Antoine Corner Columbia—Clifford 2024 THE DETROIT TRIBI NE. SATURDAY, JINK 12. 19 13 PAGE THIRTEEN !!#• sr ' __ Stage mvi iipi Screen the y JUMPIN' JIVE Hazel Scott, Sign for Musicale S by ulysses boykin ——■=—— LOVELY HOSTESSES ENTERTAIN AT SELFRIDGE FIELD TO PLAY FOR JITTERBUG CONTEST ■ —- t«F LOUIS Stylist ” ST music the Piano we ;t’> most popular piece of for past ‘ the St. Louis Blues. Since it was com- night down in Memphis, Term., back in 1914. P oSC( \ ond'melody have resounded around the world and Will Dance With it,4ir'. authorities have hailed it as the cri- J It n Music bac'V T,- the thousands of ragtime, and boogie-woogie te‘‘ “happy cro- , fill up the literature of music.” It Son? Sensation ie e amLSophie P st;i , tiilda Gray Tucker. It made alf and Rudy \ allec’s. It went ! J(ras |\ c Karl Fullers’ Work Begins or Vln' on’ VI nel h music. mjm ;. jt her favorite dance Tit*- fra'un a VGM •■« Hhin f-vs i> %T* i

~ Bali recordings, and . yj a> ~,-,n c from Broadway to on In ’hr n Mi.M . . . ,‘l net a reputed annual $2."».0n0 in royalties for its romedv. I rvod f. ro S'a- |h» A collector in Brazil has 112 different record- F..ra nr. r P.-wei; ni Red Shell composer. )•■ * <• in' uded in **.« • ... iljof it* HlnH rttr of come from books, but from broken f’-10-ful ar 1 ".n’'V~!!.MN..! did not ’ “The-blues srn'irn- r* < and \V. C. Handy. ar’- f*n»;j-e of *>,* heart?.” happy, fiirrert Negro sings one song when he is another a-A„r • ••The nul’r Lena H rr r . always sings. music, poetry, »*■ when he i? sad. hut he It is his Nnldlcr* from Nelfrldire Field, hostesses fron the John It I NO rr, k. ♦ ,f— <;rci’,r and dar In? .-,| religion all rolled up in one.” Mlrh.. trip the lls-hf fnntu*tlc of Detroit. r'.tm-.- r * a c, ... relfrldsre »it.-r a* >! ■■ Congrc .-man Will Rogers. ,lr. of California, said In th* r •*ss n *t> lent the open. Fit Id dune orchestra, made tip V’.ennllv f.i" !i* pratio «*v’!s; they themam"th NAACT rally at Olympia la«t Sunday that th< Inir of n urn I'no Huh nt 2.'* of member* of the *'.Mh \ir ri n.-e a- | ..nt *o a rurvr-e- through their music, have contributed much l ln rn Mrcrt, >ll. < lemen*. Force hnnd, provided the inn*lc --trd Jer h *1 ai ra ngod hv aeh to Negrori "‘‘ ■■ " v ■■ <■ • . | the nation. Mhh. I heir partners are >|t. for ilnneincr <\rntT \lr Forres V duel I* added fi> the proirrnm k i \ to the cultural achievement of r I r *V ’ th l* f! p n9 irflueme t lenten* ISO hostesses and h- to. "h-enimr Hie < peninir of u n*-** n S •'•rrr -e r , SPIRIT I nh club, 2.*i Per: mu do ’h<> { that liquor condition at the night spots at i hern Nr*ct. ■ the 'rfi t n «!« Now Mt. i lenten*. Mich., nr’ r . «r>r»od girls are location nf of got under control the boys and ’Of* *, •*' kl ha< sort a lernier nlcht Huh. The slmrer* who ;.;i" «r f smooth diplomacy of the bartenders « ,:pP'->*ed ’o * happv. The “JUBILEE” PROGRAM GIVES ere VHernn Njke* ilefc and *«Tlf'.re o'er: ar. boys some .la* and hi* •*( i>nfes*ln tion «itli thU diirnr, keep the crowds contented. The deserve Verona Meele, liofh of Detroit fi'id'T . n h». l.*m H r.« a r d n'h * the **h*> '■rminl i* “Jitter, we irr a a •' e e Ulii* *■’ 'r* he»tr« «r< }>iittinK »>n it praise and in our next column are going to give end both hostesses »t the J"hn a!r ADDED JOY TO RADIOLAND nt jtkin their tir*t ilmiic*- appear.- in.' I < nli m." •in rii.s i u-U chaps special mention. If I >ii Huh of V, a c ; r rvf.jnt d■ - «• grand - » • these Detroit. The 1 -k »*•> *porlr’ i- in Detroit the li;r*--t .i :ir-? : flutstandlng amone ?h» / -.-> ■ in* at i.r.•« 4 J' hii If enter *nit .V, uirl* so : r 1* of «he c’i«- os* s BOOD BYE UNCLE TOMS * eteniittf. < ml, ».• ilk «i«n» r». Vim -n* j« < ( tht- liimn . clew•. rn on the radio and association’s tram .IFRIRKE lilteton and hi.* rvr'ne-tr.i. Hull • 1 ii- ~ ~ m 1r following was on the n ?ri!emer.f to the nation the issued Far mail from tho service mop ' fohn«or ehHr Fr' Jt T..iiij* J/V T ,r.j Ja! ft • ' r.atv-v: it veals ♦ho far! that .rT’RII.FK 1 »na Horne Wonderful Smith TOURIN' THF. I” 't lij lUti- (I e .tee Ru v, industries require \\ • \y. i .ill upon the radio and motion picture srtvea iho onto!'ainmor t Poolev :!*on Goldenaate choir. PICNIC STARTS SUMMER FUN pi! • at . • -h i:* long established practice of depicting No- mrn*« of listener* It's a in- Ir* Hite and h:« nrHirs ra. I.ionol Thotn --vn-. * w J». k»r>n RADIO WORI.D ' «• < ij-ivclv r dc> and a.-> huffons. entertain- r otv series In fho.truo n o of Hampton. Jules Hied see Ren H'- co :« It 1 F .. '.vn, pe* e>. in service l>\U jO> fho 4 pi * ' Man'on Bj Is !.•- •• naol It fer. vioretand f- and H Hand t. a:,d FOR YMCA BOYS DIVISION s%. st. v ncver-do-wells and religious fanatics. Negro unusual to Ttuhet I P'.-- f-nture tho cronf smcer. Mat m Itlakelev. The Charioteers Rose \ i»ii |it Hnppi Jur Duel! Tlrnn,.* Thi- Id.- .re a:* -n actors e a tremendous responsibility in > !’ and hav mu! ! T". S- F5-.C ft y* Anderson. who ha* boon acclaim- j Murpliv. Savannah ( hiffrhlU. Nir- t.nne rl I'K IIV t*oiin.i up be sip i'*'it 4 ».»« ’1 ' An* ■* !i. TANARUS, • • 1 - • public concept °f the Negro. We. therefore, *v-.> 1 orl f.-r ha vine the Croats': voire rdemus J'-ater Hilufdn's HaU.i- i’ j • Monti r ii. >. i):nc a tr w to to prostitute their talents in fos- - -N' • cha:!-" tri-nl refuse |e;nh Four, Whitman King n r • -, /x. • • ' if • discovered in tho last hundred Ktnle " le' r i nit •' • after T Mi« Jon« ■ >n ' ; injurious to Negro.” V tering ran da the years on same proc-am with Cole Trio Jud' Carrot!. Noble e M< V-. ’ ' .•*.«. v ’ !.: tho Hll t» gracious ever every- Is no* »he of Wallas | berta Adams is as as with her hrainrhlld tho ir fi iclid*, .In • i", :: .nd Radio section. htjt of tho fighting Put t ip ahose doesn't tel! the (lIMIMI j , > j' * J • I'll RK.IIT n thing of the best. While Alabama Slim and Evelyn, Ita’ph FVnpv n vi« :• I- wn* o;r H»Ft Dll n RIM turn themselve*. who send In The • tory The 11-t ronMnue* ■• ! a tap team that is classic and Dtxie Brown shakes and v -t n ii*jr in alnoy two loat* W vSHIVHTtV:, \.vr- n0.,- requests I.on Mel Morgan Trio D-n'i,' .« we,. * > good V »i riryal reception .! *’ a <- Keyes does a Kiii'ti i nt - o rc. goa-j ? t* | • v ! place. Bobby ri • fa shivers all over the .*>* '*ha; o' V* .irBII.KF a« well as tho manv Qliar'et Via Row n. Mills ft . *" ‘ •\ *•(• : Hit * ft* #w Happy Joe fit* '• job of M.C.’ing while Ash Can ,the producer, comes i fianir known elf, : 1 rvra -or of Mi r.f other programs Hattie Ms Ait T :* v produord hv tho Daniel Tatum . * 3 (in I ’ ‘ ' J il: » soar a* ive f'T’ its! 'hi 1 • . • -• th-« lev. s S.»oe< Tue :.v TU- •: ! ' • on with the laughs. Kadlo I.illian Randolph. T n*- ■ ■' section. ran ho ron«ld«rod Four !' ' '’l the ru'l.'o bui yinir l-c Pi ami'., ro !• fra-, ’ ‘•'•1 ' .«• M * c i» r. t' ZOMBIF.— a tailor-made program for tho Kenneth Spencer Tr Vnd-' n . ..din r . CK!."' a* th:v “ fun. i >h . h a tv' k r - • ■*r- -r ■■*!" ,r. a* rt parade 1 oupo With tho exception of tho Jnek Slatterv. Art Gilmore. Cah A r’.a> e where you can watch the queens all 1 me, v. ii \vill I'im'! I'.r.’iilrc from . • May f Joe C of t*:.. nostalgia-conditioned a studio audience tho prnjrant* nro Calloway and hi* or* heat ra ,»o.d. n--w * N ap-'t :r e* Detroit's‘vividly with '■.iv. “Mr ntul Mr-’ .1- nr* hate hi Well Mi ! «-a« horn In r.r po* Shelton Ri'Ook« V r- • -.C3I3VYV*-*#. Zombie, hon"d within tho hound* of JohflsWh. «• • wr j< b. «w.m. sft of t ,:, 1 1 the select entertaining, Club which J •‘i ii ii' >4 .v th* i. Tli -'i-i W..*hlnctoh Jo *'*« f n *h- ar s. ConMnontnl S»«tr* Instead chret Rond and Calvin !m k- • ■ T’nlted w - - rr,.. •. , ,’v ha - its door battered in by the clientele. They tuny nit he his e\.i- .i'-(i‘ • and public r and rr -n- ! a m po’-.. IN t Wesley Spier. "Vim-,F- » tho prop am* are recorded Thon «. re t v.ifo •• •}-,. I, v. divt*. I"• v»a • ' ciung long. frequentation has continued, th»v hair in • ad., ecur P Hi... Tue And aro tranamlftod . lice choir, ri'il Vlo've. I eui R*-n they via short- h'-n ]i* w « •’ s d;> •’• charac- "1 fin on !■ at «h- ’ Vp .- - [■'. . r ' a /ht utility of service, and continental wave to tho various theatres of Have Valle I.nuH Vtm-'ior- and W I iva.« ar- ii’i'fl f. -or «u h • tt ork • i, • • , j*; •: ,nal v .pa • - • :• or- (assorted singers, dancers, and so Holiday, this .i. ter h'« Rillie ’’ • ’ • ••» -I the e\ !<• <• •; • stai!. r.•* In this toon* • • ' «• ga'nt IMM 1 1 v rllf r>v alls on l,y«‘ v !:.. ;*• hno* at T:st* ha*. all 1!e to,* Roh Rumiov rmal and ul I 1 big production 'f\ on ,thirfv*two bi• •t• *h >w l.ttvrenrrville V < I V.-rnr. '* Hit tc A!,. on n'ght day so lliKUnrd Fdd e T’io. M Kin- p:»tr. v. be awaiting the after shades of night come tors and ’ho *. a very > [j-.v-'e V !>-••<: O* oin amiH mi!..i r»1 n ! I k . < h n i (••oops ley Rnve ehoiT Roht.v Brook* ran r#> oivo tho programs \. l| i.M • o M": : "Don ’’Swinging Swing Shift” takes over fl apO'“ Vi nu a the « -n'.nte; and m. t.-. on the o Herb Jeffrie- V.iur ir I' .•- •’ :•* ronvonirnr J'stenlng hours -111(10(1 )V I* 1.0 be . did i< , *•>), • • ; • a ‘fit -!■ ' popular and personal- at f u«0. *l, hf H th" u,• .-arj.t.c I Hu r<| l,;t> i i'hj .iit with such well-known •! I s Penny, “ •> ■ Jack and Kv «• Mut tho transmitting of pro- ! Anderson. !• »\ " l ! 'tie * - ity- tho a o astißff f • _ 'ln• t ua e« c and «'• ; - M>. Rhapsody, Turner and Kurelle, Baron Lee and >■ hroa'li 1 .! tm> like fl [>. c 1 >. tr. t nipe. «- * t ram* atop I « t : • doosn't thoro. Next , *ftjcjiA. • a i» e;.d11.6 f If i be,- rd »; "' l.trco - . ' • r T r l!v'mi, Delores Brown and a few new faces in the There Ar*mt bov w ;■ S' a * + ♦ + tlio rot rd* aro ahtppod hv piano person*-- 1 di >p n n..p • • vior fvc pm-oiv ana I tie and l«v w> 1‘ . i|t;,p’p« twit ard . ' . :*. o;i• <1 V tv v i I vC J *n. ronvov and rommard to tho •*• vd'lre** t)ie i-(Vtm •!* •• ferry n> "<-io a’ Fa*’ w # COMPOSER f mar,■ RV JVf.X - a o . ' ,ji* • a ' ♦ ♦ • T in.lo k LEE OUT— piled Nation* Mrro thov nro Continued from pace 12* « "lunil I ha a *0 . t ho only idlri i-ii' and did 1 i.t t *ur; f f-.n 1 mt * all -• V..v - government j.any, division r .. The Cozy manager. He is John transmitted from and 92d Infant.*v J", *b. ve.; - . •. a* V-1 Corner has anew h,t\e fn nauliitrc and Il.tjfd: r -* !« * ... mem! t ?«e . ,i ah'iiv coHK m In the S’ i’’ l 'f.i } ..ano r<. it..! from Re r. the and nationally known night club “ ard-hand rorolvor* onlv n groat cook but an n * |/|av not «.,* man* K: n .uh’ The r»-n ' George accepted a post with the s 'h> v.: .if! a- c ans Ji‘ *. E. Lee. George has tie 7 Tho ]so *ont art!** nr.d nn . ' •• *•• r.' t transcriptions a comftll«hed nMimt■ . i r 'h •- a1 p,ht.-> I.d t'l do h• RHEUMATIC PAIN y**'" ; : HIT THAT , 4 Government and leaves the show business - out from ata’lons hullt by tho hover. S' (MK INSinr ill'll* I•• r»r. she ke\ I.i*‘eneri rr a *fter 25 years. '• operated night clubs from «V .* He has I'nited States government .a* va- Mi* friend* have already '< «• <* t- *ame riirrht f *:> i’i.ii nroci'amt Wh> i :ft 1 I >i RIGHT WHERE IT HURTS • • swing ag- v% big • «• .* coast-to-coast. also headed a outpost* plattor* hi* be- ■ •• He has Hou* Tho aro lonced other hover* nn n l -ivine hnse '.n the : 1 ■> n I 1t..! - h war pi,v ■>.a , .'i amv.-• And look at thr Silver l inir. •t • v * »rr-ri I> ' • -'*•' a an i”*»^rtipior’<** * s n gregation put City on map of the nl*n u=od within tho ramp« on now they are planning r* »« y cu** and Kansas the half; vt'k and ham fun vn.i wlin n-o in tlioxe ( loud* of /’(tin •• ' ‘ or stop of hi* work* In the com* -' * - c; amusement world as a promoter and booker. Lots ran radio And as a final exhibit 1 itoninc eonm boa • u« 'a'kinfi n*- 1 n- -1 1 .-ne-a r. rh Bo’v.* ' a »* vnu wart m f ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ - that °f luck job. amusement ,i'o hoard hv small croup* of man panv dayronm v-i m 1 T • tv 1 c j;-:,rr«t xt m- an* ri- . Vt;it!’c ft'-* And thro aro aomo of tho ar- Philip Randolph entertained (hot th e would we „ he-e '.-o ti. HENRY’S THE A. rii-i r.o’.nb artce. S' t,«r fojr.fthipg that gn» at SPOT tist* who havo mado tho trans- 1 ynunc Ja< k PriK 1 :a on hi* 'a a't r. I-n club, gas- And Norman Thomas coon- with remrflittcr: the pun C-jjat bring* *eu par quenters Henry's Swing temple of '* of the trip* on JI'HILKE to our F -.rl nr f*r s* til a* -'d •* r cripflon people ns noil n« u« e n W* Ti'h’-Of pinch.hi” h ‘p.* Note 'Cut tre g nr'mv. delight Heniy t Rr, in talking about Owner Hare's fighting forro* throughout tho Sunday (in in’inc man bit:)' on The ,tkfit.*t *l it K..r! otbrr* >'h* rn’O' it* hCp. too. *n-l '(tee On Radio lick of I' nil Ono . : ; eastside gath- •! 1 a c *1 -ii *. 1 h tv. a* St. t I «c r. e a» din t. rst barbecue. Henry's is a popular lower n,t.« divine In s ii(l:A dlfopin ' aution Tt On June Norman Thomas mi-'. uti'-di.’, l'nt.l week- h tt’r p..r,h-i‘f pu r r»fur,JfJ v > •’ j'r,n" place for people who love good barbecue and enter- IS.■ Ha final '' " hm’ up htil didn't 1 n next if f CWj I ■ ' A Philip Finndo’ph. national dire.' tiOHp ; r r.ut I'oda;-. get C-aa.3. *,nmerit that’s interesting. KIRBYS jo opt hi vc ho.-n finvinc much LIFT FMNti ■ different and to ' . ((ontlnnod from pair 12 1 of the Man h Oil Wash met nn liH Dining and wining and eying is the order of the day ter of tho shew rul’d It ham been on tho hluo sido and tho sort , Movement. intet national president * Hen* \ > . . .What you bet? |m o of that ci\o* Nprio show- of the Brotherhood of Sleeptng Car v 1 Hayes, the master bartender at the Paradise thine ‘lmp din.’l h.-vs • folk Mark rvo Neither Porters, and noted Negro lender * 1,1 ’be a flooded a «hmv thoir n* t* • Cocktail Lounge has developed a secret weapon to crack «nu h filths fair' Vith will dimu* “Must Hare Tell* >n Wh< n tlv v w it -! lit "gainst re- * MitfiM thirst, Penquin Cooler, tall, ?" i» HFNRY’S SWING CLUB ■ IT the froster and sketches IV. undo" n had the no- and to put on Divide America .• t r pin n<’. then to contain Wait until one of : MADISON four rums Note: ihat wrto doflnltoly out rs order T!ns,talk will he carried Sunda> n i'hai o hntrpin- >nt rs »ho ORLEANS and \ •hose real . our fin- community proems hot days to try it. We still have It any civilized thoa .Tune IS oirr WQXH. New i a ivl'idow I'm v.»>i reini-iii•*«"•' h..M- ; EDDIE LEMONS Wi-dilm; crossed on the weather. Here’s hoping that you t to. City, «t I:4a pm ; WOI.. ii:E Jo.* v. 11. *P hi lump'” °n l have night mares and dream of Larry Chism and For example while was ton. DP. nt Ift : 4a pm. WAIT. » I romp «e 11.11 Detroit* •>Tllinc hut 1 2 a Frrttrh. KFATI'RIM- *" ’' ’t'' In V ; who weigh* at least 300 pounds. Ht «:!•’» p.m.j KYA San FramisiY eboiii the i h's Jl 1 '< Monday ovc .•» M. - vms walking around tho staco do- st 5 4J» pnt and on iri-ye :>• 1 v« I ' MIRIS WELLS Johnnie (Train) Walker I Angeles pm. 1’ :.!r riclit aft- ' t’ie ir.c a *trip trass art with all tho ICPAS. I.os s- fi !♦ oxer tho | ni.w* and Inrrh Mncnr M.(. and 4lse Man some *n • clerk nrwa; nrt.ivbe v. •! urr» . ty GIORGI MONTGOMIRY ond CISA* \ I - }'rr«;dent ttr- »avn ift l*t t“»# Tachnlrl > mi Ms M f: | f •* N«-« Vrown^ool»l^'l»^^^^^H» I mils or MM »,tiad ;•» •u: *n W ~. DINE and DANCE JLI-H * TELEPHONE CLIFFORD 0741 ftA ‘ • Buv joi HI IX. Manager IIK.'IM H\Rl. Praprietnr War B •!'*... and Wm . j Kftpl.'it-