Summons to Meeting Friday 6 October 2017 Development Panel Tuesday 17 October 2017, 1.00 pm Council Chamber, Allerdale House Membership: Councillor Peter Bales (Chair) Councillor Billy Miskelly (Vice-Chair) Councillor Tony Annison Councillor Carole Armstrong Councillor Nicky Cockburn Councillor Janet Farebrother Councillor Malcolm Grainger Councillor Mark Jenkinson Councillor Ron Munby Councillor Jim Osborn Councillor Bill Pegram Councillor David Wilson Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting. If you have any questions or queries contact Kathryn Magnay on 01900 702635. Agenda Site Visit The following site visit will take place: Strawberry Grange, Cockermouth. Members of the Development Panel will be picked up from Allerdale House, Workington. The bus will leave at 10.00 am 1. Minutes of meeting Tuesday 19 September 2017 of Development Panel (Pages 3 - 14) 2. Apologies for Absence 3. Declaration of Interests Councillors/Staff to give notice of any disclosable pecuniary interest, other registrable interest or any other interest and the nature of that interest relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct. Page 1 4. Questions To answer questions from Councillors and members of the public – submitted in writing or by electronic mail no later than 5.00pm, 2 working days before the meeting. 5. 2/2015/0470 - Outline application for the erection of 9 dwellings including layout and means of access - West Farm, Newton Arlosh, Wigton (Pages 15 - 30) http://planning.allerdale.gov.uk/portal/servlets/ApplicationSearchServlet?PKID=1 32563 6. 2/2017/0388 - Outline application for 3 dwelling including details of access - Brough Hill House, Bolton Low Houses, Wigton (Pages 31 - 40) http://planning.allerdale.gov.uk/portal/servlets/ApplicationSearchServlet?PKID=1 61972 7. 2/2017/0384 - Variation of conditions 12 and 29 on planning approval 2/2015/0566 to prevent development within the Coastal Retreat Zone prior to Coastal Protection Work, and tore place a junction with a roundabout respectively - Former Corus Steel Works, Lakes Road, Workington (Pages 41 - 56) http://planning.allerdale.gov.uk/portal/servlets/ApplicationSearchServlet?PKID=1 61751 8. 2/2017/0096 - Application for reserved matters following approval 2/2015/0566. Reserved matter for 91 dwellings (Phase 1b) - Former Corus Steel Works, Lakes Road, Workington (Pages 57 - 66) http://planning.allerdale.gov.uk/portal/servlets/ApplicationSearchServlet?PKID=1 53810 9. 2/2017/0354 - Application for reserved matters following approval of 2/2015/0566. seeking approval for reserved matters of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale associated with a pumping station and revised visitor parking - Former Corus Steel Works, Lakes Road, Workington (Pages 67 - 72) http://planning.allerdale.gov.uk/portal/servlets/ApplicationSearchServlet?PKID=1 60590 Corporate Director Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 14 November 2017, 1.00 pm Council Chamber, Allerdale House Page 2 Agenda Item 1 At a meeting of the Development Panel held in Council Chamber, Allerdale House on Tuesday 19 September 2017 at 1.00 pm Members Councillor Peter Bales (Chair) Councillor Billy Miskelly (Vice-Chair) Councillor Tony Annison Councillor Carole Armstrong Councillor Joseph Cowell Councillor Janet Farebrother Councillor Marion Fitzgerald Councillor Malcolm Grainger Councillor Ron Munby Councillor Jim Osborn Councillor Bill Pegram Councillor David Wilson Apologies for absence were received from N Cockburn and M Jenkinson Staff Present B Carlin, K Kerrigan, S Long and K Magnay 144. Minutes of meeting Tuesday 22 August 2017 of Development Panel The minutes of the meeting held on 22 August 2017 were agreed as a correct record. 145. Declaration of Interests None received. 146. Questions None received. 147. 2/2015/0470 - West Farm Newton Arlosh - Outline application for the erection of 9 dwellings including layout and means of access Application deferred. 148. 2/2017/0264 - Land at Derwent Drive Workington - New retail unit of 1,818sqm gross to be used for Class A1 retail (929sqm ground floor and 889sqm mezzanine), plus alterations to the existing car parking and landscaping Application The Principal Planning Officer recommended approval. The Principal Planning Officer outlined the application and detailed the main issues within the report as follows: Page 3 Principle of the Development Development of the scale proposed in general terms is considered to be appropriate in terms of the functional role of Workington as the Principle service town within the settlement hierarchy. Redevelopment of the site which has previously been developed would accord with Policies S3 and S30 for the re-use of previously developed land. Town Centre Viability An acceptable sequential assessment has been provided which concludes that those sites in closer proximity to the town centre are neither suitable, viable and/or available. An impact assessment has been provided by the applicant which indicates that the proposal would attract £5.6m by 2022 based on nationally available Mintel Retail Rankings, albeit the applicants own analysis contends that this will more likely be £3.0million based on comparable stores. In cumulation with the consented retail development at St Helens Business Park, this would have a 2.8% impact on the town centre as a whole (convenience and comparison goods) and 1.2% in isolation. Having engaged external advice, this impact on Workington Town Centre is not considered to be significantly adverse, having regard to relevant policies and advice contained within the NPPF. Visual Impact The only area of concern relates to the rear elevation of the proposal which faces onto Derwent Drive, the design for which offers very little relief from the overall mass of the building. However, the scheme reflects the design previously approved for a similar building at this location and it is considered that with a Heavy Standard of tree specification along this frontage, the proposal would be acceptable. Highway Impact The Highways Authority has raised no objection to the proposal subject to conditions. A loss of 25 car parking spaces at the retail park overall is considered to be acceptable due to underuse at present. The impacts of the proposal on the existing site access (mini-roundabout are not considered to be severe. Ecology No kidney vetch present on site therefore no concerns in respect to the small blue butterfly. Members noted the representations received in respect of the application, the main grounds of which were set out in the report. Councillor M Grainger moved approval as per officers recommendations. Page 4 Councillor D Munby seconded. A vote was taken; 12 voted in favour of approval, 0 against. The motion in favour of approval was carried. Decision Approved Conditions 1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. Reason: In order to comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following plans: 7698-P-105 Rev G Site Location Plan 7698-P-106 Rev K Proposed Site Plan - amended plan received 24/08/2017 7698-P-107 Rev B Block Plan Existing & Proposed Development 7698-P-205 Rev E Proposed Ground Floor & Part Site Plan - amended plan received 24/08/2017 7698-P-206 Rev J Proposed Elevations & GA Section - amended plan received 24/08/2017 7698-P-208 Rev C Proposed Mezzanine Plan 7698-P-209 Rev B Proposed Roof Plan 7698-P108 Rev B Landscaping Plan - Amended Plan received 19.07.17 Reason: In order to ensure that the development is carried out in complete accordance with the approved plans and any material and non- material alterations to the scheme are properly considered. 3. No part of the development hereby permitted shall be built above plinth level until there has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority details of the siting, height and type of all means of enclosure / screen walls / fences / other means of enclosure. Any such walls / fences shall be constructed prior to the approved buildings being brought into use. All means of enclosure so constructed shall be retained and no part thereof shall be removed without the prior consent of the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory standard of development which is compatible with the character of the surrounding area in accordance with Policy S4 of Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1) Adopted July 2014. 4. The operational use of the retail units shall not be commenced until the access/loading bay for deliveries and cycle and car parking Page 5 requirements have been constructed in accordance with the approved plan. Any such access and or parking provision shall be retained and be capable of use when the development is completed and shall not be removed or altered without the prior consent of the Local Planning Authority. Reason: To ensure a minimum standard of access provision when the development is brought into use. 5. Upon commencement of the use hereby approved an annual report reviewing the effectiveness of the submitted Travel Plan and including any necessary amendments or measures, as well as timing for their implementation, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority for the first five years. Any amendments hereby approved shall be implemented in accordance with the approved timescales. Reason: To aid in the delivery of sustainable transport objectives from the operational use of the site. 6. The construction of the development hereby approved shall be undertaken in accordance with the Construction Traffic Management Plan, submitted on the 3rd August 2017, the Construction Method Statement prepared by Redpath, ref. LS/RCL/001 Issue 3, submitted on the 3rd August 2017 and the email from Indigo Planning dated 21st August 2017 setting out additional noise and dust monitoring and control measures. Reason: In the interests of amenity and highway safety. 7. A surface water drainage system shall be implemented in accordance with the submitted BWB Sustainable Drainage Statement, ref.
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