The Republican Journal. 'll-: no. VOU , MINE, THURSDAY, AUGUST !), 1888. NUMBER 32.

[ like soarin'.' birds, flushed in and out the pom- Generalities. Political Points. the Rum Power. Southern Tlio Health of Waldo in:iM'MJCAN JOURNAL. pano with black-tipped, streaming tins, only Against Brigadiers and Pensions. Maine Matters. ('aunty. >car By Hummer Resort*. visible when at in plainly momentarily rest lie ine JlKrniLK'AN r.VlM Y*s I I.I AIM.Y hKl INKD The 1 Kniprcss of ha-luen do The more NEWS AM> GOSSIP FROM ALL OVER HIE STATE. We have received lr».ni the seer*, of the local Woodeliff. the line summer liotel at Fort some secluded corner of I lie basin.* It wa- tin (iermany safely free trade is talked in the West ItKMAltliS OF IIoX. S. 1.. MII.I.IKKN IN TIIF. | ary ;• m in .--1* \i m«»u\in<• in mi; 1 ivi red of a >011. 1*< KSITION. r«iini. i- doing the best business this summer it the more votes the Democrats lose. norsK .h i v Mm. hoard a of of only li-h 1 have ever seen which d to copy the third annual report tin* has ev er appear' of J enjoyed, sixty guests being now installed, » Two the best-known Republican oppon- RMilMI.N TAL HKI MONS. possess the power of hero mini' ho-plwivse nt A Mi— l.c;; of Montana ha- married a re" Mr. Milliken fittingly rebuked a Southern State H.uni of Health of the slate Maine, for while every one who summered at this attractive ju-i Francis Morphy, the famous temperance ents of rum domination are the Rev. Dr. II. l\. at will. At could trace it- nervous man named The members of tbe Ninth Maine "pot last year will the summer of nijrht we] Hand. form* r. and his son will the who said Regiment the year 1SS7, a volume of .HI pares. Tie*re is a spend isssthere, vote republican Carroll, editor of The brigadier, in his that the Re- vv movement- occasional ot as Independent, and Albert speech which hold* its re-mniou at ith only one exception. by fleams li^ht, It i- ticket. Bangor. August report of the condition of earl*, every town in the reported that a ■. ijantic lumber tru.-t i- Criilin. chairman of the National publican were not to reduce the are li-h, turning one -;de toward us. p.isein I Republican party willing -‘•Hh, making preparations for a grand time Witherle Park is the name that has been in of Anti-Saloon Committee. Roth Maim*, vv ith the number ami nature id adopt U w li proee— organization. y have Iona been on contagious n and it the other the lloor of tin* ha-in.” i !\-S nator ’anliehl. an influential Democrat- •mrplus in the Treasury unless could do that occasion. It seems like a story of tin* : id for tiie slendid drives built Oily County. identified with the cause of they recently through ic hauler of Morris N. d., is out for temperance reform, knights of old to listen to the stories the diseases in each for the last year. Kelow we give tiie woods of ( bv Mr. It. Witherle »i: i: :< w \ v in h »k s is11. V. alt W iiifman ha -■• County, so it in undeserved i*boy-‘' asiine, (ieorge far ive,.\ered iii- health and have done excellent work for it. by expending pensions. It uich-r Harrison. They tell of at Morris Island. This the report- of tin* several town- in \\ aldo t .. mt\ the general supervision of Mr. .John F. Kea, ■ »\ i I’. ■ a in -f •J.*"* a a- to rr.-mnr 1s(U-(‘m, regiment year Aii which Prof, (.node literary labor-. have been tin arc should be known at a important -object always loyal Republicans: y that the democracy, while under lire and ho- vs great deal of expense. They are without i! tin* « \|* !. the lay constantly night day 15l.!.e i. Mem In is f the board, II 1* Tlmmp 1 scat- o| i> how to cook li-h. I lie art > ! boil- The indications arc ihat Harrison ami Mor- such and support the this doubt the most beautiful drives’in and about Entitle Tournee i- an active in the to-day party heartily they have allowed favorable to be over three months; it participated in the'siege -on. I.. T.'*hales and At. Ki!ingwo->d, M. I>. -o taking part reports < astine and are ti'ln In* say-, i- little understood tin:! be * ion will u'ct a heav\ Herman vote Doth Their reasons for doina so were aivcn visited daily by the summer visit \! :;t-i' ..M*- I' >: ••!!< i:n. me iurh thi- \cry year. of Port South Corolinn, l -nt Clim-li, The new water -upplv for the -it; fr on Kittle ; hautampi a—eiubly year. made to the House on bills recommend- Koval, ors who in tin terms of them. 1 deems it to include some in-truetnm--. I: id and in interviews many -peak highe-t i. -r .*'!» 1«*r u.ek, a:.'J proper West. frankly yesterday aiven here- was in of Fort and in Hivcr w.i- intro-lm-ed tin* lir-t of I »e- "tuber, am! He ed Florida, charge Wagner, There is ah" an observatory built on the elevated ... !•' 'll-- I >< \ 1 : i' ll <•! add- that the li-h should be in -alt b»!m I.. Sullivan*- eireu- ha- » uine to an with. by tin (iraud Army of tin; Republic, have we now hav e a niee sy-1• *i;» ot water v oi*ks. Tin piac»*d end. nearly every battle of the 2d l>ivi«iou of fin* ground 111111 which one a flic (Tonn.) Sun lia> li- ni gets splendid view of ■ i. 'I :i- full «.*;»•- water, w hich slmuld be < ..Id if tie ti-h i- !<*:»\ iiiic a lane number of Chattanooga lloppetl said Dr. Carroll: stream rises what railed !iav\'- springs, larue unpaid employes. studiously been on the alert to present any of loih Army Corps. Sheriffs. W. Brown, of the Penobscot River, ( .unden mountain, Rluehill, and hot for over from Ci< velan 1 to Harrison without a I am ami the water is said to be vein pure. siuall--i/. d ti-h. In lie- la’lerea-e surprised that any temperance Republi- is one of the of Mt. Desert, down the etc. A ehauire these hills to he considered -s. The Bangor, prominent survivor- We have no oi six bay, two or three minutes in the luulimr water will carpel ha- been laid down in the Mlt-ie of»ditors. can should feel airirrievcd about the internal by C'ongn. regular system -'-werage. the regiment, ( ( has. A. Brooks, of New nuisances were and were H .w to be Hail at < inrinnati that measures •J.tiuu yards. thing done has been a apt. reported, all ‘abated. *>ne of the illustrations of the Caleb fish. suilicient. and a or ba of four revenue of the Chicago The only declaration that un- < striking good sheepshead It is probable that a will !*«• temler- plank platform. Haven, Conn., president of tin* association, »m* ease of tvplioi-l fever w as report! The nr. which the or live will reception Routelle resolution is to summer re-ort boom is accomplishing in pounds not require more Than An <>hi * d fairly open eriti* i-m der existing law a widow is entitled to lit r writes has been :-*rtui:att in to < .\. VII -'!■ \l I. (IlMlIil ’S y•mil' lady*- name i- I imancinat ion Mr. Blaim in Bodon on.liN journey front Comrade Harper, of Lcwi-ton. to as-un* very regard contagion's Ma ne is show n down in the little town of Brooks about ten minut. v\ !>< but the from the time the ater New for indcliniteness. internal revenue the that no to mak** tli—-rises throughout the vear. ( I M I I: m * K I’roclamat! Her friend- cal! her “I'roekie.** A «u*k to Augusta. pension from the death of her husband instead hoys pains will he spared ill. opposite a.-tine. \ Bangor gentleman who L'ins to boil. Whenever a is neither a nor an lo v,. IX ! Members of lie* b.m.d. S. |; \!i.-n praetieai.h: strainer plank temperance anti-tem- this one of the best re-union- that the i- ia a to know tells us that the of regiment ( position during ■. tin Smith»oi iin should be in ii i- * • i on e<>od iovernor of ami is as tli; time of tiling her declaration, and lead- w ood, 11. ( nonet t and In \. ,n e:. ii-ed plncini; the tish in ihe -ai;.a- report authority that McKav Thaddeii- Found Wisconsin, perance declaration, not, it mm-uis to has ever had, anil to tell all the member* to past thro months over >| in dear, cold cash ha- We have had mi rases of the iniVe:no di -ra--*-. l uit- p am Some kinds ..f ti-h may l-e iir-i -kino '. —old his •*;*!-!.• te day (inllld for £11.000.000. who inuewumj cil in issj. has recovered ami me, open to criticism as such. It C propel a in. Southern Democrats. both in the Senate he there. has been j aid for land in that town which, at the pointed ly The Ninth Regiment was a veteran thus, vve have had to do. but slmuld retain its will t Harrison. declaration of a for the reduction of fortunately, nothing time of the was not a cent and carp sk:n. When only siippm policy the House, re-enlisted at the end of it^ Kliti«i|«.s. I. purchase, earning -1 .• r. ha- coin- lour 11•. alleged and in t! declared that were done regiment, having Members -d the board,'1 A. ,c t. ju-t salt i< added to ihe water i- he dynamiter- were indiet- and raises of they had not been for years. This amount of money tile tisli -aid to surplus, questions economy and lir.-t three service and served to the end •Joseph Ktlis and A. I M. 1> 1 for to murder, in e- charlo d. the h ;W' years’ Kilgore. poured into a town of course has a marked ! :i :tnd food li ii« of “a st a eon-piraey (hiea-o. Ihmaparle. ailing mugwump not of It i- a favoring further We effect I’eau de Iwii n water i- used the finance, temperance. not declara- parsing pensions. of the rebellion. It was the largest of the N*1 re) re ived. eelltly and eivil r\ ice reformer of Maryland, lias part U] .■!> it. Tin- i- not only true of Brooksvillc but A \\i, mi of lish is understood in he die--, d “a I’H'dlaud- tion lor free whiskey at all. It i- :i Iar:ition • '!e from the ( ongre-siona! Record of time in the 111’ 1 rnii v>t. Members of the board, .hum < ook. point compietc- deelared for Harrison. p: July Third Brigade, Second IMvi-ion. o! various other Maine towns that the summer re ai-r.” W for and om'ht to he a- >m to o. |;. and A. W. Kieteiier. h"U white wine or vine-ar and Sea weed i- .low made o protection imbed h. Tenth of the Jaim mem- Kerry -oit business i- n ••ci! spiee- int paper which can- Utli: Corps, Army Any \o rapidly bringing to the front. urpas-ed 1»> '• * in the i.-port received. and shred onion- an- employed to tlavor the not be torn and which take- i*iv ami su;ie Sam Barnhill 1 I.asalirm believer protective >\-tem, her or others information Bangor Commercial. the place of win- iimj’ says Mr. < I wishing regarding i-i:anui «>IM Member- of I•• i. i * v he. am with it. I Milliken Mr. hairman, I am glad to the -a?■•:. i W. !•*,!.• i. Veteran water, the ti-h .me- “an eourt bouillon.” dow 1 hi- w< i*1 ihe lad \otc I e\i-r cad il would I**1 entirely sat.islied think lb tax the re-union can obtain -m b information ha\< Inard the remarks of from l.y Temple, M. In, ( iia>. A. AvertII and K. I.. \ party of gentlemen or Dr. and should the li-h he -iuitncn d in a sii a!! on is in some decree re-.ti j. tive: tm- my friend Tyler. consisting '*• : r. ni'*rc devot- — i' ell auaiad I he M ills hill." whiskey .lames F. -« 'l ea nuisances have .!. \\ ( N. i North < ar-dina At on this writing Adjutant Shepard. rotary. been reported to the hoard, North, 11; mien, l.endall Titcomh, of wall r. to whi-Ii i- a he it:\•-! i'_at ion of in.mitral ion evils i- in this reason I would not have ii removed [ ('owlesj occasion; quantity added -av«»r> | until Lawrence, Mass. all of vvltieh have been removed. A eertain row Trchv Jolm.-ou, >. Lanca.-tcr and .1. s. ■! ... Ilia:: !.•• Im in lie Ilcndce Prof. .do. of ■■- pioiMe-- in \t w ‘i in k l.\ tin1 Mr.doa Martin, a shoe manufacturer of some more method of while does not the lloor of- sea-oninu hen-, it i- l.nowti l.eim: "a 'a congressional pli ell’eetive dealing wit h the occupy The Sixth Maine Veteran Association will f tin* houses K projeeted again-t ; -teep will spend two or three day This lake is hecoiii *>t tin- Houst in debate. fie is one of those who «• in the in wa- J'«»r Harrison and lion. he retained without it bank while the front I tin* routes out a resort and lias Boston v ■r of ! ... .1 V In- had liquor which it dre--ed. When prote longer endanuei t!ie •10th, 1SSS. File business will he held building ing popular already isit op- Mamie v-. Irettid a mile at Fleetwood has tin* meeting •lush with tin* --dew No done in water, park, It was not devi«ed as a frankness to speak his opinion as to all. -v-b*m of -ewer ge «>rs. who are -pending the summer there. There equal quantities of red vvir.e ami N«w Voik. protective system. tem- at 0 a. in., the parade tit 10 a. m., and a vi-it t<» ii:i• i'« -:im: iuturma- duly j:» 1 in J-1J I-J. sin.- made Judyc James Phelps of I!-s»-\. ('min., abso- which has l.n n in this being supplied b. the town, .in-i tier.* an arc two .-(earners the lake, one of which con amued with aromatic her!.-, the perance measure, but a financial measure, and legislation p.ending- the of the into Col. being upon strongly impn t he tit -t half in 1 up iiil.• p-fu-e- lie a grave Burnham will he wav t drain ev<*- at* in ts iy lo candidate for the Ibinu- Im House relating to nsioiis. and has the candor possibly pt ii the -treet. with tin- Knox and Lincoln Railroad at Dam ti-h i- d« serihed a- he in if “au bleu" and i- a’* when as a financial measure it ones a source pi made. There will he a in tie* cratie (iuhcrmitoria! nomination. eamptire evening. privie -ivetibjvv am!-train cm! tie* lem-e -m into :iri-co:ta, and there is a gn,„| hotel at the head oi ino-t -erved e,;!d. Im t of mischief rather than of irood 1 would sacri- in that icspeit to voice the sentiment of his '• ■ t- in 11 invariably ihe Harry and dame-, -on- ot tie::, (iarliehl. Half fare has been for the western the street. tie-lake fora j arinu thi- Only in of arranged large enough hundred gue-t-. The kinds of a- fice it. parly disapproval pensions. I lien- It a m ru \. .■- ti-h. -net; striped ha--, -"beep-head, have tortued a partuer-hip ami opened a law ’i'liere is ivoin in tie Republican lora comrades, via Bar Harbor and Millbridge, to mi a ..i‘ p!,< f, ver. lishing is said to be good. Kennebec .Journal. ;. i i: * decn the pally Mr. ('owles \ I|o\v nn* t" >:iv that {tie niouiili-!i, n d -a 1 til"ete.. < liio- a! < I that till' is a *k equation 1.-r fr* <• v, In- gen- all 1 u hirii n row a 111:1 a. 1 rho|. snapper, -qui-teavile, lev eland. «». yn at mam l'i:iiit!iTii!> who cannot -wallow osay arri\e Wednesday evening. AH comrade- w ill ivh, yu-uim 1 oe Lake House was for some Mr. tleman i ••• kept years are i' as absurd as it he b> mistaken. era infantum ha\e n nimv \K**it liiae usual. by ', .i> Ivvt i.t treat*, d in the la-i way Salmon and ad fr> trade. are eominy over in crowds. key just would -a;, tliul be entertained the committee if notified, pr < nil'..rid.-.*.-, Tie*;. .Mr. Milliken—He by I am entail, that all ilie (1, B. P. Brown, f< merle of the hot* 1 on dark-tle-hed li-h nimbi more proilueiimi "f dried fruit ha- in- the decision of the (,'ourt of in »}* says that the Republican (> ,>i-; fever but Northport .• :d d i require hoilin-j, Appe.-.s •lames B. i- of nh-tantia! Neagh*, I.ubec, Me., secretary "lie rt siiltr«l v. « < creased t, in -'i.oTn.oou in Is-.:; jt> ruor arc to reduce the revenues ex- from contaminate the amp (.round, and ts we Than tile VV hite-tleshed kind-. W hell — pound- iV'.c'or of Vermont promi.-esa Sharp ease was a declaration for The part} unwilling the now, In lieve. conducted po bribery. A-soeiation. nth ami la-f ea-e eame tianu ::u ;• a I- "ik \\ h not (jno.nnu win'd- in 1—7. can do it *tlmr wla-re hi. >ha:! sihle. -oiu.‘ vine-:;!- .-hoilid he on Republican of J'l.oott in hi- State this declaration of the i' that if cept they by spending the money in nibbed the majority Republican party Fred C. Low. of the Fir-t lie huh live* 1 all summer in a 1 tlie of Bangor, secretary ev-wheh bnurhiim -In 'f: for it l.a- outside of ii-1, ! lore i- who il fall, while < res-man :>*!vl p. tax a !.literal <1 lar.l two \ on Heavy Artillery pondent f the ommereial means Jo, 0(10. such revision of the tarilfaswill not Mr. Howies—Do want to pay ill-deserv- be<*u to Bangor( .-ay h the -kin i- pi et;i 1 from .-ra.-kii.j. impair tin* member of the hue faulty metimh- ie. tiny, ami l‘": tim .ill ill' product- mills per j m::. I ami to ioino-r a railuatnl ed every living Regiment, and a!-o pariir 'Ji young- -t of the Long Island resorts. hut the intro.liietion of mu tiav 'eetivo and tin; removal of the pensions;' iilarlv t• > the use of the bottle with the ic- di .rina in the on prt system, by to receive information of the death of nnr-iny Him Point can truiv claim to 1 ><• the most success •: -;< in th ■-•• tax in t|,c :;rtie!c. I?i• on till1 Presideimv has from i any li-iilai looking 11inlc ehanycd on Mr. Milliken ! wa- glad to hear it from him riiiUM V tu'>e. f ix.- in which il i- die--..I i- taxes tobacco, and used iu the arts. Lmy Tal vears tfie a wilder liquor < > spirits member. He ha> a ro-ter of the ago point was principally l? to ! on dev eiaml t<» 0 to on Harrison. Ret- one Regiment by I am t < F- really : i- a« riliec for reason, ami that is because it shows his} be able th •; in e.. r. ith I*nt wo ;o. umcnt-. in et ssary win n the li-h ha- been son:.- time Tin tri oil* ol'i apt. liar.iw ‘k a ml lie: ov\\ then, the question being the of a part the names of L*>7."> com- near'y nc--y\ sefl.-r-, one of them a character. >t tim: i-n’t winniny. lmt it I- a of companies, containing in tame mii-anee tier upon napkin, rather Tin,. , A prominent Indiana Prohibitionist has ean- go. death of 2(i(>. He has the addres- of I.0”4, this Fttl-.i Member-of Mm arh-f. K Smith. aIi uu are to v ••riior !.• *li • Mor.t-ict i* ;t Mr. Milliken le t me ti sentence obliged room in outside cottages have a sauet over it in t !i«*«5 i -11: an I ‘vimlay \:i-s my •I. W MitelieM. M. I). P :il- .- : \\" or poured ! the of ami tinds Hie i>n. oi*i'osi;s i*non:< t ion. account- for and leaves unaccounted ■-lien i-the demand (or “mi• •up» >e! doI ami t> a.'ln 11;«i. .la** Io tie* city Indianapolis, first. 1.1520, room-. The largest of tlm with salmon it i- thought !•«•?!• <• t-1 i.. have ()ar low a La- bn a v« r. t.v : rem .la.yau- tv.o i:• -t, I-. a r cm u- partVs strcnytli at tie present time to be about for, only 2.V>. of which Mr. Will i- the genial :11j•• parti, j II ip1 i*t S ii ... in |!. .m. Dr. as it seems to me, is re- Mr. Howie:- The gentleman mistakes inv lilsease,-. two ease.- white -am v. in-t. a 1 :• -- .vimla;. ('uylcr's protest, only liphthiri- iuiviny laud.i-rd. ha- a a i!' :• I'd i- found otf the plain ot anythin.; -im- loo votes. ii nas oeeu aiinngcu in nave a reunion os a<--pure reputation that could well a against the of eurreii hu: the e; r. I -c : eueumber or melon in h* ally protest protective policy pO'IIlMll. iny cm v led lm. | t im more eel el •••-ort-;. "i Mr. ii*, '••.;!it rn ia-t- pie slice- mav < ■ Urn ii .** eio:!! v .leni--ate i monument W a* the memhers of ihat old by rated the and not the Mr. surviving grand regi- lM.I>li"i:ii. Member* : tm ;h — i, \ Ik- .• It is that Anna I>iekinson ha- about platform, against contingent Millikeii The neiith-man exhibits his *•,. -'’her hotel Mi-- >. ed No nd< an be .! ; I !. r wi.ei:» !. repoiteii managetl by Mary : al'oiii [in. ni apart. pt»-iii\ p p..;iu!ar *nl»*eripti-w. ami ment, tile First Maine Cavalry at Bar Harbor, W s. I’emlL t-m anl Nt !-• n .! • •le-lmie.l the removal of the whiskey tax. I have never re- of whal the of tin* is Sprajrue. \ldeti oi Bangor, and tho.-c who have boa*-.;; to the lesm'th of lime i:Il should hi o a- : Ik- arrangements with Republican opinion duty country on We j mi.:;1., r o| *nw a* •Jno.omo. Wednesday, Sept. oth. The Maine Central have hah one i*| hiphtlmri.a ami me:* -!••- v\ ill. li.i- able national to make a of garded him a> a very warm support* r of tin toward the soldiers: ami it i so well and d -lightliil hoste.-- peed pot to '' ml- tie and kind of committee series speeches expressed were Into t..w a. \\ at* r riv- everythin- dep. Uj-.n and all tile steamboat lines will iiuportnl i:ear her but to ,• ■ for I larri-on high license and would in tiiat -entem-e. which embodies what his probably gj\e prai-es sung, Rio- w ho have neve. li-h v on liav e to dr. —. **:i:;■ >n. -ho-;, i Mil-? hie! ! oo. I’, ...f the \ ica ra ii:i and .Morton. principle, hard!;, expert par- l\N*-\. .Meinhers of tin* l.oarh I!. 'A'. \\ .••••■ a • i. and under n-m.lly. j a;;. red need rates for the occasion, and ample bote! ;, enjoyed .a sojourn under the roof. |. t • ■ to tind him battling for that feature in the in- ha** shown !-* Ik: their ft« I hospital.le he allowed at i« :i-l tell uial e..; n, 1; a t•• I ;!|- r-•!: 111 i i: ty lines, that wel- I. K. “sparrow ami .1. 1*. Wf iitwo»th. me >!■ ■;i ’idle, are imnnti lo ea.-ll pound. I :iy. u:nph j y accommodations have been secured. -ay that they wdl live like prince- and will J"hn. \\ iliiam ami Samm-i Lock wo >.!. looih- ternal revenue if he think* the tariil '■‘>me i| in that a* an We *.• while two or three be "iir\e\. 1! jei i- \*rx «w our.._*iiw. system. respeet briiri authorita- have hah one ea>e ot typh• l lev. e*. er alter reni,-iiil„*i -Po-t •: O ia ii:, !. a minute- per \\i!i ; The annual reunion of the Sixth Maine \ t- plea-antlv then i:r at d oil -mail pound ! e» 7*J and who Voted i* loo < 1 :e*vd j»•-*•! ivcly Vo. TO. high, he cannot, of course, agree with ti\e xpressi..-!! of sentiment. I.!mat Mt'iiiiifi ot ile- li.-aril -•>. F. it a:,, •ter house. .: ■ * for haddo.-k. tv.|. «-jc.; a nee k« r* m »• I- cran a on r 11 -1 a a. an-. ainpie i e Association, which was to take in t o > (..o n i;.. 'h vi. ha- i- m .1 ;t : i larri-on in 1>I0, will vote for Harrison the and there. I j- Mr. r..\vles If the m-nllem-m will n place oryr F. ilmil ami I i. A ! or! er. M I ■> out a of an h nr to do it proe- Chicago platform, susped, pard< M ami dune. quarti properly ; ■ Aug. 25M, has h-cii »!.*■ nui-anee has been ivoortrh to the i n .Mi-hu; a ij.i*i the t hi- \ ear at t ’olnmhia, Pa. where his real with the !:« *-. me Cherrylield, Thursday. .r«i li In ri and t;.ia:a:.ii difficult) platform Kirili brave Farm. Me. ina-. many other -ort-ol m-m I one week from that date, owing to ! eon-i-ifti of a lion-* whieh lia a eeilai Monroe, •W lexer ill!''. 1 e. | «li*i: i.o* ..J Floli'li. If he were in with the on that Mr. Millikeii--! friend will postponed slaughter ’!' Iv half so < harmony party hope my keep ■.. ,> >. i, *ioi.k .'.lei Iii;i u-e loin.. At t Khko-h tin* >tat Labor (invention re- the of the \ eter- unher il hollnweh out of a lehyc ..-i | p. k»i ; line. lli*nsarek i* alh.we.l two 1 i-*!s in-.d p ri.nihine wit li tie- 1 temoerats. and also .111 Association at I>enn> -villi which closes or.iy of to the woods" as a man. because I liave no doubt that < Ha (i.' a «-< “taking temperance pression before or .-ellar ail of tin- *»i.i aial !Val fell ami in ley. prop; jet or, and Pm ml him a nm-t • •' 1 |je\ arc that 111; li'li is p, mini -n: l\ -ml at ilinm-r. I «>n!er ■ !'? In* .|oc| •>. In* ha* !•» into the the graduated income that agreeable lunch ami ptr pJatYorin How man can tiie sun siiines day. 1 any temperance meditate revolt mornine: Hit* on this mire -everal ami wa re w allow ed for hi oiliiiu :*.in! lin n ■ !.. \ "I v pmtleman will, hoy- kept ami ii«»-t. The farm is one I ! ! d _, i- a iarm* irrillini: :m«l pi ii.i'l t>■ ui\e .Irinkitir w in.- aim***.! mi idea | ion* (b orer. genial situated about »nper up iivly. from the on I see to kasii.un .maim: siatj: iaii:. iny about. 'i lie -temli art-iny from this > tl Republican parly that ground reilcetion, iii strike it from the Iteeonl, place was to. inii.L tii-' ol l tin hf't way ;<> hroi! tish. i I• -r»■ i' how mill Ironi the ami weight cannot a it is i a hot wellther -ml h the neiyhnors pieturesi|ur thri\ing \illage ot Hr. W. !\. Itio.ok* of .!. *! i;»- l e;- Si: ! von-, N. of the men who understand. How can voter empha- because too bold mid holiest an t oihiy e J it i' I*»in : After the li'li P cleaned, Hopkins 'nix Y., seventy expression Wednesday, August •J:*tb. will be h.\orm>F* ,1:i) p !; properlx b» keep their w imlou rl- I v m a thewimiu.i- Monroe ami consists of about bOft "it\ l». en •. size a protest of that nature. an\ way There N of hi-* acres, ami is -- il ha* | nattiralisl of the Cleveland four ay-# have al- party’s position. at the Fastern Maim- State Fair. Thro- of a -a i- cither lull with \im*irar «>r dr\ it ami appoint. -ipporbd years l>ay in the rm ht hirertioii to the -meli. known simply no that I know of a •• bo;ii t nile.l mi?.-* F:*!i •.*».: t. i **-:*»:» for to \ announced that shall vote for llar- party that occupies better Mr. <\>wii:s Tht: gentleman mistakes me the equally divided into pasture ami ,:d t“fair divide it with thmr. then dip ii into oiive nil. slim- they New Fngland League base ball clubs, the We have ha ietoria ha* riven a iarje >,t -j!\ r '•cut. of the commercial tra\ Iteeord because he said it. but I do it isolated am! F.1. is the rim lor the horses; a Held well ionpi In -pit of laryer per than is requisite for the wants of tin Covern- to be found in the inmlish can the in all the A of path large ■■ o “tl. When the li'li i' lanuua^e, number ■: half a Mound. tliirk. it here ami departments. large -amr ‘li -ra-e ft ieneeil. in whirl; can 1 turned tor exercise. h loin. tin y :• pn-eiit are the -aim* way. ment, we favor the entire of internal option the Demoeratic has six k p-v\ i.-u-i r.mvey they there a repeal I party occupied in horses ha\c been entered, and some I he o. w j.jch. the or split down the hack. I5r«-iled li'li. trotting I l\» my. |i Mem v- ,| •,.• : i;. p. -tables are well tilted up for breeding and taxes rather than the snivel!.h r of au\ of this House since this sat on the MO part Congress first fast time will be made. of there •' Ami* i an ti-hr- •■oitl’inr to it- kind. max h idler m:i'k« d w itn i lie I.. Till. •: kali-.,* \ .•* ..|1. reii A | artial li-i of w>nie «»i tin:* lend characters Several the fastest •shorn -an, N. \ Fierce am! i. I Mr*wu. .W !>. training hor.*e*. being twelve lu»\ stall* f.-d our at I; e behests of in December last, so well tneii '- 1 protective system, joint Monday express horses in the British Provinces have been en- Two miis.-tures were I al'om. a harnc-s room all the d" id d a sauce. mcc-*;1ry par;;} ing, •f ui. In n !iari*ot-. up :i:i tin- I...; of the murderer-, ioryers. jun lixers, 1 running manufacture rs. sluiwn to c their feel ill”' the of fever. >.•!:•".! hou-e vault- hu ! -a n vt ... a: h ir. e v. a ter has bay with Mark points, |»» to it i' a «• o.'i e ei«a third-party plank contingent pensions. will be the finest ever shown in the State, an I \ broilim. h-rah mpr-w. etc. b. •:i,,d.* with line 1 1 nor n broi:_(it ini-, the hlaye tiaun a Then- higli, rangy, cut head, and 1 in *'• \ Ir:* eii XX ja rhe-l conditional. 11 deelar* ; li i' Utewn lu n*. h not to tin* that eat shows sprit--. splemlnt it cats 'bol ter and hetn I llavored : the 1- .. •!: ..|V country, the and the visit- notion ; lie ha* a : "i I orp. i'. baby always please are si rti! lakes i:i Lim-hio. i'll--, lim water is. record of •_*.'it and i* the -ire of a th' I .mi >he ha 1 two When uin- renminbi r~ that the I hnioeratic For the immediate abolition of the int -niai the controlled the late Confed- ors. -v e. et ‘•ha it in ma I. him»lieec ear.* uId, tie- .-rid iron liia\ he sir. w ed with biim-in of nro- deriving support pension'-. give ing the summer at Bar Harbor have accepted pure a water -upplv a-’l.;neoiuviUe. y and other*. Next i* 1 >av 1 hiwn, ti-h." It i- 1 ■ ha- turned in to tin* service becomes tional vice. widows am! of the old I’nion sold- < h •. > Advocate; 1st dam i- ci mati in-rl" ifrc'h) tin li'li well o;h d i.einj puhli dependents invitations to be present on (.overnoF- in .Moiniior- : i. -Y rman \ t -ii'cd by .hnige Nellie l.lo-t Ml:’.‘loll i m -.'to. ! i, tin* > Bay. ;.ate tariH'hii! xviM d" c. Tin* Democratic party four years ago ex- iers and to the sick and wounded veterans woo.!, L. 11. V. ,Mini !. •). >1 v.: 1. M. in M'-rri!!, id dam I>mhe-- Kcarnanght. lie is a a : laid thereon : do it xvrx 'h.xvh and end turn [' :b!y impi*'*ssi\ President. Cleveland's private secretary. B. s. ail;. I -!:111• i-. lnit al-o rtaiw.1. to liltx u dark -land* !•'. hand*, well ire one-half, will pressed 11 it ir iu ten st.* ut it !<\ it a some little erunih onee in a time. s,j to 'lia- village ha- a- -o\t el lit!, ana bay. put up and an ea-v e. ir one. while i di'gu-t caning long Lamont. with his will lie month i' troui 'an h.-inu'eoo»..-.l. l-'Ph lii-'t ■ family, spend trotter and should Martin erimp. v. l;: 11! ? t \ ::'. o ;v !;|e. [he !a\ oil uni'- po-ima-lei iiave beyun lollop “war the s-:\'* of tim (■: in. -in t. ami • into no an idcnl occur to him \\»> 5 'p tax." and in Mills bill they sle w their your er* .lit as iik ii: hut of at portion ip.t: in hoilino water :md lin n ♦ i• ■ patriotic every Sorrento, near Bar Harbor, and it > ;; found in rattier I.roiled i' \■ Ii. t. m k Harrison, tin* om ;.t Jamestown. bav- August tin.- .-tia-ain ;.••!. ol ! ! I M- icolict brilliant future in -tore. Then we rtitne ale Pa., f«»r five 1>\ to measure to for .lupl, No lixed ean he as to r«- regard wliiskey proposing repeal important presented Congress is said that President < leveland has arranged to to Wiioitlau n. dr., a line rules _;iveii the time in.: com*- over to the -ide of tile vast liavo born ma in m-.-aia >•- a':* 'la- w « rr looking rlic'tmit stallion majority. the law authorizing th** destruction * f ilii it tie* relief of the soldiers, one. the* de- ay,, to hroi! 1 i>ij. -.* mueh 'Hie i’>■ o il;. < except make a visit to Mr. Lamont, and aNo at Bar ii r-iman 1 an 1 n ., -.. year- old., Ku<,\ Chief, which we believe i--- did t.i \ l'H. puire.l depending npoo p'..: .vi'.-if; nnmissi.ei Wla-n the administration's oilict-holders break promptly iaiiin». stills, and i*.r the com- lull, have defeated smile a in the the 'late of the lire and tin- -i/e and sort t tin* in Ii11i* ;• •!. J: j- hy providing carefully pendent pcu.-ion you by Harbor during the last week of and in We have Inn! ev only state with a record ot ill nly xp.I that it will roxe away what; mav we not expect? August, n -ii., •. ,.i hi- id fort of those arrested for illicit distilling. ; on ntary ra«*lies. or direct votes, and that this case "f \\ hieh ! Wo ii;« -:.« ’hat stand. !.»r sp». (iuv Withers, owned and Meet li'li. -Min-kcd salniiiii should !.e imP made tin- him. : •! m x. m nt in Firjiam! a meat arrangements will be comp!, ted f« r I'l'.vr 1 Will to in- :• n> in ■ a a ■ ;"-'-d in- A idl'd, Of' New ^ and :. a : i. o'iiip arc Inn >in«-c ili!' discus-ion of tin* Mills bill boyan the revoltcr go the thin! parly ami sure your President xdoed, while he sign- the President and Mrs. ( leveland to healthy J-Inro- 1- a1 a .:. a by ork, Abbott, thr-'iieh. imp.-tii*. spend i*. \ o|. \ vote villa;'1.- I'.ill .• a- an- ami --on-. I last named being a dark lid. d in' ::1 _it ti the Tilth woo! has deer'a-etl in V cent- a for the* immediate and imronditiona! re- ed the Mexican pension hill, five-sixths of some three hours at the Fair (irmmd on Wi d- ba\, dil»;_, famous .h'h ahroad. water 'mi.-he or pri«-e pound. n ham!* 1 M«'»vr\ Hi:. Mia,',-. ■. bo.-,, \. i» high, weigh* lino lb.-., and -ire ot several in > < •- < * of tin* interna! taxes? Or will in* wlic-i.: 1.: lie Jit > ll ! ' \> nte inom;- tie* Democratic and favor illicit (■•e for « iVeet tiie soldiers has ; rare. W as does ulptor Ami vet tin- lb moerats claim that free part) di-tiiling! among reported ■■ ^1,v- 1:11! It*:-, Idiot not seem to ba\e !>■ eoUH* Ii a! lira b/.- pa--? < WADI IN'S AND 1 111! Mills |; 11. | We havo ha din.’ -iati c* ni; nt to tin* ht? -r r tin Frie<|eii*kir: ln* would ludii think this House hills which the Grand t ’hi'-f. A that there i- 1 in \nn riea. the I'l' h"or -nxlie \. Imp. wool would not injure the farmers. ineoiisj'teue.y. pension one C!,M- ol' a i‘>.• 11i.a: pm a. 11. -.- i-.airrotl. i-butt is tin- -in- of Knm.a V., win. trotted Hr. !. r !■ ii in he in P H*.lam. he would better stick t<> th«* of ih<- lb have in their conventions Twitched. the well-known wrb oi a race in Lew i.*ti m. W cdtie .1 urn- •; *i. world h“W ii i' made. In.u s < t. ha s iue’ ohi t iv Republican party Army public \!<»i:i;i] i.. >1 nil i: 1. I. day taking 1 M :ii’ Kx-Conyre'-man f the with its it' re- r> comii mb d : but while \ on to and on ha- return- I >. < >. !:> u on .1. \' a. -i'Coud time be ng JThis was tin ; ii ! Pepin and from an o*.| amJer’s manual. I iii~ i' Mallory Oreyon-ays temperance recon!, temperance reported them speaker agricultural subjects an,I IVa: M I >. money. meipe F iw ar>'P i\ •• It ! h- no\<*li*i. I from lir-t race .-In mi- d a o-, I numerals of hi- State are over to II ar- solution and its candidate. It wib the II in* ed to from an extended tour Tin a list’in a of mt a na: i -• > ha- been started in lid* -eason. ! 11* hie j V.'lleH atltr- tin- >ea!e and wa-li tin- 'lit eominy temperance with single exception they have Augusta through romb r« way: perch: pm the il'e. t* of overwork, i'o w-.|*k for tWeillV- < anno!'! -aw .Mr n-rrni a ■ to di, <• id->u in bodie- on account «d levcland"- free not he in tin.* “woods" this \,-ar. been nied consideration one to New Hnmswick and Nova Scotia, in the course -j oria! work --a.;. Hairy'- purcha-e. Katrina, r ran .n-i-t- of in the water: win n it hoiP in pleasant amendment put tin li'li with I'onrroii*. .;: wa* o N'i: : :, .1 ;• -air-old mare ( .m*ti-llati.m. dam ■ ntixel; a eoiiinioii oir- men one ONLY of which iii’iiiii. Moaib": ij ir1. bay l.y by Fly i. i. .-".out tv. rhe feet trade po-itio»i. Nim nt of* iyliteen in ONI! OKIKAJ AM* ! 111! 1:1! VIC l* )P1 !■>.. an ai'propi iati'.-n bill xviiich allows xvidows to lie delivered seventeen lectures under ••in onion eut in put in bin « ing Morr b. he ha- refused a ehopped parsiex I'eime w irh him. I t K. A. :, In- ami M. Y. g.1 round 'figure 1 a have bolted tie hallo-T.itic ticket. Mr. (irillin lias been travelling through the draw their from tin: time of the tile auspices of agricultural societies, and ne a fr-.nt of tin- hand -Imp pi.u-ions death •■ enough to turn tin water white; '.ai'oii with • »ar v. o|-k lia- boon 1' in -o be-, ii. ing a great roailstei with good di- Western States since the < < onwuiion '•f of large number of the most and wide- ’: •!' \ ard- of hicag<» ila hud.and instead the date of the filing intelligent -a-.-,. ,c1i and a and d fort) 'alt and pepper, and :i' '"on a' the It'll done The !il *f poa I,.;..;. ..\. r M-ei- \ vie.--aebi -eti- workinyman said ei:a belter -a.uiinn : nmn.t: ,m:i im.nrr pleasant driver; burring mi* 1 recently He returned in re it attend the of the an l xvas a awake farmers of these two -. lie '"'lint* we m and a adjourned. application, that but continu- proving oil- ill amor n llaae! w m> v ia-artih ii: ir,.a. will predict, conic a J bo '•proat-hend serve it in a a little water aw are wa* pr.'.ii 11: l"7'». win n it f...»!.•:! P» a P>»-ion l.-r: “IPs a fool that -ticks to performer. -leepdii-h, pouriny repo! of the < *uumit- of that in with them he that I o 'at, a black g Id :d S> nut ii "t t\\ i-ted (HI meeting National Repubiiran ation then existing law: with that single ex- says talking lind- al- tby u irli u-. \Vlonl ;iv;r ini :<•-• •. i, \. .: k ing by (km-to Hat ion, i* a line over it. witli tin* am! onioii'. Melted o.UIlo.( basket *. ’l l: .-aF* Top will !.<• a mistake vvln-n In- timls it out. P\e voted pat'ley t*** e most to >. > looking animal. Ik b. ■i I u adinn tin- bars When asked for hi* opinion on tin; ui- eepi ion yon ha done nothing for t he a man they favor fret? trade with the \\ hie'i on are «l«»il:u' ami am w 'linn -uhal w -.- standing' weight lino 11 s.. hut!*!* and parsii x slum id he *rx ed in a I tin n. .Ion!.!.- tii :i with the Ih-moora*- v- r-. pen-ion- when I .planti!\. lmt I — rail t>> l!i- Work a -ia- :• -a. T\\ .• rn-r- year- old look •-■■I imon v in gentleman’* I. often a w iioh* wenty-live peranee work *lone at <'hieago he deelar; 1 that er-. and you d not mean to do nil. d Stales and are wat' hing lhe* iices ,,| hniwn bread ami buibr m ac- anything. •;i race rail> in-reaft'-r i vote win re best intere-ts lie." of non fatal Y •. or. am 1, I-..I m> ing in I.ew i-ton. lie i- a lull brother to ni -' ■ **I *• my tin* cause the hill tyi'h-'i'l oilier ! ! I, 'i_ ;: -1 «|ia\ he made i 11- .1. i 11 .* I »x ihe l.y. im !'■ !< ler.w ho Ur: I. i anti-saloon sulleivd oiu; del- if. but You I.lock 1 lie xvax oi pension legislation and Mills through Congress with deep company this «Ii-1 *. Tie fa\oriie Amerieau infeottmi.- Hl-i-a s. t.’iilant, and i- aircady a speedy traveller. We O' d to three vi«*tori«*s iu the ( 'onvenimu. 'I lii- x\ ill alb.XV iutere-t. it i- a hii-ine-s matter :d Mor. 1.•.11 ; u .kind- of the obtain r.-leav from *«>lit:,rv eoi.iinemer.l on a gained not geiiei al bills to be eoli- They say with a '•» -aw -r\ method i't the p* reli !•> a with salt Tbe r.'llowiny interesting item i- from the pension r M.l-.i: >1‘-. M* ml 'nr- of tin- n •■,,•,| l*. \\ ..ri!i era 1 ''nils, ainong which were 1*Icin'h try eris; -«» iil.dd Mi lie- I. I .a ie_al will he IF:, *i:, |. < statement he I y r* a iin sonn* por- -bier* d in lid- Ib-u-e. Y»» man can them ami well it be a- it means many 1) ke Pcjiin rather than, with nutter. In summer, lerlil.jraiity. pp. I. Tin l.nyli-li I ron Id a. ••The Cobdeii ( lub is explained get recog- may inn. M. I >olai,\. M. h a n I"m dam Lmpiv*-, by Lmp. William. polk try iny ■' t_outit, • of ;»n on tin* to in ■ " 1 "• -"ii d-.. !, lieu ,1, : ;i.. Je. '*j.»n i* a.lx«t*.* him. tions address which l.< nition eali them or if. the grace of additional dollars their \o ia < •:\. 1.1. ... ot iirii. Knox and -loe olVtln- when tin* 'kin i' l.itt r. it adxan- to raise a la rye sum of money to be in >ubjcet up: hy pocket-. H-pc.-hilly o|io> t «!. ; lied sprite, 'lightly may -pent •' '• 1 ha my': are the the *•- •' n. b\ M' ; 1‘ ... -II V d ! ill e to He the kiml. eoiir; -oil-', and made Mill-bill whi*ii >1 vin-.M*r. M, him oi the ,i I*. year- old, Watchman, dam, i) ] liv I.- at otln*r tim •> flu* li'li i- furthering tin* free trade in Jim prepared. gentlemanly Speaker, changes by trmo-otisly pnioxed, Tin >tor\ propaganda a 1 m « ;.;•••! in oulptor of Ih.ine will 'I'he *U*feat was the refusal of the < ommifte.* w ho ha- sat in this House since I have bet n removes the tarilV fr«nn lumber and wool ami \\ urn. .1. ! Y\ O .!. \\ 'a:-; iiM. by soil of 11. t-pur. Jd dan |.. heit.T '.-ai d. This method i' *hmtly Cnil'-d States, lord Rras-ev has yiwn CPMM). a simply Inarty an nrtiri in the Iteview on Wo !ia\r had :m r:i- •! n t -ii- ..-.‘I Id" i a piih!i-11 l-ortniiflillx Resolutions to put an>..:! in memos r. om- doe- get recognition, some* other agricultural of !•> Pled. and I test to the Heeds of hlllmi'. atm lei'. others le--. tin* hat is round." plabk any products importance "dr. adapted on 11. •!i— n.-n Anieii.-a hv .1. •!! oimiu of yoiny tin.* Haley informed us that Mr. 1L L. Mirth, •. -i -d-.' ora- ti-cd on platform. At first thF was r*garded as a gentleman on the other side is swift to see that these provinces, as their population i- largely j will the < onlineiitai tin thud of "'I ! « >1 i all ha been w nit him lor tin- of vi-ar- Many prefer I >i« < hei'mrr he of < i; *»i:: Mi mb.-; of r-o i \\ ar period tip' P' ">■ » l>] Ian*lilt”- oltimhii*. Tie- Administration are not at Waterloo, and if the contest had ended tin-n- those bids are not taken for eoiisideratiou. in farming and these eommo.lit ic- on- thl'oii/Ii the ice papers jeeriny up engaged V -. '■ d! !ca\c hi.- to -Ii winu them iii vitn yar or lemon juice, in MOV. W i'. a |- ami I.. l|o|»kll,-. M 1*. pie-cut position -titer the sen ice 1 .- »;■" a- an at stitute d'lo ll"d. 1 ; .. 1 <»!!! tie- vole much a- Were. disaster tin- would lie tight them. and. if u.-e- all the the which i- On ti*. lb o- ,o| til. soiiu kind of 'our 'am e. are < onur. **:o in < ox otir “Tippecau they overwhelming polls necessary, surplus exported. Ti that ti Ho. Midgctt lielfa-t. We left feeling wall Iii Italy tlu*y lijnre* up population 1 ! I lie < lev. land, b. Ic xder a list of over have been inevitable. sour-i of to smother them. otiier hand tin- Maine tanner who al-«* has t h ’aid. the \i-:t and -ecu ain tln-i of minnow. roa'le.l on the witiumt renew ism tin- ales, i.i !>'.*•? ;ti w hile >! r. prints liilibu-jering l.y ha\ing- the 'pit i.7!*..'ioo, Atkin*..n set* < •• \ ''d a one thousand veterans in that (>ur first was the f a 1 il-deserxed elisions/* was -ame to sell will soil. r. a- I he n* deal Ii- !■•".: ! in in. bar of ••tiling a 11 ion.* of Maim-. h,. og. in I h. Maine ii-. hip-. ami hatln 1 x il a! hkoou.' o i. “Tippecanoe" victory adoption plank j Yes; it the real products provin- o11ai1:i<’it p,. whiie r a~tii»_; with im-uar or lem- I ln m .*t ainl.iti.-u* American Horse lin der A j a •; ii mi two j, ; ;• \« :th a part of tin- State who voted for William 11. committing the party against tin- National xpres-ion of the feeling of the Democratic cial farmer well knows. a-o- 1- n,.| ,-tairii Montldy on juice, .1 un-tiio 1 n a uu.'uiia! le to mop lit. mjh; p. i.< w illiije to tin* ilill. r- h-d. i- eiiti:e!y .*piit and vote his was in >kn k ion. Mombrr- ti.o b.>■ «•'. |;; ie. i! a i in II. ar<:. in tin- wood-. elirr. pensions, » man 1-ovn. (Ins > l: m !< !! ami A. ". Bit M. Maine Press \ ! In- le -ii iii lat h i- n :i ' dv a supported by every decided temperance -hox\ n by it- aeiion in this and prior Cong- Si. John receivi s.YO a t for his services A l»ar Harbor of tin Ad\. ni- A! tin o*ri oi die oar on ,,■■ -,.i.i.i a '■ — idyll eorrespomlent d \v Id ia: o- ii;,- h -ie iii e Mr. <. i'l-’iu i. t- v.uv—cd him- If a- ays: liar Harbor's future i- now Association tin* Kim ** I'1'. ’i : :a e o' -ii'-'; imdertukiny “destroy Republican men as solid the nation- Mr. owl* Allow me a perfectly -Ill'll 1 : Jj, 1:1! || { he line f> at- \ VlndtAi, Sensitive Woman iii- thanks for t! j. ing temperance against moment. liner ami I..- lar!bor n !a,;-i ua- rr. ! many in tin* int- n si of third Prohibi- secure ;md of t lie moder- it m-f. I <•. ice in -• party" party as quite imlepemleul Kh-h, president. the chair, t •: d: Ml ov ■ t-Ti * id tax men are now in favor «.f Mr. Miilik-n Now. a- far as that is concern- only hail i- ]/ d a off eii -dll-ink- ii :i em;-nil im. a u t ii't!• ii,• h:t- i\. 1 from liquor liquor '1 !->i: IMKI Mi -1 111.' oa»- A. Ii ; phv-irkm tion. That i- a hiyii but then* arc men hotels which are within it-border-. •i' U ••!,-i: ■ \m tiyurc. it. A State tax on saloons differ- ed. i will Pave m\ ii when I ately good i- .-. II \. ..a -. v, i. i. i, *1 a eommitte** Ipl l1 nr: :■ I l< iiy« iiient. ;•!• ■!- to siiliVr ••*■*.Taiuh.tiiig him upon hi- golden operates very j.'iid. get through, Urn,: 1; •,cretary. appoint* who wouldn't retail such fictions a- lie As a summer home of fashion ii will cer- 1 .1 n perpe- from a National tax on tin; it'.If. to great No ti< ii « t 1,, sum. more m tin- *»: Tin -1 Member- «■!' I 1! in ( nil woul'i > skillful phy-1 ulIn| in 1 udiau- (ieneral Harrison because of his record :i' a control >f the lingli-h tongue, that conciseness already cosmopolitan personnel I I- e- •'!•,! .1 -M \ 1 PIN Mil. ■ 1 \i. !•'** t t !:>• ia wl, ha I a a 1 \ ii « 11 >» j, t its otin-r summer re-of. in M DoiLv. D. 'Ii\ >I;ii:n.* I*r*— \"<*(•, itioii. on it' pel'ieiiee child’s uoiiiiiia! ion total abstainer and an avowed auti-saleoiiist. of ■ 11 which has cottager-than any enabled him to in .. 11 -• -.1 M. H. lb editor of tin >,ui Frandseo evpivsC put There a :\. m m,. ■, 11 « \i -11 -i- i;, 11 t in* summer >] I "> i' : > i'lii'.ii: di lo wum-ii, ha- a tli 1 a Yoimy. the The natives to be awe:* m a ;i iinter.-,i11irI> about peeiiliai pit pared h i i«-- of rows. Two belliger- When the committee decided not l" an txvo words tin of his in this country, appear | V i.'eh i-of !'• IIM1II. W< Clironieie. t.dd a that tin* report position party ! I'.*! Mu* thanks .»t the A"o* iatii*n an* due an 1 1 Mie-liin:i!.!e aid v. Chicago reporter of this ;md to that ■ >: alien- have -Ii'. tIn*ir revolver- hut 1:is* a u> understand they mu.-t 1 iv-entl) «f police pre- anti-saloon number of went through House the of to I'nion keep I'MIl Vlt r- r- ii,.- «•- in. .■ n:i mum n to; Hu « ri< I- a rile l’r. 1 .11. Tut slope is as sun* for Harrison and Morton as plank upon granting pensions -ly dciyd Maine ontral. tin* “■ 1 »i. A. ip'i \» »u«-.I id-. Mu 1. the roads and other public in the b. -t ; ;• Landmark. i- tile o»dv rein fur w oinan's tlie different urging tho'c w h<> real- soldiers to the men who made it for place- I>, -11i. ! a! I -! a V.. D. !'• a and Mi Kno\ and Lincoln dy i-.ahai weak tliouyh tin* vote had been counted. delegations possible A ..Mnjiiis. : v a, Mi already the taxes tin- noii-re-id.-nt- Mu- ■ Ik old m.der :• ized what a colossal blunder bail been commit- him and for me to -tand repair. paid by !'..-td~. and * -1 ( ..l.iun Xeanihoat hap-. ailments, by drii.yi-t-. j ii; iir.■ ha- in Free trade is a more s.-rioti.- to the to-day under the dag i•'’ '. let! i11■ '• ■ >!*ip arrixe.i San Francisco question auiouut to a amount, and as th- town I- I. < I 1 loi r- liuj- ; i■ a- * ea-e or rig apt. question councillors are liberal in their fund-, ti-ni. '(•' «-ti\C lilies ;! u r-u 1 below it. taction cry Mono;. ond choice, on the that it had become a that tloat- its banner more in disbursing >-•" ell a .i-.- U ever was. ground repii'.die proudly _i. t- right of falling in loxe with is W Mnml ft! ». Wi i II"' nd y, I* I'.a lor tin* cordial **e e! I ; !n* \\ IV tmeo-d. uai.t' printed on li.ittie rapj <■; the public better eared for each season, ami ; i'ali, to nominate some one “whose record f i-< of th«* nations of the earlh ever ■ necessity than it «. am «.r .lia: < u- .ii — > Mr-, "exx.-ll ami then foil l:« an -tor. !. -'.'ion. I >! in.. ption tendered llu-ir r«*sii|eiiee :n A.* v*. a! r i- i. iii:i\ owing rabout in huge sum- are for im- elegant e111j .pi;, ahnon Pur e- I'it- l. Jims interviews with would he a so a number di*-! !i dm •. A being annually spent Thirty million sia\ i.av. been freed in :. oil* manner. prints platform." large pplaiise.] Wei .!■'.! •»•’,: n-i\c which in anotherdo aide will make J.. !»i-11 ; kill ‘.'.•■rid in t w ei. I -e\.;i a • to this that when a conci-ntration vv.r* re provements i> the last ,o-n>. and the ■nr. number •!' Rensselaer county farmers,hitherto agreed [lb ihe hamnu r fell.] WlM t ill’*>ui Mon oi oi ii,o oar i'" Mi. I- *. I,, a!, i1'. | ri« tor -d' tin* Bangm •1. -• l*ar Harbor renowned : .ii -i ate t ii one in w I e >•< s. >•. all the world *■.*•!•. « s only hat •natniliy ill Uida e a lie Tin hoii-e it N-xv Gorkin xv !*i«*!i lilgar A’ 1 lemoerat-, who declare their purpose to vote finally attempted, he was found t•» the Treat. -to oph M ( ai ‘o’ u on ! ihn-n i, IK !•*’.' v Iui-i d rat' | courteous attention ; : v. i.• o! !:.•• I •' !!■•:-. in in- I M ain- nited >:-ite-. m* xx ond of so lit- I' M; W Ml I."a « tor { prompt With a ml -ii: h-. and di/./.h-d eve-, Tenth very unfairly -i — p!'.i;ui‘ from ri-l, it!-. an : ill la,- I m W.\. a u«"ii ons r\ i* e : he i i- lor 1 in- ax elm: oil however, intended to him hut two ■-.o.intry | -tody II' -<«-ks I he eulich and i.nWIi lie li<-.~ ami ar- ag-> xx'gs surrounded agaiiM Northern farmers while it treats South- them, give > >• by Du the ‘Jot11 of iast tie liriliv■ of v, li-oli tbr oi; tl:!\ of the v. alor In -!- ! I Ml < \ I 'ell II a. i.i: a_: of :l,e Mount i. -e « January good clipper Ii. A. Shorev. of ha- decid- licit \ad V'lu-i a and I'aintrie-s in him tree- and Woodland. ern agricultural interests or three ballots and then to Mr. Sherman, Major P.ridglon, I ri-e, wry gingerly. go I\ t»:i«|. Tun n I:; am-, s v.oro ioi>.."|, ,| lotln !\ iin o | ioii-i-. *.*, <• are aeaili ind* '-te«I i**r a Idit-ra I i* in ■ il..a- •!. riie of IIi"W i--ail him. but lit* was so unit’ll than had hip I’arragut, Captain Hardwick-*.-ailed from ed not to be a candidate for .‘senator for ti e height raekiny pain- stronger they III om- > a 11,0 o. was i, .! a ri Tao re*liieti iit.*o'*l A i.. i. ft* !«i hi' UsUa 1 rati-': km i! -uk headaelie' lint eic eoiin ea-e. The m *!!-:• r steanil* >at Puritan, at A prominent Prohibitionist of northern of the wics, h.ny building Jersey City, supposed that they could liud no excuse for Calcutta b.onn war l bound. from that time portion county. hoii.-o w a oio-< ian-i lomai: --.1 tor tii" In-*- "is*- "1 -team- r K111«*•»" t «• x«■ 11 e a ! '*.'. !!i- loinaeli -ettle> ini.. race. x who D with when ilie •aiai'in i- running } he-tcr for lie* Fad! River line, was hum.-lied disgusted the folly and out u the 'ahe for inanv or- up insincerity leaving him. If the committee had reported has been heard of •\ H.-moerat in Kenuehunk board niitil -I'ilmh- l.uildlor. pr<>•. ap"ii and otlu la\ ■ ■ W ill.:n hi- lo ad the erase nothing her, for the life-long writ*- n \v ma-t -. thiol,hilly- on •i.'uh. ami i- the xes-el of of tin third men, has returned to the Re- report Wo h i'. ! a -1 < no 'atal oa.-o of ii noia.i, t v.. oei * d I’he .Inly !arge-t i{> part} an anti-saloon plank the friends of that cause »• j.l,: II Hiddeford donned that lie is “tin d and < 1 I’n-r. I’. I let- no l.iil him -o o' L < u Ik- ! a e : j J f,-. i. and the cla-s in woriil. The Puritan will cost wlien publican ranks, believing that there is where would not have made* the* dibits for that her wrick had been .-ecu some twelve r.i-o- oi i, mo: am. three plio ;-. I". !' ra1 I. Ham. tin* Mi. lent ami obliging N'>r will tail one in siieh a din* desperate sick" of th* Hcmocrniic and ■o '• they any pr. d'.ea party, lie pro- a n i,ni..n 'a-- "I tin- steamer a .*•■ Ii -* ii il moil s i ..'»oU.(ion. the cause will find iis best and most M- ha |,m\ aiont. l\in.*o" nu n!. tIn- eoinpleted temperance him that and it i' more than hundred nub in in Calcutta does not jiunji In dyspepiie. the bilious, and tin eon they did, po»ib!o appear poses to go out of it and out. ami will tin -1 oi in !'-• M < H. It. of :• — stay The best iiu|>r .e.*rge mis, l,*rk the lioi,-i-, a r. ! a .* both liia-ts. Laint- consistent friends. He pronounces the third tin are alike a iricnd in need and a that some one else would have been nominated 1 ■ -tipaP-d. y A mining ami coal of i’i't-- I" iiave any .-olid foundation. She passed away henceforth net with the Ucpublican party. illtimi woe:-! o ll.o -anita.r, mlm'ati* t' i>•'*• i■ attention and o.-urtesios accorded u- !'*..' e* ti; f .-.ii -aiuion a fail Itn-io 1 indeed." engineer expert partv movement mereix a tail to the Democra- o| Til K 1KM 1*11.* AM K it Wk. neap- Tilt: AIMU'TIOX lar.i',' ■'! Irarliiui; ill ill,' —«'! .:.!<• I" t< M\e i:ko am! gentleniaidv in ■ l»i:rg liauiei! tin* \ollUy> lady «*orps -a n i- Selwyn’I'aylor say- that coal tic kite. info the ocean like > stanch vessels be- tim. aMe t la number three was the titial many The Sagadahoc con- tti'.'o am! !■'. .nl\ ioe from -a ian- it M e hull we a’ nil i*-: dee ami \ *w rim i nd u-i of Victory adoption county prohibitory party j>. dining especial '1 late has a-sinned a bright *r out look if !i. I'apa away. Ilo'ohy papa'- lm-y." ry -, > >. n:i|. i- ;. fool or tin: ( onvention of the temperance in- fore her. and ihe is that her fate vention made nominations -is follow-. Sena- 1 mn of many ot our ,1 hoi;--- i a : ■!, K-. liga! ion -. i!o!>!i\ li.'l liiy up lii- i.iucd hand- eupui-c I ban ex er and J hat within two natural Bishop Vincent, in a recent lecture before by plank probability *iiei of 1 In I his iia n years an tor, K. T'- tin* ili. i* .i l.aiimai. "i our committee ■ I hot I a nickh- in tin a. and -ee troduced llout'-Hr. As at- Henry Palmer. Hath: oimni*- M'p lode, pa no- gas xx ill hax <• tlie Methodists of Klleiiville. N. V., declared by (’ongressman xvill never be known. she lias been tounty( you'll been exhausted. Already r; r..a! -. I' \v. B. hi.~ evi lenei Tile !i-ii tempt is being made to create the impr<->'i«»n si*nier, dohn I.. Herry. tirorgotown; ib gi-t. r L.ipham. and assr; that, while he was a he was not The Potato of Mam -. -I o a '.' prohibitionist, struck off the maritime li-t, xvhieii means that Crop I II. d .*• i_-c Ifowell, whose mi! .in.. and 1 iii'ii iv-l for a The Defense Committee of tli.- that this is not of tin* of Prohate. Klwell s', < ( otint\ p«*t Anarchists in a third man. but a plank part Kepuhliean ro-by. Hath; !••••* !•■•! "I V' it. m nn* has iloted us e I *011*1 haw k. haw blow and part} Republican. p j through the Mi- "I I A 1 ee| I |„ |,,\V till edge of k, pi:, disyu-t every Bishop 1 -he is d» as re- l'raneis Adams. I.. Chicago arc entertainments, etc., platform, quote from Mr. BonP-tleV opening iiniiixeiy given up lo.-t. The Attorney, Ha’tli: SheritH i>. -V. w ith**UT a T"dy with unr oil. 11 -i\ *■ real h. I ut n-e I M'. s.-i yc'- getting up Vi.. neogni/:*’s the fact that the of J!' ! ! W !! ! ! -:! A!'! '! '! !>i N|- I! \ : I- trip ;,u ! d and v. i!, -inar! I a i; J •!' it- tail the objects • < f to raise to the where he cord- of marine di-aster ouiain many more Small. Howdoiidiam: 'minty Trea-iuvr, A. < *' n tin- < lose oi mir atai rh and end it. money replace temporary monu- tlm Prohibition party will be more at- speech, says: I < i> I \ 1 1< appro.e annual outim-. !. li>h w ha ii Ih-mcdy nearly eases of Palmer, Hath. «»nl> ment oxer the graves of the live An- tained On behalf of a large number of .ho del. gate- thi- kind than landsmen would he apt with the coli\letthat its pleasures ha\e I icc 11 hanged through the party than » 1a! wit nil. .-nom are aide to Tin* | oili-< •lohe lh-niorr; t 1- w Republican I'anmTs will do will, an ! -si ,i \.;l and in ac- to suppose. \ -hip leaves port apparently in '.i; -nally n.-iiriit' by flu* uniform endeavor to .• through the Democratic 1’nh-s matters an ■ : k ;a 1.1 of v, ; :! vear that there are more ha Id head- party. take turn in n M. j- civic** i*l a 11 they -tl ike ob- subscription cordance with their wishes, I de-irc l<> move a good condition, her cargo well stowed, her unexpected j ort that ! i.*m.-: aiie v .1 !i ha- lx n gcm-i'.ii,- upon wlu*m we ed women party •. k .• than men in the coin to luit the The Dominion government the 1 loti.-*-, the Maine will .-*- Iimc called. i k l!n* .-{ream try day, ha- remitted tin? Den. (H and of the rules and a n-soluti m sound, and veil found. After representative- Jackson, Marshal in the suspension adopt spars generally '! ,• 1 Iroiihle is to striae the < P-ward artieli- boring lie.- K! M‘ M. '• •. v- rtreal proot-. tine of |no -< d on each of the cure to go liome ami take an active pushing Id m:\k.i i ! |.-\ to be the jm; American cmniug Blaine has an re- to he added to the The that !> ever heard f and pairs, part parade, issued order Kepuhliean platform. nothing her, eonject- o « < Annie in the wln-n it < past montiis. t.» tV« t w hicii ‘la- How \ui* >w ns. < om. m a!!- v. it Si a i.-ar Our Ameriean Kcllcs—« mr Ameriean Helle- Vessels. llodgdon and Arthur for all organizations to stands before the for ttire is vain. A -udden have taken campaign opens. hairman story questing desiring take part Kepuhliean party country sip,all may oi \\»■ a i It!'- .I'llIN M. A M VMS. ) me:* at was aide to secure the of removal uiir tar id «*n {>-.!•;».>. How sweel i- the -lory their I atity tells landing sheihoiirne. N. s., without re- to him ::l head No. is West L’oth the of the ballot, for the her aback and sent her to lhe bottom stern fore- Manley promises th* notify juarters protection proteetion on Iln*ti). l.a.'l -i,'s shows tiia; Mai ; I ■ ! I w 11 lesolution Wa~ al'O n Ida -i -v. i Mii.a! : oi 'I'm y are wise belle-, too, ior it i- iheir wont port ing tot lie customs otlhvr-. > ablest campaigners in (ongre— in th* report adopted earp among Allier- .. N. V. The progrimme is for the of American and for the most or she may have foundered in a gale after early I.. u republican industry protection in Ns; 5.1HM) In Uofil.wg. ■ < u-e e\ery their -<»/.«*1 »NT season. His li-t have to he iv\i-e*i -**im produe.-d y l*i of. Joode. and day club.- of the to go down the on steamers of the of tin* home. The altars of Ib- all her boats had been or liel* boats may j Which sweeten- hreath and A from Sotia it is city hay purity destroyed, tallies. aiuouh! „r- -ater ilain all ike wieat. 1 keeps teeth well. despatch -ay- learned that what before the reason of tie b ef thi- interestiug the of Blaine’s arrival and in this countn stand the iirc- have and ot e one on tight begins, by tin* j i. "iir de* p is tendered \ w. a hr were ol oi:r of slay escort him to the puhlicauism i»y may got away perished by ■ sympatiiy American He lie.-. the* object the which was dis- rv< Indian •■ru. n:.H and !-ari-\ r 111. ■1 c. 1 1 proud Itulgarian plot length of the session, but I "11 I it 111 a t \\ K>*\ is. :* Mt bim in 1 he book. hotel where he will review llie in the sides of the American The founda- tin: wide ocean Sometimes, blit unexpected tlnr*- j apt. o| i uiiiigt’ ;, covered ai Ru-tcliiik was to murder Prime parade people. plains. rarely, lie".1 during tile sain.' '"asm:. N oil" will tu- ! i;, "A: l. u will be no lack of for the ib ;,n in r.-cut a!llicti*>n. and trust that kind can* 1 I 1 1 o| eatehillg tile Has No/.orient evening. tion of tliis organization of ours is the then* has been a mutinx and massacre, and tin* speakers pnUi. Why Ferdinand. Two ut' the grand ticket in event. that the ree, i\- -i !'• r -hi- ep.p a■1 tin* ... h ad t** the entire A '■ 1 a t lie line b« ringleaders, 1‘ogutetl any pretend money employed may entire- lie,-uine Heiitifriee of \merieair sobriety, the morality and the virtue of the survivors may have made their way to sum* the-t.-iple -imply and lxanoii'. have been arrested. Morris a was exorbitant, tin general being that r* Moral ion ,.i Pis hcaltli. and that we may again file round gilt. louded llarkheimer. prominent Wheeling, common to opinion he him-it i- to use e\eu tor The island, there dve as “beach-combers'* < ♦ > s > impossible it, a week, people. Kepuhliean party sprang tropical in tin- consideration o. the Mills hill in < oi»- s..V» bush is as rejoice in his 111 j a t i n h i j and active «•*.-opera A v. W. Va., has been a the average priee. per ■!. quite "k* a V I lloat. No. without il- Hi <•( the The Senate manufacturer, Democrat into existence as the of moral reform or turn with the tioi*. «pdll -ay peivciviny liyyicn:- upon during the vacation of Congress champion savage savages. irress, on as our be l. But • k tor the last and Tuesday, vc.y Democrat in the ■>mall tanners should oll'ere mp a1! i--:. -1:.»i, about -i\ inches or teeth, ihe mini- ami the hreatli. ;»w to enter twenty-five years, during that in the I'nited States of It -lands w lien lire oc-urs at sea on a inerenaui vessel, /,’< su/ixf, tiles** rc-olutioli' !»*• intends upon an investigation with the America. to- Molise three, voted in favor of in of the tariff largt of spread upon "e;' 1 time has worked hard for the except putting spite importations po- ! 1 111* Ii i|x. wlii-h -held.I be No. .'i or ti. view of success of his if it stands for as the standard unless the weather is had at the time, the tin* iv -.i ds and a copy forw aided t" Bm. *•'. a-eertaiiiing if law- can he enacted day, anything, very wool on the free s Key 1 A an instance ,.i tin* more liberal o| the He announces list, and every ex- tato- were made from the pr->\ ima-s and else- .1 t- uiili a or led worm. spirit ] party. that this year he will not of to crew IJepubliean brandling lime-, we to ot which will Canadian under the hearer every principle that tends elevate generally silenced in gelling away. A one bey rail attention onr reader.- i., | place railways vote for Harrison, hut will do cept voted against it. The duty of us per where during the past Near, showing that these Ik. iok the depth and arrange the f tin « only everything our common humanitv and eradh-ate the <-vil- he followed the ol'the Transffrs !>i !»< a! K>tah*. accurately the tael that at a recent tlieoloyira' hampiet devil provisions Interstate ommcive act. mutiny may by burning cent, upon sugar, and the of loo rent, foreigners an raise their them to 'tali' bet Weei; In- ilea' -•> in his power to his election. The St. duty per crops, ship ale! tile shot that led erahs and cake were both <>n menu. help which threaten the as a means of evi- nnycl the body politic. ship destroying eliminating on ice i> retained. How do our Maine farm- this the dut\ of fifteen cent' <•;• 1 ■ I .mis and Cleveland's --.lintry. pa\ \ '1!.*' follow ill— are tin* t ranters iu real estate in i1 >' • a a r. -1 on tin- bottom. The Proident*s veto of the lullgranting right platform message caused State seconded the mo- dence. I n the <'hina seas there are still some Nearly every tinally ers like it? Free and wool fur Ww bushel our eus|i»m>. a Iloirt the •••inversion. hay Kug- imposed l»y all-1 then pfo- d-.A u : !:•• j: of tlie tloat t»> about I (Experiment. of wax through Indian Territory of the Fort tion for the of the rules, and the and a vessel becalmed n the Wald" eo intv, f. the wed; ending July d)~t T.d suspension pirate:-, neighbor- land, and protected sugar and rice for the with th.-imme Now «I a. h'ii Smith. litahly compete prodtiet. k.” 1 !< I! iitg t he below the silot cannot afloni to waste time in e\penmen! Paris and Dardcnelic ( (i'ii. (*1 iutmi B. Ki the third nom- was with one vote. hood of some of the islands scattered in man Bowen, adm\.. M**rrill. t-» Hannah J. gilt Railway ompat'y ke, party plank adopted only negative groups South. This is tariff reform a remove ;. 1 j vv hen with vengeance. this dut\ of lift*. u V-mts per bushel dpi Ii: •! line Oil tie- around. Fix tin rod iny y our lunys are in danyer. onsuniption | has caused much inasmuch as he inee for the a the)*- incur the of attack surprise, ap- Presidency, has appointments for This is candid statement of facts. At one- might danger by the Tile farmers will not oil vote Thompson. Ki:<-\. Beulah A. Bowen, Morrill, t" k seem-, .it first, a e. l l. Ho not the Democratic whieli Nova Seotia farmetsarc obliged to pay id. 'll ! i. p» I t. ipiiet. \\ Inn a always only permit proved a similar measure for another road not September in live of the New time it looked as all was lost, hut cour- that are conceal- :!y drain to Kngland States, though wicked-looking .junks usually ticket this fall. < ibserver. out of on sent Hannah J. m, Kuo\. Herbert L. Brier A ki* !•• any impo-e upon you with some cheap [Piscataquis right their pockets all potatoes Thoni| p i\< not -t r i I.. un! .1 the lloat br- as follows: Sept. 1. Vermont: IM. New age and perseverance saved tin* ed in the between the islets'. In such imitation of Im. Kin-’- New Discovery for < on Hamp- tinally party passages into this an I i‘ i' that instead of al., guardian, Belfast, t.. Fred W Brown, same im- to tii1 e aw a i in the country, plain by >. ariy morning and < ouirh-and he sure shire: 4th. Maine; f»th and nth, and the cause. The interest ea if there were no tire-arms on board it Mr. Yeranus Kimball, who was sumption, olds, hut you yri A of tin? Massachusetts; liquor imperious- recently the average .V> e.-nts bushel it town. that the office Burgess, Belfast, Ann M. j xvhieh was once meeting ignored platform, temper- good supply shot-guns atfeeting th" in t of these rival I hfoi a mi ;!, tin -aim-. Don't he deceived, hut in.-i-t property owned by the Coti- rceeipts prodin volume are -raftered inter- upon pet cester. Springfield and other are ance man should he put on the- ticket,” even bands of white men is a guarantee was assigned him without his or <'henery, same ;.>w n. Fred V'. ('ottrell, Belfast, to Im. New lederate (lovertimeiit and which be- places bidding usually knowledge el’s in tin* least. 1 M.j 1 tin I d'» \ l.a a an tiny Kiny's 1 M-eovery, which i- y tiara ii properly for bis on < and jieri'M presence the nth. objecting to Senator Allison solely because be- against liincse pirates. Mill, many vessels consent, that In* cannot consistently hold I H.iiiuali •). Cottrell A als., same town, \dalim- teed lo pi e relief in all Throat. I.imy and < longs to tin* i niieil States < .overilineiit has There is in* chain-" for mistinih-rsianding angler. In Hi.- chapter on ml snapper- he came from a prohibition State. The conven- have met their fate in Hint region, and it as he shall vote for Harrison and Morton ! affection Trial hot tie her a! IT II. Mood,- Drily been dishonestly distributed in various dire*- There is a probability that Thomas, the unlucky this matt- r. Tin- eifei ! of this tari!1 is to in- W. Colihett, to Fred W. Br«*wn, sunn* write- : tion answered by nominating the most nothing has remained to tell the this fall. Mr. Kimball stated to a .Journal re- Store. Laly Hot lies Si. tion-. well known cartoonist, will come back into pro- story. Ty- crease tile of the fartnet of this town. < "< m, «! \. reeeipis crop John lark, Lineoltiville. t<> A.< lark, April i\. .me ar* ago. tin* writer nounced temperance candidate in the held, h\ too, are doubtless for not porter most that neither he nor Lucy political prominence this fall. He is now at phoons. responsible emphatically l’> cents for every sixty pounds of potatoes In- and a part\ ot U p nd- \\er« pa-scngers on a Minnesota women want a law t<> compel a chap the one National law that a few of vessels, his sons trained in the Cleveland and Thurman same town. L. W. Frederi* k. Winterport, t* An ellori i- being made by vessel owners of reason of tile of his con- disapproving give's mysterious disappearances on tin- market, and in l*sb tliis imrea-e 1 to announce hi- intentions w it Inn four weeks liberty by expiration puts im p between Jackson- alter maritime aid and comfort to the and end once in a while a crowd, and that should continue to vote Thtmias \\ Vosc, Ben lla/eltine. Bel tin* province- to induce the tract with the He lias been out on whiskey ring, hy probably waterspout they amounted to t!u.* sum of *077,100. The Bangor. n 'a pay iny his Hi-* visit to a yirl. The idea seem- to govern-! Harpers. tidy -th d he "t. dolin'-. A Iter almost in the a bursts over a and sinks her with the ticket. He also the ( he to tin a brcaeli-nt m< nt Io prevent tin* departure of the big the Pacific where lie has a blit is unanimously putting platform ship suddenly Pepubliean expressed whieli farmer ask fast, to has. B. lla/eltine. same town. 11. < ■ promise suit on most of the .log- coast, farm, question every s|,ou!d him- M..v j : "ii tin- ft urn w e were the of ail bauds. In Hie Indian furious belief that Harrison and Morton he lrip men. timber raft for New York as dangerous to now in New is plank unequivocally avowing sympathy Ocean squalls would to Havener < ! youny gins* Jersey, and, it reported, lias self when going the polls this fall is wheth- A als.. 'dorado, to Fred \\ Brown, Bel a | art) « f nn u from a large sail-boat the party of the entire Nation with often come at with a swiftness elected this fall. Mr. Kimball is one of a navigation, but the government state they have ; made arrangements with a house Kepuhliean up night very very er lie wants the of his main reduced fast. C. If. and B. J. ■ di tin publishing priee crop Holmes, Winterport, t<> middle of the river. We threw A Sound Leyal Opinion. no to and the temperance cause. menacing to large and number o’l power interfere refrain from taking for the production of his cartoons during the any heavy-sparred clipperslipping constantly increasing fifteen cents per bushel. If lie can a (ford the p mi line, and lin y gave ii- a deekload of ii. I’nder these circumstances is it not the with set alow and and thoughtful citizens who are not ! Nam y II. Littlefield, same town. Walter F. Lewis, Iiraiuhridye Monday. !>rthport W. (trove Asso., North jiart) sheet since and is now a who wen- a \ ters. 1NS4, full-fledged Dem- One of these .pi.doted *i»1 with the neutral stockholders. sumptuary laws. two platforms found drifting with all sail set and not a soul Advices received about the tin in Port an port, to 11. W. Bolton, Boston. A. F. Nickerson. ocratic Mr. its own- A Calais to the Press color-of tIn-e.,|nmon market This yp-at will ward oil*, as well as cure, organ. Metcalf, principal and will he on were on special Portland says: 1 Northern li-hes, remedy candidates approved by the Nation board. AM her boats the davits, Prince. layti, say that lh" loss ,,f tin- tth inst. to James W. all Malarial Hiseases, and for all Liv Tin* household of Daniel Met arty, of Wich- er. is a Democrat and a member of the free Democratic circles in this are much Swanville, Harriman, Searsport. r p rhap- bad ever seen the dull red color of Kidney next November, and let him squirm and chop the materials for a meal were iu the cop- county was s.»,0UU,i Hid. ran I Momaeh Hisorders stands ita. of his wife, four trade Cobdcii he was also a to galley the announcement that I ifieker A als., Monroe, to Martha F. Kicker, life r- in the markets. The uueijiial-'d. I’rue, Kansas.consisting daugh- club; delegate as he the cold fact remains that the the and agitated by Messrs. Ivory< hanging .'lUc.aml at IT II. logic may, pers, chronometers, compasses, charts, Moody's. ters and a Mrs. Si. Louis and an able member of the committee and Horace of Columbia Ci nera! Marseiia B. same town. James M. iadi* vveje eager !•» posses- some of the “love- daughter-in-law, Ilenshaw, temperance man who refuses to support the instruments were in the cabin, but no Leighton Leighton Major Patrick. governor Sanborn, Newport, to were on ship's poisoned July 2.1th from drinking resolutions. A most remarkable “bolt,” in- consents to Falls, in this county, have declared their inten- of the central branch of the Satieual Soldiers* Zimrl Win. Shaw A ux ly -calc-.* soon learned one of the first les- >ir dohii of Li.- Kepuhliean ticket the Democratic papers. The name on the stern was Bryant, Troy. Belfast, Lubbock, land, has studied the 1 buttermilk which had been allowed to stand deed. painted tion to vote for Harrison and Morton. The is of that -rales are saloon and, that if he in out: nothing had been left to llonm, ilcad. to Albert ichthyology, always habits of ants for twenty two years to discover rule; further, any way by which identify Ifohbim, same town. .Lilia B. Smith, white, whatever in a copper vessel. Mr. McCarty, Mrs. Ilen- to still further weaken Messrs. Leighton are of the linn of L. Leigh- may be the color of the li-li that their avc-raye life is e diivs. If Senator Wilson, of Iowa, has submitted to undertakes the Kepuh- her. Vet all these precautions had been taken A Chelsea, Mass., to Fred \N Belfast. 'only tldrty-liv sliaw and one daughter will die. ton A Son, of Columbia Falls, dealers in girl in Bridgeport. Conn., tried to kindle a Brown, which wears them.” this he true. It w ill hardly pay the sluyyard to rail j the Senate the majority report of the judiciary lican party, he becomes w hile thus engaged an while the final evacuation seemed gener- de|ibcrately\ al merchandise and ami owners tire by pouring oil on it out of a "an and was Amanda M. Wilson, Bangor, to John W. llcrc i' a oj s upon her. committee on the active saloon defender. He to hi- to have been a lumber, heavy Finery, p'»nxm rrof. tfuodc experience Jm!gv Holt, who was in lJuehananN Cabinet Jaekson, Mississippi, election may try quiet effected with suddenness sug- burned to death. in shipping. They are this year a Belfast. Ada Warren A als., Belfast, to Fred W with pompanoe*: and was afterward Advocate (ieneral. is frauds. Tlie conclusions are that the whole conscience by dreaming dreams, and conjuring gesting mortal panic. The men’s things were building Advice to Mothers. Judge vessel at Columbia Falls, and are also tlie •hi Is74. a of tlx colored vote of the is visions of in the future, hut, all in the they Brown. Belfast. August. party Fish Com- leading a wry lonely life in Washington, ac- place suppressed through up great things topgallant forecastle; the captain’s ’Two murders wcie committed by masked Mits. Winsi.ow s sootiiisc t must proprietors of the Columbia Falls mission hauled a hundred fathom seine on 1 he Svki for children cording to correspondent, who describes him terrorism, and that certain I'nited States offi- if he is honest, he admit that he is, for and officer*’ effects were all in their respective Canning men in Ireland, wmhav. two farmers being ban-hat Watch II. teething is tin- prescription of one of the Inst cials who have in the terrorism the time, the saloon to retain cabins under the The Company. They are among the most promi- Lave Afloat at Ylnalhavrn. Hill, I., and nmeli to our as driving through the streets on his way to participated present helping poop. whole appearance shot while at work. female nurses and physicians in the I 'nited States, on of nent and influential business men in surprise a number of young Carolina market in an old broken-down are still permitted to hold their positions. A its grip the country. Ask the drain-sellers the vessel indicated that her people had left Washing- pompa- and has been used tor with never-fail- vehicle,* the ton a forty years was of the her on county. They have always been Demo- from tie \ retie and s- a w hal- Sunday morning young man and his ow nest liotrs were landed. They wen less than two driver a old colored man. resolution submitted with the report call- I'nited States, confidentially, how they the spur of the moment, driven by some Reports Japan ing success by millions of mothers for their chil- being rough looking crats, in tile councils of the Meets, givl went down to ilie heal Ilont, to take a row be inches and were in The lives President Cleveland's attention to these desire you to vote, and nineteen-twentieths of overmastering impulse or fear. She bad en- standing high ing up to June lb. arc that each had se- long, exceedingly graceful dren. During the process of teething its value is Judge in great seclusion in a large ing in tore breakla-t. The verdant helped the lady into to them will “for the Democratic countered no bad party this county. Mr. Horace Leighton cured live whah s. their movements. were alive for incalculable. It relieves the child from cures house on < Hill. facts, and urging him dismiss the offending say ticket.” weather since the desertion. only tin* boat and then it a They kept pain, ’apitol lias been twice the Democratic candidate for gave vigorous push into the some weeks in At a short distance d\ and diarrlura, griping in the bowels, and officers. Ask further whether they prefer to have you Her yards were braced up as for a trade stream and into the* boat himself. the aquaria. sentery wind, sheriff of In a w match at < ineinnali the sprang As wind-colic. health to the child it rests vote for Harrison or and and there was no disorder on Washington county, in lssf, ami typ. riling win- tide was th»*> looked like silver dollars swimming about By giving Uftli a disastrous hail storm over as it more or less of the Fiske, they i her decks or running out he seated himself beside the July passed Strange may seem, in ltSSO. As would he ner wrote words in no minute's, an aver- on the mother. Brice *25c. a bottle. |yr4rt will answer Fiske. are not down below. No line of was again expected, the an- female, and obscured the drifted on their edges. 'Twelve months later we were a of South Richmond, Last Rcrkshirc l'nion soldiers of the war for have been promptly They writing found to by fog they portion years nouncement of their decision created no little age of over Ob words per minute. with the out tide. An *ii!l more successful, the of about 1SU2 or 1S1H5, but lsss. Thcv give a clew to this dark secret of the sea, and going hour passed in this obtaining young “Billy, old hoy, you look like a summer morn- and Montgomery. Yt. Hail fell to a of the Democratic ticket, lint the course thinking j depth voting for to consternation among the Democrats here- way, when they thought of breakfast, and the both in Holmes' Hole. The small round What's to live inches in some propose to make use of the present and work this day it has remained an insoluble The < hinese are said to be specie* ing. happened glorify you?" “Tommy, places, completely destroy- of Cleveland ami the other present leaders of | puzzle Mocking into this blood from the made to Are ; to seaman abouts, and a delegation of prominent city preparations row pompanoe*, an inch or two in were (dd fel, congratulate me. I proposed to Miss and gardens. Hrifts a foot has to to the future afterward. you really willing every acquainted with the facts. party across the border from British length, fly- ing growing crops the llourbons tended open their eyes leaders went over to country Colum- home, lint to Ids dismay there were no oars nor last and she mo!” to let them scores of thousands of men. Sad and as are such Columbia Falls to inter- very beautiful, their burnished sides shaded away night accepted “>hake, were seen in some places, frozen what should have seen The drag mysterious disappearances bia after being lauded at Vancouver. thole-pins in the boat. Another hour was eon man. she did deep firmly they years ago. view the were courte- wit 11 tint*. In 1870 I became old me!” to the of live women and children to ruin now, in the vague as that of the Farragut, it must he admitted Leightons. They very sumed in his situation known. Two fish tawny golden toKutlier. :uul liail depth inches was nomination of Harrison and Morton on the received Mr. making familiar that can drive times that there is even more ously by Horace Leighton, and at A thousand miners, in the coal crmeii w ho heard the went to their with three species in the Jtermu las, seen on the bridge at South Richford. of Protection is these men to hope you twenty your something perplexing employed outcry assist Just Married. highway platform causing cnee to in the work. Hut St. the most common of which was the number hereafter into disregarding their own iu the of derelicts abandoned ho in- began put missionary mines at Kticmie. T rance, have struck, and anee, and piloted them bark to their landing. round One farmer lost fourteen acres of corn. join the Republican ranks. Information comes discovery How loving they are; tlds is alwa\* a sure sign. as was lie stopped them with the declaration: it is that the w this is his last row in a boat without oars pompano. In the winter of 1875 a school of from A. convictions and obeying your commands? comprehensibly the vessel here referred “Yes, expected strike ill spread. Probably Afterthe first year sometimes It doesn't hold good. Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, that General I shall vote for Harrison and Mor- or thole pins. |Vinalhaven Keho. six or seven hundred were seined on the south The Rrakc of St. [New York Tribune. to. It should be added that she was not leak- gentlemen, | When Charles comes home to you grouty and Wcstingliouse Company, L. Pearson, of that city, National Commander ton The men who robbed the otliee at of A nor were her or and protection. I cannot stand this free express -hore the island-. large one wascontined cross, and to the Louis, has absorbed the American of ing, spars sprung strained, and snapping snarling, unable realish practically the Veterans Legion, who wentoverto Han- trade of Portland, of *10,000 have been arrest- at “Wistow no reason could be in programme the Democratic party any Oregon, All uusueeessful was made Fri- in tlx-aquarium Lodge,” the resi- nice dinner you have conked, and feels as if there Rrakc Company. The American manufactures cock in 1880, has come hack to the Thu of the of the lirst perceived any tiling about attempt early Republican report inspector light- her for the longer. It will ruin the business of this ed. 'They were both employes of the company. dence of f Ion. C. M. Alien. This aquarium is was a ton of pig iron in Ills stomach, lie i.«- troubled a steam wheel brake for with and will work for the of her crew and of- place day morning to blow up the house of Christian driving engines, fold, election of Harrison house district has been received at the Treas- disappearance and of a a circular with and Bitters is the ficers. New ^ ork Tribune. good many other places throughout ill < with The house unique, being basin, embowered in dyspepsia, .Sulphur only reverse action to that of the and Morton. Charles F. The on the | The significance of the recent of the Kruger hieago dynamite. medicine cure Wcstingliouse. McLeuna,a prominent ury Department. report condition Maine. It is no use for von to meeting and a that will liim. *>w3l remonstrate. 1 was somewhat hut the dozen tropical vegetation, aerated by powerful The American company also holds a Democratic who served in the on stations two Rmperors is declared to be this -both injured persons patented lawyer, war, of'.Maine light-houses, and light-ships, am to vote for the that means fountain of forced a tide- of the air brake to going policy inomirehs desire who were inside without sea-water, up by He—“Wlmt kind of goods is that dress made of, improvement facilitate tin* the Union side, and is now a leading Grand which comprise nearly the entire number in The will of Hiram the late that universal peace may sleeping escaped were Sibley, Rochester prosperity; and what is more, I am going to wounds. Strikers who were bitter Kru- wheel. In tin* limpid pool many gor- Laura?” she—“Camel’s hair.” lie—“Of course; exhaust of air and hasten the of has forsaken tiic of his life an against departure Army man, party the district, gives excellent showing. They leaves to Cornell Univer- use all to reign. ies. the fish, the now that turn around 1 see the millionaire, £30,000 niy influence get others to vote the are to have caused the geously-colored spci angel par- you hump.” trains. The American is capitalized at $2,000,* and will also do his level best to secure are in order and have ger supposed explosion. victory perfect working repairs sity. and the rest of his estate, valued at £10, same As both of the have a It is rot fish, the rainbow lish, the Spanish 000. of way.” Leightons stated that the Canadian Pacili" will lady,the The liver and kidneys must In* kept in good con- for the grandson Tippecanoe. These are been made when necessary at the light-houses 000,000, to his relatives. Mrs. the deal of buy the ami the Sibley gets great influence in this countv, this the New Brunswick Southern railway, thus bite of the worm the surgeon, porcupine sergeant-major. dition. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a great, for said to he the forerunners of large defections in near Portland and tire now in condi- The at root withers the remedy they good homestead, valued at£200,000, and an allowance statement did not make the the distance from st. them, as softly tloated, moving these is the and best the Democratic ranks of Union visiting delegation shortening Ilvaeihthe to leaf at the top. lTse Warner’s Log Cabin Ex- Among they regulating organs. 1'fcAKH’ purest Soap made. veterans. tion. of £24,000 a year. very happy. St. John. tract for internal and external application. Maine Matters. General Sheridan Dead. Northport (iround and The The Convention. Camp Vlrlnlty. Bangor Barbecue by Boss Bass. Prohibitionist County Contention. REPUBLICAN JOURNAL 1 County City Government Meeting. News of Belfast and Vicinity. NEWS AND GOSS1T I U<»M ALL OVI.K THE STATE. in: mi oi hi:aim aii ki: last mm»a\ The Portland Press was The repairs on the wharf at the Grouml represented at the Ban Tim* Prohibitionists, or third party men, of si i»i*i:x AXi* rxEX- 1 The convention meets in Camp The meeting of the Belfast x it I in. ms r. Ain Republican county bar iceue Mr. August (Uy council AUGUST 1888. ire gor by A. C. Ilinds of its editorial Valdo held a convention at the Court Levi A. of has been m: <■<*\i c vttitv in«■ ijaih: or t»»-i>ay. ri:t IT1>. A ur.lto AVHo WILL UK V!ii!'I!NKI) BELFAST, THURSDAY, 9, nearly completed. county was held Merrithew, Stockton, grant this city to-day. It will be its to nomi- one of the Monday evening, Mayor Burgess presid- duty staff, ablest young journalists in Maine, louse, Belfast, Saturday, and nominated e«l a patent on a shoe or TIiv four-ma*br Kin.: Philip, which is now ltY MII.UUNS. Large numbers of our people arc making North- nearly ing. slipper. nate a ticket that will command the nut and a special artist. Their combined labors re- ( a ( built PUHUS:iKI> MOKXLSG HY respc-et their summer home and more are by full ticket. The attendance was al tin- M. il. li. wharf, i* amden (Jen. Sheridan tiled at Non«jidtt. at KVKRY TIIt’RSDAY THK many pre- county small, The following petitions were presented and dis- No mackerel have yet been taken on a hook In to Dexter Gazette. sulted in a written and illustrated vi **el and one of the iine*t in ht-r lass. She and the undivided support of the Republicans paring go. ; graphically fully he committee on credentials ten 10.20 la>t I'r< viou# to the reporting only posed of: Win. B. Swan to. were given per- our bay, ami the fishermen are discouraged. i* in :n .n Sunday evening. which tilled two and a half columns in the arl> two y ears old.ha- yii'4 capacity of Waldo and with that well Religious services were held in the Ground report {• legates present. This was a gain of one, how journal Pub. Co. county, duty per- Camp mission to occupy a portion of Pleasant street Mrs. H. of 1m.”» puis, and has made her record as a l'a*t sudden appearance of heart failure at about Republican F Harmon, of this city. has bought the formed an is assured. There no luditorium last Press of Aug. 2. Wc are indebted to our Portland •ver, over the convention of two when easy victory is Sunday at 2 r. m., sermon by Rev. years ago while repairing their Belfast Man- ( *aihr. I>urin-r last season she made the trip nine o'clock there had been 1.0 < CHARLES PILSBURY.Editor, building—The apt. Coombs house on High street, owned by premonition# j farther excuse for the local in IL C. of Belfast. contemporary for the use of the cuts and can only line answered the roll call. The was ad- Ir an Portsmouth ! • News in H4 dissensions l>el- Wentworth, meeting ufacturing Co. was given to a Joshua Newport comli- RUSSELL G. DYER.Local Editor. permission occupy Farrow of any unfavorable change in bis regret our inability to reproduce the report in full. vertised to begin at hi o'clock a. m. but ow to hour*. A look at her comfortable eai»in would fast which cost us a large part of the ticket Miss Jrlietle A. this and her sis- ing portion of Pleasant street while making repairs to Wiggin.of city, Now the I.ast Mr. C. o. of tills » tu*e one to that -In !nu*t be a Hath tion. The weather wa- warmer than u-uaL staple article of the feast was advertised, he small attendance tin? convention was Friday Mneomber, elty suppose two years The lines will be drawn as be- ter, Mrs. J. K. Cousins, and children, are postpon property... .The local hoard of health petitioned ago. spending started for >t built vessel. and the (Jenerai wa.- at times restless, but REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. and the shabby trick on those who came to *d to afternoon. ! (ieorge in his catamaran Cyclone, tween and week at the Wells near Little River. played f«>r a sewer on the north side of Main street from Republicans Democrats and all who cottage, 1 but nn the starboard side is lar-c room fur- till themselves with roast is thus related Prof. of returned having sprung the mast. si iiietl bright and cheerful at night, steer, by Gowen, Freedom, announced that the corner to and thence ni*hed a* an oiliee and sle. for generally are not with us must be counted us. Mr. W. C. Crawford arrived home last ! Moody’s Washington street, pint: apartment FOR PRESIDENT, against Friday the Press : convention would be held at o'clock ! Jirsi id- voice was strong, he look a full supply of proper in dou u the latter street to the house. said Large quantities of eampaign literature are ie the captain's use. Forward of this is the The most and those in Did is at his on the North Shore. lie is gas They important nominations, cottage When Mr. Bass decided that the Democracy the but in the meantime there would be cC'Ved at the Ib otlio i's furnished in ash and w alnut. as u-ual afternoon, they had been called to abate a nuisance on Wash- lfn.-t post ofliee, and people will 1 quarters, nourishment and slept oeea-ionuliy : an enforced vacation due to a should have a barbecue there I which a mistake will be most are the enjoying sprained came also the insep- secret in (»n tin side of the after cabin is a -j are BENJAMIN fatal, conference one of the jury rooms, to street which can be w ith math t pert and the doctors and hi- family were in a hope- HARRISON, foot* arable decision that it should be widely advertised. ington only done by building a j abundantly supplied reading room and forward of this is the pantry. The OF INDIANA. nominations for sheriff and attorney. circus was an which all Prohibitionists were invited. Revs. J. A. sewer. ful At 7 o'clock Mr-. Sheridan and the county Forepaugh’s great coming, offering Referred to a committee on sewers. Mr. K. F. of this that e w spirit. special Hanson, city, .says after I cabins are exceptionally iarp-. furnislied ith Soon The Ilarriman hud passengers from unrivalled for the beast of and B. doctors went to the hot. I for Republican its record and its twenty Monday opportunity displaying Savage C. Wentworth, of Belfast, joined the ... Geo. B. and his supper. party, by by the Maine in Ferguson others,City Point,asked closes business \u 11,icity lie will go >outh, screen* for doors am! windows and heated the for train for the Ground. Democracy company with the beasts after their return u-ual preparation' FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, is the of of law evening’s tamp Among conference. for a sidewalk or near the from the boiler in tin- i nward house. There i platforms, party temperance, that are worshipped and feared by tin* uttermost lrom resilience of do?.. possibly to North < uroliaa, w here lie w ill enter tb» the night wa re made. At about P.tin Colonel them was Kditor Moore of the Anson of the world’s At «<■ and order. To Advocate, barbarians. It happened, hdwever, tb.'lU p. m., Capt. A. 11. Clark, chairman of the T. railroad i* onneciioji with tin- >k** “alley forward by "Coo to and nominate for officers of the law Whittaker to the station, and 1rout near ! real estat business. Sherid'an -aid 1 night** hi- brother who comes to be no small task to llnd an ox that would show a in d a matter t<* call that fora two weeks' vacation in committee called the to order and li. making simple went to the hotel, having seen through the LEVI P. men who will or connive the \ iolalion Northport. well the County meeting the re idenee of B. G. Maiden to intersect said day MORTON, ignore, at, up among elephants and giraffes and look Mr. Henry Chase, of agi nt. ha- at will. V'c may truly The •aimed Prof. K. A. Gowen of chairman. Augusta, postal important functionary no w hatever of any unfavorable change in OF NEW YORK. of law watering trough and iouutain at Temple fat enough to tempt the crowd, in their dilemma Freedom, sidewalk near the residence of Albert Gnmmans. “all t!ie sign would be suicidal, and would bring re- and it is -aid he to enter inn here that Mr. Bass's went to Dinah a resigned, hopes apply stereotyped phra*e ids condition. At of heart arc managers smith, Dem- Prof. Gnw cn invited all w ho intended to Petition symptom.- Heights liberally patronized by man and support granted, and the walk ordered built at < c- iniorts of home are found lien-.'' proach upon the party making such nomina- ocratic farmer of great resources, w hether you jauruaiism in He 1 fast .Mr. base was formerly failure appealed and I>r-. O'Keidy and Mat- beast. A Fi-k and Brooks and to take seats within once the j To handle* the sail* au l anchors, a FOR GOVERNOR, * board has been placed in a conspicuous compute in dollars, acres, or fel- Cushing, by surveyor in district N«-.P.T. ,R heavy thew- the remedie-. \vInch tions. In this matter Swanvillo has taken the ingenuity good eoiilieeted with tile Cortland Argus. used, which also immediately applied place on which the read lowship. lie could got the u\. But no farmer the bar. Seven people came forward and took and others for three powerful hoistim: engine i- had. sueee.—lul in ail similar wayfarer may “Temple Hopkins petitioned hydrants proved previ lead and by formal resolution instructed her j could he found w ho had a tat ox he wanted to dis- The >aiim ii ii~lu*i ?i; -n of Ceuol h;.. t work* the am! aid* ii: w tin* ship Water. Drink and never thirst.” neats within the circle. Re\. B. < Wentw orth of to be located on <> I,;.y pumps arpin^r attack-, but :1b- tine were w ithout ll'< "I Hon. EDWIN C. Heights Spiritual of. Smith found Bay View street—one near C. they BURLEIGH, use pose Finally a farmer about 10 into the dock. delegates to the convention “to Belfast e. tie red II. seals e\ery year, not for tin- but b. county prayer. F. Krskine, of Morrill, one Sanford s oia only spojt, and despite all that could be done the C-neral Mr. Mark A. Wadlin was a miles out of Bangor, who had a strapping pair of MaconiberV, near Howard and *uon a> car_o» i* discharge 1. OF BANGOR. seriously injured by -o A* her present !• un- honorable effort to secure the nomina- oxen and would lend one of So was made cause are d« -truetive to '.tlimm < »i.« n ,n gin iualiv ,-ank into a condition of c*u:>i tc every them. the largest secretary. near Robert Whitehead’s. Referred to eommitu * they to tm New kirk from a horse last week. He was the the Kina l’hilip will Fn^laiid at d hi- la-'. working of the yoke was driven to Bangor, in the he has killed more tluu I coneiou-ne.-s and in.-jn bn aile tion of men of avowed temperance principles." paraded The chairman read the call and announced that on lire Rimer A. sherman and nth says -ral yard and have a lower dock put in. The beam- K *Pi::.sii»i:nti vi. Ki.iktous: huy-a* on a hay-fork, and the animal, for- circus as the “great -Juno pound ox to be eaten at department Mr-. Sheridan'.- -i-fers. i’rban and .1 e.-tinian. although Mr. who arc in deem* The Prohibition county convention held in the Democratic barbecue,*’ and taken hack Cushing, was advertised to address the ci's, petitioned to haxetiic sidewalk from (.urtis' It appears from a that H. I- already position, but the captain the -eivant. Klein, were at merly kind and kicked with both grand Washing.on special and faithful body For K!eetoi > at Largo. perfectly gentle, to the farmer where he is he divide hi* a:- to-day .piicth pulling meeting, could not arrive until and that i store fast will have a the deck necessary that may No ar- this last left two vacancies in its hind one evening, to the house of Benj. Kell- }, Fast side, suita "probably new pe-* m.-c \ndli lie bedside throughout tie* dying hour. city Saturday feet, hitting Mr. W. in the breast and the with his yoke mate. Then Farmer smith found LTO. Ii(>HA< F 11. SHAW, of Portland. there would be a meeting at the Belfast \ s tie o.f Dice now ;. rangement.- have beei: determined on in regard ticket. It made no nominations for sheriff or other in the face. another smaller and more available beast, the <)pera Idy repaired. Request granted and the surveyor $ir».(ihh. 1 ,| At the who.'.- w< _:u rests on the sAMl'KL N. ( AMPIIKI.L, of present to the or of the (.: m 1 ai*- burial. CherryHeld. same that was roasted at House at 7 .10 o'clock in., which would be ad w liii Ii eo>t four Cmes that e time place We do not know thi- Maplcwon.l Dark. p. iu district No. 1J ordered to make tlie m ces-ar it ing amount ti pr>d 111111 and [nit* ratio r too niucli strain on it. county attorney. why The cottages on the < amp Ground are fast filling I Tin: "IIU'IAI. ANN«)( \( I MEM-. First District—M AWi\ M. WFNTWORTH. dre-.-ed by Mr. < u-liing, their nominee for Govern R. ot I b'lily i- improbable. About ten wili !.,• to im ko tlii* was pairs-Win. Waterman, Brookline, M days laqiiind Sect>11< 1 Di-trict -T. li. slMONToN. done; but it seems significant. It may he up and although the hotel is missed the place is « r. The < iiairman stated the «»f the and thin tin- i\Philip will renew The v iliciu! bulletin wa.- i-■ 1 d at object meeting, petitioned fora ce Hill cate of ownership to lot No The (otliell lb os of this ha\c ma u clianp following Ti d Di-triet- \ ! HFKT W. Cl'sllM AN. as that if the quieter and has a more homelike look than before. city, era! w P> ina a* inlerpieted meaning Republicans which wa- to ia I her carrying rk. .p.ic.*tiom*d midnight. F.urtli District—LAM HFKT SANDS. put nomination county and legis- 1'. range 7 in Grove Cemetery. Granted. Win. ; i ne ii bat r v. 11 ii Ii will exhibit at the state aid When the new is and the day to the d.ana' which tlncaii v d his l.tisiue** («ea. -In. riiiai1. died :it this evening. The nominate the right men for these offices they building completed grass lative nicer- The wa- not in the inteia t meeting B. Hawes and others petitioned l\>r •'•unity tail-. It I,. Id. Jt tu gg.- and i< now in u of witch ar, Inina inuc.ciii eau-c of'death was heart Jaiiurc, the F«»U KMI'HKSI.NTATIVK to Congukss is grow ing on tin* hotel site the will watering ! from the number l*arac* will receive the Prohibition vote. The fact ! surroundings of the Democratic or but in nni*'tc can-e was disease of tiie vnitra! and am tic First District—THOM AS IS. KFED. Republican parties, trough near the residence of F. M. Patterson. at their hennery in ‘.hi* Th» -idesan of ..-s put on tile sc:;, (apt. Coomb* replied that be greatly improved. The new building, by the city j. \a!\< -. e\i.-tenet- ..1 which wa- known to his sei-ond District— NFFSON Ju. the illicit -t of the r< tin* D1NGLFY, that most, if not all, of the Prohibitionists Prohibitory parly. lie then Granted. Petition of F. A that the iutcri hi- tamily in Novcm- Third District—SFTII L. MI LI.IK FN. way, good looking structure, with broad < ar- ph; were warrant viewed the history of the and -aid that in such coinpi titiom Tiu -e imm-ter* carry or- formerly would, party on the sidewalk on Main street. Referred i»« "i last year. Complications which iiave Fourth District—CHAP I. FS A. Bol’TKLLK. Republicans ramlas on two solos and will answer a very use- j upper Mr. N. O. J liraueh J t" tho*e ,-f tin- barm-* I'SJ there was but one vote thrown in the mies vry nearly equal c ltd have lioT, nervoii- e\hau-tion, pulmonary this conclusion. We think made a mis- ful county to the committee.David who last into they purpose. Pierce, ! gone insolvency There u. a meeting : 11 .• uiul at le*s expense. A crew ol tour iimn will in.-arii ti-in-, pneumonia, pulmony ou'eria, and f«*r ol. Kustis. In 1 ss4 there were eleven votes Convention. take in the and that month petitioned to a from the reservoir on creditors at last handle tin ami t !a w ill venture to ln*i:."jThage. Ill- la-t ot life wa- .-omew hat Republican County leaving Republican party, lay pipe \ugr-ta week. Among the He! craft ea*ily y day >teamer Katahdiu made an excursion Mondav thrown. I ’p to thi- time, tiic speaker said, he was | hut no more than in* had been -<• « ral Franklin street t«. his block on ( i sea when a barav would not dare to leave poit. ;e-tless, their course iu a third is not ; 'hureh sin et, was last eredit-irs are 1 F. Hanson, loo, Mail. An Tin* < t Waldo will meet 111 organizing party from to m.r a lain -in* e lii- arrival at No At about :* : I’epuldiean- county llaugor Camden for the benefit of the Prohibitionist, but a non partisan. II*' found be a of weather 1,>,ai11. granted the In fact it must heavy *tn** ei.ii volition at .the Court House in He! fast, on Th trs- request, provided the petitioner keeps Iivw s, SJen Fierce .V Hurd, -r7. ’Tin of lieart failure appeal* a ai> i remedie- likely to promote the temperance cause, but Camp Ground Association, the to go to- ihat could which will these \(—♦ !* w-iitimr. -ymptom- ti,, utii ot ten o'clod; iii proceeds non-parti.-ai never-uppre-s intemper the reservoir in keep which have hitherto been -neee--n.: were t/ai,. tlai/ of August next, repair and he to hav m> c\. Iusi\e j small. vigor. we wards ti. of w ind. a; noon, have freely conceded their sincerity and their wharf. The steamer made 1!n- I)»**noerats and will not do Thru in winter, when then- i* — th• for tlit of candi- repairing Republicans plenty U I V applied, hut proved iuelfi-et :i;i I an I la* sank nominating t ight over any other citizen. vi/.: two Tin- an II: t tour-ma*ter* makr hotter titm mi a averaao at tin* lour named. date.- for the foliowing olliecs, senators, of The of their or- landings on the bay and river, and had a large any tiling against the -cd* r. for want I’uugliU-r-Kehekah making rapidly dy ing paiah s-ly honesty purpose. object liquor they he commit lee oil that Mr. I steam to "lierill'. Judge of Probate, liegister of Probate, sewerage reported with than the b:t|o, \\ hi!e till \ p i: of* ’-igm**; nuiiiln r of people on board. More than two hun- I lie 1. jin Her- votes. He rev icwed tlie ; progress the prrpaiatioi h the ,. u;ii _■ < Commis.-ioner and ganization is the enforcement of the standing •I. di the rla*> the*e M 1»1C! 11.1 v. snrgo.m. t A ounty \tt->moy. County Coun- prohibi- llsley, Portland, was employed as an expert latter make competition by dred went on board at Belfast. The Band of the "id D« niorratie and and fair, the ol y. rt of w iiieh is to raise finals tin m-h I >. A. Treasurer. Bangor Whig |antics pre- *c!ioom-rs ■-•> :*lcr* iuirt \V v-11:n• t ■»n M.vrt tn.v. -. a-*.-t. surgeon. ty tory law. The Republican party is squarely j ami m company with the committee examined the [•rotitabli. O.hl Fellow■> in .- 'The basis of representation will be as follows: accompanied the excursion and it was a dict' d that the t an* would come when the I’rohibi Hall the new The\ k ex. iv n«-w inode of earn coal and i: i«.n. i wo o.hi Fellow ami his wife to -otm :h' :.•! cannot make at nt o< pleasant lours were spent at Cam I to*'.''v would kiti the Democratic He provide tin* business [.ay pre*. additional delegate for each fifty votes, or fraction even in a take in- party grades of the city are very favorable. The wa- I .Til n '-oniersot. I : < ‘Milo. county convention, to action nn: st i:srrri ti;i» that was iu.asn:n. engi- ! the fair. so can lv,,‘i ton- ry ount). votes or east for Gov. Hod- den, and Belfast was reached on the return at lid that : !-•• : 1 .• but not the ves*cl*‘that carry twenty-live more, trip | ITohibit'oni-ts ea.-t 1!" votes neer recommended that the work between Prim >!:ir«-Si M. is:il. He vraduated from the I’nited well at the election in Inn;. consistent with its record and its aml fact.- .*ca* that ar.mmonly found. profession.-. about live o'clock in the afternoon. The net in \\ alii" eoiaii v. Nineteen vrs-r|s have 1-een i'auh-! ..i:: oi, any pro- This is how the w.. The «• \ t -tain! their r Stat* s and wa- a-.-ivned to basis several towns to roa-ling done They proposed by Hi',] and that section beiow the elevation near alula: our coasts. liatli Tin:--*. Militar) A-ademy Thi- entitles the delegates If in nominations for officers of the making ceeds were was located on Air smith's -u c .Mi reliant* a ;.line in •• .. -ecoml as vi/.: nearly $-|0u. Kli.iaii great farm, dor- and ii.crease ilicir vote all over the -fate. ! the railway tin- tin- a. ti;* Fir-t Infantry a- brevet lieutenant follows, 1 house of Hubert T. on < Imreli street, *x \v(11: k. Dhio street, about a mile from tin* main .-nee. of Pinery \. !*t:tsi law the element of the is < Tlli- ear's hushie.-- \\ e\eei .11’. KYJ. .V iter a I• i« ; rm in tie- ... temperance party who s s He .-aid that Bout'dlc made the y ill .1 11 duly 1. ■ Mila-;.\z lieim: to ilnrnham.3 If -‘men of avowed that it was never as there at thi> season 1 1.1 rack !:e wdwad transferred lirooks.8 ignored defeat i< certain. say quiet 17-acre corn-field, tlie oven was bail!, a -mall bat. -latement that the I, had the viotis year. 'I he -11a• -Mierease- as the la.iii new branch. «*i publican patty given turns need not be undertaken lor -evciai The introdm lion of .. of the as at do not look for beyond says: the I’aciti.- « .*a-t iti Kid. !!e was recall' d iit F •;iilk!'»r! Freedom.2 year present and they a are nominated, of stones and brick, with tlat iron roof. \ lire lies for out ami w --r!. 1 Main Slate i* mu •> ; temperance principles’* victory a il ibithibiiioni.-t- all the tcmjieranee !egi-la«ion The taking repairing hen- manufacture at tie* l’ri*on w: < in tin- i’l-t I- Ii »iiirh. Jackson..2 very mrishing reason at this popular bit;, re- was in they ."ai-. committee concurred in the opinion. K;i. ,il wbidi time lie appiiii built the lint, and kept burning until the 1 a successful vatu;. Tac m-w la--* kr."\.'.8 is certain. sort. of the have not t been ever 11:• t whin -titement In* said was not true. r.niif tetter know n. proving and ivm-d t the <4 "-mil Liberty.3 Many cottages y« stones and brick were thoroughly heated. Then Mr. 11-1.-v Mated that stone cement or vitri Infantry, army j and some ol the owners have rented their pipes, of work introdm- d :-:r< bruom-makim: ami !.inc<»in\ilii*. 8 Monroe.4 opened 'J in- -a: W* -t Mi--otiri a- ( hi. f < n.iarterma-P r. Ad. r the ox, hung upon a great piece of iron .-hatting, speaker ! lit,nor had been driven out of tie lied !«•.ii Morrill .2 at a ven ! >vv The of tla* clay, is best adapted for sewer-. Masonrv The y aeht l l.a into r. ■: i.-. ; hail.r -v :i*«»n for the Moiit 1 cottages price. burning was the door into the hut m oven'. furniiiire manufacture. The pushed through tow n- and could be in the if tin- bank of I’, a Kid-e March. ih;-J la < a t> country ciiics the law "1 N u*t >i t. Palermo .3 Wool and the Tariff. Wave: lv House‘was great blow -tone or brick is not now used where sewer-are ami renniim *1 over >u m la w iil-*u«-c, ** of tin- now vv.c, k ;* the lack ol skil- F11- Northport The heat of tin* stones would probably have cook- unlay lay I 1'na. !.;.• h ei 1 am! hi the < orilltll accom- and it will be sometime before the I'elieX campaign I’!- -}M-t. Searsmont.3 probably resort ed the beast but crowds were t• v»as enforced. The government aids the liquor less than workmen. V. !n-u ca:ria-_, tmikhm was amply; coming two feet in the clear l ight or ten im h make- an ultimai visit the 1 \ r w .11 ful I! ileek < r until -va: ii Stockton.3 I m-'. till!v recovers from it. The i. panied ^uarPrma-p. }•'»!•;. To Kditok of tiik .lm iin.u : \V<; i '•umpmeetiugs may see the and the conk.-, w ho had never huh trnllio. Give Cm ,oveminent to tin* "• uv« r>ct r* process Prohibition are most our sewer-. the two or tint 1 » .■ the a boom this it will be pipes large enough for the •me of the ohiest ’.. only imln*try Ma\ Mi ;;fi- -lit m* wa- (.; Thorndike.3 give place year, but of e.l an ox were so aeht- ha\ ., in n appointed in print, and hear some of our Demo- before, sanewhat anxious, a ids e 1 Pi d Tin- Workilla i >1 hi the Iilie. it' 4 argued by ; diort duration. Willi a new hotel and a little and they wa.uld -top tin* liquor trall'ie and The eo-t oi inch i- >:».7l rod. I he keep li._llt Ini'• ! t... >« eond Mieidvan <'a\:bf\. I'hive I'nity. only tip* was built on the iron roof ..! the lint like oven. eight pipe per 1^17, yet slie look-a- w ei! the :n. ... •», w oii i- t a but with tla intro.iui lion ;-y m branch : t<> Uai'lM.‘2 \\ intcrpon.'i cratic live trader-, that the wool into adv-*rti.-iug Northport de-tined reach The then p -cmbled a ot w i it out. We will have :• r lie wa- off oh a a! !’>•"me\i:ie imported arrangement funeral pyre l••.* genuine prohibition I cost of ten im h 1- .•*.*• <::t I be eo.-t of excava- i- m>u ow m-il lm « day- < f which it has never before at- pipe iti n.iiaii. »!n. of manufacture t In m ,*t •.. r.'i im r* .'.*•• ol I !.;• « ommittee will he in session al the point popularity tin* ancients, and the wonder was f*m:id and and oh :M i:i o! tin- n ti'ea!- ounty this does not come in •' easily when we have national The Demo May pursuit r.emy country competition with ! tained. •me are. lew ev er, prohibitum. ting, lav and will not far the of -.killed na .i p v i* to people violently op. viewed the I >emoerats w ho dro\ e out ing pipe retilling average force employed » Court llou-e'for one hour previous the meeting by patriotic The fity fountain- have hen. r»-n a:,.I are ... ! i'w from oiintii. the home as it is of a dill'cn nt po.-ed to a new hotel and have con- era 1- will never destroy tin* rum because from the work. (»n tlii* ao-oun’ tin- in w v i.tii:* ■>! the contention lor the of product grade they naturally at night to see how the meat wa- doing. Altich simps eight collars per rod, according to Mr. t Mi tie iii -i el in rmnin md "1 a cavai: purpose receiving sidenible It cannot now me. The oi.e at the imr «>t < hen dtiiv. y weight. lie told just what more lire !* 11 arc it- friends. Wili the •laily ha* tin* tar the rev r*c ■ ivmum-r- ■re.ientials of «lelegatcs. and not here. 1 wish to explain that would have the I»cmoerats nothing they Republican party llsley ‘s e-limate. The estimated eo.-t of making prov-d : iwl' lie def'-att d foiv-* a liooii- produced will be done about the matter. Bangor Commer- Franklin st»-m mi superior lVr oi h .•, : *»v'al«lo C om. j t-i-for l;, i,. i-i ual .1 ative. Tin ol broom* I* about County kepuhliean sioj. liquor -elldm Cor an an-wa r he referred to a levels output twenty I v i i' am v. a- .-.nnmi--: in d Ilrwadier (. l:ci al there are three of wool known to the cial. survey, drawing plan-, giv ing and mak Wm. II.'F«m;i.kk, chairman. grades j other fount.un- have hern .■«i at the n. dozen a day. In the furniture branch of tin- Philadelphia ouvention in 1ST- and the Raster p!a< from that date, Tr.m-fern d to tie Arm) "1 .1. K. Mkaws, Seeretarv. trade and to manufacturer- : wool, I ; ing a complete profile of the -y stem in numeaded liew work, roller and hard wood Clothing Tkmii.i llHniiT.*. Many of the cottages are "f t hureli ami street-, I1 llat-topp.-d * a i-ion at tic- 14. 1»>. re-oiution in the form of that Il«* criticis- High opp.the | the <»?ii• !■• comm -mb d le, proprietor free-',■>!•“. 1 miM-r hi. Sheridan*- division ami-ay I ago a petition w as present! d asking tor er j wool is from Merino and C'uii-iderable building is going on. Last autumn II Such it means Had the out ■ port .use,” anil a riant h. n m.iu !■ ! held tie' h ft oi *!, i•:Ft \\ im_. All attack General Sheridan Dead. produced sheep notldng. Republican-come Spring street from the schooldioiise common (•> reports Chas. Wheder, of Philips, built a pretty cottage >■ •: their and the-* have been bred for in lsTJ he ! of at Turtle Ilea.I h i;***»1 lil»:i> pn for* till- 'I .lii'T :•< t in«!u— bis front ha ! ! i: nn ! and the « nemy grades, sheep squarely temperance and othev- the sewer at the corner of -tre.-ts. party Uangorians p.ny j upon tran-fernd from the at- on Main .-t., towards the Cove. Mile- Pease, of | Springand High to tii*.- in i; a- well ami 1 a*-!., 1>\ -\\ of ti.• suiYly enervating wotild not have left tin* Havi- of Pain Killer fame." Tin- ■. ;.■ a : try poray du.*try. pay | .{riven whet. ticc away to their in Vermont ami party. Tlie were leave to withdravv, on greatest perfection and Mr. ol built ; petitioners given j more oil < iv of to his salubrious* Belmont, •smith, Hampden, have is trap-ant. two di\i.-ioti' hi- riirlat his think became mo-plii Washington The ke -aid the convention would nomi- man to take a h>un tin- ami from this State have been exported for breed- pea the ground that a survey might slmw that -.i.• h ought trip way get Hal!, the M <»n— m miir-!- n r. i- s ii I !•• have >-ed. a new iim* under the e ttage- in the Grove, and a cottage is well under- | p Ha.-tily forming '•.wnier home on the Ma-sachusetts coast the nate et'ih er- and -tand on their own bottom. anniaiiitt ii. a al South the By sewer would form no of a general -tern pa--ed tliroiiLfh Palmyra. ami -.••■ut nLh! over of a charge, he mud* a draw- r**>taiice ing purposes to Australia. America, way f'»r Mr-. .Mors.*, of .nearsmont, the noted me- j part j riekcii nudle\ >ha\V A Co., of r.an_' !'. vision- of tin when Sh» ridau’- ammu- to the convenience and of | haiejiist -enemy, four inches while now with new inven- adding greatly beauty back to dav> ahead. 11 is elbow w a -. cr. I •: m I .11 h long, paitv "1 lie distance is not far from 4-.*> feet. \ Ivhi.ihh» of wigwam v e: r« ad eame Altlmug! el'tscd aVontraei for pairs nition uiviiiv’' out he erd.-red a ha eh.»»_■>.* recovery the sad and sudden the The wharf stood the storms of winter j i- from w 1 1 k at p:• i.t \\ .;. tibre one a park... The chair nominatid the as a commit incapacitate! ■ tions and ami followiiur commute* within om- ear. improved machinery not to ascertain, the .. slippers to be linished y and withdrew !ii- Iim from t! !a :d. Hut by new- «if his death. The which had be- well, am! is In the best condition. [ specially requested ville > \u.g. drugs lee on A movement is on foot :,m.ui !ii»A\ Co* !-. The of the Sea t eduosday. Align--; imisiea! people pve Prof. .■aiiied for ].*osieraiis t«> make Id- new di-po-i- valley and wool are much nearer alike and corre-p.-ndent K. lark, Del fast, ami To 1 fold Durham, of Mon -ewers in the cities of the state combing entering public «d' the elo-e time for h-hster-. which c\tend- 11 Crouch. tiie venerable of “Kathleen tions. hi dm- tim. -dieridan*.- rommi.—ion :> had lest their and last Breeze the vacationists at “the me. composer potency, Sunday night reports following The eoimniitee tin one cost ot -ew in than Much of the tine subsequently reporte«l In Portland tin- lee is half the the I ivourne- a ei concert. ■ price formerly. till of sept ember. Paring that t M mpiimentary Major (iciieral ! volunteers foiiow. kinnei Army closed his earthly Harry •lele^atcs attomlanec er, assessed pro rata upon land holders adiaerni \ wind in Pananr from this battle. Merino wool from well bred with the law ,—sl.all take, kill, 'or -. li. very heavy prevailed sheep, good ham. B -ton, Ma~s.; Mr-. II. H. .Johnson and Miss -ay catch, broken l'r<>ni the -er\iec. Tin- details of hi- last hours, and some ami A. li. Clements Scarsimmt; A. Ik Clark am! to the sewer on anv to the area Thtir-day ami branches vveiv The battle of < look p' u-e pt. of is into worsted street, according for .-ale, or otherw ise have t. length tibre. spun yarn. Klla .Johnson, Belfast; and wife, and pose any thing tr*. es on e\ei y corner. l ie I mmo.Tat Ih-lin. win-re Sheridan t'oiiaht w;:;< _ieat aa!- p I'-ti.-uIars f his life and brilliant deeds in the Hugh KJy IJ. C. Wentworth. I tel fa-t; (0*0. A.dowen am! I- in square feet, w hich "each owns, la the sinallei nearly wool is from all the w it li this de lie'ous crust a' can under a pi na ••! r ti:i_i Combing produced English -Mis.-. Kate, Pachel and Mass. C campaign banm and the lb-publican ! nit i). (I rant's to be Fim.- Mary Illy. Beverly, w. e.ven, Free«h>m; Tolfonl Durham anil I F cities the fees are less. The was ace. j Fpon promotion nice ot hi- country, are told in another col- report pie* ?’»o. and an extra dollar 1m carin-liddird were both torn. tenant (omral K4 In h-r breeds of wolds. Leicesters, and .\t ( has. Pickard's Makers” badly tMareh. appued sheep—Cots “Merry cottage ( ooi.. Mmiroe: 11. F. LrskMie. Morrill, ami 1. ( and on file. umn. The save mourn place*! ha< nation he to will < in ict ii V>i 1 -. w be 1... 1. lhi Farminirtoii Viliam- Corporation >m ri latd- transfer and appoint.-d 1:1m «'hi f helped the various families of the Downs, which are Mrs. Sevens. Mrs. Perkins and Master Pci 1 hero :,l | liras. Smart, Swauville. The «• -mmittce on higlivv ayxs and bridges r* pat not t<* euiitrai t w itli: he hi- i --. apiin voted Farminpon of ( a\airy of the Arm) of the Potomac. in the The veterans, to whom he was best .J. -.■! vice in the I lu l-sali-t < b: r«-h in t!o m; mml J better known as mutton breeds. kiiis. Ka.-t Boston.Vt L. Drinkwater's: Airs. The eiiair nominated 1'. ( swauville cd that tin* bill ii A i’ark;- tor W ater < for a o! water for Ii: • K4 ih. ova ivd smait, of Whet ompany siippiy rampai^n’of cnvalr) tin* iroht known a- r. and beloved "Little 1 *lii!will pay Adam s, Air. Charles A Hie Ned St ptenibi The pm- tt r The vote -loud no. yt-s. am! think-of tin- t u :■ _ii tije !•••»■ 11 < > all the wool grown in K-ulm Adams, Adams, tiro. A. (.oweii, Freedom, ami It. ( Wentworth and rebuilding Little Uiver bridge wa- si".'. purposes. ini'antr) Nearly ky. •• .and to Ke\ (.c... K. Tufts, of ihi- it\ w ill n in 1 lie steam M-‘eor e.;;. ii;)-* Pan/o]- -- prompt heartfelt tribute bi> memory, Pierce, Wm. AIcMarr, Boston, Ala.--.; Airs. Curtis, \ yacht ot the WiMerm until May -'h wiien Sheri dan Tennessee and is a of A J5AN*;OU I)1:M«KKA! Hl.l.ll' WITH 1C( 'A ST I» »>X. Ite’.fast, a eommittee on rese.lution.-. Mr. Small They re*"inniende 1 that 11 cby pay one third j Pennsylvania high grade chut eh at N. Pa. sh* •< iihport next attri tw> iiarl.or Thursday from Harbor. 1 -tarted oil raid ;waii.-t the Iim *f i h* wo;! I will say. A soldier has Miss Cora Curtis, Ali-s lionise Brown, Herbert sthl He •!. The -ana* •-'•muiittet .-unday enemy*- great passed wool. These sections, known as the he serve their beef from o'clock .. IP-v. I>. ( Went worth. ; ;1 struck some lion, br» i mj communication with ilk in:, a !. in thi- raid I vi-rauco, Mr. a funereal urn: away. Cainbridgeport.\t Austin but Mr. lie -hon'd vote for Fisk ami llrooks, ami < imh that had laid out Ma -trcct Iron ■ smith is a man of .-onso. even it' bo i- reported they ler completely. She was di-::1 laud has pm ! remi->-e 1 mo-; n-pwm.i s!-rvie«* t> the Blue Crass belt, produce the finest mutton and not preadi at Pool's \| 1 iU r »• \t >at 1.1 -:a 1 Drinkwater'.- Mi.-.- Bertha Pickards. Somerville, a and lot the lire > wet'* on for ii« ridai/s most brilliant ex- cook, go out in time to -avo about ina, hut farther Ilian that lie wouhl not pltdir*. V rthport avenue t ihe shore, ami that then- the railway lepairs. Fni u eau-e. Thi- wa< followed by the military lambs on the continent. In sections of J many M;es,: Mr.-. Carrie Hall and Aliss Hall, live or -i\ hundred imuiihIs perhaps, of von yood Col. (*ree-n to p ad tl- Shm Jp trm tiou of 4a- \’imisi: < entral Ihtilro .d. < Mi has been in verse Georgia himself. If he wa-1 0:1 those eomiition.- no land «lamages to pay. Accepted. expects ploit- immortalized by rJ’. beef an 1 bones. A iron be- aeeeptahle j the New States where finm rs eater long trough, placed A Pci • ■ n u from Sullivan to Machia> iHi- s a-on. IF* has Auaii.-t Ttii the middle tm at ami England Line .iiville-- Llm cottage, at Wm. Drinkwa- .s man in w aid live. 1 a-•. w 1.1 :.. ; depart •Irj.ait- Ilucbamiu Heed. I be poem narrates bow neatii tin* animal, iiad raught tin- drip, ami fro wouhl act on the eommittee. He was accept Hill of Wheeler A Parks, in._'o. p.r removing im-n at work at Mn.chia* and to in. U — to the of lambs tin's class of wool is ’s • m *•••: p., ei*_rli»y '-.'.peels I at- ot Wt -t Virginia. a-hiuuton an su production t< Capt. David Hail and uife, Miss Lou Hall, iuont with handled r.- I an cuuing recently The :g! Sheridan turned the tide of battle—turned bastings long diup« had { re- able. ;!t is ai'l that Mr. Smart favors uniting, hydraut near N. Manslield's store, reeeivi a lar.:'- for- at su'livai -o«m. wen .• i ami a dc- vented disastrous put very !i. ri.ian Mr -. A!- Harold Airs. Miss seuivhing. objected, and when the man ii.aic ! fp the grown. rriam, Mariam, Merrill, with the Labor party:. The eommittee siihse referre*! to Finance committee. in Hround was broken at W ii do1 .•»-e. Saturday. -iaMied eomniami. September 1*4h (ira.ut \i-;t- bat in* ■ victory—and although the lines long The following portraits speak for themselves j j The third known as wool, is of Merrill, Mrs. F. W. Gibby, Masters Arthur and s.'V. Mathews in a hill •»!' .sIn for an out house a party in waiting p ltd him u.:l imtm. for the m w The l>ui!-!imr wiM oi Sh.-ridan. Lrav«* him tin- order to “m, in** an 1 class, carpet quci-iIv reported tlie following resolutions: pat factory. I -ineo 1mcame household we j words, quote as Harry Gibby, Aliss Alice Gibby, Air. and Mrs. G. egg--. The .-row d w ere 1 s i iI 1 :! be of wooters Willie | pledge support which she flourished dangm-. ? i.< ai II. .. pri-ouer-am! llarly | Lowery, and Osmond Low a- follows: Hrunkrnne" t. vagrane\ I. | States, Texas being the producing nominee:- oi the party in state and nation. •July, this on »n wa- largest ■ fall. i-'i-ijt r*- Hill wiien tin- liJd lie wain I lie sir-t tii.a! tin* tJencral saw were the e Air. and Airs. ,J. s. Aliss Kva Holt, all of >nr man a 1 < e-. cd ; be k groups ;. Ilol;, Hesolved, That tlie greatest question in American The orders were The Mapu- ly 11 'I*he suits brou-ht Halifax a-rainst tiv Fda loss ’•> u and then State of wool. The breeds of following passed defeated with heavy and pursued tin* -’Higglers. the retreating troops; carpet sheep A!::--.: Mr. and Airs. .John is how to rid of the trat Boston, Kempt on, Cam politics to-day gt-t liquor s > for — 1 "he: was to draw his order tor a summit to e 1 u... idle A -li la ml. M:i ,\ mi-. .1,: M. Hou^hty. ot -Portland, ><-i/ed percha mountain. Siis-i i iau h a-tated the \ oh ) on ) done—what to do—a glance told him from which this wool is arc of Mexi- tie; and that it can he tlie both. produced bridg r{. A of fifteen from Boston have only accomplished hy inir bait. V oi*i* discontinued on the'JTlli of .J liis return. rendiTimj'it untenal'l. p»r the em party Prohibitory party which* is thoroughly committed from the lla/.eltine Library fund, to eompiete the tele-ting paragraph ... the \i-p ; And hi- w itli a terrible oath can and are found in the South- rooms ease have ail be- n iking spurs, origin largely engaged for the balance of the season and to its m in > ami the bond-aiv*-n in the* m\*s army. He- wa- then ;»t appointed priuciph's every Mate the I'nion. granite steps, grading ami seeding the t. I («< o r ge o. 11 u lie d:i-he(i I v. The* Rockland lax assessors have completed Sheridan *"JU in;i< but ale-i ’-her 1 lai;*s The ot the master away.** ,-igi.t eoiiq Hod it to pause. C leveland, Aliss New ties, hut if we wish and success in is with other breeds. Wells, York; .Judge Speare respect county. the tund now invested can he erccicd a monument at N1: 11;.- ... tin* work, and liml in that real e>iab* valu- lm moiable ride t!:. < on tl: 1 With loam and with du-t library exchanged t•etty -burg. city I federate- Wen* as- the black charger was Mate and Nation we ma-t aiiead and 1 and wife, Columbus, Ohio; Miss Pound- keep straight -• ed at and value i -- .now we can suite as a iaci u;ai inert* is no Alargaret for Belfasteity bonds, and to report to the muiiici is a native of Helfa.-t and bis m.-ibrn rt i- I person:.] ;.• •.],, ny j trously f' ate*!. The thanks of ormn w* re gray: -land hy our color-. at si.o;;,t: s:p.;o7.»;:v.. Tie- rat« of tax- ! ip the lla.-h ol !iis eye. an«l his red nostril's tree, Ali.-s Gcvtrude Peed, Master Wells and War- ollieers. He is also authorized to sm l; total li!-tow-. 'l upon Sh-.-ri'iai: ami hi- army an I play, fibre or of wool on flit; IJcsolved, That the improv ement of the condition pal make lie w as a go..d stddier and partimpat. d a. twe. lie -ecnied to the whole to quality produced globe ation is .<24 0D wa- I great army say, ren Mr. of and women of the can on- Nov. sfh. In ap,*oin!e.l Major ticncral in Peed, Germantown, Pa.; Wm. Whitney workingmen country exchange a' the munieipal ollieers ma\ approve one battles and w a w .Minded la e ! I have brought you Sheridan all the that cannot he in the United States; be The Fifth Maine lb-_iiim*nt A--o••iaii'Ut ha- tip- n aular •*!ieri lan eoni*nam!i-d al way, duplicated ly a.‘•omjdished hy the suppres-ion of the arm). From Winchester down to save amt wife, Mis.-es Kmma, ( arrie and Klla n The chief i" authorized the day.” Whitney, and tiia! on this line ail eHurts in that writing. engineer ■li \v w .in elected the following oilie r-: Pr,lsi lent. It. I iv. Fork- in iMt.'i. wiiere h dispiuye.i an-.t and if the protective duty could lie placed at 1:1 1 \ 1 in M. 111 Aliss Klla Lovering, Boston, Mass.; Miss Hattie I direction have our api roval and li'p-o d Miigine No. prov ided the 'inn ot .-rh-: c. shannon; Vie< President. Nelson m e I lien ah. hurrah for Sheridan ! hearty support. March that the r I r<*nmy; tieralsliip. '1 hi- battle coinpedie'l 1. to fifty cent* per pound, instead of being remov- average tempera! C. Hurrah, hurrah for horse Lightbourn. Worcester, Mass.\t Airs. K. 1L The chair then II. ( Wentworth. can be obtaimil. The eommilti e on sewers w a in- Cierk and I r. t-urt-r. oi u■■ F. Brown. The evacuate i’etersbun;. On tln-Ntli at ! and man! | appointed of wa- »*•». -s. v. ht.-b w a '■■■v- .a! »-a.i Appomattox And when ed. it would have two distinct effects: in less .Inly Memorial Pel! eh o tin* follow- their statues are placed on high, LlwelTs: Airs. Goodrich Masters Dan and .1. W structed to build an inch cement Corporation Ooiirf Hot!-*- the tidvama* of Fee was ia-i-i! i Busli, ItePasi. skinner and A. II. Clements, of immediately eight a ci a a. !. 11 m I’n'h the dome of the glee- eold» r t liail t he j--; .; II. It. 1: Clerk. I>. \V. I nion sky— than five would in'.:: President, Mill. until dark. Tie- m xt morning the enemy tried years the United States pro- Alfred Bush, Westfield, Mr. F. A. Hall, >cur-mont. a committee on nominations. Tin* sewer from the seliool hotises on the common, Tlie American soldiers’Temple of Fame, Mass.; j pipe three degree-odder than the .u run di.i' u. Treasurer. Ceo. K. P?"wn. to break t!*e line- !>nt 1 Scribner; tlirou.-li ai»an«lom-d tin- TIjcic with tin* duce its own wool. This would also cheek the Kansas.\t Alban LlwelTs: 11. dow n to glorious Heneral's name Wichita, Capt. committee sunmitte'! the names, which spring street sew'Cl* at tin- eor'iter ot Hun it .ear-. <*I — j following tor the pa-t twenty nii.< la la. a A youn:: lad named (I'oijv Sowali. IF attempt ami then followed the -urnaide;- to l’»e it -aid in letters both bold and bright: d. Hall and wife, Aliss Paere Miss < All 1 VI. >< accumulation of money in the National Treas- Gladys Hall, 1ST WILLIAM K.MLKi -l ol;N' u\| \ XN.» w are declared the nominees. and spring streets, said Central ho.,1 di.-trirt the eohlest with on. I--I ton who has relatives in I’m tkimi -disappear- Orant. Sheridan w.t- made Lieutenant <»fii ual | Hm i- the steel that saved the day | July, e\eeptim !’»•. Lizzie Gorham, II. .J. Hall,.Jr.. N. Y. J JUANS. For Senators II. F. Frskinc, Morrill, and Deo. shall la\ a from said school-heimes to the ed in .November. 1NS. Ii seetm he saihd in Is'ift. as-umed ei.iiiniund ot the army Nov. F carrying Sheridan into the light,* ury as it would naturally shut out foreign Brooklyn, pipe in twenty nine y ears. In July. 1 -1. 1; 1 oi: from lie-ton that month for Australia, but wa- O. n b\ Winchester—twenty miles awav !” A. . and made act of tb pn*.— wool. No doubt the clergyman, doctor, law- IM F' S FKOM Tin; M A P.HFFZK. Tilt* second is- iunrtioii of hureh and Spring lemperal.ire was bm I‘ a :•.»•! i! n when the touched at Humphrey** Island. eat < oii-.Tv s- a few week- a: o. For Sheri!V -Tolford Monroe. -hall he ship merchant and mechanic would have to siu» <*l the >ca Breeze made its .'Satur- Durham, with the proposed sewer. Said district days during la-t m. ». 1 h. South Sea i*land*, in May. Sew a II deserted yer, appearance in; in \( i: < >f ut i:i u.. laden with .-aline We from ils l or .nidge of Probate—C'apt. A. F. ( lark, liable for all fees which may he hereafter eliarged and i- at that place. He* shipped under the pay more for their ecat; but tic- farmer, who day, particles. clip | I hi fast Free Ma-m-. mi common w ‘1 the for and said scwei name of was a clerk for >heri«lan‘s remains will be interred at the well-liiltd column* as follows I.. I*. Foster id’ Bel- by city entering using Phillip*. IF- -ample Democratic exchanges in announcing the would be stimulated to re- j our the eoiin.rv. wid learn with regret 1 National n un in acro-s greater activity by Pro-.. Poston. ry Ariinvton, the i.i't is builder »*f the For Ilegisler of Deeds—Frank A. Dilmotv. Bel- The Mayor was instructed h* draw his ..ider im Taylor j conversion of Dr. W. 15. store, etc., and is doing a goo«l deat h of IP -bert Mori I lie I ’. ..-t 1 .a 1 .• 11* M riv r from the Natioiia! < The time for Lapliam, of Augusta, munerative could contribute more lib- J Samuel Watt-, of F.o-ton. ph-a ! in the apiioi. prices, fast. living one third the expense in rebuilding !<> < job. It is fa-t approachingcompletion... .Mr. Kid- j •sonry who died at !.i- home in I agrana", i\ church at Thom:»>t*;u two beautiful the i.uMiai ha- u li\< d tor Sa, t;rda v. :n. 1 Ieveiandi*m, say that he has been a life- totiie above whose avocation* are Baptist erally classes, Fort ounty No nomination. Little River bridge, The eommiltee on sewer- wa- wiI' A id at N Tin.- <*ov. of Massa- tier,of Bangor, has bought the “Sharuen” of Attorney .1. a J. d 7-* ar- I >1 \! m v memorial window-, mn* to the memory of his .mpilit. | l!,ng Republican." This is not so. Dr. of cottage tuck;. y Lap- wholly dependent on the prosperity the ag- l or l‘oiuniissioner David instrueted to a engineer to «-!iu-etts has -cut an oili-r to Mr-. -Icri laii to Rev. < B. Besse and has ir in Count} Twitched, employ eompetent eminent Ma-.m and ha- let! h:- mark in ti:.• or:. wife. ( lari-sa Mill- Wall-, ami tic.* oilier to ’•am wa* a D» mocrat to the out of put good shape. a of as -< up breaking riculture of the section in which are Mont vi'.le. make a of the in accordance with tie- hi- sarali Watt- Him r-m. Poth furni-ii nuaid honor to ;*«*s ort, but they l ied Ilairi.nan ha his on survey city in I — !, -ei.t to c daughter, the opened bowling alley PUT. and again in the order him :i M r-. Shei idan declim I the oil', r, th i rebellion. wh*:ii be shouldered a musket — ot committee oil sewer -ill Mine', contain the of and with uwh ap-p-r. The entire business of this is For Treasurer A IF Clements, .'sears report 0 •- date* iiirth death, ap- placed. country >"Uth shore. Don't thinl: of fount} Ibdy I.alid P ; lot. *1, u a: ! 1: b : leaving Northport nassam of annexed. The '•iatiiiv tlie iim; that eau-ed it to umd(*red. am! went to the front. He was a m< ml. eo-t not over .s-loo. propriate Scripture Republican comprehended bv three general terms- Vini- without ascending Mt. l’ercival_Oscar Hills has t ra el.- a 1 e printed I>. ok ! m in. V lew 1: are lar”*-. of work- Mrs. Sheri*!an is in of letter- and tei* windows line and elaborate re.*i*ipt from that time. As to the ( Dmham declined, to he a candidal* for R*dlot account" am* to •_*| j statement that he Manufactures and Commerce--ami doubled in size his re.-taurant at the North entrance apt. anting passed. Pr. Morr;- i: ,'e.l Itella-t an 1 !e. rnred M and will add to the Im of | 'Vriaus of i-i*iidoleii a from all over tin* world. culture, manship Lriv-ally att*y will vote < shcriT. and the tilling of the vaeanev was left. ami the death of tin* ha- for i« Vi land we cannot whether would — Mrs. Van Cott’s T« the church. (iciicrai been every- say the two latter become extinct without gate campmcoting commences An Kilsiiortli mple. i With the eonntv committee, if think it ad- Knterprlzp. Lin Main*' < onb r« n-v of tti«* —vt.-utii i>a\ wiiere oh-f'rV!*i|. il i* tnn or not; Imt Dr. is a after the they Lapliam pro- the farm. We hear it asserted that only one immediately regular campmeeting. \ l’IMMl-1 M. ( Cl. I Ml. II. I I visable. Tin* LI I-wortli Marine Itailwav » A«lvi-iiti>t> has decided t<* hold its next annua! notinced free trader in the full Coombs’ F.ivilii n ha* be*n leased to W. H. stew- "iii|i:in\ h ity ha -old to Ml Ji. ... P. i acceptance of in every twenty-live of the inhabitants of the •umpiiK-cting in the of Bangor. >« i>t. 1th lb v. P». C. Wentworth, of P»elfa-t, was called 1"'' with a ot ilivi oi't hall o| t lie ear < d -1:.! 11 1.. >.. | | city tiie term, so art, who has resuscitated roller ...W. W. organized capital £:MJoo, and ha* liim- skating *; •1 t » the tie d la.-t Maine Polities and Politicians. publicly expressed United States are interested in the .. No. 1J. tor **•. 'I !:■-1; lltii, ground- «m-i-uj*i* year production ami made a brief address. lie said he was i•• -!nt re "f*1~> each. Its oili.-eis are a- follow- Rice's of upon ■ I self. lie is at family, Wollaston, Mass., are at their cot- til'll, the d im >a <• It d'.'oek l m 1 having ln-eu engaged for the prc-eiit -ca-ou. present, and lias been for many of and that our taxes ITc-Ment, i. m. <; r;i nt; ami by wool, tariff' an out hat eo-t him secretary treasurer, •• protective for the on and out Prohihitioni-t, ii This colt is roll if red otic ot the lille-I 1 »';• An nuinbi-r from all <>l Mr. Maine J.cabled tin* State* Republican tage season, Clinton avenue.H. II. ,1. A. Mm ,,.vvn ; director-, I. M t.rant.I.M. Hig unu-iiaily large part* years, the active member of the Hoard of Ex- -->• a the for the benefit of the one. We ;•« be mi", lie vva- a weighing pound hand-oni1 the State arc at thi- «"»nv< eation. »ini:iitte* that in; will at the Portland twenty-four Andrews litis built a new on something reaml Kcpublicuu gin-, Abram Lord and .lame.- Lord. have speak cottage view Tlmy ■« expected at Bay bla.-k points and in Vine-- appear- 1 a < b*. amining Surgeons been re- our as 1W«»M YOKK (til Nil ; All: u\i.N IN :iu and v oted vv;th that until four the of tin* I >, < Marine Kail T'he Maine eiitral ha--, the meeting Augusta, having that rulers should take AN; years ago. pureha-ed machinery — ■< railroad granted August suggest thought Square, and has also purchased a farm further party three y ea? ot.. than •, n I'lii- t : moved and JA( KM »N's mu;. way at l!ella>t ami Mr hyer is to’he a -to.-Uioidrr usual half fare to tho.-e who att* lid. afterwards reinstated by the pres- to who this fellow i*. lie is the Win >i Maine dodged the amendment vote and the exhibit. d at the I 1 -tern Maine .-late 1 1. ml. siii«a* the >ue*a ss of Col. J’. N. twenty-fifth down the >hore in “Guinea.”....Mrs. A. M. Lord in the m vv company. Tin* new railwa;. and <>l >!.iin-Cr*»ni- phenomenal i-o\proi w ii 1 tin dam, ow tied Mr P II. -u W 1 The printing binding tin- ent Administration. c-*;;\. Mi-s Willard he wa- done, ed to he ill !>v 1 b; Dow in hi' Portland \cnlurc. there broad-shouldered is mistress of the on Main and 1 here was, from all ;i*■ i: 11-. lather nil*-yuri.ed operation September. Tne \\i'll case and -ix newspaper sun-burned, homey-banded, “Wigwam” sr., has perhaps, t.rport, with a full brother at her -i I _■ have been completed, copie-, more worth Marine i- !■• e located ai 1. M lias ! eii marked coolness in *1 tin kin jr than ami it *els of J.iU tolls. the justice- during presentation chants. mechanics and men must ple-pie Bugbte and family and that the best of ua- in a- the 1 i«»i •»i: m vi:« ii. 'alt Mr. .1 U 'I being acrimonious. A favorite mode District of Columbia thus professional spirits them, li.pnd' the on both -ide-. especially concludes a letter on with the a- a common soldier and c.anu* out a Dencr arguments by counsel 'Fin* of Dorchester. consumed, possible n that tinny laU' «• -aim- t• -i n-t-;. U of attack is that of Col. Dow bit- for their We warn them to friends, Mass., occupy Shady Bank e\ccpti< Mate 11-1;11•.» ,. in ; I- m representing the depend support. in the bosses was of sot ill Momviu.i Mr-. Man llarkm ai.d ease make- quite* a large* volume, and i! wa- : political situation: “The peace, indulged by the r. u. ami t n ill. After the war he went s-mth and was cm terly lin-tiic t'» Congressman Ueed. is liberty cottage, South shore for the season.Mrs. N. here la -Wen nut a warrant ami -1 (. an- A maile from the notes of liuel having : take care of and that fol- jrlefoot varieties. The etl'eets arc tints p*:rt: a\ i.v up stenographic and fraternit\ of this protect twenty-fifth netted with tin* He was also -i.-ter, Mrs. Annie Frazier of licverr, Ma-- an become fashionable ot late to nation demand that a re- the Tress’ Freedman's !'•• a! a. r.' w ;t ! Smith, court The volumes quite interpret Swan ami Miss Florence Swan, of Bangor, are at | special artist. l\!H'W The W E-q.. reporter. and we in the to -. < move in which Co!. Dow i> in- !-uk>’ i»e low, hope coining elections connected with the Methodist church, and the the guest- of M r. and M T. -I. I’« a .Mi e\cry political given at the to that ... will I.C jilaeed ill the law library of the court polls party which their cottage for the season, corner of Broadway I -hVi-vr- J. 1> Tinker am! U I terested as being tin* to an- see these fellows and break church is with him. Mme than half of the Mamie I'.ennett is visiting iier relative- at the house at inspired by purpose twenty-fifth rally going > Augusta, for reference. championing the doctrine of free tra»Ie; and Park Row.Mrs. F. M. Craig, of Philadel- he-- \\ Ill’ll the ni- rl .t j•. l.-... tagonize the popular Main** Congressman, in House, Knekl.vnl.Lula, o| Flie great temperance camp at Lake away from old names and affiliations and vote ministers have come out for him. The speaker Lind.-ey daughter meeting Portland, where tin animus of is which ‘-onicml* now a* for the phia, and Mr-. II .L Jenkins, of Rockland, have ! Kiiowliun. win- wn- mild ia. -aw tin a .:. anoeook tin*'.* attack' formerly prin- Hr. f o-ter of i- her Ma: tala plan- Saturday *nd Min-iay, for their own criticised the recent liepuidican national conveu Portland, spending vacation well no interests. leased Fair Point l..ek» -I tin* !«••-: In :i i-• \\ m t lltii understood, harm is likely to result: perpetuating slave labor cottage, South Shore, for the j iny Aug. and 12i!i. The arrangements are (only widening lion on the and -aitl at Park Woodman'-.... I 'red Mai den and hi- -m but it stenis that There are two on temperance questin'-, many 1 n proper the outside world d to embrace the but di>tinct issues which season. A. H. A. Groesehner and of ilo.»r wa- ejieiic*I an-l t h<• Hir- ri.a a :• ,ti upon grand scale for music and speaking. ! white which now family, Line t. of are I should understand that the all* g< -1 or laborer); to vote at the election. were leaving tin* part} on that ae Pittsfield, rusticating at Mrs. u < personal coming The Republi- Wepubliraiis IK .ai Saturday will he hihlrcn*- lb -ti\:tl, a> Watertown, Mass., are at their Beech- I Il'illlMly l\ W Ul'll sal, | J *i | -( i- Holiday f» on ! formerly antagonizes and edu- can cottage, cimla Maiden’-.Mrs Llvira ol with political hostility Mr. Heed the part of temperance party is distinctly in favor of protecting count. Ih- predicted that the Prohibitionists l.ovejov \ugti-ta. balloon ascensions and day tin-work-. wood, on South shore, for the season. Messrs. A. M Col. Dow is the veriest moon-shine. In all his cation ; which now as American homes. American industries and j v The marvelous cornet an-.l trombone formerly counts England would poll inu.uuo vote- Ibis year, and in who lias been i-iting her motln i. Mr- \ ii. Pie players Wallitzcr and W. A. of the same I’- ! < 1 life*, from tin* of iii' first nomina- 1 American while it cannot be denied Leonard, ■ inly. political day as labor, that place, < left «.< •. Masters Dana and Tominv H di an- it* great supporter. The man who has a swi ep tlie **uMtr\ Imii tlie Atlantic to the Pacific oil, for home last Saturday. \\ engaged tion to Congress to the Thomas the Democratic if not have been present hour. party, wholly composed their guests Turner, of ♦ a in > ! ■ for both day-. F. A. Bent’- full orchestra and vote to ea. Keed has had* no more steadfast, efficient next Presidential election of freetraders, is in favor of a reduc- (apt. the Portland Male arc clearly Last Boston, lias become the of the \ Quartette already hook- possessor a was to vote the hulls, at seai-mont village .V .Marlin and »inn e in I Jua. "ii.nn in iny \ n ami reliable friend, than Col. Dow: and in das an for the tion of the tariff, which shows lias al- that Democratie nrnseller going ed for this occasion. It will b.- a opportunity advancing highest history on street ami is great meeting. Bonding” cottage Maple will llu- .. ,.-: a ... every do-* political contest which lias been ways been a curse to the American occupying Ib pnitlican ticket this fall, because tin* Judge wife had a pet ni.tmml hoarder arrived !a-t 'in la Septelnln. '.'111, in moral, political and social interests of this na- people. in th«.‘ it with his lit has it, built new It is l-iri M am-.- -;ni»- itiu h-t an. A fought Pii>t Maine district. Col. Dow I. C. I.IHIIY. family, enlarged would let up on him. C'apt. Durham said one of night. a little girl and she came to -la '-pis tion. etc., and will have one of the best In Bkikf. Hon Adin Thayer, judge of prop has evinced his in a manner far by easting that vote in favor of verandas, drain, lideiity more protec- S. Mrs. I of Lawrence, M is-., and hci eiatlnli i he 1 i-1 k> I \i \ bate for Worcester ottages here-The squat c where the Wavcvloy tlie F. Senators and tie- Ib-piv-cntativ e of this Uradlmry .-|a- county, a*nd is well known elfectual than words of could do. It I tion.” Congress Condensed. The Senate any praise Thurs- stood i> I and seeded down. Broad- sisters, the Missc- McFarlands’id scarsmont vve'C M -1 -r "I *'-a 1 'in.'i .I '! .V I U Ma-sacliusett- committed suicide at is being grade district had the handling of the Judge. politician, quite likely that Col. Dow has uniformly dis- a strict vote, to will be continued across it and a in day agreed, by party proceed way drinking the gue.-ts of Mrs. Hattie \\ ood-iun. la-l week. l\ n<-\. Half fa re iel.eis will his home Worcester about 7 o'clock couraged movement on the of The convention the .adjourned. Saturday any part any of Another mugwump is distressed with the consideration of the fishery treaty. trough will be creeled at once to be Mirnished with his newspaper Haniel ( i- on the -i< k list.... Proi I ers I. ! he ( a in > I- I In I’! M e morning, by cutting throat with a razor. Mr. Reed's over-zealous friends who have at- Mr. on his motion to water from a never failing above. In the cven'ng about thirtv people met .at tin* Ryan again | over the of Morgan spoke postpone spring just He vva- from and the t*» Mr. t >• suffering temporary insanity. tempted prematurely to precipitate a Senatori- j activity Republicans grow- consideration until next December. Mr. ltid- Mr. and Mrs. V L. Bragg, of Bangor, with P.cb'ast O'M-ra House hear ;;~hing. Ib-v 1 Knovvltoii and familv ot P.m k-port '-eminarv I Vntfal Kailn-a-1-. 11 it I a M• I'. a The of friends irom R. P. ( Wentworth and Ib v.J. \. Loyal League waoare- al ing assurances of Providence, 1., and Bulla lo, N. Y., presided .Savage ■ Bangor, expect- controversy in the interest of Mr. Reed as the defeat of Clevelatidism. dleberger opposed ratification. The House, in are spending a vacation w lib Id- mother. Mr.-, m I’.anyei >team!--at-. I --n.i t a| are at their on Park Row_Geo. <>. Good- otiered prayi r. ed utthe grand Republican meeting in cither Senator or cottage Portland, against Frye Senator Hale, The other it was committee of the whole, debated the ( A. ami hi- wiles Mr. and Mr-. t-- I 'anna llu- w I are to Im- day the Poston Herald; now deficiency win a id wife, from Mass Mrs. Albert Paine, of .Mr. ushing made an excellent address, but it Knovvltoii, parents. )»l\ uniformed in tail white bearskin bats, a' be makes no of the THE <;<»rn\IAM» AVIIO ATE T< »<* Ml < il OK HIE concealment fact that appropriation bill. Remarks were made and Miss S. P. was much tuo same as tin- one he hen- a h vv the to by Boston, Sargent, of Brewer, who gave A. Maud < « am i- I laniel llu -w >•11 el' ( \\ \\ « m :• I l, blue coats, red belts and white trousers.Mr. while lie i< an friend of Transcript is moved say: 1.1'Si 'll. Me-ervey-Miss visiting unswerving Represen- Messrs. Hovey, Rynum and Holman, of In- have been rusticating at the different Maine sum weeks ago. \ gentleman remarked that he had \ arnov of Bath, one the her relatives at Last Palermo... L W.( ollins has Joseph of prominent tative Reed In* i' also a It is true that the hear ( his >. staunch supporter of undeniably Republican diana, Dingley, of Maine, McKinney, of New mer resorts, were late visitors at II. P. Sargent’s, rather ushing speak again-t part} than III M.M s:\iT. ( U I Tin- I a ,,, e. p. ! Kennebec lumbermen, who has a mill at Bath, more t > hear some men for it. No one take- of sold his valuable brood mare, Kittv to \\ |*. both the Maine a verv gener- campaign exhibits fan and on Terrace. drove to Camden around speak ('., ■' ‘senators; position vitality push Hampshire, and Dockery, of Missouri. Iu Hit- Bay They fast 111 I in a i;--ii :,l th.- < a t II and 45 men and who has been a than fence at Mr. for he is employs straight ally occupied by the Republicans of the First that of the Democratic party. The latter Senate a resolution offered Senator the “Turnpik*.* road,” and pronounce it one of the Ca.-hing always gentlomanly Larnum ot Wailham, Ma-- she l- a ver> Friday by -peed} .• •-. t t-> lioid but a few more \VaL!m». Nearly all done and tin to present a list of -iel.-yaf- l lu I. lli'U.; w re performed Saturday.The Lx is one of the necessities. You expect haying -n*|> Several in another column. Mr. made press Northport 1 night. persons have been arrested as ! tithe of the service i:i behalf of Con- published Libby ami an It. I U political Senate at 1.55, Monday, adjourned out of respect can on ami when sec of these reunions, it is comrade will will average about lour litth a nun h a- last \. ai. preseii!. -1 i-pte.l In II Muni con *erned in the always depend “'Jack,” you hoped every being deed.\n American Reed and the Ids start in life with a ■ gressman Republican parly that single lamb, and from to Gen. Sheridan. Tin* House also that paper reminder on his the weather has not been ner. I'.hluras Ma\ ., ( hai l- Itaker. I-'• I Mit.ii was | adjourned slip pinned lapel you come, and will also see b> it that even veteran »f Although the U >i, » t fishing vessel seized a Canadian cruiser he lias mav with more by rendered, they proprie- bus been identilicu with this in- .Senator Farwell, Monday introdmed a bill may understand he means biz—The quarterly ( lurries II Mitel \ I near for I early boyhood the “Old i noli lied of the time and the crop has been seen red in line condition. ell, ell, rust. Cnmpohello Saturday* fishing without ty' impeach the political of Mr. Dow. in the Senate which was referred to the com- meeting of Northport charge will be held on the Twenty-MMli” Help loyalty In II Ma-Moi ( license in Canadian dustry. He is to-day the wool Love at has bemi scarce and old and of both sexes John k-. \ I I'n -w,.- waters.Heneral Fudes, [Bridgton News. largest buyer mittee on a of Camp-Ground, .Sunday, August 1*J. feast place of meeting. Notiiy executive ommittee, young pension*, granting pension $5000 !».;»<) a. an ex-communist, while a in Maine and a dealer in m. Preaching at 10.JO A. M. bv the presLL have had a in ( II M-mroe, smart. t \\ IJ.-irt \ \ addressing meeting heavy muttons. He a year to Mrs. debate Camden, Me., it can e one, and if will re- hand securing the crop Mr- I. I of strikers in Sheridan...... Republican ing elder, Rev. I. II. W. WharlV. you you Paris, France, dropped dead from on the closed in the Senate Tues- C hase was II nr. 1. i writes from a life-long, practical acquaintance fishery treaty main over night.” Mr. lllaek has chartered the driving tiie horse to operate the li-n-c Star of (irecce was Mr. Blaine's Welcome Homs, apoplexy.The ship fork with his and as the friend and well- steamer Acadia to take the lid fast and Sears pitch last Friday when the tug slipped from It I I I 111 II VN ( VI I s. The Ur publican- I l:. wrecked near Adelaide, Australia, July Ph j subject, Rood Templar*. l'UTNAM <;UAUPS TAKK A DKIVK. port the whillle iron, the whillUtnc bark fast lad'l a full caucus it tin- < .-m -• Of twenty-seven persons on the vessel all were I THE t'HOCKAMMK Dill THE ltECKl'TION AT wisher of the American farmer. News of the I* ranges. comrades. The steamer will leave this city Frl letting very ( i 1«- The Press her a lie-low drowned excepting the first and third officers, AUGl’STA Aid. 10. j Belfast Lodge returns 142 members in good stand report concludes as follows: ri'nis morning, prot eed to searsportand from thence against rm, striking the elbow, cutting a Moudav evening, The caucus v\a alb■ to .-■•lei Hon. Frederick Master oi' the State day four men and four Ilobic, evening occurred tin; There were from -.s this and is now the banner in parade. to If the is the frightful gash and driving her lire sleeve dee p II. W Unger-, I s«| \\ ho named ( alv in I !• \. apprentices.Congress- I Special trains from (‘apt. T. C. of an American ing quarter lodge one to Camden. day pleasant excursion by man went to Portland, l.cwiston, Coffin, Addison, issues an order the various two thousand men in line, verv much nearer Diugley Michigan Air. Grange, advising into the wound. no bones as (. vv a Sunday. Waldo county. The odicers will be installed next one than two, some of the l»em will be an able one. Fortunately were I !s<| eliaii man. It. !»;. cr I ..n Boutellc went home on the same ! Hath, llangor, Belfast and Skow hegan will ar- shipmaster, gives vent in a letter to the Ells- probably, although enjo' dav and Air. granges of Patrons of Husbandry to hold memor- oerats seem to think F night. there were about ten thousand of Co. II.. second broken, but she severely from the bruised Me- (. Brook-, 11 J. I.ockc and II. W Reed started This leaves no v rive at between 5 worth American to his at the anti- Monday Tin* reunion Maine Monday. hod hut | Augusta and 5.30 i\ m. indignation ial services in honor of their deceased parailers. There were tew torches and no trans- Cavalry, recently and mangled wound... .1. Filis, who lives were made a com mil its t -> n < a i\. -oil and Mr. Milliken on hand to look after Maine in- Belfast of Good was so the wiM be held at Freedom, Sept. 7th. I). 11. Carter just Kogers These trains will til ing republican clubs frotn American policy of the Cleveland Administra- National Grange Master, the late Put Darden of Lodge Templars visited by parencies effect of the column was very dull. terests. Jt also takes three votes After the there was over the line in Brooks, left his horses for a few count vote- for to the c-untv (<>ia m: away among 1 a from Sea view of parade speaking in Post, of Freedom, has voted to entertain the com- delegates various parts of the tion, closing as follows : “it is a to These services to be held in some delegation Lodge Northport, Nornhibega the of the State, accompanied by pitiful sight Mississippi. Hall and in the Hon. John 15. s. s. minutes attached to the « it\ supports spoliation claims.The square Redman, reunion was held mowing machine. The to he lu Id in this to The tollov. i'.g i. I. in Monday evening, who were received with a fruit Win. H. pany. The last at Northport. whistle was bands of music, and the vocal Glee see an administration without either regular meeting August. Brown, Clifford, John Scott and others Booth hay porgy factory heard, Republican courage horses started lirst to walk, then to trot, and litia 11 gates vv ere elected l*v a ole ot !-i t id tor as and candy treat and special literary entertainment. being speakers. The speeches were not of great Co. II. was chiefly from Ilelt'ast. opp.t Monday morning, for the fir-t time in seven Club of Bath. or and 1 that the A Letter of Sympathy to Pro. | patriotism, hope disloyal and Sister interest as the speakers tried to amuse tlie crowds. to run, wrecking the machine and clearing them sition ticket got up hy F. W Ballet-on l.m :u- | years. The porgy boats made good hauls in The Lodge Troubadours never did better and re- We acknowledge un invitation to visit head tin their arriv'd the clubs will be met the cowards will he called to down and Thomas Feknald. We, the oflicers and members Bangor to-night is a wild and lioisv De- selves from it. The horses and s*. < •li the waters about there. by ! upon step place. of the First Maine Volunteer harness were not Me I »onaId, F verett ter, >ammd W John -< r, Sunday, and the porgy ceived lots of applause. tached hands and of bands arc quarters brigade, out another of Farmers Pride learned of the fragments mating started reception committee aim invited immediately Grange, having much but the machine was dis ( haries W. F ederiek. James II 11.. w -. ■. factory up Monday morning.Con- year.” music, while the stragglers from the o? Militia, at. Camp Marble, Augusta, Aug. Pith and damaged mowing .\rthi I. to a collation in sad of Pro. and Sister The session of Waldo District of break-up gressman Boutellc returned to Bangor from Granite and Meonian Halls. affliction Thomas Fernald August Lodge the parade, are and on aided, do had a new one on hand to which Itiilus !‘ Hills, John shouting, dancing yelling 17th. It is expected that the Covernor, with his he Brown, Jr., I. Watts, l‘avi-1 At 7 o’clock the clubs will he formed in lin> ill called to with their Good will meet with members of Swan the street. Piercing uttered Washington Monday night, bearing of which being part beloved son, Templars, warwhoops, appar- hooked w as soon at work as calm as t I’. Flanders, l.dvvin .Mitchell, 1‘auicl II on As F. A. ently some rive are an stall', will review the brigade, either or the Kith or upaml hough >troiit, the Loyal League marched to his residence to Water street, the right resting in Market Howard and another fellow arc iu embrace this to Lake at Swanville, on by linen, astounding feature Hartley, opportunity our Lodge Wednesday, Aug. ir», of the racket. had Pembroke >. him a Square, in readiness for the arrival of the train 17th. nothing happened. staples. give pleasant reception. Boutellc ad- favor of Howard's election to from sincere and heartfelt at 10 a. m. It is to hold the at 7.15. Congress sympathy with the sorrow- beginning proposed dressed the League in which will Mr. Blaine. For notices of other reunions see Maine news, I 1 let-, id lio.M>s. We have he ore briefly respouse.Two bring forenoon session in a then Bon I inn Mr. Blaine the Third District, why not make the election ing family. In the death of Hartley we arc ad- hall; repair to the grove Branch Mii.i.s. The funeral services of FI new cases of the Maine Insane will he met at the station by His The Jirst the remarkable diphtheria’in on the lake shore for dinner and the afternoon Bwanvlilc Republican Caucus. page. Honed sucre of Mr John II Hospital are Five female attendants Honor, Mayor Macomber, with members of unanimous? Still, the chances arc that he will monished that “all flesh is grass, and all the good- wood W. Dow were held at the church Sunday. reported. (Jnitnhv. of th lily, in refunding the $ l.'.ii.cco-j \ the executive committee and to a car- liness is public meeting. The dinner will be a basket At the left the hospital Monday.Bv the death of escorted not he franked to this thereof as the flower of the field” and pic Republican caucus held in hwanville, An discourse was delivered lit v. Washington year. appropriate by rent, bond-of the B. Estahrook of riage, which will lie driven to its in the nic. All Good are invited. mem- Fashionable Marriage at Watcrville. per mortgage M |. |; |; Henry Sutton, Vermont, Bates place that “man conieth forth as a flower and is cut Templars Kvery Aug. 4, Hon. A. K. Nickerson, Chas. Walker, and A. II. .lones, listened to a lanrc audience, line. by Co. At the annual ot the college becomes a of his estate. It is i “Judas Iscariot will a ber should come to assist in this meeting corporation in legatee stand good chance in down.” Put nature and the voice of prepared making F. Ij. Robertson were chosen delegates to attend Married in W w hich had to the last tribute of re A national salute will he fired inspiration atcrville, Aug. 1st. in the M. F. gathered pay Mr. estimated that the college will realize and the bells The session will lie July (‘nimby reported that lie bad refunded $15,000 Heaven of St. said a mad’s estate on earth to meeting interesting. morning the County Convention at and Kev. 11. I. to one whom they esteemed. de- from the of the city will he An arch alongside John,” striet point beyond transitory Belfast, Aug. ‘.Kb, church by Mills, Mr. liobt. .S. Thomas, sped highly The of the bequest.The letters of acceptance rung. bearing devoted to social with jsd-is.non amount. Since then the remaining words of man that Paradise above “Where business; season, speeches, the following resolve was son of of Messrs. Fisk and Brooks. Prohibition can- welcome will be erected, beneath temperance anti straight Republican the everlasting spring unanimously adopted: of Cumberland, and Miss Viola 11. Drummond, of ceased, youngest Isaac F. Dow was born in the afternoon. non have been called in and the matter i- now didates for President and which the will The line of anil never readings, music, etc., The of the and Vice President, are procession pass. other day, after vanquishing in a street debate abides, fading flowers.” Voted that this Republicans Swanville, recognizing Watcrvillc. The ceremony was entirely Episcopal, reared in this village. In |s74 he married march will be closed The vote to refund was on tl c from Market square to letter our and passed published. Bridge a bevy of assistant Democrats. Ik? spread upon records and a copy sent necessity for, earnestly desiring a more rigid and the music was by Kotzsehmar, of Portland, Nellie Brigham. Five years ago he moved to street; Bridge to State; State to Winthrop; Headquarters Blaine Reception Committee. 2d day of February, an I in less than si\ months to the family. enforcement of the law against the liquor traflic in tiie unrivalled The the music Worcester, Mass., where, in failing Reunion. Winthrop to Scwall; Sew all to Western av- organist. ceremony, although from that time ever' dollar was refunded. When Emery Family Some remarks in the House Daniel A. Wadlix, ) this instruct their to use Western avenue to State by Congressman AriuJSTA, Mi:., *1 uly 31, lsas. county, delegates every and the were all of a order. Well health, he applied himself to business un- enue; street; State to Cyrus K. Hills, Com. reception high strictly the mortgage was made in INTO, the trii-tccs were The ninth Millikan when lie a [ My Dear Sir—Mr. Blaine is expected to ai rive in honorable effort to secure the nomination in the reunion of the Emery family will he Green; Green to Hartford square: Hartford took Southern brigadier to Mason I. Stevens, mav the words of be : til seven weeks ago he came back to the old home ) at 7.1'» l*. M. We are Longfellow applied Fv-Cov. and I ticker--iiiml»y The business meeting will take place at 11 especially Republicans cordially has entered into rest eternal. march, and fireworks Skakkmoxt, Aug. 5th, 1888. fully sent to o’clock a. m. The president and other members of at prominent points. present. made up the complete record and it Bangor The lie The report that the sea lias been seen To the Editor of the : trains with low fares will run the genealogical committee will l*» in attendance procession will halted and massed at serpent Journal In your pa- Special from all The Democratic Barbecue. The bridal presents were abradant, rich and for Mr. Paine to discharge the mortgage, ami the in the hall from » o’clock Mr. Blaine’s sections of the State. until 11, to answer in grounds. Mr. Blaine will he in- off the Florida coast is a mistake. per of last in relation to the Searsmont scan- evidently week, All clubs in the State rare. Their cash value must be over $500. The Pai.kkmo. The Republicans held their caucus same day the refunded bonds, $I.">o,oon, were dc quiries regarding the genealogy, and to aid any ! vited to a when his Republican campaign arc Before the train filled with hilarious Democrats platform, Honor, tile May- His stated that 1 had been a one in his line of descent. cruising grouud during the summer season dal, you member of the especially invited to be present and take part in bridal took the Pullman for Cumber- Saturday and chose S. Norton, ft. B. Jones and stroved at the Savings Bank, lion. Joseph William tracing or will address him and introduce Hon. W. !’. reached Riverside on its way to the Bangor barbe- party night Dinner will lie served at 2 o’clock is off the New Methodist church. Now whoever it was that in- the reception. It Is desirable that clubs be in uni- John as p. m., Mr. who will the address of wel- Fnglnnd watering places. land. Cain delegates to the comity convention. son representing Mr. Paine and Mr. (Juimby the Erncrv 21 Hammond Whitehonse, give form when A collation will be fur- cue a good sized row had enlivened the occasion Cleaves, street, Boston, has formed so was for I never was practicable. come. Selections will he the you mistaken, con- .The most of the farmers are through It. it M. F. It. U. 1 o. There were ll'Jone thousand sole charge of the arrangements for dinner, and all given by hands, nished to all dubs oil their arrival in Augusta. and before the Queen City was readied six similar hay also the Bath The Democrats sec defeat them In nected with that as a An a desiring tickets should notify him at least one week by republican glee club and the staring church member in my life, early and favorable reply is requested, stilting episodes had occurred. The number of them along The Alpena, Mich-, Pioneer, Fred N. Fletcher, ing and fair crop has been harvested in good dollar bonds and 02 live hundred dollar bonds. before the All for Augusta glee club. After the welcome the the hence these steers. and In to I feel it is the probable number of members and whether to the entire route would discount these meeting. subscription copies of face; (roast) justice myself your place to probably editor, has its form lrom a folio to a condition though a little less than last ear’s crop. Kach bond was upon the lire and the will he music. Address, modest changed placed separately family history, now being prepared, should procession lie reformed and return to accompanied by figures. Many respectable citizens who at- — Alderman wife and of consumed to ashes. Thus ends the of re rectify the mistake, and oblige and made other and Pinkham, daughter, tpiestion also lie sent to Mr. Cleaves. Market L. A. Dykk, Scc’y Committee, tended the barbecue now express their dis quarto, changes improve- are square. A Standing Nuisance—the street openly | Lynn, on a vacation for two weeks at their for- funding the mortgage bonds which has agitated orator. Yours truly, Wm. A. Cushman. Augusta, Me. with the whole affair. Journal. ments. gust [Kennebec | mer home in this town. the people of Belfast for several years. W.ui !:>\ v, a- ,i I.ijsy da\ at the steamboat wharf Friday's boat had an number of Mr. Charles M. some unusually large Atherton, who has been ill SEAttSHOXT. Mrs. L. M. Poor and son of Au- Srarsport Locals. | Non- k. JuIyoO. Arrived sell. Carrie A. Lane, for Islesboro ami Castlne. 1 l re xvi re eight steamer landings passengers time at his sister’s, Mrs. Win. H. Burrill, in this gusta returned lunne yesterday... .Rev. I. H. W. By* r, Po rtland. Ilyaunis, Aug. i sailed sell. Fannie & Edith, 1 t Mathews of this arc city, died on 74 lie Wharfl' last M. Clifton Curtis left for New York Mom ing the'lay. Bros., city, manufacturing Saturday, aged years, belong- preached Sunday .at the E. church. ay. Rytier, Bangor lor New York. ed in 1 .•: e ml ains a likeness of W. some oak doors for a new Court House Castinc and ids remains were taken there for It was the first : I. Sailed sell. St. \ .j.,.,;|m: go<»d hca\y quarterly meeting service of the Sell. Ketl .Jacket arrived Wednesday with coa Jacksonville, July Johns, at Mass. burial on Gilmore, New York. xj, j-.;i .-o\v, tin* < i.e k ilie shot. Mr. Farrow i“ building Salem, Monday. year. Mr. W. was greeted by a large am atten- for Lane. Philadelphia, July 30. Arrived sell. Mattie B. 1:111 V Ih lfast No A recent of the tive congregation — Misses Helen and Edita Dun- Bussell more Sunday papers will be received in this inspection book of the Internal Prof. L. C. Havener left for St. ..Min, V 15. Fri- Larraljce, lVrtlard; Aug. 1, arrived seh. Revenue ton are at Mrs. Sarah Farrar’s....Miss Lizzie F. ‘le.ttie H. Barl'ci, V ’utcher, Darien; 3d, arrived n..j lenltural fair and horse trot city the special arrangement via ltoekland Commissioner for this district shows a Waldo agi Sunday, day, for a short visit. bark Herbert Black, Nichols, decided increase in the True, who has been a few weeks at j Pisngua. .til" rot ling- park ini Or lobes having been discontinued. number of l'. S. licenses spending Rockland, July 31. Arrived schs. Clara Coleord, nity, Much needed arc in progress on the stee- j for the sale of Twelve ! Northport, returned home last repairs Baltimore ; M. 15. i and 1. d. 11. Cook, See. i'he Grand of Odd Follows meet at Port- liquor. of these licenses are Thursday....[Our Coleord, Milieu, Dyer, Quebec. Bodge ple of the Cong, church. 1. Arrived Have just returned from New York and Boston with a held in the of Belfast. Scarsmont eorrespomlcnt writes that Mr. W. A. Salem, Aug. brig Hattie, Coombs, *1 land on The usual half fare will city j 1 he t.r s kland are §2t on £1,(»<*<*, whieh the 14th. he given Boston (to load for Port in#!C- Cushman never had connection with the E. A number of summer visitors arc at Royal). Bert any M. large pres- Tacoma, 2"». In Wm. J. -LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF- n:’ than the rati* in Belfast, there on trains and steamboat lines. Know Iton ol Belfast who has been j July port slops Botch, higher yet playing church but attended services ent at the House. from Wm. Dun w ilh the Salem team has an oiler from Detroit. He | only there, and that stopping Searsport Gibbs, Japan, disg; McGilvery, ., a!,., >\\ 1 al>oiii high 1a\es in this rity. Mr. his arm in is ! for San State of do. Boon Ycaton got entangled ma- now in Salem and does not know whether he the members of the church think a correction bar, Francisco; Maine, Nickels, Biathcr sold a chicken of the Lang I San Francisco, 2. Arrived John R. \.i i11 Yi. I as !.'werta\cs than Belfast. at the Belfast shoe on will accept or not. The Worcesters wanted For- recently Aug. ship chinery factory Saturday, ought to be made. In another column Mr. Cush- 1 rest Hood win but it is said that he lias returned Shang breed that weighed nine pounds. Kelly, Gibbons, Manila; <»th, cleared ships Aimer < ,, has the a severe wound. B. Kieii.oi Freedom, aeeepted receiving . Avcrill, Monday Portland, LcrmonU, Havre. MEN S *: of I'eninansliipand Assistant The si\tli annual reunion of the Andrews asso. Ed. Journal, j CHILDRENS, BOYS, YOUTHS & 1 he i). Maine (Jranitc and Improvement Company, will go out in the bark Arthur C. Wade as mate. Georgetown, (’., Aug.(». Arrived hark Hattie « .•minereia’- department of the Maine We ■ iation will be held with Mr. 1>. .T. at Andrews, which E-vs'i Tin >km>ikk. Bethel of Good Tem- G. McFarland, Dodge, Bangor; sch. E. C. Pendle- hired steamer Acadia, lias given up the Lodge :• s. n.iaan and Female College, Kent’s Hill, \\ d < anidcii, on 2!b Capt. A. (>. Closson, In command of sell. Lacka- ton, Bangor. Wednesday, Aug. charter. plars now numbers ;m members in | | The boat w ill be fitted up for excursions, good standing. Charleston, Aug. 3. Arrived sell. Wm. Frcder- has L. F. wanna, has chartered to load stone at Bluehill for i,,. 1C I.. Miciali invited Lieut. Among the articles of local interest on the first and will In* The following officers for the wore ick, commanded by Capt. Farnsworth, a present quarter | Burgess, Bangor. Suites n iw New York. Apalachicola, Aug. 4. cleared bark Beatrice Infantry page is one on the health of Waldo ountv, an ac- I •'tcamboat man of installed last Saturday evening by A. B. Snow, L. | experience. 11a vener, Elizabeth port. ... .V -cce ( o attend the no ;> liege, to count of a visit to Birch Grove Farm, Monroe, D.;M.T. C.T.; Mrs. M. T. V. Capt. A. L. Carver, in ship Mary L. Stone, is re- sHerman & Co., of this Higgins, Higgins, Bailey’s Mills, Aug. 1. Arrived sell. Palatka, tin -ties! of city, are now running n i:.i i,♦ .1 \ age.-ta ne\t week a- note.- from summer resorts, real estate T.; Abbie Ida F. A. It. Rob ported arrived at Shanghai, August 1st—1 Hi days Chaples, New York. nearby their two mi'l- Small, S.; Roberts, S.; h-atherlmard and are unable to from New Satilla River, Aug. 1. Sailed sch. Fannie A. Gor- hats, caps, First Brigade. transfers, etc. j erts, J. F. York. CLOTHING, Treas.; Heath, F. IJ. | keep with their order Chap.; Higgins, ham, Wadlin,Now York. up Monday they received The importance of the hlood can- -AND- >. •• a >!.; A. S. ,j. P. C. Frank L. in the lmrk Rus- purifying I I i, ...vat *f tliis 11 \ ■•rgani/ing 1 cs are unable to see the in store a Betsey Files, c. F. Higgins, Capt. Carver, Albert Vineyard Haven, Aug. 1. Arrived sell. Puritan, plate glass large boiler which will be set up in their dry not be The T. were New Sargent, Belfast,lor Washington. overestimated, for without pure C I .1 Ti.u ni.o < ini. tie- e vein tig. and the w it-h house. Delegates chosen to attend the District sell, arrived at Wellington, Zealand, August irc.|ueiu!y tly against panes great The Icatherboard industry in Belfast is Portland, Aug. a. Arrived sch. Mattie 15. Rus- blood you cannot health. is l« wear Lodge at Swanvllle lath.The school in 1st—110 from New York. enjoy good lore- I a. t week one sti tick the glass in Me assuming Aug. days sell, Larrahee, Philadelphia. plate importance. At this season nearly every one needs a ■ m a List. No. 2 is to next with Dutch Island 4- Sailed sch. Geo. A *,::i V ,..■«» it.-1. •timing long Honald’s iewclrv store with sutli dent to open Monday Miss The the Post G. A. R. staff has been at Harbor, Aug. force miners are to be flagon medicine to reported plentiful in Belfast Matin of 1». Ferguson, Ferguson, Fall River, for New York. good purify, vitalize, and enrich ! Webb, us teacher... .Mellon Goods bring him to the sidewalk. Unity, Hig- half mast the week during the state I and harbor, but one day last week three men and a past lying-in FOHKICX TOUTS. the blood, Hood's Sarsaparilla is boy gins formerly of this died of at worthy Furnishing place, .... was ;.! the diphtheria of the of Gen. Sheridan. \ par; given \ Belfast lady dry goods clerk in camp at li~hed from House river to Steele’s ledge off l’atter- body Barrard July lb. Arrived bark Fred P. your confidence. It is peculiar in that it the Insane Hospital at He was about Inlet, -:i or ! a' r.i a at. ate there Augusta. \ j .Miirphy'- Point lad week, wanted -one clams and soir.- l’oini, and only caught two. The boy caught The mysterious balls of lire seen in the heavens LitehlieM Young, San Francisco; 2<>th, in port, strengthens and builds up the system, creates -5 AR9 PREPARED OFFER- T* years old and had been a patient in the Snow & for Santa Edward TO U- i... :-e a.c.end. r. cl .*;;t H>u those. The hospital in this one last week were ship* Burgess, Rosalia; an and tones the ,.. U*ing as a last resort donned men’s clothes, took a hoe others caught an abundance of tom- vicinity night lire ball appetite, digestion, while for s years.Rev. H. Small at the O’Brien, for Australia, both ldg. lumber. ■ preached j it eradicates disease. a *,i F.. ing w as iudui-o d in. ned the oee.t- and marched to the lint- and secured a «ii cod.-, fiounders an ! balloons sent up by V. W. Rose. June 23. Arrived bark Fred W. Car Give it trial. peek, seulpins. Friends house last His Rosario, meeting Sunday. subject l**n, Reid, Swansea. Hood’s is sold all * miiot lo>e a Belfast when* clams are involv- Mrs. Nellie who been Sarsaparilla by druggists, girl The Democratic Hag in this w as torn was and the sermon Patterson, Uus suffering j city badly “Family Religion," was very Hong Kong, July 2. In port ship Sachem, Bart- Prepared C. I. Hood & Mass. ASTONISHING BARGAINS. ed. at a in by Co., Lowell, r ■ :- i..M ... 5\ '.-••st in ha-e hall a for some time with a cancer hospital Bos- 1- tt, from CarditV. arrive'! .June on the berth during squall last week, while an attempt was interesting-Mr. James Raeklifle, of Bangor, was 2b; 3d, .. o vie ol games made arrived home boat ship Wandering Jew, Nichols, from Shanghae for erscontain the article- im*or to take it in. The Mag was taken to in town last the ton, by Saturday. IOO Doses One Dollar a...i Belfast, doth Minneapolis pa; I.ibhex’s week, guest of Win. II. Coffin. New York. My goods are bought in large quantities of leading manufac- sail loft for \ •! C a 111 eollld hi p ilion oi W. k. Morisou A t o. The incorpora- repairs. This is only a sample of the Miss Alice Raeklifle i- also visiting at Mr. Collin’s, The numerous horses driven on our streets by Hiogo, June :>o. In port ship Tillie E. Starbuck, lyr3d ■ turers for CASH, .... i: i.OI. it ihUTOsi W OllM in This enables me to the LOWEST POSSI- tor- ai >• W. k. .B and B. disaster that w ill overtake the who come to from the received tis, from Philadelphia. get Morisou, Boui- Pendleton party it represents Monuok. Mrs. Laura buyers buy recently ,. \. ■ l.i I hot he \ r\ Rollins, of , .June in. Sailed expeii- in November. Shanghae, ship Wandering Jew, BLE ■ ! IB lal.vood, all of and tin* object of lot of fine ones makes things lively in and about PRICE. Parties about to in line ••'.i. ii .:.*•! a s.aniher games Minneapolis, N. 11 is visiting at her parents’, Mr. and Mrs. Nichols. New York for Hong Kong; 2bth, in port, SPECIAL NOTICES. purchase anything my the is to conduct a retail hard the of the hotel. C. c. llichhorn, New York via. corporation general I he dam >■! the Belfast Water at Little Benson Curtis ...Frank Henderson and Elvira R. vicinity ship Ciiapmau, can V\ company Hong Kong; Aug. J. arrived ship L. Stone, make a by of me. h;g. w ire usine." i:. the of Mr. Fiver was Mary saving buying city .Minneapolis. completed lust Saturday. It is built Lufkin were united in marriage July 29th. The At the Republican caucus a committee was Carver, New York; 2nd, arrived bark Emma T. F :■ !■ some of t it; ealiiyati Morisou was formerly oi Belfast and Mr. Pcndle in ;• m nv w as chosen funds fora rowel!, Pendleton. Now York; arrived substantial manner than the first one, ceremony performed in Belfast by Rev. G. E. to collect campaign Hag. As previous -HAVE ALSO A NICE LIME OF- -i I., I found in this \i t ! The mailer has before beet, to 3d ship Henrietta, Gilmore, New York. '•car-port. and it is believed will stain! the Tutts. Mr. and Mrs. II. have a circle of liberal donations are being received the Hag will \ > pressure, other large Cuba, port not given) Aug. 4. Sailed bark Ha- •- : :o!iw's Ni:w surroundings will be made attractive. Lodge. G.T., have elected ami installed the fol- At held M V K n.MK .MI Si KI. LAN V. WiNsi.i ^ m im. The Boston Id a Republican caucus Saturday evening lias been found the most and certain Care y .< w i.H hi rri* hut speedy :■ :• •; 1 oil the officers ■ nii Keeord of last says lowing for this quarter: C. T., C. L. Ber- Mere chosen to attend the con Bark Herbert Black, from Pisagua, at Philadel- of Coughs of any preparation in use, ! Friday, I’anies in » delegates county curing ! liarb sti.wn. want Mass., Washington P- t had weather and lost mizzen- and Colds in a lew hours. Al>o I B. William.' will In*. Winslow’s new m: yy: 1 \\ N. Robertson; \ T., Susie Colson; as follows: I>. >. Loomis Karnes. phia, reports heavy Coughs speedily [HOSIERANDV-UNDERWEAR put volition, Goodcll, 1 1 *1 jgt!ie No. ot this and the topmast. Hoarseness, Soreness the Throat and inity :i!al aekiiow ter. the .rin la. Mo the a ter to day II. r rigging city, city government Ner. L. M. Palmer: relieving of Ass’i See., 1‘. s., Geo. C. G. W. I’.mvon. W. M. .1. H. wa- -*?- -A-#- i .b*hii and i- 11 voted to sod her for MaryCarlon: Ham, Parse, snip Kennebec advertised to be sold at auc- Lungs, Pain, and Tightness across the Chest, the .era .« Winuiatt, nearly completed. a*‘4o;i. The engine was ; a p.! 1 tl‘it> bought L. C. Dow; Belle J. Palmer: tion at San Jul\ .'JO bv the l'. S. Mar- in and the there are over oil lu es of win* in 1 T., Chap., Agnes Francisco, Cough Pleurisy, Inflammation of Lungs, '| rigging Irons Charlestown a number of f.»r Partridge. shal. PLEASE CALL AKD EHASS6KF AND PRICES. vv ;• s., well years ago Bronchitis. Asthma and GOODS •; p. -? w the \> i-h. TV. A. of is still and tin .!-• n;o i- veteran volunteer association has been City Ihihosk, Bangor, high lug Cough. Croup, ami aided “l)r. I>. 1*. (Mid- mg critical authorities on the Point say- -he " as held la>t by Saturday and the followingdelegatcs dr'v at Boekjmrt, Mass. Her cargo of paving has way's Celebrated Handmade Wasters” will cure lh. liiic-t ■>.*.king cutter ever built there. A soon formed at Charlestown and thcr want the old en- very graphically described in a letter by Harry were been and taken to Salem. of the advanced eases of a' all the details arc an-i chosen to attend the convention: discharged many Consumption. liccc—ary completed, for exhibition eounty one of the rrew, t«» his mother. The ex- woman. gine purposes. Morithcw, Thursday morning Kelley and Spear launched at I •, ... '.lie store- put i, .'he will start immediately for! Capt. Woodman, L. C. Dow and Henry Wingate, citement the was Baiii a very handsome steam \essel of400 it. 25 CU. \\ -.ii..’ ... -| i, \e :« him t!n c. u of Maine. < K. among passengers intense until whaling Try Price, Large Bottle, apt. French, of seh. < Bucki, w hich H. R. Dawson. The tons for ( Win. >. kiss barley delegates received no instruc- apt. Lewis of New Bedford Mass. ,u ... and I I to steamer Penobscot came to the rescue. —AT— armed here :t hit. 0 S hm. :>:> MARK Mr. A \\ nt home Florida alli- Spoken: duly a, :iU W., ... I :. •; a u erinie ill .hat Frank Know lion, of this city, ho Sunday, brought tion from the caucus, but were left free to look ship any from for San Fran- ANDREWS, \\ aid he under gator th; »*e feet w H. II. Crockett is successful can Josephus, Rogers, Philadelphia I~i ;i long hu h can be seen at Locke’s over the making-a very Wm. 0. Poor & Sou’s and E. H. !; graduated from the Dcnta'i College, i! situation and act l'or tin best.Ora I, hit. Ion. sch. John C. Moody’s. 11 ■! r-4 look at it cisco; Aug. JN, 71, Smith, Pha'iiix It and easil* adjusted, tits any carriage, and will h- i low Mr. Know 1.on i well for his savage a meat axe, and has a while from Belfast. The ■ prepared Wednesday returning Her cargo is tin* e\er to that !'.. : -1. :-eo\ ned largest brought port very open ••«>iint« !iance. ‘-am has save the price in the wear and tear of the reins in in a ':om. ii profi'; siiin and i- a young man <•!' good named there]!- j l ilt- was not serious. saildig vessel. The sHi. was built by il. M. o,;i the upper “lories ..! h •. build- tile Belva Loo ,wood. a month. Been at. Camden. liahii- and abilities. Ills many here si«>< kton. A ve"\ Hi n- '.ii of a pleasant party enjoyed a sell. Agnes, Marshall, from "or Peaks •. i. Jo. and t'.rn tin* a Messrs. A: for the Bangor wi- 'n him ueee.--, ami hi- w ii1 mu be long lit mah uii- city, a recent clam bake hist after which Bragg Bowker, special agents Island, (i'ortlani:: with lumber, sprung aleak near and re- n ntted graduate Saturday evening, they was ep the mouth <•! the Penobscot river to be tlii-lel- new Km left t' "Ui tiie Maine and New Brunswick Insurance and had HURRICANE in Iks home. Mr. wltoi. Company, riWlii log fl'ifiiti«ii;:iry department of the New Kng- attended the dance in Denslow’s Hall. The com- •. Tin lire w a- « ■. goi-iied w ine.e' a beached. The ileekloau was discharged, and it is Ih ;'.-t 1 i :.irli* le M afternoon. l.ia'i «»t are visiting here oil'nially in the interests of the wl:t; Conservatory Mu-ir, Bo-tun, will give an pany was one of the in the hall 'or some that the leak can be ,i A.ei g! -5 had dollhFe-- -« t tP» to largest thought stopped. -o P:e The methods <>f this are eiitertainn;- :i» at the Belfast on tin e, there •!.'> company. company very Rorkland, Me., Aug 1. Seh. Crania arrived at -- w I KvistMi. \fter the i he i-a ing and a larger company is expected. Music dnesday night during a squall. The Ocean J" lit' t Ilf campaign flag. tl:ig beauty. by la-t should their well Belle was from ( ape Sable bound westward, \ the eetiti* are till* llatllCS of the people give known local ta'- llarrnnan’s orchestra. Floor Geo. W. The tith Me. Battery holds its annual reunion at ■ pjvs;dei| manager, sword The crew consisted of sons. .. M I', >; s. v...-i. : M' fishing-. three Mr. ‘-•iit the of a full house. *». .* ad m• 111im• e- Harri.-on A Morton, and near the eompiiui.nt vertise- Mi •niton: aid, A. M. / nics... .We were b* Bangor, Thursday, Aug. 30th, during the Mastern One man was 20 miles olf Isle an Haut. < !'• -!1 11 pleased picked up !. M I*. ment on third been adrift in eeiure niir e for governor. Fdw in ( Him page. "••e Edward stowell out again, last week.Mr. Maine Fair. Headquarters will Ik* established at having several hours a dory. The ..<-,• ... -\.t•«.»••! at Hi. .!»•••:; h !>\ crew came to this all* v> 1 Wilson B. II. Beale city yesterday. They belong 11 ;-!• liih- aero--the foot is the name of Seili Pen-ion- have been grant- 1 a- follows: hi Staph’s is confined to the house sick. We Post Hall. It is expected a larger in )| ;• < .. hi l'n- a .<■• a. on .Mi and llarpswoll. (WHITE ASH.! Miilikcn, to < lion. II* >iia- s. 1 !• to him better next Miss number will be in attendance at this than for- Tin: Bov. Bonn; Wins. the arrival at MB »pe week_ i iLpie-eniativ. otigre- Beckwith, Dclfa-t: Charles I*. report any By d I..-''! a •• at !m home, M mer reunion of the Ili"g*>, d.ipan, of the American Bovernor This COAL is Shakes the nilation one hut mat.i s !»ei t M. Heath. Augusta, a id others will address j Knight. N nhp-'it; reissue, Chester < 1 Vase, I Esther RandeU of JlcUast is in town visiting her battery. ship acknowledged to he fou >■[' Competitor*, Vvi ': M Boliie, after a passage of 112 days from Philadel- •• io«-"k' \: c Mr. Eli 1*. the 1IEST in the market. Call and ill people. l it/\Y (;ilhert. Dclfa-t: reissue and ancle, Randdl.Miss .Jane Hern. Arrivals this week: Varnum \V. Fred ( the commander of ves- ■ 11 Hose, phia, apt. Blanchard, that I: I»•:!’. ! :i.:t V< will e\lcnd inert a-c. of the late sel, lias won That sum examine it else- Asa Douglass. Freedom; incrca-o, dames i daughter Wilson Horry, died at her ( I. F. and Frank W. £lnno. he wagered with before bnging ■ Mr. I ..I. k A. ot is .Stafford, apt. (iilkey wife, rial: iaf-a an 1 ui-in-s !• a hm and (iiluiore, this eilv, slumping C'apt. of the Bovernor a ves- where. Also stork J < e < ree! I .a .John .1. h.nnr last I’. M. Miss Pray, ship Coodwin, in the mling: Bridge-. llueks- Saturday Rerry during her Carr. Mrs. C. F. Whitcomb, s. F. Medilvery, Har- sel of almost ia tli" in; —t of the ih ohibitionist-, and i- adv«•; similar tonnage and bound to the OUR REJOICEI »rt : o. v hot sickness was a CUSTOMERS V Wilson, Fast .Jefferson; Win. great sufferer. Services Mon- same Toe two left the ^ reissue, Amos 1>. Louis port. big Delaware tised to ik tlii- at C armel. The li.iagor ry Perry, Ralph Myers, Carver, clippers £, -pi evening 1*. 1’. on 2d. Both vessels Wood. Mon-ill; increase, Israel li. Cross, Lin- day M.\rri\ats: Mrs. Lewis of W. Lottie W. An- April being Bath, Me., clip- i- to be and furnish mu-m. d he Snyder, Carver, Fowler, Mamie Treat, |pl and last a deal of outside ■ :!i > h; 11 ;; 11 I < ei v-n to tho.-r who quartette preseat ( pers sailers, good money j. e dnville Centre; reis-ue. widows arrears, harlestown, Mass.; Mrs. Nellie Mr. nie Morrow. Old Lackawanna M tto not think t ome our are Flla Kate Kane. was on Goa!! when store that ire < ouimereial that: “la some Im navy, Frothuigton, Morrow, wagered the race. The Coodwin has not Xoir i/oit to :■■■!'.• i:' 1« < 1 l: at Hanger says places : Aliy::-; H irriet II.. widow of Kbcn F. in end M I>. A. Howdoin, Mr. !\ S. Cleaves and arrived at her destination. Hand Hand nut with a «- •! i:»1 hut in others lm wa- Cray, Doekport; The notice of the of the ■2,‘-t!i Me. n 5 a !'■ J In- lir-t reception meeting Regt. Cp.iAiiirrs. The .Screened screened .S: .1; at vtiatnl. :'ca-- Mr. and Mrs. ( Freight Circular of Snow A: Dump A-luiry S. Pendleton, Fnitv; Francis has. Radgley ot Huston .. Miss tr-’t-<| with th■ utmost In one locality navy, has been sur- New for the at Whan. ( arts. Delivered. a to l:a m: the- la!- coolness. very generally circulated among the Burgess, York, reports week ending j d til!..- Friday, ( — Millie 1»«* 11:t t reissue, Alonz-- I.. Farrar, Treat and Mis- Evelyn staples came home Aug. 4 : While the market has derived its il I mi«!d lie Was refit-. I the use of a school house vivors of the old tin.mmittee here. freight AWAY! n. ,'..-.11 <• I «... I hr Ti:.' fair regiment by Furnace, $5.05 $5.25 $5.45 GIVING CLOTHING U a-i.oigton: original, widow'-, l.nlia 11., wi-i-av last week for a visit.\ sniaP pany went on a firmness largely from the paucity of handy petro- lor Ik- uiv end was threatened with ro: ten egg It is expected a steamer will the Belfast and si .. ti. I --I'Fard carry leum there are other* forces that have 5.30 5.50 5.70 of .John < F.-rd, Bella-1. picnic to >\vau Lake hot Sunday, and in tonnage,* Egg, if In to speak morn- contributed to the late chief Hut in sober earm st we t lias not n; in' 1" '"i-• I he vein :•«!- Truncly, staples Harry Griffin, for a of Plymouth coal, Prof. L. F. tin- ployment. good deal shipping at rates ll lu- t! <’ Wooded JV” H. P>. small, superintendent of Boston All. orders with Fran- ■t; aranee. ’i'iio is most numerous on ’ii-« ■! Mr. White, ha- Phaved club, on our bows which an regarded by many as being as re- left F. II. ;pp‘ ug j n*> superior in the mar- quite .is a or or cm r trill do. V. M. ( A. arrived foal munerative as those for cis any jicm *fitl t. grounds last in the score of in gymnasium, by Saturday, oil.' Meanwhile the grain «('• Co., or at warehouse, i.d- A \\ ear sttei T in- is said to he an « th < k'-.M. i; An irews. Monday, resulting foot of ll N J- a i: *. ia M.y al'h> following clothing dealer. Ilellast. trade to look much more on ac- to 1*5 in favor of the in charge of the pharaphernalia of the Megantie begins promising 1. will be \ > Take 1-a- in a stock of new searsport club. Wc think the count Spring St., before Sept, -<••* :i. ; I. :. i- a. -1 i--r tlir ran nd- !e-iroyer. equal part- of powdered |»m at:-! seasonable goods of poor Fiiropean harvest and we club. Among other have three prospects, at the e “Woodrliir 'dull went things they large are moreover tin* tilled above impi'o'. itoja and the mi tuiv " hi-di he i- ll'crieg to the heme a little sore. upon threshold of the new cotton prices. l.a i.-.- l ain; ,1 to-day and t< saltpetre. Apply public at astonishing i-i canoes, several bicycles, and camp equipage. season. While grain freights (lull cargoes) from o". tinder or \ \. ! 'a ;.n i. stallion In's lail; carpets among clothing. Thi- bargains... Howes .V Co.. Delfast, whoie tills are in to Wivijiroiii. Miss Lizzie Fernald, duuglsU r Prof. Small rides a(1*2 inch wheel,and when mount- port yet abeyance, owing relatively We Must and will (lose Out I lie llalaiice p is heheved to he a sure of le and retais aiers in 1. high prices of wheat and corn, F. 11. a.. t nit Mr. If ; Molds has 'eparation destroyer grocer;. -, fruits, tries, o! A. E. who lms been in San Francisco consequent upon G. WHITE, Fernald, ed hi tall form looms up like tin* driver on a tally incident to the late canal tiiei ii.seet -fs, as well as the much dreaded etc., have new in the delayed receipts, break, -M M-.ivai: !vn. \ in the pt sent,diiing- advertising col- f“" tho — f ]•:i three years attending school and teach- ho coach. there has been a brisk business and a further ad- Connection with Office. —-OP O'UH- hatia'o umn- to wide!, nitration is .. \ I ■. i'.nn : of T!i -i ndikc, m*1hc'* remedy Is to sprinkle libel called W. T.t'.d- vance in rates at Baltimore, and also a moderate Telephone ing, itrrived home on Sunday's boat. There was He'fast, 1SSS.—tl'ls clear over at n. hoot ami (Jnite an excitement was created ameng the movement from the Paeilie Coast at July 24, Mi i. Nellie ( all ill J11 2 12 aily naptha the carpets and elotnb.g. D.dia.-t, shoe dealer, is one of the ju- higher quota- great rejoicing among her old class-mates on her turns. •do'es: \ enile of our b\ tlie The coastwise trades continue firm, but The 1 i• 111•I w "i! evaporate and leave neither odor titnis in town. If.- always has the best at portion community discovery i:,r- mini,!- -a- II. arrival and a large delegation of them met her at business ha- been somewhat retarded by the high or a « n-a-.-nalde desirable that a carrier with a attached to ‘*i:;• j. (.he! slain. A xehange ghes the following deserip- prices.V lot of land .n this pigeon message er rates demanded, for lumber from South- a :r dm Ida-d. j the boat—Mrs. .J. F. Rowell, who lists been it notably r:,v yoy- ern Local charters >eh. FLOUR! FLOUR!! "ii oi the I tilfalo an seed oll’cted ior-ale. of L. P. Frost Co. his had taken his abode in the M. F. port--. Florence Lelaud, ft Inquire & light leg I \\ 11 I!. kiln ot ! hug: “Mnagine apple up nail, age witli her husband, arrived from San Francisco ( Adam.-, at New has ® apt. LineoInviMe, York, SB OlQTWNG ....Mr-..John of church seems SUNG) in sea! si in. and have a- an Meek, this city, offer-for sale her belfry. He very tame and some of I ft’:: I. .la. la- 111 tin- three wrapped you good ...Mr. Marks of Caribou, is \isii charbTed to load railroad iron for Brunswick at Don*! forget that you ran buy a better barrel of Monday Moody the *«dra of this little as ran he Fat la.rni. 1 «*r particular-, call on her ...The store un- hoys almost succeeded in catching him. ( uri- £ I.per ton. Beturn cargo lumber at Bobov or at //’ » or ii txr spry pest given. ing friends in l«»w n.... Mr-. Hell Harden ami Mrs. Flour our store for the money than any der became so it was the bird I"niim Maud to New York £•>. Sell, (diaries i:;u» l- and his 1 or.;-' can the .Journal oilier recently occupied I.. II. osity strong suggested store In Waldo umler.aneiio-io.i by Laura Lane left on for lleatli, Islesboro. coal at Perth for Ban County. i, 11■. •! 1 nv.-t and Mp ji;:. Monday South West liar Amboy Ham v Is offered to rent. be shot, that its he discovered the piain'y seen." Brooks, Del Iior history might by gor, s."> cents....Seh. Damon, coal from Kllzabeth- ’• * where they will he in a hotel. .- *;i\c- an ii.trr employed ort to tin ta-t .. >: li. D. JI. t ol-■ i, \\;li he sold a! message. But wiser council prevailed and the I Buck-port, cents-Brig Cora Breen, public The services of Mr. .J. W. Hlake ol an HOWES & CO. Tailor Ferfeci Suits! M- "Hit IN* ! It .*•! s. eh. Portland, Hoboken, to so First-Glass I'N- :fn (apt. Fattcrshal!, in Belfast, cents....Sen. Sarah D. J. lain, bird is Mill at a Fitting auction, at on d<». c liberty though evidently tardy car- Sear-port, Thur-day, Aug. ( to ■ -a •• of fine corn, have been B.twson, apt. French, LineoInviMe, New York I i, ..:•»> '. ! I I dltdp !. •,< --a, ha.- 'ii-e!iar-e.l a cargo of coal for Fred experienced packer .secur- rier. a-lvr—The tree high - Of /i*.SELF or 1*0) S (ft LOW Eli PlilCES Hunt tret \\ ed a- foreman of the coin your you !. I ■!..?• .. 1 ;i s« S’ rilr- -a;, lit.-.. Irt! j hit**. I» di.i-i. and i- now loading lumber at will Winterport factory_ boro, coal from Poit Johnson to 85 cents. begin it.-tall tuiii, scpt. :»d, under tin* princi- Bangor, Wednesday Evening, Aug. 15, ftctml of, mntc io Tin* “Ideal Troubadour."” one of their fine ....Sell. Hattie MoB. •. A;i-.. an.: : :, ! w i-i.-c -.f !. :••• I* an F* tor New York... s«-h. Flora Condon, oj gave M atinici s. Mr. .1. II. of Buck, Putnam, Searspori, pal-hip o| 1. M. I.lire, e;.d a-le a--i-tants. Sec Sanborn, Yiualhuvcn, fioni concerts at Bneksvilie to Poinl-a-Pitre, lumber, £10_ i: i-\ ho;". Id an f m- tin .« n; F t-: loaded ice at lor C harleston Cniou Hal! on ‘■hiturday evening.. who is in fish is n.pir Hangor advt. engaged the business, meeting Bark Ldward Khider, Bri*lin, to arrive a Searsport, .- At caucus held in Sat- I;: ,ia i.ird rail, an tin n<. on -■ k' ml : I Met win, of New York, repaired lien Republican Winterport, with remarkable success at this \ In one in New York lias been c hartered to load refined t-y The at plae day ladies Mrs. Baker -, ( hutch street, a to < ■ ! -ailed for Frankfort where will load gave afternoon, the were elected dele- oil, Ju.tiOo rases, Singapore at 52 cents, or Pe- in a: s: im k n.w n-h:p. \'f an.. >t she urday following hist week he and took care or »r»,

s' 11 ti. j the Songs of Campaign. Literary News and Notes. hl.l t HI.ICANS TO lUIMOCUATS, «.liKKIIN»i. Tim August number of the American Garden yHEAQ About those red bandannas 'QUARTCR^ makes a specialty of water plauts, but contains You make an awful fuss, a good of other seasonable matter. t'nfurl your wipes— variety The stars and ATTENTION. stripes UNACQUAINTED WITH THE GEOGRAD OF the C .TRy WIU Are for "A Mexican Girl” is of its in a good enough us, worthy place -- OBTAIN MUCH INFORMATION FROM a «TJ' OF TH; .-..r OF THE series — They're good enough lor us. made memorable by books like “Guenn,” I-7-1—I-1 —c- < -r-rr— They’re good enough for us. ••Silas Lapham,” “The* Story of Margaret I nfurl your wipes— Kent.” “A Nameless and so many The Stars and Nobleman,” Pears’ Stripes other singularly strong and entertaining sto- Are good enough for us. ries. Soap The Ilag you elioose to 11 oat. Summer Series” is im- Fair I- bl<»od-red and “Lothrop’s white through through. proving hands. to Fernald Have o'er it, rave! mensely popular. Such books as “Patience (Successors tiros.) Put we shall wav e Proton, M. J).,” “Romance of a Letter,” HANlEACTLREIiS AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OK The red, the while, the blue. •‘.John Gree-ideal. Minister,” etc., are not often for They’re good enough m», found printed on line in choice for us. paper bindings They’re good enough al *J.‘» cents. one. clear t'nfurl your wipes— Try The stars and Bright complexion. SEMETEBY WORK! stripes Days is true to its name, and like the Are for us. 'Golden good enough gilded dome of the State House in Boston rises for Your clubs will rally round aboy its competitors in estimation of juvenile -A N V O NI: IN \V A N T (> F- Headquarters Flags, banners, The Thurman MiutV-doeked wipes; readers, white their elders find much io inter- Soft iaealthftil skin. We’ll march in might est and instruct in its broad, well-filled pages, \nd win the Tents /Torches, Uniform Names tight •si per annum. James Klverson, publisher. “ Beneath tin- stars and stripe-. Philadelphia. Great CUiC£GO. ROCK ISLANDS PACIFIC R They’re good enough for us, PEARS'-Tiie English ComplOElcn SOAP,—Solti Ewartm/' Its mnii :■ and branches induct CflTC of Candidates, Bandannas, They're good enough for ns, Bacon has in black-and- «SE3SEj&s0BiErrf--. PEORIA. IdOLTNE, ROCK ISLAND. DAVIV Flag I'ni'tirl Henry reproduced your vvipes— white his famous painting. “The Boston PORT, DEG MOINES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MUS- The Mars and Mripe- CATINE. KANSAS CITY. ST. JOSEPH. LEA\ and schoolboys and General now owned Headstones, Handkerchief Are good enough for us. Gage,” by EN WORTH. ATCHISON. CEDAR RAINS. Bunting. ( olmnbia the College: drawing accompanies WATERLOO. MINNEAPOLIS, ST a. \v. sijimo>s &. co.'s Ivlward and P Lverelt Hale’s serial, “The of and scores i>r. Yi:v;r o’ .n 1:110. Story of intermediate cities Choir- a VI to 31 North It Boston Street, UNION. Common.” and appears in the August routes to and from the Pacific Caast. All n -is ('omin'." Wide fers July 1J. |sstN--i;t1 work on in Union depots. Fast trains of Pin? s y hand at our Here Coaches, Cars, i.- P Say. da; kies, hah y on seen ole ma.--a yard. y ou will find all ereet elegant Dining mag-nifu The lii-t issue in Ticknor’s SPRING • man Wii! he hankeheif round t'r -at. August Paper ROHSOLIDftTiOl J ed, the l*i\>T < li.I.Ki Tl<>\ of Palace Sleepers, and (between C Series i> an new far N novel of the West, STOCKTO Joseph. Atchison Cite 1. Cwiuc -Iis r--a i fine tnin iis loomin', entirely WATER. and Kansas long TWO OK TIIK LARGEST STOCKS OK Like he gwine in tow 11 to voter peculiarly rich in coloring, and sure to enchain Chair Cars. Seats Free, to h i- era of tiuvm NATURAL tickets. il«* shiliber jes' -.aim* like he Used t-> slubber the attention <>f even the most hhisfi of story AND AERATED. Monuments, Tablets £ Headstones first-class ! W hen do Vankee army ran.e- I readers. A well-known journal calls it “Ail is ONLY for Kansas Sc Nebraska For the cure of Bright*a Disease, Calculi, Catarrh the In- ev, -hmniin Kustern Maine. \V<- aretlieonlv Chicago, fc’y Ai I'll het ten dollar- -it Hem nr:ie party : of life in the Sierras, of Bladder, Bargains extraordinary story high m v/fyc^ “Creat Rock Island Route.*’ the HARDWARE, lit in this seetion that does le work and do Extends West ancl Southw I matism, Gout, Flatulence, Xen ons Com- Chorus. wonderfully vivid word-painting; and depicts Dyspepsia, Eczema, and and St. Joseph to NELSO the of a senori- plaints, Salt Jill earn, the. dr. HEki: V >0 1 I low-making Spanish-Ainerican Imparities of Blood, C\\e^J\r\a VILLE. TOPEKA. I Kepubiirnus laugh, ha ha! I ta and a school mast- HUTCHINSON. CALDWELL. ; a I >t* i Vmoerats run, ho ho 1 transplanted New-Kngland -V. Steam 11. Tit” action tlif irater den.-■ /It, is it Faints, Oils, Power! of thoroughly ntiid hat Farniste, I cr.” system, rery cathartic, pouter fid Polishing by SUMMER SHOES It must he now Ben Harrison's coinin' KANSA8 AND SOUTHSRM NELAASKA '' in its action on the h, also a it maintains tit, sir. r, hi. it enables us to sell our work for LF>S \id de year o' jubilo. l.idnrys: in;/ TONIC, „,jth, imparting ,i, tml rigor and beyond. Entire rnsseno-ei* equipcf tii I'hc Forum for contains an laiees ran hr aHorded elsewhere. It is no AT- August analysis uml energy. celebrated Pullman inn*" tnoture. All :y ap- Ole mas.-a wove lie 1 ig revolver, of the British and American Governments WINDOW Ml PICTURE trouble for us to show our work. for by GLASS,! pliances anti modern r* IS X C 1C I, I M 'I' :'a. Like he gw ii:e out bo to shoot. Judge James M. Love, of Iowa, who shows HOT 5wooing. An’ ear'tl lie 1 lu r he shoulder The Famous Albert Lea Hr.ute shotgun that wc ha'e a much better of checks apring m arer. c it r(r> nthe:! h lifers, Estimates and An’ lie bovvie knife in he boot; system Woods & &c. Designs! Is the favorite botwe against tin-evils of party prejudice and popu- Per Barrel 10 Carriage Irons, lie say we nigger better stay close borne Gallons.$7.00 1 furnished Atchison, K.tnoaa City and ... .l St. burns; lar whim than a of GINGER ALE /hiring bought the rutin stork, fixtures. ,/•■ miS, on short notire. the It is $1.25 allowed for Barrel when re Hot An' nebl er go i.ear de ;■>-!!-: Lnglish. study empty Paul. Its Watertown bra;, h t. .v. ur. ... tin* •> Dozen Hair -o f W. T. But I'll 1-t ? Ten hollars de 1 temoeratie two Governments the oldest t’. S. turned in good order. Pints. 400 the late firm of-- pat ty by judge chewing “WHEAT AMD DAIRY BELT PLEASE GIVE U3 A in i< n do in of now on the I.T.i a Mowed tm 15 titles ami Case CALL. ff\ej}EST A a-«I rift shoals. service, one, Per when point except Gallon, without Jug.23 of Northern Iowa. Sou thwosi in r.L-.m t. in bench. Judge Love been in 50 In Case. ti.OO returned •rood order. be < I heere-l oh* m.tssa talk dis mornin'- having appointed Quarts W. K. tobacco Cannot East Central Lak -; m Water’.-w -, Si La.. The second of the economic articles $1.50 allowed for B-ittles and Case win Morison 6c Uo,, ®est Edid of Slice Men's Canvas lle vva- 1 dear tr«*o l»:lin' mail by 1 Fnciery, Sioux Fail towns n Boots, .75 returned in order. Dozen Hall Pints.70 1 he 'trai-l ilat de Solid "outli Ldward Atkinson, which the Forum has se- good COLISEUM The Short LL* Sc. sjiees rent? allow** lor urn BUILT31NG, Sole Tennis 1 Hetties when ret I’leusunt Mr. for fa. to t.-.v.i 1 f. :. J.; Men’s Rubber ttwii.e to get beat bad. cured, i> “Must Humanity Starve at Last?” 21 Quarts In Case. 3.00 St., Iicl/‘ast, good superior mighty c in jrocn.1 onler. apoliCuv-i- iti ml c o. He talk free trade, but as khoo's born It i- an effort towards the of a dis- -Vo. 47 Main If el Oinol(ir!cj[. you $1.00 allowed for Bottles and Case when St., fust, Me., building up F Tirkc t -. Mai r.. e. for. .. Shoes. lu re was suni|iin on his mind, American Social Science. returned in J. I. FERNALD. A. L. MUDGETT. 75 tinctly good order. SODA WATERS I iill'it>• nil tio-i. .iv-v»ly at ,.:r. J-,-..pun I :.:k. : L; An' I’ll bet ten dollars de Ivmoeratie party 1'i‘spPClfil/ly riistoillPl'ii flint irii min ,>i'\ Rubber Sole Tennis In Carboys, |:j Gallons. 5 25 the. ohl E. ST. «5CH E. k. H-n L£7 C Boys’ Ain a-gwir.e t-> get let' behind. While the contents of Outing for August are /" '‘"is: s'tr! A, ~, to this there is $2.00 allowed for Carboys returned in So Gen’l Manager. r ; Pa-Agt admirably adapted lazy month, I'sOjiuy ilht. plan. To mg old friends unit cnsf .m rs / /. Shoes, I don't like this y ere red bandanna, good order. OlO .75 nevertheless of to It ’minds me o' 'fore tie war: enough soul-stirring sport sag that / shall remore exh •■■sire stork /<* th- flO^'lsftie j j llie the 1 Dozen Pints, in ( mg t.'.li I captivate the most enthusiastic By Glass, FREE, at Springs. use.511.10 Men’s Genuine Calf Low me 'h* ilag dat freed de nigger, sportsman. (hdisrum inhere / i I eent< allowed for Hotth-s ami Jiuilding soon, am /irejurmd (.■ Hat's tie ilag L-e prayin’ for; The disciple of Isaak Walton will read the arti- Jugs, Ac., brought will he filled at 15c. per gallop. Case ! when returned in order. [/ire them HOOD HA lid A / A s' •'/ i Shoes, $i,2b Lor the star- air Stripes an Harrison, cle. A Rare Fish, wondering that such ac- $rood His nigger'll pray ami shout: j counts have never before reached his ears, Stockton Mineral Spring Wafer BIRCH MEAD. -tine at thr-— Boston & Men’s Good Button An' I'll bet ten dollar de Hem ratie part; ; while the spell will be further enhanced by the Bangor Style t-> out. Aerated. 1 Dozen in Case. ST Am a-gwine down an’ Pints, 1.10 Vorv Prices ! step | charming illustrations. Following this*is a LowonI ST/:A UAH I!' ('i>M1'A \ \ :5a I seasonable article oil the Unexcelled as a Table Water. cents allowed for Hottles ami Ca>e Boots, i 15 by Francis Trevelyan The eonsolidation ,,f thrs, tiro !urg< storks makes Jk when returned in order. Tlie i'i:»:i: tijauk hanpann many and varied delights of old Father 50 Quarts, In Case $d.oo ^»»od j one of thr longest st< ks of goods in this Stilt■ ! SinunH-i* Survicc 1 !»■.-»» v** Ladies’ Garnet Oxford Ties ! Thames, entitled. The Thames of Londoners. $1.50 allowed for Bottles and Cose when j QQ Air—1“The old Oaken llmket. STOCKTON NERVE TONIC Pat- A stirring ballad of the steeplechase course, returned in good order. Ladies' Kid Oxfords, ! IJ«i w dear to my heart is the hemocat parly. How we I Dozen Rattles. 2.75 beat the favorite, by Adams Lindsay 24 Quarts, In Case. :|,00 Quart ^(wE^ptsr When toad reeolleetion it to iew pre.-ent- Gordon, will interest even readers who per- And in Order to Reduce ent Leather The Free Trade, the Mai* Piyht.-, ti:*• Coppcr- $1.(Hi allowed for Bottles and Case when My| fTjad’es Tips, 90 Imps have never seen a race track. This is not returned in order. heads hearty. | good A. A. HOWES A Ic^flcco Kid all den. knew ! ; all the feast, of course; and other articles, with CO., Ladies’ Slip- And the Ket'orm uiei.-tlie :yoyue- 100 Pints, In Case. s oo Stock, Ail the Latest & Colcrs | Commencing Wednesday Ju:.13. Opera the a Surplus w well-tilled make brilliant Shapes The ide-prcadtny drover. the .Mill- that stood departments, Agnus, ReUatt, Maine, Insist on the number. $i.(»0allowed for Bolth sand Case when >:»*;! UHT* Ill Ira'( I 1. I pers, Fancy Bow, .05 hy him, — IN ha/iiig The “( a\e that returned in good order. J OK THE SALE OF NERVE TONIC. l'-.r I a 11 \< s ai muck ivil *>ervie( the luoad / > with red f|»t shutl rj ire 1111/ rii stum, the hem jit t., ,. Genuine the H Ladies’ Kid House fell; I The Mid-ummer issue of The American j Slip- -ADDRESS at Mi .'in The eraek of the slave-whip when “war was a Magazine abounds with interesting and timely / shnll enntimti thesiiieueii tur tin ,■■■,!■ th. tin made M.. ami l■ M. ta<} only by, I N pers, ,50 failure,” j literature. Dr. \V. F. Ilutehinson presents tne -iml.-heufeil- w >o 1 I v«';ir i•! ■ r\rt a Ai d e'en t!;e bandanna e all loved v. ell i fourth of hi> illustrated articles in the STIFF & SOFT HATS, John Tinzer X*3rtio. /ouisviile,Ky( | |.l >!•■).* -OUR finely Stockton Mineral V. M.. alii >. .i! -Irani, 11. ni It. The snuil'-tainod bandanna. -erics the in this instance Spring Go., ‘Cilia.v Mixed ii|"iM “Along Caribbean,” rain!-:," fyrJO 1 11.• Tiie barred and .-tarred banm r, | Heady !'••• I’»UI• k'I■ \\ i• !•. -.11 with Trinidad. Another STOCKTON, WALDO COrN'TV, MAINE. at Palmetto bandanna. dealing entertaining *• p*r M "ail\ \. « | I '!. ;• Ladies’ & 50 Kid is The Oriental I'otrder Mills" M.. $2.00 $2 Boots, We all lo\ e< J so w ell. | paper entitled “Where Burgoyne Surrender- Vii YSICIA XS. Cin-.M/STS, I'll. 11,‘M I < TS'l'S. IXYITUP To IWUSTIhA TE. t sm.tla; d.” c. JI. Crandall, in which is described SILK HATS! Fort Foil,! ami >aini In: ;, ean'i be beat elllicr for sljlc or wear. | by Gnnjxnetler. That snub ,jv«1 m.-eray I hailed as a treasure. tiie .Saratoga Monument that is soon to he un- >la\ at i.'.’M 1*. M Men's S'? ,f: $:{ Calf, Congress. As soldier and pen-ion we drove from the Held: veiled. Frederick ■ ha> a on !r‘,m t,,e effects of summers BURGESS, ! ivin sairi; 1* lot a; r. v. m., •! i .: We all loved -o Wi il. poem “Mid-ummer," and Sara K. */ j. nflM/iU \. M.. 'tail;, \- | t;. Ooodrieh describe- “The in Mid-um- * uJ*9¥w!. Country ^ikadm flU/V }:, ; can't liaveno e.-, -we. :.r ii'you :tj>])otile,lack I 1J1:1 * \\ F' A _r« W. T. j M lr- ti.:- bi iyadier elan 1*. reerive it, i mer.” 1> hint •■hc tiU y/' t/n liKUlty — leave it. F. M. l’< Ifa.-t, -lmu- 11, limiD ! Davis, is a picture of life on a large much in need of medicine as if it*k air. d. :ieed Paine'.- ( elerv at this Thouyh briyht with 11.. that Compound iit the rifi/.— j yiorv Wasliinyton ! Southern plantation during the war, when all CHANGE OF TIME! yave. j tin men, and even the were in the season, wlun tie whole i dc’ulitm 1 tic wear and tear of work or play in cm —_ now hi i: ed .. boys, away system hy mmn And my Ii -i! liat jon, j ■ -erviec. and the mistress with the smaller 't lie tear >. iey;et v, ii inli nsiv. h. swell, j only the extreme heat. afford the time and < r-i »t a vacation Paines -iivoisr^-’js- A far >.ilt iti\er I take ad children and the house servants were left be- Canyon Celery 74 Main Bt. I up my station. j And the bandanna I once loved so well. 1 hind. The narrative is not an one; Maine Central R, li. ply imaginary vi-ii remove theiu< d of <>110. it in- liot r tonic that has true II' you want (lie FINEST HRFAD <\nn:liani w ith :i-:. ... I which the home people of the South passed 4'»l U atn v Kit I', it!: i.o A I:. Mi\i. 11! is IN- .1 -11 I'l.’I.l. riCAPMi:. luring the long four years’ struggle. At the m-IV.,; ■:■•■•v.-rw.,-!:.WILL BRACE YOU UP. Air—' trana and divcn. North there was but it was < < I I W I I I l.l AM'. i.i vv I :.i \ii vm. suffering enough, member that Paine...... iFj T i.u ss TRY HADDOCK'S CELEBRATED clcry ^ ,, mmin mi Goods!- not from lack of necessaries of life. The wives ji>. lb ii"o- rejoiee and ^ ankees deplore, fi.'ti. it Itritislit ree trade will tin* and children of soldiers were amply prov ided 1 HHfa-r.iV'l'n i!iifiili;n:i. j earry day: •Sold all druggists. ”.•! :• •.»:! !c. Six for $•'*>. -Low ( it I’ hy Prices ! The sales v • : ji, I.ronut•!'-. S.mii cv'ry w bi-tle and furna'ei* w ill roar, for. But in the South delicate women and ten- irreat of the 1 V A !. fl.AiaoN W i-.. 7 -7 I .;; Itriti-h free trade w ill earry the day der little ones lived month after with- Uh 11.V:.:i>SOX & Yt. prove tiie fart that it is the :iiI> month, W'EIjLS, CO., Proprs. Burlington, llr.*«tk-.7 (7 .) i:. 111«• r 11111 !• ■ \\ e lov e t irov HOME MADE! Vein er, out Plymouth the commouc-t and coarsest change, > upon We can 1:; ., A nd soon ,,\er give you sl\kinds of Bread if you wish, kim»\. I\ ip \. .... | Coal, of food, and an lyilJnrm oftentimes with allowance that j TIhtii'H!.> 1-2 \\ | Thou.-amis of'vessels m harbor and j kut the HOME MADE is the BOSS. Our Most Successful and Most (ir/tite ash) the best in the ni/ie- bay. would fulfil the demands of Pop- I nit \. j -ju w : The llay of mir ipieen I scarcely hunger, l The at La Bose Blanche were not so l.«■<>!,aid .■ ;;; } It I 5 i<• ket, a/so Will y'adly be -eel), people ular in the Market. off a- IJurnliain, ;u >-j.*i 1 .*> !•>': t:>'t. :i'. !•-... lit Ibitisb free trade will earry the day : j badly that, however, although sadly Range t. ro\ er lov es us, pinch* 1 at times. The plantation was for a >!ii.soiii<* | 'Fi*in|»!<». Its is a kmr.\ l-due ! aiv Scranton Coals. ilelps and ho-, es ns | the camping-ground of a Massachusetts Cakes, superiority >Trail;!it |c:- ;• ri i;i 1 aid and limy Pies, kimih i! t 1 ;.. pw onward from idie di ;;v and the fowls and live stock went to Cookies, Hi: I, J MAI XE. I>V ill experts and the many thoitsan regiment, ’.i.ST, I hi and Mills. I! Hail'i M'MTIinl l)llll,|. yard the demands of its larder. The author’s who h ive ids raime in n> •. Made of t Witli low tariff supply T I ■«»1114 S 1 i k«■ T T.. Mil \v :11.• I I »dm n <1. < ju is. bills, t v !;• is and half humorous. The l'est materials 11. 1 And Ibilisb free trade will the bright story very hy thormirh ia all 1 I < iw, \ earry day. i- full of BBOWN BREAD & BEANS l'nrnaee, $o.4o. '/io.'i/i j pathetic touches, and the reader who As., etiaai >. We warrant tin Royal Iasi. P.ritonsaii Ibr haeon and i doc- not feel his Cures Diphtheria, Croup, Asthma. Bronchitis, Neural.-: o. ,, are as fine as in town. K !»• h »T!1 i.'i shotiiiny beer, eyes moi-ten in some parts of Rheumatism, Bleeding al the any Try them. Thanking ( larion to more I* A Yp§>\ ’1 I | o.oo Ib-ii :-ii free eompris.- impno.- < KytJ, 0.70, trade m;i-t earry the day : it mils! have a hard heart. The Lungs. Hoarseness. Influenza, Hacking Cough, Whooping Cou, b, Catarrh, Cholera the people for the liberal patronage the ti'll’ 1\i;i |i* 1 I \ .. particularly Morbus. Dysen- past year, ments than other make. \\*.• furnish lb ineh'my the l'aee ol our monareii with Chronic Di- we hope by the eoniinuanee of the same and strict any Itellaal. .Itllir .’mil. [S'--. ! I Store, o.Oo, o,7o fear, ten sketches w hich illustrate the text are from tery, containing infor- j Uritish free trade must earry tin* day; arrheea. attention to business to improve the Baking bttsl- them with I Main Cabi- the pencil of F. W. Kemble. D. Lothrop A Kidney mation ot’ very Loys, Mills are silent, fj^^B dess in this city the next as mueh as we have I '*«* skin-Mircrs* Chestnut, o.Oo. o.7o transported to the of All who or nfaetiuvd and f»r vde hv decay beginnings buy order direct from us. and request it. shall receive a certificate that the shall Ib iton sans bread. money WOMAN OR CIiLi L) /Med at the aboee prices. Papal Bonn*, in the following article, “A Bish- bo refunded if not lie!last, .lime 1|ss>. •_*} abundantly satisfied. Retail price, 35 cts.; G bottles. :02.OO. Express prepaid to I royalty's dread. id the Fifth an article w hich we who is not. blessed with op Century." any part of the United States or Canada. I. S. M. Ibitisb lie. trade mu-t JOHNSOM «b CO.. i» O. Box 2118, Boston,Mass. earry iii day are inclined to attribute to Harriet Waters RAYiVSOfJDS a fair, healthy Skin, cr F. C. Preston, in as THE WHITE. A nation that'- v.«L i- tin* Fngli-hman'.-prey, part, at least, inasmuch it is WOOD. BISHOP k GO. istrciibb .1 with hum Hriti-li live irade will tin- d.r. : ■d-iicd “H. W. P. A L. D." Edmund Noble is Belfast, -Ful\ 21, 1>S>.— tfjs carry VACATION I»on't know a place we can plunder to day. the author of “A Call on ‘Mother Moscow,’*’ MOST WONDERFUL BANC-OR, ME. HrPi*,li fr« e trade w ill carry the day : descriptive of a city far more fascinating and ANOTHER /ulus eat us, Asiatic than the semi-Parisian of Kus- EXCURSIONS. liners defeat n-. capital ia. In “An Enchanted JuliaC. B. Dorr FAMILY All Included. HIGHLY ENDORSE J Fenians keep plotting and planning awa\ Day" REMEDY Travelling: Expenses m of a < iro ci and Mills gives refreshing pen-picture delightful nv THE excursion in Scotland. The serials of EVER KNOWN. Will cure ali our ili- bonny Parlies will leave lioston Monday. \n-i:-i go. this number are the Medical Profe.: ion. Wben Ilnti-h free trade will carry the da\ ; concluding chapters of and Moudav, Si jitemker it*, tor Two u.'and Trips < .ro\ < r, Idcss him, “Voiie Santo," and two futthcr installments of to the W<*!11 cart's.- him the highly colored romance by Charles Egbert. FOR rough or scaly When lie comes over to tn -tny Craddock. “The of skin, irdispen:: able W c'll make him a lord. Despot Broomsedge Cove,” a which sustains the author’s for the Toilet. Peer- With garter and i -i 1 keep constantly on hand the largest line of •Limes complete point- inn-iv | Itching of tin* skin We must or Bussell Lowell—a as weil as a lance, book, in America's Wonderland, and ample time lor a Have more cze ii • than S'lm and keep it from -welling ah\ Tiihjuc. which appears opportunely, in the thorough inspection of its many marvel-. Inn goods they Flatten it nice, heat of Presidential campaigning. Another dental vi.-its to Niagara Falls, Chicago, Milu anker, can into their Crif Put it on gei large store, ice, practical contribution is furnished by President tin* I tells of t hr Wi-con.-in, >1. I. M innrapoli-. Ilritish In :• trade will take it the Falls of Minuchnha. Cake Remedy! away— .Minnetonka. the (German Fliol of Harvard under the “Can n:.u must uii r.i seme to l.«e. c brother. caption price your s,*hooI he famous “Rad Land-" of Dakota, nr. Villlaiina) each Programmes Shortened and Enrich- Help oilier, Travel In Palace Sleeping-tars. The Parties to he make re cm for if.’ £ W TRUTHS FOR THE TO HOLDERS OF ed?” William II. Downes discourses on GOODS | SISK.r Hold a chap up when he’s Mippin’ a wav “Bos- limited In numbers. In connection with the Ice Cream ton s.-p I of til"'-1 tout III Will 1 I I' Croquet Sets, Free7ers, Carts, l nder his load Painters and Paintings:” Agnes E. Carter temher there will In-a Tour Across > excursion, the new on the fora cast* where m < — way. Bird Cages, Lunch Baskets, Vases, >f gold on the road writes about. “John and Continent, with a return California. niliousSprllsdrpcud Evelyn’s Daughter;” through ohm i.i*iii' 1:111 n i*l I it Kill its w ii. Ilritish fret tra»le will take it a\va\. William Cranston Lawton adds a brilliant cs- In addition to the above, there there will hr Toys, Hanging Lamps. Ac., &c it will run* not assist or cure. It v;iy on “Tlie Prometheus of The INTOTIOIBH Three Cirund Trips to Colorado Augu-t So come and you. <“S iiolEtiS Pat in in: rm nj* in Tin: cm i-the broth of a boy every time, .Eschylus." gei prices. We never fails. of thi temher lo, and October1.*—ami >i\ Cvur-ion- in I>t» you .*■ utVrr with Uriti-b tree trade will carry the day; poetry number is by Helen Cray Cone Mrs. A. of Non-Resident Taxes in the Town of Burnham, iu the of to the famous resort- « f S '. tli.'it tiVnlaml allttoiir Stevens, Stockton, gol the lamp all our battles in and c. Bull. Mitllin A County V/altio* 4 August 1-in-'ami. sliaii GREAT BARGAINS < le.unse I 111- ii ialf Fought every clime, Lucy Houghton, Co., give w-« drawn May 31st. Whir gets tills one ? fret* for the 1881. Ctm.ada, and the Mid*!If spite-. feeliu.y; it so, lllo. 1 \\ lll-tl II H'l At < .,•> liritisis trade will carry the dav; Bo>ton. Maine, year { present rrurk.t pri, ns, 4 cni | W. RAYMOND. I. A. W i I IT( < >.M R. tor th.i si i.rut it r.nn:is. ! m-P 1 >y iiamiJers next thirty its inipuritii*- » days. 2 G. I I C O I* K X. A. TV 1) rrm; follow ing li-t of taxes on veal of non-resident owners in the town of for tin.* it w ill run* ou. per cent, and the 4’s I.ns than 2 per And Moonlighter.-, P.unihani, \ tiur thro'iLh Ha- kin L in bills committed to Olilii X l'A IJIJINt 1 Ti >N, Collector of said town on the of Send for cent. cf our are brighten Cattle Market. year ISS7, nth day Av descriptive circular, design;:!h.- in -, i*»:■ a nos. fVtany clients excii-oij: , 20 HIGH STREET. •lolly good fellows who vote the light way, <»|u aii\ u ip ai riinj'!' Julie, 1K<7, has heen returned hy him to me as remaining unpaid on the IDlh day oi Mas’, Isss, l>\ his ! whether Yellowstone Dark Tour. Colorado C\. in< 1 s -'-. s. l;*• on liless their dear .- on Is, eonlimd ii: these issues for other sc in- certificate of that ami now remain and notice i- or elosrlv high grade BltlRIITON, isss. date, unpaid; hereby given that it the said taxes and •“ion. hook of six Augu.-t trips is desired. -jt ;| SI t.' in it Ii! 1 1 Its Hush to the ptdls. duly ;n, the mill ami wor!* from 3 to G re*. Amount of live stock at market— interest and charges are not paid in the treasury of -aid t- wn wii'iin eighteen months from the date of unl health lot yielding per — j And Ilritish free trade will can*\ tin* Cattle, 1211; W. RAYMOND. and rlri k'.w lio do will day the commitment ot the said lulls, so much of he real estate t a \c i a will la* v • “Square shops; ami lambs Swine -uuHrient to the amount We an sheep 7<>40; 10,315; Veals, I'm; pa Dealing not flit irut recommend such exchange and Hoyle <)’lleilly, 2ttli prorun* Horses, 25.7: number of Western num- due therefor, including interest and charges, will without hirthcc- not ice he sold at auction, at Washington St., opposite School St., Boston. ( ollins Cattle, 1000; public : rxrrrisr, and all who shall be to furnish dr ‘i*-1 mildly, ber of Northern the Selectmen’s in said town, on the sixth. -•! December next, l»s. at one oVio-k in the st fill >{ r.t 11 us pleased -inpt Tell all the world mean Cattle, 142. ollice, (Gt.h; day they what the*, -av, areronlinrd indoor. < of Beef Cattle •fc’’ 100 Hi live — afternoon: ~! will eure ! ,i\ er <>m and prices on application. Yet, Hit* poor ‘•hlotes,’* .Prices weight should use .--I i.t in n Extra, fit 5 50; lirst Low Prices!" plaint. I >--n't lu- ; -AND- make \ nu strons anil low, y Hi; Calf Owners or I’liknown. I'eal Kstate. c atism, use a bottlr of I always votctl “the ticket" -t: net r,g2\r. Skns, 5g(ir y B>;‘Dairy J skin.-, Drew, Kri.One-half t this t!*nt‘tho’, jisht as-In,'. 4uy.70e Gilley, part KVynold- st ra in it Hi i; its There was not Will. K.North of No. io. (hire.Io no 5o.oo .<>5 Female to note in part Plymouth our An’ that's fhwhat I tell any change prices for Haney, J. l Don't be \\ ithout a will make you < Northwest I. of No. & Son, | Calved Feb. go, I>s7. Bred .John J.. Smith beef attic from that of one week there Cooper's farm, part 1, lioiiipson n am -t: > by j ago, being p]y bottlr. 'Fry il ; y«m pure, i« 1 lie. Banedlar. Sire princess Koval II. It’s me raisons fair call for butchers’ Cattle at mouth Gore...*.. i <;o loo.oo l.tio Aaggie’s fJJ'.ig moshtly now ye want prices will iiot oui » t ami your tle-!i km •!. ranging Gore No. :ii> MAIN STUKKT. it,‘ It. B.—clraiidsire KOVAL AAtiOIK Jl. it. |;. Well, I'll give ye thiin mite\ plain from .<4.70 y 0 25 per loo lbs. live weight. The canev, Isaac..North half of rlymouth .4 <;r*.oo | v Co.’s Hcistiru; Fi.. Dam, Aaggie Cornelia 2d. Curtha <7407 II. II. B. Free thrade ’ml makes me livin' sr-hkant. trad.* was quiet, and the supply in market was full Myrick, David.Meadow lot, so-called, part of li. ( oilin farm. :{'* l.s_» iJriiu-t, May IT. !>».--iiirit! T; st t.t i! i; *.if Lidgerwocd MVg as as the Geo H. and. ) No. li Obriean Tract. ;i |:>:; An Institution of for Both who an all n its n> nielli, ami :Uio OimiiKNT STM .is \W> MZh> Crand Dam Princess Aaggie (3'dS) 1J. II. B. X0- An’ gratciy addle me brain. large demand required. Kimball, 150.00 Learning health, TICK 5—1 ’rineess has and Lambs—Those '•* run down, should :isr you will sleep well Aaggie’s Royal blood of sheep brought in were all Klias Mimiifli. I 5"’ Now York Safrlj Sh am !’o\h r i«N II« ri ,il I knew thim afore wor owned 1 No. it)J .io.,? s.» *!?•'"' Sri.nn it id ns. ami te« ! hotter <» want tin* best .Medical Work ! ed <■< »h I < 11. li -I 3d air to do 4 C the road. you }>;.!>! "•|Mi!ally :ola|itrd f"i I I i«• I (131"»). largest KITTKIt reeord of any 3 They’re plottin’ planniu’ uz liarm 7'ac, sheep c.7r. per lb. live landed at in 25.00 .47 *<■ \ 1*. yearsoM weight, U^iill Send \l 2-eent stamp- & Co., L'j-;olc- "I \\ .i "UT I.hhi in II. F. 5„ same blood as 2d In every shape the Trask, Joshua.The farm hv iiim, the Moses Term Tuos- km:in-'lii|* heifer, Aaggie (I3U0) they plaze. yards. formerly'occupied Huston* M;i- and invivr :• « py, free. with Swine—Western fat farm, so-called. loo 200.00 ;;.so ^TUHlM.;i 1NH fell largest milk and butter reeord of am 2 years hogs are costing, landed at Young dii.v, Sept. a. \T!.A> 1M.INK "Id, and the largest butter reeord for 'JO da vs of They murdhereil our thrade in the poor ould land, the slaughter houses, from $0 20yO 40 per 100 lbs. Trask, laldie.The pl. ee formerly occupied b\ him. .*12 200.00 ;{.so Ivrl'.C MBLE KM. :NK.s. An’ uz The Klisha so-called. any row of L id of same blood as tlhniv out lek live weight, all being owned butchers. Shaw place, ;»7 200.00 :»>o ■ • any breed, Royal sheep; by Inequallcil facilities for a Business or Seienlilie l’li i :i m.I.- valve ami* !>. Aaggie (34wr readers have doubtless often noticed that •Hv.'ll A, Wr. FLV.TCIIER, Troahiirer of «.|!i.--r cii4iin "1 .11;i In. A lull in, ! I Cornelia gs. Curthns Burnham, lars). Aaggie Royal traces Hood's is well of in the Collegiate course for Inches. loeatitm. alt.ivi* in > k Let thim free ttirade to Sarsaparilla spoken news- Healthy fiiirim back blood ten times to tl e celebrated bull Hooker. keep theirselves, an’ ax i The linlm -< • Is to Wstiiiiikcrs in beef or an' bane.-- papers. press quick recognize merit, and delightful surroundings, superior ac- Boilers More i>. to the breed of rows in this pork docs not hoarding Desiring improve We hesitate to give praise where It is due. 5” 1/ Win- Ko|»r. Kic. Mr. Denslow has directed that the can give these free of any tax commodations at moderate expense. Ruildings or County, service The following is from the Baptist a lead- shall be ’idhout losin’ our own good m ikc.-. Weekly, 8-Z fee only OXK DOLLAR. g\v31 ing religious paper: LA heated by steam,—modern improvements. J. H. NOUGHT»vc* An’ fhw hat can we want from them, I .Million IVho has located in will do glossy, dyed and have tried many remedies, but Ely’s Latin, Greek, Astronomy Geology. Mure Than One Copies Hold. recently Relfast, in-: R (. •. t o f n the alleged he work need in Chorus. Cream Balm is the 1 have you done a First Class manner The SNOWBLACK are SHAWKNIT, which are tho CLOCKS, SILVER WARE or only preventive ever and middle-aged men who are suiTerlng* it found.—F. B. Ainsworth, "YOUNG very Reason amt; Prices. Just read the proof. Ceo. T. Sex;ses f *1 listc Protection forever. Hurrah, hoys, hurrah! Publisher, Indianapolis, from the indiscretions of Exhausted The and most comfoi table of Half-Hose. Osborn, I ml. 2vv3l youth. Rest Artificial Teeth set in a nice Rli: best-fitting JEWELRY, don’t fail to call. Down w ith the bandanna, up witii the “stars," Ground tER Plate and Sxuell. Norfhport Camp Vitality, Nervous ami Physical Debility, Premature for only $12.00 a single set, or a full While we’ll rallv round the we ll FOK SALE 13Y Hag, hoys, rallv Brown—You don’t look well untold con- «-‘t for Teeth reset for a SAILMAKER ! Belfast, .lime 14, l&ss.—24tf once lately, Robinson. Decline, «y<*., ami the thousand miseries only $20.00. $5.00 plate. again. I can’t well NOTICE. Also maker of Robinson—No; sleep at night on ac- and all who are sick and ALL SIOINEY Awnings, Carpel*. Tents, Ham- Shouting the battle cry, “Protection.” sequent thereon, sulToring WOlIk WARRANTER FOR FIVE YEARS ! ItALIHH, TRY THE count of lung trouble. Brown—Nonsense; your The of the Ground at ! moeks, and ever>lhing niunuiat lurt d in a lirst- RURE.HAY-FEVER Supcrintendeney Lamp ami do not know what ails them, can he cured with- Times are are all hard, therefore ! make D. 2>. i- a n We are to the call lungs right! Robinson—Yes, mine are; the North 1 have been ill health to my prices PALMER, ela* sail loft. A partieie | | I I into t*:n*li m t ■: 1 ml springing of our brothers in the port, compelled by out the instruct ions in < ow. trouble is with the fail by following the Science- Please give me a trial and I will :.!• :n baby’s. resign. M. C. HILL, Ksq., of Northport, will act i guarantee MAUK ,9 agree,tide !*rit•«■ i,i- Unig. -i-. i. !, tight, <.t t.ife or Self Price '» satisfaction. -j.itf ANDREWS, OLD VMi a mo V .- DON’T SCOLD as of the this season, and ; Preservation. only £1 by registered. »; ce;.i- l id I;i;«• i Mi i:- \\ Shouting the battle cry, “Protection.” Bucklen’s Arnica Superintendent grounds Salve. will attend to all to the of- )M»stpaid, senh d. It is a book for every i. Office, in Knoirlton flloek, Me. And tin* trade generally.- bough! at going prices. ren >t New ^ >>rk. a man for groaning when he has And we’ll till our swelling ranks with a million matters which pertain High Street, Jietfasf, freemen The Best Salve in the world for fice. HI HAM KIGGLIN. full ICS for all acute of business on A Rheumatism or more, Cuts, Bruises, pages, gilt, prescriptions ;j Hare Swan NlblcjN Wharf. Neuralgia. The pain the sores, Fleers, Salt Rheum, Fever June 22 1888.— SHAW STOCKING is Shouting battle cry, “Protection.” Sores, Tetter, llangor, chronic diseases. Fully indorsed by the National CO., Ilelfast, 7, issx.- It* simply awful. No torture in the Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin May Medical Association, who awarded the gold and ; LOWELL. MASS. :«rnil ancient times was more than We will welcome to our numbers the loval, true Eruptions, and cures Piles, or no pay INVESfMfcNTS painful positively medal to the author. Illustrative these twin diseases. Hut—oughtn’t ami brave, required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac- F. Li. jewelled rumple, I the battle “Protection.” tion, or refunded. Price 25 cents BANKS, with indorsements of the press, sent free if you Capital, $750,000 a man to be blamed if, having Rheu- Shouting cry, money per box. And although they may he poor, not a man shall For sale by R. II. Moody. apply now. Address, The Peabody Medical Insll- ! Surplus, $353,016 matism or he wont & Counselor at ! HOTEL ST. Neuralgia, use he a slave, tute* p. <>. b. ;< jsi»5, Poston, Mass., or Dr. W. If. MARC, ( Attorney Law, Principal and interact both full;. :*u.-rani-•*»»! I pi when it has the battle PAKKKIl, graduate of Harvard Medical College Invalids’ Ath-lo-pho-ros, cured Shouting cry, “Protection.” Two names in the are j Retreat, tal am! Surplus "(’. in seventeen yea; Chicago directory Wcy- MAIN ME. in Poston, as ee.uKulting ! 434 Fifth New York thousands who have naeht and STREET, CAMDEN, years’practice physician Ave., business wo have loaned suffered in (he Whatnot: but they are no more to who lie City. 31 ,‘JOO, pay mu; So we’re springing from the North, South, tho question- the Peabody Medical Institute, may eon- I same ? It has cured able than many other in that suited Diseases of Man. ! Nortliport Campground Maine. the amt way hundreds Fast and from the West, tilings city. Collecting and Conveyancing a Sjwciaty, eontldentially. Specialty. (hi American European l'hiit. j after have Do not Is* deceived by w< Mb' -ss imitators. Pcstire I (Walker physicians the battle “Protection.” 1888.—dm II > ^Shanes I'altsgr,) >- iqqZ ; pronounced Shouting cry, Cure Yonnelf. March 15, vi.u address or call attic- I’eabcdy Medical , „ rates from Jane to Oeto/o r. I ''I,,., return.-.: {n all colors. SperittI Q 70 " ^ /O them incurable. And we’ll hurl the “free trade” crew from the \ate.No. 4 PulilncJi St. No. -!. The Art Shades are Decorated t •> investors with- Don’t pay doctor’s bills. The best # j OPZN JULY 1, 1888. “The skill of five land we love the large medi- and J. ALONZO NU ITER. Heal physician* could not best, cal book 100 lvrSl Transparent. All Minetto Shades, Plain out delay or the loss cf a dollar. INiatr euro roe of Rheumatism which the bottle “Protection.” imldislied, pages, elegant colored ; had settled Shouting cry, will be sent or are Proprietor. First Mortgage and debenture Bonds or.d in the nips, neck and So plates, you on receipt of three 2-cent Decorated, unsurpassed in Beauty, Dr. P. E. shoulders. intense this LUCE, Prop. For mill oi' Stftinifi* mol Kiitnloli n. Savings Certificates always..n band for sale was thepain that was (To make song ofleotivo the club should he stamps to pay Address A. P. and tj Cinithriiti/f sleep almost imj**- postage. Ordway & Durability Finish. Mounted cn first- In i:: ••» and sible. The first done of provided with bandannas and Mass. Creamers” Savings Departments, amounts $5 up AthluphoroK irnvo Hag handkerchiefs.] Co., Boston, 2131 class card in ami roe Roller to A Private Seaside Ketreat for the ; the Mortgage Department. 3300 up- relief, and the third enabled me to F. SlZKH. "Cooley E. Spring ready hang. treatment of sleep DR. P. ard. Full information our various securi- for four and a half hours without Still lead. Better and than other*. LUCE, liseasesof women and children. Patients regarding waking _II. Milwaukee school teacher—Can you tell me, cheaper any admitted ties I continued its use. and am now Tanks re- dm 15 furnished by well teacher, what is the principal use to* which ice is and cans greatly improved and prices it any time from July 1st to Oct. I. Portland Latin School Kev. S. H. New TROYER. Albany. Ind. It is easy to understand the Democratic put? Milwaukee beer duced. COOLEY CANS $2.25 EACH. Special rates TermsHoard from $5 to 9(10 w eek, ae- J. *4F*Send 0 cent* for the beautiful why children—Keeping cool. PHYSICIAN & per B. WA TK/NS LANl, MGR TGAGE CO. eolored pic- are to Butter Factories. Send for circulars and price SURGEON,, •ording to room. Medical treatment, to PORTLAND, MAINE. papers annoyed by the cxulterant delight according KANSAS : *>r ture, “Moorish Maiden.’’ lists to A. L. & E. F. or dm nature and of the Ilest facilities for instruction in LAWRENCE, of over the Democratic GOSS, BELFAST. MAINE. requirements case. Academic Studies, English papers free I. Lewiston. Me. Hew York HE* dY CtCKIfISON. 319 Broadway THE ATHLOPHOROS CO. 112 Wall St. N. trade (Itnlil C. BICKFORD, MOVED! For further perticulars call at mv otlice on with Military Drill. Faculty: Then. F Leighton Kanq’r. Y. movement, but it seems to us that such Offlce Over MOVED! Hervey’s Jewelry store, No. I OX. Plm*ni\ How, between the hours of • to I (Yale), .loshiia K. Crane ; llrown). Head Masters; 1 sentiments as this p. m., y x*0 from tiie British Phoenli Row. >ver or address L has. L. A. DcDarmo lyr.ih Hosiery KICIIAUDS has removed to No. IS Main Uervey’s Jewelry store, Cushing (Yale), Kdiuund Review are good for the American to paste in Office Prof. U. I’. I’aeti hours front '2 to 1 and 7 to It P. II. | WII.• Street, over Bean's Hat Store, where he will 6w28 DR. E. (Hamilton), Masters; Klenner, his hat: Children for Pitcher’s P. LUCE, i*ian and Instructor in the Modern Castoria. Diseases of Women ami a he pleased to sec all of his old customers and lots Languages. Cry lara and Colt for Sale ! Children Specialty, Box 30«. Mr. ‘"We venture to j Brlfasti, students admitted on any date. For lull assert that England will reap of new ones. Call and see his large stork of Sew Hoarding j for Sale the Belfast, May in, 1888.—PJtf information uddress cither of the head Masters. Cottage largest share of any advantages that mav subscriber offers for sale one bay mare, four j ing Machines, and if you don’t wish to buv bring | in Mini AT arise front the adoption of the Ideas now ad- THEyears old, and colt. By Ledo, dam by A rhetor, your old one and have it cleaned and repaired. NOBTHPOBT. Oil, vocated by the free trade partv in the United When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. by Administrator. Dam Alma Mater by Mem needles, and parts for all kinds of machines. cottage on Nortfaport Camp Ground known States.” brino Patchcn. Price, $200. Belfast, Feb. 2, 1888.—f>tf HINDERCORNS. When she was a she cried for 4w29* all THEas SC'MMEXt REST, Griltin street, near the Child, Castoria, ASA CARTER. The only sure Cure for Corns. Stops pain. Ensures IEAD PIPE and SHEET IEAD. comfort to the feet 15c. at 1 Hisci >x itr N. Rite of the Hotel, la offered for Rale for Black’s Corner, North Scarsport, July 10, isss. NOTICE! >ruggists. ('«>.. Y. Waverly When she became Miss, she to FOR A GOOD TEAM The Itest 10 Cent in the Our manufactures are warranted, ami are *3S0. The is A volcanic eruption at liandaisan.China, clung Castoria, Viyar fully cottage beautifully situated, over- fifty 1 in the market. |\: Unsurpassed by any looking the hay, Is with abundance leagues from Yokohama, destroved several t il- I When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. FOB A GOOD riDMMKNCINU JUNK the roach -CO TO THE- Market. supplied of TKAitt SUNDAY, 21th. | Lowest market prices for goods of eipial soft water and has all conveniences. Call on lages ami killed 1.000 Y; will leave ltevcrc House <|iinllty. persons,' including 100 I every Sunday at 1 From its combination of valuable medicines, is superior visitors at the —GO TO THE— u'rlork for Clrouml. hi* h nn puli', bill frozen fact. For tuir la Brl- E. M. HARNEY. Thermal Springs. A fresh crater | Northport Camp to the essence of tiinger in the cure of Cramps, Colic. Belfast, July 22,18HK.—Sw30* lias formed and the is WM. MoOABK. ! ■Revere House StaWe!- ia«l b> 1 >yspepsia ami Bowel disorders, am! is invaluable for all eruption still active. Livery if SALEM LEAD | 2yrs05 Revere House Stable ! Tnroatand Lung troubles. Cse it without delay you Livery Belfast, .Tuna 2(1, ISS8.—.Yntfn Belfast, June 2ft, 1888.—3m25 i-iiw* COMPANY, WM. O. POOR Sc SON. have Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, Weak Lungs. 50c. & $1. F. A. l'liow* Tress. SALEM. MASS