Summons to Meeting Friday 6 October 2017 Development Panel Tuesday 17 October 2017, 1.00 pm Council Chamber, House


Councillor Peter Bales (Chair) Councillor Billy Miskelly (Vice-Chair) Councillor Tony Annison Councillor Carole Armstrong Councillor Nicky Cockburn Councillor Janet Farebrother Councillor Malcolm Grainger Councillor Mark Jenkinson Councillor Ron Munby Councillor Jim Osborn Councillor Bill Pegram Councillor David Wilson

Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting. If you have any questions or queries contact Kathryn Magnay on 01900 702635. Agenda

Site Visit The following site visit will take place:

Strawberry Grange, Cockermouth.

Members of the Development Panel will be picked up from Allerdale House, Workington. The bus will leave at 10.00 am 1. Minutes of meeting Tuesday 19 September 2017 of Development Panel (Pages 3 - 14) 2. Apologies for Absence 3. Declaration of Interests Councillors/Staff to give notice of any disclosable pecuniary interest, other registrable interest or any other interest and the nature of that interest relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct.

Page 1 4. Questions To answer questions from Councillors and members of the public – submitted in writing or by electronic mail no later than 5.00pm, 2 working days before the meeting. 5. 2/2015/0470 - Outline application for the erection of 9 dwellings including layout and means of access - West Farm, Newton Arlosh, Wigton (Pages 15 - 30) 32563 6. 2/2017/0388 - Outline application for 3 dwelling including details of access - Brough Hill House, , Wigton (Pages 31 - 40) 61972 7. 2/2017/0384 - Variation of conditions 12 and 29 on planning approval 2/2015/0566 to prevent development within the Coastal Retreat Zone prior to Coastal Protection Work, and tore place a junction with a roundabout respectively - Former Corus Steel Works, Lakes Road, Workington (Pages 41 - 56) 61751 8. 2/2017/0096 - Application for reserved matters following approval 2/2015/0566. Reserved matter for 91 dwellings (Phase 1b) - Former Corus Steel Works, Lakes Road, Workington (Pages 57 - 66) 53810 9. 2/2017/0354 - Application for reserved matters following approval of 2/2015/0566. seeking approval for reserved matters of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale associated with a pumping station and revised visitor parking - Former Corus Steel Works, Lakes Road, Workington (Pages 67 - 72) 60590

Corporate Director Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 14 November 2017, 1.00 pm Council Chamber, Allerdale House

Page 2 Agenda Item 1

At a meeting of the Development Panel held in Council Chamber, Allerdale House on Tuesday 19 September 2017 at 1.00 pm


Councillor Peter Bales (Chair) Councillor Billy Miskelly (Vice-Chair) Councillor Tony Annison Councillor Carole Armstrong Councillor Joseph Cowell Councillor Janet Farebrother Councillor Marion Fitzgerald Councillor Malcolm Grainger Councillor Ron Munby Councillor Jim Osborn Councillor Bill Pegram Councillor David Wilson

Apologies for absence were received from N Cockburn and M Jenkinson

Staff Present

B Carlin, K Kerrigan, S Long and K Magnay

144. Minutes of meeting Tuesday 22 August 2017 of Development Panel

The minutes of the meeting held on 22 August 2017 were agreed as a correct record.

145. Declaration of Interests

None received.

146. Questions

None received.

147. 2/2015/0470 - West Farm Newton Arlosh - Outline application for the erection of 9 dwellings including layout and means of access

Application deferred.

148. 2/2017/0264 - Land at Derwent Drive Workington - New retail unit of 1,818sqm gross to be used for Class A1 retail (929sqm ground floor and 889sqm mezzanine), plus alterations to the existing car parking and landscaping


The Principal Planning Officer recommended approval.

The Principal Planning Officer outlined the application and detailed the main issues within the report as follows:

Page 3  Principle of the Development

Development of the scale proposed in general terms is considered to be appropriate in terms of the functional role of Workington as the Principle service town within the settlement hierarchy. Redevelopment of the site which has previously been developed would accord with Policies S3 and S30 for the re-use of previously developed land.

 Town Centre Viability

An acceptable sequential assessment has been provided which concludes that those sites in closer proximity to the town centre are neither suitable, viable and/or available.

An impact assessment has been provided by the applicant which indicates that the proposal would attract £5.6m by 2022 based on nationally available Mintel Retail Rankings, albeit the applicants own analysis contends that this will more likely be £3.0million based on comparable stores. In cumulation with the consented retail development at St Helens Business Park, this would have a 2.8% impact on the town centre as a whole (convenience and comparison goods) and 1.2% in isolation. Having engaged external advice, this impact on Workington Town Centre is not considered to be significantly adverse, having regard to relevant policies and advice contained within the NPPF.

 Visual Impact

The only area of concern relates to the rear elevation of the proposal which faces onto Derwent Drive, the design for which offers very little relief from the overall mass of the building. However, the scheme reflects the design previously approved for a similar building at this location and it is considered that with a Heavy Standard of tree specification along this frontage, the proposal would be acceptable.

 Highway Impact

The Highways Authority has raised no objection to the proposal subject to conditions. A loss of 25 car parking spaces at the retail park overall is considered to be acceptable due to underuse at present. The impacts of the proposal on the existing site access (mini-roundabout are not considered to be severe.

 Ecology

No kidney vetch present on site therefore no concerns in respect to the small blue butterfly.

Members noted the representations received in respect of the application, the main grounds of which were set out in the report.

Councillor M Grainger moved approval as per officers recommendations.

Page 4 Councillor D Munby seconded.

A vote was taken; 12 voted in favour of approval, 0 against.

The motion in favour of approval was carried.




1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

Reason: In order to comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following plans: 7698-P-105 Rev G Site Location Plan 7698-P-106 Rev K Proposed Site Plan - amended plan received 24/08/2017 7698-P-107 Rev B Block Plan Existing & Proposed Development 7698-P-205 Rev E Proposed Ground Floor & Part Site Plan - amended plan received 24/08/2017 7698-P-206 Rev J Proposed Elevations & GA Section - amended plan received 24/08/2017 7698-P-208 Rev C Proposed Mezzanine Plan 7698-P-209 Rev B Proposed Roof Plan 7698-P108 Rev B Landscaping Plan - Amended Plan received 19.07.17

Reason: In order to ensure that the development is carried out in complete accordance with the approved plans and any material and non- material alterations to the scheme are properly considered.

3. No part of the development hereby permitted shall be built above plinth level until there has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority details of the siting, height and type of all means of enclosure / screen walls / fences / other means of enclosure. Any such walls / fences shall be constructed prior to the approved buildings being brought into use. All means of enclosure so constructed shall be retained and no part thereof shall be removed without the prior consent of the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory standard of development which is compatible with the character of the surrounding area in accordance with Policy S4 of Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1) Adopted July 2014.

4. The operational use of the retail units shall not be commenced until the access/loading bay for deliveries and cycle and car parking

Page 5 requirements have been constructed in accordance with the approved plan. Any such access and or parking provision shall be retained and be capable of use when the development is completed and shall not be removed or altered without the prior consent of the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To ensure a minimum standard of access provision when the development is brought into use.

5. Upon commencement of the use hereby approved an annual report reviewing the effectiveness of the submitted Travel Plan and including any necessary amendments or measures, as well as timing for their implementation, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority for the first five years. Any amendments hereby approved shall be implemented in accordance with the approved timescales.

Reason: To aid in the delivery of sustainable transport objectives from the operational use of the site.

6. The construction of the development hereby approved shall be undertaken in accordance with the Construction Traffic Management Plan, submitted on the 3rd August 2017, the Construction Method Statement prepared by Redpath, ref. LS/RCL/001 Issue 3, submitted on the 3rd August 2017 and the email from Indigo Planning dated 21st August 2017 setting out additional noise and dust monitoring and control measures.

Reason: In the interests of amenity and highway safety.

7. A surface water drainage system shall be implemented in accordance with the submitted BWB Sustainable Drainage Statement, ref. WKN-BWB-DDG-XX-RPD-0500, dated 5th May 2017 and Dwg WKN-BWB-DDG-XX-DR-D-0500 Rev P1 Proposed Drainage Strategy Plan prior to any substantial construction commencing on site. The development shall be completed in accordance with the approved details and maintained operational thereafter.

Reason: To promote sustainable development, secure proper drainage and to manage the risk of flooding and pollution in accordance with policies S29, S32, S35 and S36 of the Allerdale Local Plan 2014.

8. Foul drainage shall be disposed of to the adopted Public Sewerage system.

Reason: To promote sustainable development, secure proper drainage and to manage the risk of pollution in accordance with policies S32 and S36 of the Allerdale Local Plan 2014.

9. Prior to the use of the development commencing a fully detailed management and maintenance plan for the surface water drainage

Page 6 system over the lifetime of the development shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The sustainable drainage management and maintenance plan shall include as a minimum: a) The arrangements for adoption by an appropriate public body or statutory undertaker, or, management and maintenance by a Management Company; and b) Arrangements for inspection and ongoing maintenance of all elements of the sustainable drainage system to secure the operation of the surface water drainage scheme throughout its lifetime. The development shall subsequently be completed, maintained and managed in accordance with the approved plan.

Reason: To manage flooding and pollution and to ensure that a managing body is in place for the sustainable drainage system and there is funding and maintenance mechanism for the lifetime of the development, in accordance with policies S21, S29, S32 and S36 of the Allerdale Local Plan 2014.

10.All planting, seeding or turfing comprised within the approved landscaping scheme shall be carried out in the first planting season following completion of the development and any trees or plants which within a period of 5 years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with other similar size and species, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: In order to enhance the appearance of the development and minimise the impact of the development in the locality.

11.Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority, the proposed tree planting to the site frontage with Derwent Drive shall comprise of trees of a Heavy Standard specification (BS 3936).

Reason: In order to enhance the appearance of the development and minimise the impact of the development in the locality.

12.Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes Order) 1987 (as amended) (or any order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification), the retail floorspace hereby permitted shall not exceed: 1818sqm Gross Internal Area (GIA) of Class A1 Comparison Goods Retail Floorspace; the total retail net sales area of the approved A1 unit shall not exceed 1500 sqm.

Reason: To ensure that the development complies with the terms of the planning application and that the retail impacts of the development are not greater than is anticipated in the retail impact assessment accompanying the application.

Page 7 13.There shall be no subdivision of the A1 retail unit hereby approved unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To ensure that the development complies with the terms of the planning application and that the retail impacts of the development are not greater than is anticipated in the retail impact assessment accompanying the application.

14.Prior to the construction commencing on the building hereby approved, details of the specific gas protection measures to be installed within the building shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The gas protection measures shall be provided in accordance with CIRIA guidance C665 CS2 scenario, providing 2.5 points based on a Type C building. The measures shall be installed as approved.

Reason: To minimise any risk during or post construction works arising from any possible contamination from the development to the local environment in compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy S30 of the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1), Adopted July 2014.

15.Upon completion of the installation of the gas protection measures, a Verification Report (Validation Report) confirming the objectives, methods, results and effectiveness of all gas protection measures, including integrity testing shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval, prior to the development being brought into use.

Reason: To minimise any risk during or post construction works arising from any possible contamination from the development to the local environment in compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy S30 of the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1), Adopted July 2014.

149. HOU/2017/0182 - 2 The Parklands, Cockermouth - Two storey side extension, single storey rear extension and conversion of garage linked to house to form additional living space


Hazel Cushin spoke in objection to the application.


The Principal Planning Officer recommended approval.

The Principal Planning Officer outlined the application and detailed the main issues within the report as follows:

Page 8  Scale, Sitting and Design

It is considered the proposal would not adversely alter the appearance of the existing building and would not become the dominant feature to the host dwelling therefore considered acceptable.

 Residential Amenity

It is considered the proposal would not materially harm the amenity of the neighbouring or adjacent properties therefore the proposal is considered acceptable.

 Highways

It is considered that the parking requirements for the property are sufficient.

Members noted the representations received in respect of the application, the main grounds of which were set out in the report.

Councillor M Fitzgerald moved refusal on the grounds the proposed development would result in an unacceptable degree of overlooking of the adjacent property at 8 Parklands contrary to policies S32 and DM15 of the Allerdale Local Plan.

Councillor D Wilson Seconded.

A vote was taken; 3 voted in favour of refusal, 9 against.

The motion in favour of refusal was lost.

Councillor J Cowell moved approval as per officers recommendations.

Councillor T Annison seconded.

Councillor M Fitzgerald requested an amendment in the conditions. I support the motion with the following added to the conditions, The extended patio area herby approved shall be 30cm lower in level floor than the existing patio level in the interest of safeguarding neighbouring amenity.

Councillor D Wilson seconded the amendment.

A vote was taken; 11 voted in favour of approval with the amendment, 1 against.

The motion in favour of approval with the slight amendment was carried.

Additional Condition

In accordance with Policy DM15 the extended patio hereby approved shall be 30cm lower in level than the existing patio level. Reason: In the interests of safeguarding neighbouring amenity.

Page 9 Decision



1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

Reason: In order to comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out solely in accordance with the following plans: 16.23-04a Proposed Elevations (Amended 6/9/2017) 16.23-03b Proposed Floor Plans (Amended 6/9/2017)

Reason: In order to ensure that the development is carried out in complete accordance with the approved plans and any material and non- material alterations to the scheme are properly considered.

3. In accordance with Policy DM15 the extended patio herby approved shall be 30cm lower in level than the existing patio level.

Reason: In the interests of safeguarding neighbouring amenity.

150. 2/2017/0326 - Land South of Pardshaw Hall - Reserved matters on application 2/2016/0127 for the erection of an agricultural workers dwelling


The Principal Planning Officer recommended approval with additional conditions.

The Principal Planning Officer outlined the application and detailed the main issues within the report as follows:

 Principle

This is a reserved matters application following the approved outline planning decision for an agricultural workers dwelling, 2/2016/0127. The functional need for the dwelling has been previously established and was supported by a Peer review.

 Design, Materials, Layout and Scale.

The design of the dwelling has a simple traditional frontage and is 2 storeys. The proposal is for a single detached house with open plan living areas on the ground floor and 3 bedrooms and open plan office on

Page 10 the first floor. There is a single storey annex to the rear that provides a farm house kitchen that has significant glazing to enable the views of the surrounding farm land and the Western Lake District fells.

The materials are of local vernacular and comprise of rough cast render, with contrasting feature stonework and a slate roof.

The scale and massing of the building is relatively modest and is on balance, considered appropriate with the size of the agricultural holding. The footprint of the dwelling house is set with the ground floor level below the level of the highway to mitigate its perceived height.

 Landscaping

The landscaping around the house will not be overtly domestic with supplementary trees and shrubs planted along the south east and south west boundaries.

 Access and parking

No adverse impact on users of the highway subject to planning conditions to safeguard the access and egress arrangements.

 Foul and surface water drainage

Foul Drainage - A Package Sewage Treatment Plant is to be located in the south‐west corner of the site, discharging into an existing water course. Surface Water drainage - Matters relating to surface water drainage need to be discharged under condition 2/2016/0127. Details are not provided in this application.

Members noted the representations received in respect of the application, the main grounds of which were set out in the report.

Councillor B Miskelly moved approval as per officers recommendations with the additional conditions.

Councillor M Grainger seconded.

A vote was taken; 12 voted in favour of approval, 0 against.

The motion in favour of approval was carried.

Additional Conditions

Prior to the commencement of works details of the finished floor level of the dwelling herby approved shall be submitted to and approved by the local planning authority. The works shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details.

Page 11 Reason: To ensure the development is sympathetic in its levels on the application site’s sloping land within the open countryside.

No part of the development herby permitted shall be constructed above ground level until details of all external stone materials have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Only the materials so approved shall be used in the development as approved. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory standard of development for the external appearance of the approved scheme which is compatible with the character of the surrounding area, in compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy DM14 of the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1), Adopted July 2014.




1. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out solely in accordance with the following plans: HT 1121.1.100 Site Location Plan HT 1121.1.102 rev A Layout received 10 July 2017 HT 1121.1.101 rev B Elevations and internal layout received 15 August 2017

Reason: In order to ensure that the development is carried out in complete accordance with the approved plans and any material and non- material alterations to the scheme are properly considered.

2. The surfacing of the access road shall extend at least 5m inside the site, as measured from the highway boundary in accordance with drawing number HT 1121.1.102 rev A Proposed site layout received 10 July 2017.

Reason: In the interests of highway safety.

3. There shall be no vehicular access to or egress from the site other than via the approved access, unless otherwise agreed by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: In the interests of highway safety.

4. Access gates shall be hung to open inwards, only away from the highway and be recessed no less than 4.5m as measured from the carriageway edge of the adjacent highway.

Reason: In the interests of highway safety.

5. Prior to the commencement of works details of the finished floor level of the dwelling herby approved shall be submitted to and

Page 12 approved by the local planning authority. The works shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To ensure the development is sympathetic in its levels on the applications site’s sloping land within the open countryside.

6. No part of the development herby permitted shall be constructed above ground floor level until details of all external stone materials have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Only the materials so approved shall be used in the development as approved.

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory standard of development for the external appearance of the approved scheme which is compatible with the character of the surrounding area, in compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy DM14 of the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1), Adopted July 2014.

151. 2/2017/0378 - Public Convenience High Street Maryport - Conversion of public toilets to form two, one bed apartments and demolition of rear building to provide garden amenity area


The Principal Planning Officer read out a letter from the Housing Sector in support of the application.


The Principal Planning Officer recommended approval.

The Principal Planning Officer outlined the application and detailed the main issues within the report as follows:

 Principal

The reuse of this building for residential purposes is acceptable within Maryport town centre.

 Design and Materials

The design, materials and alterations to the building are considered to be sympathetic to the character of the locality and the Conservation Area.

 Highways

No adverse impact on the highway.

 Heritage Assets

No adverse impact on the setting of the Maryport Conservation Area.

Page 13 Members noted the representations received in respect of the application, the main grounds of which were set out in the report.

Councillor M Grainger moved approval as per officers recommendations.

Councillor D Munby seconded.

A vote was taken; 12 voted in favour of approval, 0 against.

The motion in favour of approval was carried.




1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

Reason: In order to comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out solely in accordance with the following plans: 4623 001a Plans

Reason: In order to ensure that the development is carried out in complete accordance with the approved plans and any material and non- material alterations to the scheme are properly considered.

3. New ground floor windows and doors abutting the highway shall be of a type which cannot open outwards into the highway.

Reason: To minimise possible danger to other users of the highway.

The meeting closed at 2.10 pm

Page 14 Agenda Item 5

Allerdale Borough Council Planning Application 2/2015/0470

Proposed Outline application for the erection of 9 dwellings including access Development: layout and scale Location: West Farm Newton Arlosh Wigton Recommendation: APPROVE


The application was previously considered before the development panel on 1 December 2015 where members resolved to approve the application subject to the provision of affordable dwellings by way of a s106 legal agreement. (copy of report appended – Appendix 1)

During the course of agreeing the s106 there have been legislative changes introduced to the threshold limits in the requirement of affordable dwellings within the AONB. When the application was presented before the development panel there was a requirement under Policy S8 for 25% of the development to be provided as affordable housing.

The application initially proceeded on the basis of the provision of 25%; however, the legislative changes have raised the threshold, when considering applications within the AONB the requirement is that developments over 10 units or where the total floor area exceeds 1000m2 would require a percentage of affordable dwellings as part of the overall proposal. The original application proposed 10 units with no indication of size or number of bedrooms.

The applicant has amended the application to include the layout and has demonstrated that the floor area of the proposed 9 dwellings (measured internally) would not exceed 1000m2; on this basis the applicant would not require the provision of affordable dwellings as part of the proposal.

It was recently brought to light by a neighbouring property that they keep horses and a small number of goats in their domestic property adjacent to the site boundary. This has been discussed with the councils Environmental Protection Manager and given the low level domestic nature of the use on the adjacent site an acceptable separation distance of 20m from this building would be appropriate. The applicant has amended the layout to reflect a 20m separation distance which is considered to be acceptable.

Officers consider that the development is acceptable subject to the inclusion of a further condition to ensure that an affordable dwelling is provided on site if the 1000m2 threshold is exceeded. The conditions have been updated to reflect recent changes to conditions to ensure a satisfactory level of development is achieved and future maintenance of proposed drainage schemes are put in place.

Page 15 Further Representations Received

Cumbria Constabulary - No objections raise general points about opportunities to minimise crime

County Archaeologist – the layout raises no further concerns. The previous comments on the application are still relevant.

Environment Agency – No comments

A further 10 letters of representations have been received from four different properties which reiterate the previous concerns in relation to flood risk, foul and surface water drainage from the site, access and visibility issues, proximity of slurry tank on neighbouring farm and lack of facilities within the village.

The removal of one dwelling will not alter the risks of surface water flooding; the downstream watercourse that the surface water is 'supposed' to discharge to is still partially blocked due to some previous works carried out without consent.

Concerns in relation to the capacity of existing antiquated drainage system. Water drains from the site onto the highway and pavement and ices over in winter.

Concerns have been raised in relation to effects on the Owl and bats using the site.

Disappointed that there is no social housing proposed within the development.

Assessment of further representations received.

The issues of drainage and flooding were addressed within the officer’s report (see appendix 1) it is still considered that a satisfactory scheme can be achieved without increasing the flood risk elsewhere. Given the proposed upgrades to the access and a reduction in hard surfaces from the existing situation officers anticipate the proposal would alleviate issues with surface water at the access and there would not be an increase in surface water flooding elsewhere.

United Utilities have not objected to the foul drainage entering into their system and have not raised any objections to the proposal.

The barn owl and bats have been addressed under the previous officer’s report and the barn that the objector indicates the barn owl is using is not part of this application and would therefore not be affected by the proposal. Bat boxes would be provided as part of the overall proposal.

Although there is no shop or school within the village Kirkbride is within 3.5km and the development would benefit the wider area.

Page 16 Annex 1 Conditions/Reasons

1. Before any works commence details of the appearance and landscaping (hereinafter called 'reserved matters') shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: The application has been submitted as an outline application, in accordance with the provisions of the details of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2015.

2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out solely in accordance with the following plans: Location Plan Layout Plan - amended plan received 4 September 2017 Floor Plan - amended plan recieved 4 September 2017 Reason: In order to ensure that the development is carried out in complete accordance with the approved plans and any material and non-material alterations to the scheme are properly considered.

3. The submission of all reserved matters applications shall be made no later than the expiration of 3 years beginning with the date of this permission and the development shall begin no later than whichever is the later of the following dates: a) The expiration of three years from the date of the grant of this permission, or b) The expiration of two years from the final approval of the 'reserved matters' or, in the case of approval on different dates, the final approval of the last such matter to be approved. Reason: In order to comply with Sections 91 and 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

4. Provision shall be made in the submission of any 'reserved matters' application for a minimum of 2 parking spaces for each individual dwellinghouse. Reason: To ensure that a minimum standard of off-street parking provision is made for the development and in the interests of highway safety, in compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy S22 of the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1), Adopted July 2014.

5. The carriageway, footways and footpaths shall be designed, drained and lit to a standard suitable for adoption and in this respect further details, including longitudinal/cross sections, shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority with the first Reserved Matters application for approval before any part of the development hereby permitted is commenced. No work shall be commenced until a full specification has been approved. These details shall be in accordance with the standards laid down in the current Design Guide. Any works so approved for each respective dwelling shall be constructed prior to its occupation. Reason: To ensure a minimum standard of construction within the approved development in the interests of highway safety.

Page 17 6. Prior to the occupation of the development, a surface water drainage scheme based on the hierarchy of drainage options in the National Planning Practice Guidance with evidence of an assessment of the site conditions (inclusive of how the scheme shall be managed after completion) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The surface water drainage scheme must be in accordance with the Non-Statutory technical Standards for Sustainable Drainage Systems (March 2015) or any subsequent replacement national standards and unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority, no surface water shall discharge to the public sewerage system either directly or indirectly. The development shall be completed, maintained and managed in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To promote sustainable development, secure proper drainage and to manage the risk of flooding and pollution.

7. No development shall be occupied until the details of future drainage maintenance and operation are agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. The development shall thereafter be maintained at all times in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To ensure that the surface water system continues to function as designed.

8. Prior to the commencement of works details of the foul drainage shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved scheme shall be fully implemented prior to the occupation of any of the dwellinghouses hereby approved. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory means of foul water drainage and minimise the risk of flooding from the development in comparison to an assessment of its existing undeveloped state, in compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework, Policies S29 and S2 of the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1), Adopted July 2014.

9. Details of the siting, height and type of all means of enclosure/screen walls/fences/other means of enclosure shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority prior to the occupation of any dwelling(s). Any such walls/fences etc shall be constructed prior to the approved building being brought into use/occupied. All means of enclosure so constructed shall be retained and no part thereof shall be removed without the prior consent of the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory standard of development which is compatible with the character of the surrounding area and safeguard the amenity of neighbouring properties.

10.No development shall commence within the site until the applicant has secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological work in accordance with a written scheme of investigation which has been submitted by the applicant and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The written scheme of investigation will include the following components:

Page 18 a) An archaeological evaluation; b) An archaeological recording programme, the scope of which will be dependant upon the results of the evaluation. Reason: To afford reasonable opportunity (prior to the excavation/disturbance of the site and any loss/damage to any potential important remains) for an examination to be made to determine the existence of any remains of archaeological interest within the site and for the examination and recording of such remains.

11.Where the results of the programme of archaeological work referred to in Condition 10 make it appropriate, there shall be carried out within two years of the completion of that programme on site, or within such timescale as otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority:

a) An archaeological post-excavation assessment and analysis; b) The preparation of a site archive ready for deposition at a store; c) The completion of an archive report; and d) The preparation and submission of a report of the results for publication in a suitable specialist journal. Reason: To ensure that a permanent and accessible record by the public is made of the archaeological remains that have been disturbed by the development.

12.Prior to the commencement of works details of the siting and design of the proposed bat boxes to be erected within the application site shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The approved details shall be fully implemented prior to the occupation of the dwellinghouse(s) hereby approved. Reason: To safeguard the habitat of bats during construction works, in compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework, Policy S35 of the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1), Adopted July 2014 and Policy E34 of the Cumbria and Lake District Joint Structure Plan 2001-2016 (Saved).

13.In the event that contamination is found at any time when carrying out the approved development that was not previously identified it must be reported immediately to the Local Planning Authority. Development on the part of the site affected must be halted and a risk assessment carried out and submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Where unacceptable risks are found remediation and verification schemes shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. These shall be implemented prior to the development (or relevant phase of development) being brought into use. All works shall be undertaken in accordance with current UK guidance, particularly CLR11. Reason: To minimise any risk arising from any possible contamination from the development to the local environment in compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy S30 of the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1), Adopted July 2014.

14.No development shall take place until a Construction and Demolition Method Statement has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The statement shall include the following:

Page 19 (a) Traffic Management Plan to include all traffic associated with the development, including site traffic, off site parking, turning and compound areas; (b) Procedure to monitor and mitigate noise and vibration from the construction and demolition and to monitor any properties at risk of damage from vibration, as well as taking into account noise from vehicles, deliveries. All measurements should make reference to BS7445; (c) Mitigation measures to reduce adverse impacts on residential properties from construction compounds including visual impact, noise and light pollution; (d) A written procedure for dealing with complaints regarding the construction or demolition; (e) Measures to control the emissions of dust and dirt during construction and demolition; (f) Programme of work for Demolition and Construction phase; (g) Hours of working and deliveries; (h) Details of lighting to be used on site. The approved statement shall be adhered to throughout the duration of the development. Reason: In the interests of safeguarding the amenity of the occupiers of neighbouring properties during the construction works of the development hereby approved, in compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy S32 of the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1), Adopted July 2014.

15.Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority, the combined gross floorspace of the housing development hereby approved shall not exceed 1000sqm. Reason: Housing development exceeding 1000sqm would trigger the requirement for an affordable housing contribution in accordance with policy S8 of the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1) 2014 and no provision has been made as part of this proposal.

16.Any proposed garaging facilities approved at 'reserved matters' shall at all times be retained for the parking of motor vehicles and shall not be used for or converted into habitable residential living accommodation without the written consent of the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure the provision of satisfactory vehicular parking facilities within the application site, in compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy S22 of the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1), Adopted July 2014.

17.The details submitted in pursuance of Condition 1 shall be accompanied by a scheme of hard and soft landscaping which shall include indications of all existing trees, hedgerows and shrubs on the site, and details of any to be retained, together with measures for the protection in the course of development. All planting, seeding or turfing comprised within the scheme shall be carried out in the first planting season following completion of the development and any trees or plants which within a period of 5 years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with other similar size and species, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Page 20 Reason: In order to enhance the appearance of the development and minimise the impact of the development in the locality, in compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework and Policies S4 and DM14 of the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1), Adopted July 2014.

18.The detached retained barns sited to the north and west of the farmhouse “West Farm” as outlined on the approved site layout plan 17038-01B shall upon occupation of any of the dwellinghouses hereby approved, no longer be used for livestock purposes. Reason: In the interests of residential amenity.

Page 21 Appendix 1

Summary/Key Issues

Issue Conclusion

Principle of The scale of development proposed for this site in the Limited development Growth Village of Newton Arlosh is considered acceptable and complies with the provisions of Policies S2, S3, S5 and DM16 of the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1). Appearance, To be considered at reserved matters stage Landscaping and Layout Access and Considered to be acceptable and capable of being brought up to parking adoptable standards. Sufficient space for on site parking provisions Affordable The applicant has agreed that the provision of two affordable dwellings properties within the scheme is acceptable Ecological survey No significant effects

Drainage Consider a suitable scheme can be satisfactorily achieved on land within the applicants control Scale Two storey or single storey dwellings are considered acceptable on this site Residential No significant harm to nearby properties Amenity Archaeology A condition for site investigations and recording can provide a satisfactory assessment of potential archaeological remains. Proposal

The outline application seeks permission for the erection of 10 dwelling houses; access and scale have been considered as part of the proposal.


The site is located within the village of Newton Arlosh and is set to the rear of the main built development of the village. The site was up until recently a farming unit which compromised both modern and traditional farm buildings and a two storey farmhouse.

Relevant Policies

National Planning Policy Framework

Building a strong, competitive economy

Page 22 Meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change Conserving and enhancing the natural environment Conserving and enhancing the historic environment Delivering a wide choice of high quality homes Requiring good design

Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1) July 2014

Policy DM14 - Standards of Good Design Policy S1 - Presumption in favour of sustainable development Policy S2 - Sustainable development principles (excluding highways) Policy S3 - Spatial Strategy and Growth Policy S4 - Design principles Policy S5 - Development Principles Policy S7 - A mixed and balanced housing market Policy S8 - Affordable Housing Policy S29 - Flood Risk and Surface Water Drainage Policy S32 - Safeguarding amenity Policy S34 - Development in the Solway Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Policy S35 - Protecting and enhancing biodiversity and geodiversity

Relevant Planning History

SCR/2014/0046 – Screening for dwellings – EIA not required.


Parish Council – No objections

Environmental Health – No objections subject to conditions in relation to land contamination and the provision of a construction management plan.

Highways – Have withdrawn their initial objection and indicate that the application can be acceptable subject to the inclusion of appropriate conditions relating to the submission of details of the highway being to an adoptable standard, details of surface water drainage and details of parking provisions.

Local Lead Flood Authority – Have verbally confirmed that a satisfactory drainage system can be achieved to serve the site.

Housing – A provision of 25% of the affordable dwellings will be required with the tenure split in accordance with Policy S8.

Environment Agency – No objections

County Archaeologist – The site lies within an area of archaeological potential. An archaeological evaluation and where necessary a scheme of archaeological recording of the site should be undertaken in advance of development, this can be secured through a condition.

Page 23 United Utilities – No objections subject to the submission of details of the foul and surface water drainage

Natural – No objections in terms of statutory nature conservation sites. The local planning authority should assess the site in terms of protected species and advise that the AONB unit should be consulted in terms of protected landscapes

AONB Unit – Outline that the nature of the back fill of this amount of housing will affect the historic character of this part of the traditional village of Newton Arlosh. There may be landscape impact on views from the village towards the Solway, and the scale of this development is not befitting the scale of the village itself or the surrounding fields and pastures.

The Solway Coast AONB therefore, deems the development of this site is potentially too large and would set a president for more backfill applications. If it were to go ahead, would have to fit in with the guidelines in order to be appropriate to the setting.

There have been 16 letters of objection relating to the following points:-

 Concerns in relation to the disposal of surface water  Concerns in relation to foul drainage  The field to the front of the site was previously a village pond and rainwater collects there  Potential to increase local flooding  Potential to increase flooding of surrounding properties/gardens  The existing surface water system in the village can’t cope in heavy rain and water backs up and floods the road  Soakaways won’t be able to cope  High water table  Unauthorised ditches have been dug within the fields to the rear which flood  Health and safety issues if a pond was to be installed  Existing sewage system is already overloaded  The soakaway calculations have been done in July and should be done within the winter period  Soakaway assessment should be done by an independent body  Fields to rear already flood  The development is located on the outer limits of flood zones 2 and 3  Would compensation be proposed if adjoining properties flood  Increase in traffic could pose an additional danger to vehicles using the B5307  Water from the existing road/access runs across the highway and floods the layby  The site entrance is opposite a children’s playground  Increase in traffic  The site entrance is near a road junction  The application does not give sufficient information to assess the proposal  The proposed backfill development is too large and out of character for this part of the village and AONB  Two storey dwellings would not be in keeping the majority of the buildings in proximity of the site are single story

Page 24  No great demand for additional housing in Newton Arlosh  Lack of services within the village  Consider the bat survey is inadequate  Noise/light/fume pollution from access road  50m from a slurry lagoon

Main Issues:

Newton Arlosh is a linear village which is mainly based on historic development and is located within the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

The site has ceased farming and the farm buildings are now vacant.

The built development in this area is predominantly bungalows however the site has a two storey farmhouse and the scale of some of the existing out buildings on site would be two storeys. Given the scale of the existing buildings on site it is considered that two storey dwellings could be accommodated on site. The design and layout are to be considered under reserved matters and an appropriate scheme can be achieved bearing in mind its location within the AONB.

Planning Policy

Policies S1-S5 are satisfied in terms of the development of dwellings on this site commensurate with the size of Newton Arlosh as a limited growth village which, is restricted to small scale development within the designated settlement boundary. The proposal would be satisfactory in terms of the predicted housing growth within this hierarchy of settlements.

Access, parking and Highways

The proposed access to the site is by way of an upgraded access which previously served the farming unit. The visibility splays for a development of this size can be satisfactorily achieved. The highways authority has not objected to the proposal subject to details being submitted to demonstrate the access road would be to adoptable standards.

Officers consider that given the size of the site a satisfactory level of parking could be achieved within each individual plot without parking on the carriageway.

As Newton Arlosh does not have any services within the village itself the dwellings would be reliant on cars as in terms of public transport there is only one bus service once a day to Carlisle.


The applicant has indicated that the site would be drained by way of a SuDS system that mimics the way rainfall drains in natural systems. Due to the size of the site a full flood risk assessment is not required. Supporting documentation has been provided in terms of surface water drainage which is considered to provide sufficient information to assess

Page 25 the proposal.

The site itself is located within flood zone 1 the fields to the rear of the site are within flood zones 2 (40m) and 3 (84m).

In assessing the surface water drainage from the site officers have had regard to the existing buildings and surfaces on site. The whole area within the red line is currently hard surfaced either by buildings or concrete yards. The new proposals would reduce the amount of hard surfacing within the site and garden areas would allow some natural infiltration of rain water falling on the site.

Objectors have indicated that there is flooding in the local area some of which is tidal. It was brought to the council’s attention that unauthorised works had been undertaken to the rear of the site to try and connect to an existing watercourse within a field not within the bounds of the application site.

Given the applicant owns the fields to the rear of the site there is the prospect that water can be discharged to existing water courses within the fields at a rate no greater than the existing green field runoff rate. Officers consider a satisfactory SuDS scheme can be achieved and details can be reserved by condition.

The improvements to the access road will alleviate any water that currently discharges from the highway as the proposal would need to accommodate any highway surface water within the new scheme. Officers consider that this would remove the current surface water runoff that currently discharges onto the highway.

In terms of foul drainage United Utilities has not objected to the application subject to the imposition of a condition relating to the submission of surface and foul drainage. It is considered that the scheme could be satisfactorily drained in terms of foul sewage.

Affordable Dwellings

Due to the size of the site the proposal has triggered the need for two affordable dwellings. The applicant has agreed to the provision of an affordable unit for social rent and an intermediate affordable unit, this will be secured by way of via a planning obligation.

The application could be supported on this aspect as it would comply with Policy S8 of the Allerdale Local Plan.


A bat and owl survey has been undertaken for all buildings on the site by an appropriately qualified person.

The report indicates that a barn owl has been roosting in one of the barns; however, this barn is not within the application site and therefore would not be affected by the proposal.

Bats have been found to be utilising the area of the modern barns. Given the construction and modern materials there is a low potential for main roosting within barns

Page 26 however there is the potential for transient roosting. The bat survey has indicated that bat boxes would be provided on the barns to be retained to allow for any bats that may be found within areas that were inaccessible during the survey.


Although the site is located within the AONB the redevelopment of the site for residential purposes would not significantly affect the direct setting of the AONB; however, it is considered that the layout would need to respect the historic development pattern of the village.

Other Issues:

The site lies within an area of archaeological potential; however, further investigations or works could be secured through a condition.

The proposal is not considered to affect the amenity of any nearby properties.

Local Financial Considerations

Having regard to S70 (2) of the Town and Country Planning Act the following local financial considerations are relevant to the determination of the application.

There will be benefits arising from the scheme through the New Homes Bonus scheme.


Officers consider that the number of dwellings proposed is appropriate for this Limited Growth Village. The reuse of this previously developed site within the village setting is considered appropriate and will not significantly impact on the character and landscape of this rural area or AONB. Furthermore the removal of the farmstead within the village will enhance the residential amenity of other properties in the locality of the site. Approval is recommended subject to conditions and the signing of a Planning Obligation to secure the affordable dwellings.

Page 27 Location plan Page 28 Page Location plan showing wider area Page 29 Page This page is intentionally left blank

Page 30 Agenda Item 6

Allerdale Borough Council Planning Application 2/2017/0388

Proposed Outline application for 3 dwelling including details of access Development: Location: Brough Hill House Bolton Low Houses Wigton Applicant: Mr Chris Reay

Recommendation: Approval, subject to conditions.

Summary/Key Issues

Issue Conclusion

Principle Bolton Low Houses is designated as a Limited Growth Village and whilst the proposal falls outside of the existing settlement limit, it is acknowledged that these limits are out of date and therefore carry less weight. The proposal would be adjacent to existing development and whilst elongating the village somewhat, it would round off this edge of the village. The scale of the development is considered to be commensurate to the scale and role of the village. At this current time therefore, it is considered that the principle of the development would be acceptable. Access The existing access is considered capable of accommodating the additional level of development proposed. Drainage Sufficient level of information has been provided at the outline stage. Foul drainage is proposed to discharge to an existing septic tank which has the capacity for four dwellings. Surface water will be attenuated before discharging via a culvert to the River Waver. Standard of Acceptable initially, to be fully considered at reserved matters Housing stage. Environment Residential Amenity No adverse impacts anticipated.


The application is for three dwellings and has been made in outline, with only details of access to be considered at this stage. The plans indicate the utilisation and extension of an existing access that serves the adjacent Brough Hill House and stables/paddocks. The indicative plans show the three dwellings and garaging arranged to form a courtyard, with two dwellings facing south east and one dwelling facing north east, creating a visual stop to the access road. The plans indicate ample space for in-curtilage parking and amenity space, with a retained field access to serve land to the south west.

Page 31 Site

The proposed housing would be located on land currently used in part as domestic garden and in part for stables/paddock. The site lies to the south westerly end of Bolton Low Houses, which is a relatively linear village stretching from the north east to the south west. There is an established access off the bend leading to Bolton New Houses. To the north east of the site is existing housing, to the south east and south west is open land and to the north, the site adjoins the A595. The village of Bolton Low Houses has a school, bus service and public house.

Relevant Policies


Meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change Conserving and enhancing the natural environment Supporting a prosperous rural economy Promoting sustainable transport Delivering a wide choice of high quality homes Requiring good design

Allerdale Local Plan Part 1 (2014)

Policy DM14 - Standards of Good Design Policy DM16 - Sequential Test for Previously Developed Land Policy S1 - Presumption in favour of sustainable development Policy S2 - Sustainable development principles Policy S22 - Transport principles Policy S29 - Flood Risk and Surface Water Drainage Policy S3 - Spatial Strategy and Growth Policy S30 - Reuse of Land Policy S32 - Safeguarding amenity Policy S35 - Protecting and enhancing biodiversity and geodiversity Policy S36 - Air, water and soil quality Policy S4 - Design principles Policy S5 - Development Principles Policy S7 - A mixed and balanced housing market

Relevant Planning History

Replacement of two existing wriggly tin store buildings with one steel 2/2008/0584 storage building, withdrawn. Erection of agricultural/equestrian storage shed and landscaping 2/2008/0977 (resubmission to 2/2008/0584), refused. 2/2009/0511 Storage shed and landscaping (resubmission), refused. 2/2014/0047 Erection of a single dwelling, approved.

Page 32 Representations

Boltons Parish Council - This proposed development would be outside the existing and new settlement boundary. United Utilities – no objections and no recommended conditions. CCC Highways– no objections, provide some comments on internal arrangements/ layout and recommend conditions relating to restriction of surface water to the highway and surface treatments for the access. LLFA - The LLFA do not have any records of flooding on this site and the Environment Agency (EA) surface water maps do not indicate that the site is in an area of risk. Environmental Health – following the submission of additional noise information relating to the road noise levels and mitigation measures, EH recommend approval subject to conditions.

The application has been advertised by neighbour letter. No representations have been received to date.

Main Issues:


Within the current Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1), Bolton Low Houses is designated as a Limited Growth Village. Policies S3 and S5 of the ALP (Part 1) indicate that new development such as housing should be concentrated within the physical settlement limits of Key and Local Service Centres, and Limited Growth Villages. The scale of the development proposed should be commensurate to the size of the settlement and reflect its position in the hierarchy.

The proposal site falls outside the existing settlement limits, which currently extends to The Shieling, approx. 200m to the north east. However, the settlement limits of all towns and villages within the Borough are pending review. Revised settlement limits have been drawn up as part of documents prepared for the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 2), which is in draft and although it has been through one round of public consultation, it presently is of little weight.

This Part 2 document proposes to extend the settlement limit of Bolton Low Houses from The Shieling in a south westerly direction, up to and including Brough Hill House (including land to the north east, which is land that gained approval for housing under application 2/2012/0740). The proposed change to the settlement boundary presently does not extend to include this proposal site, although other extensions are proposed to create small scale potential development sites.

As highlighted, the existing settlement boundaries cannot carry full weight within decision making at the present time. Nor can the revised settlement boundary provided within Part 2 of the Plan given its draft status.

As part of the spatial hierarchy and the Council’s requirement to deliver 304 dwellings per annum up to 2029, Bolton Low Houses as a Limited Growth Village, will be expected to contribute a proportion of new housing to achieve the 6% (approx. 330 dwellings)

Page 33 earmarked to be delivered overall during the plan period within Limited Growth Villages and Infill/Rounding Off Villages. As the draft revised settlement boundaries suggest, this contribution is likely to arise from extensions to the existing settlement limit.

The proposal site lies adjacent to existing residential development to the south-westerly edge of the village and benefits from an existing access. From the existing settlement limit to the site, land is mainly formed by existing residential development or existing housing commitments. The site has benefitted from planning permission for a single dwelling within 2014. In physical terms, it is considered that three dwellings would be of a commensurate scale and would be well related to the physical form of development in the locality and would make a positive contribution to Bolton Low Houses role in providing a small proportion of additional housing.

It is acknowledged that the proposal would elongate the settlement of Bolton Low Houses to a degree, however, the settlement has already been elongated through the approval of housing under the outline ref 2/212/0740 and its subsequent reserved matters 2/2016/0017 and the draft settlement boundary reflects this. Indeed the principle of housing at the application site has been previously accepted under the earlier consent for a single dwelling (2/2014/0047). Given the location adjacent to the main A595 and the small scale of the proposal that would round off this end of the village, the construction of three houses is considered to be of a scale of development commensurate to the size of the village and the proposal does not appear to raise any significant issues with criteria (a) to (f) of Policy S5. The proposed layout would reflect a terminus form of development to the settlement pattern at the southern edge of the village.

As such, the principle of the development is considered to be acceptable at this time.


Only details of access are sought at this outline stage.

The site benefits from an existing access and track extending into the site. A good standard of visibility is achieved and no objections have been received from the Highways Authority. As such, this aspect of the proposal is considered to be acceptable.

Standard of Housing

The indicative layout is considered to demonstrate that an appropriate relationship with the host property can be achieved and that the proposal is capable of providing a good standard of housing environment for future occupiers in terms of layout/separation distances etc. This will need to be fully considered at the reserved matters stage.

The application has been supported by a Noise Assessment. Given the proximity of the site to the A595 and at the request of Environmental Health, additional noise information has been provided. Environmental Health has confirmed that they are now satisfied with the level of noise information provided and do not object to the proposal subject to conditions that secure the implementation of the mitigation measures specified within the Noise report provided. Subject to this, then it is considered that a satisfactory standard of housing environment can be achieved.

Page 34 Residential Amenity

The proposal site is located a sufficient distance to ensure no adverse impacts on the residential amenity of neighbouring residents.


The application indicates that the site is remote from the public sewer. As such, connection for foul drainage is proposed to an existing septic tank that presently serves only Brough Hill House. The supporting drainage report indicates that the existing Klagester septic tank is of a size suitable for up to 4 dwellings and an outfall exists to a culvert under the A595 connecting to the river Waver. A permit for this is not required providing DEFRA’s General Binding Rules are complied with.

For surface water drainage, the report indicates that a combination of permeable measures and attenuation would be utilised, prior to connection to the same culvert. The Highways Authority has requested that details in this regard be conditioned.

The LLFA has confirmed that there are no records of flooding at this location.

As such, sufficient information is considered to have been provided at this stage and the drainage implications of the proposal are considered to be acceptable subject to conditions.

Other Issues:


Local Financial Considerations

Having regard to S70 (2) of the Town and Country Planning Act , the proposal will have financial implications in terms of New Homes Bonus and Council Tax Revenue.


Bolton Low Houses is designated as a Limited Growth Village and whilst the proposal falls outside of the existing settlement limit, it is acknowledged that these limits are out of date and therefore carry less weight. The proposal would be adjacent to existing development and whilst elongating the village somewhat, it would round off this edge of the village. The scale of the development is considered to be commensurate to the scale and role of the village. At this current time therefore, it is considered that the principle of the development would be acceptable.

Page 35 Annex 1


1. Before any works commence details of the layout, scale, appearance and landscaping (hereinafter called 'reserved matters') shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: The application has been submitted as an outline application, in accordance with the provisions of the details of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2015.

2. The submission of all reserved matters applications shall be made no later than the expiration of 3 years beginning with the date of this permission and the development shall begin no later than whichever is the later of the following dates: (a) The expiration of 3 years from the date of the grant of this permission, or (b) The expiration of 2 years from the final approval of the reserved matters or, in the case of approval on different dates, the final approval of the last such matter to be approved. Reason: In order to comply with Sections 91 and 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

3. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following plans: Dwg 16072-00 Location Plan Dwg 16072-04 Proposed Site Layout - access only. Reason: In order to ensure that the development is carried out in complete accordance with the approved plans and any material and non-material alterations to the scheme are properly considered.

4. The development hereby approved shall be for a maximum of three dwellings only. Reason: To ensure that the development complies with the terms of the planning application and that the impacts of the development are not greater than is anticipated in the accompanying application.

5. No part of the development hereby permitted shall be constructed above ground floor level until details of all external and roofing materials have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Only the materials so approved shall be used in the development as approved. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory standard of development for the external appearance of the approved scheme which is compatible with the character of the surrounding area, in compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy DM14 of the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1), Adopted July 2014.

6. No part of the development hereby permitted shall be constructed above ground floor level until details of the treatment and finishes of all surfaces within the site have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The details so approved shall be completed prior to the use of the

Page 36 development hereby approved being occupied and shall be retained at all times thereafter. Reason: In order to ensure a satisfactory standard of development for the external appearance of the approved scheme in relation to its surroundings, in compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy DM14 of the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1), Adopted July 2014.

7. Details of the siting, height and type of all means of enclosure/screen walls/fences/other means of enclosure shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority prior to the occupation of any dwelling(s). Any such walls/fences etc shall be constructed prior to the approved building being brought into use/occupied. All means of enclosure so constructed shall be retained and no part thereof shall be removed without the prior consent of the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory standard of development which is compatible with the character of the surrounding area and safeguard the amenity of neighbouring properties.

8. All planting, seeding or turfing comprised within any subsequently approved landscaping scheme shall be carried out in the first planting season following completion of the development and any trees or plants which within a period of 5 years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with other similar size and species, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: In order to enhance the appearance of the development and minimise the impact of the development in the locality.

9. The access drive shall be surfaced in bituminous or cement bound materials, or otherwise bound and shall be constructed and completed before the development is brought into use. This surfacing shall extend for a distance of at least 5 metres inside the site, as measured from the carriageway edge of the adjacent highway. Reason: In the interests of highway safety.

10. Details of all measures to be taken by the developer to prevent surface water discharging onto or off the highway shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval prior to the development being commenced. Any approved works shall be implemented prior to the development being completed and shall be maintained operational thereafter. Reason: In the interests of highway safety and environmental management.

11. Prior to the commencement of any development, full details of the surface water drainage for the site and its maintenance and management during its lifetime, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved surface water drainage scheme shall be implemented and operational before the development is brought into use. Reason: To promote sustainable development, secure proper drainage and to manage the risk of flooding and pollution.

Page 37 12. The dwellinghouses hereby approved shall not be occupied until all sound attenuation measures detailed in the noise report, ‘LA Environmental Consultants Noise Assessment dated July 2017 CR/BLH/002’ are fully implemented. The sound attenuation measures shall be permanently retained thereafter for the lifetime of the development.

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory standard of housing environment for future occupiers, in accordance with Policy S4 of the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1) 2014.

Proactive Statement

Application Approved Without Amendment

The Local Planning Authority has acted positively and proactively in determining this application by assessing the proposal against all material considerations, including planning policies and any stakeholder representations that may have been received and subsequently determining to grant planning permission in accordance with the presumption in favour of sustainable development, as set out within the National Planning Policy Framework.

Notes to Applicant: Attach comments from CCC

Page 38 Location plan Page 39 Page Location plan showing wider view Page 40 Page Agenda Item 7

Allerdale Borough Council Planning Application 2/2017/0384 Deed of Variation

Proposed Variation of conditions 12 and 29 on planning approval Development: 2/2015/0566 to prevent development within the Coastal Retreat Zone prior to Coastal Protection Work, and to replace a junction with a roundabout respectively. Location: Former Corus Steel Works Lakes Road Workington Applicant: Miss Abigail Kos

Recommendation: APPROVE

Summary/Key Issues

Issue Conclusion

Principal of The land use merits of the proposal remain as assessed under the Development approved scheme 2/2015/0566.

A deed of variation will link the section 106 scheme to the original 2008 application (as amended) as subsequently varied under planning applications under 2/2014/0429 and 2/2015/0566.

Variation of Condition 12 - Considers coastal defence works required prior to conditions development within 75m of the existing coastal defence structures.

Condition 29 - Alters highway scheme to regard phasing and provides a roundabout, and provides trigger points for highway works.


The application is not to reassess the principle of the development on this approved mixed use development, but to vary planning condition 12 relating to coastal defence works and condition 29 relating to the highway infrastructure of the previous approval 2/2015/0566.

The planning conditions take account of ‘phasing’ of the development and this approach correlates with infrastructure requirements for particular phases e.g. road works, coastal defences and also regards ecology requirements and viability.

The viability assessment associated with the 2/2015/0566 application established the need for this phased approach for this extensive development within certain planning

Page 41 conditions. Matters relating to viability are not revised and therefore the scheme does not provide for affordable housing or equipped play areas, however there are large areas of open space around the coastal areas.


The site extends to some 31 hectares, and lies to the west of the main body of the town and between the Barrow-Carlisle Railway line and the coast. The site is partly shielded from the sea by a slag bank to the south-west and the reclaimed slag banks known as ‘The Howe’ to the north.

The master plan indicates that the proposed vehicular access roads are solely from the northern end of the site in the locality of the Derwent Howe industrial estate’s main spine road. There would be two vehicular accesses from this northern end of the site as detailed later in the report. Towards the southern end of the site are coastal footpath links. The proposed main new build access road will be parallel to the West Coast railway line and would open up land for new employment and retail uses and then links southwards to the proposed residential development on the site.

Having regard to the master plan, the new access road is fundamental to the delivery of the site, including the residential elements of development. Phase 1 would provide the access road. Relevant Policies

National Planning Policy Framework 2012

1 Building a strong, competitive economy 10 Meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and

Allerdale Local Plan Part 1 2014

S1 - Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development S2 - Sustainable Development Principles S3 - Spatial Strategy and Growth S5 - Development Principles S12 - Land and Premises S21 - Developer Contributions S22 - Transport Principles S23 - Supporting and safeguarding Strategic Infrastructure S29 - Flood Risk and Surface Water Drainage S37 - Shoreline Management and Coastal Development

Relevant Planning History

The original approved scheme (and associated section 106) is under the outline consent (2/2008/0879) with a supporting illustrative layout plans and an Environmental Statement. The approved planning applications 2/2014/0429 and 2/2015/0566 were subsequently varied applications of the original 2008 outline planning consent.

Page 42 Phase 1a approved reserved matters scheme was for a housing scheme of 225 units under 2/2014/0530 which was also then slightly varied( substituting 15 units) in phase 1a 2/2017/0103.

A further reserved matters application relates to phase 1a and the provision of a pumping station and resited visitor car parking and is pending under 2/2017/0354.

Approval for 14 dwelling units 2/2017/0088.

CON1/2014/0429 relates to condition 27 (blue butterfly) and a written ecological mitigation and management strategy was considered acceptable.


Workington Town Council - No objections providing that the suggested amendments made by Cumbria County Council are followed explicitly.

Cumbria Highways - No objection to the variation proposed. The design will need to comply with the normal highway standards and will therefore need testing and safety audits. Recommend the following condition;

‘The development, or part thereof, shall not be commenced until details following the principles for a temporary priority access junction on to Lake Road, a junction (shown on the indicative drawing number 15090-802 Mini Roundabout Access - rev A), a junction onto Adams Road, a new signal controlled junction located at the Bessemer Way/Lakes Road junction and improvements to the existing Morrison's mini roundabout on Derwent Drive (shown on drawing number ITM7262-GA-003) and details of improvements to the Shore Lane underpass approach have been submitted to the Local Planning Authority and approved in writing.

Following which the development, or part thereof shall not be occupied until the following works are implemented: - The approved temporary access onto Lakes Road has been completed in accordance with approved details. - Improvements to Shore Lane underpass footpath approach; - A junction provided to Adams Road.

Following which, no more than 40 units shall be occupied until: - A roundabout or suitable alternative (shown on indicative drawing number 15090-802 Mini Roundabout Access - rev A has been completed);

Following which, no more than 300 units shall be occupied until: - A new signal controlled junction located at the Bessemer Way/ Lakes Road junction and improvements to the existing Morrison's mini roundabout on Derwent Drive (Shown on drawing number ITM7262-GA-003) have been completed. Such details to form part of an agreement with the Highways Authority under section 278 of the Highway Act 1980, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. The development, or any part thereof, shall not be occupied until approved

Page 43 highway works have been completed in accordance with such details that form part of an agreement with the Highways Authority under section 278 of the Highways Act 1980, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. Reason: to ensure that the highway network can accommodate the traffic associated with the development.’

The application has been advertised on site, adjoining owners have been notified and the scheme has been advertised in the local press.

3 letters of objection have been received expressing the following concern;

- The introduction of a roundabout so close to the proximity of the junction with Derwent Drive will cause a restriction on traffic flow and add to delays at peak times. A better traffic management scheme could be implemented, possibly after a traffic management survey has been conducted. - This is the wrong place to put a roundabout it should be on the junction of Derwent Drive and Lakes road, where it is currently proposed would inhibit traffic flow from the industrial estate getting out of the estate waiting for traffic from the housing estate having priority from the right before the junction. - The location suggested in the application should be reviewed to take into account the close proximity of the junction of Lakes Road and Derwent Drive. Assorted HGV's use Lakes Road and Princes Way throughout the day for access to the factories in this area. The proposed layout does not create sufficient space for such vehicles to turn in and out of this junction in a safe manner. Vehicles exiting Princes Way from the Precast factory would have to over shoot the roundabout forcing vehicles entering from Derwent Drive to reverse away from the roundabout possibly interfering with vehicle traffic flow along Derwent Drive, and vehicles that will be accessing the housing site and fast food establishment.


Each condition can be independently assessed

Condition 12 Coastal defence - The revised condition12 will safeguard that no housing development and the associated infrastructure including car parking shall commence within the 75m zone from the sea defence boulders, until flood defence mitigation has been put in place as set out in Coastal Defence report (see below).

“Workington Development Site – Coast Protection Works” Report May 2015. Section 6.2 of this report states “…Olnato propose that construction of the new revetment will not be undertaken for a period of six years (or sooner if the County Council is ready to proceed with their works before then) to allow time for the County Council to establish its coastal protection proposals for the adjoining coast. During this period the Stage 1 housing will be developed as the Stage 1 site does not require coastal protection works along the vertical seawall and the most seaward corner of the development is some 75 metres back from the coastline to the north of the sea wall. This is equivalent to some 160 years of coastal retreat plus an allowance of 16 metres for overtopping. No further housing development on the site beyond the Stage 1 works will be undertaken during the six year period. During this period Olnato will arrange for inspections of the existing

Page 44 seawall to be undertaken by a suitably qualified engineer at the end of each winter and/or after sequences of major storm events, to check the condition of the existing wall. This will enable any emergency works to be undertaken to ensure that the seawall is in a safe condition over the period until the proposed revetment works are undertaken. By the end of the six year period (or sooner if the County Council is ready to undertake its works) the termination of the proposed revetment will have been reassessed in the light of the County Council’s proposed coast defence strategy for the adjoining shorelines. If the Council’s policy is to defend the adjoining coasts then the terminations for the proposed revetment to replace the vertical sea wall will be designed to tie into the County Council’s proposed works.

In the event that the County Council’s strategy is not to defend the adjoining coasts then the revetment will be extended by a short distance to tie into the slag bank to the south of the vertical sea wall and extended to the north of the wall to a point where the undefended coast can retreat for 150 years or more without affecting the Stage 1 housing site. In the very unlikely event that access to the County Council’s land to undertake the extension to the coastal defence works is denied, then Olnato will place a cut off trench or buried wall along the seaward boundary of the housing development to ensure that there is no loss of material from sea washout over the projected lifespan of the development….’

Based on the available information of the slag banks at Moss Bay and the available tidal records for the adjoining tidal stations, it can be concluded that: 1. To allow for 150 years of coastal retreat, the building line of the development proposed by Persimmon Homes should be 54 metres back from the high water mark at the current slag bank coastline along the northern part of the site. 2. To account for excessive overtopping from impulsive wave loading, the building line of the development should be moved back an additional 16 metres from the line of the eroded shoreline. 3. Thus if the building line is 75 metres back from the existing high water mark along the northern section of the coastal frontage, the development is expected to have more than 160 years of protection from coastal erosion in this area.

It is important to acknowledge that the calculations involved in the coastal retreat and overtopping assessments are based on the current predicted rates of sea level rise up to 2100 given in UKCP09 as recommended by the EA. As with all parts of the UK, future strategy for coastal protection in this area is likely to be reassessed from 2050 onwards in the line with changes in the global climate at that time.

Officers therefore advise that no development shall commence within 75m of the existing coastal sea defence boulders as shown on drawing PLO7 G received 19 September 2017 and this can be secured by planning condition; until coastal flood defences are provided to protect this area in phase 1b from coastal erosion and flooding.

Condition 29 Highway Access - The proposed revised highway access arrangements are acceptable and provide a roundabout to replace a junction as approved under 2/2015/0566. Cumbria Highways have no objection to the principal of this scheme however the technical details will require further approval under highway legislation, to form part of an agreement with the Highways Authority under section 278 of the Highway Act 1980. Cumbria Highways recommend the development, or any part thereof, shall not

Page 45 be occupied until approved highway works have been completed in accordance with such details that form part of an agreement with the Highways Authority under section 278 of the Highways Act 1980, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.

Officer’s take account of the Cumbria Highways advice but due to some preparatory works commencing on site Officers advise that condition 29 shall relate specifically to highways development as set out below.

‘Works to the highway as set out below shall not be commenced until details following the principles for a temporary priority access junction on to Lake Road, a junction (shown on the indicative drawing number 15090-802 Mini Roundabout Access - rev A), a junction onto Adams Road, a new signal controlled junction located at the Bessemer Way/Lakes Road junction and improvements to the existing Morrison's mini roundabout on Derwent Drive (shown on drawing number ITM7262-GA-003) and details of improvements to the Shore Lane underpass approach have been submitted to the Local Planning Authority and approved in writing. Following which the development, or part thereof shall not be occupied until the following works are implemented: - The approved temporary access onto Lakes Road has been completed in accordance with approved details. - Improvements to Shore Lane underpass footpath approach; - A junction provided to Adams Road. Following which, no more than 40 units shall be occupied until: - A roundabout or suitable alternative (shown on indicative drawing number 15090-802 Mini Roundabout Access - rev A has been completed); Following which, no more than 300 units shall be occupied until: - A new signal controlled junction located at the Bessemer Way/Lakes Road junction and improvements to the existing Morrison's mini roundabout on Derwent Drive (Shown on drawing number ITM7262-GA-003) have been completed.

Officers advise that matters relating to the technical approval of the highways design and construction (under section 278 of the Highway Act 1980) are highway works under separate legislation that is separately granted by the Highways Authority and is therefore removed from the planning condition.

Response to Objections

Cumbria Highways have no objections to the scheme and therefore officers consider the proposed highway access arrangements with the provision of a roundabout will be acceptable to existing users of the highway is satisfactory.

Local Financial Considerations

Having regard to S70 (2) of the Town and Country Planning Act, Local Financial considerations relate to the New Homes Bonus.

Page 46 Conclusion

The proposed alterations to condition 12 (coastal defence) and condition 29 (roundabout provision as part of the phasing of vehicular access arrangements are considered acceptable and other conditions associated with planning approval 2/2015/0566 will remain as previously approved.


Approval subject to planning conditions and amendments to the section 106 as to be detailed in Deed of Variation as set out within the report.

Page 47 Annex 1


1. Approval of the details of the layout, scale and appearance of the building(s), the means of access thereto and the landscaping of the site (herein called ‘the reserved matters’) shall be obtained from the Local Planning Authority for each phase in accordance with condition 4 in writing before any development on the corresponding phase is commenced. Reason: To enable the Local Planning Authority to assess all the details of the development.

2. Plans and particulars of the reserved matters referred to in condition 1 above relating to the layout, scale and appearance of any buildings to be erected, the means of access to the site and the landscaping of the site, shall be submitted in writing to the Local Planning Authority (within a phased scheme) shall be carried out as approved. Reason: To enable the Local Planning Authority to assess all the details of the development.

3. Condition 3 discharged under 2/2014/0530 submission of reserved matters.

4. The development herby permitted shall be begun either before the expiration of five years from the date of the 2/2008/0879 permission, or before the expiration of two years from the date of the approval of the last of the reserved matters to be approved, relating to phase 1 whichever is the later. Reason: In order to comply with Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

5. Prior to the approval of any reserved matters application, a plan shall be submitted to and agreed in writing with the Local planning authority to divide the application site into phases on which the submission of detailed applications will be based. Development shall not commence within any phase so defined until all reserved matters details for that phase have been agreed. Reason: In order to achieve a satisfactory form of development in accordance with an agreed brief.

6. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority, no reserved matters application shall be approved for the development on any phase until a master plan has been approved, providing the following details: • A detailed design brief and associated design codes on building form, scale and design including heights, bulk, massing, materials and colour palettes, boundary treatments and important open spaces; • A breakdown of residential densities across the whole site • A detailed parcelisation and phasing proposal for the provision of all the elements; and • The location and scale of play and open space facilities. Reason: In order to achieve a satisfactory form of development in accordance with the Development Brief.

Page 48 7. No development shall take place in a phase other than in accordance with the approved detail and design brief and code unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure that the development achieves the objectives set out in the Development Brief and Strategy.

8. Each reserved matters application for each phase shall be accompanied by a written design statement which, unless otherwise agreed in writing, shall demonstrate how the application accords with the approved strategies in the design brief required by condition 6 Reason: To ensure that the development achieves the objectives set out in the Development Brief and strategy.

9. Previously removed 10. Previously removed 11. Previously removed

12. Before any development hereby approved is commenced for each phase of the scheme, a programme for coastal protection shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved strategy and schedule of works shall be implemented in accordance with an agreed phasing programme which shall be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority and all works carried out in accordance with the agreed programme. No development of dwellings or infrastructure (including parking) within 75m of the top of the sea defences, as marked on the Planning Layout (PL07 Rev G) shall be commenced until sea defence works as set out in Workington Development Site Coast Protection Works February 2015 - Revised May 2015 Sea defences report, and OLNATO Ltd Workington Development site Coastal Retreat and Overtopping Assessment Summary Report 5 May 2017 are completed, unless otherwise agreed by the local planning authority. Reason: Flood defences and coastal protection works safeguard land and property from the damage from the sea and without necessary works in place the development of this site will not be permitted in compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 and Policy S29, S36 and S37 of the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1) adopted July 2014.

13. The provision of up to 10% affordable housing types shall be provided on each phase of the development in accordance with the submitted viability assessment for that phase. The location and mix should contribute positively to the promotion of a sustainable and inclusive community. Reason: To ensure the proposed development delivers a mix of houses and creates a sustainable and inclusive community, in compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 and Policy S8 of the Allerdale Local plan (Part 1) adopted July 2014.

14. Previously removed

15. The scale and content, as well as the timing of the delivery, of the proposed community facilities within the site, and the ongoing maintenance and management of the community facilities, shall be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the development of that phase.

Page 49 Reason: To ensure the community facilities will satisfy the needs of future residents in the area and there is a plan and funding in place for the long term management and maintenance of this facility.

16. Previously removed

17. Before the development is commenced all cycle and pedestrian links within and beyond the boundaries of each phase shall be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. These details shall be constructed in accordance with the approved details prior to the completion of each phase and maintained at all times thereafter. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory development in compliance with the national Planning policy framework 2012 and policy S24 of the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1) adopted July 2014.

18. Air quality Assessment approved under condition 18 (Con1/2015/0566)

19. The details to be submitted for each phase of the development of the site shall include; • A layout plan showing the siting of all the buildings to be erected in that phase, the means of access thereto and how the development of that phase relates to the master plan of the site; • Detailed plans, sections and elevations of all the buildings proposed in that phase together with the materials to be used in their external elevations; • Detailed plans showing the cross sections of each phase showing the relative levels of the proposed development to existing site levels and the adjoining development; • Means of foul and surface water disposal for each phase; • Details of the proposed means of surfacing of the access roads, private drives, pathways and cycle ways of each phase; • Details of the means of enclosure of the public and private areas in each phase. Reason: To ensure that the details of each phase are satisfactory and relate to the masterplan for the whole site.

20. Before the commencement of any phase of the development a landscape plan of that phase including where appropriate the seafront/ promenade feature showing the position/type and planting size of all the trees and shrubs shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure the details of the development are satisfactory in compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 and Policy DM14 of the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1) July 2014.

21. A public art strategy for the site, including the retention and display of any archaeological artefacts, shall be undertaken in accordance with details approved under Condition 21 (2/2015/0566) prior to the commencement of each phase of development and shall be implemented as part of the agreed landscape scheme for the site. Reason: To ensure the details of the development are satisfactory.

Page 50 22. This permission relates to a maximum of 651 dwellings on the site and these numbers should be reflected in the phasing plan to be agreed. Any changes to the housing numbers or mix of the development will require a new planning consent and a renegotiated Section 106 Agreement. Reason; A change in housing numbers or development mix will require a revised section 106 and could distort the housing supply in the Borough.

23. Before development commences on any part of the site, a plan for the temporary landscaping and temporary areas for storage on phases on the site awaiting development shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Temporary landscaping and storage on all parts of the site not included in Phase 1 and not identified as protected habitat shall be carried out during the first planting and seeding season following the completion of Phase 1 of the remediation strategy and shall be maintained on each phase of the site until such time as its development commences. Reason: In order to ensure a satisfactory appearance bearing in mind the long build out period of this development in compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 and Policy DM14 of the Allerdale Local plan (Part1) adopted July 2014.

24. Any reserved matters application in respect of provision within Use Class C2 within the site shall demonstrate that the proposal in terms of its scale and type is designed to meet the needs of Workington and its locality. Reason: In order to ensure that the proposal meets the accommodation needs of the area and does not result in an imbalance in the population mix, or place an unacceptable burden on the local resources of the health service on social services.

25. Implementation of a programme of archaeological work in accordance with a written scheme of investigation approved under Con1/2015/0566.

26. Archaeological investigation and recording shall be implemented in accordance with details approved under Condition 25 (Con1/2015/0566). Reason: To ensure that a permanent and accessible record by the public is made of the archaeological remains that has been disturbed by the development in compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 and Policy S27 of the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1) July 2014.

27. In accordance with the approved Small Blue Protection and Habitat Management plan received 3 February 2016 (Con1/ 2014/0429) the approved works shall be implemented in full in accordance with the agreed phasing plan P6 received 17 February 2016. Reason: To ensure the survival of the Small Blue and Dingy Skipper butterfly populations with a distribution and population size post-development that is broadly the same or greater than that at pre-development in compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 and Policy S35 of the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1) July 2014.

28. Step free access that is suitable for use by the mobility impaired and available for use by the public at all times shall be provided to the pedestrian footbridge in accordance with detailed plans to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, prior to first occupation, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.

Page 51 Reason: To ensure that the footbridge is accessible to all pedestrians.

29. Works to the highway as set out below shall not be commenced until details following the principles for a temporary priority access junction on to Lake Road, a junction (shown on the indicative drawing number 15090-802 Mini Roundabout Access - rev A), a junction onto Adams Road, a new signal controlled junction located at the Bessemer Way /Lakes Road junction and improvements to the existing Morrison's mini roundabout on Derwent Drive (shown on drawing number ITM7262-GA-003) and details of improvements to the Shore Lane underpass approach have been submitted to the Local Planning Authority and approved in writing. Following which the development, or part thereof shall not be occupied until the following works are implemented: - The approved temporary access onto Lakes Road has been completed in accordance with approved details. - Improvements to Shore Lane underpass footpath approach; - A junction provided to Adams Road. Following which, no more than 40 units shall be occupied until: - A roundabout or suitable alternative (shown on indicative drawing number 15090- 802 Mini Roundabout Access - rev A has been completed); Following which, no more than 300 units shall be occupied until: - A new signal controlled junction located at the Bessemer Way/Lakes Road junction and improvements to the existing Morrison's mini roundabout on Derwent Drive (Shown on drawing number ITM7262-GA-003) have been completed. Reason: To ensure that the highway network can accommodate the traffic associated with the development.

30. Within 6 months of the development being occupied (or any part thereof), the developer shall prepare and submit to the Local Planning Authority for their approval a Travel Plan for that phase which shall identify the measures that will be undertaken by the developer to encourage the achievement of a modal shift away from the use of private cars to visit the development to sustainable transport modes for that phase. The measures identified in the Travel Plan shall be implemented by the developer in accordance with the approved Travel Plan. Reason: To aid in the delivery of sustainable transport objectives.

31. Up until 1 year following the completion of each phase an annual report reviewing the effectiveness of the Travel Plan for that phase and including any necessary amendments or measures shall be prepared by the developer/ occupier and submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval. Reason: To aid in the delivery of sustainable transport objectives in compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 and Policies S2, S3 and S22 of the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1) 2014.

32. The carriageways, footways, footpaths, cycleways etc shall be designed and constructed, drained and lit to a standard suitable for adoption and in this respect further details, including longitudinal/ cross sections, shall be submitted for each phase to the Local Planning Authority for approval before work commences on that phase. No work shall be commenced on that phase until a full specification

Page 52 has been approved. These details shall be in accordance with the standards laid down in the current Cumbria design Guide. All works so approved shall be constructed before the development of that phase is complete and before the development of any new phase commences. Reason: To ensure a minimum standard of construction in the interests of highway safety.

33. No development approved by this permission shall be commenced until all appropriate detailed site investigations for each phase or zone within the site boundary have been carried out to establish the degree and nature of the contamination and its potential to pollute the environment or cause harm to human health. Reason: In order to ensure that contamination within the site does not result in the pollution of the water, environment or a threat to human health in compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 and Policy S30 of the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1) 2014.

34. If it is concluded in the remediation statement that remedial works are necessary, then the remediation statement shall be submitted to and approved by the planning authority prior to the commencement of any remediation. The statement shall demonstrate how the works will render each phase, suitable for use and shall describe the works in relation to the development herby permitted for each phase or zone within the site boundary. It shall include full details of any works to be undertaken, proposed site clean-up criteria, site management procedures, contingencies and how the works will be validated. The remediation scheme must include details of all works to be undertaken, proposed mediation objectives and remediation criteria for each phase. Reason: In order to ensure that contamination within the site does not result in the pollution of the water, environment or a threat to human health in compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 and Policy S30 of the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1) 2014.

35. Prior to the occupation of any development in each phase or zone within the site boundary, the completion of the remediation works detailed in the approved remediation statement and validation report shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This report shall: (i) Describe the remediation works carried out and any significant variations from the works set down in the approved remediation statement; (ii) Include and discuss substantiating data (analytical or otherwise); and (iii) Confirm that the remediation objectives set down in the remediation statement have been achieved. All works shall be undertaken in accordance with current UK guidance, particularly CLR11. Reason: In order to ensure that contamination within the site does not result in the pollution of the water, environment or a threat to human health in compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 and Policy S30 of the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1) 2014.

36. Not more than 1,165 square metres gross floorspace within the site shall be used for purposes falling within Use Class A1 of the Town and Country Planning

Page 53 Use Classes Order 1987 (as amended). Of this 1,165 square metres gross, not more than 500 square metres gross floorspace shall be used for the sale of food, drink and tobacco within Use Class A1 of the Town and Country Planning Use Classes Order 1987 (as amended). Reason: To control the extent and nature of retailing at the site to protect Workington Town Centre in compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 and Policies S16 and DM8 of the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1) 2014.

37. No retail unit falling within Use Class A1 of the Town and Country Planning Use Classes Order 1987 (as amended) and used for the sale of goods other than food, drink and tobacco shall exceed 200 square metres gross floor space. Reason: To control the extent and nature of retailing at the site to protect Workington Town Centre in compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 and Policies S16 and DM8 of the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1) 2014.

38. No retail units falling within Use Class A1 of the Town and Country Planning Use Classes Order 1987 (as amended) shall be combined without the prior express consent of the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To control the extent and nature of retailing at the site to protect Workington Town Centre in compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 and Policies S16 and DM8 of the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1) 2014.

39. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following plans: P1 Corus Master Plan Block Layout (2/2015/0566) P2 Corus Master Plan Hierarchy of Street and Movement (2/2015/0566) P3 Corus Master Plan Urban Form and Principles (2/2015/0566) P4 Corus Master plan Height and massing (2/2015/0566) P5 Corus Master Plan Green Infrastructure. Ecology (2/2015/0566) P6 Corus Master Plan (2/2015/0566) Master Plan Delivery Phasing and Remediation received 25 February 2016 (2/2015/0566) Environmental Impact Assessment Addendum amended received 18 February 2016 (2/2015/0566) PL03 Rev B Site boundaries (2/2015/0566) Small Blue Protection and Habitat Management Plan ERAP Ltd ref:2014-043b received 3 February 2016 as approved under condition 27 of Con1/2014/0429 relating to blue butterfly mitigation. I transport Transport Assessment and Illustrative addendum plans: roundabout (15090 – 802 Mini Roundabout Access – rev A and Traffic Signals on Bessemer Way; IMT7362-GA-020 Rev A Secondary Access Off Adams Road; IMT7362-GA-003 Improvements to Morrison’s Junction Olnato Ltd Workington Development Site Coast Protection Works February 2015 - Revised May 2015 Sea defences report OLNATO Ltd Workington Development site Coastal Retreat and Overtopping Assessment Summary Report 5 May 2017 Reason: In order to ensure a satisfactory standard of development.

40. Prior to construction works, details of the proposed bus service provision from the development to Workington Town Centre shall be provided to the Local Planning Authority for approval and implemented in accordance with the approved

Page 54 details thereafter. Reason: To aid the delivery of sustainable transport objectives.

41. Prior to the commencement of the development, a plan is required for the protection and/or mitigation of damage to populations of toads and lizards and their associated habitat during construction works and once the development is complete. Any change to operational, including management responsibilities, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The species protection plan shall be carried out in accordance with a timetable for implementation as approved. Reason: To safeguard the habitat of protected species in compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 and Policy S35 of the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1) July 2014. .

Proactive Statement

Application Approved Following Revisions

The Local Planning Authority has acted positively and proactively in determining this application by identifying planning policies, constraints, stakeholder representations and matters of concern within the application (as originally submitted) and where appropriate negotiating, with the Applicant, acceptable amendments and solutions to the proposal to address those concerns. As a result, the Local Planning Authority has been able to grant planning permission for an acceptable proposal, in accordance with the presumption in favour of sustainable development, as set out within the National Planning Policy Framework.

Notes to Applicant:

Page 55 Location plan Page 56 Page Agenda Item 8

Allerdale Borough Council

Planning Application 2/2017/0096

Proposed Application for reserved matters following approval 2/2015/0566. Development: Reserved matter for 91 dwellings (Phase 1b) Location: Former Corus Steel Works Lakes Road Workington Applicant: Miss Rachel Graham Persimmon Homes Lancashire

Recommendation: APPROVE

Summary/Key Issues

Issue Conclusion

Principal The principal of housing in this location has been accepted subject to a suitable coastal defence strategy. Layout Design and Acceptable layout, design and materials. Materials Access Acceptable highway access

Flooding and No development will take place within the 75m coastal flood zone Drainage unless suitable flood defences are provided before development commences within these locations. Landscaping and Acceptable landscaping and open space provision public open space Ecology Blue butterflies and lizards are safeguarded through mitigation measures previously approved at outline stage.


The application relates to the phase 1b housing development associated with the Corus site, Workington. The scheme is for 91 dwellings providing a mixture of 2 bedroom, 3 bedroom and 4 bedroom properties with a range of house types to include detached, semi- detached, terraced houses and flats.

Page 57 Site

The wider site extends to some 31 hectares, and lies to the west of the main body of the town and between the Barrow-Carlisle Railway line and the coast. The site is partly shielded from the sea by a slag bank to the south-west and the reclaimed slag banks known as ‘The Howe’ to the north.

The site has an industrial history and is currently derelict and part cleared following the demolition of the steel works in 2008. The site requires considerable decontamination works.

Plans indicate that the proposed vehicular access roads are solely from the northern end of the site in the locality of the Derwent Howe industrial estate’s main spine road. There would be two vehicular accesses from this northern end of the site as detailed later in the report. The new phase 1 access road is fundamental to the delivery of the site, including the residential elements of development. Towards the southern end of the site are coastal footpath links.

Areas have been safeguarded to protect and enhance blue butterfly habitat in the locality of the site. Relevant Policies

National Planning Policy Framework 2012

1 Building a strong, competitive economy 4 Delivering a wide choice of quality homes 7 Requiring good design 8 Promoting healthy communities 10 Meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and

Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1) 2014

S1 - Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development S4 - Design Principles S5 - Development Principles S7 - A mixed and balanced Housing Market S22 - Transport Principles S24 - Green Infrastructure S25 - Sports, Leisure and Open Spaces S29 - Flood Risk and Surface Water Drainage S30 - Reuse of Land S32 - Safeguarding Amenity S35 - Protecting and Enhancing Biodiversity and Geodiversity S37 - Shoreline Management and Coastal Development DM12 - Improvements to the Public Realm DM14 - Standards of Good Design

Page 58 Relevant Planning History

The original scheme was submitted in outline (2/2008/0879) with a supporting illustrative layout plans and an Environmental Statement. It was approved on 8th August 2011, with all matters reserved for subsequent approval subject to planning conditions and a section 106 agreement.

Planning application 2/2014/0429 subsequently varied condition 2, 3, 5 and 6 of the 2008 consent which was further varied under the approved application 2/2015/0566. The current proposal relates to phase 1b reserved matters of the latest outline approval 2/2015/0566.


Workington Town Council - The committee observed that previous concerns about the drainage, coastal defences, flooding, play provisions, crime prevention, parking and traffic had not been addressed. They showed support for the comments made by the other statutory authorities to this application and had no additional comments to add.

Cumbria Highways - No objections

Highways England - No objections

Environmental Health - No objections

Environment Agency - Contamination matters require to be addressed see Con2/2015/0566 and 2/2015/0566. The proposed surface water outfall will require an Environmental Permit.

Natural England - No objections

Cumbria Wildlife Trust - No representations received

County Planning - No representations received

County Archaeologist - No objections

ABC Drainage Engineer - No representations received

Housing Services - The viability assessment has set out that the scheme is not viable for affordable housing. This position can be revisited should circumstances change.

Access Officer - No objections

Cumbria Constabulary - The design and access statement has not considered how crime has been considered as part of the design of the development.

United Utilities - No objections subject to planning conditions

Butterfly Conservation Cumbria - No comment

Page 59 The application has been advertised on site, within the local press and adjoining owners have been notified.

Two letters of objection have been received on the grounds of concern over how the traffic and educational needs will be addressed within the context of the Local Plan, the unsuitable siting of the LEAP next to the sea and there are not enough open spaces for children to play on. No details of a child’s play area, no details of a bus shelter and whether traffic lights will be provided onto Bessemer Way.


The principal of a mixed use development including an area of housing as shown in phase 1b has been established in the approved outline planning application 2/2015/0566.

Con1/2015/0566 has been discharged relating to phasing and the master plan strategy as required prior to the approval of any reserved matters application.

Layout, Access, Parking, Design and Materials

The layout for the revised phase 1b is considered on balance to be acceptable and comprises a main access road from the north of the site. There is also a secondary access road off Adams Road. The parking arrangements have been accepted by Cumbria Highways for this revised phase 1b scheme.

The residential units are acceptably designed and sited for the locality taking account of matters relating to car parking, the railway line and potential flooding from the coastal areas. External materials comprising, brick, render and tile are acceptable

Condition 29 of the outline application 2/2015/0566 requires a triggered phased approach to highway improvements on this extensive site. Officers note that condition 29 is being varied under pending application (2/2017/0384) to provide a roundabout at the site entrance and this is considered as acceptable by Cumbria Highways. The vehicular access arrangements to the north of the site are acceptable from a highways point of view.

The previous outline consent incorporated areas of public open space but excluded the requirement for children’s play facilities on viability grounds. Phase 1b therefore does not provide children’s play equipment but there are extensive areas of public open site within the coastal areas.

Coastal Protection, Flooding and Drainage

The majority of Phase 1b is sufficiently distant from the coastal area to not require mitigation works to coastal defences as set out in the Coastal Defence Strategy that was agreed following an independent peer review. This is because of the distance of phase 1a and the majority of phase 1b from the coast is beyond the expected rate of coastal erosion and flooding.

Beyond 75m back from the coastline provides a coastal erosion period of 160 years plus an allowance of 16 years for overtopping. However in phase 1b the plots 238 to 246

Page 60 inclusive and some visitor parking are located within this 75m buffer zone from the existing coastal defences flood zone. However this matters is addressed in a revised condition 12 within the pending S73 outline variation scheme application 2/2017/0384 (to vary application 2/2015/0566) which will restrict the commencement of development within this 75m zone within an individual phase until a suitable coastal flood defence strategy is implemented to ensure that dwellings, highway access and parking are not within a coastal flood zone as set out in the submitted coastal defence strategies.

Landscaping and public open space

Although a high density residential development, there is landscaping and tree planting shown and dwellings have rear gardens, small front garden areas and parking.


The road access is sited to maximise areas for blue butterfly habitat in areas parallel to the railway. Further areas of habitat for blue butterfly habitat area also proposed to the south of the site to compensate for lost habitat within phase 1.

Local Financial Considerations

Having regard to S70 (2) of the Town and Country Planning Act Local Financial considerations relate to the New Homes Bonus.


The proposed design, scale, layout and materials of the development and landscaping are considered to be acceptable (subject to appropriate coastal defence works being implemented prior to any development within the 75m coastal buffer zone as addressed under condition 12 of section 73 application 2/2017/0384). The proposal therefore complies with planning policies as set out within the report and the scheme is recommended for approval accordingly.

Officers have taken account of the pending 2/2017/0384 section 73 application relating to the conditions associated with access arrangements (condition 29) and the proposed coastal defence works to be addressed at each phase of the development and that development within the 75m coastal buffer zone shall not be commenced until a suitable coastal defence strategy is implemented (condition 12). As such Officers recommend that should application 2/2017/0384 be approved at Development Panel that the title of this current scheme under 2/2017/0096 be amended as follows ‘Application for reserved matters following approval 2/2015/0566 (as revised under 2/2017/0384) for 91 dwellings (Phase 1b)’.

Page 61 Annex 1


1. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out solely in accordance with the following plans:

P1 - Corus master plan P6 - Phasing plan CPT-174 - PL04 Rev B - Location plan 207.L01 - Location plan CPT-174 - PL07 rev G - Site layout plan 15090-100 C (proposed levels plan 1 of 9) 15090-101 C (proposed levels plan 2 of 9) 15090-102 C (proposed levels plan 3 of 9) 15090-103 D (proposed levels plan 4 of 9) 1590 104 Rev C - Proposed level plan (sheet 5 of 9) 15090-105 C - (proposed levels plan 6 of 9) 15090-106 D - (proposed levels plan 7 of 9) 15090-107 C - (proposed levels plan 8 of 9) 15090-108 C (proposed levels plan 9 of 9) 15090-700 A - road construction details 207.302.1 - Boundary treatment plan C-1383-01 Rev D - Details landscape proposal (sheet 1 of 3) received 20 September 2017 CPT 174 CSW PC - Pedestrian and cycle links plan The Chedworth - Proposed Chedworth house-type elevations and floor plans The Hanbury. - Proposed Hanbury house-type elevations and floor plans The Hatfield - Proposed Hatfield house-type elevations and floor plans The Lumley - Proposed Lumley house-type elevations and floor plans The Morden - Proposed Morden house-type elevations and floor plans The Moseley -Proposed Moseley house-type elevations and floor plans The Roseberry - Proposed Roseberry house-type elevations and floor plans The Rufford -Proposed Rufford house-type elevations and floor plans The Souter - Proposed Souter house-type elevations and floor plans Olnato Ltd Workington Development Site Coast Protection Works February 2015 - Revised May 2015 Sea defences report OLNATO Ltd Workington Development site Coastal Retreat and Overtopping Assessment Summary Report 5 May 2017 Reason: In order to ensure that the development is carried out in complete accordance with the approved plans and any material and non-material alterations to the scheme are properly considered.

Proactive Statement

Application Approved Following Revisions

Page 62 The Local Planning Authority has acted positively and proactively in determining this application by identifying planning policies, constraints, stakeholder representations and matters of concern within the application (as originally submitted) and where appropriate negotiating, with the Applicant, acceptable amendments and solutions to the proposal to address those concerns. As a result, the Local Planning Authority has been able to grant planning permission for an acceptable proposal, in accordance with the presumption in favour of sustainable development, as set out within the National Planning Policy Framework.

Notes to Applicant:

Page 63 Location plan Page 64 Page Location plan showing wider area Page 65 Page This page is intentionally left blank

Page 66 Agenda Item 9

Allerdale Borough Council

Planning Application 2/2017/0354

Proposed Application for reserved matters following approval of 2/2015/0566. Development: seeking approval for reserved matters of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale associated with a pumping station and revised visitor parking.

Location: Former Corus Steel Works Lakes Road Workington

Applicant: Miss Abigail Kos

Recommendation: APPROVE

Summary/Key Issues

Issue Conclusion

Principal Outline planning permission for residential development is approved under 2/2015/0566 Drainage Acceptable siting and design of water pumping station.


Matters relating to the access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of an underground pumping station associated with outline planning approval 2/2015/0566.

The proposal comprises the introduction of an underground water pump station and rearrangement of the visitor car parking spaces. The car parking spaces have not changed from the original number approved.

The water pump will require access from United Utilities for maintenance purposes twice a year. Site

The site is within phase 1a of an approved housing site within a corner area of public open space. The site is bound by visitor car parking spaces, roads and green landscaped areas.

Page 67 Relevant Policies

National Planning Policy Framework 2012

1 Building a strong, competitive economy 7 Requiring good design 10 Meeting the challenge of climate change and flooding

Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1) 2014

S1 - Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development S2 - Sustainable Development Principles S4 - Design Principles S22 - Transport Principles S23 - Supporting and safeguarding Strategic Infrastructure S29 - Flood Risk and Surface Water Drainage S32 - Safeguarding Amenity S37 - Shoreline Management and Coastal Development

Relevant Planning History

The original scheme was submitted in outline (2/2008/0879) with a supporting illustrative layout plans and an Environmental Statement . It was approved on 8th August 2011, with all matters reserved for subsequent approval subject to planning conditions and a section 106 agreement. Planning application 2/2014/0429 subsequently varied condition 2, 3, 5 and 6 of the 2008 consent which was further varied under the approved outline application 2/2015/0566. The current proposal is a reserved matters application associated with approval 2/2015/0566. A further revision of 2/2015/0566 is pending planning application 2/2017/0384 and this relates to the provision of an access roundabout and coastal defence matters.


Workington Town Council - No objections

Cumbria Highways - No objections

Local Lead Flood Authority - No objections

Environmental Health - Requires additional details on noise. Details to be reported to Panel

The application has been advertised on site, within the local press and adjoining owners have been notified.

No representations have been received to date.

Page 68 Assessment

The principal of a mixed use development including an area of housing as shown in phase 1a has been established in the approved outline planning application 2/2015/0566.

Reserved matters phase 1a was approved under 2/2017/0103. This scheme rearranges car parking to accommodate an underground surface water pumping station.

Con1/2015/0566 has been discharged relating to phasing and the master plan strategy as required prior to the approval of any reserved matters application.

Layout, Access, Parking, Design and Materials

The siting of the pumping station is satisfactory for the locality and it has been confirmed by the applicant that there is no noise from the underground pumping station.

Residential units are acceptably designed and sited for the locality taking account of matters relating to the pumping station, car parking, the railway line and potential flooding from the coastal areas.

The pumping station (1.8m in height) is to be finished with a GRP finish which is acceptable

The parking arrangements are accepted by Cumbria Highways for this scheme.

Local Financial Considerations

Having regard to S70 (2) of the Town and Country Planning Act Local Financial considerations relate to a New Homes Bonus.

Page 69 Annex 1


1. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out solely in accordance with the following plans: 207 303 D - Surface Treatment Plan 207 L01 - Location Plan 207 PS 01 Proposed pumping station elevations and floor plan CPT 174 PL02 I - Layout plan Reason: In order to ensure that the development is carried out in complete accordance with the approved plans and any material and non-material alterations to the scheme are properly considered.

2. The parking spaces herby approved shall be implemented prior to the occupation of any dwelling houses on Plots 188 -192 Reason To ensure satisfactory parking facilities for the estate

Proactive Statement

Application Approved Without Amendment

The Local Planning Authority has acted positively and proactively in determining this application by assessing the proposal against all material considerations, including planning policies and any stakeholder representations that may have been received and subsequently determining to grant planning permission in accordance with the presumption in favour of sustainable development, as set out within the National Planning Policy Framework.

Notes to Applicant:

Page 70 Location plan Page 71 Page Location plan showing wider area Page 72 Page