Hip Numbers 552-829
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Hip No. Con signed by Robicheaux Ranch, Inc., Agent Hip No. 552 Mr Coahuila SI 97 552 2016 Bay Gelding Chicks Beduino SI 104 { *Beduino TB Game Pa triot SI 109 A Classy Chick SI 89 { Fire And Nice SI 102 First Down Dash SI 105 Mr Coahuila SI 97 { Short And Fleet SI 95 5723747 Co rona Car tel SI 97 Hol land Ease SI 109 Shes A Wild Babe SI 94 { Co rona Chick SI 113 (2001) { Sul try Miss The Sig na ture SI 107 { The Kimberly Di a mond SI 87 By GAME PA TRIOT SI 109 (1997). 7 wins, $225,096 [G1]. Sire of 734 ROM, 53 stakes win ners, $30,258,020, incl. JET BLACK PA TRIOT SI 110 ($876,921, LQHBA Fut. [RG1]), GAME SI 98 ($508,994, Lee Ber wick Fut. [RG1]), GAME SHOW SPE CIAL SI 101 ($383,323 [RG1]), WATERGIRL B SI 95 ($374,228 [RG1]), AB HOPE FOR CASH SI 109 ($364,842 [RG1]), BBS FIRST BEDUINO SI 101 ($348,613 [G2]), STREAKIN PA TRIOT SI 106 ($346,153). 1st dam Shes A Wild Babe SI 94, by Co rona Car tel. Win ner to 3, $12,101, 2nd Ft. Pi - erre Fu tu rity, 3rd NCQHRA Fu tu rity [R], fi nal ist in the Can ter bury Park Derby [G3] , Cen tral Dis taff Chal lenge [G3] . Dam of 9 foals of rac ing age, 7 to race, 6 ROM, 5 win ners, in clud ing– Mr Coahuila SI 97 (g. by Game Pa triot). Stakes placed win ner, be low. Rock A Bye Babe SI 104 (g. by Dashin Bye). 3 wins to 3, $24,760. High way 13 SI 92 (g. by Game Pa triot). 2 wins to 4, $21,910. RS Lady Cadiver SI 97 (f. by Heza Fast Dash). 2 wins to 3, $21,281. Shes A Super Girl (f. by Dashin Bye). Unraced. Dam of– First Down Achil les SI 93 (g. by Co rona Caliente). 2 wins to 3, $26,723, 3rd LQHBA Lou i si ana Mil lion Inv. S. [R]. 2nd dam SUL TRY MISS, by The Sig na ture. Win ner in 2 starts at 2. Half sis ter to KIMS FIRST DASH SI 113 ($89,457, Rain bow Derby [G1] ; granddam of DPI GOOD BOY SI 104, $288,290 [R] [G1] ), FIRST TO SCORE SI 99 ($45,211, Ruidoso Derby), Pritzi Di a mond SI 85 (dam of THE DI A MOND SIDE SI 93, Ca na dian Cham pion , $197,635), A Clas sic Di a mond SI 91 (granddam of SPENDER SI 96, $124,408). Dam of 18 foals to race, 14 ROM, in clud ing– CJS ROCKSOLID SI 107 (g. by Rock Solid Jess). 8 wins to 7, $276,885, Remington Dis tance Chal lenge [G3] , Remington Dis tance H. [G3] , Brig - and S., 2nd Dis tance Chal lenge Champ. [G1] , Remington Dis tance Chal - lenge S. [G3] , Downs at Al bu quer que Dis tance Chal lenge, etc. ROCKIN SHAZZAM SI 102 (g. by Shazoom). 3 wins to 3, $59,152, Tex Mex Over night S., fi nal ist in the West Texas Fu tu rity [G1] . Shes A Wild Babe SI 94 (f. by Co rona Car tel). Stakes placed win ner, above. Imaginiff SI 87 (f. by Game Pa triot). 2 wins to 4, $18,716. Dam of– ROCK A BILLY SI 104. 13 wins to 6, 2019, $222,947, Downs at Al bu quer - que Dis tance Chal lenge, King Rick Rack S., Will Rog ers Dis tance Chal - lenge, Bill Reed Me mo rial S., 2nd Remington Park Dis tance Champ. S. [G2] , Pauls Val ley S. [G3] , fi nal ist Dis tance Chal lenge Champ. S. [G1] . JESS A HILBILY BONE SI 105. 11 wins to 8, $217,807, Remington Park Dis tance Champ. [G2] , Pauls Val ley S. [G3] , Bobby Dan Crenshaw Me mo rial S. twice, 2nd Pauls Val ley H. [G2] , Bobby Dan Crenshaw Me - mo rial S., 3rd Remington Park Dis tance Champ. S. [G2] , etc. CJs Rockhard N Ready SI 98 (g. by Rock Solid Jess). 3 wins to 6, 2019, $64,764, fi nal ist Pauls Val ley S. [G2] . Cant Hardly Wait SI 86 (f. by Hol land Ease). 2 wins to 3, $10,585. Dam of– Dashin Cant Wait SI 102. 3 wins to 4, $65,469, fi nal ist Remington Fut. [G1] . RACE RE CORD: At 2, one win, twice 2nd ( Lee Ber wick Mem. Lou i si - ana-Bred Fut. [R] [G1] ), twice 3rd (LQHBA Sale Fut. [R] [G1] ); at 3, 2019, un placed in 1 start. EARNED $175,304. Ac credited Lou i si ana Bred ; in train ing RGP 11/19 Hip No. Con signed by Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent Hip No. 553 All Dreamgirl 553 2013 Sor rel Mare First Down Dash SI 105 { Dash For Cash SI 114 Val iant Hero SI 105 First Prize Rose SI 98 { Co rona Chick SI 113 Chicks Beduino SI 104 All Dreamgirl { Siz zling Lil SI 91 5542653 Strawfly Spe cial SI 97 Spe cial Ef fort SI 104 Allamericandreamgirl SI 103 { Fly In The Pie SI 99 (2002) { Dash ing Phoebe SI 104 Dash For Cash SI 114 { Phoebe’s Moon Bug SI 91 By VAL IANT HERO SI 105 (2004). 7 wins, $668,633 [G1]. Sire of 42 stakes win ners, $22,250,769, 3 cham pi ons, in clud ing FEA TURE HERO SI 99 ($1,418,960 [G1]), IMA FEAR LESS HERO SI 92 ($1,062,435 [G1]), and of HOUDINI SI 105 ($1,223,198 [G1]), FIRST VAL IANT SIGN SI 99 ($1,053,844 [G1]), SAM CROW SI 103 ($1,011,177 [RG2]), VAL IANT ROGUE SI 107 ($814,250 [G1]). Sire of the dams of SASS GO BLUE SI 95 ($156,376 [G2]). 1st dam ALLAMERICANDREAMGI RL SI 103, by Strawfly Spe cial. 2 wins to 4, $35,671, fi nal ist [G2] . Half sis ter to HEARTSWIDEOPEN SI 104 ( Cham pion at 2 and 3 , $1,885,283 [G1] ), SPE CIAL PHOEBE SI 104 ( Cham pion ); dam of A SPE - CIAL SNO FLO SI 96, $117,171 [G3] ; granddam of DUALING JUAN SI 121, $475,001 [R] [G2] ), FURYOFTHEWIND SI 95 ($70,554 [G3] ), DASHINGFORDESTINY SI 97 (dam of FM IM A ZATANAZ GOO SI 96, $330,749 [G2] ; TEMPTING DES TINY SI 95, $302,699 [G3] ), This Dreams Flying SI 91 (dam of HES RE LENT LESS SI 108, Cham pion , $616,380 [G1] ), Bo da cious Dream SI 97 (dam of BO DA CIOUS EA GLE SI 104, World Cham- pion , $1,293,444 [G1] ). Dam of 37 foals, 28 to race, 21 ROM, 16 win ners– AMER ICAN RUN AWAY SI 105 (c. by Ocean Run away). Cham pion 2-Year-Old , Cham pion 2-Year-Old Colt , 4 wins to 3, $686,355, Ruidoso Fu tu rity [G1] , 2nd Texas Clas sic Fu tu rity [G1] , Rain bow Fu tu rity [G1] . Sire. AMER ICA RULES SI 97 (f. by Co rona Car tel). 3 wins to 3, 2019, $96,620, Miss El len S., fi nal ist in the All Amer i can Derby [G1] , Rain bow Derby [G1] . FEA TURE DREAMGIRL SI 95 (f. by Fea ture Mr Jess). 2 wins at 3, $27,827, ND Park Derby, 2nd MN Stal lion Breeders/NCQHRA Derby [R]. Dam of– FEA TURE A RUN AWAY SI 96 (g. by Ocean Run away). 2 wins to 4, $46,820, Can ter bury Park Derby, fi nal ist in the Two Rivers S. [G3] . Fea ture A Flash SI 95. Win ner to 3, $8,818, 2nd NDQHRA Fu tu rity [R]. All american Co rona SI 103 (f. by Co rona Car tel). Win ner to 3, $12,473. Dam of– Gatlinberg SI 95 (g. by Cap tain Cour age). 2 wins to 3, 2019, $19,292, 3rd Ajax Bo nus Chal lenge Fu tu rity. Streamlyner SI 101 (g. by Brimmerton). 2 wins to 3, $49,600. Teller Ima Dream SI 93 (g. by Teller Car tel). 6 wins to 6, $50,275. Amer i can Fea ture SI 83 (f. by Fea ture Mr Jess). Placed to 3, $3,165. Dam of– VAL IANT TIBERI AS SI 102 (g. by Val iant Hero). 5 wins in 10 starts to 3, 2019, $200,244, Adequan Derby Chal lenge Champ. S. [G3] , Ruidoso Derby Chal lenge, fi nal ist in the All Amer i can Derby [G1] . PI RATE COVES HERO SI 108 (g. by Val iant Hero). 6 wins to 5, 2019, $93,998, Turf Par a dise Champ. Chal lenge, Wayne Brasher Mem. S., fi- nal ist in the AQHA Chal lenge Champ. S. [G1] . Mi Babe SI 83 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). Placed at 2. Dam of– First Jess Car tel SI 99 (g. by Five Bar Car tel). 3 wins to 3, 2019, $36,515. Co ronas Dreamgirl (f. by Co rona Car tel). Unraced. Dam of ONE DASHING DREAM SI 102 (to 3, 2019, $23,192). RACE RE CORD: Unraced. PRO DUCE RE CORD: 2018 not bred pre vi ous year. 2017 Dreamin N Colors, c. by PYC Paint Your Wagon. Has not started. 2019 f. by Jess A Chicks. BRED April 13, 2019, and be lieved in foal to BO DA CIOUS DASH. Ac credited New Mex ico Broodmare. RGP 11/19 Hip No. Con signed by Clyde Woerner Hip No. 554 Reynosa TB 554 2005 Gray or Roan Mare Re launch { In Re al ity Cap tain Count down Foggy Note { Bearly Cooking Really Cooking Reynosa { Keg’s Folly Bag Devil’s Bag Ms Baggett { Al lu sion (1996) { Con cen tric ity Cir cle Home { Carrie Cup cake By CAP TAIN COUNT DOWN (1996).