Of 93 List of Approved Vendors with Full Address S. No Name Name & Address

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Of 93 List of Approved Vendors with Full Address S. No Name Name & Address PAGE 1 OF 93 LIST OF APPROVED VENDORS WITH FULL ADDRESS S. NO NAME NAME & ADDRESS PHONE NO, FAX E-MAIL ID ITEM 1. LED TYPE EMERGENCY LIGHT A Paul Instruments UNIT FOR SELF-GENERATING Office address: CONVENTIONAL COACHES. Company, 1 First Floor,Aravali Shopping 2. EMERGENCY LIGHT UNIT FOR Complex,Alaknanda, New Delhi, 110019. 022-28785699 LHB EOG COACHES. 011-40524822 sales@apaulinstru 3. PASSENGER INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR AC AND NON AC 1) A PAUL Fax 022-28785699 ments.in COACHES Pavandeep Behl 4. SOLID STATE TEMP CONTROL. Works address: 9810025331 5. LED BASED HEAD CODE, GPS W-D-6/3, Okhla Phase-I, New Delhi- BASED PASSENGER 110020 INFORMATION AND PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM FOR EMUS/MEMUS. Abhitron India, Office address: Flat No. 5, Gr. Floor, Off Yari Road, 022-26361469 abhitronindia@ 2) ABHITRON Vesova, Andheri West , Mumbai 400061. Dilip Poudwal- 1. SMOKE DETECTOR UNIT. gmail.com Works address: 9820026286 Flat No. 5, Gr. Floor, Off Yari Road, Vesova, Andheri West , Mumbai 400061 1. CONTROL PANEL FOR VENT Abrol engineering company (p) ltd FAN, BATTERY CHARGING & Office address -: RADIATOR FAN. House industrial area, Kapurthala , 01822-232053 2. FEEDER JUNCTION BOX Punjab 144602 3. BATTERY FUSE BOX 01822-232098 mkabrol@gmail. 3) ABROL 4. EXTERNAL SUPPLY SOCKET Vishesh Abrol com 125A Works address: 9357200811 5. CABLE HARNESS House industrial area, Kapurthala , 6. BATTERY CHARGING SOCKET Punjab 144602 7. ALL JUNCTION BOXES PAGE 2 OF 93 LIST OF APPROVED VENDORS WITH FULL ADDRESS S. NO NAME NAME & ADDRESS PHONE NO, FAX E-MAIL ID ITEM Agastya Technology and Transmission Pvt. Ltd. Office address : 1. LED BASED BERTH READING Door No: 72, Sreedevi Garden Main Road, LIGHT Radha Avenue, Valasaravakkam, 044-24864255 2. LED BASED NIGHT LIGHT CUM govindaraj. BERTH INDICATION LIGHT Chennai– 600087. 9940615378 4) AGASTYA agastya@gmail. FITTING viswaraj- com 3. LED BASED PASSENGER ALARM Works address: 9940298898 INDICATION LIGHT Door No: 72, Sreedevi Garden Main Road, 4. LED BASED TOILET OCCUPIED Radha Avenue, Valasaravakkam, LIGHT FITTING Chennai– 600087. Agni Instruments Engineers (India) P ltd Delhi Office address: Yashpal Sharma Y-51, Okhla,Indl. Area, Phase II, Delhi 9811777747, yashsharma@ 5) AGNI 110020 9811001001 1. SMOKE DETECTOR UNIT agnifirealarm.com 011-2638665/ Works address: 26387747 Y-51, Okhla,Indl. Area, Phase II, Delhi 110020 Air Breeze India (P) Ltd, Office address: No.32, Self help Industrial Estate, Keelkattalai , Chennai , 600117. 044-22682885 airbreezeindia@ 6) AIR BREEZE Jaishankar 1. AIR DIFFUSER. gmail.com 9840822173 Works address: No.32, Self help Industrial Estate, Keelkattalai , Chennai , 600117. PAGE 3 OF 93 LIST OF APPROVED VENDORS WITH FULL ADDRESS S. NO NAME NAME & ADDRESS PHONE NO, FAX E-MAIL ID ITEM Airflow Equipments (India) Pvt. Ltd, Office address: Chelliamman Koil St., Keelkattalai, 044-22470350 044-22474783 rai_chennai@hot 7) AIRFLOW Chennai, 600117. 1. AIR DIFFUSER Manikandan mail.com Works address: 9600044445 Chelliamman Koil St., Keelkattalai, Chennai, 600117. Ajanta Electric Industries Office address: 9/109, Shastri Gali, Vishwas Nagar, 011-22384565 1. PVC INSULATED ALUMINIUM & Shahdara, Delhi-110032 vikramsurana@ 8) AJANTA 011-43702360 COPPER CABLES OF SIZES 1.5 SQ ajantacables.com Works address: 9810135273 MM TO 150 SQ MM. SP-4,870(A),Industrial Area Pathredi, Chopanki Near Bhiwadi, Dist-Alwar, Rajasthan-301019 Alemac Electrical P. Ltd., Office address: 14, Vihan building, Walbhat Road, Opp. Nutan chemical compound, Near jawahar ashokarora@ A.Arora 1. MODULAR SWITCHES 9) ALEMAC nagar bridge, Goregaon(E), Mumbai- alemacswitches. 9820775425 2. SWITCH PLATE ASSMBLY 400063. com Works address: Gogate wadi, off-Aarey road, Goregaon(E), Mumbai-400063 Allied Radiators Corporation, Office address: 033-2251 5389 ALLIED 033-2832 0710 alliedrad_corp@ 1. TRANSFORMER OIL COOLER (37 10) 7B, Beliaghata Road, Kolkata – 700 015. RADIATORS Choudhary- yahoo.co.in KW) Works address: 9433519260 7B, Beliaghata Road, Kolkata – 700 015. PAGE 4 OF 93 LIST OF APPROVED VENDORS WITH FULL ADDRESS S. NO NAME NAME & ADDRESS PHONE NO, FAX E-MAIL ID ITEM ALMONARD LIMITED Office address ,No.439/3-B,EkambaraNaicker Industrial 044-24761424 ALMONARD almonardfans@ 1. HEAVY DUTY EXHAUST FANS 11) Estate, Alapakkam , Chennai, TN 600116. /24762030 LIMITED gmail.com FOR PANTRY AREA Works address: 9444399480 No.439/3-B,EkambaraNaicker Industrial Estate, Alapakkam , Chennai, TN 600116 Alomex profiles, G34 & 35, SIPCOT 9380287914 alomexprofiles@ 12) ALOMEX industrial Park, Sriperumbudur, Pondur 1. ALUMNIUM ALLOY CONDUIT 9444015703 gmail.com Post office-602105 Alstom Instrument Transformers Ltd, Office address: 27th K.M.Bellary Road Doddajala P.O. Settigere-Village, Bangalore, Karnataka, 1. LIGHTNING ARRESTER 42 KV, 10 ALSTOM 562157 13) KA INSTRUMENT 2. EARTH FAULT RELAY 110V DC - Works address: 27th K.M.Bellary Road Doddajala P.O. Settigere-Village, Bangalore, Karnataka, 562157 Alstom Ltd, Office address 314/315, Anna Salai,Tenampet, Chennai , 1. TRACTION MOTOR COMPLETE REPAIR/OVERHAULING FOR 14) ALSTOM Tamil Nadu., 600018 EMUS/MEMUS ALSTOM TM Works address: 4ERA- 1858- FOR 3 PHASE EMU 314/315, Anna Salai,Tenampet, Chennai , Tamil Nadu., 600018 PAGE 5 OF 93 LIST OF APPROVED VENDORS WITH FULL ADDRESS S. NO NAME NAME & ADDRESS PHONE NO, FAX E-MAIL ID ITEM Altos Electronics Pvt. Ltd, 1. LED BASED PASSENGER ALARM Office address: INDICATION LIGHT Plot No. 8 State Bank Colony,Shahu 2. LED BASED TAIL LAMP IN SLR College Road, Pune 411009 020-24440573 & POWER CAR 020-24690734 sales.altos@gmail. 3. LED BASED TAIL LIGHT FOR 15) ALTOS 1500 V DC & 25 KV AC EMUS Works address: A.Thete- com AND MEMUS W-Survey No. 36/1/3/1, Narhe 9822063866 4. TAIL LIGHT WITH FLASHER Ambegaon road, Near Zeal education LIGHT& VHF CHARGING society, Narhe, Pune-411041 SOCKET Ambigo Electro Tech, Office address : 1. ROTARY SWITCH CUM FUSE No. 173, Thambu Chetty Street, II Floor, PANEL& ROTARY SWITCH CUM Chennai 600001. 044-3291253 FUSE DISTRIBUTION BOX 044-42625869 ambigoelectrotech 2. PRE-WIRED POWER PANEL FOR 16) AMBIGO Manikandan- @gmail.com SG TYPE AC COACHES Works address: 9444010972 3. TRANSFORMER 2 KVA, 415 No.3A Nagappal Industrial V/190 V Estate, Puzhal, Chennai – 6000 4. 5KVA TRANSFORMER Amit Engineers, Office address : E-181, Indl. Area Ph:VII, Mohali, Punjab 160055. 0172-2236037 1. SOLID STATE TEMP CONTROL 0172-2236916 amit@amitenginee 17) AMIT 2. RMVU Ramesh Sharma- rsbaddi.com Works address: 3. RMHU 9884338444 Village-Judikalan, Dist-Solan, Badi, HP- 173205 PAGE 6 OF 93 LIST OF APPROVED VENDORS WITH FULL ADDRESS S. NO NAME NAME & ADDRESS PHONE NO, FAX E-MAIL ID ITEM AMPL Corporation private Ltd, Office address: 0141- 5139941 1104, City centre,S.C.Road, Jaipur, 5139955 Rajesh choudhry- amplcorporation@ 1. 10 KVA DA SET TO SPEC No. 18) AMPL CORPN Rajasthan 302001 9549588888 gmail.com ICF/ELEC/OHE/007, Rev.0, CS-01 Works address: Amit choudry- B-98 Phase II, RIICO industrial area, IGC, 9549200000 Palsana-332402 Analog Electronics, Office address: 8/3, Yadaval Street, Virugambakkam, 044-32995486 analogelectronics9 19) ANALOG Chennai – 600 092. Ayyadurai- 1. SOLID STATE TEMP CONTROL 2@gmail.com Works address: 9381022186 W-2/17, welcome colony, Anna Nagar Chennai - 600040 ANIRUDH SALES CORPORATION, Office address: D.No 18/19 Erulappan Street, Gr. Floor, 044-25388858 ANIRUDH Asc_tn@airtelmail 20) Elephant Gate, Chennai 600079 42165823 1. TREMBLER BELL 100 V DC SALES CORP. .in Works address: 9385049000 D.No 18/19 Erulappan Street, Gr. Floor, Elephant Gate, Chennai 600079 ANISH ELECTRICALS 04442624951 Office address: anishelec@ 21) ANISH Sunil Daga 1. SWITCH PLATE ASSY Old#109,Mint street, Ground floor, gmail.com 9380599000 Sowcarpet,Chennai-600079 PAGE 7 OF 93 LIST OF APPROVED VENDORS WITH FULL ADDRESS S. NO NAME NAME & ADDRESS PHONE NO, FAX E-MAIL ID ITEM Apar Industries Ltd Office address: Veera Desai road, Andheri(W), Mumbai- Suresh babu- Suresh.babu@ 400053 8238003203 apar.com 22) APAR Works address: 1. CABLE HARNESS 022-26740001 Info.cable@ Khata No.1932, Survey Fax:022-26740600 apar.com No.82/2,88,861/1,862/1,863/1,Manekpur road,Khatalwada, Tal:Umbergaon, dist.Valasad, Gujarat-396120 Arbor Industries, Office address: 30, Tiruvottiyur High Road, Chennai, 044-25953273 Tamil Nadu. , 600019. 044-25993698 arborindustries@ 1. BERTH READING LIGHT 23) ARBOR Works address: Ammer- gmail.com FITTING 30, Tiruvottiyur High Road, Chennai, 8148848259 Tamil Nadu. , 600019. 040- 1. LED TYPE EMERGENCY LIGHT Areca Embedded System Pvt.Ltd., 55744131,272633,6 UNIT FOR SELF-GENERATING Office address: 7,69 CONVENTIONAL COACHES Plot No.54/S Anupuram Colony, ECIL, 9346627142- 2. PASSENGER INFORMATION Hyderabad-500051 SYSTEM FOR AC AND NON AC G.V.Kumari infor@areca.in/ COACHES gvk@areca.in/ 3. LED BASED HEAD CODE, GPS 24) ARECA shaik.hameed786 BASED PASSENGER Works address: 040- @gmail.com INFORMATION AND PUBLIC :Plot 5B, Survey No.184 & 185 Phase V, 27131444,27263369 ADDRESS SYSTEM FOR IDA, Cheralapally Ranga Reddy ,27144460 EMUS/MEMUS Distt.Hyderabad(AP)500051 4. LED TYPE EMERGENCY LIGHT UNIT FOR LHB EOG COACHES PAGE 8 OF 93 LIST OF APPROVED VENDORS WITH FULL ADDRESS S. NO NAME NAME & ADDRESS PHONE NO, FAX E-MAIL ID ITEM A.R.Engineering works, Office address: 16, Matru Nilaya, Ramasandra, Sulikere Post, Bangalore , South Karnataka 560060 arew@rediffmail. 9482954739 com 25) A.R.ENGG 1. ALL JUNCTION BOXES Works address: 08028367140 arenggworks@ Sy.No.15/3, Sri vinayaka industrial estate gmail.com Hegganahalli main road,Vishvaneedam post, Bangalore-560091 ARIHANT ELECTRICALS Office address: A-82, Okhla Industria area, Phase-2, New Contact person. 1. DOUBLE/SINGLE INLET Delhi 110020 Shashank shukla CENTRIFUGAL BLOWER ARIHANT 09560822332 info@arihantelectr ASSEMBLY 26) ELECTRICALS Ph .011-47637311 icals.com Works address: Fax no. 011- A-82, Okhla Industria area, Phase-2, New 47637331 Delhi 110020 Arsh Industrial Solutions Pvt. Ltd, Office address: Plot No-261, Indl. Area, Sector-3, Ravi Sharma arshindustrial@ Pitampur, Dist-Dhar,MP-454774 9806999949 gmail.com 1. BRUSHLESS SENSORLESS DC 27) ARSH 7292-409152 sales@ FAN Works address: Prakash Shukla arshindustrial.
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