The Ledger and Times, April 17, 1957

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The Ledger and Times, April 17, 1957 Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 4-17-1957 The Ledger and Times, April 17, 1957 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, April 17, 1957" (1957). The Ledger & Times. 2990. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • ••• ' •— Ye.. • • 16, 1957 • Selected As A Best All Round Kentucky Community Newspaper Largest Circulation In First ... The City • with; _ • Largest Local News Circulation In and •- The County ,t - Local Pictures United Pies'• IN OUR 78th YEAR . Murray, Ky., Wednesday Afternoon, April 17, 1957 MURRAY POPULATION 10.100 Vol. LXXVIII No. 92 'DYNAMITE PLOT REVEALED 1W HEARING- u U.S, Could Go To Aid Of Western, Louisville Divorcee rfells ii How • May Suspend Games Teamster )ordan If They Are Attacked BOWLING GREEN I.PR —West- ern Kentucks State College ath- Friends Sought To Wreck Job letic officials Tuesday suggest- By DONALD J. GONZALES on tolls, insulation of the canal's ed that "all existing athletic By HERBERT FOSTER men involved in the blast as United Press Staff Correspondent operation "from the politics of agreements" with-the University and JOHN A. GOLDSMITH they told how union officials WASHINGTON 8ff — President any country," and •opening of of Louisville be suspended until 4 United Press Staff Cor:respendents ordered the job' sabotagial. Eisenhower said today the United the waterway to ships of all the schools can get together WASHINGTON tP — The comMittee Tuesday had States could go to Jordan's as- nations. again in all sports. A tiny brunette divorcee, heard testimony about strong-arm sistance if ie becomes a victim The President said sone prog- A telegram from L. T. Smith, her -laughter tinkling as she viUlence against non-union work- aggression. ress has been made; he has not chairman of the Western athletic hew her Teamster Unisn friends men and employes in the Scran- )The President also told his given up hope of an agreement. committee, withdrew the Hill- hurled stink bombs, said ton area, rigged tetiion elections, news conference the United States but the United States might toppers from the Bluegrass Holi- today she tape-recorded details of and sabotage 'up to and including may have to go „before the have to go back to the Security day Festival Basketball Tourna- a dyna- mite_ plot against *non-union dynsmiting , United Nations Security Council Council. ment at Louisville in December. a construction job in Scranton, Pa. Chailenge. AFL-CIO to report on the stalled Suez It also announced "Western's The .witness, Mrs. Helen Can- In advance of today's testi- Canal rlegotiations. But he added acceptance of a bid 'to the eight- Robert Strom Wins teal field, 6, told the Senate Labor mony, the committee challenged that this 7-government has not All - College Tournament at Rackelrai.Committee that the tapes the AFL-CIO"- to make good given up hope that an agreement Third ;64,000 Oklahoma City. The captured eenversations of two on its pledge to clean out union with Egypt can be reached. action was brought on by UL's refusal last officials convicted of wrong do- Eisenhower said the United ,NEW YORK 9ff — Robert THE HONOR GUARD of the Kentucky Youth Assembly is shown here with Gov- week to enter the Bluegrass if ing. States has two ways of helping Strom. 10-year old science whiz. ernor A. B. Chandler at the 1957 session of the- Assembly held in Frankfort April Western was to participate. Studebaker Signs Mrs. Canfield, adelicately-btlilt lirdan if it is attacked. set another all-time TV quiz 1, 2, 3. Miss Betsy Howton, extreme left, and Mitt Miller, extreme right, both of Morton Walker, chairman of beauty with aAigh voice, said 'First, he said, a Big Three show record Tuesday night when Murray High School represented Agreement With • the-Eitst District. the UL Athletic Board, said the rshe cautioufriY made the- tape • agreement of May. 1950, provides he ran his winnings ,to $192.000. Cardinals have an understanding Foreign- Make Cars recordings,lifter her friend Paul for action in event any Middle The fifth grade student bower- with each other state Bradshaw, one-time minor of- Ea'st nation, is the victim of ed through a three-part series Postal Service Cuts schools that Louisville would not be a Grayson McClure and Purdom ficial of the Teamster Union in sggression and this could apply of questions on various aspects. Being MSC Diamond Squad To Open party to any tournament at Parks, owners of Midway Motors. Scranton, was selected to "take in an Israeli-Arab dispute. of science on the CBS-TV show Revoked .I.ouisville including only one of local Studebaker dealers, receiv- the rap" for the dynamiting. Second. the Middle East doc- "The $64,000 Question." He gets ed WASHINGTON RI+ — Govern- them. a telegram yesterday from Bradshaw, a stocky professional trine resolution approved by Con- a chance next week to pursue their ment cuts in postal service were ome Season Here Thursday_ Morton said .he. regretted that company which stated that boxer, has testified that _ _Kress. he, said._Pertnita the JJ.nie hie. chase of more than a quarter partly revoked misunderstanding with West- Studebaker - Packard, -Curtiss - prgsidelif -151-1.fiESCFaiii.O-n-laiiila-- States to go to the aid of any of a million dollars. -- teday. But the public won't see much effort emn had reached its present stage Wright and Diamler - Benz have ing Trades Council, Joseph Bar- nation attacked by Communist "It's up to the boss whether Murray State and McKendree, first leg of a until Saturday when mail will Southern invasion. and added, "I'm am trying to get signed an agreement providing tell, ordered the house damaged ilasgression. I can go on," said Rob with each having in common a variety They have a 2-2 lbe delivered again and post record, this the Athletic Board together for a fully integrated program but had Warned against. use of The United States, he said, some detachment after the show. postponed games, attempt year, be of will spliting a double ,header Wednesday for a meeting." of engineering, production, sales dynamite. guided by either of "Who's the offices will open as usual. would be boss' The boss is to open the Racers home session with Rose Poly last Saturday Cardinal Coach Bernard Peck and service of automobile sehicle. Mrs. Canfield recalled how these two pronouncements. The Mom." Post office windows were kept Thorobred Park Thursday while the locals are 0-2. Hickman said he would like to automotive, marine'and industrial Hobert Hubstunan. identified President. however, did not voice The boss. on Mrs. Beatrice Strom their reduced 81,2-hour daily afffrnooni in an intercollegiate The invaders will bring a 17 see Western and UL meet once gasoline- and diesel engines, and Tuesday as a teamster muscle concern that iggression is of the any Bronx, N. Y.. shrugged. brhedule except that regional baseball game. man squad including' 2 catchers. or twice a year in basketball at diesel and gasoline fuel injection -(Colitiiinued on Page Foer) "Rob imminent is bearing up fine. Me . postal officials were given lee- The visiting Bearcats which 4 infielders, 4 outfielders and 7 Freedom Hall at the State Fair- systems. Suez. the President said On well, the show isn't so had. It's way to make some upward ad- like Murray, has had four games pitchers. Several are veterans of grounds. All of. these companys have ..SW.4s has insisted the United. what Roes on in between shows. justments in hours if local need canceled because of rain and last year's club which had a 20- Hickman added. "They could for . years been associan with French Writer negotiations with Egypt in its Reporters at the door, 'Reporters could be shown. cold weather.. will be in the 4 record. McKendree, located in use one game as their home quality precision manufacture and' operated in Slowly Recovering that the canal be at the phone. Lebaeon. III., won the Prairie game and we the other. Or we high pcsf.smsnse principles ap- The reduction in business area `cnti with the six "Why the girls are even mail- Ciellege Conference the last three could split the house down the In netemelance with deliveries from three to two a The agree- PARTS TP —Wrftei- Trancniss /Roved by the U. N. Security ing in cheesecake shots to Rob L. L. Dunn, Sr. Has seasons. Their coach is Dr. James middle for both." ment these foreign day also was kept in effect. products will Sagan is -steadily recoverinr Council last October. These in- from all over the country!" E. Collie, a graduate Serious of Murray be sold in the United States, from the .critical injuries suf- cluded provision for agreement Young Strom. natty in a strip- Operation '44.State. Postmaster General Arthur E. Canada. Mexico 'and Cuba. fered Sunday in. the crash of ed jacket, waltzed through a IStudebaker Summerfield ordered restoration A prominent bank executive When; asked for a statement, will now make one of her sports cars, 'doctors three-part question on his 10th Insurance School available to its of Saturday service And revoca- underwent an operation in Mem- Dr. Collie said "the team is not dealers a full said today.
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    Official Game Information Yankee Stadium • One East 161st Street • Bronx, NY 10451 Phone: (718) 579-4460 • E-mail: [email protected] • Twitter: @yankeespr & @losyankeespr World Series Champions: 1923, ’27-28, ’32, ’36-39, ’41, ’43, ’47, ’49-53, ’56, ’58, ’61-62, ’77-78, ’96, ’98-2000, ’09 YANKEES BY THE NUMBERS NOTE 2014 (2013) New YORK Yankees (35-31) at OAKLAND ATHLETICS (40-27) Standing in AL East: .............2nd, -3.5 Current Streak: .....................Won 4 RHP Hiroki Kuroda (4-4, 4.12) vs. LHP Scott Kazmir (7-2, 2.20) Home Record: .............13-16 (46-35) Road Record:. 22-15 (44-37) Saturday, June 14, 2014 • Coliseum • 10:05 P.M. ET Day Record: ..................15-7 (32-24) Night Record: ..............20-24 (53-53) Game #67 • Road Game #38 • TV: YES • Radio: WFAN 660AM/101.9FM Pre-All-Star .................35-31 (51-44) Post-All-Star ...................0-0 (34-33) vs. AL East: .................. 11-9 (37-39) AT A GLANCE: Tonight the Yankees play the second game of CENTER OF ATTENTION: CF Jacoby Ellsbury has a 17-game vs. AL Central: ................ 4-6 (22-11) a three-game series at Oakland after Friday’s 7-0 win… are 5-2 hitting streak since 5/26, marking the longest by a Yankee since vs. AL West: ................. 10-9 (17-16) thus far on their current nine-game road trip… began the trip Derek Jeter’s 19G hitting streak from 9/4-25/12…is the longest vs. National League: ..........10-7 (9-11) vs. RH starters: ............. 22-21 (53-54) 1-2 at Kansas City (with a rainout on 6/9), swept three games at active streak in the Majors and tied with three others for the vs.
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