A LIST of the Principal Officer^ Civil and Military, in Great Britain, in the Year 171® I Maj

A LIST of the Principal Officer^ Civil and Military, in Great Britain, in the Year 171® I Maj

A LIST of the Principal Officer^ Civil and Military, in Great Britain, in the Year 171® I Maj. Gan-Stanhope, ft* light iht Ltrit, *niothri* | Keeper of the Queer?* Clifet. CornmiJJloners for Wine-Licenfes. Auditors of the Impreft. Sttffbrdflnre, William Lord Paget. Chief Clerics, Mr. Rich. Thttrlot, f Lieut. Gen. Meredlifti *f Htr UMjtfj', fs/l Htmmti/t Privy* Ntl.Charles Lucas Thomas Lake, Efq; John Harwood, Efq Arth. Mawaring Efq; Edw. Harley Efq; Suffolk, Charles Duke of Grafton. Mr. And. Hid. I Brigadier Evans. C«nncH. f ^ Mafer of the Horfe. Robert Lownds, Efq; Thomas CM*/*//,Efq; | Auditor of the Revenue. Ths. Jett, Efq. Suflex, Earl of Hertford. _ - Colonel Elliot. Tfbmaj Lord Arcfabiflrop of C#» His Grace Charles Duke of Stmerfet. William Congreve, Efq; Commiffioners of the Sick Wounded. I Auditor of the Principality of Wales. Surrey, George Duke of Northumberland terlwy. Gent, oj th/Horfe. Lt. Gen. Meredith Sidn Colonel Bowletfc CommiJJiorters of the StaiTip-Office. Philip Herbert Efq; Dr. Richard Adams. I U Go dolphin Efq;' Tower and Hamlets, the Hon. Charles William Ld Covper, Ld High Chancellor Hereditary Earl Marjhal of England. .Colonel Moor. Edw. Lloyd Efq; Robert Pooley Efq; Dr. Tho. Lawrence. Dr. Hen. Plum tret, l , Dutchy Cornwall. Churchill. £fq; J»kn Lord Archbifhop of TtrL Colonel Sutton; Santas Dukt of Norfolk, Executed by | Richard t)yot, Efq; John Molefworth, Efq; Dr. Peter Silvefter. .‘The Honourable Albtmarl Bertie Efq; Warwick, George Ctrl of Northampton. Sidney Ear] of GtdolphinJLA High Treaf. H nry Earl of Suftx and Bindon. I Rich. Martin, Efq; Weftmorland, Tho. Earl of Wharton. Brigadier Rook. Secretary Mr. Francis Lynn. (Lord Pafion. Jilm Duke of Nevtcaftle, Ld Pr. Seal. Kt.Marfhal. Sir Ph. Med doses, Jun. Kr Secretary, Mr. William Brydges. Worcefterfhire,C^«r/« D. of Shrewsbury. Treafurer, Capt. Thomas Savery. Her Majefty’s Attorney-General. Jein Ld Semen, Piefid. of the Council. Ma/ier of she Ceremonies. Comptroller, Mr. Pawling. North wales, Hugh Earl of Cholmondley. j Cawfield. Commijfioners /pr Trade an i Plantation Sir James Montague, Kt. Tho. E.of Wharttn, Ld Lieut, of Ireland. Sir Charles Cotter el Knt. Receiver, Wm. Frankland, Efq; £aft and North-Riding of 3^rf/Z)/rr ,f^*r] [queen Mr. Cha Reynell, bis Clerk of the Patents Earl de la Rain. WiBiam Duke of Devon. Ld Steward. Afliftanr, Clement Cottertl. Commiffiontrs for Hackney Coaches. Archbifliop of Canterbury. John Duke of Newcaftle. Solicitor-General, Rob. Eyre, Efq. Marq. of Montand**. Charles Duke of Sermrjet. Mailer of the Maft. of the Jewel-Office. Daniel Blake Efq; Edmond Clark Efqv Lord Chancellor Weft Riding of Tork, the Hon. Henry John Charlton, Efq; Lord High-Treafurer. Mr. Tener, his Clerk of the Patents. Maj Gen. Macktrin-ft Horfe. Charnock Heron Efq; AbrakamMagney Efq Beyle, Efq; James D. of Ormond. Mafter Falconer. Evert Jolivet; Efq; Lord.Prefldent. The Queen's Serjeants at Law. Colonel Jones. , Lord Privy Seal. • Thomas Powys Sirjofeph Jekyll Cmftables and Governors of Cafiles and Brigadier Wynne. Charles D.of Bolton. Charles Duke of Si. Albans. Receiver, Mr. Wharton. Sir Kt. Kt Garrifond Places. Meinhardt Duke of Schonierg. , Mafier of the Revels. Earl of Stamford- Sir Tho. Parker Kt. Nicholas Hooper £fq; Col. Britton. Beaumaris Caftle, Rich. Ld Vifi Bulkeley. Colonel Watkins. Thomas Duke of Leeds. Charles Killegrew Efq; Commiffioners for Salt. Principal Secretaries of State. The Queen’s Council at Law- ’John Duke of Marlborough. Regificr of the Papers and Records of State. John Danvers Efq; Thomas Aram Efq; Bifhop of London. Sir Will, Whitlock Kt. Berwick, Major General Edward Maine. Col. Leptll. Charles Berkley. Sir Charles Hothanr.' James Duke of Qstevmberrjr aftd Dover John Tucker Efq; Humphry Griffith Efq; Edw.Brereton, Efq Chancellor of the Exchequer; J. Aghonby, Efq; Nich. Lechmere Efq Brianels-Caftle, Earl of William Dartmoutfo. Cardiffe-Caftle, Sir Tho. Manfed, Bait. Col. Scanwix. Secretary of State. Phyfitians to Her Majcfiy. Ja. Cardonkl,- Efy Lord Dutchy and County Palatine of Lancafter Carlifte, Charles Earl of Carlifie. Colonel Munden. James D.of Montrofs. Dr. Tho. Lawrence. Secretary, Michael Eaft Efq; SirPhilip Meadows, Senior, Kt; fames Earl of Derby, Chancellor. Charles Radnor. Colonel Gore. ■ John D.of drgyle Dr* Martin Lifter. Sir Dav. Hamilton. Comptroller, Thomas Hall, Efq; J ohn Poultney, Efq; Rob. Monckton, Efq Sir Edw. Noithey, Attorney-General. Carnarvan, EarTof John Roxburgh. Chefter, Hugh Earl of Cholmondley. Colonel Townfhend. Duke of Ot. Arbuthr.ot. Ut.Shadwel, in Extra. Cafhier, The Hon. Fran. Brydges Efq; Sir Cha- Tumor. John Ghetwind Efq; Receiver General, Col. Tyrrell. Robert Marquifi of Lindfey, Lord Great Sir William Read, Kt. Occulift. Accomptant, Mr. William Sumpter. Their Secretary, WiUiam Popple, Efq; Will. Bellamy, Efq; Auditor of the North. Dover, and Cinque-Ports, CharlttEarl Ld. Mar Carr. Chamberlain of England. Char. Bernard,Efq, SerjeantCbirurgeon. Dsp. Secretary, Adrian Drift, Gent. Robert Thornhill, Efq; Auditorof the South. of Dorfet. Umry Marq. of Kent, Ld Chamberjain Chief Clerk, Pfoz?. Barker, Gent. Deputy-Governor, and Deputy* War Count Nafiau. Thomas Gardner, Efq; Chirurgeon to the Commtffioners for Hawkers, &C, Sir Cheek Gerrard Bart. Clerk of the Aiaiquisof Dorchider. den, the Earl of Weftmorland. Brig. Siburgh. Houfhold, and alf the Land Forces. Sam. Atkinjbn, Efq; John Henley, Efq; Council. Cba.iLtt] of Sunder'and, Seer, of State, Dartmouth, Courtney Croker, Efq; Col. BIoffec. Lord Chief.Juftice, and Juftice in Eyre, Tho. Earisby, Efq; Peter Crank, Cafhier John Statham,EfqySurveyer of theNorth. E. of Orford, if! Ld. Cun. of the Adm Deal-Caftle, Geo. Aylmer, Efq; Colonel Price. ad Her Maje fly's Forefts, &c. Her Majefty’s Minifters Abroad. Rt. Woollafion,Efq; Surveyorofthe5o«r^. Thtmae Earl of Pembroke. Clerk. Gravefend, and Tilbury, Lieut. Gene- On the North/ide of Trent. JohrDvilst of Mar l boro ugh, Ambaflad or£x- Mr, Benj, Ayloffe, Deputy Clerk, and / Manner. James Earl of Derby, Chancellor of the ral G(0. CJoolmtndly. Elq; William DuVc of Devon. traordinary, and Plenipotentiary to Keeper of the Records. Lieut- Gen. Seymour. Maj’Gen. Hole/ Dutchy of Luncafler. Guernfey, General Churchill. On the South fide of Trent. the States General. In Conjunction Mr. JohnVVolph, Dep. Cl.and Regifter. Lieut. Gen. Wills. Col. Churchilfr Charles Earl of Mancbefter. Governors of the Poft-Houfe. Hull,and Block-houfe, Jo£«D.of Newca- Thomas Earl of Wharton. wjfh Cha. Lord Vifcount Townjhend. Mr. Richard H isband, \ - Colonel Bor. Lord Shannon- Thomas Earl of Stamford. Sir Tho. Frankland Ear. John Evelin, Efq; Cor Hurft-Caftle, Henry Holmes Efq; (file. Ranger of Windfor Great Park. Sir ~Rob. Sutton, at Conftantinople. Mr .Thomas Afbeton, j At niCS. Charles B id vile Earl of Radnor. Wm. Frankland, Efq; Comptroller of the Holy Iftand, under the Care of the Go- The Dutchefs of Marlborough. Tho. L Raby, to the K. of Prujfia. Mr. Rich. Worthington, Ufher. John How, Efq; Pay-M after General of Cha. E. of Car life. Cha. E. of Berkley. Englijh Office. vernor* of Berwick,. Little Park. Hon. Geo. Churchill, Efq; Earl of Galway Amb. to theK.of Portugal. Mr. Sam. Gellibrand, MefTcnger. Her Majefty’s Guards and Garrifons. Richard Earl of Scarbrough. Ajhbumham Fraud:, Efq; Comptroller Harleigh-CaftJe, Richard Vaughan, Efq; Warden o/New Foreft. Sir Phil. M^oH^Kt.Env. Extr. ztVienna. Officers, within the County Palatine. Honja Brydges,Efq; Pay.Mafter of Hit Hen. E.of Sujfex and Binders. of the Foreign Office. Jerfey-Iftand, Lieut. General * Charles Duke of Bolton. John Wyeb, Efq; to the Courts of Hoi Geo. Kenyon, Efq; Vice-Chancellor. Majefty’s Forces, afting in Conjun- Richard Earl of Ranelaugh. Landguard-Fort, Colonel Jones. Ranger of HideJJa.rkHen.Portman SeymorEf. ftein, Mecklandburg, and to the Hans Nich. Starkey Efq; Attorny General. ction with thofe of bet Allies. HsghE. of Chalmondlty. St. Maws-Caftle, Hugh Bofcawen Efq; Ranger of St. James’s Park. Towns. ^ir Alexander Rigby,Kt. Cl.of theCrown. Mich. Hyde, Efq; CommifTary General Rick»"d E. Rivers. Officers of the Penny-Poft. Milford Haven, John Earl of Carberj. 1 William Henry, Earl of Bath. * Ja Stanhope Efq; EnV. to the K. of Spain Geo. Kenyon, Efq; Clerk of the Pfcace. of theM utters,andchief M uttet-mattce John Earl Powlet. Jamet E. of Seaftild. Nath. CaftLton, Efq; Comptroller. Pendennis Caftle, Geo. Granville, Rfq; Hen. Wife,Efq; ChiefGardncr. Daniel Poultney Efq; to tbeK. of Denmark " Henfhaw, Efq; Prothonotary, to all the Forces, JohnEatl of Marr. HughEatl of Loudon. Mr. Dan. Darnel), Accomptant. Plimouth, and Strick-Ifiand, Majoi- Warden of the Foreft of Sherwood. John Robinfon Efq; to the K. of Sweden^ Mt.Tho. Winckley, Regifter. His Deputy David Crawford, Efq; Charles Lord Vifcount lovonfhend. Mr. John Green, Collector. General Trelawney. John Duke of Newcaftle. Charles Whitworth, Efq; to the Czar of Mr. James Affheten, Attorny. Secretary at War,Adam de Cardo*ell,Efq; Henry Lord Bifliop of London. Lord P rivy-Seal.. Portland-Caflle, Wm. Fountain, Efq; Warden of the Stannaries. Mufcovy. His Chief Clerk, Ja. Taylor, Efq; Robert Ed Ferrers John Duke of Newcaftle. Portfinouth, Lieut. General Erie. Hugh Bofcawen, Efq; Earl ofStairs to the King of Poland. Clerk of the Marines, Francis Lynn £fqj Robert Ld Lexington. His Secretary, Thomas Boteler, Efq; Judges of the Civil Law, &c- Sandon-Caftle, Colonel 7ho. Marffi. Surveyor General of the Works. Maj.Gen. Cadogan, to the States-Ge/ Judge Advocate by Land. Ch.Byde, Efq; . Will.Ed Dartmouth. Sir John Cooke Kt. L. L. D. Dean and Of- Sangate-Caftle, Philip Herbert Efq; Sir Chriftopher Wren Kt. Citrks of the Privy-Seal. neral. , Phyfician General of the Army, Dr. Thomas Ld Coningsby. ficial Principal of the Arches Court Sheernefs, Lieut. General Withers. Comptroller of theWorks, JohnVanbrugh Efq Thomas Gofiin Efq; Sir George Piers Bar Maj. Gen. Pdimes to the Duke of Savoy Lawrence.

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