5558 the London Gazette, November 20, 1874
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5558 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 20, 1874. county of Chester, Ashton-nnder-Lyne, Roch- Certain other lands, and buildings, situate dale, Mossley, and Hartshead, all in the county in the parish of Penistone in the West Riding of Lancaster, and Shaw Mere, Lords Mere, Roch- of the county of York, on the south side of dale, Saddleworth, and Quick, all in the West the main line of the railway of the Com- Riding of the county of York. • pany, and adjoining or near to the Penistone A Railway No. 2, commencing in the township Station on that railway, belonging ,.or reputed to belong, to the trustees of the Hospital of Gilbert and parish of Wath-upon-Dearne, in; the West Riding of the county of York, by a junction with Earl of Shrewsbury at Sheffield. the railway of the Company there at a point on Certain other lands, and buildings situate that railway distant 34 chains or thereabouts, in the parish of Penistone, aforesaid, adjoin- measured along that railway in an easterly direc- ing and abutting upon the south side of the tion from the north-eastern corner of the pas- main line of the railway of the Company, and senger station at Wath-upon-Dearne aforesaid on On the south-east side of and adjoining the that railway, and terminating in.the township highway from Penistone to Sheffield, belonging and parish of Adwick-upon-Dearne, in the said or reputed to belong to the said last-mentioned West Riding of the county of York, by a junc- trustees; tion with the railway authorised by the Midland Certain other lands and buildings, situate in and North Eastern Railway Act, 1874, at a point the township of .Openshaw, in the parish of Man- shown on the plans of that railway deposited with chester, in the county of Lancaster, belonging or the Clerk of the Peace for the West Riding of reputed to belong to George Cornwall Legh, Esq., the county of York in the month of November, abutting upon the north side of the main line of 1873, as 6 furlongs and 8 chains, and in a field the railway of the Company, and lying between number 22 on the same plans in the said parish a certain street or road called Bestwood Street," on tif Adwick-upon-Dearne, and belonging or re- the east, and Messrs. Shaw, Hossack, and Com- puted to belong to Earl Manvers, and which pany's works on the west. said intended Railway No. 2 will pass from, in, Certain other lands and buildings, situate and through, or into the several parishes, townships, ' being in the parishes of St.- Mark and St. Mary- extra-parochial, or other places following, or le-Wigford, in the city and county of Lincoln, be- some of them, namely, Wath-upon-Dearne, Ad- longing or reputed to belong to. William Fentpn wick-upon-Dearne, Swinton, Mexborough, and and others on the southerly side and adjoining Bolton-upon-Dearne, all in the West Riding of the Lincoln and Market Rasen Branch of the the county of York. railway of the Company, and abutting upon Pel- To authorise the Company for the purposes of ham Street. .. - their undertaking to purchase by compulsion or ; To empower the Company to stop up so much agreement, or to confirm the purchase and acqui- of the footpath running alongside of the Sincil sition by or on behalf of the Company, or any 'Dyke, in the parishes of St. Peter'at Gowts and contract or agreement entered into by the Co'm- St. Mark, in -the city of Lincoln; or one of them,- pany for the purchase or acquisition of the follow- as. crosses the Market Rasen Branch of the ing property, viz.:— . railway of the Company there, and to discon- tinue the use of that portion of the said footpath, Certain lands and buildings situate and being or to substitute in lieu of the said footpath now in the parishes of Balby with Hexthorpe and crossing the said railway on a level, a bridge over Doncaster, or one of them, and the parish of the said railway for foot passengers. Doncaster, in the West Riding of the county of York, adjoining and lying on the south-east side And it is also proposed by the said intended of the railway of the Company there, and extend- Act to confer on the" Company all the necessary ing from the Balby Junction on the east in a powers to effect the objects following, or some of westerly direction, belonging to'or reputed to be- them, that is to say : long to the Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of .To stop up, alter, or divert, whether tempo- the Borough of Doncaster, William Crowther, rarily or permanently, all such turnpike or other Frank Ramsden, Joseph Stenton, and Samuel roads, and highways, railways, tramways, aque- Beastall and others. ducts, canals, streams, and rivers .within .the Certain other, lands, and buildings situate in aforesaid parishes, townships, extra-parochial, the parish of Handsworth, in the West Riding and other places, or any of them as it may be of the county of York, belonging or reputed to necessary to stop up, alter, or divert by reason of belong to William Hugill Walker, the trustees the construction of the said intended railways and of the will of John Birks, Peter Champion, and works or any of them. others adjoining and on the south side of the To purchase, by compulsion or otherwise, all Railway of the Company there, and near to the or any of the lands and houses situate in the Woodhouse Junction Station on that railway. before-mentioned parishes, townships, extra- Certain other lands and buildings situate in the parochial, and other places, and delineated on the parish of Handsworth aforesaid, adjoining and plans to be deposited as hereinafter mentioned, abutting upon the north side of the main line of and any other lands and h puses which may-be the railway of the Company, and abutting on required for the purposes of the said intended the west side of the road leading from Wood- .railways and works, and to alter, vary, and ex- hbuse to Woodhouse Mill. ' ' t : , tinguish all. existing rights and privileges con- Certain other lands, and buildings siiuate nected with such lands and houses, or which in the tPwnship 'of Wombwell, in 'the.'parish would in any manner impede or interfere with of Darfield, in the West Riding of the county, the construction, .-maintenance, and use o£ the of York, belonging or reputed to.belong to said intended railways and works, or any of Sir Theodore Henry Lavington Brinckman, them, or the objects or purposes of- the intended Bart., the Wombweil Main Colliery .Company, Act, and to confer, vary, alter, or extinguish other Limited, Charles Marsh, and the Trustees of rights and privileges;. Thomas Hoyland, deceased, 'and others, adjoin-, T?o levy tolls, rates, and duties for or in respect? irig and on the north-east and south-west .sides of the use of the said intended railways and of the railway of the Company there, and' ihe, works, and for the conveyance of traffic thereon, level crossing at or near the Wombwell Station and to alter existing tolls, rates, and duties, and on that railway. to confer, vary, or extinguish exemptions, from.