University Lecturer, Institute for Global Development and Planning/ Pedagogical Development Centre Born: 1950 Nationality: Norwegian

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University Lecturer, Institute for Global Development and Planning/ Pedagogical Development Centre Born: 1950 Nationality: Norwegian CV Sven Åke Bjørke University lecturer, Institute for global development and planning/ Pedagogical Development Centre Born: 1950 Nationality: Norwegian Education: 2005: MA in Online and Distance Education. Open University, UK. 1994: Approved as Jurist-linguist, EU commission. 1992: Cand jur. Lawyer. (Norwegian degree between MA and PhD levels), University of Oslo. Special subjects: Environmental law, international law. 1987: Degree in French, Univ. of Oslo/ Univ. of Caen. 1985: Diploma in accounting for lawyers. Univ. of Oslo. 1985: Phonetics and linguistics. Univ. of Oslo 1973: "B.Sc." in Biology, Univ. of Gothenburg. 1972: Ex. Philosophicum. Univ. i Oslo 1971: Teachers Training Diploma ("B.A".). Teaching methodology and pedagogy. Main subject: Science. Sagene teachers training college, Oslo. 2001:Pedagogy in Open learning 1 ICT-pedagogy, (Network University, Norway). Student folder 2002:Pedagogy in Open learning 2 ICT-pedagogy, (Network University, Norway). Student folder 2003:Certificate in Applications of Information Technology in Open and Distance Education. (60 credits) Open University, UK 2004: Diploma in "Distributed and Flexible learning". (60 credits) Open University, UK: H805 MA. 2004: Diploma in University pedagogy at the Agder University College. 2005: Implementing Online and Open Learning (60 credits), Open University, UK. H804 MA MA thesis on Quality assurance and student support systems in higher education Professional Background: Lecturer at Centre for Development Studies and Pedagogical Development Centre (PULS), University of Agder 2009, teaching sustainable development and e-pedagogy - ( ) Board member of the Norwegian Network University 2008-2012 ( ) Member of the Learning Arena 2020 advisory board, UiA Awarded the TISIP prize for innovative E-pedagogy 2008 ( ) Development manager, E-course designer at UNU/Global Virtual University 2003 – 2008 Editor of “The E-learner”, UNU/Global Virtual University 2003-2008. Information officer at UNEP/GRID-Arendal, 2002 - 2008 ( Lecturer at Centre for Development Studies, University of Agder, 2005- Participant in the model for a Networked European University (mENU) Civil rights lawyer in Kosovo 2000. (Norw. Refugee Council/UNHCR) Board member of UN-association Agder and Telemark 1990-2000 Information manager at UNEP/GRID-Arendal 1994-2002 ( Co-initiator and running of "Third world" shop in Arendal 1993-1994. Board member/deputy leader of ARC-aid rural development organisation since 1990, working for rural women's group in Nyanza, Kenya annually, 1994- 2011 Field director (Res.rep.) for Norw. Save the Children in Kenya. Responsible for rural/village development projects and "harambee" school projects in Nyanza, various children's homes in Kenya, slum development projects in Nairobi and famine relief projects in Turkana 82-84. Editor of the periodical "Fredskorps-Nytt". 1979-80 Chairman of "Returned Volunteers Association", Norway 1978-79 First secretary, "Volunteer service office", NORAD, Oslo,1978 Headmaster/science teacher at secondary boarding school in Nyanza, Kenya. Service for NORAD Volunteer service/"Peace Corps" 74-76. Teacher. Teaching at Norwegian Secondary Schools for 14 years. Teacher.Teaching marine biology at Norwegian Sea School 1970-71. Member of National Forensic League (Speech art), California, 1968 AFS Exchange student, California, USA 1968. Project leader and editor of: *State of the Environment Norway: 1995, | 1997, | 1998 Obtained 2nd place in the European Princes Award, Copenhagen 1997 *Vital Climate Graphics (UNEP/GRID-Arendal, 2000) ISBN 82-7701-009-5 *Vital Climate Graphics Africa (UNEP/GRID-Arendal, 2002) ISBN 82-7701-019-2 *1999-2003: Editor of Miljønytt (Earthwire-Norway) Advisor for: *Environment Information Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa (EIS-SSA), A program initiated by the World Bank (1995-97) *State Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), People's Republic of China, in connection with the training of the ministry and establishment of State of the Environment China 1997 *The Leonardo program "Reduce" *Department for Environmental Affairs and Tourism, South Africa, in connection with the establishment of the State of the Environment Report for South Africa. (1997-98) Languages: Norwegian, Swedish, English. Speaks well: German. French. Some knowledge: Swahili, Spanish Selected publications: Bjorke, S.Å., Lazareva, A., Mayende, G., Nampijja, D. and Horn, G . (2015) Together we can. Team and online collaborative work, PULS; Bjørke, S.Å. (2014) Collaborative ICT-supported Learning for Sustainable Development, in African Journal of Sustainable Development, Volume 4 No. 3, ISSN 2315-6317, Special Edition, University of Ibadan Centre for Sustainable Development, 20 Awolowo Avenue, Old Bodija Estate, Ibadan, Nigeria Bjørke, S.Å., Puskaric, S., Vukmir, M. , Edvardsen-Jelavic, H.M. (2014) Human Made Global Warming Must Stop, in RIThink,, Croatia Barrett, B. & Bjørke, S.Å. (2014) ISIL and the confused energy picture, Our World (UNU) , Tokyo, Japan, Bjørke, S.Å. (2014) Asynchronous Computer Conferencing is ideal for collaborative learning, HASTAC, USA, bjorke/2014/05/01/asynchronous-computer-conferencing-ideal-collaborative-learning Bjørke, S.Å.and Horn, G. (2014) The art of speaking to an audience, PULS e-book, University of Agder, Bjørke, S.Å. (2014) Pedagogical approaches to online learning, HASTAC, USA, Bjørke, S.Å. (2014) Online education – a driving force for quality in education? HASTAC, USA, %E2%80%93-driving-force-quality-education-0 Bjørke, S.Å. (2013) What If the Norwegian Oil Economy Is a Bubble? Our world 0.2, UNU, Tokyo, Japan Bjørke, S.Å. (2013) The sustainable society of 2040, Global possibilities USA, 03.08.13 Haugen, H.; Ask, B.; Bjørke, S.Å. (2012) Preparing teachers for practicing ICT and e- learning. Article at International conference on education, research and innovation (ICERI) Madrid 20.11.12 Webersik, C. Jørstad, H. & Bjørke, S.Å. (2012) Climate conflict and the canary in the coal mine: Adapting to climate change in Malawi, Rethinking climate change, conflict and security, University of Sussex, 0Webersik.docx Brighton, 19.10.12 Bjørke, S.Å. (2011) E-learning for sustainable development - rationale, strategies, choices and actions., Volume 7, Issue 2 Bjørke, S.Å. and Ahmed, M.T. (2011) The Greenhouse effect, Climate Change and the road to sustainability, (Interactive Netbook), Centre for Development Studies, Bjørke, S.Å. and Øysæd, H. (2011) Studiestrategi og studieteknikk (Interaktivt nettkurs) Bjørke, S.Å. and Øysæd, H. (2011) Study strategies and study techniques (Interactive Netbook-course), PULS, Bjørke, Øysæd, Schmidt & Gould (2011) How to write academic essays (Interactive Netbook- course), PULS, Brendan, B. and Bjørke, S.Å. (2010) Climate Change scepticism is an age-old problem , Our World 2.0, UNU, Tokyo (in Japanese) Ask, B., Bjorke, S.Å. and Haugen, H. (2010) ICT-supported education; learning styles for individual knowledge building, in Lytras,.M.D et al. Knowledge Management, Information Systems, E-Learning, and Sustainability Research, Third World Summit on the Knowledge Society 2010, Proceedings, part 1, Series: Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 111, Springer verlag. ISBN 978-3-642-16317-3 Bjørke, S.Å. (2010) Taleteknikk – Nettkurs, PULS Wilberg Schibbye, J. And Bjørke, S.Å. (2009) Full-time international master’s programme online: experiences, challenges and changes, Læringsmiljø på nett. Erfaringer fra forsøk og prosjekt. Nettverksuniversitetet Ask, B & Bjørke, S.Å. (2009) Networked learning and approaches to ICT supported education – collaborative learning in a global setting, Social Networking, Proceedings of International Conferences, Silesian Moodle Moot 2009, Innovation of Education Institute, Ostrava, Tsjekkia Haugen, H.; Ask, B.; and Bjørke, S.Å. (2008) Online Learning Superior to on-Campus Teaching - Student Engagement and Course Content Central for e-Learning outcome. In Bonk, Lee & Reynolds: E-learn 2008 - World Conference on E-learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare & Hgher Education. Association for the Advancement
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