(12) INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) (19) World Intellectual Property Organization IN International Bureau (10) International Publication Number (43) International Publication Date 13 August 2009 (13.08.2009) PCT W O 2009/100159 A3

(51) International Patent Classification: (74) Agents: HOFFMANN, David, C. et al.; Morrison & Fo C12Q 1/68 (2006.01) C07H 21/00 (2006.01) erster LLP, 755 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, CA C12N15/11 (2006.01) A61K 48/00 (2006.01) 94304-1018 (US). (21) International Application Number: (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every PCT/US2009/033117 kind of nationalprotection available>: A, AG, AL, AM, BY, BZ, (22) International Filing Date:AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, , BR, BW, CA, N , C O , CR , C U , CZ , D E, D K , D M , D O , D Z , 4 In er a io4 a209Feruay Fiin 04.2.209)Date: EC, EE,C H , EG,C ES, Fl, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, FIN, (25) Filing Language: English HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, (26) Publication Language: English MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, (30) Priority Data: NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RS, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, 61/026,077 4 February 2008 (04.02.2008) US SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW. (71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): BIPAR SCIENCES, INC. [US/US]; 400 Oyster Point Boulevard, (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every Suite 200, South San Francisco, CA 94080 (US). kind of regionalprotection available>: ARIPO (BW, GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, (72) Inventors; and ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, (75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): OSSOVSKAYA, TM), European (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, Valeria S. [US/US]; 96 Toledo Way, #304, San Francis- ES, Fl, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, 1E, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, _ co, California 94123 (US). SHERMAN, Barry M. [US/ MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR), US]; 2830 Churchill Drive, Hillsborough, California OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, - 94010 (US). MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).

- [Continued on next page]

(54) Title: METHODS OF DIAGNOSING AND TREATING PARP-MEDIATED DISEASES (57) Abstract: Disclosed are methods of identifying a disease treat able with modulators of differentially expressed genes in a disease, -Figure 1 including atECOENG least PARP modulators,S FGGG, by identifyingH the Mlevel T ofex N pressing of differentiallyHR0U D expressedL N S genes,P includingE G Mat leastN PARP,P Rin KZ0A C K R S T U Y A D E a plurality of samples from a population, making a decision regarding - 01 Collect a sample from a subject suffering identifying MGCKthe disease treatableN W by Xmodulators Y Z to theA differentiallyG I O -from a disease expressed genes wherein the decision is made based on the level of I expression of the differentially expressed genes. The method can fur I ther comprise treating the disease in a subject population with modu I lators of identified differentially expressed genes. The methods relate Identiy if the disease is to identifying up-regulated expression of identified differentially-ex a0PAPmediated pressed genes in a disease and making a decision regarding the treat - 02 disease treatable by ment of the disease. The level of expression of the differentially ex PARP inhibitor pressed genes in a disease can also help in determining the efficacy of Identify an up- the treatment with modulators to the differentially expressed genes. 103 regulated level of PARP in the sample

Identify if other genes 104 are differentially exprssed in the Prsample Treatment of the disease with PARP O105 inhibitor alone or in O combination W O 20 0 9 /10 0 15 9 A3 ||1llll|||1ll|| 111||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||I|||||||||||||||||||1 Published: (88) Date of publication of the international search report: - with internationalsearch report (Art. 21(3)) 29 October 2009 - before the expiration of the time limit for amending the claims and to be republished in the event of receipt of amendments (Rule 48.2(h)) WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117


CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS [00011 This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/026,077, entitled, "Methods of Diagnosing and Treating PARP-Mediated Diseases," filed February 4, 2008, which is 5 incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.

BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0002] The etiology of cancer and other diseases involves complex interactions between cellular factors, including cellular enzymatic receptors and other downstream intracellular factors that relay signals through the intracellular signaling network. Growth factor receptors have been recognized as a key factor in cancer 10 biology, playing a significant role in the progression and maintenance of the malignant phenotype (Jones et al., 2006, Endocrine-Rel. Cancer, 13:545-551). For example, the expression of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR), a tyrosine kinase receptor, has been implicated as necessary in the development of adenomas and carcinomas in intestinal tumors, and subsequent expansion of initiated tumors (Roberts et al., 2002, PNAS, 99:1521-1526). Overexpression of EGFR also plays a role in neoplasia, especially in tumors of 15 epithelial origin (Kari et al., 2003, Cancer Res., 63:1-5). EGFR is a member of the ErbB family of receptors, which includes HER2c/neu, Her2 and Her3 receptor tyrosine kinases. The molecular signaling pathway of EGFR activation has been mapped through experimental and computer modeling, involving over 200 reactions and 300 chemical species interactions (see Oda et al., Epub 2005, Mol. Sys. Biol., 1:2005.0010). [00031 Another critical cellular pathway that is overexpressed by tumors, including mediation of the 20 proliferation of cancer cells, is the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) signaling pathway (Khandwala et al., 2000, Endo. Rev., 21:215-244; Moschos and Mantzoros, 2002, Oncology 63:317-332; Bohula et al., 2003, Anticancer Drugs, 14:669-682). The signaling involves the function of two ligands, IGFI and IGF2, three cell surface receptors, at least six high affinity binding proteins and binding protein protease (Basearga et al., 2006, Endocrine-Rel. Cancer, 13:S33-S43; Pollak et al., 2004, Nature Rev. Cancer 4:505-518). The insulin 25 like growth factor receptor (IGF1R) is a transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinase that mediates IGF biological activity and signaling through several critical cellular molecular networks including RASORAF ERK and P13-AKT-mTOR pathways. A functional IGFIR is required for transformation, and has been shown to promote tumor cell growth and survival (Riedemann and Macaulay, 2006, Endocr. Relat. Cancer, 13:533-43). Several genes that have been shown to promote cell proliferation in response to IGF-l/IGF-2 30 binding in the IGFlR pathway include Shc, IRS, Grb2, SOS, Ras, Raf, MEK and ERK. Genes that have been implicated in the cell proliferation, motility and survival functions of IGFl R signaling include IRS, P13-K, PIP2, PTEN, PTP-2, PDK and Akt. [0004] The signaling interplay between IGF signaling, IGFl receptor and EGFR is important in the regulation of EGFR-mediated-pathway, and can contribute to a resistance to EGFR antagonist therapy 35 (Jones et al., 2006, Endocrine-Rel. Cancer, 13:845-851). [00051 Another pathway that is of interest in the proliferation and control of cancer growth and development includes the Eta family of transcription factors. The Ets family domain proteins, which are defined on the basis of a conserved primary sequence of their DNA-binding domains, function as either

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transcriptional activators or repressors, and their activities are often regulated by signal transduction pathways, including MAP kinase pathways (Sharrocks, et at., 1997, Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol. 29:1371 1387). ETS transcription factors, such as ETS1, regulate numerous genes and are involved in stem cell development, cell senescence and death, and tumorigenesis. The conserved ETS domain within these 5 proteins is a winged helix-turn-helix DNA-binding domain that recognizes the core consensus DNA sequence GGAA/T of target genes (Dwyer et at., 2007, Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 1114:36-47). There is a growing body of evidence that Ets 1 protein has oncogenic potential by playing a key role in the acquisition of invasive behavior of a tumorigenic cell. Among the genes that belong to the Ets 1 pathway to carry out its tumorigenic functions include the matrix metalloproteases MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, as well as urokinase 10 type plasminogen activator (uPA) (Sementchenko and Watson, 2000, Oncogene, 19:6533-6548). These proteases are known to be involved in extracellular matrix (ECM) degradation, a key event in invasion. In angiosarcoma of the skin, Eta 1 is co-expressed with MMP-1 (Naito et al., 2000, Pathol. Res. Pract. 196:103 109). Ovarian carcinoma cells and stromal fibroblasts in breast and ovarian cancer produce MMP-1 and MMP-9 along with Ets 1 (Behrens et al., 2001, 1. Pathol. 194:43-50; Behrens et al., 2001, Int. J. Mol. Med. 15 8:149-154). In lung and brain tumors, Ets expression correlates with uPA expression (Kitange et al., 1999, Lab. Invest. 79:407-416; Takanami et al., 2001, Tumour Biol. 22:205-210; Nakada et al., 1999, J. Neuropathol. Exp. Neurol. 58:329-334). When overexpressed in endothelial cells or hepatoma cells, Ets 1 was shown to induce the production of MMP-l, MMP-3 plus MMP-9, or MMP-1, MMP-9 plus uPA, respectively (Oda et al., 1999, J. Cell Physiol. 178:121-132; Sato et al., 2000, Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 476:109 20 115; Jiang et al., 2001, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 286:1123-1130). Regulation of MMP, MMP3, MMP9 and uPA, as well as VEGF and VEGF receptor gene expression has been ascribed to Ets 1. Moreover, Ets 1 expression in tumors is indicative of poor clinical prognosis. Table I summarizes expression patterns of Etsl in tumors.

25 TABLE I:Eta 1 Expression in Different Tumor Types TMD = tumor microvessel density; LNM = metastasis; DCIS = ductal carcinoma in situ; LCIS = lobular carcinoma in situ (Ditmmer, 2003, Mol. Cancer 2:29)

Cnce Bunr Tpe umoal Stromal(S)lVascular I Comments 1Issue Expression () Expreso 0%(grade II), high expression in higher expression Brain astrocytoma 25% (II), 65% glioma in recurrent vs. IV) microvasculature primary tumors; invasive tumor: uPA expression invasive carcinoma, correlates with VEGF, prognostic marker Breast DCIS, LCIS invasive 62% MMP1 and MMP9 for poor cell lines expression prognosis Cartilage/bon chondro-sarcoma 60% osteosarcoma% Cervix cervical carcinoma correlates with TMD correlates with

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Cancer Type Tumoral Sfomal(S)IVascular Commena Tissue_ __Expression (V) Expression

colon/rectum jadenomas 0-44% 65% (V) correlates vascular Ets1: with LNM colon cancer with TMD, 28% (S) linked correlated with lung and poor metastasis prognosis associates with endometrium endometrial carcinoma correlates with TMD histological ______detected in rygrade,cytoplasm heterogeneous esophagus squamous carcinoma correlates with VEGF expression, higher at invasive sites higher in poorly carcinoma -100%0hepatocellular differentiated tumors higher in well Bile duct carcinoma differentiated tumors carcmomascholangio-cellular

Lung ' __ _ _ [inkedlh to LNM ] lymphoid T-leukemic cells (T tissue I-ALL, ATL) correlates with Mouth squamous cell carcinoma 58% tumor stage and LNM Ovary [benign cystadenoma 0% 42%, ~ 33% (S), correlates

stroma ismvadedMMP9 expression poor prognosis

1lowerin poorly _____ "carcinoma

Stomach adenomas0% [aden-carcinom 164% correlates with TMD

mucosall carcinoma |12% rThmus thymomahigher inhigher Fffi______grade - tumors 40% (adenomas), thyroid gland[thyroid carcinoma 50-98% (carcinoma)

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Tumor Cancer TypeTuoral Swtomal(S)IVascular Com 1 TissuejI Expressipn (F) Expresswn granuloma pyogenicum Weak [correlates with angiosarcoma expression] =strongM 1

[00061 Poly-ADP ribose polymerase (PARPI) has been implicated as a putative downstream signal molecule of EGFR activation or perturbation. EGFR, through its signaling cascade pathway, stimulates PARP activation to initiate downstream cellular events mediated through the PARP pathway (Hagan et al., 5 2007, . Cell. Biochem., 101:1384-1393. PARPI signaling participates in a variety of DNA-related functions including cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis and DNA repair, and also affects telomere length and chromosome stability (dAdda di Fagagna et al, 1999, Nature Gen., 23(1): 76-80). PARP has been implicated in the maintenance of genomic integrity - inhibition or depletion of PARP (in PARP -/- mice as compared to wild type littermates) increases genomic instability in cells exposed to genotoxic agents in oligonucleotide 10 microarray analysis of gene expression between asynchronously dividing primary fibroblasts (Simbulan Rosenthal et al., PNAS, 97(21): 11274-11279 (2000)). PARP deficient mice have also been shown to be protected against septic shock, diabetes type I, stroke and inflammation. The direct protein-protein interaction of PARP-1 with both subunits ofNF-icB has been shown to be required for its co-activator function (Hassa et al., J. Biol. Chem., 276(49): 45588-45597 (2001)). Oxidative stress-induced over 15 activation of PARP1 consumes NAD+ and consequently ATP, culminating in cell dysfunction or necrosis. Vimentin expression in lung cancer cells has been shown to be regulated at the transcriptional level; PARP-1

binds and activates the vimentin promoter independent of its catalytic domain and may play a role in H2A induced inhibition of vimentin expression. (Chu et al., Am. J. Physiol. Lung Cell. Mol. Physiol., 293: LI 127-LI 134 (2007)). 20 [0007) This cellular suicide mechanism through PARP activation has been implicated in the pathomechanism of cancer, stroke, myocardial ischemia, diabetes, diabetes-associated cardiovascular dysfunction, shock, traumatic central nervous system injury, arthritis, colitis, allergic encephalomyelitis, and various other forms of inflammation. PARP1 has also been shown to associate with and regulate the function of several transcription factors. The multiple functions of PARPI pathways make it a target for a variety of 25 serious conditions including various types of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. [0008] As seen, there are numerous molecular targets for cancer therapy that, when perturbed, may inhibit the growth or proliferation of cancerous tissue. Treatment of cancerous states may involve therapies targeting the molecular cancer targets above, for example, EGFR, together with traditional chemotherapeutic or other cancer therapies (Rocha-Lima et al., 2007, Cancer Control, 14:295-304). EGFR overexpression has 30 been implicated in colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, gliomal development, small-cell lung cancer, and other carcinomas (Karamouzis et al., 2007, JAMA 298:70-82; Toschi et al., 2007, Oncologist, 12:211-220; Sequist et al., 2007, Oncologist, 12:325-330; Hatake et al., 2007, Breast Cancer, 14:132-149). Ceuximab, panitunmumam, matuzuman, MDX-446, nimutozumab, mAb 806, erbitux (IMC-C2225), IRESSA@ (ZD1839), erlotinib, gefitinib, EKB-569, lapatinib (GW572016), PKI-166 and canertinib are some of the

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EGFR inhibitors that have been tested in clinical settings (Rocha-Lima et al., 2007, Cancer Control, 14:295 304). The EGFR inhibitors have been tested alone, and in combination with chemotherapeutic agents. [0009] Studies to date, however, have not shown success at detailing the interactions of different known molecular pathways in the development of cancer. Moreover, although there are enormous resources 5 dedicated towards the development of monotherapy and other combination therapies directed towards a large variety of cancer targets, the rise incidence of resistance to these therapies, and the prevention thereof, has not been studied filly. For example, although EGFR inhibitors have shown efficacy in treating cancer patients, only a small cohort of patients have proven to be fully responsive to EGFR inhibitor therapy (Hutcheson et al., 2006, Endocrine-Rel. Cancer, 13:S89-897). Instead, a large subset have shown either de 10 novo or acquired resistance to EGFR inhibitors in recent studies. This resistance to anti-EGFR therapy is unknown, but may originate from the complex cellular signaling cascade pathway for EGFR, including co signaling cross-talk between other surface receptors, such as IGRI -receptor therapy (Jones et al., 2006, Endocrine-Rel. Cancer, 13:S45-551). Treatment protocols that reduce resistance to currently available cancer therapies, such as chemotherapeutic or chemotoxic agents, or reduce resistance to other targets, 15 would be desirable as potential new therapeutic regimens. [0010] In addition, cancer detection, prognosis and staging are viable with today's early detection strategies, when they are highly treatable. However, such screening procedures are not available for all cancers, including breast cancer. More efficient and robust strategies for early diagnosis of cancer can be extremely beneficial for prevention and more efficient treatment of cancers. Screening procedures may also 20 afford expression information to a practicing physician that would be beneficial for effectively treating cancer patients.

SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0011] In one aspect, provided herein are methods of identifying a disease or disease state in a subject treatable by a combination of at least one PARP modulator and a modulator to at least one co-regulated (e.g. 25 differentially co-expressed gene), by measuring the level of PARP expression and other genes in the subject, and if the level ofPARP and at least one other gene is differentially expressed in the subject, treating said subject with a modulator to PARP and other differentially expressed gene(s). [00121 In one embodiment, co-regulated expressed genes may be IGFlR, IGF2 or IGFl. In another embodiment, the co-regulated expressed gene may be EGFR. In yet another embodiment, the co-regulated 30 expressed genes may be IGF1, IGF2, IGF1R, EGFR, mdm2 or Bc12. In some embodiments, at least one co regulated expressed gene may be chosen from the group consisting ofIGFI, IGF2, IGFR, EGFR, mdm2, Bcl2, ETSI, MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, uPA, DHFR, TYMS, NFKB, IKK, REL, RELA, RELB, IRAK1, VAV3, AURKA, ERBB3, MIF, VEGF, VEGFR, VEGFR2, CDKl, CDK2, CDK9, farnesyl transferase, UBE2A, UBE2D2, JBE2G1, USP28 or UJBE2S. In yet another embodiment, at least one co-regulated 35 expressed gene may be chosen from the group consisting of IGF1, IGF2, IGFR, EGIFR, mdm2, BcI2, ETS1, MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, uPA, DHFR, TYMS, NFKB, IKK, REL, RELA, RELB, IRAK1, VAV3, AURKA, ERBB3, MIF, VEGFR, VEGFR2, VEGF, UBE2S, ABCCI, ABCC5, ABCD4, ACADM, ACLSL1, ACSL3, ACYIL2, ADM, ADRM1, AGPATS, ARCY, AK3Ll, AK3L2, AKIIP, AKR1BI, AKR1Cl, AKR1C2, AKRIC3, ALDH18A1, ALDOA, ALOX5, ALPL, ANP32E, AOFI, APG5L,

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ARFGEF1, ARL5, ARPP-19, ASPH, ATF5, ATF7IP, ATIC, ATP11A, ATPl 1C, ATIAI, ATPIBI, ATP2A2, ATP5G3, ATP5J2, ATP6VOB, B3GNTl, B4GALT2, BACE2, BACI, BAG2, BASP1, BCATI, BCL2LI, BCL6, BGN, BPNT1, C1QBP, CACNB3, CAMK2D, CAP2, CCARI, CD109, CD24, CD44, CD47, CD58, CD74, CD83, CD9, CDC14B, CDC42EP4, CDC5L, CDK4, CDK6, CDS1, CDW92, 5 CEACAM6, CELSR2, CFLAR, CGI-90, CHST6, CHSY1, CKLFSF4, CKLFSF6, CKSIB, CMKOR1, CNDP2, CPD, CPE, CPSF3, CPSF5, CPSF6, CPTIB, CRR9, CSH2, CSK, CSNK2A1, CSPG2, CTPSCTSB, CTSD, CXADR, CXCR4, CXXC5, CXXC6, DAAM1, DCK, DDAHI, DDIT4, DDR1, DDX21, DDX39, DHTKD1, DLAT, DNAJA1, DNAJBl1, DNAJC1, DNAJC1O, DNAJC9, DNAJD1, DUSPlO, DUSP24, DUSP6, DVL3, ELOVL6, EME1, ENOl, ENPP4, EPS8, EINK1, ETV6, Fl IR, FA2H, 10 FABP5, FADS2, FAS, FBXO45, FBXO7, FIJ23091, FTL, FTLL1, FZD6,G1P2, GALNT2, GALNT4, GALNT7, GANAB, GART, GBAS, GCHFR, GCLC, GCLM, GCNTI, GFPTI, GGA2, GGH, GLUt, GMNN, GMPS, GPI, GPR56, GPR89, GPXl, GRB1O, GRHPR, GSPT1, GSR, GTPBP4, HDAC1, HDGF, HIG2, HMGB3, HPRTI, HPS5, HRMT1L2, HS2ST1, HSPA4, HSPA8, HSPB1, HSPCA, HSPCAL3, HSPCB, HSPDI, HSPE1, HSPH1, HTATIP2, HYOUl, ICMT, IDE, IDH2, IFI27, IGFBP3, IGSF4, ILF2, 15 INPP5F, INSIG1, KHSRP, KLF4, KMO, KPNA2, KTNI, LAP3, LASS2, LDHA, LDHB, LGR4, LPGATI, LTB4DH, LYN, MAD2L1, MADP-1, MAGEDI, MAK3, MALATI, MAP2K3, MAP2K6, MAP3K13, MAP4K4, MAPK13, MARKS, MBTPS2, MCM4, MCTS1, MDH1, MDH2, MEl, ME2, METAP2, METITL2, MGAT4B, MKNK2. MLPH, MOBKIB, MOBKL1A, MSH2, MTHFD2, MUCI, MX1, MYCBP, NAJDI, NATI, NBS1, NDFIP2, NEK6, NET1, NMEl, NNT, NQOI, NRAS, NSE2, NUCKS, NUSAPI, 20 NY-REN-41, ODC1, OLRI, P4HB, PAFAHIBI, PAICS, PANKI, PCIA1, PCNA, PCTK1, PDAPl, PDIA4, PDIA6, PDXK, PERP, PFKP, PFTK1, PGD, PGK1, PGM2L1, PHCA, PKIG, PKM2, PKP4, PLA2G4A, PLCBI, PLCG2, PLD3, PLODI, PLOD2, PMS2L3, PNKl, PNPT1, PON2, PP, PPIF, PPP1CA, PPP2R4, PPP3CA, PRCC, PRKD3, PRKDC, PRPSAP2, PSATI, PSENEN, PSMA2, PSMA5, PSMA7, PSMB3, PSMB4, PSMD14, PSMD2, PSMD3, PSMD4, PSMD8, PTGFRN, PTGS1, PTK9, PTPN12, 25 PTPN18, PTS, PYGB, RADIO, RABI iFIP1, RAB14, RAB31, RAB31P, RACGAPI, RAN, RANBPI, RAP2B, RBBP4, RBBP7, RBBP8, RDH1O, RFC3, RFC4, RFC5, RGS19IP1, RHOBTB3, RNASEH2A, RNGTT, RNPEP, ROBO1, RRAS2, SART2, SAT, SCAP2, SCD4, SDC2, SDC4, SEMA3F, SERPINE2, SF1, SGPLI, SGPPI, SGPP2, SH3GLB2, SHC1, SMARCC1, SMC4L1, SMC4L1, SMS, SNRPD1, SORD, SORLI, SPP1, SQLE, SRD5A1, SRD5A2L, SRM, SRPK1, SS18, SSBP1, SSR3, ST3GAL5, ST6GALl, 30 ST6GALNAC2, STX18, SULF2, SWAP70, TA-KRP, TALA, TBLLXRI, TFRC, TIAMI, TKT, TMPO, TNFAIP2, TNFSF9, TOX, TPD52, TPIl, TPP1, TRA1, TRIP13, TRPSl, TSPAN13, TSTA3, TXN, TXNL2, TXNL5, TXNRD1, UBAP2L, UBE2A, UBE2D2, UBE2G1, UBE2Vl, UCHL5, UGDH, UNC5CL, USP28, USP47, UTP14A, VDAC1, WIGI, YWHAB, YWHAE and YWHAZ. [0013] In one aspect, provided herein are methods to identify disease treatable by PARP inhibitor in 35 combination with an inhibitor or activator to at least one co-regulated expressed gene, in a subject by measuring the level of PARP and other co-regulated expressed genes in the subject, and if the level of PARP and/or other co-regulated expressed gene is up-regulated in the subject, further providing treatment of the subject with PARP inhibitors itself in combination with inhibitors to the other co-regulated expressed gene or genes.

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[0014] One aspect relates to a method of identifying a disease or a stage of a disease treatable by a modulator of PARP and other co-regulated expressed genes, comprising identifying a level of co-regulated expressed genes, including PARP, in a sample of a subject, making a decision regarding identifying the disease treatable by modulators of the co-regulated expressed genes, including at least PARP, wherein the 5 decision is made based on the level of expression of the co-regulated expressed genes, including at least PARP. In some embodiments, the level ofthe co-regulated expressed genes, including at least PARP, is up regulated. [00151 In some embodiments, the disease is selected from the group consisting of cancer, inflammation, metabolic disease, CVS disease, CNS disease, disorder ofhematolymphoid system, disorder of endocrine 10 and neuroendocrine, disorder of urinary tract, disorder of respiratory system, disorder of female reproductive system, and disorder of male reproductive system. In some embodiments, the cancer is selected from the group consisting of colon adenocarcinoma, esophagus adenocarcinoma, liver hepatocellular carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, pancreas adenocarcinoma, islet cell tumor, rectum adenocarcinoma, gastrointestinal stromal tumor, stomach adenocarcinoma, adrenal cortical carcinoma, follicular carcinoma, 15 papillary carcinoma, breast cancer, ductal carcinoma, lobular carcinoma, intraductal carcinoma, mucinous carcinoma, phyllodes tumor, ovarian adenocarcinoma, endometrium adenocarcinoma, granulose cell tumor, mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, cervix adenocarcinoma, vulva squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, prostate adenocarcinoma, giant cell tumor of bone, bone osteosarcoma, larynx carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, kidney carcinoma, urinary bladder carcinoma, Wilm's tumor, and lymphoma. 20 [00161 In some embodiments, the inflammation is selected from the group consisting of Wegener's granulomatosis, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, hepatocellular carcinoma, chronic pancreatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, reactive lymphoid hyperplasia, osteoarthritis, ulcerative colitis, and papillary carcinoma. In other embodiments, the metabolic disease is diabetes or obesity. In yet other embodiments, the CVS disease is selected from the group consisting of atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, granulomatous myocarditis, 25 chronic myocarditis, myocardial infarction, and primary hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. In some embodiments, the CNS disease is selected from the group consisting of Alzheimer's disease, cocaine abuse, schizophrenia, and Parkinson's disease. In some embodiments, the disorder of hematolymphoid system is selected from the group consisting of Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, chronic lymphocyte leukemia, and reactive lymphoid hyperplasia. 30 10017] In some embodiments, the disorder of endocrine and neuroendocrine is selected from the group consisting of nodular hyperplasia, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, islet cell tumor, and papillary carcinoma. In some embodiments, the disorder of urinary tract is selected from the group consisting of renal cell carcinoma, transitional cell carcinoma, and Wilm's tumor. In some embodiments, the disorder of respiratory system is selected from the group consisting of adenocarcinoma, adenosquamous carcinoma, squamous cell 35 carcinoma, and large cell carcinoma. In some embodiments, the disorder of female reproductive system is selected from the group consisting of adenocarcinoma, leiomyoma, mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, and serous cystadenocarcinom. In some embodiments, the disorder of male reproductive system is selected from the group consisting of prostate cancer, benign nodular hyperplasia, and seminoma. [0018] In some embodiments, the identification of the level of the co-regulated expressed genes, including 40 at least PARP, comprises an assay technique. In some embodiments, the assay technique measures the level

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of expression of the co-regulated expressed genes, including at least PARP. In some embodiments, the sample is selected from the group consisting of human normal sample, tumor sample, hair, blood, cell, tissue, organ, brain tissue, blood, serum, sputum, saliva, plasma, nipple aspirant, synovial fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, sweat urine, fecal matter, pancreatic fluid, trabecular fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, tears, 5 bronchial lavage, swabbing, bronchial aspirant, semen, prostatic fluid, precervicular fluid, vaginal fluids, and pre-ejaculate. In some embodiments, the level of the co-regulated expressed genes, including at least PARP, is up-regulated. In some embodiments, the level of the co-regulated expressed genes, including at least PARP, is down-regulated. In some embodiments, the PARP modulator is a PARP inhibitor or antagonist In some embodiments, the PARP inhibitor or antagonist is selected from the group consisting of benzamide, 10 quinolone, isoquinolone, benzopyrone, cyclic benzamide, benzimidazole and indole, or metabolites of said PARP inhibitors or antagonists. [0019] In some embodiments, the method further comprises providing a conclusion regarding the disease to a patient, a health care provider or a health care manager, the conclusion being based on the decision. In some embodiments, the treatment is selected from the group consisting of oral administration, transmucosal 15 administration, buccal administration, nasal administration, inhalation, parental administration, intravenous, subcutaneous, intramuscular, sublingual, transdermal administration, and rectal administration. [0020] Another aspect relates to a computer-readable medium suitable for transmission of a result of an analysis of a sample wherein the medium comprises information regarding a disease in a subject treatable by modulators to co-regulated expressed genes in said subject, the co-regulated expressed genes including at 20 least PARP, the information being derived by identifying a level of expression of the co-regulated expressed genes, including at least PARP, in the sample of the subject, and making a decision based on the level of the co-regulated expressed genes, including at least PARP, regarding treating the disease by modulators of the co-regulated expressed genes. In some embodiments, at least one step in the methods is implemented with a computer. 25 [0021] Yet another aspect is a method of identifying genes useful in the treatment of a patient with a disease susceptible to PARP inhibitor treatment, the method comprising identifying a disease treatable with at least one PARP modulator, wherein the expression level of PARP in a plurality of samples from a population is regulated in comparison to a control sample; determining the expression level of a panel of genes in the plurality of samples; and identifying genes that are co-regulated with said PARP regulation, 30 wherein the expression level of said co-regulated genes in the plurality of samples are increased or decreased in comparison to a control sample; wherein modulation of said genes that are co-regulated with PARP regulation is useful in the treatment of a disease susceptible to PARP modulator treatment. [0022] One additional aspect includes a method of treating a patient with a disease susceptible to PARP modulator treatment, the method comprising identifying a disease treatable with at least one PARP 35 modulator, wherein the expression level of PARP in a sample from a patient with said disease is regulated in comparison to a reference sample; identifying at least one co-regulated gene in said sample in comparison to a reference sample, and treating said patient with modulators to PARP and the co-regulated gene. [00231 Another embodiment disclosed herein is a method of treating a disease, the method comprising providing a plurality of samples from patients afflicted with said disease; identifying at least one gene

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regulated in each sample as compared to a reference sample, and treating a patient with said disease with modulators to the identified regulated gene(s) and a PARP modulator. [0024] Yet another aspect is a method of treating a disease susceptible to PARP modulator treatment, the method comprising identifying a disease treatable with at least one PARP modulator, wherein the expression 5 level of PARP in a plurality of samples is regulated in comparison to a reference sample; identifying at least one co-regulated gene in said plurality of samples in comparison to a reference sample; and treating a patient with said disease with modulators to PARP and the co-regulated gene. [00251 One additional aspect is a method of treating a cancer susceptible to PARP inhibitor treatment, the method comprising identifying a cancer treatable with at least one PARP inhibitor, wherein the expression 10 level of PARP in a plurality of cancer samples is up-regulated, identifying at least one co-upregulated gene in said plurality of samples; and treating a patient with said cancer with inhibitors to PARP and the co regulated gene. [0026] Also disclosed is a method of treating a breast cancer susceptible to PARP inhibitor treatment, the method comprising identifying a breast cancer treatable with at least one PARP inhibitor, wherein the 15 expression level of PARP in a plurality of breast cancer samples is up-regulated, identifying at least one co upregulated gene in said plurality of samples, and treating a patient with said breast cancer with inhibitors to PARP and the co-regulated gene. One embodiment is the treatment of triple negative breast cancer. [0027] Furthermore, a method of treating a lung cancer susceptible to PARP inhibitor treatment is disclosed herein, the method comprising, identifying a lung cancer treatable with at least one PARP 20 inhibitor, wherein the expression level of PARP in a plurality of lung cancer samples is up-regulated, identifying at least one co-upregulated gene in said plurality of samples, and treating a patient with said lung cancer with inhibitors to PARP and the co-regulated gene. [0028] Another embodiment disclosed herein is a method of treating an endometrial cancer susceptible to PARP inhibitor treatment, the method comprising identifying an endometrial cancer treatable with at least 25 one PARP inhibitor, wherein the expression level of PARP in a plurality of endometrial cancer samples is up-regulated, identifying at least one co-upregulated gene in said plurality of samples, and treating said patient with inhibitors to PARP and the co-regulated gene. Furthermore, a method of treating an ovarian cancer susceptible to PARP inhibitor treatment, the method comprising identifying an ovarian cancer treatable with at least one PARP inhibitor, wherein the expression level of PARP in a plurality of ovarian 30 cancer samples is up-regulated, identifying at least one co-upregulated gene in said plurality of samples and treating said patient with inhibitors to PARP and the co-regulated gene. [0029] Also provided herein are kits for diagnosing or staging a disease, the kit comprising means for measuring expression level of PARP in a tissue sample, means for measuring expression level of genes previously identified as co-regulated with PARP; and comparing said expression levels of PARP and co 35 regulated genes to a reference sample, wherein the level of expression as compared to the reference sample is indicative of the presence of disease or the disease stage. Also included are kits for treatment of a disease susceptible to a PARP inhibitor, the kit comprising means for measuring expression level of PARP in a tissue sample, wherein an increase in expression level of PARP in comparison to a reference sample is indicative of a disease susceptible to a PARP inhibitor; means for measuring expression level of genes 40 previously identified as co-regulated with PARP, wherein an increase in the expression of said co-regulated

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genes is indicative of a use of an inhibitor to said co-regulated gene in the treatment of said disease; and inhibitors to PARP and said co-regulated genes for treatment of said disease.

INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE 5 [00301 All publications and patent applications mentioned in this specification are herein incorporated by reference to the same extent as if each individual publication or patent application was specifically and individually indicated to be incorporated by reference.

BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0031] The novel features of the embodiments are set forth in the appended claims. A better understanding 10 of the features and advantages of the present embodiments may be obtained by reference to the following detailed description that sets forth illustrative embodiments, in which the principles of the embodiments are utilized, and the accompanying drawings of which: [0032] Figure 1 is a flow chart showing the steps of one embodiment of the methods disclosed herein. [00331 Figure 2 illustrates a computer for implementing selected operations associated with the methods 15 disclosed herein. [0034] Figure 3 depicts PARP expression in human healthy tissues. [0035 Figure 4 depicts PARP expression in malignant and normal tissues. [00361 Figure 5 depicts PARP expression in human primary tumors. [00371 Figure 6 depicts correlation of high expression of PARP1 (Figure 6A) with lower expression of 20 BRCA1 (Figure 6B) and 2 in primary ovarian tumors. [0038] Figure 7 depicts upregulation of PARP expression in an ER-, PR- and Her-2 negative tissue specimen. Figure 7A provides normal breast tissue samples stained with hemolysin and eosin (H&E) or for the markers ER, PR, HER2 or PARPI. Figure 7B provides breast adenocarcinoma tissue samples stained with H&E or for the markers ER, PR, HER2 or PARP 1. 25 [0039] Figure 8 illustrates a physical interaction network from genes selected with a 2-fold change cutoff and common in three tissues: ovary, endometrium and breast. [0040] Figure 9 depicts a regulatory interaction network from genes selected with a 2-fold change cutoff and common in three tissues: ovary, endometrium and breast tissue. [00411 Figure 10 depicts mRNA expression in lung normal and tumor tissues expression in a lung human 30 normal and tumor tissues. Figure 10A depicts Ki-67; figure 10B depicts PARP1; figure 10C depicts PARP2, and figure 1OD depicts RAD51 mRNA expression. [0042] Figure 11 depicts PARP expression in a hmg human normal and tumor syngeneic specimen. [0043] Figure 12 depicts PARP expression in lung human normal and tumor syngeneic specimens. [0044] Figure 13 depicts PARP expression in lung human normal and tumor syngeneic specimen. 35 [0045] Figure 14 depicts PARP expression in a breast human normal and tumor tissues. Figure 14A depicts Ki-67; Figure 14B depicts PARP 1, Figure 14C depicts PARP2, and Figure 14D depicts RAD51 mRNA expression. [00461 Figure 15 depicts PARP expression in a breast human normal and tumor syngeneic specimen.

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[0047] Figure 16 depicts PARP expression in a breast human normal and tumor syngeneic specimen. [00481 Figure 17 depicts PARP expression in a breast human normal and tumor syngeneic specimen. 10049 Figure 18 depicts PARP1 inhibition (Compound III) on tumor growth and improval of survival of mice in human ovarian adenocarcinoma OVCAR-3 xenograft model of cancer. 5 [0050] Figure 19: Compound iII potentiates the activity of IGF-lR inhibitor Picropodophyllin (PPP) in triple negative breast cancer cells MDA-MB-468. [00511 Figure 20: HCC827 NSCLC cell line is a well characterized model for analysis of EGFR inhibitors.

DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION [0052] The term "inhibit" or its grammatical equivalent, such as "inhibitory," is not intended to require 10 complete reduction in PARP activity. Such reduction is may be by at least about 50%, at least about 75%, at least about 90%, or by at least about 95% of the activity of the molecule in the absence of the inhibitory effect, e.g., in the absence of an inhibitor, such as PARP inhibitors disclosed herein. The term refers to an observable or measurable reduction in activity. In treatment scenarios, inhibition may be sufficient to produce a therapeutic and/or prophylactic benefit in the condition being treated. 15 [00531 The terms "sample", "biological sample" or its grammatical equivalents, as used herein mean a material known to or suspected of expressing a level ofPARP. The test sample can be used directly as obtained from the source or following a pretreatment to modify the character of the sample. The sample can be derived from any biological source, such as tissues or extracts, including cells, and physiological fluids, such as, for example, whole blood, plasma, serum, saliva, ocular lens fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, sweat, urine, 20 milk, ascites fluid, synovial fluid, peritoneal fluid and the like. The sample may be obtained from non human animals or humans. In one embodiment, samples are obtained from humans. The sample can be treated as needed prior to use, such as preparing plasma from blood, diluting viscous fluids, and the like. Methods of treating a sample can involve filtration, distillation, extraction, concentration, inactivation of interfering components, the addition of reagents, and the like. 25 [0054] The term "subject," "patient" or "individual" as used herein in reference to individuals suffering from a disorder, and the like, encompasses mammals and non-mammals. Examples of mammals include, but are not limited to, any member of the Mammalian class: humans, non-human primates such as chimpanzees, and other apes and monkey species; farm animals such as cattle, horses, sheep, goats, swine; domestic animals such as rabbits, dogs, and cats; laboratory animals including rodents, such as rats, mice and guinea 30 pigs, and the like. Examples of non-mammals include, but are not limited to, birds, fish and the like. In some embodiments of the methods and compositions provided herein, the mammal is a human. [00551 The term "treating" or its grammatical equivalents as used herein, means achieving a therapeutic benefit and/or a prophylactic benefit. By therapeutic benefit is meant eradication or amelioration of the underlying disorder being treated. Also, a therapeutic benefit is achieved with the eradication or amelioration 35 of one or more of the physiological symptoms associated with the underlying disorder such that an improvement is observed in the patient, notwithstanding that the patient may still be afflicted with the underlying disorder. For prophylactic benefit, the compositions may be administered to a patient at risk of developing a particular disease, or to a patient reporting one or more of the physiological symptoms of a disease, even though a diagnosis of this disease may not have been made.

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[0056] The term "level of expression" or its grammatical equivalent as used herein, means a measurement of the amount of nucleic acid, e.g. RNA or mRNA, or protein of a gene in a subject, or alternatively, the level of activity of a gene or protein in said subject. [0057] The term "differentially expressed" or its grammatical equivalent as used herein, means a level of 5 expression that varies or differs from a reference level, which may include a normal or average level of expression measured in a subject or group of subjects. The level of expression may either increase or decrease relative to the reference level of expression, and may be transient or long-term in effect. The related term "co-regulated" or its grammatical equivalents as used herein, means the level of expression is altered or changed along or in tandem with, another gene, here PARP1. In some embodiments, the level of expression 10 of a gene, e.g., IGF1, IGF2, IGFR, EGFR, mdm2, Bl2, ETS1, MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, uPA, DHFR, TYMS, NFKB, IKK, REL, RELA, RELB, IRAK1, VAV3, AURKA, ERBB3, MIF, VEGF, VEGFR, VEGFR2, CDK1, CDK2, CDK9, farnesyl transferase, UBE2A, UBE2D2, UBE2G1, USP28 or UBE2S., changes along with the level of expression ofPARP1. In some embodiments, the co-regulated is at least one of the following genes: IGF1, IGF2, IGFR, EGFR, mdm2, Bcl2, ETSl, MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, uPA, 15 DHFR, TYMS, NFKB, IKK, REL, RELA, RELB, IRAKI, VAV3, AURKA, ERBB3, MIF, VEGF, VEGFR, VEGFR2, CDK1, CDK2, CDK9, farnesyl transferase, UBE2A, UBE2D2, UBE2G1, USP28, UBE2S, ABCC1, ABCCS, ABCD4, ACADM, ACLSL1, ACSL3, ACYlL2, ADM, ADRMI, AGPAT5, AHCY, AK3L1, AK3L2, AKIIP, AKR1B1, AKR1Cl, AKRIC2, AKRIC3, ALDH18A1, ALDOA, ALOX5, ALPL, ANP32E, AOF1, APG5L, ARFGEFI, ARL5, ARPP-19, ASPH, ATF5, ATF71P, ATIC, ATP11A, ATP11C, 20 ATP1A1, ATPIB1, ATP2A2, ATP5G3, ATP5J2, ATP6VOB, B3GNT1, B4GALT2, BACE2, BACH, BAG2, BASP1, BCAT1, BCL2L1, BCL6, BGN, BPNTl, C1QBP, CACNB3, CAMK2D, CAP2, CCAR1, CD109, CD24, CD44, CD47, CD58, CD74, CD83, CD9, CDC14B, CDC42EP4, CDC5, CDK4, CDK6, CDS1, CDW92, CEACAM6, CELSR2, CFLAR, CGI-90, CHST6, CHSY1, CKLFSF4, CKLFSF6, CKS1B, CMKOR1, CNDP2, CPD, CPE, CPSF3, CPSF5, CPSF6, CPT1B, CRR9, CSH2, CSK, CSNK2A1, CSPG2, 25 CTPSCTSB, CTSD, CXADR, CXCR4, CXXC5, CXXC6, DAAM1, DCK, DDAHI, DDT4, DDRl, DDX21, DDX39, DHTKD1, DLAT, DNAJA1, DNAJB1 1, DNAJCI, DNAJC1O, DNAJC9, DNAJD1, DUSP10, DUSP24, DUSP6, DVL3, ELOVL6, EME1, ENO1, ENPP4, EPSS, ETNK1, ETV6, F1IR, FA2H, FABP5, FADS2, FAS, FBXO45, FBXO7, FLJ23091, FTL, FTLL1, FZD6,GIP2, GALNT2, GALNT4, GALNT7, GANAB, GART, GBAS, GCHFR, GCLC, GCLM, GCNTI, GFPT1, GGA2, GGH, GLUL, 30 GMNN, GMPS, GPI, GPR56, GPR89, GPX1, GRBlO, GRHPR, GSPT1, GSR, GTPBP4, HDAC1, HDGF, 1HG2, HMGB3, HPRT1, HPS5, HRMT1L2, HS2STl, HSPA4, HSPA8, HSPB1, HSPCA, HSPCAL3, HSPCB, HSPD1, HSPE1, HSPH1, HTATIP2, HYOUI, ICMT, IDE, IDH2, I127, IGFBP3, IGSF4, ILF2, INPP5F, INSIG1, KHSRP, KLF4, KMO, KPNA2, KTN1, LAP3, LASS2, LDHA, LDHB, LGR4, LPGAT1, LTB4DH, LYN, MAD2L1, MADP-1, MAGED1, MAK3, MALAT1, MAP2K3, MAP2K6, MAP3K13, 35 MAP4K4, MAPK13, MARCKS, MBTPS2, MCM4, MCTSl, MDH1, MDH2, MEl, ME2, METAP2, METTL2, MGAT4B, MKNK2. MLPH, MOBKIB, MOBKL1A, MSH2, MTHFD2, MUC1, MXl, MYCBP, NAJDl, NAT1, NBSl, NDFIP2, NEK6, NETI, NMEl, NNT, NQOl, NRAS, NSE2, NUCKS, NUSAP1, NY-REN-41, ODCI, OLR1, P4HB, PAFAH1Bl, PAICS, PANKI, PCIA1, PCNA, PCTIC1, PDAP1, PDIA4, PDIA6, PDXK, PERP, PFKP, PFTK1, PGD, PGK1, PGM2L1, PHCA, PKIG, PKM2, PKP4, 40 PLA2G4A, PLCBI, PLCG2, PLD3, PLODI, PLOD2, PMS2L3, PNK1, PNPT1, PON2, PP, PPIF, PPP1CA,

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PPP2R4, PPP3CA, PRCC, PRKD3, PRKDC, PRPSAP2, PSATI, PSENEN, PSMA2, PSMA5, PSMA7, PSMB3, PSMB4, PSMD14, PSMD2, PSMD3, PSMD4, PSMD8, PTGFRN, PTGSl, PTK9, PTPN12, PTPN18, PTS, PYGB, RABlO, RAB1 IFIP1, RABl4, RAB31, RAB3IP, RACGAPI, RAN, RANBP1, RAP2B, RBBP4, RBBP7, RBBP8, RDHI0, RFC3, RFC4, RFC5, RGS19IP1, RHOBTB3, RNASEH2A, 5 RNGTT, RNPEP, ROBOl, RRAS2, SART2, SAT, SCAP2, SCD4, SDC2, SDC4, SEMA3F, SERP1NE2, SFI1, SGPL1, SGPPl, SGPP2, SH3GLB2, SHCI, SMARCC1, SMC4Ll, SMC4LI, SMS, SNRPDl, SORD, SORLI, SPPl, SQLE, SRD5A1, SRD5A2L, SRM, SRPKI, SS18, SSBPl, SSR3, ST3GAL5, ST6GAL1, ST6GALNAC2, STX18, SULF2, SWAP70, TA-KRP, TALA, TBLlXR1, TFRC, TIAMI, TKT, TMPO, TNFAIP2, TNFSF9, TOX, TPD52, TPIl, TPPl, TRAl, TRIP13, TRPSI, TSPAN13, TSTA3, TXN, 10 TXNL2, TXNL5, TXNRD1, UBAP2L, UBE2A, UBE2D2, UBE2GI, UBE2V1, UCHL5, UGDH, UNC5CL, USP28, USP47, UTP14A, VDAC1, WIGI, YWHAB, YWHAE and YWHAZ. METHOD OF IDENTIFYING A DISEASE OR STAGE OF A DISEASE TREATABLE BY MODULATORS OF DIFFERENTIALLY EXPRESSED GENES, INCLUDING AT LEAST PARP [0058] In one aspect, the methods include identifying a disease treatable by modulators of regulated genes, 15 including at least PARP, comprising identifying a level of expression of regulated genes in a sample of a subject, making a decision regarding identifying the disease treatable by the modulators of the regulated genes, including at least PARP, wherein the decision is made based on the level of expression of the regulated genes. In another aspect, the methods include treating a disease with modulators of the regulated genes in a subject comprising identifying a level of expression of the regulated genes in a sample of the 20 subject, making a decision based on the level of expression of the regulated genes, including at least PARP, regarding identifying the disease treatable by modulators of the regulated genes, and treating the disease in the subject by modulators of the regulated genes. In yet another aspect, the methods include identifying the level of expression of regulated genes in a sample of a subject and treating a subject with modulators to the identified regulated genes and a PARP modulator. In another aspect, the method further includes providing a 25 conclusion regarding the disease to a patient, a health care provider or a health care manager, where the conclusion is based on the decision. In some embodiments, disease is breast cancer. In some embodiments, the levels of the regulated genes, including at least PARP, are up-regulated In some embodiments, the level of the regulated genes, including at least PARP, is down-regulated. [0059] The present embodiments identify diseases such as, cancer, inflammation, metabolic disease, CVS 30 disease, CNS disease, disorder ofhematolymphoid system, disorder of endocrine and neuroendocrine, disorder of urinary tract, disorder of respiratory system, disorder of female reproductive system, and disorder of male reproductive system where the level of the regulated genes, including at least PARP, are up regulated. Accordingly, the present embodiments identify these diseases to be treatable by modulators of the regulated genes identified. Modulation of PARP gene expression, at a minimum, together with other 35 regulated genes identified by the methods described herein, will be useful in the treatment of these identified diseases. In some embodiments, the co-regulated genes, along with at least PARP, may be proteins expressed in the pathways of PARP, EGFR and/or IGFIR. In other embodiments, the co-regulated genes may include IGF1, IGF2, IGFR, EGFR, mdm2, Bcl2, ETS1, MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, uPA, DHFR, TYMS, NFKB, IKK, REL, RELA, RELB, IRAKI, VAV3, AURKA, ERBB3, MIF, VEGF, VEGFR, 40 VEGFR2, CDK1, CDK2, CDK9, farnesyl transferase, UBE2A, UBE2D2, UBE2GI, USP28, UBE2S,

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[00601 In one embodiment, PARP inhibitors in combination with modulators of other regulated genes are PARP-1 inhibitors. The PARP inhibitors used in the methods described herein can act via a direct or indirect interaction with PARP, such as, for example, PARP-1. The PARP inhibitors used herein may modulate PARP or may modulate one or more entities in the PARP pathway. The PARP inhibitors can in some 5 embodiments inhibit PARP activity. [0061] The methods disclosed herein may be particularly useful in treating cancer of the female reproductive system. Breast tumors in women who inherit faults in either the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes occur because the tumor cells have lost a specific mechanism that repair damaged DNA. BRCA1 and BRCA2 are important for DNA double-strand break repair by homologous recombination, and mutations in 10 these genes predispose to breast and other cancers. PARP is involved in base excision repair, a pathway in the repair of DNA single-strand breaks. BRCA1 or BRCA2 dysfunction sensitizes cells to the inhibition of PARP enzymatic activity, resulting in chromosomal instability, cell cycle arrest and subsequent apoptosis. [0062) PARP inhibitors, thus, may kill cells where this form of DNA repair is absent and so are effective in killing BRCA deficient tumor cells and other similar tumor cells. Normal cells may be unaffected by the 15 drug as they may still possess this DNA repair mechanism. Accordingly, PARP inhibitors, in combination with modulators of other regulated genes identified through the methods described herein, may be useful in treating breast cancer patients with BRCA1 or BRCA2 deficiencies. This treatment might also be applicable to other forms of breast cancer that behave like BRCA deficient cancer. Typically, breast cancer patients are treated with drugs that kill tumor cells but also damage normal cells. It is damage to normal cells that can 20 lead to distressing side effects, like nausea and hair loss. In some embodiments, an advantage of treating with PARP inhibitors is that it is targeted; tumor cells are killed while normal cells appear unaffected. This is because PARP inhibitors exploit the specific genetic make-up of some tumor cells. [0063] It has previously been shown that subjects deficient in BRCA genes have up-regulated levels of PARP. See, e.g., Example 2 and U.S. Application No. 11/818,210, the entire contents of which are expressly 25 incorporated by reference herein. Figures 3-5 depict the differential regulation of PARP in certain primary tumors as compared to reference normal samples. Figure 6 depicts the correlation of high expression of PARP-1 (Figure 6A) with lower expression of BRCA1 (Figure 6B) in primary human ovarian tumors. Moreover, Figure 7 depicts the upregulation of PARP expression in triple negative breast cancers (Figure 7B) compared to normal breast tissue (Figure 7A). PARP up-regulation may be an indicator of other 30 defective DNA-repair pathways and unrecognized BRCA-like genetic defects. Assessment of PARP-1 gene expression is an indicator of tumor sensitivity to PARP inhibitor. The BRCA deficient patients treatable by PARP inhibitors can be identified if PARP is up-regulated. Further, such BRCA deficient patients can be treated with PARP inhibitors. [00641 IGF1-R overexpression can be the result of loss of BRCAI (Wemer and Roberts, 2003, Genes, 35 Chromo. Cancer 36:113-120; Riedemann and Macaulay, 2006, Endocr. Rel. Cancer, 13:Suppl 1:S33-S43). It was previously shown that BRCA1 can suppress IGF1-R promoter, and suggested that inactivation of BRCA1 can lead to activation of IGF1-R expression due to derepression of IGF1-R. [00651 Activation of EGFR triggers mitotic signaling in gastrointestinal (GI) neoplasms, where prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) rapidly phosphorylates EGFR and triggers the extracellular signal-regulated kinase 40 2 (ERK2) mitogenic signaling in GI cells and tumors. PARP1 can be activated via direct interaction with

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ERK2 that in turn can amplify ERK-signaling promoting growth, proliferation and differentiation regulated by the RAF-MEK-EREK signal transduction pathway (Cohen-Armon, 2007, Trends Pharmacol. Sci. 28:556 60 Epub). [0066] Although IGFl-R overexpression and PARP1 upregulation are both seen in BRCA1 deficient breast 5 cancers, previous studies have not shown or suggested any interrelationship between the two pathways in the treatment of breast cancer. The studies presented herein detail co-upregulation ofPARP1 and IGFR-1 in a variety of tumors, including breast, endometrial mullerian mixed tumor, papillary serous type ovarian adenocarcinoma, ovarian mullerian mixed tumor and skin tumors (see Tables I-XVIII). Moreover, it has been previously shown that in the ovarian adenocarcinoma cell lines OVCAR-3 and OVCAR-4, the small 10 molecule inhibitor NVP-AEW541 inhibited growth of the cells (Gotlieb et al., 2006, Cynecol. Oncol. 100:389-96). Accordingly, from the expression correlation tables as well as previous observations of IGF lR's role in tumor growth and proliferation, treatment with PARP1 and IGF1R modulators may also increase sensitivity to chemotherapy of tumors treated by the combination of PARP and IGF1R inhibitors. [0067 Similarly, PARPI upregulation is also observed in the same subset of tumors where the 15 upregulation of EGFR was also observed (see Tables II-XVIII, XXI). For example, co-upregulation of PARP 1 and EGFR expression was seen in skin cancer, uterine cancer, breast and lung cancers, among others. (II-XVIII, XXI). Accordingly, treatment with PARP I and EGFR may also increase sensitivity to chemotherapy of tumors treated by a combination of PARPI and EGFR inhibitors. [00681 The steps to some embodiments are depicted in Figure 1. Without limiting the scope of the present 20 embodiments, the steps can be performed independent of each other or one after the other. One or more steps may be skipped in the methods described herein. A sample is collected from a subject suffering from a disease at step 101. In one embodiment, the sample is human normal and tumor samples, hair, blood, and other biofluids. A level of PARP is analyzed at step 102 by techniques well known in the art and based on the level of PARP such as, when PARP is up-regulated identifying the disease treatable by PARP inhibitors 25 at step 103. Other co-regulated expressed genes are identified in step 104, where modulation of the identified co-regulated expressed genes may be used to treat the subject in step 105 suffering from the diseases identified with a combination of at least a PARP inhibitor and a modulator of the identified co-regulated expressed genes. It shall be understood that other methods contemplated not explicitly set forth herein. Without limiting the scope of the present embodiments, other techniques for collection of sample, analysis of 30 PARP and co-regulated expressed genes in the sample and treatment of the disease with a combination of at least PARP inhibitors and modulators of the identified co-regulated expressed genes are known in the art and are within the scope of the present embodiments. Samle collection, preparation and separation [00691 Biological samples can be obtained from individuals with varying phenotypic states, such as 35 various states of cancer or other diseases. Examples of phenotypic states also include phenotypes of normal subjects, which can be used for comparisons to diseased subjects. In some embodiments, subjects with disease are matched with control samples that are obtained from individuals who do not exhibit the disease. In yet other embodiments, subjects with disease may provide the control sample, for example, from a tissue or organ not affected by the disease.

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[00701 Samples may be collected from a variety of sources from a mammal (e.g., a human), including a body fluid sample, or a tissue sample. Samples collected can be human normal and tumor samples, hair, blood, other biofluids, cells, tissues, organs or bodily fluids for example, but not limited to, brain tissue, blood, serum, sputum including saliva, plasma, nipple aspirants, synovial fluids, cerebrospinal fluids, sweat, 5 urine, fecal matter, pancreatic fluid, trabecular fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, tears, bronchial lavage, swabbings, bronchial aspirants, semen, prostatic fluid, precervicular fluid, vaginal fluids, pre-ejaculate, etc. Suitable tissue samples include various types of tumor or cancer tissue, or organ tissue, such as those taken at biopsy. [00711 The samples can be collected from individuals repeatedly over a longitudinal period of time (e.g., about once a day, once a week, once a month, biannually or annually). Obtaining numerous samples from an 10 individual over a period of time can be used to verify results from earlier detections and/or to identify an alteration in biological pattern as a result of, for example, disease progression, drug treatment, etc. [00721 Sample preparation and separation can involve any of the procedures, depending on the type of sample collected and/or analysis of the co-differentially expressed genes. Such procedures include, by way of example only, concentration, dilution, adjustment of pH, removal of high abundance polypeptides (e.g., 15 albumin, gamma globulin, and transferin, etc.), addition of preservatives and calibrants, addition of protease inhibitors, addition of denaturants, desalting of samples, concentration of sample proteins, extraction and purification of lipids. [00731 The sample preparation can also isolate molecules that are bound in non-covalent complexes to other protein (e.g., carrier proteins). This process may isolate those molecules bound to a specific carrier 20 protein (e.g., albumin), or use a more general process, such as the release of bound molecules from all carrier proteins via protein denaturation, for example using an acid, followed by removal of the carrier proteins. [00741 Removal of undesired proteins (e.g., high abundance, uninformative, or undetectable proteins) from a sample can be achieved using high affinity reagents, high molecular weight filters, ultracentrifugation and/or electrodialysis. High affinity reagents include antibodies or other reagents (e.g. aptamers) that 25 selectively bind to high abundance proteins. Sample preparation could also include ion exchange chromatography, metal ion affinity chromatography, gel filtration, hydrophobic chromatography, chromatofocusing, adsorption chromatography, isoelectric focusing and related techniques. Molecular weight filters include membranes that separate molecules on the basis of size and molecular weight Such filters may further employ reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration and microfiltration. 30 [0075] Ultracentrifugation represents one method for removing undesired polypeptides from a sample. Ultracentrifigation is the centrifugation of a sample at about 15,000-60,000 rpm while monitoring with an optical system the sedimentation (or lack thereof) of particles. Electrodialysis is a procedure which uses an electromembrane or semipermable membrane in a process in which ions are transported through semi permeable membranes from one solution to another under the influence of a potential gradient. Since the 35 membranes used in clectrodialysis may have the ability to selectively transport ions having positive or negative charge, reject ions of the opposite charge, or to allow species to migrate through a semipermable membrane based on size and charge, it renders electrodialysis useful for concentration, removal, or separation of electrolytes. [00761 Separation and purification may include any procedure known in the art, such as capillary 40 electrophoresis (e.g., in capillary or on-chip) or chromatography (e.g., in capillary, column or on a chip).

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Electrophoresis is a method which can be used to separate ionic molecules under the influence of an electric field. Electrophoresis can be conducted in a gel, capillary, or in a microchannel on a chip. Examples of gels used for electrophoresis include starch, acrylamide, polyethylene oxides, agarose, or combinations thereof. A gel can be modified by its cross-linking, addition of detergents, or denaturants, immobilization of enzymes 5 or antibodies (affinity electrophoresis) or substrates (zymography) and incorporation of a pH gradient. Examples of capillaries used for electrophoresis include capillaries that interface with an electrospray. [0077] Capillary electrophoresis (CE) represents one method for separating complex hydrophilic molecules and highly charged solutes. CE technology can also be implemented on microfluidic chips. Depending on the types of capillary and buffers used, CE can be further segmented into separation techniques such as 10 capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE), capillary isoelectric focusing chief) , capillary isotachophoresis (cIT?) and capillary electrochromatography (CEC). An embodiment to couple CE techniques to electrospray ionization involves the use of volatile solutions, for example, aqueous mixtures containing a volatile acid and/or base and an organic such as an alcohol or acetonitrile. [0078] Capillary isotachophoresis (cITP) represents a technique in which the analytes move through the 15 capillary at a constant speed but are nevertheless separated by their respective mobilities. Capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE), also known as free-solution CE (FSCE), is based on differences in the electrophoretic mobility of the species, determined by the charge on the molecule, and the frictional resistance the molecule encounters during migration which is often directly proportional to the size of the molecule. Capillary isoelectric focusing (CIEF) allows weakly-ionizable amphoteric molecules, to be separated by 20 electrophoresis in a pH gradient. CEC is a hybrid technique between traditional high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and CE. [00791 Separation and purification techniques used in the present embodiments include any chromatography procedures known in the art. Chromatography can be based on the differential adsorption and elution of certain analytes or partitioning of analytes between mobile and stationary phases. Different 25 examples of chromatography include, but not limited to, liquid chromatography (LC), gas chromatography (GC), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), etc. Measuring Expression Levels of Regulated Genes [0080J Levels of regulated expressed genes, including at least PARP, maybe measured through assays detecting and quantitating nucleic acid, the expressed levels of protein in a subject's sample, or in the 30 alternative, the level of activity of the co-regulated expressed genes or proteins in a subject's sample. For example, a practitioner may measure the expression levels of the regulated expressed genes through mRNA quantification. The most commonly used methods known in the art for the quantification of mRNA expression in a sample include northern blotting and in situ hybridization; RNAse protection assays; and PCR-based methods, such as reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Alternatively, 35 antibodies may be employed that can recognize specific duplexes, including DNA duplexes, RNA duplexes, and DNA-RNA hybrid duplexes or DNA-protein duplexes. [00811 Representative methods for sequencing-based gene expression analysis include Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE), and gene expression analysis by massively parallel signature sequencing (MPSS), Comparative Genome Hybridization (CGH), Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP), Single nucleotide 40 polymorphism (SNP) and SNP arrays, Fluorescent in situ Hybridization (FISH), Protein binding arrays, -18 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750.601 WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

DNA microarray (also commonly known as gene or genome chip, DNA chip, or gene array), and RNA microarrays. As mentioned above, co-regulated levels of protein expression or protein activity may also be monitored and compared against reference levels. [00821 In some embodiments, the level of regulated expressed genes, including at least PARP, in a sample 5 from a patient is compared to a predetermined standard sample. The sample from the patient is typically from a diseased tissue, such as cancer cells or tissues. The standard sample can be from the same patient or from a different subject. The standard sample is typically a normal, non-diseased sample. However, in some embodiments, such as for staging of disease or for evaluating the efficacy of treatment, the standard sample is from a diseased tissue. The standard sample can be a combination of samples from several different 10 subjects. In some embodiments, the level of co-regulated expressed genes, including at least PARP, from a patient is compared to a pre-determined level. This pre-determined level is typically obtained from normal samples. As described herein, a "pre-determined expression level" may be a level of expression of a panel of genes, including at least PARP, used to, by way of example only, evaluate a patient that may be selected for treatment, evaluate a response to a PARP inhibitor treatment, evaluate a response to a combination of a 15 PARP inhibitor and a second therapeutic agent treatment, for example, modulators to co-regulated expressed genes, and/or diagnose a patient for cancer, inflammation, pain and/or related conditions. In other embodiments, a pre-determined level of expression for a panel of genes, including at least PARP, may be determined in populations of patients with or without cancer. The pre-determined expression levels for each identified gene, including at least PARP, can be a single number, equally applicable to every patient, or the 20 pre-determined expression levels for each gene in a panel can vary according to specific subpopulations of patients. For example, men might have different pre-determined expression levels than women; non-smokers may have a different pre-determined expression level than smokers. Age, weight, and height of a patient may affect the pre-determined expression levels of the individual or of a designated patient population or sub population. Furthermore, the pre-determined expression levels can be a level determined for each patient 25 individually. The pre-determined expression level can be any suitable standard. For example, the pre determined expression level can be obtained from the same or a different human for whom a patient selection is being assessed. In one embodiment, the pre-determined expression level can be obtained from a previous assessment of the same patient. In such a manner, the progress of the selection of the patient can be monitored over time. Similarly, the pre-determined expression levels of a panel of gene targets, including at 30 least PARP, can be from a specific patient population or subpopulations. Accordingly, the standard can be obtained from an assessment of another human or multiple humans, e.g., selected groups of humans. In such a manner, the extent of the selection of the human for whom selection is being assessed can be compared to suitable other humans, e.g., other humans who are in a similar situation to the human of interest, such as those suffering from similar or the same condition(s). 35 [00831 In some embodiments the change of expression levels of each gene in a panel of gene targets identified from the pre-determined level is about 0.5 fold, about 1.0 fold, about 1.5 fold, about 2.0 fold, about 2.5 fold, about 3.0 fold, about 3.5 fold, about 4.0 fold, about 4.5 fold, or about 5.0 fold. In some embodiments the fold change is less than about 1, less than about 5, less than about 10, less than about 20, less than about 30, less than about 40, or less than about 50. In other embodiments, the changes in expression 40 levels compared to a predetermined level is more than about 1, more than about 5, more than about 10, more

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than about 20, more than about 30, more than about 40, or more than about 50. Fold changes from a pre determined level also include about 0.5, about 1.0, about 1.5, about 2.0, about 2.5, and about 3.0. [0084] Tables I to XVII as shown below illustrate differential gene expression data, including PARP1 and other gene expression profiles, in subjects suffering from cancer, metabolic diseases, endocrine and 5 neuroendocrine system disorders, cardiovascular diseases (CVS), central nervous system diseases (CNS), diseases of male reproductive system, diseases of female reproductive system, respiratory system, disorders of urinary tract, inflammation, hematolymphoid system, and disorders of digestive system. The minimum expression fold change for representation in tables I to XVII is at least a 2-fold change. [00851 Provided herein is a monitoring method in which the expression level of each co-regulated 10 identified gene, including at least PARP, in cancer patients or populations can be monitored during the course of cancer or anti-neoplastic treatment, and also in some cases, prior to and at the start of treatment. The determination of a decrease or increase in the expression levels of each identified gene target in a pre determined panel of co-regulated genes in a cancer patient or population, compared to the expression levels of the same pre-determined panel of co-regulated genes in normal individuals without cancer allows the 15 following evaluation related to patient progression and/or outcome: (i) a more severe stage or grade of the cancer; (ii) shorter time to disease progression, and/or (iii) lack of a positive, i.e., effective, response by the patient to the cancer treatment. For example, based on the monitoring of a patients expression levels over time relative to normal levels of the same panel of gene targets, or in addition to or in the alternative, as to the patients own prior-determined levels, a determination can be made as to whether a treatment regimen 20 should be changed, i.e., to be more aggressive or less aggressive; to determine if the patient is responding favorably to his or her treatment; and/or to determine disease status, such as advanced stage or phase of the cancer, or a remission, reduction or regression of the cancer or neoplastic disease. The embodiments allow a determination of clinical benefit, time to progression (TTP), and length of survival time based upon the findings of up-regulated or down-regulated co-regulated gene expression levels in the predetermined panel 25 compared to the levels in normal individuals. [0086] The analysis of expression levels of genes and their pathways in individual patients or patient populations is particularly valuable and informative, as it allows a physician to more effectively select the best treatments, as well as to utilize more aggressive treatments and therapy regimens based on the up regulated or down-regulated level of the identified co-regulated gene targets. More aggressive treatment, or 30 combination treatments and regimens, can serve to counteract poor patient prognosis and overall survival time. Armed with this information, the medical practitioner can choose to provide certain types of treatment such as treatment with PARP inhibitors and/or modulators of other co-regulated expressed genes, and/or more aggressive therapy. [0087] In monitoring an individual patient or patient population's co-regulated gene expression levels, 35 including at least PARP, over a period of time, which may be minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and in some cases, years, or various intervals thereof the patient or patient population's body fluid samples, e.g., serum or plasma, can be collected at intervals, as determined by the practitioner, such as a physician or clinician, to determine the expression levels of each identified co-regulated target gene, including at least PARP, and compared to the levels in normal individuals or population over the course or treatment or 40 disease. For example, patient samples can be taken and monitored every month, every two months, or

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combinations of one, two, or three month intervals. In addition, expression levels of each identified target co-regulated gene, including at least PARP, of the patient obtained over time can be conveniently compared with each other, as well as with the expression level values, of normal controls, during the monitoring period, thereby providing the patient's own level of expression values, as an internal, or personal, control for 5 long-term expression monitoring. Similarly, expression levels from a patient population may also be compared with other populations, including a normal control population, providing a convenient means to compare the patient population results over the course of the monitoring period. [00881 Table H: PARP1 Upregulated - Diff/X (Human); Name: Upreg Skin Basal Cell Carcinoma Primary (Minimum Fold Change: 2.0); Experiment Skin, Basal Cell Carcinoma, Primary; Control: normal 10 skin. Fragment Pres. Fold p Name Array Pathway Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score Value 225431x hg133 ACYlL aminoacylase 1-like 0.871158 2.29158 4.92415 9.99E at b 2 2 2 7 03 203044 at hg133 CHSY1 carbohydrate 0.999101 2.30972 8.53378 2.1OE a (chondroitin) 8 3 03 synthase 1 218062 x hg133 (Rho CDC42 CDC42 effector 0.931985 2.19167 5.74432 6.83E at a GTPase EP4 protein (Rho GTPase 5 8 03 pathway binding) 4 224736_at hg133 CCAR1 cell division cycle 0.882365 2.69295 6.06908 5.27E b and apoptosis 5 5 03 regulator 1 204620_s_ hg133 CSPG2 chondroitin sulfate 0,893963 2.19202 4.79874 1.36E at a proteoglycan 2 1 6 02 (versican) 203917_at hg133 CXAD coxsackie virus and 0.83738 2.49398 8.44827 1.66E a R adenovirus receptor 3 4 03 228906_at hg133 CXXC6 CXXC finger 6 0.827674 2.25251 5.90748 6.59E b 8 8 03 224847 at hg133 cyclin- CDK6 0.741578 Skin, 2.09171 5.10340 6.49E b dependent Basal 5 5 03 kinase Cell Carcinom a, Primary 202887_s hg133 DNA DDIT4 DNA-damage- 0.888889 2.65324 4.70668 5.16E at a damage inducible transcript 4 3 4 03 212070_at hg133 GPCR GPR56 G protein-coupled 0.797302 2.22380 5.06397 1.22E a receptor 56 7 2 02 211969 at hg133 heat shock HSPCA heat shock 90kDa 0.997945 2.11577 6.13998 2.37E _ a _ protein 1, alpha 5 4 03 211969_at hg133 heat shock HSPCA heat shock 90kDa 0.997945 2.11577 6.13998 2.37E a L3 protein 1, alpha-like 5 4 03 3 203284 s hg133 HS2ST heparan sulfate 2-0- 0.889403 3.00755 7.61041 3.79E at a 1 sulfotransferase 1 6 7 03 209031_at hg133 IGSF4 immunoglobulin 0.762171 4.03725 7.95006 3.81E a superfamily, member 2 9 03 4 200914_x hg133 KTN1 kinectin I (kinesin 0.956262 3.36793 5.19213 1.22E at a receptor) 5 2 02

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Fragment Pres. Fold p Name Array Pathway Symbol Description Freg. Change t-Score Value 226350_at hg133 KMO kynurenine 3- 0.850758 2.75327 4.46317 1.34E b monooxygenase 5 8 02 (kynurenine 3 hydroxylase) 225897_at hg133 myristoylat myristo 0.931217 Skin, 2.38814 5.91707 7.77E b ed alanine- ylated Basal 5 8 03 rich protein alanine- Cell kinase rich Carcinom pathway protein a, kinase Primary C substrat e (MARC KS) 202784 s hg133 NNT nicotinamide 0.745151 2.19256 4.83729 1.29E at a nucleotide 3 6 02 transhydrogenase 222688 at hg133 PHCA phytoceramidase, 0.961482 3.00303 6.46395 6.62E b alkaline 1 3 03 213655 at hg133 PAFAH platelet-activating 0.999101 2.15696 5.4083 8.03E a IBI factor 5 03 acetylhydrolase, isoform lb, alpha subunit 45kDa 221958 a hg133 NFkB FLJ230 putative NFkB 0.828838 2.29980 6.59890 5.26E at a pathway 91 activating protein 7 1 03 373 204127 at hg133 DNA RFC3 replication factor C 0.90578 2.10850 5.81375 5.66E a repair (activator 1) 3, 9 03 38kDa 217301x hg133 RBBP4 retinoblatoma 0.982916 2.15298 6.36122 6.83E at a binding protein 4 9 9 03 212560 at hg133 SORLl sortilin-related 0.941169 6.34475 5.98872 9.041 a receptor, L(DLR 8 1 03 class) A repeats containing 213655_at hg133 YWHA tyrosine 3- 0.999101 2.15696 5.4083 8.03E a E monooxygenase/tryp 5 03 tophan 5 monooxygenase activation protein, psion polypeptide 223701_s hg133 Ubiquitin USP47 ubiquitin specific 0.816333 2.17168 6.63433 2.65E at b pathway I_ Iprotease 47 5 3 03 202779_a_ hg133 Ubiquitin UBE2S ubiquitin- 0.743224 2.64466 4.36013 6.28E at a pathway conjugating enzyme 3 5 03 1_ _ _ 1_ 1E2S I

[0089] Table HI: PARP1 Upregulated - Diff/X (Human); Name: Upreg Skin Malignant Melanoma Primary (Minimum Fold Change: 2.0); Experiment: Skin, Malignant Melanoma, Primary; control: normal Skin. 5

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Fold Fragment Arra Pathwa Symbo Pres. Chang t- p Name y y I Description Freq. e Score Value 234464 s hg133 EMEl essential meiotic 0.91611 2.3191 3.5226 1.20E at b endonuclease 1 9 78 06 -02 homolog 1 (S. pombe) 201178_at hg133 FBXO F-box protein 7 0.99948 2.0950 3.4123 1.40E a 7 6 26 65 -02 222140_s hg133 GPCR GPR89 G protein-coupled 0.72723 2.1488 3.6317 1.01E at a receptor89 2 37 79 -02 211934_x hg133 GANA glucosidase, alpha; 0.80468 2.2591 3.3810 1.34E at a B neutral AB 9 4 36 -02 200806 s hg133 Heat HSPDI heat shock 60kDa 0.97032 3.1764 3.8513 7.87E _at a Shock protein 1 8 9 48 -03 (chaperonin) 210338_s hg133 Heat HSPAS heat shock 70kDa 0.98792 2.0136 5.2784 1.39E at a Shock protein 8 5 15 78 -03 204544 at hg133 HPS5 Hermansky-Pudlak 0.93121 2.2497 3.5649 1.14E a syndrome 5 4 52 28 -02 201030x hg133 LDHB lactate 0.98664 3.0445 3.8326 8.28E at a dehydrogenase B 1 88 6 -03 203362 s hg133 MAD2 MAD2 mitotic 0.80886 3.7075 3.3314 1.39E at a LI arrest deficient- 3 29 68 -02 like 1 (yeast) 218211_s hg133 MLPH melanophilin 0.98285 5.9720 3.6596 1.05E at a 2 88 12 -02 202905x hg133 NBS1 Nijmegen 0.88612 2.0537 3.9935 5.70E _at a breakage 7 46 35 -03 syndrome 1 (nibrin) 223158 s hg133 Kinase NEK6 NIMA (never in 0.81767 2.8539 3.8846 7.47E _at b mitosis gene a)- 5 7 45 -03 related kinase 6 201577_at hg133 NME1 non-metastatic 0.99755 2.2004 6.8119 2.53E a cells 1, protein 9 5 67 -04 (NM23A) expressed in 218039_at hg133 NUSA nucleolar and 0.92093 2.6891 3.5684 9.76E a P1 spindle associated 8 21 67 -03 protein 1 201013s hg133 PAICS phosphoribosylami 0.99370 3.3160 3.4562 1.34E _at a noimidazole 6 6 83 -02 carboxylase, phosphoribosylami noimidazole succinocarboxami de synthetase 201274_at hg133 Proteoso PSMA proteasome 0.89434 2.0212 4.3253 4.64E a me 5 (prosome, 8 92 87 -03 macropain) subunit, alpha

204127_at hg133 DNA RFC3 replication factor 0.90578 2.0317 6.4857 1.85E a replicati C (activator 1) 3, 09 72 -04 onand 38kDa Repair I III 1 1 200903 s hg133 AHCY S- 0.99434 2.0269 4.3531 3.41E at a adenosylhomocyst 8 71 37 -03

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Fold Fragment Arra Pathwa Symbo Pres. Chang t- p Name y y I Description Freq. e Score Value eine hydrolase 201664_at hg133 SMC4 SMC4 structural 0.97591 2.2515 3.4641 1.26E a L1 maintenance of 5 09 65 -02 chromosomes 4 like 1 (yeast) 230333 at hg133 SAT spermidine/spermi 0.9796 3.4050 4.5050 3.38E b neN1- 15 68 -03 acetyltransferase 202589_at hg133 TYMS thymidylate 0.91933 4.5820 7.1483 3.31E a synthetase 2 56 53 -04 Inhibitor: 5 fluorouracil, 5 fluoro-2-prime deoxyuridine, and some folate analogs 208699x hg133 TKT transketolase 0.93339 2.0090 3.9420 5.05E at a (Wernicke- 8 08 88 -03 Korsakoff syndrome) I I 216449x hg133 TRA1 tumor rejection 0.76178 2.6229 4.1413 4.22E at a antigen (gp96 ) 1 6 49 08 -03

100901 Table IV: PARPI Upregulated - Diff/X (Human); Name: Upregul Thyroid Gland Papillary Carcinoma Follicular Variant Primary (Minimum Fold Change: 2.0); Experiment: Thyroid Gland, Papillary Carcinoma, Follicular Variant, Primary; Control: normal thyroid gland. Fragment Pres. Fold Name Array Pathway Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value 231793s hg133b Kinase CAMK calcium/calmodulin- 0.74312 2.1041 5.16101 5.67E at 2D dependent protein 2 1 04 kinase (CaM kinase) II delta 213274s hg133a CTSB cathepsin B 0.99948 2.17211 4.67852 1.15E at 1 6 3 8 03 208892_s_ hgl33a epiderma DUSP6 dual specificity 0.97109 2.05581 3.36770 9.13E at 1growth phosphatase 6 8 2 6 03 factor receptor pathway 202609_at hg133a EPS8 epidermal growth 0.88484 2.14557 2.98333 1.94E factor receptor 3 6 7 02 pathway substrate 8 215719x hg133a FAS Fas (TNF receptor 0.81817 2.05139 3.21089 1.26E at superfamily, member 6 02 6) 220189_s hgl33a MGAT mannosyl (alpha-1,3- 0.94335 2.02089 3.45274 9.43E at 4B )-glycoprotein beta- 3 4 9 03 1,4-N acetylglucosaminyltra nsferase, isoenzyme B 219628 at hgl33a WIG1 p53 target zinc finger 0.91650 2.43204 3.72784 4.88E protein 6 3 6 03 217744s hg133a PERP PERP, TP53 0.78754 2.14135 3.68343 6.76E at apoptosis effector 4 8 03 -24 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750.601 WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

Fragment Pres. Fold Name Array Pathway Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value 201050_at hgl33a PLD3 phospholipase D3 0.87193 2.03358 3.29707 1.15 3 1 4 02 211503s hgl33a RAS RAB14 RAB14, member 0.97887 2.06806 3.14779 1.36E at oncogene RAS oncogene family 3 6 02 -pathway 222412s hgl33b SSR3 signal sequence 0.81888 2.06322 2.94228 1.96E at receptor, gamma 3 02 (translocon-associated protein gamma) 203217_s_ hg133a ST3GA ST3 beta-galactoside 0.81663 2.00694 4.21014 3.44E at L5 alpha-2,3- 5 2 3 03 1ialyltransferase 5 214196 s hgl33a TPP1 tripeptidyl peptidase I 0.83776 2.04253 3.45690 8.79E at 5 9 8 03

[0091] Table V: PARP1 Upregulated - Diff/X (Human); Name: Upreg Testis Seminoma Primary (Minimum Fold Change: 2.0); Experiment Testis, Seminoma, Primary; Control: normal testis. Fragment Pathwa Pres. Fold Name Array y Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value 226617 at hg133b ADP- ARL5 ADP-ribosylation 0.95718 2.24151 3.16793 7.52E ribosylat factor-like 5 7 6 03 ion 215783 s hg133a ALPL alkaline phosphatase, 0.75857 3.64300 2.97609 1.32E at liver/bone/kidney 4 8 9 02 202511_s hgl33a autopha APG5L APG5 autophagy 5- 0.99075 2.05994 3.4546 4.27E at gy like (S. cerevisiae) 1 8 03 208270_s hg133a RNPEP arginyl 0,84791 2.05514 3.70129 6.15E at aminopeptidase 3 7 03 (aminopeptidase B) 226785_at hg133b ATPase ATP11 ATPase, Class VI, 0.84498 2.64688 3.70079 3.91E C type 11C 7 9 03 203981_s hg133a ABCD4 ATP-binding cassette, 0.74104 2.24808 3.09927 1.02E at sub-family D (ALD), 8 02 member 4 34726_at hg133a CACN calcium channel, 0.73686 2.53881 3.12979 9.40E B3 voltage-dependent, 6 6 03 beta 3 subunit 226545_at hgl33b CD109 CD109 antigen (Gov 0.79056 2.55012 3.27584 9.58E platelet alloantigens) 5 2 5 03 221556_at hgl33a CDCl4 CDC14 cell division 0.89351 2.29000 3.96676 2.81E B cycle 14 homolog B 3 1 5 03 (S. cerevisiae) 228906_at hgl33b CXXC6 CXXC finger 6 0.82767 4.3978 3.32761 6.85E 4 4 03 204256_at hgl33a ELOVL ELOVL family 0.93705 4.53169 3.63348 5.95E 6 member 6, elongation 8 4 1 03 of long chain fatty acids (FEN1/Elo2, SUR4/Elo3-like, yeast) 209409 at hgl33a GRB1O growth factor receptor- 0.96024 2.15892 3.29970 6.07E bound protein 10 4 7 7 03 214359_s_ hg133a Heat HSPCB heat shock 90kDa 0.97681 2.56054 4.19895 1.3 1E at shock protein 1, beta 4 6 8 03

-25 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750.601 WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

Fragment Pathwa Pres. Fold Name Array y Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value 203607_at hg133a INPP5F inositol 0.87610 2.44604 3.40464 5.77E polyphosphate-5- 8 4 2 03 phosphatase F 221841 s hgl33a KLF4 Kruppel-like factor 4 0.88092 2.586 3.03011 9.93E at (gut) 5 6 03 225997_at hg133b MOBK MOB1, Mps One 0.96161 2.71491 3.42853 9.30E LIA Binderkinase 6 5 03 activator-like IA (yeast) 209421 at hg133a DNA MSH2 mutS homolog 2, 0.80796 2.63325 3.43342 4.82E repair colon cancer, 4 1 5 03 nonpolyposis type 1 (E. coli) 200827 at hg133a PLOD1 procollagen-lysine 1, 0.85600 2.29608 4.42621 1.38E 2-oxoglutarate 5- 5 1 9 03 dioxygenase 1 202006 at hgl33a PTPN1 protein tyrosine 0.88561 2.63366 3.08525 8.69E 2 phosphatase, non- 3 4 9 03 receptor type 12 224603_at hgl33b ST6GA ST6 (alpha-N-acetyl- 0.98517 2.33253 3.43302 7.12E LNAC2 neuraminyl-2,3-beta- 9 9 03 galactosyl-1,3)-N acetylgalactosaminide alpha-2,6 sialyltransferase 2 212157_at hgl33a SDC2 syndecan 2 (heparan 0.96217 2.11435 4.04368 .40E sulfate proteoglycan 1, 1 9 1 03 cell surface-associated, fibroglycan) 213135_at hgl33a TIAM1 T-cell lymphoma 0.93429 2.42454 3.85277 2.37E invasion and 7 2 03 metastasis 1 217979_at hgl33a TSPAN tetraspanin 13 0.97373 2.24487 3.04901 1.07E 13 2 8 2 02 202454s hgl33a HER3 ERBB3 v-erb-b2 erythroblastic 0.86120 2.27433 3.10489 8.73E at leukemia viral 7 7 2 03 oncogene homolog 3 (avian)

[00921 TABLE VI: PARPI Upregulated - Diff/X (Human); Name: Upregulated Lung Adenocarcinoma Primary (Minimum Fold Change: 2.0); Experiment: Lung, Adenocarcinoma, Primary; Control: normal lung. Fragment Pathwa Pres. Fold Name Array y Symbol Description Fre. Change t-Score p-Value 222416 at hgl33b ALDH1 aldehyde 0.73923 2.36022 9.19684 5.71E 8Al dehydrogenase 18 2 7 13 family, member Al 216594_x hg133a AKR1C aldo-keto reductase 0.93551 4.32988 3.50559 1.04E at 1 family 1, member C1 7 7 7 03 (dihydrodiol dehydrogenase 1; 20 alpha (3-alpha) hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase) I 216594_x_ hgl33a AKR1C aldo-keto reductase 0.93551 4.32988 3.50559 1.04E at 2 family 1, member C2 7 7 7 03

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Fragment Pathwa Pres. Fold Name Array y Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value (dihydrodiol dehydrogenase 2; bile acid binding protein; 3-alpha hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, type mI) 209160_at hgl33a AKR1C aldo-keto reductase 0.77386 2.94235 3.27599 2.01 3 family 1, member C3 3 8 03 (3-alpha hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, type II) 209186 at hgl33a ATP2A AT~ase, Ca++ 0.99929 2.10063 8.21993 3.19E 2 transporting, cardiac 4 9 8 11 muscle, slow twitch 2 201242 s hgl33a ATP1B ATPase, Na+/K+ 0.97578 2.44724 4.58883 3.28E at 1 transporting, beta 1 7 2 5 05 polypeptide 201117_s hgl33a CPE carboxypeptidase E 0.77842 2.28014 3.41071 1.35E at 5 6 03 266 s at hg133a CD24 CD24 antigen (small 0.72466 2.19691 3.86240 3.09E cell lung carcinoma 3 7 04 cluster 4 antigen) 201897_s hgl33a Kinase CKS1B CDC28 protein kinase 0.76159 2.56197 5.32964 2.70E at regulatory subunit 1B 3 8 4 06 219429 at hgl33a Fatty FA2H fatty acid 2- 0.71541 2.60550 4.52537 3.94E acid hydroxylase 4 7 05 pathway 202923_s hgl33a GCLC glutamate-cysteine 0.79698 3.16598 3.76212 4.71E at ligase, catalytic 1 9 8 04 subunit 202722_s hgl33a GFPT1 glutamine-fructose-6- 0.89454 2.21779 7.10894 2.94E at phosphate 1 7 09 transaminase 1 210095_s hgl33a IGFBP3 insulin-like growth 0.80501 3.16595 6.36604 6.07E at factor binding protein 3 4 08 3 210046_s hg133a IDH2 isocitrate 0.97103 2.30647 5.48150 1.46E at dehydrogenase 2 4 9 1 06 (NADP+), mitochondrial 226350_at hgl33b KMO kynurenine 3- 0.85075 2.65116 4.62921 2.83E monooxygenase 8 5 6 05 (kynurenine 3 hydroxylase) 218326 s hg133a LGR4 leucine-rich repeat- 0.82145 3.05514 6.54588 3.21E at containing G protein- 1 2 7 08 coupled receptor 4 217871_s hgl33a MIF macrophage migration 0.99563 2.17497 7.58376 2.79E at inhibitory factor 3 4 3 10 (glycosylation I inhibiting factor) 222036_s hgl33a DNA MCM4 MCM4 0.87803 2.44245 5.75763 2.87E at replicati minichromosome 5 7 9 07 on maintenance deficient 14 (S. cerevisiae)

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Fragment Pathwa Pres. Fold Name Array y Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value 201761_at hg133a MTHF methylenetetrahydrof 0.75292 2.05433 6.62110 1.60E D2 olate dehydrogenase 2 9 9 08 (NADP+ dependent) 2, methenyltetrahydrofol ate cyclohydrolase 210519s hgl33a NQO1 NAD(P)H 0.74489 5.02463 4.67042 2.67E at dehydrogenase, 4 3 05 quinone 1 200790_at hgl33a ODC1 ornithine 0.93468 2.22231 3.49991 1.05E decarboxylase 1 2 1 9 03 201037_at hgl33a PFKP phosphofructokinase, 0.95356 2.93955 6.30796 9.17E Iplatelet 5 4 9 08 210145 at hg133a PLA2G phospholipase A2, 0.77379 4.28845 4.28002 9.58E 4A group IVA (cytosolic, 6 4 6 05 calcium-dependent) 201013 s hgl33a PAICS phosphoribosylaminoi 0.99370 2.57366 6.44472 3.79E at midazole carboxylase, 6 3 6 08 phosphoribosylaminoi midazole succinocarboxamide synthetase 223062s hgl33b PSATI phosphoserine 0.81874 3.26373 4.23436 5.73E at aminotransferase 1 9 1 05 202619s hgl33a PLOD2 procollagen-lysine, 2- 0.78721 2.48271 4.07722 1.64E at oxoglutarate 5- 9 4 8 04 dioxygenase 2 211048s hg133a PDIA4 protein disulfide 0.80398 2.46304 7.20990 3.1OE at isomerase-associated 2 3 4 09 1_ 4 207668x hg133a PDIA6 protein disulfide 0.99993 2.06882 8.88019 3.92E at isomerase-associated 6 4 9 12 6 226452_at hg133b PDKl pyruvate 0.95074 2.57612 6.62353 1.59E dehydrogenase kinase, 5 5 5 08 isoenzyme 1 222750 s hgl33b SRD5A steroid 5 alpha- 0.92833 2.32933 6.34005 3.85E at 2L reductase 2-like 2 6 4 08 204675_at hgl33a SRD5A steroid-5-alpha- 0.81380 3.25530 6.05531 2.12E I reductase, alpha 9 4 8 07 polypeptide 1 (3-oxo 5 alpha-steroid delta 4-dehydrogenase alpha 1) 202589_at hgl33a TYMS thymidylate 0.91933 2.65473 5.42587 8.53E synthetase; Inhibitor: 2 4 4 07 5-fluorouracil, 5 fluoro-2-prime deoxyuridine, and some folate analogs 202779_s hgl33a Ubiquiti UBE2S ubiquitin-conjugating 0.74322 2.13319 3.24065 1.76E at n/ enzyme E2S 4 6 4 03 proteos ome 203343_at hgl33a UGDH UDP-glucose 0.80809 2.65764 4.49799 4.5013 _ I_ dehydrogenase 2 4 05 |218313 s hgl33a I GALNT UDP-N-acetyl-alpha- 0.90578 2.35503 6.48602 7.40E

-28 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750.601 WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

Fragment Pathwa Pres. Fold Name Array y Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value at 7 D- 7 7 09 galactosamine:polype ptide N acetylgalactosaminyltr ansferase 7 (GaINAc T7) 231008_at hgl33b UNC5C unc-5 homolog C (C. 0.87082 2.40007 7.27571 2.21E I L elegans)-like 3 3 3 09

[00931 TABLE VII: PARP1 Upregulated - Diff/X (Human); Name: Upregulated Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma Primary (Minimum Fold Change: 2.0); Experiment: Lung, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary; Control: normal lung. Fragment Pathw Pres. Fold Name Array ay Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value 209694 at hgl33a PTS 6- 0.951766 2.277376 8.469383 1.37E-10 pyruvoyltetrahydropter in synthase 225342_at hg133b Kinase AK3L2 adenylate kinase 3-like 0.998591 2.450045 9.697055 3.57E-13 2 216594_x hgl33a AKR1C1 aldo-keto reductase 0.935517 7.001608 5.145986 8.26E-06 at family 1, member Cl (dihydrodiol dehydrogenase 1; 20 alpha (3-alpha) hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase) 216594_x hg133a AKRIC2 aldo-keto reductase 0.935517 7.001608 5.145986 8.26E-06 at family 1, member C2 (dihydrodiol dehydrogenase 2; bile acid binding protein; 3-alpha hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, type III) 209160_at hgl33a AKRIC3 aldo-keto reductase 0.77386 5.470863 4.419198 7.93E-05 family 1, member C3 (3-alpha hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, type II) 209186_at hgl33a ATPas ATP2A2 ATPase, Ca++ 0.999294 2.284561 11.71333 2.11E-16 e transporting, cardiac muscle, slow twitch 2 202804 at hg133a ABCCl ATP-binding cassette, 0.997752 2.397733 4.661386 3.72E-05 sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 1 209380_s hgl33a ABCC5 ATP-binding cassette, 0.753565 3.135824 5.869529 8.32E-07 at sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 5 212072s hg133a Kinase CSNK2A casein kinase 2, alpha 0.938793 2.136742 10.1655 2.03E-13 at 1 1 polypeptide 201897_s hg133a CKS1B CDC28proteinkinase 0.761593 3.029448 9.231723 1.30E-11 at regulatory subunit lB

-29 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750.601 WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

Fragment Pathw Pres. Fold Name Arr a Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value 224596 at hgl33b _ CDW92 CDW92 antigen 0.975372 2.134626 6.459808 7.99E-08 212977 at hgl33a CMKOR chemokine orphan 0.809891 2.184445 3.697104 6.40E-04 1 receptor 1 221731x hgl33a CSPG2 chondroitin sulfate 0.978613 2.141598 5.120157 6.41E-06 at proteoglycan 2 1_ _ (versican) 202246 a hg133a Kinase CDK4 cyclin-dependent 0.924534 2.054219 9.603463 1.49E-12 at kinase 4 201908_at hgl33a Wnt/be DVL3 dishevelled, dsh 0.963198 2.179146 6.225294 2.42E-07 ta- homolog 3 catenin (Drosophila) pathwa y 232353 s hg133b DUSP24 dual specificity 0.744061 2.07963 7.11558 6.861-09 at phosphatase 24 1 ___ _ (putative) 204256 at hgl33a Fatty ELOVL6 ELOVL family 0.937058 2.255124 5.851689 4.64E-07 acids member 6, elongation pathwa of long chain fatty y acids (FEN1/Elo2, SUR4/Elo3-like,

yeast) 203560_at hg133a GGH gamma-glutamyl 0.901028 2.520354 5.072294 2.91E-06 hydrolase (conjugase, folylpolygammagluta myl hydrolase) 208308_s hgl33a GPI glucose phosphate 0.998715 2.845709 6.923811 2.48F-08 at isomerase 202923s hg133a GCLC glutamate-cysteine 0.796981 4.538398 6.330292 1.73E-07 at ligase, catalytic subunit 225609 at hgl33b GSR glutathione reductase 0.942088 2.164992 4.87298 1.78F-05 214431_at hgl33a GMPS guanine 0.921002 2.987449 7.966506 8.83E-10 monophosphate synthetase 201841s_ hgl33a heat HSPB1 heat shock 27kDa 0.923892 2.593016 6.693195 5.45E-08 at shock protein I 200807_s hgl33a heat HSPD1 heat shock 60kDa 1 2.054097 8.947359 5.93E12 at shock protein 1 (chaperonin) 202854 at hgl33a HPRT1 hypoxanthine 0.998587 2.319045 8.797186 3.742-11 phosphoribosyltransfer ase 1 (Lesch-Nyhan syndrome) 218507_at hgl33a Hypoxi HIG2 hypoxia-inducible 0.854335 2.323142 3.692935 4.88E-04 a protein 2 210095_s_ hgl33a IGFBP3 insulin-like growth 0.80501 4.780732 5.783542 1.03E-06 at factor binding protein 3 210046_s hgl33a IDH2 isocitrate 0.971034 2.417473 7.356119 3.81E-09 at dehydrogenase 2 (NADP+), mitochondrial 217871 s hgl33a NFkB; MIF macrophage migration 0.995633 3.234484 10.54674 1.34&13 at cell inhibitory factor migrati (glycosylation on _ inhibiting factor)

-30 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750.601 WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

Fragment Pathw Pres. Fold Name Array ay Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value 204059_s hgl33a ME1 malic enzyme 1, 0.869942 2.266546 4.373471 8.721-05 at NADP(+)-dependent, cytosolic 203936_s hgl33a NFkB; matrix 0.995247; Inhibitor: Lung, 2.293881 3.63562 4.31E-04 at cell metallopr MMP9 Squamou migrati oteinase s Cell on; 9 Carcino angiog (gelatinas ma, enesis e B, Primary 92kDa gelatinas e, 92kDa type IV collagena Ise) 222036_s hgl33a DNA MCM4 MCM4 0.878035 4.066684 7.487206 2.68E-09 at replicat minichromosome ion maintenance deficient 4 (S. cerevisiae) 201761 at hgl33a MTHFD methylenetetrahydrofo 0.752922 2.477491 9.033929 9.65E-12 2 late dehydrogenase (NADP+ dependent) 2, methenyltetrahydrofol ate cyclohydrolase 226556 at hgl33b MAP MAP3K1 mitogen-activated 0.961549 2.476006 6.941353 2.27E-08 kinase 3 protein kinase 13 210519_s hgl33a NQO1 NAD(P)H 0.744894 4.0396 5.13027 8.26E-06 at dehydrogenase, qu__ie 1 200790_at hgl33a ODCI ornithine 0.934682 2.165219 3.274084 2.23F-03 decarboxylase 1 201489_at hgl33a PP1F peptidylprolyl 0.90668 2.846768 7.360372 2.85E-09 isomerase F (cyclophilin F) 201037_at hgl33a PFKP phosphofructoldnase, 0.953565 2.311799 7.253142 5.37E-09 I ~ platelet 201118 at hgl33a PGD phosphogluconate 0.835902 2.278703 4.190583 1.53E-04 dehydrogenase 201013 s hg133a PAICS phosphoribosylaminoi 0.993706 2.892041 8.70292 2.93E-11 at midazole carboxylase, phosphoribosylaminoi midazole succinocarboxamide synthetase 223062_s_ hgl33b PSATI phosphoserine 0.818749 6.94196 6.302909 9.881-08 at aminotransferase 1 225291 at hgl33b PNPT1 polyribonucleotide 0.996443 2.301183 6.863399 1.51E-08 nucleotidyltransferase

202619_s hgl33a PLOD2 procollagen-lysine, 2- 0.787219 3.242858 4.186895 1.521-04 at oxoglutarate 5 I dioxygenase 2 201202_at hgl33a DNA PCNA proliferating cell 0.959987 2.343228 7.565816 1.94E-09 replicat nuclear antigen ion and repair

-31 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750.601 WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

Fragment Pathw Pres. Fold Name Array ay Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value 200830_at hg133a Proteos PSMD2 proteasome (prosome, 0.99878 2.53129 6.627885 7.05E-08 ome macropain) 26S pathwa subunit, non-ATPase, y 2 208694_at hgl33a Kinase PRKDC protein kinase, DNA- 0.976557 2.275786 6.675917 4.601308 activated, catalytic po1ypeptide 201745_at hg133a Kinase PTK9 PTK9 protein tyrosine 0.989531 2.205099 6.914447 2.151308 I kinase 9 226452_at hgl33b Kinase PDK1 pyruvate 0.950745 3.103221 8.948826 1.13E-11 dehydrogenase kinase, isocnzyme 1 201251_at hgl33a Kinase PKM2 pyruvate kinase, 0.961978 2.25298 9.25025 6.961-12 muscle 222981_s hgl33b RAS RABlO RAB1O,memberRAS 0.992082 2.383948 9.062732 1.51E-11 at oncoge oncogene family ne family 222077_s_ hg133a GTPas RACGA Rac GTPase activating 0.955106 3.100456 9.167409 1.18E-11 at e PI protein I 200750s hgl33a RAS RAN RAN, member RAS 0.998715 2.033875 10.7408 4.47E-14 at oncoge oncogene family ne family 227897 at hgl33b RAS RAP2B RAP2B, member of 0.849416 2.069148 5.508348 1.971-06 oncoge RAS oncogene family ne family 204023_at hgl33a DNA RFC4 replication factor C 0.821644 4.045704 6.938005 2.661-08 repair (activator 1) 4, 37kDa I 200903_s_ hgl33a ARCY S- 0.994348 2.073335 8.924151 5.63E-12 at adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase 209875s hgl33a SPP1 secreted 0.796275 8.675282 7.899683 6.63E-10 at phosphoprotein 1 (osteopontin, bone sialoprotein I, early T lymphocyte activation 1) 212190 at hgl33a SERPIN serine (or cysteine) 0.94817 3.007669 6.52343 6.91E-08 E2 proteinase inhibitor, clade E (nexin, plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1), member 2 201563 at hgl33a SORD sorbitol dehydrogenase 0.975851 3.447372 7.045184 1.42E-08 202043 a hgl33a SMS spermine synthase 0.991843 2.322581 5.90577 6.78E-07 at III_ 204675_at hgl33a SRD5A1 steroid-5-alpha- 0.813809 4.254906 6.187418 2.82E-07 reductase, alpha polypeptide 1 (3-oxo-5 alpha-steroid delta 4 dehydrogenase alpha 1) 224724 at hgl33b _ SLULF2 sulfatase 2 0.877198 2.65132 5.554637 1.951-06 208864_s hg33a TXN thioredoxin 0.999936 2.36316 6.250827 2.15E-07 at

-32 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750,601 WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

Fragment Pathw Pres. Fold Name Array ay Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value 201266_at hg133a TXNRD thioredoxin reductase 0.995633 2.211053 3.987273 2.82E-04 1 1 224511_s hg133b TXNL5 thioredoxin-like 5 0.923232 2.161844 8.089283 2.42E-10 at 7n 202589 at hg133a TYMS thymidylate 0.919332 3.186399 8.197257 1.32E-11 synthetase; Inhibitor: 5-fluorouracil, 5 fluoro-2-prime deoxyuridine, and some folate analogs 222633_at hg133b TBL1XR transducin (beta)-like 0.763589 2.055267 4.642262 3.69E-05 I 1X-linked receptor 1 213011_s hg133a TPII triosephosphate 0.999294 2.451804 9.88241 1.05E-12 at isomerase 1 202779 a hg133a Proteos UBE2S ubiquitin-conjugating 0.743224 4.305175 7.200878 2.49E-09 at ome/U enzyme E2S biquiti n pathway y

[0094] TABLE VII1: PARPI Upregulated - Diff/X (Human); Name: Upregulated Ovary Adenocarcinoma Endometrioid Type Primary (Minimum Fold Change: 2.0); Experiment: Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Endometrioid Type, Primary; control: normal ovary. Fragment Arra Pathwa Pres. Fold Name y y Symbol Description Fre. Change t-Score p-Value 207275 s hg133 ACSL1 acyl-CoA 0.91021 2.03631 2.93897 7.69E _at a synthetase long- 2 2 2 03 chain family member 1 201662 a hg133 ACSL3 acyl-CoA 0.96634 2.09512 3.52261 1.95E at a synthetase long- 6 1 03 chain family member 3 225342_at hg133 Kinase AK3L1 adenylate kinase 3- 0.99859 2.89226 4.64528 1.17E b like 1 1 4 3 04 216266 s hg133 ADP- ARFGE ADP-ribosylation 0.96307 2.13902 4.63032 1.26E _at a ribosyla F1 factor guanine 6 4 04 tion nucleotide exchange factor 1(brefeldin A inhibited) 202912_at hg133 ADM adrenomedullin 0.83596 2.82046 3.00705 6.57E a 7 4 03 227021_at hg133 AOF1 amine oxidase 0.90095 2.03032 4.62366 1.25E b (flavin containing) 3 2 5 04 domain 1 204446 s hg133 ALOX5 arachidonate 5- 0.75221 2.03858 4.41357 1.91E at a lipoxygenase 6 3 9 04 207508_at hg133 ATP ATP5G ATP synthase, H+ 0.99878 2.00459 3.67154 1.38E a regulati 3 transporting, 3 9 03 on mitochondrial FO complex, subunit c (subunit 9) isoform 3

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Fragment Arra Pathwa Pres. Fold Name Y y Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value 202961s hg133 ATP ATPSJ2 ATP synthase, H+ 0.99364 2.08818 6.36373 1.68E at a regulati transporting, 2 1 06 on mitochondrial FO complex, subunit f, isoform 2 209186_at hg133 ATP ATP2A ATPase, Ca++ 0.99929 2.59536 9.04771 2.86E a regulati 2 transporting, 4 7 3 09 on cardiac muscle, slow twitch 2 230875_s hg133 ATP ATP1I ATPase, Class VI, 0.94497 2.88909 2.99155 6.75E at b regulati A type 11A 4 3 5 03 on 200078s hg133 ATP ATP6V ATPase, H+ 0.93089 2.20152 7.56254 7.69E at a regulati OB transporting, 3 6 1 08 on lysosomal 21kDa, VO subunit c" 1_ 1 225552_x hg133 aurora- AKIP aurora-A kinase 0.99557 2.07277 5.59135 1.24E _at b A interacting protein 1 1 3 05 kinase pathway 212312_at hg133 BCL BCL2L BCL2-like 1 0.90886 2.65945 6.83324 7.49E a oncogen 1 3 5 1 07 e pathway 222446_s hg133 BACE2 beta-site APP- 0.87820 3.48759 6.03000 4.78E at b cleaving enzyme2 4 4 2 06 225864_at hg133 DNA NSE2 breast cancer 0.91491 4.33877 8.18875 3.94E b repair membrane protein 1 2 3 08 101: Inhibitors described in Mol Cell Biol. 2005 Aug;25(16):7021 32 36499_at hg133 CELSR cadherin, EGF 0.74958 3.1993 9.07215 1.79E a 2 LAG seven-pass 3 4 09 G-type receptor 2 (flamingo homolog, Drosophila) 221059_s hg133 CHST6 carbohydrate (N- 0.92241 2.23466 4.51011 1.61E at a acetylglucosamine 5 4 8 04 6-0) sulfotransferase 6 201940_at hg133 CPD carboxypeptidase 0.86242 2.74521 3.58769 1.43E a D 8 2 9 03 210070_s hg133 CPT1B carnitine 0.78362 2.13896 5.88563 4.22E at a palmitoyltransferas 2 8 4 06 e lB (muscle) 200839s hg133 CTSB cathepsinB 0.99242 2.77015 5.54580 1.42E at a 1 5 9 05 209835x hg133 CD44 CD44 antigen 0.97623 3.01626 4.83254 7.93E at a (homing function 6 6 4 05 and Indian blood group system) 211075_s bg133 CD47 CD47 antigen (Rh- 0.99762 2.66102 4.45420 2.06E _at a related antigen, 4 9 9 04 integrin-associated

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Fragment Arra Pathwa Pres. Fold Name y y Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value signal transducer) 205173_x hg133 CD58 CD58 antigen, 0.74527 2.75729 2.88026 8.85E _at a (lymphocyte 9 5 2 03 function-associated antigen 3) 209619_at hg133 CD74 CD74 antigen 0.93975 2.41192 5.14876 2.56E a (invariant 6 8 3 05 polypeptide of major histocompatibility complex, class II antigen-associated) 201005_at hg133 CD9 CD9 antigen (p24) 0.92254 5.85412 6.45865 1.86E a 3 5 4 06 226185_at hg133 CDS1 CDP- 0.87719 2.03530 5.33754 1.66E b diacylglycerol 8 4 8 05 synthase (phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase

217028_at hg133 NFkB CXCR4 chemokine (C-X-C 0.88876 3.79932 4.76509 9.00E a anf motif) receptor 4; 1 2 05 hypoxia inhibitors described in Nat Med. 2007 Apr 15 225009 at hg133 CKLFS chemokine-like 0.74808 2.65707 5.78708 7.69E b F4 factor super family 8 3 3 06 4 223047 at hg133 CKLFS chemokine-like 0.99261 2.93866 6.20016 14 2.29E b F6 factor super family 8 7 7 06 6 204620s hg133 CSPG2 chondroitin sulfate 0.89396 3.89967 3.91711 7.46E at a proteoglycan 2 3 8 8 04 (versican) 223020_at hg133 CRR9 cisplatin resistance 0.93732 2.50135 4.13557 4.56E b related protein 4 9 7 04 CRR9p1 203359_s hg133 Myc MYCB c-myc binding 0.98188 2.12218 6.04642 3.75E at a oncogen P protein 8 1 06 e pathway 217752 s hg133 CNDP2 CNDP dipeptidase 0.98355 3.77181 7.38565 2.34E _at a 2 (metallopeptidase 8 9 1 07 M20 family) 203917_at hg133 CXAD coxsackie virus and 0.83738 12.8166 7.37608 2.48E a R adenovirus receptor 38 1 07 202613 at hg133 CTPS CTP synthase 0.95228 2.18972 5.43232 1.31E a 9 8 05 222996s hg133 CXXC5 CXXC finger 5 0.87229 3.58712 5.59287 1.34E at b 9 7 7 05 201584s hg133 DDX39 DEAD (Asp-Glu- 0.99974 2.12917 5.64493 1.14E at a Ala-Asp) box 3 9 4 05 polypeptide 39 209094_at hg133 DDAH1 dimethylarginine 0.86120 2.56610 4.34926 2.32E a dimethylammohydr 7 9 3 04 olase 1 210749 x hg133 DDR1 discoidin domain 0.87109 2.02837 6.85108 3.25E

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Fragment Arra Pathwa Pres. Fold Name y y Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value _at a receptor family, 8 4 4 07 member 1 223054_at hg133 DNAJB DnaJ(Hsp40) 0.98718 2.21968 8.88124 5.16E b 11 homolog, 3 7 2 09 subfamily B, member 11 225174 at hg133 DNAJC DnaJ(Hsp4O) 0.98040 2.15611 4.96844 5.64E b 10 homolog, 5 9 1 05 subfamily C, member 10 227808_at hg133 DNAJD DnaJ (Hsp4O) 0.85827 2.40895 3.03673 6.18E b 1 homolog, 4 9 6 03 subfamily D, member 1 232353_s hg133 DUSP2 dual specificity 0.74406 2.20501 6.36732 1.84E _at b 4 phosphatase 24 1 5 1 06 (putative) 208891_at hg133 DUSP6 dual specificity 0.96840 4.24943 4.28216 3.18E a phosphatase 6 1 04 204160s hg133 ENPP4 ectonucleotide 0.83262 2.64979 4.45677 1.94E _at a pyrophosphatase/p 7 1 9 04 hosphodiesterase 4 (putative function) 219017 at hg133 Kinase ETNK1 ethanolamine 0.98188 2.13971 3.11592 4.99E a kinase 1 8 2 9 03 225764_at hg133 Tel ETV6 ets variant gene 6 0.74513 2.16324 5.94353 3.96E b Ongoge (TEL oncogene) 5 06 ne 223000s hg133 F11R Fl1 receptor 0.89894 3.00523 6.92030 3.93E at b 3 07 202345_s hg133 Fatty FABP5 fatty acid binding 0.93892 4.64495 3.84137 9.31E at a acids protein 5 1 3 8 04 pathway (psoriasis associated) 212070_at hg133 GPCR GPR56 G protein-coupled 0.79730 9.70979 6.50017 1.64E a receptor 56 2 3 6 06 215438_x hg133 GSPT1 G1 to S phase 0.84271 2.06925 4.62857 1.08E at a transition 1 7 1 04 239761_at hg133 GCNT1 glucosaminyl (N- 0.84995 2.27514 6.84301 6.39E b acetyl) transferase 3 1 8 07 1, core 2 (beta-1,6 N acetylglucosaminyl transferase) 208308 s hg133 GPI glucose phosphate 0.99871 2.46323 5.89977 6.63E at a isomerase 5 7 06 203925_at hg133 GCLM glutamate-cysteine 0.94675 2.07506 3.65324 1.18E a ligase, modifier 7 9 1 03 subunit 202722 s hg133 GFPTi glutamine-fructose- 0.89454 2.67705 5.85278 7.14E _at a 6-phosphate 1 2 4 06 1 transaminase 1 200736s hg133 GPX1 glutathione 0.98901 2.55156 6.17300 2.87E at a peroxidase 1 7 2 9 06 211015 s hg133 Heat HSPA4 heat shock 70kDa 0.93789 2.90313 11.0226 7.94E at a shock protein 4 3 9 6 11 200896 x hg133 HDGF hepatoma-derived 0.99942 2.20443 6.95469 5.21E -36 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750.601 WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

Fragment Arra Pathwa Pres. Fold Name y y Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value at a growth factor 2 3 6 07 (high-mobility group protein 1 like) 217496s hg133 IDE insulin-degrading 0.77058 2,06495 7.63250 7.56E at a enzyme 4 8 08 201587s hg133 NFkB IRAK1 interleukin-1 0.97874 2.48148 4.98688 5.62E _at a pathway receptor-associated 1 2 9 05 kinase 1 210046_s hg133 IDH2 isocitrate 0.97103 7.32111 7.26836 3.44E _at a dehydrogenase 2 4 1 2 07 (NADP+), mitochondrial 201609_x hg133 ICMT isoprenylcysteine 0.92845 2.12863 9.60143 1.10E _at a carboxyl 2 3 5 09 methyltransferase 200650 _s hg133 LDIHA lactate 1 3.02423 6.24253 2.72E at a dehydrogenase A 4 1 06 217933 s hg133 LAP3 leucine 0.99505 2.01340 2.88839 8.60E at a aminopeptidase 3 5 8 5 03 228824_s hg133 LTB4D leukotriene B4 12- 0.83646 2.76850 3.16772 4.60E at b H hydroxydehydroge 5 1 3 03 nase 217871 s hg133 NFkB MIF macrophage 0.99563 2.87472 9.31601 2.68E _at a anf migration 3 1 7 09 hypoxia inhibitory factor (glycosylation inhibiting factor); inhibitors described in Nat Med. 2007 Apr 15 203362_s hg133 MAD2 MAD2 mitotic 0.80886 3.69441 4.37042 2.62E _at a Li arrest deficient-like 3 7 5 04 1 (yeast) 220189s hg133 MGAT mannosyl (alpha- 0.94335 2.32494 7.37724 1.30E at a 4B 1,3-)-glycoprotein 3 2 3 07 beta-1,4-N acetylglucosaminyl transferase, isoenzyme B 203936_s hg133 Cell MMP9 matrix 0.99524 3.03262 3.03753 6.22E _at a migratio metalloprotemase 9 7 6 9 03 n; (gelatinase B, angioge 92kDa gelatinase, nesis; 92kDa type IV NFkB collagenae) 222036s hg133 DNA MCM4 MCM4 0.87803 3.05091 5.25390 3.09E _at a replicati minichromosome 5 3 05 on maintenance deficient 4 (S. cerevisiae) 201761_at hg133 MTHF methylenetetrahydr 0.75292 3.03119 5.83805 7.28E a D2 ofolate 2 8 2 06 dehydrogenae (NADP+ dependent) 2, methenyltetrahydro

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Fragment Arra Pathwa Pres. Fold Name y y Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value folate cyclohydrolase 225253_s hg133 METMT methyltransferase 0.84129 2.06454 4.52665 1.65E at b 2 like 2 6 4 04 210058_at hg133 mitogen MAPK1 mitogen-activated 0.91226 3.08465 8.87649 8.04E a - 3 protein kinase 13 7 3 8 09 activate d protein kinase 215498_s hg133 mitogen MAP2K mitogen-activated 0.96666 2.06598 6.25556 2.01E at a - 3 protein kinase 3 7 7 6 06 activate d protein kinase 205698_s hg133 mitogen MAP2K mitogen-activated 0.80957 3.70988 5.59932 1.43E _at a - 6 protein kinase 6 6 9 05 activate d protein kinase 207847 s hg133 MUCI mucin 1, 0.85870 14.7951 6.53168 1.57E at a transmembrane 3 58 06 210519_s hg133 NQOI NAD(P)H 0.74489 5.35094 3.52804 1.93E at a dehydrogenase, 4 2 2 03 quinone 1 224802_at hg133 Ubiquiti NDFIP2 Nedd4 family 0.93819 2.42151 5.48649 1.42E b n/ interacting protein 6 3 7 05 proteos 2 ome pathway 201830_s hg133 NETI neuroepithelial cell 0.78901 2.02229 2.87084 8.87E _at a transforming gene 7 4 9 03 1 223158 s hg133 Kinase NEK6 NIMA (never in 0.81767 4.32752 8.39276 2.15E _at b mitosis gene a)- 5 8 1 08 related kinase 6 226649 at hg133 Kinase PANK1 pantothenate kinase 0.79761 2.46201 5.35790 2.32E b 1 1 3 4 05 201876 at hg133 Kinase PON2 paraoxonase 2 0.91560 2.35226 4.78646 9.04E a 7 4 8 05 208824x hg133 Kinase PCTK1 PCTAIRE protein 0.92042 2.12644 7.31252 1.87E at a kinase 1 4 4 9 07 201954_at hg133 PDAPI PDGFA associated 0.90128 3.09446 6.24335 2.55E _ _ a protein 1 5 6 8 06 201489 at hg133 PPIF peptidylprolyl 0.90668 2.74056 4.44780 1.49E a isomerase F 5 2 04 (cyclophilin F) 201037_at hg133 PFKP phosphofructokinas 0.95356 2.83016 5.16813 3.30E _ a e, platelet 5 9 2 05 238417 at hg133 PGM2L phosphoglucomuta 0.82680 2.16866 3.54265 1,83E b 1 se 2-like 1 2 1 1 03 201118_at hg133 PGD phosphogluconate 0.83590 2.38540 4.21463 3.65E a _dehydrogenase 2 4 9 04 227068 at hg133 Kinase PGK1 phosphoglycerate 0.81291 3.80143 6.62759 1.15E _ b I kinase 1 1 6 4 06

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Fragment Arra Pathwa Pres. Fold Name y y Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value 210145_at hg133 PLA2G phospholipase A2, 0.77379 5.26744 2.83264 9.93E a 4A group IVA 6 6 6 03 (cytosolic, calcium dependent) 213222_at hg133 PLCB1 phospholipase C, 0.82299 3.10856 4.13634 4.50E a betal 3 6 9 04 (phosphoinositide specific) 223062_s hg133 PSATI phosphoserine 0.81874 12.2230 5.28609 3.03E at b aminotransferase 1 9 22 6 05 201928_at hg133 PKP4 plakophilin 4 0.98452 2.45633 5.49302 1.79E a 2 1 2 05 200654_at hg133 P4HB procollagen- 0.88670 2.15659 7.79275 4.79E a proline, 2- 5 7 8 09 oxoglutarate 4 dioxygenmae (proline 4 hydroxylase), beta polypeptide (protein disulfide isomerase associated 1) 205128x hgl33 PTGS1 prostaglandin- 0.85786 2.67335 2.78959 1.09E _at a endoperoxide 8 9 02 synthase 1 (prostaglandin G/H synthase and cyclooxygenase) 212296_at hg133 Proteos PSMD1 proteasome 0.99723 2.47998 7.56920 1.23E a ome 4 (prosome, 8 8 1 07 macropain) 26S subunit, non ATPase, 14 201400_at hg133 Proteos PSMB3 proteasome 0.99878 2.15604 10.5173 2.34E a ome (prosome, 9 2 11 macropain) subunit, beta type, 3 200846s hg133 PPP1C protein 0.92992 3.80738 8.69277 1.16E _at a A phosphatase 1, 9 6 4 08 catalytic subunit, alpha isoform 202671_s hg133 PDXK pyridoxal 0.95228 3.45706 5.39622 2.10E _at a (pyridoxine, 3 05 vitamin B6) kinase 217848 s hg133 PP pyrophosphatase 0.98779 3.37937 8.34585 3.12E at a (inorgani) 7 4 7 08 201251_at hg133 Kinase PKM2 pyruvate kinase, 0.96197 3.41540 9.53655 3.16E a muscle 8 7 5 09 222981_s hg133 RAS RAB10 RAB1O, member 0.99208 2.10853 6.29319 2.19E _at b oncogen RAS oncogene 2 1 4 06 e family pathway /family 225177 at hg133 RAS RAB11 RAB1I family 0.98402 2.08078 4.93351 5.31E I b oncogen FIP1 interacting protein 9 2 2 05

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Fragment Arra Pathwa Pres. Fold Name y y Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value e 1 (class I) pathway /family 223471 at hg133 RAS RAB3I RAB3A interacting 0.75567 4.75614 6.65386 1.21F b oncogen P protein (rabin3) 2 4 06 e pathway /family 222077 s hg133 RAS RACG Rac GTPase 0.95510 3.11176 6.28654 2.68E _at a oncogen API activating protein 1 6 7 7 06 0 pathway /family 202483 s hg133 RAS RANBP RANbinding 0.83847 2.29508 3.06581 5.81E _at a oncogen 1 protein 1 1 5 5 03 e pathway /family 200750_s hg133 RAS RAN RAN, member 0.99871 2.20943 6.12686 3.28E _at a oncogen RAS oncogene 5 1 3 06 e family pathway /family 207525s hg133 RGS19I regulator of G- 0.89068 2.40733 10.3701 2.19E at a P1 protein signaling 7 9 10 19 interacting protein I 226021_at hg133 RDH10 retinol 0.85223 6.35408 7.07273 4.89E b dehydrogenase 10 5 3 3 07 (all-trans) 202200_s hg133 Kinase SRPK1 SFRS protein 0.99627 2.01379 8.84441 7.26E at a kinase 1 5 6 09 201563_at hg133 SORD sorbitol 0.97585 5.21044 7.59028 1.52E I a dehydrogenase 1 4 1 07 230333 at hg133 SAT spermidine/spermi 0.9796 2.30911 3.51662 1.91E b neNl- 3 9 03 acetyltransferase I 212321_at hg133 SGPLI sphingosine-l- 0.94399 2.20098 5.55781 1.48E a _phosphate 1yase 1 5 05 226560_at hg133 SGPP2 sphingosine-1- 0.81284 6.74189 6.04069 5.02E b phosphate 4 9 1 06 phosphatase 2 201998_at hg133 ST6GA ST6 beta- 0.90590 2.32303 3.11495 5.18E a LI galactosamide 9 8 03 alpha-2,6 sialyltranferase 1 222750_s hg133 SRD5A steroid 5 alpha- 0.92833 5.34941 6.23948 3.27E at b 2L reductase 2-like 2 8 9 06 202071_at hg133 SDC4 syndecan4 0.88343 2.61819 3.97264 6.34E a (amphiglycan, 8 4 04 ryudocan) 218763_at hg133 STX18 syntaxin 18 0.82967 2.55142 3.21828 4.03E a 2 4 03 217979_at hg133 TSPAN tetraspanin 13 0.97373 5.93849 7.88667 4.40B a 13 2 1 6 08 202589 at hg133 TYMS thymidylate 0.91933 4.38605 5.53139 1.57E a synthetase; 2 5 7 05

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Fragment Arra Pathwa Pres. Fold Name y y Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value inhibitor: 5 fluorouracil, 5 fluoro-2-prime deoxyuridine, and some folate analogs 213011_s hg133 TPI1 triosephosphate 0.99929 2.67673 7.60877 1.41E at a isomerase 1 4 2 7 07 202510s hg133 TNFAI tumor necrosis 0.79852 3.80434 5.14267 4.07E _at a P2 factor, alpha- 3 3 05 induced protein 2 208743_s hg133 YWHA tyrosine 3- 0.99550 2.11094 7.96598 4.54E at a B monooxygenase/try 4 2 9 09 ptophan 5 monooxygenase activation protein, beta polypeptide 200641s hg133 YWHA tyrosine 3- 0.99319 2.15193 4.45956 1.93E _at a Z monooxygenasetry 2 4 6 04 ptophan 5 monooxygenase activation protein, zeta polypeptide 202779s hg133 Ubiquiti UBE2S ubiquitin- 0.74322 2.09821 4.03303 5.20E _at a n/ conjugating 4 2 3 04 proteos enzyme E2S ome 222870_s hg133 B3GNT UDP- 0.90893 2.67772 6.63811 9.19E at b 1 GlcNAc:betaGal 8 8 9 07 beta-1,3-N acetylglucosaminyl transferase 1 226283 at hg133 GALNT UDP-N-acetyl- 0.91746 2.18900 3.43264 2.41E b 4 alpha-D- 1 5 9 03 galactosamine:poly peptide N acetylgalactosamin yltransferase 4 (GaINAc-T4) 218313s hg133 GALNT UDP-N-acetyl- 0.90578 2.72546 4.71226 1.08E _at a 7 alpha-D- 1 04 galactosamine:poly peptide N acetylgalactosamin yltransferase 7 (GaINAc-T7) 210513_s hg133 VEGF VEGF vascular 0.94110 2.38256 3.93625 7.29E _at a endothelial growth 5 2 8 04 factor; inhibitor: Avastin 218807_at hg133 VAV3 VAV3 vav 3 oncogene 0.92748 4.98716 3.59980 1.68E a oncogen 9 8 1 03 e; NFkB activato r 202454_s hg133 HER3 ERBB3 v-erb-b2 0.86120 4.42433 8.90378 6.26E at a erythroblastic 7 9 6 09

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Fragment Arra Pathwa Pres. Fold Name y y Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value leukemia viral oncogene homolog 3 (avian); inhibitor: Herceptin 212038 s hg133 VDAC1 voltage-dependent 0.99942 2.15422 8.07148 1.52E at a anion channel 1 2 8 08 202625_at hg133 Lyn LYN v-yes-I Yamaguchi 0,82903 2.47031 6.43101 1.09E a oncogene sarcoma viral 5 3 06 e related oncogene homolog

[0095] TABLE IX: PARP1 Upregulated - Diff/X (Human); Name: Upregulated Ovary Serous Cystadenocarcinoma Primary (Minimum Fold Change: 2.0); Experiment: Ovary, Serous Cystadenocarcinoma, Primary; Control: normal ovary. Fragment Pres. Fold Name Array Pathway Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value 204998_s hg133a ATF5 activating 0.971227 2.062269 5.647318 6.37E-04 at transcription factor 5 218987_at hg133a ATF7IP activating 0.994926 2.247265 8.332725 5.18E-05 transcription factor 7 interacting protein 208750 s hgl33a ADP- ARF1 ADP-ribosylation 0.979062 2.004949 5.833401 3.54E-04 at ribosylati factor 1 on 202207_at hgl33a ADP- ARL7 ADP-ribosylation 0.808671 8.217095 4.67423 2.27E-03 ribosylati factor-like 7 on 227021_at hgl33b AOF1 amine oxidase 0.900953 2.557067 4.244951 3.60E-03 (flavin containing) domain 1 222608 s_ hg133b ANLN anillin, actin binding 0.752516 4.902239 5.667107 7.20E-04 at protein (scraps homolog, Drosophila) 213503x hg133a ANXA2 annexin A2 0.911882 2.286595 3.874438 5.65E-03 at 1 207076 s hgl33a ASS argininosuccinate 0.844894 5.346931 4.605665 2.44E-03 at synthetase 207507_s hgl33a ATP ATP5G3 ATP synthase, H+ 0.997174 2.330518 4.148467 4.13E-03 at synthase transporting, mitochondrial FO complex, subunit c (subunit 9) isoform 3 202961s hgl33a ATP ATP5J2 ATP synthase, H+ 0.993642 2.198314 4.864669 1.60E-03 at synthase transporting, mitochondrial FO complex, subunit f, isoform 2 __1_1_ 200078 _s hgl33a ATP ATP6VO ATPase, H+ 0.930893 2.00476 8.755436 8.09E--06 at synthase B transporting, lysosomal2lkDa, VO subunit c"

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Fragment Pres. Fold Name Array Pathway Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value 218580_x hgl33a aurora-A AKIP aurora-A kinase 0.9842 2.028049 6.612785 2.23E-04 at kinase interacting protein pathway 212312 at hg133a BCL BCL2L1 BCL2-like 1 0.908863 2.716036 6.165821 4.07E-04 oncogene pathway 222446_s hgl33b BACE2 beta-site APP- 0.878204 2.973236 3.340146 1.21E-02 at cleaving enzyme 2 225864_at hgl33b DNA NSE2 breast cancer 0.914911 3.660408 4.020251 4.87E-03 repair membrane protein 101 204029 at hgl33a CELSR2 cadherin, EGF LAG 0.983943 3.375812 6.319244 3.02E-04 seven-pass G-type receptor 2 (flamingo homolog, Drosophila) 36499 at hgl33a CELSR2 cadherin, EGF LAG 0.749583 3.863029 4.149305 4.08E-03 seven-pass G-type receptor 2 (flamingo homolog, Drosophila) 212072 s hgl33a Casein CSNK2A casein kinase 2, 0.938793 2.401085 4.256318 3.65E-03 at kinase 1 alpha 1 polypeptide 226545 at hgl33b CD109 CD109 antigen (Gov 0.790565 3.095872 3.244071 1.40E-02 platelet alloantigens) 216379_x hgl33a CD24 CD24 antigen (small 0.830379 24.21160 5.110381 1.32E-03 at cell lung carcinoma 9 cluster 4 antigen) 211075 s hgl33a CD47 CD47 antigen (Rh- 0.997624 5.106641 4.470891 2.86E-03 at related antigen, integrin-associated signal transducer) 24 201005 at hg133a CD9 CD9 antigen (p ) 0.922543 8.3639 5.945453 5.52E-04 201897 _s hgl33a Protein CKS1B CDC28 protein 0.761593 4.062966 6.916206 2.21E-04 at Kinase kinase regulatory I subunit LB 201938_at hgl33a CDK2AP CDK2-associated 0.991972 2.897472 6.049333 4,34E-04 1 protein 1 224240 s hg133b Chemoki CCL28 chemokine (C-C 0.868474 2.228058 4.083612 4.30E-03 at ne motif)1igand28 pathway 217947_at hgl33a Chemoki CKLFSF chemokine-like 0.959345 3.865855 3.92362 5.63E-03 ne 6 factor super family 6 pathway 212539_at hg133a CHDIL chromodomain 0.993577 2.175382 6.146211 3.89E-04 helicase DNA binding protein 1 like 223020_at hgl33b CRR9 cisplatin resistance 0.937324 2.424563 4.547569 2.49E-03 related protein CRR9p 203917_at hg133a CXADR coxsackie virus and 0.83738 9.893099 5.092631 1.31E-03 Sadenovirus receptor 224516_sbg133b CXXC5 CXXC finger 5 0.932761 8.478176 6.067524 4.89E-04 at

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Fragment Pres. Fold Name Array Pathway Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value 224391 s hgl33b CSE-C cytosolic sialic acid 0.947591 2.363881 3.529538 9.08E-03 at 9-0-acetylesterase homolog 201584 s hgl33a DDX39 DEAD (Asp-Glu- 0.999743 2.793412 4.813862 1.87E-03 at Ala-Asp) box I__I _polypeptide 39 223054 at hgl33b DNAJB1 DnaJ (Hsp4O) 0.987183 2.581061 7.428122 1.13E-04 1 homolog, subfamily B, member 11 221782_at hgl33a DNAJC1 DnaJ (Hsp4O) 0.903468 2.127172 4.240343 3.48E-03 0 homolog, subfamily C, member 10 218435_at hgl33a DNAJD1 DnaJ (Hsp4O) 0.88587 3.229291 3.258658 1.31E-02 homolog, subfamily D, member 1 232353 a hgl33b DUSP24 dual specificity 0.744061 2.452739 5.155434 1.19E-03 at phosphatase 24 (putative) 204160 _s hg133a ENPP4 ectonucleotide 0.832627 2.140256 4.308833 2.74E-03 at pyrophosphatase/ph osphodiesterase 4 (putative function) 57163_at hg133a ELOVL1 elongation of very 0.915992 2.058741 5.839797 4.58E-04 long chain fatty acids (FENI/Elo2, SUR4/Elo3, yeast) like 1 217294_s hg133a EN01 enolase 1, (alpha) 0.932884 6.086585 3.682818 7.77E-03 at 227609_at hgl33b EPSTIl epithelial stromal 0.988995 3.470329 4.827146 1.79E-03 interaction 1 (breast) 230518 at hgl33b EVA1 epithelial V-like 0.961549 2.397871 3.357759 1.18E-02 antigen 1 225764 at hgl33b TEL ETV6 ets variant gene 6 0.745135 2.309754 10.44025 128E-06 oncogene (TEL oncogene) 223000_a hgl33b FlIR FI1 receptor 0.89894 2.660417 4.576852 2.09E-03 at 205661 a hgl33a PP591 FAD-synthetase 0.988568 2.455995 6.552392 2.60E-04 at 217916 s hgl33a FAM49B family with 0.941426 2.368904 3.601202 8.1OE-03 at sequence similarity 49, member B 220147_s hgl33a FAM60A family with 0.98176 2.313353 4.049541 4.74E-03 at sequence similarity 60, member A 202345_s hgl33a Fatty FABP5 fatty acid binding 0.938921 2.247141 3.575225 7.69-03 at acid protein 5 (psoriasis pathway associated) 212070_at hgl33a GPCR GPR56 G protein-coupled 0.797302 5.707014 5.344521 8.23E-04 receptor 56 203560 at hgl33a GGH gamma-glutamyl 0.901028 2.243412 4.194093 3.66E-03 hydrolase (conjugase, folylpolygammaglut I amyl hydrolase) 211015_s hgl33a heat HSPA4 heat shock 70kDa 0.937893 2.563586 5.41026 8.63E-04 at shock _ protein 4

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Fragment Pres. Fold Name Array Pathway Symbol Description Fre . Change t-Score p-Value 216484_x hgl33a HDGF hepatoma-derived 0.958638 3.113746 7.698256 1.06E-04 at growth factor (high mobility group protein 1-like) 201587_s hgl33a NFkB IRAK1 interleukin-1 0.978741 3.277708 4.328176 3.36E-03 at pathway receptor-associated I kinase 1 210046_s_ hgl33a IDH2 isocitrate 0.971034 5.460502 6.910983 2.07E-04 at dehydrogenase 2 (NADP+), mitochondrial 201609_x hgl33a ICMT isoprenylcysteine 0.928452 2.010629 7.961931 5.07E-05 at carboxyl methyltransferase 209212s hgl33a KLF5 Kruppel-like factor 0.841618 2.796807 3.365636 1.15E-02 at 1___5 (intestinal) 1_ 1 200650 s hgl33a LDHA lactate 1 2.457959 5.127703 1.10E-03 at dehydrogenase A 212449_s hgl33a LYPLA1 lysophospholipase 1 0.997752 2.786006 4.549123 2.41E-03 at 215566_x_ hgl33a LYPLA2 lysophospholipase II 0.785935 2.016094 5.35557 8.94E-04 at 217871_s hgl33a MIF macrophage 0.995633 2.1591 5.062746 1.16E-03 at migration inhibitory factor (glycosylation inhibiting factor) 226039 at hgl33b MGAT4 mannosyl (alpha- 0.781841 2.611577 3.571194 8.73E-03 A 1,3-)-glycoprotein beta-1,4-N acetylglucosaminyltr ansferase, isoenzyme A 224598_at hgl33b MGAT4 mannosyl (alpha- 0.99027 2.074382 4.758944 1.76E-03 B 1,3-)-glycoprotein beta-1,4-N acetylglucosaminyltr ansferase, Iisoenzyme B 220189 s hgl33a MGAT4 mannosyl (alpha- 0.943353 2.863971 6.236433 3.56E-04 at B 1,3-)-glycoprotein beta-1,4-N acetylglucoaminyltr ansferase, isoenzyme B 203936_s_ bgl33a NFkB; MIP9 matrix 0.995247 2.692718 4.154678 4.04E-03 at cell metalloproteinase 9 migration (gelatinase B, 92kDa gelatinase, 92kDa angiogen type IV collagenase) esis 222036 s bgl33a DNA MCM4 MCM4 0.878035 3.023563 5.228523 1.13E-03 at replication minichromosome n and maintenance repair deficient 4 (S. cerevisiae)

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Fragment Pres. Fold Name Array Pathway Symbol Description Fre . Change t-Score p-Value 201761 at hg133a MTHFD methylenetetrahydro 0.752922 3.419406 7.516072 1.06E-04 2 folate dehydrogenase (NADP+ dependent) 2, methenyltetrahydrof olate cyclohydrolase 210058_at hg133a MAP MAPK13 mitogen-activated 0.912267 2.181056 3.321173 1.22E-02 kinase protein kinase 13 215498_s hgl33a MAP MAP2K3 mitogen-activated 0.966667 2.012703 4.127083 3.94E-03 at knase _ rotein kinase 3 207847 s hgl33a MUC1 mucin 1, 0.858703 10.91968 4.599795 2.31E-03 at transmembrane 3 209421 at hgl33a DNA MSH2 mutS homolog 2, 0.807964 2.017856 3.906162 5.47E-03 repair colon cancer, nonpolyposis type 1 (E. coli) 222992_s_ hgl33b NDUFB9 NADH 0.998993 2.409564 4.050455 4.74E-03 at dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1 beta subcomplex, 9, 22kDa 224799_at hgl33b Ubiquitin NDFIP2 Nedd4 family 0.750637 2.736941 4.774743 1.63E-03 / interacting protein 2 proteoso me pathway 225787_at hgl33b NCE2 NEDD8-conjugating 0.96383 2.00633 4.924297 1.44E-03 enzyme 202647 s_ hgl33a (v-ras) NRAS neuroblastomaRAS 0.803854 2.861847 7.041569 1.61E-04 at oncogene viral (v-ras) pathway oncogene homolog 203964_at hgl33a Myc NMI N-myc (and STAT) 0.861785 2.520095 7.118422 1.62E-04 oncogene interactor pathway 210830_s_ hgl33a PON2 paraoxonase 2 0.827617 2.538529 3.433416 1.07E-02 at 208824_x hg133a Kinase PCTK1 PCTAIRE protein 0.920424 2.434793 3.691038 7.54E-03 at kinase 1 201489 at hg133a PPIF peptidylprolyl 0.90668 2.897949 6.494173 6.56E-05 isomerase F (cyclophilin F) 214129 at hgl33a PDE4DI phosphodiesterase 0.760758 3.749596 4.73573 2.07E-03 P 4D interacting protein (myomegalin) 201037_at hgl33a Kinase PFKP phosphofimtokinase 0.953565 2.323225 3.654586 7.27E-03 , platelet I 227068_at hgl33b PGKI phosphoglycerate 0.812911 4.206684 6.057108 4.56E-04 I__Ikinase 1 226245 at hgl33b KCTD1 potassium channel 0.800899 2.610148 3.269091 1.35E-02 tetramerisation domain containing 1 218302_at hgl33a PSENEN presenilin enhancer 0.870135 3.607088 4.207406 3.87E-03 2 homolog (C. elegans) 7 1

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Fragment Pres. Fold Name Array Pathway Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value 204839_at hgl33a POP5 processing of 0.999037 2.040627 5.014888 1.29E-03 precursor 5, ribonuclease P/MRP subunit (S. cerevisiae) 200656_ a hgl33a P4HB procollagen-proline, 0.981888 2.204421 11.24001 1.96E-11 at 2-oxoglutarate 4 dioxygenase (proline 4-hydroxylase), beta polypeptide (protein disulfide isomerase associated 1) 212694_s_ hgl33a PCCB propionyl Coenzyme 0.846179 2.202604 4.256623 2.66E-03 at A carboxylase, beta polypeptide 205128_x hgl33a PTGS1 prostaglandin- 0.857868 6.921237 4.05741 4.81E-03 at endoperoxide synthase 1 (prostaglandin G/H synthase and cyclooxygenase) 201267_s_ hgl33a proteaso PSMC3 proteasome 0.793642 2.146145 5.029416 1.14E-03 at me (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, ATPase, 3 212296 at hgl33a proteaso PSMD14 proteasome 0.997238 2.672869 4.06281 4.63E-03 me (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, non IATPase, 14 210460 _s hgl33a proteaso PSMD4 proteasome 0.978227 2.093454 3.60247 8.351E-03 at me (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, non ATPase, 4 201762_s hgl33a proteaso PSME2 proteasome 0.997238 2.468623 3.480573 9.98E-03 at me (prosome, macropain) activator subunit 2 (PA28 Beta) 201400 at hgl33a proteaso PSMB3 proteasome 0.99878 2.376467 4.758101 1.831E-03 me (prosome, macropain) subunit, beta type, 3 213518_at hgl33a Kinase PRKCI protein kinase C, 0.772704 4.41575 3.587967 8.82E-03 iota 200846 s hgl33a PPPICA protein phosphatase 0.929929 4.45379 8.217329 6.04E-05 at 1, catalytic subunit, alpha isoform 206687 _s hgl33a PTPN6 protein tyrosine 0.850032 2.543142 4.426893 2.90E-03 at phosphatase, non receptor type 6 212640_at hgl33a PTPLB protein tyrosine 0.996789 2.055999 4.891242 1.24E-03 phosphatase-like pralinee instead of catalytic arginine), member b

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Fragment Pres. Fold Name Array Pathway Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value 202671 _s hg133a PDXK pyridoxal 0.95228 2.74402 5.316618 8.82E-04 at (pyridoxine, vitamin B6)kinase 217848 s hgl33a PP pyrophosphatase 0.987797 3.721445 4.691774 2.18E-03 at (inorganic) 201251_at hgl33a Kinase PKM2 pyruvate kinase, 0.961978 3.522671 7.490227 1.25E-04 muscle 223471 at hg133b RAB3IP RAB3A interacting 0.75567 3.132951 3.852934 5.96E-03 protein (rabin3) I_ I 208819 at hgl33a RAS RAB8A RAB8A, member 0.99544 2.016693 4.516892 2.54E-03 oncogene RAS oncogene family family pathway 222077_s hgl33a RAS RACGA Rac GTPase 0.955106 4.172509 4.227326 3.85E-03 at oncogene P1 activating protein 1 family pathway 202483 s hgl33a RAS RANBP1 RANbinding 0.838471 2.071267 4.171917 3.89E-03 at oncogene protein 1 family pathway 200750_s hgl33a RAS RAN RAN, member RAS 0.998715 2.293692 7.382216 9.70E-05 at oncogene oncogene family family pathway 35666_at hgl33a SEMA3F sema domain, 0.922672 2.040823 3.557648 8.69E-03 immunoglobulin domain (Ig), short basic domain, secreted, (semaphorin) 3F 212572_at hg133a serine/thr STK38L serine/threonine 0.995633 2.085237 3.515383 9.37E-03 eonine kinase 38 like kinase 201563_at hg133a SORD sorbitol 0.975851 2.674268 3.924998 5.11E-03 dehydrogenase 212322_at hg133a SGPL1 sphingosine-l- 0.813231 3.919159 5.633239 7.70E-04 phosphate lyase 1 226560_at hg133b SGPP2 sphingosine-1- 0.812844 3.929339 4.655677 2.10E-03 phosphate phosphotase 2 201998_at hg133a ST6GAL ST6 beta- 0.905909 3.55091 3.545618 9.33E-03 1 galactosamide alpha-2,6 sialyltranferase 1 222750 s hg133b SRD5A2 steroid 5 alpha- 0.928332 2.432341 4.238749 3.44E-03 at L reductase 2-like 202589_at hg133a TYMS thymidylate 0.919332 4.968409 6.711329 2.40E-04 synthetase; Inhibitor: 5 fluorouracil, 5 fluoro-2-prime deoxyuridine, and I some folate analogs 213011 s hg133a TPI1 triosephosphate 0.999294 3.205511 8.305632 6.16E-05 at I isomerase 1

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Fragment Pres. Fold Name Array Pathway Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value 202510_ s hgl33a NFkB TNFAIP tumor necrosis 0.798523 4.43632 4.176119 4.09E-03 at patwhay 2 factor, alpha induced protein 2 201688 a hgl33a TPD52 tumor protein D52 0.812139 5.502568 4.799016 1.62E-03 at 208743_s_ hgl33a YWHAB tyrosine 3- 0.995504 2.515535 4.713777 1.78E-03 at monooxygenase/tryp tophan 5 monooxygenase activation protein, beta polypeptide 200638 s hgl33a YWHAZ tyrosine 3- 0.998587 2.014093 3.890667 5.57E-03 at monooxygenase/tryp tophan 5 monooxygenase activation protein, zeta polypeptide 214695_at hgl33a Ubiquitin UBAP2L ubiquitin associated 0.842903 2.251556 5.86933 5.50E-04 / protein 2-like proteoso me patwhay I 202779_s_ hgl33a Ubiquitin UBE2S ubiquitin- 0.743224 2.638422 4.503814 2.46E-03 at / conjugating enzyme proteoso E2S me patwhay 222870 s hgl33b B3GNT1 UJDP- 0.908938 3.325586 6.177822 3.90E-04 at GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1,3-N acetylglucosaminyltr ansferase 1 210512_s_ bg133a VEGF VEGF vascular endothelial 0.949133 3.871465 3,610859 8.34E-03 at growth factor

226063_at hg133b vav 2 VAV2 vav 2 oncogene 0.906187 2.037705 8.51942 1.63E-05 oncogene pathway

202454_s_ hgl33a HER3 ERBB3 v-erb-b2 0.861207 3.990508 4.35777 3.1OE-03 at erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 3 (avian) 214435x hgl33a Ral RALA v-ral simian 0.97386 2.278349 3.552995 8.91E-03 at oncogene leukemia viral oncogene homolog A (ras related)

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[0096] TABLE X: PARPI Upregulated - Diff/X (Human); Name: Upregulated Breast Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma vs. normal Primary No Smoking History (Minimum Fold Change: 2.0); Experiment: Breast, Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma, Primary; No Smoking History; Control: normal breast, no smoking history. Fragment Pathwa Pres. Fold p Name Array y Sy ol Description Fre. Change t-Score Value 201261_x hgl33a BGN biglycan 0.82581 4.75005 4.30732 1.84E at 9 7 03 202391_at hgl33a BASP1 brain abundant, 0.96820 2.02857 3.74687 3.87E membrane attached 8 3 03 signal protein 1 212551_at hgl33a CAP2 CAP, adenylate 0.75356 2.17528 3.45136 6.03E cyclase-associated 5 03 nrotei,2 (yeast) 201584 a hgl33a DDX39 DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala- 0.99974 2.01678 3.84071 3.54E at Asp) box polypeptide 3 8 03 39 212303x hgl33a KHSRP KH-type splicing 0.74849 2.29784 3.95656 2.36E at regulatory protein 1 5 03 (FUSE binding protein 2) 222212_s_ hgl33a LASS2 LAG1 longevity 0.92851 2.30212 4.30408 1.47E at assurance homolog 2 6 4 03 (S. cerevisiae) 21821_s_ bgl33a MLPH melanophilin 0.98285 2.83061 2.94365 1.57E at 2 3 02 218039_at hgl33a NUSAP nucleolar and spindle 0.92093 3.71966 3.5004 6.42E 1_ 1 associated protein 1 8 1 03 210004_at hgl33a OLR1 oxidized low density 0.89075 2.80369 4.31047 1.58E lipoprotein (lectin- 1 03 like) receptor 1 230097 at hgl33b GART phosphoribosylglycina 0.89907 2.14141 4.23441 1.78E mide 4 8 03 formyltransferase, phosphoribosylglycina mide synthetase, phosphoribosylaminoi midazole synthetase 224742_at hgl33b PYGB phosphorylase, 0.75620 2.31907 4.9306 5.18E glycogen; brain 7 4 04 208874x hgl33a PPP2R4 protein phosphatase 0.95099 2.14061 3.29413 8.72E at 2A, regulatory subunit 6 8 03 B' (PR 53) 217763_s hgl33a RAS RAB31 RAB31, member RAS 0.80250 4.59711 4.43946 1.54E at oncogene family 5 3 03 35666_at hgl33a SEMA3 sema domain, 0.92267 2.65624 2.92337 1.66E F immunoglobulin 2 9 02 domain (Ig), short basic domain, secreted, (semaphorin) 3F 36545_s-at hgl33a SFI1 Sfil homolog, spindle 0.76249 2.05290 3.38266 7.23E assembly associated 2 7 03 (yeast) 218813_s hgl33a SH3GL SH3-domain GRB2- 0.75716 2.09186 2.88131 1.54E at B2 like endophilin B2 1 1 02 201563_at hg133a SORD sorbitol 0.97585 2.70965 2.79542 1.97E dehydrogenase 1 02

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Fragment Pathwa Pres. Fold p Name Ary y Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score Value 222651 s hgl33b TRPS1 trichorhinophalangeal 0.94235 2.42650 3.14684 1.13E at syndrome I 7 9 02 209413_at hg133a B4GAL UDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc 0.90385 2.03705 5.13462 4.04E T2 beta 1,4- 4 5 04 galactosyltransferase, polypeptide 2 218807_at hg133a VAV VAV3 0.927489 2.161 2.99273 1.44E oncogen oncogen 02 e; can e enhance NFkB

[00971 TABLE XI: PARPI Upregulated - Diff/X (Human); Name: Upregulated Endometrium Mullerian Mixed Tumor Primary (Minimum Fold Change: 2.0); Experiment: Endometrium, Mullerian Mixed Tumor, Primary; control: normal endometrium. Fragment Pathwa Pres. Fold Name Array y Symbol Description Fre. Change t-Score p-Value 204998_s hgl33a ATF5 activating transcription 0.97122 2.19992 3.16534 1.75E at factor 5 7 8 8 02 201281_at hgl33a ADRM1 adhesionregulating 0.99447 2.48465 3.54702 1.07E molecule 1 7 4 1 02 217791s hg133a ALDH1 aldehyde 0.95356 2.15506 3.49392 1.OOE at 8Al dehydrogenase 18 5 8 7 02 family, member Al 201272_at hgl33a AKR1B aldo-keto reductase 0.98124 2.78718 4.03600 6.39E 1 family 1, member BI 6 9 7 03 (aldose reductase) 208002s hgl33a BACH brain acyl-CoA 0.84078 2.86960 4.00598 6.58E at hydrolase 4 9 2 03 201897s hg133a Kinase CKSIB CDC28 protein kinase 0.76159 3.45332 3.31178 1.53E at regulatory subunit LB 3 2 9 02 212737 at hgl33a CSH2 chorionic 0.79865 2.05987 4.90684 1.78E somatomammotropin 1 4 9 03 hormone 2 223020_at hgl33b CRR9 cisplatinresistance 0.93732 2.31313 4.44377 2.85E related protein CRR9p 4 8 7 03 233955_x hgl33b CXXC5 CXXC finger 5 0.91699 2.25659 3.04357 1.84E at _1 4 3 02 200881_s bg133a DNAJA DnaJ(Hsp4O) 0.99826 2.01029 4.81577 1.85E _at 1 homolog, subfamily A, 6 8 6 03 member 1 217294 s hg133a ENO1 enolase 1, (alpha) 0.93288 2.58010 3.41127 9.80E at 4 5 8 03 234464s hgl33b EME1 essential meiotic 0.91611 2.20891 5.19052 7.77E _at endonuclease 1 9 6 7 04 homolog 1 (S. pombe) 225099 at hg133b FBXO4 F-box protein 45 0.87136 2.30327 3.09871 1.94E 5 5 4 02 213187x hg133a FTL ferritin, light 0.99955 2.25979 3.34359 1.34E at polypeptide 9 02 213187_x hgl33a FTLL1 ferritin, light 0.99955 2.25979 3.34359 1.34E at polypeptide-like 1 9 02

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Fragment Pathwa Pres. Fold Name Array y Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value 203560_at hgl33a GGH gamma-glutamyl 0.90102 4.67191 5.17140 1.84E hydrolase (conjugase, 8 8 2 03 folylpolygammagluta myl hydrolase) 208308_s hgl33a GPI glucose phosphate 0.99871 2.18417 3.84751 5.58E at isomerase 5 2 5 03 214431 at hgl33a GMPS guanine 0.92100 2.00813 3.02907 1.74E monophosphate 2 8 02 synthetase 200052s hgl33a ILF2 interleukin enhancer 0.99762 2.08477 5.36420 7.16E at binding factor 2, 4 4 1 04 45kDa 203362_s hgl33a MAD2L MAD2 mitotic rest 0.80886 5.12877 3.93845 6.99E at 1 deficient-like 1 (yeast) 3 2 3 03 222036_s hg133a DNA MCM4 MCM4 0.87803 2.73404 3.88401 7.07E _at replicati minichromosome 5 2 03 on maintenance deficient 4 (S. cerevisiae) 209014_at hgl33a melano MAGE melanoma antigen 0.90802 2.58949 5.14948 9.65F ma D1 family D, 1 8 3 9 04 antigen 222547 at hgl33b MAP4K mitogen-activated 0.93229 2.60896 5.63681 9.69E 4 protein kinase 4 1 8 6 04 209421 at hgl33a DNA MSH2 mutS homolog 2, 0.80796 2.23345 3.75438 7.44E repair colon cancer, 4 5 2 03 nonpolyposis type 1 (E. coli) 201669_s hgl33a MARC myristoylated alanine- 0.97270 2.77493 6.06344 2.86E _at KS rich protein kinase C 4 5 04 Substrate 202647 s hgl33a Ras NRAS neuroblastoma RAS 0.80385 2.24665 3.59735 8.17E at oncogen viral (v-ras) oncogene 4 2 1 03 e homolog 202784_s hgl33a NNT nicotinamide 0.74515 2.18482 3.62384 8.39F, _at nucleotide 1 3 4 03 transhydrogenase 226287_at hgl33b NY- NY-REN-41 antigen 0.96711 2.97264 3.63479 1.04E I REN-41 9 3 1 02 226649_at hgl33b Kinase PANKI pantothenate kinase 1 0.79761 2.99308 3.33221 1.47E 1 6 1 02 208938_at hgl33a PRCC papillaryrenal cell 0.85414 2.15586 4.29958 3.50E carcinoma 3 9 4 03 (translocation associated) 207239 s hg133a kinase PCTK1 PCTAIRE protein 0.97251 2.31441 6.13745 8.80E at kinase1 1 5 05 201118_at hgl33a PGD phosphogluconate 0.83590 2.39797 3.94017 5.15E dehydrogenase 2 9 7 03 217356_s hgl33a kinase PGK1 phosphoglycerate 0.95125 2.56909 4.55254 2.01 at kinase 1 2 3 6 03 201050_at hgl33a PLD3 phospholipase D3 0.87193 3.77450 3.30393 1.58E 3 3 1 02 200827 at hgl33a PLODI procollagen-lysine 1, 0.85600 2.18607 3.38669 1.29E 2-oxoglutarate 5- 5 1 3 02 dioxygenase 1

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Fragment Pathwa Pres. Fold Name Array y Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value 201388_at hgl33a proteaso PSMD3 proteasome (prosome, 0.95324 2.12934 3.20038 1.53E me macropain)26S 3 4 9 02 subunit, non-ATPase, 3 210460_s hgl33a proteaso PSMD4 proteasome (prosome, 0.97822 2.15911 3.32245 1.49E _at me macropain) 26S 7 5 6 02 subunit, non-ATPase, 4 200820 at hg133a proteaso PSMD8 proteasome (prosome, 0.94444 2.35229 3.38836 1.36E me macropain) 26S 4 4 2 02 subunit, non-ATPase, 8 216088_s hg133a proteaso PSMA7 proteasome (prosome, 0.74894 2.13883 3.71227 8.60E at me macropain) subunit, 5 8 03 1 alpha type, 7 229606_at hg133b PPP3C protein phosphatase 3 0.98557 2.38310 3.13838 1.81E A (formerly 2B), 2 8 7 02 catalytic subunit, alpha isoform (calcineurin A alpha) 202671_s hgl33a PDXK pyridoxal (pyridoxine, 0.95228 2.52433 4.09217 4.54E at vitamin B6) kinase 2 4 03 222077_s hgl33a Rho RACGA Rac GTPase activating 0.95510 3.97428 3.97084 6.97E at GTPase P1 protein 1 6 4 5 03 pathway 200750_s hgl33a RAS RAN RAN, member RAS 0.99871 2.17761 4.18127 4.59E at oncogen oncogene family 5 9 5 03 e pathway 204023_at hgl33a DNA RFC4 replication factor C 0.82164 2.51157 4.48413 3.3913 repair (activator 1) 4, 37kDa 4 5 03 225202 at hgl33b Rho RHOBT Rho-related BTB 0.96624 2.07607 4.08044 6.98E GTPase B3 domain containing 3 6 1 9 04 pathway 203022_at hgl33a RNASE ribonuclease H2, large 0.99177 3.30708 3.53165 1.19E H2A subunit 9 4 9 02 213194 at hgl33a beta- ROBO1 roundabout, axon 0.76968 2.21326 3.21212 1.60F, catenin guidance receptor, 5 4 6 02 pathway homolog 1 (Drosophila) 201516_at hg133a SRM spermidine synthase 0.90077 2.48322 3.19642 1.72E 1 2 4 02 218854_at hg133a SART2 squamous cell 0.88709 2.04582 3.38762 1.16E carcinoma antigen 1 7 3 02 recognized by T cells 2 225639 at hg133b Src SCAP2 src family associated 0.84525 2.39245 3.43237 8.94E oncogen phosphoprotein 2 6 7 8 03 e pathway 202589_at hg133a TYMS thymidylate 0.91933 6.26569 3.79939 8.73E synthetase; inhibitor: 2 7 1 03 5-fluorouracil, 5 fluoro-2-prime deoxyuridine, and I I__Isome folate analogs

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Fragment Pathwa Pres. Fold Name Array y Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value 204033_at hgl33a TRIP13 thyroid hormone 0.79203 4.45601 3.20592 1.81E receptor interactor 13 6 8 5 02 214695_at hg133a protease UBAP2 ubiquitin associated 0.84290 2.01119 4.60098 2.96E me/ L protein 2-like 3 2 3 03 ubiquiti n 201001 s hgl33a protease UBE2V ubiquitin-conjugating 0.95433 2.05730 4.58578 2.09E _at me/ 1 enzyme E2 variant 1 5 4 8 03 ubiquiti n 202779s hgl33a proteaso UBE2S ubiquitin-conjugating 0.74322 5.04663 4.46687 3.94E at me/ enzyme E2S 4 6 1 03 ubiquiti n 217788 s hgl33a GALNT UDP-N-acetyl-alpha- 0.97912 2.14407 3.58495 9.19E _at 2 D- 7 3 03 galactosamine:polypep tide N acetylgalactosaminyltr ansferase 2 (GaINAc T2) 212038_s hgl33a VDAC1 voltage-dependent 0.99942 2.21302 6.94941 6.35E at anion channel 1 2 9 7 05

[0098] Table XII: PARPI Upregulated - Diff/X (Human); Name: Upregulated Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma (Minimum Fold Change: 2.0); Experiment: Liver, Hepatocellular Carcinoma; control: Liver, Focal Nodular Hyperplasia. Fold Fragment Pres. Chang Name Array Pathway Symbol Description Freq. e t-Score p-Value 232007_at hgl33b AGPAT5 1-acylglycerol-3- 0.768286 2.1214 2.677231 L.58E-02 phosphate 0- 21 acyltransferase 5 (lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase, epsilon) 201662_s hgl33a Fatty ACSL3 acyl-CoA synthetase 0.966346 2.2030 2.87949 1.00E-02 at acids long-chain family 47 Pathway member 3 200966x hgl33a ALDOA aldolase A, fructose- 0.991715 3.3879 3.488556 3.18E-03 at bisphosphate 9 210896_s hgl33a ASPH aspartate beta- 0.795697 2.0944 2.781446 1.34E-02 at hydroxylase 09 220948s hgl33a ATPase ATP1A1 ATPase, Na+/K+ 0.999615 2.0358 4.212664 3.59E-04 at transporting, alpha 1 44 polypeptide 201940 at hgl33a CPD carboxypeptidase D 0.862428 2.0577 3.355704 2.93E-03 28 203987 at hgl33a Wnt - FZD6 frizzled homolog 6 0.958317 2.2938 2.923516 9.48E-03 beta (Drosophila) 08 catenin pathway II_1 1 201816_s_ hgl33a GBAS glioblastoma 0.994926 2.0307 2.823487 1.09E-02 at amplified sequence 67

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Fold Fragment Pres. Chang Name Array Pathway Symbol Description Freq. e t-Score p-Value 209448 at hgl33a HTATIP HIV-1 Tat 0.855427 2.1285 3.47696 2.15E-03 2 interactive protein 2, 96 30kDa 201587s hgl33a NFkB IRAK1 interleukin-1 0.978741 2.2719 5.230533 4.47E-05 at activation receptor-associated 6 n kinase 1 226350_at hg133b KMO kynurenine 3- 0.850758 2.1843 2.984445 7.71E-03 monooxygenase 06 (kynurenine 3 hydroxylase) 202651_at hgl33a LPGAT1 lysophosphatidylgly 0.993834 2.0298 4.138422 5.69E-04 cerol acyltransferase 41 1 203936_s hgl33a NFkB; matrix 0.995247 Liver, 2.2228 3.10948 5.91E-03 at cell metallopr Hepatoce 68 migration oteinase llular 9 Carcino angiogen (MMP9; ma esis gelatinas e B, 92kDa gelatinas e, 92kDa type IV collagena se) 222036_s hgl33a DNA MCM4 MCM4 0.878035 3.0974 3.398078 3.51E-03 at replicatio minichromosome 19 n and maintenance repair deficient 4 (S. cerevisiae) 200790_at hgl33a ODC1 omithine 0.934682 2.5551 3.892729 1.23E-03 decarboxylase 1 12 224937_at hg133b PTGFRN prostaglandin F2 0.758891 2.1841 2.566146 1.86E-02 receptor negative 84 ______regulator 222077 s hgl33a GTPase RACGA Rac GTPase 0.955106 3.2354 3.373596 4.00E-03 at P1 activating protein 1 5 213194 at hg133a ROBO1 roundabout, axon 0.769685 3.6718 3.494206 2.99E-03 guidance receptor, 68 homolog 1 (D)rosophila) 209875_s hg133a SPPI secreted 0.796275 14.277 4.37561 5.27E-04 at phosphoprotein 1 76 (osteopontin, bone sialoprotein I, early T-lymphocyte activation 1) 214853s hgl33a SHC1 SHC (Src homology 0.992871 2.0347 4.756677 1.52F-04 at 2 domain 56 containing) transforming protein 1

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Fold Fragment Pres. Chang Name Array Pathway Symbol Description Freq. e t-Score p-Value 217979 at hg133a TSPAN1 tetraspanin 13 0.973732 3.3469 3.708996 1.81E-03 3 62 201266_at hgl33a TXNRD thioredoxin 0.995633 2.5015 3.009625 8.12E-03 1 reductase 1 86 208699x hg133a TKT transketolase 0.933398 2.5358 2.779767 1.31E-02 at (Wernicke- 4 Korsakoff syndrome) 202779 s hg133a Ubiquitin UBE2S ubiquitin- 0.743224 2.3000 3.696056 1.45E-03 at / conjugating enzyme 54 proteoso E2S me

[0099] TABLE XIII: PARPI Upregulated - Diff/X (Human); Name: Upregulated Endometrium Adenocarcinoma Endometrioid Type Primary (Minimum Fold Change: 2.0); Experiment: Endometrium, Adenocarcinoma, Endometrioid Type, Primary; control: normal endometrium. Fragmen Pathwa Pres. Fold t Name Array y Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value 202912_a hg133a ADM adrenomedullin 0.83596 2.73639 5.70242 3.94E t 7 9 7 07 222416 a hgl33b ALDH1 aldehyde 0.73923 2.25669 8.37128 5.53E t 8A1 dehydrogenase 18 7 8 12 family, member Al 204976_s hgl33a AMME Alport syndrome, 0.81856 2.05073 7.13038 8.98E _at CR1 mental retardation, 1 9 6 10 midface hypoplasia and elliptocytosis chromosomal region, gene 1 201012_a hgl33a ANXA1 annexin Al 0.98098 2.03234 4.24185 6.70E t 9 1 5 05 222746s hgl33b BSPRY B-box and SPRY 0.79197 2.12697 5.79161 2.29E at domain containing 4 6 1 07 201953_a hgl33a CIBI calcium and integrin 0.99736 2.00699 6.89938 2.02E t binding I (calmyrin) 7 2 3 09 211657 a hg133a CEACA carcinoembryonic 0.74001 3.56842 3.04274 3.67E t M6 antigen-related cell 3 03 adhesion molecule 6 (non-specific cross reacting antigen) 203917 a hgl33a CXADR coxsackie virus and 0.83738 5.00836 9.37395 2.20E t adenovirusreceptor 6 1 13 200606_a hgl33a DSP desmoplakin 0.91419 2.51112 5.67177 3.12E t 4 4 07 221782_a hg133a DNAJC DnaJ (Hsp40) 0.90346 2.53203 4.98032 6.36E t 10 homolog, subfamily C, 8 8 6 06 member 10 204160_s hgl33a ENPP4 ectonucleotide 0.83262 2.56233 5.90465 1.73E at pyrophosphatase/phos 7 7 1 07 phodiesterase 4 (putative function) 201231_s hgl33a ENOl enolase 1, (alpha) 0.99974 2.33747 6.65510 6.34E at 3 3 7 09 -56 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750.601 WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

Fragmen Pathwa Pres. Fold t Name Array y Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value 223000_s hg133b F11R FI1 receptor 0.89894 2.51753 8.34411 4.00E at 7 8 12 239246_a hg133b FARP1 FERM, RhoGEF 0.93464 2.10859 6.26212 2.67E t (ARHGEF) and 1 6 08 pleckstrin domain protein 1 (chondrocyte-derived) 226145_s hgl33b FRASI Fraser syndrome 1 0.78076 2.33359 5.11411 2.96E at _ 8 4 06 212070_a hgl33a GPCR GPR56 G protein-coupled 0.79730 2.19678 5.96966 1.24E t receptor 56 2 6 3 07 203560 a hgl33a GGH gamma-glutamyl 0.90102 3.40025 2.50594 1.55E t hydrolase (conjugase, 8 2 8 02 folylpolygammagluta myl hydrolase) 239761_a hgl33b GCNT1 glucosaminyl (N- 0.84995 2.09700 4.56068 2.94E t acetyl)transferase 1, 3 8 3 05 core 2 (beta-1,6-N acetylglucosaminyltra nsferase) 225609_a hgl33b GSR glutathione reductase 0.94208 2.86475 7.92917 1.09E t 8 9 1 10 204224s hgl33a GCHI GTP cyclohydrolase 1 0.91425 2.15690 5.78729 2.34E _at (dopa-responsive 8 4 8 07 dystonia) 204867_a hgl33a GCHFR GTP cyclohydrolase 1 0.88606 2.62038 6.72454 1.031 t feedbackregulator 3 5 1 08 44783_s hg33a HEYI hairy/enhancer-of-split 0.97861 2.50219 4.04789 1.74E at related with YRPW 3 7 2 04 motif 1 227262_a hg133b HAPLN hyaluronan and 0.9745 2.00629 4.84055 8.24E t 3 proteoglycan link 7 6 06 _ protein 3 205483_s hgl33a G1P2 interferon, alpha- 0.93416 2.66676 3.12733 2.81E at inducible protein 8 6 3 03 (clone IFI-15K) 201193_a hgl33a IDHI isocitrate 0.88728 2.07416 4.08532 1.20E t dehydrogenase 1 3 1 04 (NADP+), soluble 210046_s hgl33a IDH2 isocitrate 0.97103 3.78963 8.69919 2.51E _at dehydrogenase 2 4 6 9 12 (NADP+), mitochondrial 209212_s hgl33a KLF5 Kruppel-like factor 5 0.84161 2.14618 4.38128 4.58E at (intestinal) 8 2 3 05 208767_s hgl33a LAPTM lysosomal associated 0.98754 2.17967 3.98743 1.61E _at 4B protein 7 6 04 transmeibrane 4 beta I 221874_a hgl33a KIAA13 mabal 0.82414 3.10019 5.43542 1.16E t 24 9 7 5 06 203362_s hgl33a MAD2L MAD2 nitotic arrest 0.80886 3.34721 5.91596 1.43E at 1 deficient-like 1 (yeast) 3 7 4 07 218205_s hg133a MAP MKNK2 MAP kinase 1 2.17014 7.58250 1.30E _at kinase interacting 1 5 10 serine/threonine kinase 2

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Fragmen Pathwa Pres. Fold t Name Array y Symbol Description Fre . Change t-Score p-Value 203936_s hg133a Angiog MMP9 matrix 0.99524 3.77706 5.69002 2.89E at enesis; metalloproteinase 9 7 5 5 07 NF-kB (gelatinase B, 92kDa target gelatinase, 92kDa type IV collagenase) 222036_s hgl33a DNA MCM4 MCM4 0.87803 2.16167 5.65530 3.77E at replicati minichromosome 5 9 6 07 on maintenance deficient 1_ 4 (S. cerevisiae) 202016_a hgl33a MEST mesodermspecific 0.95529 2.14928 4.36403 5.04E t transcript homolog 9 2 5 05 (mouse) 215498_s hg133a MAP MAP2K mitogen-activated 0.96666 2.14621 7.52311 1.32E at kinase 3 protein kinase 3 7 2 8 10 205698 s hgl33a MAP MAP2K mitogen-activated 0.80957 2.64776 5.04307 3.42E at I kinase 6 protein kinase 6 2 5 06 218883 s hg133a MLFIIP MLF1 interacting 0.94463 2.43556 6.64363 6.16E at protein 7 9 7 09 207847_s hgl33a MUCI mucin 1, 0.85870 3.80203 5.63042 4.74E at transmembrane 3 2 07 218189_s hg133a NANS N-acetylneuraminic 0.98574 2.01463 7,39444 3.54E at acid synthase (sialic 2 3 1 10 acid synthase) 201468_s hg133a NQO1 NAD(P)H 0.93365 2.84468 3.46747 9.24E at dehydrogenase, 4 6 4 04 quinone 1 218625_a hg133a NRN1 neuritin 1 0.91258 2.00039 3.91733 2.30E t 8 1 04 218039_a hgl33a NUSAP nucleolar and spindle 0.92093 2.60053 6.22738 3.5713 t 1 associated protein 1 8 2 2 08 226649_a hg133b kinase PANKI pantothenate kinase 1 0.79761 2.29854 7.59067 9.72E t 1 3 1 11 201489 a hg133a PPIF peptidylprolyl 0.90668 2.94622 5.91125 1.14E t isomerase F 3 6 07 (cyclophilin F) 201118_a hg133a PGD phosphogluconate 0.83590 2.58410 5.29958 1.63E t dehydrogenase 2 8 3 06 200737 a hg133a kinase PGK1 phosphoglycerate 0.97694 2.42424 7.09292 1.6113 t kinase 1 3 5 9 09 210145_a hg133a PLA2G4 phospholipase A2, 0.77379 2.18390 3.37111 1.24E t A group IVA (cytosolic, 6 4 9 03 calcium-dependent) 212694_s hgl33a PCCB propionyl Coenzyme 0.84617 2.00435 6.43952 1.42E _at A carboxylase, beta 9 3 08 polypeptide 202671 s hg133a PDXK pyridoxal(pyridoxine, 0.95228 3.06815 7.41908 3.83E at vitamin B6) kdnase 5 5 10 201251_a hg133a kinase PKM2 pyruvate kinase, 0.96197 2.86298 8.45881 3.24E t muscle 8 8 9 12 223471_a hg133b RAB3IP RAB3A interacting 0.75567 2.31144 5.50276 5.60E t protein (rabin3) 2 4 07 226021_a hg133b RDH1O retinol dehydrogenase 0.85223 2.78831 5.96772 8.96E t 10 (all-trans) 5 1 1 08 226576_a hg133b FAK ARHGA Rho GTPase 0.96107 2.34212 7.45797 4.72E t tyrosine P26 activating protein 26 9 3 5 10 kinases

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Fragmen Pathwa Pres. Fold t Name Array y Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value 217983_s hgl33a RNASE ribonuclease T2 0.99248 2.38032 4.42963 3.38E at T2 6 3 4 05 210715_s hg133a SPINT2 serine protease 0.77161 2.35723 7.32680 3.77E at inhibitor, Kunitz type, 2 2 5 10 2 201563_a hgl33a SORD sorbitol 0.97585 3.27216 5.66846 4.08E t dehydrogenase 1 3 07 203509 a hgl33a SORLI sortilin-related 0.94457 2.18248 7.46056 1.69F t receptor, L(DLR 3 10 class) A repeats containing 226560_a hgl33b SGPP2 sphingosine-l- 0.81284 2.74883 4.56543 2.631 t phosphate 4 1 05 phosphotase 2 200832 s hgl33a SCD stearoyl-CoA 0.83307 3.59758 6.72235 3.79E _at desaturase (delta-9- 6 3 2 09 desaturase) 33323r bgl33a SFN stratifin 0.95549 3.17475 4.01751 1.61E at 1 9 1 04 218763_a hg133a STX18 syntaxin 18 0.82967 2.36341 4.88610 6.37E t 2 5 1 06 226438_a hgl33b SNTB1 syntrophin, beta 1 0.79324 2.06194 6.459 1.18E t (dystrophin-associated 9 5 08 protein Al, 59kDa, basic component 1) 202589_a hgl33a TYMS thymidylate 0.91933 2.83563 5.83300 2.06E t synthetase; inhibitors: 2 1 3 07 5-fluorouracil, 5 fluoro-2-prime deoxyuridine, and some folate analogs 208699x hgl33a TKT transketolase 0.93339 2.88328 5.47284 9.20E at (Wernicke-Korsakoff 8 5 9 07 ____ syndrome) 209500x hgl33a endothe TNFSF1 tumor necrosis factor 0.87186 2.13230 8.88938 8.93E _at lial cell 2 (ligand) superfamily, 9 5 13 growth member 12 and migratio n 209500x hgl33a endothe TNFSF1 tumor necrosis factor 0.87186 2.13230 8.88938 8.93E: at lial cell 2- (ligand) superfamily, 9 5 13 growth TNFSF1 member 12-member and 3 13 migration n 209500x hgl33a endothe TNFSF1 tumor necrosis factor 0.87186 2.13230 8.88938 8.93E _at lial cell 3 (ligand) superfamily, 9 5 13 growth member 13 and migratio

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Fragmen Pathwa Pres. Fold tName Array y Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value 223502_s hg133b endothe TNFSF1 tumor necrosis factor 0.85243 2.09191 6.49004 1 17E at lial cell 3B (ligand) superfamily, 6 2 7 08 growth member 13b and migratio n 201688 s hgl33a TPD52 tumor protein D52 0.81213 2.21254 4.49645 2.71E at 9 2 05 202779_s hgl33a Ubiquiti UBE2S ubiquitin-conjugating 0.74322 2.25733 4.70535 1.35E _at n/proteo enzyme E2S 4 9 4 05 som 228498 a hgl33b B4GAL. UDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc 0.80425 2.36126 4.02384 1.46E t TI beta 1,4- 4 7 5 04 galactosyltransferase, polypeptide 1 218313_s hg133a GALNT UDP-N-acetyl-alpha- 0.90578 2.41445 6.44017 1.95E at 7 D- 8 2 08 galactosamine:polypep tide N acetylgalactosaminyltr ansferase 7 (GaINAc T7) 218807_a hgl33a VAV VAV3 vav 3 oncogene 0.92748 2.59107 6.28057 2.39E t oncogen 9 2 7 08 e; can enhance NFkB

[00100 TABLE XIV: PARPI Upregulated -Diff/X (Human); Name: Upregulated Lung Large Cell Carcinoma Primary (Minimum Fold Change: 2.0); Expa-iment: Lung, Large Cell Carcinoma, Primary; control: normal lung. Fragme Pathwa Pres. Fold p nt Name Array y Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score Value 209694 hg133a PTS 6- 0.9517 2.01595 3.56565 1.14E at pyruvoyltetrahydropter 66 8 02 in synthase 218987 hgl33a ATF7IP activating transcription 0.9949 2.02602 4.39367 4.37E at factor 7 interacting 26 1 1 03 protein 204348_ hgl33a Kinase AK3L1 adenylate kinase 3-like 0.7422 3.40229 3.60539 1.09E s at 1 61 5 6 02 204348_ hgl33a Kinase AK3L2 adenylate kinase 3-like 0.7422 3.40229 3.60539 1.09E s at 2 61 5 6 02 222416_ hgl33b ALDH1 aldehyde 0.7392 2.20449 6.01342 5.58E at 8A1 dehydrogenase 18 3 5 7 04 family, member Al 209186 hgl33a ATPase ATP2A2 ATPase, Ca++ 0.9992 2.40062 5.76612 9.37E at transporting, cardiac 94 5 6 04 muscle, slow twitch 2 213088_ hg133a DNAJC DnaJ (Hsp40) 0.9963 2.03862 4.29325 4.75E aat 9 homolog, subfamily C, 39 5 2 03 member 9 223531_ hgl33b GPCR GPR89 G protein-coupled 0.7776 2.62572 3.34812 1.52E x at receptor 89 81 8 3 02

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Fragme Pathwa Pres. Fold p ut Name Array y Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score Value 200807 hgl33a Heat HSPD1 heat shock60kDa 1 2.04829 3.61171 1.04E s at shock protein 1 (chaperonin) 9 2 02 proteins 200825_ hgl33a Hypoxi HYOUl hypoxia up-regulated 1 0.9842 2.04658 3.71184 9.64E S at a 7 8 03 200650 hgl33a LDHA lactate dehydrogenase 1 2.05337 4.71766 2.95E s at A 7 5 03 217871_ hg133a NFkB; MIF macrophage migration 0.9956 2.29048 6.48991 3.24E sat cell inhibitory factor 33 7 3 04 migrati (glycosylation on inhibiting factor) 203936 hg133a NFkB; MMP9 matrix 0.9952 2.57064 3.02243 1.33E s_at cell metalloproteinase 9 47 4 02 migrati (gelatinase B, 92kDa on gelatinase, 92kDa type IV collagenase) 226760 hg133b MBTPS membrane-bound 0.9721 2.02345 6.6453 4.36E at 2 transcription factor 51 8 04 protease, site 2 223577 hg133b MALAT metastasis associated 0.9700 2.29062 4.55710 3.52E x_at 1 lung adenocarcinoma 71 2 4 03 transcript 1 (non coding RNA) 201761_ hg133a MTHFD methylenetetrahydrofol 0.7529 2.47340 3.26241 1.66E at 2 ate dehydrogenase 22 3 1 02 (NADP+ dependent) 2, methenyltetrahydrofola te cyclohydrolase 202647_ hg133a Ras NRAS neuroblastoma RAS 0.8038 3.71824 3.99614 7.08E s-at oncoge viral (v-ras) oncogene 54 7 7 03 ne homolog 1 207239 hg133a Kinase PCTK1 PCTAIRE protein 0.9725 2.04925 3.17710 1.75E s at kinase 1 11 4 4 02 201489_ hgl33a PPIF peptidylprolyl 0.9066 2.00506 3.07033 1.92E at isomerase F 8 8 02 (cyclophilin F) 201037_ hgl33a PFKP phosphofructokinase, 0.9535 2.95219 6.01193 8.25E at platelet 65 9 2 04 201013_ hgl33a PAICS phosphoribosylaminoi 0.9937 3.00734 5.61620 1.08E s_at midazole carboxylase, 06 6 5 03 phosphoribosylaminoi midazole succinocarboxamide synthetase 202620 bg133a PLOD2 procollagen-lysine, 2- 0.8640 5.70353 4.19801 5.56E sat oxoglutarate 5- 33 6 4 03 dioxygenase 2 202243_ hgl33a proteos PSMB4 proteasome (prosome, 0.9989 2.12356 4.32683 4.77E sat ome macropain) subunit, 08 6 6 03 beta type, 4 226452 bgl33b kinase PDKI pyruvate 0.9507 3.23595 3.74306 9.07E at dehydrogenase kinase, 45 2 9 03 isoenzy ne 1 201251_ hgl33a PKM2 pyruvate kinase, 0.9619 2.02799 3.29022 1.60E at I muscle 78 7 02 222077_ hgl33a GTPase RACGA Rac GTPase activating 0.9551 3.44588 3.87503 7.97E s at pP1rotein 1 06 4 3 03

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Fragme Pathwa Pres. Fold p nt Name Array y Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score Value 202483 hgl33a Ras RANBP RAN binding protein 1 0.8384 2.22624 4.42549 3.79E s at family 1 71 9 7 03 200750_ hg133a Ras RAN RAN, member RAS 0.9987 2.20225 3.46107 1.32E s at family oncogene family 15 2 02 203209 hgl33a DNA RFC5 replication factor C 0.8656 2.21981 3.46123 1.29E at replicati (activator 1) 5, 39 7 7 02 on and 36.5kDa repair 202200 hg133a Kinase SRPK1 SFRS protein kinase 1 0.9962 2.19539 4.2174 5.28E s at 75 8 03 204675 hgl33a SRD5A steroid-5-alpha- 0.8138 3.18262 3.73399 9.30E at I reductase, alpha 09 1 2 03 polypeptide 1 (3-oxo-5 alpha-steroid delta 4 dehydrogenase alpha 1) 200822 hgl33a TPI1 triosephosphate 0.9995 2.39310 4.43654 4.13E x at isomerase 1 5 2 9 03 202779 bgl33a Ubiquiti UBE2S ubiquitin-cojugating 0.7432 2.75539 3.32349 1.14E s at n/ enzyme E2S 24 8 02 proteos ome

[00101] Table: XV: PARPI Upregulated - Diff/X (Human); Name: Upregulated Lymph Node Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma All Types (Minimum Fold Change: 2.0); Expa-iment: Lymph Node, Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, All Types; control: normal lymph node. Fragmen Pathwa Pres. Fold p t Name Array y Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score Value 229128 s hgl33b ANP32E acidic (leucine-rich) 0.8021 2.10118 7.541534 2.47E _at nuclear phosphoprotein 07 2 08 32 family, member E 226517_a hgl33b BCAT1 branched chain 0.7421 3.65367 7.113797 1.82E t aminotransferase 1, 15 6 10 cytosolic 204440_a hgl33a CD83 CD83 antigen 0.7350 3.27867 7.534241 3.08E t (activated B 67 10 lymphocytes, immunoglobulin superfamily) 218549s hg133a CGI-90 CGI-90 protein 0.9216 2.08208 8.812863 L.OIE at 44 2 12 202329_a hgl33a CSK c-src tyrosine kinase 0.8813 2.11870 7.436565 2.07E t 74 7 06 221482 s hgl33a ARPP- cyclic AMP 0.9833 2.04253 10.375835 2.15E _at tyrosine 19 phosphoprotein, 19 kD 65 3 09 kinase/ Src oncogen

208152_s hgl33a DDX21 DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala- 0.9899 2.41337 6.933367 5.76E _at Ap) box polypeptide 81 7 10 21 203302_a hgl33a Kinase DCK deoxycytidine kinase 0.9703 2.02234 6.294393 4.90E t 92 3 06

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Fragmen Pathwa Pres. Fold p tName Array y Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score Value 202534x hgl33a DHFR dihydrofolate 0.9836 2.09221 8.775685 4.05E at reductase; Inhibitors: A 87 3 10 variety of drugs act on dihydrofolate reductase: the antibiotic trimethoprim, the antimalarial drug pyrimethamine. the chemotherapeutic agents methotrexate and pemetrexed. Methotrexate, the first anticancer drug 216060_s hgl33a DAAM1 dishevelled associated 0.8749 2.19771 5.073686 2.53E at activator of 52 1 06 morphogenesis 1 221563 a hgl33a DUSP1O dual specificity 0.9274 2.26779 6.275085 9.39E t phosphatase 10 25 2 09 201347x hgl33a GRHPR glyoxylate 0.9983 3.07505 7.035188 2.99E at reductase/hydroxypyru 94 1 10 I __ I_ vate reductase 210658 a hgl33a GGA2 golgi associated, 0.8938 2.07984 7.290699 2.25E _at gamma adaptin ear 99 4 08 containing, ARF binding protein 2 204867_a hg133a GCHFR GTP cyclohydrolase I 0.8860 2.36141 8.427763 8.16E t feedback regulator 63 1 13 211015 s hgl33a Heat HSPA4 heat shock 70kDa 0.9378 2.11211 10.878284 3.95E at Shock protein 4 93 8 17 203284_s hgl33a HS2ST1 heparan sulfate 2-0- 0.8894 2.44897 8.098059 1.71E at sulfotransferase 1 03 6 12 201209_a hgl33a HDACl histone deacetylase 1 0.9078 2.03294 8.680717 6.30E t 36 3 10 202854_a hg133a purine HPRT1 hypoxanthine 0,9985 2.14966 8.608762 2.08E t metabol phosphoribosyltransfer 87 7 13 ism. ase 1 (Leasch-Nyhan syndrome) 201088 a hgl33a KPNA2 karyopherin alpha 2 0.9859 2.05836 6.377564 4.711 t (RAG cohort 1, 34 4 07 importin alpha 1) 203362 s hgl33a MAD2L MAD2 mitotic arrest 0.8088 2.90342 7.113883 4.12E at 1 deficient-like 1 (yeast) 63 9 09 222036s hg133a DNA MCM4 MCM4 0.8780 2.58619 8.023728 1.09E _at replicati minichromosome 35 2 10 on and maintenance deficient 4 preair (S. cerevisiae) 201298_s hgl33a MO3KI MOBI, Mps One 0.7964 2.01745 6.892692 6.63E at B Binder kinase 68 08 activator-like 1B (yeast) 209421_a hgl33a DNA MSH2 mutS homolog 2, colon 0.8079 2.42248 12.388963 4.82E t repair cancer, nonpolyposis 64 3 20 type 1 (E. coli) 218039_a hg133a NUSAP nucleolar and spindle 0.9209 3.00664 9.984665 1.08E t 1 associated protein 1 38 5 1 13

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Fragmen Pathwa Pres. Fold p t Name Array y Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score Value 200790_a hgl33a ODC1 ornithine decarboxylase 0.9346 2.32938 7.843458 1.01E t 1 82 6 08 204604_a hgl33a Kinase PFTK1 PFTAIRE protein 0.9093 2.03505 6.700944 2.63E t kinase 1 77 7 09 204613_a hgl33a PLCG2 phospholipase C, 0.9014 2.24489 7.816932 4.9013 t gamma 2 77 8 09 (phosphatidylinositol specific) 203537_a hgl33a PRPSAP phosphoribosyl 0.9677 2.07983 6.717364 9.39E t 2 pyrophosphate 59 8 09 synthetase-associated protein 2 216525x hgl33a PMS2L3 postmeiotic segregation 0.9729 2.02907 7.733492 1.501 at increased 2-like 3 61 5 08 201202_a hg133a DNA PCNA proliferating cell 0.9599 2.60118 10.287968 4.27E t repai nuclear antigen 87 1 16 213521_a hgl33a PTPN18 protein tyrosine 0.9612 2.28360 7.414702 4.041 t phosphatase, non- 07 7 10 receptor type 18 (brain derived) 222077_s hgl33a GTPase RACGA Rac GTPase activating 0.9551 2.69391 9.118326 1.07E at P1 protein 1 06 12 204207 s hgl33a RNGTT RNA 0.7630 3.40359 4.65097 1.05E _at guanylyltransferase and 06 4 05 5-phosphatase 202690_s hgl33a SNRPD smallnuclear 0.9927 2.08797 11.650476 i.SE _at 1 ribonucleoprotein D1 42 4 19 polypeptide l6kDa 202043_a hgl33a SMS spermine synthase 0.9918 2.19221 9.043032 7.16E at 43 14 223391_a hgl33b SGPP1 sphingosine-1- 0.8948 2.61817 8.021602 7.40E t phosphate phosphatase 46 2 12 1 220232_a hgl33a SCD4 stearoyl-CoA 0.9031 3.15900 5.788884 8.46E t desaturase 4 47 6 08 209306_s hgl33a SWAP7 SWAP-70 protein 0.9332 3.01450 9.573432 1.25E at 0 69 5 14 202816 s hgl33a SS18 synovial sarcoma 0.8836 2.17232 6.412457 9.87E _at translocation, 22 4 07 chromosome 18 239835_a hgl33b TA-KRP T-cell activation kelch 0.9408 2.33295 6.904923 1.091 t repeat protein 13 6 06 202589 a hgl33a TYMS thymidylate synthetase; 0.9193 2.42965 5.376319 1.64E t inhibitors: 5- 32 9 05 fluorouracil, 5-fluoro 2-prime-deoxyuridine, and some folate ______2 a__ analogs 203432_a hg133a TMPO thymopoietin 0.8149 2.17406 7.511561 6.57E t 65 4 08 207332_s hgl33a TFRC transferrin receptor 0.9879 2.74145 4.326887 3.801 at (p90, CD71) 9 8 05

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Fragmen Pathwa Pres. Fold p t Name Array y Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score Value 206907_a hgl33a BCL tumor 0.749775 Lymph 2.50816 6.238358 1.45E t oncogen necrosis Node, 2 08 e factor Non signalin (ligand) Hodgki g; superfa n's activati mily, Lymph on member oma, NFkB; 9 All endothe (TNFSF Types lial cell 9) migratio n; angioge nesis 202779_s hgl33a proteos UBE2S ubiquitin-conjugating 0.7432 2.89616 6.265012 3.96E at ome/ enzyme E2S 24 9 08 ubiquiti n 202625_a hgl33a yes LYN v-yes-i Yamaguchi 0.8290 2.18695 6.277163 9.49E t oncogen sarcoma viral related 3 7 06 e family oncogene homolog 1

[00102] TABLE XVI: PARP1 Upregulated - Diff/X (Human); Name: Upregulated Lymph Node Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma Diffuse Large B-Cell Type (Minimum Fold Change: 2.0); Experiment: Lymph Node, Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Diffuse Large B-Cell Type; control: normal lymph node, p Fragme Pathwa Pres. Fold t- Vain nt Name Array y Symbol Description Freq. Change Score e 232103_ hg133 BPNT1 3'(2'), 5'-bisphosphate 0.9002 2.27366 5.575 2.35E at b nucleotidase 1 82 893 -06 208758_ hg133a ATIC 5-aminoimidazole-4- 0.9864 2.11538 9.408 1.25E at carboxamide 48 1 25 -11 ribonucleotide formyltransferase/IMP cyclohydrolase 204998_ hgl33a ATFS activating 0.9712 2.61182 4.157 1.89E s at transcription factor 5 27 4 188 -04 202502_ hgl33a ACAD acyl-Coenzyme A 0.9942 2.31816 5.870 9.65E at M dehydrogenase, C-4 to 2 6 059 -07 C-12 straight chain 225421_ hg133 ACYlL aminoacylase 1-like 2 0.8909 2.00870 3.205 2.95E at b 2 54 9 156 -03 203140_ hgl33a BCL BCL6 B-cell CL1l1ymphoma 0.9611 2.04362 4.175 1.57E at oncoge 6 (zinc finger protein 43 4 383 -04 ne 51) 209406 hgl33a BCL BAG2 BCL2-associated 0.7606 2.09645 6.547 5.36E at oncoge athanogene 2 29 9 377 -07 ne 226517 hg133 BCATl branched chain 0.7421 5.31500 5.901 1 41E at b aminotransferase 1, 15 9 769 -06 cytosolic 210563 hg133a CFLAR CASP8 and FADD- 0.8593 2.04571 3.223 2.63E x_at like apoptosis 45 3 637 -03 regulator 1 204440 hgl33a CD83 CD83 antigen 0.7350 3.38878 6.321 168E

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P Fragme Pathwa Pres. Fold t- Valu nt Name Array y Symbol Description Freq. Change Score e at (activated B 67 6 404 -07 lymphocytes, immunoglobulin superfamily) 201897 hg133a kinase CKS1B CDC28 proteinkinase 0.7615 2.63365 8.101 1.54E s at I regulatory subunit 1B 93 1 701 -09 209057 hgl33a Polo- CDC5L CDC5 cell division 0.9633 2.01015 2.966 5.26E x_at like cycle 5-like (S. 27 9 092 -03 kinase pombe) 225082 hg133 CPSF3 cleavage and 0.9359 2.07084 6.850 3.64E at b polyadenylation 15 4 072 -08 specific factor 3, 73kDa 202697 hgl33a CPSF5 cleavage and 0.9198 2.27311 6.953 2.19E at polyadenylation 46 4 357 -08 specific factor 5, 25 kDa 202469_ hgl33a CPSF6 cleavage and 0.9932 2.27520 11.82 1.27E sat polyadenylation 56 3 4529 -14 specific factor 6, 68kDa 208910 hgl33a ClQBP complement 0.9716 2.72621 7.762 2.13E s~at component 1, q 12 9 402 -09 subcomponent binding protein 218260 hgl33a PCIAl cross-immune reaction 0.7646 2.07687 5.537 2.11E at antigenPCIAl 76 5 493 -06 202329 hgl33a c-src CSK c-src tyrosine kinase 0.8813 2.25283 6.718 2.80E at tyrosine 74 3 699 -07 kinase 1 221482 hgl33a ARPP- cyclic AMP 0.9833 2.10086 8.192 1.08E s at 19 phosphoprotein, 19 kD 65 9 24 -09 202246 hg133a cyclin- CDK4 cyclin-dependent 0.9245 2.05439 7.848 2.60E sat depende kinase 4 34 9 799 -09 nt kinase 4 202534_ hgl33a DHFR dihydrofolate 0.9836 2.57149 8.370 2.51E x_at reductase; inhibitors: 87 1 235 -10 A variety of drugs act on dihydrofolate reductase 213149_ hgl33a DLAT dihydrolipoamide S- 0.8517 2.15678 5.806 1.08E at acetyltransferase (E2 66 3 236 -06 component of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex); inhibitor: the antibiotic trimethoprim 218435_ hg133a DNAJD DnaJ(Hsp4O) 0.8858 2.04861 6.031 7.43E at 1 homolog, subfamily 7 1 258 -07 D, member 1; inhibitor: the antimalarial drug pyrimethamine 221563 hgl33a DUSPI dual specificity 0.9274 2.64339 4.783 3.40E

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P Fragme Pathwa Pres. Fold t- Vain nt Name Array y Symbol Description Freq. Change Score e at 0 phosphatase 10; 25 5 932 -05 inhibitors: the chemotherapeutic agents methotrexate and pemetrexed. Methotrexate, the first anticancer drug 217294 hgl33a ENO1 enolase 1, (alpha) 0.9328 2.49958 6.017 5.40E s at 84 7 4 -07 215438 hgl33a GSPT1 GI to S phase 0.8427 2.13890 5.033 1.45E xat transition 1 1 6 073 -05 218350 hgl33a GMNN geminin, DNA 0.9623 2.61791 7.116 1.33E aat replication inhibitor 64 2 693 -08 208308_ hgl33a GPI glucose phosphate 0.9987 2.02091 6.415 1.25E saat isomerase 15 4 779 -07 214864 hgl33a GRHPR glyoxylate 0.9873 3.42969 5.190 L.08E sat reductase/hydroxypyr 47 5 155 -05 uvate reductase 218239 hgl33a GTPBP GTP binding protein 4 0.9921 2.04225 6.813 4.54E sat 4 4 646 -08 204867 hgl33a GCHFR GTP cyclohydrolase I 0.8860 2.55308 4.812 2.97E at feedback regulator 63 4 134 -05 206976_ hgl33a Heat HSPH1 heat shock 0.9980 2.32660 5.286 4.79E sat shock 105kDa/1lOkDa 09 8 037 -06 protein 1 205133_ hgl33a Heat HSPE1 heat shock l0kDa 0.9981 2.33007 8.224 5.08E sat shock protein 1 (chaperonin 37 7 263 -10 10) 200806_ hgl33a Heat HSPD1 heat shock 60kDa 0.9703 2.63950 8.787 1.O1E s_at shock protein 1 (chaperonin) 28 1 148 -10 211015_ hgl33a Heat HSPA4 heat shock 70kDa 0.9378 2.64026 9.059 8.80E s_at shock protein 4 93 5 092 -11 211968_ hg133a Heat HSPCA heat shock 90kDa 0.9990 2.20107 7.324 7.04E aat shock protein 1, alpha 37 7 727 -09 214359_ hgl33a Heat HSPCB heat shock 90kDa 0.9768 2.29799 7.633 2.72E sat shock protein 1, beta 14 3 586 -09 203284_ hgl33a HS2ST heparan sulfate 2-0- 0.8894 2.57044 5.348 7.19E s at 1 sulfotransferase 1 03 845 -06 201209_ hgl33a HDAC1 histone deacetylase 1; 0.9078 2.14178 6.055 4.OOE at inhibitor: Vorinostat; 36 4 195 -07 trichostatin A 206445_ hgl33a HRMT HMT1 hnRNP 0.7522 2.01212 6.295 1.98E s at 1L2 methyltransferase-like 8 1 004 -07 2 (S. cerevisiae) 202854 hgl33a HPRTI hypoxanthine 0.9985 3.01006 7.539 9.93E at phosphoribosyltransfe 87 5 891 -09 rase 1 (Lesch-Nyhan syndrome)

-67 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750.601 WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

P Fragme Pathwa Pres. Fold t- Valu nt Name Array y Symbol Description Fre Chane Score e 218507 hgl33a Hypoxi HIG2 hypoxia-inducible 0.8543 2.37138 2.698 1.10E at _ a protein 2 35 8 295 -02 201625 hgl33a INSIG1 insulin induced gene 1 0.7403 2.23437 3.320 1.97E s at 98 9 509 -03 200650 hg133a LDHA lactate dehydrogenase 1 2.07996 7.055 2.30E s at A 8 -08 203362 hgl33a MAD2 MAD2 mitotic arrest 0.8088 4.23640 6.760 5.52E s at Li deficient-like 1 (yeast) 63 9 406 -08 227416 hg133 MADP- MADP-1 protein 0.9116 2.04107 5.036 2.43E s at b 1 23 9 759 -05 222393 hg133 MAK3 Mak3 homolog (S. 0.7803 2.02247 4.870 1.81E a at b cerevisiae) 65 9 21 -05 200978 hgl33a MDH1 malate dehydrogenase 0.9924 2.00186 4.090 2.56E at 1, NAD (soluble) 86 9 009 -04 209036 hgl33a MDH2 malate dehydrogenase 0.9988 2.08905 6.927 7.14E s_at 2, NAD 44 6 699 -08

_ _ (mitochondrial) 210153_ hgl33a ME2 malic enzyme 2, 0.7682 2.14724 5.015 1.20E sat NAD(+)-dependent, 08 8 695 -05 mitochondrial 218163_ hg133a MCTS1 malignant T cell 0.9377 2.56009 8.047 1.27E at amplified sequence 1 65 2 262 -09 218205 hg133a MAP MKNK MAP kinase 1 2.08541 5.098 8.96E sat kinase 2 interacting 6 583 -06 serine/threonine kinase 2 222036_ hg133a DNA MCM4 MCM4 0.8780 3.79355 8.602 1.81E sat replicati minichromosome 35 9 283 -10 on and maintenance deficient repair 4 (S. cerevisiae) 209861_ hgl33a META methionyl 0.9678 2.25825 4.764 3.71E s at P2 aminopeptidase 2 23 3 057 -05 201761_ hgl33a MTHF methylenetetrahydrofo 0.7529 2.89420 8.648 1.39E at D2 late dehydrogenase 22 5 312 -10 (NADP+ dependent) 2, methenyltetrahydrofol ate cyclohydrolase 201298_ hgl33a MOBK MOB1, Mps One 0.7964 2.54034 6.332 1.69E aat 1B Binder kinase 68 5 088 -07 activator-like lB (yeast) 201299 hgl33a MOBK MOBI, Mps One 0.7842 2.13681 6.506 2.07E s_at lB Binder kinase 9 549 -07 activator-like 1B (yeast) 209421 hg133a DNA MSH2 mutS homolog 2, 0.8079 2.95264 8.832 2.01E at repair colon cancer, 64 5 279 -10 nonpolyposis type 1 (E. coli) 223158_ hg133 Kinase NEK6 NIMA (never in 0.8176 2.15408 3.415 1.58E s at b mitosis gene a)-related 75 8 394 -03 kinase 6 201577 hgl33a NME1 non-metastatic cells 1, 0.9975 2.49250 7.561 3.57E at protein (NM23A) 59 3 599 -09 expressed in

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P Fragme Pathwa Pres. Fold t- Valu nt Name Array y Symbol Description Freq. Change Score e 218039 hgl33a NUSAP nucleolar and spindle 0.9209 3.94954 9.027 5.01E at 1 associated protein 1 38 74 -11 226287 hg133 NY- NY-REN-41 antigen 0.9671 2.28099 6.410 1.37E at b REN-41 19 2 836 -07 200790 hgl33a ODC1 ornithine 0.9346 2.80965 7.232 9.01E at decarboxylase 1 82 7 717 -09 201037 hgl33a PFKP phosphofructokinase, 0.9535 2.10815 6.031 4.28E at platelet 65 3 325 -07 217356 hg133a Kinase PGKI phosphoglycerate 0.9512 2.69453 7.540 8.29E s at kinase 1 52 3 861 -09 204613_ hgl33a PLCG2 phospholipase C, 0.9014 2.60876 5.642 l.64E at gamma 2 77 5 482 -06 (phosphatidylinositol specific) 203537 hgl33a PRPSA phosphoribosyl 0.9677 2.37437 5.198 7.21E at P2 pyrophosphate 59 1 686 -06 synthetase-associated protein 2 201013 hg133a PAICS phosphoribosylaminoi 0.9937 2.76459 6.316 3.39E a_at midazole carboxylase, 06 5 633 -07 phosphoribosylaminoi midazole succinocarboxamide synthetase 210317_ hgl33a PAFAH platelet-activating 0.9501 2.05200 5.393 3.35E sat IBI factor acetylhydrolase, 61 6 679 -06 isoform Ib, alpha subunit 45kDa 201202 hgl33a DNA PCNA proliferating cell 0.9599 3.49878 8.773 2.13E at repair nuclear antigen 87 3 777 -10 201317_ hgl33a Proteos PSMA2 proteasome (prosome, 0.9992 2.03700 7.692 2.08E sat ome macropain) subunit, 29 5 206 -09 alpha type, 2 1_1_ 202732_ hg133a Protein PKIG protein Idnase (cAMP- 0.9053 2.07742 7.565 3.16E at Kinase dependent, catalytic) 95 8 193 -09 inhibitor gamma 218236 hgl33a Protein PRKD3 proteinkinaseD3 0.9784 2.20809 4.134 2.12E s at Kinase _ 2 2 563 -04 208694_ hgl33a Protein PRKDC protein kinase, DNA- 0.9765 2.12599 6.409 2.08E at Kinase activated, catalytic 57 2 797 -07 Spolypeptide 1 213521 hgl33a PTPN1 protein tyrosine 0.9612 2.21903 4.830 2.18E at 8 phosphatase, non- 07 7 44 -05 receptor type 18 (brain-derived) 201251_ hgl33a PKM2 pyruvate kinase, 0.9619 2.65029 7.798 2.56E at muscle 78 5 557 -09 222077 hgl33a Rac RACG Rae GTPase activating 0.9551 3.58066 8.006 1.27E sat GTPase API protein 1 06 2 371 -09 pathwa Iy 200750 hgl33a Ras RAN RAN, member RAS 0.9987 2.57798 9.662 5.48E sat pathwa oncogene family 15 9 825 -12 y 212590 hgl33a Ras RRAS2 related RAS viral (r- 0.7848 2.54005 5.076 1.12E at _ _ pathwa _ ras) oncogene 43 5 458 -05 -69 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750.601 WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

P Fragme Pathwa Pres. Fold t- Vail nt Name Array y Symbol Description Freq. Change Score e

___ y homolog 2 204127 hgl33a DNA RFC3 replication factor C 0.9057 3.03770 6.623 1.14E at repair (activator 1) 3, 38kDa 8 2 896 -07 204023 hg133a DNA RFC4 replication factor C 0.8216 2.37939 7.129 1.34E at repair (activator 1) 4, 37kDa 44 9 607 -08 201092_ hgl33a RBBP7 retinoblastoma 0.9995 2.04814 6.219 5.31E at binding protein 7 5 6 347 -07 203344_ hgl33a RBBP8 retinoblastoma 0.9312 2.24145 5.534 2.13E s at binding protein 8 78 8 298 -06 200903 hgl33a AHCY S- 0.9943 2.04752 6.659 5.72E sat adenosylhomocysteine 48 3 386 -08 1_ _hydrolase 202591 hg133a DNA SSBP1 single-stranded DNA 0.9982 2.12492 9.268 1.92E aat replicati binding protein 1 02 4 389 -11 on and repair 201664 hgl33a SMC4L SMC4 structural 0.9759 2.31291 7.005 1.98E at 1 maintenance of 15 6 807 -08 chromosomes 4-like 1 (yeast) 202043_ hgl33a SMS spermine synthase 0.9918 2.91797 7.789 3.81E s at 43 1 894 -09 223391_ hg133 SGPP1 sphingosine-l- 0.8948 2.27020 3.932 3.64E at b phosphate phosphatase 46 7 6 -04 1 225639 hg133 SRC SCAP2 sre family associated 0.8452 2.44677 5.890 6.78E at b oncoge phosphoprotein 2 56 9 024 -07 ne pathwa

209306 hgl33a SWAP7 SWAP-70 protein 0.9332 3.14576 6.365 2.09E s at 0 69 8 967 -07 201075_ hg133a SMAR SWI/SNF related, 0.9671 2.29916 6.431 1.82E sat Ccl matrix associated, 16 7 725 -07 actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily c, member I 202816 hgl33a SS18 synovial sarcoma 0.8836 2.65939 6.420 1.35E s_at translocation, 22 7 228 -07 chromosome 18 214205_ hgl33a TXNL2 thioredoxin-like 2 0.7755 3.36799 6.697 5.84E x at 3 244 -08 202589_ hgl33a TYMS thymidylate 0,9193 3.43694 6.272 2.1OE at synthetase; inhibitors: 32 5 954 -07 5-fluorouracil, 5 fluoro-2-prime deoxyuridine, and some folate analogs 204529_ hgl33a TOX high mobility 0.8416 4.41423 6.151 6.54E $-at group box protein 83 9 787 -07 TOX 204033_ hgl33a TRIP13 thyroid hormone 0.7920 2.18015 6.682 1.49E at receptor interactor 13 36 9 497 -07 221428 hgl33a TBL1X transducin (beta)-like 0.8967 2.02336 4.434 8.30E a at R1 I 1X-linkedreceptor 1 24 2 993 -05 -70 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750.601 WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

P Fragme Pathwa Pres. Fold t- Valu nt Name Array y Symbol Description Freq. Change Score e 208691 hgl33a TFRC transferrin receptor 0.9992 4.25834 4.857 2.50E at _ (p90, CD71) 29 8 726 -05 207332 hgl33a TFRC transferrinreceptor 0.9879 5.03852 4.381 1.13E s at (p90, CD71) 9 4 443 -04 208699 hgl33a TKT transketolase 0.9333 2.29024 5.493 2.79E x_at (Wernicke-Korsakoff 98 1 482 -06

_ syndrome) 213011_ hg133a TPI1 triosephosphate 0.9992 2.38256 8.021 7.91E a at isomerase 1 94 6 939 -10 206907 hg133a NFkB TNFSF tumor necrosis factor 0.7497 2.46512 6.720 4.61E at pathwa 9 (ligand) superfamily, 75 9 029 -08 yMember 9 210317_ hgl33a YWHA tyrosine 3- 0.9501 2.05200 5.393 3.35E s_at E monooxygenase/trypto 61 6 679 -06 phan 5 monooxygenase activation protein, epsilon polypeptide 219960_ hg133a ubiquiti UCHL5 ubiquitin carboxyl- 0.9238 2.07880 6.135 3.51E sat n/ terminal hydrolase L5 28 4 742 -07 proteos ome pathwa y 230623_ hg133 ubiquiti USP28 ubiquitin specific 0.9417 2.32310 6.865 3.44E x_at b n/ protease 28 53 4 617 -08 proteos oine pathwa y 201898_ hgl33a ubiquiti UBE2A ubiquitin-conjugating 0.8725 2.28755 6.822 3.37E skat n/ enzyme E2A (RAD6 11 2 285 -08 proteos homolog) ome pathwa Iy 201343_ hgl33a ubiquiti UBE2D ubiquitin-conjugating 0.9980 2.02434 10.00 1.91E at n/ 2 enzyme E2D 2 73 5 7018 -12 proteos (UBC4/5 homolog, ome yeast) pathwa y 209142_ hg133a ubiquiti UBE2G ubiquitin-conjugating 0.9746 2.40452 6.683 6.55E sat n/ 1 enzyme E2G (UBC7 95 2 438 -08 proteos homolog, C. elegans) ome pathwa y 202779_ hgl33a ubiquiti UBE2S ubiquitin-conjugating 0.7432 4.52766 6.200 3.69E sat n/ enzyme E2S 24 9 439 -07 proteos ome pathwa y 221514 hgl33a UTP14 UTP14, U3 small 0.7743 2.00382 7.884 1.45E at A nucleolar 74 4 918 -09

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P Fragme Pathwa Pres. Fold t- Valu nt Name Array y Symbol Description Freq. Change Score e ribonucleoprotein, homolog A (yeast) 214435 hgl33a Ral RALA v-ral simian leukemia 0.9738 2.64515 7.292 9.48E x-at oncoge viral oncogene 6 3 861 -09 ne homolog A (ras pathwa related) 210754 hgl33a Lyn LYN v-yes-I Yamaguchi 0.7777 2.24531 4.683 3.25E sat oncoge sarcoma viral related 14 368 -05 ne oncogene homolog pathwa y [00103] TABLE XVH: PARPI Upregulated - Diff/X (Human); Name: Upregulated Ovary Mullerian Mixed Tumor Primary (Minimum Fold Change: 2.0); experiment Ovary, Mullerian Mixed Tumor, Primary; control: normal ovary. Fragme nt Pathwa Pres. Fold Name Array y Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value 218102_ hg133 DERA 2-deoxyribose-5- 0.98265 2.26123 3.73588 1.86E at a phosphate aldolase 9 9 02 homolog (C. elegant) 212312 hg133 BCL2L1 BCL2-like 1 0.90886 2.56306 6.45777 2,56H at a 1 _ 1_3 1 03 201897_ hg133 CKSIB CDC28proteinkinase 0.76159 3.50710 3.84268 1.831 s at a regulatorysubunitlB 3 5 4 02 224516 hg133 CXXC5 CXXC finger 5 0.93276 4.13541 4.95306 7.06E s at b 1 1 7 03 202532 hg133 DHFR dihydrofolate reductase; 0.87341 2.07698 3.95417 1.51E aat a inhibitors: A variety of 8 02 drugs act on dihydrofolate reductase:the antibiotic trimethoprim, the antimalarial drug pyrimethamine; the chemotherapeutic agents methotrexate and 1 pemetrexed 223054_ hg133 DNAJB DnaJ (Hsp4O) homolog, 0.98718 2.42004 8.13351 8.94E at b 11 subfamily B, member 11 3 7 5 04 221782 hg133 DNAJC DnaJ(Hsp4O)homolog, 0.90346 2.00827 3.81151 1.74E at a 10 subfamily C, member 10 8 2 8 02 201231_ hg133 ENO1 enolase 1, (alpha) 0.99974 3.41987 6.20317 3.20E, s at a 3 03 225764 hg133 TEL ETV6 ets variant gene 6 (TEL 0.74513 2.31313 3.67831 1.98E at b oncogen oncogene) 5 1 6 02 e 205661 hg133 PP591 FAD-synthetase 0.98856 2.31234 3.99912 1.55E s at a_8 2 02 200697_ hg133 Kinase HK1 hexokinase 1 0.85928 2.43552 4.50587 1.02E at a 1 5 7 02

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Fragme nt Pathwa Pres. Fold Name Array y Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score p-Value 210046 hg133 IDH2 isocitrate dehydrogenase 0.97103 5.45536 4.96145 7.47E sat a 2 (NADP+), 4 1 5 03 mitochondrial 226039_ hg133 MGAT4 mannosyl (alpha-1,3-)- 0.78184 2.15383 4.22353 1.17E at b A glycoprotein beta-1,4-N- 1 9 4 02 acetylglucosaminyltransf erase, isoenzyme A 222036 bg133 DNA MCM4 MCM4 minichromosome 0.87803 3.83815 4A6060 1.1OE sat a replicati maintenance deficient 4 5 6 4 02 ion (S. cerevisiae) 209421_ hg133 DNA MSH2 mutS homolog 2, colon 0.80796 2.10531 3.83079 1.77E at a repair cancer, nonpolyposis 4 6 1 02 type 1 (E. coli) 235113 bg133 PPIL5 peptidylprolylisomerase 0.88733 2.30415 5.64142 4.40E at b (cyclophilin)-like 5 1 5 8 03 212296 bg133 proteoso PSMD1 proteasome (prosome, 0.99723 2.43558 5.00950 6.80E at a me 4 macropain) 26S subunit, 8 2 6 03 non-ATPase, 14 200846 bg133 RAS PPP1CA protein phosphatase 1, 0.92992 2.93364 3.80345 1.80E s at a oncogen catalytic subunit, alpha 9 4 3 02 ec family isoform 200750_ hg133 RAN RAN, memberRAS 0.99871 2.68870 5.61958 4.50E s at a oncogene family 5 2 5 03 212724_ hg133 GTPase RND3 Rho family GTPase 3 0.85157 3.55359 5.22617 5.96E at a 4 6 03 35666_a hg133 SEMA3 sema domain, 0.92267 2.07083 8.12079 5.31E t a F immunoglobulin domain 2 6 7 04 (Ig), short basic domain, secreted, (semaphorin) I 13F 203761_ hg133 SLA Src-like-adaptor 0.73519 2.38418 3.87583 1.67F, at a 6 7 5 02 213011_ bg133 TPI1 triosephosphate 0.99929 3.04803 6.17547 3.30F s at a isomerase 1 4 9 4 03

[00104] TABLE XVIH: PARPI Upregulated - Diff/X (Human); Name: Upregulated Breast Infiltrating Duct Carcinoma (Minimum Fold Change: 2.0); Experiment: Breast, Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma, Primary; Control: normal breast Pathwa Fragm y/ ent Arra phenot Pres. Fold p Name y ype Symbol Description Fre. Change t-Score Value 21165 hg13 CEACA carcinoembryonic 0.74 6.1995 6.5377 6.01 7_at 3a M6 antigen-related cell 10 adhesion molecule 6 (non-specific cross reacting antigen) 20076 hg13 protease CTSD cathepsinD 0.931 2.2859 5.2277 4.12E 6_at 3a s (lysosomal aspartyl 2 07 protest) 22709 hg13 DHTKD1 dehydrogenase El 0.939 2.0672 10.846 1.76E 4_at 3h and transketolase 22 domain containing 1 22262 hg13 DNAJCI DnaJ (Hsp40) 0.955 2.0212 8.9955 1.49E

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Pathway Fragm y/ ent Arra phenot Pres. Fold p Name y ype Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score Value 1_at 3b homolog, subfamily 8 16 C, member 1 20221 hg13 fatty FADS2 fatty acid desaturase 0.826 2.4369 6.8339 7.37E 8 s at 3a acid 2 1 11 20064 hg13 GLUL glutamate-ammonia 0.789 2.0113 5.2625 3.34E 8_aat 3a ligase (glutamine 7 07 synthase) 20184 hg13 Heat HSPB1 heat shock 27kDa 0.923 2.3522 7.7652 2.661 1 s at 3a shock protein 1 9 13 20374 hg13 HMGB3 high-mobility group 0.958 2.4051 8.5133 2.85E 4 at 3a box3 8 15 20548 hg13 G1P2 interferon, alpha- 0.934 4.0425 8.4916 2.35E 3_s at 3a inducible protein 2 15 (clone IFI-15K) 20241 hgl3 IFI27 interferon, alpha- 0.820 2.455 6.7691 1.17E 1 at 3a inducible protein 27 2 10 20108 hg13 KPNA2 karyopherin alpha 2 0.985 2.0066 7.1665 1.78E 8_at 3a (RAG cohort 1, 9 11 importin alpha 1) 20393 hg13 Angiog MMP9 matrix 0.995 2.1574 2.9646 3.51E 6_ sat 3a enesis metalloproteinase 9 2 03 and (gelatinase B, NFkB 92kDa gelatinase, target 92kDa type IV collagenase) 22203 hg13 DNA MCM4 MCM4 0.878 2.0262 8.3579 7.90E 6_s_at 3a Replicat minichromosome 15 ion maintenance deficient 4 (S. cerevisiae) 22456 hg13 MALAT1 metastasis 0.942 2.1521 5.1355 6.45E 7_x-at 3b associated lung 6 07 adenocarcinoma transcript 1 (non coding RNA) 20784 hg13 MUC1 mucin 1, 0.858 2.1904 6.2332 2.13E 7 s at 3a transmembrane 7 09 20208 hg13 MX1 myxo-virus 0.868 2.0896 5.7521 3.O1E 6_at 3a (influenza virus) 08 resistance 1, interferon-inducible protein p78 (mouse) 21444 hg13 NATI N-acetyltransferase 0.974 4.1277 6.9037 4.95E 0_at 3a I (arylamie N- 8 11 acetyltransferase) 22935 hg13 Casein NUCKS nuclear ubiquitous 0.958 2.1043 7.816 1.83E 3_saat 3b Kinase casein kinase and 5 13 cyclin-dependent _ kinase substrate 21803 hg13 NUSAPI nucleolar and 0.920 2.693 9.815 1.81E 9_at 3a spindle associated 9 18 ______protein 1 21000 hg13 OLR1 oxidized low density 0.890 2.0584 8.6672 3.60E 4_at 3a lipoprotein (lectin- 8 15 ______like) receptor 1 ___

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Pathwa Fragm y/ ent Arra phenot Pres. Fold p Name y ype Symbol Description Freq. Change t-Score Value 21830 hg13 PSENEN presenilin enhancer 0.870 2.0147 11.65 1.90E 2_at 3a 2 homolog (C. 1 24 elegans) 21776 hg13 Ras RAB31 RAB31, member 0.802 3.1113 7.8645 2.02E 3_s at 3a RAS oncogene 5 13 family 20987 hg13 SPPl secreted 0.796 2.8649 7.5204 1.72E 5_sat 3a phosphoprotein 1 3 12 (osteopontin, bone sialoprotein I, early T-lymphocyte activation 1) 20156 hg13 SORD sorbitol 0.975 2.4665 8.8312 2.49E 3 at 3a dehydrogenase 9 16 20921 hgl3 SQLE squalene epoxidase 0.995 2.2077 5.8463 5.50E 8 at 3a 6 08 21797 hg13 TSPAN13 tetraspanin 13 0.973 2.0879 9.6982 7.05E 9 at 3a 7 19 36936 hgl3 TSTA3 tissue specific 0.974 2.2268 13.076 2.09E _at 3a transplantation 1 29 antigen P35B 20168 hg13 TPD52 tumor protein D52 0.812 2.3836 8.7569 5.04E 8 s at 3a 1 16 20277 hg13 ubiquiti UBE2S ubiquitin- 0.743 2.7685 6.5763 3.86E 9_s at 3a nt- conjugating enzyme 2 10 proteas E2S ome

Techniques for Anaysis PfDifferentiafy Expressed Genes [001051 Analysis of co-regulated expressed genes includes analysis of PARP gene expression, and all genes differentially expressed in human tumor tissues, including IGFI, IGF2, IGFR, EGFR, mdm2, Bc12, ETS1, 5 MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, uPA, DHFR, TYMS, NFKB, IKK, REL, RELA, RELB, IRAKl, VAV3, AURKA, ERBB3, MIF, VEGF, CDK1, CDK2, CDK9, farnesyl transferase, UBE2A, UBE2D2, UBE2G1, USP28 or UBE2S, which may include an analysis of DNA, RNA, analysis of the level of the co-regulated genes and/or analysis of the activity of protein product of the co-regulated genes, for example, measuring the level of mono- and poly-ADP-ribosylation for PARP gene expression, or enzymatic activity of other co 10 regulated genes coding for enzymes. Other co-differentially expressed genes may also include without limitation IGFl, IGF2, IGFR, EGFR, mdm2, Bcl2, ETS1, MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, uPA, DHFR, TYMS, NFKB, IKK, REL, RELA, RELB, IRAK1, VAV3, AURKA, ERBB3, MIF, VEGF, CDK1, CDK2, CDK9, famesyl transferase, UBE2A, UBE2D2, UBE2G1, USP28, UBE2S, ABCC1, ABCC5, ABCD4, ACADM, ACLSL1, ACSL3, ACYIL2, ADM, ADRMI, AGPAT5, AHCY, AK3Ll, AK3L2, AKIIP, AKR1B1, 15 AKR1CI, AKRlC2, AKRIC3, ALDH18A1, ALDOA, ALOX5, ALPL, ANP32E, AOF1, APG5L, ARFGEFI, ARL5, ARPP-19, ASPH, ATF5, ATF7IP, ATIC, ATP11A, ATP1IC, ATP1Al, AlPlB1, ATP2A2, ATPSG3, ATP5J2, ATP6VOB, B3GNT1, B4GALT2, BACE2, BACH, BAG2, BASP1, BCAT1, BCL2L1, BCL6, BGN, BPNT1, C1QBP, CACNB3, CAMK2D, CAP2, CCAR1, CD109, CD24, CD44, CD47, CD58, CD74, CD83, CD9, CDC14B, CDC42EP4, CDC5L, CDK4, CDK6, CDS1, CDW92,

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CEACAM6, CELSR2, CFLAR, CGI-90, CHST6, CHSY1, CKLFSF4, CKLFSF6, CKSIB, CMKORI, CNDP2, CPD, CPE, CPSF3, CPSF5, CPSF6, CPT1B, CRR9, CSH2, CSK, CSNK2A1, CSPG2, CTPSCTSB, CTSD, CXADR, CXCR4, CXXC5, CXXC6, DAAM1, DCK, DDAH1, DDIT4, DDR1, DDX21, DDX39, DHTKD1, DLAT, DNAJA1, DNAJB11, DNAJCI, DNAJC1O, DNAJC9, DNAJD1, 5 DUSP1O, DUSP24, DUSP6, DVL3, ELOVL6, EMEl, ENO1, ENPP4, EPS8, ETNK1, ETV6, Fl IR, FA2H, FABP5, FADS2, FAS, FBXO45, FBXO7, FLJ23091, FTL, FTLLl, FZD6,G1P2, GALNT2, GALNT4, GALNT7, GANAB, GART, GBAS, GCHFR, GCLC, GCLM, GCNT1, GFPTi, GGA2, GGH, GLUL, GMNN, GMPS, GPI, GPR56, GPR89, GPX1, GRBIO, GRHPR, GSPT1, GSR, GTPBP4, HDAC1, HDGF, HIG2, HMGB3, HPRT1, HPS5, HRMT1L2, HS2ST1, HSPA4, HSPA8, HSPBl, HSPCA, HSPCAL3, 10 HSPCB, HSPDL, HSPEl, HSPH1, HTATIP2, HYOU1, ICMT, IDE, IDH2, IF127, IGFBP3, IGSF4, ILF2, INPP5F, INSIG1, KHSRP, KLF4, KMO, KPNA2, KTN1, LAP3, LASS2, LDHA, LDHB, LGR4, LPGAT1, LTB4DH, LYN, MAD2Ll, MADP-1, MAGED1, MAK3, MALATI, MAP2K3, MAP2K6, MAP3K13, MAP4K4, MAPK13, MARCKS, MBTPS2, MCM4, MCTS1, MDH1, MDH2, ME1, ME2, METAP2, METL2, MGAT4B, MKNK2. MLPH, MOBKl, MOBKL1A, MSH2, MTHFD2, MUC1, MX1, MYCBP, 15 NAJD1, NAT1, NBS1, NDFIP2, NEK6, NETi, NME1, NNT, NQO1, NRAS, NSE2, NUCKS, NUSAP1, NY-REN-41, ODC, OLRl, P4HB, PAFAHIB1, PAICS, PANKI, PCIAl, PCNA, PCTK1, PDAP1, PDIA4, PDIA6, PDXK, PERP, PFKP, PFTK1, PGD, PGK1, PGM2Ll, PHCA, PKIG, PKM2, PKP4, PLA2G4A, PLCB1, PLCG2, PLD3, PLOD1, PLOD2, PMS2L3, PNK1, PNPT1, PON2, PP, PPIF, PPPICA, PPP2R4, PPP3CA, PRCC, PRKD3, PRKDC, PRPSAP2, PSATI, PSENEN, PSMA2, PSMA5, PSMA7, 20 PSMB3, PSMB4, PSMD14, PSMD2, PSMD3, PSMD4, PSMD8, PTGFRN, PTGS1, PTK9, PTPN12, PTPN18, PTS, PYGB, RABIO, RAB 11FIP1, RAB14, RAB31, RAB3IP, RACGAP1, RAN, RANBP1, RAP2B, RBBP4, RBBP7, RBBP8, RDH1O, RFC3, RFC4, RFC5, RGS19IPI, RHOBTB3, RNASE12A, RNGTT, RNPEP, ROBO1, RRAS2, SART2, SAT, SCAP2, SCD4, SDC2, SDC4, SEMA3F, SERPINE2, SFI1, SGPLI, SGPP1, SGPP2, SH3GLB2, SHC1, SMARCC1, SMC4L1, SMC4L1, SMS, SNRPDI, SORD, 25 SORLl, SPPI, SQLE, SRD5Al, SRD5A2L, SRM, SRPKI, SS18, SSBP1, SSR3, ST3GAL5, ST6GAL1, ST6GALNAC2, STX18, SULF2, SWAP70, TA-KRP, TALA, TBL1XR1, TFRC, TIAM1, TKT, TMPO, TNFAIP2, TNFSF9, TOX, TPD52, TPI1, TPPi, TRAL, TRIP13, TRPSI, TSPAN13, TSTA3, TXN, TXNL2, TXNL5, TXNRD1, UBAP2L, UBE2A, UBE2D2, UBE2G1, UBE2Vl, UCHL5, UGDH, UNC5CL, USP28, USP47, UTP14A, VDAC1, WIG1, YWHAB, YWHAE and YWHAZ. Without limiting the scope of 30 the present embodiments, any number of techniques known in the art can be employed for the analysis of the co-regulated genes, and they are all within the scope of the present embodiments. Some of the examples of such detection techniques are given below but these examples are in no way limiting to the various detection techniques that can be used in the present embodiments. [00106] Gene Expression Profiling: Methods of gene expression profiling include methods based on 35 hybridization analysis of polynucleotides, polyribonucleotides methods based on sequencing of polynucleotides, polyribonucleotides and proteomics-based methods. The most commonly used methods known in the art for the quantification of mRNA expression in a sample include northern blotting and in situ hybridization (Parker &Barnes, Methods in Molecular Biology 106:247-283 (1999)); RNAse protection assays (Hod, Biotechniques 13:852-854 (1992)); and PCR-based methods, such as reverse transcription 40 polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) (Weis et al., Trends in Genetics 8:263-264 (1992)). Alternatively,

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antibodies may be employed that can recognize specific duplexes, including DNA duplexes, RNA duplexes, and DNA-RNA hybrid duplexes or DNA-protein duplexes. Representative methods for sequencing-based gene expression analysis include Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE), and gene expression analysis by massively parallel signature sequencing (MPSS), Comparative Genome Hybridization (CGH), Chromatin 5 Immunoprecipitation (ChIP), Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and SNP arrays, Fluorescent in situ Hybridization (FISH), Protein binding arrays and DNA microarray (also commonly known as gene or genome chip, DNA chip, or gene array), RNA microarrays. [00107 Reverse Transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR): One of the most sensitive and most flexible quantitative PCR-based gene expression profiling methods is RT-PCR, which can be used to compare mRNA levels in 10 different sample populations, in normal and tumor tissues, with or without drug treatment, to characterize pattems of gene expression, to discriminate between closely related mRNAs, and to analyze RNA structure. [001081 The first step is the isolation of mRNA from a target sample. For example, the starting material can be typically total RNA isolated from human tumors or tumor cell lines, and corresponding normal tissues or cell lines, respectively. Thus RNA can be isolated from a variety of normal and diseased cells and tissues, 15 for example tumors, including breast, lung, colorectal, prostate, brain, liver, kidney, pancreas, , thymus, testis, ovary, uterus, etc., or tumor cell lines,. If the source of mRNA is a primary tumor, mRNA can be extracted, for example, from frozen or archived fixed tissues, for example paraffin-embedded and fixed (e.g. formalin-fixed) tissue samples. General methods for mRNA extraction are well known in the art and are disclosed in standard textbooks of molecular biology, including Ausubel et al., Current Protocols of 20 Molecular Biology, John Wiley and Sons (1997). [00109] In particular, RNA isolation can be performed using purification kit, buffer set and protease from commercial manufacturers, according to the manufacturer's instructions. RNA prepared from tumor can be isolated, for example, by cesium chloride density gradient centrifugation. As RNA cannot serve as a template for PCR, the first step in gene expression profiling by RT-PCR is the reverse transcription of the 25 RNA template into cDNA, followed by its exponential amplification in a PCR reaction. The two most commonly used reverse transcriptases are avilo myeloblastosis virus reverse transcriptase (AMV-RT) and Moloney murine leukemia virus reverse transcriptase (MMLV-RT). The reverse transcription step is typically primed using specific primers, random hexamers, or oligo-dT primers, depending on the circumstances and the goal of expression profiling. The derived cDNA can then be used as a template in the 30 subsequent PCR reaction. [00110] To minimize errors and the effect of sample-to-sample variation, RT-PCR is usually performed using an internal standard. The ideal intemal standard is expressed at a constant level among different tissues, and is unaffected by the experimental treatment. RNAs most frequently used to normalize patterns of gene expression are mRNAs for the housekeeping genes glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate-dehydrogenase 35 (GAPDH) and $-actin. [00111] A more recent variation of the RT-PCR technique is the real time quantitative PCR, which measures PCR product accumulation through a dual-labeled fluorigenic probe. Real time PCR is compatible both with quantitative competitive PCR, where internal competitor for each target sequence is used for normalization, and with quantitative comparative PCR using a normalization gene contained within the 40 sample, or a housekeeping gene for RT-PCR.

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[00112] Microscopy: Some embodiments include microscopy for analysis of differentially expressed genes, including at least PARP. For example, fluorescence microscopy enables the molecular composition of the structures being observed to be identified through the use of fluorescently-labeled probes of high chemical specificity such as antibodies. It can be done by directly conjugating a fluorophore to a protein and 5 introducing this back into a cell. Fluorescent analogue may behave like the native protein and can therefore serve to reveal the distribution and behavior of this protein in the cell. Along with NMR, infrared spectroscopy, circular dichroism and other techniques, protein intrinsic fluorescence decay and its associated observation of fluorescence anisotropy, collisional quenching and resonance energy transfer are techniques for protein detection. The naturally fluorescent proteins can be used as fluorescent probes. The jellyfish 10 aequorea victoria produces a naturally fluorescent protein known as green fluorescent protein (GFP). The fusion of these fluorescent probes to a target protein enables visualization by fluorescence microscopy and quantification by flow cytometry. [00113] By way of example only, some of the probes are labels such as, fluorescein and its derivatives, carboxyfluoresceins, rhodamines and their derivatives, atto labels, fluorescent red and fluorescent orange: 15 cy3/cy5 alternatives, lanthanide complexes with long lifetimes, long wavelength labels -up to 800 nm, DY cyanine labels, and phycobili proteins. By way of example only, some of the probes are conjugates such as, isothiocyanate conjugates, streptavidin conjugates, and biotin conjugates. By way of example only, some of the probes are enzyme substrates such as, fluorogenic and chromogenic substrates. By way of example only, some of the probes are fluorochromes such as, FITC (green fluorescence, excitation/emission = 506/529 20 am), rhodamine B (orange fluorescence, excitation/emission = 560/584 nm), and nile blue A (red fluorescence, excitation/emission = 636/686 rn). Fluorescent nanoparticles can be used for various types of immunoassays. Fluorescent nanoparticles are based on different materials, such as, polyacrylonitrile, and polystyrene etc. Fluorescent molecular rotors are sensors of micro environmental restriction that become fluorescent when their rotation is constrained. Few examples of molecular constraint include increased dye 25 (aggregation), binding to antibodies, or being trapped in the polymerization of actin. IEF (isoelectric focusing) is an analytical tool for the separation of ampholytes, mainly proteins. An advantage for IEF-gel electrophoresis with fluorescent IEF-marker is the possibility to directly observe the formation of gradient. Fluorescent IEF-marker can also be detected by UV-absorption at 280 em (20C). [001141 A peptide library can be synthesized on solid supports and, by using coloring receptors, subsequent 30 dyed solid supports can be selected one by one. If receptors cannot indicate any color, their binding antibodies can be dyed. The method can not only be used on protein receptors, but also on screening binding ligands of synthesized artificial receptors and screening new metal binding ligands as well. Automated methods for HTS and FACS (fluorescence activated cell sorter) can also be used. A FACS machine originally runs cells through a capillary tube and separate cells by detecting their fluorescent intensities. 35 [001151 Immunoassays: Some embodiments include immunoassay for the analysis of the differentially regulated genes. In immunoblotting like the western blot of clectrophoretically separated proteins a single protein can be identified by its antibody. Immunoassay can be competitive binding immunoassay where analyte competes with a labeled antigen for a limited pool of antibody molecules (e.g. radioimmunoassay, EMIT). Immunoassay can be non-competitive where antibody is present in excess and is labeled. As analyte 40 antigen complex is increased, the amount of labeled antibody-antigen complex may also increase (e.g.

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ELISA). Antibodies can be polyclonal if produced by antigen injection into an experimental animal, or monoclonal if produced by cell fusion and cell culture techniques. In immunoassay, the antibody may serve as a specific reagent for the analyte antigen. [00116] Without limiting the scope and content of the present embodiments, some of the types of 5 immunoassays are, by way of example only, RlAs (radioimmunoassay), enzyme immunoassays like ELISA (enzyme-linked inmmosorbent assay), EMIT (enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique), microparticle enzyme immunoassay (MIA), LIA (luminescent immunoassay), and FIA (fluorescent immunoassay). These techniques can be used to detect biological substances in the nasal specimen. The antibodies - either used as primary or secondary ones - can be labeled with radioisotopes (e.g. 1251), fluorescent dyes (e.g. 10 FITC) or enzymes (e.g. HRP or AP) which may catalyze fluorogenic or luminogenic reactions. [00117 Biotin, or vitamin H is a co-enzyme which inherits a specific affinity towards avidin and streptavidin. This interaction makes biotinylated peptides a useful tool in various biotechnology assays for quality and quantity testing. To improve biotin/streptavidin recognition by minimizing steric hindrances, it can be necessary to enlarge the distance between biotin and the peptide itself. This can be achieved by 15 coupling a spacer molecule (e.g., 6-aminohexanoic acid) between biotin and the peptide. [00118] The biotin quantitation assay for biotinylated proteins provides a sensitive fluorometric assay for accurately determining the number of biotin labels on a protein. Biotinylated peptides are widely used in a variety of biomedical screening systems requiring immobilization of at least one of the interaction partners onto streptavidin coated beads, membranes, glass slides or microtiter plates. The assay is based on the 20 displacement of a ligand tagged with a quencher dye from the biotin binding sites of a reagent. To expose any biotin groups in a multiply labeled protein that are sterically restricted and inaccessible to the reagent, the protein can be treated with protease for digesting the protein. [00119] EMIT is a competitive binding irnmunoassay that avoids the usual separation step. A type of immunoassay in which the protein is labeled with an enzyme, and the enzyme-protein-antibody complex is 25 enzymatically inactive, allowing quantitation of unlabelled protein. Some embodiments include an ELISA assay to analyze the differentially expressed genes, including at least PARP. ELISA is based on selective antibodies attached to solid supports combined with enzyme reactions to produce systems capable of detecting low levels of proteins. It is also known as enzyme immunoassay or EIA. The protein is detected by antibodies that have been made against it, that is, for which it is the antigen. Monoclonal antibodies are often 30 used. [00120] The test may require the antibodies to be fixed to a solid surface, such as the inner surface of a test tube, and a preparation of the same antibodies coupled to an enzyme. The enzyme may be one (e.g., [3 galactosidase) that produces a colored product from a colorless substrate. The test, for example, may be performed by filling the tube with the antigen solution (e.g., protein) to be assayed. Any antigen molecule 35 present may bind to the immobilized antibody molecules. The antibody-enzyme conjugate may be added to the reaction mixture. The antibody part of the conjugate binds to any antigen molecules that were bound previously, creating an antibody-antigen-antibody "sandwich". After washing away any unbound conjugate, the substrate solution may be added. After a set interval, the reaction is stopped (e.g., by adding 1 N NaOH) and the concentration of colored product formed is measured in a spectrophotometer. The intensity of color 40 is proportional to the concentration of bound antigen.

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[00121] ELISA can also be adapted to measure the concentration of antibodies, in which case, the wells are coated with the appropriate antigen. The solution (e.g., serum) containing antibody may be added. After it has had time to bind to the immobilized antigen, an enzyme-conjugated anti-immunoglobulin may be added, consisting of an antibody against the antibodies being tested for. After washing away unreacted reagent, the 5 substrate may be added. The intensity of the color produced is proportional to the amount of enzyme-labeled antibodies bound (and thus to the concentration of the antibodies being assayed). [00122] Some embodiments include radioimmunoassays to analyze the levels of the differentially expressed genes, including at least PARP. Isotopes can be used to study in vivo metabolism, distribution, as well as 12 13 binding of ligands to target proteins. Isotopes of IH, C, C, 11p, 32S, and 1I27in body are used such as 3H, 14 32 10 C, 1C, P, "5S,and 12$1In receptor fixation method in 96 well plates, receptors may be fixed in each well by using antibody or chemical methods and radioactive labeled ligands may be added to each well to induce binding. Unbound ligands may be washed out and then the standard can be determined by quantitative analysis of radioactivity of bound lgands or that of washed-out ligands. Then, addition of screening target compounds may induce competitive binding reaction with receptors. If the compounds show higher affinity 15 to receptors than standard radioactive ligands, most ofradioactive ligand would not bind to receptors and may be left in solution. Therefore, by analyzing quantity of bound radioactive ligands (or washed-out ligands), testing compounds' affinity to receptors can be indicated. [00123] The filter membrane method may be needed when receptors cannot be fixed to 96 well plates or when ligand binding needs to be done in solution phase. In other words, after ligand-receptor binding 20 reaction in solution, if the reaction solution is filtered through nitrocellulose filter paper, small molecules including ligands may go through it and only protein receptors may be left on the paper. Only ligands that strongly bound to receptors may stay on the filter paper and the relative affinity of added compounds can be identified by quantitative analysis of the standard radioactive ligands. [00124] Some embodiments include fluorescence immunoassays for the analysis of differentially expressed 25 genes, including at least PARP. Fluorescence based immunological methods are based upon the competitive binding of labeled ligands versus unlabeled ones on highly specific receptor sites. The fluorescence technique can be used for immunoassays based on changes in fluorescence lifetime with changing analyte concentration. This technique may work with short lifetime dyes like fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) (the donor) whose fluorescence may be quenched by energy transfer to cosin (the acceptor). A number of 30 photolummescent compounds may be used, such as cyanines, oxazines, thiazines, porphyrins, phthalocyanines, fluorescent infrared-emitting polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, phycobiliproteins, squaraines and organo-metallic complexes, hydrocarbons and azo dyes. [00125] Fluorescence based immunological methods can be, for example, heterogeneous or homogenous. Heterogeneous immunoassays comprise physical separation of bound from free labeled analyte. The analyte 35 or antibody may be attached to a solid surface. The technique can be competitive (for a higher selectivity) or noncompetitive (for a higher sensitivity). Detection can be direct (only one type of antibody used) or indirect (a second type of antibody is used). Homogenous immunoassays comprise no physical separation. Double antibody fluorophore-labeled antigen participates in an equilibrium reaction with antibodies directed against both the antigen and the fluorophore. Labeled and unlabeled antigen may compete for a limited number of 40 anti-antigen antibodies.

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[001261 Some of the fluorescence immunoassay methods include simple fluorescence labeling method, fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), time resolved fluorescence (TRF), and scanning probe microscopy (SPM). The simple fluorescence labeling method can be used for receptor-ligand binding, enzymatic activity by using pertinent fluorescence, and as a fluorescent indicator of various in vivo 5 physiological changes such as pH, ion concentration, and electric pressure. TRF is a method that selectively measures fluorescence of the lanthanide series after the emission of other fluorescent molecules is finished. TRF can be used with FRET and the lanthanide series can become donors or acceptors. In scanning probe microscopy, in the capture phase, for example, at least one monoclonal antibody is adhered to a solid phase and a scanning probe microscope is utilized to detect antigen/antibody complexes which may be present on 10 the surface of the solid phase. The use of scanning tunneling microscopy eliminates the need for labels which normally is utilized in many immunoassay systems to detect antigen/antibody complexes. [00127] Protein identification methods: By way of example only, protein identification methods include low-throughput sequencing through Edman degradation, mass spectrometry techniques, peptide mass fingerprinting, de novo sequencing, and antibody-based assays. The protein quantification assays include 15 fluorescent dye gel staining, tagging or chemical modification methods (Le. isotope-coded affinity tags (ICATS), combined fractional diagonal chromatography (COFRADIC)). The purified protein may also be used for determination of three-dimensional crystal structure, which can be used for modeling intermolecular interactions. Common methods for determining three-dimensional crystal structure include x-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy. Characteristics indicative of the three-dimensional structure of 20 proteins can be probed with mass spectrometry. By using chemical cross-linidng to couple parts of the protein that are close in space, but far apart in sequence, information about the overall structure can be inferred. By following the exchange of amide protons with deuterium from the solvent, it is possible to probe the solvent accessibility of various parts of the protein. 1001281 In one embodiment, fluorescence-activated cell-sorting (FACS) is used to identify cells that 25 differentially express the identified genes, including at least PARP, FACS is a specialized type of flow cytometry. It provides a method for sorting a heterogeneous mixture of biological cells into two or more containers, one cell at a time, based upon the specific light scattering and fluorescent characteristics of each cell. It provides quantitative recording of fluorescent signals from individual cells as well as physical separation of cells of particular interest. In yet another embodiment, microfluidic based devices are used to 30 evaluate expression of the identified differentially regulated genes. [00129] Mass spectrometry can also be used to characterize expression of the differentially regulated genes, including at least PARP, from patient samples. The two methods for ionization of whole proteins are electrospray ionization (ESI) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI). In the first, intact proteins are ionized by either of the two techniques described above, and then introduced to a mass analyzer. 35 In the second, proteins are enzymatically digested into smaller peptides using an agent such as trypsin or pepsin. Other proteolytic digest agents are also used. The collection of peptide products are then introduced to the mass analyzer. This is often referred to as the "bottom-up" approach of protein analysis. [001301 Whole protein mass analysis is conducted using either time-of-flight (TOF) MS, or Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FT-ICR). The instrument used for peptide mass analysis is the

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quadrupole ion trap. Multiple stage quadrupole-time-of-flight and MALDI time-of-flight instruments also find use in this application. [00131] Two methods used to fractionate proteins, or their peptide products from an enzymatic digestion. The first method fractionates whole proteins and is called two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The second 5 method, high performance liquid chromatography is used to fractionate peptides after enzymatic digestion. In some situations, it may be necessary to combine both of these techniques. [00132] There are two ways mass spectroscopy can be used to identify proteins. Peptide mass uses the masses of proteolytic peptides as input to a search of a database of predicted masses that would arise from digestion of a list of known proteins. If a protein sequence in the reference list gives rise to a significant 10 number of predicted masses that match the experimental values, there is some evidence that this protein was present in the original sample. (00133] Tandem MS is also a method for identifying proteins. Collision-induced dissociation is used in mainstream applications to generate a set of fragments from a specific peptide ion. The fragmentation process primarily gives rise to cleavage products that break along peptide bonds. 15 [00134] A number of different algorithmic approaches have been described to identify peptides and proteins from tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS), peptide de novo sequencing and sequence tag based searching. One option that combines a comprehensive range of data analysis features is PEAKS. Other existing mass spec analysis software include: Peptide fragment fingerprinting SEQUEST, Mascot, OMSSA and X!Tandem). 20 [00135] Proteins can also be quantified by mass spectrometry. Typically, stable (e.g. non-radioactive) 3 15 heavier isotopes of carbon (C' ) or nitrogen (N ) are incorporated into one sample while the other one is labeled with corresponding light isotopes (e.g. C12 and N'4). The two samples are mixed before the analysis. Peptides derived from the different samples can be distinguished due to their mass difference. The ratio of their peak intensities corresponds to the relative abundance ratio of the peptides (and proteins). The methods 25 for isotope labeling are SILAC (stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture), trypsin-catalyzed 018 labeling, ICAT (isotope coded affinity tagging), ITRAQ (isotope tags for relative and absolute quantitation). "Semi-quantitative" mass spectrometry can be performed without labeling of samples. Typically, this is done with MALDI analysis (in linear mode). The peak intensity, or the peak area, from individual molecules (typically proteins) is here correlated to the amount of protein in the sample. However, 30 the individual signal depends on the primary structure of the protein, on the complexity of the sample, and on the settings of the instrument. [00136] N-terminal sequencing aids in the identification of unknown proteins, confirm recombinant protein identity and fidelity (reading frame, translation start point, etc.), aid the interpretation of NMR and crystallographic data, demonstrate degrees of identity between proteins, or provide data for the design of 35 synthetic peptides for antibody generation, etc. N-terminal sequencing utilizes the Edman degradative chemistry, sequentially removing amino acid residues from the N-terminus of the protein and identifying them by reverse-phase HPLC. Sensitivity can be at the level of 100s femtomoles and long sequence reads (20-40 residues) can often be obtained from a few 1Os picomoles of starting material. Pure proteins (>90%) can generate easily interpreted data, but insufficiently purified protein mixtures may also provide useful 40 data, subject to rigorous data interpretation. N-terminally modified (especially acetylated) proteins cannot be -82 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750.601 WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

sequenced directly, as the absence of a free primary amino-group prevents the Edman chemistry. However, limited proteolysis of the blocked protein (e.g. using cyanogen bromide) may allow a mixture of amino acids to be generated in each cycle of the instrument, which can be subjected to database analysis in order to interpret meaningful sequence information. C-terminal sequencing is a post-translational modification, 5 affecting the structure and activity of a protein. Various disease situations can be associated with impaired protein processing and C-terminal sequencing provides an additional tool for the investigation of protein structure and processing mechanisms. Identifying diseases treatable by modulators of the differentially regulated eenes [00137 Some embodiments relate to identifying a disease treatable by modulators of co-regulated genes 10 comprising identifying a level of expression of the co-regulated genes, including at least PARP, in a sample of a subject making a decision regarding identifying the disease treatable by modulators of the co-regulated genes, wherein the decision is made based on the level of expression of the co-regulated genes, including at least PARP. The identification of the level of the co-regulated genes may include analysis of RNA, analysis of level of proteins expressed by the regulated genes and/or analysis of activity said proteins. When the 15 levels of the regulated genes are up-regulated in a disease, the disease may be treated with inhibitors of the co-regulated genes. [00138] In other embodiments, the level of the regulated expressed genes is determined in samples from a patient population and compared with samples from a normal population in order to correlate any changes in expression levels of these regulated genes, including at least PARP, with the existence of a disease. The 20 identification and analysis of the level of these regulated genes may also include analysis of RNA, analysis of the level of proteins expressed by the regulated genes as well as analysis of activity these proteins. When the levels of expression of the regulated genes are increased in a number of samples from a patient population in comparison to samples from a normal population, the disease may be treated with inhibitors to the regulated genes. In some embodiments, an increase of at least 25%, at least 30%, at least 35%, at least 25 40%, at least 45%, at least 50%, at least 55%, at least 60%, at least 65%, at least 70% or more may indicate sufficient correlation ofupregulation of the co-regulated genes for a specific disease or group of diseases. [001391 In one embodiment, upregulation of the regulated genes identified is used as an embodiment of BRCA deficient cancer, especially PARP upregulation. Accordingly, the methods can be used to identify for example a BRCA mediated cancer treatable by modulators of the unregulated identified genes, including 30 PARP inhibitors and modulators of co-regulated expressed genes, including IGFI, IGF2, IGFR, EGFR, mdm2, Bcl2, ETS1, MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, uPA, DHFR, TYMS, NFKB, IKK, REL, RELA, RELB, IRAK1, VAV3, AURKA, ERBB3, MIF, VEGF, CDKl, CDK2, CDK9, farnesyl transferase, UBE2A, UBE2D2, UBE2Gl, USP28 or UBE2S. The identification of a level of expression of the co-regulated genes may involve one or more comparisons with reference samples. The reference samples may be obtained from 35 the same subject or from a different subject who is either not affected with the disease (such as, normal subject) or is a patient. The reference sample could be obtained from one subject, multiple subjects or is synthetically generated. The identification may also involve comparison of the identification data with the databases. One embodiment relates to identifying the level of regulated expressed genes, including at least PARP, in a subject afflicted with disease and correlating it with the expression level of the same set of co 40 regulated expressed genes in normal subjects. In some embodiments, the step of correlating the level of co

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regulated expressed genes is performed by a software algorithm. The data generated can be transformed into computer readable form; and an algorithm is executed that classifies the data according to user input parameters, for detecting signals that represent level of expression of regulated expressed genes in diseased patients or patient populations, and correspondingly levels of expression in normal subjects or populations. 5 [001401 The identification and analysis of the expression level of the regulated expressed genes, including at least PARP, identified through the methods described herein have numerous therapeutic and diagnostic applications. Clinical applications include, for example, detection of disease, distinguishing disease states to inform prognosis, selection of therapy such as, treatment with PARP inhibitors and modulators of co regulated expressed genes, and/or prediction of therapeutic response, disease staging, identification of 10 disease processes, prediction of efficacy of therapy, monitoring of patients trajectories (e.g., prior to onset of disease), prediction of adverse response, monitoring of therapy associated efficacy and toxicity, and detection of recurrence. [00141] The identification of the level of expression of regulated expressed genes, including at least PARP, and the subsequent identification of a disease in a subject or subject population treatable by PARP inhibitors 15 and modulators of regulated expressed genes, as disclosed herein can be used to enable or assist in the pharmaceutical drug development process for therapeutic agents. The identification ofthe expression level of the regulated expressed genes, for example, can be used to diagnose disease for patients enrolling in a clinical trial, for example in a patient population. The identification of the expression level of regulated expressed genes, including at least PARP, can indicate the state of the disease of patients undergoing 20 treatment in clinical trials, and show changes in the state during the treatment. The identification of the expression level of regulated expressed genes can demonstrate the efficacy of treatment with modulators of the regulated expressed genes, and can be used to stratify patients according to their responses to various therapies. [00142] The methods described herein can be used to identify the state of a disease in a patient or a patient 25 population. In one embodiment the methods are used to detect the earliest stages of disease. In other embodiments, the methods are used to grade the identified disease. In certain embodiments, patients, health care providers, such as doctors and nurses, or health care managers, use the expression level of the identified regulated expressed genes, including at least PARP, in a subject to make a diagnosis, prognosis, and/or select treatment options, such as treatment with PARP inhibitors. In other embodiments, health care 30 providers and patients may use the expression levels of each identified target regulated expressed gene obtained in a patient population to also make a diagnosis, prognosis, and/or select treatment options, such as treatment with a combination of PARP inhibitors and modulators of co-regulated expressed genes. [00143] In other embodiments, the methods described herein can be used to predict the likelihood of response for any individual or patient population to a particular treatment, select a treatment, or to preempt 35 the possible adverse effects of treatments on a particular individual. Also, the methods can be used to evaluate the efficacy of treatments over time. For example, biological samples can be obtained from a patient over a period of time as the patient is undergoing treatment. The expression level of each identified gene in a panel of gene targets in the different samples can be compared to each other to determine the efficacy of the treatment. Also, the methods described herein can be used to compare the efficacies of

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different disease therapies and/or responses to one or more treatments in different populations (e.g., ethnicities, family histories, etc.). [00144] In some embodiments, at least one step of the methods described herein is performed using a computer as depicted in Figure 2. Figure 2 illustrates a computer for implementing selected operations 5 associated with the methods described herein. The computer 200 includes a central processing unit 201 connected to a set of input/output devices 202 via a system bus 203. The input/output devices 202 may include a keyboard, mouse, scanner, data port, video monitor, liquid crystal display, printer, and the like. A memory 204 in the form of primary and/or secondary memory is also connected to the system bus 203. These components of Figure 2 characterize a standard computer. This standard computer is programmed in 10 accordance with the methods described herein. In particular, the computer 200 can be programmed to perform various operations of the methods described herein. [00145] The memory 204 of the computer 200 may store an identification module 205. In other words, the identification module 205 can perform the operations associated with step 102, 103, and 104 of Figure 1. The term "identification module" used herein includes, but is not limited to, analyzing expression levels of 15 regulated expressed genes, including at least PARP, in a sample of a subject; optionally comparing the expression level data of the test sample with the reference sample; identifying the expression level of each identified co-regulated expressed gene in the sample; identifying the disease; and further identifying the disease treatable by a combination of PARP inhibitors and modulators of co-regulated expressed genes. The identification module may also include a decision module where the decision module includes executable 20 instructions to make a decision regarding identifying the disease treatable by modulators of co-regulated expressed genes and/or provide a conclusion regarding the disease to a patient, a health care provider or a health care manager. The executable code of the identification module 205 may utilize any number of numerical techniques to perform the comparisons and diagnosis. [001461 Some embodiments include a computer readable medium with information regarding a disease in a 25 subject treatable by modulators of identified co-regulated expressed genes, including at least PARP, the information being derived by identifying expression levels of each identified co-regulated expressed gene, including at least PARP, in the sample of the subject, and making a decision based on the expression levels of each identified co-regulated expressed gene, regarding treating the disease by modulators of the identified co-regulated expressed genes. The medium may contain a reference pattern of one or more of expression 30 levels of each identified co-regulated expressed gene in a sample. This reference pattern can be used to compare the pattern obtained from a test subject and an analysis of the disease can be made based on this comparison. This reference pattern can be from normal subjects, i.e., subjects with no disease, subjects with different levels of disease, subjects with disease of varying severity. These reference patterns can be used for diagnosis, prognosis, evaluating efficacy of treatment, and/or determining the severity of the disease state of 35 a subject. The methods described herein also include sending information regarding expression levels of each identified co-regulated expressed gene in a sample in a subject and/or decision regarding identifying the disease treatable by modulators or inhibitors described herein, between one or more computers, for example with the use of the internet.

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Diseases [00147] Various diseases include, but are not limited to, cancer types including adrenal cortical cancer, anal cancer, aplastic anemia, bile duct cancer, bladder cancer, bone cancer, bone metastasis, adult CNS brain tumors, children CNS brain tumors, breast cancer, , cervical cancer, childhood Non 5 Hodgkin's lymphoma, colon and rectum cancer, endometrial cancer, esophagus cancer, Ewing's family of tumors, eye cancer, gallbladder cancer, gastrointestianl carcinoid tumors, gastrointestinal stromal tumors, gestational trophoblastic disease, Hodgkin's disease, Kaposi's sarcoma, kidney cancer, laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancer, acute lymphocytic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia, children's leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, chronic myeloid leukemia, liver cancer, lung cancer, lung carcinoid tumors, Non 10 Hodgkin's lymphoma, male breast cancer, malignant mesothelioma, multiple myeloma, myclodysplastic syndrome, nasal cavity and paranasal cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, neuroblastoma, oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer, osteosarcoma, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, penile cancer, pituitary tumor, prostate cancer, retinoblastoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, salivary gland cancer, sarcoma (adult soft tissue cancer), melanoma skin cancer, noomelanoma skin cancer, stomach cancer, testicular cancer, thymus cancer, 15 thyroid cancer, uterine sarcoma, vaginal cancer, vulvar cancer, Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia, chronic lymphocyte leukemia, and reactive lymphoid hyperplasia. [00148] Diseases include angiogenesis in cancers, inflammation, cardiovascular diseases, degenerative diseases, CNS diseases, autoimmune diseases, and viral diseases, including HIV. The compounds described herein are also useful in the modulation of cellular response to pathogens. Also provided herein are methods 20 to treat other diseases, such as, viral diseases. Some of the viral diseases are, but not limited to, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), herpes simplex virus type-I and 2 and cytomegalovirus (CMV), a dangerous co-infection of HIV. [00149] Some examples of the diseases are set forth herein, but without limiting the scope of the present embodiments, there may be other diseases known in the art and are within the scope of the present 25 embodiments. Examples of cancers [001501 Examples of cancers include, but are not limited to, lymphomas, carcinomas and hormone dependent tumors (e.g., breast, prostate or ovarian cancer). Abnormal cellular proliferation conditions or cancers that may be treated in either adults or children include solid phase tumors/malignancies, locally 30 advanced tumors, human soft tissue sarcomas, metastatic cancer, including lymphatic metastases, blood cell malignancies including multiple myeloma, acute and chronic leukemias, and lymphomas, head and neck cancers including mouth cancer, larynx cancer and thyroid cancer, lung cancers including small cell carcinoma and non-small cell cancers, breast cancers including small cell carcinoma and ductal carcinoma, gastrointestinal cancers including esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer, colorectal cancer and 35 polyps associated with colorectal neoplasia, pancreatic cancers, liver cancer, urologic cancers including bladder cancer and prostate cancer, malignancies of the female reproductive tract including ovarian carcinoma, uterine (including endometrial) cancers, and solid tumor in the ovarian follicle, kidney cancers including renal cell carcinoma, brain cancers including intrinsic brain tumors, neuroblastoma, astrocytic brain tumors, gliomas, metastatic tumor cell invasion in the central nervous system, bone cancers including

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osteomas, skin cancers including malignant melanoma, tumor progression of human skin keratinocytes, squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, hemangiopericytoma and Karposi's sarcoma. 1001511 In some embodiments, cancer includes colon adenocarcinoma, esophagus adenocarcinoma, liver hepatocellular carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, pancreas adenocarcinoma, islet cell tumor, rectum 5 adenocarcinoma, gastrointestinal stromal tumor, stomach adenocarcinoma, adrenal cortical carcinoma, follicular carcinoma, papillary carcinoma, breast cancer, ductal carcinoma, lobular carcinoma, intraductal carcinoma, mucinous carcinoma, phyllodes tumor, ovarian adenocarcinoma, endometrium adenocarcinoma, granulose cell tumor, mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, cervix adenocarcinoma, vulva squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, prostate adenocarcinoma, giant cell tumor of bone, bone osteosarcoma, 10 larynx carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, kidney carcinoma, urinary bladder carcinoma, and Wilm's tumor. [00152] In still further embodiments, cancer includes mullerian mixed tumor of the endometrium, infiltrating carcinoma of mixed ductal and lobular type, Wilm's tumor, mullerian mixed tumor of the ovary, serious cystadenocarcinoma, ovary adenocarcinoma (papillary serous type), ovary adenocarcinoma (endometrioid type), metastatic infiltrating lobular carcinoma of breast, testis seminoma, prostate benign 15 nodular hyperplasia, lung squamous cell carcinoma, lung large cell carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, endometrium adenocarcinoma (endometrioid type), infiltrating ductal carcinoma, skin basal cell carcinoma, breast infiltrating lobular carcinoma, fibrocystic disease, fibroadenoma, glioma, chronic myeloid leukemia, liver hepatocellular carcinoma, mucinous carcinoma, Schwannoma, kidney transitional cell carcinoma, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, metastatic infiltrating ductal carcinoma of breast, esophagus adenocarcinoma, 20 , phyllodes tumor, rectum adenocarcinoma, osteosarcoma, colon adenocarcinoma, thyroid gland papillary carcinoma, leiomyoma, and stomach adenocarcinoma. Breast InfiltratingDuctal Carcinoma: [00153] It has been previously shown that the expression of PARP1 in infiltrating ductal carcinoma (DC) of the breast is elevated compared to normals. See Example 2 and Figure 5 herein and US Application No. 25 11/818,210. For example, in more than two-thirds of IDC cases, PARP1 expression was above the 95% upper confidence limit of the control non-diseased matched normal population of specimens ("over expression). Estrogen receptor (ER) -negative and Her2-neu-negative subgroups of IDC had an incidence of PARP1 over-expression in approximately 90% of tumors. [00154] In addition, breast cancer subjects also depict elevated levels of co-regulated genes, including 30 IGF1-receptor, IGF-1 and EGFR. Other co-regulated expressed genes that are upregulated at least two-fold as compared to controls include CEACAM6, CTSD, DHTKDI, DNAJCI, FADS2, GLUL, HSPB1, HMGB3, GlP2, IF127, KPNA2, MMP9, MCM4, MALAT1, MUC1, MXI, NAT], NUCKS, NUSAP], OLR1, PSENEN, RAB31, SPP1, SORD, SQLE, TSPAN13, TSTA3, TPD52 and UBE2S. [00155] Thus, in one aspect, IDC breast cancer patients are treated with a combination of PARP modulators 35 and modulators of other co-regulated genes, including IFG1-receptor, IGF-1, EGFR, CEACAM6, CTSD, DHTKD1, DNAJC1, FADS2, GLUL, HSPBl, HMGB3, GIP2, IFI27, KPNA2, MMP9, MCM4, MALAT1, MUC], MX1, NAT1, NUCKS, NUSAPI, OLRI, PSENEN, RAB31, SPPl, SORD, SQLE, TSPAN13, TSTA3, TPD52 and UBE2S. The combination therapy includes at least one PARP inhibitor. In addition, the combination therapy includes at least one modulator of a co-regulated gene. In one embodiment, PARP 40 expression and ER and/or progesterone receptor (PR) and/or Her2-neu status is evaluated, prior to

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administration of a combination therapy of PARP inhibitor and modulators of co-regulated genes. In one embodiment, the combination therapy is used to treat estrogen receptor-negative and Her2-neu-negative subgroups of IDC. In another embodiment, the combination therapy is used to treat cancers that do not qualify for and-hormone (e.g. anti-estrogen or anti-progesterone) or anti-Her2-neu therapies. In yet another 5 embodiment, the combination therapy is used to treat triple negative breast cancers, such as triple negative infiltrating ductal carcinomas. InfiltratingBreast Lobular Carcinoma [00156] Infiltrating lobular breast carcinoma subjects depict elevated levels of PARP expression, and co regulated expressed genes including genes of the IGFl -receptor pathway, including IGF1, IGF2 and EGFR. 10 Other co-regulated expressed genes that are upregulated at least two-fold as compared to controls include BGN, BASP1, CAP2, DDX39, KHSRP, LASS2, MLPH, NUSAP1, OLRl, GART, PYGB, PPP2R4, RAB31, SEMA3F, SF1, SH3GLB2, SORD, TRPS1, B4GALT2 and vav3 oncogene. [00157] Thus, in one aspect, infiltrating lobular breast cancer patients are treated with a combination of PARP modulators and modulators of other co-regulated genes, including IFG1-receptor, IGF1, IGF2, EGFR, 15 BGN, BASP1, CAP2, DDX39, KHSRP, LASS2, MLPH, NUSAPI, OLRl, GART, PYGB, PPP2R4, RAB31, SEMA3F, SFI1, SH3GLB2, SORD, TRPS1, B4GALT2 and vav3 oncogene. The combination therapy includes at least one PARP inhibitor. In addition, the combination therapy includes at least one modulator of a co-regulated gene. ' Triple Negative Cancers 20 [00158] In one embodiment, triple negative cancers are treated with combination therapy of PARP modulators and modulators of co-regulated genes. The level of PARP and other identified co-regulated genes are evaluated in the triple negative cancer and if an over expression of the identified co-regulated genes is observed, the cancer is treated with a combination of PARP inhibitor and at least one modulator of co-regulated expressed genes. 'Triple negative" breast cancer, means the tumors lack receptors for the 25 hormones estrogen (ER-negative) and progesterone (PR-negative), and for the protein HER2. This makes them resistant to several powerful cancer-fighting drugs like tamoxifen, aromatase inhibitors, and Herceptin. Surgery and chemotherapy are standard treatment options for most forms of triple-negative cancer. In one embodiment, the standard of care for triple negative cancers is combined with the combination therapy of PARP modulators and modulators of co-regulated genes to treat these cancers. 30 Ovarian Adenocarcinoma [001591 Ovarian adenocarcinoma subjects depict elevated levels of PARP expression, and co-regulated genes of the IGF1-receptor pathway, such as IGF1, IGF2 and EGFR. Other co-regulated genes that are upregulated at least two-fold as compared to controls include ACLSL1, ACSL3, AK3L1, ARFGEF1, ADM, AOF1, ALOX5, ATP5G3, ATP5J2, ATP2A2, ATP11A, ATP6V0B, AKIIP, BCL2L1, BACE2, NSE2, 35 CELSR2, CHST6, CPD, CPT1B, CTSB, CD44, CD47, CD58, CD74, CD9, CDSl, CXCR4, CKLFSF4, CKLFSF6, CSPG2, CRR9, MYCBP, CNDP2, CXADR, CTPS, CXXC5, DDX39, DDAH1, DDR1, DNAJB11, DNAJC10, DNAJD1, DUSP24, DUSP6, ENPP4, ETNIK, ETV6, F11R, FABP5, GPR56, GSPTl, GCNT1, GPI, GCLM, GFPT1, GPX1, HSPA4, HDGF, IDE, IRAK1, 1D112, ICMT, LDHA, LAP3, LTB4DH, MIF, MAD2L1, MGAT4B, MMP9, MCM4, MTHFD2, METTL2, MAPK13, MAP2K3, 40 MAP2K6, MUC1, NQO1, NDFIP2, NET1, NEK6, PANK1, PON2, PCTK1, PDAP1, PPIF, PFKP,

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PGM2Ll, PGD, POKI, PLA2G4A, PLCB1, PSATI, PKP4, P4HB, PTGS1, PSMD14, PSMB3, PPP1CA, PDXK, PP, PKM2, RAB1O, RAB1i1IPi, RAB3IP, RACGAPI, RANBPI, RAN, RGS19IPl, RDH10, SRPK1, SORD, SAT, SGPLI, SGPP2, ST6GAL1, SRD5A2L, SDC4, STX18, TSPAN13, TYMS, TPIl, TNFAIP2, YWHAB, YWHAZ, UBE2S, B3GNT1, GALNT4, GALNT7, VEGF, VAV3, ERBB3, VDAC1 5 or LYN. [00160] Thus, in one aspect, ovarian adenocarcinoma cancer patients are treated with a combination of PARP modulators and modulators of other co-regulated genes, including IFGl-receptor, IGF1, IGF2, EGFR, ACLSLI, ACSL3, AK3L1, ARFGEF1, ADM, AOFI, ALOX5, ATP5G3, ATP5J2, ATP2A2, ATP11A, ATP6VOB, AKIIP, BCL2L1, BACE2, NSE2, CELSR2, CHST6, CPD, CPT1B, CTSB, CD44, CD47, CD58, 10 CD74, CD9, CDS1, CXCR4, CKLFSF4, CKLFSF6, CSPG2, CRR9, MYCBP, CNDP2, CXADR, CTPS, CXXC5, DDX39, DDAH1, DDRl, DNAJBl, DNAJC10, DNAJDI, DUSP24, DUSP6, ENPP4, ETNKl, ETV6, Fl1R, FABP5, GPR56, GSPT1, GCNT1, GPI, GCLM, GFPT1, GPXl, HSPA4, HDGF, IDE, IRAK1, IDH2, ICMT, LDHA, LAP3, LTB4DH, MIF, MAD2L1, MGAT4B, MMP9, MCM4, MTHFD2, METTL2, MAPK13, MAP2K3, MAP2K6, MUC1, NQOl, NDFIP2, NETI, NEK6, PANKl, PON2, 15 PCTKl, PDAPI, PPIF, PFKP, PGM2Ll, POD, PGKI, PLA2G4A, PLCB1, PSAT1, PKP4, P4HB, PTGS1, PSMD14, PSMB3, PPP1CA, PDXK, PP, PKM2, RAB1O, RAB l1FIPI, RAB31P, RACGAPi, RANBPl, RAN, RGS19IPl, RDH10, SRPKI, SORD, SAT, SGPL1, SGPP2, ST6GAL1, SRDSA2L, SDC4, STX18, TSPAN13, TYMS, TPIl, TNFAIP2, YWHAB, YWHAZ, UBE2S, B3GNTl, GALNT4, GALNT7, VEGF, VAV3, ERBB3, VDACI or LYN. The combination therapy includes at least one PARP inhibitor. In 20 addition, the combination therapy includes at least one modulator of a co-regulated gene. Endometrium Mullerian Mixed Tumor [00161] Endometrium mullerian mixed tumor subjects depict elevated levels of PARP expression, and co regulated genes that are upregulated at least two-fold as compared to controls, including ATF5, ADRMl, ALDH18Al AKRIB1, BACH, CKSlB, CSH2, CRR9 CXXC5, DNAJAl, ENOl, EMEl, FBXO45, FTL, 25 FTLL1, GGH, GPI, GMPS, ILF2, MAD2LI, MCM4, MAGED1, MAP4K4, MSH2, MARCKS, NRAS, NNT, NY-REN-41, PNK1, PRCC, PCTK1, PGD, PGKl, PLD3, PLOD1, PSMD3, PSMD4, PSMD8, PSMA7, PPP3CA, PDXK, RACGAP1, RAN, RFC4, RHOBTB3, RNASEH2A, ROBOl, SRM, SART2, SCAP2, TYMS, TRIP13, UBAP2L, UBE2Vl, UBE2S, GALNT2 OR VDAC1. [00162] Thus, in yet another aspect, endometrium mullerian mixed tumor patients are treated with a 30 combination ofPARP modulators and modulators of other co-regulated genes, including ATF5, ADRMI, ALDH18Al AKRlB1, BACH, CKS1B, CSH2, CRR9 CXXC5, DNAJAI, ENOl, EME1, FBXO45, FTL, FTLL1, GGH, GPI, GMPS, ILF2, MAD2L1, MCM4, MAGED1, MAP4K4, MSH2, MARCKS, NRAS, NNT, NY-REN-41, PNK1, PRCC, PCTK1, PGD, PGKl, PLD3, PLOD1, PSMD3, PSMD4, PSMD8, PSMA7, PPP3CA, PDXK, RACGAP1, RAN, RFC4, RHOBTB3, RNASEH2A, ROBOl, SRM, SART2, 35 SCAP2, TYMS, TRIP13, UBAP2L, UBE2Vl, UBE2S, GALNT2 OR VDAC1. Testis Seminoma [00163] Testis seminoma subjects depict elevated levels of PARP expression, and co-regulated genes that are upregulated at least two-fold as compared to controls, including ARL5, ALPL, APG5L, RNPEP, ATP1 IC, ABCD4, CACNB3, CD109, CDC14B, CXXC6, ELOVL6, GRBlO, HSPCB, INPP5F, KLF4, 40 MOBKL1A, MSH2, PLODI, PTPN12, ST6GALNAC2, SDC2, TIAM1, TSPAN13 or ERBB3.

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[001641 Thus, in yet another aspect, testis seminoma patients are treated with a combination of PARP modulators and modulators of other co-regulated genes, including ARL5, ALPL, APG5L, RNPEP, ATP IC, ABCD4, CACNB3, CD109, CDC1411, CXXC6, ELOVL6, GRB1O, HSPCB, INPP5F, KLF4, MOBKLIA, MSH2, PLODI, PTPN12, ST6GALNAC2, SDC2, TIAM1, TSPAN13 or ERBB3. 5 Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma [00165] Lung squamous cell carcinoma subjects depict elevated levels of PARP expression, and co regulated genes that are upregulated at least two-fold as compared to controls, including PTS, AK3L2, AKRlC1, AKR1C2, AKR1C3, ATP2A2, ABCC1, ABCC5 CSNK2A1, CKS1B, CDW92, CMKOR1, CSPG2, CDK4, DVL3, DUSP24, ELOVL6, GGH, GPI, GCLC, GSR, GMPS, HSPB1, HSPDI, HPRT1, 10 HIG2, IGFBP3, IDH2, MIF, MEl, MMP9, MCM4, MAP3K13, NQOl, ODC1, PPIF, PFKP, PGD, PAICS, PSATI, PNPT1, PLOD2, PCNA, PSMD2, PRKDC, PTK9, PDKl, PKM2, RAB1O, RACGAPI, RAN, RAP2B, RFC4, AHCY, SPP1, SERPINE2, SORD, SMS, SRD5A1, SULF2, TXN, TXNRD1, TXNL5, TYMS, TBL1XR1, TPI1, UBE2S. [001661 Thus, in yet another aspect, lung squamous cell carcinoma patients are treated with a combination 15 of PARP modulators and modulators of other co-regulated genes, including PTS, AK3L2, AKRlCl, AKRIC2, AKRlC3, ATP2A2, ABCC1, ABCC5 CSNK2A1, CKS1B, CDW92, CMKORI, CSPG2, CDK4, DVL3, DUSP24, ELOVL6, GGH, GPI, GCLC, GSR, GMPS, HSPB1, HSPDI, HPRT1, HIG2, IGFBP3, IDH2, MIF, MEl, MMP9, MCM4, MAP3K13, NQO1, ODCI, PPIF, PFKP, PGD, PAICS, PSATI, PNPT1, PLOD2, PCNA, PSMD2, PRKDC, PTK9, PDK1, PKM2, RAB10, RACGAP1, RAN, RAP2B, RFC4, 20 AHCY, SPPl, SERPINE2, SORD, SMS, SRD5A1, SULF2, TXN, TXNRD1, TXNL5, TYMS, TBL1XR1, TPIl, UBE2S. Lung Adenocarcinoma [00167] Lung adenocarcinoma subjects depict elevated levels of PARP expression, and co-regulated genes that are upregulated at least two-fold as compared to controls, including ALDH1IAl, AKRICl, AKR1C2, 25 AKRIC3, ATP2A2, ATPIBl, CPE, CD24, CKS1B, FA2H, GCLC, GFPT1, IGFBP3, IDH2, KMO, LGR4, MIF, MCM4, MTHFD2, NQO1, ODC1, PFKP, PLA2G4A, PAICS, PSAT1, PLOD2, PDIA4, PDIA6, PDKl, SRD5A2L, SRD5A1, TYMS, UBE2S, UGDH, GALNT7 or UNCSCL. [00168] Thus, in yet another aspect, lung adenocarcinoma patients are treated with a combination of PARP modulators and modulators of other co-regulated genes, including ALDHl8A1, AKRlC1, AKR1C2, 30 AKR1C3, ATP2A2, ATP1BI, CPE, CD24, CKSlB, FA2H, GCLC, GFPTi, IGFBP3, ID)H2, KMO, LGR4, MIF, MCM4, MTHFD2, NQOl, ODCl, PFKP, PLA2G4A, PAICS, PSATI, PLOD2, PDIA4, PDIA6, PDK1, SRD5A2L, SRD5Al, TYMS, UIBE2S, UGDH, GALNT7 or UNC5CL. Lung Large Cell Carcinoma [00169] Lung large cell carcinoma subjects depict elevated levels of PARP expression, and co-regulated 35 genes that are upregulated at least two-fold as compared to controls, including PTS, ATF7IP, AK3L1, AK3L2, ALDH18Al, ATP2A2, DNAJC9, GPR89, HSPD1, HYOUi, LDHA, MIF, MMP9, MBTPS2, MALAT1, MTHFD2, NRAS, PCTKI, PPIF, PFKP, PAICS, PLOD2, PSMB4, PDK1, PKM2, RACGAP1, RANBP1, RAN, RFC5, SRPKl, SRD5Al, TPIl, or UBE2S. [00170] Thus, in yet another aspect lung large cell carcinoma patients are treated with a combination of 40 PARP modulators and modulators of other co-regulated genes, including PTS, ATF71P, AK3L1, AK3L2,

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ALDH18Al, ATP2A2, DNAJC9, GPR89, HSPD1, HYOUl, LDHA, MIF, MMP9, MBTPS2, MALATI, MTHFD2, NRAS, PCTK1, PPIF, PFKP, PAICS, PLOD2, PSMB4, PDK1, PKM2, RACGAPI, RANBP1, RAN, RFC5, SRPK1, SRD5Al, TPIl, or UBE2S. Lymph Node Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma 5 [00171) Lymph node Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma subjects depict elevated levels of PARP expression, and co-regulated genes that are upregulated at least two-fold as compared to controls, including ANP32E, BCATI, CD83, CGI-90, CSK, ARPP-19, DDX21, DCK, DHFR, DAAM1, DUSPlO, GRHPR, GGA2, GCHFR, HSPA4, HS2ST1, HDAC1, HPRT1, KPNA2, MAD2L1, MCM4, MOBK1B, MSH2, NUSAPI, ODC1, PFTKI, PLCG2, PRPSAP2, PMS2L3, PCNA, PTPN18, RACGAPI, RNGTT, SNRPDI, SMS, 10 SGPPi, SCD4, SWAP70, SS18, TA-KRP, TYMS, TMPO, TFRC, TNFSF9, UBE2S or LYN. [00172] Thus, in yet another aspect, lymph node Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma patients are treated with a combination of PARP modulators and modulators of other co-regulated genes, including ANP32E, BCAT1, CD83, CGI-90, CSK, ARPP-19, DDX21, DCK, DHFR, DAAM1, DUSPIO, GRHPR, GGA2, GCHFR, HSPA4, HS2ST1, HDAC1, HPRTl, KPNA2, MAD2L1, MCM4, MOBK1B, MSH2, NUSAP1, ODC1, 15 PFTK1, PLCG2, PRPSAP2, PMS2L3, PCNA, PTPN18, RACGAPI, RNGTT, SNRPD1, SMS, SGPP1, SCD4, SWAP70, SS18, TA-KRP, TYMS, TMPO, TFRC, TNFSF9, UBE2S or LYN. Lymph Node Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Difuise Large B-Cell Type [00173] Lymph node Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma diffuse large B-cell type subjects depict elevated levels of PARP expression, and co-regulated expressed genes that are upregulated at least two-fold as compared to 20 controls, including BPNTl, ATIC, ATF5, ACADM, ACYlL2, BCL6, BAG2, BCATI, CFLAR, CD83, CKS1B, CDC5L, CPSF3, CPSF5, CPSF6, C1QBP, PCIAl, CSK, ARPP-19, CDK4, DHFR, DLAT, DNAJD1, DUSPlO, ENOl, GSPT1, GMNN, GPI, GRHPR, GTPBP4, GCHFR, HSPHI, HSPE1, HSPD1, HSPA4, HSPCA, HSPCB, HS2STI, HDAC1, HRMT1L2, HPRTI, HG2, INSIG1, LDHA, MAD2Ll, MADP-1, MAK3, MDH1, MDH2, ME2, MCTS1, MKNK2, MCM4, METAP2, MTHFD2, MOBK1B, 25 MSH2, NEK6, NME1, NUSAPI, NY-REN-41, ODC1, PFKP, PGK1, PLCG2, PRPSAP2, PAICS, PAFAHIB1, PCNA, PSMA2, PKIG, PRKD3, PRKDC, PTPN18, PKM2, RACGAP1, RAN, RRAS2, RFC3, RFC4, RBBP7, RBBP8, AHCY, SSBP1, SMC4LI, SMS, SGPP1, SCAP2, SWAP70, SMARCC1, SS18, TXNL2, TYMS, TOX, TRIP13, TBL1XR1, TFRC, TKT, TPIl, TNFSF9, YWHAE, UCHL5, USP28, UBE2A, UBE2D2, UBE2G1, UBE2S, UTP14A, TALA, LYN. 30 [00174] Thus, another aspect, lymph node Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma diffuse large B-cell type patients are treated with a combination of PARP modulators and modulators of other co-regulated genes, including BPNT1, ATIC, ATFS, ACADM, ACYlL2, BCL6, BAG2, BCAT1, CFLAR, CD83, CKS1B, CDC5L, CPSF3, CPSF5, CPSF6, C1QBP, PCIA1, CSK, ARPP-19, CDK4, DHFR, DLAT, DNAJD1, DUSP1O, ENO1, GSPT1, GMNN, GPI, GRHPR, GTPBP4, GCHFR, HSPH1, HSPE1, HSPD1, HSPA4, HSPCA, 35 HSPCB, HS2ST1, HDAC1, HRMT1L2, HPRT1, HIG2, INSIG1, LDHA, MAD2L1, MADP-1, MAK3, MDH1, MDH2, ME2, MCTS1, MKNK2, MCM4, METAP2, MTHFD2, MOBKlB, MSH2, NEK6, NMEI, NUSAPI, NY-REN-41, ODC1, PFKP, PGK1, PLCG2, PRPSAP2, PAICS, PAFAH1B1, PCNA, PSMA2, PKIG, PRKD3, PRKDC, PTPN18, PKM2, RACGAP1, RAN, RRAS2, RFC3, RFC4, RBBP7, RBBP8, AHCY, SSBP1, SMC4Ll, SMS, SGPP1, SCAP2, SWAP70, SMARCC1, SS18, TXNL2, TYMS, TOX,

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TRIP13, TBLlXRl, TFRC, TKT, TPI, TNFSF9, YWHAE, UCHL5, USP28, UBE2A, UBE2D2, UBE2Gl, UBE2S, UTP14A, TALA, LYN. Liver HepatocellularCarcinoma 100175] Liver hepatocellular carcinoma subjects depict elevated levels of PARP expression, and co 5 regulated genes that are upregulated at least two-fold as compared to controls, including AGPAT5, ACSL3, ALDOA, ASPH, ATP1A1, CPD, FZD6, GBAS, HTATIP2, RAK, KMO, LPGATl, MMP9, MCM4, ODC1, PTGFRN, RACGAP1, ROBO, SPPl, SHCl, TSPAN13, TXNRD1, TKT or UBE2S. [001761 Thus, in one aspect, liver hepatocellular carcinoma patients are treated with a combination of PARP modulators and modulators of other co-regulated genes, including AGPAT5, ACSL3, ALDOA, ASPH, 10 ATPlA1, CPD, FZD6, GBAS, HTATIP2, IRAK1, KMO, LPGAT1, MMP9, MCM4, ODC1, PTGFRN, RACGAPI, ROBO1, SPPi, SHCl, TSPAN13, TXNRD1, TKT or UBE2S. Thyroid Gland Papillary CarcinomaFollicular Variant [001771 Thyroid gland papillary carcinoma follicular variant subjects also depict elevated levels of PARP expression, and co-regulated genes that are upregulated at least two-fold as compared to controls, including 15 CAMK2D, CTSB, DUSP6, EPS8, FAS, MGAT4B, WIG1, PERP, PLD3, RABl4, SSR3, ST3GAL5 or TPPl. [001781 Thus, in yet another aspect, thyroid gland papillary carcinoma follicular variant patients are treated with a combination of PARP modulators and modulators of other co-regulated genes, including CAMK2D, CTSB, DUSP6, EPS8, FAS, MGAT4B, WIG1, PERP, PLD3, RAB14, SSR3, ST3GALS or TPP1. 20 Skin MalignantMelanoma [00179] Skin malignant melanoma subjects depict elevated levels of PARP expression, and co-regulated genes that are upregulated at least two-fold as compared to controls, including EMEl, FBXO7, GPR89, GANAB, HSPD1, HSPA8, HPS5, LDHB, MAD2L1, MLPH, NBS1, NEK6, NMEl, NUSAPI, PAICS, PSMAS, RFC3, AHCY, SMC4L1, SAT, TYMS, TKT or TRAl. 25 [00180] Thus, in yet another aspect, skin malignant melanoma patients are treated with a combination of PARP modulators and modulators of other co-regulated genes, including EME1, FBXO7, GPR89, GANAB, HSPD1, HSPA8, HPS5, LDHB, MAD2L1, MLPH, NBS1, NEK6, NMEl, NUSAP1, PAICS, PSMA5, RFC3, AHCY, SMC4L1, SAT, TYMS, TKT or TRAl. Skin Basal Cell Carcinoma 30 [00181] Skin basal cell carcinoma subjects depict elevated levels of PARP expression, and co-regulated genes that are upregulated at least two-fold as compared to controls, including ACY1L2, CHSYI, CDC42EP4, CCAR1, CSPG2, CXADR, CXXC6, CDK6, DDIT4, GPR56, HSPCA, HSPCAL3, HS2ST1, IGSF4, KTN1, KMO, MARCKS, NNT, PHCA, PAFAH1B1, FIJ23091, RFC3, RBBP4, SORL1, YWHAE, USP47 or UBE2S. 35 [00182] Thus, in yet another aspect, skin basal cell carcinoma patients are treated with a combination of PARP modulators and modulators of other co-regulated genes, including ACY1L2, CHSY1, CDC42EP4, CCAR1, CSPG2, CXADR, CXXC6, CDK6, DDIT4, GPR56, HSPCA, HSPCAL3, HS2STl, IGSF4, KTNI, KMO, MARCKS, NNT, PHCA, PAFAH1B1, FLJ23091, RFC3, RBBP4, SORL1, YWHAE, USP47 or UBE2S.

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Examples of inflammadon [001831 Examples of inflammation include, but are not limited to, systemic inflammatory conditions and conditions associated locally with migration and attraction of monocytes, leukocytes and/or neutrophils. Inflammation may result from infection with pathogenic organisms (including gram-positive bacteria, gram 5 negative bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites such as protozoa and helminths), transplant rejection (including rejection of solid organs such as kidney, liver, heart, lung or cornea, as well as rejection of bone marrow transplants including graft-versus-host disease (GVHD)), or from localized chronic or acute autoimmune or allergic reactions. Autoimmune diseases include acute glomerulonephritis; rheumatoid or reactive arthritis; chronic glomerulonephritis; inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease, 10 ulcerative colitis and necrotizing enterocolitis; granulocyte transfusion associated syndromes; inflammatory dermatoses such as contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis; systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), autoimmune thyroiditis, multiple sclerosis, and some forms of diabetes, or any other autoimmune state where attack by the subject's own immune system results in pathologic tissue destruction. Allergic reactions include allergic asthma, chronic bronchitis, acute and delayed hypersensitivity. Systemic inflammatory 15 disease states include inflammation associated with trauma, burns, reperfision following ischemic events (e.g. thrombotic events in heart, brain, intestines or peripheral vasculature, including myocardial infarction and stroke), sepsis, ARDS or multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. Inflammatory cell recruitment also occurs in atherosclerotic plaques. [00184] In one embodiment, provided herein is a method of treating inflammation with modulators of PARP 20 and modulators of other co-regulated genes of inflammation. Inflammation includes, but is not limited to, Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, Wegener's granulomatosis, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, hepatocellular carcinoma, thymus atrophy, chronic pancreatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, reactive lymphoid hyperplasia, osteoarthritis, ulcerative colitis, papillary carcinoma, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, acute cholecystitis, chronic cholecystitis, cirrhosis, chronic sialadenitis, peritonitis, acute pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis, chronic 25 Gastritis, adenomyosis, endometriosis, acute cervicitis, chronic cervicitis, lymphoid hyperplasia, multiple sclerosis, hypertrophy secondary to idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, primary IgA nephropathy, systemic lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, pulmonary emphysema, chronic pyelonephritis, and chronic cystitis. Examples of endoerine and neuroendocrine disorders 30 [00185] Examples of endocrine disorders include disorders of adrenal, breast, gonads, pancreas, parathyroid, pituitary, thyroid, dwarfism etc. The adrenal disorders include, but are not limited to, Addison's disease, hirutism, cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, and pheochromocytoma. The breast disorders include, but are not limited to, breast cancer, fibrocystic breast disease, and gynecomastia. The gonad disorders include, but are not limited to, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, polycystic ovarian 35 syndrome, and turner syndrome. The pancreas disorders include, but are not limited to, diabetes (type I and type I1), hypoglycemia, and insulin resistance. The parathyroid disorders include, but are not limited to, hyperparathyroidism, and hypoparathyroidism. The pituitary disorders include, but are not limited to, acromegaly, Cushing's syndrome, diabetes insipidus, empty sella syndrome, hypopituitarism, and prolactinoma. The thyroid disorders include, but are not limited to, cancer, goiter, hyperthyroid, 40 hypothyroid, nodules, thyroiditis, and Wilson's syndrome. The examples of neuroendocrine disorders

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include, but are not limited to, depression and anxiety disorders related to a hormonal imbalance, catamenial epilepsy, menopause, menstrual migraine, reproductive endocrine disorders, gastrointestinal disorders such as, gut endocrine tumors including carcinoid, gastrinoma, and somatostatinoma, achalasia, and Hirschsprung's disease. In some embodiments, the endocrine and neuroendocrine disorders include nodular 5 hyperplasia, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, islet cell tumor, and papillary carcinoma. [00186] The endocrine and neuroendocrine disorders in children include endocrinologic conditions of growth disorder and diabetes insipidus. Growth delay may be observed with congenital ectopic location or aplasia/hypoplasia of the pituitary gland, as in holoprosencephaly, septo-optic dysplasia and basal encephalocele. Acquired conditions, such as craniopharyngioma, optic/hypothalamic glioma may be present 10 with clinical short stature and diencephalic syndrome. Precocious puberty and growth excess may be seen in the following conditions: arachnoid cyst, hydrocephalus, hypothalamic hamartoma and germinoma. Hypersecretion of growth hormone and adrenocorticotropic hormone by a pituitary adenoma may result in pathologically tall stature and truncal obesity in children. Diabetes insipidus may occur secondary to infiltrative processes such as Langerhans cell of histiocytosis, tuberculosis, germinoma, post 15 traumatic/surgical injury of the pituitary stalk and hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy. [00187 In one embodiment, provided herein is a method of treating endocrine and neuroendocrine disorders with modulators of PARP and modulators of other co-regulated genes of endocrine and neuroendocrine disorders. Examples of nutitional and metabolic disorders 20 [00188] The examples of nutritional and metabolic disorders include, but are not limited to, aspartylglusomarinuria, biotinidase deficiency, carbohydrate deficient glycoprotein syndrome (CDGS), Crigler-Najjar syndrome, cystinosis, diabetes insipidus, fabry, fatty acid metabolism disorders, galactosemia, gaucher, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), glutaric aciduria, hurler, hurler-scheie, hunter, hypophosphatemia, I-cell, krabbe, lactic acidosis, long chain 3 hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency 25 (LCHAD), lysosomal storage diseases, mannosidosis, maple syrup urine, maroteaux-lamy, metachromatic leukodystrophy, mitochondrial, morquio, mucopolysaccharidosis, neuro-metabolic, niemann-pick, organic acidemias, purine, phenylketonuria (PKU), pope, pseudo-hurler, pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency, sandhoff, sanfilippo, scheie, sly, tay-sachs, trimethylaminuria (fish-malodor syndrome), urea cycle conditions, vitamin D deficiency rickets, metabolic disease of muscle, inherited metabolic disorders, acid 30 base imbalance, acidosis, alkalosis, alkaptonuria, alpha-mannosidosis, amyloidosis, anemia, iron-deficiency, ascorbic acid deficiency, avitaminosis, beriberi, biotinidase deficiency, deficient glycoprotein syndrome, camitine disorders, cystinosis, cystinuria, fabry disease, fatty acid oxidation disorders, fucosidosis, galactosemias, gaucher disease, Gilbert disease, glucosephosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, glutaric academia, glycogen storage disease, hartnup disease, hemochromatosis, hemosiderosis, hepatolenticular 35 degeneration, histidinemia, homocystinuria, hyperbilirubinemia, hypercalcemia, hyperinsulinism, hyperkalemia, hyperlipidemia, hyperoxaluria, hypervitaminosis A, hypocalcemia, hypoglycemia, hypokalemia, hyponatremia, hypophosphotasia, insulin resistance, iodine deficiency, iron overload, jaundice, chronic idiopathic, leigh disease, Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, leucine metabolism disorders, lysosomal storage diseases, magnesium deficiency, maple syrup urine disease, MELAS syndrome, menkes kinky hair 40 syndrome, metabolic syndrome X, mucolipidosis, mucopolysacchabridosis, Niemann-Pick disease, obesity, -94 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750.601 WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

ornithine carbamoyltransferase deficiency disease, osteomalacia, pellagra, peroxisomal disorders, porphyria, erythropoietic, porphyries, progeria, pseudo-gaucher disease, refsum disease, reye syndrome, rickets, sandhoff disease, tangier disease, Tay-sachs disease, tetrahydrobiopterin deficiency, trimethylaminuria (fish odor syndrome), tyrosinemias, urea cycle disorders, water-electrolyte imbalance, wernicke encephalopathy, 5 vitamin A deficiency, vitamin B 12 deficiency, vitamin B deficiency, wolman disease, and zellweger syndrome. [00189] In one embodiment, provided herein is a method of treating nutritional or metabolic disorders with modulators of PARP and modulators of other co-regulated genes of nutritional or metabolic disorders. In some embodiments, the metabolic diseases include diabetes and obesity. 10 Examples ofhematelymphoid system [00190] A hematolymphoid system includes hemic and lymphatic diseases. A "hematological disorder" includes a disease, disorder, or condition which affects a hematopoietic cell or tissue. Hematological disorders include diseases, disorders, or conditions associated with aberrant hematological content or function. Examples of hematological disorders include disorders resulting from bone marrow irradiation or 15 chemotherapy treatments for cancer, disorders such as pernicious anemia, hemorrhagic anemia, hemolytic anemia, aplastic anemia, sickle cell anemia, sideroblastic anemia, anemia associated with chronic infections such as malaria, trypanosomiasis, HIV, hepatitis virus or other viruses, myelophthisic anemias caused by marrow deficiencies, renal failure resulting from anemia, anemia, polycethemia, infectious mononucleosis (IM), acute non-lymphocytic leukemia (ANLL), acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), acute promyelocytic 20 leukemia (APL), acute myelomonocytic leukemia (AMMoL), polycethemia vera, lymphoma, acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), chronic lymphocytic leukemia, Wilms tumor, Ewing's sarcoma, retinoblastoma, hemophilia, disorders associated with an increased risk of thrombosis, herpes, thalessemia, antibody-mediated disorders such as transfusion reactions and erythroblastosis, mechanical trauma to red blood cells such as micro-angiopathic hemolytic anemias, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and 25 disseminated intravascular coagulation, infections by parasites such as plasmodium, chemical injuries from, e.g., lead poisoning, and hypersplenism. [00191] Lymphatic diseases include, but are not limited to, lymphadenitis, lymphagiectasis, , , lymphocele, lymphoproliferative disorders, mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome, reticuloendotheliosis, splenic diseases, thymus hyperplasia, thymus neoplasms, tuberculosis, lymph node, 30 pseudolymphoma, and lymphatic abnormalities. [00192] In one embodiment provided herein is a method of treating a hematological disorder with modulators of PARP and modulators of other co-regulated genes of hematological disorders. Disorders of hematolymphoid system include, but are not limited to, non-Hodgkins lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, and reactive lymphoid hyperplasia. 35 Examples of CNS diseases [00193] The examples of CNS diseases include, but are not limited to, neurodegenerative diseases, drug abuse such as, cocaine abuse, multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, transverse myelitis, demyelinating genetic diseases, spinal cord injury, virus-induced demyelination, progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy, human lymphotrophic T-cell virus I (HTLVI)-associated 40 myelopathy, and nutritional metabolic disorders.

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[001941 In one embodiment, provided herein is a method of treating CNS diseases with modulators of PARP and modulators of other co-regulated genes of CNS diseases. In some embodiments, the CNS diseases include Parkinson disease, Alzheimer's disease, cocaine abuse, and schizophrenia. Examples ofneurodegeneraive diseases 5 [00195] Neurodegenerative diseases include, but are not limited to, Alzheimer's disease, Pick's disease, diffuse lewy body disease, progressive supranuclear palsy (Steel-Richardson syndrome), multisystem degeneration (Shy-Drager syndrome), motor neuron diseases including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, degenerative ataxias, cortical basal degeneration, ALS-Parkinson's-dementia complex of guam, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, Huntington's disease, Parkinson's disease, synucleinopathies, primary progressive 10 aphasia, striatonigral degeneration, Machado-Joseph disease/spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 and olivopontocerebellar degenerations, Gilles De La Tourette's disease, bulbar and pseudobulbar palsy, spinal and spinobulbar muscular atrophy (Kennedy's disease), primary lateral sclerosis, familial spastic paraplegia, Werdnig-Hoffmann disease, Kugelberg-Welander disease, Tay-Sach's disease, Sandhoff disease, familial spastic disease, Wohlfart-Kugelberg-Welander disease, spastic paraparesis, progressive multifocal 15 leukoencephalopathy, and prion diseases (including Creutzfeldt-Jakob, Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker disease, kuru and fatal familial insomnia), Alexander disease, alper's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, ataxia telangiectasia, batten disease, canavan disease, cockayne syndrome, corticobasal degeneration, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Huntington disease, Kennedy's disease, Krabbe disease, lewy body dementia, Machado-Joseph disease, spinocerebellar ataxia type 3, multiple sclerosis, multiple system atrophy, 20 Parkinson disease, Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease, Refsum's disease, Schilder's disease, Spielmeyer-Vogt Sjogren-Batten disease, Steele-Richardson-Olszewski disease, and tabes dorsalis. [00196] In one embodiment provided herein is a method of treating a veurodegenerative diseases with modulators of PARP and modulators of other co-regulated genes of veurodegenerative diseases. Examples of disorders of urinary tract 25 [00197] Disorders ofurinary tract include, but are not limited to, disorders of kidney, ureters, bladder, and urethera. For example, urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, renal agenesis, hydronephrosis, polycystic kidney disease, multicystic kidneys, low urinary tract obstruction, bladder exstrophy and epispadias, hypospadias, bacteriuria, prostatitis, intrarenal and peripheral abscess, benign prostate hypertrophy, renal cell carcinoma, transitional cell carcinoma, Wilm's tumor, uremia, and glomerolonephritis. 30 [001981 In one embodiment provided herein is a method of treating disorders of urinary tract with modulators of PARP and modulators of other co-regulated genes of disorders ofurinary tract. Examples of respiratory diseases [00199] The respiratory diseases and conditions include, but are not limited to, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), adenocarcinoma, adenosquamous carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, large 35 cell carcinoma, cystic fibrosis (CF), dispnea, emphysema, wheezing, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary fibrosis, hyper-responsive airways, increased adenosine or adenosine receptor levels, pulmonary bronchoconstriction, lung inflammation and allergies, and surfactant depletion, chronic bronchitis, bronchoconstriction, difficult breathing, impeded and obstructed lung airways, adenosine test for cardiac function, pulmonary vasoconstriction, impeded respiration, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), 40 administration of certain drugs, such as adenosine and adenosine level increasing drugs, and other drugs for,

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e.g. treating supraventricular tachycardia (SVT), and the administration of adenosine stress tests, infantile respiratory distress syndrome (infantile RDS), pain, allergic rhinitis, decreased lung surfactant, decreased ubiquinone levels, or chronic bronchitis, among others. [002001 In one embodiment, provided herein is a method of treating respiratory diseases and conditions with 5 modulators of PARP and modulators of other co-regulated genes of disorders of respiratory diseases and conditions. Examples of disorders offemale reproductve system [002011 The disorders of the female reproductive system include diseases of the vulva, vagina, cervix uteri, corpus uteri, fallopian tube, and ovary. Some of the examples include, adnexal diseases such as, fallopian 10 tube disease, ovarian disease, leiomyoma, mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, serous cystadenocarcinoma, parovarian cyst, and pelvic inflammatory disease; endometriosis; reproductive neoplasms such as, fallopian tube neoplasms, uterine neoplasms, vaginal neoplasms, vulvar neoplasms, and ovarian neoplasms; gynatresia; reproductive herpes; infertility; sexual dysfunction such as, dyspareunia, and impotence; tuberculosis; uterine diseases such as, cervix disease, endometrial hyperplasia, endometritis, hematometra, 15 uterine hemorrhage, uterine neoplasms, uterine prolapse, uterine rupture, and uterine inversion; vaginal diseases such as, dyspareunia, hematocolpos, vaginal fistula, vaginal neoplasms, vaginitis, vaginal discharge, and candidiasis or vulvovaginal; vulvar diseases such as, kraurosis vulvae, pruritus, valvar neoplasm, vulvitis, and candidiasis; and urogenital diseases such as urogenital abnormalities and urogenital neoplasms. [00202] In one embodiment, provided herein is a method of treating disorders of the female reproductive 20 system with modulators of PARP and modulators of other co-regulated genes of disorders of the female reproductive system. Examples of disorders of male reproductive system [002031 The disorders of the male reproductive system include, but are not limited to, epididymitis; reproductive neoplasms such as, penile neoplasms, prostatic neoplasms, and testicular neoplasms; 25 hematocele; reproductive herpes; hydrocele; infertility; penile diseases such as, balanitis, hypospadias, peyronie disease, penile neoplasms, phimosis, and priapism; prostatic diseases such as, prostatic hyperplasia, prostatic neoplasms, and prostatitis; organic sexual dysfunction such as, dyspareunia, and impotence; spermatic cord torsion; spermatocele; testicular diseases such as, cryptorchidism, orchitis, and testicular neoplasms; tuberculosis; varicocele; urogenital diseases such as, urogenital abnormalities, and urogenital 30 neoplasms; and fournier gangrene. [00204] In one embodiment, provided herein is a method of treating disorders of the male reproductive system with modulators of PARP and modulators of other co-regulated genes of disorders of the male reproductive system. Examples of cardiovascular disorders (CVS) 35 [002051 The cardiovascular disorders include those disorders that can either cause ischemia or are caused by reperfusion of the heart. Examples include, but are not limited to, atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, granulomatous myocarditis, chronic myocarditis (non-granulomatous ), primary hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, peripheral artery disease (PAD), stroke, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, cardiovascular tissue damage caused by cardiac arrest, cardiovascular tissue damage caused by cardiac 40 bypass, cardiogenic shock, and related conditions that would be known by those of ordinary skill in the art or

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which involve dysfunction of or tissue damage to the heart or vasculature, especially, but not limited to, tissue damage related to PARP activation. [00206] In one embodiment, provided herein is a method of treating cardiovascular disorders with modulators of PARP and modulators of other co-regulated genes of cardiovascular disorders. In some 5 embodiments, CVS diseases include, but are not limited to, atherosclerosis, granulomatous myocarditis, myocardial infarction, myocardial fibrosis secondary to valvular heart disease, myocardial fibrosis without infarction, primary hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and chronic myocarditis (non-granulomatous). Examples of viral disorders 100207] Viral disorders include, but are not limited to, disorders that are caused by viral infection and 10 subsequent replication. Examples of viral disorders include, but are not limited to, infections caused by the following viral agents: human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis C virus, hepatitis B virus, herpes virus, varicella-zoster, adenovirus, cytomegalovirus, enteroviruses, rhinoviruses, rubella virus, influenza virus and encephalitis viruses. In some embodiments, HIV infection and replication is targeted by the combination therapies described herein. In one embodiment, provided herein is a method of treating viral disorders with 15 modulators of PARP and modulators of other co-regulated genes of viral disorders. PARP AND DISEASE PATHWAYS [002081 The poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) is also known as poly (ADP-ribose) synthase and poly ADP-ribosyltransferase. PARP catalyzes the formation of poly (ADP-ribose) polymers which can attach to nuclear proteins (as well as to itself) and thereby modify the activities of those proteins. The enzyme plays a 20 role in enhancing DNA repair, but it also plays a role in regulating chromatin in the nuclei (for review see: D. D'amours et al. "Poly (ADP-ribosylation reactions in the regulation of nuclear finctions," Biochem. I. 342:249-268 (1999)). [002091 PARP-1 comprises an N-terminal DNA binding domain, an automodification domain and a C terminal catalytic domain; various cellular proteins interact with PARP-1. The N-tenninal DNA binding 25 domain contains two zinc finger motifs. Transcription enhancer factor-I (TEF-I), retinoid X receptor a, DNA polymerase a, X-ray repair cross-complementing factor-I (XRCC1) and PARP-1 itself interact with PARP-1 in this domain. The automodification domain contains a BRCT motif, one of the protein-protein interaction modules. This motif is originally found in the C-terminus of BRCAl (breast cancer susceptibility protein 1) and is present in various proteins related to DNA repair, recombination and cell-cycle checkpoint 30 control. POU-homeodomain-containing octamer transcription factor-1 (Oct-1), Yin Yang (YY)l and ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme 9 (ubc9) could interact with this BRCT motif in PARP-1. [00210] More than 15 members of the PARP family of genes are present in the mammalian genome. PAR? familyproteins and poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase (PARG), which degradespoly(ADP-ribose) to ADP ribose, could be involved in a variety of cell regulatory functions including DNA damage response and 35 transcriptional regulation and may be related to carcinogenesis and the biology of cancer in many respects. [00211] Several PARP family proteins have been identified. Tankyrase has been found as an interacting protein of telomere regulatory factor 1 (TRF-1) and is involved in telomere regulation. Vault PARP (VPARP) is a component in the vault complex, which acts as a nuclear-cytoplasmic transporter. PARP-2,

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PARP-3 and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin inducible PARP (TiPARP) have also been identified. Therefore, poly (ADP-ribose) metabolism could be related to a variety of cell regulatory functions. 100212] A member of this gene family is PARP-1. The PARP-1 gene product is expressed at high levels in the nuclei of cells and is dependent upon DNA damage for activation. Without being bound by any theory, it 5 is believed that PARP-1 binds to DNA single or double stranded breaks through an amino terminal DNA binding domain. The binding activates the carboxy terminal catalytic domain and results in the formation of polymers of ADP-ribose on target molecules. PARP-1 is itself a target of poly ADP-ribosylation by virtue of a centrally located automodification domain. The ribosylation of PARP-1 causes dissociation of the PARP-1 molecules from the DNA. The entire process of binding, ribosylation, and dissociation occurs very rapidly. It 10 has been suggested that this transient binding of PARP-1 to sites of DNA damage results in the recruitment of DNA repair machinery or may act to suppress the recombination long enough for the recruitment of repair machinery. 100213] The source of ADP-ribose for the PARP reaction is nicotinamide adenosine dinucleotide (NAD). NAD is synthesized in cells from cellular ATP stores and thus high levels of activation of PARP activity can 15 rapidly lead to depletion of cellular energy stores. It has been demonstrated that induction of PARP activity can lead to cell death that is correlated with depletion of cellular NAD and ATP pools. PARP activity is induced in many instances of oxidative stress or during inflammation. For example, during reperfusion of ischemic tissues reactive nitric oxide is generated and nitric oxide results in the generation of additional reactive oxygen species including hydrogen peroxide, peroxynitrate and hydroxyl radical. These latter 20 species can directly damage DNA and the resulting damage induces activation of PARP activity. Frequently, it appears that sufficient activation of PARP activity occurs such that the cellular energy stores are depleted and the cell dies. A similar mechanism is believed to operate during inflammation when endothelial cells and pro-inflammatory cells synthesize nitric oxide which results in oxidative DNA damage in surrounding cells and the subsequent activation of PARP activity. The cell death that results from PARP activation is believed 25 to be a major contributing factor in the extent of tissue damage that results from ischemia-reperfusion injury or from inflammation. [00214] Inhibition of PARP activity can be potentially useful in the treatment of cancer. De-inhibition of the DNAase (by PARP-1 inhibition) may initiate DNA breakdown that is specific for cancer cells and induce apoptosis in cancer cells only. PARP small molecule inhibitors may sensitize treated tumor cell lines to 30 killing by ionizing radiation and by some DNA damaging chemotherapeutic drugs. A monotherapy by PARP inhibitors or a combination therapy with a chemotherapeutic or radiation may be an effective treatment Combination therapy with a chemotherapeutic can induce tumor regression at concentrations of the chemotherapeutic that are ineffective by themselves. Further, PARP-1 mutant mice and PARP-1 mutant cell lines may be sensitive to radiation and similar types of chemotherapeutic drugs. 35 [00215] The level of PARP and co-regulated gene expression may be indicative of the disease state, stage or prognosis of an individual patient For example, a relative level of PARP-1 expression in subjects with prostrate cancer and breast cancer is up-regulated as compared to normal subjects. Similarly, a relative level of PARP-1 expression in subjects with ovarian cancer and endometrium cancer is up-regulated as compared to normal subjects. Within different cancers, each cancer type shows up-regulation to a different extent from 40 each other. For example, different breast cancers show up-regulation to different extent. Similarly, different

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ovarian cancers show up-regulation to a different extent It indicates that PARP-1 up-regulation is not only helpful in identifying PARP-l mediated diseases treatable by PARP-1 inhibitors, but it may also be helpful in predicting/determining the efficacy of the treatment with PARP-1 inhibitors depending on the extent of up-regulation of PARP-1 in a subject Assessment of PARP and ca-regulated gene expression, therefore, can 5 be an indicator of tumor sensitivity to PARP-1 inhibitors and co-regulated genes. It may also be helpful in personalizing the dose regimen for a subject. PARP Related Pathways [00216] As discussed, other genes that are co-regulated along with PARP expression may also be useful in identifying and treating diseases that may be treatable by a combination of PARP and co-regulated gene 10 modulators. For example, a relative level of PARP-1 expression, along with an indicated upregulation of IGF1R and EGFR expression in a tumor tissue sample, as compared to normal subjects, may indicate a cancer that is treatable with a combination of PARP inhibitor and IGFIR and EGFR inhibitors. In addition, a relative level of PARP-1, IGFlR and EGFR expression in subjects with an inflammatory disease, as compared to normal subjects, may indicate an inflammatory disease that is treatable with a combination of 15 PARP inhibitor and IGFIR and EGFR inhibitors. [00217] Co-regulation of other identified genes may be detected independently of the analysis of PARP level expression. For example, a practitioner from the teachings presented herein, would combine a PARP inhibitor with an IGFIR inhibitor in breast cancer tissue because of the demonstrated correlation of co upregulation with PARP-1 and IGFlR expression. Accordingly, one treatment embodiment includes the 20 administration of co-regulation gene modulators, such as inhibitors to IGFlR and EGFR, independent of the measurement of PARP level expression for the treatment of diseases, including cancer. Such administration of co-regulated gene modulators could occur in tandem with, or separate from, the administration of PARP modulators. [00218] Thus, one embodiment disclosed herein is to demonstrate the interrelationship of various pathways 25 with PARP regulation, to identify potential targets of co-modulation combinatory therapy. The following genetic targets are exemplary, but are not exhaustive, of genes that are co-regulated with PARP expression in disease states. Insulin-Like Growth Factor Receptor 1 [00219] The insulin-like growth factor receptor (IGFIR) is a transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinase that 30 mediates IGF biological activity and signaling through several critical cellular molecular networks including RASORAF-ERK and PI3-AKT-mTOR pathways. A functional IGFiR is required for transformation, and has been shown to promote tumor cell growth and survival. Several genes that have been shown to promote cell proliferation in response to IGF-l/IGF-2 binding in the IGF1R pathway include She, IRS, Grb2, SOS, Ras, Raf, MEK and ERK. Genes that have been implicated in the cell proliferation, motility and survival 35 functions of IGFl R signaling include IRS, P13-K, PIP2, PTEN, PTP-2, PDK and Akt. [00220] IGF1R is frequently overexpressed in human tumors, including melanomas, cancers of the colon, pancreas, prostate and kidney. Overexpression of IGFIR may function as an oncogene, where such overexpression of IGFIR can be the result of loss of tumor suppressors, including wild-type p53, BRCA1 and VHL. IGFiR activation protects cells from a variety of apotosis-inducing agents, including osmotic 40 stress, hypoxia and anti-cancer drugs. The level of expression of functional IGFlR appears to be a critical

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determinant of resistance to apoptosis in vitro and in vivo. IGFs are known to protect tumor cells against killing by cytotoxic drugs. This effect can be attributed to the well-recognized ability ofthe IGF axis to suppress apoptosis, and also to an apparent ability to influence aspects of the DNA damage response. Consistent with this, sensitivity to chemotherapy may be enhanced by various approaches to block the IGF 5 axis. The IGF axis could potentially be blocked at several different levels, including interference with the expression and function of ligands, binding proteins and receptors. Small molecule inhibitors, antibodies, dominant negative to IGF1 R, antisense and siRNA representative examples of inhibitors that may enhance sensitivity to chemotherapy through the IGF axis. [00221] Experiments were conducted to verify the correlative relationship exists between PARP and IGF 10 lR expression in a variety of tissue samples. Table XIX depicts the level of expression in a variety of tissues, including adrenal gland, bone, breast tumor tissue, including IDC and infiltrating lobular carcinoma, among others. As seen, upregulation of IGF1-R can be seen in the same tissues as that for PARPI upregulation, for example in breast, ovarian and skin cancers. Accordingly, an embodiment is the treatment of susceptible cancers with a combination of PARP and IGF1R modulators. Moreover, IGFIR related genes, including 15 genes that are co-regulated along the IGFIR pathway, are also contemplated herein. [00222] Table XIX: Expression of IGF1R (Insulin-like growth factor 1receptor) in human primary tumors in comparison with normal tissues tested on Array hg133a. Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Median Adrenal Gland, Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma, Primary 3 65.828 35.85 75.958 Adrenal Gland, Normal 13 85.341 37.713 92.31 Bone, Giant Cell Tumor of Bone, Primary 10 57.201 25.847 45.959 Bone, Normal 8 46.953 14.046 43.164 Bone, Osteosarcoma, Primary 4 64.269 20.188 60.848 Breast, Infiltrating Carcinoma of Mixed Ductal and Lobular Type, Primary 8 112.111 69.247 99 Breast, Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma, Primary 169 124.036 95.462 97.339 Breast, Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma, Primary 17 114.33 66.461 99.947 Breast, Intraductal Carcinoma 3 214.121 100.275 208.348 Breast, Mucinous Carcinoma, Primary 4 163.719 127.018 146.328 Breast, Normal 68 87.822 58.73 70.932 Breast, Phyllodes Tumor (Cystosarcoma Phyllodes), Primary 5 99.977 33.553 117.663 Colon, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Mucinous Type), Primary 77 47.25 24.702 41.896 Colon, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous Type, Primary 7 54.155 32.766 48.534 Colon, Normal 180 41.474 19.577 38.744 Endometrium, Adenocarcinoma, Endometrioid Tye, Primary 50 77.703 34.7 70.791 Endometrium, Mullerian Mixed Tumor, Primary 7 103.11 112.968 58.225 Endometrium,Normal 23 109.476 61.449 86.356 Esophagus, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 3 76.404 89.219 33.085 Esophagus, Normal 22 54.934 22.855 46.997 Kidney, Carcinoma, Chromophobe Type, Primary 3 79.838 38.577 98.029 Kidney, Normal 81 94.875 39.237 90.24 Kidney, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Clear Cell Type, Primary 45 69.441 44.919 57.36

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Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Median Kidney, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Non-Clear Cell Type, Primary 15 86.186 50.4 70.631 Kidney, Transitional Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 41 20.564 42.229 Kidney, Wiln's Tumor, Primary 8 104.733 47.828 89.439 Larynx, Normal 4 54.531 7.301 54.091 Larynx, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 111.113 89.014 97.039 Liver, Hepatocellular Carcinoma 16 22.266 7.512 21.544 Liver, Normal 42 27.576 25.82 22.895 Lung, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 46 65.452 47.363 55.441 Lung, Adenosquamous Carcinoma, Primary 3 56.079 34.038 47.214 Lung, Large Cell Carcinoma, Primary 7 61.764 46.439 31.328 Lung, Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (Non-Small Cell Type), Primary 3 37.427 24.31 27.517 Lung, Normal 126 57.277 29.69 52.18 Lung, Small Cell Carcinoma, Primary 3 57.647 23.035 62.91 Lung, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 39 81.713 50.819 66.414 Oral Cavity, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 3 136.372 93.9 93.936 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Clear Cell Type, Primary 6 93.691 43.793 75.009 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Endometrioid Type, Primary 22 73.115 32.45 75.949 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Papillary Serous Type, primary 36 126.618 261.068 75.962 Ovary, Granulosa Cell Tumor, Primary 3 169.841 60.705 169.927 Ovary, Mucinous Cystadenocarcinoma, Primary 7 75.393 66.713 50.779 Ovary, Mullerian Mixed Tumor, Primary 5 126.91 121.824 79.955 Ovary, Normal 89 115.666 53.302 108.304 Pancreas, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 23 63.885 16.923 60.04 Pancreas, Islet Cell Tumor, Malignant, Primary 7 56.924 63.772 30.551 Pancreas, Normal 46 93.076 37.674 89.188 Prostate, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 86 119.495 53.987 114.899 Prostate, Normal 57 108.233 58.456 93.388 Rectum, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Mucinous Type), Primary 29 59.204 19.34 65.388 Rectum, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous Type, Primary 3 62.573 31.476 57.951 Rectum, Normal 44 50.965 19.969 48.972 Skin, Basal Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 179.37 85.237 202.634 Skin, Malignant Melanoma, Primary 7 87.475 42.005 86.499 Skin, Normal 61 55.948 23.541 49.106 Skin, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 66.185 17.746 69.936 Small Intestine, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), Primary 4 10.347 3.768 10.282 Small Intestine, Normal 97 36.769 20.176 32.341 Stomach, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Signet Ring Cell Type), Primary 27 44.607 29.077 37.317 Stomach, Adenocarcinoma, Signet Ring Cell Type, Primary 9 50.232 16.902 52.252 Stomach, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), Primary 9 36.869 61.155 15.828 Stomach, Normal 52 58.767 28.497 47.439 Thyroid Gland, Follicular Carcinoma, Primary 3 120.042 41.591 130.814 Thyroid Gland, Normal 24 81.333 49.295 71.732 Thyroid Gland, Papillary Carcinoma, Primary, All 29 83.359 51.903 63.894

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Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Median Variants Urinary Bladder, Normal 9 62.521 20.653 55.34 Urinary Bladder, Transitional Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 64,6 12.927 59.941 Uterine Cervix, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 3 103.944 95.785 55.348 Uterine Cervix, Normal 115 71.105 24.883 66.647 Vulva, Normal 4 63.062 21.067 69.51 Vulva, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 5 141.052 129.493 84.436 Insulin-like Growth Factor 2 (IGF2) [002231 As discussed above, overexpression of IGFlR may function as an oncogene, where such overexpression of IGFlR can be the result of loss of tumor suppressors, including wild type p53, BRCA1 and VHL (Werner and Roberts, 2003, Genes, Chromo and Cancer, 36:112-120; Riedemann and Macaulay, 5 2006, Endoor. Relat. Cancer, 13:S33-43). Consistent with the role of IGF1R in the development of cancer, it has been previously shown that blocking of the IGF axis may enhance the sensitivity to chemotherapy. The IGF axis could potentially be blocked at several different levels, including interference with the expression and function of ligands, including IGF2. Thus, the role of IGF ligand inhibitors, such as IGF2, may also play a role in cancer development. 10 100224] Experiments were thus conducted to determine if a correlative relationship exists between PARP and IGF2 expression in a variety of tissue samples. Table XX depicts the level of expression in a variety of tissues, including adrenal gland, bone, breast tumor tissue, including IDC and infiltrating lobular carcinoma, among others. As seen, upregulation of IGF2 is demonstrated in the same tissues as that for PARP1 upregulation, for example in breast, liver, lung and ovarian cancers. Accordingly, one embodiment is the 15 treatment of susceptible diseases with a combination of PARP and IGF2 modulators. Moreover, IGF2 related genes, including IGF1, IGF3, IGF4, IGF5, IGF6 and other insulin-like growth factor receptor ligands are also contemplated herein. Table XX: Expression of IGF2 (insulin-like growth factor 2) in human primary tumors in comparison with normal tissues Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Adrenal Gland, Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma, Primary 3 1848.834 3090.534 Adrenal Gland, Normal 13 529.291 547.211 Bone, Giant Cell Tumor of Bone, Primary 10 92.575 46.504 Bone, Normal 8 541.963 363.888 Bone Osteosarcoma, Primary 4 563.184 570.075 Breast, Infiltrating Carcinoma of Mixed Ductal and Lobular Type, Primary 8 266.772 222.345 Breast, Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma, Primary 169 302.565 404.769 Breast, Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma, Primary 17 427.307 267.766 Breast, Intraductal Carcinoma 3 309.277 169.406 Breast, Mucinous Carcinoma, Primary 4 323.68 104.134 Breast, Normal 68 625.371 391.936 Breast, Phyllodes Tumor (Cystosarcoma Phyllodes), Primary 5 4635.806 758.39 Colon, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Mucinous 77 404.074 990.572 -103 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750.601 WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Type), Primary Colon, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous Type, Primary 7 142.852 115.826 Colon, Normal 180 124.294 164.11 Endometrium, Adenocarcinoma, Endometricid Type, Primary 50 262.408 261.542 Endometnum, Mullenan Mixed Tumor, Primary 7 4298.005 3973.436 Endometrium, Normal 23 962.379 568.949 Esophagus, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 3 88.334 23.213 Esophagus, Normal 22 147.307 93.47 Kidney, Carcinoma, Chromophobe Type, Primary 3 98.284 49.051 Kidney, Normal 81 180.318 173.522 Kidney, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Clear Cell Type, Primary 45 172.314 293.9 Kidney, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Non-Clear Cell Type, Primary 15 81.293 74.054 Kidney, Transitional Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 5620.705 4310.083 Kidney, Wilm's Tumor, Primary 8 5461.075 2837.742 Larynx,Normal 4 501.856 381.37 Larynx, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 309.574 200.901 Liver, Hepatocellular Carcinoma 16 1912.226 3539.841 Liver, Normal 42 1505.288 632.644 Lung, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 46 81.16 86.841 Lung, Adenosquamous Carcinoma, Primary 3 202.216 248.096 Lung, Large Cell Carcinoma, Primary 7 1233.22 1890.947 Lung, Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (Non-Small Cell Type), Primary 3 22.408 8.574 Lung, Normal 126 116.73 221.406 Lung, Small Cell Carcinoma, Primary 3 307.962 315.514 Lung, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 39 81.715 74.222 Oral Cavity, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 3 341.49 278.662 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Clear Cell Type, Primary 6 211.816 243.491 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Endometrioid Type, Primary 22 229.471 416.059 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Papillary Serous Type, Primary 36 1154.231 1834.815 Ovary, Granulosa Cell Tumor, Primary 3 77.318 59.672 Ovary, Mucinous Cystadenocarcinoma, Primary 7 97.436 32.315 Ovary, Mullerian Mixed Tumor, Primary 5 2463.327 3493.894 Ovary, Normal 89 416.275 283.767 Pancreas, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 23 917.465 3230.5 Pancreas, Islet Cell Tumor, Malignant, Primary 7 1209.737 2927.581 Pancreas, Normal 46 199.883 170.572 Prostate, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 86 66.905 51.16 Prostate, Normal 57 172.881 141.803 Rectum, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Mucinous Type), Primary 29 1360.42 1973.822 Rectum, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous Type, Primary 3 140.862 95.539 Rectum, Normal 44 122.072 76.08 Skn Basal Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 519.235 445.788 Skin, Malignant Melanoma, Primary 7 78.738 30.463 Skin, Normal 61 238.046 254.135

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Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Skin, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 414,236 175.126 Small Intestine, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), Primary 4 5792.309 2849.492 Small Intestine, Normal 97 100.364 82.367 Stomach, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Signet Ring Cell Type), Primary 27 424.297 1312.845 Stomach, Adenocarcinoma, Signet Ring Cell Type, Primary 9 189.732 95.09 Stomach, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), Primary 9 6297.024 3314.963 Stomach, Normal 52 100.862 49.616 Thyroid Gland, Follicular Carcinoma, Primary 3 105.778 110.206 Thyroid Gland, Normal 24 123.019 67.385 Thyroid Gland, Papillary Carcinoma, Primary; All Variants 29 53.051 33.209 Urinary Bladder, Normal 9 589.553 501.207 Urinary Bladder, Transitional Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 148.173 100.896 Uterine Cervix, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 3 1137.023 593.279 Uterine Cervix, Normal 115 608.103 352.223 Vulva, Normal 4 283.469 232.196 Vulva, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 5 398.101 277.493 Epidermal Growth Factor Receutor [002251 The expression of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR), a tyrosine kinase receptor, has been implicated as necessary in the development of adenomas and carcinomas in intestinal tumors, and subsequent expansion of initiated tumors (Roberts et al., 2002, PNAS, 99:1521-1526). Overexpression of 5 EGFR also plays a role in neoplasia, especially in tumors of epithelial origin (Kari et al., 2003, Cancer Res., 63:1-5). EGFR overexpression has also been implicated in colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, gliomal development, small-cell lung cancer, and other carcinomas (Karamouzis et al., 2007, JAMA 298:70-82; Toschi et al., 2007, Oncologist, 12:211-220; Sequist et al., 2007, Oncologist, 12:325-330; Hatake et al., 2007, Breast Cancer, 14:132-149). EGFR is a member of the ErbB family of receptors, which includes 10 HER2c/neu, Her2 and Her3 receptor tyrosine kdnases. The molecular signaling pathway of EGFR activation has been mapped through experimental and computer modeling, involving other 200 reactions and 300 chemical species interactions (see Oda et al., Epub 2005, Mol. Sys. Biol., 1:2005.0010). Moreover, EGFR, through its signaling cascade pathway, stimulates PARP activation to initiate downstream cellular events mediated through the PARP pathway (Hagan et al., 2007, J. Cell. Biochem., 101:1384-1393. 15 [00226] Experiments were conducted to verify the correlative relationship between PARP and EGFR expression in a variety of tissue samples. Table XXI depicts the level of expression in a variety of tissues, including adrenal gland, bone, breast tumor tissue, including IDC and infiltrating lobular carcinoma, among others. As seen, upregulation of EGFR can be seen in the same tissues as that for PARP1 upregulation, for example in breast, ovarian and lung cancers. Accordingly, one embodiment is the treatment of susceptible 20 diseases with a combination ofPARP and EGFR modulators. Moreover, EGFR related genes, including genes that are co-regulated along the EGFR pathway, are also contemplated herein.

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[002271 Table XXI: Expression of EGFR (Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor; erythroblastic leukemia viral (v-erb-b) oncogene homolog, avian) in human primary tumors in comparison with normal tissues tested on Array hgl33a. Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Median Adrenal Gland, Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma, Primary 3 129.704 68.212 98.678 Adrenal Gland, Normal 13 206.012 141.491 218.327 Bone, Giant Cell Tumor of Bone, Primary 10 75.665 48.088 65.433 Bone, Normal 8 56.238 60.711 37.849 Bone, Osteosarcoma, Primary 4 120.054 48.685 105.045 Breast, Infiltrating Carcinoma of Mixed Ductal and Lobular Type, Primary 8 41.399 47.671 22.832 Breast, Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma, Primary 169 99.864 205.802 61.254 Breast; Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma, Primary 17 95.073 86.523 74.745 Breast, Intraductal Carcinoma 3 76.167 20.435 78.839 Breast, Mucinous Carcinoma, Primary 4 53.4 53.594 40.467 Breast, Normal 68 245.198 215.156 205.936 Breast, Phyllodes Tumor (Cystosarcoma Phyllodes), Primary 5 393.825 154.773 467.458 Colon, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Mucinous Type), Primary 77 120.497 94.693 103.941 Colon, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous Type, Primary 7 93.805 74.634 83.1 Colon, Normal 180 171.561 111.035 183.725 Endometrium, Adenocarcinoma, Endometrioid Type, Primary 50 159.77 123.307 141.211 Endometrium, Mullerian Mixed Tumor, Primary 7 279.821 425.216 71.541 Endometrium, Normal 23 247.392 190.703 207.384 Esophagus, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 3 65.199 53.315 70.837 Esophagus, Normal 22 284.301 195.112 296.05 Kidney, Carcinoma, Chromophobe Type, Primary 3 199.572 175.321 149.855 Kidney, Normal 81 167.833 111.603 166.218 Kidney, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Clear Cell Type, Primary 45 475.552 460.868 363.274 Kidney, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Non Clear Cell Type, Primary 15 438.275 312.272 363.517 Kidney, Transitional Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 128.624 102.806 127.813 Kidney, Wilm's Tumor, Primary 8 71.286 82.021 28.815 Larynx, Normal 4 370.959 186.229 396.688 Larynx, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 1310.153 1353.765 967.125 Liver, Hepatocellular Carcinoma 16 220.168 276.906 183.839 Liver, Normal 42 283.048 211.77 213.125 Lung, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 46 297.437 489.456 155.995 Lung, Adenosquamous Carcinoma, 3 128.766 91.833 100.892

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Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Median Primary Lung, Large Cell Carcinoma, Primary 7 145.19 174.142 58.306 Lung, Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (Non-Small Cell Type), Primary 3 24.308 17.541 24.732 Lung, Normal 126 214.472 136.084 199.47 Lung, Small Cell Carcinoma, Primary 3 38.594 44.361 17.537 Lung, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 39 234.471 241.841 175.944 Oral Cavity, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 3 710.2 417.391 487.112 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Clear Cell Type, Primary 6 110.201 69.532 80.94 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Endometrioid Type, Primary 22 106.113 76.106 108.206 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Papillary Serous Type, Primary 36 125.456 131.366 91.677 Ovary, Granulosa Cell Tumor, Primary 3 330.038 171.65 304.702 Ovary, Mucinous Cystadenocarcinoma, Primary 7 256.915 196.875 201.768 Ovary, Mullerian Mixed Tumor, Primary 5 173.476 217.763 128.913 Ovary, Normal 89 226.521 106.329 232.277 Pancreas, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 23 159.08 123.238 94.418 Pancreas, Islet Cell Tumor, Malignant, Primary 7 55.68 51.943 48.9 Pancreas, Normal 46 137.569 117.347 117.425 Prostate, Adenocarcino Primary 86 170.831 100.727 158.375 Prostate, Normal 57 194.519 129.737 179.636 Rectum, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Mucinous Type), Primary 29 170.452 87.615 174.248 Rectum, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous Type, Primary 3 195.563 149.368 111.354 Rectum, Normal 44 202.086 106.159 233.46 Skin, Basal Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 510.675 294.101 465.462 Skin. Malignant Melanoma, Primary 7 77.052 102.515 28.869 Skin, Normal 61 296.749 214.128 265.763 Skin, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 205.607 109.906 165.561 Small Intestine, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), Primary 4 87.92 60.244 91.574 Small Intestine, Normal 97 112.607 75.33 110.804 Stomach, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Signet Ring Cell Type), Primary 27 159.547 90.62 141.751 Stomach, Adenocarcinoma, Signet Ring Cell Type, Primary 9 156.941 66.185 156.444 Stomach, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), Primary 9 79.845 49.667 73.449 Stomach, Normal 52 130.321 87.634 120.267 Thyroid Gland, Follicular Carcinoma, Primary 3 128.064 21.149 127.098

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Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Median Thyroid Gland, Normal 24 181.933 105.446 166.104 Thyroid Gland, Papillary Carcinoma, Primary; All Variants 29 242.517 160.473 192.848 Urinary Bladder, Normal 9 155.559 151.518 131.99 Urinary Bladder, Transitional Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 223.719 200.354 167.709 Uterine Cervix, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 3 86.934 98.416 30.427 Uterine Cervix, Normal 115 205.156 149.735 173.903 Vulva, Normal 4 352.591 203.2 276.016 Vulva, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 5 863.035 591.738 558.964 Thymidylate Synthase [00228] Thymidylate synthase (TYMS) uses the 5, 10-methylenetetrahydrofolate (methylene-THF) as a cofactor to maintain the dTMP (thymidine-5-prime monophosphate) pool critical for DNA replication and repair. The enzyme has been of interest as a target for cancer chemotherapeutic agents. It is considered to be 5 the primary site of action for 5-fluorouracil, 5-fluoro-2-prime-deoxyuridine, and some folate analogs. Resistance to chemotherapy is a major factor in the mortality in advanced cancer patients. [00229] Wang et al. (2004) used digital karyotyping to search for genomic alterations in liver metastases that were clinically resistant to 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). In 2 of 4 patients, they identified the amplification of a region of approximately 100 kb on chromosome 18p11.32 that was of particular interest because it contains 10 the TYMS gene, a molecular target of 5-FU. Analysis of TYMS by FISH identified TYMS gene amplification in 7 of 31 (23%) 5-FU-treated cancers, whereas no amplification was observed in metastases of patients who had not been treated with 5-FU. Patients with metastases containing TYMS amplification had a substantially shorter median survival (329 days) than those without amplification (1,021 days, P less than 0.01). These data suggested that genetic amplification of TYMS is a major mechanism of 5-FU 15 resistance in vivo, and may have important implications for the management of colorectal cancer patients with recurrent disease. [00230] One of the mechanisms of 5-FU resistance is the activation of DNA repair, where 5-FU is efficiently removed from DNA by the base excision and mismatch repair systems (Fisher et al., 2007). Because PARPI is a key enzyme of base excision DNA repair, the combination ofPARPI inhibitors with 5 20 FU can be beneficial in anticancer therapy, especially for tumors that are clinically resistant to 5 fluorouracil. However, treatment of cancer cells with PARP1 inhibitors in combination with 5-FU can also increase the intracellular concentration of 5-FU and thus exacerbate cytotoxicity. Reduction in 5-FU amounts or concomitant treatment with PARPI inhibitors and a modulator of TYMS may be useful in the reduction of side effects that may occur with increased cytotoxicity, while maintaining the efficacy of 5-FU 25 as a cancer chemotherapeutic agent [00231] Experiments were conducted to verify the correlative relationship between PARP and TYMS expression in a variety of tissue samples. Table XXII depicts the level of expression in a variety of tissues, including adrenal gland, bone, breast tumor tissue, including IDC and infiltrating lobular carcinoma, among others. As seen, TYMS is upregulated and coregulated with PARP1 in the same subset of primary human 30 tumors such as tumors of skin, breast, lung, ovarian, esophagus, endometrium and lymphoid tumors and -108 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750.601 WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

sarcomas. Accordingly, one embodiment is the treatment of susceptible diseases with a combination of PARP and TYMS modulators. Moreover, TYMS-related genes, including genes that are co-regulated along the TYMS pathway, are also contemplated herein. 1002321 Table XXII: Expression of TYMS (thymidylate synthetase) in human primary tumors in 5 comparison with normal tissues. Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Median Adrenal Gland, Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma, Primary 3 132.055 80.029 94.132 Adrenal Gland, Normal 13 112.2 125.033 69.718 Bone, Giant Cell Tumor of Bone, Primary 10 442.203 142.143 426.813 Bone, Normal 8 694.953 431.602 790.188 Bone, Osteosarcoma, Primary 4 1437.891 682.273 1471.017 Breast, Infiltrating Carcinoma of Mixed Ductal and Lobular Type, Primary 8 421.25 115.564 405.456 Breast, Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma, Primary 169 378.192 296.349 289.609 Breast, Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma, Primary 17 304.073 198.812 236.622 Breast, Intraductal Carcinoma 3 155.269 125.42 112.061 Breast, Mucinous Carcinoma, Primary 4 389.638 269.167 268.04 Breast, Normal 68 211.465 208.685 137.409 Breast, Phyllodes Tumor (Cystosarcoma Phyllodes), Primary 5 382.787 240.871 325.51 Colon, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Mucinous Type), Primary 77 548.493 382.288 403.87 Colon, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous Type, Primary 7 512.226 272.655 390.405 Colon, Normal 180 372.032 164.29 344.596 Endometrium, Adenocarcinoma, Endometrioid Type, Primary 50 436.551 317.309 345.238 Endometrium, Mullerian Mixed Tumor, Primary 7 964.617 562.444 791.133 Endometrium, Normal 23 153.952 87.587 125.089 Esophagus, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 3 381.495 152.442 385.147 Esophagus, Normal 22 276.286 81.626 251.979 Kidney, Carcinoma, Chromophobe Type, Primary 3 72.47 18.244 73.02 Kidney, Normal 81 141.763 57.283 136.178 Kidney, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Clear Cell Type, Primary 45 382.754 189.427 363.738 Kidney, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Non-Clear Cell Type, Primary 15 303.375 176.847 307.655 Kidney, Transitional Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 412.684 93.512 427.31 Kidney, Wilm's Tumor, Primary 8 1476.481 439.652 1525.669 Larynx, Normal 4 223.235 153.725 225.307 Larynx, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 438.591 147.061 444.474 Liver, Hepatocellular Carcinoma 16 339.718 312.097 186.297 Liver, Normal 42 97.609 55.053 76.779 Lung, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 46 395.333 277.394 321.811 Lung, Adenosquamous Carcinoma, Primary 3 289.903 126.881 288.952 Lung, Large Cell Carcinoma, Primary 7 711.327 689.444 461.744 Lung, Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (Non-Small Cell Type), Primary 3 774.576 1219.221 84.446 Lung, Normal 126 148.916 221.609 87.398 Lung, Small Cell Carcinoma, Primary 3 2588.806 571.104 2303.79

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Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Median Lung, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 39 474.506 215.236 411.88 Oral Cavity, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 3 487.365 162.008 451.582 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Clear Cell Type, Primary 6 311.964 130.948 347.086 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Endometrioid Type, Primary 22 416.111 270.493 350.067 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Papillary Serous Type, Primary 36 455.821 264.365 437.236 Ovary, Granulosa Cell Tumor, Primary 3 418.185 134.782 444.559 Ovary, Mucinous Cystadenocarcioma, Primary 7 240.015 98.597 206.486 Ovary, Mullerian Mixed Tumor, Primary 5 893.972 723.698 759.005 Ovary, Normal 89 94.871 64.692 72.971 Pancreas, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 23 225.254 85.825 226.028 Pancreas, Islet Cell Tumor, Malignant, Primary 7 135.288 67.946 157.649 Pancreas, Normal 46 142.844 58.552 127.242 Prostate, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 86 86.485 31.51 80.935 Prostate, Normal 57 114.079 54.25 99.422 Rectum, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Mucinous Type), Primary 29 494.755 246.677 458.696 Rectum, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous Type, Primary 3 735.218 490.808 880.833 Rectum, Normal 44 370.889 136.132 367.675 Skin, Basal Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 330.685 104.388 299.771 Skin, Malignant Melanoma, Primary 7 689.139 197.955 693.518 Skin, Normal 61 150.4 70.711 140.82 Skin, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 487.68 411.122 359.363 Small Intestine, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), Primary 4 141.255 100.778 140.167 Small Intestine, Normal 97 303.491 125.797 290.568 Stomach, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Signet Ring Cell Type), Primary 27 510.892 294.791 463.295 Stomach, Adenocarcinoma, Signet Ring Cell Type, Primary 9 395.57 185.806 327.718 Stomach, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), Primary 9 280.21 203.266 248.372 Stomach, Normal 52 233.257 147.033 184.606 Thyroid Gland, Follicular Carcinoma, Primary 3 165.154 166.032 71.214 Thyroid Gland, Normal 24 75.569 58.227 54.852 Thyroid Gland, Papillary Carcinoma, Primary; All Variants 29 199.353 100.226 208.498 Urinary Bladder, Normal 9 122.017 41.588 121.504 Urinary Bladder, Transitional Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 929.875 676.766 763.497 Uterine Cervix, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 3 396.607 320.83 492.964 Uterine Cervix, Normal 115 139.799 168.179 96.579 Vulva, Normal 4 219.039 93.687 174.65 Vulva, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 5 514.322 465.291 319.74

Dihydrofolate Reductase [002331 Folates play a key role in one-carbon metabolism essential for the biosynthesis of purines, thymidylate and hence DNA replication. The antifolate methotrexate was rationally-designed nearly 60 years

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ago to potently block the folate-dependent enzyme dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), achieving temporary remissions in childhood acute leukemia. Dihydrofolate reductase converts dihydrofolate into tetrahydrofolate, a methyl group shuttle required for the de novo synthesis of purines, thymidylic acid, and certain amino acids. While the functional dihydrofolate reductase gene has been mapped to chromosome 5, 5 multiple intronless processed pseudogenes or dihydrofolate reductase-like genes have been identified on separate chromosomes. DNA sequence amplification is one of the most frequent manifestations of genomic instability in human tumors. However resistance to folates is a major obstacle towards curative cancer chemotherapy. The mechanisms of antifolate resistance are frequently associated with alterations in influx effluxx transporters of antifolates as well as in regulation of folate-dependent enzymes such as DHFR. 10 [00234] Experiments were conducted to determine if a correlative relationship exists between PARP and DIFR expression in a variety of tissue samples. Table XXIII depicts the level of expression of DHFR in a variety of tissues. As seen, DHFR is co-regulated with PARPI in ovarian, breast endometrium, skin, lung, kidney, lymph tumors sarcomas and Kidney, Wilm's Tumor and other primary human tumor tissues. Accordingly, one embodiment is the treatment of susceptible diseases with a combination of PARP and 15 DHFR modulators. Moreover, DHFR related genes, including genes that are co-regulated along the DHFR pathway, are also contemplated herein. [002351 Table XXIII: Expression of DHFR (dihydrofolate reductase) in human primary tumors in comparison with normal tissues Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Median Adrenal Gland, Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma, Primary 3 53.061 37.548 57.399 Adrenal Gland, Normal 13 22.945 16.408 19.555 Bone, Giant Cell Tumor of Bone, Primary 10 38.484 9.626 41.785 Bone, Normal 8 82.832 44.371 74.682 Bone, Osteosarcoma, Primary 4 87.758 29.643 78.453 Breast, Infiltrating Carcinoma of Mixed Ductal and Lobular Type, Primary 8 58.62 32.781 49.355 Breast, Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma, Primary 169 52.827 29.75 44.657 Breast, Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma, Primary 17 58.29 53.061 38.56 Breast, Intraductal Carcinoma 3 44.978 22.862 57.325 Breast, Mucinous Carcinoma, Primary 4 40.964 16.635 47.057 Breast, Normal 68 38.129 15.455 35.202 Breast, Phyllodes Tumor (Cystosarcoma Phyllodes), Primary 5 51.482 17.856 44.299 Colon, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Mucinous Type), Primary 77 70.123 41.505 59.975 Colon, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous Type, Primary 7 81.11 57.656 58.015 Colon, Normal 180 56.486 21.806 54.762 Endometrium, Adenocarcinoma, Endometrioid Type, Primary 50 70.055 34.502 70.361 Endometrium, Mullerian Mixed Tumor, Primary 7 85.451 61.922 77.752 Endometrium, Normal 23 28.606 11.427 27.791 Esophagus, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 3 45.832 23.407 47.507 Esophagus, Normal 22 37.982 11.676 37.601 Kidney, Carcinoma, Chromophobe Type, Primary 3 17.625 11.558 23.875 Kidney, Normal 81 39.648 13.897 38.936

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Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Median Kidney, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Clear Cell Type, Primary 45 37.43 22.148 32.293 Kidney, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Non-Clear Cell Type, Primary 15 33.744 17.337 32.808 Kidney, Transitional Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 41.028 22.893 45.222 Kidney, Wiln's Tumor, Primary 8 174.762 79.335 176.578 Larynx, Normal 4 46.161 13.723 44.058 Larynx, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 46.204 34.758 32.263 Liver, Hepatocellular Carcinoma 16 78.036 43.038 74.708 Liver, Normal 42 86.709 31.903 89.705 Lung, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 46 45.462 19.855 41.378 Lung, Adenosquamous Carcinoma, Primary 3 32.97 6.387 30.038 Lung, Large Cell Carcinoma, Primary 7 50.102 13.56 51,152 Lung, Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (Non-Small Cell Type), Primary 3 39.58 22.283 32.609 Lung, Normal 126 30.627 18.138 27.496 Lung, Small Cell Carcinoma, Primary 3 207.21 116.1 172.329 Lung, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 39 44.442 20.418 38.266 Oral Cavity, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 3 50.591 48.384 22.788 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Clear Cell Type, Primary 6 52.468 11.372 50.238 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Endometrioid Type, Primary 22 63.741 28.237 56.181 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Papillary Serous Type, Primary 36 70.085 42.998 53.931 Ovary, Gramudosa Cell Tumor, Primary 3 66.06 17.895 58.1 Ovary, Mucinous Cystadenocarcinoma, Primary 7 1 59.345 17.46 58.75 Ovary, Mullerian Mixed Tumor, Primary 5 51.93 11.264 55.106 Ovary, Normal 89 29.295 13.071 27.128 Pancreas, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 23 31.801 18.707 28.935 Pancreas, Islet Cell Tumor, Malignant, Primary 7 32.128 14.69 25.704 Pancreas, Normal 46 20.131 10.056 19.465 Prostate, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 86 44.128 22.422 39.503 Prostate, Normal 57 32.561 9.798 31.657 Rectum, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Mucinous Type), Primary 29 79.861 39.471 72.342 Rectum, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous Type, Primary 3 65.662 30.635 69.424 Rectum, Normal 44 48.55 17.727 45.586 Skin, Basal Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 71.724 31.055 69.857 Skin, Malignant Melanoma, Primary 7 76.207 40.33 63.72 Skin, Normal 61 34.889 12.719 32.547 Skin, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 59.489 33.534 48.304 Small Intestine, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), Primary 4 35.594 9.378 34.778 Small Intestine, Normal 97 73.068 29.842 71.135 Stomach, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Signet Ring Cell Type), Primary 27 61.852 33.329 51.711 Stomach, Adenocarcinoma, Signet Ring Cell Type, Primary 9 58.447 26.841 54.011 Stomach, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), Primary 9 45.187 44.147 27.267 Stomach, Normal 52 35.652 22.821 31.295 -112 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750.601 WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Median Thyroid Gland, Follicular Carcinoma, Primary 3 35.569 12.886 29.585 Thyroid Gland, Normal 24 32.666 11.093 32.857 Thyroid Gland, Papillary Carcinoma, Primary; All Variants 29 37.14 14.107 34.082 Urinary Bladder, Normal 9 22.458 7.004 21.109 Urinary Bladder, Transitional Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 89.141 107.591 38.967 Uterine Cervix, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 3 30.539 8.38 35.371 Uterine Cervix, Normal 115 31.69 19.096 28.354 Vulva, Normal 4 37.254 7.095 35.127 | Vulva, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 5 65.844 39.414 55.885 NFkB [002361 NFKB has been detected in numerous cell types that express cytokines, chemokines, growth factors, cell adhesion molecules, and some acute phase proteins in health, as well as in many disease states. NFKB is activated by a wide variety of stimuli such as cytokines, oxidant-free radicals, inhaled particles, 5 ultraviolet irradiation, and bacterial or viral products. Nuclear factor-rB (NF-KB) is the generic name for a family of dimers formed by several proteins: NF-iB1 (also known as p50/p 105), NF-xB2 (also known as 52 p /plOO), REL, RELA (also known as p65/NF-xB3) and RELB. The different heterodimers bind to specific promoters to initiate transcription of a wide range of genes that influence the inflammatory response as well as cell death and survival and tissue repair. NF-xB is active in the nucleus and is inhibited through its 10 sequestration in the cytoplasm by the inhibitor of KB (IKB). IKB binds to NF-xB and is important for the maintenance of NF-iB in the cytoplasm. NF-KB becomes active once it is released from IaB (FIG. 1). IB is a target of several well-characterized kinase cascades that activate IKB kinase (IKK). The IKKa and IKKO subunits preferentially form heterodimers, and both can directly phosphorylatre IB, which results in its ubiquitylation and degradation by the proteosome. The IKK subunit UKKy has a structural and regulatory 15 function and is thought to mediate interactions with upstream kinases in response to cellular activation signals. Growth factors, cytokines such as interleukin-1 (IL-1) and tumor-necrosis factor (TNF), hormones and other signals activate NF-KB by the phosphorylation of IKB. [00237] Substantial evidence indicates that NF-KB regulates oncogenesis and tumor progression. Two mouse models of inflammation-associated cancer further support the link between NF-KB activity and cancer 20 formation and progression. For example, studies in Mdr2-knockout mice, which spontaneously develop an inflammatory condition known as cholestatic hepatitis, show that these mice develop hepatocellular carcinoma. The survival of hepatocytes and their progression to malignancy is regulated by NF-B7. Moreover, in a mouse model of colitis-associated cancer, the deletion of IKKO in intestinal epithelial cells results in a marked decrease in tumor incidence. All these results indicate that NF-xB activation, which is 25 often seen in inflammatory-based disease, is associated with an increased incidence of cancer. [00238] Although chemotherapeutic agents have been successfully used in treating patients with many different types of cancer, acquisition of resistance to the cytotoxic effects of chemotherapy has emerged as a significant impediment to effective cancer treatment. Most chemotherapy agents trigger the cell-death process through activation of the tumor-suppressor protein p53. However, NF-KB is also activated in 30 response to treatment with cytotoxic drugs, such as taxanes, Vinca alkaloids and topoisomerase inhibitors.

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The NF-kB pathway impinges on many aspects of cell growth and apoptosis. For example, in HeLa cells, the topoisomerase I inhibitor SN38 (7-ethyl-10-hydroxycamptothecin), which is an active metabolite of irinotecan, and the topoisomerase II inhibitor doxorubicin both induce NF-icB nuclear translocation and activation of NF-rB target genes directly through mobilization and stimulation of the IKK complex, but not 5 through the secondary production of NF-cB activators such as cytokines, leading to cell survival. [00239] In vivo models of ovarian cancer, colorectal cancer and pancreatic cancer have shown that NF-kB inhibitionincreases the efficacy of anticancer drugs (Mabuchi et al., 2004, J. Biol. Chem. 279:23477-23485; Cusack et al., 2001, Cancer Res. 61:3535-3540; Shah et al., 2001, J. Cell Biochem. 82:110-122; Bold et al., 2001, J. Surg. Res. 100:11-17). It is thought that NF-B inhibition prevents tumors from becoming resistant 10 to chemotherapeutic agents. Therefore, development of NF-cB inhibitors could increase the efficacy of many anticancer drugs. [00240] Recent studies suggest that the synthesis of protein bound ADP-ribose polymers catalyzed by poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) regulates the NF-kB-dependent pathway. NF-kB-p50 DNA binding is protein-poly(ADP-ribosyl)-ation dependent. Co-immunoprecipitation and immunoblot analysis 15 revealed that PARP-1 physically interacts with NF-kB-p50 with high specificity (Chang WJ, Alvarez Gonzalez R., J Biol. Chem. 2001 Dec 14;276(50):47664-70. The sequence-specific DNA binding of NF kappa B is reversibly regulated by the automodification reaction of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase 1). Besides direct interaction with PARP1, NF-kB pathways are co-regulated in several tumor types where PARP1 upregulation was also observed (see Tables I-XVIll). Moreover, NFicB is a ubiquitous 20 transcriptional factor and promotes the transcription of 150 genes (Mori et al., 2002, Blood 100:1828-1834; Mori et al., 1999, Blood 93:2360-2368). NF-kB molecular pathway covers several crucial cellular proteins involved in the regulation of inflammation, apoptosis, cell proliferation and differentiation such as IRAKl, Bcl-2 (Yang et al., 2006, Chin Cancer Res. 12:950-60), Bcl-6 (Li et al., 2005, J Immunol. 174(1):205-14), VEGF (Tong et al., 2006, Respir Res. 2:7:37), Aurora kinase and VAV3 oncogene. 25 [002411 Accordingly, one embodiment is the treatment of susceptible diseases with a combination of PARP and NFKB modulators. Moreover, NFKB related genes, IRAK1, Bcl-2, Bcl-6, Aurora kinase, VAV3 oncogene and other genes co-regulated in the NFKB pathway, are also contemplated herein. Endothelial Cell Factors/VEGF [00242] Endothelial cells provide nutrients and oxygen and removing catabolites, and produce multiple 30 growth factors that can promote tumor growth, invasion, and survival. Angiogenesis, therefore, provides both a perfusion effect and a paracrine effect to a growing tumor and tumor cells, and endothelial cells can drive each other to amplify the malignant phenotype. Ovarian cancer is a major source of cancer morbidity and mortality despite modern advances in surgical and chemotherapeutic management. The molecular pathways that control angiogenesis are key to the pathogenesis of ovarian cancer and have been shown to 35 have prognostic significance. Understanding of molecular pathways that are involved in the regulation of angiogenesis leads to the identification of a number of targets for antiangiogenic therapies. Antiangiogenic agents are currently in clinical trials and several have now been approved or are pending approval for clinical use in the treatment of cancer and other angiogenesis dependent diseases. One target of angiogenesis is VEGF and its receptors. VEGF, initially called VPF due to its ability to increase vascular permeability,

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stimulates proliferation and migration of endothelial cells and plays a pivotal role in vasculogenesis, angiogenesis, and endothelial integrity and survival. VEGF plays a significant role in other biological signaling functions, including tumor cell survival and motility, hematopoiesis, immune function, hepatic integrity, and neurological function. The multiple effects of VEGF are mediated through several different 5 receptors, including tyrosine kinase receptors VEGFR1 (flt-1), VEGFR2 (KDR, flk-1), and VEGFR3 (flt4) with differing binding specificities for each form of VEGF. [00243] Experiments were conducted to determine if a correlative relationship exists between PARP and VEGF expression in a variety of tumor tissue samples. Table XXIV depicts the level of expression in a variety of tissues. As seen, VEGF is upregulated and co-regulated in the same subtype of tumors as PARP1 10 is upregulated, such as tumors of breast, ovarian and skin tumors and sarcomas. Accordingly, one embodiment is the treatment of susceptible diseases with a combination of PARP and VEGF modulators. Moreover, VEGF related genes, including genes co-regulated in the VEGF pathway, are also contemplated herein. [002441 Table XXIV: Expression of VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) in human primary tumors 15 in comparison with normal tissues. Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Median Adrenal Gland, Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma, Primary 3 386.427 220.704 275.803 AdrenalGland,Normal 13 534.83 424.117 485.418 Bone, Giant Cell Tumor of Bone, Primary 10 325.043 304.973 215.554 Bone, Normal 8 195.529 73.331 187.259 Bone, Osteosarcoma, Primary 4 602.198 578.869 452.353 Breast, Infiltrating Carcinoma ofMixed Ductal and Lobular Type, Primary 8 191.214 66.208 171.42 Breast, Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma, Primary 169 307.37 185.757 255.532 Breast, Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma, Primary 17 305.927 201.926 241.604 Breast, Intraductal Carcinoma 3 252.557 113.835 305.515 Breast, Mucinous Carcinoma, Primary 4 207.89 79.708 202.417 Breast, Normal 68 225.756 177.612 190.945 Breast, Phyllodes Tumor (Cystosarcoma Phyllodes), Primary 5 379.044 247.428 340.865 Colon, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Mucinous Type), Primary 77 403.428 291.03 331.978 . Colon, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous Type, Primary 7 343.139 227.791 363.118 Colon, Normal 180 193.049 123.726 162.853 Endometrium, Adenocarcinoma, Endometrioid Type, Primary 50 429.783 250.521 368.132 Endometrium, Mullerian Mixed Tumor, Primary 7 376.359 163.596 382.885 Endometrium, Normal 23 575.093 382.852 476.946 Esophagus, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 3 464.866 319.11 455.746 Esophagus, Normal 22 294.149 150.077 282.678 Kidney, Carcinoma, Chromophobe Type, Primary 3 455.21 63.48 467.21 Kidney, Normal 81 494.861 235.446 464.756 Kidney, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Clear Cell Type, Primary 45 2068.059 1272.634 2000.188 Kidney, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Non-Clear Cell Type, Primary 15 937.413 931.299 654.782 Kidney, Transitional Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 975.47 808.737 754.803

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Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Median Kidney, Wilm's Tumor, Primary 8 239.096 134.285 190.813 Larynx, Normal 4 256.177 200.315 177.084 Larynx, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 253.816 104.837 217.95 Liver, Hepatocellular Carcinoma 16 471.428 322.779 382.127 Liver, Normal 42 498.101 210.551 497.388 Lung, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 46 565.451 310.102 490.923 Lung, Adenosquamous Carcinoma, Primary 3 579.793 730.484 222.619 Lung, Large Cell Carcinoma, Primary 7 514.945 302.189 452.012 Lung, Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (Non-Small Cell Type), Primary 3 180.059 54.684 189.478 Lung, Normal 126 473.02 210.329 446.044 Lung, Small Cell Carcinoma, Primary 3 341.097 216.97 383.485 Lung, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 39 426.689 273.396 389.508 Oral Cavity, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 3 336.828 172.021 272.722 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Clear Cell Type, Primary 6 189.693 85.656 161.422 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Endometrioid Type, Primary 22 475.62 316.071 419.278 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Papillary Serous Type, Primary 36 529.555 283.552 476.174 Ovary, Granulosa Cell Tumor, Primary 3 235.513 64.065 228.599 Ovary, Mucinous Cystadenocarcinoma, Primary 7 282.313 120.574 298.024 Ovary, Mullerian Mixed Tumor, Primary 5 421.141 195.681 308.7 Ovary, Normal 89 100.699 72.854 86.687 Pancreas, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 23 524.075 227.812 478.653 Pancreas, Islet Cell Tumor, Malignant, Primary 7 639.243 499.434 530.466 Pancreas, Normal 46 407.617 115.931 425.551 Prostate, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 86 547.601 377.291 460.667 Prostate, Normal 57 805.882 540.435 715.723 Rectum, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Mucinous Type), Primary 29 371.234 162.844 344.84 Rectum, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous Type, Primary 3 262.932 88.046 215.869 Rectum, Normal 44 182.564 103.8 164.297 Skin, Basal Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 300.302 270.286 240.215 Skin, Malignant Melanoma, Primary 7 127.179 84.561 97.95 Sldn, Normal 61 123.011 59.089 119.897 Skin, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 212.813 94.938 192.998 Small Intestine, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), Primary 4 265.372 271.901 203.655 Small Intestine, Normal 97 257.186 170.574 215.101 Stomach, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Signet Ring Cell Type), Primary 27 413.359 296.365 317.794 Stomach, Adenocarcinoma, Signet Ring Cell Type, Primary 9 288.769 80.831 288.931 Stomach, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), Primary 9 242.777 381.025 102.627 Stomach, Normal 52 362.303 159.695 328.802 Thyroid Gland, Follicular Carcinoma, Primary 3 841.322 697.265 925.178 Thyroid Gland, Normal 24 1134.377 286.605 1134.341 Thyroid Gland, Papillary Carcinoma, Primary; All Variants 29 836.596 350.532 873.247 Urinary Bladder, Normal 9 262.966 166.1 173.303

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Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Median Urinary Bladder, Transitional Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 719.789 248.426 735.062 Uterine Cervix, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 3 428.006 164.593 467.605 Uterine Cervix, Normal 115 259.71 271.623 197.708 Vulva, Normal 4 203.085 146.444 154.186

Vulva, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 5 329.278 108.746 291.862 Matrix Metalloproteinase Family [002451 Matrix metalloproteinase-9 (matrix metallopeptidease- 9; MMP9), also known as 92-kD gelatinase or type V collagenase, is a 92-kD type IV collagenase that degrades collagen in the extracellular matrix. MMP9 expression plays a role in allowing angiogenesis and invasion by different pituitary tumor types, 5 where MMP9 expression is present in some invasive and recurrent pituitary adenomas and in the majority of pituitary carcinoma. In addition, invasive macroprolactinomas are significantly more likely to express MMP9 than noninvasive macroprolactinomas. Invasive macroprolactinomas show higher-density MMP9 staining than noninvasive tumors and normal pituitary gland, or between different sized prolactinomas. MMP9 expression is also related to aggressive tumor behavior. MMP-9 also belongs to the molecular 10 network of transcription factor nuclear-factor kappa B (NF-kappaB) that is a hallmark of many highly malignant tumors (St-Pierre et al., 2004, Expert Opin. Therp. Targets 8:473-489). [00246] Concentrations of MMP9 are also increased in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BAL), sputum, bronchi, and serum of asthmatic subjects compared with normal individuals. Using segmental bronchoprovocation (SBP) and ELISA analysis of BAL from allergic subjects (Kelly et al., 2000, Am. J. 15 Resp. Crit. Care Med. 162:1157-1161), increased MMP9 was detected in antigen-challenged patients compared with saline-challenged patients. The same study also concluded that MMP9 may contribute not only to inflammation but also to eventual airway remodeling in asthma. [00247] The link between MMP9 expression and tumor recurrence and tumor invasiveness, as well as its association with angiogenesis, suggests a potential therapeutic strategy for application of MMP9 inhibitors. 20 MMP-9 overexpression in cancer and various inflammatory conditions points to the molecular mechanisms controlling its expression as a potential target for eventual rational therapeutic intervention. [002481 Experiments were conducted to determine if a correlative relationship exists between PARP and MMP9 expression in a variety of tumor tissue samples. Table XXV depicts the level of expression in a variety of tissues. As seen, MMP9 is upregulated and co-regulated in the same subtype of tumors as PARP1 25 is upregulated, such as tumors of breast, endometrium, lung, ovarian and skin tumors and sarcomas. Accordingly, one embodiment is the treatment of susceptible diseases with a combination of PARP and MMP9 modulators. Moreover, MMP9 related genes, including genes co-regulated in the MMP9 pathway, are also contemplated herein. [00249] Table XXV: Expression of MMP9 (matrix metalloproteinase 9; matrix metallopeptidase 9; 30 gelatinase B, 92kDa gelatinase, 92kDa type IV collagenase) in human primary tumors in comparison with normal tissues.

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Sample Std. Sample Set Count Mean Dev. Median Adrenal Gland, Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma, Primary 3 309.003 363.776 111.922 Adrenal Gland, Normal 13 252.092 641.203 78.986 Bone, Giant Cell Tumor of Bone, Primary 10 8416.738 2667.464 7897.901 Bone, Normal 8 2879.804 1459.135 3104.17 Bone, Osteosarcoma, Primary 4 4257.056 4017.873 3840.443 Breast, Infiltrating Carcinoma of Mixed Ductal and Lobular Type, Primary 8 365.875 238.051 297.772 Breast, Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma, Primary 169 458.281 676.915 312.815 Breast, Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma, Primary 17 242.394 186.712 184.418 Breast, Intraductal Carcinoma 3 174.671 131.922 118.519 Breast, Mucinous Carcinoma, Primary 4 554.482 474.424 531.033 Breast, Normal 68 212.419 532.284 109.432 Breast, Phyllodes Tumor (Cystosarcoma Phyllodes), Primary 5 152.665 73.258 173.198 Colon, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Mucinous Type), Primary 77 281.312 182.492 243.195 Colon, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous Type, Primary 7 506.083 504.14 208.984 Colon, Normal 180 146.424 76.77 125.097 Endometrium, Adenocarcinoma, Endometrioid Type, Primary 50 280.906 226.62 184.995 Endometrium, Mullerian Mixed Tumor, Primary 7 2130.553 4421.419 152.861 Endometrium, Normal 23 74.372 81.725 52.858 Esophagus, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 3 162.76 119.022 126.363 Esophagus, Normal 22 99.099 43.267 87.497 Kidney, Carcinoma, Chromophobe Type, Primary 3 74.455 12.548 74.468 Kidney, Normal 81 65.316 29.326 53.621 Kidney, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Clear Cell Type, Primary 45 207.592 264.124 118.489 Kidney, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Non-Clear Cell Type, Primary 15 132.558 168.005 83.409 Kidney, Transitional Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 111.546 77.957 85.9 Kidney, Wilm's Tumor, Primary 8 100.97 58.478 88.166 Larynx, Normal 4 162.638 197.338 77.062 Larynx, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 675.211 526.673 461.672 Liver, Hepatocellular Carcinoma 16 182.726 121.648 140.502 Liver, Normal 42 91.165 56.079 78.537 Lung, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 46 382.767 295.098 269.92 Lung, Adenosquamous Carcinoma, Primary 3 157.601 24.124 169.713 Lung, Large Cell Carcinoma, Primary 7 513.391 243.603 389.392 Lung, Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (Non-Small Cell Type), Primary 3 169.638 135.354 144.106 Lung, Normal 126 199.713 537.561 113.429 Lung, Small Cell Carcinoma, Primary 3 116.438 20.137 123.616 Lung, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 39 458.118 327.988 389.82 Oral Cavity, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 3 888.299 613.909 784.061 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Clear Cell Type, Primary 6 84.894 28.076 97 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Endometrioid Type, Primary 22 240.36 248.189 132.824 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Papillary Serous Type, Primary 36 306.398 377.337 200.176 Ovary, Granulosa Cell Tumor, Primary 3 54.976 11.932 60.659

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Sample Std. Sample Set Count Mean Dev. Median Ovary, Mucinous Cystadenocarcinoma, Primary 7 141.805 147.638 75.617 Ovary, Mullerian Mixed Tumor, Primary 5 173.381 132.143 87.017 Ovary, Normal 89 79.258 34.05 74.142 Pancreas, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 23 771.454 2575.291 170.842 Pancreas, Islet Cell Tumor, Malignant, Primary 7 94.33 64.615 78.529 Pancreas, Normal 46 114.647 45.476 107.669 Prostate, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 86 97.399 54.502 89.814 Prostate, Normal 57 88.492 62.469 76.093 Rectum, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Mucinous Type), Primary 29 263.49 137.758 225.801 Rectum, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous Type, Primary 3 243.039 77.917 261.742 Rectum, Normal 44 138.354 57.909 134.267 Skin, Basal Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 310.963 41.044 316.027 Skin, Malignant Melanoma, Primary 7 438.656 524.74 226.982 Skin, Normal 61 178.343 140.519 131.711 Skin, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 623.436 372.054 519.425 Small Intestine, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), Primary 4 123.403 136.145 71.538 Small Intestine, Normal 97 159.231 138.833 115.218 Stomach, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Signet Ring Cell Type), Primary 27 278.681 198.698 199.374 Stomach, Adenocarcinoma, Signet Ring Cell Type, Primary 9 248.745 135.248 190.314 Stomach, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), Primary 9 92.783 24.101 86.242 Stomach, Normal 52 111.717 50.627 99.757 Thyroid Gland, Follicular Carcinoma, Primary 3 107.466 29.565 123.712 Thyroid Gland, Normal 24 109.347 67.108 93.531 Thyroid Gland, Papillary Carcinoma, Primary; All Variants 29 219.295 167.203 143.996 Urinary Bladder, Normal 9 96.898 51.823 93.024 Urinary Bladder, Transitional Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 318.932 441.905 120.076 Uterine Cervix, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 3 98.137 20.265 93.975 Uterine Cervix, Normal 115 118.874 156.193 81.22 Vulva, Normal 4 174.167 131.037 134.115 Vulva, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 5 361.991 143.537 284.436 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor (VEGFR) [00250] As discussed above, the molecular pathways that control angiogenesis are key to the pathogenesis of cancers, including ovarian cancer, and have been shown to have prognostic significance. Understanding of molecular pathways that are involved in the regulation of angiogenesis has lead to the identification of a 5 number of targets for antiangiogenic therapies. Antiangiogenic agents are currently in clinical trials and several have now been approved or are pending approval for clinical use in the treatment of cancer and other angiogenesis dependent diseases. One of the most abundant targets of angiogenesis is VEGF and its receptors. The multiple effects of VEGF are mediated through several different receptors including the tyrosine kinase receptors VEGFR1 (fit-1), VEGFR2 (KDR, flk-1), and VEGFR3 (fit4) with differing 10 binding specificities for each form of VEGF.

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[00251] Experiments were conducted to determine if a correlative relationship exists between PARP and VEGFR expression in a variety of tumor tissue samples. Table XXVI depicts the level of expression in a variety of tissues. As seen, VEGFR is upregulated and co-regulated in the same subtype of tumors as PARP1 is upregulated, such as tumors of breast, ovarian and skin tumors and sarcomas. Accordingly, one 5 embodiment is the treatment of susceptible diseases with a combination of PARP and VEGFR modulators. Moreover, VEGFR related genes, including genes co-regulated in the VEGFR pathway, are also contemplated herein. [00252] Table XXVI: Expression of VEGFR (vascular endothelial growth factor receptor; fins-related tyrosine kinase 1; vascular permeability factor receptor) in human primary tumors in comparison with 10 normal tissues. Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Median Adrenal Gland, Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma, Primary 3 164.936 4.48 166.572 Adrenal Gland, Normal 13 152.418 86.102 125.14 Bone, Giant Cell Tumor of Bone, Primary 10 208.978 82.892 212.244 Bone, Normal 8 124.117 48.471 120.579 Bone, Osteosarcoma, Primary 4 172.903 40.099 187.677 Breast, Infiltrating Carcinoma of Mixed Ductal and Lobular Type, Primary 8 108.947 17.335 108.756 Breast, Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma, Primary 169 139.716 54.83 131.223 Breast, Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma, Primary 17 140.044 71.903 132.439 Breast, Intraductal Carcinoma 3 127.712 66.629 138.567 Breast, Mucinous Carcinoma, Primary 4 177.408 128.251 162.643 Breast, Normal 68 144.957 49.448 139.707 Breast, Phyllodes Tumor (Cystosarcoma Phyllodes), Primary 5 194.148 80.426 143.412 Colon, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Mucinous Type), Primary 77 147.279 80.655 130.934 Colon, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous Type, Primary 7 129.576 76.123 117.097 Colon, Normal 180 109.609 50.48 107.287 Endometrium, Adenocarcinoma, Endometrioid Type, Primary 50 162 71.111 142.101 Endometrium, Mullerian Mixed Tumor, Primary 7 155.66 62.996 134.38 Endometrium, Normal 23 154.482 60.008 158.068 Esophagus, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 3 158.602 117.853 104.145 Esophagus, Normal 22 140.646 63.48 119.305 Kidney, Carcinoma, Chromophobe Type, Primary 3 141.386 41.858 148.401 Kidney, Normal 81 179.173 82.344 166.604 Kidney, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Clear Cell Type, Primary 45 763.988 488.604 817.291 Kidney, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Non-Clear Cell Type, Primary 15 315.641 258.129 239.351 Kidney, Transitional Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 137.1 70.462 139.443 Kidney, Wilm's Tumor, Primary 8 133.696 41.772 119.966 Larynx, Normal 4 134.412 62.546 118.376 -120 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750.601 WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Median Larynx, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 161.819 39.718 177.312 Liver, Hepatocellular Carcinoma 16 211.309 113.676 202.537 Liver, Normal 42 163.819 194.899 118.909 Lung, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 46 190.999 63.168 186.342 Lung, Adenosquamous Carcinoma, Primary 3 118.837 36.286 125.858 Lung, Large Cell Carcinoma, Primary 7 225.434 125.006 208.652 Lung, Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (Non Small Cell Type), Primary 3 128.331 15.91 132.63 Lung, Normal 126 206.081 103.97 186.79 Lung, Small Cell Carcinoma, Primary 3 129.72 27.533 139.847 Lung, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 39 203.882 76.374 193.402 Oral Cavity, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 3 187.011 56.588 217.093 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Clear Cell Type, Primary 6 117.336 30.027 124.267 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Endometrioid Type, Primary 22 141.227 70.984 120.492 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Papillary Serous Type, Primary 36 127.796 60.599 120.385 Ovary, Granulosa Cell Tumor, Primary 3 100.205 32.533 81.852 Ovary, Mucinous Cystadenocarcinoma, Primary 7 130.879 33.579 146.784 Ovary, Mullerian Mixed Tumor, Primary 5 157.225 75.293 164.511 Ovary, Normal 89 92.269 45.755 84.056 Pancreas, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 23 231.983 77.716 221.626 Pancreas, Islet Cell Tumor, Malignant, Primary 7 250.136 96.966 195.835 Pancreas, Normal 46 143.642 55.219 132.551 Prostate, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 86 129.853 91.797 108.61 Prostate, Normal 57 167.226 71.922 169.295 Rectum, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Mucinous Type), Primary 29 139.189 56.884 124.772 Rectum, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous Type, Primary 3 89.556 31.809 72.237 Rectum, Normal 44 117.38 49.095 109.924 Skin, Basal Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 133.536 71.765 126.292 Skin, Malignant Melanoma, Primary 7 105.148 56.109 75.886 Skin, Normal 61 127.806 44.362 118.749 Skin, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 173.046 30.208 174.057 Small Intestine, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), Primary 4 212.338 88.898 177.183 Small Intestine, Normal 97 120.66 42.031 112.947 Stomach, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Signet Ring Cell Type), Primary 27 151.819 53.342 138.801 Stomach, Adenocarcinoma, Signet Ring Cell Type, Primary 9 181.654 47.637 181.526 Stomach, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), Primary 9 155.728 107.806 113.455 Stomach, Normal 52 135.918 42.117 139.831 Thyroid Gland, Follicular Carcinoma, Primary 3 222.44 128.368 277.516

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Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Median Thyroid Gland, Normal 24 372.974 102.414 337.823 Thyroid Gland, Papillary Carcinoma, Primary; All Variants 29 297.717 136.673 247.497 Urinary Bladder, Normal 9 190.26 93.234 152.274 Urinary Bladder, Transitional Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 273.824 262.168 161.156 Uterine Cervix, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 3 160.544 59.888 128.978 Uterine Cervix, Normal 115 183.173 96.843 170.376 Vulva, Normal 4 190.585 45.15 188.274 Vulva, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 5 220.708 42.917 234.018 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor 2 (VEGFR2) [00253] As discussed above, the tyrosine kinase receptor family ofVEGFR, which plays a role in angiogenesis, is a potential target for the development of anticancer therapeutic agents. Experiments were thus conducted to determine if a correlative relationship exists between PARP and VEGFR2 expression in a 5 variety of tumor tissue samples. Table XXVII depicts the level of expression in a variety of tissues. As seen, VEGFR2 is upregulated and co-regulated in the same subtype of tumors as PARPI is upregulated, such as tumors of breast, ovarian and skin tumors and sarcomas. Accordingly, one embodiment is the treatment of susceptible diseases with a combination of PARP and VEGFR modulators. Moreover, VEGFR2 related genes, including genes co-regulated in the VEGFR2 pathway, are also contemplated herein. 10 [00254] Table XXVII: Expression of VEGFR2 (vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2, kinase insert domain receptor (a type III receptor tyrosine kinase)) in human primary tumors in comparison with normal tissues. Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Median Adrenal Gland, Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma, Primary 3 54.418 16.608 54.696 Adrenal Gland, Normal 13 111.67 121.562 66.839 Bone, Giant Cell Tumor of Bone, Primary 10 54.808 21.963 52.183 Bone, Normal 8 72.551 29.122 64.245 Bone, Osteosarcoma, Primary 4 55.346 17.552 55.116 Breast, Infiltrating Carcinoma of Mixed Ductal and Lobular Type, Primary 8 38.151 9.897 40.119 Breast, Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma, Primary 169 45.243 17.55 44.149 Breast, Infiltrating ILobular Carcinoma, Primary 17 57.124 23.57 52.747 Breast, Intraductal Carcinoma 3 55.079 16.518 61.707 Breast, Mucinous Carcinoma, Primary 4 49.099 33.814 40.821 Breast Normal 68 72.812 29.255 66.472 Breast, Phyllodes Tumor (Cystosarcoma Phyllodes), Primary 5 88.855 36.644 73.775 Colon, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Mucinous Type), Primary 77 33.293 16.994 30.2162 Colon, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous Type, Primary 7 33.315 8.847 32.644 Colon, Normal 180 31.22 15.867 27.868

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Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Median Endometrium, Adenocarcinoma, Endometrioid Type, Primary 50 42.819 27.836 36.227 Endometrium, Mullerian Mixed Tumor, Primary 7 35.176 14.565 30.606 Endometrium, Normal 23 118.847 90.297 105.117 Esophagus, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 3 36.744 14.795 33.667 Esophagus, Normal 22 34.456 10.861 33.479 Kidney, Carcinoma, Chromophobe Type, Primary 3 45.755 28.875 32.784 Kidney, Normal 81 78.391 29.358 75.001 Kidney, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Clear Cell Type, Primary 45 178.44 145.319 142.553 Kidney, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Non Clear Cell Type, Primary 15 102.066 105.1 56.906 Kidney, Transitional Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 28.451 12.694 24.175 Kidney, Wilm's Tumor, Primary 8 49.808 24.211 51.614 Larynx, Normal 4 49.429 6.255 51.377 Larynx, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 44.504 20.342 35.819 Liver, Hepatocellular Carcinoma 16 67.244 28.225 68.843 Liver, Normal 42 87.754 40.675 84.103 Lung, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 46 61.276 31.117 51.565 Lung, Adenosquamous Carcinoma, Primary 3 56.68 35.265 43.723 Lung, Large Cell Carcinoma, Primary 7 40.867 38.503 29.793 Lung, Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (Non-Small Cell Type), Primary 3 53.965 39.357 40.297 Lung, Normal 126 111.651 47.136 107.643 Lung, Small Cell Carcinoma, Primary 3 22.696 9.35 24.654 Lung, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 39 37.921 16.918 35.459 Oral Cavity, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 3 27.326 5.753 24.035 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Clear Cell Type, Primary 6 35.485 19.253 30.079 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Endometrinoid Type, Primary 22 32.288 14.611 29.366 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Papillary Serous Type, Primary 36 29.226 11.714 25.12 Ovary, Granulosa Cell Tumor, Primary 3 38.018 6.286 34.969 Ovary, Mucinous Cystadenocarcinoma, Primary 7 34.894 7.065 34.569 Ovary, Mullerian Mixed Tumor, Primary 5 19.053 7.903 16.049 Ovary, Normal 89 44.58 15.589 43.665 Pancreas, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 23 40.994 16.987 38.622 Pancreas, Islet Cell Tumor, Malignant, Primary 7 76.18 45.816 68.714 Pancreas, Normal 46 43.239 15.192 40.642 Prostate, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 86 37.848 16.065 32.759 Prostate, Normal 57 52.378 22.855 50.076 Rectum, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Mucinous Type), Primary 29 35.377 12.352 35.386

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Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Median Rectum, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous Type, Primary 3 28.283 11.811 21.766 Rectum, Normal 44 28.944 14.854 25.861 Skin, Basal Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 42A88 20.683 43.236 Skin, Malignant Melanoma, Primary 7 39.168 10.039 40.545 Skin, Normal 61 59.014 24.546 54.485 Skin, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 50.418 15.958 54.986 Small Intestine, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), Primary 4 31.127 12.326 31.387 Small Intestine, Normal 97 31.744 15.843 28.931 Stomach, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Signet Ring Cell Type), Primary 27 39.251 18.89 36.631 Stomach, Adenocarcinoma, Signet Ring Cell Type, Primary 9 33.975 12.855 29.06 Stomach, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), Primary 9 70.241 131.243 23.443 Stomach, Normal 52 38.534 13.998 35.883 Thyroid Gland, Follicular Carcinoma, Primary 3 56.578 7.441 54.753 Thyroid Gland, Normal 24 137.266 40.699 137.41 Thyroid Gland, Papillary Carcinoma, Primary; All Variants 29 95.774 49.594 87 Urinary Bladder, Normal 9 51.661 30.22 36.98 Urinary Bladder, Transitional Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 38.644 12.864 33.928 Uterine Cervix, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 3 59.629 5.755 59.743 Uterine Cervix, Normal 115 82.943 40.489 75.229 Vulva, Normal 4 55.41 9.211 53.173 Vulva, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 5 53.617 25.435 47.715

Interleukin I Recentor Associated Kinase 1 (IRAKI) [00255] Interleukin-1 is a proinflammatory cytokine that functions in the generation of systemic and local response to infection, injury, and immunologic challenges. IL1, produced mainly by induced macrophages 5 and monocytes, participates in lymphocyte activation, fever, leukocyte trafficking, the acute phase response, and cartilage remodeling. The biologic activities of ILl are mediated by its type I receptor located on the plasma membrane of responsive cells. Binding of ILl to its receptor triggers activation of nuclear factor kappa-B, a family of related transcription factors that regulates the expression of genes bearing cognate DNA binding sites. NF-kappa-B is retained in the cytoplasm of most cells by the inhibitory kappa-B 10 proteins. The inhibitory protein is degraded in response to a variety of extracellular stimuli, including ILl, releasing NF-kappa-B to enter the nucleus where it activates an array of genes. Interleukin-I receptor activated kinases (IRAKs) are key mediators in the signaling pathways of IL-I receptors. IRAKl is an essential mechanism of NF-kB activation as was found in the experiments with Irak-deficient mice that demonstrated diminished NFKB activation. 15 [00256] Experiments were conducted to determine if a correlative relationship exists between PARP and IRAK1 expression in a variety of tumor tissue samples. Table XXVIII depicts the level of expression in a

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variety of tissues. As seen, IRAK1 is upregulated and co-regulated in the same subtype of tumors as PARPI is upregulated, such as tumors of breast, endometrium, ovarian and lung tumors and sarcomas. Accordingly, one embodiment is the treatment of susceptible diseases with a combination of PARP and IRAK1 modulators. Moreover, IRAKI related genes, including genes co-regulated in the VEGFR pathway, are also 5 contemplated herein. [002571 Table XXVIII: Expression of IRAK1 (interleukin 1 receptor associated kinase 1) in human primary tumors in comparison with normal tissues. Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Median Adrenal Gland, Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma, Primary 3 673.561 474.546 500.804 Adrenal Gland, Normal 13 459.673 151.366 454.364 Bone, Giant Cell Tumor of Bone, Primary 10 391.207 133.291 371.409 Bone, Normal 8 397.607 117.151 372.114 Bone, Osteosarcoma, Primary 4 479.645 49.624 465.032 Breast, Infiltrating Carcinoma of Mixed Ductal and Lobular Type, Primary 8 636.321 642.372 413.28 Breast, Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma, Primary 169 456.616 211.377 401.965 Breast, Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma, Primary 17 350.163 151.82 314.908 Breast, Intraductal Carcinoma 3 245.276 70.2 209.671 Breast, Mucinous Carcinoma, Primary 4 335.537 79.055 316.279 Breast, Normal 68 323.839 107.498 301.842 Breast, Phyllodes Tumor (Cystosarcoma Phyllodes), Primary 5 292.625 53.779 286.932 Colon, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Mucinous Type), Primary 77 621.857 244.1 569.836 Colon, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous Type, Primary 7 599.666 189.643 504.995 Colon, Normal 180 388.56 124.057 365.397 Endometrium, Adenocarcinoma, Endometrioid Type, Primary 50 326.862 132.076 310.135 Endometrium, Mullerian Mixed Tumor, Primary 7 442.289 171.683 475.694 Endometrium, Normal 23 237.621 106.731 219.986 Esophagus, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 3 1091.677 116.454 1149.642 Esophagus, Normal 22 376.737 120.868 360.387 Kidney, Carcinoma, Chromophobe Type, Primary 3 281.963 27.212 280.497 Kidney, Normal 81 302.706 88.382 305.896 Kidney, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Clear Cell Type, Primary 45 365.557 116.429 348.144 Kidney, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Non Clear Cell Type, Primary 15 469.698 204.005 385.459 Kidney, Transitional Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 451.774 131.753 493.001 Kidney, Wilm's Tumor, Primary 8 306.802 105.516 307.513 Larynx, Normal 4 437.626 182.359 452.501 Larynx, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 535.586 192.651 499.768 Liver, Hepatocellular Carcinoma 16 398.31 157.464 395.092

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Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Median Liver, Normal 42 177.604 62.495 168.052 Lung, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 46 573.945 263.63 529.26 Lung, Adenosquamous Carcinoma, Primary 3 422.739 45.237 425.833 Lung, Large Cell Carcinoma, Primary 7 548.695 222.506 499.715 Lung, Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (Non Small Cell Type), Primary 3 362.296 228.291 283.294 Lung, Normal 126 299.378 105.865 281.969 Lung, Small Cell Carcinoma, Primary 3 302.829 71.079 274.84 Lung, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 39 586.278 231.736 546.641 Oral Cavity, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 3 652.55 484.533 377.583 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Clear Cell Type, Primary 6 403.469 165.346 345.298 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Endometrioid Type, Primary 22 480.493 267.492 420.408 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Papillary Serous Type, Primary 36 550.768 297.353 518.682 Ovary, Granulosa Cell Tumor, Primary 3 204.326 9.245 199.434 Ovary, Mucinous Cystadenocarcinoma, Primary 7 446.244 157.448 408.978 Ovary, Mullerian Mixed Tumor, Primary 5 459.58 261.132 387.474 Ovary, Normal 89 193.631 70.936 183.31 Pancreas, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 23 408.518 108.348 409.698 Pancreas, Islet Cell Tumor, Malignant, Primary 7 616.628 260.06 494.256 Pancreas, Normal 46 337.27 109.44 306.728 Prostate, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 86 437.337 128.249 424.415 Prostate, Normal 57 337.15 75.629 324.359 Rectum, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Mucinous Type), Primary 29 667.234 209.823 644.219 Rectum, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous Type, Primary 3 641.685 183.696 707.031 Rectum, Normal 44 376.082 118.912 357.174 Skin, Basal Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 240.874 35.248 238.726 Skin, Malignant Melanoma, Primary 7 358.732 136.687 357.463 Skin, Normal 61 405.686 109.659 389.601 Skin, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 417.131 49.109 410.967 Small Intestine, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), Primary 4 207.223 71.481 192.011 Small Intestine, Normal 97 496.133 169.772 480.523 Stomach, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Signet Ring Cell Type), Primary 27 616.382 262.711 548.388 Stomach, Adenocarcinoma, Signet Ring Cell Type, Primary 9 783.841 628.775 572.466 Stomach, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), Primary 9 232.296 75.708 242.608 Stomach, Normal 52 380.597 157.268 340.104 Thyroid Gland, Follicular Carcinoma, Primary 3 257.712 97.865 292.424 Thyroid Gland, Normal 24 161.685 52.119 146.901 Thyroid Gland, Papillary Carcinoma, 29 197.349 99.501 185.737 -126 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750.601 WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Median Primary; All Variants Urinary Bladder, Normal 9 235.241 107.541 204.569 Urinary Bladder, Transitional Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 302A69 150.232 270.951 Uterine Cervix, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 3 309.646 106.687 289.85 Uterine Cervix, Normal 115 232.08 96.727 214.625 Vulva, Normal 4 328.463 119.872 280.431 Vulva, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 5 363.919 110.84 399.783 V-ErbB2 Erythroblastic Leukemia Viral Oncogene Homolog 3 (ERBB3) [00258] The expression of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR), a tyrosine kinase receptor, has been implicated as necessary in the development of adenomas and carcinomas in intestinal tumors, and subsequent expansion of initiated tumors (Roberts et al., 2002, PNAS, 99:1521-1526). Overexpression of 5 EGFR also plays a role in neoplasia, especially in tumors of epithelial origin (Kari et al., 2003, Cancer Res., 63:1-5). EGFR is a member of the ErbB family ofreceptors, which includes HER2c/neu, Her2 and Her3 receptor tyrosine kinases. [00259] One critical EGFR pathway involves the oncogene ERBB3 (also known as HER23), which is a member of the HER-family of receptor tyrosine kinases, including HER1/EGFR/c-erbB2, HER4/c-erbB4. 10 The HER-family shares a high degree of structural and functional homology. HER signaling promotes tumorigenesis, mostly through activation of the P13K/Akt pathway, and is driven predominantly through phosphorylation in trans of the kinase inactive member HER3, highlighting the functional significance of HER3 in the regulation of tumor cell proliferation. Moreover, the HER-family constitutes a complex network, coupling various extracellular ligands to intracellular signal transduction pathways, resulting in 15 receptor interaction and cross activation of the members of the HER-family. For example, the formation of HER2/HER3 heterodimers creates mitogenic and transforming receptor complexes within the HER (erbB) family. [00260] Experiments were conducted to determine if a correlative relationship exists between PARP and ERBB3 expression exists in a variety of tissue samples. Table XXIX depicts the level of expression in a 20 variety of tissues. As seen, ERBB3 is upregulated and co-regulated in the same subtype of tumors as PARPI is upregulated, such as tumors of breast, ovary, and skin tumors and sarcomas. Accordingly, one embodiment is the treatment of susceptible diseases with a combination of PARP and ERBB3 modulators. Moreover, ERBB3 related genes, including genes co-regulated in the ERBB3 pathway, are also contemplated herein. 25 [00261] Table XXIX: Expression of ERBB3 (v-erb-b2 erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 3) in human primary tumors in comparison with normal tissues

Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Median Adrenal Gland, Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma, Primary 3 577.882 980.547 14.285 Adrenal Gland, Normal 13 125.524 343.556 18.187 Bone, Giant Cell Tumor of Bone, Primary 10 10.336 7.223 9.132 -127 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750.601 WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

Bone, Normal 8 37.284 57.615 14.053 Bone, Osteosarcoma, Primary 4 20.579 17.253 18.759 Breast, Infiltrating Carcinoma of Mixed Ductal and Lobular Type, Primary 8 2280.914 1187.289 2134.499 Breast, Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma, Primary 169 1548.723 857.043 1416.273 Breast, Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma, Primary 17 2063.404 1228.354 1905.583 Breast, Intraductal Carcinoma 3 2912.882 391.626 2915.354 Breast, Mucinous Carcinoma, Primary 4 1540.657 647.821 1335.309 Breast, Normal 68 1113.455 580.417 1092.339 Breast, Phyllodes Tumor (Cystosarcoma Phyllodes), Primary 5 537.381 166.451 530.115 Colon, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Mucinous Type), Primary 77 1971.768 746.859 1840.703 Colon, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous Type, Primary 7 1430.242 808.398 1351.427 Colon, Normal 180 1458.433 515.98 1383.82 Endometrium, Adenocarcinoma, Endometrioid Type, Primary 50 758.705 441.307 671.915 Endometrium, Mullerian Mixed Tumor, Primary 7 391.366 552.712 92.314 Endometrium, Normal 23 499.473 409.346 332.495 Esophagus, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 3 1853.052 965.33 1968.129 Esophagus, Normal 22 1013.875 393.124 1017.246 Kidney, Carcinoma, Chromophobe Type, Primary 3 449.46 159.14 375.862 Kidney, Normal 81 980.48 349.951 991.148 Kidney, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Clear Cell Type, Primary 45 942.527 714.444 765.094 Kidney, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Non Clear Cell Type, Primary 15 1184.511 985.788 1181.861 Kidney, Transitional Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 1881.073 1688.566 1149.255 Kidney, Wilm's Tumor, Primary 8 174.465 102.523 156.7 Larynx, Normal 4 987.72 681.018 1184.756 Larynx, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 399.736 136.302 449.028 Liver, Hepatocellular Carcinoma 16 1623.121 904.592 1607.987 Liver, Normal 42 963.955 470.103 837.661 Lung, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 46 1121.085 690.427 852.101 Lung, Adenosquamous Carcinoma, Primary 3 1110.685 512.485 1073.488 Lung, Large Cell Carcinoma, Primary 7 772.418 399.168 558.1 Lung, Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (Non-Small Cell Type), Primary 3 593.582 515.062 802.766 Lung, Normal 126 664.625 297.552 607.42 Lung, Small Cell Carcinoma, Primary 3 314.576 136.305 383.976 Lung, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 39 535.679 349.395 464.982 Oral Cavity, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 3 632.589 681.131 255.479 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Clear Cell Type, Primary 6 1334.761 700.043 1133.209 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Endometrioid Type, Primary 22 880.946 425.324 770.453

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Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Papillary Serous Type, Primary 36 982.248 604.01 779.513 Ovary, Granulosa Cell Tumor, Primary 3 12.718 5.99 13.055 Ovary, Mucinous Cystadenocarcinoma, Primary 7 1448.166 459.784 1443.369 Ovary, Mullerian Mixed Tumor, Primary 5 537.117 543.134 496.456 Ovary, Normal 89 62.734 174.184 26.506 Pancreas, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 23 1127.646 680.621 889.292 Pancreas, Islet Cell Tumor, Malignant, Primary 7 1230.09 1379.954 844.986 Pancreas, Normal 46 466.353 163.486 426.184 Prostate, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 86 1655.44 477.053 1574.154 Prostate, Normal 57 992.882 394.393 1007.848 Rectum, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Mucinous Type), Primary 29 1844.5 734.105 1699.542 Rectum, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous Type, Primary 3 1159.982 1067.734 838.012 Rectum, Normal 44 1328.401 449.394 1237.417 Skin, Basal Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 635.797 278.09 622.684 Skin, Malignant Melanoma, Primary 7 2547.3 2402.871 1875.538 Skin, Normal 61 783.091 377.959 747.794 Skin, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 301.374 121.643 335.271 Small Intestine, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), Primary 4 11.31 10.04 8.432 Small Intestine, Normal 97 1790.03 773.198 1825.371 Stomach, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Signet Ring Cell Type), Primary 27 1411.513 670.095 1388.222 Stomach, Adenocarcinoma, Signet Ring Cell Type, Primary 9 1138.628 228.311 1053.921 Stomach, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), Primary 9 13.944 11.315 7.565 Stomach, Normal 52 1148.508 506.496 1140.674 Thyroid Gland, Follicular Carcinoma, Primary 3 535.996 284.787 420.907 Thyroid Gland, Normal 24 160.13 77.384 139.421 Thyroid Gland, Papillary Carcinoma, Primary; All Variants 29 368.881 394.066 205.043 Urinary Bladder, Normal 9 304.776 186.305 250.217 Urinary Bladder, Transitional Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 1698.328 860.141 1647.78 Uterine Cervix, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 3 533.276 625.49 206.731 Uterine Cervix, Normal 115 353.483 199.167 290.434 Vulva, Normal 4 671,006 249.678 757.337 Vulva, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 5 345.409 144.583 390.85 Migration Inhibitory Factor [002621 Tumor-associated macrophages may influence tumor progression, angiogenesis and invasion. Migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is a pleotropic cytokine which plays a pivotal role in inflammatory and immune-mediated diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and atherosclerosis. MIF is secreted by T 5 lymphocytes and macrophages on lipopolysaccharide (LPS) exposure and induces secretion of tumor

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necrosis factor-a (TNF-a) by mouse macrophages. MIF is highly expressed in macrophages, endothelial cells, synovial tissue (ST) fibroblasts, serum, and synovial fluids. MIF stimulates macrophage release of proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF-a, interleukin 1 p (IL-p0), IL-6, and IL-8. MIF up-regulates IL-1p, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) MMP-l, MMP-3, MMP-9, and MMP-13 in RAST fibroblasts. In rodent 5 arthritis models, administration of anti-MIF antibody ameliorates arthritis, with profound inhibition of clinical and histologic features of disease. Anti-MIF treatment also improves the outcome of acute encephalomyelitis and experimental autoimmune myocarditis in mice. These studies show a key role of MIF in the pathogenesis ofiramunologic and inflammatory diseases. It was also that that MF is a potent angiogenic factor. MIF can up-regulate VCAM-i and ICAM-1 via Src, PI3K, and NFiB activation. 10 [00263] Because of MIF's key role in disease progression, modulation of MF expression is seen as a likely therapeutic target. Accordingly, one embodiment is the treatment of susceptible diseases with a combination of PARP and MIF modulators. Moreover, MIF related genes, including genes co-regulated in the MIF pathway, are also contemplated herein. VAV3 Oncogene 15 [00264] VAV proteins are guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) for Rho family GTPases that activate pathways leading to actin cytoskeletal rearrangements and transcriptional alterations. VAV3 acts as a GEF preferentially on RhoG (ARHG), RhoA (ARHA, and, to a lesser extent, RAC1, and it associates maximally with these GTPases in the nucleotide-free state. Investigators have identified a splice variant of VAV3, which they termed VAV3.1, that contains only the C-terminal SH3-SH2-SH3 region. VAV3.1 20 appeared to be downregulated by EGF and transforming growth factor-beta (TOB). VAV3 was also shown to enhance nuclear factor kappa-B (NFKB)-dependent transcription. [002651 Because ofVAV3's key role in disease progression, modulation of VAV3 expression is seen as a likely therapeutic target Accordingly, one embodiment is the treatment of susceptible diseases with a combination of PARP and VAV3 modulators. Moreover, VAV3 related genes, including genes co-regulated 25 in the VAV3 pathway, are also contemplated herein. Aurora Kinase [00266 Aurora kinase A (AURKA) is a mitotic centrosomal protein kinase (Kimura et al., 1997, J. Biol. Chem. 272:13766-13771). The main role of AURKA in tumor development is in controlling chromosome segregation during mitosis (Bischoff and Plowman, 1999, Trends Cell Biol. 9:454459). AURKA is 30 frequently amplified in cancer, and induces phosphorylation of IkappaBa, thereby mediating its degradation. Loss of IkappaBa leads to activation ofNF-kappaB target gene transcription. In human primary breast cancers, 13.6% of samples showed AURKA gene amplification, all of which exhibited nuclear localization of NF-kappaB, suggesting that this particular subgroup of breast cancer patients might benefit from inhibiting AURKA. 35 [00267] Moreover, the analysis of different human tumor cell types for NF-kappaB activity has showed that there is an association between cell resistance to chemotherapeutic agents and NF-kappaB activation. For example, A549 human lung adenocarcinoma cells and SKOV3 human ovarian cancer cells have high levels of NF-kappaB and are resistant to cytotoxic agents such as adriamycin and VP-16 (etoposide). It was also shown that in A549 and SKOV3 cells treated with a small molecule inhibitor towards Aurora kinases, NF 40 kappaB, Bcl-XL and Bel-2 activity was downregulated alongwith the concomitant increase in efficacy of -130 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750.601 WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

cytotoxic drugs. These findings have important implications for cancer chemotherapy. AURKA-inhibition enhances the efficacy of chemotherapeutic agents and reverses acquired resistance resulting from the activation of NF-kappaB. Consequently, preventing NF-kappaB activation by inhibition of AURKA may provide a valuable enhancement to specific chemotherapeutic regimens (Linardopoulos, .2007, 1 BUON. 5 12(Suppl 1):S67-70). [002681 Experiments were conducted to determine if a correlative relationship exists between PARP and AURKA expression exists in a variety of tissue samples. Table XXX depicts the level of expression in a variety of tissues. As seen, AURKA is upregulated and co-regulated in the same subtype of tumors as PARP1 is upregulated, such as tumors of breast, endometrium, lung and ovarian tumors and sarcomas. 10 Accordingly, one embodiment is the treatment of susceptible diseases with a combination of PARP and AURKA modulators. Moreover, AURKA related genes, including genes co-regulated in the AURKA pathway, are also contemplated herein. [002691 Table XXX: Expression of Aurora Kinase A in human primary tumors in comparison with normal tissues. Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Median Adrenal Gland, Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma, Primary 3 44.754 8.862 43.392 Adrenal Gland, Normal 13 25.672 15.905 22.076 Bone, Giant Cell Tumor of Bone, Primary 10 51.061 18.222 48.306 Bone, Normal 8 143.441 110.647 130.871 Bone, Osteosarcoma, Primary 4 178.04 83.591 187.41 Breast, Infiltrating Carcinoma of Mixed Ductal and Lobular Type, Primary 8 95.51 47.454 86.491 Breast, Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma, Primary 169 89.343 82.104 73.288 Breast, Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma, Primary 17 74.299 55.943 60.594 Breast, Intraductal Carcinoma 3 74.636 71.118 49.292 Breast, Mucinous Carcinoma, Primary 4 51.741 45.158 34.593 Breast, Normal 68 28.743 42.088 18.843 Breast, Phyllodes Tumor (Cystosarcoma Phyllodes), Primary 5 34.084 14.567 29.148 Colon, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Mucinous Type), Primary 77 162.923 85.18 142.004 Colon, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous Type, Primary 7 112.896 42.873 101.745 Colon, Normal 180 70.295 38.393 63.784 Endometrium, Adenocarcinoma, Endometrioid Type, Primary 50 69.564 45.648 57.714 Endometrium, Mullerian Mixed Tumor, Primary 7 169.364 72.819 197.607 Endometrium, Normal 23 36.878 56.805 20.135 Esophagus, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 3 859.368 1198.639 203.561 Esophagus, Normal 22 36.408 16.133 41.23 Kidney, Carcinoma, Chromophobe Type, Primary 3 42.363 25.248 41.311 Kidney, Normal 81 16.64 9.488 15.193 Kidney, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Clear 45 34.884 24.019 27.772

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Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Median Cell Type, Primary Kidney, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Non Clear Cell Type, Primary 15 36.489 24.565 30.32 Kidney, Transitional Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 62.951 43.077 53.03 Kidne, Wilms Tumor, Primary 8 134.715 48.472 137.996 Larynx,Normal 4 38.267 7.859 40.105 Larynx, Squamous Cell-Carcinoma, Primary 4 106.771 33.873 100.127 Liver, Hepatocellular Carcinoma 16 80.374 59.267 64.87 Liver, Normal 42 19.333 13.529 17.57 Lung, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 46 92.449 68.175 72.573 Lung, Adenosquamous Carcinoma, Primary 3 43.065 23.707 38.673 Lung, Large Cell Carcinoma, Primary 7 110.99 39.237 113.89 Lung, Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (Non-Small Cell Type), Primary 3 93.442 119.109 44.063 Lung, Normal 126 27.345 35.968 19.32 Lung, Small Cell Carcinoma, Primary 3 147.378 13.136 154.126 Lung, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 39 111.537 50.622 106.782 Oral Cavity, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 3 122.089 70.313 159.159 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Clear Cell Type, Primary 6 70.834 31.287 76.297 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Endometrioid Type, Primary 22 64.496 36.983 57.426 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Papillary Serous Type, Primary 36 107.434 98.927 88.224 Ovary, Granulosa Cell Tumor, Primary 3 24.753 19.999 27.065 Ovary, Mucinous Cystadenocarcinoma, Primary 7 33.119 14.621 31.509 Ovary, Mullerian Mixed Tumor, Primary 5 184.608 181.022 102.966 Ovary, Normal 89 70.168 68.424 46.725 Pancreas, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 23 48.758 30.381 43.699 Pancreas, Islet Cell Tumor, Malignant, Primary 7 39.542 25.776 28.543 Pancreas, Normal 46 29.429 28.901 22.729 Prostate, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 86 15.487 7.05 15.689 Prostate, Normal 57 11.147 5.557 10,483 Rectum, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Mucinous Type), Primary 29 158.666 66.032 153.322 Rectum, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous Type, Primary 3 109.484 70.156 126.287 Rectum,Normal 44 55.244 21.11 51.151 Skin, Basal Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 50.118 8.463 52.27 Skin, Malignant Melanoma, Primary 7 111.153 57.768 111.744 Skin, Normal 61 21.863 32.713 15.678 Skin, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 91.039 80.277 67.971 Small Intestine, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), Primary 4 27.262 20.437 23.665 Small Intestine, Normal 97 61.336 31.207 59.736 -132 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750.601 WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Median Stomach, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Signet Ring Cell Type), Primary 27 164.992 102.295 158.801 Stomach, Adenocarcinoma, Signet Ring Cell Type, Primary 9 106.468 45.98 128.174 Stomach, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), Primary 9 21.34 13.545 15.836 Stomach, Normal 52 51.789 28.173 47.535 Thyroid Gland, Follicular Carcinoma, Primary 3 36.25 50.475 12.917 Thyroid Gland, Normal 24 15.556 7.707 14.658 Thyroid Gland, Papillary Carcinoma, Primary; All Variants 29 23.949 13.406 21.053 Urinary Bladder, Normal 9 16.597 11.305 12.724 Urinary Bladder, Transitional Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 108.368 60.835 92.147 Uterine Cervix, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 3 107.466 96.964 115.821 Uterine Cervix, Normal 115 18.21 32.776 11.183 Vulva, Normal 4 29.709 15.366 23.056 Vulva, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 5 94.718 13.914 104.197 Bel-2 [002701 BCL-2 can promote lymphomagenesis and influence the sensitivity of tumorcells to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The Bcl-2 family of proteins together are known to include more than 30 proteins with either pro-apoptotic or anti-apoptotic functions, suggesting that they might also play different roles in 5 carcinogenesis (Cory at al., 2003, Oncogene 22:8590-8607). Pro-survival Bcl-2 family members act as oncogenes. Expression of Bcl-2 in transgenic mice confirmed that inhibition of apoptosis can lead to cancer, as these mice develop B cell lymphomas and leukemias. The lifespan of B-lymphoid tumors is significantly prolonged by bcl-2 transgene expression, suggesting that Bcl-2 overexpression provides a predisposition for the development of B-cell lymphomas. 10 [00271] Experiments were conducted to determine if a correlative relationship exists between PARP and Bcl-2 expression exists in a variety of tissue samples. Table XXXI depicts the level of expression in a variety of tissues. As seen, Bel-2 is upregulated and co-regulated in the same subtype of tumors as PARP1 is upregulated, such as tumors of breast, ovary, and skin tumors and sarcomas. Accordingly, one embodiment is the treatment of susceptible diseases with a combination of PARP and Bcl-2 modulators. Moreover, Bcl-2 15 related genes, including genes co-regulated in the Bcl-2 pathway, are also contemplated herein. [002721 Table XXXI: Expression of BCL2 (B-cell CLIJlymphoma 2) in human primary tumors in comparison with normal tissues. Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Median Adrenal Gland, Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma, Primary 3 41.369 13.086 39.567 Adrenal Gland, Normal 13 76.565 79.915 57.591 Bone, Giant Cell Tumor of Bone, Primary 10 67.268 25.075 60.992 Bone, Normal 8 93.551 37.089 101.793 Bone, Osteosarcoma, Primary 4 86.148 46.86 87.134 -133 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750.601 WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Median Breast, Infiltrating Carcinoma of Mixed Ductal and Lobular Type, Primary 8 165.395 79.131 129.186 Breast, Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma, Primary 169 185.081 137.681 153.948 Breast, Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma, Primary 17 253.721 170.271 188.582 Breast, Intraductal Carcinoma 3 304.094 82.093 320.92 Breast, Mucinous Carcinoma, Primary 4 231.889 174.353 202.309 Breast, Normal 68 180.278 62.194 184.029 Breast, Phyllodes Tumor (Cystosarcoma Phyllodes), Primary 5 156.731 53.76 158.242 Colon, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Mucinous Type), Primary 77 58.51 25.967 52.622 Colon, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous Type, Primary 7 78.225 59.629 58.656 Colon, Normal 180 99.747 38.155 94.906 Endometrium, Adenocarcinoma, Endometroid Type, Primary 50 118.084 82.562 91.368 Endometrium, Mullerian Mixed Tumor, Primary 7 76.471 24.044 80.782 Endometrium, Normal 23 243.099 126.075 215.948 Esophagus, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 3 37.097 14.877 32.719 Esophagus, Normal 22 76.845 21.677 71.56 Kidney, Carcinoma, Chromophobe Type, Primary 3 291.793 82.103 264.825 Kidney, Normal 81 160.415 44.839 158.151 Kidney, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Clear Cell Type, Primary 45 213.18 109.86 185.721 Kidney, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Non Clear Cell Type, Primary 15 225.067 108.419 240.49 Kidney, Transitional Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 23.076 9.024 20.267 Kidney, Wilm's Tumor, Primary 8 150.344 52.247 132.065 Larynx, Normal 4 108.966 91.936 68.871 Larynx, Squamnous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 52.95 15.864 50.99 Liver, Hepatocellular Carcinoma 16 61.05 32.886 54.112 Liver, Normal 42 63.025 84.148 47.745 Lung, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 46 73.211 70.81 56.933 Lung, Adenosquamnous Carcinoma, Primary 3 78.094 28.561 64.352 Lung, Large Cell Carcinoma, Primary 7 64.283 28.099 68.291 Lung, Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (Non-Small Cell Type), Primary 3 32.677 25.312 35.5 Lung, Normal 126 70.777 32.745 66.795 Lung, Small Cell Carcinoma, Primary 3 256.362 121.664 188.266 Lung, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 39 86.702 94.356 68.855 Oral Cavity, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 3 41.448 23.986 43.03 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Clear Cell Type, Primary 6 143.916 160.188 76.602 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, 22 116.538 91.275 85.27

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Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Median Endometrioid Type, Primary Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Papillary Serous Type, Primary 36 64.043 39.388 52.971 Ovary, Granulosa Cell Tumor, Primary 3 291.661 18.052 295.117 Ovary, Mucinous Cystadenocarcinoma, Primary 7 96.739 102.705 67.26 Ovary, Mullerian Mixed Tumor, Primary 5 138.111 123.538 86.269 Ovary, Normal 89 189.339 72.787 174.35 Pancreas, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 23 70.77 33.311 61.929 Pancreas, Islet Cell Tumor, Malignant, Primary 7 44.424 16.346 42.696 Pancreas, Normal 46 61.713 18.442 58.003 Prostate, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 86 80.779 30.717 76.884 Prostate, Normal 57 126.448 44.583 115.617 Rectum, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Mucinous Type), Primary 29 49.829 13.682 47.972 Rectum, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous Type, Primary 3 53.416 27.606 45.316 Rectum, Normal 44 99.686 25.97 101.939 Skin, Basal Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 136.707 30.101 123.82 Skin, Malignant Melanoma, Primary 7 140.862 116.907 125.858 Skin, Normal 61 104.32 35.887 99.801 Skin, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 149.226 168.298 74.5 Small Intestine, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), Primary 4 781.493 120.352 786.203 Small Intestine, Normal 97 98.346 51.187 92.945 Stomach, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Signet Ring Cell Type), Primary 27 61.502 22.173 57.512 Stomach, Adenocarcinoma, Signet Ring Cell Type, Primary 9 69.446 34.59 67.033 Stomach, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), Primary 9 260.615 127.994 241.293 Stomach, Normal 52 65.716 26.897 58.761 Thyroid Gland, Follicular Carcinoma, Primary 3 315.749 209.219 435.183 Thyroid Gland, Normal 24 470.013 98.75 503.828 Thyroid Gland, Papillary Carcinoma, Primary; All Variants 29 209.72 107.891 214.138 Uriary Bladder, Normal 9 104.859 39.085 88.841 Urinary Bladder, Transitional Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 42.722 14.206 46.577 Uterine Cervix, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 3 185.839 58.711 166.966 Uterine Cervix, Normal 115 169.441 50.511 167.885 Vulva, Normal 4 104.927 25.708 103.02 Vulva, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 5 51.488 4.185 52.544 Ubiquitin Proteasome Pathway [002731 The UBIQUITIN-proteasome pathway is the principle mechanism by which cellular proteins are degraded. The proteasome enables a rapid clearance of proteins that are important for cell-cycle progression,

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including cyclins, cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors and NF-icB. IkB is polyubiquitylated in response to its phosphorylation by IKK and cleaved by the 26S proteasome. Inhibition of the ubiquitin proteasome pathway results in dysregulation ofthe cellular proteins involved in cell-cycle control, promotion of tumor growth, and induction of apoptosis. Recently, proteasome inhibitors that have shown promising anticancer responses 5 both in vitro and in vivo have been introduced into the treatment of malignancy. Proteasome inhibitors were originally considered as therapies because they have potential protein targets that are known to be deregulated in tumor cells. Proteasome inhibitors have been reported to alter the levels of the cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors p21 and p27 (also known as WAFI and KIP1, respectively) and several pro- and anti-apoptotic proteins leading to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in several tumor types. Malignant cells are 10 more susceptible to certain proteasome inhibitors and this might be explained, in part, by the destabilization of CDC25A, CDC25C, p27 and the cyclins that are often activated in cancer cells. The orderly and temporal degradation of these regulatory molecules is required for continued cell growth. Therefore, inhibition of proteasome-mediated degradation of these molecules might arrest or retard cell growth. p53 accumulates in response to cellular stress such as chemical- or radiation-induced DNA damage, oncogene activation and 15 hypoxia. MDM2 inhibits the activity of p53, in part by enabling the export ofp53 into the cytoplasm, where it can be degraded by the proteasome. p53 becomes stabilized following proteasome inhibition, which can simulate p53-mediated tumor-suppressor activity. Other explanations for the anticancer activity of proteasome inhibitors include the inhibition of IkB degradation, which leads to the maintenance of NFxB in the cytoplasm. NF-icB is considered to be one of the molecules with a central role in mediating many of the 20 effects of proteasome inhibition. An interesting study has demonstrated the extent to which the efficacy of proteasome inhibitors is due to the inhibition of NF-rB. Using multiple myeloma cells, Hideshima et al. compared the effects of an IK inhibitor, PS- 1145, and bortezomib, a proteasome inhibitor that inhibits the chymotryptic activity of the proteasome in a potent, reversible and selective manner (Hideshima et al, 2002, J. Biol. Chem. 277:16639-16647). Although both PS-1 145 and bortezomib blocked NFrB activation, 25 bortezomib completely. [00274] Experiments were conducted to determine if a correlative relationship exists between PARP expression and expression of ubiquitin proteasome pathway proteins exists in a variety of tissue samples. Table XXXII depicts the level of expression of UBE2S in a variety of tissues. As seen, UBE2S is upregulated and co-regulated in the same subtype of tumors as PARP1 is upregulated, such as tumors of 30 breast, ovary, and skin tumors and sarcomas. Accordingly, one embodiment is the treatment of susceptible diseases with a combination of PARP and UBE2S modulators. Moreover, UBE2S related genes, including genes co-regulated in the ubiquitin proteasome pathway proteins, are also contemplated herein. [00275] Table XXXII: Expression of UBE2S (ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2S; similar to Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2S (Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2-24 kDa) (Ubiquitin-protein ligase) (Ubiquitin 35 carrier protein) (E2-EPF5)) in human primary tumors in comparison with normal tissues. Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Median Adrenal Gland, Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma, Primary 3 129.097 46.893 137.935 Adrenal Gland, Normal 13 82.156 34.849 82.309 Bone, Giant Cell Tumor of Bone, Primary 10 137.94 33.664 147.67

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Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Median Bone, Normal 8 145.715 104.824 122.049 Bone, Osteosarcoma, Primary 4 623.943 421.543 591.478 Breast, Infiltrating Carcinoma of Mixed Ductal and Lobular Type, Primary 8 150.452 73.597 149.141 Breast, Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma, Primary 169 211.898 198.18 136.568 Breast, Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma, Primary 17 121.074 102.75 98.11 Breast, Intraductal Carcinoma 3 88.188 37.496 107.824 Breast, Mucinous Carcinoma, Primary 4 228.67 158.594 184.996 Breast, Normal 68 76.54 114.038 54.967 Breast, Phyllodes Tumor (Cystosarcoma Phyllodes), Primary 5 151.531 44.68 144.279 Colon, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Mucinous Type), Primary 77 292.319 191.312 239.821 Colon, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous Type, Primary 7 233.435 124.977 212.778 Colon, Normal 180 94.723 43.203 87.05 Endometrium, Adenocarcinoma, Endomeirioid Type, Primary 50 189.219 143.485 151.341 Endomctrium, Mullerian Mixed Tumor, Primary 7 423.028 199.339 377.047 Endometrium, Normal 23 83.824 45.485 79.293 Esophagus, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 3 176.663 36.089 193.352 Esophagus, Normal 22 106.996 30.476 108.666 Kidney, Carcinoma, Chromophobe Type, Primary 3 108.286 24.187 97.844 Kidney, Normal 81 36.839 18.515 37.16 Kidney, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Clear Cell Type, Primary 45 66.31 43.833 55.188 Kidney, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Non-Clear Cell Type, Primary 15 64.572 27.295 64.618 Kidney, Transitional Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 270.505 281.828 149.683 Kidney, Wilm's Tumor, Primary 8 412.566 188.967 427.328 Larynx, Normal 4 123.45 59.992 136.237 Larynx, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primay 4 330.967 173.065 276.574 Liver, Hepatocellular Carcinoma 16 93.342 52.304 81.455 Liver, Normal 42 44.982 30.912 44.236 Lung, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 46 168.798 162.569 107.818 Lung, Adenosquamous Carcinoma, Primary 3 79.825 12.277 78.251 Lung, Large Cell Carcinoma, Primary 7 218.032 104.354 255.401 Lung, Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (Non Small Cell Type), Primary 3 543.348 731.846 141.593 Lung, Normal 126 79.129 155.169 57.522 , Small Cell Carcinoma, Primary 3 1071.102 211.415 1060.096 Lung, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 39 340.664 209.747 257.964 Oral Cavity, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 3 280.816 167.057 318.621 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Clear Cell Type, Primary 6 103.755 36.619 99.987 Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Endometrioid 22 183.702 109.354 146.8 -137 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750.601 WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

Sample Sample Set Count Mean Std. Dev. Median Type, Primary Ovary, Adenocarcinoma, Papillary Serous Type, Primary 36 174.4 102.164 154.5 Ovary, Granulosa Cell Tumor, Primary 3 156.848 16.187 159.53 Ovary, Mucinous Cystadenocarcinoma, Primary 7 84.611 15.699 84.895 Ovary, Mulleian Mixed Tumor, Primary 5 363.898 221.096 403.494 Ovary, Normal 89 87.552 46.998 79.653 Pancreas, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 23 113.283 54.941 97.892 Pancreas, Islet Cell Tumor, Malignant, Primary 7 146.32 69.165 139.025 Pancreas, Normal 46 41.189 32.682 39.683 Prostate, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 86 84.105 31.659 78.611 Prostate, Normal 57 62.336 21.869 62.386 Rectum, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Mucinous Type), Primary 29 243.362 136.269 203.98 Rectum, Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous Type, Primary 3 162.35 72.122 153.531 Rectum, Normal 44 87.534 33.51 88.558 Skin, Basal Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 144.053 35.538 145.552 Skin, Malignant Melanoma, Primary 7 413.489 334.748 233.006 Skin, Normal 61 54.469 80.562 44.588 Skin, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 318.382 401.815 147.191 Small Intestine, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), Primary 4 159.986 44.725 151.947 Small Intestine, Normal 97 61.454 24.241 60.23 Stomach, Adenocarcinoma (Excluding Signet Ring Cell Type), Primary 27 186.598 113.859 146.447 Stomach, Adenocarcinoma, Signet Ring Cell Type, Primary 9 164.955 74.288 170.523 Stomach, Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), Primary 9 99.259 43.37 104.269 Stomach, Normal 52 93.083 52.839 79.504 Thyroid Gland, Follicular Carcinoma, Primary 3 129.16 95.772 83.155 Thyroid Gland, Normal 24 60.847 26.391 63.367 Thyroid Gland, Papillary Carcinoma, Primary; All Variants 29 65.447 25.161 58.688 Urinary Bladder, Normal 9 56.905 21.981 48.891 Urinary Bladder, Transitional Cell Carcinoma, Primary 4 278.795 125.176 271.553 Uterine Cervix, Adenocarcinoma, Primary 3 293.178 270.738 213.411 Uterine Cervix, Normal 115 78.201 72.59 69.419 Vulva, Normal 4 82.187 33.953 72.273 Vulva, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Primary 5 201.097 75.24 216.477

METHOD OF TREATMENT WITH PARP INHIBITORS [002761 PARP inhibitors have potential therapeutic benefit when used independently in the treatment of various diseases such as, myocardial ischemia, stroke, head trauma, and neurodegenerative disease, and as an adjunct therapy with other agents including chemotherapeutic agents, radiation, oligonucleotides, or 5 antibodies in cancer therapy. Without limiting the scope of the present embodiments, it shall be understood

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that various PARP inhibitors are known in the art and are all within the scope of the present embodiments. Some of the examples ofPARP inhibitors are disclosed herein but they are not in any way limiting to the scope of the present description. [00277] A great preponderance of PARP inhibitors have been designed as analogs of benzamides, which 5 bind competitively with the natural substrate NAD in the catalytic site of PARP. The PARP inhibitors include, but are not limited to, benzamides, cyclic benzamides, quinolones and isoquinolones and benzopyrones (US 5,464,871, US 5,670,518, US 6,004,978, US 6,169,104, US 5,922,775, US 6,017,958, US 5,736,576, and US 5,484,951, all incorporated herein in their entirety). The PARP inhibitors include a variety of cyclic benzamide analogs (i.e. lactams) which are potent inhibitors at the NAD site. Other PARP 10 inhibitors include, but are not limited to, benzimidazoles and indoles (EP 841924, EP 1127052, US 6,100,283, US 6,310,082, US 2002/156050, US 2005/054631, WO 05/012305, WO 99/11628, and US 2002/028815). A number of low-molecular-weight inhibitors of PARP have been used to elucidate the functional role of poly ADP-ribosylation in DNA repair. In cells treated with alkylating agents, the inhibition of PARP leads to a marked increase in DNA-strand breakage and cell killing (Durkacz et al, 1980, Nature 15 283: 593-596; and Berger, N. A., 1985, Radiation Research, 101: 4-14). Subsequently, such inhibitors have been shown to enhance the effects of radiation response by suppressing the repair of potentially lethal damage (Ben-Hur et al, 1984, British Journal of Cancer, 49 (Suppl. VI): 34-42; and Schlicker et al, 1999, Int. J. Radiat. Bioi., 75: 91-100). PARP inhibitors have been reported to be effective in radio sensitizing hypoxic tumor cells (US Patent Nos. 5,032,617, 5,215,738 and 5,041,653). Furthermore, PARP knockout (PARP -/-) 20 animals exhibit genomic instability in response to alkylating agents and '-irradiation (Wang et al, 1995, Genes Dev., 9: 509-520; and Menissier de Murcia et al, 1997, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 94: 7303-7307). [002781 Oxygen radical DNA damage that leads to strand breaks in DNA, which are subsequently recognized by PARP, is a major contributing factor to such disease states as shown by PARP inhibitor studies (Cosi et al, 1994, J. Neurosci. Res., 39: 38-46; and Said et al, 1996, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 93: 25 4688-4692). It has also been demonstrated that efficient retroviral infection of mammalian cells is blocked by the inhibition of PARP activity. Such inhibition of recombinant retroviral vector infections was shown to occur in various different cell types (Gaken et al, 1996, J. Virology, 70(6): 3992-4000). Inhibitors of PARP have thus been developed for the use in anti-viral therapies and in cancer treatment (W091/18591). Moreover, PARP inhibition has been speculated to delay the onset of aging characteristics in human 30 fibroblasts (Rattan and Clark, 1994, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm., 201 (2): 665-672). This may be related to the role that PARP plays in controlling telomere function (d'Adda di Fagagna et al, 1999, Nature Gen., 23(1): 76-80). 1002791 PARP inhibitors may possess the following structural characteristics: 1) aide or lactam functionality; 2) an NH proton of this amide or lactam functionality could be conserved for effective 35 bonding; 3) an amide group attached to an aromatic ring or a lactam group fused to an aromatic ring; 4) optimal cis-configuration ofthe amide in the aromatic plane; and 5) constraining mono-aryl carboxamide into heteropolycyclic lactams (Costantino et al., 2001, J Med Chem., 44:3786-3794). . Virag et al., 2002, Pharmacol Rev., 54:375-429, 2002 summarizes various PARP inhibitors. Some of the examples of PARP inhibitors include, but are not limited to, isoquinolinone and dihydrolisoquinolinone (for example, US 40 6,664,269, and WO 99/11624), nicotinamide, 3-aminobenzamide, monoaryl amides and bi-, tri-, or

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tetracyclic lactams, phenanthridinones (Perkins et al., 2001, Cancer Res., 61:4175-4183), 3,4-dihydro-5 methyl-isoquinolin-1(2H)-one and benzoxazole-4-carboxamide (Griffin et al., 1995, Anticancer Drug Des, 10:507-514; Griffin et al., 1998, J Med Chem, 41:5247-5256; and Griffin et al., 1996, Pharm Sci, 2:4348), dihydroisoquinolin-1(2H)-nones, 1,6-naphthyridine-5(6H)-ones, quinazolin-4(3H)-ones, thieno[3,4 5 c]pyridin-4(5H)ones and thieno[3,4-d]pyrimidin-4(3H)ones, 1,5-dihydroxyisoquinoline, and 2-methyl quinazolin-4[3H]-one (Yoshida et al, 1991, J Antibiot (Tokyo,) 44:111-112; Watson et al., 1998, Bioorg Med Chem., 6:721-734; and White et al., 2000, J Med Chem., 43:4084-4097), 1,8-Napthalimide derivatives and (5H)phenanthridin-6-ones (Banasik et al., 1992, J Biol Chem, 267:1569-1575; Watson et at., 1998, Bioorg Mcd Chem., 6:721-734; Soriano et al, 2001, Nat Med., 7:108-113; Li et al., 2001, Bioorg Med 10 Chem Left., 11:1687-1690; and Jagtap et al., 2002, Crit Care Med., 30:1071-1082), tetracyclic lactams, 1,1lb-dihydro-[2Hf]benzopyrano [4,3,2-de]isoquinolin-3-one, 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) (Zhang et al., 2000, Biochem Biophys Res Commun., 278:590-598; and Mazzon et al., 2001, Eur J Pharmacol, 415:85-94). Other examples of PARP inhibitors include, but are not limited to, those detailed in the patents: US 5,719,151, US 5,756,510, US 6,015,827, US 6,100,283, US 6,156,739, US 6,310,082, US 15 6,316,455, US 6,121,278, US 6,201,020, US 6,235,748, 6,306,889, US 6,346,536, US 6,380,193, US 6,387,902, US 6,395,749, US 6,426,415, US 6,514,983, US 6,723,733, US 6,448,271, US 6,495,541, US 6,548,494, US 6,500,823, US 6,664,269, US 6,677,333, US 6,903,098, US 6,924,284, US 6,989,388, US 6,277,990, US 6,476,048, and US 6,531,464. Additional examples ofPARP inhibitors include, but are not limited to, those detailed in the patent application publications: US 2004198693A1, US 2004034078A1, US 20 2004248879A1, US 2004249841A1, US 2006074073A1, US 2006100198A1, US 2004077667A1, US 2005080096A1, US 2005171101A1, US 2005054631A1, WO 05054201A1, WO 05054209A1, WO 05054210A1, WO 05058843A1, WO 06003146A1, WO 06003147A1, WO 06003148A1, WO 06003150A1, and WO 05097750AL [00280] In one embodiment, the PARP inhibitors are compounds of Formula (Is) 0

C -NH2

R5 R1 (Ia)


25 R3

wherein RI, R2, R3, R4, and Rs are, independently selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, hydroxy,

amino, nitro, iodo, (CI -C6 ) alkyl, (CI -C6) alkoxy, (C3 -C7) cycloalkyl, and phenyl, wherein at least two of

the five R1, R2, R3, R4, and R5 substituents are always hydrogen, at least one of the five substituents are 30 always nitro, and at least one substituent positioned adjacent to a nitro is always iodo, and pharmaceutically

acceptable salts, solvates, isomers, tautomers, metabolites, analogs, or prodrugs thereof. RI, R2, R 3, R4, and

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R5 can also be a halide such as chloro, fluoro, or bromo. Further details regarding compounds of formula la are provided in U.S. Patent 5,464,871. [002811 One compound of formula Is is a compound according to the formula Is


R5 R1 (Ia)

R4 R2

R3 5 wherein R2, R3, 14, and R5 are, independent of one another, selected from the group consisting of hydrogen,

hydroxy, amino, nitro, iodo, (Ci -C6) alkyl, (CI -C6) alkoxy, (C3 -C7) cycloalkyl, and phenyl and pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof, wherein at least two of the five RI, R2, R3, 14, and R5 substituents are always hydrogen and at least one of the five substituents are always nitro. 10 [002821 Another compound of formula Ia is || C-NH2


Compound III [00283] In some embodiments, metabolites to formula I or Ia are used in the methods described herein. Some metabolites useful in the present methods are of the Formula (Ib): Rs R

R4 R2

15 R3

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wherein either: (1) at least one of R1, R2, R3, R4, and R5 substituent is always a sulfur-containing substituent, and the remaining substituents RI, R2, R3, R4, and R5 are independently selected from the group consisting of

hydrogen, hydroxy, amino, nitro, iodo, bromo, fluoro, chloro, (CI -C6) alkyl, (C, -C6) alkoxy, (C3 -C7) cycloalkyl, and phenyl, wherein at least two of the five RI, R2, R3, R4, and RS substituents are always 5 hydrogen; or (2) at least one of R1,R2, R3, R4, and R5 substituents is not a sulfur-containing substituent and at least one of the five substituents R1, R2, R3, R4, and RS is always iodo, and wherein said iodo is

always adjacent to a RI, R2, R3, R4, or Rs group that is either a nitro, a nitroso, a hydroxyamino, hydroxy or an amino group; and pharmaceutically acceptable salts, solvates, isomers, tautomers, metabolites, analogs, or pro-drugs thereof In some embodiments, the compounds of (2) are such that the iodo group is always 1 10 adjacent a RI, R2, R3, R4 or R5 group that is a nitroso, hydroxyamino, hydroxy or amino group. In some embodiments, the compounds of (2) are such that the iodo the iodo group is always adjacent a R1,R2, R3, R4 or R5 group that is a nitroso, hydroxyamino, or amino group. [002841 The following compositions are metabolite compounds, each represented by a chemical formula:

0 tN C

-0 o


HaN 3[,

0:: 0

MS472 M3601

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HN 0

- 0


R6 is selected from a group cositing of hydrogen, alkcyl(CI-CS), alkoxy (C1-C5), isoquinolmusi, idoles, thazole, wxazle, oxadiazole, lipiene, or phenyL

H~N 0





0 NH2 NH2 NH2


oMS456 S MS183 MS261 7 s MS182

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0it HP 0iN H2N 0


M263 MS276 M=28



o N

o H~ MS m5

IH H. 1


t2N NS3


H.M 5 IC 0 OH O 0 S 9

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[002851 While not being limited to any one particular mechanism, the following provides an example for MS292 metabolism via a nitroreductase or glutathione conjugation mechanism: Nitroreductase mechanism

0 NH NH2 0 NH2 2





0 NH2 0 NH2




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[002861 Compound III glutathione conjugation and metabolism:

Gkthione cojugation am mehtbolism o NH2

'No' Ghdathiionse~ Transeptidee


NO2 No o

Molecular Weight 292.03 H H2N 0

BSI-201 HH

Mo"eenlarWeight: 342. H,

Gly Peptidas

Molecular Weight 471.44

0 NH2 0 NH2

N-acetyltranfeae 'N N02 'N NO


HoH OH OH Molecular Weight: 327.31 Moleculr Weight: 285.28

[002871 In some embodiments, benzopyrone compounds of formula f are used in the methods described 5 herein. The benzopyrone compounds of formula II are, R, R2 0O

R 3

R4 Formula II

wherein R1, R2, R3 and R4 are independently selected from the group consisting of H, halogen, optionally substituted hydroxy, optionally substituted amine, optionally substituted lower alkyl, optionally substituted phenyl, optionally substituted C 4-C 0 heteroaryl and optionally substituted C3-Cs cycloalkyl or a salt, solvate, 10 isomer, tautomers, metabolite, or prodrug thereof(U.S. patent no. 5,484,951 is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety).

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[002881 Some embodiments employ a compound having the chemical formula:

wherein RI, R2, R3, or 14 are each independently selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, hydroxy,

amino, (C1 -Ce) alkyl, (C -C6) alkoxy, (C3 -C7) cycloalkyl, halo and phenyl and pharmaceutically acceptable 5 salts thereof, wherein at least three of the four R1, R2, R3, or 14 substituents are always hydrogen. [00239] Some embodiments employ a compound having the chemical formula:

wherein R1, R2, R3, or 14 are each independently selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, hydroxy, amino, (C1 -C6) alkyl, (C1 -C6) alkoxy, (C3 -C7) cycloalkyl, halo and phenyl and pharmaceutically acceptable 10 salts thereof, wherein at least three of the four R1, R2, R3, or 14 substituents are always hydrogen. [00290] Some embodiments employ a compound of the chemical formula:

wherein R1, R2, R3, or 14, are each independently selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, hydroxy, amino, (C1 -C6) alkyl, (Cl -C6) alkoxy, (C3 -C7) cycloalkyl, halo and phenyl, wherein at least three of the 15 four R1, R2, R3, orR4 substituents are always hydrogen. [002911 One embodiment relates to the following benzopyrone compound of formula II 0 0


Compound IV

20 [00292] In yet another embodiment, the compound used in the methods described herein is 0 0

[002931 Further details regarding the benzopyrone compounds are in U.S. Patent 5,484,951, which is herein incorporated by reference in its entirety.

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[002941 It is likely that the most potent and effective PARP inhibitors (i.e., the likely candidates for drug development) are not yet available in the scientific literature but rather are undergoing clinical trials or may ultimately emerge in the various databases of published patents and pending patent applications. All such PARP inhibitors are within the scope of the present embodiments. In addition to selective, potent enzymatic 5 inhibition of PARP, several additional approaches may be employed to inhibit the cellular activity of PARP in cells or in experimental animals. The inhibition of intracellular calcium mobilization protects against oxidant-induced PARP activation, NAD+depletion, and cell necrosis, as demonstrated in thymocytes (Virag et al., 1999, Mol Pharmacol., 56:824-833) and in intestinal epithelial cells (Karczewski et al., 1999, Biochem Pharmacol., 57:19-26). Similar to calcium chelators, intracellular zinc chelators have been shown 10 to protect against oxidant-mediated PARP activation and cell necrosis (Virag et al., 1999, Br J Pharmacol., 126:769-777). Intracellular purines (inosine, hypoxanthine), in addition to a variety of effects, may also exert biological actions as inhibitors of PARP (Virag et al., 2001, FASEB J., 15:99-107). [002951 The methods provided may comprise the administration of PARP inhibitors by itself or in combination with other therapies. The choice of therapy that can be co-administered with the compositions 15 described herein will depend, in part, on the condition being treated. For example, for treating acute myeloid leukemia, compounds described herein can be used in combination with radiation therapy, monoclonal antibody therapy, chemotherapy, bone marrow transplantation, or a combination thereof. [00296] An effective therapeutic amount of the PARP inhibitors as disclosed herein is administered to a patient, (e.g., a mammal such as a human), to affect a pharmacological activity involving inhibition of a 20 PARP enzyme or PARP activity. As such, PARP inhibitors may be useful in treating or preventing a variety of diseases and illnesses including neural tissue damage resulting from cell damage or death due to necrosis or apoptosis, cerebral ischemia and reperfusion injury or neurodegenerative diseases in an animal. In addition, compounds can also be used to treat a cardiovascular disorder in an animal, by administering an effective amount of the PARP inhibitor to the animal. Further still, the compounds can be used to treat 25 cancer and to radiosensitize or chemosensitize tumor cells. [00297] In some embodiments, the PARP inhibitors can be used to modulate damaged neurons, promote neuronal regeneration, prevent neurodegeneration and/or treat a neurological disorder. The PARP inhibitors inhibit PARP activity and, thus, are useful for treating neural tissue damage, particularly damage resulting from cancer, cardiovascular disease, cerebral ischemia and reperfusion injury or neurodegenerative diseases 30 in animals. The PARP inhibitors are useful for treating cardiac tissue damage, particularly damage resulting from cardiac ischemia or caused by reperfusion injury in a patient. The compounds are useful for treating cardiovascular disorders selected from the group consisting of: coronary artery disease, such as atherosclerosis; angina pectoris; myocardial infraction; myocardial ischemia and cardiac arrest; cardiac bypass; and cardiogenic shock. 35 [00298] In another aspect, the PARP inhibitors can be used to treat cancer, or in combination with chemotherapeutics, radiotherapeutics, or radiation. The PARP inhibitors described herein can be "anti-cancer agents," which term also encompasses "anti-tumor cell growth agents" and "anti-neoplastic agents." For example, the PARP inhibitors are useful for treating cancers, and radiosensitizing and/or chemosensitizing tumor cells in cancers.

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[00299] Radiosensitizers are known to increase the sensitivity of cancerous cells to the toxic effects of electromagnetic radiation. Many cancer treatment protocols currently employ radiosensitizers activated by the electromagnetic radiation of x-rays. Examples of x-ray activated radiosensitizers include, but are not limited to, the following: metronidazole, misonidazole, desmethylmisonidazole, pimonidazole, etanidazole, 5 nimorazole, mitomycin C, RSU 1069, SR 4233, E09, RB 6145, nicotinamide, 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR), 5-iododeoxyuridine (IUdR), bromodeoxycytidine, fluorodeoxyuridine (FudR), hydroxyurea, cisplatin, and therapeutically effective analogs and derivatives of the same. [00300] Photodynamic therapy (PDT) of cancers employs visible light as the radiation activator of the sensitizing agent. Examples of photodynamic radiosensitizers include the following, but are not limited to: 10 hematoporphyrin derivatives, photoftin, benzoporphyrin derivatives, NPe6, tin etioporphyrin SnET2, pheoborbide-a, bacteriochlorophyll- a, naphthalocyanines, phthalocyanines, zinc phthalocyanine, and therapeutically effective analogs and derivatives of the same. [00301] Radiosensitizers can be administered in conjunction with a therapeutically effective amount of one or more other PARP inhibitors, including but not limited to: PARP inhibitors which promote the 15 incorporation of radiosensitizers to the target cells; PARP inhibitors which control the flow of therapeutics, to nutrients, and/or oxygen to the target calls. Similarly, chemosensitizers are also known to increase the sensitivity of cancerous cells to the toxic effects of chemotherapeutic compounds. Exemplary chemotherapeutic agents that can be used in conjunction with PARP inhibitors include, but are not limited to, adriamycin, camptothecin, dacarbazine, carboplatin, cisplatin, daunorubicin, docetaxel, doxorubicin, 20 interferon (alpha, beta, gamma), interleukin 2, innotecan, paclitaxel, streptozotocin, temozolomide, topotecan, and therapeutically effective analogs and derivatives of the same. In addition, other therapeutic agents which can be used in conjunction with a PARP inhibitors include, but are not limited to, 5 fluorouracil, leucovorin, 5'-amino-5'-deoxythymidine, oxygen, carbogen, red cell transfusions, perfluorocarbons (e.g., Fluosol-DA), 2,3-DPG, BW12C, calcium channel blockers, pentoxyfylline, 25 antiangiogenesis compounds, hydralazine, and L-BSO. [00302] In some embodiments, the therapeutic agents for the treatment include antibodies or reagents that bind to PARP, and thereby lower the level of PARP in a subject. In other embodiments, cellular expression can be modulated in order to affect the level of PARP and/or PARP activity in a subject. Therapeutic and/or prophylactic polynucleotide molecules can be delivered using gene transfer and gene therapy technologies. 30 Still other agents include small molecules that bind to or interact with the PARP and thereby affect the function thereof, and small molecules that bind to or interact with nucleic acid sequences encoding PARP, and thereby affect the level of PARP. These agents may be administered alone or in combination with other types of treatments known and available to those skilled in the art for treating diseases. In some embodiment, the PARP inhibitors for the treatment can be used either therapeutically, prophylactically, or both. The 35 PARP inhibitors may either directly act on PARP or modulate other cellular constituents which then have an effect on the level of PARP. In some embodiments, the PARP inhibitors inhibit the activity of PARP. [003031 The methods of treatment as disclosed herein can be via oral administration, transmucosal administration, buccal administration, nasal administration, inhalation, parental administration, intravenous, subcutaneous, intramuscular, sublingual, transdermal administration, ocular administration, and rectal 40 administration.

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[00304] Pharmaceutical compositions of PARP inhibitors suitable for use in treatment following the identification of a disease treatable by PARP inhibitors in a subject, include compositions wherein the active ingredient is contained in a therapeutically or prophylactically effective amount, i.e., in an amount effective to achieve therapeutic or prophylactic benefit. The actual amount effective for a particular application will 5 depend, inter alia, on the condition being treated and the route of administration. Determination of an effective amount is well within the capabilities of those skilled in the art. The pharmaceutical compositions comprise the PARP inhibitors, one or more pharmaceutically acceptable carriers, diluents or excipients, and optionally additional therapeutic agents. The compositions can be formulated for sustained or delayed release. 10 [003051 The compositions can be administered by injection, topically, orally, transdermally, rectally, or via inhalation. The oral form in which the therapeutic agent is administered can include powder, tablet, capsule, solution, or emulsion. The effective amount can be administered in a single dose or in a series of doses separated by appropriate time intervals, such as hours. Pharmaceutical compositions may be formulated in conventional manner using one or more physiologically acceptable carriers comprising excipients and 15 auxiliaries which facilitate processing of the active compounds into preparations which can be used pharmaceutically. Proper formulation is dependent upon the route of administration chosen. Suitable techniques for preparing pharmaceutical compositions of the therapeutic agents are well known in the art. [003061 A preferred dose for Compound III is 4 mg/kg IV over one hour twice weekly beginning on day I (doses of Compound III are preferably separated by at least 2 days). Compound III treatment is preferably 20 given twice weekly as an IV infusion for three consecutive weeks in each 28-day cycle. Other preferred doses include 0.5, 1.0, 1.4, 2.8 and 4 mg/kg either as a monotherapy or a combination therapy. [003071 It will be appreciated that appropriate dosages of the active compounds, and compositions comprising the active compounds, can vary from patient to patient. Determining the optimal dosage will generally involve the balancing of the level of therapeutic benefit against any risk or deleterious side effects 25 of the treatments described herein. The selected dosage level will depend on a variety of factors including, but not limited to, the activity of the particular PARP inhibitor, the route of administration, the time of administration, the rate of excretion of the compound, the duration of the treatment, other drugs, compounds, and/or materials used in combination, and the age, sex, weight, condition, general health, and prior medical history of the patient. The amount of compound and route of administration will ultimately be at the 30 discretion of the physician, although generally the dosage will be to achieve local concentrations at the site of action which achieve the desired effect without causing substantial harmful or deleterious side-effects. [00308] Administration in vivo can be effected in one dose, continuously or intermittently (e.g. in divided doses at appropriate intervals) throughout the course of treatment. Methods of determining the most effective means and dosage of administration are well known to those of skill in the art and will vary with the 35 formulation used for therapy, the purpose of the therapy, the target cell being treated, and the subject being treated. Single or multiple administrations can be carried out with the dose level and patten being selected by the treating physician. IGF1 RECEPTOR/IGF PATHWAY AND MODULATORS [00309] As above, IGF1 receptor, IGF-l or IGF-2 modulators, including inhibitors, may also be 40 administered as disclosed herein. Picropodophyllin dosing, PPP, BMS554417, BMS536924, AG1024, NVP

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AEW541, NVP-ADW742, and antibodies directed to IGFI receptor or its ligand are examples of compounds that may be used in conjunction with the present methods. In one non-limiting embodiment, Picropodophyllin may be administered at a dose of 0.01 - 50 pM. In one non-limiting embodiment, Picropodophyllin may be administered at about 7 mg/kg/day or about 28 mg/kg/day. Other compounds that 5 inhibit IFR-1 receptor or its ligands are also expressly contemplated herein. Provided herein is a method of treating triple negative breast cancer with a PARP inhibitor in combination with at least one anti-tumor agent. In one embodiment, the at least one anti-tumor agent is Picropodophyllin. Also described herein is a method of treating ER-negative, PR-negative, HER-2 negative metastatic breast cancer in a patient in need of such treatment, comprising administering to said patient a PARP inhibitor and Picropodophyllin. 10 XGFRPATHWAYS AND MODULATORS [00310] Similarly, EGFR modulators or inhibitors may also be administered as above, including Ceuximab, panitunmumam, aatuzuman, MDX-446, nimutozumab, mAb 806, erbitux (IMC-C2225), IRESSA@ (ZD1839), erlotinib, gefitinib, EKB-569, lapatinib (GW572016), PKI-166 and canertinib (Rocha-Lima et al., 2007, Cancer Control, 14:295-304). In one non-limiting embodiment, I1RESSA@ may be administered at a 15 dose of 250 mg daily, 500 mg daily, 750 mg daily, or 1250 mg daily. Other compounds that inhibit EGFR, including nucleic acid expression or activity, or compounds that inhibit other targets in the erbB tyrosine kinase receptor family, are also contemplated herein. Provided herein is a method of treating lung cancer with a PARP inhibitor in combination with at least one anti-tumor agent. In one embodiment, the at least one anti-tumor agent is IRESSA@. Also described herein is a method of treating lung adenocarcinoma, 20 small cell carcinoma, non-small cell carcinomas, squamous cell carcinoma or large cell carcinoma in a patient in need of such treatment, comprising administering to said patient a PARP inhibitor and IRESSA@. STANDARD OF CARE FOR CANCER SITES [003111 In another aspect, PARP inhibitors are used in combination with the primary standards of treatment for the cancer being treated. Described herein is the standard of care for certain types of cancers. In some 25 embodiments, the modulators and inhibitors disclosed herein are used in combination with the standard of care described herein. [003121 Endometrial: There are four primary standards of care for treating endometrial cancers including surgery (total hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, and radical hysterectomy), radiation, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy. Adjuvant therapies involving said therapies are administered in some 30 cases. {00313] Breast: Breast cancer treatments currently involve breast-conserving surgery and radiation therapy with or without tamoxifen, total mastectomy with or without tamoxifen, breast-conserving surgery without radiation therapy, bilateral prophylactic total mastectomy without axillary node dissection, delivering tamoxifen to decrease the incidence of subsequent breast cancers, and adjuvant therapies involving said 35 therapies. [00314] Ovary: If the tumor is well- or moderately well-differentiated, total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy with omentectomy is adequate for patients with early stage disease. Patients diagnosed with stage III and stage IV disease are treated with surgery and chemotherapy. [003151 Cervix: Methods to treat ectocervical lesions include loop electrosurgical excision procedure 40 (LEEP), laser therapy, conization, and cryotherapy. For stage I and stage II tumors, treatment options

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include: total hysterectomy, conization, radical hysterectomy, and intracavitary radiation therapy alone, bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy, postoperative total pelvic radiation therapy plus chemotherapy, and radiation therapy plus chemotherapy with cisplatin or cisplatin/5-FU. For stage III and stage IV tumors, the standard of treatment of cervical cancer is radiation and/or chemotherapy with drugs including cisplatin, 5 ifosfamide, ifosfamide-cisplatin, paclitaxel, irinotecan, paclitaxel/cisplatin, and cisplatin/gemcitabine. [00316] Testes: The standards of treatment of seminoma are radical inguinal orchiectomy with or without by single-dose carboplatin adjuvant therapy, removal of the testicle via radical inguinal orchiectomy followed by radiation therapy, and radical inguinal orchiectomy followed by combination chemotherapy or by radiation therapy to the abdominal and pelvic lymph nodes. For nonseminoma patients treatments include 10 removal of the testicle through the groin followed by retroperitconeal lymph node dissection, radical inguinal orchiectomy with or without removal of retroperitoneal lymph nodes with or without fertility-preserving retroperitoneal lymph node dissection with or without chemotherapy. [00317] Lung: In non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), results of standard treatment are poor except for the most localized cancers. All newly diagnosed patients with NSCLC are potential candidates for studies 15 evaluating new forms of treatment. Surgery is the most potentially curative therapeutic option for this disease; radiation therapy can produce a cure in a small number of patients and can provide palliation in most patients. Adjuvant chemotherapy may provide an additional benefit to patients with resected NSCLC. In advanced-stage disease, chemotherapy is used. [00318] Skin: The traditional methods of basal cell carcinoma treatment involve the use of cryosurgery, 20 radiation therapy, electrodesiccation and curettage, and simple excision. Localized squamous cell carcinoma of the sklin is a highly curable disease. The traditional methods of treatment involve the use of cryosurgery, radiation therapy, electrodesiccation and curettage, and simple excision. [00319] Liver: Hepatocellular carcinoma is potentially curable by surgical resection, but surgery is the treatment of choice for only the small fraction of patients with localized disease. Other treatments remain in 25 the clinical study phase including systemic or infusional chemotherapy, hepatic artery ligation or embolization, percutaneous ethanol injection, radiofrequency ablation, cryotherapy, and radiolabeled antibodies, often in conjunction with surgical resection and/or radiation therapy. [00320] Thyroid: Standard treatment options of thyroid cancers include total thyroidectomy, lobectomy, and combinations of said surgeries with 1131 ablation, external-beam radiation therapy, thyroid-stimulating 30 hormone suppression with thyroxine, and chemotherapy. [00321] Esophagus: Primary treatment modalities include surgery alone or chemotherapy with radiation therapy. Effective palliation may be obtained in individual cases with various combinations of surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, stents, photodynamic therapy, and endoscopic therapy with Nd: YAG laser. 35 [003221 KIdney: Surgical resection is the mainstay of treatment of this disease. Even in patients with disseminated tumor, locoregional forms of therapy may play an important role in palliating symptoms of the primary tumor or of ectopic hormone production. Systemic therapy has demonstrated only limited effectiveness. [003231 In one embodiment, PARP inhibitors are combined with other chemotherapeutics such as, 40 irinotecan, topotecan, cisplatin, or temozolomide to improve the treatment of a number of cancers such as

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colorectal and gastric cancers, and melanoma and glioma, respectively. In another embodiment, PARP inhibitors are combined with irinotecan to treat advanced colorectal cancer or with temozolomide to treat malignant melanoma. [00324] In cancer patients, in one embodiment PARP inhibition is used to increase the therapeutic benefits 5 of radiation and chemotherapy. In another embodiment targeting PARP is used to prevent tumor cells from repairing DNA themselves and developing drug resistance, which may make them more sensitive to cancer therapies. In yet another embodiment, PARP inhibitors are used to increase the effect of various chemotherapeutic agents (e.g. methylating agents, DNA topoisomerase inhibitors, cisplatin etc.), as well as radiation, against a broad spectrum of tumors (e.g. glioma, melanoma, lymphoma, colorectal cancer, head 10 and neck tumors). KTS [00325] In yet another aspect, kits are provided for identifying a disease in a subject treatable by PARP modulators, wherein the kits can be used to detect the level of PARP in a sample obtained from a subject. For example, the kits can be used to identify the level and/or activity of PARP in normal and diseased tissue 15 as described herein, where PARP level is differentially present in samples of a diseased patient and normal subjects. In one embodiment, a kit comprises a substrate comprising an adsorbent thereon, wherein the adsorbent is suitable for binding PARP and/or RNA, and instructions to identify PARP and/or level of PARP and/or PAR (monoribose and polyribose) by contacting a sample with the adsorbent and detecting PARP retained by the adsorbent. In another embodiment, a kit comprises (a) a reagent that specifically binds to or 20 interacts with PARP; and (b) a detection reagent. In some embodiments, the kit may further comprise instructions for suitable operation parameters in the form of a label or a separate insert. Optionally, the kit may further comprise a standard or control information so that the test sample can be compared with the control information standard to determine if the test amount of PARP detected in a sample is a diagnostic amount 25 [00326] The container means of the kits will generally include at least one vial, test tube, flask, bottle, syringe and/or other container means, into which the at least one polypeptide can be placed, and/or preferably, suitably aliquoted. The kits can include a means for containing at least one fusion protein, detectable moiety, reporter molecule, and/or any other reagent containers in close confinement for commercial sale. Such containers may include injection and/or blow-molded plastic containers in which the 30 desired vials are stored. Kits can also include printed material for use of the materials in the kit [00327] Packages and kits can additionally include a buffering agent, a preservative and/or a stabilizing agent in a pharmaceutical formulation. Each component of the kit can be enclosed within an individual container and all of the various containers can be within a single package. Kits can be designed for cold storage or room temperature storage. 35 [003281 Additionally, the preparations can contain stabilizers (such as bovine serum albumin (BSA)) to increase the shelf-life of the kits. Where the compositions are lyophilized, the kit can contain further preparations of solutions to reconstitute the lyophilized preparations. Acceptable reconstitution solutions are well known in the art and include, for example, pharmaceutically acceptable phosphate buffered saline (PBS).

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[003291 In some embodiments, the therapeutic agent can also be provided as separate compositions in separate containers within the kit for the treatment. Suitable packaging and additional articles for use (e.g., measuring cup for liquid preparations, foil wrapping to minimize exposure to air, and the like) are known in the art and may be included in the kit 5 [00330] Packages and kits can further include a label specifying, for example, a product description, mode of administration and/or indication of treatment. Packages provided herein can include any of the compositions as described herein for treatment of any of the indications described herein. [00331] The term "packaging material" refers to a physical structure housing the components of the kit. The packaging material can maintain the components sterilely, and can be made of material commonly used for 10 such purposes (e.g., paper, corrugated fiber, glass, plastic, foil, ampules, etc.). The label or packaging insert can include appropriate written instructions. Kits, therefore, can additionally include labels or instructions for using the kit components in any method described herein. A kit can include a compound in a pack, or dispenser together with instructions for administering the compound in a method described herein. [00332] The kits may also include instructions teaching the use of the kit according to the various methods 15 and approaches described herein. Such kits optionally include information, such as scientific literature references, package insert materials, clinical trial results, and/or summaries of these and the like, which indicate or establish the activities and/or advantages of the composition, and/or which describe dosing, administration, side effects, drug interactions, disease state for which the composition is to be administered, or other information useful to the health care provider. Such information may be based on the results of 20 various studies, for example, studies using experimental animals involving in vivo models and studies based on human clinical trials. In various embodiments, the kits described herein can be provided, marketed and/or promoted to health providers, including physicians, nurses, pharmacists, formulary officials, and the like. Kits may, in some embodiments, be marketed directly to the consumer. In certain embodiments, the packaging material further comprises a container for housing the composition and optionally a label affixed 25 to the container. The kit optionally comprises additional components, such as but not limited to syringes for administration of the composition. [00333] Instructions can include instructions for practicing any of the methods described herein including treatment methods. Instructions can additionally include indications of a satisfactory clinical endpoint or any adverse symptoms that may occur, or additional information required by regulatory agencies such as the 30 Food and Drug Administration for use on a human subject. [00334] The instructions may be on "printed matter," e.g., on paper or cardboard within or affixed to the kit, or on a label affixed to the kit or packaging material, or attached to a vial or tube containing a component of the kit. Instructions may additionally be included on a computer readable medium, such as a disk (floppy diskette or hard disk), optical CD such as CD- or DVD-ROM/RAM, magnetic tape, electrical storage media 35 such as RAM and ROM, IC tip and hybrids of these such as magnetic/optical storage media. [003351 In some embodiments, a kit may comprise reagents for the detection of DNA, RNA or protein expression levels in a sample of tumor cells from a patient to be treated. [003361 Kits can, in some aspects, contain reagents and materials to conduct any of the assays described herein.

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EXAMPLES [003371 The application may be better understood by reference to the following non-limiting examples, which are provided as exemplary embodiments of the application. The following examples are presented in order to more fully illustrate embodiments and should in no way be construed, however, as limiting the 5 broad scope of the application. While certain embodiments of the present application have been shown and described herein, it will be obvious that such embodiments are provided by way of example only. Numerous variations, changes, and substitutions may occur to those skilled in the art; it should be understood that various alternatives to the embodiments described herein may be employed in practicing the methods described herein. 10 EXAMPLE 1 [00338] GeneChip arrays have been widely used for monitoring mRNA expression in many areas of biomedical research. The high-density oligonucleotide array technology allows researchers to monitor tens of thousands of genes in a single hybridization experiment as they are expressed differently in tissues and cells. The expression profie of a mRNA molecule of a gene is obtained by the combined intensity 15 information from probes in a probe set, which consists of 11-20 probe pairs of oligonucleotides of 25 bp in length, interrogating a different part of the sequence of a gene. [003391 The gene expressions were assessed using the Affymetrix human genome genechips (45,000 gene transcripts covering 28,473 UniGene clusters). Approximately 5 pg total RNA from each sample were labeled using high yield transcript labeling kit and labeled RNAs were hybridized, washed, and scanned 20 according to manufacturer's specifications (Affymetrix, Inc., Santa Clara, CA). Affymetrix Microarray Suite 5.0 software (MAS5) was used to estimate transcript signal levels from scanned images (Affymetrix). The signals on each array were normalized to a trimmed mean value of 500, excluding lowest 2% and highest 2% of the signals. An Affymetrix probe set representing a unique GenBank sequence is referred as a probe or gene hereafter for convenience. To verify any errors in the expressions caused by image defects, the 25 correlation coefficient of each array to an idealized distribution was determined where the idealized distribution is mean of all arrays. The genes are filtered from the remaining arrays using detection P value reported by MASS. The genes having P > 0.065 in 95% of the arrays are eliminated and all other signals are included for statistical comparisons of classes. EXAMPLE 2 30 UP-REGULATION OF PARPI mRNA IN NORMAL AND TUMOR TISSUES Study Design and Materials and Methods [00340] Tissue samples: Normal and carcinoma tissue samples were collected in the United States or United Kingdom. Specimens were harvested as part of a normal surgical procedure and flash frozen within 30 minutes of resection. Samples were shipped at -80*C and stored in the vapor phase of liquid nitrogen at 35 170 to -196'C until processed. Internal review and confirmation were performed on samples subjected to analysis. H&E-stained glass slides generated from an adjacent portion of tissue were reviewed in conjunction with original diagnostic reports and samples were classified into diagnostic categories. A visual estimate of the percent of tissue involvement by tumor was recorded during slide review by the pathologist and indicates the fraction of malignant nucleated cells. Adjuvant studies such as ER/PR and Her 40 2/neu expression studies were performed by methodologies including immunohistochemistry and

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fluorescence in situ hybridization. These results as well as attendant pathology and clinical data were annotated within a sample inventory and management databases (Ascenta, BioExpress databases; Gene Logic, Gaithersburg, MD). [00341] RNA extraction, quality control, and expression profiling: RNA was extracted from samples by 5 homogenization in Trizol@ Reagent (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) followed by isolation with a RNeasy kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA) as recommended by the manufacturer. RNA was evaluated for quality and integrity (Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer derived 28s/l8s ratio and RNA integrity number), purity (via absorbance ratio at A260/A280), and quantity (via absorbance at A260 or alternative assay). Gene expression levels were assessed using Affymetrix human genome U133A and B GeneChips (45,000 probesets representing more 10 than 39,000 transcripts derived from approximately 33,000 well-substantiated human genes). Two micrograms (2 gg) of total RNA was used to prepare cRNA using Superscript fITm (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) and a T7 oligo dT primer for cDNA synthesis and an Affymetrix GeneChip@ IVT Labeling Kit (Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA). Quantity and purity of cRNA synthesis product was assessed using UN absorbance. Quality of cRNA synthesis was assessed using either the Agilent Bioanalyzer or a MOPS 15 agarose gel. The labeled cRNA was subsequently fragmented, and 10 pg was hybridized to each array at 45*C over 16- 24 hours. Arrays were washed and stained according to manufacturer recommendations and scanned on Affymetrix GeneChip Scanners. Array data quality was evaluated using a proprietary high throughput application which assesses the data against multiple objective standards including 5'/3' GAPDH ratio, signal/noise ratio, and background as well as other additional metrics (e.g. outlier, vertical variance) 20 which must be passed prior to inclusion for analysis. GeneChip analysis was performed with Microarray Analysis Suite version 5.0, Data Mining Tool 2.0, and Microarray database software (www.affymetrix.com). All of the genes represented on the GeneChip were globally normalized and scaled to a signal intensity of 100. [00342] Quality Control: RNA is evaluated for quality and integrity via Agilent Bioanalyzer derived 25 28s/28s ratio and RNA integrity number (RIN)), purity (via absorbance ratio at A260/A280), and quantity (via absorbance at A260 or alternative assay (i.e. ribogreen)). Quantity and purity of cRNA synthesis product is assessed using UV absorbance. Quality of cRNA synthesis is assessed using either the Agilent Bioanalyzer or a MOPS agarose gel. Array quality is evaluated using a proprietary high throughput application by which arrays are evaluated against several strict objective standards such as 5'/3' GAPDH 30 ratio, signal/noise ratio. and background as well as over thirty additional metrics (e.g. outlier, vertical variance). Data generated throughout the process is managed within the quality system to ensure data integrity of the data. [00343] Statistical Analysis: The mean and 90%, 95%, 99%, and 99.9% upper confidence limits for an individual predicted value (UCLs) were calculated. Because we are assessing the likelihood that individual 35 samples external to the normal set are within the baseline distribution, the prediction interval, rather than the confidence interval for the mean, was selected to estimate the expected range for future individual measurements. The prediction interval is defined by the formula, X ±ASql + (1/n) ,where X is the mean of the normal breast samples, S is the standard deviation of the normal samples, n is the sample size of the normal samples, and A is the 100(1-(p/2))th percentile of the Student's t-distribution with n-1 degrees of

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freedom. Prior knowledge of the PARP1 gene's elevated expression in oncology samples indicated a primary interest in up-regulation relative to the baseline. Therefore, lower confidence limits were not calculated. The samples were grouped into various subcategories according to well-accepted characteristics including tumor stage, smoking status, or age. Some samples were members of more than one subcategory 5 and some were not members of any subcategory beyond the primary cancer type. Each carcinoma sample was identified as being above the 90%, 95%, 99%, or 99.9% UCLs. Pearson's correlations were calculated for 44,759 probe sets on the Affymetrix HG-U133 A/B array set as compared to PARP1. Correlations were based on the set of carcinoma samples tested. [003441 All analysis was performed using SAS v8.2 for Windows (www.sas.com) and utilized MAS 5 10 expression intensities as calculated from the Affymetrix GeneChip@ Operating System (www.affymetrix.com). The PARPI gene is represented on the HG-U133A array by a single probe set with the identifier "208644_at". All results were generated based on the MASS expression signal intensities for this probe set. [00345] Individual normal and cancerous samples from breast, ovarian endometrium, lung, and prostate 15 tissues were selected. Any cancerous sample may be represented in more than one subtype grouping. [00346] Breast Cancer Results: The expression of PARP1 in infiltrating duct carcinoma (IDC) is significantly elevated compared to normals where approximately about 70% of IDC may have PARP1 expression above the 95% upper confidence limit of the normal population, supporting findings previously observed by BiPar. As observed in the analysis, Further analysis into various subgroups of IDC samples 20 reveals that the percentage of IDC observed to have elevated PARPI expression increases to 88% to 89% if their ER status is negative or if their Her2-neu status is negative. The percentage of PR negative samples above the Normal 95% UCL, 79%, is less pronounced but still elevated. In addition, PARP 1 expression tends to be slightly higher in the ER(-), PR(-), and Her2-neu(-) breast IDC (infiltrating duct carcinoma) classes as compared to their respective (+) classes. This finding is not observed in the p53 classes or in the 25 tumor stage classes. The fact that individual samples are contributing to multiple categories in this analysis could be influencing this conclusion. A review of the supplementary dataset reveals that the highest PARP1 expressor in the ER(-) group is the same high expressor in the PR(-) and Her2-neu(-) groups. The same is true for the lowest expressor in the (+) groups. This suggests that any therapies targeting over expression of PARP1 may be more effective in cases where the ER, PR, or Her2-neu tests are negative. 30 [003471 Ovarian Results: Normal ovary and cancerous ovary samples were selected from the BioExpress* System that were members of sample sets defined for the ASCENTA5 System. All of the ovarian cancers expressed higher mean PARP1 than normal ovary. Clear cell adenocarcinoma and mucinous cystadenocarcinoma samples expressed considerably lower PARP1 than did the other subtypes, and the variance in expression was also lower. In individual sample assessments, most pathologic subtypes of 35 ovarian cancer showed a majority of samples above the 95% UCL: (a) Papillary serous, serous cystadenocarcinoma, granulosa cell tumor and Mullerian mixed tumor all had a similar high incidence of samples above the 95% UCL; (b) In endometrioid adenocarcinoma about half of the samples were above the 95% UCL; and (c) In clear cell adenocarcinoma and mucinous cystadenocarcinoma one-third or less of the samples were above the 95% UCL.

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[00348] In addition, clinical sub-class comparisons of PARP1 expression in ovarian samples revealed: (a) Papillary serous stage I was similar to papillary serous stage III; and (B) Papillary serous elevated CA125 was similar to papillary serous. [00349] Accordingly, the expression ofPARPI in ovarian cancer samples is elevated compared to normals. 5 In addition, despite this finding, not all ovarian cancer samples exhibit this overexpression. This wider distribution and shift towards higher expression in the ovarian cancer groups indicate that -75% of ovarian cancers have PARP1 expression above the 95% upper confidence limit of normal ovary expression. Further analysis into various subgroups of ovarian cancer samples reveals that the percentage of ovarian cancer samples observed to have elevated PARPI expression increases to -90% if they are of the subtypes papillary 10 serous adenocarcinoma, serous cystadenocarcinoma, Mullerian mixed tumor, or granulosa cell tumor. Clear cell adenocarcinoma and mucinous cystadenocarcinoma did demonstrated elevated PARP1 in one-third or less of the samples assessed. [00350] Endometrial Results: The expression ofPARPl in endometrial cancer was generally elevated compared to normals. Moreover, all of the endometrial cancers expressed higher mean PARP1 signal 15 intensities than normal endometrium. The Mullerian Mixed Turnor samples expressed considerably higher PARPI than did the other subtypes. PARP1 expression was above the 95% upper confidence limit of the normal population ("over-expression") in about one-quarter of all endometrial, about three-quarters of all lung, and about one-eighth of all prostate cancer samples. The Mullerian mixed tumors and the lung squamous cell carcinomas exhibited the highest incidences of elevated PARPI expression. 20 [003511 Individual samples from the all endometrial cancer subtypes were also individually tested relative to the normal endometrium sample distribution. Each was defined as exceeding the 90%, 95%, 99%, and 99.9% upper confidence limits of the normal set. The elevated expression of PARPI in cancerous endometrium samples is apparent relative to normal endometrium samples. The cancerous endometrium sample expression of PARP1 exhibits a much higher degree of variation (i.e., greater spread) than that of the 25 normal endometrium samples. No outliers were observed within the normal endometrium sample set with respect to PARP1 expression. Most pathologic subtypes of endometrium cancer showed a majority of samples above the 90% UCL. Of particular note, Mullerian Mixed Tumor had the highest incidence (85.7%) of samples above the 95% UCL and remained high (71.4%) at the 99.9% UCL [00352] Lung Results: In normal and malignant lung sample classes, all of the lung cancers expressed 30 higher mean PARP1 signal intensities than normal lung. Individual samples from the all lung cancer subtypes were individually tested relative to the normal lung sample distribution. The elevated expression of PARP1 in cancerous lung samples is apparent relative to normal lung samples. The cancerous lung sample expression ofPARP1 exhibits a higher degree of variation (i.e., greater spread) than that of the normal lung samples. 35 [00353] Prostate Results: Although the prostate cancer group expressed a somewhat higher mean PARP1 signal intensity than the normal prostate group, PARP1 expression was only slightly elevated in cancerous prostate samples relative to normal prostate samples. The cancerous prostate sample expression of PARP1 exhibits a similar degree of variation (i.e., equivalent spread) than that of the normal prostate samples.

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EXAMPLE Co-expression of PARPl Mrma and Other Tareets in Normal and Carcinoma Tissues [00354] The PARPl gene is represented on the HG-U133A array by a single probe set with the identifier "208644 at". Other genes, such as BRCA1, BRCA2, RAD51, ME11, p53, PARP2 and MUCIN 16, are 5 represented on the HG-U133A/B array set by respective informative probe sets. The list of probe sets mapped to each of the seven genes in the ovary sample analysis is listed in Table XXXIII. Table XXXII: Comparison Genes and their Corresponding HG-U133A/B Probe Set IDs Gene Symbol Ttle Fragment Name(s) WBRCA1 Breast cancer 1, early onset 204531 s at BRCA2 Breast cancer 2, early onset 214727 at MRE11A MRE11 meiotic recombination 11homolog A (S. cerevisiae) 205395 s at 242456 at MUC16 Mucin 16, cell surface associated 220198 at PARP2 Poly (ADP-rlbose) polymerase family, member 2 204752 x at, 214086 s at, 215773 x at RAD51 RAD51 homolog (RecA homolop, E. coil) (S. cerevisiae) 205024 a at TP53 Tumor protein p53 (Li-Fraumeni syndrome) 201746 at, 211300 a at [00355] Comparison of PARP1 to Selected Genes in Ovary Samples: PARP1 expression was correlated 10 to the expression of other genes as measured on the HG-U133A/B array set. Correlations were based on the full set of 194 samples selected for this analysis. Table XXXIV summarizes the results of this analysis. For MRlI1A, PARP2, and TP53, more than one probe set is tiled on the HG-Ul33A/B array set. Table XXXIV: Pearson correlations of PARPI expression to selected probe sets Correlation with Gene Symbol Fragment 208644at (PARP1) MREllA 205395 a at 0.327 242456 at 0.058 MUC16 220196 at 0.398 PARP2 204752 x at 0.048 214086 s at 0.052 215773 x at 0.071 RAD51 205024 s at 0.488 TP53 201746 at 0.214 211300 s at 0.311 100356] In no case was a negative correlation found. Positive correlations indicate that the probe sets are 15 changing in the same direction as PARP1. When PARPl has low expression, such as in normal samples, the expression of these correlated genes is also expected to be low. When PARP1 has elevated expression, such as in the malignant samples, the expression of these correlated genes is expected to be elevated. All of these genes, with the exception of PARP2, appear to be markers of malignancy in ovarian cancers and respond in a similar manner to PARP2. 20 [00357] Other genes that are co-regulated with PARP1 in ovarian cancer are included in Table XXXV below: Table XXXV: Genes and their pathways that are co-regulated with PARP1 in ovarian cancer Name Description PTGS2 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2

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Name Description PARP1 poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 1 NGFB nerve growth factor, beta MKI67 antigen identified by monoclonal antibody Ki 67 ILA interleukin 4 IGF1R insulin-like growth factor I receptor IGFI insulin-like growth factor 1 HGF hepatocyte growth factor FOXM1 forkhead box M1 FOS FBJ osteosarcoma oncogene ESRI estrogen receptor 1 (alpha) v-erb-b2 erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 2, ERBB2 neuro/glioblastoma derived oncogene homolog (avian) EGRI early growth response 1 EGFR epidermal growth factor receptor CCND1 cyclin Dl CALR calreticulin BCL2 B-cell leukemia/lymphoma 2

[00358] Correlation ofPARP1 expression to the genes BRCA1, BRCA2, RAD51, MRI11, p53, PARP2 and MUCIN 16 indicated significant correlation to all except PARP2. RAD51 had the highest correlation. [00359] Correlation of PARP 1 expression to genes expressed in endometrial, lung and prostate tissue 5 samples was also tested. Correlation of PARP Ito all other genes identified genes with correlations to PARPI as high as 80%. Among the endometrium and lung samples, a common set of genes associated with cell proliferation were identified that correlated highly (i.e. in the top 40) in both tissues. [003601 Comparison of PARP1 to Selected Genes - Endometrium Results: PARPI expression was correlated to all other probe sets as measured on the HG-Ul 33A/B array set. Where available, the gene 10 symbol and gene name have been provided for each probe set analyzed. Correlations were based on the full set of 80 samples selected for this analysis. Table XXXVI summarizes the 40 most highly correlated probe sets when compared to PARP 1. Table XXXVI: Pearson Correlations of PARPI Expression to Selected Probe Sets.

Probe Set Gene Symbol Gene Name Correlation to PARPI 218585_s at DTL denticleless homolog (Drosophila) 0.765 207828_sat CENPF centromere protein F, 350/400ka (mitosin) 0.753 204444_at KIF11 kinesin family member 11 0.739 218107_at WDR26 WD repeat domain 26 0.736 proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, 211609_x at PSMD4, non-ATPase, 4, proteasome PSMD4P2 macropain) 26S subunit, non-ATPase,(prosome, 4, 0.727 pseudogene 2 218252_at CKAP2 cytoskeleton associated protein 2 0.719

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Probe Set Gene Symbol Gene Name Co peaion proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, 210460 s at PSMD4, non-ATPase, 4, proteasome (prosome, 0.714 PSMD4P2 macropain) 26S subunit, non-ATPase, 4, pseudogene 2 210052 s at TPX2 TPX2, microtubule-associated, homolog 0.709 (Xenopus laevis) 206364_at KIF14 kinesin family member 14 0.708 200910_at CCT3 chaperonin containing TCPI, subunit 3 0.707 (gamma) 200896 x at HDGF hepatoma-derived growth factor (high-mobility 0.704 group protein 1-like) 218605_at TFB2M transcription factor B2, mitochondrial 0.703 202107 s at MCM2 MCM2 minichromosome maintenance deficient 0.701 2, mitotin (S. cerevisiae) 201292_at TOP2A topoisomerase (DNA) II alpha 170kDa 0.699 236641 at KIF14 kinesin family member 14 0.698 204822_at TTK TTK protein kinase 0.695 223381_at CDCA1 cell division cycle associated 1 0.692 201664_at SMC4 structural maintenance of chromosomes 4 0.691 202954_at UBE2C ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2C 0.690 226242_at Clorfl3l chromosome 1 open reading frame 131 0.686 201663 s at SMC4 structural maintenance of chromosomes 4 0.685 228273_at 0.685 225766_sat TNPO1 transportin 1 0.685 223530_at TDRKH tudor and KH domain containing 0.685 203145_at SPAG5 sperm associated antigen 5 0.684 222680 s at DTL denticleless homolog (Drosophila) 0.682 212023 sat MKI67 antigen identified by monoclonal antibody Ki- 0.676 67 222433_at ENAH enabled homolog (Drosophila) 0.670 209172_sat CENPF centromere protein F, 350/400ka (mitosin) 0.670 219918 s at ASPM asp (abnormal spindle)-like, microcephaly 0.669 --associated (Drosophila) 200594_xat ILNRPU Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U 0.666 (scaffold attachment factor A) 222752_sat Clorf75 chromosome 1 open reading frame 75 0.663 201478_s at DKCI dyskeratosis congenital 1, dyskerin 0.663 208938 at PRCC papillary renal cell carcinoma (translocation- 0.663 associated) 201381 x at CACYBP calcyclin binding protein 0.662 202580_x at FOXMI forkhead box M1 0.661 201479_at DKC1 dyskeratosis congenital 1, dyskerin 0.661 201774 s at CNAP1 chromosome condensation-related SMC- 0.657 -_ -associated protein I hypothetical protein MGC40489, karyopherin KPN2 alpha 2 (RAG cohort 1, importin alpha 1), LOC643995, region containing similar to pleckstrin 211762 s at LOC645625, homology domain containing, family M (with 0.656 LOC650526' RUN domain) member 1; adapter protein 162; MGC40489 hypothetical protein MGC40489, similar to Importin alpha-2 subunit (Karyopherin alpha-2 subunit) (SRP 1-alpha) (RAG cohort protein 1)

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[00361] The gene that correlates best with PARPI expression is DTL with a Pearson correlation of 0.765. The top 40 probe sets all had positive correlations to PARPI. Positive correlations represent cases where the change in expression in PARP1 and the positively correlated probe sets is the same. Negatively correlated probe sets were also seen, but none of those negative correlations ranked in the top 40 on the absolute scale. 5 The highest negatively correlated probe set mapped to the HOM-TES-103 gene (Hypothetical Protein LOC25900, isoform 3) with a correlation of -0.636. [00362] Comparison of PARP1 to Selected Genes - Lung Results: PARP1 expression was correlated to all other probe sets as measured on the HG-U133A/B array set. Where available, the gene symbol and gene name have been provided for each probe set analyzed. Correlations were based on the set of 347 samples, 10 after removal of four outlier normal samples, selected for this analysis. Table XXXVII summarizes the 40 most highly correlated probe sets when compared to PARPI. Table XXXVII: Pearson Correlations of PARP1 Expression to Selected Probe Sets.

Gene Symbol Gene Name Correladon to Probe Set PARPi 223229_at UBE2T ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2T 0.815 (putative) 204641_at NEK2 kinaseNIMA 2(never in mitosis gene a)-related 0.785 206550 s at NUP155 nucleoporin 155kDa 0.749 0.745 225082_at CPSF3 factorcleavage 3, 73kDaand polyadenylation specific 204962_sat CENPA centromere protein A 0.740 207828 s at CENPF centromere protein F, 350/400ka 0.728 (mitosin) 3 0.717 222640_ at DNMT3A alphaDNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase

209642_at BUB1 benzimidazolesBUB1 budding uninhibited1 homolog (yeast)by 0.712 LOC645472, similar to small nuclear LOC648527, ribonucleoprotein E, small nuclear 203316_s at LOC651086, ribonucleoprotein polypeptide E, small 0.711 SNRPE, nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide SNRPEL1 E-like 1 209971_x at JTV1 JTV1 gene 0.710 216952 s at LMNB2 lamin B2 0.709 202580 x at FOXMI forkhead box M1 0.708 204033_at TRIP13 thyroid hormone receptor interactor 13 0.707 221436_sat CDCA3 cell division cycle associated 3 0.706 222958_s at DEPDC1 DEP domain containing 1 0.704 209408_at KIF2C kinesin family member 2C 0.700 210052 s at TPX2 TPX2, microtubule-associated, homolog 0.699 (Xenopus laevis) 203145_at SPAGS sperm associated antigen 5 0.697 208079 s at AURKA aurora kinase A 0.696 202705_at CCNB2 cyclin B2 0.695 201897_s at CKS1B subunitCDC28 1Bprotein kinase regulatory 0.695 220147 s at FAM60A memberfamily with A sequence similarity 60, 0.694 219918_s at ASPM asp (abnormal spindle)-like, 0.694

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to Probe Set Gene Symbol Gene Name Correlation microcephaly associated (Drosophila) 208696_at CCT5 chaperonin containing TCP1, subunit 5 0.692 (epsilon) 201263_at TARS threonyl-tRNA synthetase 0.692 218252_at CKAP2 cytoskeleton associated protein 2 0.692 202870 s at CDC20 CDC20 cell division cycle 20 homolog 0.692 (S. cerevisiae) 218512_at WDR12 WD repeat domain 12 0.690 225244_at Clorfl42 chromosome 1 open reading frame 142 0.688 phosphoribosylaminoimidazole 201013 s at PAICS phosphoribosylaminoisnidazole068carboxylase, 0.687 succinocarboxamide synthetase 202613_at CTPS CTP synthase 0.686

212694 s at PCCB betapropionyl polypeptide Coenzyme A carboxylase, 0.684 203432_at TMPO Thymopoietin 0.684 214710_sat CCNB1 cyclin B1 0.684 218355_at KIF4A kinesin family member 4A 0.680 201698_sat SFRS9 splicing fthor, arginine/serine-rich 9 0.679 202095_sat BIRC5 baculoviral IAP repeat-containing 5 0.679 (survivin) 202690_at SNRPD1 polypeptidesmall nuclear 16kDa ribonucleoprotein D1 0.677 204444_at KIFI kinesin family member 11 0.677 [00363] The gene that correlates best with PARPI expression is UBE2T with a Pearson correlation of 0.815. The top 40 probe sets all had positive correlations to PARP1. Positive correlations represent cases where the change in expression in PARP1 and the positively correlated probe sets is the same. Negatively correlated probe sets were also seen, but none of those negative correlations ranked in the top 40 on the absolute scale. 5 The highest negatively correlated probe set mapped to the TGFBR2 gene (Transforming Growth Factor, beta receptor II)with a correlation of -0.670. [00364] Comparison of PARPI to Selected Genes - Prostate Results: PARPI expression was correlated to all other probe sets as measured on the HG-U133A/B array set. Some probe sets map to the same gene while other probe sets have no known gene annotation available. Where available, the gene symbol and gene 10 name have been provided for each probe set analyzed. Correlations were based on the set of 114 samples selected for this analysis. Table XXXVIII summarizes the 40 most highly correlated probe sets when compared to PARP1. Table XXXVIII: Pearson Correlations of PARP1 Expression to Selected Probe Sets. Gene Symbol Gene Name Corrlation Probe Set to PARPI 212871 at MAPKAPK5 activatedmitogen-activated protein kinase proteinkinsse- 5 0.522 221761_at ADSS adenylosuccinate synthase 0.517 226470_at GGTL3 gamma-glutamyltransferase-like 3 -0.515

201376 s at HNRPF ribonucleoproteinheterogeneous nuclear F 0.476 200764_sat CTNNA1 catenin (cadherin-associated protein), 0.471

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Probe Set Gene Symbol Gene Name toreati alpha 1, 102kDa ubiquitously transcribed 203992_sat UTX tetratricopeptide repeat, X 0.468 chromosome 217791 s at ALDH18A1 aldehyde dehydrogenase 18 family, 0.466 member Al 210027 s at APEX1 APEX nuclease (multifunctional DNA 0466 repair enzyme) 1 201209_at HDAC1 histone deacetylase 1 0.465 217970 s at CNOT6 CCR4-NOT transcription complex, 0.462 subunit 6 217748_at ADIPORI adiponectin receptor 1 0.459 201829_at NET1 neuroepithelial cell transforming gene 0458 210250_x at ADSL adenylosuccinate lyase 0458 203739_at ZNF217 zinc finger protein 217 0.453 enhancer of split 1 0.452 203222 s at TLE1 (E(spl)transducin-like homolog, Drosophila) 222777 a at WHSC1 Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome candidate 0.449 1 204005_sat PAWR PRKC, apoptosis, WT1, regulator 0.448 204667_at FOXAl forkhead box Al 0.448 204400_at EFS embryonal Fyn-associated substrate -0.447 205925 s at RAB3B RAB3B, member RAS oncogene 0.446 family SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, 215714s _at SMARCA4 actin dependent regulator of 0.444 chromatin, subfamily a, member 4 212602 at WDFY3 WD repeat and FYVE domain 0.444 containing 3 219281_at MSRA methionine sulfoxide reductase A -0.444 211938_at EIF4B eukaryotic translation initiation factor 0.442 4B 200644_at MARCKSL1 MARCKS-like 1 0.442 213541_s at ERG v-ets erythroblastosis virus E26 0.439 oncogene like (avian) 203932_at HLA-DMB major histocompatibility complex, 0439 class II, DM beta 203593_at CD2AP CD2-associated protein 0.439 37005_at NBL1 neuroblastoma, suppression of -0.437 tumorigenicity 1 223566_sat BCOR BCL6 co-repressor 0.437 208778_sat TCP1 t-complex 1 0.435 204363 at F3 coagulation factor III (thromboplastin, 0.435 tissue factor) 203769 s at STS steroid sulfatase (microsomal), -0.435 arylsulfatase C, isozyme S 201830 s at NET1 neuroepithelial cell transforming gene 0.435 207627_sat TFCP2 transcription factor CP2 0.434 212836_at POLD3 polymerase (DNA-directed), delta 3, -0.434 - accessory subunit 210291_sat ZNF174 zinc finger protein 174 0.434

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Probe Set Gene Symbol Gene Name torPati 201118_at PGD phosphogluconate dehydrogenase 0.430 heterogeneous nuclear HNRPC, ribonucleoprotein C (C1/C2), similar 0.430 200751 -s -at LOC653447 to heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein C [00365] The gene that correlates best with PARPI expression is MAPKAPK5 with a pearson correlation of 0.522. The top 40 probe sets had a nix of positive and negative correlations to PARPi. Positive correlations represent cases where the change in expression in PARPI and the positively correlated probe set is in the same direction. Negatively correlated probe sets represent cases where the expression change is in the 5 opposite direction as PARP1. The highest negatively correlated probe set mapped to the GGTL3 gene (Gamma-glutamyltransferase-like 3) with a correlation of -0.515. [003661 Correlation of PARP1 expression to the other genes on the HG-U33 A/B array set identified genes with correlations as high as 70% to 80% in endometrium and lung. Although the best correlating gene in each tissue was not the same, there were some concordant probe sets among the top 40 lists. Table XXXIX 10 lists the 7 probe sets that were ranked in the top 40 for both endometrium and lung and displays linked Gene Ontology Biological Process terms. The genes represented are associated with cell proliferation. None of these probes sets rank in the top 5000 for the prostate samples selected for this analysis.

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Table XXXIX: Concordant Probe Sets Between 40 Best Correlated Probe Sets in Lung and Endometrium. Endome trium Lung Endo Gene Biological Correlatio Correla me- Avera Probe Symbo Gene Process (GO n to tion to trimn Lung ge set I name Terms) PARPI PARPI Rank Rank Rank 20782 CENP Centrome G2 phase of 0.75314 0.72803 2 6 4 8_s_at F re protein mitotic cell F, cycle, cell 350/400k division, cell a proliferation, (mitosin) kinetochore assembly, metaphase plate congression, mitosis, mitotic spindle checkpoint, negative regulation of transcription, regulation of striated muscle development, response to drug 20258 FOXM Forkhead Regulation of 0.66143 0.70839 36 12 24 0 x a 1 box M1 transcription, t DNA-dependent, transcription 21005 TPX2 TPX2, Cell 0.70885 0.69871 8 17 12.5 2_s at microtub proliferation, ule- mitosis associate d, homolog (Xenopus laevis) 20314 SPAG Sperm Cell cycle, cell 0.68365 0.69731 25 18 21.5 5_at 5 associate division, mitosis, d antigen phosphoinositide 5 -mediated signaling, spindle organization and biogenesis 21991 ASPM Asp Cell cycle, cell 0.66859 0.69381 30 23 26.5 8_s at (abnorma division, mitosis

spindle) like microcep haly associate d (Drosoph 21825 CKAP Cytoskele Not assigned 0.71875 0.69163 6 26 16 3593376 .DOC -166 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750. WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

Endome trium Long Endo Gene Biological Correlatio Correla me- Avers Probe Symbo Gene Process (GO n to tion to trium Lung ge set I name Terms) PARP1 PARP1 Rank Rank Rank 2 at 2 ton associate d protein 2 20444 KIF1I Kinesin Cell cycle, cell 0.73886 0.67701 3 39 21 4_at family division, member microtubule 11 based movement, mitosis, mitotic spindle organization and I biogenesis [003671 PARPI is involved in base excision repair following DNA damage and appears as an obligatory step in a detection/signaling pathway leading to the repair of DNA strand breaks. It is therefore noteworthy that PARP1 is co-regulated with other genes that are essential for cell cycle, chromosome separation, cell division and mitosis. The best correlating probe set in prostate has a notably lower correlation than the best 5 correlating probe sets in either endometrium or lung. IfPARPl is relatively unchanged in normal prostate versus prostate adenocarcinoma, age 60 and over, it is not surprising that the PARP1 expression in prostate would have lower correlations to the other probe sets on the array set. Because of the lack of statistical significance in the cancer group, the best correlating prostate gene list was not compared to the other tissues. [00368] Conclusions: The expression ofPARPI in endometrial and lung cancer samples is generally 10 elevated compared to normals. Similar signal elevation was not seen the in the prostate cancer samples evaluated. The figures show that, despite this finding, not all endometrial and lung cancer samples exhibit this overexpression. This wider distribution and shift towards higher expression in the endometrial and lung cancer groups indicate that -37% of endometrial and -77% of lung cancers have PARPI expression above the 95% upper confidence limit of their respective normal expression. Further analysis into various 15 subgroups of endometrial cancer samples reveals that the percentage of cancer samples observed to have elevated PARPI expression increases to -86% if they are of the Mullerian mixed tumor subtype. Clear Cell Adenocarcinoma and Mucinous Cystadenocarcinoma did demonstrated elevated PARPI in one-third or less of the samples assessed and may represent less sensitive cancer types. These findings should be further investigated and confirmed. In summary, (1) PARP1 expression is higher in endometrial and lung cancer 20 than in their respective normal tissue; (2) certain subtypes of endometrial and lung cancer appear to exhibit higher expression levels than other subtypes. Specifically, Mullerian mixed tumor, and lung squamous cell carcinoma samples showed higher percentages of samples above the Normal UCL's than the other classes; and (3) 7 genes were ranked in both the endometrial and lung top 40 probe sets that correlate best with PARPI. These genes are associated with cell proliferation and mitosis. 25 EXAMPLE 4 MONITORING PARP EXPRESSION IN TISSUE SAMPLES [00369] Assay Description and Methods: XPTm-PCR is a multiplex RT-PCR methodology that allows for the expression analysis of multiple genes in a single reaction (Quin-Rong Chenet al.: Diagnosis of the Small 3593376 l.DOC -167 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750. WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

Round Blue Cell Tumors Using Mutliplex Polymerase Chain Reaction. J. Mol Diagnostics, Vol. 9. No. 1, February 2007). A defined combination of gene specific and universal primers used in the reaction results in a series of fluorescently labeled PCR products whose size and quantity are measured using the capillary electrophoresis instrument GeXP. 5 [003701 Sample Treatments: Briefly, freshly purified tissue samples will be plated in 24-well plates at 6 X 106 cells per well. One half of the samples will be lysed immediately and the others will be quickly frozen in a dry ice and ethanol bath and stored at - 80*C for 24 hours. Total RNA from each sample will be isolated following Althea Technologies, Inc. SOP Total RNA Isolation Using Promega SV96 Kit (Cat. No. Z3505). The concentration of the RNA obtained from each sample will be obtained using 03-XP-008, RNA 10 Quantitation Using the Quant-it Ribogreen RNA Assay Kit (Cat. No. R- 11490). A portion of RNA from each sample will be adjusted to 5 ng/sL and then subjected to XPT"-PCR. [003711 X1"'-PCR: Multiplex RT-PCR will be performed using 25 ng of total RNA of each sample using a previously described protocol (Quin-Rong Chen et al.: Diagnosis of the Small Round Blue Cell Tumors Using Mutliplex Polymerase Chain Reaction. J. Mol. Diagnostics, Vol. 9. No. 1, February 2007). The RT 15 reactions will be carried out as described in SOP I1-XP-002, cDNA Production from RNA with the Applied Biosystems 9700. PCR reactions will be carried out on each cDNA according to SOP 1I-XP-003, XPTM PCR with the Applied Biosystems 9700. To monitor efficiency of the RT and PCR reactions 0.24 attamoles of Kanamycin RNA will be spiked into each RT reaction. Two types of positive control RNA will be used. Other assay controls include 'No Template Controls' (NTC) where water instead of RNA will be added to 20 separate reactions and 'Reverse Transcriptase minus' (RT-) controls where sample RNA will be subjected to the procedure without reverse transcriptase. [00372 Expression Analysis and Calculations: PCR reactions will be analyzed by capillary electrophoresis. The fluorescently labeled PCR reactions will be diluted, combined with Genome Lab size standard-400 (Beckman-Coulter, Part Number 608098), denatured, and loaded onto the Beckman Coulter 25 using SOP 11-XP-004, Operationand Maintenanceof the CEQ 8800 Genetic Analysis System. The data obtained from the 8800 will be analyzed with expression analysis software to generate relative expression values for each gene. The expression of each target gene relative to the expression of either cyclophilin A, GAPDH, or p-actin within the same reaction is reported as the mean of the replicate. The standard deviation and percent coefficient of variance (%CV) associated with these values will also be reported when 30 appropriate. [003731 Statistical Analysis Method: The mathematical form of the ANOVA model to be used in this analysis is:

Yy =,p+ +ai + yk + wok+)+ eyi i =1...5 j=1...4 k=1...3 1=1...3

PI CoV(YyJ, Yqkd = 2 a.16 CO(Yn Yyj) = G2. COtj Y'd= 0 [00374 Here YW is the normalized Rfu ratio obtained in the i sample under the ja dosing concentration at the k time point from the la replicate. The model parameter p is the overall mean normalized Rif ratio, an unknown constant, o; is a fixed effect due tosample i, p; is a fixed effect due to dosing concentration j, yk is a fixed effect due to time point k, and ttm(ok)is a random effect due to the la replicate in the imsample under jt 3593376_IDOC -168 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750. WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

dosing concentration at k time point, which is assumed Normally distributed with mean 0 and variance o. Egu is a random error term associated with the normalized Rfu ratio from the is' sample under the i' dosing concentration at the k* time point from the la replicate, assumed Normally distributed with mean 0 and variance a.2 5 [00375] hue function in nime package in R will be used to analyze the data with respect to the model above. The overall dosing effect (Ho : Pt= p6 = N3= #4= 0s = 0 versus HI : At least one sf is different) will be tested in F-test for each gene. EXAMPLE 5 PARP EXPRESSION IN SYNGENEIC SAMPLES USING O-RT-PCR 10 [00376] Assay Description and Methods: XPTM-PCR is a multiplex RT-PCR methodology that allows for the expression analysis of multiple genes in a single reaction (Kahn et al., 2007). A defined combination of gene specific and universal primers used in the reaction results in a series of fluorescently labeled PCR products whose size and quantity are measured using the capillary electrophoresis instrument GeXP. [00377] XPr"-PCR: Multiplex RT-PCR was performed using 25 ng of total RNA of each sample using a 15 previously described protocol (Khan et al., 2007). The RT reactions were carried out as described in SOP I I-XP-002, cDNA Production from RNA with the Applied Biosystems 9700. PCR reactions were carried out on each cDNA according to SOP 1 -XP-003, XPTI-PCR with the Applied Biosystems 9700. To monitor efficiency of the RT and PCR reactions 0.24 attamoles of Kanamycin RNA was spiked into each RT reaction. A positive control RNA was used and is detailed below in the Assay Discussion section. Other 20 assay controls included 'No Template Controls' (NTC) where water instead of RNA was added to separate reactions and 'Reverse Transcriptase minus' (RT-) controls where sample RNA was subjected to the procedure without reverse transcriptase. [00378] Expression Analysis and Calculations: PCR reactions were analyzed by capillary electrophoresis. The fluorescently labeled PCR reactions were diluted, combined with Genome Lab size standard-400 25 (Beckman-Coulter, Part Number 608098), denatured, and loaded onto the Beckman Coulter using SOP 11 XP-004, Operationand Maintenanceof the CEQ 8800 Genetic Analysis System. The data obtained from the 8800 was analyzed with our proprietary expression analysis software to generate relative expression values for each gene. The expression of each target gene relative to the expression of glucuronidase beta (GUSB) within the same reaction is reported as the mean of the replicate. The standard deviation and percent 30 coefficient of variance (/oCV) associated with these values are also reported when appropriate. [00379] Sample Description: Frozen human breast and lung tissues were obtain during surgery as a syngeneic pair on dry ice. They consisted of a tumor sample and a normal sample from each of studied individuals. [003801 Sample RNA Extraction: RNA was extracted from each sample using a RiboPureT" RNA 35 isolation kit from Ambion Cat. # 1924). To insure that the samples would be thawed only under RNase denaturing conditions, each frozen sample was placed on a new sample collection tray on top of dry ice. Using a new razor blade for each sample, an approximately 100 mg piece of lung tissue and 200 mg piece of breast tissue was cut and immediately placed into a labeled tube containing the TRI Reagent and two ceramic beads. The samples were then homogenized using a Qiagen Laboratory Vibration Mill Type 40 MM300 for 2 minutes at 20 MHz. The orientation of the mixer mill sample block was then reversed and the 3593376_l.DOC -169 WSOR Docket No. 28825.750. WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

samples were homogenized for another 2 minutes. The RNA was then isolated from the homogenate following the RiboPureTm protocol supplied with the kit. (00381] Following isolation, each sample of RNA was subjected to a DNase reaction following SOP 3-XP 001 DNase I treatment of RNA to remove any residual sample DNA. 5 [00382] Immediately following the DNase heat inactivation step of the DNase reaction, the ribonuclease inhibitor SUPERase-In (Ambion, Cat No. AM2696) was added to each sample at a final concentration of I U/pLL. [00383] RNA Quantitation: The concentration of the RNA was determined using the RiboGreen RNA Quantitation Kit (Invitrogen, Cat. No. R1 1490) and by following SOP 3-EQ-031 Wallac Victor2 1420 10 Multilabel Counter. [003841 Sample RNA Quality: A sample of RNA from each sample was analyzed on an Agilent Bioanalyzer following Althea Technology's SOP 1 -XP-001 Operation of Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer. [00385] Sample Requirements: Samples were processed according to the following protocols: Triplicate definition (each sample of RNA was assayed in three separate XPTML-PCR reactions) and RT-PCR Reaction 15 Sample Requirements (25 ng of total RNA was utilized in each reaction). [003861 XFTwPCR: RT-PCR Controls are as follows: (1) The reverse transcription controls for the presence of DNA contamination in the RNA (RT minus) were negative; and (2) The PCR controls for DNA contamination in the reagents (no template control) were negative. Positive Control: The human positive control RNA that was used in the assay was Ambion Human Reference RNA (HUR), (Ambion, custom 20 order). Pathway analysis of PARPI-activated tumors [003871 Data sources: Gene expression dataset received from BiPar Sciences were analyzed using Reset 5.0 molecular interaction database (Yuryev et al., 2006, Bioinformatics, 7:171). The release database was enhanced with 2344 biological process pathways automatically build, 249 cellular component networks and 25 129 metabolic pathways from KEGG (Daraselia et al., 2007, Bioinformatics, 8:243). [00388] Identification of samples with PARP1 differential expression: The analysis ofPARP1-activated tumors was performed using the expression data provided by BiPar Sciences Inc. The samples from four tumor tissues were analyzed: breast, endometrium, ovary ad lung. The MAS5 normalized samples from every tissue were separated into two classes: tumors with low PARP1 expression and tumors with high 30 PARP1 expression. The minimum difference in PARP1 expression between any pair of samples from two classes was 2-fold change. The results of finding samples with differential PARP 1 expression are shown in Table XL. Table XL: Results of selecting samples with PARP1 differential expression No. of No. of samples File with samples with with high selected low PARP1 PARP1 Tissue Original BIPar files samples expression expression Chip Breast 10766 BIPAR 2nd Breast DE 17 17 HG-U133 48_MASSHUl33.tx samples with t, PARPl 10766 BIPAR 1st 4 correlation.txt 8 MASS HU133.txt I 3593376_.DOC -170 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750. WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

Endometriu 10766 BIPAR 2nd Endometrium 8 8 HG-U133 m 48_MASS_HU133.tx DE samples with t, PARP1 10766 BIPAR 1st 4 correlation.txt 8 MASS HUl33Axt Ovary 10727_BIPARMAS Ovary DE 3 6 HG-U133 5_HG- samples with Ul33A withgenea PARPI nnotations.txt, correlation.txt 10727 BIPARMAS 5 HG Ul33B-with_gene_a nnotations.txt Lung JA00567.xls Lung syngeneic 1 1 HG-U133 DE samples with Plus 2.0 PARPL correlation.txt

[003891 All files with selected samples have the following columns: Columns with gene identifiers from the original microarray file; Correlation mode - absolute value of the gene profile correlation with PARPI gene; 5 Correlation - gene profile correlation with PARPI gene; high/low log ratio - log2 ratio of the average expression of a gene in PARP1 high-expressing tumors to average expression of a gene in PARP1 low-expressing tumors; Samples with low PARP1 expression; and Samples with high PARP1 expression. 10 [00390] Identification of significant genes: The fold of expression change for every gene was calculated as the log ratio between average normalized signal intensity among samples with low PARP1 levels and corresponding average among tumors with high PARPi expression. For lung samples where the data about normal tissues was available the ratio was calculated as the difference between the fold change expression in PARP1 over-expressing tumors relative to normal tissues and the fold change expression in PARPI low 15 expressing tumors relative to normal tissues. [003911 The p-values indicating the confidence of the differential expression was calculated using unpaired t-test for breast, endometrium and ovarian samples. It was impossible to calculate p-value for lung samples because they had only one sample for each class of tumors. [00392] Table XLI: Identification of significant genes. The table contains actual gene count, duplicate 20 probes were removed, probes that could not mapped onto proteins in ResNet5 were not counted >2 fold + p >2 fold >0.01 p-value value change Tissue change cutoff cutoff cutoff File with p-value calculated Breast 2169 2824 416 Breast DE samples with PARP1 correlation p-value.txt Endometrium 3936 1030 409 Endometrium DE samples with PARP1 correlation p value.txt Ovary 4614 344 189 Ovary DE samples with PARP1 correlation p-value.txt Lung 4923 N/A N/A Lung syngeneic DE samples with PARPI correlation.txt 3593376 LDOC -171 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750. WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

[003931 All files with selected samples have the following columns: Columns with gene identifiers from the original microarray file; Correlation mode - absolute value of the gene profile correlation with PARPI gene; Correlation - gene profile correlation with PARPI gene; 5 high/low log ratio - log2 ratio of the average expression of a gene in PARP 1 high-expressing tumors to average expression of a gene in PARPI low-expressing tumors; p-value of differential expression calculated by unpaired t-test; average expression value in PARPI low-expressing tumors; average expression value in PARPI high-expressing tumors; 10 Samples with low PARP1 expression; and Samples with high PARP1 expression. [003941 Comparative analysis of significant genes: For each of three statistical cutoffs described in Table XLI the following comparative analysis was performed on three levels: (1) Direct comparison of differentially expressed genes to find significant genes comnnon for three or four tissues; (2) Comparative 15 Gene Ontology analysis to find GO groups differentially expressed and common for three or four tissues; and (3) Comparative pathway analysis to find pathways differentially expressed/co-regulated and common for three or four tumor types (breast, ovarian, endometrium and lung). [003951 The common significant genes, GO groups and pathways were first identified between three tissues: breast, endometrium and ovary. Separately the common significant genes were identified between all four 20 tissues. This was done intentionally due to the small number of samples from lung tissue that could skew the comparative analysis. [00396] The identification of common GO groups and pathways was performed using "Find groups" and "Find pathway" option in Pathway Studio for each tissue. "Find groups" and "Find pathway" options identify significant groups and pathway by comparing differentially expressed genes with groups and 25 pathway in the Pathway Studio database using Fisher Exact test. [003971 The groups/pathway common for three or four tissues were found by calculating the intersection between lists of GO groups or lists of pathways. Only groups/pathways with Fisher Exact test p-value smaller than 0.001 were considered for finding groups/pathways common among all tissues. [003981 The results of comparative analysis for each of three statistical cutoffs are: 2 fold cutoff; p-value 30 0.01 cutoff; and 2-fold + p-value 0.01 cutoff. [00399] The results of comparative Gene Ontology and pathway analysis depict the list of GO groups and pathways with significant overrepresentation of differentially expressed genes for every tissue as well as the GO groups and pathways over represented in all four tissues. [00400] Ontology analysis of significant genes: Gene Ontology analysis of significant genes was 35 performed using Fisher Exact test as described in previous section. The results of the analysis are available as follows: 2 fold cutoff; p-value 0.01 cutoff; and 2-fold + p-value 0.01 cutoff. [004011 Network analysis: Physical networks were built from significant genes identified for each tissue using Build pathway tool option "Find direct interactions between selected entities" with filter settings to include Binding interaction only. The networks were built for each tissue as well as for significant genes 40 common for all three tissues. 3593376 1DOC -172 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750. WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

[00402] The expression regulatory network was built using Build pathway tool option "Find direct interactions between selected entities" with filter settings to include Expression and Promoter Binding regulatory relations. [00403] The networks were built from each group of significant genes as well as for significant genes 5 common between each pair of tissues and common between 3 tissues and 4 tissues. Two examples of networks are also shown on Figures 8 and 9. (00404] The networks were compared using PathwayStudio (Ariadne Genomics) to find proteins that appear on the networks from significant genes selected with cutoff2-fold. The results of comparison are available from Network analysis folder. The list of proteins present in both physical and regulatory networks in all 10 three tissues is available. The proteins having the biggest connectivity in all networks were EGFR, BCL2, IGFI, CAV1, LEP, IGFIR, ALB, MDM2, IGF2, FOXM1, CALR, PAX6, WT1 and PARP1. See (Yuryev et al., 2006, BMC Bioinformatics, 7:171; Daraselia et al., 2007, BMC Bioinformatics 8:243; Sivachenko et al., 2007, J. Bioinform. Comput. Biol. 5(2B):429-56). Accordingly, the results demonstrate that along with upregulation ofPARPl expression in breast, endometrium, ovary and lung cancers, EGFR, BCL2, IGFI, 15 CAV1, LEP, IGFlR, ALB, MDM2, IGF2, FOXM1, CAL, PAX6 and WT1 are co-regulated in all four tumor tissues. [004051 The presence ofPARP1 in all networks indicates that PARPI is an important regulatory target in PARP 1-activated tumors and showed the presence of regulatory network aimed on PARP1 activation. Other proteins in the networks can be used as biomarkers for selecting PARP 1-activated tumors for PARP1 20 inhibitor therapy or as targets in combinational therapy with PARPl inhibitors. [00406] WT1, FOXM1, CALR and PAX6 are transcription factors probably responsible for activation of the PARP1 expression regulatory network. FOXMI was also found significant in the network enrichment analysis below. [00407] The fact that IGF1, IGF2, and IGF1R are present in all networks indicates that PARPI-activated 25 tumors should be IGF sensitive. There was no consistent correlation between IGF pathway genes and PARPI across all tissues. The correlation or absence of correlation between these two functional modules must be accessed by more sensitive technique than microarray. Currently available data suggest that there are no direct causative relationships between PARP1 and IGF pathway. It is more likely that that they are under control of common set of transcription factors which combinatorial effects manifest differently in 30 different tissue context. [00408] Network enrlehiment analysis: The log ratios between gene expression in low-PARP1 and PAPR1-overexpressing tumors was calculated as log ratio between average expression values in samples with PARP1 differentially expression. The calculated log ratios were imported into Pathway Studio Enterprise to perform Network enrichment analysis algorithm (Sivachenko et al., 2007, . Bioinform. 35 Comput. Biol. 5(2B):429-56) using "Find significant regulators" command. The top 500 significant regulators for each tissue in Expression or Promoter Binding networks are available. WTI was found to be significant regulator in Promoter Binding network in all three tissues, FOXM1 was found to be a significant regulator in Expression network in all three tissues.

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EXAMPLE 6 [00409] To further investigate the correlation of co-regulated genes and PARP upregulation in tumors, IGFIR, IGF2, EGFR, TYMS, DHFR, VEGF, MMP9, VEGFR, VEGFR2, IRAKI, ERBB3, AURKA, BCL2, UBE2S mRNA levels were measured and compared to expression levels in normal tissues as described 5 above. The results are shown in Tables XIX to XXXI. Materials and Methods [00410] Tissue samples: Normal and carcinoma tissue samples were collected in the United States or United Kingdom. Specimens were harvested as part of a normal surgical procedure and flash frozen within 30 minutes of resection. Samples were shipped at -8O"C and stored in the vapor phase of liquid nitrogen at 10 170 to -196*C until processed. Internal pathology review and confirmation were performed on samples subjected to analysis. H&E-stained glass slides generated from an adjacent portion of tissue were reviewed in conjunction with original diagnostic reports and samples were classified into diagnostic categories. A visual estimate of the percent of tissue involvement by tumor was recorded during slide review by the pathologist and indicates the fraction of malignant nucleated cells. Adjuvant studies such as ER/PR and Her 15 2/neu expression studies were performed by methodologies including immunohistochemistry and fluorescence in situ hybridization. These results as well as attendant pathology and clinical data were annotated within a sample inventory and management databases (Ascenta, BioExpress databases; Gene Logic, Gaithersburg, MD). [00411] RNA extraction, quality control, and expression profiling: RNA was extracted from samples by 20 homogenization in Trizol@ Reagent (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) followed by isolation with a RNeasy kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA) as recommended by the manufacturer. RNA was evaluated for quality and integrity (Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer derived 28s/18s ratio and RNA integrity number), purity (via absorbance ratio at A260/A280), and quantity (via absorbance at A260 or alternative assay). Gene expression levels were assessed using Affymetrix human genome U133A and B GeneChips (45,000 probesets representing more 25 than 39,000 transcripts derived from approximately 33,000 well-substantiated human genes). Two micrograms (2 pg) of total RNA was used to prepare cRNA using Superscript IIm (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) and a T7 oligo dT primer for cDNA synthesis and an Affymetrix GeneChip@ IVT Labeling Kit (Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA). Quantity and purity of cRNA synthesis product was assessed using UV absorbance. Quality of cRNA synthesis was assessed using either the Agilent Bioanalyzer or a MOPS 30 agarose gel. The labeled cRNA was subsequently fragmented, and 10 pg was hybridized to each array at 45"C over 16- 24 hours. Arrays were washed and stained according to manufacturer recommendations and scanned on Affymetrix GeneChip Scanners. Array data quality was evaluated using a proprietary high throughput application which assesses the data against multiple objective standards including 5'/3' GAPDH ratio, signal/noise ratio, and background as well as other additional metrics (e.g. outlier, vertical variance) 35 which must be passed prior to inclusion for analysis. GeneChip analysis was performed with Microarray Analysis Suite version 5.0, Data Mining Tool 2.0, and Microarray database software (http://www.affymetrix.com). All of the genes represented on the GeneChip were globally normalized and scaled to a signal intensity of 100. [00412] Quality Control: RNA is evaluated for quality and integrity via Agilent Bioanalyzer derived 40 28s/28s ratio and RNA integrity number (RIN)), purity (via absorbance ratio at A260/A280), and quantity 3593376 1DOC -174 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750. WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

(via absorbance at A260 or alternative assay (i.e. ribogreen)). Quantity and purity of cRNA synthesis product is assessed using UV absorbance. Quality of cRNA synthesis is assessed using either the Agilent Bioanalyzer or a MOPS agarose gel. Array quality is evaluated using a proprietary high throughput application by which arrays are evaluated against several strict objective standards such as 5'13' GAPDH 5 ratio, signal/noise ratio. and background as well as over thirty additional metrics (e.g. outlier, vertical variance). Data generated throughout the process is managed within the quality system to ensure data integrity of the data. EXAMPLE S [00413] Cytotoxicity Studies: To investigate the effects of treatment ofPARP and co-regulated gene 10 modulators on cancer growth and progression, cytotoxicity studies may be performed. [00414] Different types of cancer cell lines of different origin or primary cells maybe seeded on 48 or 96 wells plate. The cells may be cultured in the appropriate medium. Cultures can be maintained in a 37 *C incubator in a humidified atmosphere of 95% 02/5% CO2. After the cells are seeded (24 hours), medium is removed and replaced with culture medium in the presence of various concentrations ofPARP1 and IGFIR 15 and/or EGFR inhibitors, for example Compound III with the small molecule IGFlR kinase inhibitor NVP AEW541 and/or Erbitux@, a monoclonal antibody to EGFR. After 6 days of incubation at 37 *C, cell viability is measured using the Cell Titer-Blue, Cell Viability Assay (Promega) (see O'Brien et al., 2000, Eur. J. Biochem., 267:5421-5426; Gonzalez and Tarloff, 2001). This assay incorporates a fluorometric/colorimetric growth indicator based on detection by vital dye reduction. Cytotoxicity is 20 measured by growth inhibition. [00415] Cytotoxicity may also be assessed by counting the number of viable cells. Cells are harvested by washing the monolayer with PBS, followed by a brief incubation in 0.25% trypsin and 0.02% EDTA. The cells are then collected, washed twice by centrifugation and resuspended in PBS. Cell number and viability is then determined by staining a small volume of cell suspension with a 0.2% typan blue saline solution and 25 examining the cells in a hemocytometer. Cell number and viability can be assayed by staining cells with Annexin-FITC or/and with propidium iodide and analyzed by flow cytometry EXAMPLE 9 [00416] Cell Proliferation Studies: To investigate the effects of treatment of PARP and co-regulated gene modulators on cancer growth and progression, cell proliferation studies may be performed. 30 [00417] Cultured cells may be incubated in the presence of various concentrations of the test substance, for example Compound III with the small molecule IGFIR kinase inhibitor NVP-AEW541 and/or Erbitux@, a monoclonal antibody to EGFR. The cultured cells are plated in a black 96-well MultiPlate (tissue culture grade; flat, clear bottom) at a final volume of 100 ul//well in a humidified atmosphere at 37 *C. 10 ul/well BrdU labeling solution is added to the cells (final concentration of BrdU: 10 uM) and the cells are 35 reincubated for an additional 2 to 25 hours at 37 *C. The MP is centrifuged at 300 xg for 10 min and the labeling medium is removed with suction using a canula. The cells are dried using a hair-dryer for about 15 min., or alternatively, at 60 *C for l h. 200 ul/well FixDenat is added to the cells and incubated for 30 min. at 15-25 *C.FixDenat solution is removed thoroughly by flicking off and tapping. 100 ul/well Anti-BrdU-POD working solution is added and incubated for approx. 90 min, at 15-25 *C.Antibody conjugate is removed by

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flicking off and wells rinsed three times with 200 - 300 ul/well washing solution. Washing solution is removed by tapping. Then 100 ul/well substrate solution is added to each well. The light emission of the samples can be measured in a microplate luminometer with photomultiplier. EXAMPLE 10 5 [004181 Xenograft cancer models can be employed to measure the effects of treatment of PARP and co regulated gene modulators on cancer growth and progression. [004191 For example, PARP1 inhibition by Compound III has been shown in the human ovarian adenocarcinoma OVCAR-3 xenograft model to inhibit tumor growth and improve survival of mice. See Figure 18. Moreover, ovarian adenocarcinoma OVCAR-3 cells produce IGF-I and IGF-II, and express 10 IGFIR, supporting the existence of an autocrine loop. Previous studies have shown that treatment with NVP AEW541, a small molecular weight inhibitor of the IGF-IR kinase, can inhibit growth of OVCAR-3 tumor (Gotlieb et al., 2006, Gynecol Oncol. 100(2):389-96). Importantly, neither treatment with Compound III nor NVP-AEW541 fully inhibits tumor growth. Accordingly, from this data it is expected that the combination of a PARP inhibitor, e.g. Compound III, and an IGFIR inhibitor, e.g. NVP-AEW541, would inhibit tumor 15 growth in mice even further. EXAMPLE 11 [00420] The effect of a combination ofPARPl and IGFl receptor inhibitors in treatment of IDC breast cancer with chemotherapeutic agents can be determined. [00421] A multi-center, open-label, randomized study to demonstrate the therapeutic effectiveness in the 20 treatment of IDC breast cancer with a PARP inhibitor (Compound Ill), IGF1R (NVP-AEW541) inhibitor and chemotherapeutic agent (e.g. gemcitabine, carboplatin, cisplatin) will be conducted. The therapeutic efficacy of this combination therapy will be compared to the therapeutic efficacy of the chemotherapeutic agent alone. [004221 Study Design: An open label, 2-arm randomized, safety and efficacy study in which up to 90 25 patients (45 in each arm) will be randomized to either: Study Arm 1: Chemotherapeutic agent alone, for example gemcitabine (1000 mg/m2; 30 min IV infusion) or carboplatin (AUC 2; 60 min IV infusion) on days I and 8 of a 21-day cycle; or Study Arm 2: Chemotherapetuic agent + IGF1R and PARP 1 inhibitor, for example gemcitabine (1000 mg/m2 ; 30 min IV infusion) or Carboplatin (AUC 2; 60 min IV infusion) on days 1 and 8 of a 21-day cycle with Compound 111 (4 mg/kg 1 hour IV infusion) and NVP-AEW541 (25 30 mg/kg; bid) on days 1, 4, 8 and 11 of each 21-day cycle. [00423] Assessment: Tumors will be assessed by standard methods (e.g., CT) at baseline and then approximately every 6-8 weeks thereafter in the absence of clinically evident progression of disease.

EXAMPLE 12 35 [00424] The effects of Compound Ill and its nitroso metabolite on the cell cycle in cancer cell lines in combination with second agents were determined. [00425] Compound III and Compound II-1 compounds were tested in the presence of the second agent according the schedule indicated in the Table below.

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Agent Compound HI Cell line IGFlR inhibitor +/- MDA-MB 468 EGFR inhibitor +/- HCC827

Material and Methods (00426) Cell Culture: Triple negative MDA-MB-468 human breast carcinoma, U251 human glioblastoma and lung adenocarcinoma HCC827 cells were cultured in Dulbecco Modified Eagle Medium with 10% fetal bovine serum. Cells were plated at a seeding density 105 per P100 or at 104 per P60 in growth media and

5 incubated 12-18 h at 37 *C, 5% CO2. Compounds with and without secondary agent (see Table 1)were added as a single dose for 72 hours. DMSO was used as a control. Following treatment, cells were analyzed with BrdU ELISA Assay (Roche Applied Science), FACS based cell cycle assay or TUNEL. [00427] Compounds: Compound III was dissolved directly from dry powder in DMSO (cat # 472301, Sigma-Aldrich) for each separate experiment, then the entire volume of the stock solution was used to 10 prepare 111 nM, 313 nM and 1 pM working concentrations in cell culture medium to avoid any possibility of precipitation and the corresponding loss of compound. Control experiments were carried out with the matching volume/concentration of the vehicle (DMSO); in these controls, the cells showed no changes in their growth or cell cycle distribution. [00428] PI Exclusion, Cell Cycle and TUNEL Assays (FACS): After the addition of drugs and 15 incubation, cells were taken for counting and PI (Propidium Iodide) exclusion assay. One part of the cells was centrifuged and resuspended in 0.5 ml ice-cold PBS containing 5 sg/ml of PL The other part of the cells was fixed in ice-cold 70 %ethanol and stored in a freezer overnight. For cell cycle analysis, cells were stained with propidium iodide (PI) using standard procedures. Cellular DNA content was determined by flow cytometry using BD LSRII FACS, and the percentages of cells in G1, S or G2/M were determined 20 using ModFit software. [00429] To detect apoptosis, the cells were labeled with the "In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit, Fluorescein" (Roche Diagnostics Corporation, Roche Applied Science, Indianapolis, IN). Briefly, fixed cells were centrifuged and washed once in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) containing 1%bovine serum albumin (BSA), then resuspended in 2 ml permeabilization buffer (0.1% Triton X-100 and 0.1% sodium citrate in 25 PBS) for 25 min at room temperature and washed twice in 0.2 ml PBS/1% BSA. The cells were resuspended in 50 pl TUNEL reaction mixture (TdT enzyme and labeling solution) and incubated for 60 min at 37 *C in a humidified dark atmosphere in an incubator. The labeled cells were washed once in PBS/1% BSA, then resuspended in 0.5 ml ice-cold PBS containing 1 pg/mi 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) for at least 30 min. All cell samples were analyzed with a BD LSR II (BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA). All flow 30 cytometry analyses were carried out using triplicate samples containing at least 30,000 cells each (typical results of independent experiments are shown). The coefficient of variance in all the experiments was equal or less than 0.01. [00430 Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) labeling assay and FACS-based cell cycle analysis: 50 pl of BrdU (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO) stock solution (1 mM) was added to achieve final concentration of 10 35 pM BrdU. Then cells were incubated for 30 min at 37 *C and fixed in ice-cold 70 %ethanol and stored at 4 35933761.DOC -177 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750. WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

'C overnight. Fixed cells were centrifuged and washed once in 2 ml PBS, then re-suspended in 0.7 ml of denaturation solution (0.2 mg/ml pepsin in 2 N HCl) for 15 min at 37 *C in the dark, then 1.04 ml IM Tris buffer (Trizma base, Sigma Chemical Co.) was added to tenninate the hydrolysis. Cells were washed in 2 ml PBS and resuspended in 10 0-pl (1:100 dilution) of anti-BrdU antibody (DakoCytomation, Carpinteria, CA) 5 in TBFP permeable buffer (0.5% Tween-20, 1%bovine serum albumin and 1%fetal bovine serum in PBS), incubated for 25 min at room temperature in the dark and washed in 2 ml PBS. The primary antibody

labeled cells were resuspended in 100 pl ALEXA FLUOR* F(ab) 2 fragment of goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L) (1:200 dilution, 2 mg/mL, Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR) in TBFP buffer and incubated for 25 min at room temperature in the dark and washed in 2 ml PBS, then re-suspended in 0.5 ml ice-cold PBS containing 1 10 pg/ml 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) for at least 30 min. All cell samples were analyzed with a BD LSR II (BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA). All flow cytometry analyses were carried out using triplicate samples containing at least 30,000 cells each (typical results of independent experiments are shown). The coefficient of variance in all the experiments was equal or less than 0.01. RESULTS 15 {00431] Compounds were dissolved at the start of the experiment in 100% DMS0 to 10 mM stock solution. [00432] MDA-MB-468 human breast carcinoma cells and lung cancer adenocarcinoma cell line HCC827 cells were tested for suitability to FACS-based cell cycle analysis. [00433] FACS analysis based on DNA content and BrdU assay. [004341 Two different dose concentrations of Compound III were selected based on preliminary results of 20 the proliferation and survival analysis. [00435] The active dose combinations were tested for their effects on cell survival, cell cycle distribution and BrdU incorporation by FACS analysis. [00436] Concentration Verification and Stability. Triplicate samples of cells were taken within 5 min and within 15 min after dosing, collected by centrifugation, washed by PBS and stored at -70 *C. The samples 25 were shipped to the sponsor's designee for further analysis (Alta Analytical Laboratory). [00437] Representative results are presented in the Table below and in Figure 19.

Response of triple negative breast cancer cells MDA-MB-468 to the combinations of Compound III with IGF-R inhibitor Picropodophyllin (PPP) BrdU(-) Vital Sub-GI G1 S G2/M TUNEL(+) S Cell PPP 0 uM + 201 eM 0 0.81 50.96 30.37 16.04 0.7 1.82 100 50 1.01 50.20 31.34 15.21 0.9 2.23 82 100 1.12 40.63 34.52 20.16 1.6 3.56 61 PPP 200 nM + 201 3593376 _.DOC -178 WSGR Docket No. 28825.750. WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

BrdU(-) Vital Sub-GI G1 S G2/M TUNEL(+) S Cell uM

0 1.22 51.42 30.22 15.01 0.9 2.13 89 50 1.32 49.75 31.41 15.10 2.7 2.43 77 100 1.63 37.51 35.58 21.30 2.1 3.98 59 PPP 400 n1M + 201 uM 0 7.77 37.29 25.32 20.17 4.1 945 60 50 7.25 32.88 28.47 22.37 4.2 9.03 42 100 5.93 23.62 31.78 29.98 6.9 8.69 32

[00438] Compound III was shown to potentiate the activity of the EGF-R inhibitor IRESSA@ in HCC827 cell line (See Figures 19A and 19B). [004391 The HCC827 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cell line has been established as a model for 5 analysis of EGFR inhibitors. See also Figure 20. Gefitinib Mutation status of sensitivty

Cell line EGFR,KRAS (IC5 , sM) H358 KRAS:G12V -10 H1650 EGFR:E746-A750del >10 H1666 EGFR:wt;KRAS:wt -4 H1734 KRAS:G13C >10 H1975 EGFR:L8581, T790M >10 HCC827 EGFR:E746.A750del <0.1 H3255 EGFR:L581 <0.1

[00440] A summary of the response of lung cancer cells HCC827 to the combination of compound III with IRESSA@ is shown in the following tables: GFT 0 nM G1 S G2/M Viable Cell Sub-G1 TUNEL(+) +201pM 0 65.9 24.3 6.3 100.0 1.9 3.2 50 46.3 40.6 8.8 65.0 24 5.7 100 43.8 19.9 12.5 25.0 15.8 32.8

GFf 2 NM G1 S G21M Viable Cell Sub-G1 TUNEL(+) +201 M 0 51.0 34.4 9.2 56.0 34 6.2 50 52.3 28.9 9.4 37.0 6.6 13.3 100 38.9 12.6 12.3 15.0 27.4 46.5

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[00441] To further investigate co-regulated genes and PARP upregulation in tumors, IGFI, IGF2, IGFR, EGFR, mdm2, Bcl2, ETS1, MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, uPA, DHFR, TYMS, NFKB, IKK, REL, RELA, 5 RELB, IRAK1, VAV3, AURKA, ERBB3, MIF, VEGF, VEGFR, VEGFR2, CDK1, CKD2, CDK9, farnesyl transferase, UBE2A, UBE2D2, UBE2GI, USP28, UBE2S, or a combination thereof mRNA levels are measured and compared to expression levels in normal tissues as described above. Materials and Methods [00442] Tissue samples: Normal and cancerous tissue samples are collected in the United States or United 10 Kingdom. Specimens are harvested as part of a normal surgical procedure and flash frozen within 30 minutes of resection. Samples are shipped at -80*C and stored in the vapor phase of liquid nitrogen at -170 to -196*C until processed. Internal pathology review and confirmation are performed on samples subjected to analysis. H&E-stained glass slides generated from an adjacent portion of tissue are reviewed in conjunction with original diagnostic reports and samples are classified into diagnostic categories. A visual 15 estimate of the percent of tissue involvement by tumor is recorded during slide review by the pathologist and indicates the fraction of malignant nucleated cells. Adjuvant studies such as ER/PR and Her-2/neu expression studies are performed by methodologies including immunohistochemistry and fluorescence in situ hybridization. These results as well as attendant pathology and clinical data are annotated within a sample inventory and management databases (Ascenta, BioExpress databases; Gene Logic, Gaithersburg, 20 MD). (00443] RNA extraction, quality control, and expression profiling: RNA is extracted from samples by homogenization in Trizol@ Reagent (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) followed by isolation with a RNeasy kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA) as recommended by the manufacturer. RNA is evaluated for quality and integrity (Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer derived 28s/18s ratio and RNA integrity number), purity (via absorbance ratio at 25 A260/A280), and quantity (via absorbance at A260 or alternative assay). Gene expression levels are assessed using Affyrnetrix human genome U133A and B GeneChips (45,000 probesets representing more than 39,000 transcripts derived from approximately 33,000 well-substantiated human genes). Two micrograms (2 pg) of total RNA is used to prepare cRNA using Superscript Ilm (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) and a T7 oligo dT primer for cDNA synthesis and an Affymetrix GeneChip@ IVT Labeling Kit (Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA). 30 Quantity and purity of cRNA synthesis product is assessed using UV absorbance. Quality of cRNA synthesis is assessed using either the Agilent Bioanalyzer or a MOPS agarose gel. The labeled cRNA is subsequently fragmented, and 10 pg is hybridized to each array at 45*C over 16- 24 hours. Arrays are washed and stained according to manufacturer recommendations and scanned on Affymetrix GeneChip Scanners. Array data quality is evaluated using a proprietary high throughput application which assesses the data against multiple 35 objective standards including 5'/3' GAPDH ratio, signal/noise ratio, and background as well as other additional metrics (e.g. outlier, vertical variance) which must be passed prior to inclusion for analysis. GeneChip analysis is performed with Microarray Analysis Suite version 5.0, Data Mining Tool 2.0, and Microarray database software (www.aflymetrix.com). All of the genes represented on the GeneChip are globally normalized and scaled to a signal intensity of 100.

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[004441 Quality Control: RNA is evaluated for quality and integrity via Agilent Bioanalyzer derived 28s/28s ratio and RNA integrity number (RIN)), purity (via absorbance ratio at A260/A280), and quantity (via absorbance at A260 or alternative assay (i.e. ribogreen)). Quantity and purity of cRNA synthesis product is assessed using UV absorbance. Quality of cRNA synthesis is assessed using either the Agilent 5 Bioanalyzer or a MOPS agarose gel. Array quality is evaluated using a proprietary high throughput application by which arrays are evaluated against several strict objective standards such as 5'/3' GAPDH ratio, signal/noise ratio. and background as well as over thirty additional metrics (e.g. outlier, vertical variance). Data generated throughout the process is managed within the quality system to ensure data integrity of the data. 10 [004451 PARPIl inhibitors and inhibitors of co-regulated genes may be administered to the patient as in Example 11. Example 14 [00446] To further investigate co-regulated genes and PARP upregulation in breast tumors, BRCA1, BRCA2, or a combination thereof, mRNA levels are measured and compared to expression levels in normal 15 tissues as described above. Materials and Methods [00447] Tissue samples: Normal and cancerous breast tissue samples are collected in the United States or United Kingdom. Specimens are harvested as part of a normal surgical procedure and flash frozen within 30 minutes of resection. Samples are shipped at -80*C and stored in the vapor phase of liquid nitrogen at -170 20 to -196*C until processed. Internal pathology review and confirmation are performed on samples subjected to analysis. H&E-stained glass slides generated from an adjacent portion of tissue are reviewed in conjunction with original diagnostic reports and samples are classified into diagnostic categories. A visual estimate of the percent of tissue involvement by tumor is recorded during slide review by the pathologist and indicates the fraction of malignant nucleated cells. Adjuvant studies such as protein expression studies are 25 performed by methodologies including immunohistochemistry and fluorescence in situ hybridization. These results as well as attendant pathology and clinical data are annotated within a sample inventory and management databases (Ascenta, BioExpress databases; Gene Logic, Gaithersburg, MD). [004481 RNA extraction, quality control, and expression profiling: RNA is extracted from samples by homogenization in Trizol@ Reagent (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) followed by isolation with a RNeasy kit 30 (Qiagen, Valencia, CA) as recommended by the manufacturer. RNA is evaluated for quality and integrity (Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer derived 28&/18s ratio and RNA integrity number), purity (via absorbance ratio at A260/A280), and quantity (via absorbance at A260 or alternative assay). Gene expression levels are assessed using Affymetrix human genome U133A and B GeneChips (45,000 probesets representing more than 39,000 transcripts derived from approximately 33,000 well-substantiated human genes). Two micrograms (2 pg) of 35 total RNA is used to prepare cRNA using Superscript lm (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) and a T7 oligo dT primer for cDNA synthesis and an Affymetrix GeneChip® IVT Labeling Kit (Affynetrix, Santa Clara, CA). Quantity and purity of cRNA synthesis product is assessed using UV absorbance. Quality of cRNA synthesis is assessed using either the Agilent Bioanalyzer or a MOPS agarose gel. The labeled cRNA is subsequently fragmented, and 10 pg is hybridized to each array at 45*C over 16- 24 hours. Arrays are washed and stained

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according to manufacturer recommendations and scanned on Affymetrix GeneChip Scanners. Array data quality is evaluated using a proprietary high throughput application which assesses the data against multiple objective standards including 5'13' GAPDH ratio, signal/noise ratio, and background as well as other additional metrics (e.g. outlier, vertical variance) which must be passed prior to inclusion for analysis. 5 GeneChip analysis is performed with Microarray Analysis Suite version 5.0, Data Mining Tool 2.0, and Microarray database software (www.affymetrix.com). All of the genes represented on the GeneChip are globally normalized and scaled to a signal intensity of 100. [00449] Quality Control: RNA is evaluated for quality and integrity via Agilent Bioanalyzer derived 28s/28s ratio and RNA integrity number (RIN)), purity (via absorbance ratio at A260/A280), and quantity 10 (via absorbance at A260 or alternative assay (i.e. ribogreen)). Quantity and purity of cRNA synthesis product is assessed using UV absorbance. Quality of cRNA synthesis is assessed using either the Agilent Bioanalyzer or a MOPS agarose gel. Array quality is evaluated using a proprietary high throughput application by which arrays are evaluated against several strict objective standards such as 5'/3' GAPDH ratio, signal/noise ratio. and background as well as over thirty additional metrics (e.g. outlier, vertical 15 variance). Data generated throughout the process is managed within the quality system to ensure data integrity of the data. [004501 BRCA1, BRCA2 and PARP levels are determined and assessed in normal versus cancerous breast tissue. [00451] PARP1 inhibitors and inhibitors of co-regulated genes may be administered as in Example 11. 20 [00452] While embodiments have been shown and described herein, it will be obvious to those skilled in the art that such embodiments are provided by way of example only. Numerous variations, changes, and substitutions will now occur to those skilled in the art without departing from the embodiments described herein. It should be understood that various alternatives to the embodiments described herein may be 25 employed in practicing the embodiments described. It is intended that the following claims define the scope of the embodiments and that methods and structures within the scope of these claims and their equivalents be covered thereby.

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WHAT IS CLAIMED IS: L, A method of identifying a treatment for a PARP mediated disease comprising identifying a level of expression in a panel of identified genes, including at least PARP, in a plurality of samples from a population, and making a decision regarding treatment of said PARP mediated disease, wherein said treatment decision is made based on said level of expression of at least one identified gene in the panel. 2. The method of claim 1 wherein said panel of genes include genes expressed in the PARP, IGFl receptor, or EGFR pathways. 3. The method of claim 1 wherein said panel of genes include IGF 1, IGF2, IGFR, EGFR, mdm2, Bc12, ETS1, MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, uPA, DHFR, TYMS, NFKB, IKK, REL, RELA, RELB, IRAK1, VAV3, AURKA, ERBB3, MIF, VEGF, VEGFR, VEGFR2, CDK1, CDK2, CDK9, farnesyl transferase, UBE2S, ABCC1, ABCC5, ABCD4, ACADM, ACLSL1, ACSL3, ACY1L2, ADM, ADRM1, AGPAT5, AHCY, AK3L1, AK3L2, AKIIP, AKRIB1, AKRICl, AKRIC2, AKRTC3, ALDH18A1, ALDOA, ALOX5, ALPL, ANP32E, AOF1, APG5L, ARFGEF1, ARL5, ARPP-19, ASPH, ATF5, ATF7IP, ATIC, ATP11 A, ATP11C, ATP1Al, ATP1B1, ATP2A2, ATP5G3, ATP5J2, ATP6VOB, B3GNT1, B4GALT2, BACE2, BACH, BAG2, BASPI, BCAT1, BCL2L1, BCL6, BGN, BPNT1, C1QBP, CACNB3, CAMK2D, CAP2, CCAR1, CD109, CD24, CD44, CD47, CD58, CD74, CD83, CD9, CDC14B, CDC42EP4, CDC5L, CDK4, CDK6, CDS1, CDW92, CEACAM6, CELSR2, CFLAR, CGI-90, CHST6, CHSY1, CKLFSF4, CKLFSF6, CKSIB, CMKORl, CNDP2, CPD, CPE, CPSF3, CPSF5, CPSF6, CPT1B, CRR9, CSH2, CSK, CSNK2A1, CSPG2, CTPSCTSB, CTSD, CXADR, CXCR4, CXXC5, CXXC6, DAAM1, DCK, DDAH1, DDIT4, DDR1, DDX21, DDX39, DHTKD1, DLAT, DNAJA1, DNAJB1l, DNAJC1, DNAJC1O, DNAJC9, DNAJD1, DUSP10, DUSP24, DUSP6, DVL3, ELOVL6, EMEL, ENOl, ENPP4, EPS8, ETNK1, ETV6, F 11R, FA2H, FABP5, FADS2, FAS, FBXO45, FBXO7, FLJ23091, FTL, FTLL1, FZD6,G1P2, GALNT2, GALNT4, GALNT7, GANAB, GART, GBAS, GCHFR, GCLC, GCLM, GCNT1, GFPT1, GGA2, GGH, GLUL, GMNN, GMPS, GPI, GPR56, GPR89, GPX1, GRB1O, GRHPR, GSPT1, GSR, GTPBP4, HDAC1, HDGF, HIG2, HMGB3, HPRT1, HPS5, HRMT1L2, HS2STI, HSPA4, HSPA8, HSPB1, HSPCA, HSPCAL3, HSPCB, HSPDL, HSPET, HSPH1, HTATIP2, HYOUl, ICMT, IDE, IDH2, IFI27, IGFBP3, IGSF4, ILF2, INPP5F, INSIGI, KHSRP, KLF4, KMO, KPNA2, KTN1, LAP3, LASS2, LDHA, LDHB, LGR4, LPGAT1, LTB4DH, LYN, MAD2L1, MADP-1, MAGEDI, MAK3, MALATI, MAP2K3, MAP2K6, MAP3K13, MAP4K4, MAPK13, MARCKS, MBTPS2, MCM4, MCTS1, MDH1, MDH2, MEl, ME2, METAP2, METTL2, MGAT4B, MKNK2. MLPH, MOBK1B, MOBKLIA, MSH2, MTHFD2, MUC1, MX1, MYCBP, NAJDI, NAT1, NBS1, NDFIP2, NEK6, NET1, NMEl, NNT, NQO1, NRAS, NSE2, NUCKS, NUSAP1, NY-REN-41, ODCI, OLRl, P4HB, PAFAH1B1, PAICS, PANKI, PCIAl, PCNA, PCTKT, PDAP1, PDIA4, PDIA6, PDXK, PERP, PFKP, PFTK1, PGD, PGK1, PGM2L1, PHCA, PKIG, PKM2, PKP4, PLA2G4A, PLCB1, PLCG2, PLD3, PLOD1, PLOD2, PMS2L3, PNK1, PNPT1, PON2, PP, PPIF, PPP1 CA, PPP2R4, PPP3CA, PRCC, PRKD3, PRKDC, PRPSAP2, PSAT1, PSENEN, PSMA2, PSMA5, PSMA7, PSMB3, PSMB4, PSMD14, PSMD2, PSMD3, PSMD4, PSMD8, PTGFRN, PTGS1, PTK9, PTPN12, PTPN18, PTS, PYGB, RABIO, RAB11FIP1, RAB14, RAB31, RAB3IP, RACGAP1, RAN, RANBP1, RAP2B, RBBP4, RBBP7, RBBP8, RDH10, RFC3, RFC4, RFCS, RGS19IP1, RHOBTB3, RNASEH2A, RNGTT, RNPEP, ROBO1, RRAS2, SART2, SAT, SCAP2, SCD4, SDC2, SDC4, SEMA3F, SERPINE2, SFI1, SGPL1, SGPP1, SGPP2, SH3GLB2, SHCI, SMARCCI, SMC4L1, SMC4L1, 3593376_I.DOC -183- WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

SMS, SNRPD1, SORD, SORL1, SPP1, SQLE, SRD5AI, SRD5A2L, SRM, SRPK1, SS18, SSBP1, SSR3, ST3GAL5, ST6GAL1, ST6GALNAC2, STX18, SULF2, SWAP70, TA-KRP, TALA, TBL1XRl, TFRC, TIAM1, TKT, TMPO, TNFAIP2, TNFSF9, TOX, TPD52, TPIl, TPP1, TRAl, TRIP13, TRPS1, TSPAN13, TSTA3, TXN, TXNL2, TXNL5, TXNRD1, UBAP2L, UBE2A, UBE2D2, UBE2Gl, UBE2VT, UCHL5, UGDH, UNC5CL, USP28, USP47, UTP14A, VDAC1, WIGI, YWHAB, YWHAE, YWHAZ, or a combination thereof. 4. The method of claim 1 wherein said panel of genes include PARP, IGF1, IGF2, IGFR, EGFR, mdm2, Bcl2, ETS1, MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, uPA, DHFR, TYMS, NFKB, ICK, REL, RELA, RELB, IRAKL, VAV3, AURKA, ERBB3, MIF, VEGF, VEGFR, VEGFR2, CDK1, CDK2, CDK9, farnesyl transferase, UBE2S, or a combination thereof. 5. The method of claim 1 wherein the expression is measured in said panel. 6. The method of claim 5 wherein the expression is measured using a polymerase chain reaction assay. 7. The method of claim 1 wherein said plurality of samples are selected from the group consisting of human normal sample, tumor sample, hair, blood, cell, tissue, organ, brain tissue, blood, serum, sputum, saliva, plasma, nipple aspirant, synovial fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, sweat, urine, fecal matter, pancreatic fluid, trabecular fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, tears, bronchial lavage, swabbing, bronchial aspirant, semen, prostatic fluid, precervicular fluid, vaginal fluids, and pre-ejaculate. 8. The method of claim I wherein said level of PARP is upregulated and the treatment decision is a decision to treat said disease with a PARP inhibitor and an inhibitor of at least one up-regulated gene in said panel. 9. The method of claim 1 wherein the treatment decision is a decision to treat said disease with inhibitors to each gene in said panel that exhibits upregulation of expression, including PARP upregulation. 10. The method of claim 9 wherein said PARP inhibitor is selected from the group consisting of benzamide, quinolone, isoquinolone, benzopyrone, cyclic benzamide, benzimidazole, indole and pharmaceutically salts, solvates, isomers, tautomers, metabolites, analogs, or prodrugs thereof, 11. The method of claim 10 wherein said PARP inhibitor is 4-iodo, 3-nitro benzamide or a metabolite thereof. 12. The method of claim 1 wherein said method further comprises providing a conclusion regarding said disease to a patient, a health care provider or a health care manager, said conclusion being based on said decision. 13. The method of claim 1 wherein said treatment is selected from the group consisting of oral administration, transmucosal administration, buccal administration, nasal administration, inhalation, parental administration, intravenous, subcutaneous, intramuscular, sublingual, transdermal administration, and rectal administration. 14. The method of claim 1 wherein said PARP mediated disease is selected from the group consisting of cancer, inflammation, metabolic disease, CVS disease, CNS disease, disorder of hematolymphoid system, disorder of endocrine and neuroendocrine, viral infection, disorder of urinary tract, disorder of respiratory system, disorder of female genital system, and disorder of male genital system. 15. The method of claim 14 wherein said cancer is selected from the group consisting of colon adenocarcinoma, esophageal adenocarcinoma, liver hepatocellular carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, 3593376_1.DOC -184- WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

pancreas adenocarcinoma, islet cell tumor, rectum adenocarcinoma, gastrointestinal stromal tumor, stomach adenocarcinoma, adrenal cortical carcinoma, follicular carcinoma, papillary carcinoma, breast cancer, ductal carcinoma, lobular carcinoma, intraductal carcinoma, mucinous carcinoma, phyllodes tumor, Ewing's sarcoma, ovarian adenocarcinoma, endometrium adenocarcinoma, granulose cell tumor, mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, cervix adenocarcinoma, vulva squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, prostate adenocarcinoma, giant cell tumor of bone, bone osteosarcoma, larynx carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, kidney carcinoma, urinary bladder carcinoma, Wilm's tumor, and lymphoma. 16. The method of claim 14 wherein said inflammation is selected from the group consisting of Non Hodgkin's lymphoma, Wegener's granulomatosis, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, hepatocellular carcinoma, chronic pancreatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, reactive lymphoid hyperplasia, osteoarthritis, ulcerative colitis, and papillary carcinoma. 17. The method of claim 14 wherein said metabolic disease is diabetes or obesity. 18. The method of claim 14 wherein said CVS disease is selected from the group consisting of atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, granulomatous myocarditis, chronic myocarditis, myocardial infarction, and primary hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. 19. The method of claim 14 wherein said CNS disease is selected from the group consisting of Alzheimer's disease, cocaine abuse, schizophrenia, and Parkinson's disease. 20. The method of claim 14 wherein said disorder of hematolymphoid system is selected from the group consisting of Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, chronic lymphocyte leukemia, and reactive lymphoid hyperplasia. 21. The method of claim 14 wherein said disorder of endocrine and neuroendocrine disorder is selected from the group consisting of nodular hyperplasia, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, islet cell tumor, and papillary carcinoma. 22. The method of claim 14 wherein said disorder of urinary tract is selected from the group consisting of renal cell carcinoma, transitional cell carcinoma, and Wilm's tumor. 23. The method of claim 14 wherein said disorder of respiratory system is selected from the group consisting of adenosquamous carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and large cell carcinoma. 24. The method of claim 14 wherein said disorder of female genital system is selected from the group consisting of adenocarcinoma, leiomyoma, mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, and serous cystadenocarcinoma. 25. The method of claim 14 wherein said disorder of male genital system is selected from the group consisting of prostate cancer, benign nodular hyperplasia, and seminoma. 26. The method of claim 14, wherein said viral infection is selected from the group consisting of HIV infection, hepatitis B infection, and hepatitis C infection. 27. A method of identifying genes useful in the treatment of a patient with a disease susceptible to PARP inhibitor treatment, the method comprising: a. identifying a disease treatable with at least one PARP modulator, wherein the expression level of PARP in a plurality of samples from a population is regulated in comparison to a control sample; b. determining the expression level of a panel of genes in the plurality of samples; and

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c. identifying genes that are co-regulated with said PARP regulation, wherein the expression level of said co-regulated genes in the plurality of samples are increased or decreased in comparison to a control sample; wherein modulation of said genes that are co-regulated with PARP regulation is useful in the treatment of a disease susceptible to PARP modulator treatment. 28. The method of claim 27 wherein said co-regulated genes include genes expressed in the PARP, IGF 1 receptor, or EGFR pathways. 29. The method of claim 27 wherein said PARP modulator is a PARP inhibitor. 30. The method of claim 29 wherein said PARP inhibitor is selected from the group consisting of benzamide, quinolone, isoquinolone, benzopyrone, cyclic benzamide, benzimidazole, indole and pharmaceutically salts, solvates, isomers, tautomers, metabolites, analogs, or prodrugs thereof. 31. The method of claim 27 wherein said co-regulated genes include IGF1, IGF2, IGFR, EGFR, mdm2, Bc12, ETS1, MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, uPA, DHFR, TYMS, NFKB, IKK, REL, RELA, RELB, TRAK1, VAV3, AURKA, ERBB3, MIF, VEGF, VEGFR, VEGFR2, CDK1, CDK2, CDK9, farnesyl transferase, UBE2S, ABCCI, ABCC5, ABCD4, ACADM, ACLSLI, ACSL3, ACY1L2, ADM, ADRM1, AGPAT5, AHCY, AK3L1, AK3L2, AKIIP, AKRIB1, AKRICL, AKRlC2, AKR1C3, ALDH18A1, ALDOA, ALOX5, ALPL, ANP32E, AOF1, APG5L, ARFGEF1, ARL5, ARPP-19, ASPH, ATF5, ATF7IP, ATIC, ATP11 A, ATP1 IC, ATP1Al, ATP1Bi, ATP2A2, ATP5G3, ATP5J2, ATP6VOB, B3GNTJ, B4GALT2, BACE2, BACH, BAG2, BASP1, BCAT1, BCL2L1, BCL6, BGN, BPNTl, C1QBP, CACNB3, CAMK2D, CAP2, CCAR1, CD109, CD24, CD44, CD47, CD58, CD74, CD83, CD9, CDC14B, CDC42EP4, CDC5L, CDK4, CDK6, CDS1, CDW92, CEACAM6, CELSR2, CFLAR, CGI-90, CHST6, CHSY1, CKLFSF4, CKLFSF6, CKS1B, CMKOR1, CNDP2, CPD, CPE, CPSF3, CPSF5, CPSF6, CPT1B, CRR9, CSH2, CSK, CSNK2AI, CSPG2, CTPSCTSB, CTSD, CXADR, CXCR4, CXXC5, CXXC6, DAAMI, DCK, DDAHI, DDIT4, DDR1, DDX21, DDX39, DHTKDI, DLAT, DNAJAl, DNAJB11, DNAJC1, DNAJC10, DNAJC9, DNAJDl, DUSP10, DUSP24, DUSP6, DVL3, ELOVL6, EMEl, ENO1, ENPP4, EPS8, ETNK1, ETV6, Fl1R, FA2H, FABP5, FADS2, FAS, FBXO45, FBXO7, FLJ23091, FTL, FTLL1, FZD6,G1P2, GALNT2, GALNT4, GALNT7, GANAB, GART, GBAS, GCHFR, GCLC, GCLM, GCNT1, GFPT1, GGA2, GGH, GLUL, GMNN, GMPS, GPI, GPR56, GPR89, GPX1, GRB1O, GRHPR, GSPT1, GSR, GTPBP4, HDAC1, HDGF, HIG2, HMGB3, HPRT1, HPS5, HRMT1L2, HS2ST1, HSPA4, HSPA8, HSPB1, HSPCA, HSPCAL3, HSPCB, HSPD1, HSPE1, HSPH1, HTATIP2, HYOUl, ICMT, IDE, IDH2, IF127, IGFBP3, IGSF4, ILF2, INPP5F, INSIG1, KHSRP, KLF4, KMO, KPNA2, KTN1, LAP3, LASS2, LDHA, LDHB, LGR4, LPGAT1, LTB4DH, LYN, MAD2Ll, MADP-1, MAGEDI, MAK3, MALATI, MAP2K3, MAP2K6, MAP3K13, MAP4K4, MAPK13, MARCKS, MBTPS2, MCM4, MCTS1, MDHI, MDH2, MEl, ME2, METAP2, METTL2, MGAT4B, MKNK2. MLPH, MOBK1B, MOBKLlA, MSH2, MTHFD2, MUC1, MXT, MYCBP, NAJD1, NAT1, NBS1, NDFIP2, NEK6, NETl, NME1, NNT, NQO1, NRAS, NSE2, NUCKS, NUSAP1, NY-REN-41, ODC1, OLR1, P4HB, PAFAH1B1, PAICS, PANKI, PCIA1, PCNA, PCTK1, PDAP1, PDIA4, PDIA6, PDXK, PERP, PFKP, PFTK1, PGD, PGK1, PGM2Ll, PHCA, PKIG, PKM2, PKP4, PLA2G4A, PLCB1, PLCG2, PLD3, PLOD1, PLOD2, PMS2L3, PNK1, PNPT1, PON2, PP, PPIF, PPP1CA, PPP2R4, PPP3CA, PRCC, PRKD3, PRKDC, PRPSAP2, PSATL, PSENEN, PSMA2, PSMA5, PSMA7, PSMB3, PSMB4, PSMD14, PSMD2, PSMD3, PSMD4, PSMD8, PTGFRN, 35933761.DOC -186- WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

PTGS1, PTK9, PTPNl2, PTPN18, PTS, PYGB, RAB10, RAB11FIPl, RAB14, RAB31, RAB3IP, RACGAPI, RAN, RANBP1, RAP2B, RBBP4, RBBP7, RBBP8, RDH10, RFC3, RFC4, RFC5, RGS19IP1, RHOBTB3, RNASEH2A, RNGTT, RNPEP, ROBOl, RRAS2, SART2, SAT, SCAP2, SCD4, SDC2, SDC4, SEMA3F, SERPINE2, SFI1, SGPL1, SGPP1, SGPP2, SII3GLB2, SHC1, SMARCCI, SMC4Ll, SMC4L1, SMS, SNRPDL, SORD, SORLI, SPPI, SQLE, SRD5A1, SRD5A2L, SRM, SRPK1, SS18, SSBPI, SSR3, ST3GAL5, ST6GAL1, ST6GALNAC2, STX18, SULF2, SWAP70, TA-KRP, TALA, TBLIXR1, TFRC, TIAM1, TKT, TMPO, TNFAIP2, TNFSF9, TOX, TPD52, TPIl, TPP1, TRAl, TRIP13, TRPS1, TSPAN13, TSTA3, TXN, TXNL2, TXNL5, TXNRD1, UBAP2L, UBE2A, UBE2D2, UBE2Gl, UBE2V1, UCHL5, UGDH, UNC5CL, USP28, USP47, UTP14A, VDAC1, WIGI, YWHAB, YWHAE, YWHAZ, or a combination thereof 32. The method of claim 27 wherein said co-regulated genes include IGF1, IGF2, IGFR, EGFR, mdm2, Bcl2, ETS1, MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, uPA, DHFR, TYMS, NFKB, IKK, REL, RELA, RELB, IRAKI, VAV3, AURKA, ERBB3, MIF, VEGF, VEGFR, VEGFR2, CDK1, CDK2, CDK9, farnesyl transferase, UBE2S, or a combination thereof. 33. The method of claim 27 wherein the mRNA level of each co-regulated gene is measured. 34. The method of claim 33 wherein the mRNA level is measured using a polymerase chain reaction assay. 35. The method of claim 27 wherein said tissue sample is selected from the group consisting of tumor sample, hair, blood, cell, tissue, organ, brain tissue, blood, serum, sputum, saliva, plasma, nipple aspirant, synovial fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, sweat, urine, fecal matter, pancreatic fluid, trabecular fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, tears, bronchial lavage, swabbing, bronchial aspirant, semen, prostatic fluid, precervicular fluid, vaginal fluids, and pre-ejaculate. 36. The method of claim 27, wherein the disease is breast cancer, lung cancer, endometrial cancer or ovarian cancer. 37. The method of claim 36, wherein the breast cancer is triple-negative breast cancer. 38. A method of treating a patient with a disease susceptible to PARP modulator treatment, the method comprising: a. identifying a disease treatable with at least one PARP modulator, wherein the expression level of PARP in a sample from a patient with said disease is regulated in comparison to a reference sample; b. identifying at least one co-regulated gene in said sample in comparison to a reference sample; c. treating said patient with modulators to PARP and the co-regulated gene. 39. The method of claim 38, wherein said co-regulated gene includes a gene expressed in the PARP, IGF I receptor, or EGFR pathways. 40. The method of claim 38, wherein said co-regulated gene is IGF1, IGF2, IGFR, EGFR, mdm2, Bcl2, ETS1, MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, uPA, DHFR, TYMS, NFKB, IKK, REL, RELA, RELB, IRAK1, VAV3, AURKA, ERBB3, MIF, VEGF, VEGFR, VEGFR2, UBE2S, CDK1, CDK2, CDK9, farnesyl transferase, ABCCl, ABCC5, ABCD4, ACADM, ACLSL1, ACSL3, ACYIL2, ADM, ADRM1, AGPAT5, AHCY, AK3Ll, AK3L2, AKIIP, AKRlBl, AKRIC1, AKRTC2, AKRlC3, ALDH18Al, ALDOA, ALOX5, ALPL, 3593376_I.DOC -187- WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117


pancreas adenocarcinoma, islet cell tumor, rectum adenocarcinoma, gastrointestinal stromal tumor, stomach adenocarcinoma, adrenal cortical carcinoma, follicular carcinoma, papillary carcinoma, breast cancer, ductal carcinoma, lobular carcinoma, intraductal carcinoma, mucinous carcinoma, phyllodes tumor, Ewing's sarcoma, ovarian adenocarcinoma, endometrium adenocarcinoma, granulose cell tumor, mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, cervix adenocarcinoma, vulva squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, prostate adenocarcinoma, giant cell tumor of bone, bone osteosarcoma, larynx carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, kidney carcinoma, urinary bladder carcinoma, Wilm's tumor, and lymphoma. 44. The method of claim 38, wherein said expression level of PARP and said co-regulated genes are up-regulated and the treatment decision is to treat said disease with inhibitors to PARP and said co-regulated genes. 45. The method of claim 38, wherein said expression level of PARP and said co-regulated genes are down-regulated and the treatment decision is a decision to not treat said disease with inhibitors to PARP and said co-regulated genes. 46. The method of claim 38, wherein said PARP modulator is a PARP inhibitor. 47. The method of claim 46, wherein said PARP inhibitor is selected from the group consisting of benzamide, quinolone, isoquinolone, benzopyrone, cyclic benzamide, benzimidazole, indole, and pharmaceutically salts, solvates, isomers, tautomers, metabolites, analogs, or prodrugs thereof. 48. The method of claim 47, wherein said PARP inhibitor is 4-iodo, 3-nitro benzamide or a metabolite thereof. 49. A computer readable medium suitable for transmission of a result of an analysis of a plurality of samples from a population regarding a disease treatable with at least one PARP modulator and at least one modulator to at least one co-regulated gene; said information being derived by identifying a level of PARP and co-regulated genes in each of said plurality of samples, and making a decision based on said level of PARP and said level of co-regulated genes regarding treating said disease by said PARP modulator and said modulator to at least one co-regulated gene. 50. The method of claim 49 wherein at least one step is implemented with a computer. 51. A method of treating a disease, the method comprising: a. providing a plurality of samples from patients afflicted with said disease; b. identifying at least one gene regulated in each sample as compared to a reference sample; c. treating a patient with said disease with modulators to the identified regulated gene(s) and a PARP modulator. 52. The method of claim 51 wherein said regulated gene includes genes expressed in the PARP, IGFI receptor, or EGFR pathways. 53. The method of claim 51 wherein said PARP modulator is a PARP inhibitor. 54. The method of claim 53 wherein said PARP inhibitor is selected from the group consisting of benzamide, quinolone, isoquinolone, benzopyrone, cyclic benzamide, benzimidazole, indole and pharmaceutically salts, solvates, isomers, tautomers, metabolites, analogs, or prodrugs thereof 55. The method of claim 51 wherein said regulated gene includes IGF I, IGF2, IGFR, EGFR, mdm2, Bcl2, ETSl, MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, uPA, DHFR, TYMS, NFKB, IKK, REL, RELA, RELB, IRAKI, VAV3, AURKA, ERBB3, MIF, VEGF, VEGFR, VEGFR2, CDK1, CDK2, CDK9, farnesyl transferase, 3593376_l.DOC -189- WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117


57. The method of claim 51 wherein the mRNA level of each co-regulated gene is measured. 58. The method of claim 57 wherein the mRNA level is measured using a polymerase chain reaction assay. 59. The method of claim 51 wherein said tissue sample is selected from the group consisting of tumor sample, hair, blood, cell, tissue, organ, brain tissue, blood, serum, sputum, saliva, plasma, nipple aspirant, synovial fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, sweat, urine, fecal matter, pancreatic fluid, trabecular fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, tears, bronchial lavage, swabbing, bronchial aspirant, semen, prostatic fluid, precervicular fluid, vaginal fluids, and pre-ejaculate. 60. The method of claim 51, wherein the disease is breast cancer, lung cancer, endometrial cancer or ovarian cancer. 61. The method of claim 60, wherein the breast cancer is triple-negative breast cancer. 62. A method of treating a disease susceptible to PARP modulator treatment, the method comprising: a. identifying a disease treatable with at least one PARP modulator, wherein the expression level of PARP in a plurality of samples is regulated in comparison to a reference sample; b. identifying at least one co-regulated gene in said plurality of samples in comparison to a reference sample; c. treating a patient with said disease with modulators to PARP and the co-regulated gene. 63. The method of claim 62, wherein said co-regulated gene includes a gene expressed in the PARP, IGF1 receptor, or EGFR pathways. 64. The method of claim 62, wherein said co-regulated gene includes IGF1, IGF2, IGFR, EGFR, mdm2, Bcl2, ETS1, MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, uPA, DHFR, TYMS, NFKB, IKK, REL, RELA, RELB, IRAK1, VAV3, AURKA, ERBB3, MIF, VEGF, VEGFR, VEGFR2, CDK1, CDK2, CDK9, farnesyl transferase, UBE2S, ABCC1, ABCC5, ABCD4, ACADM, ACLSLI, ACSL3, ACY1L2, ADM, ADRMI, AGPAT5, AHCY, AK3L1, AK3L2, AKIIP, AKR1B1, AKR1C1, AKR1C2, AKRIC3, ALDH18Al, ALDOA, ALOX5, ALPL, ANP32E, AOF1, APG5L, ARFGEF1, ARL5, ARPP-19, ASPH, ATF5, ATF7IP, ATIC, ATPT IA, ATP 11C, ATPLA1, ATP1B1, ATP2A2, ATP5G3, ATP5J2, ATP6VOB, B3GNT1, B4GALT2, BACE2, BACH, BAG2, BASPI, BCAT1, BCL2L1, BCL6, BGN, BPNT1, ClQBP, CACNB3, CAMK2D, CAP2, CCAR1, CD109, CD24, CD44, CD47, CD58, CD74, CD83, CD9, CDCl4B, CDC42EP4, CDC5L, CDK4, CDK6, CDS1, CDW92, CEACAM6, CELSR2, CFLAR, CGI-90, CHST6, CHSY1, CKLFSF4, CKLFSF6, CKSTB, CMKORL, CNDP2, CPD, CPE, CPSF3, CPSF5, CPSF6, CPT1B, CRR9, CSH2, CSK, CSNK2A1, CSPG2, CTPSCTSB, CTSD, CXADR, CXCR4, CXXC5, CXXC6, DAAM1, DCK, DDAH1, DDIT4, DDRI, DDX21, DDX39, DHTKD1, DLAT, DNAJA1, DNAJB 11, DNAJC1, DNAJC10, DNAJC9, DNAJD1, DUSP10, DUSP24, DUSP6, DVL3, ELOVL6, EMEl, ENO1, ENPP4, EPS8, ETNK1, ETV6, F1 R, FA211, FABP5, FADS2, FAS, FBXO45, FBXO7, FLJ23091, FTL, FTLLI, FZD6,G1P2, GALNT2, GALNT4, GALNT7, GANAB, GART, GBAS, GCHFR, GCLC, GCLM, GCNTT, GFPTI, GGA2, GGH, GLUL, GMNN, GMPS, GPI, GPR56, GPR89, GPX1, GRBTO, GRHPR, GSPT1, GSR, GTPBP4, HDAC1, HDGF, HIG2, HMGB3, HPRT1, HPS5, HRMTTL2, HS2ST1, HSPA4, HSPA8, HSPB1, HSPCA, HSPCAL3, HSPCB, HSPD1, HSPE1, HSPH 1, HTATIP2, HYOU1, ICMT, IDE, IDH2, IF127, IGFBP3, IGSF4, ILF2, INPP5F, INSIG, KHSRP, KLF4, KMO, KPNA2, KTN1, LAP3, LASS2, LDHA, LDHB, LGR4, LPGAT1, LTB4DH, LYN, MAD2L1, MADP-1, MAGED1, MAK3, MALAT1, 3593376_1.DOC -191- WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

MAP2K3, MAP2K6, MAP3K13, MAP4K4, MAPK13, MARCKS, MBTPS2, MCM4, MCTSJ, MDH1, MDH2, ME1, ME2, METAP2, METTL2, MGAT4B, MKNK2. MLPH, MOBK1B, MOBKLLA, MSH2, MTHFD2, MUC1, MX1, MYCBP, NAJD1, NATI, NBSl, NDFIP2, NEK6, NETI, NME1, NNT, NQO1, NRAS, NSE2, NUCKS, NUSAP1, NY-REN-41, ODC1, OLR1, P4HB, PAFAH1B1, PAICS, PANKI, PCIA1, PCNA, PCTKl, PDAP1, PDIA4, PDIA6, PDXK, PERP, PFKP, PFTK1, PGD, PGK1, PGM2L1, PHCA, PKIG, PKM2, PKP4, PLA2G4A, PLCBl, PLCG2, PLD3, PLODI, PLOD2, PMS2L3, PNK1, PNPT1, PON2, PP, PPIF, PPP CA, PPP2R4, PPP3CA, PRCC, PRKD3, PRKDC, PRPSAP2, PSATI, PSENEN, PSMA2, PSMA5, PSMA7, PSMB3, PSMB4, PSMD14, PSMD2, PSMD3, PSMD4, PSMD8, PTGFRN, PTGS1, PTK9, PTPN12, PTPN18, PTS, PYGB, RAB1O, RAB l1FIP1, RAB14, RAB31, RAB3IP, RACGAP1, RAN, RANBP1, RAP2B, RBBP4, RBBP7, RBBP8, RDH10, RFC3, RFC4, RFC5, RGS19IP1, RHOBTB3, RNASEH2A, RNGTT, RNPEP, ROBOL, RRAS2, SART2, SAT, SCAP2, SCD4, SDC2, SDC4, SEMA3F, SERPINE2, SFI, SGPLI, SGPPI, SGPP2, SH3GLB2, SHC1, SMARCC1, SMC4L1, SMC4LL, SMS, SNRPD1, SORD, SORLI, SPPl, SQLE, SRD5A1, SRD5A2L, SRM, SRPK1, SS18, SSBP1, SSR3, ST3GALS, ST6GAL1, ST6GALNAC2, STX18, SULF2, SWAP70, TA-KRP, TALA, TBLIXR1, TFRC, TIAMI, TKT, TMPO, TNFAIP2, TNFSF9, TOX, TPD52, TPI1, TPP1, TRAIN, TRIP13, TRPS1, TSPAN13, TSTA3, TXN, TXNL2, TXNL5, TXNRD1, UBAP2L, UBE2A, UBE2D2, UBE2G1, UBE2V1, UCHL5, UGDH, UNC5CL, USP28, USP47, UTP14A, VDACI, WIGI, YWHAB, YWHAE, YWHAZ, or a combination thereof. 65. The method of claim 62 wherein said co-regulated gene includes IGFt, IGF2, IGFR, EGFR, mdm2, Bc2, ETS1, MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, uPA, DHFR, TYMS, NFKB, IKK, REL, RELA, RELB, IRAK1, VAV3, AURKA, ERBB3, MIF, VEGF, VEGFR, VEGFR2, CDK1, CDK2, CDK9, farnesyl transferase, UBE2S, or a combination thereof. 66. The method of claim 62, wherein said disease is a cancer. 67. The method of claim 66, wherein said cancer is selected from the group consisting of colon adenocarcinoma, esophageal adenocarcinoma, liver hepatocellular carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, pancreas adenocarcinoma, islet cell tumor, rectum adenocarcinoma, gastrointestinal stromal tumor, stomach adenocarcinoma, adrenal cortical carcinoma, follicular carcinoma, papillary carcinoma, breast cancer, ductal carcinoma, lobular carcinoma, intraductal carcinoma, mucinous carcinoma, phyllodes tumor, Ewing's sarcoma, ovarian adenocarcinoma, endometrium adenocarcinoma, granulose cell tumor, mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, cervix adenocarcinoma, vulva squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, prostate adenocarcinoma, giant cell tumor of bone, bone osteosarcoma, larynx carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, kidney carcinoma, urinary bladder carcinoma, Wilm's tumor, and lymphoma. 68. The method of claim 66, wherein said cancer is breast cancer, lung cancer, endometrial cancer or ovanan cancer. 69. The method of claim 68, wherein said breast cancer is triple negative cancer. 70. The method of claim 62, wherein said expression level of PARP and said co-regulated genes are up-regulated and the treatment decision is to treat said disease with inhibitors to PARP and said co-regulated genes.

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71. The method of claim 62, wherein said expression level of PARP and said co-regulated genes are down-regulated and the treatment decision is a decision to not treat said disease with inhibitors to PARP and said co-regulated genes. 72. The method of claim 62, wherein said PARP modulator is a PARP inhibitor. 73. The method of claim 70, wherein said PARP inhibitor is selected from the group consisting of benzamide, quinolone, isoquinolone, benzopyrone, cyclic benzamide, benzimidazole, indole, and pharmaceutically salts, solvates, isomers, tautomers, metabolites, analogs, or prodrugs thereof. 74. The method of claim 70, wherein said PARP inhibitor is 4-iodo, 3-nitro benzanide or a metabolite thereof. 75. A method of treating a cancer susceptible to PARP inhibitor treatment, the method comprising: a. identifying a cancer treatable with at least one PARP inhibitor, wherein the expression level of PARP in a plurality of cancer samples is up-regulated; b. identifying at least one co-upregulated gene in said plurality of samples; c. treating a patient with said cancer with inhibitors to PARP and the co-regulated gene. 76. The method of claim 75, wherein said co-regulated gene includes a gene expressed in the PARP, IGF1 receptor, or EGFR pathways. 77. The method of claim 75, wherein said co-regulated gene includes IGR, IGF2, IGFR, EGFR, mdm2, Bcl2, ETS1, MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, uPA, DHFR, TYMS, NFKB, IKK, REL, RELA, RELB, IRAK1, VAV3, AURKA, ERBB3, MIF, VEGF, VEGFR, VEGFR2, CDK1, CDK2, CDK9, famesyl transferase, UBE2S, ABCC1, ABCC5, ABCD4, ACADM, ACLSL1, ACSL3, ACY1L2, ADM, ADRM1, AGPAT5, AHCY, AK3L1, AK3L2, AKIIP, AKRlBI, AKRlCl, AKR1C2, AKRIC3, ALDH18AT, ALDOA, ALOX5, ALPL, ANP32E, AOF1, APGSL, ARFGEF1, ARL5, ARPP-19, ASPH, ATF5, ATF7IP, ATIC, ATP1IA, ATPl1C, ATPlAl, ATPlBl, ATP2A2, ATP5G3, ATP5J2, ATP6VOB, B3GNTI, B4GALT2, BACE2, BACH, BAG2, BASP1, BCAT1, BCL2L1, BCL6, BGN, BPNT1, C1QBP, CACNB3, CAMK2D, CAP2, CCAR1, CD109, CD24, CD44, CD47, CD58, CD74, CD83, CD9, CDC14B, CDC42EP4, CDC5L, CDK4, CDK6, CDS 1, CDW92, CEACAM6, CELSR2, CFLAR, CGI-90, CHST6, CHSY1, CKLFSF4, CKLFSF6, CKS 1B, CMKOR1, CNDP2, CPD, CPE, CPSF3, CPSF5, CPSF6, CPTIB, CRR9, CSH2, CSK, CSNK2AI, CSPG2, CTPSCTSB, CTSD, CXADR, CXCR4, CXXC5, CXXC6, DAAM1, DCK, DDAH1, DDIT4, DDRI, DDX21, DDX39, DHTKDI, DLAT, DNAJA1, DNAJBl1, DNAJCJ, DNAJC1O, DNAJC9, DNAJD1, DUSPlO, DUSP24, DUSP6, DVL3, ELOVL6, EMEI, ENO1, ENPP4, EPS8, ETNK1, ETV6, F11R, FA2H, FABP5, FADS2, FAS, FBXO45, FBXO7, FLJ23091, FTL, FTLL1, FZD6,GlP2, GALNT2, GALNT4, GALNT7, GANAB, GART, GBAS, GCHFR, GCLC, GCLM, GCNTI, GFPT1, GGA2, GGH, GLUL, GMNN, GMPS, GPI, GPR56, GPR89, GPXI, GRB10, GRHPR, GSPT1, GSR, GTPBP4, HDAC1, HDGF, HIG2, HMGB3, HPRT1, HPS5, HRMTIL2, HS2ST1, HSPA4, HSPA8, HSPB1, HSPCA, HSPCAL3, HSPCB, HSPD1, HSPEI, HSPH1, HTATIP2, HYOU1, ICMT, IDE, IDH2, IF127, IGFBP3, IGSF4, ILF2, INPP5F, 1NSIG1, KHSRP, KLF4, KMO, KPNA2, KTN1, LAP3, LASS2, LDHA, LDHB, LGR4, LPGAT1, LTB4DH, LYN, MAD2L1, MADP-1, MAGEDl, MAK3, MALAT1, MAP2K3, MAP2K6, MAP3K13, MAP4K4, MAPK13, MARCKS, MBTPS2, MCM4, MCTS1, MDH1, MDH2, MEl, ME2, METAP2, METTL2, MGAT4B, MKNK2. MLPH, MOBKIB, MOBKLlA, MSH2, MTHFD2, MUC1, MXl, MYCBP, NAJD1, NATI, NBS1, NDFIP2, NEK6, NET1, NMEI, NNT, NQO1, 35933761 .DOC -193- WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

NRAS, NSE2, NUCKS, NUSAP1, NY-REN-41, ODC1, OLR1, P4HB, PAFAHIBI, PAICS, PANK1, PCIA1, PCNA, PCTKI, PDAP1, PDIA4, PDIA6, PDXK, PERP, PFKP, PFTK1, PGD, PGKl, PGM2L1, PHCA, PKIG, PKM2, PKP4, PLA2G4A, PLCB1, PLCG2, PLD3, PLOD1, PLOD2, PMS2L3, PNK1, PNPT1, PON2, PP, PPIF, PPPCA, PPP2R4, PPP3CA, PRCC, PRKD3, PRKDC, PRPSAP2, PSAT1, PSENEN, PSMA2, PSMAS, PSMA7, PSMB3, PSMB4, PSMD14, PSMD2, PSMD3, PSMD4, PSMD8, PTGFRN, PTGS1, PTK9, PTPN12, PTPN1 8, PTS, PYGB, RAB1O, RAB1 1FIPI, RAB14, RAB31, RAB3IP, RACGAP1, RAN, RANBPL, RAP2B, RBBP4, RBBP7, RBBP8, RDH1O, RFC3, RFC4, RFC5, RGS19Il, RHOBTB3, RNASEH2A, RNGTT, RNPEP, ROBO1, RRAS2, SART2, SAT, SCAP2, SCD4, SDC2, SDC4, SEMA3F, SERP1NE2, SFI1, SGPL1, SGPPI, SGPP2, SH3GLB2, SHC1, SMARCC1, SMC4L1, SMC4L1, SMS, SNRPD1, SORD, SORLI, SPP1, SQLE, SRD5A1, SRD5A2L, SRM, SRPK1, SS18, SSBPl, SSR3, ST3GAL5, ST6GAL1, ST6GALNAC2, STX18, SULF2, SWAP70, TA-KRP, TALA, TBLlXRl, TFRC, TIAMI, TKT, TMPO, TNFAIP2, TNFSF9, TOX, TPD52, TPIl, TPPI, TRA1, TRIP13, TRPSI, TSPAN13, TSTA3, TXN, TXNL2, TXNL5, TXNRD1, UBAP2L, UBE2A, UBE2D2, UBE2G1, UBE2V1, UCHL5, UGDH, UNC5CL, USP28, USP47, UTP14A, VDAC1, WIGI, YWHAB, YWHAE, YWHAZ, or a combination thereof. 78. The method of claim 75 wherein said co-regulated gene includes IGF1, IGF2, IGFR, EGFR, mdm2, Bcl2, ETS1, MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, uPA, DHFR, TYMS, NFKB, IKK, REL, RELA, RELB, IRAK1, VAV3, AURKA, ERBB3, MIF, VEGF, VEGFR, VEGFR2, CDKI, CDK2, CDK9, farnesyl transferase, UBE2S, or a combination thereof. 79. The method of claim 75, wherein said cancer is selected from the group consisting of colon adenocarcinoma, esophageal adenocarcinoma, liver hepatocellular carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, pancreas adenocarcinoma, islet cell tumor, rectum adenocarcinoma, gastrointestinal stromal tumor, stomach adenocarcinoma, adrenal cortical carcinoma, follicular carcinoma, papillary carcinoma, breast cancer, ductal carcinoma, lobular carcinoma, intraductal carcinoma, mucinous carcinoma, phyllodes tumor, Ewing's sarcoma, ovarian adenocarcinoma, endometrium adenocarcinoma, granulose cell tumor, mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, cervix adenocarcinoma, vulva squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, prostate adenocarcinoma, giant cell tumor of bone, bone osteosarcoma, larynx carcinoma, lung adenocarcinoma, kidney carcinoma, urinary bladder carcinoma, Wilm's tumor, and lymphoma. 80. The method of claim 75, wherein said PARP inhibitor is selected from the group consisting of benzamide, quinolone, isoquinolone, benzopyrone, cyclic benzamide, benzimidazole, indole, and pharmaceutically salts, solvates, isomers, tautomers, metabolites, analogs, or prodrugs thereof. 81. The method of claim 75, wherein said PAR? inhibitor is 4-iodo, 3-nitro benzamide or a metabolite thereof. 82. A method of treating a breast cancer susceptible to PARP inhibitor treatment, the method comprising a. identifying a breast cancer treatable with at least one PARP inhibitor, wherein the expression level of PARP in a plurality of breast cancer samples is up-regulated; b. identifying at least one co-upregulated gene in said plurality of samples; c. treating a patient with said breast cancer with inhibitors to PARP and the co-regulated gene. 3593376_1.DOC -194- WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117


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UBE2VL, UCHL5, UGDH, UNC5CL, USP28, USP47, UTP14A, VDAC1, WIGI, YWHAB, YWHAE, YWHAZ, or a combination thereof 85. The method of claim 82 wherein said co-regulated gene includes IGF1, IGF2, IGFR, EGFR, mdm2, Bcl2, ETS1, MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, uPA, DHFR, TYMS, NFKB, IKK, REL, RELA, RELB, IRAKi, VAV3, AURKA, ERBB3, MIF, VEGF, VEGFR, VEGFR2, CDK1, CDK2, CDK9, farnesyl transferase, UBE2S, or a combination thereof. 86. The method of claim 82, wherein said breast cancer is selected from the group consisting of lymphomas, carcinomas, hormone-dependent tumors, small cell carcinoma, ductal carcinoma, infiltrating ductal carcinoma, infiltrating breast lobular carcinoma, infiltrating carcinoma of mixed ductal and lobular type and metastatic infiltrating ductal carcinoma. 87. The method of claim 82, wherein said breast cancer is triple negative cancer. 88. The method of claim 82, wherein said PARP inhibitor is selected from the group consisting of benzamide, quinolone, isoquinolone, benzopyrone, cyclic benzamide, benzimidazole, indole, and pharmaceutically salts, solvates, isomers, tautomers, metabolites, analogs, or prodrugs thereof 89. The method of claim 82, wherein said PARP inhibitor is 4-iodo, 3-nitro benzamide or a metabolite thereof. 90. A method of treating a lung cancer susceptible to PARP inhibitor treatment, the method comprising: a. identifying a lung cancer treatable with at least one PARP inhibitor, wherein the expression level of PARP in a plurality of lung cancer samples is up-regulated; b. identifying at least one co-upregulated gene in said plurality of samples; c. treating a patient with said lung cancer with inhibitors to PARP and the co-regulated gene. 91. The method of claim 90, wherein said co-regulated gene includes a gene expressed in the PARP, IGM receptor, or EGFR pathways. 92. The method of claim 90, wherein said co-regulated gene includes IGF I, IGF2, IGFR, EGFR, mdm2, Bcl2, ETS1, MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, uPA, DHFR, TYMS, NFKB, IKK, REL, RELA, RELB, IRAKI, VAV3, AURKA, ERBB3, MIF, VEGF, VEGFR, VEGFR2, CDK1, CDK2, CDK9, farnesyl transferase, UBE2S, ABCC1, ABCC5, ABCD4, ACADM, ACLSLL, ACSL3, ACY1L2, ADM, ADRMI, AGPAT5, AHCY, AK3L1, AK3L2, AKIIP, AKR1Bt, AKR1C1, AKRlC2, AKR1C3, ALDH18A1, ALDOA, ALOX5, ALPL, ANP32E, AOF1, APG5L, ARFGEF1, ARL5, ARPP-19, ASPH, ATF5, ATF7IP, ATIC, ATP1 1A, ATP11C, ATPlAl, ATP1B1, ATP2A2, ATP5G3, ATP5J2, ATP6VOB, B3GNT1, B4GALT2, BACE2, BACH, BAG2, BASP1, BCAT1, BCL2L1, BCL6, BGN, BPNT1, ClQBP, CACNB3, CAMK2D, CAP2, CCAR1, CD109, CD24, CD44, CD47, CD58, CD74, CD83, CD9, CDC14B, CDC42EP4, CDC5L, CDK4, CDK6, CDS1, CDW92, CEACAM6, CELSR2, CFLAR, CGI-90, CHST6, CHSYI, CKLFSF4, CKLFSF6, CKSIB, CMKOR1, CNDP2, CPD, CPE, CPSF3, CPSF5, CPSF6, CPTlB, CRR9, CSH2, CSK, CSNK2A1, CSPG2, CTPSCTSB, CTSD, CXADR, CXCR4, CXXC5, CXXC6, DAAM1, DCK, DDAH1, DDIT4, DDR1, DDX21, DDX39, DHTKDI, DLAT, DNAJAl, DNAJB11, DNAJC1, DNAJC10, DNAJC9, DNAJD1, DUSP10, DUSP24, DUSP6, DVL3, ELOVL6, EMEI, ENOl, ENPP4, EPS8, ETNK1, ETV6, F11R, FA2H, FABP5, FADS2, FAS, FBXO45, FBXO7, FLJ23091, FTL, FTLL1, FZD6,GlP2, GALNT2, GALNT4, GALNT7, GANAB, GART, GBAS, GCHFR, GCLC, GCLM, GCNTl, 3593376_1.DOC -196- WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

GFPT1, GGA2, GGH, GLUL, GMNN, GMPS, GPI, GPR56, GPR89, GPX1, GRBlO, GRHPR, GSPT1, GSR, GTPBP4, HDACI, HDGF, HIG2, HMGB3, HPRT1, HPS5, HRMTIL2, HS2STl, HSPA4, HSPA8, HSPB1, HSPCA, HSPCAL3, HSPCB, HSPD1, HSPEl, HSPH1, HTATIP2, HYOU1, ICMT, IDE, IDH2, IFI27, IGFBP3, IGSF4, ILF2, INPP5F, INSIGI, KHSRP, KLF4, KMO, KPNA2, KTNT, LAP3, LASS2, LDHA, LDHB, LGR4, LPGAT1, LTB4DH, LYN, MAD2Ll, MADP-I, MAGED1, MAK3, MALATI, MAP2K3, MAP2K6, MAP3K13, MAP4K4, MAPK13, MARCKS, MBTPS2, MCM4, MCTS1, MDH1, MDH2, MEl, ME2, METAP2, METTL2, MGAT4B, MKNK2. MLPH, MOBKlB, MOBKL1A, MSH2, MTHFD2, MUC1, MXl, MYCBP, NAJD1, NAT1, NBS1, NDFIP2, NEK6, NETI, NME1, NNT, NQO1, NRAS, NSE2, NUCKS, NUSAP1, NY-REN-41, ODCi, OLRl, P4HB, PAFAHIBI, PAICS, PANKI, PCIAl, PCNA, PCTK1, PDAP1, PDLA4, PDIA6, PDXK, PERP, PFKP, PFTK1, PGD, PGKi, PGM2LJ, PHCA, PKIG, PKM2, PKP4, PLA2G4A, PLCB1, PLCG2, PLD3, PLOD1, PLOD2, PMS2L3, PNK1, PNPTl, PON2, PP, PPIF, PPP1CA, PPP2R4, PPP3CA, PRCC, PRKD3, PRKDC, PRPSAP2, PSATI, PSENEN, PSMA2, PSMA5, PSMA7, PSMB3, PSMB4, PSMD14, PSMD2, PSMD3, PSMD4, PSMD8, PTGFRN, PTGS1, PTK9, PTPNl2, PTPN18, PTS, PYGB, RABi, RABh1FIPI, RAB14, RAB31, RAB3IP, RACGAPI, RAN, RANBP1, RAP2B, RBBP4, RBBP7, RBBP8, RDH1O, RFC3, RFC4, RFC5, RGSI9IP1, RHOBTB3, RNASEH2A, RNGTT, RNPEP, ROBO1, RRAS2, SART2, SAT, SCAP2, SCD4, SDC2, SDC4, SEMA3F, SERPINE2, SFI1, SGPLI, SGPPI, SGPP2, SH3GLB2, SHCI, SMARCC1, SMC4LI, SMC4LI, SMS, SNRPDT, SORD, SORLI, SPP1, SQLE, SRD5Al, SRD5A2L, SRM, SRPK1, SS18, SSBPT, SSR3, ST3GAL5, ST6GAL1, ST6GALNAC2, STX18, SULF2, SWAP70, TA-KRP, TALA, TBLTXR1, TFRC, TIAMI, TKT, TMPO, TNFAIP2, TNFSF9, TOX, TPD52, TPI1, TPP1, TRAl, TRIP13, TRPSI, TSPAN13, TSTA3, TXN, TXNL2, TXNLS, TXNRD1, UBAP2L, UBE2A, UBE2D2, UBE2G1, UBE2VI, UCHL5, UGDH, UNC5CL, USP28, USP47, UTP14A, VDAC1, WIGI, YWHAB, YWHAE, YWHAZ, or a combination thereof. 93. The method of claim 90 wherein said co-regulated gene includes IGF1, IGF2, IGFR, EGFR, mdm2, Bcl2, ETS1, MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, uPA, DHFR, TYMS, NFKB, IKK, REL, RELA, RELB, IRAK1, VAV3, AURKA, ERBB3, MIF, VEGF, VEGFR, VEGFR2, CDKI, CDK2, CDK9, farnesyl transferase, UBE2S, or a combination thereof 94. The method of claim 90, wherein said lung cancer is selected from the group consisting of lung adenocarcinoma, small cell carcinoma, non-small cell carcinomas, squamous cell carcinoma and large cell carcinoma. 95. The method of claim 90, wherein said PARP inhibitor is selected from the group consisting of benzamide, quinolone, isoquinolone, benzopyrone, cyclic benzamide, benzimidazole, indole, and pharmaceutically salts, solvates, isomers, tautomers, metabolites, analogs, or prodrugs thereof. 96. The method of claim 90, wherein said PARP inhibitor is 4-iodo, 3-nitro benzamide or a metabolite thereof 97. A method of treating an endometrial cancer susceptible to PARP inhibitor treatment, the method comprising: a. identifying an endometrial cancer treatable with at least one PARP inhibitor, wherein the expression level of PARP in a plurality of endomterial cancer samples is up-regulated; b. identifying at least one co-upregulated gene in said plurality of samples; 3593376_1.DOC -197- WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117


UBE2V1, UCHL5, UGDH, UNC5CL, USP28, USP47, UTP14A, VDAC1, WIGI, YWHAB, YWHAE, YWHAZ, or a combination thereof 100. The method of claim 97 wherein said co-regulated gene includes 1GF1, IGF2, IGFR, EGFR, mdm2, Bcl2, ETS1, MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, uPA, DHFR, TYMS, NFKB, IKK, REL, RELA, RELB, IRAK1, VAV3, AURKA, ERBB3, MIF, VEGF, VEGFR, VEGFR2, CDKl, CDK2, CDK9, farnesyl transferase, UBE2S, or a combination thereof. 101. The method of claim 97, wherein said endometrial cancer is selected from the group consisting of endometrium adenocarcinoma, cervix adenocarcinoma, vulva squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, uterine cancers, carcinomas and lymphomas. 102. The method of claim 97, wherein said PARP inhibitor is selected from the group consisting of benzamide, quinolone, isoquinolone, benzopyrone, cyclic benzamide, benzimidazole, indole, and pharmaceutically salts, solvates, isomers, tautomers, metabolites, analogs, or prodrugs thereof. 103. The method of claim 97, wherein said PARP inhibitor is 4-iodo, 3-nitro benzamide or a metabolite thereof 104. A method of treating an ovarian cancer susceptible to PARP inhibitor treatment, the method comprising: a. identifying an ovarian cancer treatable with at least one PARP inhibitor, wherein the expression level of PARP in a plurality of ovarian cancer samples is up-regulated; b. identifying at least one co-upregulated gene in said plurality of samples; c. treating said patient with inhibitors to PARP and the co-regulated gene. 105. The method of claim 104, wherein said co-regulated gene includes a gene expressed in the PARP, IGF1 receptor, or EGFR pathways. 106. The method of claim 104, wherein said co-regulated gene includes IGFI, IGF2, IGFR, EGFR, mdm2, Bcl2, ETS1, MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, uPA, DHFR, TYMS, NFKB, IKK, REL, RELA, RELB, IRAK1, VAV3, AURKA, ERBB3, MIF, VEGF, VEGFR, VEGFR2, CDK1, CDK2, CDK9, farnesyl transferase, UBE2S, ABCC1, ABCC5, ABCD4, ACADM, ACLSL1, ACSL3, ACY1L2, ADM, ADRM1, AGPATS, AHCY, AK3L1, AK3L2, AKIIP, AKR1B1, AKRIC1, AKR1C2, AKR1C3, ALDH18AJ, ALDOA, ALOX5, ALPL, ANP32E, AOF1, APG5L, ARFGEF1, ARL5, ARPP-19, ASPH, ATF5, ATF7IP, ATIC, ATP IA, ATP1 IC, ATP1 Al, ATP1B1, ATP2A2, ATP5G3, ATP5J2, ATP6VOB, B3GNT1, B4GALT2, BACE2, BACH, BAG2, BASP1, BCAT1, BCL2L1, BCL6, BGN, BPNT1, C1QBP, CACNB3, CAMK2D, CAP2, CCARl, CD109, CD24, CD44, CD47, CD58, CD74, CD83, CD9, CDC14B, CDC42EP4, CDC5L, CDK4, CDK6, CDS1, CDW92, CEACAM6, CELSR2, CFLAR, CGI-90, CHST6, CHSYI, CKLFSF4, CKLFSF6, CKS1B, CMKOR1, CNDP2, CPD, CPE, CPSF3, CPSF5, CPSF6, CPTLB, CRR9, CSH2, CSK, CSNK2A1, CSPG2, CTPSCTSB, CTSD, CXADR, CXCR4, CXXC5, CXXC6, DAAM1, DCK, DDAH1, DDIT4, DDR1, DDX21, DDX39, DHTKD1, DLAT, DNAJA1, DNAJB11, DNAJC1, DNAJC1O, DNAJC9, DNAJD1, DUSP1O, DUSP24, DUSP6, DVL3, ELOVL6, EME1, ENO1, ENPP4, EPS8, ETNK1, ETV6, FIIR, FA2H, FABP5, FADS2, FAS, FBXO45, FBXO7, FLJ23091, FTL, FTLL1, FZD6,GlP2, GALNT2, GALNT4, GALNT7, GANAB, GART, GBAS, GCHFR, GCLC, GCLM, GCNTI, GFPT1, GGA2, GGH, GLUL, GMNN, GMPS, GPI, GPR56, GPR89, GPX1, GRB1O, GRIHPR, GSPT1, GSR, GTPBP4, HDACI, HDGF, HIG2, HMGB3, HPRT1, HPS5, HRMT1L2, HS2ST1, HSPA4, HSPA8, 3593376_l.DOC -199- WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

HSPBl, HSPCA, HSPCAL3, HSPCB, HSPDI, HSPE1, HSPH1, HTATIP2, HYOU1, ICMT, IDE, IDH2, IFI27, IGFBP3, IGSF4, ILF2, 1NPP5F, INSIGI, KHSRP, KLF4, KMO, KPNA2, KTNI, LAP3, LASS2, LDHA, LDHB, LGR4, LPGAT1, LTB4DH, LYN, MAD2Ll, MADP-l, MAGED1, MAK3, MALATI, MAP2K3, MAP2K6, MAP3K13, MAP4K4, MAPK13, MARCKS, MBTPS2, MCM4, MCTS1, MDHi, MDH2, MEl, ME2, METAP2, METTL2, MGAT4B, MKNK2. MLPH, MOBK1B, MOBKLIA, MSH2, MTHFD2, MUC1, MX1, MYCBP, NAJD1, NATI, NBS1, NDFIP2, NEK6, NETI, NMEI, NNT, NQO1, NRAS, NSE2, NUCKS, NUSAPI, NY-REN-41, ODCI, OLR1, P4HB, PAFAHIBI, PAICS, PANK1, PCIA1, PCNA, PCTKI, PDAP1, PDIA4, PDIA6, PDXK, PERP, PFKP, PFTK1, PGD, PGK1, PGM2LI, PHCA, PKIG, PKM2, PKP4, PLA2G4A, PLCB1, PLCG2, PLD3, PLOD1, PLOD2, PMS2L3, PNK1, PNPT1, PON2, PP, PPIF, PPP1CA, PPP2R4, PPP3CA, PRCC, PRKD3, PRKDC, PRPSAP2, PSATI, PSENEN, PSMA2, PSMA5, PSMA7, PSMB3, PSMB4, PSMD14, PSMD2, PSMD3, PSMD4, PSMD8, PTGFRN, PTGS1, PTK9, PTPN12, PTPN18, PTS, PYGB, RAB10, RABI1FIPI, RAB14, RAB31, RAB3IP, RACGAP1, RAN, RANBP1, RAP2B, RBBP4, RBBP7, RBBP8, RDH10, RFC3, RFC4, RFC5, RGS]191P1, RHOBTB3, RNASEH2A, RNGTT, RNPEP, ROBO1, RRAS2, SART2, SAT, SCAP2, SCD4, SDC2, SDC4, SEMA3F, SERPINE2, SFI1, SGPLI, SGPPi, SGPP2, SH3GLB2, SHCl, SMARCC1, SMC4LI, SMC4LI, SMS, SNRPD1, SORD, SORLI, SPPI, SQLE, SRD5A1, SRD5A2L, SRM, SRPK1, SS18, SSBP1, SSR3, ST3GAL5, ST6GAL1, ST6GALNAC2, STX18, SULF2, SWAP70, TA-KRP, TALA, TBLIXR1, TFRC, TIAMI, TKT, TMPO, TNFAIP2, TNFSF9, TOX, TPD52, TPII, TPPl, TRAl, TRIP13, TRPSl, TSPAN13, TSTA3, TXN, TXNL2, TXNL5, TXNRD1, UBAP2L, UBE2A, UBE2D2, UBE2G1, UBE2Vl, UCHL5, UGDH, UNC5CL, USP28, USP47, UTP14A, VDACl, WIGI, YWHAB, YWHAE, YWHAZ, or a combination thereof. 107. The method of claim 104 wherein said co-regulated gene includes IGF1, IGF2, IGFR, EGFR, mdm2, Bcl2, ETS1, MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, uPA, DHFR, TYMS, NFKB, IKK, REL, RELA, RELB, IRAKI, VAV3, AURKA, ERBB3, MlF, VEGF, VEGFR, VEGFR2, CDKl, CDK2, CDK9, farnesyl transferase, UBE2S, or a combination thereof. 108. The method of claim 104, wherein said ovarian cancer is selected from the group consisting of lymphomas, carcinomas, hormone-dependent tumors, follicular carcinoma, ovarian adenocarcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, and solid tumors of the ovarian follicle. 109. The method of claim 104, wherein said PARP inhibitor is selected from the group consisting of benzamide, quinolone, isoquinolone, benzopyrone, cyclic benzamide, benzimidazole, indole, and pharmaceutically salts, solvates, isomers, tautomers, metabolites, analogs, or prodrugs thereof 110. The method of claim 104, wherein said PARP inhibitor is 4-iodo, 3-nitro benzamide or a metabolite thereof. 111. A kit for diagnosing or staging a disease, the kit comprising: a. means for measuring expression level of PARP in a tissue sample; b. means for measuring expression level of genes previously identified as co-regulated with PARP; and c. comparing said expression levels of PARP and co-regulated genes to a reference sample, wherein the level of expression as compared to the reference sample is indicative of the presence of disease or the disease stage. 3593376_1.DOC -200- WO 2009/100159 PCT/US2009/033117

112. The kit of claim 111, wherein the up-regulation of PARP is indicative of the presence of disease. 113. The kit of claim 111, wherein the up-regulation of PARP and at least one co-regulated gene is indicative of the presence of disease. 114. The kit of claim 111, wherein the tissue sample is sample is selected from the group consisting of tumor sample, hair, blood, cell, tissue, organ, brain tissue, blood, serum, sputum, saliva, plasma, nipple aspirant, synovial fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, sweat, urine, fecal matter, pancreatic fluid, trabecular fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, tears, bronchial lavage, swabbing, bronchial aspirant, semen, prostatic fluid, precervicular fluid, vaginal fluids, and pre-ejaculate. 115. The kit of claim 111, wherein the mRNA level of each co-regulated gene is measured. 116. The kit of claim 111, wherein the mRNA level is measured using a polymerase chain reaction assay. 117. A kit for treatment of a disease susceptible to a PARP inhibitor, the kit comprising: a. means for measuring expression level of PARP in a tissue sample, wherein an increase in expression level of PARP in comparison to a reference sample is indicative of a disease susceptible to a PARP inhibitor; b. means for measuring expression level of genes previously identified as co-regulated with PARP, wherein an increase in the expression of said co-regulated genes is indicative of a use of an inhibitor to said co-regulated gene in the treatment of said disease; and c. inhibitors to PARP and said co-regulated genes for treatment of said disease. 118. The kit of claim 117 wherein the tissue sample is sample is selected from the group consisting of tumor sample, hair, blood, cell, tissue, organ, brain tissue, blood, serum, sputum, saliva, plasma, nipple aspirant, synovial fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, sweat, urine, fecal matter, pancreatic fluid, trabecular fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, tears, bronchial lavage, swabbing, bronchial aspirant, semen, prostatic fluid, precervicular fluid, vaginal fluids, and pre-ejaculate. 119. The kit of claim 117, wherein the mRNA level of each co-regulated gene is measured. 120. The kit of claim 117, wherein the mRNA level is measured using a polymerase chain reaction assay. 121. The kit of claim 117, wherein said PARP inhibitor is selected from the group consisting of benzamide, quinolone, isoquinolone, benzopyrone, cyclic benzamide, benzimidazole, indole, and pharmaceutically salts, solvates, isomers, tautomers, metabolites, analogs, or prodrugs thereof. 122. The kit of claim 117, wherein said PARP inhibitor is 4-iodo, 3-nitro benzamide or a metabolite thereof.
