•. . ." . • r····'9

SEVINe brand RPZ , td~ .}..O Carbaryl Insecticide fl"l'} Home and Garden Insecticide ?-b~'? 3{j-

ACTIVE IN"REOIENTS: Carbaryl (1-r.J,hthyl N-methylcarbamate) .....•..

INERT INGREDIENTS:...... 77 .5~ by wt. This product contains the toxic inert ingredient formaldehyde. (Contains 2 Pounds Carbaryl Per Gallon) E.P.A. Reg. No. 264-334 E.P.A. Est. No. 264-MO-02



NET CONTENTS: ____ Made in U.S.A.


CONlON CARBIDE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS COMPANY, INC. P. p. Box 12014, T. W. Alexander Drive Research Trfangle Park, NC 27709 '

SEVIN~" fs a regfstered trademark of Unfon'Carbide Agrfcultural Products • •• ••••••• • • Ccrn~any. Inc. for carbaryl insectfcfdes. • • • • • •••• • • •••••• • • •• ••••••• • ••••• • • ...... • • • 0 • • • 0 ... . . APe For'll No. __ • ·· . · ·, • • • • • • · .. " . ... 0 · • • •

0~33X/MASTER/03-18-8S -1- .; I I • . PRECAijfIONARY STATEMENTS . '~'. . - -. . CAUTION HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS HAY BE HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. Avoid breathing of spray mist. Do not take internally. Avoid contact with eyes, skin or clothing. Wear regular long-sleeved work clothing. Change to clean clothing daily. Wash hands and face before eating. Wash thoroughly after handling. STATEMENT OF PRACTICAL TREATMENT IF SWALLOWED; Induce vomiting and seek medical attention immediately. IF IN EYES OR ON SKIN; Flush eyes with plenty of water. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN Carbaryl is a moderate, reversible cholinesterase inhibitor. Atropine is antidotal. Do not use Z-PAM, opiates, or cholinesterase inhibiting drugs. ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS Th;s product is extremely toxic to aquatic and estuarine invertebrates. Do n~t apply directly to water and wetlands. Do not apply when weather conditions favor drift from area treated. Do not contaminate water by cleaning equipment or disposal of wastes. BEE CAUTION This product is highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment or residues on blooming crops and weeds. Do not apply this product or allow it to drift to blooming crops or weeds if bees are visiting the treatment area. DIRECTIONS FOR USE IT IS A VIOLATION OF FEDERAL LAW TO USE THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER INCONSISTENT WITH ITS LABfLING. \ Shake all containers prior to use. Do not reuse empty containers or measuring devices for other purposes. Apply when insects or damage appear. Repeat as ~p.cessary to maintain control, unless spray interval is specified. Do not plant rotational food and feed crops not listed on this or other carbaryl labels in carbaryl treated soil PLANT RESPONSE PRECAUTIONS: Carbaryl insecticide injuruBoston Ivy, Virginia' .., ... creeper, and maidenhair fern. During early season, it may also injure • •• . :. .. Virginia and sand . • ••. •.., ... • • •• • ••••••• • • •••• • • .'!t • • •• • .. ••. .. ·...... • I • I • • • • OI33X/MASTERl03-18-85 -2- ••.. ;

HOSE Ell) SPRAYER USE This product reldily disperses in wlter to fona I sprlY thlt cln be Ipplied with glrden hose Ipplicators (hose-end sprlyers) to the crops listed. To ensure adequate coverage. use .aderate to high water pressures when Ipplying through hose-end sprayers. Calibrate to deliver 1 fluid ounce per gallon of spray lI1ixture. VEGETABLE CROPS

~or control of III the vegetable pests listed below. apply this product in adequate volume to effectively cover both the upper and lower surfaces of the plant. (NOTES: 1) THIS PRODUCT IS NOT REGISTERED FOR USE ON CELERY AND SWEET POTATO IN CALIFORNIA; Z) DO NOT TREAT ASPARAGUS MORE THAN ONCE EVERY 3 DAYS AS EXCESSIVE RESIDUES MAY RESULT; AND 3) THE NUMBER IN PARENTHESIS FOLLOWING EACH VEGETABLE CROP GROUPING REFERS TO THE MINIMUM NUMBER OF DAYS THAT MUST BE OBSERVED BETWEEN THE DATE OF THE LAST APPLICATION AND THE DATE OF HARVEST.) CROPS: Beans (including Black-eyed peas. Crowder or Southern peas. Dry beans. Green beans. Lima beans. Navy beans. and Snap beans); Carrots. Corn. Cucvmber. Eggplant. Melons. Okra. Peanuts. Pepper. Potato. Pumpkin. Squash. Sweet Potato. Tomato - (0 days until harvest); Broccoli. Brussels sprouts. Cabbage. Cauliflower. Cowpeas. 'Garden beet roots. Head lettuce. Horseradish. Kohlrabi. Parsni~s. Peas. Radishes. Rutabagas. Salsify roots. Turnip roots - (3 days until harvest); Celery. Chinese cabbage. Collards. Dandelion. Endive (Escarole). Garden beet tops. Hanover salad. Kale. Mustard greens. Leaf lettuce. Parsley. Salsify tops. Spinach. Swiss chard. Turnip tops - (14 days until harvest). PESTS: Alfalfa caterpillar. Apache cicada. Armyworm. Asparagus beetle. Aster leafhopper. Bean leaf beetle. Blister beetles. Chinch bug. Colorado potato beetle. Corn earworm. Corn rootworm adults. Cowpea curculio. Cucumber beetles. Cutworms. European corn borer. Fall armyworm. Flea beetles. Grasshoppers. Green cloverworm. Harlequin bug. Imported cabbageworm. Japanese beetle. Lace bugs. Leafhoppers. Limabean pod borer. Lygus bugs. Melonworm. Mexican bean beetle. Pea leaf weevil. Pea weevil. Pickleworm. Red-necked peanutworm. Sap beetles. Southwestern corn borer. Spittlebugs. Squash bugs. Stink bugs. Sweet potato hornworm. Sweet potato weevil. Tarnished plant bug. Three cornered alfalfa hopper. Thrips. Tomato hornworm. Tomato pinworm. Tortoise beetles. Velvetbean caterpillar. Webworms. Western bean cutworm. "i.;-"c;ringeo bl:et.ie aciuits. Yeiio""striped lIrmyworm. FRUIT AND NUT CROPS For control of lIll fruit lind nut pests listed below. use sufficient spray va 1 ume to obta in thorough coverage (sprllY unt 11 ru .. -off). Di rect app 11 cat ions tow!!"d the lower and upper leaf surflces. bet""een fruit ard nut clusters. lind •••••• limbs lind tree trunks to optimize insect control. (NO!~S: 1) TO AVOID: •••• • ••• UNDESIRED APPLE THINING. DELAY USE UNTIL AT LEAST 30 DAYS AFTER FULL BL~:" •••••• Z) SEVIN CARBARYL INSECTICIDE MAY INJURE EARLY DAWN AND SUNRISE STRAWBERRIES • .. • VARIETIES ON THE DELMARVA PENINSULA; 3) WHEN USED ON CRANBERRIES. SEVI~"':' •••••· .. CARBARYL MAY KILL SHRIMP AND CRABS; AND~) THE NUMBER IN PARENTHESIS '0 ••• • •••• FOLLOWING EACH FRUIT AND NUT CROP GROUPING REFERS TO THE MINIMUM NUMBER Of..' : • •••• DAYS THAT MUST BE OBSERVED BETWEEN THE DATE OF THE LAST APPLICATION AND THE. • .. • DATE OF HARVEST.) .. 0 o •• ·.. • , ..• .. . •• •• ••• o •0 0133X/MASTER/03-18-85 -3- .. CROPS: Blueberries, Gra.,ei,FUberts, 'ecans, ·..ainut.s - (0 days until harvest); Apples, Cherries, Cranberries, Peaches, Pears, PhilliS, Prunes, Strawberries - (1 day until harvest); Apricots, Nectlrfnes - (3 days ~~tfl harvest); Citrus fruits (such as Grapefruft, Lemons, Lf-.s, Orlnges, Tangelos, T~"gerfnes, Cftrus citron, Kumquats Ind Hybrfds) - (5 days untfl harvest): Blaclberrfes, Boysenberries, Dewberrfes, Loganberrfes, Raspberrfes, - (7 days until harvest); Almonds - (Z8 days until harvest). PESTS: Apple aphfd, Apple .aggot, Apple "Ilybug, Apple pande.is, Apple rust m{ie~ Apple sucler, Avocldo leafroller, Bagworms, Blacl cherry aphid, Blacl ml~;fned aphid, Blacl scale, Blueberry maggot, Brown soft sca;e, Cal'~o scale, California orangedog, Calffornfa pearslug (pear sawfly), California red scale, Cherry fruitworm, Cherry maggot, Citricola scale, Citrus cutworm, Citrus root weevil, Citrus snow scale, Codling moth, Cranberry fireworms, Cranberry fruitworm, Cucumber beetles, Cutworms, Eastern tent caterpillar, Eightspotted fcrester, European apple sawfly, European earwig, European fruit lecaniu~, European raspberry aphid, Eyespotted budmoth, Fall webworm, Filbert aphid, Filbert leafroller, Filbertworm, Forbes scale, Fruittree leafroller, Frosted scale, Grape berry moth, Grape leafhopper, Grape leaffolder, Green fruitworm, Hiclory shuclworm, Japanese beetle, June beetles, Leafho~pers, Leafrollers, Lecanium scales, Lesser appleworm, Lesser peachtree borer, Lesser webworm, Meadow spittlebug, Mealy aphid, Navel orangeworm, Olive scale, Omnivorous leaf tier (Strawberry fruitworm), Omnivorous leafroller, Orange tortrfx, Oriental fruit moth, Oystershell scale, Peach twig borer, Pear leaf bHs·:er mite, Pear psylla, Pear rust mite, Pecan leaf phylloxera, Pecan nut casebearer, Pecan spittlebug, Pecan weevil, Periodical cicada, Plum curcLlio, Prure leafhopper, Raspberry sawfly, Redbanded leafroller, Rose chafer, Rosy apple aphid, Saltmarsh caterpillar, San Jose scale, Snowy tree criclet, Stra.... berry weevil, Tarnished plant bug, Tentiform leafminers, Twig girdler, Tussocl moth, Variegated leafroller, Walnut caterpillar, Western grapeleaf sleletonizer, Western tussocl moth, West~rn yellowstriped armyworm, West Indian sugarcane borer (adults), White apple leafhopper, Wooly apple aphid, Yellowheaded fireworm. TREES AND ORNAMENTAL PLANTS Thorough coverage of upper and lover leaf surfaces Ind trunls, stems, and t~;igs is necessary for optimum control of tree and ornamental pests. Apply to each of these areas until run-off is observed. CROPS: Trees (including Shade tTees, Shelter belts, Plantations, Parks and Ke·creational areas), Ornamentals (including Roses and other Herbaceous plants), woody plants, and Shrubs. P£STS: Ants, Apple aphid, Armyworm, Azalea leafminer, Bagworms, leafminer, Blister beetle, Boxelder bug, Boxwood lelfminer. Browntlll moth, Cdfl~erworms, Cltilpi sphinx, Chfggers, Cooley gill adelgfd, Cutworms, •, ••••• CYPI·ess tip moth, Douglas- tussock. moth, ElStern spruce gall Idelgid, :E 1II" . · .., leaf Iphid, El. lelf beetle, splnworm, Eriophyid mftes, European ":· ••••••, , shoot moth, Fall Inlyworm, Flel beetles, Fuller rose beetle, Gall midges_ Gall ,- wasps, Grasshoppers, Greenstriped mlpleworm, Gypsy moth, Haclberry nfpplegl}}' •••••. ., maler, Holly budmoth, Holly lelfminer, Jackpfne budworm, Jlplnese beetle" ... ·. , ..

Jeffrey pfne needle.iner, June beetles, ~ace bugs, ••.. : t •••.• • . , •• • • • , • .. I' •• • • • . ,• 0133X/MASTERl03-18-85 -4- .. b • .' Leafhopp.rs. L.afrOll~r$. tAcuit bo~r. Mapl. 1.af~utt.r.: ·..... lybugs. M1l1Osa webwoMi. Nantuck.t pine tip IIOth. l ••f.'n.rs. Oak l.af sk.l.ton1zer, Oakworm complex, Oleander caterpillar, Olive ash borer, Orangestriped oakworm, Orange tortrix. Periodical cicada, Pine sawfly, Pine spittlebug, Pitch pine tip moth, Plant bugs, Poinsettia hornworm, Psyllids, Puss caterpillar, Redhumped oakworm, Rose aphid, Rose chafer, Roseslug, Saddled prominent, Sawflies (exposed), Scale insects, Sowbugs, Spiny elm caterpillar, Springtails, Spruce budworm, Spruce needleminer, Subtropical pine tip moth, Tent caterpillar, Thrips (exposed), Ticks, Tree hoppers, Walnut caterpillar; Webwonlls. Western he.lock looper, Western spruce buciwonn, leaf beetles, Yellow poplar weevil. LAWNS AND RECREATIONAL AREAS For optimum control of lawn pests, it is essential to ensure good penetration of the turf. For best results, mow lawn and make applications after watering or rain. Following appiication, additional watering of lawn will enhance white grub control. For imported fire ant control, apply directly to the mound and surrounding area (do not disturb mounds prior to treatment). Treat new mounds as they appear. PEST CONTROL: Apply 16 fluid ounces of this product to cover 3000 sq. ft. (32 fluid ounces per 6000 sq. ft.) for control of: Ants, Armyworm, Centipede, Chiggers, Cutworms, Earwigs, Essex skipper, European chafer, Fall armyworm, Fiery skipper, Grasshoppers Green June beetles grubs, June beetles, leafhoppers, Lucerne ~oth, Millipedes, Adult .osquitoes, Sowbugs, Spittlebugs, Springtails, Ticks, Yello~s~riped armyworm. Apply 16 fluid ounces of this product to cover 1350 sq. ft. (32 fluid ounces per 2700 sq. ft.) for control of: Chinch bugs, Sod webworms, Bluegrass billbug, European crane fly, Fleas and White grubs (such as Japanese beetle, Chafer beetle and Phyllophaga spp. larvae). ADULT MOSQUITO CONTROL

For cptimum results, treatments should be ~ade in the early ~orning or late evening, when adult mosquitoes are ~ost active. In yards and recreational areas, apply to ornamentals, woody plants, shrubs, and other areas where adult mosquitoes congregate. (NOTE: CARBARYL MAY KILL SHRIMP AND CRABS. OBSERVE BEE CAUTI ON. ) PEST CONTROL AROUND BUILDINGS This product may be used around buildings such as homes, apartments, warehouses, barns and municipal and recreational areas to control the pests listed below. Thoroughly wet the ~utside perimeter of dwellings and other areas where pests tend to congregate. , . , ·.. , .. • • · . PESTS: Brown dog tick, •• rw1gs, fleas, and .fllipedes. • .. ·...... ' • • .. • • • ••••• •••••• . .. ·.. ~ · .• .. . ., ·. . .. .' ·. . • .• 0133X/MASTER/03-18-85 -5- • • , ;:r-.c~'~':,-r"":;;-7·~~I~~?t~... ~~_~·~

'-."' '~"""'.,..~. .- vrcn AIlE t!II'lPS "" do ..... rer.r to t ...poon.rul or SEVIN brand RI'2 Carbllr)'1 In.ect'lclde p.r g.lIon or vater. Do I


Asperagul beetle It to a 1 Treat ferns or Gralshoppers IIOre then once I

Apache cicada a to 16 Post ha rvelt Alparagus beetle application onl),

Beans allster beet Ie. 2 to II (Including Mexican be"n beetle bleck-e),ed pelt s, AI fa I f. Le.fhoppers cowpeal. caterpillar Three crowder or lIean le.f cornered louthern b.... tle al f,,1 r. peas, d I')' CucUtlber hopp .. r be.ns, beetle. Thrips II o green Flea benl •• V.. lyetbean (except cowpenl beans, II .. Green cn.. rpillar beans, c I oyerwo I'll Western nay)' Japanele be"n CUt_MIl beans and beetle snap bean. I ArtI)IVOI'II r. I I al'll)l­ Cut_I'll' VOl'll II to 6 [uropean Gr.ss­ corn borer hopper. Tarnished plant bug Webvol'IIl

• • •• " . • •, .. • • • ., • . . •• - • -6- ,0' • •

0 • ••• 0 • • • • ...• • .-• • • o. • • • • • •• ., . "!(,.l -n'" "~'~.',:"" -: . '-.;~' :.;,.--.-. fEA...... MI ,.ttIlVAL ~~~~ ,,~~~ r~~t.~~~~.:~,!~ '111m CALLOII I DAYS, SH:C"IC DIHcr'_ -. - ·"~.~n~.~------~tD~rn;o.e~.~r-=_~-----'l~yp=_;:u~.~b~ug~.:------6r------~------~----- Cant, war-. Stink bug Cawpell curc:ullo LIII,be.n pad bontr Brocco. I fi.e beetles LeHhoppe .. 2 to II o 00 NOT USE ON ClLERY IN cA~irORNIA, Brus.el. Harlequin Icerrots, 'prouts bug okra/ CabbAge C.rrots Caul I flover Celery 3- Chinese Aue. lee f·· L)gus bugs II to 6 I broccoli, Observe plent relPonle precautions. cabbage hopper Splttlebugl bruISe" lettuce: treat on a 5 to 7 day schedule Collards Cre ..hllppe., sprouts, after heads begin to fa ... Olinde I Ion cabbAge [ndlve ca,,11 "over, IEscarole) ·A~~:,~_~~~..~------,~.~p~o~r~t~e2d------T.4-to 8 gllrden beet Carden Com ea.- cllbbage- roots, head beet vor. vor_ leUuce, Hanoyer Fe'" e rwy- St I nk bugl h')rserAd Ilh, Ulld YO'" Te.nllhed kohl rebl, Mo rae red Ilh plant bug pArsnips, kale rIId I shes, kohl rebl rutebagas, Lettuce Sit I s Jry roots, Mllste rd greenl • turnip Okrll roots I reranlps P.rlley ,/I IIedllhel Ichlnese IIutabaglll cab!>age. Seilify celery, Splnech collllrds, SWI .. dandelIon, cherd endive Turnips II!lcarolel, gArden bent tnp., Hlln­ over "lad, kale, IIIISUrd greens, leef lettuce, pArsley, salsify tops, spInach, Swiss Chard, • turnip t.,,,sl

• • • . • . ... • • ••• • ,-. •• • • • -7- . • . • • • ••• -...J •• • 0- . . • • • .. .- • ••• •••• "~ C> TEASI'OOIISFUl/ ClIO' IIISECT GAllOll (DAYSI s,~clrlc DIR£CTIOHS 'co~rn=------~A~~~~~~~~r~.~----~Cr.r;·~ls~------~~~------(M~]Vr-~r1~~""------__1 Chlnr.h bug hopper, ng .llk. Ind ear., epply Corn .e r- Jep"nese 8t 1 to 6 dey Intervl" .U,rtlllg vhen first . wo"" be.,t Ie silks appelr Ind continuing until .llk~. beg Corn roOt- leerhopper, to dry. For Ilrvlle In whorl Ind foillge wo"" SliP beetle. feeders, Ipply I. necessary. Optl"" tl.1 Idults South- o and good coverlge Ire essentlll for effecel Europeln western " to a contrOl. com borer corn borer Fe II IMI)'- FI.IWO"" beetle,

Western bean cutvo". a Treat vhen Infe.tltlon Iverage. 15S Ind et to 100S t •• sel e .. rgence. Treat.. nt Ifter 100S s ilk e .. rgence viii reduce effect Ivene.1

Melons PUlIIPkln Squash Cucu.ber leafhoppers beetle •. Squllsh o Flel beetle. bugs Orl •• hopper. I rs Ie Ican Eggpllnt allster been beetle o Pepper beetle. Red-necked I except pee s, Pe.nuts Colorado peanut­ 3 potetn worM Cpe .. , 'e •• beet,.: Three Cucu.ber cornered beetle. alrelf.. Fie. hopper beetle. Thrips Oreen . Veivetbean c loverwo". Clterpillar Jlpanese beetle

• •• •• • •• .. • • • • ...... ••• • • -3- '"'v • • ••• ~:t ·••• • • • , •• • ••0 ...•· • • • ••• • ••• • ••• v " , Pht­ • - 311 - IIAIIVE!;T TEASPOON5rUL/ INT[R'IAL CROP IIISECT GALLON ( GAYS! SPEC I tiC DIRECT/OIIS 'OUltO Xi'.ir.. i'r. I"" r T_"to cllter"lller ~r'!vil Eggplent A~", p" a weev I I Pepper Com ear- Wrbwor.s 6 Pe .... utl va", Ye I low· (except peas! Pel. Grass- striped °3 Ico... t'd! hoppers an0)'Wo", I peas! luro"e,," far, I shed corn borer pla ... t bug " to ., Fell :tnlY'" To."to va .... ho '""OMl Lice bugs To.,to Stink bugs pi "WOMI

Cutw .... 6 to " lib I t'l rr/nged beet 'e edul ts

SWet 'oteto Com ell,r- SWl!t potato Apply as e rollar sprlY as needed. va ... hO""""MI CIICIJIOber Torto I se II to ., Full coverlge ,s esSentl"l. Use lower rate beet Ie. beet les on young pla ... ts and higher rate on .. lure n e. beet I",s p I lints • Gr"sshoppers Vel iowstriped ., DO NOT USE IN CALIFORNIA. anoyvoMl ° Sweet potato " to ., weevil

• ••• ., 0.' 0 0 • •• • , • -g- ... -.s:::. <>.... . • • •••, ••• • ') • 0 '-• '-> • ••• 000 ... '0: _ I All dOllgn refor to ttll'poonlful O. SEVII. orlnd RP2 Clrblryl Insect!cldo pel Jllon 0' vltlr. U'O .u"lcl .... t "pray glll_.. to. obUln thorough covlr•• ge. (Six tel:poon, equal one 'Iuld ounce,.

PII[­ HARVEST HASPOOIISFUL/ I NllRVAL CROP IIISECT GALLON (DIIYS, SPECIFIC DIRECT lOllS APPLE lHINlIl1IG Apply 1 fUll ~overage dilUte spray between 10 Ina 2~ days arter full bloo... If r.ctors such as tree oge. variety. nutrition, previous crop. pruning, bloo. and degree of set favor excessive fruit thinning with this product, exercise caution to avoid possible yield reduction. Apples only 1 to 2 1 For easily thinned vlrletlel IncludIng CortI .. ,,.;. Grl .... Jonath8n. Hclntosh. Orlelns, ROMe Beauty. Puritan. Red DelicloUI. Wlne.ap. Yellow llevton.

2 to II For difficult to thin vlrletlel Including Baldwin. 8en Davis, Duchess, Urly Mcintosh, Golden Dellclou,. Lldy Ap~le. Northern Spy, Rhode Isllnd Greening. Steele Red. Turley. wealthy. Yellov Trlnsparent Ind York I.perial.

AllIOnd Peach tvlg borer Apply In "popcorn" or petal rill stages Ind Iglln vhe~ San Jose scale the Hay brood of the pelch tvig borer begins to hItch F ru I uree or thereafter IS needed. Ilafrolier 211 Navel orangevor.. Tille early and .. id selson applications to correspond to .oth flight peaks. Hake a late season application at Initiation of hull Spli: or up to lOS hull Ipllt.

• -.. • .- • •• ••• • •, • 'o, • • -10- ':' '") • • • ••• ~ ·••• • • • • • ' . ·• • • • ..• . • • • ••• ••• . " "


~pl •• Appl. Les.er To avoId undealred apple thinning, del.y u •• unt" .... r. • phld .ppllNG,.. .t le.at 30 d.y •• rter rull bloa-• Apple Oystershe II ..ggot sc.le Apple Orange llealybug tonrlx ror plyll. control, apply when .gg, h.tch Apple Pellr le.r or young nyoophs .re present. rust .1 te blister .Ite Apple Pe.r plylle sucker Pear rust 4 I eagwo,... .,Ite ror optl_ se.le control, .pply when cr.vl.rs ere Callromle Perlodlc.1 present. pea rs lug cicada ,pear uvrlyl Redb.nded Cod I I", lellrroller IIOth Rosy .pple [astem tent aphid cuerpillar S.n Jose Europ.. n scale apple uv­ Tarnl shed fly plant bug [ye.potted Tent Ira,.. btldllOth lear.lners rorbes White .pple scale lea /t.oppe r rrul uree Woolly .pple learroller aphid Creen rrul t­ Ye I lowheaded wa,.. fI rewar. Japanese beet Ie lucan'u. scilles

" ... • . ., . ., ·11·

• ••• ••• . _ ••• t • • •• "'o f·-'-_0 ....' .... ·'~ '. '. II, .. /EST T£A!:I'OOHSFUll INTERVAL CIIOP I NS[CT GALLON (DAYS, SP[CIFIC DIIIECTIONS

rrles fru t Snowy tree e .. rge f~ rolls. OoM.e, rles lecanlu. cricket Ilncllldlng European Strawerry " to II o bosenberrles raspberry -evil (grapes, STRAWBEIIIIIES and loganberries, IIphld' Wenern Carbar)'1 .a), Injure Earl), Dawn end sunrl Crapes Crape leaf­ grape lea' varieties on the Del~arva 'ennlsula. Stravberrles hopper skeleton­ Crape leaf­ Izer folder Western Japanese ),ellov­ beot ~. striped Lea fhoppe rs a ...)'\tont Leafrollers Meadow spittlebug 1 OIInivorous leartier (strawerrles, (stravberry frul tVOrtl'

CutvOntS Orange tortr"c 7 Eight Raspberry (blackberries spotted sewfl)' dewberries rorester Redbanded rll spbe rr i es Crape I ... froller bo)'senbe rr i es berry Sa I t •• rsh .. loganberries, .ath caterpillar II Jllpllnese beet Ie June beetle OlIn I vo rOil S leatroller Blueberries Billeberr), [llropean Appl), j _ek. before harvest ana. ,...pee, .aggot frll It nece s Sa r)' • Cherr)' lecanlue 6 o frul tWOnt Japane.e Cranberry beet Ie frul tWOnt

• 0 .. ••• • • • • ·• .. ••• • , ••• • • • .- .. • • -12- '1..... c- • • • • ••• • • • • ~ .- • ••• • • 0 • • • • o· • • • • ••• <::::1 •• •• · •...... ~ ,-- _ ... "~ .. - ... ,- •.'K"~'.~ nr:i Uj - . . . .t;~ "':'~", ,r~:t:)!IJ

------.~#~PII[­ HAHV[ST ", TEASPOONSFUL/ INTERVAL I NS[CT GAllON (DIIYS, SP[CIFIC DIR[CTION' Cl tr'us Ayocado Orange tortrlx 00 not .pply less thIn 10 g.llons of·dllute Fn.lu leI rroller western spray .i"lure per ~ture tree, MIY be .I"ed ,slI"h IS CIII rornll tussock with petroleu. oils c~nly used on citrus. g rlperru I t. orlngedog IICIth 5 le..,n., CI trus west Indian lilieS, o,..nges cutWOnl suglrclne ungelos, Citrus root borer tlngerlnes weey I I ,Idults) c I trul Frul ttree Citron, lelfroller klftlquau, Ind hybrids, 811ck sc.le CI trus 3 to .. 8 rown so rt an"", scale scal~ CIII fornll Ve II ow scale red selle CI trlco II selle

Crlnberr I es CutWO,... Japanese CAUTION: May kill shrl.p and crIbs. Do not Cr.nberry beetle use in .rels where these .re I.portlnt re­ rI rewor.s learhoppers 6 to 12 sources. Crlnberry ROle charer fru I two,.. Apply In I.te bloo. Ind '1 needed It·7 to 10 day intervlls.

Filberts Filbert Iphld o Apply when le.froller egq •• re hatching. Filbert le.rroller Repeat on 'Irst appearance 01 ~dult 'Ilbert Fllbertwor. ~ths and .glin 3 to .. weeks lIter.

•• . • • • ·.. - • • • • ,, • •• • • • • • 0 • .-.., • •• • \. \. "I ••• • • -13-

Codling Or.nge tortr'x 10th Tussock 3 to " £Ratern tent IIIOth c.terp 1111 r

• • · • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • •• • ·• • • ••• • • • ••• • ••• • • ~ -'11· ~ 0- . • • • • • ••• ~ ••• • ••• ••• • '\.. • ..• • • • • • • •• C' • • •• • • • • ••• •••• FRt­ H/IRYEST TEASPOONSFUL/ I NTEftYAL .IISECT GALlOll ( OAYS) S'[ClfIC UIRECTIOIIS

IIleck Pecen nut urglned case- ephld bearer fe;! _INo,.. Pecen splttle- II to 10 o Hlckor)r bug shuck PeCAn wo'" wr.ev II LeSSe,. Twl g webwor .. gi rdle,. Pecen leer Walnut ph)"llo"ere c~terpilier

Welnut Cellco f Ilbe rtwo,.. 2 o for codling MOth ep.,l)" apre)" when eve reg. c_ro •• acele vono sectional dlaretera or developing nuta ere 1/2 to Cod IIIlfJ frill uree 3/4 Inch. Repe~t during .,ddle or leteJune •• IIOth leafroller needed. [uMpeen frosted rrlll t acele lecenll.. [uroDean II Spray tree trunka to point or run-off. eerwlg

• • • •• • -• • • • -,., • • , . • •• • • , • •• • · • • • •• • - ••• • • '15- 0 ~\ . • • • • • ••• 'l.... ••• • ••• ••• • . • • • • • • • ••• · -. • • 0 0 • • '" • • •• 0 •• ••• For dlluto 'PN~ 1"lIroetlan. to t ..0. (including .hlldo troo •••heltor bollt. pllnUtion•• plr'" 1M roa,...tI_' lroo'h .' arne_lll •• waGIfy p'I"lt Ind ."ru 's. Ipply the splclflod daugl par '111 Ian Of vnlr In su'''clon, 'PN:' YOI~ to p ray 1110' ttoaraug" caveNgo. IS.x tl.spoons equel a". fluid aune•• , , SITE IIISECT ... S'ECI',C DIRECTIONS A"lI CATI 011 Ap",. Iphld Hel coople" nsectlclde per g."on VI Trees Ar.yvol'll ::'uller rose Oleander Spruce needle­ ,..spOnse prec.utlans. , IncludIng AZ., •• I •• r- beet Ie caterplll.r .iner s".de trees. .iner . Ca II .idges Olive .sh Subtropical shelter B.gvo ...s ca II wasps borer pine tip belts. BI rch leaf­ Grasshopper. Orange­ IIDth pl.nt.tlan, .'ner Greenstrlped striped Tent catlrplllir Apply dllutl 'PrIYs to obtain thO;.ugh p.rks .nd BI Ist.r b.etle • aplevol'll oakwar• Thrlp. coveragl Of uppor and lower III' lur­ recre.tlonal Bo"elder Gypsy IIDth Orango lexpo.ed, f.ces. To control sc.'e In,octa, trolt .re.s, bug Hackberry tortrlx Ticks trunks. ste.s, Ind twigs In add'"on to Om... nt.'s Bol

• · • • • • • •• • · · • •• ·• •• • • • ••• • • • ... ·• ••• • • C- -16- e;- • • • • • ••• · · • • • • • ~ • ••• • •••• • •• '0• '"'" • • • • • • • ~ ••· '. •• • •• 0" o' ..------~------" - ..~-.-"'- '~-- •. -.~~---""I"'"-_",T''\'I!''nIf'''' ---'II'ITIIitt..... ---n,1II'I!'I iiita..... ------,iI'R-""i"r tic..... bIi'iIR"ti:-fTI.-lIi-,----....------". -.;'" ;,"~. -~~':";'--'!' r". • -----,~~rr~~~r.r~~==:_:7-~ . i llfllreve I' - U.e n. J fluid 011nC •• or • product per g.llon 0' vU.r. [tractive .. c:. tI •• pr.venUtlve tr.. t_nt onll'. Repellt .nnl'U Iy •• requl..-d to prevent ....tI. Mountain pin. .tUcks. Apply 1 gallon or spr.y per ~O squ.re rKt or b.rk In lat..... " to. beetl. early July, or prior to beetl. atUck. TMat tre. ~funks rrOtl ground I.vel Roundhead.d up until trunk dl ...t.r Is les. than 5 Inches. pine beetl. LAWNS A"D RECR[ATID"AL AREAS SITE I"SECT SPECIFIC DIRECTIO"S furr grasses Ants June beet I es Use 3 to 6 rl. oz. of S[VIN brand RP2 Carbaryl Insecticide per 1000 .qu.re r •• , Ar.ywo .... Lea fhoppe rs 168 quarts per acre, of turrgrass. Hake appllc.tion In surriclent spr.y Cent ipedes Lucerne Moth volu~ ror thorough coverage and turr thatch penetr.tlon. Repeat.s nec•••• ry. Chiggers Hililpedes Cutwor.s Hosqultoes tor ArMywor., CutWOrM, and Fall Ar.ywo,.. Control: 00 not Irrlg.t. [.rwlgs ladults) treated areaS rollowlng Insecticide .ppllcation. Essex skipper Sod webwo ... European char.r II.wn Moths' hll .....ywo ... Sowbugs riery skipper Springtalls Gr.sshoppers Ticks White grubs Yellowstrlped .rMYW0l"1ll Chinch bugs Use 8.8 to 12 rl. oz. or this product per lUOO sq. ft. (12 to 16 qUirt. pel' Sod _bworM acre, Of turf gr.ss. Hake appl ication in sufficient spr.y volUMe ror thorough 111I'n .oths, coverage and turr th.tch penctrat ion. Repeat as necess.ry. For Chinch bltg control: Treat entire area rather than Just da_ged are••• Irrigation or turfgrass area berore Insecticide .ppl ic.tlon viII .,d In penetration Into turfgrass. For Sod vebwor. control: 00 not Irrigate tre.ted are •• rollowlng In ••ctlcld. appl ication. 8111egrass bi Ilbug use 12 rl. oz. of this product per 1000 sq. ft. (16 quarts per acre, of. [urope.n crane rly tltrrgrass. Hake .ppl ication In sufficient spr.y volu.. ror thorough Fleas coverage and turf thatch penetration. Repeat IS necesury. White grub. (such IS Japanese beetle For European crane fly control, TreatMents should b•• pplled In earlv Ch.fer beetle .nd spring, April 1 to ",prll 1~, or as reeo_nded by local Agricultural I'hYllophaq. spp ... rv.e) Extension service agent •• Water or Irrigate turr gr.s •• s thoroughl~ soon Arter treat.. nt. ror White grub control: Applications shOUld be _de when grub, are reeding nelr the soil surface, usually during late Harch through Hay, or July to .Irl" Septe.ber, or 'S recr ...nded by local Agrlcultur.1 [klen.ion Service .g.nt •• Water Or Irrigate t,.• r' grasses thoroughl~ soon .fter tre.tMent.

'.~ ~ • ·• • • ••• .. ·· • • • • • • • •• • • • • • ~J ••• ·• • • •• • • • •• • • ;}, -17- " • • • • <, • · • • • • •••• ,. • ••• • ••• •• • • • • • • • • •• '- • ·• •• •• • •• •••• MDlQUlfO COIIfJlOl.


Verdi end RecrelUolUI1 Arel. ADULT HOSQ~ ITOES CAUTI ON I May kl I I shrl.p Ind crabs. Do nat us. In Ireas where the~. Ire I.portent resources. OBSERVE BEE CAUTION. Avoid direct Ippllcltlon. For dl lute-sprlY ground Ippllcatlons to trees (Including shlde tre.l. lhelter belta. pllntltlons. plrks Ind recreltlonal Ireasl. orna.. ntlls. waody pllnts Ind shrubs. Ipply 1 to 2 tablespoons or SEVIN brlnd RP2 Carbilryl Insecticide per gilion or otater. ,Treat Ihrubber,t end Irels where Idult .asqultoes cor.greg.te. Trelt when adult .asqulto.s Ire .ctlve In e.rIY.' . .amlng or I.te eve~lng. Repeat.t 7 to 10 "I,' Intervllis. ror resldu'l control In .ubtroplcel regions us. 16 rluld ounces of this product per gilion of vater .nd .pply .. gil Ian. or' P...... red spray per 2000 'qulr. reet or .urr.ce .rea. Repe.t In 3 t'l 6 .antts or whtin nec•••• ry; .,.,

PEST CONTROL IN AND AROUND BUILDINCS Doslges rerer to ounces or SEVIN brlnd RP2 Clrb.ryl Insecticide per gilion or vlter


Brawn dog tick 7 ounces/gil. For use In and lround buildings sl~h IS hamel. Iplrt.. nts. v.rehouse •• EI""igs barns Ind .unlclpal Ind recreatlonll Ireas. Fleas Millipedes Apply .s coerse wet spray or with I brush to outdoor sleeping Silverfish quarters Of pests. outside peri .. ter of dwellings .nd other .re.s wh.re Insects tend to congreg.te. Ants 17 ounces/gal. DO not use thl. product In co... rclal food Ireas or rood hlndllng Cockroaches .stabllsh.. nts. restaurlnts. or other places where rood Is preplred or processed. Avoid IPpllcltlon to surfaces where visible sprlY residues Ire obJectionable •

• • o • • • • • • •• 0 • .'• • '" • ••0 • • ••• • -III- ~-j-- . • • (' · 0 • • ••• "- . ••• •••• ••• • - • • • • • • • • •• ~I ·'0 - . - • • • • • • .. • •• ••• , ' •• ?j j-, ICM.tll't IIIKCT .... IIIOL -, ., • POULTRY IIISECT SPECifiC DIRECTIONS , . Chickens Chicken .1 te for USe IS I direct sorlY on birds by; Ducks f lells Ceese lice 1. Mistlnq With Electric fog MAchine: "Ix 20 ounces Of SrV[1I brlnd' Ce.blnls Northern fowl RP2 Carbaryl Insecticide In 1 gilion of sprl),. Use 1 1/2 gilion per Pigeons .Ite 1000 hens In clges, on litter or on slltted floor. Repelt in _ weeks Turke),s I r necesSlr),. OR 2. Spr,,),lng with knlpSick or c),cllnder t),pe co.pra ..ed Ilr sprl)'8r.. : Mix 12 ounce, of this produrt In 5 gil Ions Of sprl),. Use 1 gilion per 100 hens In clges, on litter or on slltted floor. Repelt In _ weeks I r necesslry.

Direct .'St sprl)' ror chlcker. .Ite Ind flels Is I supple.. nt to spre),lng Insects Ind buildings for control of these pests. Do not Ippl), to ' poultr)' Ind gl.. birds within; dl),s Of sllughter.



lied bugs Appl), 12 to 25 ounces Of sprl)' .Ixture per 100 Iqulre feet of Will, Chicken .Ites litter or roost ,urfllce. force sprl)' Into cricks. Repelt IS needed. rtel' lice Avoid conu.lnltlon of nestl, eggs Ind feeding lind wlterlng troughl. Northem fowl' .ite

Fowl tick 10 ounces/gal. Vent Ilate while sprl),lng. Do not trelt p~llel within 1 dl),s or sllughter.

Lesaer 33 ounces/gl I • Appl), 2~ ounces of sprll), .ixture per 100 ,quire reet or floor aplce or • llvo~s II tter surr.ce • Repelt I. needed.

Ventilate while aprl),lng. Do not trelt p~lses within 1 dl),s or "Iughter •

• • • - . .. 0 · • • • • • • • • 0 0 • • • 0 0 • ... · ••0 • •• • -19- ----,~ c ·• · • • • • ~ ..· ••• 0', o • I:L • • • 0 0 • • • · -, - • • 0 , ~, • • ••. 0 o. 0 After use, replace cap on insecticide container. Rinse hose end unit outdoors in clear water. Store insecticide and sp~ayer assembly in a cool place. PESTICIDE DISPOSAL Partially filled containers may be disposed of by securely wrapping original container in several layers of newspaper and discarding in trash. Do not contaminate water, food, or feed by storage or disposal. Discard unused pestiCide spray mixture in a safe place away from water supplies. CONTAINER DISPOSAL Do not reuse empty container. Do not reuse hose end sprayer assembly for other purposes. Rinse thoroughly before discarding in trash. Securely wrap both fn several layers of newspaper and discard in trash.



·Underscored text 1s to be used o~ labels of SEVIN® brand RPZ Carbaryl Insectfcfde products w1th those uses not 1n conjunction with the Hose End Sprayer "~l:. • . • ••••• .....· • • • • ••••• , • •' • ., ....• • ••••. • •••••• • • ••• • ••• •0 • • ••••••• • I • ' ~ • I I ... .. • II ·. · • ..•

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