Congressional Record—House H5906

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Congressional Record—House H5906 H5906 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 26, 2016 this bill. I also want to thank all of my he started a family practice in Bremen, Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, Hoosier colleagues from both sides of Indiana. In 1952, Doc began his career this Sunday, Colombians in my Con- the aisle who signed on and support in public service, serving as Marshall gressional District will go to the polls this bill. County coroner in 1956, when he was to vote on the Colombia-FARC deal, Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of elected to the Indiana House of Rep- deciding whether to hold the narco-ter- my time. resentatives. He was elected Governor rorist organization known as the FARC Mr. TAKANO. Mr. Speaker, I yield of Indiana in 1972 and reelected in 1976. accountable for its innumerable crimes myself such time as I may consume. In 1985, Ronald Reagan appointed committed over more than 50 years. Mr. Speaker, I am delighted to join him as the Secretary of the Depart- Yet, in a deal brokered by the my colleague, the gentlewoman from ment of Health and Human Service, the duplicitous Castro regime, the FARC Indiana (Mrs. BROOKS) in supporting first medical doctor to serve in that members may soon get off scot-free— H.R. 5509, a bill to name the Depart- role. no jail time and no compensation to ment of Veterans Affairs temporary His commitment to serving Hoosiers the family members of their victims. lodging facility in Indianapolis, Indi- made him one of the most adored pub- FARC members will even be allowed to ana, as the Dr. Otis Bowen Veteran lic servants in the State of Indiana. His run for office. Good grief. House. dedication is exemplified by the fact This is a bad deal, Mr. Speaker, and Dr. Bowen was born near Rochester, that after all these accomplishments it should not be financed by American Indiana. He graduated from Indiana and awards, he said his proudest taxpayers. The only things the FARC University and received his M.D. de- achievement was delivering those 3,000 and its criminal backers in Havana are gree from Indiana University School of babies as a family physician in Mar- interested in are more opportunities to Medicine. During World War II, he shall County. served in the U.S. Army Medical Corps I can’t think of a more deserving per- continue running drugs, lining their from 1943 to 1946, and was with the first son to name this facility after. pockets, and destabilizing Latin Amer- wave of Allied troops in the invasion of Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to ica. Okinawa in 1945, and was honorably support this bill. Colombians in my district can vote discharged as a captain in 1946. Mr. TAKANO. Mr. Speaker, I have no on the deal in either Coral Gables, Hia- When he returned home, he began his other speakers, and I urge my col- leah, or Kendall, as well as many other private practice, acquiring a respected leagues to support H.R. 5509. places surrounding Miami. For more place in Bremen, Indiana, as the coun- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance information on voting locations, they try doctor. of my time. can contact the Colombian consulate After serving in the Indiana Legisla- Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. Mr. Speak- in Miami. ture for 14 years, Dr. Bowen was elect- er, I yield myself such time as I may ed the 44th Governor of Indiana and ul- consume. f timately served as the Secretary of Mr. Speaker, before we conclude, I SHOOTING AT CASCADE MALL IN Health and Human Services under would like to take a moment to person- BURLINGTON, WASHINGTON President Ronald Reagan. ally thank Chairman MILLER for all (Ms. DELBENE asked and was given I am very pleased to support this leg- that he has done throughout his tenure permission to address the House for 1 islation and urge its passage. in the House of Representatives and in minute.) Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of shepherding this bill. I also would like my time. to thank his staff who have helped us Ms. DELBENE. Mr. Speaker, I rise Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. Mr. Speak- bring this bill to the floor. today with a very heavy heart. On Fri- er, I would like to thank my dear The people of Florida’s First Con- day night, there was a tragic shooting friend and colleague from California gressional District couldn’t have asked at the Cascade Mall in Burlington, (Mr. TAKANO) for those remarks. for a more dedicated public servant. where five people were killed. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the The work that Chairman MILLER has The victims included a 16-year-old gentlewoman from Indiana (Mrs. done to advance the rights and care of cancer survivor from Mount Vernon WALORSKI). She is my dear friend from veterans is truly remarkable. High School, a dedicated public servant northern Indiana who has also served Whether it was in the trenches of war from Arlington and her 95-year-old on the Veterans’ Affairs Committee. mother, a Boeing employee from Lake Mrs. WALORSKI. Mr. Speaker, I for Doc Bowen or in political office or Stevens, and a Macy’s cosmetic thank my colleague, Representative at his doctor’s office, Doc Bowen had a clear passion for serving others. How- counter worker. BROOKS from Indiana. I am thrilled to stand here tonight and be a part of ever, he always reserved a special place As our community comes together naming this facility in Indianapolis the in his heart for his fellow veterans, like during this difficult time, our region Dr. Otis Bowen Veteran House. Chairman MILLER. That is why it is grieves for the victims, their families, Dr. Bowen spent most of his life in only appropriate that the house—the and all those affected by this tragedy. my district, Indiana’s Second District. home—that he helped build for vet- We will always remember Sarai Lara, He was the consummate Hoosier, erans and their families carry his name Belinda Galde, Beatrice Dotson, Chuck known for his personal integrity and and serve as a permanent reminder of Eagan, and Shayla Martin. leadership in service to this Nation and the character and fortitude of this leg- I want to thank our local law en- the State of Indiana. endary man. forcement for their long hours search- Mr. Speaker, I, once again, urge pas- His nickname was Doc, as he was af- ing for the shooter who was appre- sage today. fectionately known, and I would be one hended less than 24 hours after the in- I yield back the balance of my time. person knocking on his door every so cident. often just to check in and see how he The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question is on the motion offered by While there is no one law that will was doing. He had a wall of fame in his prevent every single instance of sense- house like none other. I would love to the gentlewoman from Indiana (Mrs. BROOKS) that the House suspend the less violence, we must do more to end just sit and listen to his words of wis- the tragic cycle of gun violence affect- dom over the years. He was born in rules and pass the bill, H.R. 5509. The question was taken; and (two- ing our communities. Rochester, Indiana, in Fulton County. thirds being in the affirmative) the He graduated from Francesville High rules were suspended and the bill was f School. To this day, today, all of those passed. areas in those counties are proud that A motion to reconsider was laid on RECOGNIZING THE SECOND HAR- he actually resided in those areas. the table. VEST FOOD BANK OF NORTH- He received his medical degree from WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA’S IU in 1942, completed his residency at f BACKPACK PROGRAM Memorial Hospital of South Bend, HOLD FARC ACCOUNTABLE joined the U.S. Medical Army Corps, (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN asked and was (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania was part of the first wave of troops to given permission to address the House asked and was given permission to ad- storm the beaches of Okinawa during for 1 minute and to revise and extend dress the House for 1 minute and to re- World War II. After leaving the service, her remarks.) vise and extend his remarks.) VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:52 Sep 27, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26SE7.060 H26SEPT1 emcdonald on DSK9F6TC42PROD with HOUSE.
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