ANNUAL REPORT 2018 CONTENTS 07 North Market 03 Letter From Leadership 08 Reach & Impact 04 Food Accessibility 09 Financials 05 Education 11 Leadership 06 Community Voice 13 Donors ANNUAL REPORT 2018 LETTER FROM OUR LEADERSHIP 2018 WAS A YEAR OF TREMENDOUS PROGRESS FOR PILLSBURY UNITED COMMUNITIES — INSIDE OUR ORGANIZATION AND OUT.

We introduced URBAN AGRICULTURE into the innovative We’re proud of the work we are doing. But when we food system we are building. We recommitted look at the persistent rates of inequity in our state, ourselves to powering COMMUNITY VOICE through from education to health to wealth, we are media and the arts and were honored to host Shaun determined to do more. Our communities need King, nationally renowned journalist and civil rights disruptive innovation — and urgently. That means activist, as the keynote speaker at building new systems and infrastructure to make Greater > Together. Our Ofce of Public Charter an impact at a population level. It means making Schools launched its innovative SCHOOL BOARD uncommon allegiances with non-profts, businesses, ACADEMY which will cultivate and maximize the and policymakers to pursue radical solutions we can’t immense social capital within our communities to do alone. And it means shaking of the complacency improve school options, particularly in areas with of the nonproft industrial complex to demand more of the highest need, through parent engagement ourselves and each other. and training. At the one-year anniversary of NORTH MARKET, we refected on our results and adjusted our For your ongoing support and engagement on this operations to better serve the community. And we journey, thank you. Building thriving communities established a new brand and strategic framework — where every person has personal, social, and key elements in creating a more relevant, efective, economic power takes all of us. and sustainable organization today and for the rest of the 21st century.

ADAIR MOSLEY, PRESIDENT AND CEO DR. LAURA BLOOMBERG, BOARD CHAIR We manage urban farm and community Through urban agriculture, we’re providing GROWING FOOD garden projects at 10 locations at our education and internship opportunities to neighborhood centers and other sites. young people while building a self-sufcient & SECURITY ON food system in the heart of our communities. These farms produce fresh fruits and vegetables OUR OWN TURF for our food shelves and meal programs citywide, including a hydroponic growing operation that yields healthy greens 365 days a year.



1.2 acres of vertical indoor growing space 4 varieties of healthy greens plus herbs and edible fowers growing at all times 40% of food served in our community cafes will be Pillsbury United Communities grown by 2020 We launched the School Board Academy, Board members who attended the EDUCATING a program designed to “build the bench” academy developed skills in planning of quality school board members who and organizing, decision-making, EDUCATORS & are representative of the students served, fnance, operations, and school governance. and will bring often underrepresented PARENTS TO cultural perspectives and experience to infuence the development of IMPROVE SCHOOL high quality schools. PERFORMANCE



1 cohort of 15 board members representing 3 schools in 2018 2 cohorts planned for 2019 We raise up stories of community and amplify At the Pillsbury House + Theatre, we illuminate the CELEBRATING THE underrepresented voices through media, diferences that make each person unique and the including initiatives like North News, similarities that bring people together, within an STORIES & THE KRSM Radio, and the arts. artistic environment that promotes STORYTELLERS OF understanding and leads to positive action. OUR COMMUNITIES


Our community journalism classes, organized by North News, instilled a passion for hyper-local reporting and storytelling in more than 50 Northside high schoolers and our monthly paper reached more than 10,000 readers each month with stories of the nuanced truths of the Northside neighborhood we call home. Listeners of KRSM Radio in the Phillips community and worldwide tuned in to nearly 10 hours of indigenous-led programming every week, more than any other radio station in the Twin Cities, and more than 75 young people were engaged in producing 367 hours of content for our listeners. Pillsbury House + Theatre staged almost 60 performances by diverse local and national artists for audiences in South and throughout the Twin Cities. Mainstage performances were attended by 3,751 people and 16,735 people around the US experienced a Breaking Ice performance. We delivered on our promise of providing Our impact has extended beyond addressing FEEDING A access to healthy food while fostering health and wellness needs to serving as community for the 67,000 residents of an economic catalyst for the area by hiring NEIGHBORHOOD’S our North Minneapolis neighborhood. neighborhood residents, paying them a living SOCIAL & ECONOMIC wage, and keeping revenue in the community. HEALTH


NORTH MARKET BY THE NUMBERS Served close to 3,000 average weekly customers

Presented health and wellness programs driving more than 3,000 visits

Provided experiential learning and cooking classes to high schoolers through partnerships with KIPP and Patrick Henry High School

Ofered a living wage of $15.73 to non-salaried staf

Secured contracts with 12 local produce vendors and seven local food vendors PROGRAM REACH & COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT

FAMILY STABILIZATION COMMUNITY HEALTH FOOD ACCESSIBILITY CAREER & FUTURE READINESS 362 families received coaching and tools for 9,404 youth connected to safer sex resources, 11,997 neighbors addressed hunger needs through 96 middle school youth participated in empowerment to ensure school attendance education, and consistent STI testing Brian Coyle and Waite House food shelves a youth day of service project 343 individuals received support for escaping 550 neighbors attended the Cedar-Riverside 2,446 neighbors enjoyed hot meals at the Waite 33 youth worked with 82 adult theatre abusive domestic relationships Health Fair at the Brian Coyle Center House and Oak Park community cafés artists to produce original plays 742 placements made to crisis nurseries 235 neighborhood seniors and caregivers 1,587 meals were delivered to 50 high school students enrolled in received support services homeless youth by Full Cycle a college-readiness program 1,109 homeless youth reached by Full Cycle outreach work >60% of people enrolled in health workshops 1,131 neighbors connected at multicultural 125 youth developed journalism and controlled their chronic diseases dinners at Brian Coyle, PH+T, and Waite House storytelling skills at KRSM and North News

172 youth explored STEM at Brian Coyle’s Teen Tech Center

132 youth gained hands-on experience through paid internships across the agency


723,988 531,476 Cash and Cash Equivalents (operating) Accounts Payable 740,379 294,320 Accrued Expenses Cash and Cash Equivalents (Other)

TOTAL CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS = 1,018,308 1,131,391 Notes Payable 200,304 121,488 Refundable Advances Inventory TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES = 2,603,550 1,528,935 Accounts Recievables 3,243,114 606,204 Notes Payable Grants Receivable - Net 57,316 222,786 Scholarships Payable Prepaid Expenses TOTAL LIABILITIES = 5,894,980 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS = 3,497,721

6,166,907 0 Total Unrestricted Grants Receivable - Net 9,518,890 1,440,623 Land, Buildings and Equipment - Net Temporarily Restricted 400,000 Loan Receivable TOTAL NET ASSETS = 7,607,530 26,369 Long Term Investments (59,530) Non-Controlling Interest TOTAL ASSETS = 13,442,980


ASSETS = 13,442,980


2,798,220 9,087,338 Grant and Contributions Neighborhood and Family 6,410,145 Government Grants and Contracts 1,429,867 Theatre/Community Arts and Culture

1,424,973 TOTAL PROGRAM SERVICES = 10,517,205 United Way

845,014 1,275,991 Program Fees Management and General

787,881 630,764 Sales Fundraising

TOTAL SUPPORT SERVICES = 1,906,755 350,649 Rental Income

50,781 Investment and Other Income TOTAL EXPENSES = 12,423,960 TOTAL SUPPORT AND REVENUE = 12,667,663 CHANGE IN NET ASSETS = 243,703 NET ASSETS BEGINNING OF YEAR = 7,304,294 NET ASSETS END OF YEAR = 7,548,000



Adair Mosley, PRESIDENT & CEO Miski Abdulle, DIRECTOR OF IMMIGRANT SERVICES Brenna Brelie, CHIEF OF STAFF Bekele Adamo, DIRECTOR OF EMPLOYMENT Vanan Murugesan, DIRECTOR OF DESIGN AND INNOVATION Vickie Besch, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SECTOR PROGRAMS Kim Pepper, DIRECTOR OF BRAND MARKETING AND ADVANCEMENT Antonio Cardona, DIRECTOR OF OAK PARK Noël Raymond, CO-ARTISTIC DIRECTOR OF PH + T Amano Dube, DIRECTOR OF BRIAN COYLE Neeyada Santopietro, DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES Julie Graves, DIRECTOR OF YOUTH IMPACT AND DIRECTOR OF WAITE HOUSE Kelly Leuca, DIRECTOR OF FAMILY SERVICES Faye M. Price, CO-ARTISTIC DIRECTOR OF PH + T Tsega Tamene, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY HEALTH Lucy Mitchell Marilyn Broussard Mats Sexton Amit and Priya Patel Marni and Steven Bumsted Norah Shapiro and Andrew Harrison DONORS — Rajendra and Yamini Patel Evan Carruthers Dianne Stevens-Neal and Scott Neal Sarah Pratt Theodore Cornwell Johnny Whitaker Phil and Susan Zietlow Latosha Cox Eleanor and Fred Winston INDIVIDUAL $2,500 – $4,999 Lucas Erickson Neil Yaeger $5,000+ William and Elizabeth Cook John and Anne Groton $500 – $999 Brad Bauer Jon and Cynthia Graves Molly Haney Thomas Allenburg Lindsay and Darlynn Benjamin Chris Huset and Kathryn Wells Taylor Harwood CFA, CFP Jeanne Andre Mark Brekke Suzanne and Todd Laing Jef Hilligoss Stephanie Andrews Steven and Christine Clemens Jefrey and Renee Steinle Erwin and Miriam Kelen Terry Austin Phyllis and Thomas Colwell $1,000 – $2,499 James Lockhart Kate and Roger Barr Pamela Conrad-Martin Martin Asis and Betty Grey Adair Mosley Kate and Brian Bispala Ellie Crosby Frank Babka Jason and Shirley Newman Michael and Sandra Brandt Mary Dolan Allen Berg David and Karin Parrin Matt Pete Glerum Lois and Edward Black Kim and Mark Pepper Shelley Carthen Watson David and Diane Lilly Laura and Jonathon Bloomberg Paul and Abigail Pribbenow Jonathan Cleveland Marianne Merriman Suzanne Bross Jean Raymond Kathy Colby Mark and Beth Dean Duane Ohland Carol Witte and Winston Cavert Christa Anders Lucas Detor and Elizabeth Schnepp Detor JoAnne Pastel Brad Zilko Cheryl Anderson Maureen and Arthur Dollase Lisa Penningroth Nancy Zinter Elizabeth Anderson Colleen and Daniel Faber Kevin Persinger $1 – $499 Gregory Anderson Susan Geller Lewis and Connie Remele Tony Aarts Jennifer Anderson Victor Gonzales and Tina Pfau Gonzales Charles Ricketts Miski Abdulle Rob Anderson Anne and Jefrey Graupmann Jonathan and Angela Riehle Faysal and Holly Abraham Courtney Antone Ned Gustafson and Jane Barthell Bill and Sue Roberts Joe Abraham Tina Applebee Thomas Hennum Virginia Robinson Amy Abrigo Emma Appleman Kelly Jones Charles Rottinghaus and Kristen Voss Ganga Acharya Kevin Armstrong Brandi Jorgensen Malena Satre Raymond Christina Adams Dan Arom Tim Kenny Michelle Schjodt Mariveliz Aguilar Andrew Arsham and Sonja Kuftinec Zachary Larson Scott Schroepfer David Alderson Judy Ashley Brian Lavin Greg Schumacher Albert and Pamela Alexander Eric Ask Edward McFalls Erika Shadduck Bryan Allen Cliford Athorn and Elizabeth Athorn Prudence and Peter Meehan Chris and Nell Smith Jennifer Almanza Dax Atkinson Ethan Neal Lee Van Gundy Donette Ambrosy Sara Atkinson James Norungolo James Wagner Kristine and Gerald Amon Veeraiah Attota John Awahmukalah Anders Bell Grant Boelter Marne Brooks and Daniel Brooks Vicki Bacal Lucy Benard William B. Bohmer Jef Brown Sarah Bagwell and Anthony Lubin Les Bendtsen Angela Bonfglio Rosaline Brown Joan and Douglass Baillie Elisabeth Bennett Darci Bontrager William Brown and Margaret Roland Baker Bjorn Bergerson Sarah Borgerding Madson-Brown Judith Baldwin Peter Bernard Erin Botsford Michelle Brownlee Ann Bancroft Vickie Besch Deja Bowles Lauri Brunner Taryn Barclay Luke Bettnick Bryan Bradford Caleb Buecksler Ruth Bash Ann Biggar Kris and Julie Brauninger Steven and Marni Bumsted Douglas Bearrood Leendert Bijnagte Brenna Brelie Julianne Bur Robert Bearrood Anders Billund-Phibbs Andrea Brennan Brandon and Emily Burbach Wendy Beck Beth Bird Eric Brenneman Ashley Burns Karyl and Jefrey Beeman Rishi Biswas Sharon Bridgeforth Kia Burton Meredith Beeson Tawanna Black Peter Briggs John Busacker Kevin Behm Lauren Bloem Michelle Brindisi Christopher Bush Glynn Behmen Laura Blue Crystal Brinkman Tina Bush Janis Behrens Frances Bly Carole Broad Julia Buzard Sand and George Sand Kathryn Behrens Scott Bock Barbara Broker Laura Byard Kristell Caballero Saucedo Lu Cheng Sara Curlee Valerie Deus Sarah Caew Mary Christensen Howard Cutts Nancy Devitt and Richard Chase Rebecca Cahn Bryce Christopherson Robert Daub Nancy Diaz Susan Campion Robyn Churchill Sam Daub Samantha Diaz Alondra Cano Chesare Cipriano Jill Davies Robert and Laura Dierke Aaron Cantine Jesse Claire-McKown Barbara Davis Nickie Dillon Antonio Cardona Danny Clark Gretchen Davis Greg Dirkee Sarah Carew Whitney and Sarah Clark Harold Davis Susannah Dodge Laura Carlson Becky Clawson and Jefrey Garetz Ricardo De Armas Nicole Doebert Mary Jane and Robert Carlson Thomas Cofeld Elizabeth DeBaut Jonathan Doering Peter Carlson Jesse Colby Andrew Dean Kate and Doug Donaldson Ronald Carlson Robin Cooper Bruce and Jayne Dean Daniel Donkers Todd Carlton Jennifer Cords Daniel Dean Matt Dooley Thomas and Ashlee Carpenedo Alyssa Costopoulos Samantha Dean Katherine Dowd Andrea Carroll-Franck Eileen Cota Penner and Kevin Penner Shauna Dee Denise Dreher Pam Carter William Cottman Dena DeGroat Devin Dufy Christian Castillo Kyla Cromer Peter Dell’Orto Malik Earle Jerry Cerchia Iris Cumberbatch Renee Delong Patrick Egan Lynn Eggers Valerie Ferment Robert Frame Richard Getty Phillip Eldredge Irene Fernando Bruno Franck Wendy Geving Britta Elkin and Enn Malkow David Fettig Jacque and Ronald Frazzini Cherish Gibson Shannon Elliott Amy Finch and Noel Raymond Leslie Frick Melanie Ann Gibson Kiara Ellis Laura Fingerson Jefrey Friedl and Carla Steen Sue Gibson and Neill Merck Karin and Rick Emerson Mark Fingerson Lori and David Fritzlar Cay Givens Michael Enderle Tim Finnegan and Moira Sweeney Bob Frost Rewa Givens Jan Engkasser Chris Fischer Michael Fuehrmeyer Garrett Gleason Laura Esping Teresa Fishel Catherine Furnberg Lynn Glesne Elise Estrada Brian Flanagan Nancy Fushan Kristin Gloe Donna Evers Kevin Flanagan Linda Gabby Jennifer Glovacki Tom Evers Lisa Flanary Nick Gage Ryan Gochenaur Nick Faber and Sharon Haas Karen Flannery Theodore Gamble Mark Goddard Keith Fabry Leticia Floyd Marie Garbe Sebastian Gonzales Seanne Falconer David Flynn Janice and Gary Gauger Siana Goodwin Joseph and Mary Faltesek Irene Fobena Michelle and George Geissbuhler Chris Gordon Sandra Famodu Adriana Foreman Megan Genest Tarnow and Tom Tarnow Lionel Gordon and Marie Maslowski Karen and Dennis Fenster Ronald Fraboni Deanne George-Goetz and John Goetz Kelsye Gould Jacob Granholm Tammy and Larry Harris Dawn Hill Joshua Howard Elizabeth Grant Randy Harrison Michael Hines Seth and Nancy Hoyt Julie Graves and Brendan Kelly Natalie Hart Kevin Hiniker Darrail Hughes Alison Graybar Tim Hart William Hochmuth Diane Hughes Willie Gregg Terrance Hatch Sushmita Hodges Megan Huizel Nannette Gresback Kate Havelin Rachel Hoeft John Humieker Vladimir Gribovsky Chris Havens Cynthia Hofer John Humphrey Scott and Tifny Grossbauer Ruthanne Heenan Susan Hofman Sarah Hunt Carrie Guenther Kathy Hegseth Richard Holcomb Molly Hunz Janice Guimond Brian Heilman James Holdman Andrew Huseby Ryan Hahler Catherine and Larry Heltemes Ray Holman Felipe Illescas Julie Halgren Stacy Heltemes Ellie Holte Karen Inderlee Nor Hall Molly Henke Amanda Holvig Amanda Iverson Lisa Handel Megan Hernick Hannah Horn Carol L. Jackson Amanda Hane Jeremy Herrera Katharine Horowitz Mark Jackson Joyce Hanes Jessica Herrmann Steve and Teresa Horstmann Stephanie Jackson Melissa Hansen Jay Hickey Scotty Hott and Rachel Rauma Shelley Jacobson Grete and Charles Hanson Mark Hiemenz Ashley Hovell Christina Jaeger Elliott and Richard Jaeger Roger Kapsner John and Ann Kluck Brandon Kreklau Judith James Josh Karlgaard John Kluge Ben Kressel Kristen James Jeremiah and Pamela Kearney Andrew Knapp Emily Krumberger Todd Jelen Bonnie Keeler Don Knoernschild Fred Kuhnen Linda John Brendan Kelly John Knoernschild Tara Kumar Christine Johns Hope Kelsey Katherine Knowles Joe Kuznik Andre and Shelise Johnson Todd Kelzenberg Wendy Knox Travis and Amy Lachinski Caleb Johnson Gina and Patrick Kennedy Gregg Knudten Deanna Lackaf Maren Johnson Michael Kennedy David Knutson Stacy Lampert Martin Johnson Brian and Anne Keogh Jill Kohler Paul Landahl Bianca Jones Mitchell and Amy Kern Katie and Mike Kohn Michael Landreville Christine Jones Katherine and Taqee Khaled Mary Kokemot Janis Lane-Ewart Harlan Jones Nick Kiekenapp Jim Korn Laurel Lapore Irene Jones Ann Kirby McGill Malichansouk Kouanchao Beth Larson Valerie Jones Suzan Klein Jerry Kramer Karen and Glenn Larson Wendy Jones Richard and Patricia Kleven Marci Kranz Anne Laskey Robert Joseph Edward Klodt Dale Kraus Kristein Lauerman Kate Kampa Connie Klotz Kurt Kreienbrink Tom Laughran Maryon Lee Douglas and Mary Logeland Roderick Macpherson Dezarie and Paul Mayers Nathan Lee Laura Lohmann George Madeleine Austin Mayhew Patricia Lee Rolf Lokensgard Emily Madland Phyllis Mayieka Randy Lee Margaret Lonergan Randy and Linda Madson Anise Mazone Sylvia Lee Sabo Frani Lowe Conrad Magalis Denise Mazone Scott and Robert Scott Steven and Melinda Lee Stephen Lowe Mary Mailand Paula Mazzacano Teng Lee Migdalia Loyola Rhoda and Donald Mains Mary McCallum Jennifer Lentfer Ellie Lucas and Ted Spooner John Mandler Paul McCullough Theodore Leonard Mark Lucas Robert Manske Austin McDowell Rachel Lewis-Johnson Will Lumpkins Ruth Markowitz Thomas McElroy Jonathan Lieberman Kristen Lund Maryam Marne Batala-Ra McFarlane Catlin Lienard David Lundgren Jesse Martin Janna McFarlane Christy Lillibridge John Lundquist Kelly Martin Marilyn McGrif Mariah Lind and Austin McDowell Oskar Ly Rachel Martinez Lauren McLaughlin Judith Linder Andrew Lynch Jefrey Masco Genene McNabb Brian Linne Mary Lynch Cynthia and Robert Massey Toni McNaron Steven Liston Nicque M William Mateikis Timothy S. Meehan Kimberly Lochner Susan Maas and Steve Scofeld Kathleen Mattsson Blair Meeks Patrica Mees Steven Miller Chad and Tasha Murdof Bonnie Nord Nichole Meichiori Tom Milligan Jessica Murray Heidi Nordine David Meier and Michelle Evans Dontez Mills Richard Myers Taylor Null Andrew Meister John Mittelsteadt Michael Myhrom Kassy Nystrom Kristen Melby Karen Moe and Robert Sayers Elizabeth and Roberta Nagan Kenzie O’Keefe Nicole Melchiori Carol Moen Leah Nash Patricia L Obrien Alison Mellin Jessica Mogilka Nelson Neale Paul Ocenasek Marisue Menke Nasradin Mohamed Wayne Nealis Elizabeth Odette Lynne Menturweck Stephen Molen John Neenan James Odland Neill Merck and Sue Gibson Miriam Monasch James Nelson Dennis O’Donnell Jackie Messerschmidt Eron Montgomery Joe Nelson Caitlin O’Fallon Kristin Meyer Deborah Moore Megan Nelson Mary Ellen O’Keefe Aisha Mgeni Emily and Nate Moore Ashley and Chris Newberry Valerie and Michael O’Keefe Selah Michele Mark Moore Anthony Newes Allana Olson Ryan Michelson Alexandria Muf Shirley and Jason Newman David Olson James Middleton Meghan Mufett Joseph Nickel Elaine and Eric Olson John Miller Cassandra Muller Amy and John Nielsen Phyllis Olson Jonathan Miller and Barbara Chapman William Munson Lisa Norcross Emily O’Neal Elizabeth Oppenheimer Dean Peterson Andrew Platt Dina Rauker Sarah Lynn Oquist Karen Peterson Bruce Pomerantz Doris Rausch Amallia Orman Linda Peterson Jessica Porath Steven Renderos Tonja Orr Amanda Petri Donna Porfri Jack Reuler Sandra Overland Pamela Petty Cynthia Potter Briana and Reagan Rhodes Kara and Jim Pacala Tina Pfau Gonzales and Victor Gonzales Marie Pralutsky Diane and James Rice Ryan and Nicole Padget James Pfau Katherine Praska Ann Richards Scott Pakudaitis Ryan Pfeifer Heather Pribyl Cassie Ricker Aaron Paleen Jefrey Picken Faye Price Cynthia Rico Mendoza Christopher Patton John Pickering Kate Quarion Rosa Rico Mendoza Cheryl Paullin Albert Pierce Catherine and Daniel Quillin Sheila Riggs Elliott Payne David Pierini Mary Annette Quinnell Jefrey Ritter Alexis Pennie Constance Pikala Fred Quirsfeld and Linda Campbell Reanna Roane Juan Peraza Nicola Pine Mark Rabogliatti George Roberts Angelica Perez Ann Pineles Peter Rachief James Roberts Eric Perry Jodi Pini Cody Raisch Nina Robertson Laurel Perryman Joan Piorkowski Mary Randall Marc Robins Anna Peterson Roberta Pisa Mark Rannow Denisha Rogers Grace Rogers Paul Sackett Lee Schreiber Terry Shima Jessa Roginski David Saggau Evelyn Schulte Patricia Siebert Howard Rogotzke Ben Sakltap Lisa Schulte Mark Simenstad Nicole Romness Justus Sanchez Leda Schuster Anna Siskind Michael Root Christopher Sands Rachel Schwalbach Rosemary Sisson Martin Rosacker Tina Sanz Betsy Schwartz Barbara Sitton Charlene and Simon Roseblade Sheryl Saterstrom Jennifer Scott Eleanor Skelton Laura Rosenboom Aaron Savat Spenser Segal Ellie Skelton Alisa Rovou Robert Sayers Nadine Sehnert Joy Skjegstad Kristin Rowe-Sargent and Paul Sargent Richard Scarlett Arthur Serotof Danez Smith Denise and Brian Roy Jill Schafer Shari Setchell Hannah Smith Shirley Russell Robert Schauinger and Linda King Alina Shallow James Smith George Russo Clara Schiller Judy Sharken Simon Jamez Smith Amy Ruzick and Christy Lillibridge Susan Schirber Caroline Shefeld Arthur Smith, Jr Thomas Ryan Molly Schlax Abdullahi Sheikh Elizabeth Snyder Cirien Saadeh Jeanne Schleh Lawrence Shelley Francis Snyder Basim Sabri Janet Schmitt Emily Shelton Nina Sofer Constance Sachs Richard Schostag Darrell Shideler Kristine Solz Michael Sommers and Susan Haas Greta Stryker Doug Thomas and Carol Zazubek Barbara Vaile Sally Sommers Darcy Sudderth Margaret Thomas Mary Vandehey David Sours Jerrie and William Sudderth Wendy Thomas Jen Vanek Martha Spangler Laura Suess Teresa Thompson Bridget Vargas Steve Spencer Sarah Sularz Cray Thomson Patricia Vauk Sandy Spieler Tara Sullivan Elizabeth Thooft Stephen Verable Mike Stapp Michael Swendsen Jennifer Thooft Mark Vermilyea Liga Stark Blake Swenson Wyatt Thurber Spielman Vicki Jo-Anne Stately Hazel Tanner Brooke Tiegen Ann Viitala Nanette Stearns Chuck and Jennifer Tatsuda Rebecca Tipton Claire Villamor Sharron and Anne Steinfeldt Rebecca Taurog Thomas Titus Sheryl Vosika Matthew Stemper Samuel Taylor Bryant Torkelson Chad & Nori Vossen Kathryn Stephens Shirene Taylor Susan Travis Ying Vu Dawn Stewart Zach Taylor Thomas Turan Tony and Marie Wagner Brett Stier Matt and Allison Tennant Abby Tusing Constance Waisanen Allen Stoltman Lily Thiboutot Rosemary Ugboajah T Waldack and C Waldack Peter Storvick Matthew Thiede Emily Umentum Carla Waldemar Paul Carver and Kelly Street Katie Tholkes Rose Ann and Steven Underhill Andrew Walker Richard Walker Kent White Lynn Wrabek Susan Walker Amy and Jef Wicklander Beth Wright Wayne Walker Debbie Wicks Cassandra Yarbrough IN-KIND Kerry Walsh Kyle Widman Todd Yeiter Claudia Waring Mary Widman Linda and Wynne Yelland Marcus Waterbury David and Sandra Wilbur Debra Yerys and Mitchell Bergner INDIVIDUAL Malik Watkins Adrienne Wiley-Thomas Diane Yohn $5,000+ Stephanie Watts Ginger Wilhelmi Elizabeth Young Brad Bauer Daniel Waxenberg Elizabeth Wilkinson Stephen Young Pete Glerum Kristen Weingartz Monica Williams Thomas Young $2,500 – $4,999 Levi Weinhagen Tony Williams Timothy Young Mychal Fisher Lisa Weisman Kellie Wilson Abbie Zahler KNOCK, Inc. Mattie Weiss Karen Wilson Thissen Nicholas Zelle $1,000 – $2,499 Arielle Wen Beryl Wingate Jef Cross Joy and John Wetzel Lucas Winskowski Anil Hurkadli Clarence White Kathleen Witte Grant Olson Elizabeth White Abigail Wolf Kate and Jason Sagness Jennifer White Graham Wong $500 – $999 Stephanie Adams Steven Berg Matt Butz Tanya Gajewska Mohamed Ali Ethan Berke Bennett Bykowski Layne Gerrard Dan Anderson Thomas Berquist Kristell Caballero Saucedo Claudia Gof Katie Anderson James Bialke Brad Capouch James Heyman Norine Anderson Matt Black Tim Caris Ruth Hopper Rob Anderson Paul Bladl Sean Carolan Jake Johnson Caroline Askew Jim Reddin Megan Carrell Elizabeth MacNally Andy Bach Larry Bourgerie John Carrillo Janet and William MacNally Katie Bahr Green Bouzard Paul Carver and Kelly Street Anna Peterson Jenny Baker Donna Brand B Cher Darryl Scarborough Craig Bares Mark Brinkman Sebastian Cherian $1 – $499 Marilyn Beam Joanne Brockington Paul Chindvall Ann Aas Bob Becker Phayja Brown John Christopherson Johan Aasheim Emir Beganovol Tom Brown Brad Cole Suad Abdulmaid Allen Bellas Mark Burgess Jim Colwell Herbert Abrams Nick Bellmont David Burke Jennifer Cook Ganga Acharya Betty Benson Jef Burkmeier Paula Cooney Danny Ackert Angie Bent Steve Burt Jill Copeland Elizabeth Crow Brian Durand Ralph Forpahl Victor Gonzales and Tina Pfau Gonzales Julie Dahlberg Marlene Early Woodson Fountain Nathaniel Gonzalez Paul Dalen Lisa Eiche Alex Franzen Joel Gossell Bryan Daly Britta Elkin and Enn Malkow Ryan Freeman Brian Green Denise Daly Tyler Engberg Linda Freiboth Dorothy Green Jacob Dau Rachel English John Frein Harry Greenberg Cyndie DeRidder John Enright Dave Fridlund Chris Griggs Brooke Derrickson Jim Eppel Gregory Froehle Bryana Grovender Matt Desch Dennis Erickson Annette Frost Arthur Gryczmah Aimee Diaz Harvey Ettinger Chris Ganson Ed Gunyo Eunice Dietrich Tara Faney Ben Garvin Gretchen Haga Brittany Dobmeier David Faucett Kristopher Genber Joe Hagen Darven Docherty Charlie Ferrell Rochell Giford Sharon Hall Sandie Dols Aaron Fields Gary Gisselmiah Doug Hanson William Domeier Katie Firanek Dave Glanzer Erik Hanson Joyce Dominique Natalie Firanek Timothy Glines Katherine Hanson Sydney Doran Corey Fischer Dan Gold Paul Hanson Craig Dunkel Tom Forker Keeler Gonzales Scott Hanson Paul Harmon Kathy and Gerald Hotakainen Robert Johnson Sydney Larson Amy and Todd Hartman Christopher Houltberg Rodney Johnson Mathew Lasley Sothara Has Steve Howard Dan Kane Peter Lee Michael Hawkins Dominic Howes Peter Kaul Mike Lehner Bob Heitzman Dennis Hoyt Deborah Kennedy J Lennartson Kristine Helm John Hudek Matt Ketcham Melissa Leuca Firanek Brian Helme Tracy Huizel Michelle Killebrew Kelly Leuca Jake Hemberger Rick Hunt Ben Klein Theresa Lewis Melissa Hensley Zenas Hutcheson Linda Klein David Lillehaug Daniel Hepburn Terez Iacovino Katie and Mike Kohn Buster Lind Gail Hetletvedt Jerry Ingber Sarah Kostial Erik Lindseth Marcus Hill Garcia Innezz John Kotz Ken Link Liz Hilligoss Emerald In’s Araela Kumaraed Lauren Lofgen Dan Hilson Julian Isham Craig LaBarr Anthony Lucis Donna Hiosen John Iverson Andy Lageson Sophia M Heidi Hodorowski Janyesta Jackson Jim LaLoude Laurie Magurie Dave Holden Ted Jirele Ashrai Laroche Christopher Mahoney Rick Horwart Donna Johnson Mike Larson Lori Manzella Joanie Marks Valerie Moeller Donald Ostrom David Potyardry JB Matthews Laura Morris Faye Otero Margaret Preston Jill Matuska Katie Moyor Imogen Page Cindy Quehl Ben McCoy Jeanne Mugge Kenneth Palmquist Ryan Radtke Mike McGee Deb Murphy Davis Parker Greg Raetz Mary McGill Scott Neiden Ken Parrow Rob Raub Jane McGough Francis Neir Tory Passows Robert Raub Karen MecElrath Barbara Nelson Paul Paulson Peter Redin Matt Mesnik Brenda Nelson Katie Peacock Meriyk Reed Joan Meyers Cheryl Nerem Susan Peacock David Reints Donovan Mi Krot Sienna Nexer Tom Penton Cindi Rella Jim Miller Richard and Joan Niemiec Alex Perez Terry Richmond Robert Miller Janet Nurnberg Margaret Peterman Mary Richter Wade Miller John Nyberg Chris Peterson Linda Roberts Wendell Miller Matt Olaughlin Patty Phillips John Rochford Russell Milles Aaron Ollswang Connie Picha Randy Rohlf Steven Mills Jann Olsten Mark Pladson Jack Romsaas Keith Misukanis Joyce O’Meara Ken Potts Beth Ronald Tammie Rosenbloom Michelle Sether John Stiefel Adam VanLanen Richard Rosengren Patrick Sherrick Bev Stone Cathy Wagner Jason Roys Sommer Sherrod Betsy Stoneking Leah Walk Joe Rstom Shawn Silemki David Strachman Brandon Walts Xavier Russell Candy Simmons Jerrie and William Sudderth Sheila Wassink Robbin Sanders Margaret Sines Todd Svanoe Jef Weatherly Sarah Sanford Jerry Siriord Mike Svek Jason Webber Mark Sawyer Andrew Sivanich Zoe Tarrel Tom Weisbecker Janey Schamber Dimitri Sivanich Tom Thelen Joel Westacolt Jim Scheidt Samantha Smetana Ed Thom Jefrey Whitman Derek Schilling James Smith Kelsey Thomas Diane Wiley Carolyne Schmitt Rick Solum Glen Thompson Brandt Williams Nancy Schurber John St. Pierre Steve Timm Rachel Williams Charles Schutt Kate Stankis Mary Tinkham Robert Williams Will Scully John Stanley Tamara Torres Shelia Wilson Sandra Seemann Eric Starke Andrew Tuttle Don Winnes Jef Seidel Gary Stefens Alanna Tyler Shane Wood Daniel Selina David Stibbe Julie Vang Paul Wotta Eric Wulfsberg $100,000+ Social Settlement Association of Minneapolis Yer Xiong Bush Foundation Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Douglas Yee Foundation Seward Community Co-op Charles Youel The Foundation Target Foundation Aaron Zabler The Clubhouse Network Gary Zibley $50,000 – $99,999 The Manakiki Camp Fund of the Minneapolis Foundation Aroha Philanthropies The Minneapolis Foundation C.H. Robinson Worldwide Foundation The Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation FOUNDATION AND Jerome Foundation Rosemary & David Good Family Foundation $10,000 – $24,999 Ruth Easton Fund of the Edelstein Family Foundation Alliance for Strong Families and Communities CORPORATE FUNDERS The Jay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation of Minnesota $500,000+ The Willis C. Helm Family Fund of the Minneapolis Foundation Ameriprise Financial Employee Gift Matching Program Greater Twin Cities United Way Best Buy Co., Inc. McKnight Foundation $25,000 – $49,999 Donaldson Foundation The Kresge Foundation Best Buy Foundation Eide Bailly Minneapolis Bethlehem Lutheran Church of Minneapolis Larry Fitzgerald First Down Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation John and Denise Graves Foundation M.A. Mortenson Company Museum of Science Marbrook Foundation Melpomene Institute Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Ellie Crosby-The Longview Foundation Surly Brewing Company Mortenson Family Foundation Mary C. Dolan-The Longview Foundation Target Corporation Nexus Community Partners Google Inc. Theatre Communications Group Peravid Foundation Grace University Lutheran Church Walker Community United Methodist Church Pohlad Family Foundation Lucy C Mitchell-The Longview Foundation Robert Wood Johnson Foundation New Belgium Brewing Company $1,000 – $2,499 Shavlik Family Foundation Saul Winton Fund ADT Dental, Ltd Sit Investment Associates Foundation Financial Minneapolis Augsburg University Stevens Square Foundation Wells Foundation Walter D. Boutell Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation The Beverly Foundation Children’s Health Care Minneapolis The Old National Bank Foundation $2,500 – $4,999 Cretin-Derham Hall Student Council Service Committee The Shubert Foundation Inc. Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Dunn Brothers Cofee UnitedHealth Group Cargill Foodservice GovDocs, Inc. Wells Fargo Foundation Minnesota Church of St. Frances Cabrini Hope Hamrin Bailey Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Foundation Citrix Systems Inc. In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre McVay Foundation Lockhart/Mayeron Family Foundation $5,000 – $9,999 Metro Sales Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Marsh & McLennan Agency Allina Health Minnesota AFL-CIO Minnesota Community Foundation Bayhurst Foundation Minnesota Comeback Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation The Comcast Foundation Dancing Dragonfy Winery Minnesota Foodshare US Bank Virteva LLC Edina Family Chiropractic, LLC Plymouth Congregational Church Eleanor and Fred Winston-The Longview Foundation Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota Quality Bicycle Products Women’s Foundation of Minnesota First Student Remele Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Free Truth Inc Sapientia Law Group for Toys for Tots $1 – $999 Guaranteed Rate Afnity Schwab Charitable Fund Abbott Laboratories - EGC Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Afairs Science Museum of Minnesota AdvanceAcceptance John Kohring Consulting SeQuel Response LLC VC AmazonSmile Lowbrow, Inc SixSpeed Aon Foundation Lucas Erickson Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Skratch Bastid b. resale Lutheran Church of Christ the Redeemer Spirit of Truth Ministries Bakken Center for Spirituality & Healing Medtronic, Inc. Sturdy Bag Designs Cargill Meristem Family Wealth Target Corporation Employee Giving Carondelet Catholic School Jonathan W. Miller and Barbara Chapman Advised Fund The Bohnann/Riehle Family Fund of

Centrepoint Architects Tom and Martha Milligan Fund of The Community Foundation of Shelby County the Minneapolis Foundation

Chanda Smith Baker Family Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Network for Good The Community Foundation of Shelby County

Community Shares of Minnesota Nikki Sorum and Simon Foster Fund of InFaith Community Foundation The Hub Bike Co-op Donaldson Company Inc. North Memorial Health Care Thomson Reuters DST Systems, Inc. Matching Gifts Program Pfzer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Thrivent Financial Foundation Tiny Diner $5,000 – $9,999 $1 – $999 Touchstone Mental Health Church of the Living God 45NRTH Trinity Lutheran Congregation TC Food Justice Augsburg University Union Congregational United Church of Christ Whole Foods Banjo Brothers Intl United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey Big Agnes University of Minnesota $2,500 – $4,999 Brian Coyle Center Garden US Bank Foundation Employee Matching Gift Program KNOCK, Inc. Carlson Printing Company Valley Chiropractic Associates Minnesota Timberwolves Church of St. Frances Cabrini Fastbreak Foundation Common Harvest Farm DeFeet International, Inc IN-KIND CORP $1,000 – $2,499 Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church $50,000 – $99,999 Augsburg University - Campus Kitchen Holy Trinity and St. Anskar Episcopal Church Second Harvest Heartland St. Frances Cabrini Joel Luedtke Dan Common Harvest Farm Open Grain $25,000 – $49,999 Specialized Custom Seiv HC MN Union Cub Foods The Hub Bike Co-op Sisters Camelot Lunds and Byerlys Stangler Works The Food Group Sturdy Bag Designs Yogamn in Plymouth 125 WEST BROADWAY AVENUE, SUITE 130 | MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55411 612-302-3400 / © 2019 Pillsbury United Communities. All rights reserved.