Austria's Role As an Ally of the Maritime Powers During the Early Years Of
72-4491 FREY, Marsha. Lee,1 9 4 7 - AUSTRIA'S ROLE AS AN'ALLY OF THE MARITIME POWERS DURING THE EARLY YEARS OF THE WAR OF THE SPANISH SUCCESSION, 1701-1706. The Ohio S ta te U n iv e r s ity , Ph.D., 1971 History, modern University Microfilms, A XEROX Company, Ann Arbor, Michigan © Copyright by Marsha Lee Frey 1971 AUSTRIA'S ROLE AS AN ALLY OF THE MARITIME POWERS DURING THE EARIY YEARS OF THE WAR OF THE SPANISH SUCCESSION, 1701-1706 DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in th e Graduate School of The Ohio State U niversity By Marsha Lee Frey, B.A., B.S. in Ed., M. A * * * * The Ohio State University 1971 Approved by U Adviser Department of History PLEASE NOTE: Some Pages have indistinct print. Filmed as received. UNIVERSITY MICROFILMS ACKNOWIEDGMENTS I would like to thank ray adviser, Dr. John C. Rule, for his inestimable advice and pertinent criticism. The gracious assistance of the directors and staffs of the Ohio State University Library, the British Museum, the London Public Record Office, the Oesterreichische S taatsarchiv, th e Hannover Stadtarchiv, the Algemeene R ijksarchief, and the Indiana University Library was invaluable in preparing this dissertation. I would also like to thank my twin sister, Linda, and my mother for their constant encouragement and understanding. i i VITA February 21, 1947 • • • Born - Toledo, Ohio 1967 ............................ B. A., summa cum laude, B. S. in Ed., ■summa cum laude, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 196 8........................... M.
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