US 20060069086A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2006/0069086 A1 Michallow (43) Pub. Date: Mar. 30, 2006

(54) METHODS FOR REGULATING Publication Classification NEUROTRANSMITTER SYSTEMIS BY INDUCING COUNTERADAPTATIONS (51) Int. Cl. A6II 3/55 (2006.01) (76) Inventor: Alexander Michalow, Bourbonnais, IL A6II 3/405 (2006.01) (US) A6II 3/343 (2006.01) A6II 3L/37 (2006.01) Correspondence Address: (52) U.S. Cl...... 514/220; 514/469: 514/649; MCDONNELL BOEHNEN HULBERT & 5147419 BERGHOFF LLP 3OO S. WACKER DRIVE (57) ABSTRACT 32ND FLOOR CHICAGO, IL 60606 (US) The present invention relates to methods for regulating neurotransmitter systems by inducing a counteradaptation (21) Appl. No.: 11/234,850 response. According to one embodiment of the invention, a method for regulating a neurotransmitter includes the step of (22) Filed: Sep. 23, 2005 repeatedly administering a ligand for a receptor in the neurotransmitter system, with a ratio of administration half Related U.S. Application Data life to period between administrations of no greater than 1/2. The methods of the present invention may be used to address (60) Provisional application No. 60/612,155, filed on Sep. a whole host of undesirable mental and neurological condi 23, 2004. tions. Patent Application Publication Mar. 30, 2006 Sheet 1 of 4 US 2006/0069086 A1

a) first time second period time period -1-


% max

base line

N-administration half-life

administration next administration Period between administrations time

b) first time Second

period time period

i bad

N-administration half-life

administration next administration Period between administrations F.G. 1 time Patent Application Publication Mar. 30, 2006 Sheet 2 of 4 US 2006/0069086 A1



admin admin admin admins admin4 admins admins

time FIG. 2


? C () () C 8 O 9

SS .S. time

FIG. 3

time FIG. 4 Patent Application Publication Mar. 30, 2006 Sheet 3 of 4 US 2006/0069086 A1

4-1 Patch removed

time F.G. 5 Patent Application Publication Mar. 30, 2006 Sheet 4 of 4 US 2006/0069086 A1 a) induction of maintenance through repeated Counteradaptation administration of ligand H1N- -1-


b) induction of maintenance through repeated Counteradaptation administration of ligand




time F.G. 6 US 2006/0069086 A1 Mar. 30, 2006

METHODS FOR REGULATING gain. Further, patients can adapt or build up a resistance to NEUROTRANSMITTER SYSTEMIS BY INDUCING conventional therapeutic agents with repeated use, making COUNTERADAPTATIONS them lose over time.

CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION APPLICATIONS 0008 One embodiment of the present invention relates to 0001) This application claims the benefit under 35 U.S.C. a method of regulating a neurotransmitter system by induc S 119(e) of U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. ing a counteradaptation in a patient, the neurotransmitter 60/612,155 entitled “COUNTER-ADAPTATION system including a type of receptor linked to an undesirable THERAPY FOR TREATMENT OF DEPRESSION AND mental or neurological condition. The method comprises the OTHER MENTAL CONDITIONS, and filed on Sep. 23, step of repeatedly administering to the patient a ligand for 2004. The above-referenced provisional application is the type of receptor, each administration having an admin hereby incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. istration half-life, thereby causing the ligand to bind recep tors of that type during a first time period associated with BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION each administration, thereby inducing a counteradaptation, 0002) 1. Field of the Invention wherein the counteradaptation causes the regulation of the neurotransmitter system, and wherein the ratio of the admin 0003. The present invention relates generally to neu istration half-life to the period between administrations is no rotransmitter systems associated with undesirable mental greater than 1/2. and neurological conditions. The present invention relates more particularly to methods for regulating these neu 0009. In another embodiment of the invention, a method rotransmitter systems by inducing counteradaptative is provided for inducing a regulation of a neurotransmitter responses. system in a patient, the neurotransmitter system including a type of receptor linked to an undesirable mental or neuro 0004 2. Technical Background logical condition. The method comprising the steps of 0005 Mood, mood disorders and related conditions are a inducing a counteradaptation by giving the patient a ligand result of a complex web of central nervous system events for the type of receptor; then repeatedly administering to the that interrelate many neurotransmitter systems. A most com patient a ligand for the type of receptor, each administration mon mood disorder is depression. Depression is a clinical having an administration half-life, thereby causing the diagnosis with numerous somatic and mental symptoms, ligand to bind receptors of that type during a first time period which is due to an alteration of numerous neurotransmitter associated with each administration, thereby maintaining or systems. While the neurotransmitter systems most com improving the counteradaptation, wherein the counteradap monly related with depression are the norepinephrine and tation causes the regulation of the neurotransmitter system, systems, current research indicates that other sys and wherein the ratio of the administration half-life to the tems, such as the system, the system period between administrations is no greater than 1/2. (kappa receptors), and the endogenous endorphin System 0010. In one aspect of the invention, the neurotransmitter (mu and delta receptors) are also involved in depres system is the SP system; the type of receptor is SP receptors; Sion. Further, these neurotransmitter systems are also related the ligand is an SP receptor ; the undesirable mental to a whole host of other undesirable mental and neurological or neurological condition is positively linked to the recep conditions, including bipolar disorders, obsessive-compul tors; and the counteradaption causes a down-regulation of sive disorders, anxiety, phobias, stress disorders, Substance the SP system. abuse, sexual disorders, eating disorders, motivational dis orders and pain disorders. 0011. In another aspect of the invention, the neurotrans mitter system is the endogenous endorphin System; the type 0006 Conventional strategies for treating neurotransmit of receptor is mu and/or delta opiate receptors; the ligand is ter-linked conditions are centered on improving abnormally a mu and/or delta opiate receptor agonist; the undesirable high or low levels of synaptic neurotransmitters. Conven mental or neurological condition is negatively linked to the tional therapeutic agents work to directly regulate the func receptors; and the counteradaption causes an up-regulation tioning of the neurotransmitter systems. Such agents may be of the endogenous endorphin system. agents, hypnotic agents, or selective reuptake inhibitors, and include (e.g., , 0012. In yet another aspect of the invention, the neu , , temazepam, flurazepam, and chlo rotransmitter system is the dynorphin system; the type of diazepoxide), TCAS, MAOIs, SSRIs (e.g., hydro receptor is kappa receptors; the ligand is a kappa receptor chloride), NRIs, SNRIs, CRF modulating agents, serotonin agonist; the undesirable mental or neurological condition is pre-synaptic autoreceptor antagonists, 5HT agonist, positively linked to the receptors; and the counteradaption GABA-A modulating agents, serotonin 5H and/or 5H causes a down-regulation of the dynorphin system. modulating agents, beta-3 adrenoceptor , NMDA 0013 In still yet another aspect of the invention, the antagonists, V1B antagonists, GPCR modulating agents, neurotransmitter system is the serotonin system; and the dynorphin antagonists, and Substance Pantagonists. counteradaption causes an up-regulation of the serotonin 0007 Conventional therapeutic agents and methods, system. Thus, in one embodiment of this aspect of the while somewhat effective, suffer from a few disadvantages. invention, the type of receptor is serotonin pre-synaptic For example, use of many conventional therapeutic agents is autoreceptors; the ligand is a serotonin pre-synaptic autore attended by side effects, such as sexual dysfunction, nausea ceptor agonist; and the undesirable mental or neurological nervousness, fatigue, dry mouth, blurred vision and weight condition is positively linked to the receptors. In another US 2006/0069086 A1 Mar. 30, 2006

embodiment of this aspect of the invention the type of BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS receptor is serotonin post-synaptic receptors; the ligand is a serotonin post-synaptic autoreceptor antagonist; and the 0020 FIG. 1 is a graph of in vivo ligand concentration undesirable mental or neurological condition is negatively (part a) and mood vs. time (part b) according to one linked to the serotonin post-synaptic autoreceptors. embodiment of the invention; 0014. In still yet another aspect of the invention, the 0021 FIG. 2 is a graph of mood vs. time for several neurotransmitter system is the norepinephrine system; and administrations of a ligand according to another embodi the counteradaption causes an up-regulation of the norepi ment of the invention; nephrine system. Thus, in one embodiment of this aspect of 0022 FIG. 3 is a graph of in vivo ligand concentration the invention, the type of receptor is norepinephrine pre vs. time for the administration via a single injection of a synaptic alpha-2 adrenergic receptors; the ligand is a nore ligand with a relatively long compound half-life; pinephrine pre-synaptic alpha-2 adrenergic receptor agonist; and the undesirable mental or neurological condition is 0023 FIG. 4 is a graph of in vivo ligand concentration positively linked to the receptors. In another embodiment of vs. time for the administration via time-release transdermal this aspect of the invention the type of receptor is norepi patch of a ligand with a relatively short compound half-life; nephrine post-synaptic adrenergic receptors; the ligand is a 0024 FIG. 5 is a graph of in vivo ligand concentration norepinephrine post-synaptic adrenergic receptor antago vs. time for the administration via time-release transdermal nist; and the undesirable mental or neurological condition is patch of a ligand with a relatively short compound half-life, negatively linked to the norepinephrine post-synaptic adr when the patch is removed during the administration; and energic receptors. 0025 FIG. 6 is a graph of in vivo ligand concentration 0015. In yet another embodiment of the invention, a (part a) and mood vs. time (part b) according to another method is provided for inducing a regulation of a neu embodiment of the invention. rotransmitter system, the neurotransmitter system including a type of receptors linked to an undesirable mental or DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE neurological condition. The method comprising the step of INVENTION repeatedly administering to the patient a ligand for the type of receptor, each administration having an administration 0026. The present invention relates generally to the regu half-life, thereby causing the ligand to bind a substantial lation of neurotransmitter systems by exploiting the patients fraction of receptors of that type during a first time period response to a pharmaceutical agent (a "counteradaptation'), associated with each administration, thereby inducing a rather than by relying on the direct effect of the agent for an counteradaptation; wherein the counteradaptation causes the improved clinical effect. In general, pharmaceutical agents regulation of the neurotransmitter system during a second are chosen so that the counteradaptation is beneficial to the time period associated with each administration, the second patient and eventually provides the desired long-term effect. time period being Subsequent to the first time period. The methods of the present invention differ from conven tional methods in that the direct effect of the agent is a 0016. The methods of the present invention result in a modulation of neurotransmitter receptors that is generally number of advantages over prior art methods. For example, associated with a worsening of symptoms. In response to the the methods of the present invention can be used to address direct effect of the agent, however, the brain responds by a a whole host of undesirable mental and neurological condi counteradaptation, resulting in the desired regulation of the tions with reduced side effects. In certain embodiments of neurotransmitter system when any direct effect of the agent the invention, the desired therapeutic benefit can be timed to wears off. The regulation may be any change in neurotrans coincide with a desired time of day or task to be performed mitter functioning, and may be, for example, an up-regula by the patient. tion or a down-regulation. A specific acute response is 0017 Additional features and advantages of the inven induced directly in order to generate a desired long-term tion will be set forth in the detailed description which effect indirectly. In a simple analogy, just as euphoria follows, and in part will be readily apparent to those skilled stimulating agents such as and result in in the art from the description or recognized by practicing depression upon their withdrawal, dysphoria-stimulating the invention as described in the written description and agents result in “anti-depression' upon their withdrawal. claims hereof, as well as in the appended drawings. 0027. One embodiment of the present invention relates to 0018. It is to be understood that both the foregoing a method of inducing a regulation of a neurotransmitter general description and the following detailed description system. Generally, a neurotransmitter system is a system of are merely exemplary of the invention, and are intended to natural neurotransmitter compounds and synaptic receptors provide an overview or framework for understanding the that participates in central nervous system signal transmis nature and character of the invention as it is claimed. Sion. The neurotransmitter system includes a type of recep tors linked to an undesirable mental or neurological condi 0019. The accompanying drawings are included to pro tion. FIG. 1 includes a graph of in vivo ligand concentration vide a further understanding of the invention, and are versus time for a method according to one embodiment of incorporated in and constitute a part of this specification. the invention. As illustrated in FIG. 1, the method includes The drawings are not necessarily to Scale, and sizes of the step of repeatedly administering to a patient a ligand for various elements may be distorted for clarity. The drawings the type of receptor, thereby causing the ligand to bind illustrate one or more embodiment(s) of the invention, and receptors of that type during a first time period associated together with the description serve to explain the principles with each administration. As used herein, a ligand is a and operation of the invention. compound that binds to (e.g., interacts with in either a US 2006/0069086 A1 Mar. 30, 2006

covalent or non-covalent fashion) receptors of the type of overall desirable regulation of the neurotransmitter system. receptor, and may be, for example, an agonist for the The regulation of the neurotransmitter system can, in turn, receptor or an antagonist for the receptor. The binding of the provide a therapeutic benefit with respect to the undesirable ligand to the receptors induces a counteradaptation, which mental or neurological condition. The regulation of the causes the regulation of the neurotransmitter system. FIG. 1 neurotransmitter system may be, for example, an increase in shows a couple of administrations of ligand occurring in the the counteradaptive response (as shown in FIG. 2, described middle of the method, and not the first couple of adminis below), or a maintenance of an already-induced counter trations. Each administration is a single cycle in which the adaptive response (as shown in FIG. 6, described below). in vivo concentration of the ligand begins at a baseline level. 0031 Counteradaptations are a manner by which the goes up to a maximum level, and drops back down to the central nervous system maintains homeostasis. The coun baseline level. The graph of FIG. 1 shows two such admin teradaptation is a result of the body's attempt to regulate the istrations. Depending on the dosing regimen, each admin neurotransmitter system to its original steady-state level in istration of the ligand may be performed, for example, by order to prevent its over- or under-stimulation. Natural giving the patient a single unit dose (e.g., pill, capsule) or neurotransmitters bind with their receptors for only a short injection; multiple unit doses or injections; or continuously time, and are removed almost immediately from the Syn (e.g., intravenous or slow-release patch). apse, and therefore do not cause a counteradaptive response. 0028. Examples of types of neurotransmitter systems and When a ligand interacts with a receptor for a longer period types of receptors with which the method may be practiced of time (e.g., because the ligand has a longer binding time include the Substance P system, in which the type of or is continuously administered), however, cellular mecha receptors may be NK-1, NK-2 and/or NK-3 receptors; the nisms gradually occur at the receptor/neurotransmitter level endogenous endorphin System in which the type of receptors that act to counteract the direct effects of the ligand-receptor may be mu and/or delta opiate receptors; the dynorphin binding (i.e., the counteradaptation). The counteradaptation system in which the type of receptors may be kappa recep may be, for example, a change in the biosynthesis or release tors; the serotonin system in which the type of receptors may of a natural neurotransmitter that binds to the type of be inhibitory serotonin pre-synaptic autoreceptors (e.g., receptor, a change in the reuptake of a natural neurotrans 5HT, and/or 5HT autoreceptors) and/or serotonin post mitter that binds to the type of receptor, a change in the synaptic receptors (e.g. 5HT, 5HT. 5HT. 5HT, 5HTs, number of the type of receptors and/or binding sites on 5HT, and/or 5HT, receptors); and the norepinephrine system receptors of the type of receptor, a change in the sensitivity in which the type of receptors may be inhibitory norepi of receptors of the type of receptor to binding by the natural nephrine pre-synaptic alpha-2 adrenergic receptors and/or neurotransmitter and/or receptor agonists, or a combination norepinephrine post-synaptic adrenergic receptors. These thereof. Chronic use of a ligand thus induces (i.e., causes) a neurotransmitter systems and receptor types are linked to counteradaptation by stimulating processes that oppose the various undesirable mental and neurological conditions, as initial effects of the ligand, which over time results in a would be appreciated by the skilled artisan. decrease in the effect of ligand-receptor binding. 0029. The undesirable mental or neurological condition 0032. When the ligand is a receptor agonist, the counter is linked to a type of receptor in the neurotransmitter system. adaptation works to reduce the functioning of the neu If the undesirable mental or neurological condition is exac rotransmitter system (i.e., a "down-regulation'). The down erbated by the binding of the receptor to its natural neu regulation may occur through, for example, a decrease in the rotransmitter, then it is said to be “positively linked to that biosynthesis or release of a natural neurotransmitter that type of receptor. Conversely, if the undesirable mental or binds to the type of receptor, an increase in the reuptake of neurological condition is improved by the binding of the a natural neurotransmitter that binds to the type of receptor, receptor to its natural neurotransmitter, then it is “negatively a decrease in the number of the type of receptors and/or linked to that type of receptor. For example, the undesirable binding sites on receptors of the type of receptor, a decrease mental or neurological condition of depression is negatively in the sensitivity of receptors of the type of receptor to linked to serotonin post-synaptic receptors, because binding binding by the natural neurotransmitter and/or receptor of these receptors to their natural neurotransmitter serotonin agonists, or a combination thereof. Any of the above-recited results in a decrease in the depression. The undesirable counteradaptive responses will work to reduce the function mental or neurological condition of depression is positively ing of the neurotransmitter system, and can therefore pro linked to kappa receptors, because binding of these receptors vide a therapeutic benefit with respect to an undesirable to their natural neurotransmitter dynorphin results in an mental or neurological condition that is positively linked to increase in the depression. the neurotransmitter system. 0030) Instead of relying on the direct effect of ligand 0033 Conversely, when the ligand is a receptor antago receptor binding to regulate the neurotransmitter system, the nist, the counteradaptation works to increase the functioning methods of the present invention exploit the indirect coun of the neurotransmitter system (i.e., an "up-regulation'). The teradaptive effect to enhance or Suppress neurotransmitter up-regulation may occur through, for example, an increase systems linked to undesirable mental or neurological con in the biosynthesis or release of a natural neurotransmitter ditions. The counteradaptation is the brain's natural that binds to the type of receptor, a decrease in the reuptake response to the binding of the ligand. The initial effect of of a natural neurotransmitter that binds to the type of ligand binding may be a worsening of the undesirable receptor, an increase in the number of the type of receptors mental or neurological condition. However, because the and/or binding sites on receptors of the type of receptor, an effects of the counteradaptation last long after the ligand is increase in the sensitivity of receptors of the type of receptor removed from the system, and can build up over repeated to binding by the natural neurotransmitter and/or receptor administration of the ligand, the counteradaptation causes an agonists, or a combination thereof. Any of the above-recited US 2006/0069086 A1 Mar. 30, 2006 counteradaptive responses will work to increase the func a method according to the present invention. As evidenced tioning of the neurotransmitter system, and therefore pro in FIG. 2 by the ever-increasing mood (i.e., the graph vide a therapeutic benefit with respect to an undesirable generally slants up with time), the strength of the counter mental or neurological condition that is negatively linked to adaptation may build up with time, with each administration the neurotransmitter system. causing additional counteradaptive response. As such, an 0034 Receptors in the brain are commonly regulated by increasing therapeutic benefit may be realized with repeated a pre-synaptic negative inhibition control loop. Thus, for intermittent administration of the ligand. mood-elevating post-synaptic receptors (i.e., receptors nega 0038 Each administration of the ligand has an adminis tively linked to an undesirable mental or neurological con tration half-life. As shown in the graph of part (a) of FIG. dition), it is desirable to use repeated agonist treatment at the 1, the in vivo concentration of the ligand is at a relatively associated inhibitory pre-synaptic receptors. Repeated ago low baseline level at the beginning of the administration nist administration at a pre-synaptic inhibitory receptor (e.g., the Swallowing of a pill, the application of a transder results in a down-regulation of that receptor, lessening its mal patch, or the beginning of intravenous administration), inhibitory response and thereby increasing neural firing at then rises to some maximum level. After reaching a maxi the mood-elevating post-synaptic receptors and providing an mum, the in vivo concentration of the ligand will decrease elevation of mood. back down to the baseline level (e.g., due to metabolism/ excretion of the ligand), where it remains until the next 0035 An opposite strategy is desired for use with mood administration. As shown in FIG. 1, the administration depressing post-synaptic receptors (i.e., receptors positively half-life is measured as the period of time between the linked to an undesirable mental or neurological condition). beginning of the administration and the half-maximum point For Such receptors, it is desirable to use repeated antagonist of the in vivo concentration as the concentration drops from treatment at the associated inhibitory pre-synaptic receptors. its maximum level to the baseline level. Repeated antagonist administration at a pre-synaptic inhibi tory receptor results in an up-regulation of that receptor, 0.039 The administration half-life will be a function of lessening its inhibitory response and thereby decreasing the compound half-life (i.e., the half-life in vivo of the neural firing at the mood-depressing post-synaptic receptors ligand compound itself) as well as of the route of adminis and providing an elevation in mood. tration. For example, FIG. 3 is a graph of in vivo concen tration versus time for a single administration via injection 0036) The direct effect of the ligand binding during the of a ligand with a relatively long compound half-life. first time period will often be an initial exacerbation of the Because the injection gets the ligand into the bloodstream undesirable mental or neurological condition. For example, very quickly, the administration half-life approximates the when the administered ligand is an antagonist for a type of compound half-life. In the example of FIG. 4, a ligand with receptor linked negatively to the undesirable mental or a much shorter compound half life (e.g., a peptide) is neurological condition, the short-term effect of the binding administered using a time-release transdermal patch. Here, is to block the receptors and prevent them from binding the the concentration rises more slowly to a steady state maxi natural neurotransmitter and firing. Similarly, when the mum concentration, then falls off as the patch becomes administered ligand is an agonist for a type of receptor depleted. Were the patch removed before depletion, the in positively linked to the undesirable mental or neurological vivo concentration would decrease rapidly down to the condition, the short term affect of the binding is to cause the baseline level, as shown in FIG. 5. The administration receptors to fire. Both the firing of receptors positively half-life may be, for example, less than about a week, less linked to the undesirable mental or neurological condition than about three days, or less than about a day. More and the prevention of the firing of receptors negatively desirably, the administration half-life is less than about linked to the undesirable mental or neurological condition sixteen hours; less than about twelve hours, less than about can cause an initial worsening of symptoms. When the eight hours; or less than about four hours. In certain embodi short-term effect of ligand-receptor binding wears off (e.g., ments of the invention, especially those using a ligand due to the removal of ligand from the system), the counter having a relatively long compound half-life, the administra adaptation remains to provide the desired regulation of the tion half-life may be greater than about four hours; greater neurotransmitter system. Repeated administration can cause than about twelve hours; greater than about sixteen hours; or a gradually increasing regulation of neurotransmitter sys greater than about thirty hours. tems. In certain embodiments of the present invention described below, measures are taken to limit the effect on the 0040. The ligand has a compound half-life, defined as the patient of the direct effect of ligand-receptor binding. in vivo half life of the ligand and its active metabolites (i.e., metabolites that are active at receptors of the type of 0037 FIG. 1 also includes in part (b) a graph of mood vs. receptor), divorced from any effects due to the route of time for administration of an appropriate ligand for a mood administration. In certain embodiments of the present inven associated receptor. As shown in the example of FIG. 1, the tion, it may be desirable to use a compound with a relatively direct effect of ligand administration may be a worsening of short compound half-life. For example, in certain embodi mood during each first time period. This worsening of mood ments of the invention the compound half-life is less than tapers off as the in vivo concentration of the ligand falls to about a week, less than about three days, or less than about its steady state level. After the ligand concentration returns a day. More desirably, the compound half-life is less than to its low steady state level, the counteradaptation remains about sixteen hours; less than about twelve hours, less than in place to provide an overall improvement in mood during about eight hours; or less than about four hours; or less than a second time period associated with each administration one hour. Some ligands, however, have relatively longer and subsequent to the first time period. FIG. 2 is a graph of compound half-lives. For example, in certain embodiments mood vs. time for several administrations of a ligand during of the invention, the compound half-life of the ligand is US 2006/0069086 A1 Mar. 30, 2006

greater than about four hours; greater than about twelve about four hours in duration. In certain desirable embodi hours; greater than about sixteen hours; or greater than about ments of the invention, each first time period is about eight thirty hours. hours in duration. However, in cases where the direct effect 0041. The period between administrations is desirably of ligand binding is a noticeable worsening in the undesir selected so as to maximize the counteradaptive response to able condition, it may be desirable to maintain the first time the ligand while maintaining an acceptably low and tolerable period no longer than necessary to get an acceptable level of direct effect of ligand-receptor binding. For example, the counteradaptation. For example, in certain embodiments of administration of the ligand may be performed daily. In the invention the first time period is desirably less than about other embodiments of the invention, the period between twenty four hours in duration; less than about sixteen hours administrations is two days or greater, three days or greater; in duration; less than about twelve hours in duration; less five days or greater, one week or greater, two weeks or than about eight hours in duration; or less than about six greater, or one month or greater. Similarly, the dose of the hours in duration. ligand at each administration is selected to be sufficient to trigger a counteradaptive response, but low enough that 0046. In desired embodiments of the invention, a sub direct effects of ligand-receptor binding are low and toler stantial fraction of the receptors remain unbound to the able to the patient. ligand during a second time period associated with each administration and Subsequent to the first time period. A low 0042. When using a ligand having a compound half-life level of ligand-receptor binding allows the patient to enjoy greater than about twelve hours, in order to increase the the effects (e.g., the therapeutic benefit) of the counterad counteradaptation it may be desirable to repeatedly admin aptation without interference from any ill effects of direct ister a second ligand for the type of receptor, with each ligand binding. For example, desirably no more than about administration of the second ligand having an administration 50%, no more than about 25%, no more than about 10% of half-life of less than about eight hours. In an example of a the receptors are bound to the ligand during each second method according to the present invention, a ligand having time period. a twenty-four hour compound half-life is administered every three days with a twenty four hour administration half-life, 0047 The second time period associated with each and a second ligand is administered daily with a six hour administration is the time during which a Substantial fraction administration half-life. In Such cases, when the ligand is a of the receptors of the type of receptor are unbound to the receptor agonist, the second ligand is desirably a receptor ligand. During each second time period, the patient may agonist; and when the ligand is a , the enjoy any therapeutic benefit of the counteradaptation, as no second ligand is desirably a receptor antagonist. direct ligand-receptor binding effects would remain. As Such, each second time period is desirably as long as 0043. The ratio of administration half-life to the period possible. For example, each second time period is desirably between administrations is desirably selected to maximize at least about two hours in duration; at least about ten hours the counteradaptation while keeping any direct effects of in duration; or at least about fifteen hours in duration. ligand binding during the first time period at a low and However, it may be desirable to keep each second time tolerable level. According to one embodiment of the inven period relatively short, in order to decrease the period tion, the ratio of the administration half-life to the period between administrations thereby increase the counteradap between administrations is no greater than 1/2. Desirably, tation. For example, in certain embodiments of the invention the ratio of the administration half-life to the period between each second time period is desirably no more than about administrations is no greater than 1/3. In certain embodi twenty hours in duration; no more than about thirty hours in ments of the invention, the ratio of the administration half-life to the period between administrations is no greater duration; or no more than about fifty hours in duration. than 1/5: no greater than 1/8; or no greater than 1/12. It may 0048. In order to build up a counteradaptation over time be, however, desirable to administer the ligand relatively and to minimize any initial exacerbation of the undesirable often, in order to maintain a desired level of counteradap mental or neurological condition, it may be desirable to tation. For example, in certain desirable embodiments of the begin the treatment with a relatively low dose of ligand at invention the ratio of administration half-life to the period each administration, and increase the dosage over time. between administrations may be greater than 1/100; greater Increasing dosages can also be used to account for any than 1/50; greater than 1/24: greater than 1/12: greater than tolerance the patient builds up to the ligand. For the sake of 1/8; greater than 1/5; greater than 1/4; or greater than 1/3. convenience, it may be desirable to increase the dosage 0044) A substantial fraction of the receptors of the type of intermittently over time (i.e., increase the dosage with a receptor are bound to the ligand during the first time period period longer than the period between administrations). For associated with each administration, so as to cause a coun example, in certain embodiments of the invention the dosage teradaptation to the ligand binding. For example, at least is increased with a period between increases of no less than a week; no less than two weeks; no less than three weeks; no about 30%, at least about 50%, at least about 75%, or at least less than a month; no less than two months; no less than about 90% of the receptors of the type of receptor are bound three months; no less than six months, or no less than one by the ligand during each first time period. year. At each increase in dosage, the dose is desirably 0045 Similarly, the first time period associated with each increased by at least about 5%; at least about 10%; at least administration is desirably long enough to cause a Substan about 25%; at least about 50%; or at least about 100% of the tial counteradaptation. For example, each first time period is initial dose. It may, however, be desirable to maintain the desirably at least about five minutes in duration; at least maximum dosage within certain limits. For example, in about thirty minutes in duration; at least about an hour in certain embodiments of the invention the maximum dosage duration; at least about two hours in duration; or at least may be within three hundred times the initial dosage, within US 2006/0069086 A1 Mar. 30, 2006

one hundred times the initial dosage, within fifty times the identity of the ligand, its compound half-life, the desired initial dosage, or within twenty times the initial dosage. dose and the desired administration half-life. 0049. In one example of a dosing schedule, low doses of 0054 It may be desirable to administer the ligand using a ligand are given for one, two, or three weeks. These initial both a rapidly absorbed loading dose (in order to get a fast doses are high enough to induce a counteradaptive response, ligand-receptor binding), and a gradually absorbed dose (in but low enough to cause only minimal direct effects due to order to maintain a desired level of ligand-receptor binding ligand-receptor binding. The dose is then increased. The over the desired length of the first time period). A rectal increase may be as Small as 10%; for more rapid induction Suppository having a rapidly-absorbing outer covering and a of a counteradaptive response, however, it is desirable to at more slowly absorbing center could be used for such an least double the initial dose. After four to six weeks the administration. Alternatively, the loading dose could be dosage is again increased. This pattern is followed every given Sublingually, and the gradually absorbed dose could be one, two, four or six months. The endpoint for the maximum given transdermally via patch. dosage will depend on individual tolerance to the ligand and 0055. A carrier in the blood may be used to increase the the development of side effects and direct effects from the administration half-life of the ligand once it is in circulation. larger doses. For example, U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,610,825 and 6,602,981, each 0050. To reduce the impact of any direct effects of of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety, ligand-receptor binding, it may be desirable to time the describe a method by which ligands are bound to blood cells administration of the ligand so that the first time period or proteins in order to extend their administration half-life. occurs during a time when adverse effects on the patient will Adessi et al (Curr Med Chem, 9(9); May, 2002; 963-978) be minimized. The patient will not notice a decrease in mood describe a method by which to stabilize peptide ligands. if she is asleep. For example, it may be desirable to time the administration of the ligand so that a Substantial fraction of 0056. The undesirable mental or neurological condition the first time period occurs while the patient is asleep, so that may be any condition linked to the neurotransmitter system. any direct effects of ligand-receptor binding are not noticed. Examples of Such conditions include chronic pain, mood For example, at least 40%; at least 60%; or at least 85% of disorders, eating disorders, anxiety disorders, motivational the first time period desirably occurs while the patient is and performance problems, inflammatory conditions, nau asleep. In order to achieve Such timing, it may be desirable sea, emesis, urinary incontinence, skin rashes, erythema, and to perform a substantial fraction of the administrations of the eruptions. More examples of undesirable mental or neuro ligand within the hour before the patient goes to bed. For logical conditions are described below. example, desirably at least 50%; at least 75%; at least 90%; 0057. It may also be desirable to administer an anxiolytic or at least 95% of the administrations of the ligand are agent in combination with the ligand, so as to reduce any performed within the hour before the patient goes to bed. direct effects of ligand-receptor binding. The anxiolytic 0051. There is no contraindication for daytime adminis agent may especially help mitigate the effects of ligand tration, however, and in other embodiments of the invention, receptor binding on the patient’s . The anxiolytic agent each administration of the ligand is performed more than may, for example, affect a GABA pathway. The anxiolytic one hour before the patient goes to bed. In one example of agent may be, for example, a Such as a method according to the present invention, a patient who diazepam, lorazepam, alprazolam, temazepam, flurazepam, has been administered a ligand daily for two or three months and chlodiazepoxide. Similarly, it may be desirable to and has developed a counteradaptation and some associated administer a hypnotic agent or a selective serotonin reuptake improvement in mood. If there were a particular time of day inhibitor in combination with the ligand, so as to reduce any the patient wanted to enhance daytime mood, the time of direct effects of ligand-receptor binding. Each of these ligand administration could be moved so that the desired agents may be administered at the same time as the ligand, time would fall within the second time period associated or at a different time. It may also be desirable to add with that administration. If the patient wanted an elevated to the patient’s diet, as described in U.S. Pat. mood at 6 p.m., he could administer an appropriate ligand Nos. 4.377,595 and 5,958,429, each of which is incorporated (e.g., , a mu and/or delta opiate receptor antagonist herein by reference in its entirety. with a compound half-life of one hour) at 2 p.m. The direct 0058. It may be desirable to administer conventional effect of naloxone-receptor binding (a bad mood) would last pharmaceutical agents in combination (e.g., simultaneously only a couple of hours, leaving only the good mood caused or sequentially) with the ligand. Administration of Such an by the counteradaptation by 6 p.m. agent is especially desirable when it is an agonist for a type 0.052 The administration of the ligand is desirably of receptor that has been increased in number and/or sensi repeated enough to build up a suitably large counteradaptive tivity through a counteradaptation, or is an antagonist for a type of receptor that has been decreased in number and/or effect. As such, in the methods of the present invention, the sensitivity through a counteradaptation. Examples of con administration is desirably performed at least five times, at ventional pharmaceutical agents that may administered in least ten times, at least twenty-five times, or at least fifty combination with the ligand include TCAS, MAOIs, SSRIs, times. NRIs, SNRIs, CRF modulating agents, serotonin pre-syn 0053 Each administration of the ligand may be per aptic autoreceptor antagonists, 5HT agonist, dynorphin formed orally, transdermally, through inhalation, Subcutane antagonists, GABA-A modulating agents, serotonin 5H ously, intravenously, intramuscularly, intraspinally, intrath and/or 5H2 modulating agents, beta-3 adrenoceptor ago ecally, transmucosally, or using an osmotic pump, a nists, NMDA antagonists, V1B antagonists, GPCR modu microcapsule, an implant or a Suspension. The skilled artisan lating agents, or Substance Pantagonists. Desirably, the will select the route of administration based upon the additional pharmaceutical agent has a relatively short US 2006/0069086 A1 Mar. 30, 2006

administration half-life, so that it can be administered during with the mental and neurological condition; or an increase in the second time period, with its effect substantially absent by a mood that masks the symptoms associated with the mental the next administration of the ligand. Such an administration and neurological condition. regimen maintains a high level of counteradaptation, while 0062) The methods according to the present invention maximizing the effect of the pharmaceutical agent during the may be used therapeutically to address an undesirable men second time period. tal or neurological condition in a patient. For example, the methods of the present invention may be used to treat a 0059. It may also be desirable to take advantage of direct pre-existing undesirable mental or neurological condition in binding of the receptors to provide a desired clinical effect. a patient. The methods may also be used to reduce any future For example, when the ligand is a receptor agonist, it may undesirable mental or neurological condition that is antici be desirable to administer an antagonist for the type of pated to occur, for example, due to future physical exertion, receptor during one or more of the second time periods physical trauma, mental trauma, or medical procedure. associated with each administration and Subsequent to the first time period. However, the antagonist for the type of The Substance P System receptor is desirably not administered during the first time period associated with each administration. Similarly, when 0063. According to one embodiment of the invention, the the ligand is a receptor antagonist, it may be desirable to neurotransmitter system is the Substance P (“SP) system administer an agonist for the type of receptor during one or which includes as neurotransmitters the neurokinins Sub more of the second time periods associated with each stance P, NKA and NKB. SP is a polypeptide and is known administration and Subsequent to the first time period. How to act as a neurotransmitter and mediator for pain sensations. ever, the agonist for the type of receptor is desirably not It is a member of the tachykinin family, which is a set of administered during the first time period associated with polypeptides having a similar C-terminal and a varying each administration. Preferably the antagonist has an in vivo N-terminals with varying SP-like activity. The SP receptors half life of less than 12 hours, less than 8 hours, or less than include NK-1, NK-2 and NK-3 receptors. SP preferentially 6 hours, such that it would not interfere with the subsequent binds to NK-1 receptors, NKA preferentially binds to NK-2 administration of the agonist. receptors, and NKB preferentially binds to NK-3 receptors. 0060 Another embodiment of the present invention is 0064 SP and its receptors are found primarily in the brain illustrated by the graphs of in vivo ligand concentration (part and spinal cord tissue. In the spinal cord, SP receptors are a) and mood vs. time (part b) of FIG. 6. In this method, a found in an area called the dorsal horn, which is a primary counteradaptation is first induced by giving the patient one site for pain signals to be transmitted to the brain. In the or more doses of a ligand for the type of receptor. As shown brain, SP and its receptors are found in large concentrations in FIG. 6, this could be through repeated or continuous in the hypothalamus and the amygdala, areas associated with administration of high doses of the ligand. Relatively high, affective behavior, anxiety and response to stress, and pain. long-term doses of the ligand will induce a strong counter In addition, SP is also implicated in nausea and emesis, adaptive effect, but may cause the patient to suffer marked defensive behavior, cardiovascular tone, salivary secretion, direct effects from ligand-receptor binding, as shown in the inflammation, Smooth muscle contraction and vasodilation, graph of mood vs. time of FIG. 6. In such cases, it may be as well as in numerous mental conditions such as Schizo desirable to keep the patient hospitalized during the initial phrenia, manic depressive psychosis, sexual dysfunction, induction of the counteradaptive response. After the coun addiction, cognitive disorders, locomotive disorders, teradaptive response is induced, it is maintained repeatedly and depression. administering the ligand to the patient with a ratio of 0065. When the neurotransmitter system is the SP sys administration half-life to period between administrations tem, the type of receptor is SP receptors, which are posi no greater than 1/2. The repeated administration may be tively linked to undesirable mental and neurological condi performed substantially as described above. tions, and the ligand is an SP receptor agonist. The 0061 Through regulation of the function of neurotrans counteradaptation causes a down-regulation of the SP sys mitter systems, the methods of the present invention may be tem, and may be at least one of a decrease in the biosynthesis used to improve undesirable mental and neurological con or release of SP, NKA and/or NKB at the receptor terminals ditions, even if they are not able to cure them. The methods or by the pituitary gland; a decrease in the number of the of the present invention may make undesirable mental and receptors and/or binding sites on the receptors; or a decrease neurological conditions more amenable to conventional in the sensitivity of the receptors to binding by SP receptor therapies. For example, even if clinical depression is not agonists and/or SP, NKA and/or NKB. cured, the improved mood caused by the use of the methods 0066. The SP receptor agonist may be, for example, of the present invention may help improve the depression. peptide-based. In certain embodiments of the invention, the As described above, the use of conventional SP receptor agonist is an analogue of SP, NKA, and/or NKB, may also be made more efficacious. In another example, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt or derivative thereof. even if cancer is not cured, the regulation of the neurotrans For example, the SP receptor agonist may be Substance P: mitter acts to Suppress tumor growth and/or metastasis, and Substance P. free acid; Biotin-Substance P. Cys, Tyr, may make conventional cancer therapies and/or the immune Pro-Substance P: (Disulfide bridge: 3-6), Cys, Tyr, system better able to eliminate the cancerous growth. The Pro-Substance P: (Disulfide bridge: 3-6), 4-Chloro-Phe7 therapeutic benefits caused by the regulation of the neu s-Substance P: 4-Benzoyl-Phe-Substance P. Succinyl rotransmitter may be, for example, a decrease in the severity Asp, N-Me-Phe-Substance P (6-11)(Senktide); Tyr of the symptoms associated with the mental and neurologi Substance P; Tyr-Substance P: Shark Substance P cal condition; an eradication of the symptoms associated Peptide; GR73632D-Ala-L-Pro, Me-Leulsubstance P(7- US 2006/0069086 A1 Mar. 30, 2006

11); Sar.Met(O)'ISP; GR 73,632 delta-Aminovaleryl 0072 Desirably, an SP receptor antagonist is not admin Pro9, N-Me-Leu10-substance P(7-11), Glu(OBzl)11 istered during the first time period associated with each substance P and hemokinin 1 (HK-1) (a substance P administration. In certain embodiments of the invention, homolog); or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt or carrier however, an SP receptor antagonist is administered during thereof. one or more of the second time periods. Non-limiting 0067. In other embodiments of the invention, the SP examples of SP receptor antagonists along with Suggested receptor agonist may be an NKA or NKB analogue having dosages are as follows: SR 48968 (S)-N-methyl-N4-(4- a C-terminal heptapetpide similar to NKA(4-10) or NKB(4- acetylamino-4-phenyl piperidino)-2-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)- 10), or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt or carrier thereof. butylbenzamide); and compounds described in For example, the SP receptor agonist may be Gln-NKA, U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,972,938; 6,576,638; 6,596,692; 6,509,014: Gln)-NKA(4-10), Phe7-NKA, Phe-NKA(4-10), Ile 6,642,240; 6,841,551: 6,177,450; 6,518.295: U.S. Pat. No. NKA, Ile7-NKA(4-10), Lys.MeLeu.Nle'l-NKA(4- 6,369,074; AND U.S. Pat. No. 6,586,432; AND WO 10), Nle'l-NKA(4-10), B-Ala-NKA(4-10), Ala 95/16679; 95/18124; 95/23798. NKA(4-10), *Gln-NKB, Gln-NKB(4-10), Phe7 0073. Other SP(NK) receptor antagonists include: NKB, Phe7-NKB(4-10), Ile7-NKB, Ile7-NKB(4-10), L-760735 (1-(5-(2R.3S)-2-({(1R)-1-3,5-bis(trifluorom Lys.MeLeu.Nle'l-NKB(4-10), Nle'l-NKB(4-10), ethyl)phenylethyloxy)-3-(4-phenyl)morpholin-4-yl)me B-Ala-NKB(4-10), Ala-NKB(4-10), or a pharmaceuti thyl-2H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)-N,N-dimethylmethanamine) cally acceptable salt or carrier thereof. Similarly, the SP (See Boyce, S, et al. Neuropharmacology. 2001 July; receptor agonist may be Arg-NKB, an NKA or NKB 41(1): 130-7); CP-96,345 (2S,3 S)-cis-2-(diphenylmethyl)- analogue having Val' replaced with MePhe, or a pharma N-(2-methoxy-phenyl)-methyl-1-azabicyclo2.2.2-octan ceutically accepted salt or carrier thereof. 3-amine (See Snider, et al. Science, 1991 Jan. 25; 0068. Other SP receptor agonists that may be used in the 251 (4992):435-7); SSR240600 ((R)-2-(1-(2-4-2-3,5- present invention are SR 48968, an NK2 receptor antagonist bis(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)acetyl-2-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)- ((S)-N-methyl-N4-(4-acetylamino-4-phenyl piperidino)- 2-morpholinyl)ethyl-4-piperidinyl)-2-methylpropanamide 2-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-butylbenzamide) as well as those (See Steinberg, R. et al., Steinberg, R, et al., J Pharm Exper described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,839,465; 4,472,305; 5,137, Ther, 303(3), 1180-1188, December 2002, “SSR240600 873; 4,638,046; 4,680,283; 5,166,136; 5,410,019; and (R)-2-(1-2-4-2-3.5-Bis(trifluoromethyl)phenyl 6,642.233, each of which is incorporated herein by reference acetyl-2-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-2-morpholinylethyl-4-pi in its entirety. peridinyl)-2-methylpropanamide, a Centrally Active Non 0069. The initial dosage (i.e., the dosage at the first peptide Antagonist of the Tachykinin Neurokinin 1 administration) of the SP receptor agonist is desirably high Receptor: II. Neurochemical and Behavioral Characteriza enough to induce a counteradaptive effect, but not so high as tion'); NKP608 quinoline-4-carboxylic acid trans-(2R, to cause intolerable direct effects from ligand-receptor bind 4S)-1-(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzoyl)-2-(4-chloro-ben ing. For example, the initial dosage of the SP receptor Zyl)-piperidin-4-yl)-amide) (see Spooren W P. et al., Eur J. agonist may be between about 0.5 pmol/kg/min and about 20 Pharmacol. 2002 Jan. 25:435(2-3):161-70 and File, S E, pmol/kg/min for continuous dosing during the first time Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2000 September; 152(1):105 period. In certain desirable embodiments of the invention, 9, entitled “NKP608, an NK1 receptor antagonist, has an the initial dosage of the SP receptor agonist is between 3 anxiolytic action in the Social interaction test in rats.'); L-AT pmol/kg/min and 10 pmol/kg/min for continuous dosing (N-acetyl-L-tryptophan 3,5-bis benzyl ester) (See Crissman, during the first time period. A. et al., Vol. 302, Issue 2, 606–611, August 2002, entitled “Effects of Antidepressants in Rats Trained to Discriminate 0070 The present invention is not limited to the use of Centrally Administered Isoproterenol); MK-869 Aprepi peptide-based SP receptor agonists. Other SP receptor ago tant (See Varty, G B, et al., Neuropsychopharmacology nists, including substantially or wholly non-peptidic SP (2002) 27 371-379, “The Gerbil Elevated Plus-maze II: receptor agonists (e.g., those described in Chorev et al., Anxiolytic-like Effects of Selective Neurokinin NK1 Recep Biopolymers, May 1991; 31(6):725-33), which is hereby tor Antagonists”); L-742,6942(S)-((3,5-bis(Trifluorometh incorporated herein by reference in its entirety) may be used yl)benzyl)-oxy)-3(S)phenyl-4-((3-oxo-1,2,4-triazol-5-yl)m- in the methods of the present invention. ethyl)morpholine (See Varty, et al.); L-733060 (2S,3S)-3- 0071. The SP receptor agonist may be administered using (3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)methoxy)-2- any appropriate route. Transmucosal administration is an phenylpiperidine (See Varty, et al.); CP-99.994 (+)-(2S,3 especially desirable method for administering SP receptor S)-3-(2-methoxybenzylamino)-2-phenylpiperidine (See agonists. For example, the administration may be sublingual McLean, et al., J Pharm Exp Ther. Volume 267, Issue 1, pp. or via rectal Suppository. It may be desirable to administer 472-479 and Varty, et al.); CP-122,721 (+)-(2S,3S)-3-(2- the SP receptor agonist using both a rapidly absorbed methoxy-5-trifluoromethoxybenzyl)amino-2-phenylpiperi loading dose (in order to get a fast binding of the SP dine (See McLean, et al., J Pharm ExpTher. Volume 277, receptors), and a gradually absorbed dose (in order to Issue 2, pp. 900-908 and Varty, et al); CP-96,345 (2S,3 maintain a desired level of agonist-receptor binding over the S)-cis-2-(diphenylmethyl)-N-((2-methoxyphenyl)-methyl)- desired length of the first time period). A rectal suppository 1-azabicyclo(2.2.2.)-octan-3-amine (see Bang, et al., J having a rapidly-absorbing outer covering and a more Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2003 April: 305(1):31-9); GSK slowly absorbing center could be used for Such an admin 5975.99 Vestipitantl; GSK 679769 (See Hunter et al. U.S. istration. Alternatively, the loading dose could be given Patent Publication no. U.S. Pat. No. 2,005,0186245); GSK Sublingually, and the gradually absorbed dose could be given 823296 (See Hunter et al. U.S. Patent Publication no. transdermally via patch. Other routes include intraspinal or 20050186245); (See Van Schoor, et al., Eur intrathecal administration for pain. Respir J 1998: 12: 17-23; ; Osanetant (see Kamali, US 2006/0069086 A1 Mar. 30, 2006

F. Curr Opin Investig . 2001 July; 2(7):950-6): experiences of morphine are absent in mice that lack the SP SR-489686 (benzamide, N-4-4-(acetylamino)-4-phenyl-1- receptor. Such mice do not become addicted to morphine piperidinyl-2-(3,4-dichloro-phenyl)butyl-N-methyl-(S)-); (Murtra, et al., Nature 405, 180-183, May 11, 2000). SB-223412 (See Hunter et al. U.S. Patent Publication no. Because alone cannot induce euphoria, the Murtra 20050186245); SB-235375 (4-quinolinecarboxamide-, study suggests that the SP system is the final pathway by 3-hydroxy-2-phenyl-N-(1S)-1-phenylpropyl-), which opiate euphoria is mediated. The fact that SP antago UK-226471 (See Hunter et al. U.S. Patent Publication no. nists can acutely improve mood is consistent with this 20050186245). finding. Anxiety, response to stress, sexual dysfunction and 0074 Suitable but non-limiting initial dosages for SP eating disorders are largely related to mood, and are there receptor antagonists include about 12 mg/kg/hour/adminis fore also affected by the SP system. tration for 8 hours of L-760735 (via iv); about 30 ug/kg/ 0078. The SP system has also been implicated in asthma hour/administration for 8 hours of CP-96.345 (via iv); (Kudlacz E. M.. “Combined antagonists between about 0.1 to 10 mg/kg/administration of for the treatment of respiratory diseases”. Expert Opinion on SSR240600 (via ip or po); between about 0.01 to 0.1 Investigational Drugs, Vol. 7, No. 7, July 1998, pp. 1055 mg/kg/administration of NKP608 (via po); between about 1 1062) nausea/emesis, cancerous tumor growth and metasta to 10 mg/kg/administration of L-AT; between about 0.01 to sis (Palma, C, et al., Br. J. Cancer, 1999 January; Vol. 79(2): 3 mg/kg/administration of MK-869; between about 1 to 30 236-43 and Friess, et al., Lab. Invest. 2003 May; Vol. mg/kg of L-742,694; between about 1 to 10 mg/kg/admin 83(5):731-42), and urinary incontinence (Andersson K E. istration of L-733,060; between about 3 to 30 mg/kg/ Experimental Physiology, Vol. 84(1), 195-213). administration of CP-99,994 or CP-122,721; and about 100 0079 Methods of the present invention using SP receptor mg/administration of Saredutant (via po). agonists as ligands may be used to address undesirable 0075. The SP neurotransmitter system is positively linked mental or neurological conditions in patients. For example to a wide variety of undesirable mental and neurological the methods of the present embodiment of the invention may conditions. Examples of Such conditions include chronic be used to address any of the above-listed conditions. The pain, mood disorders, eating disorders, anxiety disorders, methods according to the present embodiment of the inven motivational problems, Substance abuse disorders, inflam tion may also be used as an adjunct treatment for cancer matory conditions, nausea or emesis (e.g., arising from (e.g., to decrease tumor growth and metastasis). chemotherapy), urinary incontinence, skin rashes, erythema, eruptions, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic 0080. The methods of the present invention could also be back pain, chronic headaches, chronic cancer pain, shingles, used with an SP agonist in chronic recurring pain situations reflex sympathetic dystrophy, neuropathy, inflammatory such as migraine headaches. Similarly, because the SP pain, pain that is anticipated to occur in the future (e.g., from system is up-regulated in chronic pain syndromes, they may a medical procedure or physical exertion), major depressive also be treated using the methods of the present invention disorders, post-traumatic depression, temporary depressed with an SP agonist. Such chronic pain syndromes include mood, manic-depressive disorder, dysthymic disorder, gen pain due to nerve injury, neuropathies, chronic low back eralized mood disorder, anhedonia, non-organic sexual dys pain, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, cancer pain, shingles and function, overeating, obesity, anorexia, bulimia, generalized arthritis. anxiety state, panic disorders, phobias, obsessive-compul 0081. The methods of the present invention can be used sive disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, with SP agonists in the prophylaxis of pain prior to an event Tourette's Syndrome, hysteria sleep disorders, breathing that is associated with pain. The methods of the present related sleep disorders, a lack of motivation due to learning invention may be used in order to decrease post-operative or memory problems, abuse of Substances Such as , pain and also to increase post-operative response to , , stimulants, , CNS depressants, pain , which results in a lower dose of narcotics hallucinogens and marijuana, asthma, arthritis, rhinitis, con to obtain an analgesic effect. Similarly, an SP agonist could junctivitis, inflammatory bowel disease, inflammation of the be used in the methods of the present invention prior to such skin or mucosa, acute pancreatitis. The down-regulation of pain-inducing competitive events such as football, hockey, the SP system desirably causes a therapeutic benefit with and boxing. An SP agonist could be used prior to any respect to the undesirable mental or neurological condition. competitive event. Such as long distance running in order to reduce pain perceptions that are inevitable with Such muscle 0.076 Virtually all types of pain, with the exception of and leg overuse activities. A reduced pain response ulti acute sharp pain, are associated with the SP system. SP is not mately allows the athlete to push him/her self to a greater involved with the initial pain that is caused by a stabbing extent, resulting in an improved performance. wound. The pain that lingers afterwards, however, is due to the SP pathway. In a similar manner the pain that lingers for 0082 The methods of the present invention may also be a period of time after a Surgical procedure is mediated by the used with SP agonists in order to address anxiety, stress SP pathway. response, sexual dysfunction and eating disorders may be improved with the SP agonist CAT protocol. These condi 0077 Mood is mediated through the SP system. tions are largely related to mood, thus an improvement in Increased levels of SP are found in clinically depressed conditions such as these are indirectly related to overall patients. Substance abusers have elevated levels of SP and, mood as opposed to a direct effect. for those times when they are not on the abused substance, generally have a depressed and/or dysphoric mood. Clinical 0083. The methods of the present invention may also be depression and Substance abuse are thus both associated used with SP agonists in order to address any or all addictive with an up regulation of the SP system. The pleasurable disorders. For example, the methods of the present invention US 2006/0069086 A1 Mar. 30, 2006

can be used to address the abuse of Substances such as where Aib is alpha-amino-isobutyric acid), mesy narcotics, alcohol, nicotine/cigarettes, stimulants, anxiolyt late, SDM25N HCl, 7-benzylidenenaltrexone, and pharma ics, CNS depressants, hallucinogens and marijuana. Further ceutically acceptable salts, analogues, and derivatives more, gambling and electronic gaming addictions follow the thereof. The skilled artisan may also employ non-specific same brain abnormalities as do Substance abuse problems, mu and/or opiate antagonists, such as naloxone and naltr and can also be addressed using the methods of the present exone, in the methods according to the present embodiment invention. of the invention. Non-limiting representative examples of non-specific opiate antagonists include , nalbu 0084. The methods of the present invention may also be phine, levallorphin, , used with SP agonists in order to address asthma by decreas ing the severity of asthma attacks. An inhalational route of 0088. Other mu and/or delta opiate receptor antagonists administration may be used in order to concentrate the useable in the methods of the present invention include those counteradaptive effect in the lungs where it is most needed. described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,922,887; 4,518,711; 5,332,818; The methods of the present invention may also be used with 6,790,854; 6,770,654; 6,696.457; 6,552,036; 6,514,975; SP agonists in order to decrease the inflammatory response 6,436,959; 6,306,876; 6,271,239; 6,262,104; 5,552,404; in any one of a number of inflammatory conditions such as 5,574,159; 5,658,908: 5,681,830; 5,464,841; 5,631,263; arthritis, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, inflammatory bowel dis 5,602.099: 5,411,965; 5,352,680; 5,332,818; 4.910,152: ease, inflammation of the skin and mucosa and acute pan 4,816,586; 4,518,711; 5,872,097; 5,821,219; 5,326,751: creatitis. The methods of the present invention may also be 4,421,744; 4,464,358; 4,474,767; 4,476,117: 4,468.383: used with SP agonists in order to address nausea?emesis, 6.825,205; 6,455,536; 6,740,659; 6,713,488; 6,838,580; especially that associated with chemotherapy for cancer, and 6,337,319; 5,965,701; 6,303,578; and 4,684,620, each of urinary incontinence. which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. 0089. In certain desirable embodiments of the invention, The Endogenous Endorphin System the mu and/or delta opiate receptor antagonist is naloxone, maltrexone, , or , or a pharmaceutically 0085. According to another embodiment of the invention, acceptable salt or derivative thereof. is a desir the neurotransmitter system is the endogenous endorphin able mu and/or delta receptor antagonist, but may not be system, which includes as neurotransmitters the endorphins usable in all situations due to its long compound half-life that bind preferentially to mu and/or delta opiate receptors. (48–72 hours); while naltrexone itself has a half-life of 9-10 Endorphins are endogenous opiate-like compounds that act hours, its active metabolites (e.g. 6-beta-naltrexol and 2-hy through their effects on the binding of opiate receptors. Mu droxy-3-methoxynaltrexol) have much longer half-lives. and delta opiate receptors act in unison, and are stimulated Naloxone is an especially desirable mu and/or delta receptor by opiate and opiate-like compounds. Mu receptors prima antagonist for use in the present embodiment of the inven rily modulate pain, but also modulate mood. Delta receptors tion. Naloxone has a compound half-life of about an hour, have the opposite focus, primarily modulating mood, but but cannot be given orally. Naloxone can be given intrave also modulating pain. nously or through a transdermal patch, desirably using a 0.086 When the neurotransmitter is the endogenous time-release formulation. Suitable transdermal patches are endorphin system, the type of receptor is mu and/or delta described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,573,995, which is hereby opiate receptors, which are negatively linked to undesirable incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. mental and neurological conditions. Mu opiate receptors are 0090 The initial dosage of the mu?and or delta opiate associated primarily with lower levels of pain when stimu receptor is desirably high enough to induce a counteradap lated, while delta opiate receptors are associated primarily tive effect, but not so high as to cause the patient intolerable with euphoria when stimulated. The ligand is a mu and/or direct effects. For example, the initial dosage of the mu delta opiate receptor antagonist, and the counteradaptation and/or delta opiate receptor antagonist may be equivalent to causes an up-regulation of the endogenous endorphin sys between about 2 mg/administration and about 200 mg/ad tem. The counteradaptation may be, for example, an increase ministration of naloxone. In certain desirable embodiments in the biosynthesis or release of endorphins at receptor of the invention, the initial dosage of the mu and/or delta terminals and/or by the pituitary gland; an increase in the opiate receptor antagonist is equivalent to between about 10 number of the receptors and/or endorphin binding sites on mg/administration and about 100 mg/administration of the receptors; an increase in the sensitivity of the receptors naloxone. to binding by mu and/or delta receptor agonists and/or 0091. When using naloxone as the mu and/or delta opiate endorphins; or a combination thereof. receptor antagonist, the initial dosage may be between 5 and 0087. The method according to the present embodiment 500 mg/administration. Desirably, the initial dosage is of the invention may be practiced using a specific mu between 10 and 50 mg/administration. In certain embodi receptor antagonist or a specific delta receptor antagonist. ments of the invention, each dosage of naloxone is greater For example, the method may be practiced using a specific than 10 mg/administration; greater than 10.5 mg/adminis mu receptor antagonist Such as mesylate, tration; greater than 11 mg/administration; or greater than 15 CTAP, CTOP, etonitazenyl isothiocyanate, B-funaltrexamine mg/administration. Desirably, the initial dose of naloxone is hydrochloride, dihydrochloride, , at least about 30 mg/administration (over 8 hour period), as and pharmaceutically acceptable salts, analogues, and this amount results in a complete blockade of opiate recep derivatives thereof. The method may also be practiced using tors. Desirably, the maximum dosage of naloxone is no specific delta receptor antagonists such as , greater than 3000 mg/administration. N-benzylmaltrindole HCl, BNTX maleate, BNTX, ICI-154, 0092. In one example of a daily dosing regimen for 129, ICI-174,864 (N,N-diallyl-Tyr-Aib-Aib-Phe-Leu-OH, naloxone, the initial dosage of naloxone is 30 mg/adminis US 2006/0069086 A1 Mar. 30, 2006

tration over an 8 hour period. After two weeks, the dosage 0097. Desirably, an endorphin receptor agonist is not is doubled. After another two weeks, the dosage is increased administered during the first time period associated with to 120-160 mg/administration. After another month, the each administration. In certain embodiments of the inven dosage is increased to 300 mg/administration, then to 500 tion, however, an endorphin receptoragonist is administered 600 mg/administration after another two months. After during one or more of the second time periods. Suitable but another two months, the dosage is increased to 1000 mg/ad non-limiting examples of endorphin agonists include opiates ministration, then to 1500-2000 mg/administration after Such morphine, , , , and oxyc another two months. Alternatively, a much larger initial dose odone. Morphine may be administered at dosages of 1-20-50 (e.g., 100-500 mg/administration) could be used in order to mg i.v. or 1-50 mg/hour continuous release via any Suitable build up a counteradaptation more quickly. A low dose of means such as transdermal, i.V., SQ, IM, or pump; Fentanyl maltrexone (e.g., 10-25 mg/administration) could be used may be administered at dosages of 0.1-0.5 mg gradual along with the naloxone to realize an additional counter release over 8 hours via any Suitable means such as trans adaptive effect. dermal, SQ, IM, or pump; Codeine may be administered at dosages of 10-100 mg p.o. every 4-6 hours; Hydrocodone 0093. In one example of a dosing regimen for naltrexone, may be administered at dosages of 5-25 mg p.o. every 4-6 an initial dosage of 10-25 mg naltrexone is given daily. hours; may be administered at dosages of 5-100 Alternatively, larger doses (e.g., 25-200 mg/administration) mg p.o. every 4 hours by any suitable means such as slow are given once, twice, or thrice weekly. With larger doses of maltrexone, the first time period will be relatively long, and release transdermal, i.m., or SQ over 4-8 hours). may occasionally overlap with the waking hours of the 0098 having an amino acid sequence of patient. H-Tyr-Gly-Gly-Phe-Met-OH or H-Tyr-Gly-Gly-Pheleu OH or any active analogues of these amino acid sequences 0094. The mu and/or delta opiate receptor antagonist may with pharmacologically accepted carriers. Enkephalins may be administered orally, transdermally, intraspinally, intrath be administered at dosages of 1.0 ug/hr continuous release ecally, via inhalation, Subcutaneously, intravenously, intra (transdermal, i.v., SQ, i.p. i.m. infusion pump). muscularly, or transmucosally, or via osmotic pump, micro capsule, implant, or Suspension. In certain embodiments of 0099 Beta endorphin (a 31 amino acid peptide) or any the invention (e.g., where the mu and/or delta opiate receptor and all active analogues, eg., beta-endorphin-(1-26), antagonist has a relatively short compound half-life), it may D-Ala2beta-endorphin or Leu5beta-endorphin with be desirable to administer it using a time-release or slow accepted pharmacologically accepted carriers. Beta endor release formation, or transdermally (e.g., using a patch) in phins may be administered at dosages of 1.0 g/hr continu order to provide an administration half-life of sufficient ous release (e.g. transdermal, i.v., SQ, i.p. i.m. infusion length. When the mu and/or delta opiate receptor antagonist pump). is administered transdermally or using a time-release or 0.100 Mu selective agonists such as which slow-release formulation, it is desirably released over a time may be administered at a dosage of 1-25 g/kg: D-Ala2. period between two and twelve hours in duration; between NMe-Phe-4, Gly-olS and any active analogue two and six hours in duration; or between six and twelve with pharmacologically accepted carriers. The enkephalins hours in duration. In order to provide a high in vivo may be administered at a Suggested dosage of 1.0 ug/hr concentration of the ligand in a short amount of time, it may continuous release (e.g. i.v., i.m., SQ, pump, or transdermal). be desirable to administer the mu and/or delta opiate recep tor antagonist using a rapidly absorbed loading dose. To 0101 Delta selective agonists such as DPDPE (D-Pen2, provide a high in Vivo concentration of the ligand quickly as D-PenSenkephalin); SB-235863; and SNC 80. DPDPE may well as a desirably long administration half-life, it may be be administered at a suggested dosage of 1.0-5.0 ug/hr desirable to use both a rapidly absorbed loading dose and continuous release (e.g., i.V., i.m., SQ, pump, or transder transdermal administration or a time-release or slow-release mal). SB-235863, (8R-(4bS*,8ao,8a?, 12b?3)7,10-Dim formulation. A transdermal patch for naloxone, naltrexone ethyl-1-methoxy-11-(2-methylpropyl)oxycarbonyl 5,6,7,8, and nalbuphine is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,573,995, 12.12b-hexahydro-(9H)-4,8-methanobenzofuro3.2-e which is hereby incorporated herein by reference in its pyrrolo2.3-glisoquinoline Hydrochloride) may be entirety. administered at a dosage of 70 mg/kg p.o. See Paola Petrillo, et al. J. Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, First 0.095. In certain embodiments of the invention, it may be published on Oct. 9, 2003: DOI: 10.1124/ipet. 103.055590. desirable to administer both a specific mu and/or delta SNC 80 may be administered at a dosage of 50-75 mg/kg receptor antagonist and a non-specific mu and/or delta opiate slow release over several hours, transdermal, i.p. SQ, pump, receptor antagonist. The two types of antagonist may be etc.) See E J Bilsky, et al., Pharmacology and Experimental administered substantially simultaneously or sequentially. Therapeutics, Volume 273, Issue 1, pp. 359-366, 04/01/ Because the non-specific antagonists generally provide a 1995. greater counteradaptive effect than do specific mu or delta opiate antagonists, it is desirable to administer non-specific 0102) The endogenous endorphin system and its mu antagonists in the early stages of the method. and/or delta opiate receptors are negatively linked to a wide variety of undesirable mental and neurological conditions. 0096. Because the body develops a tolerance to anti Examples of Such conditions include pain, mood disorders, opiates about eight days after first administration, it may be eating disorders, anxiety disorders, motivational problems, desirable to increase the dosage of the mu and/or delta opiate Substance abuse disorders, insufficient motivation or perfor receptor antagonist with time. For example, it may be mance, immune system-related conditions, wounds in need desirable to increase the dosage with a period of between a of healing, pain that is expected to occur in the future (e.g., week and two weeks. due to a future operation or due to future physical exertion), US 2006/0069086 A1 Mar. 30, 2006 chronic pain syndromes, acute pain, fibromyalgia, chronic endogenous endorphins have a similar euphoria-inducing fatigue syndrome, chronic back pain, chronic headaches, capability as do opiates it is advantageous to use endogenous shingles, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, neuropathy, inflam endorphins for inducing an elevated mood. However, matory pain, chronic cancer pain, major depressive disor because the administration of relatively large and prolonged ders, post traumatic depression, temporary depressed mood, doses of synthetic endorphins may be associated with the manic-depressive disorders, dysthymic disorders, general development of tolerance and dependency, they are not ized mood disorders, anhedonia, non-organic sexual dys desirable long-term treatment agents. function, overeating, obesity, anorexia, bulimia, a general ized anxiety state, panic disorders, Tourette's Syndrome, 0106 Both mu and delta opiate receptors are involved to hysteria sleep disorders, breathing-related sleep disorders, Some degree with mood. Mu receptors primarily mediate lack of motivation due to learning or memory problems, pain perception, but also induce euphoria when these recep abuse of a Substance Such as narcotics, alcohol, nicotine, tors are bound by endorphin/opiate compounds. The role of stimulants, anxiolytics, CNS depressants, hallucinogens and delta receptors in pain modulation is not clear, whereas they marijuana, insufficient motivation for a desired mental or are likely more closely related to euphoria. Delta receptor physical activity (e.g. physical training, athletics, studying agonists demonstrate anti-depressant activity in rats in the or testing), immune-related condition Such as infection, forced Swim assay. Furthermore, evidence from animal AIDS, or cancer, and wounds in need of healing. The studies demonstrates that delta- receptors are involved up-regulation of the endogenous endorphin system desirably in motivational activities. Their preferential involvement is causes a therapeutic benefit with respect to the undesirable through enkephalin-controlled behavior. Broom, et al. (Jpn J. Pharmacol. 2002 September; 90(1): 1-6) demonstrate that mental or neurological condition. the delta opiate receptor plays a significant role in depres 0103) The endogenous endorphin system is implicated in S1O. pain because endorphins can bind to pain-mediating opiate receptors and decrease the synthesis of SP, a pain-inducing 0.107 Methods of the present invention using mu and/or Substance. The endogenous endorphin system has also been delta receptor antagonists as ligands may be used to address implicated in stress (U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,922,361 and 5,175, undesirable mental or neurological conditions in patients. 144), wound healing (Vinogradov VA, Spevak SE, et al. Bi For example the methods of the present embodiment of the and U.S. Pat. No. 5,395,398), substance abuse, eating dis invention may be used to address any of the above-listed orders (Full & fulfilled: the science of eating to your souls conditions. The methods according to the present embodi satisfaction, by Nan Allison; Carol Beck, Publisher: Nash ment of the invention may also be used as an adjunct ville, T N: A & B Books.(R) 1998, ISBN: 0965911799), treatment for cancer. motivational problems (Tejedor-Real, P. et al., Eur J. Phar 0.108 Methods of the present invention using mu and/or macol. 1998 Jul. 31:354(1):1-7); immune response (Wybran, delta receptor antagonists may be used to address pain that Fed Proc. 1985 January; 44(1 Pt 1):92-4, and U.S. Pat. No. is anticipated to occur in the future. For example, if a patient 5,817,628) and cancer (Zagon, IS, et al., Cancer Lett, 1997: is scheduled for elective Surgery in, e.g., one month then the 112:167-175; U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,737,397; 6,136,780; and method of the present invention can be practiced with a mu 4,801,614). and/or delta opiate receptor, using high night-time dosing for 0104. The endogenous endorphin system is also impli the intervening pre-operative period of time. After Surgery cated in mood. Euphoria is the most recognizable emotional the patient will have an enhanced response to pain due to the effect of , which gives one an elevated feeling of up-regulated endogenous endorphin System. In addition, the well-being and care-free. Euphoria is modulated by endog patient will require lower overall doses of narcotic pain enous endorphins. Endorphins are released with pleasurable medications post-operatively due to enhanced sensitivity of experiences such as eating, exercise, winning an event, mu and/or delta opiate receptors. The method would likely romantic encounters. It is thought that the endorphin release best interrupted immediately after Surgery so that post generates a feeling of well-being as a reward, which acts operative pain would not increase due to the direct effects of as a motivational mechanism in order to inspire an indi receptor antagonism. It could be restarted in a few days or vidual to fulfill nutritional and reproductive requirements. So, once the pain had subsided, in order to maintain the Another function of the endogenous endorphin system with counteradaptive response. respect to mood is to decrease anxiety, especially with 0.109. In an example of a pre-operative treatment accord regards to stress response. Rang H. P. (1995). Peptides as ing to the present invention, a 49 year old male is scheduled Mediators. In H. P. Rang & M. M. Dale, Pharmacology, for reconstructive Surgery on his knee in 6 weeks. He is Churchill Livingstone, N.Y.) demonstrates that endorphins begun on a naloxone patch, 200 mg, which is formulated to are released at times of emotional stress, which acts to be rapidly absorbed over 6-8 hours as described above, on induce euphoria in order that anxiety is reduced. a nightly basis. To reduce the anxiety that this induces he is 0105 Both endogenous endorphins and synthetic opiates given an anxiolytic agent, diazepam (1-5 mg) at night along may induce euphoria. The difference is that endogenous with the naloxone patch. After 2 weeks of this dose, the endorphins are rapidly degraded at their synapse and recep naloxone is increased to 400 mg on a nightly basis. The tor sites, such that the effect is short term. With a short term anxiolytic agent is used if needed. After yet an additional 2 effect there is no development of tolerance or dependency. weeks the naloxone is increased to 600-800 mg on a nightly Synthetic opiates, such as narcotics, have a much longer basis. On the night of Surgery and for several nights in the reactive time, thus they are associated with the development peri-operative period no naloxone is given. The patient is of dependency. Synthetic opiates have not been developed given only standard post-operative pain medications such as that have both, a strong analgesic effect and little or no morphine and codeine. The doses of these Substances are potential for the development of dependency. Because significantly reduced compared to the average individual US 2006/0069086 A1 Mar. 30, 2006

undergoing this type of Surgery, due to the up regulation of 129 or ICI-174,864 peptide, could also be used. The starting this patient’s endorphin system. In an alternative method, dose for naltrindole is larger than that for naloxone. It may after the first 2 weeks of naloxone treatment, the same be as high as 10 mg/kg/administration. Naltrindole may be patient is given a specific mu receptor antagonist along with given as a transdermal compound or using any other effec the increasing dose of naloxone, in order to enhance the up tive formulation. regulation of pain-modulating mu receptors. 0113. The main consideration is the dosing for people 0110. The methods of the invention may be used with mu with significant depression who may be at risk for Suicide if and/or delta antagonists to elevate a patient’s mood in the the initial doses are too large. In a desirable embodiment of treatment of depression and related conditions. At first, the invention, people with clinical depression, because they non-specific opiate receptor antagonists (e.g., naloxone) are suicidal risks, should either not be treated or treated at an may be administered to induce a counteradaptive response. in-patient hospital or appropriate institution in order to better Later in the treatment, it may be desirable to administer a monitor the patient. These patients are dosed at relatively specific delta opiate receptor antagonist because delta opiate lower doses at the beginning of treatment and that the receptors are strongly linked to mood. Of course, mu opiate increase in dose is done at a slower rate. Thus, for the receptor antagonists could be used, especially when chronic depressed patients treatment may need to be started with a pain is associated with the depressed mood. When treating loading of only 10 mg of naloxone, with 10 or 20 mg to be an already-depressed patient, the skilled artisan will closely absorbed over the ensuing 6 hours, for a total starting dose monitor the patient for ill effects due to any acute worsening of 30 mg. Similarly, the increase in dose after 2 weeks is of mood due to antagonist-receptor binding. more gradual than for the example above. At 2 weeks one 0111. In an example of a method of treating a depressed would give 20 mg as a loading dose and 20-40 mg over the patient using the methods of the present invention, a 35 year ensuing 6 hours. This gradual increase is continued for as old male with a diagnosis of clinical depression has had poor many months as is needed to obtain a maximal clinical response and side effects with conventional response. agents. He is especially consulted on the potential for temporary worsening of the depressed state, including Sui The Dynorphin System cidal tendencies. In-patient treatment in a hospital or appro 0114. According to another embodiment of the invention, priate mental institution is considered at the onset of therapy the neurotransmitter system is the dynorphin System, which for higher risk potentially suicidal patients. After this is includes as neurotransmitters. Dynorphins are a worked out, he is started on counteradaptation therapy class of endorphin compounds that bind preferentially to protocol with the non-specific opiate antagonist naloxone. A kappa receptors. Dynorphins generally have the opposite transmucosal naloxone formulation is started prior to going effect from the endorphins; their binding to kappa receptors to sleep, using a loading dose of 20 mg. A 30 mg transdermal is associated with a worsening of mood. dose, formulated to be absorbed over 6 hours, is applied at the same time. This 50 mg per 8 hour dose is given for two 0.115. When the neurotransmitter system is the dynorphin weeks. At two weeks the transmucosal dose is increased to system, the type of receptor is kappa receptors, which are 50 mg. The 6 hour transdermal dose is 50 mg, for a total of positively linked to undesirable mental and neurological 100 mg. This dose is given for one month. Now, at 6 weeks conditions. Kappa receptors are associated primarily with after treatment had begun, the loading dose is 100 mg dysphoria when stimulated. The ligand is a kappa receptor transmucosal and 100 mg transdermal over 6 hours. After agonist, and the counteradaptation causes a down-regulation another 4-6 weeks this is increased to 250 mg loading dose of the dynorphin system. The counteradaptation may be, for and 250 mg over 6 hours for a total 500 mg. After another example, a decrease in the biosynthesis or release of dynor on to two months this is increased to 500 mg loading dose phins at receptor terminals and/or by the pituitary gland; a and 500 mg over the next 6 hours. After another one or two decrease in the number of the receptors and/or dynorphin or three months this is increased to a 1000 mg loading dose binding sites on the receptors; a decrease in the sensitivity of and a 1000 mg 6 hour transdermal dose. The maximal can the receptors to binding by mu and/or delta receptoragonists stay for a long period of time at this 2000 mg total dose. Or and/or dynorphins; or a combination thereof. The counter it can continue to increase to 2,500, or 3,000 or 4,000 mg adaptation may also up-regulate D2 () receptors, over the ensuing year or more. The maximal dose comes to which are negatively linked to depression. a plateau once there is a good clinical response or once the 0116 A variety of kappa receptoragonists may be used in side effects become too great or if there is an elevation of the present invention. For example, the kappa receptor liver function enzymes on a blood test. The maximum agonist may be a peptide-based agonist, Such as dynorphin tolerable dose is then given for an extended period of time Dynorphin LA 1-17), H-TYR-GLY-GLY-PHE-LEU-ARG for maintenance therapy. If and when therapy is stopped the ARG-ILE8-ARG-PRO-LYS-LEU-LYS-TRP-ASP-ASN patient is carefully monitored for any signs of recurrence of GLN-OH and all active peptide fragments and analogues the mood disorder. thereof or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt, or carrier 0112 An option for the above-described patient is to add thereof. For example, the kappa receptor agonist may be the a delta opiate receptor antagonist, along with the naloxone active C-terminal fragment of (1-8), or a phar after the first 6 weeks to 3 months of treatment. The maceutically accepted Salt or carrier thereof. naloxone dose may continue to be increased or it may level 0.117) The kappa receptor agonist may also be non off earlier when combined with the delta antagonist. A peptidic. For example, the kappa receptor agonist may be a non-peptide delta opiate receptor antagonist, Such as nal nonbenzomorphan; ; PD117302; CAM569; trindole, natriben, or one of the agents discussed above, PD123497; GR 89,696; U69,593: TRK-820; trans-3,4- could be used. A peptide delta antagonist, such as ICI-154, dichloro-N-methyl-N-1-(1-pyrrolidinyl)cyclohexylben US 2006/0069086 A1 Mar. 30, 2006

Zene-; (EMD-61753); benzeneaceta between 0.5 and 3 mg/kg/administration of TRK 820: mide; thiomorpholine; piperidine; benzobthiophene-4- between 0.5 and 7 mg/kg/administration U 50 488 or acetamide; trans-(+/-)-(PD-117302); between 0.1 and 0.7 mg/kg/administration of PD 117302. 4-benzofuranacetamide (PD-1291.90); 2.6-methano-3-beza Zocin-8-ol (MR-1268); morphinan-3-ol (KT-90); 0.121. In another embodiment of the invention, the kappa GR-458.09: 1-piperazinecarboxylic acid (GR-89696); receptor agonist is . Salvinorin A is a neocle GR-103545; piperzaine; GR-94839; xorphanl; benzeneac rodane diterpene compound, which is a very powerful etamide (RU-49679); fedotozine; benzeneacetamide (DuP hallucinogen that has recently been found to have kappa 747); HN-11608; apadoline (RP-60180); mesy agonist activity. It represents the only known non-nitrog late; benzeneacetamide trans-U-50488 methane sulfate; enous kappa agonist compound. It is the main active ingre 3FLB: FE200665; FE200666; an analogue of MPCB-GRR1 dient of the plant S. divinorum (Diviner's sage), a rare or MPCB-RR1; benzomorphan kappa opioids, such as member of the mint family. It has been used for many and ethylketocyclazocine; or a pharmaceuti centuries by the Mazatec people of Oaxaca, Mexico in traditional spiritual practices. The initial dose of Salvinorin cally-accepted salt or carrier thereof. A is desirably between 5 and 50 ug/administration, and the 0118. The kappa receptor agonist may be U50,488 (trans maximum dose is desirably 5000 ug/administration. The 3,4-dichloro-N-2-(1-pyrrolidinyl) cyclohexylbenzeaceta Salvornin A may be administered transmucosally, or as a mide) and spiradoline (U62,066E). Enadoline and slow-release formulation, desirably over a period between PD117302 Enadoline (5R)-5C, 7x, 8f3-N-methyl-N-7-(1- two and six hours in duration. pyrrolidinyl)-1-oxzspiro4.51 dec-8-yl)-4-benzofuranaceta mide monohydrochloride), PD 117302 (+)-trans-N-methyl 0122) In certain embodiments of the invention, it may be N-2-(1-pyrrolidinyl)-cyclohexylbenzobthiophene-4- desirable to administer both a peptidic kappa receptor ago acetamide monohydrochloride)and their respective (+)- nist and a non-peptidic kappa receptor agonist. The two isomers (CAM569 and PD123497) (Parke-Davis Research types of agonist may be administered Substantially simulta Unit, Cambridge, UK) are highly selective arylacetamide neously, or sequentially. kappa opioids. GR89,696 (4-(3,4-dichloro-phenyl)acetyl 0123 Peptidic kappa receptor agonists may be adminis 3-(1-pyrrolidinylmethyl)-1-piperazinecarboxylic acid tered, for example, intravenously, transdermally, or trans methyl ester fumarate) is a prototypical arylacetamide devel mucosally, as described above with respect to other peptidic oped from the structure of U50,488H. It has high efficacy as ligands. As described above with respect to naloxone, it may a K agonist. U69,593 (5 alpha, 7 alpha, 8 beta)-(+)-N- be desirable to use transmucosal administration (to achieve methyl-N-(7-(1-pyrrolidinyl)-1-oxaspiro (4,5)dec-8-yl)ben a high level of ligand-receptor binding quickly) along with Zeneacetamidelis also a kappa agonist with K selectivity. transdermal administration (to provide extended ligand TRK-820 ((-)-17-cyclopropylmethyl-3,14b-dihydroxy-4, receptor binding). 5a-epoxy-6b-N-methyl-trans-3-(3-furyl) acrylamide mor phinan hydrochloride) (Toray Industries, Inc. Japan) is a 0.124 Because the body develops a tolerance to anti potent kappa agonist with pharmacological properties dif opiates about eight days after first administration, it may be ferent from those produced by K receptor agonists. Tiflua desirable to increase the dosage of the kappa receptor dom is a benzodiazepine kappa agonist (SandoZ, Inc., Prin agonist with time. For example, it may be desirable to ceton, N.J.). U.S. Pat. No. 4,758,562 also describes the increase the dosage with a period of between a week and two kappa agonist: trans-3,4-dichloro-N-methyl-N-1-(1-pyrro weeks. lidinyl)cyclohexylbenzeneacetamide. 0.125. In an example of a method of the present invention 0119) Kappa receptor agonists are also described in U.S. using Salvinorum A, the initial dose of Salvinorum A is low Pat. Nos. 5,051,428; 5,965,701: 6,146,835; 6,191,126; in order to decrease potential side effects. A dose between 5 6,624,313; 6,174,891; 6,316,461; 6,440,987; 4,758,562: ug-50 jug is the starting dose. After 2-4 weeks this is 6,583,151, each of which is incorporated herein by reference increased by a certain percent. The increase could be as in its entirety. small as 5-10% or 50-100% or more. Generally, a doubling 0120) The initial dosage of the kappa receptor agonist is of the initial dose is recommended. Thus, after 2-4 weeks the desirably high enough to induce a counteradaptive effect, but individual is given 20-100 ug of Salvinorum A. This not so high as to cause the patient intolerable direct effects. increase in dose is continued every two, four, six or eight For example, the initial dosage of the kappa receptor agonist weeks. It may also continue to increase on a quarterly, may be equivalent to between 0.0005 and 0.05 mg/kg/ semiannual or annual basis. Doses of 200 ug may produce administration of dynorphin; between 5 and 700 mg/admin increasing dysphoric effects. This occurs with acute admin istration of enadoline; between 1 and 500 lug/administration istration. With chronic gradual increase in dose the side of FE 20665; between 0.5 and 100 ug/administration; effects would be gradually muted. With chronic gradual between 0.01 and 1 mg/kg/administration of U69,593; increase in dosing the maximum dose of Salvinorum A is between 0.05 and 5 mg/kg/administration of TRK 820: 1000 ug to 5000 ug or more. between 0.01 and 1 mg/kg/administration U 50 488 or 0.126 In an example of the method of the present inven between 0.01 and 1 mg/kg/administration of PD 117302. tion using a dynorphin analogue, a rectal Suppository (trans Desirably, the initial dosage of the kappa receptor agonist is mucosal) formulation is used. The initial dose is high equivalent to between 0.005 and 0.02 mg/kg/administration enough in order to induce a counteradaptive response, but of dynorphin; between 100 and 500 mg/administration of low enough to minimize dysphoric effects of agonist-recep enadoline; between 3 and 100 g/administration of FE tor binding. There is a two-part construct of the Suppository. 20665; between 1 and 80 g/administration of FE 20666: The outer covering is rapidly dissolved and allows for an between 0.1 and 0.7 mg/kg/administration of U69,593; initial rapid absorption of the kappa receptor agonist com US 2006/0069086 A1 Mar. 30, 2006 pound. The second layer is gradually broken down in order ably causes a therapeutic benefit with respect to the unde to slowly release additional kappa receptoragonist, which is sirable mental or neurological condition. gradually absorbed. This results in a continuous, slow release absorption of the peptide kappa receptor agonist The Serotonin System compound. It is designed to last for 6-8 hours of gradual 0.130. According to another embodiment of the invention, absorption such that there is 6-8 hours of kappa receptor the neurotransmitter system is the serotonin system which binding, at which time the counteradaptive response is includes serotonin as a neurotransmitter. Serotonin is a induced. This rectal Suppository is given on a daily (nightly) monoamine neurotransmitter. Low serotonin levels are asso basis. After 2-4 weeks the dose is doubled. This dose is then ciated with depression. The counteradaptation causes an given for an additional 2-4-6-8 weeks. The dose is intermit up-regulation of the serotonin System. tently increased until the development of side effects pre vents a further increase. As the dose is increased the time 0131 Numerous serotonin receptors (at least 14) have interval for increasing the dose is lengthened, such that been identified. The greatest concentration of serotonin several months may pass before increasing the dose. In (90%) are located in the gastrointestinal tract. Most of the addition, once higher doses are used the increase is less remainder of the body's serotonin is found in platelets and dramatic, such that only 5-10% increases are given, rather the central nervous system (CNS). The effects of serotonin than the initial doubling of the dose. are noted in the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system and the intestines. Vasoconstriction is a typical 0127 Enadoline is a non-peptidic kappa receptor agonist. response to serotonin. It has pharmaceutical activity when taken as an oral dose at 1-10 mg/kg. In an example of a method of the present 0.132. The function of serotonin is exerted upon its inter invention using enadoline, an initial dose of 100-200 mg is action with specific receptors. Several serotonin receptors administered daily just prior to the patient’s going to bed. have been cloned and are identified as 5HT, 5HT, 5HT. After 2-4 weeks the dose is increase to 200-500 mg. After 5HT 5HT.s, 5HT, and 5HT. Within the 5HT group there another 2-4 weeks the dose is increased to 500-1000 mg. are subtypes 5HTA 5HT, 5HTI, 5HTE, and 5HT. After another two, four, eight weeks or more, it is increased There are three 5HT subtypes, 5HT2A, 5HT, and 5HT to 1500-2000 mg. The dose is increased as long as side as well as two 5HTs subtypes, 5HTs and 5HT. Most of effects do not become uncontrollable. these receptors are coupled to G-proteins that affect the activities of either adenylate cyclase or phospholipase Cg. 0128. Desirably, a kappa receptor antagonist is not The 5HT class of receptors are ion channels administered during the first time period associated with each administration. In certain embodiments of the inven 0.133 Some serotonin receptors are presynaptic and oth tion, however, a kappa receptor antagonist is administered ers postsynaptic. The 5HT2A receptors mediate platelet during one or more of the second time periods. Represen aggregation and Smooth muscle contraction. The 5HT tative kappa receptor antagonists include the compounds receptors are Suspected in control of food intake as mice described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,025,018; 5,922,887; and 6,284, lacking this gene become obese from increased food intake 769. For the compounds described in 5,025,018, a suitable and are also subject to fatal seizures. The 5HT receptors are dosage includes 0.1 to 10 mg/administration per day; for present in the gastrointestinal tract and are related to vom U.S. Pat. No. 6,284,769, suitable dosages include 0.1 to 500 iting. Also present in the gastrointestinal tract are 5HT mg/administration. receptors where they function in Secretion and peristalsis. The 5HT and 5HT7 receptors are distributed throughout the 0129. The dynorphin neurotransmitter system and its limbic system of the brain and the 5HT receptors have high kappa receptors are positively linked to a wide variety of affinity for antidepressant drugs. undesirable mental and neurological conditions. Examples 0.134. The most common serotonin receptors that are of Such conditions include pain, mood disorders, eating associated with mood and depression are the 1 and 2" disorders, anxiety disorders, motivational problem, Sub ones, most especially the 5HT receptors. stance abuse disorders, insufficient motivation or perfor mance, pain that is expected to occur in the future (e.g., due 0.135 When a serotonin neuron is stimulated to fire, to a future operation or future physical exertion), chronic serotonin is released into the synapse. Some serotonin pain syndromes, acute pain, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue molecules cross the synapse and bind to the post-synaptic syndrome, chronic back pain, chronic headaches, shingles, receptor, which then causes firing of the post-synaptic reflex sympathetic dystrophy, neuropathy, inflammatory serotonin neuron. Binding of serotonin to the post-synaptic pain, chronic cancer pain, major depressive disorders, post serotonin neuron causes its activation, which leads to a traumatic depression, temporary depressed mood, manic series of neural events that is associated with a generally depressive disorders, dysthymic disorders, generalized good mood. mood disorders, anhedonia, non-organic sexual dysfunction, overeating, obesity, anorexia, bulimia, generalized anxiety 0.136. When serotonin is released into the synaptic cleft state, panic disorders, Tourette’s Syndrome, hysteria sleep only a portion of the serotonin actually binds to post disorders, breathing-related sleep disorders, lack of motiva synaptic receptors. The majority of serotonin molecules are tion due to learning or memory problems, abuse of Sub removed from the synapse by a reuptake mechanism. Some stances such as narcotics, alcohol, nicotine, stimulants, of this serotonin is degraded by monoamine oxidases, anxiolytics, CNS depressants, hallucinogens and marijuana, enzymes that degrade both serotonin and norepinephrine. and insufficient motivation for a desired mental or physical 0.137 The third target of serotonin molecules are the activity Such as physical training, athletics, studying or pre-synaptic auto-receptors. The pre-synaptic autoreceptors testing. The down-regulation of the dynorphin system desir are inhibitory receptors. The pre-synaptic autoreceptors act US 2006/0069086 A1 Mar. 30, 2006

in a feedback inhibition loop that functions as a control 0142. In another embodiment of the invention, the type of mechanism for neurotransmitter release. A feedback inhibi receptor is serotonin post-synaptic receptors, such as are tion loop is a common manner by which the body controls 5HT, receptors; 5HT, receptors; 5HT, receptors; 5HT, the activation of neurons. When they are bound by sertonin, receptors; 5HTs receptors; 5HT receptors; 5HT7 receptors; or an agonist, they inhibit the further release of Sertonin into or receptors of a Subtype thereof. The ligand is a serotonin the synapse. Pre-synaptic autoreceptors are termed 5HTA post-synaptic receptor antagonist, and the undesirable men and 5HT pre-synaptic autoreceptors. 5HTA autoreceptors tal or neurological condition is negatively linked with the inhibit the tonic release of serotonin. 5HT autoreceptors receptors. The counteradaptation may be an increase in the are thought to inhibit the evoked release and synthesis of biosynthesis and/or release of serotonin at the synaptic cleft; serotonin. a decrease in the reuptake of serotonin; an increase in the number of serotonin post-synaptic receptors; an increase in 0138 When the neurotransmitter system is the serotonin the sensitivity of the serotonin post-synaptic receptors to system, the type of receptor may be, for example, serotonin serotonin and/or serotonin post-synaptic receptor agonists; a pre-synaptic autoreceptors such as 5HTA autoreceptors or decrease in the number of serotonin pre-synaptic autorecep 5HT autoreceptors. In such cases, the ligand is a serotonin tors; a decrease in the sensitivity of the serotonin pre pre-synaptic autoreceptor agonist, and the undesirable men synaptic autoreceptors to serotonin and/or serotonin pre tal or neurological condition is positively linked to the receptors. The counteradaptation may be, for example, an synaptic autoreceptor agonists; or a combination thereof. increase in the biosynthesis and/or release of serotonin at the 0.143 A variety of compounds may be used as the sero synaptic cleft; a decrease in the reuptake of serotonin; a tonin post-synaptic receptor antagonists in the methods of decrease in the number of serotonin pre-synaptic autorecep the present invention. For example, the serotonin post tors; a decrease in the sensitivity of the serotonin pre synaptic receptor antagonists may be (S)-WAY-100135, synaptic autoreceptors to serotonin and/or serotonin pre WAY-100635, , , , tan synaptic autoreceptor agonists; an increase in the number of dospirone, , , MDL-73005EF, or serotonin post-synaptic receptors; an increase in the sensi BP-554. If desired, an SSRI maybe administered either tivity of the serotonin post-synaptic receptors to serotonin or simultaneously or sequentially with the aforementioned serotonin post-synaptic receptor agonists; or a combination serotonin modulating agents. This is advantageous as both thereof. SSR1 and agonist pre-synaptic counteradaptive therapy result in a down regulation of the pre-synaptic receptors. The 0.139. A variety of serotonin pre-synanptic autoreceptor SSR1 effect is thus magnified by such a counteradaptive agonists may be used in the methods of the present inven effect. Second, any down regulation of the post synaptic tion. For example, the serotonin pre-synaptic autoreceptor serotonin receptors that may occur with SSR1 therapy is agonist may be EMD-68843, buspirone, gepirone, ipsa counterbalanced by post synaptic antagonist counteradap pirone, , Lesopitron, Zalospirone, MDL tive therapy. 73005EF, or BP-554. 0144. The initial dosage of the serotonin post-synaptic 0140. The initial dosage of the serotonin pre-synaptic antagonist is desirably high enough to induce a counteradap autoreceptor agonist is desirably high enough to induce a tive effect, but not so high as to cause the patient intolerable counteradaptive effect, but not so high as to cause the patient direct effects. For example, the initial dosage of the seroto intolerable direct effects. For example, the initial dosage of nin post-synaptic receptor antagonist is equivalent to the serotonin pre-synaptic autoreceptor agonist may be between about 0.01 and 5 mg/kg/administration of WAY equivalent to between 1 and 400 mg/administration of 100635. Desirably, the initial dosage of the serotonin post EMD-68843, between 1 and 500 mg/administration bus synaptic receptor antagonist is equivalent to between about pirone, between 1 and 500 mg/administration lesopitron, 0.025 and 1 mg/kg/administration of WAY-100635. between 1 and 500 mg/administration gepirone, between 5 and 500 mg tandospirone, or between 1 and 200 mg 0145 The serotonin post-synaptic receptor antagonist Zalospirone. Desirably, the initial dosage of the serotonin may be administered in combination with a serotonin pre pre-synaptic autoreceptor agonist is equivalent to between synaptic autoreceptor agonist, Such as those described above. Further, when conventional anti-depressant agents 10 and 100 mg/administration of EMD-68843, between 10 that bind at the serotonin post-synaptic receptors are given and 100 mg/administration buspirone, between 10 and 200 in combination with a serotonin pre-synaptic autoreceptor mg/administration lesopitron, between 10 and 100 mg/ad agonist, its efficacy can be greatly increased because the ministration gepirone, between 20 and 200 mg tandospirone, serotonin post-synaptic receptors have increased in number or between 10 and 100 mg zalospirone. and/sensitivity through the counteradaptation. 0141. Desirably, a serotonin pre-synaptic autoreceptor 0146 In certain desirable embodiments of the invention, antagonist is not administered during the first time period the serotonin post-synaptic antagonist itself is also a sero associated with each administration. In certain embodiments tonin pre-synaptic autoreceptor agonist. It may also be of the invention, however, a serotonin pre-synaptic autore desirable to administer a norepinephrine pre-synaptic ceptor antagonist is administered during one or more of the alpha-2 adrenergic receptor agonist and/or a norepinephrine second time periods. Representative serotonin pre-synaptic post-synaptic adrenergic receptor antagonist (as described autoreceptor 5HT1A agonists and antagonists include Ela below) in combination with the serotonin post-synaptic Zonan, AR-A2 (AstraZeneca, London, UK); AZD-1134As antagonist or serotonin pre-synaptic autoreceptor agonist. traZeneca, London, UK); , as well as compounds described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,462,048; 6,451,803; 6,627, 0147 Desirably, a serotonin post-synaptic receptor ago 627; 6,602,874; 6,277,852; and 6,166,020, incorporated by nist is not administered during the first time period associ reference in their entirety. ated with each administration. In certain embodiments of the US 2006/0069086 A1 Mar. 30, 2006 invention, however, a serotonin post-synaptic receptor ago norepinephrine pre-synaptic alpha-2 adrenergic receptors. In nist is administered during one or more of the second time Such cases, the ligand is a norepinephrine pre-synaptic periods. Representative serotonin post-synaptic receptor alpha-2 adrenergic receptor agonist, and the undesirable agonists include BIMT 17 (1-2-4-(3-trifluoromethyl phe mental or neurological condition is positively linked to the nyl) piperazin-1-yl)ethylbenzimidazol-1H)-2-one), dose: receptors. The counteradaptation may be an increase in the 1-10 mg/kg (i.v. or transdermal, SQ, etc.). See Borsini, F, et biosynthesis and/or release of norepinephrine at the synaptic al., Archives of Pharmacology, 352(3); September, 1995: cleft; a decrease in reuptake of norepinephrine; a decrease in 283-290. A suitable dosage range includes 1 to 10 mg/kg/ the number of norepinephrine pre-synaptic alpha-2 adren administration of BIMT 17 (via iv, transdermal, or SQ). ergic receptors; a decrease in the sensitivity of the norepi nephrine pre-synaptic alpha-2 adrenergic receptors to nore 0148 Serotonin post-synaptic receptors are negatively pinephrine and/or norepinephrine pre-synaptic alpha-2 linked, and serotonin pre-synaptic autoreceptors are posi adrenergic receptor agonists; an increase in the number of tively linked to a wide variety of undesirable mental and norepinephrine post-synaptic adrenergic receptors; an neurological conditions. Examples of Such conditions increase in the sensitivity of the norepinephrine post-Syn include pain, mood disorders, eating disorders, anxiety aptic adrenergic receptors to norepinephrine and/or norepi disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, motivational nephrine post-synaptic adrenergic receptor agonists; or a problem, Substance abuse disorders, insufficient motivation or performance, pain that is expected to occur in the future combination thereof. (e.g., due to a future operation or future physical exertion), 0153. A variety of compounds may be used as the nore chronic pain syndromes, acute pain, fibromyalgia, chronic pinephrine pre-synaptic alpha-2 adrenergic receptoragonists fatigue syndrome, chronic back pain, chronic headaches, in the methods of the present invention. For example, the shingles, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, neuropathy, inflam norepinephrine pre-synaptic alpha-2 adrenergic receptor matory pain, chronic cancer pain, major depressive disor agonist may be , , lofexidine, detomi ders, post traumatic depression, temporary depressed mood, dine, , mivaZerol, or alpha-methylnorad manic-depressive disorders, dysthymic disorders, general reniline. ized mood disorders, anhedonia, non-organic sexual dys function, overeating, obesity, anorexia, bulimia, generalized 0154) The initial dosage of the norepinephrine pre-syn anxiety state, panic disorders, Tourette’s Syndrome, hysteria aptic alpha-2 adrenergic receptor agonist is desirably high sleep disorders, breathing-related sleep disorders, lack of enough to induce a counteradaptive effect, but not so high as motivation due to learning or memory problems, abuse of to cause the patient intolerable direct effects. For example, Substances such as narcotics, alcohol, nicotine, stimulants, the initial dosage may be equivalent to between 0.1 and 10 anxiolytics, CNS depressants, hallucinogens and marijuana, ug/kg/administration of clonidine, between 0.01 and 10 and insufficient motivation for a desired mental or physical mg/administration guanfacine, between 0.01 and 1 mg/ad activity Such as physical training, athletics, studying or ministration lofexidine, between 1 and 100 g/kg/adminis testing. The up-regulation of the serotonin system desirably tration detomidine, between 0.05 and 5ug/kg/administration causes a therapeutic benefit with respect to the undesirable dexmedetomidine, between 0.05 and 10 ug/kg/administra mental or neurological condition. tion mivaZerol, or between 5 and 500 ng/kg/administration of alpha-methylnoradreniline. Desirably, the initial dosage is The Norepinephrine System equivalent to between 0.1 and 0.5 mg/administration of 0149. In another embodiment of the invention, the neu clonidine, between 0.1 and 5 mg/administration guanfacine, rotransmitter system is the norepinephrine system which between 0.05 and 0.5 mg/administration lofexidine, between includes norepinephrine as a neurotransmitter, and the coun 10 and 80 ug/kg/administration detomidine, between 0.1 and teradaptation causes an up-regulation of the norepinephine 3 ug/kg/administration dexmedetomidine, between 0.5 and 5 system. ug/kg/administration of mivaZerol, or between 10 and 100 0150 Norepinephrine is a catecholamine that, along with ng/kg/administration of alpha-methylnoradreniline. epinephrine, acts as a neurotransmitter in the central nervous 0.155 Desirably, a norepinephrine pre-synaptic alpha-2 system. There are two types of adrenoreceptors, alpha and adrenergic receptor antagonist is not administered during the beta. There are in addition, at least ten different subtypes of first time period associated with each administration. In adrenoreceptors. Norepinephrine generally is more potent at certain embodiments of the invention, however, an norepi sites where sympathetic neurotransmission is excitatory and nephrine pre-synaptic alpha-2 adrenergic receptor antago is mediated through alpha receptors. Alpha receptors have nist is administered during one or more of the second time two main Subclasses, alpha1 and alpha2. periods. A Suitable non-limiting example of a pre and 0151. Norepinephrine acts a neuromodulator in the cen postsynaptic A2AR antagonist includes . tral nervous system. The central nervous system actions of 0156 According to another embodiment of the invention, NE are most notable when it modulates excitatory or inhibi the type of receptor is norepinephrine post-synaptic adren tory inputs, rather than its effects on the activity of post ergic receptors, such as alpha receptors, beta receptors, or synaptic targets, in the absence of other inputs. Norepineph receptors of a Subtype thereof. In such cases, the ligand is a rine transmission and control is similar to that for serotonin. norepinephrine post-synaptic adrenergic receptor antago A reuptake mechanism is present that removes the majority nist, and the undesirable mental or neurological condition is of norepinephrine after its release into the noradrenergic negatively linked to the norepinephrine post-synaptic adr synapse. There are pre-synaptic inhibitory autoreceptors energic receptors. The counteradaptation may be an increase known as alpha-2 adrenergic receptors. in the biosynthesis or release of norepinephrine at the 0152. When the neurotransmitter system is the norepi synaptic cleft; a decrease in the reuptake of norepinephrine; nephrine system, the type of receptor may be, for example, an increase in the number of norepinephrine post-synaptic US 2006/0069086 A1 Mar. 30, 2006

adrenergic receptors; an increase in the sensitivity of the disorders, generalized mood disorders, anhedonia, non-or norepinephrine post-synaptic adrenergic receptors to nore ganic sexual dysfunction, overeating, obesity, anorexia, pinephrine and/or norepinephrine post-synaptic adrenergic bulimia, generalized anxiety state, panic disorders, receptor agonists; a decrease in the number of norepineph Tourette's Syndrome, hysteria sleep disorders, breathing rine pre-synaptic alpha-2 adrenergic receptors; a decrease in related sleep disorders, lack of motivation due to learning or the sensitivity of the norepinephrine pre-synaptic alpha-2 memory problems, abuse of Substances such as narcotics, adrenergic receptors to norepinephrine and/or norepineph alcohol, nicotine, stimulants, anxiolytics, CNS depressants, rine pre-synaptic alpha-2 adrenergic receptor agonists; or a hallucinogens and marijuana, and insufficient motivation for combination thereof. a desired mental or physical activity Such as physical 0157. A variety of compounds may be used as the nore training, athletics, studying or testing. The up-regulation of pinephrine post-synaptic adrenergic receptor antagonists in the norepinephrine system desirably causes a therapeutic the methods of the present invention. For example, the benefit with respect to the undesirable mental or neurologi norepinephrine post-synaptic adrenergic receptor antagonist cal condition. may be idazoxan, SKF 104078, or SKF 104856. The initial 0162. As the skilled artisan will appreciate, different dosage of the norepinephrine post-synaptic adrenergic ligands for different receptors can be administered in com receptor antagonist is desirably high enough to induce a bination either sequentially or simultaneously. For example, counteradaptive effect, but not so high as to cause the patient repeated administration of a mu and/or delta opiate antago intolerable direct effects. For example, the initial dosage nist can be followed by (or performed simultaneously with) may be equivalent to between 0.5 and 100 mg/administra repeated administration of an SP receptor antagonist. If tion of idazoxan. Desirably, the initial dosage is equivalent desired, an NRI maybe administered either simultaneously to between 5 and 50 mg/administration of idazoxan. or sequentially with the aforementioned NE modulating agents. Simultaneous or sequential co-administration is 0158. Desirably, a norepinephrine post-synaptic adrener desirable as opiate and SP systems overlap with both sero gic receptor agonist is not administered during the first time tonin and NE systems. Any increased sensitivity of the period associated with each administration. In certain opiate and/or SP systems also has an effect on serotonin and embodiments of the invention, however, a norepinephrine NE systems. The enhanced sensitivity of the serotonin or NE post-synaptic adrenergic receptor agonist is administered systems that is a result of counteradaptive therapy generates during one or more of the second time periods. an enhanced response to either SSRI or NRI therapy. 0159. The norepinephrine post-synaptic adrenergic receptor antagonist may be administered in combination 0163. It will be apparent to those skilled in the art that with a norepinephrine pre-synaptic alpha-2 adrenergic various modifications and variations can be made to the receptor agonist, such as those described above. Further, present invention without departing from the spirit and when conventional anti-depressant agents that bind at the scope of the invention. Thus, it is intended that the present norepinephrine post-synaptic adrenergic receptors are given invention cover the modifications and variations of this in combination with a norepinephrine pre-synaptic alpha-2 invention provided they come within the scope of the adrenergic receptor agonist, its efficacy can be greatly appended claims and their equivalents. All references cited increased because the norepinephrine post-synaptic adren herein are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety. ergic receptors have increased in number and/sensitivity through the counteradaptation. REFERENCES U.S. Patent References: 0160 In certain desirable embodiments of the invention, the norepinephrine post-synaptic adrenergic receptor 0164 U.S. Pat. No. 3,980,641 September, 1976 Monk antagonist itself is also an norepinephrine pre-synaptic ovic Process for the preparation of 14-hydroxymorph . . . alpha-2 adrenergic receptor agonist. It may also be desirable to administer a serotonin post-synaptic antagonist and/or a 0.165 U.S. Pat. No. 4,059,693 November, 1977 Stewart serotonin pre-synaptic autoreceptor agonist (as described Analgesic action of Substance P above) in combination with the norepinephrine pre-synaptic alpha-2 adrenergic receptor agonist or norepinephrine post 0166 U.S. Pat. No. 4,217,353 August, 1980 Smith synaptic adrenergic receptor antagonist. Method for inducing anorexia 0161 Norepinephrine post-synaptic adrenergic receptors 0167 U.S. Pat. No. 4,361,553 November, 1982 Loh are negatively linked, and norepinephrine pre-synaptic Therapeutic uses of dynorphin alpha-2 adrenergic receptors are positively linked to a wide 0168 U.S. Pat. No. 4,377,595 March, 1983 Wurtman variety of undesirable mental and neurological conditions. Process for reducing depression Examples of Such conditions include pain, mood disorders, eating disorders, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive 0169 U.S. Pat. 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Neurosci. 2001 March; 21(5): 1779-1786. wherein the counteradaptation causes the regulation of the neurotransmitter system, and 0517 Wen, H L, et al., “Treatment of pain in cancer patients by intrathecal administration of dynorphin’ Pep wherein the ratio of the administration half-life to the tides. 1987 January-February; 8(1): 191-3. period between administrations is no greater than 1/2. 2. A method of inducing a regulation of a neurotransmitter 0518. Wybran, J., “Enkephalins and endorphins as modi system in a patient, the neurotransmitter system including a fiers of the immune system: present and future.' 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Systems (Physiology, Anatomy, Animal Models) B repeatedly administering to the patient a ligand for the 17-Spinal Nociceptive Mechanisms, Poster #695. type of receptor, each administration having an admin istration half-life, thereby causing the ligand to bind 0520 Yamamoto, T, et al., REGIONAL ANESTHESIA receptors of that type during a first time period asso AND PAIN MANAGEMENT, “The Role of Spinal ciated with each administration, thereby maintaining or Opioid Receptor Like 1 Receptor, the NK-1 Receptor, and improving the counteradaptation, Cyclooxygenase-2 in Maintaining Postoperative Pain in the Rat'. Anesth Analg. 1999; 89: 120 wherein the counteradaptation causes the regulation of the 0521. Yasuno, F, et al., “Inhibitory Effect of Hippocampal neurotransmitter system, and 5-HT1A Receptors on Human Explicit Memory” Am J wherein the ratio of the administration half-life to the Psychiatry. 2003 February: 160: 334-340. period between administrations is no greater than 1/2. US 2006/0069086 A1 Mar. 30, 2006 29

3. The method of claim 1 or claim 2, wherein the 14. The method of any one of claims 1-13, wherein each regulation of the neurotransmitter system causes a therapeu first time period is at least about five minutes in duration; at tic benefit with respect to the undesirable mental or neuro least about thirty minutes in duration; at least about an hour logical condition. in duration; at least about two hours in duration; or at least 4. The method of any one of claims 1-3, wherein the about four hours in duration. undesirable mental or neurological condition is positively 15. The method of any one of claims 1-14, wherein each linked to the type of receptor, the ligand is a receptor agonist first time period is less than about twenty four hours in and the regulation is a down-regulation of the neurotrans duration; less than about sixteen hours in duration; less than mitter system. about twelve hours in duration; less than about eight hours 5. The method of claim 4, wherein the counteradaptation in duration; or less than about six hours in duration. is at least one of 16. The method of any one of claims 1-16, wherein each administration has a second time period associated there a decrease in the biosynthesis or release of a neurotrans with, the second time period being Subsequent to the first mitter binding to receptors of the type of receptor; time period associated with the administration, and wherein an increase in the reuptake of a neurotransmitter binding a substantial fraction of the receptors remain unbound to the to receptors of the type of receptor; ligand during each second time period. 17. The method of claim 16, wherein no more than about a decrease in the number of the type of receptors and/or 50%, no more than about 25%, or no more than about 10% binding sites on receptors of the type of receptor; and of the receptors are bound to the ligand during each second a decrease in the sensitivity of receptors of the type of time period. receptor to binding by natural neurotransmitter and/or 18. The method of any one of claims 7, 11 and 16-17, receptor agonists. wherein each second time period is at least about two hours 6. The method of any one of claims 4-5, wherein an in duration; at least about ten hours in duration; or at least antagonist for the type of receptor is not administered during about fifteen hours in duration. the first time period associated with each administration. 19. The method of any one of claims 7, 11 and 16-18, 7. The method of any one of claims 4-6, wherein each wherein each second time period is no more than about administration has a second time period associated there twenty hours in duration; no more than about thirty hours in with, the second time period being Subsequent to the first duration; or no more than about fifty hours in duration. time period associated with the administration, and wherein 20. The method of any one of claims 1-19, wherein the an antagonist for the type of receptor is administered during ratio of the administration half-life to the period between one or more of the second time periods. administrations is no greater than 1/3. 8. The method of any one of claims 1-3, wherein if the 21. The method of any one of claims 1-20, wherein the undesirable mental or neurological condition is negatively ratio of the administration half-life of the ligand to the period linked to the type of receptor, the ligand is an antagonist and between administrations is no greater than 1/5: no greater the regulation is an up-regulation of the neurotransmitter than 1/8; or no greater than 1/12. system. 22. The method of any one of claims 1-21, wherein the 9. The method of claim 8, wherein the counteradaptation ratio of the administration half-life of the ligand to the period is at least one of between administrations is greater than 1/24, greater than an increase in the biosynthesis or release of a neurotrans 1/12: greater than 1/8; greater than 1/5: greater than 1/4; or mitter binding to receptors of the type of receptor; greater than 1/3. 23. The method of any one of claims 1-22, wherein the a decrease in the reuptake of a neurotransmitter binding to dose of ligand at each administration is increased over time. receptors of the type of receptor; 24. The method of any one of claims 1-23, wherein the an increase in the number of the type of receptors and/or dose of ligand at each administration is increased intermit binding sites on receptors of the type of receptors; and tently over time. 25. The method of any one of claims 1-24, wherein the an increase in the sensitivity of the receptors to binding by dose is increased with a period between increases of no less ligands and/or receptor agonists. than a week; no less than two weeks; no less than three 10. The method of any one of claims 8-9, wherein an weeks; no less than a month; no less than two months; no agonist for the type of receptor is not administered during less than three months; no less than six months, or no less the first time period associated with each administration. than one year. 11. The method of any one of claims 8-10, wherein each 26. The method of any one of claims 1-25, wherein at each administration has a second time period associated there increase in dosage, the dose is increased by at least 5%; at with, the second time period being Subsequent to the first least 10%; at least 25%; at least 50%; or at least 100% of the time period associated with the administration, and wherein initial dose. an agonist for the type of receptor is administered during one 27. The method of any one of claims 1-26, wherein the or more of the second time periods. maximum dosage is within three hundred times the initial 12. The method of any one of claims 1-11, wherein a dosage, within one hundred times the initial dosage, within substantial fraction of the receptors of the type of receptor fifty times the initial dosage, or within twenty times the are bound by the ligand during each first time period. initial dosage. 13. The method of claim 12, wherein at least about 30%, 28. The method of any one of claims 1-27, wherein the at least about 50%, at least about 75% or at least about 90% administration of the ligand is performed daily. of the receptors are bound by the ligand during each first 29. The method of any one of claims 1-28, wherein the time period. period between administrations is two days or greater, three US 2006/0069086 A1 Mar. 30, 2006 30 days or greater, five days or greater, one week or greater; 46. The method of claim 44, wherein the anxiolytic agent two weeks or greater, or one month or greater. is a benzodiazepine. 30. The method of any one of claims 1-29, wherein the 47. The method of claim 46, wherein the benzodiazepine administration half-life is less than about sixteen hours; less is selected from the group consisting of diazepam, than about twelve hours; less than about eight hours; or less lorazepam, alprazolam, temazepam, flurazepam, and chlo than about four hours. diazepoxide. 31. The method of any one of claims 1-30, wherein the 48. The method of any one of claims 1-47, further administration half-life is greater than about four hours: comprising the step of: greater than about twelve hours; greater than about sixteen administering a hypnotic agent in combination with the hours; or ligand. greater than about thirty hours. 49. The method of any one of claims 1-48, further 32. The method of any one of claims 1-31, wherein the comprising the step of: compound half-life of the ligand is less than about sixteen administering in combination with the ligand a TCA, an hours; less than about twelve hours; less than about eight MAOI, an SSRI, an NRI, an SNRI, a CRF modulating hours; or less than about four hours. agent, a serotonin pre-synaptic autoreceptor antagonist, 33. The method of any one of claims 1-32, wherein the 5HT agonist, a dynorphin antagonist, a GABA-A compound half-life of the ligand is greater than about four modulating agent, a serotonin 5H2 and/or 5H2 modu hours; greater than about twelve hours; greater than about lating agent, a beta-3 adrenoceptor agonist, an NMDA sixteen hours; or greater than about thirty hours. antagonist, a V1B antagonist, a GPCR modulating 34. The method of claim 33, wherein the compound agent, or a substance Pantagonist. half-life of the ligand is greater than about twelve hours, and 50. The method according to claim 49 wherein SSR1 is wherein the method further comprises the step of selected from the group consisting of fluoxetine (ProzacR), administering repeatedly and with a period of less than paroxetine (Paxil.R.), (Zoloft(R), every two days a second ligand for the type of receptor, (LuvoxR), (CelexaR), (LexaproR): each administration of the second ligand having an SNRIs are selected from the group consisting of Venlafaxine administration half-life of less than about eight hours. (Effexor R) and mefazodone (Serzone(R); and NRIs com 35. The method of claim 34, wherein the ligand having the prise reboxetine (edronaxR). compound half-life greater than about twelve hours is an 51. The method of any one of claims 1-49, wherein the agonist, and the second ligand is an agonist. method is used to address the undesirable mental or neuro 36. The method of claim 34, wherein the ligand having the logical condition in a patient. compound half-life greater than about twelve hours is an 52. The method of any one of claims 1-51, wherein antagonist, and the second ligand is an antagonist. 37. The method of any one of claims 1-36, wherein the the neurotransmitter system is the SP system; administration is repeated at least five times, at least ten the type of receptor is SP receptors; times, at least twenty-five times, or at least fifty times. 38. The method of any one of claims 1-37, wherein the the ligand is an SP receptor agonist; dose of the ligand is Sufficient to trigger a counteradaptive the undesirable mental or neurological condition is posi response, but low enough that direct effects of ligand tively linked to the receptors; and receptor binding are low and tolerable to the patient. 39. The method of any one of claims 1-38, wherein a the counteradaptation causes a down-regulation of the SP substantial fraction of the first time period occurs while the system. patient is asleep. 53. The method of claim 52, wherein the counteradapta 40. The method of any one of claims 1-39, wherein at least tion is at least one of: 40%; at least 60%; or at least 85% of the first time period a decrease in the biosynthesis or release of SP, NKA, occurs while the patient is asleep. and/or NKB at the receptor terminals or by the pituitary 41. The method of any one of claims 1-40, wherein each gland; administration of the ligand is performed within the hour before the patient goes to bed. a decrease in the number of the receptors and/or binding 42. The method of claim 1-40, wherein each administra sites on the receptors; and tion of the ligand is performed more than one hour before the patient goes to bed. a decrease in the sensitivity of the receptors to binding by 43. The method of claim 1-42, wherein each administra SP receptor agonists and/or SP, NKA, and/or NKB. tion of the ligand is performed orally, transdermally, through 54. The method of any one of claims 52-53, wherein the inhalation, Subcutaneously, intravenously, intramuscularly, SP receptor agonist is peptide-based. intraspinally, intrathecally, transmucosally, or using an 55. The method of any one of claims 52-53, wherein the osmotic pump, a microcapsule, an implant or a Suspension. SP receptor agonist is an analogue of SP, NKA, and/or NKB, 44. The method of any one of claims 1-43, further or a pharmaceutically-accepted salt or derivative thereof. comprising the step of: 56. The method of any one of claims 52-53, wherein the SP receptor agonist is Substance P; Substance P. free acid; administering an anxiolytic agent in combination with the Biotin-Substance P. Cysse, Tyrs. Pro-Substance P. (Dis ligand. ulfide bridge: 3-6), Cysse, Tyrs, Proto-Substance P. (Dis 45. The method of claim 44, wherein the anxiolytic agent ulfide bridge: 3-6), 4-Chloro-Phe7s-Substance P: 4-Ben affects a GABA pathway. Zoyl-Phe-Substance P. Succinyl-Asp, N-Me-Phe US 2006/0069086 A1 Mar. 30, 2006

Substance P (6-11)(Senktide); Tyrs-Substance P; Tyrs compulsive disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Substance P: or Shark Substance P Peptide. Tourette's Syndrome, a hysteria sleep disorder, or a breath 57. The method of any one of claims 52-53, wherein the ing-related sleep disorder. SP receptor agonist is an NKA or NKB analogue having a 70. The method of any one of claims 52-62, wherein the C-terminal heptapeptide similar to NKA(4-10) or NKB undesirable mental or neurological condition is a lack of (4-10), or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt or carrier motivation due to learning or memory problems. thereof. 71. The method of any one of claims 52-62, wherein the 58. The method of any one of claims 52-53, wherein the undesirable mental or neurological condition is abuse of a SP receptor agonist is Gln-NKA, GlN-NKA(4-10), Substance selected from the group consisting of narcotics, Phe7-NKA, Phe7-NKA(4-10), Ile-NKA, Ile7 alcohol, nicotine, stimulants, anxiolytics, CNS depressants, NKA(4-10), Lys.MeLeu.Nle'-NKA(4-10), Nle'l- hallucinogens and marijuana. NKA(4-10), B-Ala8-NKA(4-10), Ala-NKA(4-10), 72. The method of any one of claims 52-62, wherein the Gln)-NKB, GlN-NKB(4-10), Phe-NKB, Phe7 undesirable mental or neurological condition is asthma, NKB(4-10), Ile-NKB, Ile7-NKB(4-10), Lys.MeLeu, arthritis, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, inflammatory bowel dis Nle'l-NKB(4-10), Nle'l-NKB(4-10), B-Ala8-NKB(4- ease, inflammation of the skin or mucosa, or acute pancre 10), Ala-NKB(4-10), GR 73,632 delta-Aminovaleryl atitis. Pro9, N-Me-Leu10-substance P(7-11), Glu(OBzl)11 73. The method of any one of claims 52-62, wherein the substance P and hemokinin 1 (HK-1) (a substance P undesirable mental or neurological condition is nausea or homolog) or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt or carrier emesis arising from chemotherapy. thereof. 74. The method of any one of claims 52-73, wherein the 59. The method of any one of claims 52-53, wherein the method is used to address the undesirable mental or neuro SP receptor agonist is Arg-NKB or a pharmaceutically logical condition in a patient. acceptable salt or carrier thereof. 75. The method of any one of claims 52-74, wherein the 60. The method of any one of claims 52-53, wherein the method is used as an adjunct treatment for cancer. SP receptoragonist is an NKA or NKB analogue having Val 76. The method of any one of claims 52-75, wherein SP replaced with MePhe or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt receptor antagonist is not administered during the first time or carrier thereof. period associated with each administration. 61. The method of any one of claims 52-60, wherein the 77. The method of any one of claims 52-76, wherein an initial dosage of the SP receptor agonist is between about 0.1 SP receptor antagonist is administered during one or more of to 100 ug/kg/day initial dose and 100 to 1000 ug/kg/day for the second time periods. 8 hours slow release. 78. The method of any one of claims 52-76, wherein the 62. The method of any one of claims 52-60, wherein the SP receptor antagonist is L-760735, CP-96,345, NKP608, initial dosage of the SP receptor agonist is between about 1 L-AT, MK-869, L-742,694, L-733060, CP-99,994, P-122, to 50 ug/kg/day initial dose and 20 to 50 ug/kg/day for 8 721, CP 122,171, GSK 597599, GSK 679769, GSK823296, hours slow release. Saredutant, Talnetant, Osanetant, and pharmaceutically 63. The method of any one of claims 52-62, wherein the acceptable salts, analogues, and derivatives thereof. undesirable mental or neurological condition is chronic pain, 79. The method of claim 78, wherein initial dosage of SP a mood disorder, an eating disorder, an anxiety disorder, a receptor antagonist is equivalent to 12 mg/kg/hour for 8 motivational problem, a Substance abuse disorder, an hours of L-760735; about 30 ug/kg/hour of CP-96.345; inflammatory condition, nausea or emesis, urinary inconti between 0.1 to 10 mg/kg/administration of SSR240600; nence, skin rashes, erythema, or eruptions. between 0.01 to 0.1 mg/kg/administration of NKP608 (via 64. The method of any one of claims 52-62, wherein the po); between 1 to 10 mg/kg/administration of L-AT; between undesirable mental or neurological condition is fibromyal 0.01 to 3 mg/kg/administration of MK-869; between 1 to 30 gia, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic back pain, chronic mg/kg of L-742,694; between 1 to 10 mg/kg/administration headaches, chronic cancer pain, shingles, reflex sympathetic of L-733,060; between 3 to 30 mg/kg/administration of dystrophy, neuropathy, or inflammatory pain. CP-99,994 or CP-122,721; and about 100 mg/administration 65. The method of any one of claims 52-62, wherein the of Saredutant. undesirable mental or neurological condition is pain that is 80. The method of any one of claims 51-79, wherein the anticipated to occur in the future. down-regulation of the SP system causes a therapeutic 66. The method of claim 65, wherein the pain anticipated benefit with respect to the undesirable mental or neurologi to occur in the future is pain from a medical procedure, or cal condition. pain due to physical exertion. 81. The method of any one of claims 1-51, wherein 67. The method of any one of claims 52-62 wherein the the neurotransmitter system is the endogenous endorphin undesirable mental or neurological condition is a major system; depressive disorder, post-traumatic depression, temporary depressed mood, manic-depressive disorder, dysthymic dis the type of receptor is mu and/or delta opiate receptors; order, generalized mood disorder, anhedonia, or non-organic the ligand is a mu and/or delta opiate receptor antagonist; sexual disfunction. 68. The method of any one of claims 52-62, wherein the the undesirable mental or neurological condition is nega undesirable mental or neurological condition is overeating, tively linked to the receptors; and obesity, anorexia or bulimia. the counteradaptation causes an up-regulation of the 69. The method of any one of claims 52-62, wherein the endogenous endorphin system. undesirable mental or neurological condition is a general 82. The method of claim 81, wherein the counteradapta ized anxiety state, a panic disorder, a phobia, obsessive tion is at least one of: US 2006/0069086 A1 Mar. 30, 2006 32

an increase in the biosynthesis or release of endorphins at 97. The method of any one of claims 81-95, wherein the receptor terminals and/or by the pituitary gland; mu and/or delta opiate receptor antagonist is administered orally, transdermally, intraspinally, intrathecally, via inhala an increase in the number of the receptors and/or endor tion, Subcutaneously, intravenously, intramuscularly, or phin binding sites on the receptors; and transmucosally, or via osmotic pump, microcapsule, an increase in the sensitivity of the receptors to binding by implant, or Suspension. mu and/or delta opiate agonists and/or endorphins. 98. The method of any one of claims 81-95, wherein the 83. The method of any one of claims 81-82, wherein the mu and/or delta opiate receptor antagonist is administered counteradaptation is at least one of transdermally. 99. The method of any one of claims 96-98, wherein the an increase in the biosynthesis or release of endorphins at mu and/or delta opiate receptor antagonist is released over a receptor terminals and by the pituitary gland; and time period between 2 and 12 hours in duration; between 2 an increase in the number of the receptors and/or endor and 6 hours in duration; or between 6 and 12 hours in phin binding sites on the receptors. duration. 84. The method of any one of claims 81-83, wherein the 100. The method of any one of claims 81-95, wherein the mu and/or delta opiate receptor antagonist is a specific mu mu and/or delta opiate receptor antagonist is administered as receptor antagonist or a specific delta receptor antagonist. a rapidly absorbed loading dose. 85. The method of any one of claims 81-84, wherein the 101. The method of any one of claims 81-95, wherein the mu and/or delta opiate receptor antagonist is a specific mu mu and/or delta opiate receptor antagonist is administered opiate receptor antagonist selected from the group consisting using both a rapidly absorbed loading dose, and transdermal of clocinnamox mesylate, CTAP, CTOP, etonitazenyl administration or a time-release or slow-release formulation. isothiocyanate, B-funaltrexamine hydrochloride, naloxona 102. The method of any one of claims 81-101, wherein a Zine dihydrochloride, Cyprodime, and pharmaceutically specific mu and/or delta receptor antagonist and a non acceptable salts, analogues, and derivatives thereof. specific mu and/or delta receptor antagonist are administered 86. The method of any one of claims 81-84, wherein the Substantially simultaneously. mu and/or delta opiate receptor antagonist is a specific delta 103. The method of any one of claims 81-101, wherein a opiate receptor antagonist selected from the group consisting specific mu and/or delta receptor antagonist and a non of naltrindole, N-benzylmaltrindole HCl, BNTX maleate, specific mu and/or delta receptor antagonist are administered ICI-154,129, ICI-174,864, naltriben mesylate, SDM25N sequentially. HCl, 7-benzylidenenaltrexone, and pharmaceutically 104. The method of any one of claims 81-103, wherein the acceptable salts, analogues, and derivatives thereof. undesirable mental or neurological condition is pain, a mood 87. The method of any one of claims 81-83, wherein the disorder, an eating disorder, an anxiety disorder, a motiva mu and/or delta opiate receptor antagonist is a non-specific tional problem, a Substance abuse disorder, insufficient moti opiate antagonist. Vation or performance, an immune system-related condition, 88. The method of any one of claims 81-83, wherein the and a wound in need of healing. mu and/or delta opiate receptor antagonist is naloxone, 105. The method of any one of claims 81-103, wherein the maltrexone, nalmefene, or nalbuphine, or a pharmaceutically undesirable mental or neurological condition is pain that is acceptable salt or derivative thereof. expected to occur in the future, a chronic pain syndrome, or 89. The method of any one of claims 81-88, wherein the acute pain. initial dosage of the mu and/or delta opiate receptor antago 106. The method of any one of claims 81-103, wherein the nist is equivalent to between about 2 mg/administration and undesirable mental or neurological condition is pain about 200 mg/administration of naloxone. expected to occur due to a future operation, pain expected to 90. The method of any one of claims 81-88, wherein the occur due to future physical exertion, fibromyalgia, chronic initial dosage of the mu and/or delta opiate receptor antago fatigue syndrome, chronic back pain, chronic headaches, nist is equivalent to between about 10 mg/administration and shingles, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, neuropathy, inflam about 100 mg/administration of naloxone. matory pain, or chronic cancer pain. 91. The method of any one of claims 81-90, wherein the 107. The method of any one of claims 81-103, wherein the mu and/or delta opiate receptor antagonist is naloxone. undesirable mental or neurological condition is a major 92. The method of claim 91 wherein each dosage of depressive disorder, post traumatic depression, a temporary naloxone is greater than 10 mg/administration; greater than depressed mood, a manic-depressive disorder, a dysthymic 10.5 mg/administration; greater than 11 mg/administration; disorder, a generalized mood disorder, anhedonia, or non or greater than 15 mg/administration. organic sexual dysfunction. 93. The method of any one of claims 91-92, wherein the 108. The method of any one of claims 81-103, wherein the initial dosage of naloxone is between 10 and 50 mg/admin undesirable mental or neurological condition is overeating, istration. obesity, anorexia, or bulimia. 94. The method of any one of claims 91-92, wherein the 109. The method of any one of claims 81-103, wherein the initial dosage of naloxone is between 5 and 500 mg/admin undesirable mental or neurological condition is a general istration. ized anxiety state, a panic disorder, Tourette’s Syndrome, a 95. The method of any one of claims 91-94, wherein the hysteria sleep disorder, or a breathing-related sleep disorder. maximum dosage of naloxone is no greater than 3000 110. The method of any one of claims 81-103, wherein the mg/administration. undesirable mental or neurological condition is a lack of 96. The method of any one of claims 81-95, wherein the motivation due to learning or memory problems. mu and/or delta opiate receptor antagonist is administered 111. The method of any one of claims 81-103, wherein the using a time-release or slow-release formulation. undesirable mental or neurological condition is abuse of a US 2006/0069086 A1 Mar. 30, 2006

Substance selected from the group consisting of narcotics, 3FLB: FE200665; FE200666; an analogue of MPCB-GRR1 alcohol, nicotine, stimulants, anxiolytics, CNS depressants, or MPCB-RR1, an analogue of the C-terminal fragment of hallucinogens and marijuana. dynorphin A(1-8), or a pharmaceutically-accepted Salt or 112. The method of any one of claims 81-103, wherein the carrier thereof. undesirable mental or neurological condition is insufficient 124. The method of any one of claims 119-123, wherein motivation for a desired mental or physical activity. the initial dosage of the kappa receptor agonist is equivalent 113. The method of claim 112, wherein the desired to between 0.0005 and 0.05 mg/kg/administration of dynor activity is physical training, athletics, studying, or testing. phin; between 5 and 700 mg/administration of enadoline; 114. The method of any one of claims 81-113, wherein the between 1 and 500 ug/administration of FE 20665; between method is used to address the undesirable mental or neuro 0.5 and 100 g/administration; between 0.01 and 1 mg/kg/ logical condition in a patient. administration of U69,593; between 0.05 and 5 mg/kg/ 115. The method of any one of claims 81-114, wherein the administration of TRK 820; between 0.01 and 1 mg/kg/ method is used as an adjunct treatment for cancer, infection, administration U 50 488; or between 0.01 and 1 mg/kg/ AIDS, or a wound. administration of PD 117302. 116. The method of any one of 81-114, wherein a mu 125. The method of any one of claims 119-123, wherein and/or delta opiate receptor agonist is not administered the initial dosage of the kappa receptor agonist is equivalent during the first time period associated with each adminis to between 0.005 and 0.02 mg/kg/administration of dynor tration. phin; between 100 and 500 mg/administration of enadoline; 117. The method of any one of claims 81-116, wherein a between 3 and 100 ug/administration of FE 20665; between mu and/or delta opiate receptor agonist is administered 1 and 80 ug/administration of FE 20666; between 0.1 and during one or more of the second time periods. 0.7 mg/kg/administration of U69,593; between 0.5 and 3 118. The method of any one of claims 81-116, wherein the mg/kg/administration of TRK 820; between 0.5 and 7 up-regulation of the endogenous endorphin system causes a mg/kg/administration U 50 488 or between 0.1 and 0.7 therapeutic benefit with respect to the undesirable mental or mg/kg/administration of PD 117302. neurological condition. 126. The method of any one of claims 119-123, wherein 119. The method of any one of claims 1-51, wherein the kappa receptor agonist is Salvinorin A. 127. The method of claim 126, wherein the initial dose of the neurotransmitter system is the dynorphin System; Salvinorin A is between 5 and 200 ug/administration. the type of receptor is kappa receptors; 128. The method of any one of claims 126-127, wherein the maximum dose of Salvinorum A is at least 5000 ug/ad the ligand is a kappa receptor agonist; ministration. the undesirable mental or neurological condition is posi 129. The method of any one of claims 126-128, wherein tively linked to the receptors; and the Salvinorin A is administered transmucosally. 130. The method of any one of claims 126-129, wherein the counteradaptation causes a down-regulation of the the Salvinorum A is administered as a slow-release formu dynorphin system. lation. 120. The method of claim 119, wherein the counteradap 131. The method of claim 130, wherein the Salvinorum A tation is at least one of: is administered over a period two to six hours in duration. a decrease in the biosynthesis or release of dynorphins at 132. The method of any one of claims 119-131, wherein the receptor terminals or by the pituitary gland; a peptide-based kappa receptor agonist and a non-peptide based kappa receptor agonist are administered substantially a decrease in the number of the kappa receptors and/or simultaneously. binding sites on the kappa receptors; and 133. The method of any one of claims 119-131, wherein a decrease in the sensitivity of the kappa receptors to a peptide-based kappa receptor agonist and a non-peptide binding by dappa receptor agonists and/or dynorphins. based kappa receptor agonist are administered sequentially. 121. The method of any one of claims 119-120, wherein 134. The method of any one of claims 119-133, wherein the kappa receptor agonist is peptide-based. the condition is pain, a mood disorder, an eating disorder, an 122. The method of any one of claims 119-120, wherein anxiety disorder, a motivational problem, a substance abuse the kappa receptor agonist is dynorphin or a pharmaceuti disorder, or insufficient motivation or performance. cally acceptable salt, carrier, or analogue thereof. 135. The method of any one of claims 119-133, wherein 123. The method of any one of claims 119-120, wherein the condition is pain that is expected to occur in the future; the kappa receptor agonist is a nonbenzomorphan; enado a chronic pain syndrome; or acute pain. line; PD117302; CAM569; PD123497; GR 89,696; U69, 136. The method of any one of claims 119-133, wherein 593: TRK-820; trans-3,4-dichloro-N-methyl-N-1-(1-pyrro the condition is pain expected to occur due to a future lidinyl)cyclohexylbenzene-acetamide; asimadoline (EMD operation; pain expected to occur due to future physical 61753); benzeneacetamide; thiomorpholine; piperidine: exertion; fibromyalgia; chronic fatigue syndrome; chronic benzobthiophene-4-acetamide; trans-(+/-)-(PD-117302); back pain; chronic headaches; shingles; reflex sympathetic 4-benzofuranacetamide (PD-1291.90); 2.6-methano-3-beza dystrophy; neuropathy; inflammatory pain; or chronic can Zocin-8-ol (MR-1268); morphinan-3-ol (KT-90); cer pain. GR-458.09: 1-piperazinecarboxylic acid (GR-89696); 137. The method of any one of claims 119-133, wherein GR-103545; piperzaine; GR-94839; xorphanl; benzeneac the condition is a major depressive disorder, post traumatic etamide (RU-49679); fedotozine; benzeneacetamide (DuP depression; a temporary depressed mood; a manic-depres 747); HN-11608; apadoline (RP-60180); spiradoline mesy sive disorder; a dysthymic disorder; a generalized mood late; benzeneacetamide trans-U-50488 methane sulfate; disorder; anhedonia; or non-organic sexual dysfunction. US 2006/0069086 A1 Mar. 30, 2006 34

138. The method of any one of claims 119-133, wherein an increase in the sensitivity of the serotonin post-synap the condition is overeating, obesity; anorexia; or bulimia. tic receptors to serotonin or serotonin post-synaptic 139. The method of any one of claims 119-133, wherein receptor agonists. the condition is a generalized anxiety state; a panic disorder; 152. The method of any one of claims 150-151, wherein Tourette's Syndrome; a hysteria sleep disorder; or a breath the serotonin pre-synapatic autoreceptors are 5HTA autore ing-related sleep disorder. ceptors and/or 5HT autoreceptors. 140. The method of any one of claims 119-133, wherein 153. The method of any one of claims 150-152, wherein the condition is a lack of motivation due to learning or the serotonin pre-synaptic autoreceptor agonist is EMD memory problems. 68843, buspirone, gepirone, ipsapirone, tandospirone, Leso 141. The method of any one of claims 119-133, wherein pitron, Zalospirone, MDL-73005EF, or BP-554. the condition is abuse of a Substance selected from the group 154. The method of any one of claims 150-153, wherein consisting of narcotics, alcohol, nicotine, stimulants, anxi the initial dosage of the serotonin pre-synaptic autoreceptor olytics, CNS depressants, hallucinogens and marijuana. agonist is equivalent to between 1 and 400 mg/administra 142. The method of any one of claims 119-133, wherein tion of EMD-68843, between 1 and 500 mg/administration the condition is insufficient motivation for a desired mental buspirone between 1 and 500 mg/administration lesopitron, or physical activity. between 1 and 500 mg/administration gepirone, between 5 143. The method of claim 142, wherein the desired and 500 mg tandospirone, or between 1 and 200 mg activity is physical training; athletics; studying; or testing. Zalospirone. 155. The method of any one of claims 150-154, wherein 144. The method of any one of claims 119-143, wherein the initial dosage of the serotonin pre-synaptic autoreceptor the method is used to address the undesirable mental or agonist is equivalent to between 10 and 100 mg/adminis neurological condition in a patient. tration of EMD-68843, between 10 and 100 mg/administra 145. The method of any one of claims 119-144, wherein tion buspirone between 10 and 200 mg/administration leso the method is used as an adjunct treatment for cancer. pitron, between 10 and 100 mg/administration gepirone, 146. The method of any one of claims 119-145, wherein between 20 and 200 mg tandospirone, or between 10 and kappa receptor antagonist is not administered during the first 100 mg Zalospirone. time period associated with each administration. 156. The method of any one of claims 150-155, wherein 147. The method of any one of claims 119-146, wherein serotonin pre-synaptic autoreceptor antagonist is not admin a kappa receptor antagonist is administered during one or istered during the first time period associated with each more of the second time periods. administration. 148. The method of any one of claims 119-147, wherein 157. The method of any one of claims 150-156, wherein the down-regulation of the dynorphin system causes a a serotonin pre-synaptic autoreceptor antagonist is admin therapeutic benefit with respect to the undesirable mental or istered during one or more of the second time periods. neurological condition. 158. The method of claim 149, wherein 149. The method of any one of claims 1-51, wherein the type of receptor is serotonin post-synaptic receptors; the neurotransmitter system is the serotonin system; and the ligand is a serotonin post-synaptic autoreceptor the counteradaptation causes an up-regulation of the sero antagonist; and tonin System. the undesirable mental or neurological condition is nega 150. The method of claim 149, wherein tively linked to the serotonin post-synaptic autorecep tOrS. the type of receptor is serotonin pre-synaptic autorecep 159. The method of claim 158, wherein the counteradap tors; tation is at least one of: the ligand is a serotonin pre-synaptic autoreceptor ago an increase in the biosynthesis and/or release of serotonin nist; and at the synaptic cleft; the undesirable mental or neurological condition is posi a decrease in the reuptake of serotonin; tively linked to the serotonin pre-synaptic autorecep tOrS. an increase in the number of serotonin post-synaptic 151. The method of claim 150, wherein the counteradap receptors; tation is at least one of: an increase in the sensitivity of the serotonin post-synap an increase in the biosynthesis and/or release of serotonin tic receptors to serotonin and/or serotonin post-synaptic at the synaptic cleft; receptor agonists; a decrease in the number of serotonin pre-synaptic autore a decrease in the reuptake of serotonin; ceptors; a decrease in the number of serotonin pre-synaptic autore a decrease in the sensitivity of the serotonin pre-synaptic ceptors; autoreceptors to serotonin and/or serotonin pre-synap a decrease in the sensitivity of the serotonin pre-synaptic tic autoreceptor agonists. autoreceptors to serotonin and/or serotonin pre-synap 160. The method of any one of claims 158-159, wherein tic autoreceptor agonists; the serotonin post-synapatic receptors are 5HT receptors; 5HT, receptors; 5HT, receptors; 5HT, receptors; 5HTs an increase in the number of serotonin post-synaptic receptors; 5HT receptors; 5HT7 receptors; or receptors of a receptors; or subtype thereof. US 2006/0069086 A1 Mar. 30, 2006

161. The method of any one of claims 158-160, wherein a decrease in the sensitivity of the norepinephrine pre the serotonin post-synaptic receptor antagonist is (S)-WAY synaptic alpha-2 adrenergic receptors to norepineph 100135, WAY-100635, buspirone, gepirone, ipsapirone, tan rine and/or norepinephrine pre-synaptic alpha-2 adren dospirone, Lesopitron, Zalospirone, MDL-73005EF, or ergic receptor agonists; BP-554. an increase in the number of norepinephrine post-synaptic 162. The method of any one of claims 158-161, wherein adrenergic receptors; or the initial dosage of the serotonin post-synaptic receptor antagonist is equivalent to between about 0.01 and 5 mg/kg/ an increase in the sensitivity of the norepinephrine post administration of WAY-100635. synaptic adrenergic receptors to norepinephrine and/or 163. The method of any one of claims 158-161, wherein norepinephrine post-synaptic adrenergic receptor ago the initial dosage of the serotonin post-synaptic receptor nists. antagonist is equivalent to between about 0.025 and 1 173. The method of any one of claims 171-172, wherein mg/kg/administration of WAY-100635. the norepinephrine pre-synaptic alpha-2 adrenergic receptor 164. The method of any one of claims 158-163, further agonist is clonidine, guanfacine, lofexidine, detomidine, comprising the step of dexmedetomidine, mivaZerol, or alpha-methylnoradreniline. 174. The method of any one of claims 171-173, wherein administering a serotonin pre-synaptic autoreceptor ago the initial dosage of the norepinephrine pre-synaptic alpha-2 nist in combination with the serotonin post-synaptic adrenergic receptor agonist is equivalent to between 0.1 and receptor antagonist. 10 ug/kg/administration of clonidine, between 0.01 and 10 165. The method of any one of claims 158-163, wherein mg/administration guanfacine, between 0.01 and 1 mg/ad the serotonin post-synaptic receptor antagonist is also a ministration lofexidine, between 1 and 100 g/kg/adminis serotonin pre-synaptic autoreceptor agonist. tration detomidine, between 0.05 and 5ug/kg/administration 166. The method of any one of 158-164, wherein a dexmedetomidine, between 0.05 and 10 ug/kg/administra serotonin post-synaptic receptor agonist is not administered tion mivaZerol, or between 5 and 500 ng/kg/administration during the first time period associated with each adminis of alpha-methylnoradreniline. tration. 175. The method of any one of claims 171-173, wherein 167. The method of any one of claims 158-161, wherein the initial dosage of the norepinephrine pre-synaptic alpha-2 a serotonin post-synaptic receptor agonist is administered adrenergic receptor agonist is equivalent to between 0.1 and during one or more of the second time periods. 0.5 mg/administration of clonidine, between 0.1 and 5 168. The method of any one of claims 158-167, further mg/administration guanfacine, between 0.05 and 0.5 mg/ad comprising the step of ministration lofexidine, between 10 and 80 g/kg/adminis tration detomidine, between 0.1 and 3 ug/kg/administration administering a norepinephrine pre-synaptic alpha-2 adr dexmedetomidine, between 0.5 and 5 ug/kg/administration energic receptor agonist and/or a norepinephrine post of mivaZerol, or between 10 and 100 ng/kg/administration of synaptic adrenergic receptor antagonist in combination alpha-methylnoradreniline. with the ligand. 176. The method of any one of claims 171-173, wherein 169. The method of any one of claims 149-168, wherein norepinephrine pre-synaptic alpha-2 adrenergic receptor the up-regulation of the serotonin system causes a therapeu antagonist is not administered during the first time period tic benefit with respect to the undesirable mental or neuro associated with each administration. logical condition. 177. The method of any one of claims 171-174, wherein 170. The method of any one of claims 1-51, wherein a norepinephrine pre-synaptic alpha-2 adrenergic receptor the neurotransmitter system is the norepinephrine system; antagonist is administered during one or more of the second and time periods. 178. The method of claim 170, wherein the counteradaptation causes an up-regulation of the nore the type of receptor is norepinephrine post-synaptic adr pinephrine system. energic receptors; 171. The method of claim 170, wherein the ligand is a norepinephrine post-synaptic adrenergic the type of receptor is norepinephrine pre-synaptic receptor antagonist; and alpha-2 adrenergic receptors; the undesirable mental or neurological condition is nega the ligand is an norepinephrine pre-synaptic alpha-2 adr tively linked to the norepinephrine post-synaptic adr energic receptor agonist; and energic receptors. 179. The method of claim 178, wherein the counteradap the undesirable mental or neurological condition is posi tation is at least one of: tively linked to the norepinephrine pre-synaptic alpha-2 adrenergic receptors. an increase in the biosynthesis or release of norepineph 172. The method of claim 171, wherein the counteradap rine at the synaptic cleft; tation is at least one of: a decrease in the reuptake of norepinephrine; an increase in the biosynthesis and/or release of norepi an increase in the number of norepinephrine post-synaptic nephrine at the synaptic cleft; adrenergic receptors; an increase in the sensitivity of the norepinephrine post a decrease in reuptake of norepinephrine; synaptic adrenergic receptors to norepinephrine and/or a decrease in the number of norepinephrine pre-synaptic norepinephrine post-synaptic adrenergic receptor ago alpha-2 adrenergic receptors; nists; US 2006/0069086 A1 Mar. 30, 2006 36

a decrease in the number of norepinephrine pre-synaptic administering a serotonin pre-synaptic autoreceptor ago alpha-2 adrenergic receptors; or nist or a serotonin post-synaptic receptor antagonist in a decrease in the sensitivity of the norepinephrine pre combination with the ligand. synaptic alpha-2 adrenergic receptors to norepineph 189. The method of any one of claims 149-188, wherein rine and/or norepinephrine pre-synaptic alpha-2 adren the condition is a mood disorder; ergic receptor agonists. an eating disorder, a pain disorder, a Substance abuse 180. The method of any one of claims 178-179, wherein disorder, an anxiety disorder, or an obsessive-compul the norepinephrine post-synapatic adrenergic receptors are sive disorder. alpha receptors; beta receptors; or receptors of a Subtype 190. The method of any one of claims 149-188, wherein thereof. the method is used to address the undesirable mental or 181. The method of any one of claims 178-180, wherein neurological condition in a patient. the norepinephrine post-synaptic adrenergic receptor 191. The method of any one of claims 149-190, wherein antagonist is idazoxan, SKF 104078, or SKF 104856. the method is used as an adjunct treatment for cancer. 182. The method of any one of claims 178-181, wherein 192. The method of any one of claims 170-191, wherein the initial dosage of the norepinephrine post-synaptic adr the up-regulation of the norepinephrine system causes a energic receptor antagonist is equivalent to between 0.5 and therapeutic benefit with respect to the undesirable mental or 100 mg/administration of idaZOXan. neurological condition. 183. The method of any one of claims 178-181, wherein 193. A method of inducing a regulation of a neurotrans the initial dosage of the norepinephrine post-synaptic adr mitter system, the neurotransmitter system including a type energic receptor antagonist equivalent to between 5 and 50 of receptors linked to an undesirable mental or neurological mg/administration of idazoxan. condition, the method comprising the step of 184. The method of any one of claims 178-183, further repeatedly administering to the patient a ligand for the comprising the step of type of receptor, each administration having an admin administering a norepinephrine pre-synaptic alpha-2 adr istration half-life, thereby causing the ligand to bind a energic receptor agonist in combination with the nore Substantial fraction of receptors of that type during a pinephrine post-synaptic adrenergic receptor antago first time period associated with each administration, nist. thereby inducing a counteradaptation, 185. The method of any one of claims 178-183, wherein wherein the counteradaptation causes the regulation of the the norepinephrine post-synaptic adrenergic receptor neurotransmitter system during a second time period antagonist is also a norepinephrine pre-synaptic alpha-2 associated with each administration, the second time adrenergic receptor agonist. period being Subsequent to the first time period. 186. The method of any one of claims 178-185, wherein 194. The method of claim 193, wherein during each a norepinephrine post-synaptic adrenergic receptor agonist second time period, a Substantial fraction of the receptors of is not administered during the first time period associated the type of receptor remain unbound to the ligand. with each administration. 195. The method according to claim 1-194 wherein one or 187. The method of any one of claims 178-186, wherein more ligands selected from the group consisting Substance P. a norepinephrine post-synaptic adrenergic receptor agonist endorphin, dynorphin, serotonin and norepinephrine recep is administered during one or more of the second time tor ligands may be administered simultaneously or sequen periods. tially. 188. The method of any one of claims 170-187, further comprising the step of