
Ophthalmol Ther https://doi.org/10.1007/s40123-019-0176-8


Ocular Manifestations of Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis: A Review of the Literature

Evdokia Sfiniadaki . Ioanna Tsiara . Panagiotis Theodossiadis . Irini Chatziralli

Received: January 13, 2019 Ó The Author(s) 2019

ABSTRACT intervention is required to reduce the rates of relapse and morbidity in patients with GPA. Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) is a rare systemic autoimmune disease of unknown eti- ology that is characterized by granulomatous Keywords: Eye; Diagnosis; Ocular; Orbital; inflammation, tissue necrosis, and vasculitis in Treatment; Wegener’s small- and medium-sized vessels. Ocular and orbital manifestations are common in almost half of patients with GPA, affecting every INTRODUCTION structure of the eye, from the and to the , the , and the , Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA), for- with a wide range of severity. Since imaging merly known as Wegener’s granulomatosis findings are not always specific for the diagnosis (WG), is a rare systemic autoimmune disease of of GPA, biopsy is useful to confirm the diagno- unknown etiology that occurs predominantly sis. Regarding treatment, a localized pharma- in Caucasians and is extremely rare in black ceutical and surgical approach may be helpful populations [1]. The prevalence of GPA is esti- to achieve remission, while immunosuppressive mated to be 3 cases per 100,000 people, and the therapy, corticosteroids, and cyclosporine are annual incidence is approximately 8–10 cases also useful. In any case, multidisciplinary per million, but this varies depending on loca- tion [1]. The disease was first described in 1931 by Heintz Klinger, but was named in 1936 by a Evdokia Sfiniadaki and Ioanna Tsiara contributed German pathologist, Friedrich Wegener, who equally to this manuscript. defined the disorder and clearly distinguished it Enhanced Digital Features To view enhanced digital from other inflammatory diseases [2]. GPA is features for this article go to https://doi.org/10.6084/ characterized by granulomatous inflammation, m9.figshare.7798676. tissue necrosis, and variable degrees of vasculitis in small- and medium-sized blood vessels [2]. E. Sfiniadaki Á I. Tsiara Granulomatosis with polyangiitis has a wide Medical School, National and Kapodistrian spectrum of clinical manifestations with vari- University of Athens, Athens, Greece able severity. In order to facilitate the classifi- P. Theodossiadis Á I. Chatziralli (&) cation of patients, GPA may be broadly divided 2nd Department of , National and into a limited form and a systemic form. The Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece e-mail: [email protected] limited form is characterized by the absence of Ophthalmol Ther renal involvement and is isolated to the upper the disease process. Antineutrophil cytoplas- and lower respiratory tracts. The systemic form matic antibody (ANCA), either c-ANCA or may involve kidneys and other organs besides p-ANCA, is associated with the appearance of the respiratory tract. Thus, patients with the GPA. In particular, c-ANCA against proteinase 3 systemic form suffer a more severe course of the (PR3-ANCA) is present in over 90% of patients disease compared to those with the limited with the disease, while the p-ANCA pattern form [2–4]. There is no gender predilection for (typically caused by antibodies against the disease, although women are more likely to myeloperoxidase, MPO) occurs in approxi- have the limited form of the disease [3]. Patients mately 10% of patients. The presence of ANCA are typically in their fourth or fifth decade at the stimulates neutrophil degranulation, leading to time of diagnosis, and fewer than 15% of all the release of lytic enzymes and reactive oxygen cases involve those under 19 years old [2–4]. species, which damage the endothelium and Ocular and orbital manifestations are com- provoke vasculitis. B cells and T cells are also mon in almost half of patients with either the involved in the pathogenesis of vasculitis. There limited or the systemic form of GPA, and they is a strong association of granulomatous can be also present as initial features of the inflammation with T-cell response [5, 9]. disease [4]. In light of the above, the purpose of Environmental etiologic factors that have this review is to shed light into the ocular been associated with GPA include dust inhala- manifestations of GPA while also emphasizing tion, exposure to silica, pollution, smoking, its pathogenesis. metals, chemicals, and medicines such as This article is based on previously conducted hydralazine, phenytoin, sulfasalazine, antithy- studies and does not contain any studies with roid medication, and allopurinol. In addition, a human participants or animals performed by role of microbes in the pathogenesis of the any of the authors. disease is demonstrated by the fact that chronic nasal carriage of S. aureus is connected with relapses of GPA [5]. PATHOGENESIS

Although the pathogenesis of GPA remains OCULAR MANIFESTATIONS unknown, attempts to identify its etiology have OF GRANULOMATOSIS been made and have focused on the roles of WITH POLYANGIITIS genetic, immunologic, and environmental fac- tors as well as microbial pathogens [5]. Ocular and orbital involvement can occur in The predominance of GPA in Caucasians patients with GPA, affecting every structure of may indicate that genetic factors contribute to the eye from the eyelid and orbit to the optic the pathogenesis of the disease. Moreover, GPA nerve, with a wide range of severity [4]. has been observed in siblings, and higher fre- quencies of certain HLA markers have been Orbit identified without presenting a consistent rela- tionship with the disease [5, 6]. Other respon- sible gene pathways include alpha-1 antitrypsin Orbital involvement is one of the most frequent deficiency and polymorphisms of CTLA-4 manifestations of GPA, occurring in almost (which is involved in T-cell activation) and Fcc 45–50% of patients. It may be the result of receptor IIIb on the surfaces of neutrophils and contiguous disease in adjacent paranasal sinu- monocytes/macrophages. Furthermore, the ses, or it may occur as a focal disease with presence of the PTPN22 R620W allele (associ- orbital granuloma formation or vasculitis [4]. ated with T-cell activation) and SERPINA1 gene Orbital manifestations concern the lacrimal variants has also been implicated in GPA [7, 8]. gland (), The interaction between cellular and (orbital myositis), and soft tissues (orbital humoral immunity is believed to contribute to pseudotumor) [4, 10–13]. Ophthalmol Ther

Common of orbital GPA syndrome [4, 12, 15]. Nasolacrimal duct include proptosis, , , sudden obstruction is a late finding and can be either onset of pain, erythema, eyelid edema and secondary to inflammatory spread from adja- reduced vision. Proptosis is considered an cent sinonasal disease, or a direct result of focal important clinical sign in patients with sus- GPA inflammation. As a result of the naso- pected GPA, since in combination with upper or lacrimal blockage, and epiphora lower airway disease or glomerulonephritis, it can occur. Florid (yellow lids) can implies a diagnosis of GPA. Proptosis and lid appear even in patients with normal metabo- destruction may provoke , lism, and is a result of orbital inflammation in which can lead to corneal ulceration, ocular GPA, which may cause lipid accumulation perforation, and blindness. Rarely, proptosis is [16, 17]. followed by , which is a late Conjunctival disease has been reported in up consequence of chronic orbital inflammation to 16% of patients with GPA. Early involvement due to fibrotic changes in the orbit. Epiphora is is presented with conjunctival hyperemia. another symptom of orbital involvement that is Granuloma ulceration and necrosis can be pre- often provoked by nasolacrimal duct obstruc- sent, leading to cicatrizing . Pro- tion or by lacrimal sac mucocele. Diplopia arises gressive conjunctival cicatrization can cause as a result of inflammation of extraocular mus- symblepharon or the formation of fibrovascular cles (orbital muscles), vasculitis of the vasa tissue that spreads across the ocular surface to vasorum above, and compression of the optic the eyelid [4, 18, 19]. This results in nerve by the orbital mass, which may lead to and , with turned against the optic nerve ischemia and even blindness. GPA . Conjunctival involvement can exhibit may infiltrate the orbital apex and thus the symptoms such as ocular redness, foreign body optic nerve, resulting in painless optic neu- sensation, blurred vision, and possibly bloody ropathy and edema of the optic nerve followed [4]. Tarsal conjunctivitis, which can be by atrophy. Further infiltration is responsible associated with nasolacrimal duct obstruction for painful ophthalmoplegia and blindness. and subglottic stenosis, has been also reported Extension of the orbital mass leads to destruc- in patients with GPA [20]. tion of neighboring bony structures or neo-os- sification. Note that orbital disease is associated with significant morbidity, including visual loss and facial deformity [10–13]. It is also worth is an inflammation of the whole mentioning that in the few cases of GPA in thickness of the sclera, which can cause serious children, it initially presents with orbital man- ocular morbidity with severe vision loss and ifestations, such as idiopathic inflammatory morbidity. GPA can provoke nodular, diffuse, or pseudotumor, proptosis secondary to orbital necrotizing scleritis, which can be more severe inflammation, and reduced vision [14]. than the scleritis of other etiologies [21]. The scleritis in GPA can be categorized into anterior Eyelid, Lacrimal System, and or posterior, which have different complica- tions. Anterior scleritis is also subcategorized Eyelid involvement is uncommon in GPA, but into diffuse, nodular, or necrotizing. It is may include dacryoadenitis, dacryocystitis, reported to occur in 16–38% of patients with , lid granuloma, , entropion, GPA, making it the third most common ocular trichiasis, and florid xanthelasma. Dacryoad- manifestation of GPA according to Hoffman enitis (inflammation of the lacrimal gland) is et al. [22]. Scleritis can be the initial clinical presented with pain and edema of the anterior manifestation of GPA, and typically presents orbit and of the eyelid, which impedes eye with severe, deep, boring pain that can radiate mobility. Dacryoadenitis and enlargement of to the temple and the jaw. The pain worsens at the lacrimal gland may provoke ocular sicca night, waking the patient up. It also manifests Ophthalmol Ther with eye redness and tenderness upon palpation 3[27]. Apart from PUK, other corneal manifes- [23, 24]. Areas of severe vasculitis causing cap- tations suggest exudative peripheral illary occlusion in the deep episcleral vascular without ulceration, peripheral corneal thin- plexus characterize the disease. This situation ning, and (rarely) interstitial keratitis [4, 28]. leads to infarction and necrosis of the affected Corneal manifestations can also result from sclera, exposing the underlying pigmented conjunctival or orbital involvement. Conjunc- uveal tissue of the choroid [22]. Necrotizing tival cicatrization, accompanied by tear defi- scleritis has been reported to follow routine ciency, entropion, trichiasis, and poor eyelid surgery in patients with GPA. It is closure, can result in exposure keratopathy, characterized by scleral thinning and a bluish secondary infection, and potential corneal per- appearance of the choroid and is associated foration [18]. with systemic disease. It may result in scarring, infection and, in rare cases, ocular perforation and . Scleral inflammation can affect adjacent ocular structures such as the is a rare ocular manifestation of GPA, , trabecular meshwork, and , occurring in up to 10% of patients. It is cate- which can lead to keratitis, corneal ulceration, gorized into anterior, intermediate, and poste- uveitis, , or rior uveitis with varying degrees of vitritis, and [22–24]. it can be unilateral or bilateral. A granuloma- tous panuveitis has also been reported as an Cornea ocular manifestation of GPA. Uveitis usually accompanies keratitis or scleritis as a secondary Corneal involvement is a common ocular manifestation, and sclerouveitis in particular manifestation of GPA. It can be either a primary probably worsens the ocular prognosis. The or a secondary manifestation of the disease. The main symptoms of uveitis are blurred vision, inflammation that characterizes GPA can floaters, , photopsia, and redness specifically affect the cornea, resulting in of the eye [4]. peripheral ulcerative keratitis (PUK) [25, 26]. PUK is usually unilateral and sectoral, but can Retina and Choroid also present as bilateral in up to 40% of patients, often in association with scleritis (mainly Retinal and choroidal manifestations rarely necrotizing). Patients commonly appear with occur in GPA, with vessel involvement being ocular pain, injection, tearing, photophobia, most common. The retinal and choroidal cir- and decreased vision. Histopathological find- culation of the eye can be affected with or ings of PUK reveal an immune-mediated without clear signs of vasculitis. This involve- occlusive necrotizing vasculitis of the anterior ment can be unilateral or bilateral, central or ciliary arteries that supply the sclera, the con- multifocal [4]. junctiva, and the peripheral cornea. PUK is Retinal vein occlusion can be present with- often associated with scleritis as they have the out findings of vasculitis. It can be a result of same blood supply. In PUK, the lesions are sit- compression of the vessels from external tissues uated within 2 mm of the corneoscleral limbus, [29]. On the other hand, retinal artery occlusion while the adjacent limbal tissue and sclera have is usually associated with vasculitis [30]. Retinal findings of vasculitic disease [26]. Collapse of and choroid manifestations that can be recog- the makes the corneal nized in GPA are , , mac- stroma thinner, and if keratolysis progresses it ular edema, exudative , and can provoke perforation. Matrix metallopro- retinal necrosis [4, 31–33]. Sclerochoroidal teinases (MMPs) may participate in the observed granulomas may also appear as uveal melanoma keratolysis. PUK in GPA is also related to the [4]. Other unusual manifestations of GPA presence of an autoantibody against cytokeratin include vitreous hemorrhages due to Ophthalmol Ther chorioretinal and ciliary body granulomas, and The majority (80–95%) of patients are associ- acute multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopa- ated with c-ANCA against proteinase 3 (PR3); thy [4].. The usual findings upon clinical the remaining cases are associated with p-ANCA examination are perivascular sheathing, focal against myeloperoxidase (MPO). In patients arterial or venous infarction, and retinal ische- with the limited form of GPA, ANCA are found mia, presenting as white or creamy lesions at in approximately 50–60% of patients [4]. the level of the retinal pigment epithelium, Diagnostic imaging methods such as com- choroidal folds, cotton-wool exudates, retinal puted tomography (CT), magnetic resonance neovascularization, and choroidal thickening imaging (MRI), and ultrasound have diagnostic [4]. value in cases of orbital involvement, demon- strating orbital lesions, involvement of adjacent Neuro-ophthalmologic Manifestations structures, and the extent of tissue damage, thus allowing the response to medical treatment to Neuro-ophthalmologic manifestations in GPA be determined. CT offers the ability to depict may be secondary to the formation of granulo- sinus structure disorders and osseous invasion, mas or to the vasculitis that appears in the dis- while MRI is helpful for identifying granulomas ease. Orbital inflammatory disease and and delineating orbital mucosal changes [1]. A granulomas can lead to diplopia or loss of vision diagnosis of retinal or vascular involvement in due to compressive . This GPA is often confirmed by means of fluorescent neuropathy is a result of the infiltration of the angiography, which depicts delayed or absent adjacent tissues by the orbital mass. Addition- filling of the blood vessels or leakage in areas of ally, vasculitis can interrupt the blood supply of ischemia [4]. the optic and other cranial nerves, causing However, imaging findings are not always similar findings [4]. specific for GPA. In these cases, biopsy can Furthermore, cases of vision loss as a result of confirm the diagnosis, especially for orbital GPA or perineuritis due to GPA have and conjunctival involvement. Classical histo- been reported in the context of the extension of logic features of GPA (granulomas, necrosis, granulomatous inflammation [34–38]. Oculo- vasculitis) are not always present in the biopsy, motor nerves can also be affected by the vas- mainly in cases of ocular GPA. Therefore, one culitis in GPA, provoking palsy of the histologic finding that is useful in the diagnosis oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens nerve [39]. of GPA over other orbital inflammatory diseases Horner’s syndrome rarely appears in patients is the presence of scattered eosinophils admixed with GPA [4]. Patients with neuro-ophthalmic within formed granulomas [41]. disease usually present with diplopia, reduced visual acuity or sudden visual loss, an afferent TREATMENT pupillary defect, and visual field loss that can be sectoral [34–38]. Before the arrival of immunomodulatory ther- apy, GPA was a fatal disease with a bad prog- DIAGNOSIS nosis with a median survival of 5 months. Currently, the combination of glucocorticoids Ocular disease may be the dominant manifes- and cytotoxic agents has changed the prognosis tation in patients with GPA. Thus, an ophthal- of GPA patients, with 95% survival at 5 years mologist should have a high index of suspicion, and 80% survival at 10 years. especially in cases where other features of the Regarding the ocular manifestations of GPA, disease, such as pulmonary or renal disease, are localized pharmaceutical and surgical treatment absent [40]. The ANCA test is recognized to be may be helpful to achieve remission. Topical sensitive and specific for GPA, especially for the corticosteroid therapy may be useful for systemic form of the disease, as it is considered managing non-vision-threatening ocular mani- to be an indicator of the activity of the disease. festations of GPA such as , Ophthalmol Ther conjunctivitis, and mild anterior uveitis. Com- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS plications of the above situations, such as necrotizing scleritis, posterior scleritis, PUK, bilateral ocular involvement, orbital or adnexal Funding. No funding or sponsorship was manifestations, or retinal and optic nerve vas- received for this study or the publication of this culitis may demand aggressive systematic article. immunosuppressive treatment with corticos- teroids and cyclosporine [4, 41]. Therefore, Authorship. All named authors meet the conventional treatment for severe forms of the International Committee of Medical Journal disease inlude high-dose corticosteroids and Editors (ICMJE) criteria for authorship for this cyclophosphamide for at least 3 months (initial manuscript, take responsibility for the integrity treatment) until remission, then treatment with of the work as a whole, and have given final azathioprine or methotrexate for a period of at approval to the version to be published. least 2 years (maintenance therapy) [42]. However, increased understanding of the Disclosures. Evdokia Sfiniadaki, Ioanna mechanisms involved in the inflammatory Tsiara, Panagiotis Theodossiadis, and Irini response and the regulation of adaptive immu- Chatziralli have nothing to disclose. nity led to the development of biotherapeutics, including monoclonal antibodies. Specifically, Compliance with Ethics Guidelines. This several studies have shown that anti-tumor article is based on previously conducted studies necrosis factor (anti-TNF) antibodies (i.e., and does not contain any studies with human infliximab) could be useful in the management participants or animals performed by any of the of non-infectious scleritis secondary to GPA authors. [42, 43]. Additionally, rituximab (a chimeric monoclonal anti-CD20) has been found to be Open Access. This article is distributed safe and effective for controlling refractory PUK, under the terms of the Creative Commons scleritis, and uveitis associated with GPA, with Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International eventual progression towards steroid-sparing License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/ remission [42, 44–47]. by-nc/4.0/), which permits any noncommer- Surgical management has limited effective- cial use, distribution, and reproduction in any ness, as there is a possibility of relapse, although medium, provided you give appropriate credit it is helpful in severe situations. In cases of to the original author(s) and the source, provide nasolacrimal duct obstruction, dacryocystorhi- a link to the Creative Commons license, and nostomy with the creation of a new outflow to indicate if changes were made. bypass the obstruction may be required [4, 21]. 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