Researching functional ecology in Kosciuszko National Park Researching functional ecology in Kosciuszko National Park Edited by Hannah Zurcher, Ming-Dao Chia, Michael Whitehead and Adrienne Nicotra Field Studies in Ecology 1 Published by ANU eView The Australian National University Acton ACT 2601, Australia Email:
[email protected] This title is also available online at National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry Title: Researching functional ecology in Kosciuszko National Park / editors: Hannah Zurcher, Ming-Dao Chia, Adrienne Nicotra, Michael Whitehead. ISBN: 9781921934391 (paperback) 9781921934407 (ebook) Series: Field studies in ecology ; no. 1. Subjects: Ecology--Research. Climatic changes--Australia. Plants--Australia. Kosciuszko National Park (N.S.W.) Other Creators/Contributors: Zurcher, Hannah, editor. Chia, Ming-Dao, editor. Nicotra, Adrienne, editor. Whitehead, Michael, editor. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. Cover design and layout by ANU Press. Cover photograph by Michael Whitehead. This edition © 2017 ANU eView Contents Editors’ note . vii Syllabus . ix Workshop summaries . xi Biographies of staff and resource people . xv The field problems . xxiii Investigation of the niche partitioning of selected Ranunculaceae species in Kosciuszko National Park along a soil moisture gradient, by comparison of hydraulic characteristics . 1 Angela Stoddard, Tess Walsh Rossi, Cameron McArthur, Sarah Stock, Ming-Dao Chia, Hannah Zurcher, Chen Liang, Christine Mauger, Julia Hammer Analysing phenotypic variation in Eucalyptus pauciflora across an elevation gradient in the Australian Alps .