Opera House Oregon Navigation Stock, Over Four-Fift- Have Been Deposited for Exchange of Un- Ion Pacific Stock
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Wednesday, October 18, 1899. THE SUMPTER MINER. DIADEM ISA "DAISY." 'financfafiy. For the present the three roads wllf be operated separately. No Important official changes will be made. President Burt, who will be unanimonsly Galena Ore Carries Much Lead at the annual meeting tomorrow, will and Over $400 Gold. have general control of the new Un- in ion Pacific situation The RED This' does not 'mean that' The through 4aav.. line from Omaha to Portland Is to be op- from George M. McDowell, who had been erated one general office In Omaha or New York, In and around Sumpter for a' week, left and rates greatly reduced. The Vanderbllts do not FRONT for his home In Portland Friday. Before operate their rail way. ' leaving, he secured from General roads that j m S ? l ren an Interest In the Diadem mine, lo- TO DREDGE JOHN DAY. cated about a mile from the Banzette. He i will place this property with some Port- Big Placer Mining Consummated at J Dal land capitalists, who, together with Gen- Canyon City. A eral Warren and himself,, will develop It J. H. Pomeroy and Mr. Feidenheimer. this wlnterjthe present Intention being principals of the dredging 4rV. company, left not to stock it. John Day Saturday. Before leaving, feU''. r The gentleman Some examined the property however, they succeeded in consummat- NEW SUGGESTIONS Wednesday, anil returned enthusiastic ing a deal with John'' Silvers by which r?. ci-- over the prospect. Two shafts have they secured for the adredgjng company ; LADIES We have Just received a tine new line of Dress been sunk, one ten or fifteen feet deep and thirty acres of land, (according yhlch, to Goods, Exclusive Patterns, Dress Skirts and Trimmings, ffliV' the other ten or fifteen. ,ln the former the the most authentic Information T1V obtainable, ' vein has widened from Outing Flannels, Ribbons, Laces, Underwear, Etc. six to thirty Inches. gives promise of a rlchreturn to' the pur- MEN'S WEAR-T- he latest shapes In Fall and The ore is of a variety rarely seen in this chasers. This sale has been on tapis the Winter Hats. We carry the Geo. G. Snow district, being a galena that carries from for some time and It was only last Satur Shoes. All the weights in Underwear. j forty to seventy per cent 'lead, and in a day that a satisfactory .understanding was JUST LOOK AT THIS- -A few dozen assays from $10 on the surface to arrived anu tne necessary papers ai ex' Items In Table Delicacies: Gor- 5400 in gold at the depth of only ten feet. changed hands. ByMhe terms of the don & Dillworths Port, Cog- This is a wonderful showing. The rock, contract Mr. Silvers Is to receive $oo nac and Sherry Jellies, a number' of samples of which were down, tiooo per year as long as the English Plum Pud- brought to town,' has a decided green dredger Is In operation and a royalty of copper dings, Orange stain, but carries only a trace of $10 per day for every day's work by done Marmalade, that metal. All the assays show from tne dredging machine. )!' five to twenty ounces in" silver. " Peach. The company will not commence active Straw berry ' Mr. McDowell said Just' prior to0 de- his operations till next spring, when a large and Raspberry parture that fie was hurrying back to force of men will be put at work, and, no Jam,nnd many other ' Portland because he had agreed to make doubt an Immense amount of the precious 'good things for final the stomach's sake. the payment in a few days and had metal will be taken from the ground pur- to go there to arrange for this. "This Is chased. comporatlvely a sure thing and If It pans The company Is having a dredger con- out half as good as It ilooks, watch out structed that cannot fail to handle the for even slow ofd Portland getting a great work. Having prospected the ground W.C.CALDER move on herself, and her staid, 'conserva- thoroughly, they are not only able to ap- THE RED FRONT. Sumpter, Oregon. tive' business men falling over each proximate the probable output of the other in'their effort to Invest hoarded cap- dredger, but have determined tlje exact ital In the Sumpter district. They have kind of machinery necessary to work money and can't get even a fair rate the ground successfully economically. - and pj- of interest in their home town, so are An immense amount of territory has looking for a place to I - - put It. have been bonded, including a considerable por- THE BAIN WAGON found the place assure as the sun rises'." tion of the river bed from the John Day General Warren bonded the property to Cole's bridge. Among those who Standard of Excellence. (? only last August and has been working a have bonded parts of their properties few men on it since that time. The force along the river are: Wolfinger & will now be increased and development Workings, Mrs. Bunn, John Silvers, G. work rapidly pushed. W. Porter; Alma Luce, .Mrs. Rapaly John Luce, Mrs. R. L. Luce, J. A." Lay- - GREATER UNION PACIFIC cock, J. A. Taylor, D. W. Jenkins. In all cases the company has only contracted VandcrbllU Now Own a Line From the for the river bed proper land which Atlantic to ihe Pacific. could not be used for agricultural purposes. New Under a York date of October 9, It is also understood that most of Can- the following Is given out officially by yon creek from John Day to Canyon one of largest the corporate interests in City has been secured by the same com- the Union Pacific: As. a result of today's pany. Grant County News. special meeting of the stockholders a new and greater Union Pacific system is cre- ated. It includes the Oregon Short Line ...Finest Line of... and Oregon Navigation railroad com- pany's railway and steamship lines, thus EUSTACE & WHITEHEAD making a complete stretch of railroad Jewelry and -- from the Missouri river to the Pacific Baker City, Oregon 4 -- coast. rWatchei The financial plan of bringing this con- In Eastern solidation about has been entirely success- Oregon. ful so far, and will be followed to the let- ter. Of the 25,000,000 decided upon to convert Oregon Short Line bonds and Opera House Oregon Navigation stock, over four-fift- have been deposited for exchange of Un- ion Pacific stock. hwr.;' The Union Pacific: will directly or indi Saloon.... rectly own live-sixt- of Oregon Naviga- V tion common stock, 'and over two-thir- ( of its preferred stock. Several large holders of O. R. & N. preferred stock SUMPTER BEER ON DRAUGHT, FINE BILLIARD AND have sold their, holdings at atout market POOL TABLES. prices rather' than make the exchange, r but this has all been bought in by inter- I ( j A'gents(for, ests allied with the Union Pacific, which Mattlngly and Moore Whiskey whiskey as good as Elixir of Life. All whiskies out of bond and guaranteed also bought large amounts of Oregon the genuine article. Popular retort for Commercial Travelers and Short. Line bonds for exchange under the Miners. ! Union Pacific plan. ... JEWELRY FACTORY The completion of the greater Union ... Pacific Is a railroad event of more than LEADING JEWELERS, SUMPTER OREGON. passing significance geographically and miicneu smitn, mgr. baker city l 6 " - - - .IMJJ.j.'jj T w t " r v - t',V?i '.