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Mr - V y mm MP--

Established July , 1856. Iinvnr ttt t . L, 1 "AWAUAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY. MAY iom n,f,TA- TM T www. VV u V i All tl I ' PBICE FIVX1 .... . i ft DMZ13 I'M ifn.iant corporation wn. .k An0.1NKY3. I.f yt?JMay,..1J00' enraed in the business interests of corporations. Is EY frt-iKh- t n It generally FOR for Mrl?rllnK Pa""K"s and admitted that bribery and corruption . m A JL'I'i-- ' Atkinson upon by rife are Jr.-On- everywhere, Vw IN - that there is scarcely a j nil over ? The defendants department "'''(' Merchant ereforri0oraU0n- are in the average city govern '""'. Btruct ou!0 " carr". and I o In- - nunt that will bear investigation, that SEEN IN blackmail and the sale of law are com- -- Jwi LOU to the oonclualon from mon things. Law - . cimf the puts a penalty on vd i v. C Arhl l-- ,,s, unl V1 tn.e th ay of April Maladministration of ,J ...... - No. j 9 iu law on the part of (!. Wnt M1N ..r! :pJa'rtift Peered himself hi a fit anc hose in authority puts a premium on STRELS r.Tn.-i- ue on D it .i board the AiW.rquirfs. 8aloons in most of our Miowera. one of tnft Htwinwri c ORRU to be - I of closed , i: n"v to l;ms. v.'1"1, corl,orat'on. Malkdmfn-rre- ,'. from Honolu- Sundays. m , lu to v . tt. Ictoria, stranonV 1 TOR Krt other port), Hritlh Columbia, and ?h laW prants absolution NW ( u. . and. . ulaintor " ",;UIIO requirement , v - k itu I'ettol Sis. Illl.. y ne. Proper and riuj reys its police wages. fVr therefor, it t,..,.r reasonalde MaladStraUon Steamship ?,hMaw exPects thm to make the Company Is serve also pay them for u I' W'K KV - llfM.iiin 4 Theme of ordinary work. Is there any their r-- an doubt :.: . rt SI. Address that r " American .Mo-nKe- rrom cities a system of People and Things in Mulcted SESSHESHonolulu to Victoria and blackmailingZ1 prevails and is i'nvariab- - w Heavily. other porta, .s ,i Suit Mar provided there was accom-i!;- ai used to be i r .. m HI.; conv-nient- e By Rev. rneVed.l " said that the j lUwminn ,T Rn.'J. for him on Kincaid. moon held his nose when '' f. r StuN'B of Illinois, VC8STL Tne refusal of the Wellington, Gotham. i thatPahTh ,,ver stake it , .,, .ifwi nl WHounjln. o.i.ndant corporation under his to so such nose whenever he HQGAN WINS as a passenger receive and tarry lum Passes over the council chambers where would be a city jus-fh''"l.- HIS SUIT wronKful act. ?w Others gather to traffic In to lle,;natmaKie.renda,,t U TRIANGLE MEETING ."1" to. tne hiShest bidder "ration .. s iiKiiiB. i repeat hr. ,l'ir,Knvt,r proof is on tn it. there are THE AUTOMOBILE COAT to by a preponderance Plaintiff worblrSttfrerned,Citit;8 in the civilized o of the American cities. j '..I K. 'tne"p.tM-il- I'pr evidence that there was Ii 5'f before us The accommodation this evening is . . ,, ,. II til ion Hi veil to Jury Renders and of vital Verdict for Two Thou- convenience for him on the said importance. Bismarck achieved early no- hihI Mtarrahip Miowera on the 12th day toriety by declaiming m I of Strong Presentation that great cities , it. ii opp. Mr) In txt sand Two Hundred April liioij. when he applied for pasnasre, of Evils to be were sores upon the politic, ,. I; H M. ft! . and which The Dewey Arch the Worse ...'. I'l J to Fifty and that he was prepared to pay his fare he proposed to annihilated The proposed for Wear ... ;. , StilHi.y, V.M to or the price of his ticket, and he Guarded Against Is Made treatment was too violent. Dollars. PMferite, that .It was Uke -- Gallery Gods Pun- himself in a fit and proper '2 CU.re the toothache by cut- - Going atate to be received on board and carried Last Night. fin'M? V M. fice as i4 i ;.i ivI.XM'. a paHxengtT. our roo civilization. The ishing Street Mashers. "All n Ity a "preponderance of the evidence" is emphatically an age do not look a..HP ,v " I of cities Thorp tel nieant HUt ti evidence ns will reasonably The growth of American cities in the last are twenty-al- n Hiitisly you of the of allega-t- The Reverend William t years nas e nrjcrwa in Ho- truth the l k'i.nnu nu.iuieu heen minuihu. ,: : ; ( tll.-- rid rot In complaint NKW May 1. j ril. re. nolulu t llfeW.-m- s the and the compliance YORK. While Washing- . whom with delivered a most interesting Vamifilr i.. nil AUk. Stx. a prpnal the condition aet forth in this in- address at Wesa states are wUh the fact ton is already radiant In its vernal beau- , ,,r. I i '.''. .' t 4 ttlhl 7 to 8. Hum. They ar thw struction. the Young Men's ' !,rariWlTr'V terdav was mmbpn of the I Christian Association yef there oniv a ty, spring seems to have halted hesitat- Min-Ur- ttiaiKe and Instruct you you are .,--- - there Is a metropolis. llofcan rl that Nor Company. the exclusive Judges of the facts In ingly on the hither side of this island, -- case; this , ii". iu vs. nrtii' n,j Lust nlnht a Jury In the character, quality, strength, and he leafage in the parks is still , r t- - JikIro Davis' but . r I'.. "" tii r.r weakness and credibility of the evidence a timorous, . 0 uncertain promise. I t' 11. t.) 4. 7 ourt rendered a I2.2.-.- a. are matters exclusively The i.iih i to venlict for d.im-- for you. weather In favor of The character, attitude, motive and re- remains unmellow and raw. It Krnfst HoKan. th liability of the witnesses who have Riven therefore appears probable we x f.: that shall i: 'ftli . Nuimnu of th company, Canadia- testimony in this case are M'T.r h'al airalnst the matters for ( have the automobile coat that feminine i r in'X jxur consideration and exclusively rriti'cric n-Australian Royal you for variant of the gunny on ., i s' '''" ln"iri i to l) a. Mall Steam- to determine, and are made ho by sack universal H i j ii I t" p m. ship Company. Kislatlve enactment. view until summer drives it to cam- Ho,anrf rap was a The fact the that defendant Is a corpora- phor chest or the rag bag, for the liat ,. V . tion should not you arriv-l"- K Hi'i rl.l!lf.t f'r Kv, influence In been issued ,, i lnH. at a conclusion in has from Paris that next rti' nnt t this case favorable i; ,4 .i i.' T. t';.U-- hour to 12 i the plaintiff. That Is to say, a corpor- Season the automobile coat will be as t P. m. ation has the same rights and gone till to is subject dead and as the bustle. the same liabilities as an individual, The one excuse m:I "t.Tiimry S'iron and should be so treated by you In the. that can be here pre- nil' - StKl'W'n; eotislderation and determination of sented for infringement on fashion col- ".i Kii St. this umns is ,i, i v .r use. that the automobile coat frenzy, tmf'it prumptly I . he burden which has consumed women .; .li'n . ilnt'trii'K miU of proof Is on the plaintiff the of this to sustain the allegations set out in the town since the beginning of the cold on plaint, and he must sustain his whole weather, is sufficiently extraordinary' to cn.e and prove all he is be enlarged upon, even out of its proper r ::n ri.-vr.- that bound to place. prove by such preponderance of the evi- They all wear 'em. The Jady who emerges ed : V. I ' I S -- .Vl U. dence as will reasonably Batisfy you from Rector's in ah u St.. of automobile a ,i M i" 'ii T' rtii'ln, llo--' the truth of the allegations in the com- coat that cost some- ' body $300 steps ',r .1 ,i. n. to t p. PI. plaint and material to the Issue which into her electric vehicle, you are to determine by your verdict. and in the next block she sees a young ' woman returning i" :n I I. i l.'lihl. If you tome to the conclusion the from her labors in a Inta Im that sweat shop M ! plaintift or in a downtown . npl. T'l. Ar.. entitled to recover In this case hashery you will then hae to consider tlie ques- for men stepping out splendiferously in ' a ta.tts $300 M. .' ' n I I 13 tion of damage. The damages imitation of the wrap. The of. MTliT IIO-- recover- bag wrap is as ' ' nnd i to i. able in this action are the expenses actu- ubiquitous as the news- mi ally incurred by the delay by boy. If you stand in Madison Square caused the Park just 8 ' A before o'clock I K. o. K. L- wrer.gful act of the defendant corpora- in the morn- WAI.- tion, such as lodging ing you'll observe that the very cash fi. t.. j.. m. ; Love and convenience, girls bound for department : i. but Kot particular consequential loss the stores are T' which may wearing grisly, flapping counterfeits have been occasioned by the autocrats.' of j:i:n plaintiff not reaching the place whither icummiku.". he was bound at the time contemplated, All Dress ! V f.l.It.-S'.nnH- ripl ' such as loss Alike. Mi: : . VV-- of business by not keeping i'r , i . t . "X . '. K." in J. j J'j.M r.Urf. anointments. Women in New York take up some If nine of you agree you inav return n fads of dress that are calculated to show verdict under the statute law row thein off to the best advantage, the in i 1 bt force tte Islands. woman who can look hcndsome or pret-ty-,- or M vi .,!iMor..- -f ,. i:: ik . I chnrge and it.xtruct you that the graceful or in any wise attractive V . irm Ji,;tnr ntfln .v. i.;;-;-.- " corporation as" common carriers, in an automobile coat has got to b & f'--- . 'i & i '. ,n H'tntiV.. t'ai'i X had no right to refuse to accept and re-tei- very magnificent creature, indeed. The. ' J t nfitrol and miKiril an intended passenger on board auto-co- at frenzy is of a sort with other "r their steamship on account of race or REV. W. M. KINCAID. : deliriums that seize this population. All color, plaintiff was enticed to the same of the men in New York who can afford consideration by the defendant corpora- to buy good clothes dress precisely alike tion as any white man who might apply So do the women. There are few Amer- 7 : passage on ican 'ori! nr.'l V ... for a the steamer, and if you Hall last evening auspices only cities where there is less individu- " I I'l- - under the is it in the West that rminlrlnal ality in ' ntt.nin; xlcip s should come to the conclusion that plain- growth the dress of both men and wom- Ii. II tiff complied with all reasonable regula- of the Triangle Club, on "Corruption has been so rapid. In New en. For all of this, the New Towr l.l.t., MINSTHKl. MOO AN, in Vcrk City proper 50,000 York man -- tions, and did what he was bound to do, people are added smiles complaisantly when he returns TIIK ItAUTIMK" AUTIST. Municipalities." A large and attentive annually to its population. Only a hun- from a and that defendant corporation had the dred years ago bit of a trip away from this town, 'XlvN i cii. 1'ontrnrtorn convenience and accommodation for him, audience greeted the speaker of the Brooklyn, now a part of and is highly pleased to dwell upon the Bamplo twenty-eltfh- t and that the true reason for the Greater New York, was a little village of fact that everybody he met in prov- I'l.nl'r. VrTnttrT of others which refusal evening. only l.rniu inhabitants; today it close the n.i n'iitly of the defendant to accept plaintiff as a Mr. Kincaid spoke as follows: upon has inces knew he was a "Noo Yawker" be- ' iont; were brought some wneka ago against a million. And then consider fore he " f k i..f I Hi Hoot, passenger was on account of his race or the told him so. One of them was Into color, such refusal Is not justitied by ami Gentlemen: The old prov- marvellous growth of such cities as Chi- telling a. visiting provincial the steamship company for Its refusal cago. St. Louis, San Francisco, Minne- day. that the law erb says, "Knowledge is power;" better apolis many other i power,-- anil others that might be "No doubt," provincial !'"V .,,...,,lP n, umi-l.T- . to transport the minstrels to Vancouver If the defendant complied with the still "Wisdom la for wisdom is the replied. "It ' regulations knowing how use mentioned. Nor is this enormous increase was probably because you ' t rl. It. wimmI or on of the Hoard of Health at to knowledge. When in city population never thought the Miowera. this tort the fact that the steamship I :c ul ion, the great Kngltsh engineer, confined to our own of giving up your seat in street cars to presence land. It is said that every night 350 women, because you dug your in- The case la familiar to Honolulans. would be quarantined at Victoria or went into the of George 111. to rr go elbows Vancouver, It. C, would not relieve the explain to him some machinery he had ore people to bed in London than to everybody who obstructed your path The mln.trels went from Vancouver to defendant as Common to accept Invented, the King asked him contemptu- got up there in the morning. And the on the public thoroughfares, because you carriers growth of Glasgow is even more rapid siammed on vca3el of Canadian-Australia- n and receive the plaintiff as a passenger, ously what he had to sell. Iloulton an- storm doors in the faces of 11 Australia a the than that of Chicago. I have not the folks behinrl a rwl V.Ar...nA ,N .. I.TH.-KnK- ln- if they had accommodation and conveni- swered him, "Sire, what kings are all ' time to enter into ger I way to fond of power." the consideration of like a royal l'..i.. t I fo-- line. On their back ence, and the plaintiff presented himself The intellect of that marine with a two days' rnnkrx, in a tit and proper state to be received one engineer made him the true sover- the forces which have tended to produce liberty and four shillings' drunk money Vancouver they stopped off here, in- was willing pay eign, and gave Kngland more power this rapid growth. I simply say that on his person." and to his passage than tlitse same forces are work today, r. reaum Journey In a money. all the Georges put together had. When at Oddly enough, the New York chap ap- l"K r - Surveyor and tending to their and will continue to give an ever in- peared to be quite U Martin Luther gave the Bible to the peo- miffed over this wav ", '.nu.l'-- I.I.M . creasing impetus to municipal cen- l k. few week-- ino Intervened, and minute. to 5 o'clock jury ple, our of putting it. " ' At tuarant At ten the schools sprang up all over Germany. t i.if.n To. Ii.ink); Men caught right "of judg- ters of population. The cities that hold ti. m t k . t f.,r tip.- - when they fininy cppliel for pasngo retired, and the spectators composed at the private gnat populations today are destined to Marriage Death.. long ment, and it has been blazing through cr they were denied. themselves for a wait. The wait world ever Stu- held greater populations tomorrow, on the Miowera wag a long one, dragged the since. One of the uhile hundreds of other cities yet unborn It will soon be necessary for young ' M and the time arts said, "This truth shall not cross women in this town , Am. Mo.'. i:. Tie Minstrels, by tiielr attorneya, 6 Judge Kr.gland's cross- will have place and power under our flag. who perceive the ., " ' .n on until after o'clock, when four seas." It not only Nor is difficult to of declining the offers " '" r.nu'nerr; & once ed Kngland's seas, neck of it understand the of i. "' I. Kinney, Itallou McClanahan. at Davis began to Khow signs of uneasi- four but the causes that make our American cities marriage of their suitors to wear Buits :i:. the Stuart that said it. A defiant oligar- of armor chain and face protectors Instituted a suit. They alleged they had ness. The spectators, attorneys and the chy once in country, such prolific fields of crime and corrup- when said this "This truth one-ha- lf the hour pronounce ARCHITECTS. said of troupe took not tion. Take the fact that more than arrives for them to been dlscrlmlnatrjl against, iney members the minstrel shall have application to American forei- the final "No." The custom is slavery." But the lives, and slav- of their population is either rapidly that the Miowera captain and purser, the same uneasy view of the situation. truth gn-born or the children of foreign-bor- n growing among the suitors over here of ery Is forever dead on American soil. puncturing the young women de- l, Arlington though refusing them, had taken eight Finally the Judge gave vent to his ar- parents. They have not had that train- who ' I nk.-t-h- . Moral ideas are mightier than all the '.' . ing in the school of liberty which we rn cline their hands and hearts with large ' r ,r and passengers on th trip. They thoughts: mies and weapons of warfare the , L.t,,,. i Hl white that Americans have enjoyed. They leaden pellets out of heavy bulldog guns - I .. B,rt n. lUO.OOu tyrants of world can Where I., t ? t. ake' for damages In the mim of 'Gentlemen, I'm hungry" and intend the muster. do not know what liberty means. They until the girls resemble unanimated each, or an aggregate of 1586,000. to go home for supper. I've put In a they have place and power the stability have come with that natural reaction sieves, or of hurling a quart or ao of of Is assured. In Ameri- against law which inevitably leads to vitriol into their countenances. There l I'1 I'N' Ar' hearing of case was deferred long day's work. If Jury does not Suit The the the can communities, where is sovereignty lawlessness. But more than that, the have been at least half a dozen cases of until last Saturday, when the Miowera put In an appearance within five min- lodged? Theoretically, at least, in the peo- pcor flock to the great cities under the this sort in New York during the past w:m ngiin In port. Then the captain utes I will instruct the bailiff to Inform ple Theoretically, the people are king. mistaken impression that they have only two weeks. Three of the gentlemen Whether for weal or woe, the American to come burned their idols' heads off right down and the purser of tho vessel testified. the Jury that I will be back again at Government is a Government "of the in order to find employment. to ;'; u The incompetent come to find somebody the neck with vitriol when they got raiM of The evidence seemed to luow that the 7:30, and have them locked In the jury people, by the people, for the people." who will give them something to do. And the sack, and the remainder of them ex- per- ed being nerroea had been the room until that time." Therefore, If we would not have it along with the poor and the incompetent ecuted fatal one-sid- gun or knife plays , '' i. r nr.,.n at- - mintre!a ish from the face of the earth, wisdom upon the objects of I cnu.w of their not being given accom- "Well, Judge," said one of the attor- have come the criminals, the men who their adoration when . ;' and truth must be kept In the possession wish to prey upon society. They come to they were finally informed that they nttl modations. Arguments on both shies neys, "how about supper for the Jury?" of the governing iower. In America the wouldn't do as as, power the city because there is the greatest op- husbands. There should l,t,.Ull( li(,v were, lengthy and vigorous. "No, I don't believe they should be governing Is lodged with the portunity to prey, because there is the be an agitation here to the end that all .Indue Davis was occupied All of yes supplied with supper. No, let them stay masses. They cast the ballots, and rule greatest wealth, and because, strange as "steadies" be searched for Implements of by majorities. Hence ballots, in times of hiding-plat- e. death or disfigurement hearing case. During the they arrive a verdict, an 1 it may appear, there is the safest before they step terday In the there until at peace, like bullets in times of war, tell. It is a great deal safer for a under the lintels of the doors behind forenoon Ilogan, Dante, ana oiners oi keep them locked up." And, hence, citizens trained in ideas of criminal to hi''e in a city than in a which their young women friends sit the troupe wer placed on the stand. It was pointed out to the Judge that Morality and truth, are as needful to rural district. Then in the city are the waiting. popular sovereignty as trained soldiers low liquor sa- A Brooklyn young woman escaped The attorneya for tho plaintiffs an the Jury would probably get hungry, are for victory. Not to know how to theaters, the shops, the death day they were custom send loons, the gambling hides, and worst the other by a praiseworthy :.r r,; ''""I Itn.kr. nounced before noon that and It was the usual to wing a ballot and make it tell, is more places. The men who live by tempting exhibition of foresight. When a young ' ,' lut to how to Hy bul- man "'" any n- - case meals, which Judge fatal than not know a reiiow-me- n that she .. .. lo I. throunh with their side of the them their to the you their into vice, who appeal "couldn't see" in the light ' I'litnit; Mr. Robertson, one of the coun&el for finally acquiesced. let on the tield of battle when are to their appetities, their lusts, to the of a husband called upon her, her femi- ' l ; . facing the foe. Ignorance or corruption nine intuition '. I , ,7" animal is in them, gather in deducted from his agitat- argu- o'clock exactly jury was ballot-bo- x, that the . l. the defendant eompany.began his At nine the at the or both combined, sap city because the temptible gather there ed, uncanny manner that he carried ment, continuing until about 2 o'clock, announced rea-- y to render its verdict. the very foundation of free government. also. The tempter and the temptible both some kind of an instrument upon his - people person d followed by Mr. McClanahan who fln- The Jurors were brought In by the bail- Popular sovereignty makes the gather in the great city. that wasn't going to do her any-goo- be-f- or king, If people untit to be in case ' case Iloganites snon-l- v iff ranged themselves In a row but the ire And, then, add to these considerations she wasn't agreeable to his ' ' knowl.la;. lithed his for the and king, we have the tyranny of a mob. living age ,m.L'loraMons- - Sne had him some ''''"! " : -- another: We are in an of refused t 'a ',. ".' r1. t f 3 o'clock. Judge Davis then Judge Davis In the Supreme Court Where the people rule, the people need 2,mjo times, ' K. .n.. after thrift, in an age not only of great in- but she didn't refuse this ..ill. , Kuuc St., allowed a rrcess to be taken until 4:30 room. I C. Abies, foreman, handed to be enlightened. In these Islands the crease of wealth, but of great increase time. She said "yes" right away, and give everybody an oppor which suffrage is to be extended to the masses; in the division of wealth. Not only are the young man was so enthused and car- In order to the Judre the written verdict, is it not of vital importance, then, that ried aloft over off. The as follows: there a few men who have become mi- her reconsideration that 1 tunlty tf see the Australia was intelligence and virtue and truth should llionairesthat is a fact with which we he pulled a large 4, sixshooter from n.s "HTUnu PARTY. Jurymen were carefully Instructed as "We, the Jury in the above entitled be extended also? Now, the subject to are all familiar but also there Is a great rear pocket, remarking at the s..v to the manner of spending their recess cause (Hogan vs. Canadian-Australia- n which I desire to call your attention this strata of society that has begun to have time, "Tsay, Mag, youse 'ud ha' got warnings not plaintiff In the vening is crime and corruption in Amer- the appetite for wealth. They want bet- some o these pills if youse hadn i ha' bin 'P'"hJ Say, and were given explicit Company), find for the ican city life. 1 think every intelligent houses, good. Mae took Maui Natives among . ter better furniture, better food, it to converse with any one, or sum of $2,230. Three dissenting. L. C. and thoughtful student of hum:-..- history better clothes. Is not that right? Yes; but when the young: man departed he u" Alocf. regard to tne eae in Foreman." and of the principles of human govern- In all our American cities hadn't proceeded two blocks before themselves In Abies. will ver success but Honolulu ponderous cop a ' A spread from was explained jury was ment admit that what Included you will find men thrifty be- wrapped his arms around " I." ',' "f ':,'t"ii'll'-H- nnottinn. clad smile It that the our representative government may have him from weary ones In the a In fa- yond the point of virtue, and to tl.e point behind, and now the youth is face to fare of the unanimous in rendering verdict met with In other departments of its of greed, and they are divided on two doing a little ix months' retreat over Jury box and they were soon speeding vor of Ernect Hogan, but were at vari- life, it is more or less a failure in our sides of the line. On one side re :aen or. Blackwell's Island. Before he is upon titles. It has been said hy an eminent again turned loose apple , n I ance in rendering their verdict the so absorbed in business that they .vould the of his eye nn n. t- - for tho Australia wnari. authority no on who dodged tk specified, the sum be p.llowed him. that there are cities the rather attend to that than to p'd.l'e af- death at his hands because At tho end of the tlnu to earth outside of Turkey and China that - d she was a quick ii fairs: they would rather mak.- money-ari- thinker will probably 'i f Court session wa resumed, and Judge Mr. Robertson, counsel for the de- are so poorly governed as our great pay a bigger tax than have decided that the salt over ;.. ttke the is too on air here i DavU read his charge to the Jury, and fendant company, at once entered an American cities. Ignorance, partisanship, trouble the reduce the taxes. The desire trying the complexion and re- "nut two Instructions re- exception ocalnst the verdict on statu- venality, corruption of every kind exist to make money makes them politically move farther inland. f r ti,H p.il.Jl- - alo gave them the as they do not exist in a single city of On It. by nouncel for both tory grounds. Kngland. or, indifferent. the other side are men Gallery Gods " ' .vm queued of him France or Germany, indeed, who want an opportunity to make money Going. n,, . mill nrrnnir- - read the charge In Mr. Lyman, one of the jurors, desir- of any part of Kurope claims to be ' w' sides. Judge Davis that out of the Government. As soon as w'e The gallery god will soon ' ' J " nllnn. .!. nhowlng to a question of Judge before civilized. It is generally admitted that a municipal government In Hono- be as extinct ' ' K' a forcible manner, a desire ed to ask the have over here as the dodo and the icthyosau-ru- s .f.. r l"'iki niHir. Import- discharged, counsel In our great American cities the rights lulu some hundreds of thousands of dol- M' l.'V. t f upon his hearers th tho Jury wa but are everywhere. Most of the stand- 'l I Impress and the welfare of the whole people are will be expended annually by II. he consigned plainUft interposed and the mat- never is lars the ard price New Y'ork theaters charge a , "" t ance of the matter which for the almost considered. It generally city authorities, and there are a great half for 'v. i was ns Jurors, when dis- conceded any great measun is dollar a seat In the gallery, and ' Itlwr The charge ter was dropped. The that that many men in Honolulu who would like a as many ' - to their keeping. women as men 'i ,. '., " " miii rittl.- building, they hrorght up for consideration is rarely in expenditure of hun- purchase seats ' ' v charged, quickly left the share the those in the sky parlors. , follows: on is con- Most of these galler- . B'lllllf to a lit- tested its merits. It generally dreds of thousands, partly desiring to ies are so in In Jury room for g sheer perpendicular- '' "'Mo r-- " havinsr been the ceded if a man political partly-desirin- their r Arm Tl-- In nr on ens.' brought that, has a give honest service therefor and ity p nii lion the that if they were itist one degree ' .. , t tle over four hours. "pull." if he belongs to some wealthy and an illegitimate and ' ' .v r.l:ilntllT mralnrt tho Or-phen- dishonest more so It would seem r , i' i'l , tf.f powerful corporation, he is likely get that the folks in riir i.,,' u common carrier for n Mr. Itallou drove prt hnste to the to share in what they term pifblie plunder. the galleries would . '' " f I'.- - ri rporntlon n.l-n- nt h may fall forward on their , ' pr'- - tho perfr,rTT1Pr what wards, whatever become of Ard so this greed, this fever for larger all-r- ed wrongful refuxnl of fnd seeking the star people iarge. faces Into the orchestra or onto the the of old-tim- carry tho I'lijlnmr ns rirrts the at It is wealth and greater prosperity, produces stage. The e to flrrept nnd of th Minstrels on the stne. told nim generally conceded thqt business princi- two classes in stamping and whist- ii passenger 'or Mre on the these the community. In ling and other manifestation of ap- glad news. Hogan smiled a3 he ples, that economy and justice, are every best citizens produces political in- - Jov ' Mit.wera from lronolulu to Motoria, tho dr.y the it proval or impatience on the part of i v"rMl to any and other trampled down, in the interests of the r.r'tlnh ffilnmi.la. ron; th- - (Continued on Tage 3.) ptisons, in the Interests of parties, in the (.Coniinucd a.) l" r month. The pbilntlff hint rftnblished on I'lru (Continued on Page 10.) THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLULU, MAY 16, 1900. against drunkenness, law against law-- ' MUNICIPAL CORRUPTION And then much may be done by a J&IocleX faithful and honest public press. In the SO DEMOCRATS history of moral reform in our country we have had splendid proofs of what cour- age, boldness and unpurchasable deter- HAIR mination on the part of the press can do dressing' (Continued from Page 1) against entrenched Iniquities. With all its shortcomings, the press has brought difference, and in others political greed. to light a thousand machinations which Chainless They are men who go into public life otherwise would have spread like a HOTEL STnr Columbia . WILUIET without the slightest conscience in this hidden cancer In the body politic. rtgard. They do not pretend to have any The one duty of every citizen is so to other motive than that of making money. Inform himself about the conditions of They have not shame even tof veil it. his own city, and to exert his influence, BICYCLES What do you suppose I am here for?" and so put forth his activity, that what Braves they say. As to the idea of virtue in pub- he does and what he says shall lead on OUR to Gather in lic service, it would require a surgical toward purity and truth and righteous- 8PECUlll operation to get it into the heads of many ness, toward the choice of men of bus- of them. Largely our public men have iness ability and unimpeachable integ- Hairdkessisg Progress Hall. adopted two codes of morals one by rity for positions of trust men that fear which they regulate their dealings be- -t God and iniquity. pen man and man at home, and one by Shampooing, which they regulate their dealings be- CASH SHEliVMUBLE tween man and man abroad. There are DRILL many men whose word in political life WATCHES -:- - CLEANi 65 I would not take for a moment, but whose Face $65 word in private life I would not for a mo- M... ment doubt. They hold that anything AM) FITrtD WITH ANY SDDLE OR GEAR is right in politics. That is the reason so many public men are New Party to be Formed Half-pa- st why of our at like the old manna that fell in the wil- derness and that would not keep two Seven O'Clock This davs if It was exposed. 1 do not deny coo ORDERS Goodrich, Dunlop, Mor- that there is a bright side to our mod- TAKEN FOR Hartford, Palmer, Eve nmg. ern city life. While it stands for all Jeweler Made to Order on Short Rotlct that rrrVitnt anH ovif it ntanrla atao for all that is noble and good. Where Switches, & .. : .1 .. : gan Wright, Cactus or Road Tires. willill u u jiiiu lilt; &u lairiu, bit l1.flllnnui miauv, AT Democrats will organize tonight. The so full of inspiration and of vigor, as in Greeley rumpaaour men to whom the name the great city. What Horace - of Thomas once said of New York is true of every V '4 t MJii- h Jefferson is a 6logan, will meet and great city, "Any man who wants to suc- I ceed must be willing to do two days' B ART'S resolve at 7:30 sharp. But those who work in control the TELEPHONE one." The cities 8fi

() Hawaiian Soda Works WING WO CHASs E. 0 Half & Son, Ltd EMMA STREET near Vineyard. . - "i s Ebony ) Furniture, Manufacturer of PRIZE Cigars and Toha o Chinese and Jacan'w, Ale, Lemonade, SarsaparlDe Crockery, MaT () GlDpr vases. Campho o Ratan s. St () SODA in Siphons, and Other Aeraieo CiaL-- Parlor Furniture () Waters. Silks arrj Sat ins "A rv. () TELEPHONE 505. HILLS BROS., Manufacturers. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT PER S. N. CASTLE () o

) o Vr'i. f--f VIE. HI Telephone1) v o LEY'S ( In 5 Golden Oak - ft cw IKE O. and Solid Mahogany () P. Rmi & ITS WE WILL HAVE IT 4 O o w On Exhibition on Saturday, May I2tli. 3 A ;. IF YOU WANT to see the very r Name i ; ') Latest Designs ') To In PARLOR FURNITURE, don't fail to see THIS display. WE INVITE INSPECTION whether you wish to purchase or not. o Conjure (e) im) DR. J.'S. McGREW. With.... BIGOT CQYBE-MEHRT- esse:.-- EH fdrkiture eie i For excellence of n:anufacture, mm ' country dis- - intend to take part in the birth of the today. They are the great Exquisite Finish and Easy Piunning( triDutors or tnougnt. uney wieia a xro-- Island party must not go to the drill diglous influence. The best public schools no Bicycles TELEPHONE 928. shed. For several days it has been are there. The great universities and col- There are better than leges are coming to be located in the advertised that the Democrats would city. The press also finds its largest life do their talking In and best support in. the great city. There Progress Block, Fort Street. the National Guard also are the chief centers of moral force STEHRNS. headquarters, and eo indeed, the Demo- and activity. The great churches, too, Good Only on G. & are there, and the great charities and Tires a Stearns J., M.t' crats expected. philanthropies. The American city! It PunctureProof Only yesterday at a late hour Dr. is the best and it is the worst; it is the shame and it is the glory of our modern John McGrew who is to be the father civilization. In it the crucial battle is oo of Democracy as well as t be fought. It is a glorious thing to Orpheum annexatlQirJIrf lA'e in the city, if you recognize the Milwaukee Puncture Proof Tires g The Hawaii, discovered 'shed that the drill fact that the city is a Waterloo, and as 53? was not the victory goes on this lield, so goes available. The famous build- the destiny of the nation and the world. CYCLE! ing is filled with relics of royalty-furnitu- re The Kingdom of Babylon could not sur- BAILEY HONOLULU vive the downfall of ISabylon; the King- that once beautified the house- - dom of Phoenicia could not survive the 228 AJSD 231 KLNCi STREET, GRAND ATRACTTION noia or a king or queen, corruption of Tyre and Sidon; the Ro- ornaments man Kmpire could not survive the decay Initial performance of ! that graced the walls of a princely of the imperial city of Rome. The United ",wd ' A i. A Ii. . ruler's executive States of America will not survive Its chambers, and other cities. In its cities the battle for jus- 55 trifles. Besides there is in the shed tice, for purity, for the Kingdom of God, Sewing is to be fought. Do you ask what is some three thousand dollars worth of needed to be done in the present crisis? plate. I answer: First, we need to awaken our- "Domestic silver All the furniture and the selves to a realization of the exigencies other odds and ends are to .go under of the hour. Public opinion is the - Maci on by fier of the social and political atmo- the hammer Thursday order of sphere. Ill a democratic government it the Cabinet. If the Democrats had i.i the court of the last resort; but in our day public opinion must be whipped Celebrated fc: waited until Saturday night they could and goaded into action. It is divided be- I have had the shed without trouble. tween spasms of virtue and periods of oon dull inaction. It does not. bestir itself of rnniiiK But it was out of question to allow until abuse becomes intolerable; and the Written especially the braves, perhaps squaws people find themselves in danger of be- for ERNEST HOGAN by ALLAN DUNN. and their ing bound hand and foot by the worst durability pappooses and to make themselves at and lowest elements that center in the &4&m-&- t dim ooo boodling politicians of a thoroughly cor- machines i home on the chairs, couches, beds and rupt municipal government. The people - A Musical Farce Comedy In knick-knac- ks of a royal line, and the hear the cry- of woe, woe, in their ears, but they are sleepy. They yawn and market: k Government did. not think it safe to take a nap: and then they turn over and THREE ACTS. open take another nap, and awake only in throw the doors to possibilities of to find they easv terii FULL OF NEW SONGS DRAMATIC SITUATIONS-MIRTHF- time that have been robbed, UL losing the few thousands in silver. The and with the vile stench of 'political cor- DIALOGUE. ruption in their nostrils. Then under the Government needs the proceeds of the call of some Parkhurst they arouse auction and while there was no thought themselves then to lay tardy blows on the backs of otticial rogues and thieves and oooooooooo oooooooooo of reflecting on the integrity of the men evil-door- s. The spasm of virtue Is verv 0 BEST ROOFING IN who will make up the party tonight, acute for a time, but it soon wears itself NOVtj THE WORLD. out. It is a iire of straw. Our modern A discretion urged that no chance be af- city ringsters are far more baleful than forded fellows like Kaluna or "Bare- the robber barons of the middle ages. In 0 foot" Bill to sneak in and carry away principle they are the same. Their meth- the swag. ods may differ, but the amount of plun- a -ii in ii . der is greatly in favor of ni a "T.- i 0 With the modern Dr. McGrew Is associated in spoilsman. The decent populace is a ISalby Carriages preparing the preliminaries of the huge, inert Gulliver, bound by the chains WITH RUBBER TIKfcJ meeting, C. J. McCarthy. They of boodling pigmies. Occasionally he antici- shakes pate a big crowd and through the cour- himself and the pigmies come to A fine just arrived; 2 tesy grief; but again he lies down and snores assortment of these have cf C. S. Desky have had Progress loudly, poor, stupid creature! And his the public mssmi Hall put at their disposal free of clever, active enemies have tied him at Wholesale Prices. 0 charge. mere closely than before, while they pro- So ceed to pare his nails and riiie his pock- the Democrats will meet in that ets. We need to be aroused to steady, TTTT w . ifrmrttri r J sit-ten- vrw ilj hall tonight. E. P. McClanahan is ex- yei t effort. What can we do? me VUH HAMin-YUun- LU. LID. pected to take a prominent part. Wil- We can give our sympathy and 'mir liam II. Marshall, who once controlled to those who demand the enact- the ment and execution of just and righteous active "Volcano" now extinct laws. Is it true that magistrates in our announces that he has gotten ready and American cities wink at criminals? Is it will have in his back pocket true that laws which are for the preser a platform, vation ! New ft 0 and plan of organization which he will and reformation of morals in our New Goods offer at the meeting city cannot be executed? Is it true that if things go right. city officials refuse to investigate abuses - PER S. 5. DORIC. "If there is a proper spirit shown," and exclaim in derision "What are you says Mr. Marshall, "I will going to do about it?" Where is the pub- read my lic sentiment of Prices. paper but if the meeting seems to de- the community? Sails New Lowest Builders' Specialties, Cement, Lime, Fire Proof part are of no use upon a ship if they hang Styles. Doors, Etc., from the straight path of true without a wind; and laws are of no use Etc. Jeffersonianism, I will reserve my plat- in a community if they do not We have an elegant assortment of wind of public haie the Standard Biscuits, Highland form and plan for an independent par- sentiment to press them - aud Pet Creams ty forward to execution. ou may depend n AAV ATT A 1ST SHKXIC FAS- Iorcehte, Iran.el, Tail Oils, which I will help to form." upon it that whenever magistrates U, Petals, Etc., 1, Dr. McGrew said yesterday at the violation wink in tbeE" 0 - 0 that thev of law the fault is not Buy one and send it to your". friend ::- wanted only Democrats to take part to- so much in them as in the community night that puts them in office lieeps o in the matters to be canvassed. there. They and them HAWAIIAN TRADING COMPANY, They would divide Oahu would not dare to do it Ltd, into districts alone; they represent too well the aver- LOVE A and make vigorous efforts to attract to age sentiment of the community 0 BUILDING, FORT S7 RfcET. party they are. We do where Isosliifl their people of all race3 and possibilities not realize the great K. A colors. that there are in combina-- 1 0i6i60t0t0,O,0,0t0)(0tt0,0ltt6tA ?rV.for, B00:1- - Combinations "There is no slate to be run through " mighty in politics, in finance, in trust" said Doctor McGrew. "We will give among the money kings, among the rap! R1NC STRfc.' every one tains of Industry. These people a fair show and hope that the under- BETH' GREAT the best men will be stand secret of organization. The 3S2st ABOVE REDUCTION SALE at the lead of moral element in the community must affairs." learn how to organize. It studv (After stock taking.) the methods of the enemy, lull a cit we are badly governed in the that On our Japanese Y. M. C. A. h,newrTfUA We have nly ourselves to entire stock of are men good and com- A very enjoyable petent to direct our public social was held by highest end. whom affairs to thedr the Japanese Young our own have we to bi k. Men's Christian indifferent, party-boun- d selves Association last evening 11 Put hem In office? When American andJapaneseGoods in the Japan- Ztan0tmunicipal affairs t, ese a right to L church, corner of Nuuanu Ku-k- ul vote for the Tr.Vi ".a Prices to euit the purchaser. and or for the party? party. streets. About fifty members of Democratic or for any the duty resting i We Issue coupons with every EOc. purchase. The person holding from association were present and got him Is this: to ne to Ixth highest numbers will he acquainted with each Speeches " CoflgS, the rewarded prizes. other. or ; " vute Ior anythintr else Wlraoplag Group. Cartj: were made, refreshments served and to work for anything else or to nut Aste, a beneficial and pleasant forth his influence for anything else time passed W ho cares whether we CrOSOlono when vaporized in i!ics,u rocm " s' e3.ijj' generally. This Is the first social sewerage, i t.me p:t since strecTefnl-o- r I's curative powers are wonderful, a: iLe 4 the organization of the Populist sidewalks? a - Co. institution What we want H of contagious iuseascs by acting as i pcweru A5ADA& roundest child. Sold bv drugKvs. , Valuable b'- -' New attractions at the Orpheum to-- . f. Hotel Street. -- WhblOICK UXWh WW., r. - -- ...... if.ii Jtf ..A.. tiM TIIE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISES: HONOLULU, MAY J 6, 1900. sunbeam," were .irwn t' guests at the man Ito of tha Japanese nTJu ttneS MONEY FOR g WON a reception which 'BELS wan about th- - lrl I)?lnt ?f numbers and nrtl.'h the,h8t . (iermanhfeFrchan.i irnl awnv with v uiitrs car- - (Continued from Page 1.) HAS TO GOi h v ,1 memories of the never smLled before, and those within fame abroad. '""M""'MM earshot of the two sped away to the dressing rooms to carry the tidings, r rom the front the audience noticed at once an improvement general Building Will Be gayety in the of the performers, and the news 1 was not long in finding its way Urough c Razed. the theater. fBp"jj From livlncn tr tuupsi ituujt re- j putations, the membersri.iiii dur- - ny of the in th w xr v" pr?1 will probably agaLn resort to "T-- to '63. A "u Done and porterhouse short ilm.- v n&ij a ft. . steaks. When- - PLANNED u iir TCtnvn a STRUCTURE that 0,,ra. McCook. ofd .Tj i ulC'JZlVjrpneuni'Jl't.management!?" gen- - 'l- '??:. .. Vlile wT" Yount- - milalv -f i a. i .. - M il:: ucicimiutu m Keep mem us .9 to I expense ai Ihim the rest of hi. V.. . fornUi until their suit had been heard the nation I "s.a waro. or, Their arransrert-- f bishop Estate it i. ?r Yojr hort time and soon S,M! 7 F fT1 some weeks before. various after the were bt reeJ as to Certain of the house General McCooU ?r 'ul8 urrlelly made up, and since the United States. for then the minstrels have held a regular Improvements. Ther are furniture nn,i . .v 1art of the nightly performance. The MrOrew hV-iK- negroes confidently expected homestead which L a verdict almost prlrelew ..e "t..ha1 hope(1 for even a larger amount We in the r owners estl-- Still have now placed on sale one of largest i ,f matlon. There I ;,M" thev cAiiitrjatupirnriar.i inemseiveshw.,i as sat- - the "line or heavy isfleii , 1 , furniture nnl fh 01 ; . .driven in which "uuri uiriuufrs iue stocks of ' "' wa.oncKhe company are .rilT n no ess a t V already planning what ,4 iw;,.r, Mr. nmw ofxVII!.. who wa kS"fvJi"" th Uh the.r capiui.0 Iieing 1 nKf. many or them, they have J OLD NCISTHO WHERE MANY DliuiSHED SSrK iwnwn nnnnn mpdcuic nnpniTiimi m mun -- r....r Ml .?WlUllll m o I I uuuiuii until iWllflLMI In UAlb HA! AHt PAS ate ever imported in " V. -- 1 Honolulu, direct importations from '', .. . :7 . ' the mills. Our store is crowded in this department better values cannot be obtained anywhere. We are now showing an endless variety of all the Newest Wash M ifcerials at bad-roc- k prices, A choice selection of French Organdies at 25c yard. Special: 100 pieces Gmerham. suitable for j Ladies' and Children's dresses at 8 l-- 3c per yard. 5 cases of Colored Lawns, regular 10c value, on I sale at 5c per yard.

!"!,::' :'!"f,iL i' i p:v !in!'- i- i.m1.

' f :V: PHesFie impri 6 -

-- ..imMM 9 e99'CC'---.0 I'-- 00.0'0.0'0' i ' 'o iy tti if In bf 111 to 1S2I. The symbol of the crown not yet amassed a fortune, and $2,250 - yrv,!-- ' t!i'T- wre 1.11.7 nTf was formerly upon the furniture, and looks . like a Klondike. m I f : .msf'-r- i ! by tli I'l'yli- - Just before Dr. McGrew purchased it After the show last night most of the the suite was repaired and the crown places of u M Tixlll f. t In xt'iit. hospitality in Honolulu were WE was scratched off. Curios, mostly from filial with minstrels and their admlrera have just unpacked a large invoice of the ntr t I. to ! sixty the Orient, adorn the house and are they developed a very large following a w', with ton-fo- ot flilf greatly admired. Henceforth Dr. Mc- - immediately became (Jrew after the verdict r4?"t will roni Into Kinn will endeavor to limit hi practice known and merriment reigned su a ns mum as re- - prem .!.( Thi' Hotel ytrvt possitue, as he intends to tire. His property interests will occupy a s t r:n cx.li t.y parallel with him. i Judge Wilder Resigns. ; ': t, fi'it wll'in mat'rt-- ! An Old Story vr A!.ik',.t utrert. ThU The resignation of Gardner K. Wil- I f SPRING KNOX! ' Y i nic i Hiil. 't th utret't ROYAL RELICS der as Judge of the Third and Fourth 'a- - H, ,m t!i,it r t by Judicial Circuits, has been accepted by S i'.n'J th" WELL TOLD Jvrr TOHK. 'i!v t',i. f irtii'T liivlnic 4"S SOON FOR SALE President Dole. His successor has not yet been appointed se- I .,r.:.T 4M f.-- i f. but is already lected, it is understood. The circuits BEARS REPEATING 2 ''; ' ' i.f t!i- - nr' .v vacated by ' i..i the resignation of Judge Y )'ii,i iMr,.ifM only U.i'')' Wilder, embrace Boing Made Ready for Auction in the Island of Hawaii. n And that's why we keep repeat- - h. tvi" I'.ishop Judge Wilder is In poor health and J the Drill Shed Tomorrow for San ing over and over the Old Story t t.i.. pnt', t)M'oiKlif.ire sails Francisco from Hilo on aa II. the Roderick Dhu. of f" t, n,l l.'.tli p,irtiM have Horning. or "P-- f m I r Hats anil i the street Native Republicans. m;it:it, w::! tho nwer S Ittlii 'H of royalty are gathered together Natives are coming to as I M'-Ti- the front YOUR EYES ;t.;uiii It. coaret In thi drlllohrd awaiting their fate, Republicans of the second precinct of 9 These goods are of the LATEST STYLES direct from New York. v.Ty hum-n-- er :ri( rovrniTit " which Is to ti iWMcil beneath the the fifth district. The following full Come in and see our display whether you wish to buy or not. and orderly ity. on Thurndny morning. B Keeping everlastingly at it brings ' Th are list of officers shows the Interest taken '"f ... x.i-t!y ntld'AM valuables belnK appropriately the matter before you, reminding arruriKeil no that they can t raxlly got- hy tbwe Hawailans: : you your eyes '"'' ii.'nl A!.i;m xtrc'!-- . J that need help. ti ten at and conveniently viewed y pros- i iit'.-- i j',.m k Mr. Chairman, Geo. Weight; secretary which pective buyer- -. It. J. fJreen "I''M'4 -' has the and treasurer, W. A. Howell; enroll- f cif, t will undoiibt- . n-.- li i!..lr.uni. st nii'l I.irgfHt In inurement ' tn' I'art of the business ment committee, J. W. Keau, Kalakala, a You've known it a loner time. In hi whll Wlchman Is Copp, s.nu- - ld'H hand., Jeweler Chaa. Jr., W. K. Rathburn; but get JVL it,n,, In Judges, it's hard to over the old M.lii'urin !. tnolly riuKed ascertaining the value H. McCubbin, J. B. E. Killean, K.iltird wbtn it Miss of silverware, us It is likely I'oepoe. " superstition that it's better to 'M it (ovrr both th II')- -' it artlrbs 4 will an postpone the use of glasses as B nr.. J tint on til" M'W that each artlclo of value have B Sole Agent for the Hawaiian Islands 11 - H'.t-- . up!''t price set upon prior to the- com- long as possible. ;; I to Mm; Ktr-t- It & .r t in ,,.11,1 0f to.I mencement of tho auction. The Minis- CASTLE COOKE, Ltd. a '' of requested Mr. ARLINGTON BL"CK. i"t firii k a n t trr cotta ter Flnnnro Wlchman HONOLULU. HOTEL STREET " r, ,iri it,,, M.iint.m.t ilur t I'Mik after this Like the average owner of a l'"""'tit - monarchy 4 trip, .Ji- Younir will' ""uvenlrs of the are Commission n watch, repairing it only when It ex-biii- te Merchants. r ' ''! H;.e, Hi, :it,,iirt drawn for ein llste and laheleil and will l Oil- - exhibition refuses to go, so the average own- - 'f" " I n i i evenlnR. The it b m:ny m. I i,flf-s- u n.t r9 t r m ant Atliurx " er of a pair of m eye3 will repair ft rMii worn or r.i,ing timn possll ln purchasers. Furniture, sll-- sugah $ Great Variety of now tind ri the. vrwnre anl one) thins; and another once factors q them only when they refuse to D "'ui and t'i exciivnflon ,r,,P,,r,y of Hawaiian royalty will KiiV.ST- - work. r.l to Kt.: 'Ti-ii- ' ,Mf,,,., attra't a curious crowd the drillsheil at the sale tomorrow mornlmc. ;hc Bwa Plantation Co. 5 ),";ti. Ri, ,,f rJ(t i, presentatlves of I.lllunkalanl and the nlw jifrt Walilua Agrlcullura: .'.... is people we CI ) I,!! b ive In rnfempl;- - Kapiolunl Instate were at the drlllshed iu q It these appeal to yest-rilii- foe k-- '" i Lit; Sug&r Co. Stoves "" i!,, i to see no articles Ion Kohila '' nfty-fo.- .t that the kind. Delay is four front fnw , of tho afoove were foeiilff I r ' , ' ,.ithr he tt'aimea Sugar Mill Co ,,,,.( fr,,,.f aj n.,,. ready for sale. ! harmful, whether you think so or 1 " t!i.. he Koloa Agricultural Co. f f the Arlington Ine Fulton Iron Works. 8t H lot. We cannot too strongly urge I ' -' JV.V.'".r 'J " Viirated with- AT THE ORPHEUM. you to at least have your eyes ex- - ' a I ImjK.rtant im- - The Sundard Oil Co. amined. Your may mi tn proiKTty. for- -' troubles not AND yVI"' George 4 i tl l M The F. Blake Stesir ir.; i - be from your eyes, 13 Tiie ho- - A Country Coon" Continues to Cap- Wet Centrifugals. 0 in wblch case y ii ton's we a torn down, nnd tivate Audiences. New will cheerfully tell you so; $ t' r- - The England Mutuai ;h .rr.i n nn,. build- - Li if " J T, I I - . An unusually Tuesday night house fv. ranee Co. of Boston. ? but the trouble Is there, we can ' M'M'i pop. urn k1 - out laot night, attracted by the The Aetna Fire Insuriiics C v help you by fitting to your eyes a '.ii' '"'"I'IM in to turned a fl buibl a comedy, which Is already Koing Hartford, Conn. y I,, rnertlf King stre,.t ",v" i $ pair of glasses correcting the de-- : on Monday night. The Alliance Co. L with larito ston-- f " r" ,mw,h,Jr than Assurance of feet. on Ilfoeral In applause lor. r , - h" r.m Th" h,M was Its ' 'r- .inder of the ..,. z ...... n.i rn.l in thoroushlv Mntreclate the fit- - ',!,'- - of re do,n Special and difficult optical , ''f,'" fivvfriv through f,,v,'ra, ths f0!""1 In new Str Farmers' Boilers and Extra Castings for all Stoves. !ITmi.,n ftlMO ,inVHon th exceptionally Rood work the ting and grinding of lenses is our I Castle & Cooke, ,i,i,t rn . . piece. Mlxs Carter has a most prepos specialty. "f 111 ' appearance plays B r''t flir'..,K, the I,I(m k ill- - "sslnic stare and her LIMITED. it .,i .. r u-i- . t , - r.il In a irrareful inn unanecieu myie. f.. .i'-r-- K-- ' In tne roiea 75-7- ' mihs Iira.ll.y, uuai oi " We prescrile only when glass- - A 9 "i r. h int to cb iy leader and the Italian murderess, fOHINJ king ST. ri , , ' "friti it . a i s w k a .t arm tt.lt H fasA anil 03 MATT. 1 B are needed, and not otherwise. B f ' .?li ability. The No. 31. ",rP--.. .Ti.iih eonsl.lerafole dramatic LIFE and FIRE ti;. t fr.: , , , tun. .ire ably represented by . Misses ... r". -- B r n. i i - i ...... iiim' m, . ' nnii nnvHrn', un f... Ifold Is most satisfactory in her minor 2 ' M.t.re pHrt. t'reillt Is slso due the men, but B THE manslf.n lin- - come at another l ' l! IT - . mention must i ., "- -' 'J " io tin'.-- . I B California Harness Shop, i...... of every nation J"vnt.e performance from start to finish 111 Keep3 constantly a full line of v.,;;,,'"'1 durlnic the Inst, t"1.'' "'L' tfi r i . , , . , ro r. I , H AGENTS FOR ar Hiss aai Saddlery. '" f ,. I nnd many i in Stamps. Mil Speculation a it linpul-he- FORT STREET. d po.t-"!i"f'- l! Special attention given to plantation men 12-ce- nt Hawaiian ElMffllUlOTS The value cf is orders. All goods at California prices. I to 20 cent?. ! 7,?: K9 "tampi has advanced OF B03TON. 4 4 aumuinj. ... 'ii, r ."' ';rew became according to a g'oi 639 King St. Telecnor.e 778. li ,,;,,.v. yesterday bought fife I,,,,.. . ,,r 'enterprising person mm LINCOLN ' v the of stampa on hand at the post fi uim The Advertiser la delivered to any BLOCK. " vi " ' '"v. notrd all these Honolulu n (h, omce, to the extent of about $3,000. OF HARTFORD. part of the city for 73 cents per month. D. O. HAMMAN, Manager. ' lftOO, THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL a nVFSBTIBEB : HONOLULU, t HAY ., 16,

THE PACIFIC MUNICIPAL POLITICS. Honolulu looks like an attractive field plun Kincaid, describing the for the professional public Rev. Mr. in pecu ng derer and more than one of this ring rule in cities and in sum-morni- Commercial Advertiser. evils of species on No good men to resist them, an- liar of knave has arrived Knows Law." the beach and is filling with ticipates a battle which is almost upon the air appeals for the in city politics But a law Nature bows WALTER G. SMITH - - EDITOR. us in Honolulu. There are men In every machine of and anathemas against treasonable large town who live, or who propose to the to the necessity of keeping taxpayers who a rogue live, by public plunder. Usually they refuse to trust WEDNESDAY MAY 16 even if he borrows livery the blood pure so that the I majority party and make much a respectable join the to Scratch Good Good alleged loyalty to the party make his protestations in. entire system shall be strong, of their loud-mouth- hoi such a ed "patriot" and he It is the wise native who dodges the name, and, by the institution of a ma- healthy and vigorous brought him up is pretty likely to be a man who wants leader who has always chine, undertake to coerce the average To Hood's SarsaparHU, the great elbow-dee- p, take de-a- to get his arms, into the at a wall. lay member Into a thick-or-thi- n support is lav) health I municipal or Territorial treasury. He blood purifier, therefore a of of their candidates and measures. Nat- nearly every house- general demand of the troops In is here, doing politics, because he And it is a necessity in Mr. The urally, these men are severe upon dis- hold, He can- pave , never disappoints. the Philippines for more of that is even if a knows that Honolulu must have Pres- senters. It their rule that " My step- fa. U1S poor General Miles' ments, public of Blood Disorders ned beef puts man is corrupt he must be voted for if sidewalks and works 2 defensive. every daughter and have both been trou- idential boom again cm the regularly nominated; and whoever ob- almost description; that mil I 4 bled greatly tvith blood disorders and jects is advertised as a mugwump or lions must be expended to make the Mr. Bryan, the Democratic leader, op- place comfortably modern; there stomach troubles, and several bottles grant of something worse. The whole scheme of that posed, in puWic interviews, the will be need of a small army of em of Hood's SarsapariUa have been of Ameri- machine discipline In municipal poli- 1 Territorial rights to any one of playes may great benefit." James F. Thompson, tics is to make public thieving safe. and that fat contracts be ca's new possessions. He wanted the Wilmington, Ohio. At least that is the way it works out worked up for the benefit of a ring Cullom bill beaten. controlling the city government. To be . 4 American, is dMMMii in most cities, and there Demo- in this ring is his chief object in set A arpf.in.l fiYtonr! '1 We hope it is not true that the no reason to suppose that the machine invitation is tling here; and to make ring what i.imij jj.Hj.1 1 y denied the use of the drill patriots have a different object in any the in... most delightful crats were he would have it he insists on a ma g visit Honolulu's residence site of the silver stored there. of them, no matter how much they may bed because g chine for the rule of parties so Hoort'g Plllg euro liver ills ; the and men they could be trusted to conceal it or how many good citizens both As silver taxpaying may be "uiily cathartic to takewithHuod' Saraparill. any amount of the white metal. they may get to act with them undei that the member defend pledged to vote one way and not let Is 16 1 that the yarn was started the mistaken idea that the profession It to the instinct for independent voting get HEIGHTS by a base Mugwump. of party virtue Is the same as the pos- PACOFOC session of it. the better of him. He is a Republican may formed of Republicans or a Democrat of Demo 4 County government be The study of the gover imcnt of Am- crats as may Is by the Hawaiian Territorial Legisla- erican cities by spoils politicians suit him best; but he who, for private gain ture. Municipal government must also sometimes makes one despair of the Re- always a man party look to that body for it3 charters. On public, or at least of popular rule in would dishonor the reputation these accounts the need of electing the municipal affairs. Wherever the poli- and shame its best traditions. In brief ablest and safest men in the Islands to ticians, of whatever party name, have he is a public enemy.' y termed, thTSJ Because of these things the good citi- - J legislative posts is very clear. been given carte blanche to rule, they Via MaXima. ' ! no have soon proceeded to ruin. By long zens of Honolulu make mistake in 'i do well to giving study to municipal prob- The Portuguese residents experience they have reduced thieving serious .n all nftinrs. as a. sn srpnir un . ' message of indigna They well to "vvafoao ' " "" anner send to Lisbon a to fine art. In San Francisco, up to lems. do draw out 6uch .'I Cana-- a HOP tion about the attempt on Consul of a utterances as those of Mr. Kincaid and may the introduction new charter, varro's life. It is an act which per annum were stolen. At a to profit by them. No duty of more by measures to ;r) be fitly supplemented time when $5,000,000 were being annu importance now confronts them than peril of protect the Consul from future ally spent. Boss Bucmey, then in re to push for a municipal charter which daggers. Portuguese bombs or tirement, said he could take a contract will embody everything the machine politicians of both parties object to BITTERS 1 at $3,000,000 to give San Francisco bet The rush of Japanese to Puget Sound and resist. After that it will be their Electric Railway, ter government than had ever en- ports is raid to be Ut escape Army it joyed, and have a fortune left for him duty to compel both parties to make IS THE BEST service in the coming war with Russia. good nominations and to throw down 8 Contracts have been let for material, and tier pat- self. Experts in civics said that the While most Japanese are militant every would-b- e boss and spoilsman of construction, equipping and installation Dlaopdir commercial spirit has grown boast was reasonable. Nevertheless, the J riots, the by men We urge no independent movements, Z hands of a competent electrical engineer to be folk 4 a many brown city had always been controlled bo fast that 3:od little for these are always short-live- d. The of widely advertised enthusiasm for the TONIC pieiea uy uuue xiaviug an independent H men prefer to make money and let isu party plat better plan is for the good citizen to wives' relations do the fighting. most moral plank3 of their uiaiiL wo are ureuaieu iu luimsn eiecirifl twi their They preachers in stick to his party and make it or keep For people in this climate. is a thing reveals still another forms. talked like lighting, heating and other purposes, to oar homeVj It that on duty they had it respectable. In that way he can al- point of contact between Japanese and campaigns, but when ers at most reasonable rates. no sent.mental restraints in getting af ways have a vote to offset that of the white civilization. spoilsman in the management of tne A ter their share of the $2,000,000. party spoilsman wants to control. Colonel Testa evidently takes the The way this money was abstracted the He will be where he is needed by the It Is a Valuable Remedy for General ground that no one shall lead the na- is an interesting chapter in the story of public and not wanted by the bosses tives but himself. That is why they American public administration. Some and thieves. And if he does his full DEBILITY, are shying off toward other colonels. of the cash was stolen outright, and a . - Our reservoirs ait duty there as men like Theodore , A war map of the Hawaiian natives part of it used to induce juries to acquit. BILLIOUSNESS. completed Roosevelt have done in the Republican wanderings under the lead of Colonel The most, however, was stolen by in Hs Promised, mains laid so as t( party and Abram S. Hewett and Robert NERVOUSNESS, Testa in the past shows there are direction. A Superintendent of Public lot. for making water com: that in the party he ply each Permits mighty few political precipices or quag- Works would be charged to pave streets Pattison Democratic MALARIA, ETC will have no reason to regret the re will be granted on application. he did not lure them over or repair or build sewers, lay out parks tral mires that are always in a party An inspection of the attractive homes now or into, leaving them after that to lie and construct flood walls. Large ap suit. The rascals minority can kept or the names of purchasers of lots, will convinced wherever they dropped. propriations would be made for the pur and be down if the and most!! 4 1 pose. At once the Superintendent would majority will but assert itself. that PACIFIC HEIGHTS is the choicest The Independent invites the natives hire more men than could be used, and ').' of all the residence sites of Honolulu. Avoid Republican party because wages, Are we going to have a Territorial PURELY to the pay them extra from which he ' " Republicans annexed the Islands and would take a percentage to be divided day celebration? 1 then proceeds to extol the leading between himself and his official pals. ' Democratic organizer here because he Contracts for material would be let on OF CURRENT INTEREST VEGETABLE. ia the "father of annexation." The the plan of rebates, making any given spectacle of the natives following so say, job cost $2 where it was worth, The tycllfct Is 'lt' in (Jvrmauy. . For prices, terms, etcx an expansionist as McGrew seventy-fiv- e further information, stanch Dr. cents. This scheme or Foot passengers on the streets of this omce to get even with other expansionists thievery ran through all departments country who complain of the reckless- at oi would be one of the most remarkable of San Francisco administration. Drugs ness of bicyclists may thank their stars they are not Germany. They In the history of local politics. bought dispensary, in . . could not be for a used sometimes to punish bicyclists Price $1. or desks and stationery for the schools, ia of doubtful propriety to 6ell there for running into pedestrians; It or batons or uniforms for the police, then this practice fell into disuse, and whole editions of Hawaiian stamps to or instruments for the engineers, or now a court has just sent a man speculators in advance of the passage hospitals, without a com- to jail for two months for recklessly beds for the running across one of the principal of the Territorial bill. Stamps are mission for the buyers. Naturally, supplied the Postoffice for the con- streets and knocking a bicyclist off his dealers put prices up, and everything wheel. The most apologetic sort of de venience of the public, not to enable the city bought cost at least three times fense was offered the man was run some gobble collector to them up for more than could be purchased for by ning home because his wife was about ttllSIilRill.i it to become a i 'i the sake of cornering the market. We open mother for the seventh DpniPl? w a private hands in the market, mm trust there will be no more wholesale time. The prosecution, however,, in- AGENTS. new York has been systematically sisted upon the of deliveries until the time is just at hand letter the law, that robbed by its governing forces, of what- - j pedestrians must leave the streets free or has passed for the substitution of for bicyclists; or, in case it was abso- FORT STREET. ever party, for the past fifty years. In - American postage. lutely necessary to cross, must give SI: th early seventies the thefts of te every warning to bicyclists. These ele- Progress Block. ia superfluous to Tweed ring aggregated $6,000,000 in a mentary measures of precaution hav- It remark that the ing been neglected, was only drouth is over. The rain falls almost term of two years. Stealings were then it the fact crude and were easily detected and that the fallen bicyclist received no in- dally, the plaints of Nuuauu valley peo juries that induced the court to let the pie have ceasea, the electric lights burn brought to book. Under modern Tam- culprit off with so light a punishment. more () again and belated pedestrians carry many they have been and are It is added that in view of the con- easy to Immense- stantly increasing recklessness nay, ...... home plenty of black miKl collect- adroit, less detect and rich roughness of pedestrians toward bicy- Be- ly more profitable. In what way may ed on Honolulu's marshy sidewalks. clists, 1 judged by extracts from Har- it would otherwise have inflicted fore long, if Jupiter Pluvius doe3 noi be the a much severer penalty. If the para- 3SS3SSS get tired, the mountain cascades will per's Weekly that follow: graph in the Berliner Tagebiatt im- .'J parting begin to glisten among and were some extraordinary pur- this item of news is ironical, CIFFORD'S 'I the ferns, There the irony is hermetically He known ro frea made during the regime of Police concealed in . who doth uot smoke, either hath the wild duck ponds show an inviting chases it. consolaiios One was piece griefs or refuseth the softest r face to straying moratory fowl. President Sheehan. a of himself iion looks as If it mipht be an iron next heaen.-Bu1- er 1 that Saved Ills Discount. to that which comes from brace to a shelf. One arm of it is about . . The automobiles are coming when Of (Mve(M Lytton. a foot long and the other arm is about one of the earliest donors of Chica- the Hawaiian tariff goes by the board, go university's six Inches long. The iron is about an endowment, Professor IS GUARANTEED. to be followed in due time, as we sup- inch wide and a quarter of an inch thick. Albion W. Small, who was the guest of pose, by tricycles There are four or live holes in the iron honor at an alumni d' liner in TNJpw DAVID motor for individual York the FIRST To be absolutely PURE OLIVE LAWRENCE 5 or screws. Sheehan paid $1S other night, told this story: use. In Paris a man may enter his for nails for man ATT a dozen of these $1.00 each. They are ine made a large subscription, 532 Fort Street. own tricycle which is Bize payable in SUCLND To give perfect about the worth 12 cents each. Some newspapers, installments. His business satisfaction of the velocipede and instincts were strong:, and after delib to the consumer. in a spirit of raillery, called Sheehan, erating over THIRD To not become "Skeg-lro- n the matter he went to the rancid on the travel faster than he could on a bicycle after that, John." The pieces shelf, if kept in package. skeg-iron- trustees and asked if he paid the full the and at no outlay of muscular force. of Iron were s to be used on a amount of boat's keel. Some of purchases his subscription would he Such a vehicle would be of great utility the other be allowed The manufacturer offers to pay $100 were almost as extraordinary. a the usual 'discount for CIGA and is For cash.' Though they grasped for any bottle of Gifford's Olive Oil, in HIGH GRADE In Hawaii not unlikely to find gallon of muriatic acid C02 per cent was at the suggestion, the trustees repJed if original packages, found to contain any Its way into use everywhere soon after paid over the price; some rub- that o market for he chose to discount his subscription adulteration. If you good cigars. They're ParU Exposition. ber bands the increase was 610 per cent; smoke, smoke - the he might do so. The man at once had at the New a t such moderate prices for binding some "morning CGG Store . returns," drew his check for the amount les3 poor cigars lose only cheapness- per cent; S00 the their attraction Rudyard Kipling is not far out of the for some "oath books," per discount and took a receipt in full." FOR SALE cent; for some "character blanks," 779 Fine Box way when he lays the bad condition of per cent, and so on. Trade a Especialty. anti-milita- ry The Astor l!y Fori the British Army to the Of course, Sheehan got into a terrible une. At all Grocers. Mail Orders Promptly Lxecuted. views of the British public. Though rage. He said something about lies and The son of William Waldorf Astor, who lives full of enthusiasm when their troops he called names. Everything had been in England, is 19, and will regular. Some of those purchases had get the bulk of his father's fortune. win victories, the Anglo-Saxo- ns are s. a. HOG BR. beei or trilling quantities. Did not he At the present time it is estimated that 2 critical and suspicious of soldiers in have vouchers? There you are! Those fortune is $200,000,000. If ft en- you Astor, of New York, while so MHI time peace and do but little to vouchers see! Then W. P. not rich c Mitchell as M in- stepped up to 'take a hand in fuss, nis orotner, has over $75,000,000 QUEEN courage thm. This is a feeling the most of ST. lake Your Roof Water lie used to be a Tammany Com- which will go to his herited from the far away English time Excise son, a bright youngster. DISTRIBUTING AGENTS. represented tyranny missioner. Later he had sold Mr. Shee- same tiffl when soldiers the han and associates 20,000 envelopes for and disinfect your premises at the of King over the people. Both the $11S. A the fair price for them would hav klMlOli VQI6I British and American armies have been $47. He offered to give $300 for char- An old Bible im P ity was bought for a trifle Ml k been held down to the lowest practica- if the Commissioners of Accounts at a London bookstall. LIMITED-- Hot could The purchaser Rogers' purchase these envelopes fwr $47. an Combination ble numerical point and there 13 al- elderly lady, found pasted between xplnid, Cor. AUen They named the place where they could the leaves 5 f and Fort 8u. ways desire, when end, to re- four notes, with a writ- a war3 be bought, f and then Mitchell said that ten statement to the pffpr-- tht tno. Ot,LI8TlBFl CO duce the military establishment to a a Joint commission ought to name the tator had no heirs and AGIENT place, "left the 20 to skeleton. It is difficult, under such and. no charity got that $.lt0. Shee-han- 's me person who found them in the R. Levreri F. J. Lowrey circumstances for either Great Britain assertiuns proved a boomerang, for uiu.e. C. Id. Cock. PACIFIC COMPANY, when the present Police Commissioners IEWFRS HARDWARE or the United State3 to take the field in let their & COOKE. contracts for the year they let WnlUlne In T.inn .v. vv, - great force and go at the business of Know- mporter A0ENT them at prices even lower than those It i3 becoming i,'t and Dealers In Lumber an 16 scientifically. They have to which the Commissioners the fashion for smart Telephone fighting of Accounts women or London to do their shoppm Building Material. Offlc learn as they go along and that is an said would be a fair price, and in some oi a 414 Instances the morning walking, and in fact Fort 8! undertaking full of peril in the face of successful bidders were th' waning 13 now looked upon as' very men to whom Sheehan had paid the health-givin- g a disciplined foe. exercise, and is greatly Tne enormous prices. luuujgcu iu uy an degrees. Advertiser is delivered to any Gaze part of the city for i5 cents per month. ted the Hawaiian


' J. & 4 HOPP CO. J. HOPP & C0-.- HOUSEHOLD Si WO DAY MEET ' SUPPLIES. I Si O E O The Best at the Lowest THE... Price at HOPP'S. TJ tlJockey Club Outlines Q BLUE O O FLAME zr: t a Program. . This week is known as "Puritan" WICKLESS Oil Stove O! Every Horseman to be Given FASHIONABLE No Smoke. Si A o fine line of Chance to Clear Training o o-- No Ashes. a Expenses. WEEK "a 4 a. e For the reason we are o The executive aii-- that 'Sanitary committee of the llav i playing Illl an Jot key Club the most handsome line o met at the Pacitlc Oub fS STOMACH ; of t liiPt veninp. the following meml,. rs 2! in present: Colonel V. If. Com well, BEAUTIFULLY tarland Stove ; vice president; D. P. K. Isenberg. eore- - TTT ' o GRAINED Plumbing j tary: (I. I. WiWcr, treasurer; r Mc- - o J. GOLDEN OAK 90 Carthy, chairman of 1 o3 ., m carload lots direct executive commit-- o-- .'i. ry. and Clarence Crabbe, member ex-- 1 Undigested a G of Goods always on hand. ecutive committee. j Food u 0 It was decided to hold a two lays'! becomes poison in a few hours and is e responsible for constipation, indiges- C o tion, dyspepsia, languor, nervousness iParlor o WE AUK SOLE AGENTS and all liver and kidney ills. Where FOIl there is one F or all of these ailments Hostetter's Stomach Bitters should be e taken at once.- It prevents as well as XA1L.OOX cures all stomach ills, and is a specific a OB for malaria and fever and ague. When O-- AUTOMATIC SEWING you get it see that a Private Revenue o MACHINE. 7 J " a. iamp covers the neck of the bottle. o o Refuse LIBRARY TABLES, e HOSTETTER'S o Just as good STOMACH LEATHER o 1 UPHOLSTERED o ACIFIC x, Substitutes. BI1TERS. .I HARDWARE Co., 4w GOLDEN OAK Ld. e jO V DINING CHAIRS. " o-- 4 Gi a Birthday flsll --a ...... k 3 These goods are without excep ....."".....w,.,., tion the handsomest ever intro. Co il duced in Honolulu. o Our 6tock is replete with norem- - o suitable for birthday presents. kcksmiths I If our ad space was as large as and Horse J. our Shoers, Have you seen store and stock, we could g.ve the new g you a full description, but as it -: is we can rpmifist. vnn XEriiKK-oi.r- uKAcr.t i: ? onlv that x j3 call at our salesrooms. We know o--a Sterling Silver, Lady's Size, 51.00 q you u nice tne --a Child's Size, 75 cents. ATTENTION" 925-1,0- 00 GOODS AND Guaranteed fine. O PRICES. o t. o Vo it. - I tiiiinim.M.Lm constantly have on Another lot of STERLING SILVEJb L hand a full line of THIMBLES at 25c each; sizes 5 to IS Old furniture looks like a SECRKTARY ISKXRKRO OK T1IK bright May Day after leaving JOCKKY CI.L'R. 2 fcs Do not forget 03 our repair shop. Spokes, Rasps, that we manufacture O--xj any article In Gold or Silver Jewelry. a. -- meeting, t'omnicncinK on the afternoon a. a of June 0th and continuing on June 11th. o Wheels, Kiles, Tho programs will be as follows, sub- ject to alteration: M. R. COUNTER, o FIRST DAY-JI- NK HTH. Hopp&Co -t 1. Half-mil- e flash, 507 Fo- tJ. for maidens. Streot. Carriage Paints, Anvils, 2. Half-mil- e lash, free for all. X Five furlonns dash. Hawaiian bred. LEADING 4. One-mil- e, trotting and pacing;, three d FURNITURE j. "linutes' class; best two heats out of HIE RflMT STflftP ' Horse Shoes, three. S DEALERS. Bellows, r. Seven furlonps dash, free for all. juu uuvn uiuim. o,o . One-mil- e, running, " free for all. NEW BOOKS JUST RECEIVED KING AND BETHEL STS. lis, SECOND DAY JUNK HTlf. Nails, 1. Half-mil- e dash, free for all; Union BY Vices, etc, etc. F eil Company's cup. 2. One miie, trotting and pacing; 2:30 class: best two heats out of Golden Rule Bazaar. O l . i three... o. nve11 lunongs ciasn, maidens. J. HOPP & CO. J. HOPP & C0-.- 4. Six furlongs dash; Hawaiian bred. 5. One mile, trotting and pacing; free "TO HAVE AND TO HOLD," bv John- for all; best two heats out of three. ston. B. Six furlongs dash, free for all. PHOTOGRAPHIC cific 7. One-mil- e "PRISONERS OP HOPE," by Johnston. Vehicle dash, trotting or pacing; "WOMAN AND ARTIST," by Mai Supply Co. special gentleman's race, owners and to drive (entries closed). O'Rell. K. "DKKTS OP HONOR," by Jokal. PORTRAITS. One mile, running; free for all; Ro-sei- ta challenge cup. "RED PATTAGE," by Chalmondeley. "D INKELSPIEL; HIS CONVERSA- - " BERETANIA. NEAR FORT STREET. 9. One mile, running; Hawaiian bred. TTONINGS." . J. One and a quarter miles, running; free for all; Criterion cup. "A DUET." by Conan Dovle. First Class Work " 11. "A MASTER OF CRAFT," by W. W. Guaranteed One mile consolation race for all Jacobs. running horses which have competed un- Mr. Davey does not rl6h his sitters successfully meeting. "A DOUBLE THREAD," by Fowler. to accept at the "THE UNKNOWN," by Flammarion. work unless perfectly satis- The entries in the gentleman's race are "MANDERS," by Barron. factory. mm Messrs. George Carter, S. O.. Wilder, A. works; "THE STORY OP THE BOERS" (off- mh W. Carter, J. (A. Oilman and A. K. Nich- icial), paper edition, BOe. Sdn Francisco, ols. OF California. The question of purses will be decided "THE END AN ERA," by John S. in a few days. Wis The matter of a bicycle race was dis- "THE GREATEST GIFT," by March-mon- t. cussed at considerable length, but did "THE ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN We Will not hnd much favor with the committee, KETTLE," by Hyne. the trouble being that their experience In "WILD the past had been that this event had ANIMALS I HAVE KNOWN." one-side- d "KNIGHTHOOD," "HARUM," "MERE- been so and had resulted in DITH," ENGINEERS AND such a paucity of entries as to discour- "CARVEL," "ZISKA." PHOTOGRAPHIC Co. BUILDERS Bart-let- t. age the committee in offering prizes for "FAMILIAR QUOTATIONS." by LIMITED. a similar event year. Install this Colonel C. J. MOTT-SMIT- H ...FINE STATIONERY McCarthy, however, has offered to give FOR BLwOK, a bicycle as first prize provided sufficient POLITE CORRESPONDENCE. Corner Fort and Hstel Streets. entries can be obtained to guarantee a H Machinery, Heine Boilers, xlmplete: good race. The Judges' stand will 1 e eri'rted nn 316 FORT i STRFRT, the same side of the track as the Jockey NO FAULT FINDING Ilia Club enclosure. Tubular Boilers, Corliss Engines, The officers of the executive committee you v.. ELECTRIC BELL OUTFITS will meet at the track at 7 a. m. on After receive rour mkm. Thursday. graphs from this studio. a CONSISTING OF ON iejs Cane Gars, Yacnnm Pans HOW TO HANG PICTURES. Perfect Satisfaction 1 ELECTRIC BELT Ex Australia: Means a whole lot in the Regularity of ness of Art Photography, ! ill 1 DRY or LIQUID BATTERY. Arrangem nt a Thing M.ichmory for tho complete equipment of of A I believe I have reached that. Milk the Past. point, or as near It as posilkl 1 METAL PUSH BUTTON. - . Today no out- hiings pk'turrs in pairs. to get. The time when Eastern and California Oysters 100 Feet ANNUNCIATOR WIRE and regularity of arrange Ask ment was considered the acme of ele- Your Friends Necessary Staples. gante has vanished, and in its place has Salmon Red Cabbage Who have had our Photographs OFFICE: Rooms 5 and 6. Progress Block. come a wild struggle after the unexpect Naval Oranges 4 how they like them. C In any building within the city of ed ly those whose one Idea of artistic Stripped Bass HONOLULU. H. L effect is to have nothing match anything Lemons Call and See Honolulu for the sum of els-e-. Celery The weird result their efforts pro- Limes The fine collection of watta duce is due to their failure to appreciate Cauliflower colors of Hawaiian Types aou the fact that harmony, at least, must on exhibition at Hawaiian Carriage Mfg. Gf rule, even although uniformity has been Frankfort moo u;s aruea. Turnips Sausages. ART V guarantee our work for 90 days. There must he a scheme to which the And general tone of the pictures, should con- J.J. WILLIAMS' SOLK AOKNTS' form. A dark carbon must not hang --ooo- STUDIO. close to an etching drawn In delicate ana by white, FORT STREET. . - iir.es .ordered a broad mat lifc--- Rubber Tire Wheel Co. It' water colors, with their soft tints, el- bow oil paintings, with their bolder & teres, the former will be faded, the lat Lewis Co. Efecfnc Co.. ter ronrseneu. Oceanic Gass If t it be grasped, In the first place, FOOD Telephone Tfio only durable Tiro in that certain things may go together. SPECIALISTS. i wnue others must be barred from the 111 Fort St. -:- - Telephone 240 444. tho market 46 MERCHANT ST. association. etchings, photographs. urawings, some engravings, water colors vs. pastels, may be assembled on friendly CAKKIAOK REPAIRING neatlj terms. men, nowever, there must american be judgment exercised in the way they lono with promptness and dispatch. are placed. Contrary to the natural In- - ; clination, dark, heavily shaded pictures messenger should not always hang in the strongest I light, but should in some cases seek a 121 Queen St. Tel. 47. sheltered position, away from the glare of the windows. Near the light may SERVICE23 nang me pictures In lainter tints, the j Quick subdued water colors, the line engrav--l For and Efficient Service la fl ir.gs whose best points need illuraination. Delivering Packages, Invitations, Etc SRY i This order may sometimes be reversed R. WORTHINGTON, Hill! II when the corner furthest from the win KING STREET. dow shows a decided need of brightening 108 i by light pictures, but always the grada-- I MASONIC TEMPLE. -(- INCV.- tion of tints should be borne in mind, 3. J. WALLtR Just as In a well-planne- d room the dark- est color la found in the carpet, and BEAVER pngmeers melts from that through the shades of LUNCH ROOMS. and Builders thi curtains and furniture to the "ght-- ; IL J. NOLTE : : : : : : : est nuance in the wall, so the lower pic-- i Proprietor. ii WBOlMtll aid fill tures should be more sober in hue than Zonophones Fort Street, Opp. Wilder & Co. Piiiiipiog Enoines or sfller Works ond imooliOD i the upper, and should lead the eye un- - consciously from the deepest tone to the highest light. NEW STOCK, First Class Lunches Served With Tea, Coffee, urVV' ATTKNTIOM OF PLANTATION MANAGERS AND Christian Church Problem. NEW RECORDS. Soda Water, Qlnf i ' f'l NAVY CONTRAGTOfiS Ale or Milk. Open from . . In t.irt that w Mrr In mtncV At Uf QueeQ Street The Christian Church members are " ' bouje service, .S a. m. to 10 p. ro. ? !r" rtmrnt pumps for all kinds of mgar of studying the problem of a new loca- Smokers' Requisites a Specialty. ana -- CKCLULU !R0N WORK? C? . with complete stock of ipare parts tion. The lease of the land on which " . tothr I'an.fnl .M.nttnn ton n all erAl.T and DrOIDPt taip Steam Engines. the church now stands at Alakea and Bergstrom King streets will expire soon, and the pumping BOILER. SUGAR MILLS. COOLERS. TRIBUNE! i"cV i'LKsuitnn complete irrigation congregation Is seeking a suitable site. A for BRASS AND LEAD CASTINGS. Nothing has been GENTLEMAN'S WHEEL. 'MPACITT OR POWER. description decided on but sev- And Machinery of every eral propositions are being considered. Music Cora made to order. Particular attention J; pJrt Sts .f l3(1 Qura WAREHOUSE: Comer Queen and Cook paid to snip's blacksmlthlng. Jol New attractions at the Orpheum to- Whitman & Co., stJ night. H. L TBLBPHONB 596. work executed on the shortest nolle Company. AGBNTS. FORT STREET, f 6 HQNOLULU, MAY 16. 1900. ! THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL , ADVERTISER: 1.1 WITH LEIS ABLOOM ON MANY KAMAAINAS AND HERB BEHGER S

GOOD AUSTRALIA SAILS OUT POO THE IIAT to buy is the stylish and becoming hat. The hat must become MUCH ADO, THE SHIP THE UQ you to top out your dress. Our $3.50 a re from the latest block, and we can 6uit all faces. No better hat made. It would coat you J5.00 at any other store In town. T In ancient days, cities were sacked their occupants. The passage of the gate-wa- y to to the accompaniment of inspiring departing ons from the ranp'MV 1paHinr-- nhnarrl thft steam-- 1 that.ivy j o i : music; saints, were tortured and their er was like some' gay and festive pro- - agonizing groans drowned by the sound (ipssinn Slrvwlv thpv swnnsr alone.' .'r-- i if 1 17 of sweet instruments; music, even to- covered almost from head to foot witn j", or every or snape THE SHIRT never ceases to be an interesting article to wear. The new day, stifles the cries of the wounded leis Kiaa oiossom, j styles and new patterns in. colored shirts are just out, and we have and size. iJ and dying on the battle-fiel- d, them In stock, to sell from $1.50 to $2.50. Also a fine line of dress shirts and great to sell from $1.00 to $2.50. human emotions, of an exalted nature idgety children who would insist on J5 0? - Vt Ul .i!:V.

Ll R WE BLOW A GREAT DEAL about our Clothes no more than we ought to, though. We have all sorts, from toughest and roughest to finest, each for Its . proper use and each at its proper-price- 0' "'"ou can see in a few minutes all you need to see to pick out what you want. I TLtf salesman knows perhaps; if not, tell him about what you want; he is s S : quick to see and as quick to find it. You go by your own taste and judg- S ment on cloth, but by ours on fit, we suppose that's the usual way.. Next day, or next week, your money back if you want it.

1 rtL TELEPHONES 670 and 96. P. O. BOX 558.


We have received a large assortment of Morton's and Crosse & Blackvvell Groceries

aboard who wanted to go; the good signal s Bicarbornate of Soda, Wash Soda, ship would have been swamped. But Easier lots of people who had legitimate hugs worth. Ar.l and kisses awaiting them on decks the txie wear: at ih t;ae5-- ' : i .5 Caustic Soda, as well as of a base character, are sooth- looking the steamer were forced either to damage suits vr.-m- i '. behind just to have, perhaps, ed by melodies. a last look at the man who pounds the snatch them hastily at the gangway or When Berger big base drum Berger's young go witnout mem. wavei tv-- The sadness that fills the breasts of in band; I U7SI T.n2 ''"TV I lasses tripping to gangway IU 4 -: friends at parting can find no more the as they ""6" uauu oiai icu ttllll UUUlte diOW, tne Old n might to the supper hall after the selections some time before all the pas hawser and a tin rv.m,.VH Paints and Oils, appropriate expression. By such an dance is done; sengers were staid business men with aboard. That portion ot -, institution as that conducted by Herr uuuvuiv piague, which1-,- natty dressing cases in their grasps, the multitude not too busily engaged tionately to the rope lierger, the human 'heart is touched to eyeing the throng for some one in seeing off, Corrugated deepest to talk their friends bunched oiiuuc ds raises - Iron, Ridging, Etc., its responsive powers, and ten- shop to on the voyage; politicians go- around the musicians and in iui der sentiment finds room to drank breathe. ing to the Coast on important mis- every note born of the efforts of the wno Carbo-linium- There is one day in the busy life or ruuents were a'y Cement and Firebricks, , sions; in fact all kinds of people were instrumentalists. And those whose off for Honolulu when the people holi- friends San Fv take a included in army eyes were dim sep-erati- on day, the little which went at the prospect of Australia. . when business 1 . is confined to one . AJ. aboard the Australia. from ones beloved, those whose -- me em-v- - Stockholm Tar, Buckets, particular branch of industry, and that Those going away were heartbeats thumped il second 'J 11 is surrounded out the seconds the hawser parted and "steamer day," when everybody is on the dock by those who re- which elapsed i were to before their friends were was only prevented b-o- taken up with the shipping of goods main, who had the shore end to be Tubs, Tinplates, Saucepans, Tea- good-b- y of the taken from them, found in in the into the stream bytir u and the saying to loved ones task of saying good-b- y, now spirited, who are sometimes the now pathetic strains of or young men on the leaving these shores for a lit- most difficult part of the business. the band, that responsive element kettles,, Etc., Etc. tle while, or it may be for ever; to It that were bidding the was impossible to see the dock in any means so much to the subtle, sensitive on - an revoirs to friends and acquaintances place for those on They the vew' it. lined right emotions of the human soul. ger twirled baton fa- who have cause to journey on the vas- up to edge the the and continued to hold . Berger lives each piece verse of above Eerd ty deep; to the pleasure of observing conversation he plays, the with their friends after whether it be the jovial ragtime or song, the great wind che half sad, half happy, demonstra- they had gone on board the tions of the occasion. until the last more serious music. ifiusicians who were soil moment 'T-- l V , ; Yesterday before the departure of the And speaking of the band something rr Ltd, was "steamer day;" the vessel. . R'Hackfeld & Honolulu-Sa- n should most certainly be of huge sails of a shin lvinsi So. red-tap- said the Francisco ferrv bnat Heartless e and unfeeling terrific effects drying canvas and i Australia got away from this cozy lit- rules and regulations of the music on the her tle port prevented a great Oceanic wharf yesterday afternoon. to sea, nor has she beenir. for the great comprehensive number from going aboard the Austra- was It Coast. Hundreds of persons, old and lia, all well enough during the first Berger beiievts in dote: young, with their friends who were leav- few selections and Berger every- joyful and otherwise, rich and ing, to say good-b- y. and oughly. And he did. Tie poor, Murmurings were body else Were perfectly happy as and of all races, gathered on the heard on every hand when this was as far wharf simplv wabbled a; EVERY YEAR Oceanic dock to participate the music was concerned. But when with emotion and sappori r.l in the found to be the fact and strong pro- the first warning event. testations were notes or the Austra- fell while rafters creaked made. In some cases lia's big steam-whist- le THE A great number of. passengers 'were split the atmos- flew. V.'hen the music tf .l people were allowed aboard, but lots phere and booked to leave, and long before 4 good-by- s left a crack in space, Herr finally wafted the Aasrsis of had'to be said at the foot Berger got mad. o'clock, the time set fcr the departure of gangway He evidently did not to San Francisco, HerrB-::- ? of the in front of a burly like the idea of anything the ocean greyhound, carriages of blue-co- at making more his fevered brow and lit 1 every and a member of the crew of noise than 10 J? description drove up to the ent- the the band was capable of sighed the contented sigh of u rance-gate Australia. Of course it would emington of the dock producing, for he glared angrily at the up his tent !'g: and discharged never have done to allow pvprvhndv and foided source of the trouble and then gave the and silently stole away. STANDARD TYPEWRITE? F-- " 1 0 1 5 0 .v- -i .s-- jJfe n f tf m n rase against T',, , b e a r Lai ... fi b hi sault and bntterv ce erected wan a cacar. Judge Stanley ordered the case of Tai ' A NEW SUGAR ENTERPRISE tons per da. 1 Chong, for violating the building regula- - ' In Kona. as in Kaposi Points the Way to Success btl hU Hh tions. transferred to jury-waiv- ed - tlie cal- is 1 imiar-N- o. 223G. j the high altitude, it Judge Stanley sentenced rv. t..u grind the year round. butiiS. to pay a $10 ' for many thousands of fine of for fast and heedless ably the crops will be uk-- s its operators. miMTig. 1 ne case was For some time nrcnmCn., v i an appeal from fniouuuij uac January and August - No other J,e?i,.r,f5 yesterday a plea been under way for a new nlan- - typewriter gives its opera- Criminal Cases Are Nol guilty to charge was entereH suear t.at the expenditures, H In the case of R. A. Faulkenberg lar- tation in bouth Kona, Hawaii. Prepara- - crop is ready to be grousit; tor so many opportunities ceny second degree, because the case was contin- wiiipiLt: ma- - A.vvv.wy i.ji'y.vvv, ued until the August term of the Cir- anu tne matter iu no other is so favorably known Prossed. cuit Court, and defendant to go terialized on Friday ing expenses. It is p: and allowed last when a char- v--l on his own recognizance. part oi the investment wit ....Tit tlln...c 01 1 ter was granted to the South Ag- so generally cast An isee, .larceny in sec- - Kona every reason to used in the business ....v.Attn Hft mnn 1 ( T 1 . There is .ft.Tc, mi. iirooKs, ior tne defend- ricultural Co., Limited. prove as rich i world. Government Fails to Punish Men ant moved that the case be dismissed. the cane will Judge Stanley denied the motion for a The new company starts life with a ine properties as any u a . Found in continuance asked for by E. P. no reason fi.T - Guilty the Brooks Dole. Mr capital of $850,000, of which $650,000 and there is then stated that the prosecution produce from six to f it has in its possession some $30, prop- has been subscribed; $400,000 not 'I - Police Court. erty the of this acre, b'u i of the defendant, which it declined has been even more per to give up and moved the Court to make issued as paid up stock for the ment in making estimate hi order for the return of such property large and handsome property is lateu on five tons from resPe-tiv- which r There was a field day yesterday for Jh Jf?Um?.nt8 b; counsel. taken over by the new corporation. from rattoons, ar.d t maklnS a few remarks, to nolle prosequis in the Circuit Court be- declined to make any such order The center of the new plantation is for sugar it is reasonable H. HACKFELD & said he (Mr. and v;" CO., LTD. fore Judge Stanley. A number of that Brooks) wou have t the land of Kalahiki in South Kona. In a handsome dividend rather th Mn ln regard taenr new cases were brought up and, upon prcnpertyW Dle the addition it ov ns the Ahupuaa of Hoo-ken- a the investment from and Keoki, conservative 5 Sole Agents for motion of Deputy Attorney General Dole, The jury in the case of M. M. Tavao. besides several similar ternrise is in - the Hawaiian Islands. for carrying tracts, having a every will be ma&s i were nolle prosseil, and the defendants agreed upon concealed weapons, dis- title in fee simple, free effort discharged. a verdict, standing seven to from all incumbrance to the interests of the stocky Me, and was therefore discharged between seven The case George and eight thousand acres of finest Thfrp is nn niiestion W ' against IMggott and the - land Kona, o milling pur?1- If Fred. Hausler was set over until this in of whicn property not water for I w i on- - LIFE AT THE TRACK. less than 4,500 acres good haps even for naming morning account of is cane land. ii the absence of Besides by stora? Hen-shal- this there are leasehold inter- can he obtained the defendants' attorney, W. A. l. Good re v Judge Stanley Gallopers Working for Form ests covering perhaps 1,500 to 2 000 the high levejs where tie i IA Moesite: told the accused acres more good men the only and Prlie Money. of good cane land. The cor- dant. and several rs' that alternative left to poration lipon fntinri i 1 to has taken over the plant hnvo them was either appear for Several entire s!- i : themselves worked out yesterday among including about fifty In view of the re.eat personally or .make arrangements to em- acres of growing the gallopers at the Corn-we- coffee, buildings, noaut-r-ma- de ll ploy new counsel. Park. Colonel ll animals and all tools the money market, and several friends were present and implements of the South Cof- to boom the fiwk. William O. Smith at Kona 3- has filed his annual fee Co. onnlir-jfinr- ic haVP bOffl the track early The improvements are all in nfv. - .... account as guardian of Bill Bray, mi- yesterday morning to apjiu,..... conflt-ea- . a line with what required su- management feel Reduction nor, work-o- ut is for the charging himself JS25.69, witness Gar-terlin- e. with asks a of Venus and gar company buildings ments will he Iucram to be allowed the sum $589, and other of and shows They were sent a half in tnings. It has not oeen decided take them. a balance on hand of $236.69. 504 what - seconds, covering the eighth will te done with the growing coffee, Mr. James B. Castlejs As guardian first in Mr. A of William A. Hall, W. O. 121-- 2 and about $1,200 nd seconds, quarter 1-- 2 worthr of fine coffee, all Smith has filed his annual account, In the in 24 bagged Treasure-- three-eight- ready for shipment, is Secretarv and which , seconds, hs that was he charges himself $1,622.84-expenses- 37 ; !l with in seconds. ?? over to the new companv. $1,306.87, and Venus had the 90 k,- - onnivinetoi ; shows a balance foot of her companion About to 100 acres has been j i j? on hand of $315.97. planted all the way, and appears be as good for seed and is growing finely. com- office of W. R. Castle. In the annual to prises It u-- - For two account of W. O. Smith, a mare as ever. Garterline, however ellow Caledonia, Hose and Yel- I ne directors have weeks only! guardian of Annie Hall, the former was not hustled low BamDoo and some nccomunt nf t WPHt V Per charges to any alarmine de- Lahaina cane. It m himself with $2,932.58, gives ex- gree. is significant that while nearly every paid with tne subsenrtioa penses ass- - Commencing at $2,422.03, and a balance on hand McFarlane's promising green filly other section of the Islands ter- it is not likely that from May 5th, 1900, Cut $530.55. did suffered four Prices in every of a useful gallop. ribly from the recent drought, that in made for three or line at your own Figures. W. O. Smith, trustee of Amarinawas galloped oouth Kpna, bonds to the amount the estate of on the track. while it was dry, yet the ' Achi K. Akau, deceased, has Hied his Col Parkers Vioris and Weller nego- cane grew uninterruptedly and presents cured, the assessments annual account, and charges tiated a mile at a fair clip. a magnificent appearance. to run easily during tne - Call in and see for yourself. himself Weller will now This cane i;3 with $1,526.12, gives expenses at $1,506.23, be a good horse on the 11th is being cut back, and there will be '1 and planted shows a balance on hand of $19 87 Mo1 Eirley,'s Sir Cassimire galloped during the coming rour or five In the case a months 250 ar-to- against Thilip J. Kerch and improving gradually abo.ut acres, which will rd N. Hill, McAuliffe galloped sailors of the United States S S General Cronje abundance of the finest seed for the KEfi Iroquois, convicted In three slow miles. first crop, which it is proposed IB the District Court next year. to plant of larceny in the second degree, E. P Antidote and Loraine C. were exer- It is believed that by this Dole cised in the Park. early start about 2.500 ill TO THS; asked that a nolle acres can be f" prosequi be en- FY, 18 NOW OPEN tered against Flammer with planted, which will . mi defendants. the elder McAuliffe therefore be ready - was, complied with by Judge Stinley?and up, and Allegro ridden by iqao111 ,ff about Carriages and saddleno-- both defendants McAuliffe, the first of January, were discharged Jr., went five furlongs in 1:11. Allegro iyoj. About the same amount will be In the case against J. Is ., cltil .1 poman of the Iroquois, McGettiran not nearly ready yet, out the big Tay Planted the following year, and it Is the ian .t Kawamar. convicted in the made a romp of Plan to crop of receiving stolen goods it, fighting for his head from four to five thousand olnt 0 1 Dole requested E most of the way. acres every he that a nolle prosequi year. SHERH i' , entered against the Creole-Gust- IWAKAMI was Judge" whu-- Hollinger's o This section of Kona has always "The only ."..3 complied with by Stanley colt was been &ye: i: opened up. known as I now by The case of George Miller, larceny sec- the "Garden of Hawaii," an iresent lava f ond degree, took the same Fred Eros was jogged has never been carri?-- - The course eight or nine known to suffer to anv ;x Wslmea Hotel assault and battery case against miles on the road. extent from the A3; Street. K. J. Mahoney was brought to severest droughts. Tnile of th? a a close bv Albert M. was driven by There is an average CO 7 , request of K. P Dole to enter a no e Gibson on rainfall of about For paTticular? prcstqui against the defendant the track. inches per annum, very well sp"fid In the case against Lau Wai over the year. dry Kim Soon, for Luck and The season extend.; k assault and battery wUh There are from November to March, .s a dangerous weapon. a lots of "AA" brands of a usual ; t nolle prosequi thing. l R whiskey but only one Jesse Moore i ead . It is proposed to put the Advertiser. AA Lovejoy & in a railway to Only the Co.. Honolulu, A nolle prosequi was have bring i entered in the cane to the mill by gravity in HEK 13 use--Wf&fi both directions, and a sugar plant will the HAWAIIAN GA- -


i . . . FAIR ONES II BANK Of tiAWAll. HE flRoTffiBll LIMITED. OF HAWAII, ITJX Incorporated Beauty's Under the Laws of Incorporated under the Iaws of Re- Essay at the Remihlir the the - ' nfw. TTar!iA. AC TV an. Pud:ic or Hawaii. CAPITAL $400,000.00 F(W Nets Yesterday. Aothorizel Capital, Sl.OOO.OQb. SALE. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS' . Paid Up Cap-m- SCCl&oc Mesdames A. M. Brown and S. G. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS P. C Cecil Brown President . ! Wilder and F. Atherton Assistant ; H. C. ! Mark P. Rohinsnn Scott . Cashier iivc-nwnue- nt r u W. G. Cooper - 53 Win in the i 0K Tom Cashlea- Preliminaries. aS? 1 M. Boyd Secretary Directors: Cecil Brown, Mark P. t Kif-i- solicits Robinson. Bruce Cartwrio-v.- w b. Street Tract from the Cor-poratio- , .a The 1 1 Accounts of ns. preliminary Vll Cooper rounda of the ladies p Trusts. Indiriduals and H. M. von Holt. singles were played yesterday after- - f JLe promptly will DRAW formerly SUPER! OP. - ""All and carefully attendS.to aU EXCHANGE ON: I known noon on the Parific Clubs! il3llvl business San FranHspn a Tterirriit-- , TO A LL Tennis connected with banking en- - Tho " courts. iL SeU and nian Bank, Limited. .r S?S l? Purchase Chicago v premises. The Exchange, Tne ill wii'iif ground was ; Issue Letters Merchants' Loan and t' gaily decorated with Auctioneer and of Credit Trust Company. the club' colors, cardinal and blue,; SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. xsew r- -, York J. & W. Seligman & ,,: !i M.inou Valley. and presented quite Ordinary pany. Com- a fete day and Term Deposita received ance. and rl n-- Vi n-r- ) Interest allowed in accordance London A n f i r TonV ... ,i j Limited. - v Tr.icr. fJ.ooo ii lot. The lanal of the club house was filled with rules and conditions printed In with Stlfll pass books, copies may Paris Societe Generale. - a throng of j of which be interested spectators, Estole had on application. Berlin Gebruder Meyer. -- 'n Kilulani and every ! i.n!."''J Trie TKIAL available seat, bench or box Judd Building, Hamburg M. M. Warburg & Co. CONVINCES! was brought lulu Fort street. Honeknni-- mv. into requisition. A large j ini v.i.v I Chartered L f.T.o a lot. Bank of India, i:,.o n number of people viewed the games ; Australia and rrom the sidewalk and In carriages. FORSALE. Australia The Union Bank of Aus- j iot !a Keklo Tract. opp,nit Among thoe present were Miss Juli- tralia, Limited. ette King, Miss Maggie Walker, Miss Canada Bank of Montreal. "OO iGHAHGE OFFICE: ! .id. f lt. Bertha Young, Mrs. 11. Gunn. Mrs. Von Corner Fort and Mer- A Fine Residence Hamni. Miss May May! Exchange boueht 5n i cnl.I on.l Ta Young, Miss chant Streets. ters !a Holt,, AND of Credit issued on ail parts of irz'.f lot Fuuaul Tract 100x20u XUi Lula Elston, Miss Russell, LOT world. the IN Mrs. A. M. Brown, Mrs. F. C. Field, In a select Mrs. S. o. Wilder, Mrs. location on "The J. A. Gilman, CLAUS SPRECKELS. WM. G. ULWISL Mrs. John Waterhouse, Mrs. E. R. Ad- Plains." ams, Mrs. F. H. C. Gibbous, Miss Gait, Lawn IKMl l CO., Mrs. von Holt, Mrs. George Carter, m u TC. ETC. ETC. HONOLULU, H. L TARIFF Messrs. O. St. John Gilbert, George Car- Trust ter, George Fuller, D. McBryde, Sam Funds SAN FRANCISCO AGENTS Wilder, Garrett Wilder, P. M. Yfflua Lansdale, Mowers Taken NEVADA tts-SA- care of. NATIONAL BANK Charles Elston, Chas. Weight,' Arthur FRANCISCO. Wall, Coleman, A. J. Coats, R. Ander- Assistance rendered man- son. C. A. Mackintosh, in Jack Atkinson, aging your DRAW EXCHANGE ON SIXTY DAYS AFTEK t . C. Field, W. B. Babbitt, Ed Paris and business affairs. SAN F. C. 5. OO FRANCISCO The Nevada L,.e, .Hawa,laa Territorial Atherton. c 1 of San ulr bill passed The results were as r Francisco. r.-.k- apply t the duty on follows: r?xBank rar'.i'f European Mrs. I. C. Union Bank China and r. Gibbons defaulted to don of Crockeryware will be from Miis Gertrude Scott in the preliminary Safe Deposit (Ltd.). w oo to CO per cent higher on account of indisposition. NEW YORK-Amer- lcan Exchan 53 tional per cent on White and Mrs. S. G. Wilder defeated Mrs. F. C. Boxes, Bank. 60 6-- 6-- CHICAGO per cent on Decorated. Fie!dln the preliminary, 3, 2, 6-- 1. Merchants' National PARIS-Cr- edit JUe. The second set was marked by some Lyonnais. -- FOR KENT. BERLIN THE PRESENT DUTY brilliant plays by both sides. Mrs. Wil-dcr- 's Dresdner Bank. Achi is 10 per cent on either. vo.leying was at times very effect- ooo HONGKONG AND YOKOHAMA ive. Hongkong and Shanghai Baakfcea K. Mrs. A. M. Brown Corporation. NOW 13 YOUR TIME l?featcd Mrs. H. T!ig Hswolian Trosl 6-- 2, 6-- s isvestmes! eo. to purchase Gunn in the preliminary, 1. The NEW ZEALAND AND what you want . AUSTRAU- a- winner put up very ZeaL-vnd- in this line before prices a finished game. (LIMITED.) Bank of New The games in the firsc round will be VICTORIA AND &CO. are advanced. played VANCOUVSR--xa this afternoon on the Pacific GEO. a. CARTER, of British North America, courts, commencing at 4 o'clock, and Treasurer. STERLING -- SILVER will be between . ALSO 409 Tronscci a.Generoi from Fort Street, Honolulu. BanKino Excnanoe Basmen the factories of Reed Mrs. John Waterhouse and Mrs. B. & Barton and Whiting Von llamm. Telephone No. 184. Deposits Received. Loans mad Real Estate Mfg. Co. Approved Miss May Young and Mrs. F. H. C. GRASS CATCHERS Security. Commercial Scott. Travelers Credits Issued. Bill Exchange 1 Brokers, WE WILL hare a spe- Mrs. A. M. Brown and Mrs. S. G. Wil- $1 Bought and Sold. cial sale for the next thir- der. $1.25 and Hawaii Land Co. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ty days, commencing Mrs. E. R. Adams and Miss Bi?rtha Fit any Size Mower. ACCOUNTED FOR. April 2Stn. Young. b LIMITED. WEST KING ST. The Winner of the Waterhouse-Vo- n THE REDUCTION will Hamm match will meet the winner of THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE Young-Sco- Capital Stock BAM 1-- M. tt be 33 3 per cent. Our as- the match on Thursday i fv)ir v urn $100,000. sortment Is very complete. afternoon and the winner of the Brown-Wild- er LIMITED. 1 1 r.fuiNij a . Capital, paid up w v contest will play the winner of mil $48,560. il! the Adams-R- . Young U TLATEDWARE will be contest on the Ehlers' Bui'ding. Fort St. also sold same arternoon, both matches being in OFFICERS. Subscribed Capital Yen 24,000,0nr at special re- the record round. duced prices. W. C. Achi President & Manager Tfa will be served th:s afternoon Paid Up Capi'al . Yen 18,000,(100 during the tournament bv Mrs. George M. K. Nakulna Vice President RICH CUT GLASS, B. -- for Carter and Mrs. E. R. Adams. ! J. Makalnal Treasurer Reserved Fund . . Yen 8 090,000 LIMITED the next thirty days at a The public is to be present. Ohayo Enoch 25 per cent reduction. incited Johnson Secretary Geo U Desha Auditor HEAD OFFICE: YOKOHAAUL ALL KAWAIAHAO SEMINARY. OF OUR COOD3 are INTEREST ALLOWED: , Oier for marked la plain figures and BOARD OF DIRECTORS. ' Sale: Entertainment to be Given on Fri- On Fixed Deposit for 12 month the old prices remain with Jonah Kumalae. p. the new. day Evening. Everybody is a. 44. J. Makalnal. On Fixed Deposit 6 p A very enjoyable for months entertainment will invited to call at Biplkane. p. a. l.'i.ici aLltAIia. be given Friday evening J. W. by the schol- our store and in On Fixed Deposit for 3 monthi I . ars of p. a. O an I r.raauUted. the Kawaiahao Seminary. A spect the m The Above Copmany will buy, lease, number of eoloist3 from the Hawaiian or sell lands In all part of the Ha- INTEREST ALLOWED BY T HEAD OFFICE RAFINE ' band will also take part. The follow- waiian Islands; and also has houses in AT YOKOHAMA. PAINT CO 2-- 10 w. w. ing programme will be rendered: tfw City of Honolulu for rent Dn Current Deposit 1 sen. per 4ay On f'l.nM, ('.m:ninds Fixed Deposit for 12 monthi, and Building Action Sonc Mirii-- Great per. cent p. a. Primary (lirls. ESTABLISHED IN 1833. Chinee Sonp. HI The bank buys and receives for MIIUm and Rose Akaloka. Bills of Exchange, Uk .'INT OILS, Violin Solo Stlfctl BISHOP & CO, Drafts and IMOND Mr. Naonl. Letters of Credit and traa STn;id 7 I..yli acts a general banking 'inl-R- aw Bargains bu6inet. &n,j Dolled. ' Kawaiahao Girls. - -- -IU and Dolled. & CO., LIMITED Chronntliartoh kron. Bankers- "' . Kawaiahao Girls. we are ottering THIS WEEK T ANSACT A GENERAL BANKING Agency Yokohama Specie Bank: Kvcninff Motile r AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS. New Republic 5CUSE, Kawaiahao Bldg., Honolulu, ii. Cornt Solo Stlortf.l DO IMPOIlTJtSUS or Mr. Amahio. NOT FAIL TO ATTEND. Commercial and Travelers Letters ef T.proof cold-wat- er Paint, la-a- J A Quarantine Story Credit Issued, available In all the 'vjU-U- ; jo Whlte ana Croclery, Glass, Lamps, HonseFar-DuM- m Miss A. Hitchcock Principal Citlea of the World. Misses Hitchcock and 1'iiKslcy; .Me- BISHOP & CG. ssrs. IJryan. Wilson, Stnkcs, Pink-ha- m INTEREST allowed after July 1st, Goods. and ISeardmore. CHIYA & CO. It 8, on fixed deposits: 3 months t per Violin Solo Sfl"ctcd cent; 6 months 3 per cent; 12 months I'rof. Paul Corse r Nuuanu and 4 per cent. SAVINGS BANK ERTlLlZERb. FOR THE Hotel Street. Tel. 983 . Now Kaahumanu School. Cross & hlgh-gra- d JUHEI Sona' ISHI2UKA Office ne at bank building on fertilizes, adapted for su-'"- The name of the Beretania street AGENCY OF Merckaaf and coffee. WET WEATHER school Is to be "Kaahumanu School." street. J- 3..in.!t & Co.'s chemical FertU- - This was decided on at a meeting of the r.. finely ground KOI HiN BANK, LTD. Savings Deposits Doncmeal. LADIES' AND GENTS' Executive Council yesterday. Kaahu- will be received ai manu was the wife of Kamehameha the Vineyard Street. Interest allowed by this Bank at fe&i and one-ha- lf Great, and is esteemed by the Hawaii-an- s per cent per annum. 'AM as a good and wonderful woman. PIPE COVERING, She played a prominent part in her day Transact General Banking and Ex- Cravanette change Business. Printed copies of the Rules and R in the education of her people, and her may p.iteat elastic sectional pipe memory Is one of most beloved of ulatlons be obtained on applica- ''J',r!n. the UFAD OPPICK - - - TOKYO, J.?PAF tion. all the native queens. There is a tra- Waterproof dition that she was not turned into the raw Exchange on IKR PRESS OLOTIh, path of effort for the true things of life FHtST NATIONAL BANK, until she was "spanked" by her royal KEEP THE HEAD COOL YOKOHAMA. BISHOP & CO. History, and tht '"a an I husband. however, does not feet warm Is the advice given by ali Honolulu, September 7, 1898. Jt. Cloaks fully support this legend. the doctors in time of epidemics of anj kind. Pacheco'8 Dandruff Killer i to at .1 il!l'M BALDWIN Ten Thousand a Month. the best to use on the head. It is re- C. BREWER &CO L'D freshing, invigorating and stimulating Queen and Coats. The Minister of the Interior was besides possessing cooling properties Street : : HonelUu, B. X authorized yesterday to draw from the contained in no other preparation ir AGENTS jj OR ALSO appropriation for "Roads and Bridges ' the market. Siigar Factprs Hawaiian Agricultural Company, Oa-me- a In Honolulu" at the rate of 510,000 PACHECO'S Yard Black aj DANDRUFF KILLER Sugar Company Honomu Sasa CRAVANETTE by the month. Minister Young's leaving yes- AND- - Company, Wailuku Sugar Compaay AUEiNTS and Assorted Colors. Is for sale by all druggists and at th FOt. terday on the Australia creates the Union Barber Shop; telephone 696. American Sugar Co.. Make necessity of his work being cared for Company. Ookala Sugar Plantttvui Company, Cvm-pany- , REFINING CO.. by someone el&e. It Is understood that OoiDDiissioD Merchanth Haleakala Raach San Francisco. i.M accept port-- Kapapala l.anch, Moloaai Minister Damon will the Ranch. folio In addition to his other duties, j J. LftNP, Planters' Line, San Francisco PaekMa '''"'OCOMOTIVB WORKH. Minister Young will return In a few j JUDD BUILDING office again Fort Street. Charles Brewer & Co.'s Line ef Bea-f-a al''lelphla, Tenn., U. H. A. Umbrellas weeks but will hardly take Packets. and Alpaca. after the Territorial Bill goes into ef-- ! Wm. a. IRWIN & CO., I. D. Agents Silk feet as his private business presses him! Boston Board of JnderwrlteT. 1 Agents for Philadelphia Board of inr'.i'N!VKIWAI. MILL CO.. hard. OilllfR Wn. G. Irwin President & Mmager '.loul Cane Shredder") PIIR Claus Spreckels First Vice Pres. Standard Oil Co. New York. U. S. A. Will Buy New Goods. j H. M. Whitney, Jt Treas. & Sec'y WATERPROOF M. Rosenberg of the firm of Rosen- - j H. M. Whitney Treas. & Sec'y LIST OF OFFICER t. Geo. J. Ross CARRIAGE APRONS. berg & Schaumer, left for San Francis--j Auditor C. M. Cooke, President; George H. H Manager; E.- - Carriage Wraps In Great Va co On Has in a New Line of uertson. F. Blskoy, San Francisco, C!. Linen and New York by the Australia. SUGAR FACTORS Treasurer and Secretary; CoL W. R. rlety. his return he will bring a full line of: SHIRTS, TIES, UNDERWEAR, AND A.len, Auditor h. C. Jones, H. Water AT gents' furnishing goods, clothing, etc.! G. i'r )N house, R. Cat ier. Direetora. AND LOCOMOTIVE for the Orpheum Clothing House. 712 j HATS, CAPS, PAJAMAS Commission Agents. --- San Franclnro. Cal. Fort street, next to the Orpheum Thea- - WHITE DUCK ter. Also new goods for the Red Front, AGENTS FOR THE H. W. FOSTER & CO., COATS, PANTS, '' l!i,,pi.T.rr.., Used E.W. Jordan 101 Merchant street, next to Police' VESTS, in 2 ' Oceanic steamship Company Gold and station. PANAMA HATS. Silversmiths J?; Sii:nt Barber Shop Of San Francisco, Cal. No use looking for anything better Disinfected 10 Fort Street. FINE WATCH REPAIRING, EN- vJ:'r'TV'r1 Moore "AA" Whiskey, for RUB- than Jesse Only the highest . rade of RED GRAVING and DIAMOND-SETTIN- G. j. .... 'in. the new ;.v'::;i''' tT.UNANDEZ. Trop. is delivered to any its better Isn't made in either BER Is used In the Stamps made by All Goods and Work Guaranteed. The Advertiser per month. or the old world. Fort Street. Near King. the HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO. 209 HOTEL HOTEL ST. part of the city for 73 cen.. STREET. r : 4

MAY 16, 1006. 8 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL a nviTTtTTRER : HONOLULU, MOVEMENTS X)F STEAMERS. Thos. G. Thrum's The 'Purest Steamers due and to sail today and for SEAAND SHORE th next six days are as follows: . iu.li uuuuu! nun DP-TO- BOOK STORE All Nations Buy It AND MOST ARRIVE. WN From. Due. Steamers. 18 Coptic-S- an May Just Francisco 22 Arr Health Retaining Gaelic-Yokoh- ama May San Francisco May 23 Alameda May 25 of new supplies Hoodoo Norma Struck Marlposa-Colon- ies . Is in recent receipt OF America Maru San Francisco May lb from New York of Staple and Fancy City of Peking San Francisco ...June 6 consisting of A Luau. Australia San Francisco June 6 Stationery, Per Ex Warrimoo Victoria ..June OFFICE AND BUSINESS NECESSI- and E B. San Francisco June li REQUIRE- SuttoaJSAv BOTTLED Gaelic June TIES HOUSEHOLD Mariposa San Francisco MENTS and FASHION'S FANCIES. Rata "ue'.Hicep DEPART. r. Arrives Safely at Kauai With all a Coptic Yokohama stilus; WV" Hands and a Leak Battle-- . Gaelic San Francisco May L LATEST BOOKS Alameda Colonies May 23 ship Kearsarge, Mariposa San Francisco May By the most popular authors, are at Butcher Knives r& vrr.erloa Maru Yokohama May 26 hand and coming forward by regular Paint and Hongkong Maru San Francisco . .May 29 Gasoline, BenSfan c China San Francisco June 5 opportunities. The schooner Norma still floats on Aorangi Victoria June 6 Doric San Francisco June 12 This Label the surface of the sea and has not June 12 111 Australia San Francisco The News and Alst Agents sought the bottom as so many on the Nippon Maru San Francisco . ..June 22 !0r prognosticated. Periodical Department PANSY 111 water front had She COOKDfosiOte Insures was not wrecked upon a desert isle, VESSELS EXPECTED. Is prepared to fill all orders promptly HAVILAND mail. Subscriptions started at WARE. nor did she strike a sunken rock in Vessel. From. by each GATE 5i any CITY WATER Perfection. some raging etorm and go under with Mary Winklemajn, Am. bkt.Gray's Harbor time. Dirigo, Am. sp Hongkong VICTOR SAFE & all hands and the cook. Kneigia, Br. stmr Hongkong Ml. Kilmory, Br. sp Liverpool OUR BINDERY Aermotor The fact of the matter as nearly as Wladafflb v . ft,. You will know E. M. Phelps, Am. sp Manila & " mills pver come f can be learned from experts on such Helen Brewer, Haw. sp New York Executes, as usual, ail orders for the to tv, ' Wallace B. Flint, Am. bk New York no eual. i matters, is she luau, Am. sp New York repair of law or miscellaneous books, that struck a Challenger, special books, broadside, while going full 6peed. Henry Failing, Am. sp New York the manufacture of blank ' at A. Fuller, Am. sp Nagasaki etc., 7 j J. binding of music, magazines, on articles is to say her crew, notwithstand- Hayden. Brown. Am. bk Newcastle himi - Beer That notice. LOWEST BEDROCK Pabst Lyman D. Foster, Am. Newcastle short PRyt i sch IK. HON ing the fact that the little hoodoo was John C. Potter, Am. sp Newcastle call and examine for already when Olga, Am. sch Newcastle i i overloaded she left this Carrollton, Am. bk Newcastle by the label and the LIMIThO. port on Friday, May 4th, inconsider- Standard, Am. sp Newcastle ALL ORDERS Reaper, Am. sp Newcastle Entrusted to our care will have prompt ately took on individual loads of a na- Hcnoipu, Am. sp Newcastle HAIAIIANHABBfft! Big Bonanza, Am. bk .Newcastle attention. AGENTS ture which rendered them Indifferent -- taste SOLE Sussex, Br. bk Newcastle vi ST to the dangers of the sea and super- Oregon, Am. bk Newcastle -- OPPOSITE - Robert Searles, Am. sclw Newcastle OOO- SPRECKELS- HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. fluously happy. Jas. Rolph, Am. sch Newcastle When the schooner Ada arrived yes- General Fairchild, Am. bk Newcastle -- Hesper, Am. bk Newcastle THE . terday morning from Kauai . she Star of Italy, Haw. ship Newcastle; Kuterpe, Haw. ship Newcastle brought the news of the safe arrival of Star of Russia, Haw. ship Newcastle Thos. 6. Thrui i :1 TELL the Norma at Hanalei. The Norma Lett Wachusett, Am, sp Newcastle NEW COMPARISON WILL here overloaded, according to stories Marion Chilcott, Am sp Newcastle El Dechmont, Br sp Newcastle . BREWER BLOCK, FORT ST. If you have any doubt as to where you can get the on the water front, and had a heavy Elisa, Ital. sp ....Newcastle list which threatened to capsize her al- Harvester, Am. bk Newcastle most as soon as she struck the open Inca, Am. sch Newcastle ft Manufactures frwh wry ao..,. City of Hankow, Br. sp Newcastle sea. Carondelet, Am. bk..., Newcastle TTimT AT AY Kth. A good s'zed leak was in her hold Krrpire, Am. bk Newcastle BEST BREAD and the leak did what is ordinarily ex- Ivy, Br. sp Newcastle pected of leaks and tried hard to sink Louisiana, Am. sp Newcastle Great I Celebrat(4- - r leave us out in making a comparison. 3 Republic, Br. bk ....Newcastle don't the little craft. The pumps were going Sea King, Am. bk Newcastle all the time; that was the only amuse- Perseverance, Br. sp Newcastle M ment the crew had during pro- Abby Palmer, Am. bk Newcastle I their King Cyrus, Am. sch Newcastle Reduction Sale! Gluten gressive journey to Kauai. J. B. Brown, Am. sp Newcastle You'lS Appreciate Us It is said that her general cargo is Yosemite. Am. sp Newcastle -- FOR- ruined but the schooner is Woollahara, Br. bk Newcastle that all William Bowden, Am. sch ....Newcastle and the work we do for you, as the days get right except for the hole in her hull. W. H. Talbot, Am. sch Newcastle : c warmer and warmer. What a convenience what a help it is to have US The hoodoo will undoubtedly return to Columbia, Am. sch Newcastle sTwo Bread port pretty soon, and continue her list Benicia, Am. bkt Newcastle i bake everything instead of doing the work yourself in a hot kitchen. of Prince Albert, Nor. sp Newcastle For invalids. This Bread is 3 adventures until she meets the fate Prince Victor, Nor. sp Newcastle very - that all hoodoos are supposed to meet; Clan Macpherson, Br. sh Newcastle the best grade of ww . 9 Weeks ground whole, and Is joins the great majority of vessels far Ancenis, Br. sh Newcastle consider We'll save you no end of trouble and labor send all kinds of Fantasi, Nor. bk Newcastle a Die Dy people with weak stnir, 1 beneath the wave. Invincible, Am. sh Newcastle Captain Weisbarth is as able a - Stjorn, Nor. bk Newcastle also make the following varfctJ nly!i BOSTON CREAM -- igator as ever sniffed the salt winds of Marion Lightbody, Br. sh.Newcastle, Eng STEAM J the sea, and it is probably entirely ow- Omega, Am. bk Nitrate Ports SQUARE BREAD, FREXChJ Bread, Rolls, Cakes Susquehanna, Am. sp. .. San Francisco ing to his cleverness as a sailor and Aloha, Am. sc. San Francisco PRICES TO PLEASE ALL. FRENCH SHORT. RYE WITH iJ his force of management as a man that Archer, Am. bkt San Francisco MILK, WHOLE WHEAT, G?JlJ K. the Norma, arrived right side up at K. Wood, Am. sc Tacoma v w MOHXSAJIEX, and Pastry. Quickstep, Am. bk Tacoma i it. r nil I 3 Kauai. nUjlCi-jIAU- E, Katie Flickinger, Am. bk Tacoma --AT- lap.ge nr FRESH WHENEVER YOU SAY. PAX-CRUS- All accounts agree that the party Solide, Ger. bk Hamburg LARGE T. HOT sp aboard the Norma when she left Hono- Hera, Ger. Hamburg BUNS, SNAILS, .NTTS, Philadelphia, Ger. sp Hamburg t. lulu behind on that Friday all hoo- Llewellyn, sp doos sail on was Carnedd Br. Hamburg ORDERS BY PHONE 677) will receive prompt Friday certainly a Ventura, Br. bk ; Antwerp IT. Murata,! Please telephone (74) In Tocrori; attention. jolly one was and under influence other wagons will deliver the goods to t than that which might be expected to THE HATTER. S doors. r OO be derived from the occasion. Drug Store wants are ' 118 Nuuanu. Tel. 814. Battleship Kearsage. many; hardly there is P. O. box 865. J. Oswald Limed, The new battle-shi- p Kearsarge is the a day but what largest, costliest, most powerful and Passes HOTEL STRd Bakery, fastest first-cla- ss German the battle- American FORT STREET. ship, and one of the finest in the world. you are in need of some Although her trial trip did not demon- R mi strate it officially, members of the hing In the drug line. HI Naval Board said that she was a 17-kn- ot ship and this is faster than any Perhaps It is a pre- - other first-cla- ss battle-shi- p at the: - BY AUSTRALIA afloat. Her I i . S. S. II scription be filled, a Old Bell Tower, Union Street. corrected time was 16.845 knots, but to this low figure was caused by an unfor- tunate accident, the bursting of a pipe tooth brush, a bottle of CELERY, in the hot-wat- er feeder, which let cold I I water into the boiler. For thirteen perfume, a cough rem TT miles before this happened she aver- CAULIFLOWER, aged 17.52 knots, and this was with a edy, cigar or many oth green crew of stokers and with bad Hawaiian CABBAGE, steering. er every-da- y needs. Our ) The feature of the Kearsarge mark- ing an innovation upon which the eyes object is this: "We want CHEESE, of the naval experts I of the whole world are fixed, is the upper-impose- d turret. you to buy your drug EASTERN AND CALIFORNIA OYSTERS This is the first time that one turret Phrase has been built upon another, and there are grave doubts expressed by many store goods of us. We officers regarding its practicability. It v llllill keep the very best of At has become known as the . Sampson it Salter's Grocery, turret, but Lieutenant Joseph Strauss, United States Navy, is the inventor of everything and are an r. ORPHEUM BLOCK. TELEPHONE 68Q it. When he proposed it Admiral Book! Sampson became convinced of its value xious to serve you. and urged its adoption so strenuously I I: that the latter's name became associat- ed with You'll find us accom the invention. Veteran naval By First-Cla-ss by Fulton Engineering officers declare that it is folly to build Artists. sale ane turret on top of another, and that modating. AND the discharging of the big guns of one CHAS. SEYDONe! turret will render the other untena- JOS. " WHITTLE. THE ble. Some go so far as to say that it D. W. SNOW. 13 would result fatally to the gunners in Ship Building Works, the other turret. A test has recently been made, two officers volunteering Honolulu Drug Co to remain in the under turret, and SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA. have the heavy guns over them fired. They suffered no evil effect, but it is VON HOLT BLOCK. ORPHEUM CAFE mm. considered by many that a true test LTD. I could only be made in a battle. The KING STREET. ORPHEUM BLOCK, greatest advantage of the double turret Fort Street. Engineers First-cla- ss thir-teen-in- in every Street. and Builders is the concentration of fire of two ch detalL Onlj Merchant eight-inc- h hlte help employed. n'1 and two guns in HIGH DUTY PUMPING ENGINES, both the bow and stern. Cleveland POPULAR PRICES. The keels of the Kearsarge and her CORLISS, MARINE and MILL ENGINES, sister ship, the Kentucky, were laid on MARINE and the 30th of. June, 1S0C six months af- STATIONARY BOILERS. ter their construction was awarded to Chainless Harry the Newport News Shipbuilding and Is superior to all others. Klemme, Estimates furnished for all classes of machinery and for Dry Dock Company and their launch- MANAGER. he equipment of complete power plants. ing within eighteen months from the beginning of building was a record for &EVELANI Chain Wheels . -- ,tiTTT this country. are also HISTACE & -- superior and prices are CO., ooo- E W MU ''-- "I lit NOTES. right. DEALERS IN 1 it limine Ships RECORD I - await berths outside the harbor SEARCHER OF HENRY G. all accommodations inside being tax- GINACA, ed to Wood and Coal. the limit. Honolulu Bike Co ALSO Office Opposite W. G. Irwin Representative in the Hawaiian The got Islands. Australia away for San Fran- 209 HOTEL ST. White OFFICE: Fort Street, between Merchant and King, Honolulu cisco yesterday afternoon at twenty and Black Sand i minutes past 4 o'clock. CEHTlFIv-- Which, will tm 4TISTT? AND On re Mil at ipt! Friday the German ship Pflueger A. J. DOLLINGER'S rery lowest market CAREFULLY PRffH It 1 rata OF TITLE f and the schooner Robert Lewers leave Honolulu loaded with sugar. TELEPHONE NO. 414. j ?2000 TO LOAN OS REAL It is understood that th U. S. steam- 1 i er Iroq'--i- s will get away Dress . SECURITY. ARTESIAN WELLS! for Midway -- ); Island the latter part of this week. SEATTLE BEER DCMDUll NOTICE. L E. PIMHAM, CONTRACTOR. A great number of Orientals are to be taken back to China and Japan by Making -- SHA . 1 AT E- MIINPO the Coptic on Friday. About 200 will TH- HAWAII leave. . JAFANESS FKISIir I ffice With the Pecilic Kerdwace Co., Honolulu II. I. TflE PIONEER CRITERION - i Ship Australia spoke a Hawaiian ship SALOON. publlac- of 1 flying Parlors The re- the signal S. C K. G.," on April The only daily Japanese"Htf i 20, in latitude 9 deg. south, longitude me lished 1b th Islands. T 5 Estimates given and contracts 147 west, southward bound. removed to 472 Beretania made for wells on any oi street, to M. W. M cCHESNEY & SONb EDITOR A'VtnflZ5, the Islands.- - - . Captain Hubbard of the barkentine S. next Gonsalves Photo PROPRIETOK N. Castle (lallerv. SHINTO SH J has made his one hundred Wholesale Grocers and DsaJers In Leatb HAWAII and eleventh tr;p to nonolulu in that At the rear of Yong "gg vessel. He has been to sea since '54. er and Sole Findings. Walkanalulu bridge, EightNew LOUREXZO MARQUES. Th-Ameri- city. Plants May 3. Agenta fflihM ship William H. Mary, Cap- Ilonolulu Soap Work Com FOS dnlll ORDERS en. tain Groth, from Vancouver, Is ashore oany, Honolulu, and Tannery. LEAVIS YOUR at Cockburn Shoal. The British war ship MadeP"1 Forte has gone to her assistance. . The William H. Macey is of 2,092 tons. Family Lunch Rooms Home She is 251 feet 9 inches long, 43 feet 2 AT Inches wide and 28 feet 3 inches deep PACHAS0 m i re-op- en HEAD THE ADVERT She is owned by J. C. Esehon & Co., and man uuMHB Will on Thursday, April 26th, ,vnc.;V Villi-.- '' I hails from San w& Francisco. At the Gazette Office. at Its old stand. Merchant 6treet, Fresh Tueedtyi Woman's Exchange building. 5527


cution eniUlU ,a,ntHon. prose-Siiir- t? The OLD SOCIETY TO thaLthe ,una was employed to Auction Sale Auction Sale m - VaIV Perforc had to use giant BE REVIVED NOW OF wtne8a den,ed olfi. f tin Mln- - K?2 if ;that he lt n. U8inS . t tt I I . a. i.of,SolLIno the explosive. t. i. r ,r mill eunemiaj. that Soldlnahad - loLn ihown Farmer's Institute Will . . mis the Delinquent ..'hi k IK"1". rr rur- petition already spoken Start Again Stock ! ,'tJM'l of Ho pi the Hawaiian Agricultural "Jll" TvUr m IN min? made a strong argu-S- ti THE .,,.. ami Mil- - Moem. y'dn Association. IS THE n.ietmw of nl3 events. "N1-r!Tt.- H term of six hacl TJ ,,,, f,.r it!' Reis and ethem ver before been ar-E- ill Olaa Sugar Co. Camacho !,. r inn. are aP.yJ ffens. anl if anything N.iv rj'. bten Bald by It was about as well as decided at the Nahiku Sugar Co n t himself Itels on any occasion, , Ld bind meeting of the Farmers' Institute last in Jail Cells. onW.MftfMTfc,n the heat of Passion. Satur.lay si! .r any bid. hearers afternoon that the Hawaiian J. however, had ever Agricultural 0. SATURDAY, MAYl 19TH iS?U.Kh t. necessary to warn Association should be reviv- .i:X. YOl'MJ. i the ed. It is l.eli.-e- AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, he was in danger from that the scope and ob- r f tli'' Interior. man the ject of. obi OX my who uttered th statements at- the institution will prove a WlDADaY, jl,Y 23, At salesroom, 33 Queen St., Hono- IWECIEO tributed to him. Uut a broader basig of organization and lulu, I will sell at Public Auction, by ASSASSINS both men had better AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, NO Signed a petition to the Portuguese than any new one that could be deviser! order of the Treasurer, Mr. J. B. Castle, government asking for the Institute. At my the following certificates of that a commission salesroom, 33 Queen street Ho- stock in the that upon! ' be sent here On Friday evening Olaa Sugar Co., unless -, u.vdi to investigate the Con- there is to be a nolulu I will sell at Public Auction, by the sixth asses- a. i) iDoo. udge Wilcox sul s acts and special public meeting ment, duo Feb. 1st, 1900, delinquent M iy i';t:i .t Phces further because an at- at the High School ll?e Treasurer. Mr. the Men Under tempt or at 7:.'i) o'clock, fbf7uf J. P. Cooke, March 31st. with interest herwin I .ry 'Inly ana several attempts had been when the subject, will l,e certificates , drawn of stock in the paid Bonds, to Protect made to assassinate th Consul brought up. Nahiku Sugar Co., on or before the day and hour of I k I Consul the Ltd., r,. a , !.'H n an. ex unless the 2d Police had directed the finger of sus- All persons who were members assessment due TW i icao. rcet from the! Canavarro, picion toward of the No. them." old association are specially invited to January 31st, 1900, with interest there- - No. if they were put Certif. ' .if Il.ilekauwlla under bonds, he be present at this meeting, and a most uu, is paid on or before the day and Shares. - said. It would literally mean interesting 5 J. Q. Wodd, , A i of IIUCKau- A. .. that they time. Is anticipated. hour of sale: tr...... 100 IW. and Luiz Carca-,- . would of necessity 24 C. have to go to prison, Th Hawaiian Agricultural Cert. n Ch H. Judd I l' i:i. !i!iwl street to aa Association ..100 two Portuguese they were poor men 43 T. W. M. Draper . suspected cf tryinc to and couid not held annual exhibitions and was actively 101 Dr. Humphries 50 . 100 I, i nf KiiliI Kaka-- ; possibly get any 108-10- 44 L. Consul one to go upon their engaged in agricultural 9 H. Armitae-- e B. Hamilton .. 150 aaslnate Canavarro with a bond. He likened work for a num- 9 59 B. F. in, i t at the cfilce of bomb, were the present case to ber of years Armitage Beardmore .. .. 50 yesterday r,acf.,, that of a Homan- - after its foundation in ISM Hoi!?--if . I 200 80 C. ; : emperor ti H. W. Norton n ,n i 'i. Ouhii, and un.r who had a The association gradually dropped ito-i- jj. m. koss 2 50 .. .. 500 dream out of 125-12- 87 that some oae had tried to kill 6 C. " " A. J. Campbell, tr. .. 125 pro-t- - existence, however, as the sugar indus- J. Lane . 2 25 m ii'tf of the which him, and when 127-132-- 88 A. they were sent to nrUon he awoke he had the try developed. A. J. Campbel, tr. . . .. 50 man Since new efforts be- F. Cooke 6 500 fnspect and The police searched out and deprived of his are 144 89 A. J. Camnbell. tr. . 50 net of circumstantial evi- ing made to encourage other agricultur- J. F. Haglund 1 100 life. The Marshal had 145-14- 90 A. J. Campbell, f k: v all dence such a dream al work, 8 A. . tr...... 275 .nl mertaln which was drawn he thought, there is no reason why Garvie 4 100 1 . about the and had drawn the net there 149 W. B. i5 j. Houoway .. 15 l.e.irlni on the shi uld not be a good field ln Isl- Scott 1 25 181 suspects who around Reis and Camacho as the guilty these 151 O. J. Bearwald 25 occupied on( ands for a renewal of J. Boisse 1 5 207 the w lines stand the attempted assassination of the labors of such 153 ' W. L. Wilcox 50 yesterday, wu strong an organization. L. A., Thurston 1 50 215 i:i it: way whatsoever Consul Canavarro. 158-16- 0 Wm. Stodart 50 , enough In the opinion of Judge, L. A. Thurston 3 300 Wilcox The argument of Marshal 275 Geo. Goodacre 25 t mentioned Iru- - Brown 163 F. B. ii .i to warrant th men Augur 1 50 276 ' being held tmder tended to show that every action and 166 A. Geo. Goodacre 25 ire notineu to be large bond to utterance Lodge Le Progres De G. Cunha ." 1 25 277 Geo. keen the rear, t.- - of the suspected men for l'Oceanie 181 R. Goodacre .. . 25 I ani A. Jordan 1 25 in.' an place, there vent them from doing months had been directed In a menac- 185 23i .Airs. J. w. Leonard 8 bodily barm to ing way NO. 124, A. & A. S. RITE. H. Hays?lden 1 25 299 H. L. ,y i .i.' J i ry m re union to toward the person of the Con- 188 S. Evans 17 vi.iit.ui lanavarro In the future. sul, and he Lesser 1 100 304 Mrs. Geo. 'vni-Mif- . believed from the evidence 190 J. Augur. 167 ! ;:i.; Hoth were J. E. Taylor 25 mn n the wltnews'stuid that they were of revengeful natures 191 l 310 Jno. Bryant 17 M. r.UOWN. - J. H. Ijve 1 15 328 IM denied that he had and intended to make way with him A- 195 A. Toogood 67 uttered the at E. C. Holstein 1 25 411 i;. n'i:;r of Hawaii. statements . He admitted that there THERE WILL BE A SPECIAL 197 R. A. Jordan 33 attributed to him bv the wa no W. F. Thompson 1 75 424 Geo. Hawkins ;:.(.: -i direct evidence on which meeting of Le Progres Lodge, 124, ..... 8 , "iiu-wi- the No. J. ior me prosecution. ad-- ( men II. Jones 25 437 Jno. A. . tn: could be convicted of the attempt A. & A. S. Rite, this (Wednesday) 200ia H. Moore 20 milled having at J. Jones, Trustee 25 446 M. G. Sylvester NOTICE. written the and assassination, because the men who- evening 7:30 as. 3 ..uVTlON at o'clock, at its hall, Phillips 150 478 signed th petitions to the home mv- - ever they were, fought in the 'dark, Masonic Temple. 207 E. E. Mossman 10 were N. Lakusta 50 485 C. D. . not seen by any one, and were 209-21- 1 Lufkin 250 ,f w.yr privilege, or thoat ernment asking for Canatarro's WORK IN THIRD DEGREE. Jas. Wavsnn 50 515 pledged to one 213-21- Jacob Pash 8 . r another not to reveal 4 f ri-e- aro hereby notified removal from office, t'nd.-- cross-ex-;- m Members of Jas. Armstrng ...!!!!! 2 150 their crime. Yet, on the other hand. Hawaiian Lodge No. 21 587 Jas. L. Holt 17 f, purpose and Pacific Lodge 822 ueo. uoenitz 1 100 644 irrirf itlon amlnatlon he xh Mr. No. so- 17-21- Gear, stated letter were Canavarro believed his dan- and all 8- Lansing & Co. 50 t life in i3. Mav .... 2 50 W ger journing 645 Gear, :o 1 o I'" a. m., and from written because he at the hands of these men brethren are invited to be 220 Lansing & Co. 50 believed the Consul and he present. Geo. Pikz .. 1 100 647 had thought they should be put 221 Chas. H. Ramsay, tr. 25 p. m. done him harm K nnw-famoi- under A. F. Clark his bonds. By order of the W. M. 1 25 648 Gear, Lansing & Co. 50 case ngain,t Dillingham. 222 W. H. Charlock 1 ANLIiKW nnowN. A decision was quickly E. B. FRIEL, 694 Jno. Waterhouse 8 Me stated h hail hvir! .f . . w reached bv 22 u. Lr. Ballentyne ll.n.-- ' i'J Water Work Judge ... 100 696 J. N. pioNion tne next morning uir Wilcox. Secretary. 236 Mrs. J. L. Holt Waterhouse .... 15 when a Por- "I have listened." paid 25 697 Margaret AVaterhouse 15 If tuguese told him of It. TM he. "to all the! 237 J. L. Holt 50 717 AI.KX. evidence In case H. C. Austin 42 YOUNU. tween 7 thi carefully. Let me POWER 238 . and 8 o'clock. OF ATTORNEY. J. L. Holt. rust.ee. 25 C. tfll you (pointing to the 240- bi Mrs. H. Austin 18 M.a;i:er of iQterlor. 'Did you know of any attempt on defendants - Lam Kam Chin 1 50 yoo (j. u. th who stood in 241-24- Ballentyne ... 50 ( onsul u front of him), when such 2 Miss C. . bW- - 52i5 life?" Inquired attorney Da-- t DURING MY ABSENCE Towne .... 2 50 906 C. G. Jr. 1. remarks as you have FROM THE 245-24- 6 Ballentyne ... 50 vbltion. uttered, are Hawaiian I Miss Isabel Kelly . . 2 50 907 C. G. coupled with three distinct attempts Islands, have appointed mv 250 Jno. Ballentyne 50 "No." came the ready response frurn wife, Ida E. Patterson, un- Phillips . 1 50 90S C. G. Ballentyne to do some injury to Mr. Canavarro's to act for me 253 Geo. H. ... 50 llel. der full power of attorney. Piltz . 1 50 919 Mrs. J. XV. oration Notices. house there begins to be a suspicion 251-26- 3 C. Leonard 17 "Did you know or hear of any ex- -. GEO. II. Austin .10 1000 920 H. C. against tome one. W. PATTERSON. 269-27- 1 Austin IT plosion there to Injure The first time, it Honolulu, May C. B. High ... . 3 125 922 C. G. the Consul" was an 12th, 1900. 5545 278-27- Ballentyne ... "No. I did infernal machine left on the 9 J. E. Murphy .... 25 932 not." 28o-28- W. Nicolls NOTICE Consul's front verandah, which, how- 9 . He wa askfd If he knew who H. P. Eakin 200 1070 Robt. ever, did not explode. Then there was 292-29- 3 S. Hawxhurst ... suspected or Cana-varro'-ui NOTICE. E. Bishop 300 the fint attempt on n another explosion, 1071 Robt. Hawxhurst .. 100' life, and then the one a 94 c. A. Bidinger .... 20 1079 iii;; MsiiM'i; ok MU. & to which ReU replied that week ago. You have Geo. Weight 50 not satisfied me 300 W. P. t M; he had heard It talked A?SOCIATED CHARITIES will hold Barnes .20 10S0 Geo. Weic-h- t,.. Ail i Cartley hns about but did that Mr. Canavarro is mistaken in be- 307 50 not know their . J. R. Shaw 1 50 Geo. ,' ,Mi .Man.it(ln 1M- - the man" name. lieving you annual meeting o WEDNES- Weight 50- - that have threatened his DAY, May 3 p. 308 L. Marks 1 50 r I'pon examination by Deputy Mar- 16th, at m., at Y. M. C. A. iu3,s ueo. weight 50- - J "ni". Limited. 'AM life. 309 W. W. " shal ChllMngworth. Keis Hall. Address by President Dole. Re- Harris l 180 10S4 Geo. - rir;xration may be admitted that "This is no ordinary case. It ns an 310 Mrs. L. Weight 50- he had no friendship for be- ports of officers. Public cordially invit- N. Hough 1 20 lt)85 Geo. Weight ' 'V t of II lArtll. Ltd. the Consul extraordinary case. It is a one, 312-31- 7 50' cause he did not serious ed. THE COMMITTEE. D. A. Carmichael 100 1086 Geo. W7eight uii c. joni:h. aid him with his rase and it would certainly 322-32- 4 50 limited. against Dillingham. be a burlesque 5514 J. H. Schnack 3 75 1087 Geo. IM stated he or a travesty to put you under a small 329 J. Weight "' ha H. Schnack 1 20 1088 - had sent the petition 330-33- Geo. Weight K0 mentioned, to bond. I will put you tinder bond 2 Y'im Portugal asking a of Quon 3 150 1092 G. XV. McDouea.ll. .Tr for Canavarro's re- $2,000 in each case, NOTICE. ! 50 NO I ICE. limited to one year. 334 Chin Chock Gee 1 30 1102 R. B. moval Jn which h described him sa e xo warn you against 335 Wrong Rice 25 llcentlou attempting any Ba. Nam 1 50 1113 C. C. " man. and made other allega- SECOND DIS-trjc- t, 5a-j4- u Eakin 25 :)!T. 1)1 'i: PETE Ft c. violence whatsoever toward Mr. Cana- PRECINCT, FOURTH u Marks 2 55 1215 tions against his character. A ropy of meeting Independence L. T. Kenake 42 IV ('. June and C. II. varro." at Park, 341 A. Afong 1 50 1259 ' .! the petition wa handed to the witness Up evening, May 18, A. J. Campbell' 17 I piM In to the IUnlc of to a late hour last night, no bonds 7:30 o'clock; rf43 j. k. Shaw 50 who declared he recognized the nature had been secured, election delegate. S44 n. a. sayior 15 t. I. n'l the ontcer of the and both men were o. Enrollment list A. Neill 25 1288" R. ....4 of it. in jail. can be found at 347 Brown 67 .'.y l.'WIZt'd to receipt for Sarah Savidge .... 25 1289 Geo. McDoug'alV '. ' " It Is a rather remarkable fact, H. 352-35- W. . 25 that F. WICHMAN, Fort St. 3 H. C. Ovenden .... 50 even In this matter, the name of Ca- C. ATHERTON. Castle & - C V' Sturtevaat 13 :ac JOS EH. LIMITED, Chargea Wit i at Cooke's. 6b7 Lionel Steiner 25 1301JJMr-J. M. macho headed the petition, and was yurder. S. C. CRANE, Gazette Office. 5545 358 P. H. l Smith 100 i 3'iSV.A, secretary. followed Immediately by or William Ester, negro, Burnette 1 50 1327 A. J. Campbell, tr. that Rele. the charged 360 P. H. Burnett 25 1404 42 It was dated Pearl City. Asked aft 361-36- 5 l Bickford Whiting 10 ;nw to with the murder of Toyo Jackson, was W. J. WTiite .... t ... . 5 100 1405 "" 5ot why he wrote personally to the home NOTICE. 366 Bickford Whiting .. in brought before Judge Stanley yester- - C. G. Ballentyne ...... 1 250 1406 Bickford " government about Canavarro. Kels 68 Whiting ... 10 l Uy W. B. Allen 2 75 1407 Bickford " stated It was ,aaPlBpl Bu DURING MY 369-37- 0 Whiting M NOTICE. bemuse In. W."1. - ABSENCE FROM THE Emmet May 2 75 r-i- ?Zl F Downing, eharg- 1425 Robt. r - - - --t attenfinn- ...... v iLl.T,nvij Islands, W. L. Howard is authorized un- 373 S. R. Hawxhurst .... " 50 th. uni' vi fd with the murder of Poai, during a Jordan 1 25 1495 M. A. Gonsalves coiony. der full power of attorney to represent 375 J. H. 1 1 4ff r r . . in He 2:7-22- 3 ., native Iuau sometime ago, a Porteous 50 ' "."'II CO , KING Don you know that if Canavarro continu me In all matters of business. 376 j. li. suva 17 r ajice was J. W. Podmore 1 100 1152 I". ft,rr,,'l t!i-l- business to pay granted to defendant until 5543 E. E. Olding ... 100 did not attention to his duties that G. P. CASTLE. 378 Ballentyne & 1 4 a-- t this morning to enter his plea. Eakin.... 1153 E. E. Olding Mm:fd, of May ne iwnargei7-- ' 382-38- 3 ... 100 ', woui.i te inquired M. Brasch 2 150 1154 E. E. Chillingworth. 384-38- 6 Olding ... 100 - Emmet May 2 l NOTICE. 50 1155 E. E. "f company, elected Mr. Has Brought Suit. 391-39- 2 Olding .. 100 "I told Canavarro before I wrote Ballentyne & Eakin 2 100 1156 ' Miy 11, r.Mio, ... E. E. Olding 100 to serve the letter that if he did not pay atten- An injunction suit has been brought FROM 395 H. E. Hendricks 1 25 )'" AND AFTER THIS DATE, I 1547 Geo. C. Potter 500 tion to my complaint, I would report by The Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar 396 J. Sheehan 1 15 i'V rr",i.l.'tit. will not be responsible for any dabts 1469 J. Kahookano 8 him." replied Itels. Co., H. N. Lanford, Manuel" 398 G. J. Boisse . 1 "f. Jose and contracted by my wife, Mrs. Mary E. 5 A very important statement was John Pereira Rico, ac-iln- t tho fani Miller. 402 Lum Sen Kai 1 10 V . ret.iry A PET MILLER. Tnsuurer. brought out when Reia rwmiMT oscu our,"' iuiiiouiiv, aiiu iweuiy-- n ne Eleote, Kauai, May i 5541 406 Sarah Savidge 1 25 JAS. F. MORGAN, Auctr. i.;',,r. n-'- re nan 413 2174 v nf siepi me nigni nerore natives and uninese, to cancel lease, Frank Harvey 1 50 4tt May 8, 11, 15, 18. 5539 MMiSil. S.cretary. the explosion. He stated he had rested The suit Is brought ln the Second Cir-- 415 C. C. Conradt 1 100 REMOVAL NOTICE. 417-41- at the of John Soldlno, a luna on Court. 8 C. P. Grimwood 2 '" houe cuit 500 '"'': The undersigned 423 Mrs. P. Neumann 1 25 "v DR. W. J. GALBRAITH RE-mov- ed Republicans, .'."ii .f tho old firm HAS 428 C. DuRoi 1 50 Attention! ' ' n' prior to May his office and residence from Ha- 429 P. t J. Trovense 1 25 : "'" ; waiian to oc- 431-44- O !'.im.'nf r,f which Is WELL KNOWN TO MANY BUT Hotel the house recently 0 L. Marks 9 SHE cupied by Dr. Raymond, cor. 425 '"UN I'.MMEH'TII. Beretania 441 Ballentyne & Eakin ... 1 50 All Republicans of Sixth :.:.r. and 460-46- the Precinct Alakea Sts. Office hours 9 to 10. 1 Geo. H. Angus 2 190 of 2 to 4, 7 to 8. 5536 the Fourth District of Honolulu are TELLS NOTHING OF WHENCE SHE CAME 464 II. Kubey 1 40 requested to meet 465 at the Chamber of NOTICE Livingstone & Soule .. 1 150 Commerce. Thursdav. Mav 17 of v-- 466 W. M. Minton 1 125 P. m.. for the Durnosp nf oiorMner oon- - MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE 467-46- 8 G. A. Howard, 2 200 didate to ; i - Jr the District in: DIRECT- 474 C. Bon 1 50 of V- OF election, and any other business and Supply 478 w ! ! J. Lucas 1 100 men may Mr. come before the meeting. Ed F. Green 481 Ethel M. 1 " Taylor 100 i; r and manager 485-48- 7 F. Hustace 3 150 The boundaries nf th FORECLOSURE. 496 Rev. J. M. Lewi3 1 25 follows: ! M S. rrefurv. 499 E. II. Bailey '250 All :i- - i ' l that nortion nf snfd !.' 404-40- nictrit 5 J. F. Colburn 2 200 bo-mde- d bv the K wn side nf DIViir-r?c- - In accordance with 506 D. Kawananakoa 1 200 St., mauka side of Beretania - the provisions oi 507 St.,Wai- WW SUG .R a certain mortgage made by The Ha- J. Kalanianaole 1 200 kiki siae or Nuuanu and the harbor. CO. 513 1 waiian Dry Goods Association to M. G Theo. H. l.ever 100 O. C. SWAIN, Secretary. 517-51- 8 H. Armitage I Silva, dated September 23d, 1899, re- 2 100 :i -- I azo-bz- s w".::Y A. 4 250 Wall-Nicho- f.iVEN THAT corded in liber 204, page 271, notice is Gartenberg Enrollment lists are opened at ls ' '!. a!,ovo compary hereby given that the mortgagee in- oil r. M. Louisson 1 50 Co.'s stationery store, Capt. :i ' ,f..r , from gtur- - tends to condi- 540 C. Bolte 1 50 Bray at Sailors Home, O. foreclose the same for ' and C. Swain Non-payme- 541 1 I'V. the Sth Inst, tions broken, to wit: nt ol E. Hammer 20 at Lewers & Cooke's. 5543 H. kOlinUTSON. principal and interest. 542 F. G. Walker 1 50 586 lr i urrr H. S. Co. Notice i3 likewise given that after Lee Chip Chong 1 25 the expiration of two weeks from the 587 Gow Chong 1 50 Sale of Land in tiSVENT NOTICE. date of thi3 notice the property con- 588 A. Lucas 1 25 veyed by said mortgage will be adver- 695 Wm. Lucas 1 100 tised for sale at public auction, at the 5f6-60- 0 P. E. R. Strauch 5 200 Manoa Valley, 4 .... as 621-62- 7 J. M. Mulr 4 400 WMULTUML CO- - store known the Temple of Fashion 0. "r: on Fort street, ln Honolulu, Oahu, on 634 D. L. Conkling 1 25 HONOLULU, OAHU. f 635 II. WTest 1 WEI Friday, the 18th day of May, 1900, at W. 25 12 noon of said day. 637 A. Barnes 1 100 642 Chas. J. Fishel 1 99 Opportunity i3 given to purchase la Further particulars can be had of Manoa Vallev a beautlfnllv KitnntAd urn: A. G. Correa, attorney at law. 644 J. H. Love , 1 15 been 64 48 property containing all the necessary " of Dated, Honolulu, May 3d, 1900. Geo. C. Potter 3 250 fork this 649-65- 2 essentials ior a homestead and where " 'I j J. F. Brown 4 200 m nrd pay- - M. G. SILVA. healthful climate and picturesque sce- - 654 J. F. Brown 1 25 Ac Cooke, j Mortgagee. nery 636-65- 7 S. E. Bishop 2 200 are ln the midst of histnrie ir. roundlngs and all in contact with Im " nr (10 per The premises covered by said mort- 661 R. H. Brotherton 1 25 667-6R- S Walter Gasset 2 100 proved grounds, planted with various -- ir.th, IDoo. gage consist of: All the stock of mer foreign fruits as well as supplied ' it 674 Jas. Armstrong 50 with . 1') per chandise and store fixtures now con- rent 67x nr. w. 50 fruit trees indigenous to HawalL The I i' nt tained In the store on Fort street t. Monsarrat October 679 O. C. Swain 50 acreage of 45.64 acres In fee simple and known as the "Temple of Fashion." 31.16 acres under long and favorable ' 6S3 W. Monsarrat 25 p- -r cint (110 5536 leases. November 688 Geo. C. Potter . . . . . 240 30th, 6J --XV. Monsarrat I 25 Inculded In the Improvements on the A. r.DWEN. fee simple portion roomy, -T- 693-69- 4 D. A. 00 is a modern A rs- - Carmichael t !l Co., Ltd. . i. - riMiPA la. eautlftil woman bas been familiar to many pas.m HE- dwelling house furnished with sanitary ix ik. tt express-- 697 R. H. Worrall 1 100 r v i.r 1 i i i.,.,n Sltlch curiosity has licen and other conveniences; Is fin f 1 - there also ..i ,nv finrptlons nkrd as to whence slie tame. nose who know tne mys- situated thereon a roomy carriage shed -- l . ehe came from the Const, but are unable to tell muc h e that and 8 S"MENT ).i antecedents. Fhe. herself has never been known to utter a word con Club tables. NOTICE. nt her ner name, i run sue possesses many Stables celebrated Walakeakua, . r.ast or to even divulge oi trie The (Water Is by all who have seen and the JA Centrals of feminine beauty admitted her. JAS. F. MORGAN. of the Gods) Falls Is in near proximi- AGRICULTURAL nosUlon In which she Is often seen has attracted much attention. LIMITED. ty, and cool, clear, CO. 5 a soul." and others who have Auctioneer. the sparkling water m. alluring eyes tempt- therefrom flows through the grounds, c. nght glimpse of her ravishing shoulders and have been Honolulu, May 9th, 1900. a supplying ample opportunity for In- ed to ' 5541-12- 2175-4- L r''rV' vr,nnc pos without saylmr. Critical persons have remarked lhat L May creased irrigation to the acreage al- l':'l'?;'!nif-N,- - too much of the Cupid's bow and others Telephone T and have OF 10 her IPs are at rill.- too full eyes are painted. hair, as 477. ready planted and which Is capable oil waxen. and that her Her considerable improvement. and Is Xom I'ompadou r roll, and Is very luxuriant. Perhaps NOTICE. 5',tsV ,!,!" e seen eyes, Is per-- v n'nc of this Th.re ' - a"tare In her deep black but her nose moulded t CHAS. BELLINA, Mgr. For further Information apply to J". 'IL,Tweara with a repose that speaks volumes for her H. Boyd, 'Tri nf CASTLE A .rlw hei clothes peculiar Interior Department. C of the Hotel dressmaker. the. air MRS. CAROLINE HAYSELDEN Honolulu. March 28. 1900. Rr.'iS 4 may t admire her. For some days she has been missing, Reliable Mr. power ir.th. uoo. ,1"5en In her disappearance. she did not Horses, Experienced Driv- ha3 given H. T. Hayselden SnTmne'nMerrha5 That ers. attorney mat- A; nowKN. go'.w;;" ia "e"erd.y - assured, and those who are best posted of to act for her ln all The Advertiser 13 delivered to any Wf Ag. again today. New Rigs, ters. 6539 "'n Co., Ltd. lok for her to return to Hotel street Fair Prices. part of the city for 75 cents per m.oatiw," 10 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISES: avxuijUL.v, max THIS DAY. Due By Today's

HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE gallery gcd are not often heard In the theaters here any more, and, on the whole, the discerning, critical and thor- ICE. oughly Time ON just gallery god is missed. At Auction was when the gallery god used to make All Seasonable Fresh Fruit or unmake first-nig- ht productions, but an the press agent attends to all that now. ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, HT An Innocent Abroad. Turkeys KERR'S well-dresse- d, quiet-lookin- g A man, who AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.t Ducks and Chickens. Tnv nvr. plainly was not aware of the fact that tickets are not sold six for a quarter or At the residence of Mrs. a. Rodeyn, Pi-ik- oi at any other figure by New York street will sell railway lines as they are back in the St., above Hassinger St, I city whence he came for a visit to Man- at Public Auction, household furniture, Fresh balmon hattan, tendered the conductor of a comprising: And Flounder, Smoked Salmon and Broadway car a quarter the other after- Bed Lounges, Halibut" noon and said, "Tickets, please." Wicker Chairs, The conductor protected .his chin for Oak Writing Desk, Rugs, Fresh Potatoes ward and gazed at the stranger in the Bedroom Sets, Mattresses, And Onions. Cervelat Sausage (jn city with a hard, cold eye. iningroom Table and Chairs, "Tickets fur wot?" he inquired. "De etc., ball game, 'Sapho or de races?" Crockery, Stove and Utensils, tc. Then he handed the embarrassed citi- ana n. zen four nickels and went out on the uold. iauiorma. astern. Cream fjv platform and pointed the "Rube" out to JAS. F. MORGAN. Auctr. the grinning Willie-boy- s who were amus- ing themselves blowing smoke wreaths in- Cruenhagen's Bon Bons V to women's faces as they entered or got off the car. Auction Sale And Marshmallows. After being crushed and ridiculed for a couple of days by New York street rail- OF way conductors the provincial is liable Bfepfay to long for great wealth in order that he might return to the capital city and pre- Royal Furniture sent each car conductor there with a H. & house and lot. MftY eM r and Silverware 2-B- Tousori il St adei. ts. IG ST0RES-- 2 A school for barbers has been started down near Uleecker street. It is a sav- The Verdict Is: age, sanguinary plant. It doesn't cost ON THURSDAY, MAY 17TD The Waterhouse Store, i The anything to get a shave there, and the Mclnhiti place is packed constantly by lodging AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. M. UilMtu ' COS KINGAStt.. house floaters whose days are so dark smell ! and dreary that they do not appear to At the DRILL SHED, Hotel St., I will Telephone 24. Teieptione u The Largest, Finest and care whether they live or die. The bar- sell at Public Auction the balance of the bers in embryo are mostly young Ital- ians who polish shoes for a living and Royal Furniture and Silverware, com- who ache to rise to higher levels, and, prising, in part, all in all, the writer could not see, after SUITE, Most Beautiful watching the plant in operation for a RCYAL EBONY BEDROOM while, that their shines- - greatly differed ROYAL CHERRY BEDROOM SUITE, It Will Pay You tt fiom their shaves in the general meth- SIDEBOARDS and od of attack, that is. The graduate Ital- DRESSING CASES, ian barbers who remove hair from the jj "And see our ne,y s'; MILLINERY STOCK human countenance at the moderate BRASS BEDSTEADS, charge of 2 cents are waxing very fero- OIL PAINTINGS. cious over this school for barbers, stat- ing that it is ruining their business. Still RUGS, Etc. it would si'tm that there really cannot ALSO L-- be any great ever offered City difference between a The balance of SOLID SILVERWARE in this at shave and a shave lor nothing. Many ot M the high-grad- e barbers over here are comprising the KAMEHAMEHA id Italians. They are a somewhat garru- SET OF SILVER KNIVES, SPOONS Silk lous lot and full of national Italian-spi- rit. prices to fit the conditions An acquaintance of the writer and FORKS, Etc. was the recipient of a shave at the deft hands of one of them the other day. Goods on view ail day Wednesday, "Whata you tinka da Crotona strike?" May 16. everyone. the barber inquired, with a swift down- of ward stroke of the razor. "I think it's all right bully for them This is the last opportunity to obtain tlu-- I hope win," was the reply the bar- GKASS-- relics of the monarchy. ber got. The writer's acquaintance didn't ooo- :o:-- think or hope any such thing, but that barber appeared to understand the hand- 3AS. F. MORGAN, Auctr. Also the newest stvies ling of his razor pretty well. h An Antiquated Arch. - Quite the most disreputable sight in Auction Sale GENTS'- Their New York just now is the naval arch. It --OF- wasn't meant to stand all this time, being an affair of the papier-mach- e order, but it still looms up, grimy, broken, decayed and a genuine menace to passers-b- y and FURNISHING New : : the buildings around it. The owners of French Organdies the buildings are entreating the city government to remove the arch, but there is a hitch somewhere, and there it GOO - still stands, the figures minus their noses ON FRIDAY, MAY 18TI1 are the handsom- or feet or arms, and small boys chopping away hunks of it at will, without any in- AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, terference on the part of the police. It At the lowest prices in the city. seems incredible that a thing of such At the DRILL SHED premises, rear of original beauty could have so sadly de- est and of the greatest teriorated in so short a space of time the Executive Building, I will sell at ooo-- Incredible, that is, to those who did not Public Auction all the wooden buildings have the gloomy experience of looking and fences erected by the Board of upon the buildings of the white city a color de few months, after the World's Fair at Health on the Drill Sned lot, facing Ho- variety in and i Chicago was over. They are still agi- tel St. t tating the permanent naval arcli over Buildings and sheds are covered with here, and organizing entertainments that corrugated iron, are new will be WAVERLY BLOCK. OSKi,HOI and 3. neter seem to come off for the thing, but sign ever before offered. the million dollars that the New Yorkers sold in subdivisions. were going to raise immediately for the Buildings to be removed within ten permanent arch is a good deal more a days from day of sale. thing to jest upon now than that $lt),00') I'hiladelphia convention fund. New York goes up and comes down like a rocket in its "great public subscriptions." Had JAS. F. MORGAN. Auctr. Stock-Yards- not the gentleman who is now the Amer- ican Minister to France jumped into the Honolulu ! l.ieach, to the entire neglect of his own .business, and almost forced the money out of the rich New Yorkers' pockets, Auction Sale there would never have been any Grant OF LIMITED. The Men Too; mausoleum. Punishing Street Mashers. Delinquent Stock W. S WITHERS, Manager It is a cheerful thing to be able to work in an occasional word of praise for IN THE oo customs and manners over here cheer- Have Not Been Forgotten! ful because it is so rarely possible to do LIVE STOCK so with truthfulness. But there is a HONOLULU BREWING 8 MULUNG GO. DEPARTMENT new way of man-handli- ng and punishing street mashers in New York that is wor- thy all commendation. This new way The shape consists in punching the heads off the . latest in By Ho- Sale and mashers. A half dozen of them have order of the Treasurer of the Has For been so treated during the past week, nolulu Brewing and Malting Company, and in every case the puncher has been I will sell Public my warmly praised in police at Auction at color of the courts the salesroom, . Queen street, Honolulu, Hats are to be next day by the magistrates. The im- no pudence of the corner mashers over here Family Carriage is almost unbelievable, but the campaign ON MAY against them is on, and maybe they'll SATURDAY, 19TH found here; also disappear for a time. They line Broad- in all way all the distance from Fourteenth to At 12 o'clock noon, the following certifi- Forty-secon- d streets, day and night. cates of stock in said company, unless OFFERS They do not stop at putting themselves the assessments now delinquent, with , CARRIAGE DEPARTMENT directly in front of passing women and other Lines of Furnish- staring directly into their faces with interest thereon, are paid on or before idiotic, vacuous grins, but they address the day and hour of sale: them, and make insulting remarks to Certificate. Seeond-Han- Vehicle them. Many of them are cheap actors Shares. d ings. out of work, but others of them occupy 25 W. T. Monsarrat 5 ...... stations in life where better manners 32 G. A. Howard . . 15 prevail. A fairly well-know- n sculptor, AND xxm for example, saw a well-dress- ed woman walking along slowly in Broadway the F. MORGAN, other afternoon, and he inserted him- JAS. Auctr. Up-to-da- te self in front of her and smiled at her Seeond-Han- Harne The Most quite killingly. She avtrted her head and d walked up to a show window. He fol- lowed her and addressed her. Then he Auction Sale got a belt on the side of the head that Ties ever imported are to turned him completely around, and the OF woman's husband who had simply drop- HORSE SHOEING SHOP i3 where horses are scientific ped into a tobacconist's to light a cigar completes'! proceeded to wallop the mashing sculp- HARNESS STORE AND SHOP. A large and be found tor almost into insensibility. A police- done and Harness manufactured and made to order. here and the man arrested both men for fighting on w City. the street although ui LIVERY STABLE. Finest turnouts in the the husband did all of the fighting, and a beautiful job IIP he made of it, too and they were in the prices will enable all to police court on the following morning. BY ORDER OF The magistrate listened to the husband's EXECUTOR AND story for the sculptor was hang-do- g and EXECUTRIX of the Estate of Jas. , had nothing to say. Dodd, deceased, I will sell at Public take advantage of the A Wise Judge. Auction at my salesroom, 33 Queen St., Honolulu, on SATURDAY, MAY 19th, "You did exactly right," said the mag- 1900, at 12 O'CLOCK NOON, istrate to the husband. "It is a Pitv that chance. you could not lawfully have inflicted The leaseholds of the Jas. Dodd Es- iwSml even Harne worse punishment upon the black- tate in those four Kapiolani lots known guard. No man will fiver be punished in as lots 50, 51, 52 53. TEAM this court for protecting women from and Each lot has PLANTATION PLOW, DUMP CART AND insult, no matter if he oversteps the law a frontage of 50 feet on the main ave- in doing it, and nothing would delight nue and are 200 feet deep, giving the me more than to see every street masher lot a frontage on main road of 200 Bridles. In New York pummeled to a pulp, Just as you have pummeled feet and a depth of 200 feet. Lease is Riding Saddles and this loafer." 1-- Then the magistrate fined the sculptor for 19 2 years from ..anuary 1st, 1900, $20 and turned him loose with some at a yearly rental of $3 per lot. ALL zvr scathing remarks and a warning. Since Improvements on the property con- oo then the corner mashers have been get- large ting bruised up by wrathful hus- sist of stable, with servants' bands or relatives of insulted women. It rooms, chicken houses, one Cyclone OUR OWN MANUFACTURE, unexcelled for durabilitf is a refreshing sign. Windmill and Mill. House. Premises Poor are fenced and water laid throughout. Children. GOOD Illli Of The Cuban fair, for the benefit of Cu- For further particulars TURF COMING RACES ILB.KERR&CO.M ban children, was a pretty occasion. The apply to d Metropolitan Opera House was ornately JAS. F. MORGAN, decked out, the booths were elaborate, Auctr. Horse Clothing, Blanket Pins, bcrapr the costumes of the society women who 33 Queen St. Sacks, Sponges, Castile Soap, Sulky and Kias presided at the booths still more elabor- Race SDurs. and a lull line of all ate, and the articles they sold brought ten or twenty times their intrinsic value, as usual in affairs of this sort. Many IMPOTERS. thousands of dollars, therefore, were RESIDENCE raised for the benefit of the Cuban chil- dren. Now, it may be that the children FOR GOOD of Cuba are pretty badly off, although it SALE. HORSE has been understood that since the close Manufacturing oi the war down there conditions have MR. FRED rilILP in charge of vastly improved, and that there is no RESIDENCE, above the corner of ment. L actual suffering. But there are Prospect and Hackfeld Queen Street. Honolulu. tens several Sts. Size of lot of thousands of children right here 50x100". Grounds nicely laid out with in New York that are pretty badly off, trees. too. Some of the poverty on the east fruit Convenient dwelling side of this town, in the tenement dis- house with large parlor, three bed- tricts, is harrowing" enough, and vet rooms, lanai, dining room, bath, etc. there does not seem to be any elaborate Commands an elegant COLLlNJ fairs, managed by society women, view1 of city R. for the sea. benefit of the poverty-stricke- n children of and New York. There are several thousand children in the heart of the New York terement district that never saw a blade JAS. F. TELEPHONE 6 2 of grass or a tree, and some of them are MORGAN P EOX LC 1U.II1K more than five years age. 0. 507. of C. L. C. 33 Queen St. KING STREET, NEAR NUUAN'U- - THE PACIFIC COUWQlAi APTDBTI8BB: HOKOLPLU, MAY 16, ma. i BREVITIES. LOCAL BREVITIES.

CPt. Campbell has jone to Kauai back to I)r. SchwaJIle S(1h has returned to Molo- - THoJKyDAviES 4 &Co - ,,,. nnl U't in Tu- The Hoard of Health meets thin L.IMITED.

l "ale. fr.,-.,- JV-- Kinney Is on j4 f.r a busing trip to -, v.:..M.I hearliim The next mall for the Coast will SHOEl ,,,h,,p' h tn May be '; 'i,m a'y "a"". 22. Merchants and Commission '.f, s- ,.f I ii ' - I'optlr. du from Run Ag'ts I" Frnncbco .. I ' ,st rl!ay. " V"' the 18th Inst. I, the Beg to call , , il l Nil. .". are 'i' 'rr injin me coast. x1 Made of fine the attention of the trade and public 1111 At S..n.; II. U. Hitchcock ami F. II. Wer Hnnn-rJ- ...... to their complete line of . .... I J I T!. I ive V Cri ' Kone to Molokal in 1 res Ho,i with th- - .nnnT" r!)'( kamalo plantation situation. iV and durablp JaniM ()Iit.4. At T&ifvr-'- - - Hardware, . . irom nisy Crockery, Saddlery, ,,','v ihtk in the bureau of ante,l. U JteMNojk and accept a position on Invisible Cork Sole. Kitchen Ware, .f an.l This niornln ways A Up-to-Da- te i.n. l.nrs.' the ami meann strictly SHOE is our' H.'f nitiimllttp of Gent's Clack Vi, i BRASS BEADSTEADS, A irn.iin thn Kecu Home will CEMENT, FIRE CLAY. meet In the parlor of (Vntr-- i Manufactured by the Hamilton Brown Co., St. RED FIRE li n r li at 10 o clock iti Louis BRICK, CANVAS, BALATA BELT- ING, ss - Til "NEW iv-rlc- lre- .iew lee works and refrigerator ooo HOME" MACHINES, PARLOR AND at Kewalo. to be operated by Theodore ---FOII HANGING lloiTmaa. will very 15 V- LAMPS, RUGS, GIANT POWDER, . f,.r t!i start stKn. All the SALK - on a maihinery 1.4 on the Woemfonteln BLASTING POWDER, CAPS VT.ill.i today. ' due AND FUSE. ,f The rii Some those who left for 0eX 4i,.. r for way Hiio and Manufacturers' Shoe Co. ,, s I'ottaKe ports on the Klnau yesterday were: Mrs. Waterhouse, Seymour Waterhouse and wife, -- , Kaahumanu 1). wilt Vincent Fernan- SOLE ACEMTS-.- .'. dez. A. N. Kepolkal. M. (. Santos. W. ','. " i '' v'iilntt. I. Scotf. K. I). llaldwln v. v n n, - " . wn. II. M.Corrlston. F. W. Macrarlane ,,, Mil', and J. S. ari( (iptaln Ahlborn. v 'I k.iii.i. n.ve t ! v ('i!lnet WHITNEY - & i mud S.il.irTa7- 1I0R3ELZS3 HOUSE. MSB, ,.,,. tli.it make & of : r (i II til Foundation Automobile Power House Started. LIMITE- D- ;, ,:.iv. at the rk has n comrnt nct il on the ',. I'llkol. f'lUrill.lt lull lif adies vi til' n'W Alllrirxt.lt.. Just ), ' I I n r i't i" In Mm.' n n.l wunrooms on King direct near KttwaUhuo h. r fluir wlure the old 1 HE 4 P moved h"i"; formerly ntood. Uy "'"I'll- - f'f July It In the -- I K .,, that the i harm w,,rk ,.f,,i. f.ct-- I Hand PRINCESS W. K. ( fto t. Tho (impiiriy n hurm linn harks ( will . tit., nmttvf powrr) are now li.'l'." at Port r,mt. rallfornla. await-ln- r lose r.' th- - tlm.. wh.n th.y will he Hl.le t, METTERNICH ,,n .if W.it.i i..m. .l..wn to tlu- -. aft-- llan.H fr.n of duty r th.. T.Trlt-.rla- l e V i .I' l l. l.v hill has ai-.- li A lassie shipment ... ,t al'. or Jun l.'.lh. of -- Thry will n.t h.if t.rohahly ,.;irlv oo- AiimiMt nri.l will linm.ili.it. y . on .'. r... t. ,lt Skirts and m i f. Any Thf hackmpn, It We 1.4 wil l. w.althtr have placed on sale thi3 week a line of LADIES' FAST rut. .nil. tmylnK ft.x k In th.- - a l.'i.'raMy autmiHiliil'' rotniiany. BLACK HEMSDORF DYED HOSE, received direct from the fac- Famous tory in Germany (thus avoiding the American duty), whicn we art .. , - c i '. to BOND offering very low price six pairs Now fi-,- DEALS. Petticoats at the of for J1.00. this U aa ,, r th

TV ' - opportunity not often offered for to supply I'll," rf- Uilo ladies themselves witn a Kailroad Six Per Cents and good staple article of every day use at such a very low price. W . i .,. Government Kir.KAPftnii .il Securities. do not claim them to be the finest, but a good strong article of ab- I ATIJLAJL : ; AAA i an i nn VV I solutely fast dye. - j This popular th.- make of skirts carry all ". . i .1 nab of $jii.ih .1:1 olif.iln a worth f.f Hilo Hall-r- i In to our complete . addition above we - t .1 - l I t . the have usual line of nl" w nit col- ad i'i.minny'( p. r c. nt iHin.ls at par. iauYauceu lueaa as to style and finish. n. m hiirnlr..! n.l thmmand dol- -' LADIES' AND GENT'S, r"" - : r.) v. t!iH Court w"r" wr- sold to the Itoblnson l.st.f. whllf thirty thnnnand dollarH" MISSES AND CHILDREN'S .,. ' r t'le hi .irinit f w. rtri wire hy ! 1 Fancy Stripes T5c. r.talrni th s.llers 1 I Ob v ,i V4. Fred To Tlnc 8hont this tlVal It was nec-.-s- Which have their own established reputation. ' : f f.r:iMloa f s:iry In m il orif hun-lr- ami seventy j '"""""'i umiars worin or Hawaiian ;..vrnmfnt ..r t ton.ls Inrchu8.-- .3letallic Stripes $1 25 t'V We have just ; ; tr IV i lath. th. It.ink of II.Lwnli received a small choice line of ..f. In I .1 ry good. this way cash obtained from out- - !,' I'lf fur lliiwall.tn t.on.ls We can now supply in any quan- Plain Satteens, Near Silks and Mer- l.l- -t - with ih ...iir .. y r opjmrtu- hat th. Htat-- Genuine my rnltnl (Jov.Tnr.i.nt will Scotch Zephyrs. ... ; .h j rli 4 now th.rn. ami thl.4 cash KOf Immediate- tity desired. cerized Cottons, in ruffles, cords and ly Into rntrrprlsrs of a loal nature. Now we do not advertise these as cheap goods at all, but Just tb plaits. Look like !. are displayed silk and wear better. kind a lady would select to make a gown of that which she would ' : of C.IOX" Token for Canavavro. look stylish in, but that would stand the kind of laundering It would r.""",4 in colorlnir. Mr. Gonsalvefl Is x Other preparations . ft making arrange- M from the 4 receive here. ,';ii'H' 4 or r. m. $1.50 to $3.50. ments for th presentation of a token same well known house whose i A small and carefully selected lot of Printed Pure IRISH LINEN fo goods have twelve-yar- . -,. , k. Uville I,()rt:'",8 Consul Canavarro, as a become recognized as LAWNS in neat and modest designs and colorings, d r" J testimonial of th in hi,h A special display this week. ' hlrh tm standard remedies. Get what von 2 lengths, which we are offering at Just about half the price that they "1 ; I .. st. Consul U held by the Portueuese ' ' X need will have to be sold for when Imported under the American tariff , colony. A telegram was forwarded by , , tn Australia yesterday to the Foreign laws. ti v .',,., ' . office at Lisbon, expressing the lndig- - Of course all ladles know f the great durability of Irish Linea ....v.-- or me s. aip.,1 nation of the Portuguese colony v ind kindred at the and lt3 delightful coolness, and here where we use wash goods th r. recent fiendish attempt cf some anar- - year pays 't:v.y nire.1 by rhlst agalnft their coniul. I UnDnnil Druq WHITNEY around it to buy a good article that one can feel Justified ' i!p treatment. 4 MARSH, In expending the time and money necessary In making up in a man- t Y. M. ('. A. IIUDI1UI1 Police Record. : Company ner that one would not on a cheap article that one would have to cast Th' f(,,ow,n nrret?. wc mad yes-- LIMITED aside after the first laundering. For trimmings these same goods "'.? Mr and Mr.4 FORT AND X we have a very complete assortment to choose from, of Emhroiderleg .!.iV,'.,r't!ey 14'np-- 1 tT'lay: I a I . : . of t .t1 ir-- - IMPORTERS'OF all kinds, CAMBRIC, NAINSOOK and SWISS EDGINGS IN- j'i ii.ru liiriTKir in trim.11 iinr. iitii.nr. nit 1 i iiiiri- i.iiiir DRY GOODS and SERTIONS, All-ove- ra -" 'I. All claims Iw. assault and bat'ery on Mrs. I KING STREETS. and and Laces of everj description. These an "" n m.iy i.ft nt Welall; M. T. Flgerrado, assault and Imported by us direct from Europe In bond. :.!.! I. battery on Mo-- Lizzie KeoLi; Andrew i Just received direct from the factories at Troy, N. Y., a splendid l i i ;:n r.iti.- - of Va- - assault and battery on Jose Diaz; BIS llae ef GENTS' SHIRTS, In dress, colored and negligee. In buying " m '!; '! .it h- -' assault and battery on Mrs. L. FORT STREET. ' ! a these shirts we have exercised the greatest care, !' ! ,4 Apr!, Weiau; and seven drunks. first as to their fit '"'"'''"I !'v ti'-l'- i run - - and correctaess f etyle, and In case of the colored ones in the very I a v.-- t - r- -7 rzif W'HS'Z?ZZ exacting manner of cur examination in regard to their fastness of color, we doing eur best t satisfy ourselves that we were getting ' ,,...r m,;, of the gVVlv but absolutely fast eelors 1m these shirts, and hope we have suc- ceeded. Call and see them and the line of Gents vlultlntr I- ? A FURNISHINGS I'.niitr .iiaWM and UNDERWEAR we earry. T housekeepers who might require ) them in a hurry, we wish to ...... ,-..- r ''" of t!i. Arn- - V. . :ik. :i.u, r' 4 state that we have SHEETS and PILLOWCASES, ready made In all Eizes and qualities and at prices we think will ba satisfactory. '' ': "t Fnitii!.'vin ' ' r. i n l.rokf n ' ri ; I 00 i:i - t ' p.. lV ' 'fie--i4-tX.- ' t!;n Klfiau Table - - tSi ' t!.o Tti.i- - N '' t; il vf r'-'- t '. f.-- v a rn ' i. " I. r,f.. The 'r:;.-,.-..- v:,4 ' Linens, !'.'. X Com ' ' i.'iv.in and PURE LINEN NAPKINS, - V '. VCANTONrOrTfr?- II. V. l:ild-- SIDEBOARD CLOTHS, ' ' ; ,1 com- - ' ; a i, 10 4 to TRAY CLOTHS. '"" .f the R. A. !!.tv.' PETERSON, '' or Rve 6. I ' . r . y ' K,. "f A'.- - x.in- - Now on Sale GENERAL AGENTS FOR ' "' ' ,ru' of tli! AT at - "'! the '. 'W' " k b. I.iy, fol-,- '. VKIIY SPKCIAL I'UICKS. ni-c- t- :,.n'ial ; You can nave fifty cents on every DIIIEIB03ID BROKER. ' 'III. I'l rsMnnt you buy now. This Is the last Fire and Burglar Proof Safes. Vault and Jail Work. ' dollar If ." r"'1 The p ubllc 15 ; " r:'' s..f,t. chance. Kaahumanu Street. "r':'" Clr-- " ' 'ii 'Ti'. r t r,..' j,'''1 " nU'Mtor of jLd '' ' , & So., COMMISSION '' l. i'i ,i.i-d- Pearson Potter ORDERS ' ,; ',:i ni'iney. flosds co 312 FORT STREET. TEL. 565. for purchase or sale of 7 ; ' i '''' 'I- - livrr'i im ib Executed the . ,,f '!" Courf. LIMITF.D. "'' .' 'iy ni.iilo ('HAS. rJIItDLKK. M.inaser. " 'I from i! Stocks, Bonds, TIIK PEOPLE'S PKOYiDERS. ',' 1 - ' r"kna- '. inploy-- 1 THE " 1 '" l"-- lt and Musical Literary Real Estate. ,', In his and : ' I '; M("l''!he m.it- -' " ' I iy ai'repted ENTERTAINMENT eEHN View (Eafe a.lmitted ' OPENED, - AT HAWAIAH.VO SEMINARY, JUST LOANS MADE AND NEGOTIATED. FIRE INSURANCE. ' ; 7' Kimlta. 18, 8 O'clock with a Friday, May at i i ii,. .. i .. . f. 11 M fl'T Soda, Candies, Ice Cream, w.u iin be- - Arnonir those to take part vHl be: KGItY, lolin toio. Anyone having Real "' Hi" man rllOF. I'AL'L SERVED AT ALL HOURS. jj Estate for sale should consult me, as I have several ; th.. nut.!.Ml!. AMAMIO, Cornet Solo. prospective buyers. , fl"i" the! Chinese Song, by two Chinese Girls In .,' ' - ,., """i r.r time costume, and with, unmese instru- WAIKIKI BRIDGE. W. S ,, - was con- - ments, OTTMANN, l" !.'.. by the Scholars of J prefers Solos and Chortifies Proprieto 2 r;,,;' r j ir tlian bo the Seminary. Eofly Advertisgr, 75 cents ado ADMISSION, &0C. t ,.: 1900 THB PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER: HONOLPLP, MAY 16. Ml ooweiii unoso FRANK HUSTACE HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE. OVCflcUld Oceanic Stea 1900. mUp l Issued Every Morning, Except Honolulu. May 15, fj HAS " Sunday, by the RESIGNED NAME OP STOCK. Vl1' HAWAIIAN GAZETTE COMPANY, Limited Von Holt Block, King Street. of ice Progress Kamalo Sugar Company Bwwer A Co...... 1,0)000,0 TIME A. W. PEARSON, TA8N Manager. Pihkia-Pu- mp Firm Wants j Amerte"cZ 1,500,000 l'W! 15 A Solid Vestibuled Business 6,000,000 20 33 The Fine Passenger Steamer ol Tkit Lin 100 j rlamoa...... 175.0UO Train via the Port as hereunder: Haw. Ae. Co.. 500,000 1001 810 Haw'nCom'l A Sug.Go. 2.812,750 10"'. Hawaiian Sugar 1,400,000 10O, 215 221 FROM SAN FRANCISCO: 1 Uc..., lOOj 185 p0R lio. Tlie treasurer of the Kamalo Sugar Honomu -- ...... , 3O),00U six I l,00,00t 83 Company, HonokSi , , in Frank Hustace, has tendered lOOi MAY 23 M nit)-,-- . id 2 0 ALAMEDA .. Haiku... 500,000 i company 101 tA his resignation. The owes Mr. Kahuku 6u0,00u AUSTRALIA JUNE 6 rfp - in Hustace considerable money, which he Kamalo Sag. Co. a) . TIME TASLE Id ao MARIPOSA from own private " " pd.up.j 250,000 July 4 advanced his funds for KlheiPlan Co.lrl,aesi 6Q 15 153 AUSTRALIA the benefit of the plantation. This money pd. apt 1,500,000 35 MOANA JAUTY 8 aumeSJ1 :: will necessarily have to be returned be-- I Ilpahula. 160,000 100 AUSTRALLV 1 IT--' . lOOi ! Ko' 800,001) it fore the resignation of the treasurer can 100 35 ALAMEDA . AUG. 15 MAMpS i iona Sugar Co. Ass.) be accepted. The amount Is supposed to Pd. np j 180,000 lonl AUSTRALIA AUG. 29 AUSTRj' C be about three thousand dollars. Maunalei 8ax.Co.aiu. i 900.000 100 - " " Paid np lOj.000 looi - officers company S 5 m The of the are all McBryde 8ae.co.ld. as i 2 c M m 1, 1899 a " Od.OD 1.650,t!00 20 14 10 From and Aftr Jan. more or less desirous of resigning but " f 1 unfortunately In a position Nvhlku Buear Go A.m. 20 are such that " pd up ' OUTWAKD. they can't very well do so. Should they uaou, sugar 2.400.000 100 190 1S5 Leaves San Francisco Daily at 30 . M Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily to aoi 7: all resign, it would become necessary for Onomea... . . 1,000,000 ' In connection with the sailing of the above Stations ex. ex. Ookala UJO.000 20 19 "20 Served in Dining Car. the company to undergo a complete re- 2J-- Breatfast issue, to intending passengers couna,. 7? 1 Sun. Sun. OlaaSag. Co.Ld. bH 20 2(4 prpared to am. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. organization. At the present stage there pd. , 20 from San Francisco, to all points L p0 up 10tp railroad in Honolulu. 7:10 8:15 11:05 3:15 5:10 is not a quorum of stockholders to bring Olowala 150,00 180 New York by any steamship line to all European Pearl City 8:03 9:4S 11:40 3:47 5:50 tliis about, and the only way to arrange Paauhaa 8uj?. Plan. Co . p'U Ewi Mill 8:33 10:08 12:00 4:05 6:10 it would be to open up the stock books raclflc 500.000 100' .... 250 Walanae 10:50 4:45 again. 750,000 100 2150 .... Days to Chicago Waialua. 11:55 5:40 Should a new directorate be Installed, Pepeekeo 750 000! 100 li . . For further particulars apply to Kahvku 12:32 6:15 the delinquent stockholders say that they Pioueer 2,000,0u0 100 107. 185 will pay. Although bankruptcy proceed- Waialua Agr Co. asp. 100 80 07- - without change. 130 3 ings been as yet, they " pd. up 1,500,000 100 INWARD. have not instituted 1U Dally Daily Daily Daily are nevertheless threatened. The Worth-inirto- n A'atanao V6S,000 Comtianv is lookinsr A'aiiuku ... 700,000! lO Stations. ex. ex. I'umn for 140 G. & 32,000 10' IRWIN money, - Wm. Sun. Sun. but both directors and stock- "aimanaia ...... 125.0UO 10 130 One Day Quicker than any J a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. holders agree that the contract in this wtmea...'.... 6:35 2:0) connection was not properly filled. STKAuemr oos. Kahuku Al!der8. S.Co 5011,01 10 Waialua 6:10 2:50 ' 500,000 101 155 Line. 3:55 Inter Island 8. 8. Co... Other General Agents Oceanic Walanae 7:10 SHE SATS HE WAS CRUEL. mibckixamkous. s.$ Ewi Mill 5:50 7:45 1:05 4:32 Haw'n Elect. Oo 225,00(J 100 Pearl City... 6:15 8:03 1:30 4:52 vu.nmi ton The Favorite Route for 2:05 5:26 '"on Rpd Tran.ALCo Honolulu 6:50 8:35 j 25.000 100 100 C A Dairyman's Wife Alleges Husband Hun Steam Lauudry Island People and Tourists. j 25 G. P. DENI30N, F. C. SMITH, Injured Her. . 15,000 G. & A. '"tftfiSr 133,0" 10 15 17 Mail Superintendent. P. T. In the Police Court yesterday 100 Finest modern Pullman equipment, aciflc Steamshin M. JtooifoS'L: 81.000 100 Markel appeared against her husband, ., " Paid up.... Including Library and Cars TIDES. SUN AND MOON. O. R. A 1.. r.n 2,roo.nou 100 17ft ' the Punahou dairyman, charging him People' Ice A Ref.Co. 150,000 100 120 and Dining Cais, a la carte.

L u aooo-ui- , Oriental n i aifu uaiii.1 j one lcsljucu Haw'n Gov't 6 per ct.. 99J4 Occidental & jfe that her husband had ordered to Haw'n Gov't 6 per ct.. her Hiw'n G. Poet Sayings J. H. LOTHROP, General Agent, a 5 ran H: 2 ST wash some milk pails which she refus- 4J4 per ct 35 Third street. Portland, Oregon. ed to do as was. not Ewa Plantation "she a servant." ft per ct 10114 102)4 This angered him and she was chased Kahuku Plantation.. D. W. HITCHCOCK, General Agent, AN Toyo ! P." FT. a.in !a.m u m oDer ct. 101 No. 1 Montgomery St., San Francibeo. Kon 14 4 W; 2 1! 3 t- -l 8 50,U.ist 5.22 rt.30 7.00 by him for some distance. Failing to o K. & L. Co.. lOJ 1034 " ta i '. Z 15 4 50. 2.1 3 5c 9.25 'a m.!s.22 6.31 7.t3 catch up with her, Markel threw a E. L. LOMAX, G. P. & T. A., Ta I companies J stick at her which bruised her leg. "l?"?,, Session-Fi- ve Omaha, Nebraska. Steamers of the above will call t Eo'-'- Wed. 5 'J 2.1 4 41 10 (5l 0.03 5 21 9 31 8.4 The accuwd milkman tried to smooth & fo iU&-'- oahuf 1ft: Tanr ti.lS 2 0 5 Si 10 4 j 0 50 5.2 6 31 8 0?Oot. $SfS by Saying ernoon Session Two 7.00 tt .08 1 1 , 1.40 5 21 tj .,i O.an matters over that the hard hundred and seven AND Jrld. 1Si.,u'i' assessable, $1:.; 217 assess- - CHAS. BREWER & GO'S. FOR JAPAN CHINA: FOR SAN FFi thines said and done came from his . Kihei, daft. S' 1.7 7.53 I .45 2 3J 5.20 ft 33 11.14 aiu-- 1 i-- i.. iij aiaiua. assessable. ' wife. '.i7.:0; 10 $3 I 18 is '1 u ni. Kwa. COPTIC MAY GAELIC ... '20 .4 1 ( ft That she called him bad names and Dividends paid May li: -- 2 0 9.14 3..y 2 6 5 20 11 5 Honomu, per New York Line. AMERICA MARU MAY 26 j HONGKONG ilAa:" 21 'J. 48 1 4 It) SO 4 3 .1 5 20 rt : 3 . politely toM cent. Jill a. him to visit Hades. His fttrVlINU o ... explanation of JUr. Uiii.A quarter moon on the manner in which she GAELIC JUNE 13 DORIC Last of the the 21st at received injuries was by You never have a morn- - j 10:01 a. m. her looking head in the Ship "Helen Brewer" will sail from HONGKONG MARU JUNE 21 NIPPON MARU around like Lot's wife, ing from drinking Jesse Moore ' "" l:urs irom the United States Coast and at which time "AA" New York for Honolulu on or about CHINA JUNE 29 RIO DE JAXEBO she ran a tree Whiskey. It j Geodetic Survey tables: into and hurt herself. is the best and purest DORIC 4. JULY 7 COPTIC .... The tides at Kahului and Ililo occur The Judge was not satisfied whiskey made is sold by Lovejoy ! ' with this and NIPPON MARU JULY 17 AMERICA MARU about one hour earlier than at Honolulu. explanation and Mr. and Mrs. Haskel, & Co., Honolulu. June 10, 1900. '' Hawaiian standard time Is 10 hours 30 accompanied by Judge, iRIO DE JANEIRO JULY 26 PEKING .... minutes blower than Greenwich time, be- the retired to COPTIC AUG. 2 GAELIC ing that of the meridian c f 157 degrees 30 the latter's office where the extent of For freight apply to minutes, time whistle Mows AMERICA MARU AUG. 10 HONK0NG MARC" ihe at the injuries was personally investigat- CHAS. BREWER & CO., j p. m. which fa the same as Greenwich, Classified Advertisements. PEKING AUG. 18 CHINA ed by 27 i 0 hours 0 minutes. Sun and moon are for the Court. Kilby Street, Boston, GAELIC AUG. 23 local time for the whole Kroup. Judge Wilcox tried to patch up a or CHAS. BREWER & CO.. LTD.. - HONGKONG MARU SEPT. 5 peace between the two, and gave an in- WAN Honolulu. i terestinjr lecture on coniusal felicitv. L l'LD. :3 3 ?m INTELLIGENCE. ending it with a fine imposed upon the IMMEDIATELY, a man who thorough-- j .. . , - T 1 Tl defendant. Sentence, however, was! iy understands tent and awning mak- H3W3113H N rtVlflrt5 M l.fl l.ilLl Art- "" " l)IAM(iM III-;a- I SIGNAL STATION, suspended for three months. lnT. Uooc mace to tho ru ht man. - g," May 15. l' p. m. Weather, clear; wind, dress X. Y., care Advertiser. 5546 Ta: general Information apply light, N. to For Roads and Bridges. ! A YOUNG JiAN of pleasant address for STEAMER SURPRISE. a AltRIVi-- AT HONOLULU. Minister Young was yesterday an-- ! city retail soliciting, by general STEAMER ECLIPSE. HACKFELD Ot . , .. ,. . a Tuesdayf May 15. tuorizeu oy ine ixecuuve council to mercantile firm in this city. -- 1 mj.i Will make regular trips to Kauai and S hr. Ai'a, from Kauat ports. draw, until further notice, from the ap- of so-- ie experience preferred. Good Kon a ports. j Stmr. John A. Cummins, Bearle, from propriation for Honolulu roads and place to the right man. Address Koolau. bridges, at the rate of $10,000 a month. '"IL'Si er," care Advertiser. 5516 For freight apply to CAHADUN-AUSTRAUA- B M. W. McCHESNEY & SONS, SAILED FROM: HONOLULU. A GOOD carriage horre for family use. Office, Queen Street. Agents. Ten Men Shot. WILLIAM O. SMITH. 5315 Tuesday, May 15. Yesterday C( Stnir. Waialiulo, Green, for Waimea. morning the Oahu jail nam, MAIL STEAMSHIP Stmr. Kinau, for Kaunakakai, lahai-na- , consisting of ten men, shot a score at FURNISHED cottage, 3 to C rooms, 15 llilo pnd way ports. the. Iwilei butts. The scores were as! minutes' walking distance P. O.; state : Stmr. Claudtne, Macdonald, for I.ahal-na- , follows: Iialoha, 41; Kamana, 43; Ka--j Stage Line Kaliului and way ports. wai, 1?,, and Cockett, 4:!. The next low- - rent wanted. Address W. II. H.; this JSteamere of the above line, running in connection tz 3H 3G. HENKY BRYANT, Stmr. J.el ua. Dower, for Olowalu, Ki- Scores were and office. 5546 Prop. PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY between Vancouver, B. C,t hei and Paauhau. Shp. S. W., and calling at victoria, B. C, Honolulu and Braci 1. mutton. Carver, for San TWO or stage Wal-kan- e, Francisco: 4",llx bags sugar, 5,S(,!it;r. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. three furnished or unfurnished The for Kaneohe, Heeia, pounds, value $i"il,l:. rooms. Full particulars and price. O. and Kuoioa, will leave Postoffice, Schr. Transit, Jorgensen, for San Tran-cisc- o: B., Advertiser office. 9 a. m. on Mon- May t. No. 1. 5544 Bethel street side at .1.V.53 hags sugar, l.SM'.iDo pounds, 4x Kaoiwi et to Kmma day, Tlx: value $;3.772.1.1. Defries; kul. 4:l, l'aumalu, Koolauloa. Wednesday and Friday, calling On or about the d&tes below stated, S. S. Australia, Lawless, for San Fran- Oahu. Consideration $125. EXPERIENCED sewing girls. Enquire for passengers and packages at Love-jo- y cisco. May lo. No. 471) J. llayset to C. Bolte at Dressmaking Department, WHIT- & Co.'s, No. 19 Nuuanu FROM VANCOUVER AMD VICTORIA, B.C FROM SYDHEY EJ13A5 tr.; It. I'. 52. 2S(2, street. Stmr. Iwalani, Gregory, for Kilauea. kul. Kahuku, Koolau- NEY & MARSH. LTD., 519 St. For (Q.) c Sydney: tort tnl Vixn Sch. r.lanche and Klla, for Kauai. loa, Oahu. Consideration $150. Fort Biistue Sohr. Ka Moi, for Hawaii. No. 40 Keanu to Holokal: niece land 5544 FOR SALE. AORANGI JUNE 8 WARRIMOO Kamoiliili, Honolulu, Oahu. Considera-- : MIOWERA lion J25. A YOUNG WARRIMOO JULY 7 j LADY, competent TO No. 42 Geo. cashier 4 AORANGI SAIL TODAY. Herbert and wife to F. and bookkeeper, stenog- BUILDING LOTS OFF ST., MIOWERA AUG. Hustace; portion Gr. 117, Beretania street, understands LILIHA 1 WARRIMOO Stmr. Niihau, Bruhn, for Kleele and Honolulu. Consideration $V2"m; mortgage raphy and typewriting, po- near to town. Will be sold cheap. Ap- ORNOT SEPT. 4 p. desires MIOWERA Waimea, m. $3,000. sition; neat penman; highest recom- ply to WILLIAM SAVIDGE, WARRIMOO SEPT. 29 xso. 43 A. Brown ami wife to N. Ha- - MIOWERA OCT. 27 AORANGI gen; 5 mendations from San Francisco 206 Merchant St. WARRIMOO lot of K. P. 354i!, kul. 104!S, Ka-- : firms. AORANGI NOV. 24 PASSENGERS. lihi, Honolulu, Oahu. Consideration $yo0. Address "A. B. C," Advertiser MIOWERA Departed. ' May 11. No. 44 Geo. A. Martin to G. Office. 5544 A. Schuman; lot 13. block 3. FOR SALE. For San per S. Kewalo Francisco, S. Austra- Honolulu, Oahu. Consideration $1,000. lia, May 13. F. W. Kohl, J. If. Jones, No. 45 W. C. FOR wife and child; Mrs. A. Achl and wife to J. I,. SALE. ?2500 BUILDING LOT ON VINE-yar- d Tho magnificent new service the "Imperial Limited" line 1 I. Jackson, Fritz Kukahl: lots 4 and 5, block 2, Kaiulani Wilhelm. J. H. Almokil, $6,-50- Mrs. A. Smith- tract. Honolulu, Oahu. Consideration HOUSE and lot at Punahou. Price, 0. street in heart of new Chinatown. ies, child and maid; Mrs. A. F. Cooke and Suitable AND M05TEJ two children, Mrs. C. M. Easy terms. Apply to W. C. for tenement houses. Apply to BETWEEN VANCOUVER - Cooke and two ' No. 4tV-J- . I.ukehiwa to M. children,- J. M. Bright, Mrs. A. Davis; Gr GREGG, cor. Anapuni Domin-i- s, WILLIAM SAVIDGE, Young. Waiea: It. P. 3203, kul. 7303, and and Making the run 100 hours without change. The teat Miss F. E. llishop, Mrs. W. L. Decota l., other Sts., Punahou. 5543 206 Merchant St. Mrs. James Scott, child lands. Kalahiki. South Kona. Hawaii. in the world. Deyo. and maid; Miss Consideration $750. J. Mrs. Watt, Mrs. James Camp- No. A RUBBER-TIRE- D bell. Mrs. K. S. 47 South Kona Coffee Cr H,l phaeton, one horse FOR Through tickets iaiued from Hono! alu to Cnd, Cunha, Miss Tully v to South Kona Agricultural Co., SALE. Morris . Ltd li and harness, at a bargain; in Europe. and wife, F. Harwick, ft. G 7130, ahu-pca- all first Moon, S. Baldwin, P. 53, kul. and all kuleanas in a class J. I. Cooke, Clarence of Kalahiki, South Kona, Hawaii condition. Addrest J. W P o 15000 ELEGANT HOUSE AND For Freight snd Passage and all general lnforauflon, Cunha. J. F. Morgan, J. M. Johnson, M $200,Ouo Box 50. T. Armo, Mrs. K. Consideration In shares; $1 5546 lot at Punahou; large lot with Klison. J. Ward and No. 410 Paulo to C. Bolte, tr.. et al fruit wife. Miss M. Young, Mrs. W. A. Wall one A and ornamental trees. House contains child and maid; II. wife' share in hui land of Kahana, Koo- FINE milcu cow. Apply to W. C. I. Baldwin and lauloa, Oahu. $215 6 rooms, kitchen, pantry, bath, S. B. Allen. W. C. Head, Mrs. I, c Consideration GP.EGG, cor. of Anapuni and Domin-i- s etc. Theo. H. Ltd., Si Abies and two Apply WILLIAM SAVIDGE, Davies & Go., children, I. Schneider j' List of remainder of deeds filed Sts., Punahou. 5546 ; J!!f.byVMiss ""idwln, M. Francisco'. for . 206 Merchant T. May 14, 11)00: Street. Mills, David Bonner, G. Stanton, Toya - GOOD iron Carolina, Miss Schaefer, Mrs. Heed, irst Party. Second Party Class. tanks. Apply to Capt. T. 8. Brown Mrs imra, jr D Thompson, schr. "Mary E. ,1 and child. L. de Sllva. J. Tvpt A. K..tiicSutton M. Foster." FOR SALE. it. i,. i arnngton. P'nlcher D 5537 H.i A. Congdon. C. W. C. Achi and wife F. F. Mascoto D BALDWIN'S Poehlitz, J. G. Clark W C. Achl and wife J. G. Cama- - K. J. Smith, H. S. Redman, B. Gregory, cho PLEASURE YACHT, WITH SAILS, M. . Smith. T. Train. Mrs. o. Tl D FOR RENT etc., W. C. Achi und wife-- P. K." Kailie- - complete, made of Australia teak. man and daughter, George Ackerman, J. hu, Copper x. uurao, et al. D FURNISHED or - rivetted throughout, A bar- i. wells, August Arens, wife J. A. Magoon and wife It. iladd ' unfurnished house- gain. and child, Abram Jackson, K Ioul-so- n, D kcepinr rooms. For particulars apply to Mrs. J. A. Magoon and wife L. Mc- - Apply No. 8 Cottage S0W M. L. Hare, J. CI. Ma-hone- y, I. WILLIAM Hurley, J. J. Candless D Grove, King St. 5546 SAVIDGE, .1 George Haffner, W. Bowen, A O Ka-n- e ELERY t S. K. and wife j'. A." Magoon 206 Merchant Street: Dalmer, W. Stewart, J. Foss. J. S. Pat-to- n, Hanaia T. Awaua TWO large, S. Turner, V. Mitchell, F. M. Mur- airy rooms, with bath and phy, James W. J. Kalua et al. L. Ahlo ."..!'.'. large Kimball, James Dwyer, M . Chamberlain F. S. lanai. for gentleman. Address FOR SALE. V.I wife Lvman .... P. O. a' and four children, k! S. Lyman W. Box 463. 5545 W. James Moore, H. Antousen, Chamberlain ... . FOR Rose. and wife T. Feterson A LARGE, WELL-IMPROVE- D COR-n- er t. J. j. Haughs, Joseph Bavidge, Rodrlgues J. FN-iSIIE- James Barrowman. !. P. Mendonca D Rooms. Fort St. House, lot with residence on Hotel street. For 781 St., corner Kaunakakai. Lahalna, Ililo and List of deeds filed for record May 13, Vineyard; newly Inquire of J. H. SCHNACK, 1 1 papered Seal 4 ...it x, . Btmr. ivinau, May 13. L. and painted; new furniture; Merchant Street. mBC. r.. onarp, j,. a. Thurston, FrSK P,arty- - Party. Class. two extra large rooms Headache , Nervousness, J. A. Smith, Sing Kee and child, J. M. Sond with commu- Ah Hu K.Kaualoku D nicating room, suitable' for doctor or Mr-TT."- a,"d wif0M". H. B. KUiot! McGregor, Tong Keung, deptist 5545 . FOR SALE. Kau. Mrs. H. MrCnrrloion m'T.--Chock. I otice to Shipmasters. FOR SALE BY waterhouse and wife, Mr ,H-,UJ- U. S. Branch Hydrographls Tr. toster. Miss Dougherty Office, LOST. LOTS AT KALIHI PAST KAMEHA-meh- a Chang Yuk. A. Y. San Francisco. Cal. Sheu, D. A. Fox V FOX TERRIER, 9 Schools, on easy Jernandez K. A Fraser, A. N. Kepoikal", By male, months old, monthly install- AI. communicating with the Branch white, ments, & O. Santos, wife and child; A. G Ser-ra- o black head and ears and black j. h. SCHNACK, J M Vivas, w. B. Office In San Francisco, can-- spot on back; tag Baldwin, Scott. K. D. tains of tax 376. Liberal re- Smith Mrs. T. O. linvHa vessels who will Benson, j .n.i ki.i with ward for return, or information lead- ,ra- - J- - Dower and nyarographic Office by recording ing FOR SALE. ; .i1 CX S- le the to recovery. MRS. xti V ,IK,J,tchf5ck' - yer, Carl mtterological observations suggested by READ, cor. j - A- - the office, can Dominis and College LIMITED ihV IL?1,1r,JH- Peterson. N. Oh- - have forwarded to hem at Sts., Box 711 ON ,Llnd?r. A. C. an3r Port, free" EASY TERMS, A ELE-ga- nt - Vestal, G. M. and of expensethe 5546 FEW .'i &' and wife. Miss V. McGregor, H ninthly?lrpilot charts of the North Pacific lots at Manoa; town side of A. A McCorriston. Dr. cea"- - W. A. Schwallie, W. H. al,,d the latest Information regard- - Montano's. J. H. SCHNACK. C. Campbell and son, K. A. Jones. H. J. fns the dangers to navigation in the wa- - REMOVAL Wholesale and Retail Lyman. S. T. Shaw. Sent! v,.w r I tera which thev frenuent NOTICE. Mariners are A 'airciiufl. F. W. Macfar-lan- e, reouesteri in ynt DR. A. GORDON Captain 10. orlice dangers oV'any HODGINS has re- FORSALE. Ahlborn, K. Duvaucheiie discovered other moved to the corner B0 and wife. Mrs. B. :'.!eg-l- er information which can be of Beretania Nawelu. Mrs. A recting utilized for cor- and TOUT STS. and two children, W. Kay, K. p charts or sailing directions, or in Richards Sts., in the cottage with Dr. SMALL HOUSE LOTS AND HOTK1 vie. the publication of the pilot charts pf th W. E. Taj lor. IN REAR OF North Pacific. C. G. CALKINS, 5546 residenceof British Commissioner at For Kaunakakai, Lahalna, Kahului --.d Lleut.-Corrr- .. I'. S. N., in Charge. Kapalama, on easy Ap-pI-y ?-a- T.18' J"'r 8tmr- - C'laudlne, May Installments. S. f.Jerdrum, H. Witt-roc- to J. H. 60.. Halvorsen, F. k THE MELROSE; King j tre SCHNACK. W. J Iwrle, J. N. S. Williams. One of the signs in the grocery store t Honolulu Tobacco B. Langs troth, Mr. n, Mayall. Mrs. David-o- announced "Raspberry jam, 25 OF I'. Burns and wife, Mrs. L. H M- cents FOR IMPORTERS iranda. O the jar." . Board and RENT. H. Robertson, I). K. ' rooms; all modern com- Kaealidii 3 and daughter. A. Guessonl. W. S. Deco- "Aii!" saj-- Mrs. Newliwed, "isn't forts; electric lights; mosquito proof: HAVANA ta, R. c. Searle. J. W. Searle, R. c that dam jear?" A FEW NEW MODERN COTTAGES Searle, Jr. Louis A. Laisson, C. M. Crawl Sefinedhome. King St. cars within ten "Beg pardon!" Tele-phon- minutes' walk from postof- ford J. Medeiros, wife and child; exclaimed the grocer. Prices moderate o fice. Mis She no'3i81-blu- e. Apply to V: Drummond. J. J. Drummond, K tried it again. 5515 AMI iUAiULA a, ,j I. J- - H. wif1 K K. Kobayashi. 1L "I said, isn't that dam dear?" SCHNACK. ? Kihara, M. B. Weller, Alartin Newman. Then she blushed vividly and retired ALL ROOFS GUARANTEED against SMOKERS' ARTICLES in confusion. rust, decay and leakage FOR SALE. to-nig- by New bill ht using ! at the Orpheum. Only the highest $3750 The Advertiser la grade of RED RUB- Peerless Preserving: Paint HOUSE AND LOT ON delivered to any BER Is used in the Stamps by street. A good r.art of the city 75 made Fort St. , onp. in Smoking for centa per month. the HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO. office Club Stables, to WILLIAM Grades of H. P. WALTON, Mgr. SAVIDGE. y 206 Merchant St. Corner Fort and Merchant ists.f

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