Dormltorles in the Works by Helen Mcfarlane Baruch College Is Currently Ne

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Dormltorles in the Works by Helen Mcfarlane Baruch College Is Currently Ne I. ..M~ ftt - ­ •• BARUCHPERfODJCALS·OESK• 3rd-Floor r (NON~~CUbAi-tNG)~.. Vol.71j~Number·7 . November 26,1997 Dormltorles In The Works By Helen McFarlane Baruch College is currently ne- . gotiating aeontraet, to build a dor­ mitory.atop the. US PostOffice building on 23 Street and .Lexing­ ton Avenue. College administrators have been pursuing this goal for over a year, in an effort to further accomodate and diversify the stu- . dent body. A dormitory will have. wide ranging implications for Baruchanditsfuture matriculates. "Thecollege is trying to recruit better students," explains Carl Aylman, Director of Student Life, . "[Housing] is one of the entice­ ments," he concluded. Baruch has undergone several upgrades during the past few years, and housingis the latest one. The most prominent upgradeshave s in Brooklyn which the Stu­ been the construction of the Services Office obtained. Newman Library andthe hotly de­ 's always a need- some seg­ bated increases in academic stan­ mentsofstudents lookingfor hous­ dards.," said Phyllis Zadra, Executive AccordingtoAylman, a dormitory .Assistant to the Vice Presidentfor is needed in order to house Administration. Baruch's international students. There are 105 countries repre- continued on page 4 .....' -~ ".,' _''''_•• ". _. -0 .... .. ByAndreia Lee with Internet access-on the 16th of Education; Baruch College high school students. The Baruch College Campus floor of 18th Street building. paid for half of the" cost for the The high school currently en­ High School (BCCHS) began op­ Although the computers were wiring system. This eost-shar­ rolls 100 ninth graders. The eration this fall semester open­ purchased through the school's ing enabled Baruch students to plan is to enroll only ninth ing its doors to 100 ninth-gad­ budget acquired from the Board share the computet" lab ~ith the graders in the subsequent ers. years. "We will enroll 100 stu­ BCCHS is located on the 16th dents in ninth grade in the next floor ofthe 18th Street building. few years and hope to run the The school ·currently uses four school with 400 students at the classrooms, which they share maximum capacity," said with the evenings students from Myers. " Baruch College. Children residing within the They also have access to the Community School District Two cafeteria on the 19th floor ofthe will get priority for admission same building. Besides the caf­ to this school. Aside from resi­ eteria, the high school students dency, the students'grades, city also use the gym and a biology wide test scores and recommen­ lab located at the 17 Lexington dation from their junior high building. schools·will be considered for The high school students also admission to BCCHS. have access to the college's li­ . BCCHS is designed specially brary. But they have been told for children who live within that the college students have Community Sehoo-l District the priority said Jill Myers, Two, which runs from principal of BCCHS. BCCHS has its own computer COIItin.uedonpGBe 4 . lab ~ODsi8ting of 25 comp~~rs . -.ow" • \ 2 NOVE~ER26, 1997 TICKER NEWS NOVEMBER 26,1997 3 Baruch Cares Little ForThe Little Ones By Chan-joo Moon (BCC) places first, by far, in Baruch College is at 14th providing child care. For its place in the amount ofchild care 7,500 students, there are 80 available, among the 17 CUNY slots on-campus and 219 slots senior arid community colleges, off-campus, according to Char­ according to a study conducted lotte Bellamy, the Director of by The Ticker. Baruch has 30 Brooklyn ' 15,314 nla iis child care services. The off­ child care''slots which 40 par­ campus spaces are a part ofthe ents are using. .City College 12,295 45 Family Day Care program, The eomparisons were done Hunter 19,439 50 which eonsists of" training and relative to the number of stu­ John Jay, 10,725 55 certifying' qualifi~·local fami­ dents registered at each of the Lehman 9,324 63 lies. Bee -has 73 homes which sehools.""Barucb has 15,164stu-· , ..Medger EverS 5,'200 55 can provide -eare to' three chil­ dents, 'according to a prelimi­ dren per' home, .In any age nary Fall' 1997 count done by NYC Tech 10,896 171 group up to 12 years old, ac­ the eU,NY Offiee ,of Institu­ Queens 16,673 40 cording to Bellamy. tional Research andAn'alysis. It Staten Island 11,902 121 The large capacity is made is the fifth largest student body York 6,050 60' possible, Bellamy said, by ob­ among the CUNYs. Borough ofManhattan CC 16,000 66 taining funding from state and Brooklyn College was'n~t in­ federal sources outside CUNY. , . cluded in this comparison be­ Bronx CC 7,500 372 They also get private funding cause the director ofits program Hostos CC 4,200 85 occasionally, Bellamy said. could not be reached for com­ Kingsborough CC 14,~6 25 The size of the programs are ment despite numerous calls LaGuardia CC 10,640 98 not an indicator of the quality made to the school. Queensborough CC 10,953 30 of care, according to the direc­ Queensborough Community tors of the child care services. College and York College were ----------------------------... Baruch's Early Learning Cen­ placed last despite serving-more the schools. Their services are serves the local community as ter has a reputation for' qual- people than Baruch because a part of the federally funded well. ity among the directors at the they are not funded directly by Head Start program, which Bronx Community College other CUNYs. Student~dvantage Jammin . .. Is Coming ByPoDyGwardyak Student Advantage..a nationwide stndebtsavinpIJll'OSl~WiJlbeavRil­ ".- ._·"~BaIUCh studentsbeginniRgtm·s-~LJdJUJ}Z:&u:mml1.IJJliJElSi1tptI:KJleWl:s-­ i"'-'t--~_._- ~- . -BssG;as theprogr'8rii's'~,·wlli---­ Theprogram,sponsoredbyDaySes­ :receiveupto$1.25foreachenrolhnent. sion StudentGovernment,willenable "At thispoint, withtheextraexpendi­ studentstoreceivediscounts'on cloth­ ture, we are looking at planning an ing, hotels, movie tickets, travel ser­ International night," said Hamid "It vices .and much more, according to will be a very bigparty held offcam­ Zeshan Hamid, DSSGvice president. pus. We are still in the midst oforga- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~\I ByTamim Islam 'Wearebuildinga relationshipwith nizingevetything." , . Despite being a institution of Student Advantage that I hope will "Wearealsotryingtoworkouta deal Jerry Gonzalez and The FortApacheBandperforming in Mason Hall on highereducation and not a highway eventuallyincludelocalstoresaswe1l," to link Student Advantage with the Nov. 13 as part ofthe Sixth Annual Milt Hinton Jazz Perspectives. truck stop, most ofBaruch College's he said. CUNYCardusingAT&Tratbertban stairwells and rest rooms are fre­ Startingthisweek, tableswillbe ~ MCIsowiththismecan;lstudentscan quentlyvandalized withgraffiti and up at high receiveall 'scratchiti'. traffic areas dis ­ Aithough most ofthe stairwellsare of the cam­ counts", cleaned of graffiti as soon as any pus where s aid markings are reported to the build­ S students can Hamid ing security; some of the rest room as sign up. The Student art - works have stayedonfor months S one-year Advan­ or even for years. .-S membership ! tage, con­ Thewritings inthemen's room ad­ ~ fee is $20, sidered ."' I jacent to the graduate student's Graffiti in Baruch bathrooms ofthe 360 PAS building. but, because the lead­ lounge on the first floor ofthe 26th of a partner­ ~-~ ing stu­ Streetbuildinghave aged todistinc­ ship with dent. sav- tion. "I have seen thesewritingsfor nance unit of the buildings and gone uncleaned for ages, the secu­ AT&T, for mgs pro- about a year now," said a graduate groundsdepartment said that his rity personnel usually report any students who currently receive an gram in the nation, will alsobe avail­ student. department was in charge of re­ sightings of graffiti to the building AT&T callingcard, universal card or able in the future to co-sponsor club "I guess they treat this wall as ifit paintingvandalizedrestrooms. "We maintenance crew hired by longdistanceservice themembership events, sayHamid. were some writer's manuscript," painted a numberofrest room pan­ Cushman and Wakefield, the own­ is free. Membershipis $0free ifa stu­ Studentswho do not havean oppor­ said anothergraduate student, elsinthe 18thStreetbuildingin the ers ofthe building. Most stairwell dentchooses to become anAT&Tcus­ tunity to enroll on campus can do so Sourcesfamiliarwiththe situation past few weeks," he said graffiti's are cleaned andorpainted. tomeratthetime. Theprogramisalso 'attheDSSG'omcethroughoutthe'Be- ' holds the bureaucratic system , "Wearein charge ofpaintingwhile over by the maintenance crew. available tofaculty andstaff mester , says Hamid. withinthe College'scustodial offices the custodial unit is in charge of" "Wego through rounds aroundthe responsible for this slow response. cleaning up the walls when re­ building at least three times a da~ Wl1liam Brunson of the custodial ported," said Schmidt. andreportanythingwenoticetothe unit refused to Comment as towhat The process by which graffiti is buildingmaintenanee,"saidsecurity the college policy was in regards to cleaned at·Baroch is complicated at personnel at the 26th Street build­ fixing graffiti in the restrooms un­ times. "There is also a contractual, ing. less the question was posed to him obligation with the owners of the 'There might be some contractual inwriting. "I will answerinwriting rental bulldings," said Schmidt, re­ restrictions when a graffiti is over what the poliey is when I am pre­ ferring to 18th Street and 26th sheetrock,"said'agroundserew. 'We sentedthequestion inwriting,"said Streetbuildings. justdeanupthestairwells,butc1een­ Bronson. Inthe26thStreetbuilding, where ingandrepUntingalersheetroekdoes Thomas Schmidt of the mainte- . the rest room wall writings have notran within ourjobs,"be said. ·TICKER NEWS NOVEMBER 26, 1997 5 4 TICKER I NOVEMBER 26, 1997 Department offfistory: Final examination review sessions FREE TUTORING for aeeount- The Women's Forum Educa­ tionalAwards of$2000 are being BARUCH COLLEGE I Career Development Center 1. Attend one of the mandatory workshops listed on the other side of this page. Course TItle Date Time ing, all Math & English, Econom- 151 East15th Street .- Suite 820 212/802-6710 2.
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