
Lottia austrodigitalis/ pelta* cone shape, fairly digitalis* Lottia scabra/conus* symmetrical, weakly ridged, Lottia limatula* brownish, radial small, far forward, sometimes checkered at edge and vertical ribs make 'file' strongly ribbed with scalloped ridged shell edges, small pattern, apex 1/3 from anterior

Lottia gigantea* large, apex far forward, often with epibiota in 'sheild limpet', Acmea mitra mitre cap limpet, very lower tide areas peaked, often with crustose coralline flat, smooth, round

Diodora aspera keyhole Fissurella volcano* keyhole limpet, round opening in Megathura crenulata* very large front of apex limpet, rectangular hole, brown keyhole limpet, tan shell, black to red, can be striped mantle Barnacles, Crabs

Megabalanus californicus big, low intertidal, pink, pyramid shaped ribs on Chthamalus spp* small, gray, Tetraclita rubescens* Balanus glandula* white, rosy, ribbed plates plate simple 'beak' forming cross, complex 'beak', smooth plates smooth plates

Pachygrapsus crassipes*

Pollicipes polymerus* gooseneck barnacle

Pagurus samuelis* blue bands at Pagurus granosimanus brown end of legs, blue pincer tips, red Pagurus hirsutiusculus* white bands unbanded legs, red antennae antennae on legs, spotted antennae Sea Hares, Snails, Whelks

Littorina keenae* small, plena/scutulata* small, high high intertidal, rounder Aplysia vaccaria* larger, dark intertidal, pointier than keenae, may than scutulata, white band Aplysia californica* common, brown brown color, sometimes with have checker pattern near spotted white spots in aperture

Tegula funebralis* brown eiseni banded Tegula gallina smooth, zig- Tegula aureotincta golden turban, turban, small shell ridges ridges shell, gold around turban snail zagging stripes

Nucella caniliculata channeled Oceanebra circumtexta thick Ceratostoma foliatum leafy hornmouth, Nucella emarginata whelk, thin ridges wavy ridges, squarish dots on elaborate ridges emarginate whelk, ridges ridges alternate thick/thin Chitons, bivalves, echinoderms, worms

Tonicella lineata beautiful, 'lined chiton', Lepidochitona hartwegii* small Nuttallina californica* bumps Mopalia spp.* hairs on gridle triangle pattern on plates on girdle, girdle often striped, gridle, broad smooth plates, often thick eroded plates under algae, especially Sylvetia

Pseudochama exogyra ‘upside down chama’ (left valve to substrate) Mytilus californianus* blue, common, Septifer bifurcatus small, horizontal ridging longitudinal ridges bifurcate

Phragmatopoma Strongylocentrotus californica sandy tubes Pisaster ochraceus* large, tubercles Serpulorbis squamigeneris thick purpuratus* purple sea- ridged tubes, looks like worm over surface form pentagram at urchin center tubes, actually a mollusc Green Algae

Codium setchelli spongy thick Codium fragile* very spongy green crust Cladophora columbiana bright Chaetomorpha spp branched green branched filamentous, green, forms dense 'lawns' small, filaments of single cells

Analipus japonicus small, light brown, small lateral branches, peppery taste Ulva spp. flat thin green blade, none tubular at any point Petalonia fascia single small thin blade

Sargussum muticum Halidrys dioica*stiff, thick and Egregia menziesii* 'feather boa' large, Cystoseira osmundea woody, thick branched, wiry, single or upright, branched with mid-rib long, with bladelets and floats off main with midrib, some have bladder- clustered floats, yellowish stipe chain color Ralfsia Red crusts,blades, filamentous, stringy

coralline crust* pink crust Ralfsiaceae* brown crust with ‘Petrocelis’* 'tar spot', dark thick /Peyssonnallia* rock ridges, often has concentric growth crust, usually next to 'rust', very thin red crust, usually in lines tidepools

Chondracanthus exasperatus Centroceras/Polysiphonia Ceramium* small red single wide blades, often with Cryptopleura/Hymenena* thin red spp small red filamentous filamentous, appears striped bumps, 'turkish towel' lobed blades,with faint veins algae

Cumagloia Gracilariopsis andersonii brownish- spp. 'spaghetti' red,thin long thick algae, thing round blades with many small long branches, simple lateral branches brown-yellow red in color, cartilagenous Nemalion helminthoides very rubbery, long wormlike, little if any branching Red branched, red branched/blade

Chondracanthus Microcladia coulteri light red canaliculatus* irregularly color, alternate branching in one Osmundea spectabilis* brownish, flattened, branched, thick blades, grows plane, hooked aspect to terminal tough, opposite branches, blunt-tipped in tufts branches

Mazzaella leptorhynchus long thin blades with bumps and many small side blades Mastocarpus papillatus* Mazzaella affinis* dichotomously common, broad dichotomous branched, narrower blades than M. branches with bumps, thick papillatus, grows in dense tufts, dark color

Rhodymenia californica bushy, Rhodymenia pacifica bushy, Chondracanthus spinosus has Prionitus lanceolata dark colored, dichotomous, fan shaped blades, dichotomous, blunt tips has bumps, long thin blades, small dichotomous branches at base, terminal blunt tips, has epibionts, darker than epibionts, larger and redder than bladelets off of large blades branches pinnate and lanceolate R. pacifica R. californica Red bushy, red coralline

Endocladia muricata Gelidium coulteri* cylindrical axes, short Callithamnion pikeanum'rasta algae', Caulacanthus ustulatus* pinnately branched branchlets, forms small small irregularly branched, small clumps, wiry, has forms long spongy dreadlock-esque short bumps or spines on clumps clumps no bumps as with Endocladia, redder than E. branches muricata

Pterosiphonia spp finely Jania crassa coralline forms tufts on branched, 'black tassel' fine Gastroclonium subarticulatum* Gloiopeltis furcata rocks, segments longer than wide, braches in one plane at tip inflated looking, cylindrical branches, brownish, smooth cylindrical dichotomous branching irregular branching branches, irregularly dichotomous, gelatinous when wet, crunchy when dry

Lithothrix aspergillum 'stone hair', Corallina spp* pinnately lavender to purple, segments as Calliarthron spp* beaded Bossiella spp* fanlike, dichotomous branched, flattened long as wide, branching coralline, dark pink to branching, 'wingnut' segments, segments, longer than dichotomous purple, irregularly branched segments broader than long broad, branched