
The WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2016 • VOL. 27, NO. 9 $1.50

Raven says: watch out for school kids on 5th Ave! SUN

Dawson City League of Lady Wrestlers duke it out at the North End Knock-out! Photo by Michael MacLean

in this This space for Issue rent! 2016 Moosehide Gathering p. 2 Klondike Legacy Day p. 6 Discovery Days and Riverside Arts p. 7 Contact us at Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in First Nation Friends of the Klondike Highway Dawson City was alive and displays rich cultural heritage open up Bear Creek Compound bustling during this acton packed 868-993-6318 or and practices boundless generos- for historical event. weekend, catch up on what you ity. missed! Klondikesun@ Northwestel.net for See and Do 2 Brad Whitelaw Seeking Party Nom. 5 Authors on 8th Walking Tour 11 City of Dawson 20 Uffish Thoughts: Conflict 4 Bookends: Once they were Hats 9 TV Guide 12-16 more information Letter to the editor re: KMR 5 League of Lady Wrestlers 8 20 years Ago In the Sun 17 Authors on 8th: "Klondike Joe" 5 History Hunter: Their Own Yukon 10 Scots of the Yukon 18 P2 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2016 THE KLONDIKE SUN Sharing Traditions and Making Memories Community at the 2016 Moosehide Gathering Calendar


Meet first Wednesday of each month at ROYALhome of CANADIAN Janice Cliff LEGIONat 7:30 p.m.BRANCH For info #1 :call Janice Cliff, 993- 2908. Recess for summer July-October. Meet first Thursday PIONEEReach month WOMEN at Legion OF THE Hall YUKON (3rd and: King St.) at 7:30 p.m. Contact Myrna Butterworth, 993-5353. Meet third Thursday each month at 7:30 p.m. at Legion Hall. Contact Myrna Butterworth, 993-5353.CHAMBER Recess OF COMMERCE: for summer June, July and Aug.

Regular meetings on the second Photos By Dan Davidson WednesdayLichen & Fungi of each Weekend month at the Downtown Hotel. Story By Jen Laliberte August 26th - 28th: booths, various lectures and the reading of the United Na- talks, and really fun traditional tions Declarations for Indig- Come to the Tombstone Interpretive Cen- Handgames provided endless enous Peoples. Each declaration tre to discover all the amazing fungi growing in the Park and As readers who have been opportunities to explore and was read by a different indi- learn all the impressive facts about lichen! Yukon Parks and fortunate enough to attend connect. vidual, some from Dawson and Friends of the Dempster will be offering guided hikes and talks any Moosehide Gathering will Moosehide Gathering potlatch others from elsewhere in Can- aboutLabour all Day things Slo-Pitch lichen and Classic fungi. know, it is a powerful event, feasts are almost indescribably ada, the US, and international September 2nd - 5th: rich in traditions and culture, good. Lead feast cook Andrea nations. Roy’s deep dedication and rooted in relationships and Moses and her team served an to this project and the beauti- This annual slo-pitch tournament at- sharing. During the bi-annual amazing spread of traditional ful delivery of the readings was tracts quality teams from all over the North. Stop by Minto Park Moosehide Gathering, the foods including moose (roast, a highlight of the weekend for to watch some great slo-pitch, cheer for your favourite team, Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in nation ribs, heart, and nose), salmon, Foster, who assures us she did or to get a something tasty from the concession. Round-robin welcomes people from all over and vegetables from the find time to relax, visit, and FridayTombstone & Saturday, Interpretive playoffs Centreon Sunday. Coffee House to the village of Moosehide Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Farm. take in some performances to share, learn, and gain an It was a bustling Gathering during the Gathering, thanks September 3rd understanding of the traditions this year, with thousands of in part to Trainee Coordinator The last coffee house of the season at tombstone! Stop by the of song, dance, story, harvest- attendees. Moosehide Gathering Leah McLeod and Assistant interpretive centre on for a family-friendly ing from the land and potlatch Coordinator Eryn Foster esti- Coordinator Sandra Gordon’s evening of music and entertainment and witness the awesome fallKIAC colours Coffeehouse that only tombstoneOpen Mic has. feasting that are the foundation mates over 2,000 people visited skills and competence. of Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in world- Moosehide on the Saturday of Music and dance performanc- view. the Gathering, which she notes es give the heartbeat to week- This year's Gathering was is more than Dawson City’s end. This year’s Gathering had The first Coffee House of the year will be on Sept 10. After that it will be the first Saturday of each month. The money raised on characteristically profound and year-round population. For a great mix of traditional and Sept 10 will go to the RSS grade 11 and 12 YEC (Youth ExploringKIAC at impressive, drawing diverse Foster, who had not attended modern performers. The Delta 7pmCareers) field trip. The students go to universities and colleges talent in performers from all Moosehide Gathering since Goodtime Band, Dani and Lizzy, in the and Victoria area. Hope to see you at across Turtle Island, host- her first once back in 1994, the Boyd Benjamin & Kevin Barr, Town. AllCouncil performers are welcome. ing some of the North’s finest expansion of activities, per- Jerry Alfred Shun Dun, Richard COUNCIL MEETINGS: dance/drum/singing groups formances, and visitors was Gelardin, and Bill Stevens pro- and showcasing the generosity dramatic. vided a fun and danceable array There is no longer a fixed routine sched- of Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in people One of the most exciting new of musical styles to suit every ule of Council and Committee of the Whole (COW) meetings. and land. initiatives at the 2016 Gather- taste and rhythm. Traditional Check the Post Office or the City of Dawson website for long Moosehide Gathering 2016 ing, Foster says, was the inclu- groups featured at this year’s range planning. was a vibrant, diverse, and ex- sion of sign-language inter- Gathering included: Dághàal- Next Council Meetings are September 13 and 27. ceptional event, organized with preters for deaf visitors to the haan K'e, Selkirk Spirit Danc- Next COW meetings are August 30 and September 20. the knowledge, guidance, and Gathering. Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in ers, Kaska Dena Drummers, support of Angie Joseph-Rear, citizen Clarence Barber spear- Dakwäkäda Dancers, Dakhká Chief Roberta Joseph, Marion headed the initiative and con- Khwáan Dancers, Miracle Roberts, Doris Roberts, Julia tact Eryn and her team to see if Drummers and Dancers, North- Morberg, Doreen Olsen, Peggy it would be possible. Through way Dancers, and Tanacross Kormendy, and Victor Henry support from YG, Moosehide Drummers & Dancers. What an (who was honoured at this Gathering had two sign lan- amazing showcase of the cul- year’s Moosehide Gathering for guage interpreters/translators tural richness of the North. his role as a Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in present; there were approxi- And of course Tr’ondëk Elder who gives freely to the mately a dozen deaf visitors Hwëch’in’s own Hän Singers community his knowledge, able to directly benefit. performed beautifully, this time, enthusiasm, and spirit), Foster describes comments year with a particularly large as well as the endless hours of from Gathering attendees who presence as some Alaskan Hän work and planning spent by were able to converse with relatives joined in. The 2016 Join us at the Keno Lounge countless Elders, youth, citi- Elders and participate in com- Moosehide Gathering had a and enjoy your favorite craft brew or specialty zens, staff, and volunteers from ponents of the event previously strong Alaskan presence, which martini on the best patio in Dawson City! TH and other organizations. unavailable to them. “It’s a great is extremely significant given Keno Lounge is open 2:00pm – Midnight William Greenland emceed example of how a small initia- some of the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Belinda’s Restaurant is open 6:30am – 9:00pm again this year, and his con- tive can have a great impact,” Hän nation’s closest relatives nection to Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in she says, and hopes this idea hail from that side of the border. always lends a welcoming tone. continues to grow, allowing The US/Canada border is also There was a full docket of more diverse attendance and meaningful for the history of hands-on workshops and dem- participation within the deaf the Hän people, and indeed In- os, including sheep horn spoon- community in Yukon and be- digenous people all over North Belinda’s is closed from 2pm - 5pm making, beading, fish scale art, yond. America. (800) 544-0970 | westmarkhotels.com traditional medicine, and music Foster was also deeply moved At the end of the 19th century, and songwriting. An active and by Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in citizen the Gold Rush transformed engaging kid’s area, vendor Roy Johnson’s organization of what we now know as the Yu- THE KLONDIKE SUN WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2016 P3

2016 Moosehide Gathering (continued)

nizer William Carlick explained that such a journey—a coastal dugout canoe traveling the Yukon River all the way from Whitehorse to Moosehide—had not happened in over 100 years, since pre-Gold Rush times. This reclamation of tradition in craft, transportation, and gathering represents Carlick’s vision for a healing journey of reconciliation, togetherness, and understanding. Carlick began planning for the trip in the spring, and with the backing of Kwanlin Dün and many other stakeholders and supporters, he and his crew of paddlers made the vision a real- ity. The group included paddlers from all four directions, repre- senting First Nation, European, Asian, and African ancestries and further achieving Carlick’s concept of reconciliation, heal- ing, and understanding. Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Chief Roberta Joseph welcomed the group and commended them for their “meaningful strong journey.” of the Healing Canoe started the 2016 Moosehide Gathering with a profound feeling of together- ness, strength, and tradition. This was William Carlick’s first ever trip to the Moosehide Gath- ering, and it was important to kon Territory, shortly after the of letters circa 1910 between Gathering featured several family members and friends, him to attend “as a real partici- US had purchased from church, government, and school Alaskan drumming and dance and enjoying and celebrating at pant” in the event, a contributor Russia; rather suddenly Hän officials in Dawson City, Yukon groups, honouring the potlatch Moosehide. rather than just a spectator; Traditional Territory was di- and Eagle, Alaska, express the traditions of Athabascan na- Another Alaskan connec- that was how Moosehide Gath- vided by an imaginary line. This desire for the people to come tions along the Yukon River and tion at this year’s Moosehide ering became the perfect desti- caused great sadness and dis- back together. Though RNWMP helping to re-establish connec- Gathering came in the form of a nation for this special journey. ruption of course, and Tr’ondëk Inspector T.A. Wroughton rec- tions. Visitors from Eagle are dugout canoe, crafted in 2009 By looking back to ancestral Hwëch’in Elders describe ognized in his letters that the always a very special event, and by a group of carvers led by knowledge and teaching, new everyone meeting at Moosehide Eagle people and the Moosehide this year a group travelled from Tlingit Master Carver Wayne ideas and strengths emerge and for a final potlatch before the people, along with others along the Eagle side of the border to Price from Haines, Alaska. The empower. The 2016 Moosehide boundary would divide them, the Yukon River “are more or celebrate, share, and reminisce Healing Canoe arrived on July Gathering was an incredible and mourning afterwards be- less connected by blood and with Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in rela- 28 just as the Gathering was example of the generosity, pas- cause they feared they’d never mutual customs, and freely mix tives and friends. As the only getting started. As it pulled sion, and resilience of Tr’ondëk see one another again once the with one another,” the borders other Hän-speaking people, up to the banks at Moosehide, Hwëch’in and all their relations. border was put in. blocked the way Indigenous Eagle and Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in the Hän Singers greeted the Mähsi Cho for having us. Yukon and Alaska people people had freely travelled, people have a deep ancestral paddlers with a full welcome. It were able to stay in contact, interacted, feasted, and visited bond. It was really special to was a beautiful and meaningful but the way they were able to since very old times. see families coming together event. connect was changed. A series The 2016 Moosehide and having visits, meeting other Healing Canoe journey orga- P4 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2016 THE KLONDIKE SUN

UffishOPINION Thoughts: Donald Trump Picks the Nuclear Option for ISIS By Dan Davidson Roache's Corner by Mike Roache waving one of those made-in- Consequences (a corollary of China “Make America Great Murphy’s Law) of George Bush It amazes me that Donald Again” truckers’ caps, and see if II’s invasion of Iraq, otherwise Trump, barely a week after that thought doesn’t chill your known as The Search of the the annual memorials blood. WMDs that Never Were. commemorating the dropping Trump is unlike so many Quizzed quite thoroughly of nuclear bombs on Hiroshima other candidates. Most of them about this statement, which he and Nagasaki, could candidly worry about making one fatal has repeated numerous times contemplate attacking the rather mistake on their way to the since the first time he said it, geographically nebulous Islamic party convention. A few years Trump held to it in spite of State, in order to put an end to ago, a somewhat promising harsh questions by some fairly that problem. fellow lost all hope of being a conservative commentators According to numerous candidate when he broke out who might normally have been reports in the press, Trump has, into resounding “yee-haaw” at a expected to be friendly towards during the course of the briefings rally. The video and audio went him. Even they had a problem that he has been provided as viral and he was soon heard with a total fiction. part of the services given to any from no more. In fact, I can’t even His comments to one of them potential president once the recall his name at this point. were quite revealing. I can't two parties have chosen their Trump tells his followers to quote him precisely, but he candidates, asked a number of rough up protestors at his rallies basically said that he was going times why such weapons aren’t and promises to cover their legal to keep using that line because being used. fees if they will be his thugs. it was popular with the people The is pretty He makes so many outrageous at his rallies. This sounds a bit much regularly on the record as statements in the run of a day like a failing stand-up comic who saying that it will not be the First that it’s quite impossible to keep knows that, if all else fails, a bit of nation to launch a nuclear strike, up with him. By the time the vulgar language will get him or but that doesn’t seem to matter news media have fact checked her a nervous laugh. to The Donald. a “pants-on-fire” utterance (as But then, the very next day, Apparently the man, whose PoitiFact.com likes to call them) he endeavoured to spin it all temperament seems to be he’s moved on to four or five away by claiming that he was permanently locked in attack more. simply being sarcastic, and that mode, has not been able to It started years ago, when the media were picking on him absorb the concept of the nuclear he was a leader in the Birther when they didn’t have the wit to arsenal as a deterrent weapon. movement that kept trying to understand when he was joking. Nor does he seem to recall the prove that Obama was born in Finally, I have to note that doctrine of Mutual Assured Kenya, not Hawaii. Of course, the editorial writers and humorists Destruction (appropriately given man who insisted that a siting are having a hard time writing the acronym MAD) that did president (twice elected) needed parodies of Trump’s speaking manage to keep the superpowers to be able to produce a birth style. Recent columns by from triggering the fictional certificate, now refuses to do Adam Borowitz in the New scenario which made the last what all candidates for the office York Times (“Trump Blasts minutes of Kubrik’s film “Dr. have done in the last nearly half Media for Reporting Things He Strangelove” so chilling. a century, and release his tax Says”, “Trump Blames Bad Poll Picture Slim Pickens riding records. Numbers on the Existence of that nuke down to somewhere in What are we to make of his Numerical system”) and Robyn The USSR, screaming “Yahooo!” repeated assertion that Obama, Urback in the National Post and waving that cowboy hat. along with Clinton, was the (“Donald Trump’s Next Speech”) Then Photoshop in Trump in founder of ISIS? It is pretty clear read far too close to what the aWe suit, wanttie flapping to in hear the wind, from that you ISIS! is one of the Unforeseen man is actually saying.

The Klondike Sun is produced bi-monthly. It is published by The Literary Society of the Klondike, a non-profit organization. Letters to the editor, submissions and reports may be edited for brevity, clarity, good taste (as defined by community standards), racism, sexism, and legal considerations. We welcome submissions from our readership. However, it should be understood that the opinions expressed herein NEXT ISSUE: SEPTEMBER 7TH, 2016 may not always reflect those of the publishers and producers of the Klondike Sun. Submissions should Deadline for submissions: be directed to The Editor, Bag 6040, Dawson City, YT, Y0B 1G0, e-mailed to klondikesun@northwestel. Friday, September 2nd at noon net or dropped off in the drop-box at our office in the Legion Hall, 1082, 3rd Avenue (back door in the back lane). They should be signed and preferably typed (double-spaced), or saved on a digital file. If you For more information: Email: [email protected] can give a phone number at which you can be reached, it would be helpful. Unsigned letters will not be Telephone: (867) 993-6318 printed. “Name withheld by request” is acceptable and will be printed, providing the writer identifies themselves to the Sun editorial staff. A Publishing Policy exists for more details. THE KLONDIKE SUN PUBLISHED BY THE LITERARY SOCIETY OF THE KLONDIKE: Editor/Head Writer: Bag 6040 • Dawson City, Yukon • Y0B 1G0 Contributors & Helping Hands: Production Assistant: President: Office Hours: Office Manager: Dan Davidson Vice-President: Mathias MacPhee Thursday-Friday,Tel: 12 PM to 5 PM. Secretary: Meg Walker Subscriptions/Distribution: Mike Roache, Palma Berger, Colleen Alex Hallbom E-mail: Treasurer: Chris Collin Smith, Meg Walker, Betty Davidson, (867)-993-6318 Bookkeeping: Palma Berger, Board of Directors:Mary Gartshore Michael Gates, Jen LaLiberte, Diego [email protected] Helen Bowie Colleen Smith & Diverse Hands Helen Bowie Martin, Michael MacLean PRINTED BY THE YUKON NEWS Palma Berger, Geri IN WHITEHORSE, YT Colbourne, Dan Davidson, George Societies Registration # 34600-20 Filipovic, Deirdre Mulcahy, Mathias GST # 12531 0581 RT MacPhee We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities. THE KLONDIKE SUN WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2016 P5

Poetry LETTER Winner! Give credit where credit is due

Dear Editor: its transport to and installation busy schedule to visit Dawson at Dawson, since I was totally to do much of the installation. occupied with moving house. The Then Mark and Anthony came I was gratified to see, in the credit for saving the model here a second time to finish it. Klondike Sun 27 July edition, goes to the group of my friends, This effort was much more your coverage of the opening of who had operated the railway than I could have asked of the model KMR exhibit at the with me in North Vancouver for my friends. Without it, as you Dawson Visitors’ Information KLONDIKE JOE more than two decades. These pointed out, the model KMR Centre. It is also gratifying to are Mark Dance, Anthony Craig, would have gone to the dump. By Terry Hynes me personally that much of Brian Dobbin, Al Lill, John Green, Poetry Winner, Authors on Eighth, the model KMR was saved for Rene’ Gourley, Mike Chandler, 2016 future visitors to the VIC to Regards, Doug Hicks, Bill Dixon, Colin Brian Pate enjoy. Dover, Gordie Mitchell, Doug However, I want to record that Mayer and Scott Calvert. I contributed almost nothing [email protected] I’ll tell you a story ‘bout “Klondike Joe”, In particular, Mark, Anthony to the saving of the model, and One heck of a tale that few of you know. Brad Whitelaw to seekand Yukon Brian took Party time out nominationof their for Klondike I’m sure you’ve all heard, or least you’ve been told, how Joe made his fortune by dredging for gold. Press Release When the Great War got goin’ with all of its noise, Klondike in the upcoming elec- play a larger leadership role,” he trained up a troop of machine gunnin’ boys. tion. Whitelaw said. “As a business Joe couldn’t go fighting in trenches he’s told, On Discovery Day, a holiday “I’ve lived in this community owner, volunteer and father, at age Forty-seven, they said he’s too old! celebrating the Klondike Gold for 29 years, including 20 years I want to make sure Dawson Rush, Brad Whitelaw an- creating jobs and opportunities City is a vibrant, economically But Joe wanted action and after two years, nounced that he will seek the through my own businesses, successful community for the left Dawson for England, confounding his peers. Yukon Party nomination for and I am ready to step up and next generation.” They made him a colonel and dressed him up fine. Brad, a longtime Dawson Then sent him to Russia, behind Kaiser’s line. City resident, businessman, He went up to Moscow, their trains were all skewed, THE KLONDIKE SUN and outfitter has a strong his- they had no direction, their systems were crude. Subscription & Renewal Form tory of giving back to the com- He set up a schedule, each engine and car; munity. In addition to being they made him a hero and gave him a star. Name: the owner of the Triple J Hotel, Address: Brad also owns and captains A little bit later ol’ Joe was then told, the Klondike Spirit and owns Romania’s Queen was afraid for her gold. City: Province/ State: and operates the successful It seems the Crown Jewels, the pride of their land, Postal/ Zip Code: Country: Tombstone outfitting busi- were kept in a vault now in Bolsheviks’ hand. Email: ness. Through his outfitting business he has been a strong “We beg you go back there and talk to the czars supporter of the Canada Pre- we need those Crown Jewels, and all our gold bars.” Joe travelled on back to old Moscow again. Annual (25 Issue) Subscription Costs: natal Nutrition Program and Canada $44.00 ‘cause they owed him a kindness for fixin’ their train. the Dawson City Community U.S.A $75.00 Chapel Food Bank. Addition- Overseas $125.00 (Airmail) He went to the Kremlin, the man he then told. ally, Brad has been a member “You owe me a favour, I want the Queen’s gold!” Contact Information: of the Canadian Rangers He borrowed some boxcars, an engine so fine, Mail: The Klondike Sun, Bag 6040, Dawson YT, Y0B 1G0 since 1991 and is one of a and with the Crown Jewels, fled south down the line. Phone: (867)-993-6318 / Fax: (867)-993-6625 few Yukoners to participate Email: [email protected] in a High Arctic Sovereignty When the Bolsheviks heard of his daring hijack, Patrol. they set out to stop him and bring it all back. GST #: 12531 0581 RT / Societies Registration #: 34600-20 “Now more than ever, we The first town he came to they opened up fire; Print by THE YUKON NEWS, Whitehorse YT need to stand up for the he laid on the whistle and throttled it higher. resource sector, because by They shot up his windows and shattered the glass, standing up for mining, we Joe crouched in the engine and covered his brass. are standing up for small The next town they trapped him, they blocked him in tight, businesses and families.” and Joe was arrested right there on the site. Whitelaw said. “Dawson is proof that we don’t need to They held him a captive in one of his cars. turn our backs on mining to The Bolsheviks feared he was friends with the czars. create a diverse, vibrant com- Joe wanted to show them his old Klondike charm, munity. I want to use my expe- so he brewed up some tea, and he promised no harm. rience in tourism, small busi- ness and outfitting to build on He laced up that tea with Rye Whiskey so neat, and well into morning, no guards on their feet. the good work of the Yukon Joe borrowed a pistol from one of those guards, Party government as we strive and found a good engine back out in the yards. to create even more opportu- nities for Dawsonites.” He prompted the driver to hook up his train, Brad is a proud father of 2 an’ before they could stop him, he’s off to Romain. daughters who were raised in Joe wouldn’t give in to that Bolshevik crowd, Dawson City and still spend he had those Crown Jewels and guarded them proud. their summers in the Klondike when not at university. Brad is He got all those treasures back home to their Queen, also an avid hockey fan having and She and our Joseph were quite often seen. played in local leagues since Now prudence dictates that I don’t say much more, but there’s rumours and stories that outlived the war. he moved to Dawson City while also sponsoring an Old- Joe Whiteside Boyle went on to more fame, Timers team. and did himself proudly in life’s biggest game. He died and was buried on England’s far shore. Then fifty years later, came back home once more. P6 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2016 THE KLONDIKE SUN Friends of the Klondike Corridor Staged Go Solve a real murder mystery in the heart of the Klondike goldfields at Klondike Klondike Legacy Day at Bear Creek National Historic Sites! News Release

This exciting new offer is available to visitors starting Help the North West Mount- on August 15th and will run ed Police solve a 100-year old daily at 2 p.m. through to mid- murder in The Dawson City September. The Dawson City Escape Game Escape Game requires a mini- August 10, 2016 Dawson mum of 2 players and can ac- City, YT Parks Canada Agency commodate up to six. Individu- Parks Canada is offering als or small groups looking visitors a brand new expe- to participate are invited to rience this summer - The contact the Visitor Information Dawson City Escape Game. Centre and ask to be matched Come challenge yourself up with other players to form a and solve a real life murder larger group. mystery that took place over National parks, national his- 100 years ago. Teams will toric sites and national marine be locked in a room at the conservation areas represent historic Commissioner’s Resi- the very best that Canada has dence that has been decorated to offer. Developing new and to resemble the office of a innovative programs and ser- Story and Photos by North West Mounted Police vices is one way that Parks By Dan Davidson Officer, and given one hour Canada helps more Canadians, downtown street in Pioneer locals and tourist, turned out to follow clues, solve puzzles, including youth and newcom- Square and had gold panning for the event. Parking was at a and “escape” from the room. ers, discover and enjoy one of and dog sledding and food and premium, and the line extended Those who successfully solve the finest and most extensive music.” almost to the Bear Creek the historical murder mystery systems of protected areas in From 1905 until 1966 Bear She encouraged her audience country residential subdivision will receive the Official North the world. Creek was the industrial centre which takes its name from the to also visit the National Parks West Mounted Police Certifi- of the Yukon Consolidated compound. office in Skagway, where cate of Genius. Gold Corporation and home There was interpretation Friends held a Junior Ranger to the community of workers. on the Machine Shop, the Gold Day earlier. Friends is also and their families. that made Room (open to the public working to preserve the Moore the dredges run, repaired for the first time since its Bridge, the cantilever bridge on equipment in the largest decontamination), Klondike Joe the road to Skagway, so that it machine shop in the north and Boyle’s House and the Artifact can be replaced without being smelted gold bullion in the Gold Storage building. torn down. Room. Seattle’s GO Klondike Theatre “Up here we’re working Some of the homes and and the Marsh Lake Youth with Bear Creek, to see what many of the people who lived put on four Living History might be feasible to make Bear there are now in Dawson or presentations to skip over the Creek open more often, open elsewhere in the Klondike decades: Martha Black and sometimes, open every day, Valley, but the compound exists, Laura Berton in 1907; Joe Boyle, open once in a while … we’re not mainly as a storage place for King of the Klondike I 1916; A sure where it’s going to go, but many thousands of artifacts Dredge Worker in 1935; Four we’re open to ideas.” catalogued by Parks Canada. Youth Packing Up in 1966. She encouraged people to There was a time when There was a Bonnie Barber fill out a survey form available there were regular tours of Cake. There was music by at this event and to stay tuned Bear Creek, and the Friends Barnacle Bob. Parks staff or make themselves available of the Klondike Corridor, were on hand to show people by email for another survey at an international non-profit into the buildings and answer some later date. organization with branches in questions not covered by the Donna and Mike Larson Seattle and Whitehorse, would presentations. run Data Path Systems, an like to see the return of those Donna Larson, the executive independent polling agency, out days. director of the Friends of Marsh Lake. On August 7 the Friends, of the Klondike Corridor, The weather gods smiled on with the cooperation of Parks explained that the group is an Go Klondike Legacy Day, and Canada, hosted Go Klondike international association with the crowds remained thick for Legacy Day at the compound, agreements in both Canada and the whole three hour event, which is seldom open to the the United States. with Husky Bus providing a public. “In Seattle we held a Legacy regular shuttle from Dawson for Hundreds of people, both Day where we closed a those without vehicles.

(Top) Joe Boyle’s house is one of the places targeted by the recent infusion of federal funding for Parks’ sites. (Bottom) The compound yard show some of the administrative buildings and residences THE KLONDIKE SUN WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2016 P7 Discovery Days and the Arts Festival fill up the weekend

history and current efforts of placer miners in the area, saying that “the backbone of our community is our placer mining families. They are multi-generational; they are volunteering for our major and our minor events; their kids are in our schools; they’re in our charities and when somebody needs a hand, it’s usually the placer miners who are helping out.” Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in councillor, Darren Bullen, commented on Photos and Story the fact that, while the Gold By Dan Davidson Rush initially disrupted the decorative gardening.. local people, an accommodation At noon there was the has developed over time. parade, always longer and more “We’ve found a place in the The combination of Discovery elaborate than the smaller one mining world, with our citizens Days events and the Yukon on Canada Day. It led into the employed in the industry and Riverside Arts Festival filled up most formal part of the day, the government, and forming the weekend between Thursday, with speeches by local leaders, partnerships with responsible August 11, and Sunday all of whom recited some gold mining operations. August 14, with the Print and aspects of the Dawson’s Gold “More importantly, our Publishing Symposium and the Rush beginnings. First Nation conquered the Live Music Stage (22 performers Mayor Wayne Potoroka social challenges posed by in all) in the Waterfront Park, spoke of the “epic stampede the Gold Rush, in spite of the stretching over three days. that transformed the world. changes that embarked on our Events began on Thursday “It raised the western traditional territory. afternoon, with the annual hemisphere from the depths “We are proud to stand Authors of Eight Literary of depression, inspired artists together as a prominent self- Walking Tour on Eighth Avenue, around the planet, and posed governing First Nation, with a taking in the one more challenge for the healthy community and leaders Museum, the Robert Service First Nations people, who had of the Klondike.” Cabin and Pierre Berton House. faced of a host of them in the Member of Parliament, Larry About 46 people attended all thousands of years they’ve Bagnell, welcomed everyone three sites. occupied this land.” to the day and introduced the The Klondike Institute of Art He went on to say that a one- local, territorial and national and Culture Members Art Show of-a-kind culture has grown staff that he had with him. opened at the Yukon School of up to flourish here, “where Bagnell bubbled over with Visual Arts gallery that evening, so many amazing people do enthusiasm for everything as part of the town-wide gallery remarkable things as part of Dawson that he could think to hop that took in eleven different their every day lives. name after everyone else had sites around town. “This weekend has become recited all the history. Artists’ talks, the last emblematic of who we are, The Yukon’s Premier, Darrell outdoor Radio Zho of the season whether you’re into the visual Pasloski, devoted much of a (courtesy of the Dänojà Zho arts, slinging mud with your short speech to celebrating Cultural Centre and CFYT-fm), truck, playing ball, or showing the past, present and future the annual Klondike Placer off the goods from the garden, of mining in the territory, Miners BBQ and lots of pool there’s something for you this and wished everyone a fine activities rounded out events on weekend, much like there is weekend. Friday. something, and a place for you, The Arts Festival ramped up Saturday was the busiest day, in this diverse, progressive, at the Waterfront Park, with 13 with many events adding to the incredible community.” demonstrations for young and weekly Farmers’ and Artists’ Klondike MLA Sandy Silver old, as well as installations at markets that have been running celebrated Dawson as being various sites around town and all summer. “alive and well and rich with 11 lectures and demonstrations There was the annual culture, economic opportunity as part of the Print and Horticultural Exhibition, and a real sense of community.” Publishing Symposium based celebrating the Klondike’s long Silver spent a large portion in the old Dawson Daily News history of both market and of his speech celebrating the Building over Saturday and Yard Awards Sunday. Parade Awards Across the river, the AFD Golf Most Notable Transfor- Tournament captured quite a Non – Profit mation few people. The annual Natural and the » » Manufactured series presented » a display of wallpaper patterns 1st » FOOPS Katie Fraser & Ryan called “Migratory Patterns” 2nd Gerties BestPaolini Residential at Ruby’s Place, assembled by Government3rd Fiddlers » Kevin and Robert Yates, while » Kathleen Ritter lectured on » Sharon Edmonds & “The Sound of North” at the 1st Rangers BestBoyd Business Gillis KIAC Ballroom. 2nd » Danoja Zho Cul- » Much of this activity continued over on to Sunday, tural Centre Clockwise from top left: (1) YOOP members, Gerties Girls, RCMP Business3rd VIC Best Aurora Community Office Space with the addition of the popular Mud Bog in the North End and and politicians pose in front of the Museum; (2) Fire trucks; (3) The » » the addition of a Pecha Kucha bicycle parade is a family favorite; (4) The Yukon Order of Pioneers » evening to lead into the ODD group always leads the Discovery Days Parade; (5) Dunham Cup 1st » Juliette’s Manor Jack London Cabin & Ball Closing Dance Party in the Champs – winners of the Thaw di Gras street hockey tournament; 2nd Gammie Trucking Interpretive Centre ballroom. (6) Young Fiddlers from the North Klondyke Highway Music Society; 3rd VanEvery (7) Mr. and Mrs. Yukon, Sam and Kelly Johnston. P8 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2016 THE KLONDIKE SUN Breaking up with convention, one fight at a time

“The world of professional those norms. It feels very power- femmes about being controlled/ wrestling is dominated by ful to move as a wolf, to make abused by a partner and that machismo and hyper mascu- myself ugly, to be loud, to take was floating around in my mind line extremes. We feminize the space, and to be a center of at- when I thought about asking my wrestling ring by giving wres- tention in that way (…) I’ve never manager to be my “controlling tlers complete control over the performed before so taking on husband”. characters they play, by making an animal persona is extremely Both in and out of , the up arbitrary storylines and titles liberating. I don’t have to speak. event is an immersive experience. (…) we enter the arena totally I get to be wild. There is no ex- You might encounter “The Lunch on our own terms, performing pectation for me to interact with Lady” amongst the crowd trying mostly for one another”. anyone in any particular way” to force feed you gluten-free, The audience is quickly chal- The performers build charac- organic, locally sourced snacks; lenged on preconceived notions ters and storylines upon their or “Janet Orial” the cleaning lady of female fighting (mud, jello, oil, life experiences as cisgender or sweeping around your feet while and wet t-shirts) usually in- female-identifying beings, like you try to order a drink at the Photos By Michael MacLean tended to indulge the male gaze. wrestler Kimberly Edgar A.K.A. bar. From the insufferable TV Story By Diego Martin. Hysteria, moodiness, obsessive- “Babydoll”: star always followed by vicious Established in 2013, the annual compulsive behavior, anthropo- “Trying to be docile and paparazzi to a dredge pond siren showdown has quickly found its morphism, right politics pleasing is a persona that many with an entourage of “swamp place in Dawson City’s lineup of and religious delusion are just femmes can relate to, I think. kids”, this art collective will make It’s a rainy evening on Satur- quintessential summer events. A some of the “supersized” items As a child, I was socialized to you feel like you’re in a world day, August 7,2016. A wrestling mix of physical theatre, acrobat- on the menu. In this alternate be pleasing, nice to look at, and that’s part John Waters’ movie, ring, fenced in and surrounded ics, and performance art, the world, female and genderqueer not outspoken (not necessarily part Mexican “Lucha Libre”. An by vendor trucks, stands strong Dawson City League of Lady bodies are free to express their through my parents, but through Italian grandmother with a food in the middle of the Mud Bog Wrestlers re-appropriates and brightest and darkest sides in an school and society in general). binging problem could stop you site. The Mooshide Slide epically reclaims female power. It does unapologetic manner. Jen Bieber I was also very trusting and and ask you to feed her. Rev- frames the scene. The crowd this by creating a space in which A.K.A. “Rot The Roadkill Were- easily manipulated as a young erend Annie Goodfellow and starts arriving in groups, enter- both caricatures of stereotypi- wolf” speaks to me about the person. I think I drew upon that Donald J. Trump might walk ing the site by paying what they cal female representation and collective’s exercise in question- experience for my character (…) past you followed by the secret can, or climbing up the cliff to anti-heteronormative characters ing patriarchal expectations of Performing Babydoll felt like service and an army of followers. find a perfect viewpoint. There fight for the coveted Golden Diva female power: a safe way I could express the The crowd drinks and heckles, is excitement in the air; everyone Cup and handcrafted champion’s “In the normative world, sexi- unstableness I felt, while also not holding hand made signs, while is waiting for the Dawson City wrestling belt. As Aubyn O’Grady, ness and conventional beauty are really being judged for it, because the characters duel to in a League Of Lady Wrestler’s North A.K.A. Big Jody Mufferaw and used as an empowerment tool (…) it is “theater”. This summer also Coliseum of their own (the ring is End Knockout to begin. LOLW founder points out: Ugliness is our way of challenging had me talking to many women/ built and taken apart by the per-

Clockwise from top left: (1) The stage is set for the Dawson City League of Lady Wrestler's 2016 North End Knockout! (2) Shreeka hoists Toast-Her and bellows with rage; (3) Babydoll feels the pain from Bob Loblaw, the Holland American THE KLONDIKE SUN WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2016 P9 Bookends: How Beavers shaped the DCLOLW cont'd Geography and History of North America

but not to the extent that formers themselves). The losers, art, and live body painting. In Europeans would when they got who are often victims of either the end, the audience, exhausted here. their own vanity or the distrac- from yelling and laughing, finds While the Southern tion provided by the prospect of their way off the site and heads Hemisphere tended to be success and recognition, roll off to the Pit Lounge to attend the explored as the result of the the wrestling mat to continue after party, where Toronto DJ search for mineral wealth, engaging with the audience. “Mary Mack” inspires everyone North American exploration From its early beginnings at to dance the night away. But it is was driven by the fur trade, and the Hobo Mansion (an alterna- no ordinary night at the West- beaver pelts were considered tive living space/artist studio on minister Hotel—there is female one of the prime commodities. Bonanza Road), the Dawson City power in the air. Everyone has Chapter three details how League of Lady Wrestlers has connected a bit more with his, the beaver was trapped nearly gained a large and ever growing her, or their feminine power, be to extinction over just a few cult following, sprouting into it quiet and submissive, loud and hundred years, as ever more sister leagues in Toronto, Mon- subversive, clean or filthy, stable efficient ways of catching treal, and Victoria, and fostering or unstable. To learn more about the them were developed and the the creation of a trans Canadian League of Lady Wrestlers: European mania for hats made network of female and queer of beaver felt took hold. art collaboration. Their events No tale of the return of the have been covered countrywide In Dawson City: like their beaver would be complete by media outlets like CBC, VICE, Facebook page https://www. without mention of the The Star, The Huffington Post, facebook.com/dawsoncityleague- work of Archie Belaney, the and The Yukon News, amongst ofladywrestlers transplanted Brit who fooled others. Founder and multi- League of Lady Wrestlers, most of the word as Grey Owl. disciplinary artist Aubyn O’Grady Toronto Chapter: http://www. He was, perhaps, more of a illustrates: “The best thing about leagueofladywrestlers.com/ convenient poster child for an the growth of the LOLW across West Coast League Of Lady existing moment, rather than Canada is seeing how each new Wrestlers: quite the eco-hero that legend Sister League reflects the com- http://wclolw.tumblr.com/ DCLOLW signature locally has made him, but his story munity that it is performed in. made merchandise is available at remains of interest. Elements of the community ap- Bonanza Jellybean’s DIY, amongst In connection with those hats, pear in the characters wrestlers other great local artists’ creations Backhouse spent time at the take on, the location the event (find their little blue truck across Smithbilt hat factory in , takes place, and the audience from the CIBC) and visited the North American who engages with the show. We Fur Auction in Toronto, as well have collectively agreed not to Photographs by: Michael Ma- By Dan Davidson as actually learning how to skin tour our performances, so if a clean, a Montreal/Dawson artist a beaver under the tutelage of a community wishes to host an and designer. To see his 2016 was once Beaverland, shaped professional trapper. event, they have to form their DCLOLW character profile shots Once They Were Hats: and influenced by the activities The book wraps up with own League. There has definitely (a collaboration with Toronto/ In Search of the Mighty Beaver of a creature that was more some discussion of the beavers’ been a learning curve in figur- Dawson photographer and artist numerous and widespread impact on water tables, growth ing out how to respond to our Nate Jones) and other works, visit than the fabled herds of bison of peat bogs, development of growth and popularity in a way By Frances Backhouse http://www.michaelmaclean.ca/ about which we read so much wetlands which help to control that unifies our message, but ECW Press in western lore. They occupied forest fire hazards, and how still allows each League room for 261 pages The DCLOLW North End Knock- and influenced the landscape their activity paves the way for individual expression, but I think $18.95 out was produced by Yasmine of every part of North America diverse flora and fauna during we are figuring it out!” Renaud and co-produced by Andy that was not desert, or too and after their occupation of With a bar service provided by There are a number of beaver Pelletier & Kimberly Edgar. cold for them, or patrolled by an area. She provides several volunteers, (proceeds going to lodges in the Klondike. One alligators. “Wherever they examples of how beaver activity the Dawson City Music Festival family has been known to Diego Martin is a Dawson City/ could find water and wood, in certain areas has been and Yukon Girls Rock Camp) this create temporary difficulties Montreal writer and interdisciplin- beavers were there.” controlled and shaped without year’s annual showdown not only along a branch of the Klondike ary artist. Indeed, as the book moves having to kill them. presented a thought provoking River that meanders past on, we discover that beavers Frances Backhouse is perhaps show in an epic location, it also Henderson Corner and Rock Women of the had quite a bit to do with the best known to Yukon readers offered handcrafted local food, Creek. Other families are existence of both the water and Klondike as the author of thought to be the cause of Children of the Klondike the wood. It appears that they (Whitecap 1995) occasional outbreaks of “beaver are Mother Nature’s landscape and ” (Giardiasis) in some artists, that their presence or (Whitecap 2010). The former of the rural areas south of absence can have a profound was her first book length Dawson. effect on an ecosystem. project, written after a number They’re a chubby, somewhat Beavers go back a long of years of shorter form comical little creature, often way into history, and came journalism. The latter was the used in cartoonish ways to in a variety of sizes over the book she worked on during her represent Canada, as in that millennia. Not all of them were stay at Berton House, in 2008. annoying pizza commercial dam and lodge builders like Both can be found on a lot of currently flooding evening Castor canadensis. Not all are book racks in the territory’s (beaver with tartan now, Some of them den under stores. Sadly, her 1999 book cape and hockey stick) or the Hiking with river banks for instance. about hiking the Chilkoot Pass, recent cartoon demonstrating Backhouse begins by taking (Raincoast) Canada’s increased a number of trips into areas is out of print, but perhaps the commitment to NATO (little where the landscape is most buzz about this book will bring beaver in combat gear hauling like what it would have been it back, or at least hasten that tiny toy cannon). Unless their when there were a lot fewer promised e-book version. activities have caused us some people on the continent and, inconvenience, we don’t tend to having described those places, take them seriously. asks us to imagine much of the Frances Backhouse says continent looking that way. that much of what we refer to Sure, the First Nations people historically as the New World trapped and used the beaver, P10 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2016 THE KLONDIKE SUN History Hunter: Their Own Yukon: a new and improved edition

communities. The photos work more or less in its original Jim Robb assembled created form. As such, it retains the a framework within which language and views of the time, some of that knowledge could and reflects the generosity of be presented. In 1973, Robb the individuals who shared their asked Cruikshank to talk to memories with Cruikshank and the families concerned and Robb. help him to record the details There are some minor surrounding the scenes depicted changes though, that make in the photographs. this edition an improvement According to the original over the original publication. preface to the book, the photos Most noticeable is that the in this volume “present an quality of the photographs has alternate history, recorded by been greatly improved. They Indian people who experienced are sharper and the range of it.… In their photographs they contrast enhanced. Murky isolated and recorded events images from the original volume, in their daily lives which could where much of the detail was never have been described as hidden by heavy contrast, are vividly in writing. Like their now easy to discern. oral tradition, their pictures Names have been added to conveyed emotions through the images contained in the last posture, gesture and facial chapter; something that was expression as well as through not done in the original edition. the human story they tell.” Where details of the faces were The photographs are a rich cropped on the original cover, portrayal of events of daily life on this one, they are framed to and a wide variety of social reveal the entire faces of the occasions captured from a individuals, a subtle change that personal standpoint, rather than makes it more appealing without the detached view of an outside changing dramatically the form scholar. from the original edition. The book, which contains 241 There are three maps in the photos within its 180 pages, is first chapter of the book. All broken into 11 chapters, with quotations are footnoted, and the first setting the context, there is a short bibliography on and the second addressing the the last page. gold rush and its aftermath. This book reveals native life The following 8 chapters from an intimate, personal group the photos into several perspective. The introductory categories (hunting, trapping, text for each chapter sets the trade and trading posts, family stage for what follows within, life and death, women, social and the captions supply details life riverboats and wood about the content of each camps). The final chapter is an photograph as provided by assemblage of contemporary the numerous contributors to By Michael Gates, photographs taken by Robb Cruikshank and Robb. “Their Originally in The Yukon News, himself. Own Yukon” put an intimate Friday July 22, 2016 commercial photo books that Cultural Education Society and This book was a ground- human face on First Nations Used with the author’s capitalized on the insatiable the Yukon Native Brotherhood, breaking document testifying to people and started to fill in permission demand for anything Klondike. Their Own Yukon, by Jim Robb First Nation life in the territory the long-overlooked chapter of Later photo books produced and Julie Cruikshank, has just that had long been neglected Yukon history that continues to by Goetzman or Zaccarelli been reprinted by the Council in the conventional narratives. this day. The portray the stable community of Yukon First Nations. Minor It exposed First Nation For anybody interested in should be remembered not only that Dawson became after the changes improved the new culture to the wider public, Yukon First Nation history, this for the abundance of the yellow stampede had subsided. edition. and brought the story back to is an essential addition to your metal it produced, but for the More recent books like One The original concept for this the communities in a highly library. It was an excellent book wealth of images captured in Man’s Gold Rush (photographs book was born in the fertile readable fashion. The original is when it first came out forty silver. The camera had just come by Hegg), Klondike Lost (two mind of renowned Yukon artist one of the most evocative photo yearsMichael ago, Gatesand is is even a Yukon better in into its own and during the gold goldfield photographers, the Jim Robb, who began discussing books in my library, and the new historianthe reprint and edition. sometimes rush, many stampeders brought Kinsey brothers), The Last the idea of a picture book of reprinted version takes its place adventurer based in Whitehorse. their pocket cameras with them. Grand Adventure (William First Nations life with many of beside the original edition on He was a founding member of Others brought more Bronson) and Klondike Quest his native acquaintances. They the bookshelf. this newspaper. He is currently professional outfits and (compiled by Pierre Berton) loaned him the photos and he The book quickly went out writing as book on the Yukon in produced the iconic images that place a more historical compiled them into a history of of print and in recent years, World War I. You can contact him have defined the gold rush for perspective upon the drama of their lives. copies were selling for several at [email protected] all time: The long chain of men the great stampede of a century The project gained traction hundred dollars each. This year, labouring up the Chilkoot Pass, before. These books are at once with the financial support of the Council for Yukon First the fleet of handmade scows, stirring, stimulating, fascinating Whitehorse businessman Jack Nations decided to reprint this boats and rafts that floated and informative. Needham, who had become Open daily for Breakfast and Dinner down the lakes and rivers to But First Nation people make acquainted with many First either a scattered appearance, Nation families as a purser on reach Dawson City; the crowded Continental Breakfast Buffet streets of Dawson City and the or do not appear at all in this the Yukon River steamboats in 7.00 am – 10.00 am mining of the nearby goldfields. colourful pictorial narrative of the old days. Dinner 5.00pm – 10.00 pm I quickly compiled a list of the Yukon in transition between Anthropologist Julie two dozen photographers who the 19th and 20th centuries. Cruikshank became involved (867) 993-6860 produced significant collections Fortunately, First Nation people through her own study in the of photos of the era of the gold took their own photographs. late 1960’s. One of her concerns [email protected] rush. One ground-breaking book was that while often studied, Photographers like E. A. Hegg stands out. Originally published the result of this research and Frank LaRoche produced in 1975 by the Yukon Indian was seldom shared with the THE KLONDIKE SUN WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2016 P11 Authors on Eighth Celebrated Klondike Writing

Emile Bouffard held the audience at Robert Service’s Cabin The audience at the Jack London Museum. Story and Photos Klondike Sun By Dan Davidson The London stop, hosted on this annual event. Canadians than it has in recent Long time by chief interpreter, Dawne At Park’s Robert Service years, and so there was less subscriber and annual contest , Mitchell, celebrated Jack venue, young Emile Bouffard need to explain just who Pierre participant Terry Hynes won the This year’s Authors on Eighth London’s short stay in the provided a spirited and Berton was. poetry award for “Klondike Joe” Walking Tour didn’t set a record territory, along with his much humorous account of Service’s This summer’s writer-in- a poetic celebration of the life of for numbers – as the event has longer literary reach. He wrote life and times in the Yukon, residence, poet and editor,Invasive Joseph Whiteside Boyle. seen up to 60 people crowded that he found himself in the making reference to some of the SpeciesClaire Caldwell, read from her The winners, who were not into the first venue at the Jack Yukon, and it is certain that standard works, but reading recent poetry collection, present for the event, will be sent London Museum – but it did do his stay here jump-started his several that were less well , and assisted in giving their prizes of books and gold something unusual in terms career as a writer. known. out the prizes for the annual nuggets. of numbers, holding steady at The museum also celebrates Just across the street is writing contest, which she had Honourable mention went between 46 and 50 for all three the work of long-time journalist Pierre Berton’s boyhood home, helped to judge. to two stories, “Lightflower”” stops. and historian, the late Dick purchased by the author in 1989 The theme for this year’s by Joshua Clark and “The The tour follows the Writers’ North, without whom the and refurbished by the Klondike contest was to link the Klondike Gravediggers Hands by April Block from the Jack London London Cabin would never have Visitors Association. Operating with the First World War, an White as well as a poem, Museum and Cabin to the Robert come to Dawson, and whose since 1996, and now under the idea inspired by the Yukon and Christmas in the Trenches” by Service Cabin and finally to personal collection of London control of the Writers Trust of the First World War conference someone writing under the name Pierre Berton’s House, home of memorabilia was the starting Canada, with the assistance of earlier this season. Barb-Wire Bill. the writers’ retreat named for point for the museum’s displays. the KVA and the Dawson City The “prose award” went to Following the awards and door Dawson’s famous son. The museum is operated Community Library, the home Erika Rauguth for her short prizes, Caldwell conducted a tour “Writers’ Block” is a bit of a by the Klondike Visitors has been host to 76 visiting story, Buried , inspired by local of the residence which, since it is literary joke, since all of the four Association, which partners writers since it opened. historian Michael Gates’ History a home, is only open to the public writers celebrated on the tour with Parks Canada and the The audience for this part of Hunter column about an incident during this annual event. were prolific in their lifetimes. Writers’ Trust of Canada, to put the tour contained many more during the war. Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in General Assembly August 27-28 TH Farm (Klondike Hwy near the Airport)

Breakfast from 8:30 a.m. Assembly from 9:30 a.m.

Meals provided, shuttle service, daycare at Tr’inke Zho

Parking is available at TH Hall and Dawson Airport – please use the shuttle service from these locations Please bring your children to Tr’inke Zho – there will be no childcare on-site

For information please call 993-7100 ext. 134. P12 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2016 THE KLONDIKE SUN

WEEKDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON AUGUST 25, 2016 TO AUGUST 31, 2016 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30                                                         S             €                             ‚ € ƒ„                   „† €  € ƒ„ „      ƒ ƒ €   €ˆ‰   ˆ      „   „ € ƒ„          €   „               „      €        €€  €€      €   €  € € „€Š‹             Œ €€ €   €ˆ  €€     €€    €  €€    ˆŽ     ‘    „           ‘  ‘    SUN    †         †             ’   ‘       „  „    „  „      ‘   “ ““ “ ““      “ ““ “ ““        ‰               €Ž          €   „    „  „         „    €     Œ     ”ˆ          •– ’   •–   •–   •–   •–   „       Œ     •€       ’„  ’„ •€  € ‚”  ’   ˆ„„    €€ €ˆ€ ˆ €  Œ        —    Œ  ™      ™    —š–      €              „         ‘         €  ‘‘ ‘‘‘         ’ › ‘ˆ„ ˆ      œ‹‹ƒ  ‘  ‚”  € ”„   ™ „ž „   ƒ€  š‹‹      ƒ€ € ’    ‚”   ˆ  ‘    Ÿ ¡š   Ÿ ¡š ’‘          ‘     ‘‚  ‘   „   „     €    €       €    € Š    ‰        „   „    „    „          ‘  š‹‹       ˆ„ ’    ‚”  € €  TV  ”Ÿ„‘„               ¢ ¢     £ £                       ”   €€   ’ €€€  €€€               € ¤ ” €  „  €  „  €  „  €  „             ¥€  ¥€€   €       ¥€ š     ¥€ ¦   GUIDE            ™    ” ” §+ §+ § „ § „           €‘                 € ‘           ‘  †  †     ‘   „    THURSDAY EVENING AUGUST 25, 2016 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30                                    ­  € ‚      ­           ‚  ‚  ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ „  † ‡ˆ‡ ‡ˆ‡ ‰ Š‹Œ‚ „Ž ‡ˆ‡ ‡ˆ‡„‘ ’ ­ ‰ Š‹Œ‚ ­ ­  “  ‚ƒ ‚ƒ ‘  ‘  ‚ ” ‰ ‰ ‰ Š‹Œ‚ ‰ Š‹Œ‚ ‚ ‚ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‰ ‚ ƒ   Œ‚   Œ  •– ƒƒ‚ ‘  ‚ –   •–    ‰ ‰ ƒ  „  „ „—„ Š‚ —‘— ˜„˜         ™ ƒ   ”‚  š­›  ƒ ‹      ‡‡ ‚œ ƒ   ‘­   Ž Ž   Œ  ‘­   ‘­   ˜˜ R          Œ  ”‘ ‚   „ ƒ  ƒ ‹  ƒ  ƒ ‹  ƒ ‹  ƒ  ƒ ‹   ”‚ ƒ ‹   Œ    —  —    —  —          ƒž‘  ƒƒ ˜‘— ˜ R       ˜‘— ˜ R    ƒƒ Š Ž ‚žž —Œ‚ —Œ‚   ‚žž —Œ‚ —Œ‚   “  Ž   ­ ­  ­ ­ ­ Ÿ‘ŸŸ  Ÿ‘ŸŸ   —Ž  ‘ ­€‘  ” ‘„ ƒ‚ „ ­   Œ Œ ­€  ­ ƒ ­€ Œ   ­ Œ Œ ­ ˜ ˜ R ­ƒ  ƒ ­ƒ    ‚ ‚ ” ž ž ­ƒ     ‘  ‘†  ¡Ž ­€ ¡ ¡Ž ƒƒ‹ž ­  ¢£ ­ ¡ ­ ¡ ­ ¡Ž ­ ƒƒ‹ž ­  ¢£ Ž—–Ž—– ‘ƒ  „ ¢  „ ‰  ƒƒ  ­  Œ   ­‚ ‰  Š ­‚ ‚ ­‚ ­‚     ƒ‚ƒ        ­‚  ­‚      — Š    ž ­  Š ‚ Š  ¦ ­œ   Š‚ ‡¢ˆ¡ œ    €­‚         ƒ„  † Š        ƒ  ‡ˆ ‰ Š      Š Š  ’ ‰  „  ƒ Š  ­‚ ‚ ­‚  ­‚ Š ƒ   ž ‡ ¡  ‡ƒŒ ‡ƒŒ ƒ‚ƒ‚ Š—­ ƒ‚ƒ ƒ  ­‚  ­‚ ‰  ­€ ­ This page ƒ    Œ     ƒ‚ƒ ‚  ­‚  ­‚  ­  ­‚  ­‘     Ž Ž‚­—Ž     sponsored by Kaminak Ž“ ƒ ƒ   ‚  „ ”“­  ­‚ ­ ­ Š  • † ­‹‘‚ ­ ­–‚   ‡ˆ  „  Œ Œ „† Š ­–Œ  ­‹  ­ ž ­ ƒ ­ ž  Gold Corporation. 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FRIDAY EVENING AUGUST 26, 2016 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30                                                                         R             R           ­ ­€‚ƒ  €   R            ­   R        ­       „  ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚  R  €‚ ƒ„  †† ‡†ˆ ‚€ † ‡ ˆ‰­ ‡ ˆ‰­   R  €‚  †† ‡†ˆ   „ Š­Š ‹Š   ‹Š   ‹Š    Œ €‰ €Ž   ‰Š‹  Œ €‰ €Ž   RŒ‹ ‹Š  ‹Š   ‹Š  ‹Š  ‹Š  ‹ ‹Š       €  ƒ€Ž€      €   ‰Š ‘ ‰ ‹  ’    €     ‚ †   ‘ ““  ”‰  ’€•  ‰  €    ““   ’ ‘   ‡ ˆ‰­   ‘   ˆ  Ž €    R   Ž‘        Ž €    R  Ž‘ †‚          ‰  €    ‰  €  ‰  €    ‰  € †    ‰  € ­      ‚       ‚                ’        €          Ž ’  ’    ’  ’    Ž €­€ Ž  €  € †€ –—–“     € ‘‘  „ R Œ „ ‡  ’„  “  ˜˜˜ ˜˜˜  ƒ‘Ž€     ‘  ‘  † •• † €     ˆ  R  ‰Š ™   €•€ RŒ  ’†    €•€         ‘ €’ €      €’    ‘ €’ š ›Ž  ›Ž ‰   ‰• ‰ ‹  ”— ‰ ‹ ›Ž ‰ ‹ ›Ž ‰  ‰ ‹   ‰ ‹  ”— Ž ƒŠ  Ž ƒŠ    €   ”  € ‡‘ ‘  €„ œ“ž“  ‰”‹ ‡ €ˆ• ‰”‹ € ‰ ‹ ’  €     ‰Œ€€€      ˆ   ‰”‹  €‚ ‰”‹  €  €       ƒ ˆ    ’ ˆ     R  ‚ Ž ‡  ˆ €   €  ƒ €   RŒ”•  ‘   ˆ•† ƒ   RŒ “”ž› ¢    Š‰ ‚€€   • ‚ ’  ‚€€ † „  Ž  Ž‘  † ‘  ˆ    ‰”‹ ’ ‚ ‘•  • ƒ–   ˆ €    ˆ €  €€ œ ‡ € ¢­€ €   ˆ €  ‰”‹   ‰”‹   ‰”‹ ˆ€€  ‚€€ —˜ ‚Ž ‡  €‘• ‡ˆ ‡„„  ˆ     “‘­ “‘­  ‰”‹  €‚ ‰”‹ ‡ ‰Š      € ­€‚€     ‰Œ€€€  ’‘€   ‰”‹  €‚ ‰”‹   ‰ ‹  ‰”‹    € €€ ‘  Ž   Ž   ƒŽ  €€‘ € € Ž„ ‚   •• “‘­ ˆ£      € † „   ‘ˆ   ‹ ‘š €€ ‰‹  ‘ ‰‹   ‰‹‹  ‰‹   ƒ  ‰”‹  ‰ ‹ ‘š  ‰”‹  ‰ ‹ “+  ‰”‹  ‰ ‹ ’ Ž  ­€‚€    ’‘€  ‰Œ€€€  ­€‚€  ‰ ‹  €‚ ‰  ‰”‹  ‰ ‹     R   Ž Ž “       ƒ€ €­   €­    €       ‰ˆ ƒ’    ’ Š‰ ‚€€ ’   ‚ €   € ‚€€   ‚ ™  Ž   €   €  €   €     ™›                                ­   ƒŽ   ƒŽ   ƒŽ   ƒŽ   ƒŽ    ’ € ’ € ’ € ’  ’  ˆš  ˆ €  ˆ “+  “+   Ž€€  Ž€€   š€€‰ €Œ ˆ¥ – ¥      €­  €­   €   ‚€€ —˜ ‚Ž ‡  €‘• ‡ˆ ‡„„  ˆ  ƒ€  ƒ€     ’ € ’ €   ¦  ‡    ¢  €  RŒŒ “‘­ Ž‘ § ‰ ƒ € RŒŠ ’‚ Ž  •Š Ž Ž     ‘   R”Œ ƒ  ‘   R”‹    R”  € ‘ ‰Š‹     RŠ‹ ‰Œ‹  Ž€ƒ RŠ‹ € ­ˆ  € € ­    € € ­    ˆ£  ˆ£    ˆ£    SATURDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON AUGUST 27, 2016 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30                                     R                 ­€  ‚       ƒ ƒ „ †‡  „ †‡  ˆ  ˆ   ‰ Š       ‰ ‡ ‰ ‡  ‡ ‹ Š ‹Œ  Š       Ž   Œ ‘ Œ ‘  ‘ ƒ ‰ ŒŠ ŒŠ ŒŠ ŒŠ ŒŠ ‰ˆ   ŒŠ    R             Š Š Š ‡Œ  ‡Œ   ‰ Œ Š’“    ‘’‡’  ‹ ‘’   • „ ‡           Œ‹ R      ­    ‰     Š    “    „‡                 †‹    ‰   –  —    —   ˜ ‰ ‹  ™    “   “  € ‚  š   ‰ Ž ŽŠ       ›–‰   š   R   ƒ‚„  ŽŠ       ‰ Œ  ‰‰  ‰  ‰‰     ‰      ‰    ‰ ‹  ‡ ƒ —           ™  ™  ™  ™        š  š —ƒ ‡ Œ ‹Œ        ‹  šŒ   —      —     —   —        šŒ  ‘ ‡                   š —    ‘ ‡     ‰   ‰™Œ        R    R       Œ         R     Œ Œ               ‚ ˆ  œ—  ‰ ƒ‹š    “       †—   †—   †—   žŸ  žŸ  ž‰   Š  †  † ‡ ˆ ‚ ‰Œ† „  Œ   Š  †  † ‡ ˆ ‚ ‰    ™ ž‰  ‰ ƒ ‰     ™’   Š• RŠ ‰  €    — ‰ ‰    ‚ R €  † ‹ Œ— —  ‚   ˆ  I— ›€€›     Œ   ˆ  ‰      Œ‰  Œ  ‰‹ Œ† ’  Œ  €   Ž‚  ‡ ‘  ’  —  ’ ‚ „ “‰Œ—Œ†—   Œ Œ  ‰  Œ   ŽŒ Œ  €   Ž‚  ‡ ‘  ‡ ˜  ƒŠ  ˆ ‚ ‰ œ    ‰        „„ Œ š  š   Œ     ‹‹’— —  Š  ‡‹    ‡Œ† Œ     £‰‘     ƒ  ‡Š ‰   —   Š   ƒ‰ ‡‹    ‡Œ† Œ    š ‰     Œ Œ  †Œ‡’› ‹‹ ‹‹ ‹‹ ‹‹ ‹‹ ‹‹ ‹‹ Œ  ‚    š ‘Œ      Œ          ‰ ‰    ¤  ‘Ž        Œ  † ‡  €Rƒ ‚      ‰ ­+    Ž  ‰ š ƒ ” ‡Š ‰  —   Š  ƒ š ‰  ‡‹    ‡Œ† Œ     £‰‘    ‰       „‹‹    Œ‹ ‡   R •‹  „  ‚šš†   RŠ   Œ‹     —Œ  ”Š Œ  Œˆ      „   Š  € ‹    ‡   Œ†—  Š  ‘   ‘‡  †   •‚ Œ†Œ   Š   Œ ‰‰ ‰‰‰ ‰‰‰ ‰‰‰ ‰ ƒ Œ ‰‰‰ ‰‰‰ ‰‰‰ Œ  ‰‰‰  ‡‰  £ — Œ–  £ —  –  –               ¦‰ ¦‰         Œ        Œ     Œ   ‡    „  RŠ        “  “ ­+ ­+­ ‡ ­ ‡     Œ   ‡   RŠ  š  R— ‰     •˜„ ‡‡ ‹  €ƒ   –    ˆ  €    ‰   ˆ‚   ˜ †Œ‹    • ‹   ‹š R”Š • •  §¨ R”  ’‚    „ ƒ  — ‹‡ R”  „ ƒ  — Œ‘  Œ‹‹ R” ­ ‰     œ  œ  œ  œ  œ  œ  œ  œ  œ  œ  œ  œ  œ  œ  œ  œ  THE KLONDIKE SUN WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2016 P13

SATURDAY EVENING AUGUST 27, 2016 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 ADDITIONAL                                    R                                    CHANNEL ­                  ­      €‚       ƒ ƒ   R             ƒ „   ƒ „     R       ­  ƒ  ƒ  ‚  †         ‚ ‡†  ˆ R         LISTINGS: ­   ˆˆ  ˆˆ „      ‰ ˆ     ‰ Š­ ­   ­ ­  ‹        ƒ „   Š­‹  ˆ  R       ­   ‹ ‹ Š   ­ ‹ ‹  Š R  ­  €‚ ­ €‚‚ € ƒ       ­Œ ˆˆ ­   Œ   ­  Œ  ­   ­  ­ˆ   ‚     ˆ   Ž Ž     ˆ   Ž Ž      7 Š‚  ‘ˆ ’“†”     R  „ €    ƒ   R  € ††‚­ Ž    ˆ        ˆ          Ž‚        €        ‹ ‹ ‹ Dawson Dome        R       Š Š  Š  ­•  ­•  Œ•  Š      R‡  Œ•   Š      R‡ Š     „Šˆ –—   ˜ˆ™Š š › Žˆ  œ     Š  ˆ  ˆ ­ Camera ™Œ  žŸ„  žŸ  žŸ  žŸ„    žŸ„   žŸ   žŸ  žŸ„  Žˆ†Žˆ† Š ­‹ ­‹ž­‹  ƒ  œ   ŠŒ ŠŒš › ­‹             ­‚  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12 & 13 SUNDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON AUGUST 28, 2016 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30                          Possible Local                 ­  €‚ƒƒ„ƒƒƒ   † ‡ˆ  † ‡ˆ    ­  ­  ‰ ‰  Š  Š  ‹Œ   ‹Œ   Ž‡  Ž‡  ‘   ‘ R Programming              ‘ ˆ  ‘ R  ‡       ’  ’ “†    ‰‡ ‹                Ž “   ‚ƒƒ   ‘”•‘ R  ‘ ˆ ‘   ‘ –‘ R       ‹                            ‹   ˆ  Œ– — Žˆˆ    ˆ                  ‹ ‡ Ž  ‘ ‹ˆ‘           ˆ  ‹  ‘‘ R      ­ €             — ‚                  ˆˆ    Ž ‡ ”–  ŽŽ  ŽŽ  Ž ‹ˆ Ž ‹ˆ Ž ‹ˆŽ ‹ˆŽ ‹ˆŽ ‹ˆ‹ˆ‹ˆ‹ˆ ‹ˆ       ”‡ ‘ – ‘ Rƒ„  ‘ ˜˜‹ ‘ R   † ‡ˆ  ‘ ‘ R ‰‰­Š„‹    ‹ˆ                       ˆ   ” Ž  Ž  Ž  Ž  Ž                             “    ‘ ‘ R Œ  ‘Ž ‘ R‚ ­ Ž €‘’†  “   ‘  ‘ R †  ‹  ”—“     ŠŽ     ‹ Š     ™  —   ˆ —  ˆ     †—    Œ”                  –  –   š     ”   €€ ‹  ” ” ˆ” š    ‡ ”–  ›     œ 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TUESDAY EVENING AUGUST 30, 2016 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30                                                                                    ­ ­ € € R    ‚ƒ„     †‡­ˆ ‡­ˆ ‡­ˆ    ‚ƒ„   ‡‰  ‡‰  ‰       ‡  ‡   ‡    ‚ƒ„   ‚ƒ„  Š    Š           Š      „      „  ‹Œ        ­ Œ    Š  ‹Œ    ‡ ‡   Ž        Š‘‘    ƒ ’  ‘‚‘  ‚‘        ƒ ’   ‚‘         ’“       Ž ””      ‡ ­ƒ   ’ ­     ””   ’  ­ ­    •   ­   ­       ­   ‡  ­   ­            ‡ ’ ­ ­ƒ   ­ ­ƒ   ­ƒ   ­ ­ƒ   ’“   ­ƒ   SUN Š„  ­ ­ Š ŠŠ  Š  Š  ­ ­ Š ŠŠ Š  Š  ŠŠ  ŠŠ  Š Š Š Š Ž   ‡‚ ‚ – —  ˜‘         ‡‚ ‚  ˜‘       ‡‚ ‚             Š­  Š­         Š­  Š­      Š                                            ­   ­     ™™™Š ™™™Š    ­  “     ‹       „ „   ƒ“  Ž      „ „ € „€ R     ­  ­Š  ‘  š      Ž ­Š ‚›„ ‡  œ’           ‡  ž              ‡  ž    ‘Œ ‘Œ  ­ ­Ÿ­   ‡†     ‘      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WEDNESDAY EVENING AUGUST 31, 2016 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30                                                            ­   ­   ­   ­   ­  €‚   ƒ ƒ „ † € ‡ƒ ƒ €ˆ‚‰Š „ † „ † ˆ‹ ˆ‹  ‹­   ˆ ˆ ‚  ˆ ˆ „   „   „ † „ †     „   „   „ † „ †    ‚    ŒŽ     ‚ ‰   Ž     ŒŽ  ‚ „ˆ „ˆ    ‚€   €   † €   ‘    ‰ˆ  †  ˆ† €   ‘    ‰ˆ  †  ‚ ‚ ’   ‘    ‚‰†‚   ‚‰    ““   ‚‰‚‰  ‚            ‚ ‚‚‰ ‚ ˆ      ‚   ˆ ‚€ ‚‰ ‚‰†‚  ‚‰ ‚‰†‚  ‚‰†‚  ‚‰ ‚‰†‚  ’ ‚‰†‚  ­ ­ ‰ ­ ‰   Œ Œ ­ ‰ ­ ‰   Œ Œ         ­                         ‰ ‚ ƒ Œ  ‰ ‰    ‰ ‚ ƒ Œ  ‰ ‰           †‰”•– ‹      †‰” ‰ ‰    ——— ———     ‰ ‚’ €  ˆ       Œ  ˆ      ˜  ‘€  ˜  ‚‰   ‚‰    ‰ˆ     ‚‰ ˆ€ ƒƒ  ™  ˆ   ˆ   ˆ   ˆ   ˆ                               ƒŽ ƒŽ   ‚‰ €‚‰ š‚‰ € „ˆ‡     Ž     ‚‰ „ ˆ   ‚     ˆ  ‚­   ˆ ­‚‰ ‚­  ‚‰       ­     ƒ‚  ‚­‚‰              ‘  œžžœ  “šŸ¡ž ‘  ‚                   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FRIDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 2, 2016 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 ADDITIONAL                                                            ­€‚­ R           ­€‚­ R           CHANNEL €ƒ ƒƒ ‚„ € † ­ƒ‡ ­ R       ­‚€ ­ R    ˆ ‰Š      ‹ „ „ „ „ „ ­ ‚ Œ ­ R     „‚  ‡ ˆ ‰Š ˆ ‰Š ­ ‚ Œ ­ R   ƒ ŽŽ ­‰  ‘­     ­  Ž ’‹Š  ­ R  ­  Ž ’‹Š  ­ R  Ž ­‰  ‘­     ƒ“ “Ž LISTINGS: ƒ€  €‚  €‚’‚    ‚€ ­  ­€  Œ   ‚€   ƒ ƒ„ ‡     ”” •Š   Œ€‚–  ƒ†Šƒ‚  ƒ†  ”” Œ   ˆ ‰Š  ƒ†ƒ† ƒ ‰ ­Œ­ R€  ‚ƒ    ƒƒ† ƒ   ­Œ­ R€  ‚ƒ      „    ƒ€  ƒ†  ƒ†Šƒ‚  ƒ†  ƒ†Šƒ‚  ƒ†Šƒ‚  ƒ†  ƒ†Šƒ‚ ‡   ƒ†Šƒ‚ ‹‹† ‹† ‹† ‹† „ ‹† ‹† ‹† ‹† „        7 Œ‹     ‚     ’ Œ  Œ       Œ Œ      ’  ‚‚ ’† †    Š  ‚ „    —Š‚†˜    Š  ‚ „    — † †   ™™™™™™ Dawson Dome   ƒ‡€––  ƒ‡ ƒ‡ ­’­ R Œ ‡  ­ ­ R†   ‡ ­ƒ‡ ­ €ƒ‡ ­€ ­ ­ R†   ‡  ƒ†  ƒ† € € ‚Œ ‹ ’‚  ƒ†     ‚ ‚Œ ƒ† € € ‚Œ š › ’ › 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The Sun obtained funding in late 2009 from the City of Dawson, YTG’s Heritage Branch and the Community Development Fund to conserve and archive early issues and make them available once again in the public domain. This is a great resource for students, writers and historians, and also for prospective tourists with an interest in Dawson City’s life. Each month, we are re-printing our front pages from 20 years ago as a souvenir of our lively history. If you want to see page 2 and beyond, check out our website. Past issues are available there for download. Go to http://klondikesun.com. More will be added periodically when we have time! In 1996, we became a bi-weekly. Should 20 Years Ago be a feature of every issue of the Sun from now on? Let us know. P18 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2016 THE KLONDIKE SUN Scots of the Yukon, Part 3: The Discoveries Story by James McQuiston

mother, living near Fort Garry, Through his explorations, factor” in the new company, ard, who was himself the grand- Manitoba. He began his career Mackenzie opened up north- representing the backdoor son of George Mackenzie, 2nd Let’s move on to the major as a teacher. In 1851 he was western Canada, providing pathway to the Yukon River Earl of Seaforth, in Scotland. discoveries made by men of ordained, and began his life’s eventual access to the Yukon Valley. Simpson's father was a first Scottish descent, leading to the work among the Gwich’in at River Valley, and on into Alaska. Jack McQuesten entered cousin of Alexander Macken- settlement of the Yukon Valley. Fort Yukon. There still exists a rock on the Yukon Valley through this zie’s father-in-law. Simpson It was Jack McQuesten and which this explorer, who had backdoor opened by Scottish was hired by Andrew Colville, Robert McDonald who first just finally reached the Pacific involvement on both sides of who was born in East Lothian, recorded the Native name for Ocean, wrote the words, “Alex the Atlantic. Jack had spent Scotland, and whose sister mar- the Klondike River, which was, Mackenzie, from Canada, by several years prospecting in ried Thomas Douglas, 5th Earl in fact, the Thron-deg. A French land, 22nd July 1793.” the northwest United States of Selkirk, the financier of the trader wrote the name down and in southwest Canada, along quest north. on an early map of the area, in with his brothers, cousins and Mackenzie, of course, discov- a manner that seemed, instead, father. When the other family ered the main passageway into to spell it Clondike. It is my members returned to the lower the Yukon River Valley, Simpson theory that this morphed into forty-eight, Jack partnered with encouraged Jack McQuesten to the name The Klondike, despite the Irishman Mike Shannon, explore the area, and Douglas it not being the original name of until he took a job as a voyageur financially guaranteed the this famous river. hauling freight northward. He explorations of Colin Robert- Rev. McDonald almost cer- eventually traveled more than son and other Scotsmen in this tainly officiated at the wedding twice the distance across the adventure. In addition, Alex- Jack McQuesten of Jack McQuesten and his wife, Northwest as the famous Lewis ander Mackenzie and Thomas Kate. Jack and Kate were not the and Clark Expedition. Jack had Douglas, being blocked in their real given names of this couple Alexander MacKenzie spent so long in the wilderness, attempt to settle displaced that represented one of the in fact, that he missed the entire Highland crofters on land in The McQuesten family is a very first marriages between American Civil War, and did Canada by the Hudson’s Bay branch of Clan Donald. Jack’s a white western trader and a not hear about it until he met Company, simply purchased family knew of their link to Clan Native woman in this area. They Alex was born in 1764 at another Irishman, Al Mayo, who enough shares in the company Donald as proven by the fact remained married for life and Stornoway, on the Isle of Lewis, had just left service in that war to have a controlling interest that Chuck McQuesten, great- had many children. in the Hebrides of Scotland, to make his fortune in Canada. over its use of land. grandnephew of Jack, served for Jack came about his nickname and grew up in America, where Soon, Jack left his post as a It can easily be seen that the many years as the North Pacific when, as an inexperienced his father brought him after voyageur to partner with Al settlement of the Yukon Valley Commissioner of Clan Donald, passenger, he climbed to the his mother passed away. The Mayo, James McKniff, Arthur was not an accident, but rather USA. His region encompassed top of a mast to release the waterway named for this man Harper and Fred Hart. McKniff a calculated, step-by-step effort, much of Jack’s old stomping twisted sails of a ship caught in (the Mackenzie River) provided was Scottish, and Harper and carried out by many men of grounds. a severe Pacific Ocean storm. As the best Canadian access into Hart were from Scottish fami- Scottish descent. Coincidentally, the first he descended the mast he was the Northwest, as well as into lies that had moved to County McQuesten’s first stop, upon western preacher recorded dubbed Captain Jack, a name the Yukon River Valley. Antrim, Northern Ireland. This entering the valley, was at Fort in the Yukon River Valley was that stuck with him for life. The men who made the dif- five-man team made their way Yukon, established by Alexan- Reverend Robert McDonald, Kate’s Native name was Satejde- ficult trip through western into the Yukon River Valley der Murray, also of the Hudson's who served as chaplain for the nalno (sa-teg-de-nal-no). Jack Canada and into Alaska, to via the Mackenzie River. They Bay Company. Murray was one Hudson’s Bay Company. A major called her Kate. discover and supply fur-trading were encouraged to go there of the earliest Scotsmen to gold-mining creek that eventu- Robert McDonald and Jack and gold-hunting lands, were by another chief factor of the enter the Yukon. He hailed from ally empties into the Yukon McQuesten were not the only fa- known as voyageurs. One leader Hudson’s Bay Company, a Mr. Lanarkshire, Scotland. River was named Preacher’s mous people from Clan Donald of the voyageurs was Colin Rob- McDougall, and also by a man Captain Jack records that his Creek after Rev. McDonald, to make their mark on the Yu- ertson, born in Perth, Scotland, that Jack called Sibistone, but partner Arthur Harper was the who first discovered gold in its kon. Pete McDonald brought the in 1783. He immigrated to New was, in fact, Sir George Simpson, first to discover gold along the waters “by the spoonful.” very first horses into the Yukon York City, where he found work born in Dingwall, Scotland. Yukon River that would pay River Valley in the company with the North West Company, a daily wage. He also states of his partner John Campbell. one of the two principal trading that Thomas Boswell and John Both Pete McDonald and John companies in North America. By Fraser were the first to do any Campbell left the Yukon as mil- 1814, he was in the employ of mining on the Stewart River. lionaires. the other top trading company, The Stewart River, which How these and other men got the Hudson’s Bay Company, empties into the Yukon, was into the Yukon Valley reveals leading an expedition to rees- discovered by the Scotsman even more Scottish influence. tablish this company in western Robert Campbell of the Hud- Many trappers and miners came Canada. His expenses were son's Bay Company. He named into the valley by what has been guaranteed by Thomas Douglas, the waterway after a close referred to as the “backdoor,” 5th Lord Selkirk, of Scotland. friend and assistant in the com- coming up the Mackenzie River Both Fort Douglas and Fort pany, another Scot by the name through western Canada then Selkirk were named for Thomas Sir George Simpson of James Stewart. Campbell also Reverend Robert McDonald taking smaller streams and por- Douglas. established Fort Selkirk above tages to reach the Yukon River. Robertson rebuilt Fort Doug- the juncture of the Yukon River The Mackenzie River was las, which had been burned and the Pelly River. named after a very famous down by the rival North West Simpson’s story shows the Campbell was hired to Reverend McDonald was born Scot, Alexander Mackenzie, who Company. In 1821, the Hudson’s heavy involvement of Scots in carry on the exploration of John in 1829, son of a Scottish farmer discovered the river while on a Bay Company and the North opening up the North. He was McLeod, who established the and a Canadian First Nations mission to find the Northwest West Company were united, and the great grandson of George town of Dunvegan, in , Passage to the Pacific Ocean. Colin Robertson became a “chief Mackenzie, 2nd Laird of Gruin- Canada, named after his fam-

Best combo. Ever. Get your mac tuned up, and received a free specialty coffee while you wait. THE KLONDIKE SUN WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2016 P19 Scots of the Yukon, Part 3: The Discoveries (continued) Klondike ily’s castle on the Isle of Skye, dant of these two families, derstand his great find, the pak River. In 1866, the Kwikpak Scotland. The influence of the Katie Fraser, an archivist at the river’s discovery was claimed and Youcon were found to be Outreach name is felt today in the Ed- Dawson City Museum, assisted by another Scot by the name of one and the same, and were monton, Dunvegan and British me in my research. Laura Mann, James Bell, considered the first renamed the Yukon River as we Columbia Railway, in the Dun- another Scottish descendant, explorer to find the Yukon. knowAuthor it today. James McQuiston has long vegan Provincial Park, located served as executive director of In 1846, Bell, another Hud- written on the history of Scotland, Job Board near where Jack McQuesten said the Dawson City Museum upon son’s Bay Company trader, Northern Ireland and the Yukon Klondike Outreach Annual he first heard of the Yukon, and my visit there. asked the local Natives what River Valley (particularly con- General Meeting in the name of the Dunvegan The Mann family married into they called the wide, silty cerning his relative, Captain Jack Thursday, Sept 1 from 12:15 Formation, a geological area lo- the McQuesten family. Jack’s river he had come upon. They McQuesten). He is a Fellow with the to 12:45 pm at the Outreach Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, cated in northwestern Alberta, former home in is answered, “Yukukakat”, mean- Office. northern , and currently owned by his descen- ing “big river” or “great river.” and publisher of an e-magazine Everyone Welcome as far north as the Northwest dant Kevin Mann. The apple James Bell renamed the river called Celtic Guide (www.celticguide. Territories. has, at times, not fallen far from the Youcon. com). McQuesten has a few books James Stewart played an im- the tree where Yukon history is For the next several years, to his credit and has been published Open Positions: portant role in maintaining Fort concerned. maps of this area showed the in Highlander Magazine, as well as Selkirk. The men were finally Of course, the river most Youcon heading north into the with many newspapers and websites. forced to abandon the post they central to this report is the Arctic Ocean. Another river He has had unique, historical white Advanced First Aid Attendant/ had fought so hard to sustain, Yukon River. In 1845, while seemed to flow from this vast papers accepted by two U.S. Presi- Site Security when Chilkat Indians, long-time James Stewart literally held the country and empty into the dential Libraries and Museums, and Automotive Mechanic rivals of the Hudson's Bay Com- fort at Selkirk, Robert Campbell Bering Sea near the old Russian has worked to preserve the hidden Birch Syrup & Forest Farm pany traders at Fort Selkirk, explored the Pelly River down- town of St. Michael, located on history of many heroic Scotsmen. Assistant attacked it and destroyed it. stream until he came upon a the western coast of Alaska. The Camp Cooks & 2nd Cook Stewart went on to serve at Fort larger river flowing from the Russians called this the Kwik- Cashier/Sales Person McPherson, near the mouth south. As he had done with Cooks – various of the Mackenzie River, while the naming of Stewart River, Custodial Staff Campbell retreated to Fort he named this river the Lewes Dishwasher/Prep Cook Simpson, also on the Mackenzie River, after the Scotsman John River. Lewes, his fellow traveler and Early Childhood Educators The Fraser River, the longest friend. Campbell didn’t know it Equipment Operators river in British Columbia, is yet but he had found the Yukon. Expediter another important river in the Since Campbell didn’t un- General Manager trek north. It was named for Grocery Clerk Simon Fraser, who led an ex- Heavy Equipment or Automotive pedition on behalf of the North Technician West Company almost to the Hostel Manager mouth of the river. Both Alex Housekeepers/Room Attendants Mackenzie and George Simpson Janitors later visited the river to de- Labourers/ Labourer Field termine its viability in further explorations of the Northwest. Assistants As the years rolled by, the Landscaper families of Stewart and Fraser Laundry/Housekeeper intermarried and a descen- Classified ads are $6 per insertion. Submit 50 words ( ) to [email protected] Liquor Store Clerk Loader or Hoe Operator CLASSIFIEDS Maintenance Worker Medical Office Assistant/ CHURCHES SUPPORT FOR SALE Receptionist ST. MARY’S : ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: MINING Medication Dispensary Assistant WATER LICENCES/ LAND USE Night Auditors Corner Meetings: Production Assistant/Runner Thursdays 6 p.m. @Hospital Rm 2160 PERMITS FOR PLACER MINES: of 5th and King. Services: Sundays at Plumber (summer only). Fridays 1:30 @ Hospital 10:30 a.m., Sat 5:30 p.m., Tues to Fri 7 Security Guard p.m. Blessed Sacrament Adoration: Fri Rm 2160 Telehealth. Saturdays 7 p.m. all stages, includingCall special/hazardousJosée at (876) 993- Server 6-7 p.m. Confessions by appointment: @MANY 1233 RIVERS: 2nd Ave. Info 993-3734 or 5095. DAWSON COMMUNITY CHAPEL 5917waste, e-mail: spill response [email protected]. plans, mapping. 15 Store Clerks 993-5361. Rev. Emmanuel Obidile Fast-Trackyears experience Land Management. Counselling and Support Store Shelf Stocker : Josée Bonhomme. Services for individuals, couples, Substitute Teachers Located on 5th Ave across from Gold Truck Drivers Rush Campground. Sunday School at families or group counselling. A highly Waiter 10 a.m. Sunday worship at 11 a.m. All confidential service now in our NEW FOR RENT ST. PAUL’S ANGLICAN CHURCH: LOCATION: 2nd floor, 853 – 3rd Ave. Wildlife Monitor welcome. Pastor Ian Nyland, 993-5507. Private & Commercial Space Positions with Closing Dates: (Above Klondike Outreach, up the stairs Store Front & Offices, different sizes Corner on the south side of the building). We of Front & Church St. Sunday Services are a not for profit organization offering Nursing Home Attendant: Aug 29 at 10:30. 1st and 3rd Sundays: Morning EAP and Free public counselling. To Leadhand: Aug 29 @noon Prayer. 2nd and 4th Sundays: Holy and types in CIBC Building, 2nd Ave. make an appointment call 993-6455 For viewing and prices contact: Secretary/Treasurer: Aug 31 Eucharist. 5th Sunday: Informal. Rev. or email: [email protected], or Laurie Munro, 993-5381 , at the Richard Northern Network Security, Aux On Call Youth Support [email protected]. See our 993-5644 Martin Chapel, Tues - Thurs, 8:30 - noon. website at www.manyrivers.yk.ca. Worker: Aug 31 @4 Cards are $25 per insertion. Submit to [email protected]. Recycling Depot Assistant: Sept BUSINESS DIRECTORY Positions Out1 of Town:

Mining: various temporary jobs Conservation Klondike Conservation Klondike Yukon Government – various Society Society Yukon Hospital Corporation – Servicing Responsibly We are openvarious Monday to Friday Servicing Responsibly Paper Collection / $10 on call service Paper Collection / $10 on call service from 9 am to 12 & 1 to 5 pm.

Telephone: 867.993.5176 993-6666 993-6666 E-mail: info@

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P.O. Box 308 (1336 Front Street), Dawson City, Yukon, Y0B 1G0 Tel: (867) 993-7400 ~ Fax: (867) 993-7434 www.cityofdawson.ca

P.O BOX 308, DAWSON CITY, YUKON Y0B 1G0 PH: (867) 993-7400, FAX: (867) 993-7434

The City of Dawson is seeking interested people to serve on the Heritage Advisory Committee

The Heritage Advisory Committee is made up of three to five residents of the City of Dawson

Duties and Responsibilities: The Heritage Advisory Committee • has the responsibility to consider and make recommendations to Mayor and Council on the heritage aspects of municipal development

• hears all matters referred to the Committee to ensure compliance with the Zoning and Heritage Management Bylaw #09-03, Heritage Bylaw #09-04, and Heritage Fund Bylaw #09-05.

Qualifications: A positive commitment to the development of Dawson An ability to exercise fair and unbiased judgment Resident in the City of Dawson for at least one year

Desirable, but not required: Knowledge of Dawson’s history and of historical architectureHistorical Properties Stewardship Rebate Knowledge of municipal issues regarding development and land use planning The City of Dawson recognizes that the stewardship of historically significant Knowledge of the construction industry. buildings is a benefit to the cultural and economic stability of our community. DO YOU QUALIFY FOR A HISTORICAL PROPERTY STEWARDSHIP REBATE? st Submissions must be received by 5:00pm Thursday,Eligibility the 31 Requirements: of July, 2014 at the City office. If you or anyone you know is interested or needs moreProperties information, must meet please all contactof the following Micah Olesh eligibility at the requirements City to be eligible of Dawson, 993-7400 ext. 414. for the rebate: a) Identified as having a historically significant structure or structures as listed in the Yukon Historic Sites Inventory; and b) 2016 Current year taxes on the property increased as a result of the minimum tax rate increases in 2014, ie, You are paying the residential minimal rate of $800 or the non-residential minimal rate of $1,100.; and NEXT COMMUNITY GRANT INTAKE DEADLINE: c) Designated assessment code on the City of Dawson Assessment roll for the property is one of the following: RMH, RS1, RS2, RSC, or RSM, CMC, CMH, CML, CMS, MHI, MSI, NOZ, OSP,PI, PLM, PRC, or QRY. September 15, 2016. d) Outstanding Taxes are paid in full. Applications available at our office or on the Web Site. Properties that meet any of the following are not eligible for the rebate: a) Designated assessment code on the City of Dawson Assessment toll for the property is INS. AUDITOR’SPursuant to REPORT section 260(1) & FINANCIAL of the Municipal STATEMENT Act the b) Property owner is a government, quasi government or religious body. City of Dawson does hereby give notice that the for All applications MUST BE RECEIVED by December 31, 2016. Late applica- the Year Ended December 31, 2015 are now available tions will not be considered. for inspection. Interested individuals may view these documents at the City of Dawson Office. dawson city – heart of the klondike