Kerala State Electricity Board
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KERALA STATE ELECTRICITY BOARD ABSTRACT Revised staff structure of Perumthenaruvi SHEP by deploying excess places from the O/o the Project Manager, Ranni-Perunad SHEP and entrusting the additional charge of Ladrum SHEP and Marmala SHEP to Project Manager, Ranni-Perunad SHEP- Sanctioned- Orders issued. Generation Profit Centre B.O(FM) No. 1196 /2012 (MG/General/Estt./2008) Dated, Tvm 20.06.2012 Read:- 1. B.O (FM) No. 3256/2006( (Estt.III/7451/2006) dated 29.12.2006 2. B.O. (CM) No.2345/2011(Estt.III/4646/2008) dated 30.09.2011. 3. Note No. CECC/P.ARUVI/2009 dated 17.3.2012 of the Chief Engineer(CC)South 4. Note No. MG/General/Estt/2008 dated 30.3.2012 of Member(Gen-Projects) ORDER The sanctioned strength of Perumthenaruvi SHEP as per B.O read as 1 st paper above is 1 Asst Exe Engineer, 4 Asst Engineer and 2 Sub Engineer under Project Manager Maniyar Tailrace Scheme (renamed as Ranni-Perunad SHEP). As per Board Order read as 2 nd paper above, the Board has appointed a Project Manager exclusively for the implementation of Perunthenaruvi SHEP. The sanctioned staff strength and the present working strength in the O/o the Project Manager, Perumthenaruvi SHEP is as follows. Category Sanctioned Working Strength strength 1. Project Manager (Exe Engineer) 1 1 2. Assistant Executive Engineer 1 1 3. Assistant Engineer 4 2 4. Sub Engineers 2 2 The Chief Engineer(CC) South vide note read as 3 rd paper above reported that the project execution work of Perumthenaruvi SHEP has been commenced on 2.3.2012 and the present staff strength is inadequate to supervise the works properly. Ranni-Perunad SHEP was commissioned on 16.2.2012 and the Chief Engineer (CC) South proposed to deploy the places of one Asst Exe Engineer, One Asst Engineer and 7 Sub Engineers from the Ranni-Perunad SHEP to Perumthenaruvi SHEP and requested sanction for the revised staff structure. The Board vide B.O (FB) No. 497/2011 (GPC5/LADRUM/2010) dated 11.2.2011 had accorded Administrative sanction for implementation of the Ladrum SHEP (3.5 MW, 12.13 Mu) at an estimated cost of Rs 3009 Lakh at 2010 SOR including IDC. The pre-construction survey and property survey have to be started for design of various components and for assessing the extent of land required for the project for initiating land acquisition activities. The Deputy Chief Engineer (Designs) vide note dated 16.8.2011 reported that 8 MW or even 10 MW installation can be planned for Ladrum SHEP. The Chief Engineer (Civil-I&P) vide note dated 27.8.2011 furnished his counter remarks on the suggestions made by the Dy Chief Engineer (Designs). The draft DPR of Marmala SHEP (7 MW, 23.3 Mu) has been presented before the DPR approval committee on 21.11.2011 and decided to include all geological details in the DPR. After having examined the matter in detail and in the light of the clarifications offered by the Member (Generation-Projects), the Board hereby accords sanction to revise the staff strength of O/o the Project Manager, Perunthenaruvi Small Hydro Electric Project, by deploying excess places from the O/o of the Project Manager, Ranni-Perunad, as given below, subject to the condition that; 1. Headquarters of Project Manager, Ranni-Perunad will be at Ranni-Perunad. 2. Ladrum SHEP and Marmala SHEP will be additional charge to the Project Manager, Ranni- Perunad. 3. Project Manager, Ranni-Perunad will complete all the works of Ranni-Perunad and close the accounts of Ranni-Perunad expeditiously. Ranni Perumthena Places to Revised sanctioned strength Perunad ruvi be Category SHEP SHEP deployed Sancti Work Sancti Work to Perumt Ranni-Perunad SHEP, oned ing oned ing Perumthe henaru Pathanamthitta naruvi vi building, Ladrum & SHEP Marmala SHEPs 1 Project Manager 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 (Exe.Engineer) 2 Asst. Exe 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 Engineer 3 Assistant 6 3 4 2 1 5 5 Engineer 4 Sub Engineers 11 9 2 2 7 9 4 5 Overseer 2 - - - - - 2 The Project Manager shall also look into the possibility of modifying the DPR of Ladrum SHEP, if required. The Chief Engineer (Civil-Construction) South, Chief Engineer (Civil-I&P), Chief Engineer (HRM) and the Deputy Chief Engineer (Designs) with full powers of Chief Engineer shall take further action in this regard. By order of the Board, Sd/- S. Roopakala Jagath To Secretary The Chief Engineer (Civil- Construction) South The Chief Engineer (Civil-I&P) The Chief Engineer (HRM) The Deputy Chief Engineer (Designs) w.f.p of CE Copy to: - The Financial Adviser / The Chief Internal Auditor. The RCAO / RAO. The Director (IT). The Project Manager, Ranni-Perunad SHEP The Project Manager, Perumthenaruvi SHEP TA to Chairman / M(G-P) / M(T&G.O)/ M(D). PA to Member (Finance) / Secretary. The LLO, Power House, Kochi. The Fair Copy Supdt./ Librarian. The Stock file / File. Forwarded by Order Assistant Executive Engineer .