Marine Algae of the Kurile Islands. ⅱ
Title MARINE ALGAE OF THE KURILE ISLANDS. Ⅱ Author(s) NAGAI, Masaji Citation Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University, 46(2), 139-310 Issue Date 1941-06-30 Doc URL Type bulletin (article) File Information 46(2)_p139-310.pdf Instructions for use Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers : HUSCAP MARINE ALGAE OF THE KURILE ISLANDS. II By Masaji NAGAI RHODOPHYCEAE Subclass 1. BANGIALES Family 1. Bangiaceae Key to the genera I. Fronds filamentous, consisting of a row of cells, arranged immersed within the tender gelat:nous matrix, without any typical rhizoidal cells as holdfast ........................................ : . .. Goniotrichum (1) II. Fronds expanded, membranaceous or rarely subcoriaceous, consisting of 1 or 2 layers of cells (mono- or distromatic), arranged immersed within the stiff, lamellose, gelatinous matrix with a bundle of rhizoidal cells, arising from the basal part of frond as holdfast .................. :Porphyra(2) Subfamily 1. Goniotrichieae 1. Goniotrichum KUTZING, 1843 Goniotrichum Alsidii(ZANARDINI) HOWE (PI. IV, figs. 1, 2) Mar. Alg. Peru, (1914), p. 75-INAGAKI, Mar. Red Alg. Osyoro Bay, Hokkaido, p. 12, fig. 5-TSENG, Mar. Alg. fro Amoy, p. 32, pI. IV, fig. 15- OKAMURA, Mar. AIg Jap. p. 369, fig. 175-TAYLOR, Mar. Alg. N.-E. Coast N. Amer. p. 215, pI. XXVIII, fig. 1-4. Bangia elegans CHAUVIN, in Mem. Soc. Linn. Norm. VI, (1838), p. 13- HARVEY, Phyc. Brit. III, pI. CCXLVI-ZANARDINI, Plant. in Mari Rubro, p. 87 (nomen nud.). B. A.lsidii ZANARDINI, BibL Ital. 96, (18119), p. 136. Coniotrichum elegans ZANARDINI, Not. Cell. Mar.
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