie.; since th · ~ turn of the rightly, that some courses a course in science fiction. of a strong and positive SEO E ao SEO H_ t2...a.IO/hr.n • .,. per wk. 10:30-1 :30. century a' far as they were are too large. He makes the In one of his letters Mr. response from the The Agrti ag Democrat b' Ueutenc:ri Gc:Nernor Alert, _ -to-troin .,.,..on with " ...... --"tv to ...... In CoPY I _nl.... for w.ltorI. ...."11 I ...... pOIoIbIy cook. - SEO Hm allowed tJ by the Turkish point, which is entirely George. complained that Department of literature. contorl2D tn...... wk. or fuH-timoltz.llllhr. _ .... occordl", to _____• Mon-Fri 4-10. • '--....ntorI ; t31.00 with ...... ncole2.00 without - tv.. --. Bob 8affin defeated !he "hon SEOEm SEO Hm rule, and ' hen by the British valid, that students should "there has never (to my Andrew Wright SEO H_ machine whale ~ hut most. He'i Neod two LIoorIood Vo.tl_1 Nu.... . n. to _rtlvorI_ ohIftI. H_IIonI... - tz.OO/hr.. 10 ...... fIoxIIIII. N.... oportrnont .... ne_; ....ry a ...ngod ; m ... Info ...... one. The Jewish community let the provosts and the knowledge) been a class on Chairman !he rot Dernooot in 40 years fa SEO E IM7 SEO H_ NOH. Fry oook; ...1IIt how _ . be 21. IIUI to _ - be elected COU1fy ~ In Lob AoIIItont - • """wk. fIoaIbIo; t1.1II1v. ~ to pick UP ...... In Sen Diolo • ~"do . ....ry .. ..,..nence • Nixon's home COU1ty. Now Bob hoi HOE_ ..,..., ...... ICMduIo _nttOd. demalded that Nixon's PIOP8rtY ro- to ...... n. mml for "'""..... __ tI.OOIlv. - SEOH_ SEOH_ taxes be incteased 10 \oIhot they echoduIo ...... G_I ...... el ..nI"" 1 dey. wook. 10 • . m .... ".m. t2.1OI1w. a-.! "-INnI'" . t2.11'); IChodu... -....d. h:lUd be. eI: eV8I'/bOdv eire's IaM!$ SEOE .... SEO H_ SEOH_ reO..oc:ed by thirty percent! I...,..,.... - or! .nd .....hIe .....nllCIontIf\c toc:IIncII-.v - t&I7 AooIot mothor In hoIlOIII ....lIII . oe, •• I.... cooIllne • Mltvllttlt... l.Ioht '-'II e...... ne with ...... chlldcoro; $2.1OI1v. M-.FrI. ~ Bob 80tm has f~ tOt con­ .rN/a.. Junklf/... ",_ only. SeIory .. IO...... "."'.; cr- to com-. sumer protection And he look fhe HOE_ IIOH_ S[OH" PIIIm ...... / hortIcuhvrllt; " . 011 to Itort; ... tn. ..., WMII: ECfison Cc.rrpany CJI the way 10 the NoH ..... to wmo ortIoIoo tor ...... · morolnformotlon ...... 110"-...... for poddon - 1OIorv • 10""''' ...... Calilornia Supreme Courl 10 en­ no H_ fIoIdbIo. tooce cit pclJIion conIIOI slcrodcJdI ENTERTAINMENT AND SPORTS POSI nON!» ...._ to put u" _ .....por In Ioundry_ • Mcfroom - ....ry .. Sl.0 H_ Robel! W Battin Is a goduate ...... _nOeCL GenIener 4 .... hn..; ~~ ..... : ... of UC Belkeley, and has a special 810Fn NO H .. SEO H .. Interesl in preserving CahlomlO's SovoroI ...... fOf till ..... "·11 .. ond _, to .... clothed for or! p_ to~ MnctwlOt.. · • • .,./wk. n •.", . - 3 p.m . . e2.00/ hr. Countor porIOn; mu.t be 21 or over; t2.1OI1v.; ...... __ ~ world-wide I8SPOt I!l:l'fy fel: edJca. 0 ...... G.ItIIv./12 ...... , ..... SEO H 4JI -"'_,. IIOI1d excellence And he's 0 figller Jusl the kind of man we need lei: 810F)I 0-.1 hou .. e",nI", once • -'c. t2.00/ hr. SEOH .. LIeUtenant Govemo Lers mal

------advertisements for ourselves·------......

FOR RENT: Juno 15 to J.n 1. W Sibertln Hu.ky. AKC roe. femll. 3 10-.peed blk. S.n.tor In good LOST: BI·om plaid wool .hlrt .t personals wanted cotto g •• 2 bclrm.. noor bch. ~ mo. bolt off_ ovor ..., _ -1471 cond ...-87215 15121) S&E lib. Hom. ,n.d. with ta, Cell -.a3 or DuBoil .t II2IIIDI (5/311 "m.d... poclally for ..... Rick 716- (5/21) Girl'. Flv. .p ••d Schwinn 11147 (5/21) 28. 111m Ion. for • . l1Im YASHICA Suburban Blcycl•. Exclnt condit. Ricky .ono·. your rOC!ltlmeto for WANTED: Bar boll. W.lghta & SLA with thread . mount. P.ul. naxt yoor. You __ youraolf .n Boneh pran set up. C.II JOHN noedI -~ ,.no. 15/211 F.m .tullent rm with kit· ~ or 27~ . (1/31) OLY. II/281 ....,7 or ~1214 (5/281 chon or kltchon priv for nollt LOST: Tu",uol.. & Oyrur rIng. Ichool y.. r noor U.C.S.D. L.... SootuN III hone glider for ..... For ..I. '17 MUlton,••. Auto. K.ron--_ wI.h you . much lova S.ntlm.nt.1 v.lu.. PLEASE 453..-:1 (5181 prone ho",... with cov.... Froa good condo ... ~ eva. .nd hoPlllnoaa .Iw.ya. H.ppy WANTED: G.y Straight or BI for (5/211 return. C.II: Vicki 2lI-II02 (518' I_ona with purcho... C.II Rick birthday. Love Elion .nd P.m. mov" c.1I Mlk. ~ 15/28 Booch front In So. O.B. La,.. rm .t .-1747. 11/311 15/211 • nd both. PrivatI .ntranc. for 1 or FENDER MUSTANG Gultar-mak • 2 peopI. (,m.II child okl .v.1I n_ Twin IIze.m.tt,... box .pring .nd off.r . ·1733 (5/211 Will buy old furniture: .of•• db.. . Door Splderwom.n: happy blr· ·tli Sept. ph. 222-3312. (5/311 fram'" call R.y .ft I p'm. 45J. services thday. Itl boon. very good y.. r . bod. chol,.. dining tbl•• nd chol,.. ... (5/311 C.II AI.hl .t .x. 1034 or 270-1218 Sly Spy Schwol. 15/281 St•• 1 T.nnl. A.cqu.t ev.. . (1/28) AOOl1)m.tI w.nted to .hora !:'OW Brook. pro _to worked In .13 t20.00/ of.;.4J78..H.nry 151211 WOMANCARE . 1010 G.mot.... Mlk. 0·_ you S.turday. Love. townhou.. with pool. % mi. to 716-1 ... (5/3"1) 71111 Birth Control. Proenann .p.c. rodlnt. 15/211 camplD. 'Own room . • " . mo. 4&2- 1Iio.15/311 TOItI Abortion. Prenatol Cera. NEEDED : Volunt.. ,. to work z.u. .IIoy cottorlOl • crankaat. St.... o t1perecordor. 3 .pooda 4 (Pli/28) That'. really .-t. but thoro .ra wll_·chonc. kid. In lind. VI.ta unulad .. Don 4112-0lIl. 15/311 treck with .paako,.. 7% Inch real too m.ny of you--wlil the ,..1 2 h,.. • wk. 278-0n1 (5/21) Hou.lng: Need rooltlm.t.for2 bd. capacity. D.v. m ... (51211 "B.,.foot" pl .... p.lnt h' 2 bath .pt In P.B. "'.00. Jim m - Phllco ford rotri,erator wk. 45J. toonellal (5121) 1130. (5/311 2000 .1. ~m . IiI5-4237 Connl. B.uer Bnt offer (pilla) Bom.r c.lcul.tor with trig. PAOBLEM PAEGNANCY HELP Loo B. you .,. pollutln, you .....fl WANTED: Cdmlnel Ju.tlc. by Abortion or K•• plng Fre. functlona .nd. mo,.. rent by the or don't you core7 tho Jrd. 15/211 K.plln Mlch.lI. 413-8136 k ..p Aoom wlntad In No. Co. B.. ch hour. dly. or wllk. "A_onabl." pre,nency tilting .nd con· tryln,.(51311 Nylon .Ieeplng b., .xcal"nt for ___. (51311 .r.. 21 yr. old non cl,. Imok_ .ummer. .15 C.II 452-1825 fld.ntlal coune.. lne on .11 the .ltorn.tlvoo. Birth control clinic. I hoar tho Grunion•• ra running m.l. by June 1. • 76-1&. month. __ evenln,•. (5/311 FOll-FI.h; Grunion lover. (51211 STEREO·I 1m lookln, for ••uper 3043 'VH. (51311 BIATH CONTROL INSTITUTE 213· d ••1 on I tuner-.mp end .p_kl,.. For ..I. : 21 In. A.C.A. Color T.V. 13111 (117) Gr .. 413-2596. (5/31) Fru.tret.d cllnlc.1 p.ychology work. v.rv well. xlnt. rocoptlon. lost & found etud.nte. _ . m_,. In tho Aool1)m.t. wlnt.d In 3 br hou ...... 716-87'05. (5/311 Netlon.1 Geogrephlc. 1__ 74 . Ski 0.1 Mer 1 Jun-1 S.pt 125/m. .nnou~m.nta~ 15/281 Lo.t groan not.book with not.. TYPING · MARILYN would Ilk. to pol •• for h.lght 67" to 8'2". Cell oc.. n vl.w ]56.1610 .v•• .• wlcnd• . VW wh.. I. -four atock volk.­ 4fi3.4914. (6/311 [51Jn for lit. 1112 In USB 2122. Pi .... c.1I type your paper. thHI•. etc. Sho I. Door f.na In O,d.n. W. know your w'9.n whoal.. Primo condo .. 7W"". (5131) exparl.nc.d on .11 \yp.. of w.tchln, .nd w. hope your Hch. CIII D.v.452-8105 (5/311 WANTED : Economicil car In pepers. fat. rea.onab" .nd ha. ...mlng. Erica .nd Henry (5/211 excel"nt condition. Up to MOO M.n.g. 8 unit• • PB. low r.nt of 1 Loat: k.y.l.ft In blk.lock by bldg. .n IBM. PI .... call her .t a.,..,. bdrm. prafer coupl. stlrt 5-15 or 6- Gordon ••ner puppl .. 12 w ..k. 20 33IiO-pl.... ,.turn to Triton (Pli/281 Nead to live .Iona. Stray _t... cllh.· CIII D.vld et 212-91711. old ... how qu.llty Chomplon .1,. ev.nlng.. (5 /31) 1 no .xp. lind. e.G1. (5/31) TJmH for tIi rewerd. (51311 towar. ,Irag••• chool bu.l H.v. Ind de.m. 454-1818. (5/281 tIO. John. 436-3341 or 431-1D7. SUl1)mer ,.ntal: w. will rent our 2- Lo.t: L.onardo d. Vine. term 111211 B.. utlful harmony 12·.tr. guitar, Portralta. color or B&W. Creatlvo. b.d.duplex for .ummer cIIi p.per. I.ft outald. Dr. Flen'.·. If not ..tI.fled. don't Ply. Cheepl superb ton•• condo"'.00 c.1I D.nnl. Domln,uez 488-17110. (5131) e · offlc •• 402 MC. pl •••• cIIi C.ndy 4A-I72I. (5/31) JF ft 8M: In the mornln, twilight I 1870 or ~ . (51281 462-0487 or xa.. Thlnx. (5/311 ~ml" .t org.nlc on... wJl1Imlng housing SPOCK: Stardlt. . .78 Minion In tho .urf; MEUOWLY ... (l/2I1 Fr .. dog(.I. Mult glv. IW.y 2 of Typllt. Feet. 41 c.nta p.r PIlI. Accom"lIlhld. Sterb... .x­ Whoevar found . my blul .w.. t ­ C.II 413-1272. (1/311 pre.... gradltud.. loglc.lly; my 8 or be flnod. All kind. Ind .hlrt on the fl.ld W.d. nl,ht (M.y D_r John: H_·. the _thor7 .Izil. C.II W.yn. et x2127. 15/311 Own rm in 11m. flnta.tlc loc.i• . on Scotty. (51311 81. pi.... return It. P.m 413-7031. Ilia) bluf" ov.r'oOklng oClin. .. & (5/311 Hanlin .urf Kly.k w/p.ddl. DCD: A.. ~ber th_ plcturoo I .... 756-95'-.'3 16/281 Bllch cotte,•• t oC.ln for rent from 9-74 to 6-71 complet.ly .xc.lI.nt condo .. c.1I Petar 7tI6- Loat: ,old bonru. w.tch. 5/22. travel took IaIt Saturdoy7 l'm entorrtng furnl.h.d·d.lux ••pply .t 1702 S. "'11. (5/311 mah band. VOFV ..ntlmental G.rI thorn In tho UCID Photo Conto8t. P... lfIo. .,,.... n.ld. 721·4741 . Bray 270-3411, pi ..... (1/311 ciMdHna II Frldlly. Rapar. 11/21) P.nllonlc technic .uto-rever.. 11th ANNUAL JET FUGHTS Rm. ev.1I .f .r Jun. 17. " . N.. r (pIl/2l) UC. 1 blk CI .. lr.mont aqr. Util peld hl·fld It".O c ....tt. d.ck Slideru" found Friday on fountoln Europa: from .. round trip Mlchollo: bolt of birthday wIahoo WIDoiby. Offer 210-41 .... ("/81 J.pen: F~m ... round trip Call. c.II 272·1118C 7.9 P.M. (51281 In Revel .. P"z.. CI"m It In TT ~m Anno ...... l1/2li offlc.. (5/311 BIH. ltudent .... -'187 CMI 3 .p m.n·. Columbia bike. 21" ..; Ovortond A_. Dept. •• Culvor o.r-t 1"-: Have ...... RCA Itoroo. 10" .peak." G . 453- LOST: L_r retalnar. Muir Apta City. (Nm H8ppy Day-W. __ tho ..-no for sale 32111 noga F·I. (5/311 SE metered perking. linelo wire ... for • whIIo. Low I..,. II13II H.. mt .. w.nted: M... . B.y 2Rm. wlda U-,""". Return m. opt q11. oron .um ..... r/ nxt yr. 2 ,uya 2 ten .pooda for ..... mu.t MIl. 1 (5/a) 18W T .. AVEL OFFICE ON ...... too bod about WoncIo. ~ 10 & utll. D.vld 275-1117 15/81 now call -..z3 after 5. 15/311 MATTHEW8 CAM'U. In· n-.'. aIw8ya o-nII a..... INFLATABLE KAYAK 11 'x3' two tornotIonei Cantor _~ 10-12 ...ta . two p.dd .... pump. bow & and LOST: ROItoration Comedy tnt .m dolly. 2 .. "'" MWF. Chorter H.... k ...... erbIo.1I/2II It.rn COVI,., m.ln. kit SIO lb. St_ CMMtta dock-"'or tredo 4 BA Hou.. -- Downt_n W on Fri when cr.... ng La Jolla Fllthta. Int'I 10 c.r.. Eural!. c.p.city. unlMd . MIl Phone_.: for tumtablo. M.rk J . _ -10lIl. 0cIcI.1 don·' ...... _ .. Summer & Poollbly Fell .3&0 -­ VII ..... P ..... coli m .... 111211 TrItIPIne. G...... nd. NA. alrtIna 212 .....7 . (p 6/281 (1/311 tIck_ eto. INm two ... It. muot ...... my ...... aaI (51281 ...... all THI IOZONil l1l8I P_he 'PS' mal' for .... 15" ____ II12II VOFV IhIny/contact Alchard ... Found .t party on D et.,11 lot. • EUROPE • IMAlL - APltICA I. Don Makar Nelly • ...... 1" Rowara _ for Inlo. W.nt 3-1 Ir ...... Oil M___ Itort Juno or 1M1I after 10 II.m. (1131) Student ,...... 1 .., round 08fMIIdIt8 to C_ntv T,.....,.,7 CONTACT: IICA _ UnIverIItv ..,., .." 812 mo...... _ rent BARGAIN: O'NIaI .Ioev... .m. retum toper et .1 from A_ .11 ..n DIoIo. c.IIf. .,. ""'r/mo. " I tak. It. ta II NIVer boan Uled. Mu.t 1111 . • 22. AR-4X ec_tlc I"'" .....k ... 2 P..... TEl.; (714) .,.... (2'111 ..... party on D .t 1111 lat no r.w .... think It. Mout time yay,.. P"". X1OII. or ~ c.1I C.o:MI .fter 5/215. (5181 y.. r _rranty. .. the pro 0 .... HL 1p1/71 oIeered tho alr1 .,7. x1221 . Illal qu_tl_ liked .,.... (1121) ".20 IInII

Pate 8 Triton Times, 1974