
Artemis, : The largest tectonomagmatic feature in the solar system?

Vicki L. Hansen1 and Anthony Olive2 1Department of Geological Sciences, University of Minnesota Duluth, Duluth, Minnesota 55812, USA 2Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Youngstown State University, Youngstown, Ohio 44555, USA

ABSTRACT wrinkle ridges parallel the chasma, and fracture New geologic mapping reveals that , a unique 2400-km-diameter feature on Venus, suites include both concentric and radial orien- is much larger than previously recognized, including a wide outer trough (>5000 km diameter), tations relative to the chasma. a radial swarm (12,000 km diameter), and a concentric wrinkle ridge suite (13,000 km diameter). Artemis’s evolution included formation of its interior and chasma, accompanied NIOBE- MAPPING by lateral propagation of radial dikes. The escape of dike magma to the surface formed local We are constructing 1:10,000,000 scale geo- cover deposits that buried parts of the remaining radial fracture suite. Cover deposits are logic maps of the Niobe and Aphrodite regions cut, in turn, by wrinkle ridges that likely formed by coupling of convective mantle fl ow with (57°N–57°S; 60–180°E) that straddle Aphrodite the lithosphere. The outer trough formed late relative to radial fractures, cover deposits, and Terra as part of the National Aeronautics and wrinkle ridges. We suggest that Artemis represents the magmatic signature of a deep mantle Space Administration–U.S. Geological Survey plume acting on relatively thin lithosphere. As such, it appears to represent the largest tec- planetary mapping program. We mapped local tonomagmatic feature in the solar system. The newly recognized vast extent of Artemis holds fractures (defi ning radial or concentric patterns implications for the formation of giant radial dike swarms, wrinkle ridge formation, terres- associated with coronae, mons, or volcanoes), trial planet mantle-lithosphere coupling, and Venus’s surface and geodynamic evolution. regional fractures (elements not obviously part of a local suite, and that are outside of the frac- INTRODUCTION composite of several major features, formed ture zone), and wrinkle ridges (Figs. 1B, 1C). Artemis, a unique feature on Venus, is one of by different mechanisms at different times: (1) We refer here collectively to fractures, fi ssures, the largest circular structures on a rocky planet an extensive fracture zone, comprising a region and graben as “fractures.” These features form in our solar system. Artemis includes an inte- marked by extremely closely spaced fractures sharp lineaments in synthetic aperture radar rior topographic high surrounded by Artemis including the Diana- chain (stippled in data; graben and fi ssures show resolvable Chasma (a 2100-km-diameter, 25–100-km- Fig. 1); (2) a series of highland features, includ- troughs, whereas fractures do not. Fractures wide, 1–2-km-deep circular trough) and an ing the Ovda and Thetis plateaus to the west and (including fi ssures and graben) represent sub- outer rise (2400 km diameter) that transitions Atla rise to the east, connected by the fracture surface dikes (Head et al., 1992; McKenzie et outward into the surrounding lowland. The zone; and (3) Artemis, south of Thetis. Crustal al., 1992b; Grosfi ls and Head, 1994a; Ernst et chasma describes a nearly complete circle, plateaus Ovda and Thetis, supported by thick al., 2001). Wrinkle ridges, marked by distinctive lacking defi nition to the north and northwest. crust or low-density upper mantle, represent sinuous ridges, represent modest (<2%–5%) The enigmatic nature of Artemis has perplexed ancient features formed on thin lithosphere; distributed surface-layer contraction (Watters, researchers since acquisition of Pioneer Venus volcanic rise Atla, thermally supported in the 1992; Mége and Reidel, 2001). data in the late 1970s. Hypotheses for Artemis’s mantle, represents a modern feature on a thick Here we discuss patterns defi ned by wrinkle formation include the following. (1) Artemis lithosphere (Simons et al., 1997; Phillips and ridge trajectories and a specifi c regional frac- Chasma records convergence and subduction Hansen, 1998). The thermally supported frac- ture suite that have particular implications for (McKenzie et al., 1992a; Brown and Grimm, ture zone system includes splays that crosscut Artemis. Wrinkle ridge trajectories, consistent 1995, 1996; Schubert and Sandwell, 1995). (2) earlier formed Ovda and Thetis (Head et al., with global-scale map efforts, reveal a uniform Artemis’s interior is analogous to a terrestrial 1992; Bleamaster and Hansen, 2005); fractures concentric pattern south of Aphrodite, and metamorphic core complex (Spencer, 2001). (3) both predate and postdate Artemis formation more complex patterns to the north (Fig. 1A; a Artemis formed due to a huge bolide impact on (Bannister and Hansen, 2010). A portion of the detailed lineament map is available in the GSA cold strong lithosphere before 3.5 Ga (Hamilton, fracture zone is associated with Atla’s evolution, Data Repository1). Wrinkle ridges also deform 2005). (4) Artemis represents the surface expres- as shown by Atla’s triple junction (Smrekar et fi ll of local basins located at high elevations sion of a mantle plume (Griffi ths and Campbell, al., 1997). Collectively these fi rst-order rela- within Ovda and Thetis. Wrinkle ridge trajecto- 1991; Smrekar and Stofan, 1997; Hansen, 2002; tions suggest that Artemis formed after Ovda ries reveal regional-scale patterns, the largest of Bannister and Hansen, 2010). We present evi- and Thetis, but before Atla. which is concentric to Artemis. Regional frac- dence here that Artemis also includes a long- As historically defi ned, Artemis includes an ture suites occur across the map area; of particu- wavelength outer trough (>5000 km diameter), interior region, Artemis Chasma, and an outer lar interest are fractures that trend at high angles a radial dike swarm (12,000 km diameter), and high. Previous mapping defi ned Artemis’s to the concentric wrinkle ridges, referred to here a suite of concentric wrinkle ridges (13,000 km major characteristics, including the interior, as radial fractures. diameter). The vast scale of these newly recog- circular chasma, and outer high, that evolved Concentric wrinkle ridges and radial fractures nized features leads us to reevaluate the origin coevally (Brown and Grimm, 1995, 1996; Spen- together defi ne a coherent pattern centered on of Artemis. cer, 2001; Hansen 2002; Bannister and Hansen, Artemis Chasma (Figs. 1A, 1D, 1E; note that 2010). The interior hosts magmatic centers, a BACKGROUND northeast-trending fracture zone, and a penetra- 1GSA Data Repository item 2010126, a detailed lineament geologic map, is available online at www Aphrodite Terra, Venus’s largest highland, tively developed tectonic fabric. The chasma .geosociety.org/pubs/ft2010.htm, or on request from extends along an equatorial band between displays normal faults along the inner wall and [email protected] or Documents Secretary, ~50°E and ~210°E (Fig. 1). Aphrodite is a fold hinges in the center and outer wall. External GSA, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301, USA.

© 2010 Geological Society of America. For permission to copy, contact Copyright Permissions, GSA, or [email protected]. GEOLOGY,Geology, May May 2010; 2010 v. 38; no. 5; p. 467–470; doi: 10.1130/G30643.1; 1 fi gure; Data Repository item 2010126. 467 0°E 90°E 180°E Wrinkle ridge trajectories m (± Mean planetary radius) A Radial fracture trends LP Wrinkle ridges* -2930 11620 pF 0 m geoid 50°N >0 m solid <0 m dashed pTe rB rBl Niobe Planitia 25°N rEw rEe rEc eastern Aphrodite Terra RP Ovda Atla Regio Regio 0°N western Aphrodite Terra Thetis Ph Regio

pA 25°S rD rT Artemis

rI 50°S D 150°E E rL 0°N 0°N rA pO pTh 75°S pTh 60E60°E 163°E 164°E wr B 50 km C 50 km fr Wrinkle A A 8°S ridges 8°S Fractures

Figure 1. A: Mollweide projection of Venus showing altimetry, fracture zones (from Price and Suppe, 1995) (stipple), wrinkle ridge trajectories (red, and white*; from Price and Suppe, 1995), and radial fracture trends (). Major geomorphic features: crustal plateaus (pA—; pF—Fortuna ; pO— [in D]; pTe—Tellus Regio; pTh—Thetis Regio [in D, E]), volcanic rises (Atla Regio; rB—; rBl—Bell Regio; rD—; rEc—central Eistla Regio; rEe—eastern Eistla Regio; rEw—western Eistla Regio; rL—; rI—Imdr Regio; rT— Regio), Regio (Ph), (LP), Rusalka Planitia (RP), Niobe Planitia, Ishtar Terra, west- ern and eastern Aphrodite Terra, and Artemis trough in dark blue. Wrinkle ridge trends in intratessera basins in western Aphrodite are exag- gerated for illustration. Thin black polygon marks map area. Surface strain model features include (Sandwell et al., 1997) 0 m geoid shown between 65°N and 65°S, and predicted surface contraction (blue); according to the global surface strain model, wrinkle ridges should parallel blues lines and not form with geoid >0 m. Thick white line demarks newly defi ned Artemis. B: Example synthetic aperture radar image of fractures (fr) and wrinkle ridges (wr). C: Map of fractures and wrinkle ridges. D: Orthographic view of a virtual globe to the west of Artemis (A) with Magellan gravity (low—black; high—light), wrinkle ridge (red) and radial fracture (yellow) trends, fracture zones (from Price and Suppe, 1995) (green), and Artemis chasma (pink); symbols as in A. E: View of virtual globe to the east of Artemis. rA—Atla Regio.

the chasma is not defi ned between the northwest clockwise to the west, wrinkle ridges trend east ture-parallel wrinkle ridges) indicating broadly and north). Directly outside of the chasma from and northeast in Niobe Planitia; there fractures coeval evolution of fractures, cover deposits, the north-northeast clockwise to the west, both defi ne a fan pattern. In northern Niobe orthogo- and wrinkle ridges. The deposits, which typi- wrinkle ridges and radial fractures are progres- nal fractures and wrinkle ridges track across cally lack obvious sources, likely result from sively more closely spaced with proximity to the intermediate elevation. Farther west, wrinkle the intersection of radial dikes (fractures) with chasma; wrinkle ridges transition into chasma ridges curve to the north-northeast and fractures the surface and resulting magma escape (McK- folds (Bannister and Hansen, 2010). West and fan to the northwest. South of western Ovda, enzie et al., 1992b; Grosfi ls and Head, 1994a; northeast of the chasma, wrinkle ridges are pre- wrinkle ridges trend to the north-northwest with Ernst et al., 1995). In some cases coronae form served in patches at high elevation (>0 m geoid). orthogonal fractures completing the circum- the source of local cover deposits (e.g., Llorona Outward from the chasma to the west and south, Artemis pattern. Corona; Young and Hansen, 2003). distal wrinkle ridges trend at a high angle to Generally across the map area, temporal rela- the fracture zone and radial fractures. Outward tions between radial fractures, cover deposits, Circum-Artemis or Circum–Western from the chasma to the east, wrinkle ridges track and wrinkle ridges appear similar to those docu- Aphrodite? across and perpendicular to the fracture zone, mented in Rusalka (DeShon et al., 2000). There, The concentric wrinkle ridge suite was previ- and across geoid and topographic contours into fractures broadly predate emplacement of cover ously described by Bilotti and Suppe (1999) as a Rusalka Planitia. In Rusalka, wrinkle ridges at deposits, which broadly predate wrinkle ridge circum–western Aphrodite suite, and attributed low to intermediate elevations describe a broad formation. However, some fractures show evi- to topographic loading of western Aphrodite Artemis-concentric curve; fractures, typically at dence of reactivation, whereas others form Terra (Sandwell et al., 1997). We suggest that intermediate elevation, fan broadly to maintain inversion structures (early formed fractures the suite is better described as circum-Artemis. a high angle relative to wrinkle ridges. Counter- were fi lled; fi ll was later inverted, forming frac- Aphrodite Terra is variably defi ned by high

468 GEOLOGY, May 2010 topography or the region above the 0 m geoid A newly defi ned Artemis therefore includes consistent with a thin global lithosphere during (Fig. 1A). Sandwell et al. (1997) calculated the an interior high, a deep (~2 km) and narrow Artemis evolution (with the exception of locally present-day global surface strain fi eld (assum- (50–150 km) 2100-km-diameter trough, outer thick lithosphere associated with Ovda and The- ing isostatic topography) in order to compare rise (2400 km diameter), long-wavelength outer tis) (Grosfi ls and Head, 1994b; Mége and Ernst, model surface strains with documented wrinkle trough (5000 km diameter), radial dike swarm 2001), allowing transmission of mantle shear ridge and fracture zone occurrences. According (12,000 km diameter), and concentric wrinkle stress to the surface (Phillips, 1990; Rosenblatt to their model, areas of positive and negative ridges (13,000 km diameter). These features et al., 1998). geoid height are in states of surface tension and record progressive evolution of Artemis, as fol- Giant radial dike swarms on Earth are char- compression, respectively. Thus, fracture zones lows. (1) Initial doming and subsurface magma acterized by geologically rapid formation (Ernst should correspond with regions at high geoid emplacement was accompanied by radial frac- et al., 2001). Artemis’s radial dike swarm, and elevation (>0 m) and wrinkle ridges should only turing. (2) Fractures (subsurface dikes) propa- its huge spatial footprint, might therefore be form in regions with geoid <0 m, if these fea- gated laterally, driven by magma buffering, pro- used to a fi rst order as a time marker (event) tures refl ect current-day topography-induced ducing dikes with widths and sizes independent of sorts across ~25% of Venus’s surface. The strain; in addition, wrinkle ridge trajectories of chamber size (Parfi tt and Head, 1993; Grosfi ls Artemis event, which might be expanded to should broadly parallel model surface strain tra- and Head, 1994b; Ernst et al., 1995). Emplace- include emplacement of local cover material, jectories and topographic contours. To the fi rst ment of lateral dikes in the constant driving and subsequent deformation of this layer by order, model predictions appear to fi t the data; pressure (magma buffered) produced dikes concentric wrinkle ridges, would have formed however, close examination reveals critical mis- with sizes and widths that are very large and are on a thin lithosphere collectively covering at matches. First, contrary to model predictions, independent of chamber size. (3) Dike-magma least 25% of Venus. Based on crosscutting rela- wrinkle ridges occur across areas with geoid effusion fed local cover deposits, burying some tions, Artemis formed after Ovda and Thetis, >0 m, and they trend perpendicular, rather than radial fractures. (4) Wrinkle ridges deformed and after tessera terrain of the Niobe-Aphrodite parallel, to gravity-topography boundaries in these cover deposits (driven by coupling of con- area, all of which likely formed on thin litho- several places (south of Ovda, west of Artemis, vective mantle or plume fl ow to the lithosphere; sphere (Hansen, 2006, and references therein). and north and south of the Diana-Dali chain; Phillips, 1990; Rosenblatt et al., 1998). (5) Late Therefore, Artemis may have formed late dur- Fig. 1A). Second, although wrinkle ridges par- topographic collapse (and/or loading) resulted in ing the “thin-lithosphere” phase of Venus his- allel model trends to the north of western Ovda, formation of the broad outer trough (the trough tory (Phillips and Hansen, 1998). and south and southwest of Artemis, this corre- might also record mantle fl ow). Artemis Chasma Global temporal implications might be spondence is lacking to the southeast and east and its interior evolved approximately synchro- derived from interpreted global lithosphere of Artemis, near Atla, and within Rusalka and nously with radial fractures and concentric wrin- thickness, or through geologic crosscutting rela- Niobe Planitiae. Thus, concentric wrinkle ridges kle ridges adjacent to the chasma (Bannister and tions. With regard to the former, other wrinkle do not fi t model predictions. In contrast, Arte- Hansen, 2010), and therefore evolved broadly ridge suites occur with large diameters circum- mis Chasma is at the center of the concentric coevally with the events described above. ferential to Lada (8000 km), Themis (4200 km), wrinkle ridge pattern, including wrinkle ridges Accepting that all these features defi ne Arte- Bell (3200 km), and western (3700 km), central that trend at high angle to the 0 m geoid, and that mis, it is diffi cult to any mechanism (2600 km), and eastern Eistla (3200 km) (Bilotti are at geoid >0 m (Figs. 1A, 1D, and 1E). of formation other than the surface expression and Suppe, 1999). All of these features are inter- of a deep mantle plume (or superplume; Cour- preted as surface expressions of mantle plumes New Artemis tillot et al., 2003). Subduction would not result (Simons et al., 1997; Smrekar et al., 1997). In Artemis’s true size emerges as regional- in formation of radial fractures or concentric each case, wrinkle ridges occur in regions with scale detailed geologic mapping is compiled wrinkle ridges, nor would bolide impact. How- geoid >0 m and modeled as tensile surface stress on a virtual sphere, avoiding projection issues. ever, extensive regional development of radial regimes (Fig. 1A; Sandwell et al., 1997). There- Orthographic views of the virtual global surface factures and concentric wrinkle ridges are both fore these wrinkle ridges cannot be attributed (Figs. 1D and 1E) illustrate the global-scale consistent with plume emplacement (Mége and to a contemporary topographic stress regime. patterns of radial fractures and circum-Artemis Ernst, 2001; Wilson and Head, 2002). In contrast, Atla and Beta, the largest volca- wrinkle ridges. The suites of concentric wrinkle nic rises, lack concentric wrinkle ridge suites. ridges and radial fractures are each indepen- DISCUSSION Each hosts fracture zones that radiate from dently centered about Artemis Chasma, and The newly recognized extent of Artemis central highs, correlating well with tensile sur- each cover similar large regions away from holds implications for the formation of giant face stress predictions and, as such, consistent Artemis. Wrinkle ridges defi ne a 13,000-km- radial dike swarms, wrinkle ridge formation, with contemporary formation of these two rises diameter pattern with nearly complete arcuate terrestrial planet mantle-lithosphere coupling, related to topographically induced stress. defi nition preserved across a full range of eleva- and Venus surface and geodynamic evolution, If we assume that the areal extent of radial tions. Radial fractures describe a 360° arc cen- forming the basis for future study. fracture suites and wrinkle ridges relate, at least tered on Artemis; they also occur over a range Venus preserves many radial fracture suites, in part, to lithosphere thickness (Phillips, 1990; of elevations across a 12,000-km-diameter each representing radial dike swarms (Ernst et Grosfi ls and Head, 1994b; Rosenblatt et al., region. Discounting geometric coincidence, we al., 1995, 2001). Artemis marks the largest such 1998; Mége and Ernst, 2001) and that Venus’s propose that the broadly coeval circum-Arte- radial fracture suite extending across a remark- lithosphere thickness increased with time (Solo- mis wrinkle ridge suite and the radial fracture able ~25% of the planet surface. Circum-Arte- mon, 1993; Phillips and Hansen, 1998), then suite represent parts of Artemis not previously mis wrinkle ridges and the radial fracture suite it is possible that Artemis (1) formed broadly recognized, and that they provide clues for far exceed any topographic expression of Arte- before Lada (2), followed in turn by Themis (3), Artemis’s evolution. Circum-Artemis wrinkle mis, or likely that of earlier doming, and instead with later formation of western, central, eastern ridges formed after Ovda and Thetis, but before record an axisymmetric global stress fi eld. The Eistla, and Bell (4; in an undefi ned order), and composite assembly of Aphrodite Terra; that is, circum-Artemis wrinkle ridge and radial frac- fi nally, contemporary evolution of Atla and Beta before the addition of Atla. ture suites are individually and collectively (5). Each group of rises would have formed

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