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North Views Vietnam as One SAIGON (AP)--On the eve of resumed peace talks in Par- ment and prolong the war." is, North Vietnam issued a position statement asserting The editorial asserted that the Washington-Hanoi dr- that all of Vietnam is one country and demanding an end aft agreement on a cease-fire announced last month was to U.S. influence in the South. made possible because: "Recognition of the Vietnamese The statement was issued yesterday as an editorial in people's sacred inviolable national rights and the the official newspaper Nhan Dan and broadcast over Han- South Vietnamese people's right to self-determination oi Radio. which the U.S. side had adamantly denied for four years." It accused the United States of disregarding a pledge The draft agreement negotiated between White House to respect the Vietnamese people's right to self-deter- adviser Henry A. Kissinger and North Vietnam's Le Duc mination and advanced its version of this right, which Tho was significant, the editorial said, because it in- it likened to "the principal pillars of a house." cluded "the basic principles concerning the Vietnamese "If only one of these pillars is pulled down, the en- people's national rights,the indispensible prerequisites tire house will collapse," the editorial said. for truly ending the war and bringing a just and lasting peace to the country. It also called the Saigon government's insistence on "First of all is the condition that the United States North Vietnamese troop withdrawals insolent, and added: must respect the independence, sovereignty, unity and "To satisfy these demands would mean to annul the agree- territorial integrity of Vietnam as recognized by the 1954 Geneva Agreement. "In other words, following years of conducting a war of aggression a- 0 gainst our country, the United Stat- 0. es is at last forced to pledge to respect Vietnam's territorial integ- F rity and unification," the editorial said. "The United States must end its [ military involvement and interven- e *1 a U, tion in South Vietnam's internal aff- airs," the editorial declared and went on to say that to restore peace, I- r. ~0 the United States must adhere to the following conditions: "The South Vietnamese people shall decide their political future them- selves through genuinely free and democratic general elections; the United States is not committed to any political tendency nor to any STRIKE personality in South Vietnam, nor does it seek to impose a pro-American government in Saigon. Aerospace Strikers Threaten Apollo 17 "Our people's rights to democratic CAPE KENNEDY, FLA. (AP)--As aerospace workers set a strike vote deadline, freedom will be ensured; an adminis- a federal mediator reported yesterday that "things are going well" in neg- (Please see Saigon page 2) otiations of a labor dispute that threatens to delay the Apollo 17 launch- ing Wednesday. While the labor controversy continued, Apollo 17 astronauts Eugene A. Cer- nan, Harrison H. Schmitt and Ronald E. Evans spent a relaxing Sunday in WATER CRISIS: their crew quarters, reviewing their flight plan and watching televised football games. Figures for December 1, 2, 3: At the launch pad five miles away, the countdown was on time, aiming for Friday, Saturday and Sunday blastoff of the final Apollo mission at 9:53 p.m. EST Wednesday, the first after-dark launch of a U.S. manned space flight. WATER PRODUCED: 3,314.000 Mediator William A. Rose met throughout the night with representatives of the Boeing Co. and the 60 documentation workers who perform such jobs as WATER CONSUMED: 3,879,000 illustration, photography and technical writing. They adjourned at 6 a.m. and resumed negotiations in the early afternoon. WATER LOSS: 565,000 "There was progress during the night," Rose said. "I'm anxious to get it WATER IN STORAGE: 18,706,000 wound up. I'm hopeful for an agreement " The workers, who are being represented in negotiations by the Internation- 1 Alliance of Theatrical and Stage Employes (IATSE), yesterday morning set (Please see strike page 2) Page 2--LATE NEWS ROUNDUP Guantanamo Gazette Monday, December 4, 1972 SAIGON from page one Aw trative structure called the national council of nation- Jr al reconciliation and concord of three equal segments will be set up; the reunification of Vietnam shall be *** carried out step by step through peaceful means. The Vietnamese words expressing administrative struct- ure implied a government. The concept of the council's . role and the wording of that concept have been sticking points in negotiations since the draft agreement was made public. Washington envisions not a government but a body whose powers would be limited to arranging elections. CAIRO (AP)--The extraordinary front-page prominence given President Anwar Sadat's appointments with top Nhan Dan said the draft spells out that "the "question political advisers in the semi-official Newspaper Al of Vietnamese armed forces in South Vietnam shall be Ahram prompted speculation yesterday that a major gov- solved by the South Vietnamese parties in a spirit of ernment announcement is in the works. There has been national reconciliation and concord, equality and mut- speculation in recent weeks that Sadat might appoint a ual respect. without foreign intervention, in accord- war cabinet and end the 27-month cease-fire along the ance with the postwar situation." Suez front, focusing fresh international attention on Hanoi thus tacitly acknowledged the presence of North the Middle East and relieving Israeli military pressure Vietnamese troops in the South, a presence it has never on Syria. However, a well-placed Egyptian official den- specifically admitted in public. ied that any cabinet changes were pending. STRIKE from page one a 5 p.m. EST deadline as a cutoff for negotiations. CHICAGO (AP)--Monkeys have a sense of social grooming "We are blowing the whistle on the negotiations," said which is responsible for their own unique kind of dental IATSE attorney Bernard Mamet. "We have been meeting all hygiene, a Scottish psychologist reports. Dr. W.C. Mc- through the night, and no settlement has been reached Grew of the University of Edinburgh and Stanford Univer- yet. We will continue to meet, but not for long." sity in California reports on the dental habits of ch- imps in the Dec. 1 issue of the Journal of the American If a settlement were not reached by 5 p.m. Mamet said, Dental Association. He conducted a study of the behavior a strike vote would be taken and, if the decision is to of seven chimpanzees at the primate research center of strike, pickets would be set up immediately at gates to Tulane University near New Orleans. The animals studied Cape Kennedy. were born in the wild and are maintained in a one-acre The documentation workers are not essential to the outdoor enclosure which simulates their native habitat.W launching, but the space agency said the possibility of other unions honoring picket lines was the main concern. Asked about the IATSE deadline, Rose said "I don't go WASHINGTON (AP)--A government-requested report said by deadlines. I do my job as it should be done." yesterday fewer than 1 in 12 advertising claims for Mamet reported Saturday that agreement had been reach- televison sets was satisfactorily substantiated. "Adver- ed in such fringe areas as layoff notices, overtime, tising for televison sets has not been providing the health and working conditions, but that disagreement re- consumer with reliable information upon which an inform- mained on the major issuq, wages. ed, intelligent choice could be based," said the report. The report was prepared by the institute for public in- The workers originally sought restoration of 30 to 50 terest representation of the Georgetown University Law per cent pay cuts received when Boeing took over a space Center at the request of the Federal Trade Commission. center support services contract last year, but they said The FCC, which challenged television-set manufacturing they would compromise. Negotiations began last April. in October 1971 to back up their advertising claims, had Apollo 17 can be laduched this month only on Dec. 6 said it lacked the experts to analyze the highly tech- or 7. The next favorable period, when the moon is in the nical material submitted by the manufacturers. proper position, is Jan. 4-6. Stateside Temperatures Atlanta Clear so -om Ad. L-. .h.ddit 11 Cptai, mIb Aifned Baltimore Clear 47 Local Forecast enood-e.O eodnffiC, Boston Clear 40 JOC Brad Thifen Cleveland Cloudy 34 Mostly clear. Visibility Chii, Potty Offi-i in Changl Cincinnati Cloudy 39 unrestricted. Winds N 3-5 knots JOStH Vi," 1lin,Y. Edito. JOSV Hooad SIMh.Asitn Sditnt Jacksonville Cloudy 64 becoming SE 12-14 knots with .2idh in i.nIy. .Pend-ctieEio Mlst"Coki.' uShy.:.:.ln editor Memphis Cloudy 49 gusts to 24 knots during the 0111 -eataaiatt,is hIhd Aanodif t h. at., and Norfolk Fair 50 afternoon. High today 87. Low rait.foe *tf, an-tiotni~pn -1 ftiB~di S~uOS Re35 Iad onda tki ditiot Of thi WoIaC BII. Polie Phoenix Fair 76 tonight 73. Bay conditions affa r nffit-n it 0U Wnittd foo da k* I~t 8-tnse St. Louis Cloudy 48 1 foot increasing to 3-4 .In hwa . fttafae- -t to b. -- Wb~ - Wfitia anI roflaetio BE Iif io.O.Ba -. t. 01- San Diego Fair 80 feet during the afternoon. Want If en1. Seattle Snow 25 High tide 2013. Low tide 1609. Washington Cloudy 48 Monday, December 4, 1972 Guantanamo Gazette LOCAL NEWS--Page 3 LOCAL Cap'n's Column BRIEFS Check on Hand Luggage *exchangeSecurity*exc angeA recent Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, instruction The Navy Exchange announces has stated that all passengers leaving Gitmo must have that gift wrapping service is their hand-carried luggage checked before boarding any now available daily during Military Airlift Command or Braniff flight.