Governor Pen Portraits

Father Paul Jones

I was born in Bristol but brought up in North where my mother still lives. After University I qualified as an accountant and had a career in Health Authorities and Local Government. In 2005 l was ordained a priest and subsequently became Vicar of All Saints, Babbacombe.

My involvement with St began when my two daughters attended the school and in time I became a Governor. I have extensive experience in School Governance having served in three separate parts of the country and I am at present also a Governor at a local Primary School and a Director of a Devon wide Multi Academy Trust.

In my spare time I enjoy reading, neglecting my allotment and I am a keen fly fisherman.

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Martyn Morris

I was born in Scotland but educated in London. I studied Physics and Chemistry at University in London and entered the teaching profession. I subsequently studied for my second degree in Bristol. I taught in Harrow, High Wycombe, Chichester, Buckinghamshire, Bristol and finally Lancashire. I was head of physics, head of science faculty and deputy head before becoming head of BRGS. This was an 11 to 18 school of 1250 with 500 in the 6th form. It was the first grant maintained school.

I was a consultant for the National college and worked as a consultant with the University of Manchester in delivery of NPQH for post graduate training of aspiring headteachers. During this time I was meeting with secretaries of state for education from different governments.

In 1997 I was awarded the OBE for service to education.

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Jamie McKay

I have joined the governing body this year as a parent governor after my son joined the school last year, following our relocation back to the UK from living in New Zealand.

Previously I have had experience on governing boards at a primary school level having spent time as a parent governor with both Cockington Primary School in and Kaiapoi North School in New Zealand, so the step into a secondary environment has been a new challenge for me.

I currently work as an International Sales Manager for a UK Consumer Audio brand, which is the latest stop in a career involved in sales and commercial management covering a variety of industries around the globe.

As I don’t come from an education background I see my role on the governing body as providing a different set of lenses with which to view the challenges our school faces and to help provide a common sense approach to its operations.

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Rev’d Jordan Williams

I have had the privilege of living in my entire life. I attended a local primary school until, at the of eleven I was accepted to attend St Cuthbert Mayne secondary School. I spent five incredibly happy years (with a few teenage challenges) walking the corridors of this great school. At eighteen I studied a BA Hons Degree in Youth and Community work at MARJONs University in . It was whilst at University I developed a strong passion to st work with and support teenagers struggling with the challenges of 21 ​ Century life. ​

When I left at sixteen I always felt I would return due to the fantastic experience I had. At twenty one, fresh out of University I applied for the role of Family Liaison Officer working alongside the Pastoral Team. I worked at St Cuthbert Mayne for two and a half years, eventually taking on the role as Child Protection Officer. In recent years I have worked for LiNX Christian Youth Trust as a Christian Youth Worker working directly with the Pastoral Team at St Cuthbert Mayne School.

In 2019 I finished my accreditation with the Assemblies of God movement of Churches, and became an ordained Minister. I now work part time for Riviera Life Church with a responsibility of community outreach. I am passionate about seeing community transformation through the work of the Church, people and organisations of good will partnering together.

I have seen the work of St Cuthbert Mayne School from every angle. As a student, member of staff and outside agency I have seen the passion, commitment and dedication of the staff to create an environment for their students in which to thrive. I am excited to be a part of the Governing Body as this school continues to provide excellent education and pastoral care to all students.

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Rose Ruffles

I was born and educated in Redditch Worcestershire, and am now married with 3 daughters. I worked in banking in various clerical and management roles for 23 years. I previously held the post of Parent Governor at Our Lady of Mount Carmel First School, in Redditch before moving to Torquay in 1998.

I have been an active member of my Parish, Our Lady Help of Christians and St Denis since moving to the area, in many roles over the last 21 years as follows:

● Children's Liturgy Co-ordinator ● First Holy Communion Catechist ● Confirmation Catechist ● Parish Safeguarding Representative ● Parish Secretary ● Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (current role)

I have been connected with St Cuthbert Mayne School for the past 21 years, both as a parent and employee, retiring 2 years ago after 11 years supporting students in 6th form as Attendance/Pastoral Officer. I have continued to support students for the last 2 years on a casual basis as Lead Invigilator for Examinations.

I am a recently appointed Foundation Governor with specific responsibility as link Governor to 6th form, and member of the Ethos and Resources committees. I believe my background and knowledge of the school will add value to the Governing Body as we go forward in challenging times in education, for both staff and the students under our care.

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Deborah Brewer

I enjoy volunteering as a Governor at St Cuthbert Mayne School because it gives me a chance to work with the staff and students to make the school a place where learning is enjoyable, where it’s cool to be clever and where we can offer opportunities for sport, music, art and technology. We are always working to develop the full potential in each student, in a safe Christian environment. My passion is for employability and enabling access to good, well paid and developmental careers for all STCM students.

I am a Foundation Governor with responsibility for Safeguarding, Learning Needs and Disadvantaged students. I attend Our Lady Help of Christians and St Denis at St Marychurch and enjoy singing in the choir. I have four children. The youngest has just finished at University. My husband and I actively chose Christian based educational settings to give our children the best foundations for life. I have a degree from London University, Royal Holloway College.

My background is in corporate sales and marketing. I have run my own management consultancy with clients like British Airways and British Telecom. I was previously International Sales Director for Regus, the multinational property company. I now work at College as the Programme Director for the BA in Business Management.

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Natalie Facer

I have joined the governing body this year as the staff representative governor. I have worked at St Cuthbert Mayne School for 10 years as an Art and Photography teacher and form tutor. I have seen many changes to the school over the years with three different Headteachers in charge and I will be able to bring the whole staff viewpoint of how the school is working to the governing body.

For my past education I went to Ivybridge Community College before doing a foundation course at of Art and Design. I went on to Cardiff UWIC for my BA (Hons) degree and then Marjons, Plymouth for my PGCE teacher training qualification. My previous work experience ranges from working at Filton College Bristol, Cheltenham Bournside Secondary School, Plymouth College of Art and Design and Marjons University in Plymouth. I have qualifications in teaching adults as well as my PGCE for teaching secondary school pupils.

I feel I will be able to bring the reality of STCM from the shop floor as I am full-time and know what is going on, on a day to day basis. I liaise with all different teaching staff and support staff on a daily basis. I bring a fair and honest point of view from all staff about how they feel things are working at the school. I am passionate about giving the pupils the life skills to realise their full potential at STCM and seeing this school thrive.

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Helen Brown

I have just retired after forty years in education, twenty five of them as the Head of three Catholic primary schools in Devon.

Currently I am employed three days a week by the Diocese of Plymouth as the RE and Catholic Life adviser for primary schools. I have also trained as an inspector for the Canonical Inspection of Catholic schools.