
ledger-Siibiirbaf ^ Serving Lowell, Ado, Cascade and Easternn Kent Lif County e

VOL 78 NO. 1 THURSDAY. APRIL 15, 1971 NEWSSTAND PRICE 10 cents VOL. 17 No. 2 Showboat Selects Stars Urges Masons Observe Centennial Year

Hooker Chapter No. 73, Royal Arch Masons of Lowell, will Cautioncelebrat e 100 years of Capitular Masonry with a centennial pro- This Is... With the signs of Spring in gram and banquet Saturday evening, April 17, commencing with the air and the prospccts of a social hour at 5:30 p.m. in the Masonic Temple. yards being cleaned and the The banquet dinner will An outstanding entertiiner, writer and singer is the only need to eliminate trash collect- be served by the ladies of Cy- label that can possibly be applied to Ray Stevens, one of two ed over the winter, the Lowell clamen Chapter No. 94, Order top acts selected this wtek by Lowell Showboat, Inc. Fire Department has issued a of the Hastem Star, under the As the Boat rounds the bend for two weekend performances reminder to residents that ex- direction of Mrs. Verna Rog- this season (July 22-24 and July 29-31) the awaiting audiences treme caution should be tak- ers, Worthy Matron. Gordon will greet the Everly Brothers on the first weekend, and Ray en when burning any kind of B. Johnson will offer the in- Stevens on the succeeding weekend. debris. vocation. The final signing of contracts this week with the acts will A permit must be obtained Background music will be wrap up negotiations that have been formulated by the Talent to have an open burning and provided by the Saint Lukes' Selection Committee headed by Roger Roberts. one can be obtained at the Choristers, The Singing Lads, In making their selection, the committee came up with two City Hall. of Kalamazoo. acts, which will appeal to the young anH swinging and to those Fire calls answered during Gould O. Rivette, Centen- that are more traditionally bent. the week of April 6 included: nial High Priest, will issue the The Everly Brothers, Don and Phil, started their show busi- April 6, 3:30 p.m., grass welcome and turn the program ness careers at an early age in the country-western field; later fire, Clyde Childs' residence, over to the toastmaster, Don- expanding their unique talents to the "pop" set. 13382 Grindle Drive. April 7, ald A. McPherson. They are expert guitarists, getting their training and know- 11:55 a.m. house fire, Wayne Norman E. Borgerson will how from their father who is ranked among the "cream of the Thomas residence, 12486 36th make the introduction of the Centennial High Priest crop" in his profession. Street. distinguished guests in attend- Gould O. Rivette A recent appearance on the Johnny Cash show saw the Ev- Thursday, April 8, 10:30 ance and High Priest Rivette erly Brothers at their best. Their harmonizing voices blend to- a.m. five icres grass burned, will introduce the Most Excellent Grand High Priest Charles R. gether with such originality, that any song they sing maka one Robert B .rnes farm, 3333 Seg- Rademaker, of Manistee, who will address the group. stop and listen. wun Avenue. April 8, 1:15 They have several "Gold Records" to their credit, which in- a.m. grass tire, Stanley Kalys, Other highlights of the program will be the History of Hook- cludes one of Uieir first great hits "Wake Up Little Susie." 11530 40th Street, and at er Chapter as presented by Gordon Johnson; the presentation So far nobody has been able to pin-point the real talents of 2; 10 p.m. a grass fire was re of Life Mernbei pins, by William G. Hurd, and the recognition Ray Stevens, and the reason is complex. How do you brand ported out of control at the of 50 year awards. William Serne home on 10311 a multifaceted entertainment giant? A memorial and the benediction will be given by the Rev. Fulton Road. Friday, April 9, His mUlion selling singles such as "Mr. Businessman," J. Marion DeVinney, Chaplain, and former minister of the Low- 7:45 a.m. a grass fire claimed "," "Harry The Hairy Ape," and ," ell Methodist Church. a tool shed at the Ebe Wynt- have all become part of recording history and labeled him as The assembly will then retire to the Chapter Room where jes residence on East M-21. a great lyricist and recording artist. they will receive a Centennial Souvenir Booklet, compiled by * Three grass fires Saturday His repeated performances on TV programs such as the John- Gordon B. Johnson and his committee. kept firemen busy. They ny Cash Show, , the Joey Bishop Show, For the last two years. Hooker Chapter has directed much made runs on the following and the Show speak aloud for his popularity. of its efforts towards passing to the second century of Capitular calls-12:30 p.m. Ray Ver- On his "hit" single "Gitarzan," the role of Gitarzan, the nar- Masonry the sublime degrees that have been entrusted to it for berg, 2630 Bewell Avenue, Ar- rator the monkey, and Jane were all sung by Stevens. More im- its first century in Lowell. thur Bieri, 115 Flat River Dr., portantly, he also arranged the music, composed the song, wid Johnson and his committee found records to be very sparse and Mrs. Little, McPherson produced the record. and many of them lost, but through the treasures and mem- Road. Sunday the fire depart- He has proven his versatility by his ability to lyrically cover oirs of area residents and historians they composed a book ment went out at 6:10 p.m. varied fields... he has run the gamut of forced marriage with which adequately covers the Mason's history from 1871 to to put under control a fire "Lonely Together," to high comedy with Gitarzan" and to 1971. that started from trash burn- psychological insight with "The Great Escape." The 1971 Centennial officers include Gould O. Rivette, High ing and spread into a wooded Now that thi top acts hivt been selected, the Tilent-Pro- Priest; William Hurd, King; Donald McPherson, Scribe; Orval area at the Sharma Stahl resi- gram committee will haw to go to work oo the format for the dence on Aldeh Nash Avenue. Jessup, Treasurer; Gordon Johnson, Secretary; the Rev. J. Mar- show which will include the interlocutor, the endmen, the Show- ion DeVinney, Chaplain; Clark Parsons, Captain of the Host; The week-long runs utiliz- boat Chorus, a stage band, and ar. amateur act. David Miller, Principal Sojourner; R. Bruce Tower, Royal Arch ed 675 gallons of water. Captain; James Cahoon, Master of 3rd Veil; Robert Cnrouch, Master of 2nd Veil; Glenn Parsons, Master of 1st Veil; and John Gerhart, Sentinel. Killed By Hostile Living Past High Priests of Hooker Chapter and the year Posts/ Address which they served include Norman Borgerson, 1931; Howard Rittenger, 1934; Willard Marks, 1944; Gordon Johnson, 1948; Only T Mill? Arnold Wittenbach, 1950; Ralph Roth, 1952; Anton Kropf, Action In Vietnam 1955; Orval E. Jessup, 1956; Donald McPherson, 1959; Harvey Don C. Taylor, 23, of 4850 Aylesworth St., SE, a 1965 grad- System Changes McClure, 1960; Douglas Arnold, 1961; Kenneth Graham, 1962; In response to many local residents' questions concerning uate of Forest Hills High School who had been in Vietnam only Edward Liscomb, 1963; Gould Rivette, 1965; and William Hurd, how Lowell Schools can possibly enter into a five and one- three weeks, was killed April 6 by hostile action, his parents A letter sent out to all Lowell area rural postal patrons this 1966. quarter million dollar building program and still only levy one learned Saturday. week announced the change in the Postal Department's address Life members are Roy Weber, Roland Shivel, Rex Anthony, additional mill on the taxpayer, school officials today issued Sgt. Taylor was killed when an aircraft landing , Fire sy'tcnv Clyde Kinyon, Wayne Young, Norman Borgerson, Bertus Klahn, the following answers. Base 6 near the Laotian border, came under enemy attack; He According to Postmaster Charles R. Doyle, the increased Howard Ritlengei, McKnuey Watson, Nelson Meengs, Hmlps "To begin with," Leonard Sinke, school superintendent, was a member of Army Co. D, growth in the rural areas has made it necessary to make some ad- Colby, R. Bruce Tower and Gordon Johnson. stated, "this is not a new method of financing. It has been 3rd Battalion, 503rd Infantry justments on the rural routes served by the Lowell office. Fifty year members include Roy Weber, 1914; Roland Shivel, around since 1955 when the School Bond Loan Program was Regiment, 173rd Airborne The method of addressing on the rural routes from the old 1920; Wayne Young, 1920, Rex Anthony, 1920 and Norman first created." Brigade. style of route number and box number will be switched over to Borgerson, 1921. 'The Sute itself does not actually put up the money," Sin- He was the 128th Kent the street and number system, as utilized within the city. For ke continued, "but rather it more or less guarantees the loan by County resident to die in the example, if your old address was Route 1, Box 39, Lowell, putting the 'faith and credit of the State of Michigan' behind Indochina war, the fourth this Michigan 49331, this would change to 421 Lincoln Lake Road, it. Because the.bonds are guaranteed by the State, they sell year. N., Lowell, Michigan 49331. Canvas Area For more easily and the interest rate is much lower. Born in Athens, Tenn., Sgt. Doyle further commented by saying "By changing to the new "In addition to this," Sinke said, "the Sute will make the Taylor came to Grand Rapids address system the mail will be delivered more expediently with early bond payments each year and Lowell will not actually about 1955. Following higli less chances for error." Unlicensed Dogs begin paying the State back until 1988. We will have 29 years school, he entered Western A gradual transition to the new system will be made, and in which to pay for the entire building program which is why Michigan University, majoring the letter that was sent out ask the rural patrons to supply the Is your dog licensed? This is the question that will be asked the increase in millage for building will only be one mill." in science and math educa- post office with their present street number, street, and the cor- by nine enumerators as they canvas the Kent County area and "The entire School Bond Loan Program was instigated be- tion. He planned to become a rect name on the mail box. one city to uncover any dogs that are not licensed. cause of the pressing need of some school districts during an un- teacher, but left WMU lacking Dog Warden Raymond Reynhout said townships to be cov- usually crucial growth period when a very high expenditure a few credits for graduation. ered first are Tyrone, Oakfield, Alpine, Bowne, Caledonia, Cas- for construction is needed. The only districts that are eligible He was drafted a year ago and Municipal League To cade, Grand Rapids, Lowell, Nelson, Plainfield and Gaines. are those with a low evaluation and high operating levy and had been stationed at Ft. Knox, Dogs will also be counted in the City of Lowell. Lowell qualifies on both counts," Sinke said. Ky., and Ft. Benning, Ga., be- Homeowners will be contacted to determine if they own , As a matter of interest Sinke added, "Since the lending pro- fore going to Vietnam. Meet In Greenville dogs and whether or not they have purchased licenses for their gram came into being, two billion dollars in construction costs He was a member of Cas- pets. License numbers will be recorded as well as the date they Don C. Taylor for new schools have been financed and the State's involve- cade Christian Church, and were purchased. "Mobile Homes Located Within Cities and Villages: Prob- ment has been a mere $28.8 million in loans. Other states have was active in its youth groups, including the Boy Scout program Persons who do not have licenses for their dogs will be issued lems of Taxation; Site Selection and Zoning; Subdivision Regu- been spending at least this much in cash for school construction in which he earned a God and Country Award and the Explor- citations on the spot and will be given ten (10) days to take cor- each year. In addiliun to this, two million dollars ha? "Ircady er Scout badge. He also was a member of the Furren Group lations" will be the first topic for general discussion at the Mich- rective action. Failure to purchase a license will result in a war- been repaid to the State on the loans and more than half of Sport Car Gub. He was instrumental in forming a Sailing Club igan Municipal League's Region V meeting in Greenville on rant being issued hy the prosecutor's office, subjecting the own- that was repaid during the past year." at W.M.U. "He raced in the Chicago to Mackinac races in 1968 Thursday, April 22, 1971. Attending this annual meeting will be er to a fine of $ 100 or a 90-day jail sentence. mayors, village presidents, councilmen and other officials from Even though Lowell has been approved for the School Bond on the "Boblore 11" and in 1969 on the "Hilaria." He also It is estimated that there are thousands of unlicensed dogs cities and villages in the counties of Ionia, Kent, Mecosta, Mont- Loan by the State, it is necessary for voters to go to the polls raced in the Queen's Cup races and the Port Huron to Mackinac in the county. on May 4 to approve the one mill building increase. This in-, races on the "Hilaria" in '68 and '69. He also was a member of calm, Newaygo, Oceana and Ottawa. Representing Lowell will crease will not be levied until January 1, 1973 and will pay for the Grand Rapids Sports Car Racing Club. be Councilman Herb Reynolds. a new Middle School to replace the unsafe and over-crowded Sgt. Taylor is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Speakers at the first session will be Robert S. D'Amelio, Junior High building, a new Elementary School and an addition Taylor; a brother, Bob, at home; a sister, Mrs. Brcnda Dicks of Director, Local Property Services Division, Michigan Depart- Appearing In "Sweet Charity" to the Senior High School. Grand Rapids; his maternal grandfather, Sam Duncan of Cor- ment of Treasury, and Daniel A. Dowsett, Executive Director, bin, Kentucky; and his aunt, Mrs. Bergie Guiles of Grand Rap- Michigan Mobile Home and Recreational Vehicle Institute. Mitch McMahon,a Lowell freshman at Central Michigan Uni- (School Board Story on Page 2) ids. The second general session topic will be "Disorderly Con- versity, is appearing this week in the University Theatre's pro- Funeral arrangements will be by O'Brien-Gerst Funeral Home. duct: Municipal Ordinances and Programs Dealing with Disturb- duction of Broadway's long-running musical hit "Sweet Char- ances in Schools; Use of Drugs; Curfews, and will feature pre- ity." • » sentations by James K. Miller, Kent County Prosecuting Attor- McMahon is a member of the cast/produ,cUoo staff of the Penalty For Late Tax Returns ney, and J. William Little, City Manager, Wyoming. Civil Defense production and is serving as a supporting acjof. The play is run- Moderator for the general sessions will be Mayor Peter M. ning April H through the 17 at 8 p.m. in the University's War- Lamberts of Kentwood. A penalty may be imposed on income tax unpaid by April riner Auditorium. 15, Thomas A. Cardoza, IRS District Director for Michigan, The second half of the afternoon program features two con- )b Test Friday said today. current sessions. The first concurrent session will feature a dis- The penalty, enacted as part of the Tax Reform Act of 1969, cussion of "Municipal Organization for Environmental Protec- Outdoor warning sirens throughout Kent County will be is one-half percent for each month or part of a month the pay- tion: Abandoned Autos; Code Enforcement; Snowmobiles." NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING tested at 12 noon on Friday, April 16. The test will last about ment is late, but the total penalty is limited to 25 percent, Mr. The panelists will include Mrs. Harriette Cook, Mayor Pro Tem, OF LOWELL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION: Cardoza said. It does not apply to estimated income tax or the Greenville; Roger Stroh, Director, Environmental Service Pro- three minutes, according to area Civil Defense officials. The annual meeting of the Lowell Savings & Loan Associa- period covered by an extension of time to file the return. gram. Holland; and Jon Stoops, Legislative Assistant, Michigan Purpose of the test is to make sure all sirens are functioning tion will be held at Coons Clothing Store on Monday. April Mr. Cardoza said that if the taxpayer can show the failure to Municipal League. The session moderator will be Mayor Ed- in anticipation of the coming tornado season. 19, 1971, at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of electing three di- pay timely is due to reasonable causc and not willful neglect, ward J. Stewart of Muskegon. The siren warning plan is designed to warn only those peo- rectors and such other business as may come before the the penalty will not apply. The second concurrent session is entitled "Roundtable of ple who are outdoors at the time. It is anticipated those persons meeting. Municipal Problems" and will include a discussion of the muni- inside homes during a tornado warning or enemy attack would The penalty is in addition to the regular interest charge of cipal experience with the district court system, as well as a sess- David F. Coons, Secretary have their radios or television turned on. 6 percent per annum on late payment of taxes. ion on "What's Your Problem." Panelists will include Harold c52-1 J. Harris, Deputy Administrator, District Courts, Michigan Su- preme Court, and William R. Robinson, Village Manager, Spring FREE COLOR FILM - With every order for Kodacolor ZZANO'S PIZZA - 313 E. Main Street, Phone 897-8861. ZZANO'S PIZZA - 313 E. Main Street, Phone 897-8861. Lake. The session will be moderated by Councilman Herbert film processing at Muir's. Drug Store in Eastbrook Mall, Open 7 nights a week. c45-tf Open 7 nights a week. c45-tf Reynolds of Lowell. Grand Raoids. C-1 Lowell Ledger-Suburba"UUUIMOInI WIIDLife, Aprir-i^nil 15IW,, 197lar 1• , . , Lowell Ledger-Suburban Life, April 15, 1971 SERT Needs Volunteers r/fSt Lieutenant SCHOOL BOARD Married 50 Years .m m o,m\i "Tti-Auu 'N MEETS. SETS Ccttendcuv ^hip'itfhord BV SHIRLEY DYGERT HERS THURSDAY, APRIL 15 IT'S A GIRL Pantop OPEN FORUM The Lowell Child Study Club will meet at 8 p.m. in the home Here it is the middle of Arbor Week and what have you done Mr. and Mrs. Cary P. Stiff of Denver, Colorado, announce of Mrs. Thelma Rittenger, 745 Foreman. Mrs. Treva Johnson will The special millage vote, the progress of the issue, special in its honor? Have you planted a tree, saved a bush, or recycled the birth of their second daughter, Catherine Nichols Stiff, on present a slide program of the Passion Play. Election of officers. with a education and resigning teachers were among the topics discuss- old newspapers? S.T.O.P. will be holding another paper drive in April 1. The baby weighed seven pounds, 13 ounces. Call 897-9925 or 897-7195 for further information. ed at the monthly meeting of the Lowell Area School Board June so start saving for that time and you may save a tree from striped Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Cary P. Stiff, sr., of 620 Vs. Monday night. destruction. The saying today is: If you are not part of thQ so- FRIDAY, APRIL 16 Dogwood Road, Ada, and Dr. and Mrs. Clyde W. Wilcox, sr., lution, you are part of the problem! accent The meeting was called to order at 7:45 by Board president of Grand Island, Nebraska. A Spring Carnival will be held at the Bushnell School this Dr. Robert Reagan who called for approval of the minutes of • * * Friday, April 16, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Games for all ages; Born to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stinchcomb, April 4, at Butter- the last meeting and the payment of bills as listed for the month plan now to attend. »9. of March. Both motions were unanimously approved by the The Smorgasbord Committee of the Ada Congregational worth Hospital, a daughter, Lisa Marie, weighing 8 pounds, 5V4 SATURDAY. APRIL 17 Board members, Dr. R. Sieglc, Dr. D. Gerard, Harold Metternick, Church sounds like a fun group. They meet to discuss the annual ounces. Grandparents of the new arrival are Mr. and Mrs. James Bill Jones, Gould Rivette, and Dave Wingeier. event, but it's not all talk. They get right down to the nitty Stinchcomb, Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Milleringof Lowell and Hooker Chapter No. 73 will celebrate their 100th year at School superintendent, Leonard Sinke then took over the gritty by eating their way to success. That is, at each meeting great-grandmother, Mrs. Earl Ketchum, also of Lowell. the Lowell Masonic Temple with a social hour at 5:30 p.m., fol- MR. AND MRS. McKINLEY STEWART meeting by giving progress reports on "irons in the fire." various foods are tried so that the members can decide the lowed by a banquet at 6:30. Make reservations now to attend. eventual menu. His main topic being that of the school bond issue that will be Friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. McKinley Stewart, SUNDAY, APRIL 18 placed before the electors of the school district on May 4. On Sunday, April 18, at 7:30 p.m. in the Church, anyone Vintage Films Shown 5000 Ada Drive, are planning an Open House for the couple to Sinke reported that workers were handing out promotional who is interested in helping on the committee will be welcome celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniversary. They will welcome The Bannerman Quartette will present a program at 9 p.m. literature and a door-to-door canvas was being conducted in the to attend. Prerequisite; bring an hors D'oeurve and a brain- Old time movies are catching on at Forest Hills High School. guests between the hours of 2 and 5 p.m. on Sunday, April 18, at the Cascade Christian Reformed Church Sunday, April 18. JAMES CRAIG WALTER Alto area by election supporters. storm. They need your ideas. A current festival of "vintage" films has been drawing custom- in the home of the celebrating pair. Also featured will be a Ladies' Trio. Sponsored by the Calvin- Lieutenant James Craig Walter, Signal Corps, received his In order to gain the support in the Lowell area, and present * • « ers of all ages from the community. Shown monthly in the mul- Mac and Frances were married on April 22,1921, in the ettei. promotion to First Lieutenant at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, a true picture of the sought after l-mill increase to the public, ti-purpose room of the high school, this event has brought some home of Reverend L.C. Frost, Congiegational minister of Sar- MONDAY. APRIL 19 on March 20. The reorganized League of Women Voters in this area has de- well-remembered 1930'i ftieks to life for the over twenty-niners A call on the two-way radio in his own vehicle usually an open forum was ordered by the Board for Wednesday eve- anac. Members of the wedding party recall that it was a rainy Ionia County Pomona Grange will meet at Orleans Grange Lt. Walter is Batallion Communications Officer with the veloped three units. The Thornapple Unit will meet at Jerry and has turned students into fans of W.C. Fields and Boris Kar- brings a SERT member to the scene of a drowning, acci- ning, April 21, at 8 p.m. in the high school auditorium. day and that despite the festivities within, they had to borrow Hall on Monday, April 19. Potluck supper at seven o'clock. 4th Battalion of the 73rd Artillery. He and his wife, Betsy, re- Locke's on Thursday, April 22, at 9:30 a.m. All women over loff. dent, tornado, or explosion. It was motioned and recommended by Dr. Gerard and sec- umbrellas to walk home following the wedding. Bring a dish to pass and table service. side in Fayetteville. North Carolina, where she is a registered eighteen are welcome to attend one of these groups. For further On Wednesday, April 20, two "new" films will be ready for Members of SERT, which stands for Special Emergency Res- onded by Dr. Siegle that the school system continue the itiner- Although Frances was born in Vermontville, Michigan, she The Women of the Moose will meet Monday, April 19, in Nurse at the Highsmith Rainey Hospital. information call Barbara Mumford at 949-1897. showing. A comedy feature by the Marx Brothers and a trhiller, cue Team, have kept tragedies from occuring by being available ant Special Education services they are currently receiving from moved to Saranac as a girl and was raised there by her grandpar- their Lodge Hall at 8 p.m. Members are urged to attend. Mr. Walter is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Walter of * * • "The Mummy," are on the agenda. The show will begin at 7 p.m. in times of dire need. Deputized by the Kent County Sheriffs the Kent Intermediate School District. Recipitation of these ents. Mac's family lived in Saranac near old U.S. 16 and it was Riverside Drive, Lowell. This activity was introduced by Dave Bulson, a member of Department, members have all had advanced first aid training. services will cost the school district approximately $13,796. The Pied Pipers, that group of people interested in collecting, there that they met. TUESDAY. APRIL 20 'it's a big, big price to pay, but well worth it," Sinke comment- the Student Council, and Paul Leavenworth, faculty member, The lack of public ambulance service in Kent County is only is welcoming visitors and new members at a meeting to be held The couple has one son, now living in California, three grand- Island City Rebekah Lodge No. 282 of Lowell will meet ed, and the Board members were in agreement. two months ago with outstanding success. Tickets may be pur- partially overcome by twenty men who have made their time on Monday, April 26, at 7:30 p.m. in the East Grand Rapids daughters, and one great-grandson. They have lived in the Ada Tuesday, April 20, at the I.O.O.F. Hall at 8 p.m. chased at the door. Bill Jones then motioned that the Board accept the resigna- High School Library. area for forty-one years. Mac has been a cabinet maker and and energies a benefit to strangers. These men have built their Shade-Alderink WEDNESDAY. APRIL 21 own trailer to take to distressed areas. It is furnished with first tions as submitted from Mrs. Claus, Mrs. Wolford and Mrs. Please note: this group used to meet in the EGR Kent Coun- Frances served for six years as the cook at Martin Elementary aid kits, stretchers, standard splints, blow-up splints, and other Jonker, with special recognition being given to Mrs. Claus for ty Library, but has moved to the high school library. Those who School. The Garden Lore Club will meet at the American Legion equipment necessary to give relief to a victim. Using their own her many fine years of dedicated service to the school. plan to attend are encouraged to bring collections, or a sample No invitations have been sent, but those planning the Open Club room, Wednesday, April 21, for a potluck luncheon. Bring Sty somtthing supple about yourself, in silken Aquarius knil of money, the members furnish their uniforms and two-way radios The next item on the agenda, the two terms that expire on from a favorite collection if they desire. Or they may just drop House hope that the many friends of the Stewarts will be able service and a dish to pass. Hostesses will be the officers. Vows Exchanged 100% Arnel triacetate. Man-cut collar, menswear or patriot strip- the board, brought forth comments from Jones and Rivette, in and view interesting articles that others have saved. These to attend the event. in their private cars and in the SERT trailer. Miss Hopkins of the Easter Foundation will show some ings. Bell with. Sizes 3038. Feggy Jo Alderink and James A. Shade were united in mar- who currently occupy these seats. Rivette revealed that he had 'POLICE REPORT The organization was begun ten years ago in Walker Town- items are not necessarily antiques, but often are as modern as of the handicraft work done by the handicapped. riage Saturday afternoon, April 3, at St. Paul's Lutheran Church ship. The idea spread throughout the county and membership "too many irons in the fire" and would not seek re-election. sophisticated glassware or as quaint as tiny buttons. Coins, barb- grew. Now SERT men live and operate from their homes in many of Caledonia. He further commented by saying that he would continue to ed wire fencing, toy banks, and barber poles are all grist for col- Our Men In Service TUESDAY. APRIL 27 areas, a large number in eastern Kent County. An appeal is be- Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Theisen of work for the school board, and give his full support, despite lectors; what have you? RESIST ARREST At 8 p.m. on Tuesday, April 27, in the Runciman Elemen- Saranac and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Shade of Route 2, Lowell. his decision not to run again. Jones said he did not care to hand ing made for new members to increase the effectiveness of the * * • tary Building an open meeting will be held by the West Central Braid trim on the neckline, waist and wrists accented the down his decision, on whether to run again or not, at the pres- Arrested for felonious assault and also charged with resisting organization. NEIL E. HOBBS Michigan Historical Society. Planned program and refreshments. brocade gown worn by the bride. Matching braid edging ent time. Mark your calendar now for the Old Time Movies on Wed- Following a probationary period during which a new mem- arrest were: Melvin Edward Sampson, 26, of 724 E. South Leb- nesday, April 20, at 7 p.m in the multi-purpose room of the Navy Airman Neil E. Hobbs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. ber takes advanced first aid training and is deputized by the highlighted her floor-length veil of illusion. She carried a bou- The election to fill the two positions will go on the ballot anon, Indiana, and Dennis Wayne Hoskin, 25, of 11250 Ann THURSDAY. APRIL 29 quet of yellow roses and white daisies. in June and the deadline for petitions is 30 days prior to elec- high school. You'll see the Marx Brothers in one film and The Street, Lowell. Both subjects were arrested at 7:30 p.m. on Hobbs, 5540 Morse Lake Avenue, Alto was graduated from the perfectionist Sheriffs Department, a SERT man becomes a regular member. Sylvan Christian School will sponsor a Spring Home Tour Mummy in the other. If you don't want to date yourself, you Aviation Administration Course, Class A. If, however, he is inactive for three months, he is no longer con- Miss Cindy Lee Theisen, sister of the bride, was maid of hon- tion time. April 10 following a fight in a local tavern. can pretend that you never heard of either of these films. Take in the Ridgemoor Estates Area from 12 noon through 3 p.m. sidered in good standing. A SERT man must be responsible as or, and the groom's sister, Miss Joni Shade was the bridesmaid. The final note of official business under discussion by the Sampson and Hoskins were lodged in the Kent County Jail Hobbs undertook this phase of his training at the Naval Air pantops a friend; what a good way to repay that old debt. on Thursday, April 29. well as useful. Meetings are held once a month. Anyone inter- Their mint green floor-length gowns were trimmed with br^id Board was a request by the Forest Hills district that our Type and arraigned before Judge White on the 12lh of April. Both Technical Training Center, Naval Air Station, Millington, Ten- • • • ested in joining may write to 1148 Ottillia St. S.E., Grand Rap- and their bouquets were yellow daisies. A Special Education students be included in their week-long pleaded not guilty to the two charges. They demanded examin- nessee. FRIDAY. APRIL 30 for sizes James Rogers of Lowell assisted the groom as best man. Seat- camp program. The board gave their approval on the motion ation on felonious assault and waived examination on resisting ids or may call CH 3-5205. Additional information and recom- On Thursday, April 22, a citizens committee will meet to BEN GRAY HALL On Friday, April 30, the Alto School Mother's Club is hold- mendations may be obtained by calling the Kent County Sher- ing the guests were James Fairbanks of Caledonia, L. C. Scan- as it was presented by Rivette and seconded by Gerard. arrest. Bond was set at $1,000 on each of them. ing its yearly Spring Carnival. Kitchen opens at 4:30. Carnival 38 to 44 hear the former Chief of Police of Grand Rapids, William John- Ben Gray Hall is undergoing training at the Naval Training iffs Department. lin of Holly and Tom Gould of Comstock Park. Recognition was then turned to two visitors at the meeting, COMMEND HELPFUL CITIZENS tickets on sale at 5:45. For a great variety of games, plus ba- son, as he releases the results of his in-depth study of the Kent Center at San Diego, California. As much as new members are desired, donations are also A reception was held in the church fellowship hall follow- Mrs. Carlen (Bev) Anderson and Carl Christenson, who present- zaar and white elephant sale, be sure to come and bring the County Sheriffs Department. He has spent nearly full time for In appreciation for a helping hand, we the members of the His current address is: Ben Gray Hall, SR, D509739, Com- needed. Money or equipment may be given through the above ing the ceremony. ed the Board with petitions they had circulated, asking the whole family. two months on this project. The committee has been delving Kent County Sheriffs Department and Lowell Police Depart- pany No. 100, Naval Training Center, San Diego, California address. The next time there is a search for a lost child or a • Mr. and Mrs. Shade left on a wedding trip that took them Board to incorporate a swimming pool in their new building into several local problems of government and administration ment, would like to thank the two car loads of young men from 92133. drowning victim, SERT will be there. through the Eastern states. Upon their return, they will reside program. for Kent County. For further information, call A1 Heemstra at the Lowell area, who assisted us in apprehending a subject who on Route 2, Lowell. No tentative action was taken on the petitions, but Dr. Rea- CHARLES E. MARSHALL Area Man Receives 676-2341. fled from the scene of a serious automobile accident at M-21, B gan gave his assurance that the issue would be taken under seri- • * • just East of Lowell. Charles E. Marshall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Y. Marshall, ous consideration, by the Board and; a decision would be forth- 1188 Lincoln Lake Avenue, Lowell, recently was promoted to First Fellowship coming at a later date. Due to the description given to us by these young men, we Buddha once said, "Alj that we are is the result of what we Army Sergeant upon graduation from the non-commissioned were able to find the driver who fled the scene of the accident. A graduate student at Indiana University, Dr. Richard C. With no further business on the agenda, the Board adjourned have thought." There have been a lot of other quotes by famous officer's candidate school at Fort Benning, Georgia. MORE PEOPLE It is this type of cooperation from young people that makes, Van Sluyters, is the first in the nation to receive the National into Executive session. and infamous people relating to that same thesis, i.e., the Bibli- During his 12 weeks of training, Marshall received instruction Science Foundation's post-doctoral fellowship in optometries. j?. cal saying, "For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also our job more rewarding. We would like to again thank these in leadership, light weapons, infantry tactics, map reading and reap," and Shakesphear^s words, "There is nothing either good young people for their helpfulness. Citizens of Kent County can The son of Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Van Sluyters, Driftwood Dr., communications. DRIVE DODGE DARTS or bad, but thinking makes it so." All this is leading up to the well be proud of individuals of this caliber. Mr. Van Sluyters was among the 185 young scientists chosen to FOREST HILLS He was selected for the course under a specialized Army pro- receive the fellowships for 1971. The holders were selected from very special symposium that John Marasek will take a part in Sincerely; gram that grants rapid promotions to outstanding individuals. at Kentucky University next week. among 1,546 applicants on the basis of demonstrated special Kent County Sheriffs Department and aptitude for advanced training. It is on Philosophy and Cybernectics. There will be electrical Lowell Police Department Sgt. and Mrs. Charles Marshall, 374-52-4572, Co. B. 1st Batt. THAN ANY OTHER The fellowships are awarded for periods from six to twenty- FESTIVAL '71 engineers, philosophers, professors of liberal studies, researchers, 3rd A.l.T. Brig., U.S.A.T.C.I., Fort Polk, . 71439. and technologists all trying to understand the relationship be- B 8i O ARSON four months. The research and training will be conducted at FESTIVAL,71 will be the largest student and community graduate institutions in the United States and abroad. Each of tween computers and man. Behavoral patterns in each will be Richard E. Bell, previous owner of the B & O Grocery, '^as the awards includes an annual stipend of S6,500 plus allowances. COMPACT CAR IN THE participation event ever attempted in the Forest Hills School under scrutiny by experts. ordered to serve 1H to 10 years in Jackson prison on the 8th of Dod-Daughter Dinner District. The Arts and Trade Fair will be held on Friday, May Dr. Van Sluyters is a June, 1971 candidate at Indiana Univer- April, 1971, by Circuit Judge VanderWal of Kent County. Lowell Camp Fire Girls and Blue Birds have invited their 14, and Saturday, May 15, at the Senior High School. However, sity for the Ph. D. degree in physiological optics. He was among W»N Vitirs Ti Hut April 22 Bell was arrested on the charge in August for the burning of fathers to be their guests at their annual Dad-Daughter Dinner entries are expected from every school in the district including the five graduate students at that institution who received the UNITED STATES! his store in June, 1970. Thursday, April 22. The potluck affair will be held at 6:15 the senior and junior high schools and all of the elementary The Thornapple Unit of the League of Women Voters iwll fellowship honors. The others were studying in chemical physics, p.m. in the Runciman School. schools. meet at the home of Mrs. Elmer Locke, 8805 Conservation Rd., botany, and psychology. Each group is preparing its own table decorations, and pro- "Something for Everyone" will be the theme as parents and N.t. Ada, on inutsday, April 22, ai 9.30 a.m. All women in giam covers with a patriciic theme how hwn made by the Free spirit design, at its best over pants, shorts, skirts. friends may wander over two infields and a parking lot full of the area over eighteen are welcome to attend this meeting. lavcittK OrgMlzi, Plat Sill Salt two fifth grade groups. The evening's entertainment will be pre- D®'i vkuiliiiB, tttfaiklefree parformtmn in your choke of clothes-line art, custom cars, weaving, ceramics, cooking, editor- Discussion of matters of current interest to voters will be on the Brought to you The Lowell Jaycee Auxiliary, the Jaycettes, met for an or- sented by the sixth grade girls. fabrics, colors. From $5. ials, and photography. The choirs and bands will perform in agenda. ganizational meeting on Monday. April 12. Officers were elect- The Ki lo po group will do a skit entitled "Welcome to Haw their new portable shell. Physical education students will be in living color! ed. President, Betty Hockenberry; vice-president, Emily Kerekes; Hee," and the A o wa ki ya group is calling their play "Every- DODGE DART SWINGER AUTOMATIC giving demonstrations of the prowess in gymnastics, and oral secretary, Karen Worden; treasurer, Julie Kronbach; director, thing's All Right." readings, dancing, sculpture, and creative writing will be in evi- Wl CARRY A CCMPUrrt Carol Roelofs. dence. VAN HEUSEIST UMC Of OAS APFUANCtt The Jaycettes are hoping to be chartered in late May. NO CHARGE FOR Technical drawing students who have been building model A bake sale is planned for this Saturday, April 17, at Eber- houses from their own blue prints will have them on display at • Sp—fl OuMit Laundry Equipment Spring Carnival hard's Thrifty-Mart. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION! " FESTIVAL '71. Teachers intend to enter projects in various isI Norga> l orqa*s s • Shghr HotMn 417— categories. Each day's activities will culminate in the production • Hmrdwlck Rangti The Bushnell Parents Club is sponsoring a Spring Carnival Sicritvln Wiik of "Don't Drink the Water" by drama students. GAS SERVICE • Worm Homing Grllh on Friday, April 16 from 6 to 9 p.m. The local businessmen According to General Chairman, David Pott, help will have have donated prizes and there will be many games for the chil- "Better Secretaries mean Better Business" is the theme of the to come from many quarters in order to take care of all of the -for any home located dren; a cake walk will be going continuously. 20th annual Secretaries Week, to be observed nationally April & details. One of the greatest needs will be the building of booths. There will be an adult and childrens' raffle, and at the end of 18-24, with the intervening Wednesday, April 21, set aside as Financial help for the costs of lumber is being sought. The most beyond the reach of the evening there will be two Grand Prizes; one childs and one Secretaries Day. Stitch-y Dodge mam important feature of FESTIVAL *71, however, is the pride of ft adult. Good secretaries are rarely noticed, so put a rose on your city gas mains secretaries desk ... and remember; she makes your days go the students and the interest of the community, according to The Carnival, open to the public, is irfm-packed with fun for pocket-y AUTHORIZED DEALERS Mr. Pott. Northern all. Remember! This Friday night at Bushnell School! better... day after day ... year after year! Entry blanks for students and teachers have been placed in Propane pantshift. all schools and must be returned ot the school office by Friday, Ask about our April 30. GaS Company ni. BUDOBT 13112 B. ftUoi. LpwaU For your car CENTENNIAL NEWS PLAN PkMe 897-9348 your home your life Figurines depicting the Cenleiinial era have been painted on 1 the front windows of the building that will soon become the of- your health , ficial headquarters for the Lowell-Fallasburg area Centennial of- your boat ficers, committee chairmen, and workers. your furniture Located on East Main Street in the building formerly occu- your business pied by Fonger's supermarket, the offices will be open on April your jewelry 19 from 12:30 to 3 p.m. with Bernard Pankowski in charge. youi wardrobe Mrs. Donald McPherson is still conducting her recipe hunt yowgolf dubi IT'S LIKE HAVING UP TO Swinger Automatic Package includes: ... and needs only those recipes that were originated before the yourcamen • 3-speed automatic transmission (no charft) 19th century. $190.60* TAKEN OFF THE • Vinyl roof immttcmk • 6.95 x 14 white sidewall tires Earl Starkweather and Brooke Johnson will comprise the STICKER PRICE OF THE SPECIALLY • Deluxe wheel covers official photography staff for the centennial fete and Jim Rit- EQUIPPED 1971 DART • "Rim Blow" deluxe steering wheel tersdorf has agreed to handle the mailing program that will be • Bumper guards (front and rear) made. Dave Clark has also consented to manage all the stage SWINGER HARDTOP. H Body-side mouMingc (with vinyl inxartt) productions that will be made during Centennial Week, June • Belt mouldings State Farm is all you need to 27 through July 4. know about insurance. Give Step-ahead pockets, deep and dramatic, belted high and but- Yes, it's back again. The Dodge Boys' repeat of a • Remote-control outside'mirror, left side toned up. In crisp carefree poplin of 65% polyester, 35% sellout. Only this year we've added extra "goodies" • Convenience Light Package me a call. to make our Swinger Automatic even more $ cotton. Strong colors, accent sutcning. Sun 8-18, •Mlr'i. Suggested Retail Prlct lor Oodf* TorqutFIIU •utomatlc tnnwlnlM attractive. Check with the Dodge Boys today. See on l-cylinder Ctrl modeU: $190.60. On l-cy1lnd«r moOtlt: im.K. what a real price-fightin' deal you'll get on a new 1971 Dart Swinger Automatic: Buy the specially ttSOUME...at WEST HILL IRON WORKS VERN PHELPS equipped Dart Swinger hardtop—get the automatic THE GOOD GUYS ARE IN YOUR CORNER V-tapered fit, good variety of stripes and solid ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK transmission at no extra charge. No wonder it's KNOCKING DOWN RISING CAR PRICES! colors. Vanopress blend of Dacron & Cotton 2531 West Main Lowell such a swingin' sellout! MOSTAHP Prices! RESIDENTIAL $7.00 and $7.50 COMMERCIAL JNDUSTRIAL 897-834fi MORE PEOPLE DRIVE DODGE DARTS THAN ANY OTHER COMPACT CAR IN THE UNITED STATES. BOHT HINDS OF GAS-Ont fpHtjomem'* •7YRS. EXPERIENCE Biy Wtth Cufiiiici Fnn Ywr Diifi MDistii|iishii Dulir ON LARGE OR SMALL JOBS (—n State Firm ONE OF FIVE-TWELVE TIME WINNERS IN THE USA •BA1TEUE8 • LUBRICATING MONTH-OF-APRIL Is all you nMd •nm • OIL CHANGES TELEPHONE 361-0323 RES. 896-9571 A to know about JACK SON MOTOR SALE S WILFRED BUEGE 1 INSURANCI Inwranct. Walter's Lumber Mart LOWELL GRAND RAPIDS SALES DEPT. OPEN MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY EVENINGS 930 W. Main St. Lowell TW 7-9281 1750 VINECROFT STREET. NW STAU FAUN INSUIANCE COMPANKS MS SUNOCO SERVICE 121 f. Mali St. Lmll 817-1211 219-221 West Main St. 1507"Wcalthy St..S.F oons orncrs. HOIK SIOOIIINCION. ILUNOIS M.A0A TW 7-7132 GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. 49504 217 West Main, Lowell

I Lowell Ledger-Suburban Life, April 15, 1971 Lowell Ledger-Suburban Lif#, April AfCliSt StSUffer WedS Ada Board McetS OBITUARIE S Miss Priebe Engaged Spring Program MARK SYPHER City of Lowell

Five-year-old Mark Sypher passed away last Wednesday, Ap- BE IT FURTHER MOVED that the Manager be and hereby Kilt Cmty Fiimtiii Of Oppose Planned Park ril 7, at Butterworth Hospital in Grand Rapids following a three- is directed to nresent Ihe City's objection to our Slate legisla- Offers Variety year battle with leukemia. tors, by letter. Willi's Chiks Will Milt Council Proceedings Yes: All. Several items of interest to Ada Township citizens were d^ Services, conducted by the Leddick Funeral Home of Ionia, The Kent County Federation of Women's Clubs will hold it* cussed at the bi-monthly meeting of the board on Monday night. were held Saturday afternoon at the Zion United Methodist No: None. annual Spring meeting on Wednesday, April 28, at the Sand Lake A large group of residents appeared in the audience with pe- The program of the Lowell YMCA attempts to provide so- Church of Ionia. Interment was made in Easton Cemetery, CITY MANAGER'S REPORTS Regular session, Monday evening, March 15,1971 in Ihe Methodist Church in Sand Lake. Hosting the meeting will be cial, physical and educational opportunities at a reasonable cost Ionia County. titions signed by over six hundred registered voters. They were council room of the city hall. 1. Delinquency of $4,034.21 in water-sewer bills since Feb- the Sand Lake Woman's Club. to be presented to the board in opposition of a planned mobile to the adults and children of the Lowell area. A kindergarten student in the Lowell Area Schools, Mark is ruary I billing. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Harold F. Jeffer- Mrs. William VandenBerg, President of the county organiza- home park to be built by Phil Simon and Associates, pending re- This Spring the program opportunities .for adults include: the son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Sypher, 1216 Laurie Gail Drive, ies at 8:12 p.m. and the roll was called: 2. Formation of organization entitled "Metro Inspectional tion, has announced the following agenda: 9:30 a.m. Coffee zoning and a new ordinance. Beginning Typing: Open to high school and adult participants, Lowell. Services" which includes surrounding Kent County cities, for Present: Councilmen Anderson, Mrs. Myers, Mueller, Mayor and Registration; 10:15 a.m. Business Session, Election of Offi- The group asked for time to add more signatures to the pe- this class will be held from April 21 through June 2 from 7 to 9 p Besides his parents, Mark is survived by one sister, Lorraine; the purpose of standardizing fees. The Manager recommended Jefferies. cers, and Reports of Presidents; 12 Noon, Luncheon; 1 p.m.. titions which was granted by the board on the basis tnaue-zon- p.m. at the High School. This class will brifoi beainners only his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sypher and Mr. and Mrs. that our building inspector become a member. Morning Reports. Absent: Councilman Reynolds. ing at this time has not been effected. and will concentrate on learning the keybteud of the typewrit- George Scidelman; several aunts, uncles and cousins; and a host 3. A review of last year's budget and a report one ertain in- IT WAS MOVED by Councilman Mueller, supported by Mrs. Mrs. John Nelson, author of a book of poetry, "The Sampler," A complaint by Simon in the circuit court of Judge George er. Mrs. Carl Christenson will instruct the class. comes from the State. of fnendi. RALPH P. AUBLE will be the speaker. Reservations should be made before Satur- Myers, that the minutes of the March I, 1971 meeting be ap- Boucher was answered by the Ada Township Board on Monday. Adult Education Ctanin 4. Fire Department report for February. day, April 24, with Mrs. Lyle Groner, Route 1, Sand Lake The builders had asked for a permit to erect a community house Ralph P. Auble, life long resident of Cascade Township, pass- proved as presented. On motion of Councilwoman Myers the meeting was adjourn- 49343, Telephone 636-8861. All classes will begin the week of April 5th and will conclude ed away Friday afternoon at the Kent Community Hospital at Yes: All. on the property on which they eventually hope to establish the ed at 9:30 p.m. mobile home park. The permit had been refused on the grounds the week of June 1st unless otherwise specified. the age of 90. He had been hospitalized about a month. No: None. »•••••••• Approved: April 5,1971 that the area has not been rezoned for such a purpose. Art: Monday, 8 to 10 p.m. Wednesday, 1 to 3 p.m. Instruc- Mr. Auble, a farmer who lived at 2265 Thornapple River IT WAS MOVED by Councilwoman Myers, supported by The Ada Planning Commission has been writing a mobile tion is in use of water colors and charcoal. This popular class Drive, S.E., served as Cascade Township treasurer at the age of Anderson, that the bills payable, copies of which were furnish- HAROLD F. JEFFERIES LAURA E. SHEPARD, for beginners and advanced is under the tuteledge of Mrs. Jan 26, and was justice of the peace for many years. He also served home ordinance and until such ordinance isadbpted by the of- ed Councilmen with the agenda and totals of which appear be- Mayor City Clerk ficials of the township, no rezoning will take place. Johnson. Class meets at the "Y" office or at outside locations. > on the township's Board of Review, and was director, modera- low, be approved and warrants issued: tor, and treasurer of Cascade Township School District No. 4 The board denied the request for petitions of residents who Alcholoics Annonymous: Having a drinking problem and General Fund $9,888.08 SPECIAL SESSION for many years. are complaining regarding the Amway disposal pool. The board need help to solve it? A.A. meets at the "Y" office on Wednes- Equipment Fund 831.12 day evening of each week from 3:30 to 10. For information, members saw no reason for the petitions since the corporation Besides his wife. Belle, he leaves two sons, Lee of Berrien Major Street Fund 17.93 Special session, March 26,1971 in the council room of the please call 897-7764. Springs and Ronald of Lansing; four grandchildren; and two has begun work on a drainage district. Water Fund 9,448.86 city hall. Women's Slymnastics: Shape up and slim down for the new great-grandchildren. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Harold F. Jeffer- Fire Chief Stanley Osmolenski reported twenty-three fire Sewer Fund 609.92 summer fashions. Exercises are designed to help you lose weight runs in the month of March, bringing the total for the year to Graveside services were held at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon Building-Site Fund 5,900.00 ies at 4:40 p.m. and the roll was called: and develop muscle tone. Classes meet Thursday evenings from thirty-one. Twenty of the recent runs were for grass fires. with the Rev. Raymond Gaylord of the Cascade Christian Yes: Councilmen Myers, Mueller, Anderson, Mayor Jefferies. Present: Councilmen Anderson, Mrs. Myers, Mayor Jefferies. 7:30 to 8:30 at Bushnell School. Church officiating. BuUding permits for March were for a total value of $156,450. No: None. Absent: Councilman Mueller, Reynolds. Volleyball: Coed Vollevball will be offered this Spring to be WILLIAM LOUIS JONES Mayor Jefferies stated that the purpose of the special meet- Five of the permits were for new homes. NEW BUSINESS MRS. MICHAEL A. MERRITT held at the Jr. High Gym from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Class begins April William Louis Jones, aged 88, passed away at his home on MISS MELINDA K. PRIEBE ing was to consider purchase of a deluge gun for the new Fire The board received a repoit from the Kent County Health De- 15 through end of May. Wear loose clothing for comfort. Grand River Drive Wednesday, April 7. Request of Dorothea Norris for transfer of SDM license from Department truck owned by the County but housed in Lowell Miss Ardist A. Stauffer and Michael Anthony Merritt were partment regarding Robert Allen of Four Mile Road. He wai Miss Melinda K. Priebe and Michael L. Kline are eningeft Golf Lessons: Golf instructions for beginners and advance Clare Palen Estate. (See MOTIONS-RESOLUTION). Police and manned by the Lowell Fire Department. Delivery of the united in marriage at 10 a.m. Saturday morning, March 27, in charged with using his property as a dump in violation of Public Surviving arc his wife. Pearl; two sons, Paul of Lansing and and will marry in the summer. St. Mary's Catholic Church of Lowell. The Rev. Father James will be offered. Classes will be held in the high school gym and Chester of Lowell; one daughter, Mrs. Mildred Potter of Low- Chief Emmons expressed approval of transfer. truck will be next month. Acts 84. The Ada Township Board asked him to vacate the prop- Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Prie- Thelen performed the ceremony. then moved outdoors as the weather gets warmer. AI Rowe will ell; 10 grandchildren, several great-grandchildren and several Consideration of Resolution of Intent to raise 5 mills for Manager Bacon stated that the current year's budget did in- erty as a dump. be, 2180 Engleside Drive, Kentwood, and Mrs. Phyllis be the instructor. Class meets at 7 p.m. for 5 sessions beginning 'i Sanitary Sewer Separation Proiect and Resolution of Approval clude an amount for a deluge gun but it would be necessary to The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Stauffer Gould Rivette of Lowell, a member of the Fallasburg Centen- nieces and nephews. Knowles and Leslie Kline of Lowell. April 15. of Imposed Charges roll. Manager Bacon read both proposed waive the bidding requirements since the approximate cost of 1365 Montcalm Avenue, Lowell. Parents of the groom are nial Celebration Committee, asked permission to install a rustic Funeral services were held Friday at 3 p.m. at Roth Funeral Resolutions, stated he was not in favor of adopting both reso- would be $1,100. He stated the deluge gun could be mounted Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Merritt, sr., of 5354 Circle Drive, Belmont. style sign at the Ada Covered Bridge. The sign will list pertinent Home. Rev. F. Ervin Hyde officiated and burial was in Oakwood Youth Classes lutions - the second of which would be adoption of an ordi- while the truck is still at the factory at the best price. The bride entered the sanctuary adorned in a floor-length information for tourists. He indicated that the committee will Cemetery. nance - without a study being made by the City Attorney. Fire Chief Baker and County Fire Chief Geldersma both gown of white satin, fashioned with white lace trim. Her veil try to do the same on all four publicly-owned covered bridges Beginning Typing: Open to high school and adult partici- MRS. LETHA B. THORPE Mrs. Letha B. Thorpe, aged 64, well known resident of Bos- James Carr of Williams & Works reviewed the method employ- stated it would be of most use in the city. Baker said the gun of illusion, trimmed with lace appliques, was secured by a in Michigan. pants, this class will be held from April 21 through June 2 from ton Township, died at Butterworth Hospital Wednesday morn- ed in compiling the Imposed Charges. (See MOTIONS-RESO- could be operated by one person, where formerly a 1!^" line crown of pearls. She carried a bridal bouquet of white roses The board was informed by Kent County Clerk, Jack Bron- 7 to 9 p.m. at the High School. This class will be for beginners ing, April 7th. Funeral services were held Saturday, April 10th, LUTIONS). would require services of six men. The deluge gun would be Dresses and carnations. kema, that after March 31,1971, all local governmental units only and will concentrate on learning the keyboard of the type- R.L.D.S. CHURCH, ALASKA at 1:30 p.m. from the Clarksville Bible Church with Rev. Glen mounted on top of the truck, could reach the top of a three-or Attending her sister as maid of honor was Arva Lou Stauffer will hav? *0 pay mftmhers of the Boards of Canvassers at elect- writer. Mrs. Carl Christenson will instruct the class. COMMUNICATIONS Pettigrove officiating, and burial in the Clarksville Cemetery. Thursday, April 15 at 7:30 p.m. there will be a study class four-story building. The truck would not need to be close to the of Lowell. Best man was Dale LaBaron of Grand Rapids. ions. UntU this time, the costs were paid by the county. Nursery: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9:30 to 11:30 on the Book of Revelations taught by Seventy George Njein. 1. Michigan Week Chairman confirming the pairing of Low- building to be endangered by collapsing walls. Then Following the ceremony a creception was held in the Low- She was born in Clarksville, daughter of Lewis and Anna a.m. Instructors are Mrs. Arline Schwacha and Mrs. Katherine ell and Portland for Mayors' Exchange Day, May 17. (Cilley) Mick, attended and graduated from Clarksville High On Friday, April 16, Mr. Njein will conduct the service at 7:30 IT WAS MOVED by Councilwoman Myers, supported by ell VJWHalL Blondshine. p.m. His topic will be "The Principle of Laying On of Hands." & Pant Suits School, and Ionia County Normal. She taught school in several 2. Michigan Municipal League announcing date of Region Anderson, that the bidding requirements be waived and the Evening Of Poetry Boy's Baseball Clinic: All practices will be held at the High Ionia County Rural Schools. In 1928 she was married to Guy Sunday, April 18, Elder Guy Kramer will be the speaker at V Annual Meeting: April 22, 1971 at Greenville. Further de- Manager authorized to purchase a deluge gun to be mounted School Diamond. Players will be taught basic fundamentals of Detroit's exciting and versatile Hank Malone will be featured Thorpe and they lived on a farm in Boston Township for many the 11 a.m. worship service. His theme will be "The Divine tails forthcoming. on the new Kent County Fire Truck to be garaged in Lowell, batting, fielding, catching and game situations. All boys must Hidden Numbers in the National Library Week celebration. In An Evening of years. He died April 9,1966. Drama." Church school for all ages at 9:45 a.m. Elder Robert 3. Kenneth W. Anderson of Williams & Works protesting the at an approximate cost of $1,100, as budgeted for fiscal 1970- sign up and pay their fees prior to practice. Poetry, the underground press writer, producer of a weekly Mrs. Thorpe is survived by her mother, Mrs. Anna Mick of Johnson will speak at the 7 p.m. evening worship. His sermon proposal of the Kent County Department of Public Works that 71. Babysitting Instruction: For girls or boys in or entering 7th WXTZ-FM radio show, and teacher of courses in sociology of Clarksville; two sisters, Mrs. Leslie (Jewel) Shade of Brecken- topic will be "A Living Hope." the latter make the inspection on the proposed storm sewer- Yes: Mrs. Myers, JefTeries, Anderson grade and up. Mrs. Carlen Anderson and Mrs. Vince McCambridge the "inner city" and urban ecology at Wtyne Sute University, ridge, and Mrs. Lyle (Rachael) Condon of Clarksville; four bro- Wednesday, April 21, at 7:30 p.m. the Mid-week Fellowship sanitary sewer separation. Letter was read by the Manager. No: None. Hinder Firemen will instruct the class in care and feeding of the small child and will read poetry to the public. thers, Wilbur Mkk of Saranac, Rev. Burton Mick of Englewood, Service will be held with Priest Marvin LaLone giving the James Carr reiterated the stand taken by Anderson that since The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m. other related ideas of concem. The class will be held either on The event will take place on Thursday, April 22, at 8 p.m. California, and Alton and Lewis Mick of Clarksville. thoughts for consideration with his theme "In All Things, I Williams & Works have designed the construction and that all A house is slowly burning to death from the inside and no Monday or Thursday. Interested parties are asked to call the Approved: April 5,1971. at the Kent County Library in East Grand Rapids. Malone is Consider the Christ." installation will be their responsibility and under their direction, one is there to ?top the distruction. Tragic? Yes, especially when "Y" and state their preference of day. HAROLD F. JEFFERIES, LAURA E. SHEPARD. sponsored by The Friends of the Library who will also bring only they should be allowed to make final inspection. a call has already gone out to the fire department, but the lone- EASTMONT BAPTIST CHURCH Mayor City Clerk the Grand Valley State College's Quangle Wangle Readers in Mayor Jefferies was directed to arrange a meeting for DPW, ly home stands to be eaten by flames without the extinguishing the "Conceited Mr. Toad of Toad Hall' on Saturday, April 24 at Sunday, April 18 through Sunday, April 25 Rev. Edward Williams & Works representatives and the City Council, so that water of life. 11 a.m. Morrell will be conducting evangelistic services at Eastmont Council will be aware of all phases and reasons before making a Firemen who are called to tht scene of a conflagration, leap Serving All Faiths The drama is based on Kenneth Grahame's "Wind in the Wil- Baptist Church, 5038 Cascade Road. Sunday services, 11 a.m. decision on the inspection service. (Councilman Reynolds en- SILVER to their vehicles, and proceed to the fire in haste. But even with lows," a children's classic of small animal adventures filled with and 7 p.m. Monday through Friday at 7:30 p.m. He has held tered the meeting at 8:40 p.m.) the address, a home can be difficult to find. Maps and charts in - ILA'S - I 9 SAW magic, beauty, and friendly humor. This play is sure to delight meetings in Jamaica, Haiti, Domincan Republic, St. Lucia, St. 4. Oral request from engineers on Valley Vista Village Mobile fire department offices help, continual study of the area helps, young library patrons, especially in grades three through five. Vincent, Barbados, Venezuela, and is considered an outstanding Home Park that a change be made in plans for the connection of irrnDATiMn u but when the number of a house is not posted in clear view and O'Brien-Gerst DECORATING SEARCH Values To $40.00 speaker. The public is cordially invited. sewer from the lift station on the north side of M-21 to the in distinctive coloring, it still remains difficult to find the prop- LOWELL LEDGER-SUBURBAN LIFE Rev. Morrell is a bible teacher and expositor and served as Bowes Road Sewer. Manager Bacon expressed the opinion that Service • Wool • Mini's er location. U AeniitiiU Sit Miitlif Seiving Lowell, the I&rnl.HilU ate a, Alio, and eastern Kent Funeral Home missionary for 15 years in Baptist mid-missions. He was a candi- this change would be more advantageous to the City ; it was the Unless the fire has already goMon to a stage where it can be (1) • Polyester i.^tx^feafewjlonlt counties. n , Dvrld G. Gent • Director Papering & Painting 1 The Grand Rapids Chapter of the National Association of Ac- date secretary for Baptist mid-mission and'has held pastorates general consensus the change should be authorized. (See MO- Ull , lieu seen from the road, the fircmcntoay waste precious minutes. ESTABLISHED 1185 • Acetate countants will hold a meeting, Tuesday, April 20, at Finger's Published every Thunday by Hie Ledger PuSUshing Co., 105 N. ill in three churches but has been in evangelistic work since 1964. TIONS-RESOLUTIONS). SEEM\ LINE OF ujp • Calottes looking for a place to perform their deeds of mercy. "T • Crepe Restaurant. Broadway, Inw-U, Second Class postage paid at Lowell, Michigan He attended Philadelphia School of the Bible. Councilwoman Myers expressed opposition to proposed leg- Over the hills and through the dales may be just great for WALLPAPER HOOKS James C. Bresnahan, Jr., a partner of Touche, Ross and Com- 49331. Rev. Morrell is married and the father of eight children. islation giving schools exemption trom special assessments and LUL Sizes 5 to 20 going to grandmother's house for a holiday dinner, but when PHONE 949-7350 3980 CASCADE ROAD S.E. ANU PAINTS pany will speak on "Controlling Inventories." Mr. Bresnahan's Ten cents per copy on newsstands. By Mail, S4 paid in advance imposed charges. (See MOTIONS-RESOLUTIONS). grandma is there alone and the kitchen begins boiling over, she GRAND RAPIDS. MICHIGAN 49506 firm is involved in design and installation of accounting systems, in Kent and Ionia Counties; SS elsevv.jere. CALL; 676-4656 needs help in a hurry. It will be the local firemen who will be MOTIONS & RESOLUTIONS production and inventory control systems and profit improve- Phone (616) 897-9261 THI invited to attend the burnt roast spread. The problem comes IT WAS MOVED by Councilwoman Myers, supported by snuu ment programs for various companies and is well versed on in- Carol Lawrence, Editor The McCulloch Corporation when the guests cannot find the hostess's house. Anderson, that the following resolution be adopted: ventory control. Office Hours la aponsoring a Silver Saw It isn't always in the wide suburban areas filled with winding THAT THE REQUEST from Dorothea L. Norris for transfer Dinner will be at 6:30 p.m., preceded by a fellowship hour Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. to noon Well Drilling Search on thla Its 25th An- roads and tricky lanes, that cause the trouble. It can come right of ownership of 1970 Tavern and SDM licensed business located at six p.m. with the meeting at 7:30 p.m. I niveraary lo commemorate in the middle of the village where neighbor lives fifteen feet at 301-303 West Main Street, Lowell, Michigan, 49331, Kent the production of Its from neighbor. An internal fire that doesn't show its curling County, from Clare R. Palen Estate, Dorothea Norris, Executrix, PUMP REPAIR 3,000,000th chain taw — an Jazz IM< Ti Pirfira flames to outdoor passers-by is just as hard to find if the house be considered for APPROVAL. induatry firall If you pur- Fast Service, Free Estimstes number is not showing, as one in a remote forest. IT IS THE CONSENSUS of this legislative body that the ap- chaae one of these 25th An- The Jazz Band from Western Michigan University will pre- Fully Insured Starting problems nlveraary silver saws, you Help the fireman help you and grandma by seeing that address- sent a program at Lowell Senior High Scnool on Monaay, April plication be recommended for issuance. MFTHODIST will receive a replacement es are clearly designated. Keep your privacy if you want, by leav- 19, at 8 p.m. CHRISTIAN CONGREUAI IONML Yes: 4 ASSEMBLY FREE and be part of a na- 100 Mofci St. Lowtl Ado Shopptn' Sqacvt ing off your name. The fireman could care less if you are called See You In Church Currently on tour, the band will perform numbers from the TAQTAnE Nays: 0. E. D. Richard Daily M Fit 'til I Daily IM Frl. 'Ill I driving you wacky? CALVARY MEMORIAL Where? tionwide publicity cam- VanderBilt or Muggins. They just want to get on with the busi- FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Absent: Councilman Reynolds. big band era, and will include modem arrangements also. Tick- CHRISTIAN CHURCH paign. So look for "Silver" JPfc. W7-WK Pfc. C7M2S1 ness of putting out that disaster. ASSEMBLY OF GOD ets may be purchased at the door or from band members. CHURCH OF ADA VERGENNES IT WAS MOVED by Councilman Mueller, supported by CALL: 897-8104 when you purchaae a (Diedples of Christ/ UNITED METHODIST Mrs. Myers, that action be deferred on a Resolution of Intent (In Fellowship with the McCulloch Chain Saw. 2220 J-Mile Ro»d N.E. 2829 Thornapple River i)rivc SE United Church of Christ) Comer Parnell and Bailey- to raise 5 mills for Sanitary Sewer Separation and on the Resolu- Morning Service 10 A.M. 949-1360 Rev. Phil Carpenter tion of Approval of Imposed Charges roll for said Separation. 7339 Branson SE Sunday School 11 A.M. The Rev. Raymond Gay lord ' r MM ^ 676-5281 Morning Worship 10:00 a.m, • Yes: All. Christ Ambassadors (Youth) Home Mortgage Pastor Sunday School No: None. HOPE YOU'Lu 6 P.M. Rev. C Jack Richards & Fellowship 11:00 a.m. IT WAS MOVED by Councilman Reynolds, supported by VISIT OUR STORE AND SEE Morning Worship 9:15*10:30 Pastor Evangelistic Service 7 P.M. Rev. Carpenter Mrs. Myers, that Council hereby approve change of plans of ff/Ul FLORAL is Now Sunday School 9:15 4 10:30 Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. T • ^ Vi ? ' Rev. Daniel Rochl, Minister.. Medema Van Kooten & Associates, engineers for Valley Vista Youth Group Meetings 5:00 p.m. FIRST UNITED (Nursery Care Provided) METHODIST CHURCH Village Mobile Home Park, for sewer connection, from the lift Mad* ly BAPTIST station on the North side of M-21, to the Bowes Road sewer CHRISTIAN REFORMED OF LOWELL mg Inflation mg main. OURI {FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH FIRST CONGREGATIONAL 621 East Main SOLID CHERRY $59.95 Yes: All. ILILLY JOH - IN ALTO - CHURCH OF LOWELL 897-7514 TASLEH ADA CHRISTIAN "The Thunder of Dawn" No: None. Comer 60th A Bancroft Ave. United Church of Christ REFORMED CHURCH Rev. Dean Bailey IT WAS MOVED by Councilwoman Myers, supported by dunday School , 10:00 a.m. Hudson and Spring Streets 7152 Brad field Worship 8:30 A-M. and 11 A.M. Reynolds, that Council hereby go on record as opposing State Their PRICES DOWN Git yiur cir chwkid when you cm git the FACT8I Worship 11:00 a.m. A 7: JO p.m. 676-1698 Rev. F. Ervin Hyde, Minister Church School 9:45 A.M. legislation giving tax exemption to schools from special assess- Rev. Ralph Bruxvoort, Pastor Church School with classes from (Nursery during both services and Wednesday Prayer FellowAip ment taxes and imposed charges; 7:30 p.m. Morning Worship 9:30 a.m. Nursery through Sr. High Church School). Ball Floral Is A home of your own. A guden plot Sunday School 11:00 a.m. 9:45 A.M. Rkhard A. Beach. Pastor Dean I. BaUey, Minuter Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. HartweU Goeney, Assoc. Minister a All of the "togethenen" that Telephone 868-3011 (Cribbery and Nursery provided). CALVARY CHURCH CHURCH OF THE REDUCING PRICES makes for a happy family can EASTMONT BAPTIST CHRISTIAN REFORMED EPISCOPAL DEADLINE Carl Forelund CHURCH NAZARFNF (Fwhrr ind 1 hrrr Sum) 1151W. Main Street 201 North Washington in FULTON. ORAND IUPIOS. MICH. 4fWl best be achieved in a 5038 Caicade Road ST. MICHAEL'S On All Flowers Rev. Bernard Fynaardt, Pastor ' Rev. James E. Leitzman The Rev. Richard Gilaepy EPISCOPAL CHURCH HERE! Phone 897-8841 Sunday School 10:00 a.m. -v home of your Morning Worship 11:00 ajn. 2965 Wydiff Dr. S.E. Morning Worhsip 11:00 a.m. Dunuay Sthod 9:45 a.m. Wocihip 10:00 * 7:00 p.m. The Rev. R. Craig Bell Young People and Juniors STAY OUT OF TROUBLE . 8< Plants! 111 own. We are alwayi happy to Youth Meetings 5:45 p.m. Sunday School 11:15 a.m. Vicar 6:45 p.m. SAVE TIME AND WORRY complete witn special : ^ You'd likatoknowwhafswronf Eveninevening Worship 7:00 pjn. Supervised Nursery help The next time you need flowers for: primary!Churc h ll:008Jn. Holy Eucharist 10:00 a.m. Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. L«r BLOCK Prepare Your 12" bar and McCulloch dbctm a home mortpfe with your car-andwhat It takes During All Services Prayer and Praise smooth-cut chain 1 FFo r Agei 4 through 8 Child Care Provided — funeral to fh It, rifht? Then, |o to one of WELCOME, FRIEND! Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Charlie foster : > the service/rspit shops offering this NAPA — hospital loan with Lowell ana famBiet Supervised Nursery During booMet-"CAR REPAIRS ... Facts You Should FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH and., • Know". They'll check your car. and use the AU Services • Power unit weighs only — or just any occasion OF LOWELL CASCADE CHRISTIAN "Facts" booklet to show you what needs repilr- Come and Worship With Us DALE L. JONNSON 6W IDS. REFORMED CHURCH LUTHERAN Try us! You'll receive a larger, and why. No guesswort. No mlsunderstandlnfs. 2275 West Main Street •Mastergrip handle on top more beautiful arrangement lust grut service! 6631 Cascade Road bE TRINITY . REFORMED INCOME TAX for one-nend control — Presented flf a public aenr/ce by: Phone 949-0529 H & R BLOCK'S BOTH sefer tool than you have ever received Sunday School 10:00 a.m. LUTHERAN CHURCH ADA COMMUNITY Worihip ll:00a.ln.A7:Wjpjn. The Rev. John Gukhelaar ILCA) REFORMED CHURCH service is fait, FEDERAL • Cuts an 8" log In 6-MCond». accurate and .|| anywhere before. Lowell icdamdM, TunOy Pnya Morning Vt'maUp 10:00 a.m. n • Cut* a cord of firewood fait 2700 E. Fulton Road Rev. ChsrltJ B. dependable ... Fellowship IMP*- Evening Worship ' 5 p.m. Ph. 888-6743 • Cut* the cost of Nving on We deliver daily to: Automotive Sunday Services 7227 Thornapple River Drive the cost is low. aTAit Nursery Provided - Morning do-it-yourtelf prelects. Pic- 676-1032 Save yourself Ada - Alio - Clarksville MIMUW—flMMW Rev. Earl Decker ' i 8:30 A 10:45 a.m. nic tablet, furniture, etc. Junday School 11:15 a.m. Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. needless time R Church School at 9:30 v Saranac and 001 your "CM HiPAJR FACTS" booklH IroHf ff** aufvtoe/fepufr ahopa; For transportation or Spiritual Sunday School ll:20a.tii. and worry. See Nursery Care Provided Also see Mini Mac 6 Auto- ALL Grand Rapids Hospitals Counsel. Call 897-8835 Evening Worship 5:00 o.m. BLOCK today. Alte Raymond A. Heine, Putor ^•*5. matic with 14" bar and auto- Lmll We invite you to make this GUARANTIE and Funeral Homes ALTO GARAGE People don't understind. We ull THOMET CHEVROLET community church your We guarantt* accurate preporoJion of every tax return. matic chain oiling. Only all kinds of insurance for irirysnt. & BUICK, INC. 11591 Dapot ST. MATTHEW church home. Welcome to all! If we moke any errors Hiat cost you any penalty or At no additional charge Serving You From Two Convenient Locations BIBLE interest, we will poy that penalty or interest. Charlie Foster* and 300 other LUTHERAN CHURCH 1250 W. Main Ala Farm Bureau Agents have everything Open Daily - 9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. BETHANY BIBLE EASTMONT REFORMED LOWELL CITGO JERRY'S ADA TEXACO Temporary Meeting Facilities you need when it comes to CHURCH 0 m Village 1002 W. Main M-21 Cascade ElemenUry School CHURCH financial protection. STATE SAVINGS BANK Cornet of H'R BILAiX&Kc - 3900 Fulton, East Corner Ada Dr. ft Forest Hills PARKER'S SERVICE Cueili Burton St. and Cascade Rd. AMERICA'S URCEST TAX SEKVICE WITH OVER 5000 OFFICES •Witdi tor Chirllt bttir on TV. itorttoare ''Holding Forth the Word Attend The Parsonage - 4637 Ada Drive 1225 W. Main Morninn Worship 11:00 A.M. CASCADE CAR of Life"... Philippians 2:16 949-1272 577 Ada Dr. ORMSll OF LOWELL Sunday School 9:30 A.M. Services • 10 a.m. ft 7 p.m. MCGUEEN MOTOR CO. CARE CENTER Morning Worship 10:00 A.M. 619 Eait Main Street & GIFT SHOPPE Evtnlngt and Sunday! Lenten Services Sunday School 11:15 a.m. 218 E. Main Street papmn Phona Grand Rapid* 145o W. Main Church Of Wednesday evenings 7:30 P.M. Lowell, Michioan Downtown Offices And Westown Branch 6896 Cascade Road Sunday School 11:15 A.M. Rev. James Underwood Phona 897-7150 264-4440 DICK'S TEXACO LYLES MOBIL Evening Service 6:00 P.M. Putor: Rev. James E. Henning "THE CHURCH WHERE THERE Waekdayi 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 897-8711 Bureau Read tke Want Ads Member F.D.I.C, 1070 Waltham, S.E. E. Main & Jefferson Wedneaday Service 7:30 P.M. ARE NO STRANGERS" 6820 Cascade Road Phone: 949-76% S- Pastor: Rev. Raymond E. Befus Your Choice ^ WFIfnMFSYnil NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY I Lowell Ledger-Suburban Life, April 15,1971 age. and an addition to the high school building in said District, mn- KAKHtB Attntf Lowell Ledger-Suburban Life, April 15, 1971 3. This past week a meeting was held with Garrell Adler, Board of Education Special Meeting March 15, 1971. and acquiring a site therefor? I h*c3tf or terms available. Call 534-5448 HELP WANTED early sale ) (Everything imaginable). C ascade 949-1575. 20p39-tf FOR ROADSIDE MOWING c-1 for free home appointment Electro Legal MALE DH Hygiene Co. c-I Sealed bids will be received by the Board of County CUSTOM UPHOLSTERING-Sam- FOR RENT - 60 acres pasture for ples shown in your home. Free FOR SALE - Chocolate miniature young cattle. Ph. TW 7-7490. c-I- STRAW FOR SAI F - 45c a bale. Road Comminioners of Kent County. 1500 Scribner Ave- "WE ARE THE LOWEST" WEST-CENTRAL MICHIGAN'S estimates, pick-up A delivery. Call poodle puppies. $50. 6 weeks old. MOTORCYCLE - 1966 Suzuki, Ph. 868-5283. cl Notices nue, N. W., Grand Rapidi, Michigan 49604, until 10:00 Here'i Why I Volume Buying + No Ttlephone + No Cutting + LARGEST CARPET RETAILER WANTED - 16 and IS year olds Mrs. Blain, 676-5971. 4-c42tf AKC rcpMcred. Call 897-7074. 50cc. Looks and runs like new, A.M., Tuesday, April 20, 1971, for mowing of County Pri- ••••••••eeeeeeceeeeeeteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeecaeeeeeeeeeaeeeeeeaeeeaece would like lawn work, or what c52tf $100. Ph. 949-0115. c-I BOOMS RED A WHITE Top mary and Local roads under its jurisdiction. No Cuitom Work + No Credit + Lowest Poiilble Overhead have you? Call 949-4782. cl Silos: Now being sold for 1971 at HUNDREDS OF ROLLS IN STOCK PRINTING - For the home, busi- FOR SALE 10A EARLY ORDER DISCOUNT PRIC- Qinld M. Htnry Specifications may be obtained at the above address. Trade- ness, industry, clubs, governmental BASEMENT SALE - Good used ES. 42 years of experience mean No Waiting! Faster, Easier Self-Selection I 400 Fadtrsl Square Building All bids are to be in sealed envelopes and plainly marked HELP WANTED - Reliable teen- units. Envelopes, letterheads, tick- articles from 15 families. Complete HSHLD GOODS the best possible job for you. We do Grand Rapidi, Michigan 49502 age boy for yard work in Cascade. line of baby equipment (7-yr. crib, 1965 PONT!AC CATALINA - 4- as to the equipment or material being bid upon and the ets, wedding announcements, hand- the complete job including the THOUSANDS OF SAMPLES TO CHOOSE FROM n. 949-0165. c-I-2 mattress, buggy, maternity clothes). DT., runs good, needs muffler. $150. PUBLiCATiON ORDER bills, statements, labels, brochures, FOR SALE - Gas water heater foundation. Write or call tqday name of the bidder. DELIVERY AVAILABLE AT REASONABLE RATESI Children's and adult clothing, all Call 897-8647 after 6 p.m. p-I Fiia No. 121-480 or what have you? Lowell Ledger, In use. $25. Sofa, 3 piece sectional, and get all the facts about the silo sizes. Twin size mattress; Stauffer State of Michigan, The Probate The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids or HELP WANTED - Need two or 105 N, Broadway Street, Lowell black, good condition. $75. Maple with the heaviest and best inside • FULLY TRAINED INSTALLERS reducing couch, 22 cu. ft upright Court for tha County of Kant to waive irregularities therein and to accept any bid which, three good men. Farm or landscape Ph. 897-9261. p45-tf doible bed - sacrifice at $15. PONTIAC LeMANS - ^.excel- finish. Silo-Matic and VanDale un- ••••••t»ea«a»**eieee««ieeee«e«*«e*****«**eeeee«a«»*t««»»*««<**«t BRING YOUR OLD experience helpful but not required. freezer; refrigerator-freezer; radio loaders and feeding equipment. Estate of in the opinion of the Board, May be most advantageous Maple rocker - Bold, $30. Ph. 676- lent condition, no rust, $900. 691- Call 949- and record console; yellow Sleepy- AGNES C. LEIGH, #2 A BETTER KILN DRIED FRAMING LUMBER No Seconds, Remnants, or Drops by l>iknown Brands Must have transportation. LET ANSORGE REDUCE AND 1779 or Ph. OR 6-4821. c-I 8265. c-1 Booms Silo Co., Inc., Harber Beach, and to the best interest of the County. MOWER IN FOR 1208. c-1 hollow chair and ottoman. Thurs- Mich., 48441 or phone; (517) 479- Dacaatad •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••eeeeaaeeeeaateeeeeeeeee* RE-SHAPE - Hips, thighs, ab- 8* 10' 12' 14' 16' 18' 20* day, Friday and Saturday, April 6654. c39-l IBM IT IS ORDERED that on July BOARD OF COUNTY ROAD COMMISSIONERS domen, legs - all whUe you stay TRAILERS 7th, 1971, at 9:30 A.M. In the TRADE WANTED - Experienced man to at home by renting a VIBRATOR- 15-16-1717. F•ron m 9 a.m. til 5 p.m. at OF THE COUNTY OF KENT. FAMOUS BRAND CARPET AT DISCOUNT PRICES WANTED TO BUY 11 Probata Courtroom, Grand Rap- 2x4 .72 .90 1.01 1.26 1.44 1.80 2.00 set steel and wood posts to repair MASSAGE MACHINE, One ma- 7318 Driftwood Dr., Ada. Ph. 676- CAMPERS idi, Michigan, a hearing be held By John J. Oostema, Chairman 2 x 6 1.0S 1.33 1.62 1.89 2.16 2.43 2.70 woven wire fence. Box 128 F, Low- $12.50. (free delivery and pick- 9527. c-1 • LOST & FOUND 24 at which all cradlton of tald da- c-1 2x8 1.49 1.87 2.24 2.61 2.98 3.36 3.73 ell, Mich. 49331. c-I up) PERSONAUZED EXERCIS- CARPETING BYi FOR SALE - 17 ft Aluminum ceaiad are required to prove their ES AND DIETS included FREE. 2 x 10 1.93 2.41 2,90 ?.38 3.86 4.35 4.83 WANTED TO BUY - Land in Low- Trailer - Stove, Sink, Ice Box and claim*. Creditor! muit file iwom Rent one for your daughter, too. CLEARANCE-Rex Vacuum Clean- ell Township, East Kent or West 2 X 12 2.24 2.R0 3.33 3.92 4.48 9.04 5.60 Heater - Sleeps 4. Remodeled, FOUND - Small, black, male Scot- MOHAWK BURLINGTON HELP WANTED FD CALL 245-1526 NOW! Two er still in factory carton. Only claims with the Court and serve a NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Ionia Counties. 534-6332. needs some work yet $350 cash. tie dog in Cascade. Ph. 949-0165. BB months for only $2100, Three $24.20 cash price while they last copy on Elizabeth B. (Betty) Utility KlUwOrled 2x4 $118.75 per 1000 BARWICK TREND FEMALE II-c-41-lf 868-6747. c-I Schrauwen at 400 Federal Square Public Hearines will be held before the Lowell City months $29.00. C-M2 Tfcrms available. Call 534-5448 for ARMSTRONG WORLD appointment. Electro Hygiene Co. Building, Grand Rapids, Mlchlgen Zoning Board of Appeals on cti mc ^0* 2 and Better Kiln Dried .12^. Each TUXEDO RENTAL: for all occasions. Also 49502, prior to haerlng. OZITE lAUftELCREST ELDERLY LADY - Dishwasher 5 SPRING SPECIAL - 6 rooms wash- c-1 RANTED - To buy qualified land FRIDA Y, APRIL 23, 1971 at 5:30 p.m. . Economy .39 Each days a week, 8 hours per day, must ed, $45 or painted, $150, includ- business suits- WEPMAN'S CLOTHING & SHOES Publication and service shall be WUNCft WEVE JORGES racts. Call or sec Peter Speers- made as provided by statute and Ihirpose of the Hearings is to hear any interested be able to work Sundays and Holi- ing oil paint. Shampooing couches, rTW 7-9259 or David F. Coons, 3 £.Main St., Lowell. Open Frl. Eve.' tll> 9 days. Also two young girls for part- $ 15. Rugs, $6 and up. Stoves clean- FOR SALE - Refrigerator, white, Lowell Savings and Loan Associa- Court rule. FIRTH PHILADELPHIA average size, S35. Square Oak Ta- 1i£ i persons on an appeal by Tony Van Soest for a vari- time work. Must be able to work ed, $8. Window washing. Gertrude tion, 217 West Main Street, Low- 1 CEILING TILE PANELING Date: April 7, 1971. PATCRAFT NEEDLELOOM Cub Cadet ble, no leafs, $35. Wicker porch A. DALE STOPPELS, ance which will permit construction of carports on Sundays and Holidays. Apply at Janitorial. 495-2169. c32-55 ell. Phone 897-8321. )6-c35if Jimmy's GrUl, 10978 E. Grand Riv- furniture, several pieces, $40. Call Judge of Probate 4x8 Mahogany. . 1.95 AND DOZENS OF OTHERS lot lines (rear and side) on Lots 85, 86 and 87 of Plain While •Esxh Tractor er Road in person. No phone calls. after 5 p.m., week days, 897-8781. EVERYONE HAS PAINTING TALENT. /s/ Gerald M. Henry 4x8 Vinyl . 3.95 CONCRETE WORK Valley Vista Plat No. 4 (along Valley Vista Drive Pebble Each •eeeeeefefe>eeeea«ea>a*»»>»e*e«eeaeeee«««»e»e»eeeeeeeeeee, Cultivating to spraying. Gear cSllf c-I Attorney for Executrix 4x8 Walnut , 9.50 CASH! - If you are willing to dis- drive models in 7. 10, and 12 All kinds... FREE estimates. Call 400 Federal Square Building and Deborah Drive) in the City of Lowell. 4x8 Rosewood. .10.43 count your Land Contract I will Chet 866-1797 or Clayton House- Learn to paint in ten easy lessons of individual instruction. Grand Rapids, Michigan 49502 HP, hydrostatic "no shift" MIN1-BIKES-3H h. Rupp, 5 h.p, pay cash for it Phone 456-8224. Blaine E. Bacon, SUSPENDED CEILING 4x8 Teak .10.43 HOMEMAKER - For widower and man, Saranac, 642-9541. "Concrete In 10, 12 and 14 HP 17-year-old son. Preferably under Scat Cat, new engines, 949-0755 i6-c32-tf No age restrictions. 100% past success. 8 years of teaching A truo copy. 4x8 Birch 4.95 is ont only business." c51-tf ROLAND R. ROBEY, Building Inspector after 5 p.m. 10c-I5tf Plain White 2 x 4' .95 each 4x8 Avocado.Hlckory 55. Must take complete charge. Pri- experience. Guaranteed 3 paintings in the 2 hour, 1 night a Register of Probate cl-3 c-I vate room and bath. $30 week. Pebble, 2* x 4' 1.2S each 4x8 Weathered Barnwood • FOR RENT week, 10 week course. $20.00. Make Reservations. SAVE 10% Call after 6:30 p.m. GL 8-8571. PAINTING A DECORATING - No FOR SALE - Used metal roofinwring: , Sculptured, 2' x 4' 1.42 each 4x8 Apollo Birch GENERAL or GL 6-6735. 6B-c47-tf job too small. 949-0526. 5-c39-tf 1.200 square feet make offer,. Used 4x8 Chapparal Black wan Angle, U .go tacn 8 ' cement blocks, 10c each. Dewey THE SUNFLOWER, 4x8 Smoke Birch , Main Runner 12' .95 Each Prins, 10421 Cascade Rd., S.E., 4x8 Gothic Elm TWIN NEEDLE - Sewing Machine. FOR RENT-Sleeping room, home Cross Tee, 4* .30 Each 868-6747. c-I NURSES AIDS 197! Model In nrw wafp-'t stand. privileges, West of Lowell on E. 2646 Lincoln Lske Road, Lowell All features built in to make fancy huitonulton. ay/-//UBo; . o-i BATH BOARD PLYWOOD designs. Also buttonholes, blind SNO PRINCE - 2nd Leading pro- 897-9649 evenings only. hems, etc. J43.35 cash price or ducer of snowmobiles, offers Isi 4 1 1 Cold Lice, lin Lk« •.SO per abaei Good one aide Interior Erterlor SheilM* ,7 COLORS ^ ^ 3 to 11 and 11 to 7 WANTED 4 • S Crrmo Bin* 4e 1.50 per ihed U" 4 >• IN <<• »•*» terms available. Phone 534-5448 clas» dealer the best package in the 4 1 • Crtmo Crten 4t S.SOper thm IndoorOutdoor Carpel — $1.99 sq. yd. for appointment Electro Hygiene indus&y. No investment required. TO RENT Co. cl Call Walter Rippy (113) 785-6666. No Service Is VMYL DECORATOR BOARD PORTER HILLS Marine Supply Inc. G-3275 W. Pasa- MICHIGAN STATE - Graduate PRESBYTERIAN VILLAGE .dena, Flint Mi. 48504. 3cl l-t( 4 • I CoM Ntedlepolni 7.SS pen TRUSSES - Trained fitter, surgical Student and wife want to rent fur DICK McCAUL ROUGH PLYWOOD SIDING (4* x 9') INTERNATIONAL Too Small — 4 1 SCotvtr Amrrlcuu 7.»5 per appliances, etc., at Koss Rexall nished apartment or trailer for sum- 4 1 S Avocado Fleece 7.15 per $9.99 per sheet Drugs, Saranac, Michigan. 3-c39tf mer months. Ph. 949-4828 after 15 HP wilir-ciitH CUB 154 Phone 949-2980 5 COLORS - FOAM BACK HliH, firftl dri»i 4 p.m. c-1 If It's for WINDOWS (Removable double hung units) Mpiitf triiiniiiiti, L0-B0V Monday-Firday 9 to 2 only | ART'S ] »r*nlic lift, iitft- Ro«|li Opetilnfi Living Room Carpet — $2.99 sq. yd. 1 3/8" BIRCH DOORS OltssSUe M*" tike ilt EVERGREENS SOUS ri" I S'W Will tirn tins! TRACTOR MEEKHOF iRiiii t TV Sirvlei | Our Customers ro"Xr s- 7.*> Etch 1.70 Etc!) 54 • IS rr«j's'A" Shrubs - Shade Trees r §•• 55 i w no-1 ••iW SITUATIONS s* •** I I" 8.70 Eteb COMPLETE REPAIR OF Sllll i'S" • s-sw & Omametttals r r s- • 15 Eiefe LUMBER CO. StiSO rr WANTED MALE TV - RADIOS r o- b •• i" 10 10 Keck $2.95 and up 6045 28th Street SE ANTENNAS-ETC. BI-FOLD DOORS MULUON-Double 6 COLORS - FOAM BACK ssns ••4" • I'S'A" 41.15 WANTED - Concrete flat work. €97-7120 or 897-86l13 Exhiust r ar r* S'ar •" r ar ••• ss • so Wui'XW 44. M Kitchen/Commercial Carpet — Free estimate. Call Rockford 866- PHONE: 897-1196 Birth nso 14.SO II.S0 1797 or Saranac 642-9541. ' 949-2140 PICTURE WINDOWS—(Thermo) Loam n.»o ».N as.n 8A-c3ltf Open Frl A Sat Evenings Oil 11184, 4•4•'^4••" rs" 14- tw m.oo 84.95 gq. yd. FREE SO I 84. S'O- • 4* •" rr- b 4- w Art Warning - Propietor 1S4.SS CEMENT WORK WANTED-Drive- I THIS WEEK'S Eva A 1 LIMITED ways, patios, steps, all types. Small Delivery • Estimates INSULATION • I W e OFFER PARTICLE TOARD UNDERLAYMENT jobs welcomed. Call 897-9517. S & H Qreen Stamps PRICES JEFFERSON SW- B IS" rnerflui 4.4S P*r roll 5-c-6- lC 4iS V 52.98 p-r--* STT" B IS" ntersUu 411 per roll SPECIAL.... Carpet your entire BUSINESS 41 S V $3.61 permeei »W B 88" rnercUM l.rt Mr roll • ' B IS" FNiregUM 8.51 P*r roll 840 lb. A^tatt Setldovn SMnfles 1.41 per tqmn S ' B SS" F IbrejUee 1.48 P*r roll QUICK ATTACH SeWtffe Edfe Roodnc ('A Itp) 8.BO per mure ELECTRICAL DIRECTORY 8.75 p*r roll home, 100 yards or more, SULLIVAN 15 lb. r«H, 488' ALUMINUM SOfFH WIRING - FIXTURES ITHI B!G| 'USIUW^ARDS $119.00 per M puimntr _4.4s. POOL TABLES & SUPPLIED Perforated _5.S8. per piece tor an additional 10 percent 42-ln. TIRE SPECIALISTS DAYWALL 3/8 4x8 $| .49 per iheet FMeU, ir _8.S1_ ft piece REPAIRS WEIL DRILLING Amusement Machines G. E. APPLIANCES 906 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 3/4' HUGH PLYWOOD (4x8) $13.« aheet tASEMENT POSTS U.75 ott any ot the above qualities. and MILLERNEWMARK APRIL 12, 1971 ALUMINUM SIDING $29.30 s^5» ^MOWER Rickert 3767 28th St.. East PUMP SERVICE Veal . . . up to cwt. 949-2030 Beef Steers and Heifers$S6.00 •WINDOW-ART" CUSTOM MADE DRAPERY up lo cwt. With Purchase Electric J. Swiger, Lowell 897-7629 WEEKLY SPECIALS REDUCED 20% 208 South Hudson Beet Cows . up to $33,90 cwt. G. Seese, Clarksville OW 3-2103 GILMORE SPORT SHOP Beef Bulls . up to $23.40 LWt. Phone 897-9802 Lowell 12/2 WIRE - 250' Box - $17.50 per box off Cadet Feeder Cattle $27.80 MftSCH RODS AND ACCESSORIES c31tf I, LIVE BAIT ALUMINUM LADDERS . . from cwt REDUCED 10% 8154 E. Fulton Rd., Ada Hogs . . $22.00 to $35.50cwt ST S.E. y Step-ladders $ 7.50 676-5901 Sows . . . up to $17.70 cwt 5025 J8TH 28' Step-ladders $22.22 949-7510 6' Step-ladders $ 8.85 WHITE ROSE GASOLINE Boars. . . up to $15.50 cwt. 32'Step-ladders $34.35 Take That Little Drive To lonlo & Save! 24'Step-ladders $17.89 Oppn Daily - 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Feeder Pigs $12.80 Clark Plumbing & Heating . . fium S cwt Except Sunday closed 7 p.m. imnuauiOte FOl A grand welcome to all our young customers of the future. Lambs . $ 9.50 to $I8.50cwt CommercialResidentiaMndustrial Closed Thursday TRUCK • E/iRTHMOVE R ^ •REMODELING #NEW CONSTRUCTION HIGHLAND HILL DAIRY Auction every Monday, 6:30 AND FAR^RMMIivM REmS K We're happy to safeguard them now and later WITTENBACH p.m. Feeder pigs, poultry and •SEPTIC TANKS 'WATER AND SEWER SERVICE Complete Line of Dairy hay sold at 4 p.m. IISH1 Products 24 HR SERVICER with dependable service. OPEN NIGHTS AND WEEK-ENDS Sales &Service •ROTARY SEWER CLEANING DeliverecHto Your Door ON OR OFF THE ROAD ,1 897-7992 Tuesday thru Friday, 12 noon to 9:00 P.M. 25 YEARS ON MAIN STREET RAVENNA OR AT YOUR GARAGE I Saturday, 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. 749 WEST MAIN STREET 24-HOUR EIK RECAPPING LOWELL, MICH. 49331 LOWELL Sunday, 12 noon to 4:00 P.M, EMERGENCY HEATING SERVICE LIVESTOCK RCCK GRADf.R PHONE 897-9227 BUILDING REPAIR CO. CASH & CARRY We Specialize in Insurance Monday, Closed DAYS NITES, WEEKENDS & HOLIDAYS 897-7534 897-7104 Claims SALES LIGHT & POWER LUMBER SUPERMART OPEN MON. WED. FRI. EVES •Painting •Patch Plastering •General Repairs •Paperhanging J. Paul Herman, Mgr. OWNED BY THE PEOPLE OF LOWELL •Just Fairgrounds" IONIA, MICHIGAN 309 E. MAIN STREET Licensed & Bonded Serving Lowell & gpreit Hills Phone 853-2952 \ GOOD. LOWELL Free Estimates available upon request 897.9813 Ma4721

j T Lowell Ledger-Sdburban Life, April 15.1971 ON WINNING SIDE Twelve Qualify For IN 3 OUT OF 4 Tennis Team Spots I (Sports Three out of the first four baseball games played by the For- t Hills Varsity team have been on the winning side. In the firs! Twelve tennis team members out of the twenty-eight who competition of the yiar the team took its only loss so far to turned out for the sport have been selected by Coach Elliot Prepare For First Meet Hastings, a non-conferenco opponent. Pearce to represent Forest Hills on the courts this season. Scoring by Hasting' players came mostly in the first inning In the first competition of the year, the Ranger squad de- The Varsity track team will be matched against Rockford at when five unearned runs were taken from the losing pitcher, feated Kenowa Hills all the way. Three singles and three dou- home on Friday, April 16, at 3:45 p.m. for field events and at Steve Van Putten. The Rangers only managed three hits off win- bles matches were played on Monday with each going to Forest 7 p.m. for running events. This is the first conference meet for ning pitcher, Mike Ostroth. The final score was 6-1. Hills. Two additional doubles matches were tied when they wer the Rangers. On Friday, however, the diamond story produced a different rained out. In a large competition at Lowell High School on Saturday, result for Ihe Forest Hills nine when they met Greenville for First singles winner was Doug SchiWler with Chip King tak- Bob Warner and Ken Stromeyer of the Forest Hills track team two games, both of which were won by the Green and White. ing second singles. First doubles honors went to Rob Blanchard took third place in the long jump relay. The pitching of the first game which ended 5-2, was shared and George Benesik with second doubles going to Jim Van Her- Steve Steiner was given the Green Shoe Award by the team equally by Ron VanderBaan and Scott Vashaw with the former ran and Sandy Weathers. for his part in the 880 race. Jon Rose received Ihe Guts Award listed as the winner. He was also the big hitter with a double and Third doubles team consisted of Mark Duthler and Dan Ellin- for his performances in both the 880 and 440. a single in two times at bat. ger and third singles was won by Joe King. The second game ended with an 8-5 victory. Kevin Mead was Competition with Cedar Springs was to have been held on the winning pitcher with Steve De Fouw also serving on the Wednesday, April 14, and games with East Christian will be on mound. Joe McCormick and Dave Slater each had three hits out the hohie courts on Friday, April 16, beginning at 3:30 p.m. Greenville Tops of four times at bat. The first O.K. Red Division matches will be played at home Tom Wemet, Lowell sophomore, making a long jump The game against Grand Rapids Central held on Monday against Godwin on Monday, April 19; at 4 p.m. in Saturday s Invitational Meet. Arrow Golfers finished with Forest Hills taking the score 4-3. Ron Vander Baan pitched all the way to pick up his second win of the season. He The Red Arrow golfers dropped their opening match when struck out eight batters. The game was won in the last inning they met the Greenville Yellow Jackets last Monday at Ihe West Ottawa Takes when Joe McCormick reached first on an error and advanced to STUDENTS Greenville Country Club. Last year Ihe Airows gave Greenville its only defeat of the season, but Greenville took revenge by third. Trying to tag Mike Pellerito on an attempted sqee/e play. Relay Invitational shutting out the Arrows 5-0. Central's player threw the ball into right field and McCormick I Steve Ballard of Greenville took medalist honors with a 39. came home. SAVE TREES Veteran golfer, John Schwacha, hit the lowest for the Arrows with Coach Chuck Mathews feels that the members of the team The 7th annual Lowell Invitational track meet was hosted Members of S.T.O.P., Students to Overcome Pollution, at For a 42. arc building confidence in their teamwork. He is looking for- by Ihe Arrows last Saturday afternoon and the Arrows faced est Hills High School have manged to save at least 187 trees Seniors, Tom Gless and ,'ack Metternick, followed Schwacha ward to a good season for a well balanced combination. 1 some of Western Michigan's toughest track powers in relay com- from total loss. They were aided by interested citizens in the ar- t with a pair of 44's but faile-! io earn any points either. petition. ea who took time lo save old newspapers and magazines for re- Two freshmen, Terr> Abel and IGm Schwacha brought up the , * cycling. The action by-passed the Arrows completely and they ended end of the Arrow »:ror;ng with a 48 and 52 respectively. KPP pHpH Tn ^ You can save seventeen trees with every ton of newspapers with no points along with six of the other 24 schools competing. The Arrows will play Ionia at Arrowhead Golf Course this IU KBCl V-TOSS bOOrCl Although Lowell scored no points they did do well in the Friday. salvaged from refuse and used again. Furthermore, that recycl- * I sprint and middle distance events and several of the relays ed newsprint can be utilized time after time to repeat the proc- I James M. Crosby, III, vice president of Crosby & Henry, Inc. showed promise. ess, resulting in even greater conservation. of Gfand Rapids, was elected Chairman of the Kent County Red S.T.O.P. recently held a paper and magazine drive which , The field events being run as a relay cost the Arrows much Cross Chapter at the 54th Annual Meeting, April 7. Crosby, a of their usual points. Ionia Captures netted them eleven tons of the material that was sold for re- member of the Board of Directors for five years, also served as cycling. Since the goal of the group is helping the environment, j West Ottawa took first place honors with 40 points, follow- a First Aid Chairman and Chairman of the Blood Program. ed by Wyoming Park totaling 38 points. the money collected did not mean as much as the re-use of the Doubleheader paper. However, the treasury will now be used for further costs The highest placing Tri-River team was Sparta with a hard- Other newly elected officers of the Board are: Lawrence E. Fortunately the Red Arrow baseball team opened its season of operation in running more paper drives and scrap metal earned 33 points, good for a 5lh place. Dooge. Jr.. First Vice Chairman; John M. Leidlein, Vice Chair- with two non-conference games. drives. Least year's Invitational and Conference champions, Coop- man" Donald Shankin, Treasurer and Mrs. Jean Atkinson, Sec- The Arrows suffered two non-conference defeats when they Begin now to save for the next paper and magazine drive lo ersville, fell in the field events and settled in a three-wajfctie for retary. dropped a double header to Ionia 3-2 and 6-2 last Saturday. be held by S.T.O.P. in June so that you too, can be a contribu- 7lli plate, along with Greenville and Charlotte, each scoring 16 Several Board members were re-elected to three year terms. points. Joe Rinard hurled for the Arrows during the first game and tor to a better environment. They include: Mrs. Dale Atkinson, 2940 Hay ward Dr., SE; Free- was pitchine a no-hitter until the seventh inning when Ionia The Lowell Invitational field events were run as a relay with man Billock, 4471 Causeway Dr., Lowell; Kenneth Case, Wol- picked up three runs on two hits and two errors. — the two best players competing and their distances are combin- verine Brass; Robert Hill, Kent County Sheriffs Department; ed together with their sums determining the winner. The Arrows picked up two runs in the seventh inning when John Leidlein, Diesel Equipment; Reno Maccardini, Michigan DINING AND DANCING Kris Kropf and Jim Richard were hit in by Pete Olson. TEAM RESULTS TEAM RESULTS Consolidated Gas Co., Robert Risselade, Old Kent Bank; Don- Chris Collins pitched the first two innings of the second West Ottawa 40 SL Johns 10 ald Shankin, Seidman & Seidman; Mrs. Richard Steketee, 1919 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SUNDAY game and gave up five hits. Wyoming Park 38 Caledonia 8 Wealthy, SE; Rev. Wilbert Van Dyk, 1840 Plymouth Rd., SE; Bill Drake Muskegon Oak Ridge 36 Carson City 6 Sophomore Dan Murphy relieved Collins and gave up no hits and Elmer Vruggink, Board of Education, Grand Rapids. Fine Music Rockford 35 Forest Hills 6 or runs. Seven persons were elected to the Board of Directors for the and the Hi Lites Sparta 33 White Cloud 6 8 p.m. to Midnight Ionia scored off from the Arrow's high, seven errors. The Ar- first time. Serving a one year term is J. E. Adams of Grand 9:30 to 1:30 Portland 26 Allendale 0 rows scored two runs when Bob Reynolds was driven in by a hit Rapids. Elected for two years are Martin J. Allen, and Winston Oiarlotte 16 Belding 0 from Mike Sherman. Burbridge. Coopersville 16 Ionia 0 Junior Mel Miller scored the Arrows other run after hitting a Richard Endress, Mrs. Audrey Snite, John Snead, and Rob- Greenville 16 Lowell 0 single, stealing second and third and scoring on an error. Lena Lou Inn Evart 14 Montague 0 ert Thole, were elected to three year terms. Rogers 14 Pewamo/Westphalia 0 This Thursday the Arrows will meet last year's conference ADA Gull Lake 10 Zeeland 0 champs, Greenville, at Greenville at 4:30.

LHS, Sports Schedules Baseball Varsity Tennis April IS Greenville There April 19 Central Here (Reserve only) April IS Greenville There April 20 Coopersville Here April 20 .Coopersville Here April 22 Cedar Springs There April 22 Cedar Springs There April 24 Portland Here (Double-header April 23 Ionia There 10:30) April 27 Sparta Here April 27 Sparta Here April 29 Belding Here April 29 Belding Here May 3 Kellogsvllle Here April 30 Central There (Reservei onl-, ^ May 4 Greenville Here SOT! May 3 Saranac Here (J.V. only) May 6 Coopersville There May 4 Greenville Here May 11 Cedar Springs Here 8-horsepower, American-made 4-cycle May 13 Sparta There May 6 Coopersville There engine. Quieter, no fuel mixing, more II Cedtr Springs Hen May 17 Ionia Here May 13 Sparta 1 nerc M

New, safer, highly durable 2-ply nylon Census Bureau Takes reinforced tires with rims. Employment Survey Available options include chrome STRAND hubcaps, headlight-tailight kit, chrome The Bureau of the Census will conduct a survey of employ- trim and roll bar. THEATRE ment and unemployment in this area during the week of April Lowell, Michigan 19, according to Hobert A. Yerkey, Director of the Bureau's Molded-in, high-gloss colors. regional office in Detroit. This survey is conducted monthly by the Bureau for the Super stability on any terrain. FRI. SAT. SUN. U. S. Department of Labor. A scientifically selected sample of i households throughout ihe entire United States is interviewed. APRIL 16 -17 -18 The employment and unemployment statistics that are based Superior performance oh land, in water. on the results of this survey provide a continuing measure of the economic health of the Nation. PURR-FECTLY Adjustable steering levers. WONDERFUL In February, for example, unemployment edged down for the IV I FUN! second straight month: on a seasonally adjusted basis, 5.8 per- cent of the labor force was out of work as compared with 6.0 Seats two in comfort. Bucket seat I WAIT percent in January and 6.2 percent in December. converts into double seat. Adults-3 y^mes$1.00 1 Facts supplied by individuals participating in the survey arc MSNEY kept strictly confidential by law, and the results are used only Most trouble-free ATV made. Students-30c per game. I to compile statistical totals. Mnisy t Tusiiy I Mrs. Lucy Hall, 3046 Knapp N.E., Grand Rapids, will visit households in this area. Manufactured by Action-Age, pioneer 3:30-6:00 p.m. and leader in all-terrain vehicles. OiiSKC-m Producers of the world famous IWiliistfay.Tkirsiiyj — All NEW CARTOON FEATURE —— Scrambler family fun AW. TECHNICOLOR*' -o-io t Friday { ff)l970 Wall Disney Produdiom ACTION-AGE 1:00-8:00 p.n. | NEXT WEEK; John Wayne in Sitiriiy "CHISUM" 3:30-11:00 p.n. | 1 Performance ANNUAL Siaiiy at 7:45 MCQUEEN MOTOR CO., inc. 1:00-1:00 p.i Friday through Sunday 1450 West Moin St.. Lowel — Phone 897-9225 Weekend Ratal; Adults $1.00-Children 50c 50 cents per geme | STARTS h American j THE FUN STARTS WHERE THE ROAD ENDS Legion Lanes!

Lowell TW7-7566 S/WSf/ YOUR HEEDS: