A LIST of the Principal Officer^ Civil and Military, in Great Britain, in the Year 171® I Maj. Gan-Stanhope, ft* light iht Ltrit, *niothri* | Keeper of the Queer?* Clifet. CornmiJJloners for Wine-Licenfes. Auditors of the Impreft. Sttffbrdflnre, William Lord Paget. Chief Clerics, Mr. Rich. Thttrlot, f Lieut. Gen. Meredlifti *f Htr UMjtfj', fs/l Htmmti/t Privy* Ntl.Charles Lucas Thomas Lake, Efq; John Harwood, Efq Arth. Mawaring Efq; Edw. Harley Efq; Suffolk, Charles Duke of Grafton. Mr. And. Hid. I Brigadier Evans. C«nncH. f ^ Mafer of the Horfe. Robert Lownds, Efq; Thomas CM*/*//,Efq; | Auditor of the Revenue. Ths. Jett, Efq. Suflex, Earl of Hertford. _ - Colonel Elliot. Tfbmaj Lord Arcfabiflrop of C#» His Grace Charles Duke of Stmerfet. William Congreve, Efq; Commiffioners of the Sick Wounded. I Auditor of the Principality of Wales. Surrey, George Duke of Northumberland terlwy. Gent, oj th/Horfe. Lt. Gen. Meredith Sidn Colonel Bowletfc CommiJJiorters of the StaiTip-Office. Philip Herbert Efq; Dr. Richard Adams. I U Go dolphin Efq;' Tower and Hamlets, the Hon. Charles William Ld Covper, Ld High Chancellor Hereditary Earl Marjhal of England. .Colonel Moor. Edw. Lloyd Efq; Robert Pooley Efq; Dr. Tho. Lawrence. Dr. Hen. Plum tret, l , Dutchy Cornwall. Churchill. £fq; J»kn Lord Archbifhop of TtrL Colonel Sutton; Santas Dukt of Norfolk, Executed by | Richard t)yot, Efq; John Molefworth, Efq; Dr. Peter Silvefter. .‘The Honourable Albtmarl Bertie Efq; Warwick, George Ctrl of Northampton. Sidney Ear] of GtdolphinJLA High Treaf. H nry Earl of Suftx and Bindon. I Rich. Martin, Efq; Weftmorland, Tho. Earl of Wharton. Brigadier Rook. Secretary Mr. Francis Lynn. (Lord Pafion. Jilm Duke of Nevtcaftle, Ld Pr. Seal. Kt.Marfhal. Sir Ph. Med doses, Jun. Kr Secretary, Mr. William Brydges. Worcefterfhire,C^«r/« D. of Shrewsbury. Treafurer, Capt. Thomas Savery. Her Majefty’s Attorney-General. Jein Ld Semen, Piefid. of the Council. Ma/ier of she Ceremonies. Comptroller, Mr. Pawling. North wales, Hugh Earl of Cholmondley. j Cawfield. Commijfioners /pr Trade an i Plantation Sir James Montague, Kt. Tho. E.of Wharttn, Ld Lieut, of Ireland. Sir Charles Cotter el Knt. Receiver, Wm. Frankland, Efq; £aft and North-Riding of 3^rf/Z)/rr ,f^*r] [queen Mr. Cha Reynell, bis Clerk of the Patents Earl de la Rain. WiBiam Duke of Devon. Ld Steward. Afliftanr, Clement Cottertl. Commiffiontrs for Hackney Coaches. Archbifliop of Canterbury. John Duke of Newcaftle. Solicitor-General, Rob. Eyre, Efq. Marq. of Montand**. Charles Duke of Sermrjet. Mailer of the Maft. of the Jewel-Office. Daniel Blake Efq; Edmond Clark Efqv Lord Chancellor Weft Riding of Tork, the Hon. Henry John Charlton, Efq; Lord High-Treafurer. Mr. Tener, his Clerk of the Patents. Maj Gen. Macktrin-ft Horfe. Charnock Heron Efq; AbrakamMagney Efq Beyle, Efq; James D. of Ormond. Mafter Falconer. Evert Jolivet; Efq; Lord.Prefldent. The Queen's Serjeants at Law. Colonel Jones. , Lord Privy Seal. • Thomas Powys Sirjofeph Jekyll Cmftables and Governors of Cafiles and Brigadier Wynne. Charles D.of Bolton. Charles Duke of Si. Albans. Receiver, Mr. Wharton. Sir Kt. Kt Garrifond Places. . Meinhardt Duke of Schonierg. , Mafier of the Revels. Earl of Stamford- Sir Tho. Parker Kt. Nicholas Hooper £fq; Col. Britton. Beaumaris Caftle, Rich. Ld Vifi Bulkeley. Colonel Watkins. Thomas Duke of Leeds. Charles Killegrew Efq; Commiffioners for Salt. Principal Secretaries of State. The Queen’s Council at Law- ’John Duke of Marlborough. Regificr of the Papers and Records of State. John Danvers Efq; Thomas Aram Efq; Bifhop of London. Sir Will, Whitlock Kt. Berwick, Major General Edward Maine. Col. Leptll. James Duke of Qstevmberrjr aftd Dover John Tucker Efq; Humphry Griffith Efq; Edw.Brereton, Efq Chancellor of the Exchequer; J. Aghonby, Efq; Nich. Lechmere Efq Brianels-Caftle, Charles Earl of Berkley. Sir Charles Hothanr.' William Dartmoutfo. Cardiffe-Caftle, Sir Tho. Manfed, Bait. Col. Scanwix. Secretary of State. Phyfitians to Her Majcfiy. Ja. Cardonkl,- Efy Lord Dutchy and County Palatine of Lancafter Carlifte, Charles Earl of Carlifie. Colonel Munden. James D.of Montrofs. Dr. Tho. Lawrence. Secretary, Michael Eaft Efq; SirPhilip Meadows, Senior, Kt; fames Earl of Derby, Chancellor. Charles Radnor. Colonel Gore. ■ John D.of drgyle Dr* Martin Lifter. Sir Dav. Hamilton. Comptroller, Thomas Hall, Efq; J ohn Poultney, Efq; Rob. Monckton, Efq Sir Edw. Noithey, Attorney-General. Carnarvan, EarTof John Roxburgh. Chefter, Hugh Earl of Cholmondley. Colonel Townfhend. Duke of Ot. Arbuthr.ot. Ut.Shadwel, in Extra. Cafhier, The Hon. Fran. Brydges Efq; Sir Cha- Tumor. John Ghetwind Efq; Receiver General, Col. Tyrrell. Robert Marquifi of Lindfey, Lord Great Sir William Read, Kt. Occulift. Accomptant, Mr. William Sumpter. Their Secretary, WiUiam Popple, Efq; Will. Bellamy, Efq; Auditor of the North. Dover, and Cinque-Ports, CharlttEarl Ld. Mar Carr. Chamberlain of England. Char. Bernard,Efq, SerjeantCbirurgeon. Dsp. Secretary, Adrian Drift, Gent. Robert Thornhill, Efq; Auditorof the South. of Dorfet. Umry Marq. of Kent, Ld Chamberjain Chief Clerk, Pfoz?. Barker, Gent. Deputy-Governor, and Deputy* War Count Nafiau. Thomas Gardner, Efq; Chirurgeon to the Commtffioners for Hawkers, &C, Sir Cheek Gerrard Bart. Clerk of the Aiaiquisof Dorchider. den, the Earl of Weftmorland. Brig. Siburgh. Houfhold, and alf the Land Forces. Sam. Atkinjbn, Efq; John Henley, Efq; Council. Cba.iLtt] of Sunder'and, Seer, of State, Dartmouth, Courtney Croker, Efq; Col. BIoffec. Lord Chief.Juftice, and Juftice in Eyre, Tho. Earisby, Efq; Peter Crank, Cafhier John Statham,EfqySurveyer of theNorth. E. of Orford, if! Ld. Cun. of the Adm Deal-Caftle, Geo. Aylmer, Efq; Colonel Price. ad Her Maje fly's Forefts, &c. Her Majefty’s Minifters Abroad. Rt. Woollafion,Efq; Surveyorofthe5o«r^. Thtmae Earl of Pembroke. Clerk. Gravefend, and Tilbury, Lieut. Gene- On the North/ide of Trent. JohrDvilst of Mar l boro ugh, Ambaflad or£x- Mr, Benj, Ayloffe, Deputy Clerk, and / Manner. James Earl of Derby, Chancellor of the ral G(0. CJoolmtndly. Elq; William DuVc of Devon. traordinary, and Plenipotentiary to Keeper of the Records. Lieut- Gen. Seymour. Maj’Gen. Hole/ Dutchy of Luncafler. Guernfey, General Churchill. On the South fide of Trent. the States General. In Conjunction Mr. JohnVVolph, Dep. Cl.and Regifter. Lieut. Gen. Wills. Col. Churchilfr Charles Earl of Mancbefter. Governors of the Poft-Houfe. Hull,and Block-houfe, Jo£«D.of Newca- Thomas Earl of Wharton. wjfh Cha. Lord Vifcount Townjhend. Mr. Richard H isband, \ - Colonel Bor. Lord Shannon- Thomas Earl of Stamford. Sir Tho. Frankland Ear. John Evelin, Efq; Cor Hurft-Caftle, Henry Holmes Efq; (file. Ranger of Windfor Great Park. Sir ~Rob. Sutton, at Conftantinople. Mr .Thomas Afbeton, j At niCS. Charles B id vile Earl of Radnor. Wm. Frankland, Efq; Comptroller of the Holy Iftand, under the Care of the Go- The Dutchefs of Marlborough. Tho. L Raby, to the K. of Prujfia. Mr. Rich. Worthington, Ufher. John How, Efq; Pay-M after General of Cha. E. of Car life. Cha. E. of Berkley. Englijh Office. vernor* of Berwick,. Little Park. Hon. Geo. Churchill, Efq; Earl of Galway Amb. to theK.of Portugal. Mr. Sam. Gellibrand, MefTcnger. Her Majefty’s Guards and Garrifons. Richard Earl of Scarbrough. Ajhbumham Fraud:, Efq; Comptroller Harleigh-CaftJe, Richard Vaughan, Efq; Warden o/New Foreft. Sir Phil. M^oH^Kt.Env. Extr. ztVienna. Officers, within the County Palatine. Honja Brydges,Efq; Pay.Mafter of Hit Hen. E.of Sujfex and Binders. of the Foreign Office. Jerfey-Iftand, Lieut. General * Charles Duke of Bolton. John Wyeb, Efq; to the Courts of Hoi Geo. Kenyon, Efq; Vice-Chancellor. Majefty’s Forces, afting in Conjun- Richard Earl of Ranelaugh. Landguard-Fort, Colonel Jones. Ranger of HideJJa.rkHen.Portman SeymorEf. ftein, Mecklandburg, and to the Hans Nich. Starkey Efq; Attorny General. ction with thofe of bet Allies. HsghE. of Chalmondlty. St. Maws-Caftle, Hugh Bofcawen Efq; Ranger of St. James’s Park. Towns. ^ir Alexander Rigby,Kt. Cl.of theCrown. Mich. Hyde, Efq; CommifTary General Rick»"d E. Rivers. Officers of the Penny-Poft. Milford Haven, John Earl of Carberj. 1 William Henry, Earl of Bath. * Ja Stanhope Efq; EnV. to the K. of Spain Geo. Kenyon, Efq; Clerk of the Pfcace. of theM utters,andchief M uttet-mattce John Earl Powlet. Jamet E. of Seaftild. Nath. CaftLton, Efq; Comptroller. Pendennis Caftle, Geo. Granville, Rfq; Hen. Wife,Efq; ChiefGardncr. Daniel Poultney Efq; to tbeK. of Denmark " Henfhaw, Efq; Prothonotary, to all the Forces, JohnEatl of Marr. HughEatl of Loudon. Mr. Dan. Darnel), Accomptant. Plimouth, and Strick-Ifiand, Majoi- Warden of the Foreft of Sherwood. John Robinfon Efq; to the K. of Sweden^ Mt.Tho. Winckley, Regifter. His Deputy David Crawford, Efq; Charles Lord Vifcount lovonfhend. Mr. John Green, Collector. General Trelawney. John Duke of Newcaftle. Charles Whitworth, Efq; to the Czar of Mr. James Affheten, Attorny. Secretary at War,Adam de Cardo*ell,Efq; Henry Lord Bifliop of London. Lord P rivy-Seal.. Portland-Caflle, Wm. Fountain, Efq; Warden of the Stannaries. Mufcovy. His Chief Clerk, Ja. Taylor, Efq; Robert Ed Ferrers John Duke of Newcaftle. Portfinouth, Lieut. General Erie. Hugh Bofcawen, Efq; Earl ofStairs to the King of Poland. Clerk of the Marines, Francis Lynn £fqj Robert Ld Lexington. His Secretary, Thomas Boteler, Efq; Judges of the Civil Law, &c- Sandon-Caftle, Colonel 7ho. Marffi. Surveyor General of the Works. Maj.Gen. Cadogan, to the States-Ge/ Judge Advocate by Land. Ch.Byde, Efq; . Will.Ed Dartmouth. Sir John Cooke Kt. L. L. D. Dean and Of- Sangate-Caftle, Philip Herbert Efq; Sir Chriftopher Wren Kt. . Citrks of the Privy-Seal. neral. , Phyfician General of the Army, Dr. Thomas Ld Coningsby. ficial Principal of the Arches Court Sheernefs, Lieut. General Withers. Comptroller of theWorks, JohnVanbrugh Efq Thomas Gofiin Efq; Sir George Piers Bar Maj. Gen. Pdimes to the Duke of Savoy Lawrence. Thomas Cook, Efqj Vice Chamberlain. of Canterbury, and Vicar-General to Scarborough, Groom Porter* Thomas Archer, Efq; Henry Ludlow Efq; Ge orge Sawyer Efq Henry Newttm Tufcany. Comptrollers for the Accomp's of the Sir Ji>£» Hslland, Brrt, Comptroller. Efq; to the D. of Sir Henry st. George Kt. Garter Princi John Tench Gent. Dep. the Moft Reverend Father in God Tinmouth*Forr, Major Gen. Meredith. Army, Sir Philip Meddows. Kt. Thi* John Smith,Efa Chanc. of the Exchequer. Abraham Stanian, Eqf; to the EleQor of pal King of Arms. John Weodftn, Gent. Dep. Thomas Ld Archbifhop of Canterbury, Tower of London, Broderick; Efq; Sir John Holt Kt.L.Ch. Juft, of ^ Bench. Hannover. and her Majefty’s Advocate General. John Vanbrugh, Efq; Clarenceux Mr. Nich. Fountain. Office .Keeper. Hen. Davenant Efq; Refid. it Franckfort. Upnor Caftle, Col. Haftings. Secretary, Greg, king, Efq; - Hen. Boyle, Efq; Secretary of State. Sir Charles Hedges Kt.Judge of the High Peter Le Neve Efq; Norroy. Chriftian Cole, Efq^Secretary at Venice, Windfqr. Caftle, George Duke of Nor Clerks, Mr. Wm. Martyn, Mr. John John Hove Efq; Court of Admiralty. thumberland, There arealfo Six Heralds of Arms, and Clerks of the Signet. Jphn Laws, Efq; at Bruffels, ■ Conftable. Thomjon, Mr. Samifel Aftrey, Mr.John Sir John Trevor, Kt.Mafter of the Deputy Dr. George Brampflon. 4 Purfuivants in ord. i Herald, and Sir Wnt Trumbullt Kt* John Gauntlet Efq; James Craggs, Efq; at Barcelona. Me °f Wight, Duke of Bolton,. Kepllng, Mr. John Mathews, Mr. WHO SirTho.TrevorKi.Ld .Ch.Jufi.of the Com.Pl. Sir Richard Raines Kt, Judge of the a Purfuivants extraordinary. William Cook, Efq; Jos. Moyle, Efq; James Dayrol, Elq; at the Hague. Thomjoni - Sir Cha. Hedges. Kf. Prerogative Court of Canterbury. John Thurfton, Efq; Knight Harbinger, George Woodeftm Gent. Dep Fr. Manning, Efq; so the Griffonsi Governors of her Majefty’s Territories CUiturgedti General, Tho. Gardner, Efq; . , Efquire. Her Majefiy’s Advocates in the High in Officers of the Band of Gentlemen Penfitners Cl. of the Difpatches, Rich.GregfontGtn. ' America. Apothecary General, Ifaac Teale. Efq; Lieutenant-General Erie. New England, and New Hamplhire, Charles Duke of St. Albans Captain. Office-Keeper, Mr. Nich. Fountain. Court o/ Admiralty. Walter Whitfield,Efq; Ray-Matter Gene* Attendants of the Council. CONSULS. Henry Newton L. L. D. Advocate to the VVilliam Seymour Efq; Lieut. Tr Colonel Jofeph Dudley. ral of the Marines. Sir James Montague, Attorney General. John Milner Efq; at Lisbon. Virginia, Charles Fane Efq; Stand. Bearer. Lord High Admiral. Samul Lym, Efq; Mufter-Matter Ge- Robert Eyre, Efq; Solicitor-General. Jofepb Kirby, Efqj at Amfterdam. Rob. Manley Efq; Clerk of the Check. A D M I R A L T Y. Wiltiam Gldys L. L.D. Affiftant to the Maryland, neral of the Marines. Cjlerks of the Council. Hugh Broughton, Efq; at Venice. VVilliam Smith Efq; Paymafter. Quern’s Advocate for Prizes. Barbados, Mltford Crowe Efqy . Mafter Gunner of Engl. William Blathroaite Efq; John Po'i/^Efq; James Paul, Efq; at Zant. Handafide, Richard Reeves Gent. HarbjtygeV. Lords Commiflioners for execating the Jamaica, Brigadier Gov. .HAv, Southwell Efq; Chri. Mu fgrave, Efq; Thomas Kirke, Genova. Elq; at Leward-Ifiahds, Colonel Park. Principal Officers of that Part of North Clerks Extraordinary. Officers of the Yeomen of the Guard. Office of Lord High Admiral of Robert Cole, Efq; at Algiers. Bermudas, Benjamin Bennet Efq- James Vernon, Jun. Efq; Tho. Smith, Efq. Charles Ld Vifcount Townjhend Captain Great-Britain,Ireland, &C. Chamberlain of the City of LONDON, Britain called Scotland. JohnGaddard,Efq; Agent &ConfatTunis Hudfon’s Ray, Cape. James Knight. Earl of Orford. Sir John feake. Sir William Fazakerley, Kt. Lord Chief Jwqn of the Exchequer* .Abraham Staryan, Efq; Chiverton Charlton, Elq; Lieut. Dr. Will iff* Sherrard at Smirna. New York and New Jerfey, Colonel Chamber- Ke fers. William Uphill Efq; Standard-bearer. Sir Gecrge Bing. George Dodington, Efq; Common Serjeant, Duncan Dee Efq; John Smith, Efift - 5 Benjamin fjyddington, Efq; at Tripoli. Hunter, ' ATr. Rich. Gregfon. Mr. \ohn Cocks* George D avert ant, \ and Paul Methuen, Efq; Town-Clerk,. James Gib fan Efq; Commiffioners of the Cuttoms...... Baankland, Efq; at Sebajiian. Bahama-Ifiands, Sir Alex Rigby, Tho. Fullerton Efq;. Admirals. Francis Haftings, Efq; at Tripoli in Syria Comptroller of the Chamber. The Principal Officers of Her Majeftfs South Carolina, Edward Tynte, Efq; Lionel Norman, John Kent, Efq; . ^ Efqs Coipotals Randal Stracy £fq; ? Mathew Allmsr, Efq; Commander in Notth Carolina, Edw. Hide, Efq; HOU S HO LD. Tho Windham^. j William Boyle, Efq; Chief ot her Majelly’s Fleet. The High Court of Chancery.. Judges of the Sheriffs-Court. Receiver and Cafhier of theCuftomj, Privy Purfe, and Groom of the StoJe, Ch.HanluryfEfqjC\ti\c of the Checque. the Dutchefs of Marlborough, Sir Jolpn Jennings, Knt. Admiral of the W. Lord Cowper, Lord high Chaneellor Serf. Richardfon. Wm. Lightford, Efq; Knights-Companions of the "moft noble Cha. Gradon, Gent. Equerries to her Mayfly.. White Squadton of her Majefty’s His Secretary, Thomas Marjjbal, Efq.; Secondaries. Order of the CARTE R. - Comptroller of the Accompts of the Board'of Gfeen-Cloth. Thomas Lifter Efq; Will. Dumomb Efq; Fleet. \ Zachariah Foxall Efq; John White Efq; The Sovereign K; ofPruffia. Cuftoms, John Crookfhanks, Efq; William Duke of Devcnjhire, Lord Stew- Geo. Fetlding Efq; Col. Britton, Mafter of the Rolfc, Sir Ja^» IrevorlLt, ng ard of Her Majefty’s Houfhold. Sir John Norn'i, Kf. Vice Adm. of the Elector of Hanover. Elefr Pr. of Hanover. Comptroller of the Excife, Pant on, Efq; The r a Mafters in Chancery; Hugh Earl of Cholmondeley; Treafurer. Biue Squadron of her Majefty’s Fleet. Colonels of the Sr* City Regiments of' D. of Cleveland, and Southampton, John Paifonr, Efq; Clerk of the Market, Wyn. Wroth, Efq SirJc^. Trevor Kt. Sir Laeon-Wm Child Kt. S\t John Holland. Comptroller. The Rt. Hon. Ja. Lord Durjley, Vice- Train’d Bands. D, of Bucks And Normanby, Auditor of the Excife,Geo.THfon,Efq}’ Sir Rob. Legard Kt/ Samuel Keck Efq; Uehry Niatq of Kent, Ld Chamberlain. The Treafury. Adm. of the Red Squadron of her Red Regime /Sh Samueb^tanior.Kt. D. of Leeds, D< of Richmond, Commiffmers of the Excife. Sir Rich. Half ord Kfi,, Thom as Lit Efq; Tho. Cook, Efq; Vice-Chamberlain. Sidney Earl of Godolphin,LaHigh Treafurer Majefty’s Fleer.; OrangeRegim. Sir Owen Ruck.inghamKt. D. of Somcrft, D. of Nonhunberlani; Alex. Weddcrburn, Efq;’ Thomas Gery Elq; Lord Rialton, Cofferer. Secretary, WiUiam Lownds Efq,; Sir Edw Whitaker,^. Vice Adm. oft he Will. Wogers Elq; Blue Regimf. Sir Gilbert Heathcot Kt Earl of Roch fter, John Witham, Efq; David Rofs, Efq; White Squad of her Majefty’s Fleet. J. Hrccocks, Efq; Wm. Fellows, Efq; Alexander Forbes, £ im. Dunch, Efq; Mr. of the Houfhold Officers of the Exchequer , relating to White Regimt. Sir William Ajhurft Kt. Duke of Ormond, Duke of Shrewsbury, Efq; John Mellor, Efq; Ja. Medlicot, Efq; Sir Wm borefter Kt. ? Clerks of the Green the Difpofal of Her Majefty’s Revenue. John Baker,Efq;, Vice-Adm. of the Blue Yellow Regim. Sir Charles Peers Kt, Duke of Newcaftle, James Boyle, Efq; Ch. Scarborough, Efq; 3 Cloth. The Rt. H, John Smith Efq; Chancellor; Squadron of her Majefty’s Fleet. The Six Clerks. Green Regim. Sir Robert BeachcroftK.t Earl of Pembroke, Earl of Albemarl, Extraordinary Clerks of the Seffms. Charles Godfrey, Efq; ? Clerks Comptrol. and Under-Treafurer. Sit Cha. Wager, Efq; Rear* Adm. of the Bafil Herne Elq; John Sujfeild Elq; Duke of Queens bury, Duke of B dford, James Duke of Quetnsbtrry. John Highlord Efq; Nath. Barnadifton Efq; Edw. Grifftn, hfq; S oftheGreen-Cloth J ofeph Mufgrave, Efq; his Secretary. Red Squadron of her Majefty’sFleet., Duke of Marlborough, D. of Schonburg, William Marquis of Annandale. Ladies of Her Majefly's Bed-Chamber. Hen. Seager, Gent. Clerk. lear Blu* Flag, vacant. Will. Lamb Efq; Will. Brydges, Efq; Officers in the Tower oj London. Ear] Gpiolphin. Archibald E«ri of Hay. The Dutchefs of Marlborough. Conftable, Hugh Earl of Loudon. . Four Firft Chrks of the Treafury. Clerk of the Crown, Geo. Wrighte Efq; Scotland, Eatlof Weems. The Dutchefs of Ormond. John Taylor, Efq; Chr. Tilfon, Efq; SeciCiary to the Lord High Admiral. Prothomtary of the Court, Lieutenant, William Cadogan, Efq; Commiffioners for fiating the Debts of Vice-Adm. of Somerfet. Jofias Burchet,. Efq; Pindlebury Rob.Forbes. The Dotchefs of Wm.G-anville, Efq; Jonath.Goftelow Snow Efq; Deputy Lieut. > Efq; King William. Judges of theAdmiralry, Sit The Dutchefs of Devon. Mr, John Fawler, his Affiftant. Mafter General ef the Ordnance. . Mr. James Graham. Richard Powys, Efq; Clerk ofthe Hanaper, Jof.WhiteheadJH fq; Edm. Willi amfon, Efq;.Gregory King, Efq; The Countefs of Sunderland. Five Under-Clerks. John Duke of Marlborough. Wm. Vanbrugh, Efq; Officers ef the Crown. The Countefs of Abingdon. Tho. Bendijh, Efq; Mr. Edw. Webfttr. Council to the Affairs of the Admiralty Warden of the Fleet. Lieutenant General of the Ordnance; The E.of Errol, High Conftable. The Countefs of Burlington. . Mr. Miles Granger. Mr. Tho. Jet, and Navy, Conftantine Phipps, Efq; Ant. Grinden, Efq; General Erie. The E. of Marejchal, High-Marefchaf. v ^ \ A V x The E.ofiKintore, Knight* Marefchal. The Countefs of Scarborough. Mr .William Efte. Solicitor and Affiftant, ]ohn Warier,ECq; Clerk of theOrdnance,C^r. MufgraveEfq; The Lady Frechville. The Lady Hide. Two Examiners. LI ST of her Majefty’s Forces, Doke of/irgyle, Heretable Great*Ma^ Supernumeraries , Mr. John Lowndes , Judge-Advocate by Sea. Surveyor General, W'illiam Brydges Efq; The Lady Rialtott. Arthur Trevor Efq; Will. Emerton Efq; the Pay o/ Great-Britain. fter qf the Queen’s Houfhold. Mr. Wm. Lowndes, Jun. MhTbo.Spence. Villiers Bathurft, Efq; Store Keeper. Rob. Lowther Efq; Maids of Honour. Mafters of the Subpoena-Office. Sir Alex* Balmahoy, Deputy. Chamber.keeper, Mr. Wm.Wicktt. His Deputy, Edward Honywtod, Efq; J Clerk of the Deliveries, James Cragg, Efq; ijotfe. Mrs. Kingdoms. MtS. Scarborough. Lionel Vane Efq; Tho Lyddal, Efq; Sir Alex. Cockbum, the Queen’s bet eta- - Agents for Taxes. Earl of Albermarle. Mrs. Forrifter. Mrs. Wyvil. MtS.Tel* Clerk of the Patents. Rich. Cocks Efq; ble Ufher. William Clayton, Efq; The Clerks, in ordinary., Treafurer and Pay-Maftcr. D.of Ormond. vtrton. Mrs. War burton. - \ . Hor.Guards Sir Wm. Anftruther, the Queen’s here- Richhrd Shoreditch, Efq* Mafter of the Affidavit-Office. The Hon. Henry Mordaunt Efqj Earl of Artan, a Maj.Gen. Bed-Chambermff'onjen. Mr. Edward Burt. table Carver. Robert Barker, Efp; John Pointer Efq; Chief Engineer, John Bennet hfq; , D. of Argyje, a Lieuf.Gen. _ 'MtS.Danvers. MtS.Cooper. JdLts. Field- Mr. Geo. Gordon,. Officers of the Queen’s Works. Trufixes for Circulating Exchequer-Bills. Enrollment-Office, Thomas Jones Efq; Officers of the ing. Mrs. Mafk am, Mrs. Hill. Mr. Rob.Crosfield. N Mint. Mr/. John Gampbel, Mr. John Urqubart. Sir Jam s Bateman, Kot. Luke Philips, Efq; Mrs.* Danvers. Jun. Mr. John Oldner. Craven Peyton, Efq; Warden. Mr. John Auchmuty, Matter of the John Heathcote, Efq; Commiffioners of the Alienation-Office. Gentleman Ujher of the Black Rod. Mr. Edward Cole. Sir Ifaac Newton Rt. Mafter-Worker. Regiments of Hrfe. Wardrobe, . Henry Fermor, Efq; James Samderfon Efq ; Sir David Mitchell Knt. Mr. Leonard Oakes. Comptroller of the Mint, John Ellis Efq; Duke of Northumberland,a Maj:Gen- Lionel Hern, Efq; Secretary. Henry Villiers Efq; Thomas Plot Efq; Her Maje fly's Engraver, John Roos, Lady of the Robes.. Mr. Phil. Barnet. Efq; Lieur. Gen. Lumley. Sam. Edwards, Efq; Cafhier. A Li ft: of Her Maje flies Land Forces,.-., The Dutchefs of Marlborough. Chief Clerk, Thomas Hall Elq; j Lieut Gen.. Wood. Lieut.Gen.Palmes. Mr. Wm. Pembroke. The Judgts of the Court of Queens-Bench in North Britain. Mafter of the Great Wardrobe.. Malt-Tickets. Eflay-Mafter, Daniel Brattle Elq; Lieut. Gen. Langfton. Treafurer of the Navy. Sir John Holt, Kt, Lord Ohiefjuftice. Uehemiah Arnold, Efq; Pay-Mafter. Hopton Hayns Duke of Mountague. John Powell, Littleton PowysKt Weigher and Teller, Efq; Lieut. Gen. Cadogan. Li tut. Gen. David Earl of Levin, . I ho. Strickland,. Efq; Comptroller. Robert Walpole,. Efq; Six Kt. Sir His Deputy, Tho. Dummer, Efq; Keeper of the Records within the Tower. Maj. Gen. Harvey. D.of Schonberg. Brigadier Generals, _ * Jnfpeftors over the Vouchers in the Comm/ffioners. Sir Henry Gould, Kt. Edm. Dunch, Efq; Cleik of the Office. Chief Clerks of theCourtof Queen’s Bench, Richard Topham Efq; Duke of Ormond. Col. Maflam. John Earl of Crafurd/ Exchequer. Comptroller, Sir Richard Haddock Kt, William Van-Huls, Efq; Clerk of the Dragoons. Sir William Douglafs. Tho. Railton, Surveyors, Dan. Furzer, Wm. Lee, Efq*. Rowland Holt Efq; Robert Coleman Efq; Hts Clerk, Mr. Geo. Holmes, E% Major Generals. Robes and Wardrobes. jr Charles Sergifon Secondary, Giles Clerk Efq; Ld.Raby, a Major General.* Tho.Crearnerr Gent. Clerk of the A£ts Efq; llir Majeft)'s Principal Secretaries of fttate. Comptroller of the Treafurers Ac- Brigadier Carpenter. William Marquift of Lothian; Ch. E. of Sunderland, for the 9c»;/&.p,rov. Million-Lottery •Tickets,. Crown-Office. counts, Dennis Lyddal Efq; Earl of Stairs, a Major-General. ' Ja. Maitland. Lr.Gen. Geo. Hamilton^ Six John Humble. Bart. Pay-mafter. A Lift of the Lord Lieutenants^/ the fe- V/id r Secretaries. Comptroller of the Vi&ualling Ac- Clerk of the Crown, Symon HareourtEfq; Lieuf.Gen. Eckiin. Lieut. Gen. Roft. Troop of Horfe Guards, ido private John Duncumb,, Efq; Comptroller. ver al Counties of England. Tht. Hopkins, Efq; Rob. Pringle,: Efq; counts, Benjamin Tymewell, Efq; His Secondary, Robert Sylyard Efq; Brigadier Pepper. Earl of Rochford. Gentlemen. Clerks of the Office. Transfer-Office to the Exchequer. Bedford, Cambridge^ and Middlefex, Captain, John Duke of Argyle, Mr. Richard Davis.. Comptroller of the Store-keepers Ac- Brigadier Pierce. Count Nafiau. .,.'.ha Delafay,Efq;Mr.PA/zant, Mr. Borret Judges of she Court <>/CommomPleas- Wriothtjley Duke of Bedford. French Regiment, Lieut. William Lord Forbes, Mr. James Courthope. counts, Gapt. Thomas Jennings,. Mr. Brocas, Mt.V/hitakir, Mr. N.wcomen Sir Thomas Trevor Kt.Ld Chief Juftice. Berks, VVilliant Lord Craven. ad Lieutenant Lord John Carr; Mr. Tweedy Crowtker. Eckerins. Chamber Keepers. Extrao~dinary Commiffioners, Robert Tracy Efq; Bucks, Scroop, Earl of Bridgwater. Corner. Colonel Bruce. Chamberlains of the Exchequer. . Foot-Guards. Mr. Smith, Mr, Marlow^ Geo. Toilet, E'q; Ant ho. Hammond, Efq; Sir John Blenco-.v Kt- Robert Dormer, Efq; Chelhire, Hugh, Earl of Cholmondley. Guidon .Major Campbell. Sir Nicholas Ster ard Bar. He». Boyle, Efqi her Majefty’s P. S. of Sir Thomas Hopfon, Sir William Gifford. Chief Ptothonotary, ]ohn Cook Efq; Cornwal, Sidney Earl of Godolphin. Duke of Marlborough. Gen.Churchill. Troop of Grenadier Guards, 15© pri- Charles Cole Efq; State for the Northern Provinces. Hen.GrecnbiU, Second Prothon. Richard Foley Efq; Cumberland and Weftmorland, Charles Foot. vate Gentlemen. Auditor of the Receipts of the Exchequer. ,Efq; XJn ler Seer etaries^ Third Prothon. John Borrett Efqj Earl of Carlifte. CoL John Earl of Crafurd. Charles Lord Halifax. Earl of Orkney, a Lieut. General. Geo. lilfin, Efq; Horatio Walpole, Efq; Other Commiffioners. Dor fee and Southampton, CharlesDuke James Camphel, Efq; Leiut.Col. His Secretary, Wm. Clayton, Efq; Cuftos Brevium Office. Earl of Portmore, a Lieut. Gen. Citrks of the Office. George St. Loe Efq;.at Chatham.. of Bolton. ——- Montgomery, Major. Clerk of the Pells. Hen. Pelham, Efq; Mafier, Edward Henry Earl of Litchfield. v Duke of Argyle, a Lieut. Gen. Mr.Wm. Jones, Mr.Dav. Eger, Mr. Wm. Ifaac Townfend Efq;-at Portfmouth.: Devon, John Earl Pawlet. • ' — Lyndal), Captain. Tfo Four Tellers. Secondary, Jofepb Tates Efq; Col. Harrifon. Brig. Pierce. Leandj,Mt.$am.Birch.Mr.Dan.prevereau, W. Wright Efq; at Plimouth, Derby, William Duke of Devon. Dragoons 6 Troops, 3d in each; * John Lord Vifcount Fitzharding. Chirographers Office. Lord Tirawley, a Lieut. Gen. Chamber Keepers. Lawrence WrigkEfq; at Kingfale,Ireland. Mafter, Montague Gerrard Drake Efq; Durham, and Northumberland, Richard Lieut. Gen. Webb. Col. Patrick Lord Pedlewarrh. Tho. Shorter, Mynatt, Evans. Rt. Hon. James Vernon Efq; 1 Mr. Mr. Mr. Receiver General, John Dodd Efq; Bird. Earl of Scarborough. Another F.egiment, the fame number*. li.FraRobartsEfq; H.Peregrin/:BertifEfq; Chirographer, Mr. Lieut. Gen. Stewart. The Duke of Quentsbcrry and Dover. Paymafter 8tc. Rob. Maddox, Efq; Eflex, Richard Earl Rivers. James Ld Carmiehell, Col. Commijfioners of the Cuftoms. Lord North and Grey, a Maj. General U der Secretaries. Captain Auften Commiffioner by Water. The Barons of the Exchequer, &c. iloucefterfhire, Charles Earl of Berkley Regiment of Foot Guards, 1 dCompanies;. Cha. Godolphin Efq; Sir John WordenfKt. Col. Hill. Brigadier Livefay. John Montgomery, Efq; Nick. Row, Efjg; Sir Edward Ward, Kt. Ld Chief Baron. Herefbrdfhire, Henry Marq. of Kent. jo in each. Wm Culhford, Efq; Sir John Stanley, Bar. E. of Baltimore aMaj Gen Lieut.Gen. Ctrks. Mr. Temple St any an, Mr. Tkornps Commijfioners for Tranfpottation. Sir Thomas Berry Kt. Hertfordfkire, William Marquifs of Lothian, Col. Thomas NewportEiq; Sir Mat. Dudley, Kt. Titcomb. E. of Hertford. Col.Godfrey Scot, Mr. James Gibbons, ':>t Robert Price Efqj duntingtonfhire,C^r/r-i E.ofMstnchefter, Earl of Dalhoufe, Lieut. Col. I ohn Shute, Efq; Samuel Atkinfon Efg; Nicholas Roop Efq; Brigad. Whiteman. Brigad Newton. TreVurer of the Chamber, John^ Ld Sir Sala^Lovel, Knt. Kent, Lewis Lord Rockingham. Col. Thomas Hamilton, Major Their Secretary, Rishard Savage, Efq; Thimas Coltby Efq; Lieut. Gen- Ingoldsby. Vifcount Fitzharding. Sir William Sympfon, Kt. Curfitor Baron. Lancafhire, James Ear! of Derby. Col Graunt’s Regm. pComp. jdeach. 1 Infpe&or General, Char. Dcovenant, Efq; Secretary, * ■ ■ " Mi ck/ewait, Efq; Gen Erie. Col. Wivdfor. Comptroller, John Fanbrugh, E q ; j The Queen’s Remembrancers Office. Leicefterfhire, John Duke of Rutland. Col. Ld Stnthnaver’s Regim. the fame. - Commiffioners of the Excife. Brigadier Handyfide. Deputy, Mofes Gerandaui The Queen’s Deputy Remembrancer. Lincolnfhire, Robert Marq of Lindfey. Maj. Gen. Maitland’s Regiment, re Foot Onflow, Efq; William Strong Efq; Brigad. Sabine. Brigad. Primrofe. Clerk Mr. John Holbetch. Commijfioners of the ViQualling-Office. Hi Stephens, Efq; Monmouth, Wilts, and Southwales, Companies, 3d each. George Tswnfend Efq; Philip Riley Efq; Col. Prefton Brigad. Whetham. Officers in Her Majtfty's Chappie Royal. Thomas Coleby Efq; Kendrick Edisbury Efq; The Lord. Tr e a fur er’s Remembrancer. Thomas Earl of Pembroke. Four lodependant Companies. Sir Marm. Wyvel Bar. Edward Noel Efq; Co!. Johnfon. Mij.Gtn.Ogilby. Dean of the Qhappel. Henry Vincent Efq; Capt.T&iraw Harlow. Leonard Thompjbn Efq; Northamptonfture, Charles Earl of Pr- Collonel Char, Churchill. Edlnburgh-Caftle, Earl of Leven.Goveni; Henry Lord Bifhop of London. Chriftopher Mountague Efq; Denzil Onflow, Elq; Thomas Berg} Efq; Firft Secondary and Philazer. terborough and Monmouth. Ld.Monrjoy, a Brigadier-General. Col. James Stuarr, Dep. Governor. Sub-Dean. Dr. Ralph Battde. Secretary John Brougham Efq; Thomas Reynolds, Efq; John Tayleur Efq; Nottingham, John Duke of Newcaftle'. Maj. Gen. Gorge. Earl of Iflay. Sterlin-Caftle, John Earl of Marr, He- Clerks of the C/o/rf, executed by Do£tor Comptroller, the Lord How,. Secretary Mr. Sprigge Mane fry. Second Secondary, Cha. Batteley, Efq; Norfolk, Charles Vifcount Tewnfhend. Lieut. Gen. Mordaunc. riditary Governor. John Younger; Dr. Samuel Prat. Regifter, Tho. Yarborough, Efq; Comptroller Benjamin Timtwell Efq; Oxfordfhire, John Duke of Marlborough. Maj. Gen. FarrinSdon. Col. John Areskin, Dep. Governor. Dr. William Grahmt. Commiffioners of Appeal. The Pipe Office; Rutland, BfWJKl Lord Sherard. Brig. Wade. Brig. Hans Hamilton. Dunbcnon-Caftle, Archbald Earl of Ifla7 Preachers at Whitehall, Sir Wm. Bony wood. Bar. , Commijjimers for Regtftring Seamen Sir John Cook*, Kt. Clerk of the Pipe. Salop, Richard E.of Bradford, CoJ. Dormer. Earl of Orrery. Governor. pr. Attirbury, Dt.Ovington, Mr. Marjhal,; Edm.Chaloner Eft); Dx.Tho.Goodman, Benj. Tymewell Efq; His Deputy, Philip Tully Elq, Someifetfhire, J«£# Lord Vifcount Fitz- Sir Richard Temple, a Maj. Gem Blacknejs-Caftlt, Earl of Buchan, Gove?; Mr. Swinfen, Mr. Brown. Mr. Groves. )a. Ajhburn,Efq; Walter Hungtrford, Efq, /Anthony Hamm rd Efq; Foreign A.\iQoftt,Charles Whitaker, Efq. barding. Maj. Gen. Sankey. Fort William, Lieut.Gen. Maitland.

L.Q H DO til Printed for AM Roper and Arthur Collin at the Black Boy over againfl St. £MWs Ch«ch in Tleetjinet 5 and Sold by Monbev, near Stationers-mlh 1709. Price Six Pence.