Ater Environment Business of Shiga ~ Industry Know-How & Technology Around Lake Biwa ~
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Shiga Water Environment Business Promotion Forum (Team Water Shiga) ater Environment Shiga Prefecture set up the industrial-academic-governmental platform named “Shiga Water Environment Business Promotion Forum(Team Water Shiga for Business of Shiga short)to support the expansion of the water environment business by utilizing the accumulated research results of companies and research institutes and their ~ Industry know-how & technology around Lake Biwa ~ activities for the environmental conservation. Formation of project teams Analysis and services and overseas expansion Manufacturers of materials and apparatus Plant makers Cooperation with companies outside and inside Shiga concerning the water environment Trading companies Consultants Providing information on the water environment business Construction Matching businesses Publicizing information on members Research institutes Industry support and universities organizations Financial companies Government agencies Shiga Prefecture Promotional Image of the Forum As to the registration and the activities, please refer to the following URL; Published in February 2019 Shiga Prefecture, Japan Contents 1. Introduction: Shiga Prefecture – Guardian of Lake Biwa 2 2. Lake Biwa Model for the coexistence of economic development and conservation of the water environment 4 Introduction:FourpillarsthatsupporttheLakeBiwaModel 4 1ActivitiesbyResidents(Citizens) 7 2ActivitiesbytheLocalGovernment 9 3ActivitiesbyCompanies(Factories) 13 4Activitiesbyresearchinstitutes,universitiesandcompanies 15 3. Shiga Water Environment Business Promotion Forum 20 1WhatistheShigaWaterEnvironmentBusinessPromotionForum? 20 2Pastactivities 21 3Activities 21 4Majorresults 27 5Introductionsoftheforummembers 30 Devicedesign,fabrication 1 AoyamaEcoSystemCo.,Ltd. 34 andconstruction 2 OgisoConstructionLimitedLiabilityCompany 35 3 KimuraDenkoInc. 36 4 SHIMIZUALLOYMFG.CO.,LTD. 37 5 SuikenCo.,Ltd. 38 6 TAIYOSANGYOCO.,LTD. 39 7 TakahashiMetalIndustriesCo.,Ltd. 40 8 OneForAllLTD. 41 Materialsdevelopment 9 OkumuraEngineeringCorporation 42 andproduction 10 OPTEXCO.,LTD. 43 11 KansaiKakoCo.,Ltd. 44 12 KyowaIndustryCorp. 45 13 SANWAINDUSTRYCO.,LTD. 46 14 ShimizuKogyoCo.,Ltd. 47 15 ShowaValveCo.,Ltd. 48 16 SEKISUICHEMICALCO.,LTD.,ShigaRittoPlant 49 17 SENKACorporation,Shiga-KonanFactory 50 18 TanahashiElectricMachineryCo.,Ltd. 51 19 TohzaiChemicalIndustryCo.,LTD.,ShigaFactory 52 20 TorayIndustries,Inc.,ShigaPlant 53 21 NITTODENKOCORPORATION,ShigaPlant 54 22 PacificGikenCompany,Ltd. 55 23 HanshinEngineeringCo.,Ltd. 56 24 HORIBAAdvancedTechno,Co.,Ltd.Ltd. 57 25 OsakaWeldingIndustrialCo.,Ltd. 58 26 BASICCO.,LTD. 58 27 DiaAquaSolutionsCo.,Inc. 59 Analysis,consulting,etc. 28 FWaterManagementCo.,Ltd. 60 29 SpecifiedNonprofitCorporationCarbonSink. 61 30 KankyoSoukenCo.,Ltd. 62 31 ShigaBranch,KansoCo.,Ltd. 63 32 TORAYTECHNOCO.,LTD. 64 33 NakatecCo.,Ltd. 65 34 NihonMaintenanceEngineeringCorporation,ShigaOffice 66 35 HiyoshiCorporation 67 36 NewFuelLaboratory 68 37 TECHNOSCIENCECO.,LTD. 68 38 NATSUHARAIndustrialTechnologiesInc. 69 39 NishinihonEngineeringConsultantLtd. 69 Companiesbelongingto 40 ElcenergyCo.,Ltd. 70 othercategories 41 NagaokaSangyouCo.,Ltd. 71 42 NakashimaBussanCo.,Ltd. 72 43 NipponSoftwareKnowledgecorp. 73 44 BiwakoTotalSupportCenterCooperative 74 45 YamakyuCorporation 75 46 OhmiMineralWaterServiceCo.,Ltd. 76 47 Meiho-Constructioninc. 77 48 NakajimaShoujiCo.,Ltd. 78 49 YAMANAKA,Co.,Ltd. 78 50 NodakCo.Ltd. 79 51 WEFInstituteofTechnologyInc. 80 ResearchInstitutesand 52 ResearchCenterofBIWAKO,RitsumeikanUniversity 81 Universities 53 RyukokuUniversityRyukokuExtensionCenter(REC) 82 54 ShigaUniversity 83 55 UniversityofShigaPrefecture,CollaborativeResearchCenter 84 Industrialsupport 56 AsiaInternationalCooperationAgency(AICA) 85 organizations 57 OrganizationforSmall&MediumEnterprisesandRegionalInnovation,JAPAN,KinkiHeadOffice 86 58 OhmiEnvironmentConservationFoundation 87 59 EnvironmentalConservationAssociationOfShigaPrefecture 88 60 Konan-KokaEnvironmentalAssociation 89 61 GlobalEnvironmentCentreFoundation 90 62 TheAssociationforOverseasTechnicalCooperationandSustainablePartnerships 91 63 InternationalLakeEnvironmentCommitteeFoundation(ILEC) 91 64 ShigaPrefectureIndustrialSupportCenter 92 65 ShigaEconomicandIndustrialAssociation 93 66 TheHikoneChamberofCommerceandIndustry 93 Reference AboutSDGs(SustainableDevelopmentGoals) 94 *Thisbookletintroducesmemberswhoagreedtopublicationofthequestionnairesurvey. *Inthisbrochure,“fiscalyear”(FY)referstotheperiodfromApril1toMarch31thefollowingyear. 1. Introduction: Shiga Prefecture – Guardian of Lake Biwa LakeBiwaisthelargestlakeinJapan,andoneoftheworld’sancientlakes.Itsvaluesarewide,asarichnature environment,asawatersource,andasasiteofthewaterindustry. CurrentlyLakeBiwasupports14.5millionpeopleintheKansaiareas,providingwaterfortheuseintheir everydaylivesandforindustrialuse.IntheLakeBiwa–YodoRiverBasin,thewaterisfirstusedintheupper reachesandthenreusedinthelowerreaches.AsShigaPrefectureislocatedintheuppermostregion,the prefecturalgovernmenthastakenmeasurestoimprovethequalityofwaterflowingdowntothelowerreaches. Afterthe1970s,ShigaPrefecturerapidlyconstructedsewagetreatmentplants.Italsoadoptedadvancedwater treatmentsystemsaheadoftherestofJapananddisseminatedthemthroughtheprefecture.Asaresult,Shiga Prefectureboastsaveryhighpenetrationrateforsewagetreatmentandadvancedwatertreatmentsystems. WiththeabundantwaterofLakeBiwaaswellasthegeographicaladvantageofbeinglocatedmidwaybetween theKansaiandTokaiareas,ShigaPrefecturehasbeenhometomanyenterprises,notablymanufacturersand theirfactories.AsexemplifiedbythefactthatthepercentageofsecondaryindustriesintheGrossPrefecture ProductfortheprefectureisthehighestinJapan,ShigahasbeengrowingasoneofJapan’smostactive “ManufacturingPrefectures.” Thus,ShigaPrefecturecanbeseentohaveaccomplishedeconomicgrowth,andismakingeffortstoconserve theclosedwaterenvironmentofLakeBiwa. Beijing Seoul Tokyo Osaka Shanghai Shiga Prefecture 2 Water of Lake Biwa Supporting Life and Industry in Kansai. Lake Biwa, the largest and oldest lake in Japan Water use population of 14,500,000 ● The oldest lake Supporting 14.5 million people's lives and industries ・ It is the third oldest lake in the world, and is thought in Kansai. This is equivalent to 11% of the Japanese that the lake formed approximately 4.4 million years population. ago, and shaped into the current Lake Biwa approximately 430, 000 years ago. ● Vast catchment area of Lake Biwa ・ With 460 rivers, both large and small, flowing into Lake Biwa, its catchment area extends to 3,848 km 2 (1.0% of Japan’s land area). Age Approx. 4.4 million years old. Lake surface area 670 km2 Length of perimeter 235 km Maximum depth 104 m Average depth 41 m Water storage capacity 27.3 km 3 Number of species living Approx. 600 in the lake endemic species 60 or more Shiga, one of the most active Advanced Approach to manufacturing prefectures in Japan Wastewater Processing ● Pe rcentage of secondary industries in the Gross Various wastewater treatment facilities have been developed Prefectural Product: 45.2% (highest in Japan) for each district, tailored to their specific circumstances. As a result, Shiga Prefecture has extremely high penetration rates for wastewater treatment and advanced sewage treatment systems. 45.2% 44.5% 43.9% ● Penetration rate of wastewater treatment based on population: 98.7% (*1) Third highest in Japan (following Tokyo and Hyogo Prefecture) Penetration rate based Type of wastewater Population with access Penetration rate based on population (as of Difference treatment system to wastewater treatment on population March 31, 2015) 27.0% Public sewage systems 1,271,046 89.68% 89.30% 0.38% Drainage facilities for 89,813 6.34% 6.57% △0.23% agricultural communities Combined household wastewater treatment 37,344 2.63% 2.74% △0.11% facilities Drainage facilities for 47 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% forestry communities Total 1,417,306 98.7% 98.6% 0.1% ● Penetration rate of public sewage systems in Shiga Prefecture: 89.7% (*1) Seventh highest in Japan Shiga Tochigi Gunma National Average ● Percentage of population with access to advanced sewage treatment systems compared to the total population of the prefecture: 88.2% (*2) 2015 Highest in Japan *1 Source: FY 2018 Sewage Works in Shiga (issued by Shiga Prefecture) *2 Source: Independent survey conducted in FY 2015 by Shiga Prefecture 3 2. Lake Biwa Model for the coexistence of economic development and conservation of the water environment Introduction: Four pillars that support the Lake Biwa Model AmongtheactivitiesconductedforconservationofthewaterenvironmentofLakeBiwa,comprehensiveactions basedonthetechnologiesandknow-howaccumulatedbyresidents,governments,companies(including factories)andresearchinstitutionsarecollectivelyknownasthe“LakeBiwaModel.”Thismodelissupported byfourpillars;(1)residents(citizens),(2)thelocalgovernment,(3)companies(factories)and(4)research institutions,universitiesandcompaniesrelatedtothewaterenvironment.TheLakeBiwaModelenables economicdevelopmentinconjunctionwiththeconservationofthewaterenvironmentanditsutilization. Thismodelmaybeappliednotonlytootherlakes,butalsotovariouswater-relatedsettings,suchasseas, riversandindustrialparks.ApplicationoftheLakeBiwaModelcancontributetoresolvingarangeofproblems andchallengesregardingthewaterenvironmentaroundtheworld. Contribution to solving problems with the water environment around the world Conservation of the water environment Development of the and its