7752 the London Gazette, 26 November, 1926
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.7752 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 26 NOVEMBER, 1926. .visional .Order when made, can be seen at and Greasbrough, commencing in the Urban the office' of the undermentioned Town District of Mexborough at the commence- Clerk, and printed copies of the draft Pro- ment of trolley vehicle route No. 1 author- • visional Order and of the Provisional Order ised by the Mexborough and Swinton, Tram- when made, can be purchased at a price not ways Act 1926 at the junction of High exceeding one shilling per copy at the offices Street with Main Street and Swinton Bo ad . of the undermentioned Town Clerk and Par- (otherwise Creswell Street), passing along -. liamentary Agents. Oreiswell Street and Swinton Boad into the (c) On and after the 30th day of Novem- Urban District of Swinton, thence along ber, 19'26, a published map on a scale of six Bown's Lane, Bridgei Street, Station Street, inches to the mile, with the proposed trolley Church Street, Bookingham Boad, Warren • vehicle route marked thereon, and showing Vale Boad into the Urban District of B>aw- 'in figures, the width and gradient of the marsh continuing along Warren Vale Boad carriageway at intervals along the route, and and Dale Boad, Stocks Lane, High Street, the narrowest widths and steepest gradients B'.awmarsh Hill, Broad Street, Botherham (including lengths) together with a diagram Boad into the Urban District of Greas- on a scale of not less than two inches to a brough' continuing along Botherham Boad mile, showing the proposed route in relation over the bridge over the London and North to existing railways, light railways, tram- Eastern Bailway to the boundary of the ways or trolley vehicle routes in the imme- County Borough of Botherham on the bridge diate vicinity, can also be seen, at all over the Sheffield and South Yorkshire reasonable times, at the office of the under- Navigation. mentioned Town Clerk. Boute No. 2.—Wholly in the Urban Dis- trict of Bawmarsh commencing in Dale Dated this 17th day of November, 1926. Boad at the point where Kilnhurst Boad H. J. WORWOOD, Town Clerk, Southend- joins Dale Boad proceeding in a westerly • on-Sea. direction along Kilnhurst Boad to the SHARPE PBITCHABD AND Co., Palace Queen's Hotel. Chambers, Bridge Street, West- Boute No. 3.—Commencing in Warren minster, S.W. 1, Parliamentary Vale Boad in the Urban District of Swinton (195)' Agents. ' • ' at the point on Boute No. 1 where Warren Vale Boad joins Bockingham Boad proceed- ing in a-north-westerly direction along War- ren Vale Boad into the Urban District of Ministry of Transport—Session 1927. Wath-upon-Dearne along Wath Wood Boad, Sandygate and Burman. Boad thence in, an MEXBOBOUGH AND SWINTON easterly direction along Doncaster Boad into TRAMWAYS COMPANY (TROLLEY - thei Parish of Adwick-upon-Dearne in the VEHICLES) PROVISIONAL ORDER. - Bural District of Doncaster to the junction (Provision and Working of Trolley Vehicles of Doncaster Boad and Wath Boad and in the Urban Districts of Mexborough, Bolton Boad. Swinton, Bawmarsh, G-reasbrough, Bolton- . Boute No. 4.—Commencing in the said upon-Dearne, Wath-upon-Dearne, Conis- Parish of Adwick-upon-Dearnei at the ter- brough, and the Parish of Adwick-upon- mination of Boute No. 3 proceeding along Dearne; Fares, Bates and Charges; Work- Bolton Boad, Hound Hill Lane into the .ing Agreements; and Agreements as to Urban, District of Bolton-upon-Dearne con- Existing -Tramways; Incidental provisions; tinuing along Hound Hill Lane, Mexborough Abandonment or Discontinuance of existing Boad, Angel Street, Station Boad, Purlong Tramways; Miscellaneous matters; Incor- Boad, Goldthorpe Green, Goldthorpe Boad, poration, Repeal and Amendment of Acts). High Street and Barnsley -Boad to its junc- "VTOTIGE is hereby given, that in pursuance tion with Highgat© Lane. •*•* of Section 6 of the Mexborough and Bbute No. 5.—Wholly in the Urban Dis- •Swinton Tramways Act, 1926, the Mexborough trict of Gonisbrough commencing in Don- and S'Winton Tramways Company (herein- caster Boad at a point on Boute No. 4 after called " the Company ") intend to apply authorised by the Act of 1913 at the junc- •to the Minister of Transport, on or before the tion of Station Boad with Doncaster Boad •23rd day of December, 192,6, for a Provisional proceeding along Doncaster Boad and Low •Order for all or some of the following amongst Boad to the junction of New Hill and Brook other purposes:— Square. ,1. To empower the CJbrnpany to provide, Boute No. 6.—A terminal route wholly maintain, equip, work 'and run mechanically in the Urban District of Conisbrough com- propelled vehicles adapted for use upon roads mencing at a point on Boute No. 2 author- without rails and moved by electrical power ised by the. Act of 192:6 where Welfare supplied by means of overhead conductors or Avenue joins Old Boad proceeding along other external source (in this Notice referred Welfare Avenue, Denaby Avenue, The to as " trolley vehicles ") along the following Crescent and Oadeby Avenue to Welfare -routes in the Urban Districts of Mexborough, Avenue. Swinton, B&wmarsh, Greasbrough, Bolton- 2. To authorise the Company to provide, upon-Dearne, Wath-upon-Dearne, Conis- erect, lay down, and maintain or adapt in brough and the Parish of Adwick-upon-Dearne connection with and for the purpose of such in the Bural District of Doncaster, all hi the trolley vehicles all necessary and proper posts, "West Biding of the County of York:— standards, brackets, wires, conductors, mains, Boute No. 1.—Wholly in the Urban Dis- apparatus, sheds, buildings, works and con- tricts of Mexborough, Swinton, Bawmarsh veniences, and to provide and maintain all.