Faculty of Social and Life Sciences Department of Political and Historical Studies Erik Lárusson Maritime security in the High North Swedish and Icelandic responses to new Arctic shipping opportunities Political Science C-level thesis Term: Spring term 2010 Supervisor: Freddy Kjellström Examiner: Hans Lödén Karlstad University 651 88 Karlstad Phn 054-700 10 00 Fax 054-700 14 60
[email protected] www.kau.se ABSTRACT Essay in political science, C-level, by Erik Lárusson, spring term 2010. Tutor: Freddy Kjellström “Maritime Security in the High North – Swedish and Icelandic responses to new Arctic shipping opportunities” The purpose of this study is to compare how the issue of new shipping opportunities in the Arctic region is tackled and met by the governments of Sweden and Iceland when it comes to maritime security regime building, and to set this into perspective by looking at the shipping industry’s seemed aspirations and interests for Arctic shipping, the latter to see if policy and “reality” appear to be corresponding. By conducting a qualitative comparative analysis through studying previous research, government documents and through interviewing representatives from the shipping industry; using the analytical framework of Regime Theory for International Relations; the following research questions have been answered: In what ways do the governments of Sweden and Iceland contribute to developments of Arctic maritime security regimes, due to new shipping opportunities in the High North? Are these contributions in line with the shipping industry’s views of and aspirations for Arctic shipping? (How) does this differ between the countries? (How) does the shipping industry contribute to maritime security? Sweden and Iceland differ in many aspects, but the general aims at environmental protection are visible in both countries.