The Republican Journal. 'll-: no. VOU BELFAST, MINE, THURSDAY, AUGUST !), 1888. NUMBER 32. [ like soarin'.' birds, flushed in and out the pom- Generalities. Political Points. the Rum Power. Southern Tlio Health of Waldo in:iM'MJCAN JOURNAL. pano with black-tipped, streaming tins, only Against Brigadiers and Pensions. Maine Matters. ('aunty. >car By Hummer Resort*. visible when at in plainly momentarily rest lie ine JlKrniLK'AN r.VlM Y*s I I.I AIM.Y hKl INKD The 1 Kniprcss of ha-luen do The more NEWS AM> GOSSIP FROM ALL OVER HIE STATE. We have received lr».ni the seer*, of the local Woodeliff. the line summer liotel at Fort some secluded corner of I lie basin.* It wa- tin (iermany safely free trade is talked in the West ItKMAltliS OF IIoX. S. 1.. MII.I.IKKN IN TIIF. | ary ;• m in .--1* \i m«»u\in<• in mi; 1 ivi red of a >011. 1*< KSITION. r«iini. i- doing the best business this summer it the more votes the Democrats lose. norsK .h i v Mm. hoard a of of only li-h 1 have ever seen which d to copy the third annual report tin* has ev er appear' of J enjoyed, sixty guests being now installed, » Two the best-known Republican oppon- RMilMI.N TAL HKI MONS. possess the power of hero mini' ho-plwivse nt A Mi— l.c;; of Montana ha- married a re" Mr. Milliken fittingly rebuked a Southern State H.uni of Health of the slate Maine, for while every one who summered at this attractive ju-i Francis Morphy, the famous temperance ents of rum domination are the Rev. Dr. II. l\. at will. At could trace it- nervous man named The members of tbe Ninth Maine "pot last year will the summer of nijrht we] Hand. form* r. and his son will the who said Regiment the year 1SS7, a volume of .HI pares. Tie*re is a spend isssthere, vote republican Carroll, editor of The brigadier, in his that the Re- vv movement- occasional ot as Independent, and Albert speech which hold* its re-mniou at ith only one exception. by fleams li^ht, It i- ticket. Bangor. August report of the condition of earl*, every town in the reported that a ■. ijantic lumber tru.-t i- Criilin. chairman of the National publican were not to reduce the are li-h, turning one -;de toward us. p.isein I Republican party willing -‘•Hh, making preparations for a grand time Witherle Park is the name that has been in of Anti-Saloon Committee. Roth Maim*, vv ith the number ami nature id adopt U w li proee— organization. y have Iona been on contagious n and it the other the lloor of tin* ha-in.” i !\-S nator ’anliehl. an influential Democrat- •mrplus in the Treasury unless could do that occasion. It seems like a story of tin* : id for tiie slendid drives built Oily County. identified with the cause of they recently through ic hauler of Morris N. d., is out for temperance reform, knights of old to listen to the stories the diseases in each for the last year. Kelow we give tiie woods of ( bv Mr. It. Witherle »i: i: :< w \ v in h »k s is11. V. alt W iiifman ha -■• County, so it in undeserved i*boy-‘' asiine, (ieorge far ive,.\ered iii- health and have done excellent work for it. by expending pensions. It uich-r Harrison. They tell of at Morris Island. This the report- of tin* several town- in \\ aldo t .. mt\ the general supervision of Mr. .John F. Kea, ■ »\ i I’. ■ a in -f •J.*"* a a- to rr.-mnr 1s(U-(‘m, regiment year Aii which Prof, (.node literary labor-. have been tin arc should be known at a important -object always loyal Republicans: y that the democracy, while under lire and ho- vs great deal of expense. They are without i! tin* « \|* !. the lay constantly night day 15l.!.e i. Mem In is f the board, II 1* Tlmmp 1 scat- o| i> how to cook li-h. I lie art > ! boil- The indications arc ihat Harrison ami Mor- such and support the this doubt the most beautiful drives’in and about Entitle Tournee i- an active in the to-day party heartily they have allowed favorable to be over three months; it participated in the'siege -on. I.. T.'*hales and At. Ki!ingwo->d, M. I>. -o taking part reports < astine and are in.ir ti'ln In* say-, i- little understood tin:! be * ion will u'ct a heav\ Herman vote Doth Their reasons for doina so were aivcn visited daily by the summer visit \! :;t-i' ..M*- I' >: ••!!< i:n. me iurh thi- \cry year. of Port South Corolinn, l -nt Clim-li, The new water -upplv for the -it; fr on Kittle ; hautampi a—eiubly year. made to the House on bills recommend- Koval, ors who in tin terms of them. 1 deems it to include some in-truetnm--. I: id and in interviews many -peak highe-t i. -r .*'!» 1«*r u.ek, a:.'J proper West. frankly yesterday aiven here- was in of Fort and in Hivcr w.i- intro-lm-ed tin* lir-t of I »e- "tuber, am! He ed Florida, charge Wagner, There is ah" an observatory built on the elevated ... !•' 'll-- I >< \ 1 : i' ll <•! add- that the li-h should be in -alt b»!m I.. Sullivan*- eireu- ha- » uine to an with. by tin (iraud Army of tin; Republic, have we now hav e a niee sy-1• *i;» ot water v oi*ks. Tin piac»*d end. nearly every battle of the 2d l>ivi«iou of fin* ground 111111 which one a flic (Tonn.) Sun lia> li- ni gets splendid view of ■ i. 'I :i- full «.*;»•- water, w hich slmuld be < ..Id if tie ti-h i- !<*:»\ iiiic a lane number of Chattanooga lloppetl said Dr. Carroll: stream rises what railed !iav\'- springs, larue unpaid employes. studiously been on the alert to present any of loih Army Corps. Sheriffs. W. Brown, of the Penobscot River, ( .unden mountain, Rluehill, and hot for over from Ci< velan 1 to Harrison without a I am ami the water is said to be vein pure. siuall--i/. d ti-h. In lie- la’lerea-e surprised that any temperance Republi- is one of the of Mt. Desert, down the etc. A ehauire these hills to he considered -s. The Bangor, prominent survivor- We have no oi six bay, two or three minutes in the luulimr water will carpel ha- been laid down in the Mlt-ie of»ditors. can should feel airirrievcd about the internal by C'ongn. regular system -'-werage. the regiment, ( ( has. A. Brooks, of New nuisances were and were H .w to be Hail at < inrinnati that measures •J.tiuu yards. thing done has been a apt. reported, all ‘abated. *>ne of the illustrations of the Caleb fish. suilicient. and a or ba of four revenue of the Chicago The only declaration that un- < striking good sheepshead It is probable that a will !*«• temler- plank platform. Haven, Conn., president of tin* association, »m* ease of tvplioi-l fever w as report! The nr. which the or live will reception Routelle resolution is to summer re-ort boom is accomplishing in pounds not require more Than An <>hi * d fairly open eriti* i-m der existing law a widow is entitled to lit r writes has been :-*rtui:att in to < .\. VII -'!■ \l I. (IlMlIil ’S y•mil' lady*- name i- I imancinat ion Mr. Blaim in Bodon on.liN journey front Comrade Harper, of Lcwi-ton. to as-un* very regard contagion's Ma ne is show n down in the little town of Brooks about ten minut. v\ !>< but the from the time the ater New for indcliniteness. internal revenue the that no to mak** tli—-rises throughout the vear. ( I M I I: m * K I’roclamat! Her friend- cal! her “I'roekie.** A «u*k to Augusta. pension from the death of her husband instead hoys pains will he spared ill. opposite a.-tine. \ Bangor gentleman who L'ins to boil. Whenever a is neither a nor an lo v,. IX ! Members of lie* b.m.d. S. |; \!i.-n praetieai.h: strainer plank temperance anti-tem- this one of the best re-union- that the i- ia a to know tells us that the of regiment ( position during ■. tin Smith»oi iin should be in ii i- * • i on e<>od iovernor of ami is as tli; time of tiling her declaration, and lead- w ood, 11. ( nonet t and In \. ,n e:. ii-ed plncini; the tish in ihe -ai;.a- report authority that McKav Thaddeii- Found Wisconsin, perance declaration, not, it mm-uis to has ever had, anil to tell all the member* to past thro months over >|o.ooo in dear, cold cash ha- We have had mi rases of the iniVe:no di -ra--*-. l uit- p am Some kinds ..f ti-h may l-e iir-i -kino '. —old his •*;*!-!.• te day (inllld for £11.000.000. who inuewumj cil in issj. has recovered ami me, open to criticism as such. It C propel a in. Southern Democrats. both in the Senate he there. has been j aid for land in that town which, at the pointed ly The Ninth Regiment was a veteran thus, vve have had to do. but slmuld retain its will t Harrison.
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