187832 Arevalo, Nora \~.-dl rom: mary batson <
[email protected]> ' -·-.:;ent: .Wednesday, April 27, 2016 5:36 PM To: BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Subject: Email submitted from Paul van Orden I am in complete agreement with the issues outlined in Paul's testimony to you. I have lived in my neighborhood for most of my 63 years and find my opinions about the changes affecting my neighborhood entirely igno... Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged h' . 1 187832 - ~ 187832 Arevalo, Nora , ,om: Jeff Geisler <
[email protected]> a ~· __ ::~E!nt: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 5:05 PM To: BPS Comprehensive Plan Testimony Subject: Hayden Island Neighborhood Network (HiNooN) Attachments: HiNooN Amendment testimony.pd/ Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Testimony on the Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan By HiNooN (Hayden Island Neighborhood Network) ,Thank Vay Chair, Jeff Geisler I ~ 1 187832 187832 HINooN · Haydeh Island NelghborhOOd Network . Jeff Geisler, Chairman . -. - -
[email protected] 603 .936-2425Cell/Texi. :·-.·.:::'.-_-)f-~---=.:.:.-.-,:=-'- ----------- ---- ---- --- . - ---- :--~- -_ -- _. ___ .'- ---·-- __ :c· - =- -- -- ---- - .·tRf~ffil_~p(Hales arig_111_~ffio~ffofrh{C1ty .Couitcil,·.·. : -:- ;:-:::=:~_--_-_ _--~-::-··-_ -~---- _-- = __,·-" _:_::__·_:_: -::~_-. :.Cc-_ c __ . - - - ------- -- t~QrL~e_lialf of the1ne1iibers_of.·HiNOON(Ha5'de.nisland.Nghbrhd ..... - .· J\T~b,vork)lvv6uld lilce.to subrr11tthe follQwingcomments regarding the -_. prgp()~e:cfCompreh~nsive~Plan a§e.hdmehts/ . - -- -- -- ---- -- --- - . -- --- --- ___ --- -- -- -- ------ -- -- - - Oppose Amendment M70 6~1'IayoLHales: . .• -.- 1~ NO: to a Local Access Onlv Hayden Island Bridge. The CRC never . prese11ted.a LocaLAccessBridge Plari that solycd .thecongestionaround Hayden . • Isfai1{ especially during morningandaften10011 .comrnt1ter l1ours with or without ~aii~wI-5Bridge.