REG. NO. 130705093




MEDAN 2017

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara











Signed :

Date : August 22nd, 2017


Universitas Sumatera Utara
















Signed :

Date : August 22nd, 2017


Universitas Sumatera Utara



I would like to thank and praise to Allah SWT for giving me strength, health, patience, and everything that happen unexpectedly during writing this thesis.

Alhamdullillah, I finished it well. I am feeling grateful for experiences that I got during writing this thesis. It makes me get more lessons in my life. I am nothing without you.

My special gratitude is for my beloved parents, Bapak and Ibu, thank you for always pray for me to be a success woman someday. Thank you for always tell me your experience in your past, that always motivate me to be better. All of this I dedicate to both of you. Hope Allah always protects you and both of you always love

Allah. I love you. I do thank you too for my little brother, Fadjar Dwi Nugroho, who allowed me to use his laptop, although then request to me something then.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Martha Pardede, M.S. as my supervisor for her kindness, patience, knowledge, suggestion and motivation for me to write and finish this thesis. I also would like to thank to Dra. Diah Rahayu

Pratama, M.Pd. as my co-supervisor for her kindness, patience, and knowledge to help me in writing this thesis.

My gratitude also to the Head of English Department, Dr. Deliana, M. Hum. and the Secretary of English Department, Rahmadsyah Rangkuti. M.A., Ph.D., also all the lectures and the staffs of the English Department for the facilities and opportunities that given to me during my study in this faculty.


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I want to thank to my precious best friends, Chairunisa Ummanah, Nurul

Atikah, and Tammy Fahar Nasution, who always support me and hear all of my complaints. Thank you too for your jokes that makes me laugh and also makes me forget my problems for a while. Special thanks to Dini Aulia, who always beside me during writing this thesis. I really enjoy the time when I am with you. Thank you also for Siti Naila Nabila, Isna Rahmadani, Putri Meilisa, Anggia Putri Lestari, Lina Sri

Rahayu, Wulandari, and Anggita Dwi Putri for your kindness and always makes me better beside you. I am really thankful to have you all.

My special thanks to Nadya Nasier and Muhammad Fachri, who become my friend during writing this thesis and also become my friend in final examination. I really never thought about both of you become close to me, but Allah does. I can not forget the moments with you two. I really thank you to both of you. We finally did the best for our final examination. I also want to thank to English Literature A 2013 for experience and togetherness during about 4 years. Thank you for all of you for being in my life.

Medan, August 22nd, 2017

Mira Aprianti 130705093


Universitas Sumatera Utara


This thesis entitled The Impact of World War II on Personal and Social Life as Portrayed in Jack Kerouac’s On the Road and Kim Won-il’s The Wind and the River: A Comparative Literature. World War II that happened in 1939-1945 had a devastating impact on people and social conditions at that time. In this thesis, the writer analyze the impact of World War II in different countries; America and Korea, which portrayed in the novel On the Road by Jack Kerouac and The Wind and the River by Kim Won-il. This thesis used the theory of Comparative Literature to see the impact in two different countries in two novels. This thesis also used Sociology of Literature and Historical Approach to support the analysis in finding the impact of World War II. The writer used qualitative method that the data is from quotation in the novels. In this thesis, the writer divided the impact into two; personal and social life. Personal impact has two points; physical and mental, meanwhile social life has seven points; family life, play, education, economic life, community life, religion, and art. All of the impacts will be discussed in the analysis and findings. At the end of this thesis, the reader will find out the similarities and differences impact of World War II in two different countries that is America and Korea.

Keywords: World War II, Personal and Social Life Impact, America and Korea, Comparative Literature


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Skripsi ini berjudul The Impact of World War II on Personal and Social Life as Portrayed in Jack Kerouac’s On the Road and Kim Won-il’s The Wind and the River: A Comparative Literature. Perang Dunia II yang terjadi pada tahun 1939- 1945 memberikan dampak yang sangat merugikan bagi orang-orang dan kondisi sosial pada saat itu. Di dalam skripsi ini, penulis menganalisa dampak Perang Dunia II yang terjadi dalam dua negara yang berbeda; Amerika dan Korea yang tergambarkan di dalam novel On the Road oleh Jack Kerouac dan The Wind and the River oleh Kim Won-il. Skripsi ini menggunakan teori sastra bandingan untuk melihat dampak pada dua negara yang berbeda dalam dua buah novel dari negara yang berbeda pula. Skripsi ini juga menggunakan Sosiologi Sastra dan pendekatan Historis sebagai pendukung analisis. Penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif yang menggunakan kutipan sebagai data. Di dalam skripsi ini, penulis membagi dampak Perang Dunia II menjadi dua bagian; personal dan kehidupan sosial. Dampak personal terbagi dua; fisik dan mental, sementara dampak kehidupan sosial terbagi atas tujuh; kehidupan keluarga, permainan, pendidikan, kehidupan ekonomi, kehidupan komunitas, agama, dan seni. Dampak-dampak tersebut akan dibahas secara rinci di dalam analisis dan temuan. Pada akhir skripsi ini, pembaca akan menemukan persamaan dan perbedaan dampak Perang Dunia II pada dua negara yang berbeda tersebut, yaitu Amerika dan Korea.

Kata kunci: Perang Dunia II, Dampak Personal dan Kehidupan Sosial, Amerika dan Korea, Sastra Bandingan


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CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ...... 1 1.2 Problems of the Study ...... 7 1.3 Objectives of the Study ...... 7 1.4 Scope of the Study ...... 8 1.5 Significance of the Study ...... 8

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Literature and the Novel ...... 10 2.2 Comparative Literature ...... 14 2.3 Sociology of Literature ...... 16 2.4 Historical Approach ...... 17 2.5 Social Changes during World War II ...... 18 2.6 The Impact of War ...... 20 2.6.1 Personal Impact ...... 22 Physical ...... 23 Mental ...... 24 2.6.2 Social Life Impact ...... 25 Family Life ...... 26 Play ...... 27 xi

Universitas Sumatera Utara Education ...... 28 Economic Life ...... 30 Community Life ...... 32 Religion ...... 33 Art ...... 34 2.7 Related Studies ...... 35

CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH 3.1 Research Design ...... 37 3.2 Data and Data Source ...... 37 3.3 Data Collection ...... 38 3.4 Data Analysis ...... 39

CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS AND FINDING 4.1 Analysis ...... 40 4.1.1 Personal Impact of World War II in Jack Kerouac’s On the Road ...... 42 Physical ...... 42 Mental ...... 43

4.1.2 Social Life Impact of World War II in Jack Kerouac’s On the Road ...... 46 Family Life ...... 46 Play ...... 47 Education ...... 49 Economic Life ...... 51 Community Life ...... 52 Religion ...... 58 Art ...... 61 4.1.3 Personal Impact of World War II in Kim Won-il’s The Wind and the River ...... 64 Physical ...... 65 Mental ...... 67


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4.1.4 Social Life Impact of World War II in Kim Won-il’s The Wind and the River ...... 70 Family Life ...... 70 Play ...... 72 Education ...... 73 Economic Life ...... 76 Community Life ...... 78 Religion ...... 79 Art ...... 81 4.2 Finding ...... 83 4.2.1 The Similarities and Differences Impact of World War II in the novel On the Road and The Wind and the River ...... 85

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 5.1 Conclusion ...... 88 5.2 Suggestion ...... 90

REFERENCES ...... 92


i. Summary of the Novel On the Road by Jack Kerouac

The Wind and the River by Kim Won-il

ii. About the Author Jack Kerouac

Kim Won-il

iii. Chronological Events of World War II iv. Military and Civilian Deaths during World War II


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Table 4.1 The elements of the novels ...... 83

Table 4.2 The similarities and differences of the novel On the Road and The Wind and the River ...... 84

Table 4.3 The impact that found in the novels ...... 85

Table 4.4 The similarities impact of World War II in the novel On the Road

and The Wind and the River ...... 86

Table 4.5 The differences impact of World War II in the novel On the Road

and The Wind and the River ...... 86


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1.1 Background of the Study

World history actually filled by war. In the history of the world, the war becomes the most dominant than other events. The war actually happened from primitive time until now. The difference such as different of culture, different way of life and different interests make the war happen. That kind of differences actually normal in this life, but it creates conflict if there is no solution. The war always has the negative impact on the people’s life, social, culture, and also the country. The war is too horrible. Many people were killed by the war, they lost their hope to live because of the physical defect that they get by war, poverty threatens their life and also the country, suburban area everywhere, and everything has changed because of the war that makes peoples’ life become a trouble.

In the history of the world, there were many wars that happened such as civil war, Holy War, Cold War, and many more. One of example of the war that happened in the past was the Roman invasion of Britain. The Roman conquest of Britain would take four hundred years. This war would see much war, many revolts, and much bloodshed. This war actually takes a long story. The end of this war was when the

Romans got problems and the tribes attacked Italy in 410 A.D. There was another example of a war that happened recently. That was Civil War in Syria. As people can see on the television, there was news about the civil war that happened in Syria. This civil war killed over 200.000 until 310.000 during the conflict. At least 7.6 million


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people have been displaced within Syria, and there are over 4 million registered refugees from Syria. By two examples of war, it makes us realize that the war seems to never find the way to stop it. The war still exists until this day.

There was the most phenomenal war that ever happened in this world. There was the World War. The World War was one of the phenomenal wars in the 20th century and as the biggest and involved almost all of the country in this world. The

World War actually began in Western countries, with their conflict and problems, and then Asia such as Japan became an axis powers in the World War. This war has the impact of almost of the country in this world, the impact on person such as physical and mental, and the impact on social life.

The World War happened two times; World War I happened in 1914 – 1918 and World War II happened in 1939 – 1945. World War I involved most of the

European nation along with Russia, the United States, the Middle East, and other regions. This war also included the Central Powers mainly Germany, Austria-

Hungary, and Turkey against the Allies, mainly France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, and Japan. The World War I, then followed by World War II. World War II was fought between two groups of countries, there are Axis Powers (including Germany,

Italy and Japan) and the Allies (including Britain, France, Australia, Canada, New

Zealand, India, Soviet Union, China, the United States of America, and others).

World War II was the biggest war in the 20th century and has the impact to the country in Western and Asia. Children and adults were affected, many people died, building such as factories and houses was broken, and this war also has the impact on people who live at that time include; personal and social impact. World War II began as a European conflict precipitated by the issue of minorities in Eastern Europe. Asia


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also involve this war because of Japanese as an axis powers and colony some countries. It made World War II came to involve much more of the globe than the preceding war had included.

The phenomenon of World War II had the impact of almost the whole of country in this world. Many writers who lived at that time try to describe the situation on their works such as novels. As the situation that can be seen as a dramatic, riot situation, and as the biggest war in this world, the writer interest to find out the impact of the World War II as portrayed in the novels. The writer chooses the novel in which has World War’s background. In this thesis, the writer chooses two of the novels in World War II’s background from different countries; America and

Korea. This thesis entitled The Impact of World War II on Personal and Social Life as Portrayed in Jack Kerouac’s On the Road and Kim Won-il’s The Wind and the

River: A Comparative Literature.

The novel is one of literary genre which is narrative and can be the authors’ life experience. The novel usually portrays the life of people and their society, describe the situation and condition and can be real or unreal. In this thesis, the novel that the writer chooses are On the Road by Jack Kerouac from American’s author and The Wind and the River by Kim Won-il from Korean’s author which translated in English by Choi Jin-Young. This thesis is a comparative literature, which compares two different novels from different country. Kasim (1996: 26) mentions that comparative literature is one of the study includes a comparison of literary works from different national literature, relationship between literary works with science, beliefs, and art, also about theory, history, and literary criticism. In this thesis, the novel that the writer use is from different country and actually in different language,


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but here the novel The Wind and the River by Kim Won-il from Korea has already been translated in English.

The writer chooses to use comparative literature because the phenomenon of war in this world is not in one country, but every country had experienced in the war.

The writer chooses to use the novel that has a background in World War II because the writer thought that World War has the impact to almost of the countries in this world and also as the biggest war in this world. In this thesis, the writer chooses the novel from America and Korea. As everyone knows America now is a developed country and also Korea. In the history of World War II, America became one of the countries that fought in World War II, but not Korea. Korea was not noted in the history of World War II. Actually, Korea became experienced in World War II because Japanese was one of the Axis Powers in this war. Korea colonized by

Japanese in 1910-1945. When Japanese colonized Korea, Japanese exploited Korean people, sent them to fight in the war, and use their nature, such as food, livestock, and many more for war purposes. In this thesis, the writer interest to find out the impact of the countries that became an ally or not during the World War II. One of the characteristics of comparative literature is compares two or more literary works from different country, so then the writer chooses the novel from America and

Korea. Besides America and Korea is a different country and culture, all of that reason makes the writer interest to find out the impact of World War II in America and Korea.

The novel On the Road (1957) is about the young man who lives in America.

The story begins when Sal Paradise, a writer who makes the story about him and his friends, Dean Moriarty in explore America. This story seems a documenter of Sal


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Paradise and Dean Moriarty, his close friends in traveling the cross-country of

America. From that travel, Sal Paradise and Dean Moriarty meet many people with different characters, different way of life, and different thought of each person. This novel is a reflection of the life of American people after World War II.

Jack Kerouac was the novelist and poet. He was born on March 12, 1922 in

Lowell, Massachusetts. His novel On the Road (1957) is one of success novel in which Kerouac’s wrote about American life after World War II. Kerouac had education in local Catholic and public schools. He ever won a football scholarship to

Columbia University in New York. Then, he quit school in his sophomore year after a dispute with his football coach, and joined the Merchant Marine. Kerouac died on

October 21, 1969. His works are novels such as (1950), On the Road (1957), The Dharma Bums (1958).

The novel The Wind and the River (1985) portrays a Korean’s life after the war. This story about the man named Yi In-t’ae who survives his life in the situation of Japanese colonial occupation, World War II, and the Korean War. Although this novel is not only in the time of the World War II, this novel contains the condition during and after the World War II. In this novel, Yi In-t’ae is an independence fighter, a guilt-ridden traitor, a wandering beggar and thief, the sire of four abandoned children, the gigolo of a tavern owner, and finally a remorseful seeker of salvation. He is the victim and gets traumatic because of the war. Yi has a deep friendship with Mr. Choi, a Geomancer who honest and wise man. The life of Yi In- t’ae and Mr. Choi is the symbol of the struggle in the life of Korean during the

Japanese occupation, the World War II, and the Korean War. After years of


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wandering and suffering, Yi In-t’ae finds peace in death. Despite his suffering and sinful past, Yi discovered redemption in his struggle for forgiveness and salvation.

Kim Won-il was born on March 15, 1942 in Gimhae, Gyeongsangnam-do,

South Korea. He was a student at Sorabol Arts College and later graduated from

Yeungnam University. His works are novels such as A Festival of Darkness (1975),

A Carnival of Fire (1983), and The Wind and the River (1985); and collections of short stories The Soul of Darkness (1973), The Wind that Blows Today (1976),

Meditations on a Snipe (1978), and In Search of Disillusionment (1984).

In analyzing the topic above, the writer used sociology of literature and historical approach. Sociology of literature shows the way to understand the social condition that reflected in literary works. Damono (1979: 1) mentions that literature portrays human life; life itself is a social reality. It means that literature and social conditions have a deep relationship and can not be separate, although sociology and literature are different subject of study. Sociology of literature is suitable to the topic of this analysis. The writer needs to know the social condition at the time when the novel was written.

Historical approach is an approach that observes the history, when the literary works were written, and the kind of situation at that time. Historical approach shows the literary work reflects the ideas and attitudes of the time in which the literary work were written, and related to historical context, the events that were occurring in the world during the time the author wrote the literary works. Tyson (2006: 295) says the literary text, through its representation of human experience at a given time and place, is an interpretation of history.


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In analyzing the topic, the writer used qualitative method. This method is suitable in finding the impact of World War II because the characteristic of this method is descriptive. This method describes the phenomenon and events at the time when the literary works were made and find out the impact of World War II.

1.2 Problems of the Study

The problems of this analysis are:

1. How is the impact of World War II portrayed in the novel On the Road by

Jack Kerouac?

2. How is the impact of World War II portrayed in the novel The Wind and the

River by Kim Won-il?

3. What are the similarities and differences of impact of World War II portrayed

in the novel On the Road by Jack Kerouac and The Wind and the River by

Kim Won-il?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this analysis are:

1. To describe the impact of World War II in America as portrayed in the novel

On the Road by Jack Kerouac.

2. To describe the impact of World War II in Korea as portrayed in the novel

The Wind and the River by Kim Won-il.

3. To find out the similarities and differences of impact of World War II in the

novel On the Road by Jack Kerouac and The Wind and the River by Kim

Won-il. 7

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1.4 Scope of the Study

It is important to make a scope in analyzing the data which has been chosen.

This study is a comparative literature, which the data is from the novels from different countries; America and Korea. The analysis concerns with the impact of

World War II based on personal and social life impact in both of the novels that happen in different countries. The analysis focuses on the main characters’ life and social condition of main characters that found in dialogue and narrators’ explanation to show the impact of World War II in both of the novels. The result of this analysis is to find out the impact of World War II based on similarities and differences impact of World War II that found in both of the novels.

1.5 Significance of the Study

This analysis has theoretical and practical benefit. There are some points that the writer gets in this analysis:

 Theoretically:

1. This study is able to give information about the impact of World

War II on people who had experienced in the time of World War


2. This study is able to give information about the impact of World

War II in America and Korea.

3. This study reminds us of the World War II and the impact not only

on the people who lived during that time, but also the impact of

social condition, human thought, and culture as portrayed in the


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novel On the Road by Jack Kerouac and The Wind and the River

by Kim Won-il.

 Practically:

1. This study helps the readers to understand the novel On the Road

by Jack Kerouac and The Wind and the River by Kim Won-il.

2. This study as a reference to the researcher who wants to make a

research about the impact of World War II on characters in the

different countries; in this case in America and Korea.


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2.1 Literature and the Novel

Literature is a reflection of human life. Literature is an imagination of human life. Literature is an experience of human life. Literature is a document of people’s life, who has experience, suffer, and adventure in their life. Literature as usually related to social condition and life of the author. It is possible if the author makes his story in their works. Literature and social has deep connection. Literature also related to the history of the time, which the literary work was made. Literature and social condition, also history, complete each other. Taylor in his book entitled

Understanding the Elements of Literature (Taylor, 1981:1) says:

Literature like the other arts, is essentially an imaginative act, that is, an act of the writer’s imagination in selecting, ordering, and interpreting life- experience. In the case of literature, words are the medium of expression and it makes little difference whether those words are recorded in the living memory of a person or by some mechanical means such as writing, sound recording, etc. Anything that can be said about the nature of literature holds true for both oral and written examples since they share a pre-occupation with form, style and social function.

One of literary genre is a novel. Peck and Coyle in their book Literary Terms and Criticism, (1984: 102-103) says that the novel reflects a move way from an essentially religious view of life towards a new interest in the complexities of everyday experience. Peck and Coyle thought that most of novels are concerned with ordinary people and their problems in the societies in which they find themselves. In this book, Peck and Coyle explains that the novelists frequently focus on the tensions


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between individuals and society in which they live, presenting characters that are at odds with that society.

Different definition about novel is from Taylor in his book entitled

Understanding the Elements of Literature. A novel, as Taylor (1981: 46) says that is normally a prose work of quite some length and complexity which attempts to reflect and express something of the quality or value of human experience or conduct. A novel is an imaginative works that the author makes, can be real or unreal, and describe the situation at that time. As Taylor (1981:46) says in his books:

Its subject matter may be taken from patterns of life as we know it, or set in a exotic and imaginative time or place. The work may create the illusion of actual reality or frankly admit the artificiality of its fictional world in order to direct our attention to an imaginative relationship between the subject matter or theme of the work and the real world in which we actually live.

In a novel, there are some elements. Pardede in Literature: An Introductory

Material, the elements of the novel includes plot, conflict, point of view, setting, and characters. Plot according to Klarel (in Pardede, 2015: 15) is the sequence of action and incidents which make up a story. There are two kinds of plot; linear plot that means follow the sequence of the events from the beginning to end, and flash back plot, a device by which material that occurred prior of the opening scene of work.

Conflict is a complication that presented in the story. Conflict can be divided into outer conflict (with character, social forces, natural forces, and supernatural forces), and inner conflict (conflict within a character himself). In a novel also point of view that describes the narrative method an author uses to tell the stories (Pardede, 2015:

19). A novel absolutely exists the setting as a reference of the story. The setting can be time and place.


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A novel is not complete without characters. The character is the most important one in elements of the novel. The characters seem like the people in the real life. Without characters in the novel, there are impossible to have an action in the story. Character in the novel makes the story life. A character has emotions that the author design, makes the reader feel it when they are reading the story. In Literary

Terms and Criticism, Peck and Coyle (1984: 105) says the people in a novel are referred to as characters. Peck and Coyle thought that the characters in the novel assess them on the basis of what the author tell us about them and on the basis of what they do and say.

In Understanding the Elements of Literature, according to Taylor (1981: 62) a character is a mere construction of words meant to express an idea or view of experience and must be considered in relation to other features of the composition, such as action, setting, before its full significance can be appreciated.

Another definition found in Introduction to Literature, Criticism, and Theory:

Third Edition. Bennet and Royle (2004: 60) says:

Characters are the life of literature: they are the objects of our curiosity and fascination, affection and dislike, admiration and condemnation. Indeed, so intense is our relationship with literary characters that they often cease to be simply ‘objects’. Through the power of identification, through sympathy and antipathy, they can become part of how we conceive ourselves, a part of who we are.

The process the author used to develop and create images of the characters to the reader named characterization. In characterization, there is a direct characterization that means the author tells the reader what the reader wants to know.

Another characterization is indirect characterization that means the author shows


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about the character to help the reader understand the character’s personality and the effect on other characters.

The process the author uses to develop and create images of the characters to the reader named characterization. In characterization, there is a direct characterization that means the author tells the reader what the reader wants to know, besides indirect characterization means the author shows about the character to help the reader understand the character’s personality and the effect on other characters.

There are five methods of characterization in literature:

1. Physical description, which describes the character’s appearance, for

example, the character describes as tall, curly, and thin man.

2. Action, which describes good or bad and attitudes of the characters.

3. Inner thoughts, which the character does tell the reader about himself.

4. Reactions, which the effect on others, what others feel and say about the


5. Speech that the character use and says, such as the character might speak

in rude manner or nervous manner.

Characterization is important in analyzing the object of the analysis. Those methods make the writer easier in analyzing the impact of World War II. By analyzing the characters using those methods, the writer can see the impact of World

War that reflected in the characters in both of the novels.

E. M Forster (in Taylor, 1981: 65) mentions that there are two kinds of the character; round and flat. Round characters include those fictional creations that the authors of the novel make. It has complex many faceted personalities and an


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independent inner life which itself invites our interest and usually this character more described. Flat characters are those who exhibit only one character trait or motivation and whose main claim to our interest is in the actions they perform or the quality they represent.

2.2 Comparative Literature

In Sastra Bandingan: Ruang Lingkup dan Metode by Razali Kasim, comparative literature has a long history to make it as a discipline of the study. In line with the development of unitary language, literature also becomes a national literature. National literature, then, change in views itself. That view, then tends to see that in fact, there are often contacts of cultural values and often occur taking a cultural element by people who have different cultures, as well as the existence of the same elements or together in various cultures. Giusseppi Mazzini, an Italian, then sparked Letterature Europea (European Literature) in his writing entitled

“Concerning a European Literature”.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Fransisco den Sanctis have a wider perspective. Goethe, then known as his Weltliteratur (world literature), that see the literature is not only seeing in European literature, but in various literature in the world. Goethe (in Kasim, 1996: 6) mentions that emerge of Weltliteratur seen by the historical and political phenomenon. French revolution and war makes lost communication between citizen from one country and others. Goethe hope that literature can connect the communication and every country in this world understand and comprehend each other.

World literature and comparative literature is not the same. In the same book,

Kasim (1996: 14) says world literature is wider than comparative literature. In 14

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comparative literature, the study can be only used two literary works from different national literature, while world literature used masterpiece works from various national literature.

In Sastra Bandingan: Ruang Lingkup dan Metode, Kasim (1996: 26) mentions that comparative literature is one of the study includes a comparison of literary works from different national literature, relationship between literary works with science, beliefs, and art, also about theory, history, and literary criticism. The scope of comparative literature in Kasim (1996: 27) is to see the development of ideas in human life, how the ideas emerging and expanding many places and nations of the world. Therefore, comparative literature can broaden person’s perspective on various aspects of human life.

In comparative literature, there are some scope that explained by different experts and schools. One of the scope of comparative literature is based on America

School. Comparative literature is not only comparing literary works or the authors, but also about other fields. In Kasim’s book (1996: 16) the scope of comparative literature based on America school are:

1. A study of comparing literary works and the authors.

2. A study of relation between literary works with other sciences

(philosophy, psychology, sociology, and others) with beliefs and religion

or arts (painting, music, architecture, and sculpture).

3. A study about theory, history, and literary criticism which covers more

than one national literature.

In the same book, Kasim (1996: 59) mentions some field study of comparative literature which as a point of attention in comparative literature:


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1. Theme and motif that include idea, characters, plot and setting, and


2. Genre and form.

3. Movement and generation.

4. Relation between literary works and science, belief, and arts.

5. Literary theory, literary history, and literary criticism.

In analyzing the impact of World War II in America and Korea, the writer focuses on the motif that has a background of World War II in both of the novels to analyze the impact of World War II on characters in different countries. The writer finds out the impact that reflected in both of the novels as the data of analysis. In Sastra

Bandingan: Ruang Lingkup dan Metode by Razali Kasim, Goethe (in Weissten,

1973: 138) says that motive is the spiritual phenomenon of human which has repeated and will always repeat its itself. Goethe idea (in Kasim, 1996: 60) about motive has the similarity with the other meaning of motive that is the main story which is universal, traditional, and appears repeatedly in the two literary works.

2.3 Sociology of Literature

Sociology of literature according to Swingewood (in Yasa, 2012: 21) is a scientific approach of objective analysis about human in society, community in society, and social process. The literature reflects social life, social adaptation in life and a feeling of change the life.

In the book Metodologi Penelitian Sastra: Epistemologi, Teori dan Aplikasi by Suwardi Endraswara, Elizabeth and Burns (in Endraswara, 2013: 79) says that literature is not only the effect of social causes but also the cause of social effect. In


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the same book, Endraswara (2013: 79) says sociology of literature is a research that focuses on human problems. Literature frequently expresses the struggle of human life in determined the future, based on imagination, feeling, and intuition.

Laurenson and Swingewood (in Endraswara, 2013: 79) thought that there are three perspectives in sociology of literature:

1. The research looked at literature as social document that is a reflection of

the situation at the time when the literature itself was made.

2. The research that expresses literature as a reflection of the author.

3. The research that captures literature as a manifestation of the history and

socio-cultural circumstances.

Sociology and literature also concern about human with society, politics, country, and others. Damono in his book Sosiologi Sastra Sebuah Pengantar Ringkas

(1979: 8) says the difference between sociology and literature are sociology conducts an objective scientific analysis, whereas literature, for example novel penetrate the social life and shows the way people inspire the society with their feelings. Although sociology and literature are two different disciplines, actually sociology and literature have a relationship and have the same discussion, which is about human life in society.

2.4 Historical Approach

In analyzing the impact of World War II, it is important to know the history of World War at first. In 1970’s, historical approach developed and known as a new historical approach. Tyson (2006: 291-292) in his book entitled Critical Theory

Today: A User-Friendly Guide, Second Edition says: 17

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The literary text and the historical situation from which it emerged are equally important because text (the literary work) and context (the historical conditions that produced it) are mutually constitutive: they create each other. Like the dynamic interplay between individual identity and society, literary texts shape and are shaped by their historical contexts.

This book fulled of contribution to the writer in using historical approach as an approach in analysis the impact of World War II in America and Korea. In this book,

Tyson explains the aim of the historical approach, the means of the historical approach, and the use of the historical approach itself. In this book, Tyson explains that historical approach, history portrays the life of people in making literary works.

Historical situation represented in the text of literary works, and the author’s life and times is an objective reality that can be known and against which the subjective literary work is interpreted or measured. In this book, Tyson also explains that the historical approach focuses on how the literary text itself has a functions as a historical discourse with other historical discourses such as the time and place in which the text is set at the time the text was published or at later points in the history of the text’s reception. Text in literary works are not as fact as to be documented, but as “texts” to be “read”.

2.5 Social Changes during World War II

Social changes found in America. Popular culture is one of important points besides mass culture that developed in America at that time. In American Culture

American Tastes: Social Change and the 20th Century, Michael Kammen (1999: 70) mentions that popular culture in manifold forms has been a prominent part of the human experience for quite long time. It developed in the American colonies among congregations of the faithful and seasonal festivities, at taverns and inns, in


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vernacular songs and superstitions. In this book, Kammen (1999: 77) also mentions that the most familiar forms of popular culture during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries ordinarily traveled from one city to the next, which meant that communities literally invested themselves in preparing for exciting events that were high spots on the annual calendar, such as the day (or days) when the circus came to town. However, the term ‘popular culture’ certainly did not disappear following

World War II. Indeed, the term “pop” as a casual allusion to popular culture did not appear until and after the war. In the same book, Kammen (1999: 92) says the culture that happen in post-war period:

…. such exemplars of enduring popular culture as county fairs and flea markets; dish-to-pass suppers at community centers and the fellowship halls of churches; local theatrical groups who make an immense effort to delight their neighbors rather than turn a profit, though each successful production helps to make the next one possible; quilting groups; military re-enactment obsessed with authencity; farmers’ markets; the renaissance of interest in local history and historical societies; square dancing and folk dancing; bluegrass festivals; sacred harp singing (a fascinating mode of organized spontaneity); and the passion ate involvement in high school football and basketball games, where so many devoted supporters attend every single game, at home ans away, come rain or come shine.

In Korea, there was also social change that happened after the phenomenon of

Japanese Occupation, World War II, and Korean War. Savada and Shaw (1990) says that Japanese colonial occupation, World War II, Korean War, and the tragedy of national division fostered abrupt social changes. Rapid economic growth engendered profound changes in values human relationships. Confucian and neo-Confucian ideas and institutions, which flourished during the Choson Dynasty (1392-1910), continued to have an important impact in 1990. The Confucian influence was most evident in the tremendous value placed on education, a major factor in South Korea's economic progress. Equally evident was the persistence of hierarchical, often


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authoritarian, modes of human interaction that reflected the neo-Confucianism's emphasis on inequality.

2.6 The Impact of War

Arthur A. Stein and Bruce M. Russett in their journal entitled Evaluating

War: Outcomes and Consequences (1980: 399) says that war is a major agent of change and a neglected one. In this journal, Stein and Russett also says that wars occur frequently and can have the massive effects on individuals, groups, nations, and international systems. In this journal, Stein and Russett (1980: 400-402) analyze the impact of war based on individuals, groups, nations, and international systems.

Stein and Russett thought that war’s consequences vary, and these variations can be characterized in a number of ways:

1. Timing of impact. Some consequences, as for social cohesion, may be felt

immediately, whereas others may not be felt until long after a conflict is over.

2. Duration. Some effects persist; others are ephemeral. The effects of wartime

mobilization on domestic labor, on employment levels, and on the utilization

of normally unused labor supplies, for example, are contemporaneous, that is,

they are typically felt only during the war itself. Other effects that occur as a

result of war are transitory; they are experienced during the war and

immediately after the war.

3. The ways in which wars affect individuals, groups, nations, and international

systems can also be categorized. Wars often work changes in the capabilities

of actors. The destruction of productive facilities, increased productivity, and


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technological diffusion, for example, all involve changes in the capabilities of

nations and thus in the structure of the international system.

4. International conflicts, including wars, vary in intensity and extensity.

Somewars last years, even decades; others last only a few days. Some wars

involve two nations; others are labeled “world wars.” Sometimes fighting is

limited; in other cases the scope and degree of destruction is much greater.

Typically, it is assumed that larger wars are likely to manifest more

consequences and effect more long-term changes.

5. In some wars, all belligerents feel threatened; in others, an aggressor

revisionist state threatens status quo states; and at other times none of the

belligerents may be or perceive themselves to be seriously threatened. Indeed,

the existence of external threat is an intervening variable in the social-

psychological literature that posits a relationship between external conflict

and changes in internal cohesion (A. A. Stein 1976).

6. There are also differences in the ways nations wage war. In some cases, states

can wage war without extensively mobilizing the society; in other cases,the

state mobilizes the entire society for the war effort. Many of the domestic

effects of war are indeed a function of the extent of wartime mobilization (A.

A. Stein 1980).

7. A conflict’s course, and especially its conclusion, can also be important

determinants of change. For the participants, wars are resolved by victory,

defeat, or compromise (or degrees of these), and each has a different impact.

Defeat, for example, typically leads to a regime change in the defeated state

8. Finally, the prewar attributes of actors may also determine the ways in which

those actors are affected by war. The effect of war on a nation’s capability,


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for example, may be a function not only of the characteristics of that war but

also of the characteristics of the nation itself. Thus the effects of war on

national capabilities may be different for major and minor powers (Wheeler


These categorizations of causes and effects suggest the existence of a wide variety of specific consequences occurring in a wide range of wartime and postwar contexts. In this journal, Stein and Russett give some points to emphasize the consequences and the impacts of war included:

- Outcomes of International Conflicts.

- War and Individuals.

- War and Society, included; War and the State, War and the Economy, and

War and Social Cohesion.

- War and International System.

In this thesis, the writer only focuses on two points: 1) War and Individuals and 2)

War and Society. In this thesis, the writer use the term “personal” for the impact that happen on individuals and “social life” to find the impact of war on society in both of the novels.

2.6.1 Personal Impact

Individuals or personal are clearly affected by international conflict, especially war. Physically, people die in war, suffer permanently injuries, and lose someone whom their love because of the war. Mentally, the person who did not participate directly in war also gets the impact. Wars can affect the generations of individuals, and there is quite extensive evidence that generational attitudinal


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changes persists long after the original stimulus is gone (Mannheim 1952, Bobrow and Cutler 1967, and Spitzer 1973 in Stein and Russett, 1980: 405). The war generations become warweary; that those who remember war’s dislocations and suffering wish not to experience them again (Stein and Russett, 1980: 406). Jervis

(1976: 266 in Stein and Russett, 1980: 405) says:

The very “dramatic and pervasive nature of a war and its consequences, the experiences associated with it-the diplomacy that preceded it, the methods of fighting it, the alliances that were formed, and the way the war was terminated-will deeply influence the perceptual predispositions of most citizens.”

In this journal, Stein and Russett want to tell the readers that there are personal impacts because of the war. The explanation above tells the most personal impact of war is physical such as injuries and others, also mental such as traumatic that the people get when experienced the war. Physical

Physical impact is one of the impacts of World War II. Everyone can see physical impact that absolutely as the major impact of war. The people who have experience in war suffer from physical impact. According to Salamon (2010) there are some health problems that happened on people after the war:

1. Musculoskeletal injuries and pain; over half of the veterans address

lingering pain in their back, necks, knees, or shoulders. It also can be

chronic muscle pain.

2. Mental health issues; most of veterans experienced in trauma of war or

called Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).


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3. Chemical exposure; research by the American Heart Association found

that exposure to nerve agents such as sarin, which can trigger convulsion

and death on the battlefield may cause long-term damage.

4. Infectious disease; bacterial infections such as Brucellosis that may

persist for years, Campylobacter jejuni that cause abdominal pain, fever

and diarrhea, and Coxiella burnetii which in chronic cases can inflame

the heart.

5. Noise and vibration exposure; noise of gunfire, heavy weapons, and

noisy engine rooms can cause hearing loss and impairment including

persistent ringing and buzzing in the ears.

6. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI); disrupt brain function that cause cognitive

issue such as shorter span, language disabilities, and inability to process

information. Veterans also suffer from lack of motivation, irritability,

anxiety and depression, headache, memory loss, and PTSD.

7. Urologic injuries; injuries that affect the urinary tract and its organs, such

as bladder, ureters, kidneys, and genitalia. Mental

The World War II causes person’s got trauma. It is possible if the people get

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD is trauma and stress related disorder.

In the journal Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine entitled Post-traumatic Stress

Disorder, Depression, and Suicide in Veterans, Sher, et al (2012: 93) says:

Traumatic events leading to PTSD include military combat, violent personal assault, being kidnapped or taken hostage, experiencing a terrorist attack, torture, incarceration, a natural or man-made disaster, or an automobile accident, or being diagnosed with a life-threatening illness.


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In the American Journal and Medicine entitled Posttraumatic Stress

Disorder: Clinical Features, Pathophysiology, and Treatment, Vieweg et al (2006:

384) mentions that Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) consists of re- experiencing trauma with distressing recollections, dreams, flashbacks, and/or psychological/physical distress, persistent avoidance of stimuli that might invite traumatic memories, experiences, and increased arousal.

2.6.2 Social Life Impact

Stein and Russett (1980: 408) says that most literature on the consequences of war is devoted to war’s effects on individual societies. They say that typically the works focus on war and the state, war and the economy, or war and social cohesion.

Stein and Russett (1980: 413) says that war leads to social disorganization and internal dissension.

There was the social impact during and after World War II. The most known of social impact of World War II is the increase of a suburban area, free-sex, poverty, violence, new technology developed (in America) and social change. World War II also makes the country destroyed, buildings such as factories, houses, and others were broken, and many things become broken because of that war. The war made everything changed in a crack. People who lived at that time become a victim of the horrible war. Someone lost their family member, lost their job, lived in poverty condition, and many impacts that people got at that time. The riot condition happened. Everyone is both socially-made and self made. Everyone lives in many social worlds at one and the same time (Bogardus and Lewis, 1942: 10). When the war broke their country, it impacted the social life. Bogardus and Lewis in their book

Social Life and Personality mention seven points of social life:


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People live in family. The family group becomes the most important in social life because the child inheritance. Its strong and weak mental or physical also inherited from his father and mother. Bogardus and Lewis in the book Social Life and Personality (1942: 66) says the family trains its young and growing members for participation in all other phases of social life. It molds the personality of each child and prepares him for adult life.

The war happened unexpectedly for citizens. The war, especially World War

II had the impact on family life in the countries that experienced in that war. America was one of the countries that become an ally in the World War II got the impact on family life. Adams (1994: 8) says:

Family dislocation came to be a concern: with fathers in the armed forces and mothers working, kids seemed to go wild, and people worried about juvenile delinquency. In a 1946 opinion poll, a majority of adults said adolescent behavior had degenerated during the war; only 9 percent thought it had improved. And people may now think that marriages were more sacred back then, but marital strain led to a record high 600,000 divorces in 1946.

The main points of the family condition after World War II are; broken families make children mad and go wild. Time by time the children grow to teenager and adult, and they have bad habits such as go to saloon and drunk. Another point is marriage and divorce also increased. Divorce was increased after World War II in

America because of many factors such as consumerism, great depression, and poverty. According to Richfield (2007: 10) in the time suburban area increased, young Americans who transplanted their families to the suburbs identified independence and informality as essentials to their new and improved style.


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In a different country, especially Korea, family life became ‘spread’ from one place to another. It was happened because Japanese at that time used Korean people as their member in World War II. World War II also brought Korean people to

‘divided families’, because of Korean divided into South and North. In the journal entitled Divided Korean Families: Why Does It Take So Long, Lee (1992: 147) says divided families are referred to here as those family members whose kin are separated, lost, or dispersed under the tragic circumstances of national division and disaster. In this case, it can be World War II made Korean families separated such as father lost their son or conversely. Play

Play is recreation rather than amusement. Play is active, while amusements are passive. Play provides its own activities, while the person seeking amusement waits for others to perform (Bogardus and Lewis, 1942: 124). American people after

World War II were well on the way to becoming a motorized society before 1950s, but the depression and the halt in auto production slowed the growth of America’s car culture. Joo (2007: 46) says that automobiles revolutionized the way people spent their leisure time. Automobiles after World War II changes American society.

McCurdy (2013) says in the 1950s, automobiles were considered to have made

American free. This period also known as the Automobile Revolution. McCurdy mentions some of the impact of automobiles on American society:

1. Due to higher production of cars, many families desired to move to the

suburbs of large cities and as a result, many streets at night became

deserted. Furthermore, many teenagers were allowed their own automobile

due to the fact that gas was inexpensive and 10 miles a gallon was great.


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This caused rebellion, which was aimed at parents and the routine of daily

life. To express their frustration and anger teenagers would race along the

highways, and engage in sexual relations.

2. In the 1950’s many adults and teenagers to drive-in theaters and

restaurants for entertainment and fun.

American people after World War II enjoyed their travel by their car, but different case happened in Korea. Korea had no sophisticated technology such as car like America after World War II, but they only adopted card game from Japan.

Japanese occupation influenced Korean people to play a card named hwat’o. Wintle

(2011) says Hwat’o or Hwatu cards are the Korean version of Japanese Flower Cards that the term Hwatu itself means “flower cards”. According to him, the cards came over to Korea when the Japanese occupied it during 1905-1945. The card game becomes culture in Korea. Education

Education is one of the most important things in social life. In America, to get an education is not easy as people think. To get higher education in America, they need G.I bill. Batten (2011: 14) in the Grove City College Journal of Law & Public

Policy entitled The G.I Bill, Higher Education and American Society says:

The Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944, better known as the G.I. Bill, has proved itself a powerful force for social change in post-World War II America. In particular, Title II of the Bill, which created a program to pay for the continuing education of veterans returning from war, caused a massive spike in the numbers of Americans attending college. This increase led to a profound shift in American perceptions of higher education and government policy relating to those institutions….


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Batten (2011: 16) says the decade of economic depression that preceded war created generation of workers who were not only lacking in education but also in any meaningful work experience. The purpose of G.I Bill for American people was to ensure that returning soldiers would have a smooth transition back into civilian life.

Batten (2011: 16) also says the G.I Bill contained sweeping provisions that allowed veterans to receive unemployment benefits of to get loans and other government financing to build a house, start a business, or attend high school, college or vocational training. On the contrary, according to Adams (1994: 8-9) young people could no longer think because education failed to challenge and nobody flunked.

Young people prefer to listened radio and watched movies than reading books.

Korean education after World War II was far different than America.

According to Bourdieu (2000 in Yoon, 2014: 177):

The desire of parents to send their children to places of higher quality education to enable them to gain economic and social capital is considered a source of development oof the nation, underpinning potentially dramatic economic growth. However, at the same time, it causes demand for, and rapid expansion of, private education; a loss of confidence in and expectations of public education; and the widening of the educational gap between those who can afford private education and those who cannot.

In Italian Journal and of Sociology of Education entitled The Change and Structure of Korean Education Policy in History by Kaeunghun Yoon (2014), when Korean divided into two: South and North, General Headquarters (GHQ) governed South

Korea for three years. The education under policy and GHQ influence was mostly focused on the democratization of education, which meant education for all, equality in opportunity, political decentralization, compulsory education policy and adult education plan (Chunsuk, 1975 in Yoon, 2014). Through the subsequent Constitution


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and the Korean War, the education policy of Korea focused on educational reconstruction under Japanese influence (Hiroshi, 1987 in Yoon, 2014), emphasizing anti-communism and, in accordance with the policy of education for all, the implementation of compulsory education for better opportunity, alongside a policy for Illiteracy Eradication (Hiroshi, 1987 in Yoon, 2014). This journal mentions the structure and change of education in Korea. When the Japanese occupation in Korea in 1910-1945, Japanese banned the Korean language, then everything becomes

Japanese rule also their name become Japanese name. Then, that entire rule changed.

The committee banned to use Japanese textbooks, mandating Korean text in all education processes and practices. However, eradicating illiteracy using Korean emerged as a barrier, as more than 80% of Korean citizens could not use Korean, as a result of previous Colonial Education policies (Chunsuk, 1975 in Yoon, 2014). After being devastated during the course of the three-year Korean War, with a view to generate an economic boost and develop the character of the people. The Education

System featured American-style components such as democracy and education, and a

Japanese-style administrative body, in which elites that belong to a particular administrative organization operate for their own profit. Economic Life

In the book Social Life and Personality, Bogardus and Lewis (1942: 223) says that work ranges from activity that is largely routine, as in the case of many factory jobs, to activity that is creative and stimulating, as is the work of many scientist and artists. In the article entitled Boundless US History: Politics and Culture of Abundance: 1943-1960 explained that economic in America after World War II became global influence. In the beginning 1950s, middle-class culture became


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obsessed with consumer goods. The economy grew dramatically after World War II.

The economic prosperity in America after World War II was not as good as people see. The state was better at producing sophisticated technology such as car, but the society at that time still life in poverty, especially for older people and immigrants.

The post-World War II prosperity did not extend to everyone. Many Americans continued to live in poverty throughout the 1950s, especially older people and African Americans, the latter of whom continued to earn far less on average than their white counterparts. Immediately after the war, 12 million returning veterans were in need of work, and in many cases could not find it. In addition, labor strikes rocked the nation, in some cases exacerbated by racial tensions due to African Americans having taken jobs during the war and now being faced with irate returning veterans who demanded that they step aside. The huge number of women employed in the workforce in the war were also rapidly cleared out to make room for men. Many blue-collar workers continued to live in poverty, with 30% of those employed in industry. Racial differences were staggering. In 1947, 60% of black families lived below the poverty level (defined in one study as below $3000 in 1968), compared with 23% of white families. In 1968, 23% of black families lived below the poverty level, compared with 9% of white families.

Other economic condition happened in Korea. After World War II, Korean was separated into South and North. South Korea held by America and North Korea held by Soviet Union. The separation made Korean War began. Kim (2012: 439) says:

Inflation, which had been almost continually on the rise since 1945, remained constant throughout the 1950s. The Rhee government took virtually no effective measures to deal with it. With property destroyed and inflation rampant, the formerly wealthier and middle-class families were severely hurt, in many cases completely ruined.

After World War II and the riot condition in Korea, economy did not balance with people’s life. The impact was Korea suffered in poverty condition, especially in rural area. Inflation and poverty became the economic life problem in economic life after World War II. It is not strange if found some articles that stated about Korean


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history in the past was known in poor condition. The Japanese occupation, World

War II that made Korean divided into South and North, and the Korean War made

Korea in difficult economic life. Community Life

Every person is born in a family and connected to each other in the community. After World War II, suburban area developed in America. According to

Richfield (2007: 1) the post-World War II period American history was a period of increased suburbanization. Nicolaides and Wiese in their journal entitled

Suburbanization in the United States after 1945 (2017) says right after World War II, new suburbs attracted a remarkably homogenous population, comprised of relatively young, white married couple with kids. Heterosexual families with distinct roles for men and women were the accepted norm. Nicolaides and Wiese (2017) says:

In 1953, just 9% of suburban women worked outside the home, compared to 27% nationally. In the era’s best known development, Levittown, New York, residents were all white, ranged from 25 to 35 years old, were married less than seven years, and had an average of three children. The husband was employed and the wife was a homemaker. There was notable religious and ethnic diversity, however, with a mix of Protestants, Catholics, and Jews, while approximately 15% were foreign born. Suburbs like Levittown attracted both white-and blue-collar workers, who together, through their capacity to buy homes and the consumer goods of suburban life, defined the expanding American middle class. Approximately 41% of men and 38% of women had some college education; many of the men were veterans. Over time, however, suburbanites of different incomes sorted into different communities, creating greater socioeconomic homogeneity within suburbs, but growing class stratification and inequality across suburbia as a whole.

Suburbanization in America also known as Automobile Revolution. According to

Joo (2007: 48), the decade after the World War II was also characterized by suburban explosion. Most people, especially whites, lived in suburbs than cities.


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In korea, the separation, problems in politics and economic, and many problems that happened after World War II in Korea made the society life in hard condition. Kim (2012: 443)

Until the 1960s South Korean Society had been overwhelmingly rural, with most Korean supporting themselves through farming or fishing, and few ever venturing farther than nearest market towns, which were much larger than their home villages.

Korean people life after World War II had many problems, that made them live in difficult condition. Korean people who live in rural area at that time live in poverty.

They lived as a farmer and lived accept the condition at that time. Religion

Religion is an important foundation of human life. People should believe in

God, although there are some people not believe in God. Everything that happen in this world actually from God. In every situation, naturally people will remember their God. In the war situation, people beg to God to give a peace. In America after

World War II, almost American people believe in Christian although there are many religions such as Islam, Jewish, Buddhist, and others are exist. Richfield (2007: 37) says:

The religious resurgence in America after World War II, likewise, pointed to and added to the postwar climate of apprehension and confusion. Americans sought solace and clarity through faith. Evangelist Billy Graham harnessed television and radio as a means to infuse American society with religion. Marketing religiosity, television commercials reassured, “The family that prays together stays together.” Congress inserted “under god” into the pledge of allegiance in 1954 and the following year printed, “In God We Trust” on the dollar bill.

Religion in Korea also got the impact. Korean people lived under of

Shamanism, Buddhism, Daoism or Confucianism. The World War II brought Asian


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influenced by Western, it also impacted to religion. Based on article entitled

Historical and Modern Religions of Korea (2017), the Christian faith has made strong in roads into the country, bringing forth yet another important factor that may change the spiritual landscape of the people. The cause of the rapid pace of industrialization which occurred within a couple of decades compared to a couple of centuries in the West, has brought about considerable anxiety and alienation while disrupting the peace of mind of Koreans, encouraging their pursuit of solace in religious activities. As a result, the population of religious believers has expanded markedly with religious institutions emerging asian influential social organizations. Art

Art can influence social life greatly. Through art, people can share the ideals, inspirations, hopes, and sorrows of the world’s greatest minds. The art can be expressed in drama, fictions, motions pictures, cartoon, sculpture, architecture, or music. In America after World War II, music became their life. Elihu Rose in his article entitled The Forties and the Music of World War II says that World War II was the centerpiece of the decade and as one music critic wrote, “in a very real sense,

American popular music was the popular music of World War II”. Rose also says that the war was an emotional period and the songs tapped a reservoir of emotions: hope, longing, loneliness, and love.

In Korea, the World War II made the Korean peninsula divided into two;

North and South. The chaotic war brought the impact on the music in Korea. The chaotic condition at that time expressed in music, especially in traditional music called Pansori. Pansori or Korean folk opera is a genre of narrative song. Samuel

Lee in his article entitled Korean Traditional Music Style: Pansori says that Pansori


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has the theme of suffering. Pansori was mainly used to express Korean’s suffering during wars and captivity.

2.7 Related Studies

There are many journals and thesis that researched about the impact of World

War II. The thesis and journals that the writer found is used as reference to understand the impact of World War II in America and Korea. Some of them are:

2.7.1 Jack Kerouac’s On the Road and Its Influences on the by

Denis Tenesaca Benenaula and Diana Ramon Lopez

This thesis explains about the novel On the Road itself and the influences on the Beat Generation as the author mentions in the novel that represents the American people at that time. By reading this thesis, the writer gets more knowledge and understands the novel and the term of the Beat Generation that the author made. This thesis also makes the writer know about the social life at that time.

2.7.2 The Impact of the Automobile and Its Culture in the U.S by Jeongsuk Joo

This journal explains about car culture that happened in America after World

War II and its impact on society. The development of industry in America especially for an automobile and consumerism on American people makes society at that time enjoy having a car. The people in America after World War II prefer to travel by car as a symbol of ‘free’.

2.7.3 Jazz and American Culture by Lawrence W. Levin

This journal explains about Jazz music and America that then become the cuture of American art itself. In this journal, Levin says, in contrast to harmonious,


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complex, exclusive culture, jazz was denounced as discordant, uncivilized, overly accessible, and subversive to reason and order. Although there was no significant reversal of these attitudes until after World War II, jazz musicians convinced that their art was an integral vibrant part of American culture.

2.7.4 The Effects of Japanese Colonization in Korea by Emma Dodge

This journal describes the effects of Japanese occupation in Korea during

World War II. During World War II, with the permission of America, the Japanese used the Korean as pawns in their army. In this journal explains how Japanese colonize them in 1910-1945 until Korea separate into South and North Korea after

Japanese surrendered and as the ending of World War II. After World War II, Korea was split into the North and South, which caused the Korean War, killing millions of soldiers from all sides of the war.

2.7.5 Divided Korean Families: Why Does It Take So Long to Remedy the

Unhealed Wounds? by Daniel Boo Duck Lee

This journal describes about Korean families that separate because of the

Japanese occupation, World War II, and Korean War that happened in Korea. In this journal also examines the issues of psychosocial impact and consequence resulted from the Korean conflict. Since Korea’s division by external forces in 1945, the prolonged impact of family separation on both sides of divided Korea and the issues of family reunification have been dealt with the most unfortunate cold war circumstances of denial mistrust, repression, fear, betrayal, persecution, and divided loyalty.


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3.1 Research Design

The method that the writer used is a descriptive qualitative method.

Qualitative method characteristic is descriptive, use texts rather than numbers.

Creswell (2009:4) says qualitative research is an approach to exploring and understanding the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a social or human problem. This method is suitable for this research in finding the impact of World

War II in the novels. By using this method, the writer will explain descriptively.

In this thesis, the writer used library research and internet to find the data that used in writing this thesis. The library research is suitable because in writing this thesis, the writer needs information from books, encyclopedia, journals, and internet source such as articles and electronic book (e-book) that is not need field observation or another.

3.2 Data and Data Source

In writing this thesis, the data is the most important material to find out the information. The writer collects the data from some books, encyclopedia, journals, e- book, and other sources that can be related to the object of research. The data in this thesis is all of the quotation from the novel On the Road by Jack Kerouac and The

Wind and the River by Kim Won-il. The source of the data refers to the subject from which the data are obtained. The novel On the Road by Jack Kerouac and The Wind


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and the River by Kim Won-il are the source of the data in this thesis. The secondary data that the writer used is the book of history of World War II and the books that contain information about comparative literature, sociology of literature, and historical approach. Other sources that the writer used are the articles, journals, electronic book (e-book), and encyclopedia.

3.3 Data Collection

In this research, the writer takes two types of research; the primary data and secondary data. The primary data in this research are the source of data, which is the novel that the writer uses to analyze the problem of this research. The novel that the writer use is On the Road (1976) written by Jack Kerouac and The Wind and the

River (1988) written by Kim Won-il which translated in English by Choi Jin-young.

The secondary data in this research are from books, electronic book (e-book), encyclopedia, and articles that related to the history of World War, the impact of

World War in America and Korea, and America and Korea condition after the World

War II. The whole of the data, then, collected to support this research.

In collecting the data, the writer read the novels in order to get more understanding related the impact of World War II. The writer underlined the part that related to the impact of World War II. In selecting the data, the important data must be selected in order to support the analysis of the impact of World War II in both of the novels. After all done, the writer collected the data that give understanding in problem and objective of this thesis.


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3.4 Data Analysis

In this thesis, there are some steps in analyzing the impact of World War II on two novels. The steps of analyzing the data are:

1. Read the whole of the novels. The writer reads the novel On the Road by

Jack Kerouac and The Wind and the River by Kim Won-il as the primary

data to find out the impact of World War II as portrayed in both of the


2. After reading both of the novels, the writer finds out the impact of World

War II as portrayed in both of the novels. The writer should find out

based on personal impact that includes; physical and mental, and social

life impact that includes; family life, play, education, economic life,

community life, religion, and art.

3. The writer chooses the quotation in both of the novels that suitable with

personal and social life impact of World War II. The writer marks the

quotation by using red marker. The writer also uses colorful note to make

easier in identifying each points of the impact. For example, to identify

physical impact, the writer chooses to note the quotation by using pink

note, purple for mental impact, blue for family impact, and so on.

4. After all of the steps are done, the writer begins to choose the best

quotation to analyze the impact of World War II that found in the novels.

5. Last steps, the writer create conclusions based on the data that has been



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4.1 Analysis

World War II was the horrible war that included Germany, Italy, and

Japanese as an Axis Powers and many countries such as Britain, France, Australia,

Canada, New Zealand, India, Soviet Union, China, the United States of America, and others as an ally. World War II became one of the biggest war. The cruelty of the

Nazi, poverty everywhere, people seems escapes the reality by make a pleasure, and social change has also happened in some countries. This war also made the people got the impact on a person, such physical defect, disease, and traumatic. In this thesis, the writer interested to find out the impact of World War II in America and

Korea. America and Korea are two different countries and has far different culture.

During World War, Western were stronger than Asia, although Japanese is the one and only country from Asia that became an axis powers in World War II.

In the novel On the Road, Kerouac as the author describes the American people become drunk hard and enjoys the music, which at that time Jazz was popular. The novel On the Road tells about Sal Paradise, the writer that wrote his trip around America. Sal actually told about his friends, Dean Moriarty, who energetic and like womanizing that actually his life was not like what people see. Dean likes party, sex, and thinks that life is the way to see a pleasure. Dean married three times, but then divorce and finds another woman. American society was described as a


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freedom country for Dean and does whatever he wants. In the end of this novel, Sal and Dean separated.

Talking about society in America, people will think about one of country that free, strong, and multicultural. America in the past and nowadays actually has no significant change. It does not mean that America never changes, but America still maintains their power and culture of their country. During World War II, America was one of the strongest countries that produced sophisticated technology. At the end of the war, America bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end that horrible war.

American people life escapes their depression by going to the saloon and get drunk.

Sex, economic arose, and travel by car to everywhere also became problem at that time. In this novel, American people seems have no problem because of the war, but actually they have many problems in their life. In this novel, Kerouac describes the

American life in Sal Paradise and Dean Moriarty as a main character of this novel.

Korean is different than American. Korean’s life in the past was far different from nowadays. When watching Korean movie, people can see that Korean’s life is comfortable with their sophisticated technology. It was actually not in Korean’s life in the past. Korean was a poor country, that Japanese exploited the nature and the people for their interest in World War II. Personal and social life got the impact because of Japanese occupation. Since 1910 until 1945, Japanese made Korean live in suffer.

Korea now divided into North Korea and South Korea. In this analysis, the writer emphasizes to use the novel from South Korea. Kim Won-il, the writer of this novel tries to describe the condition of Korea after the Japanese Occupation at the time of World War II, also after the Korean War that makes Korea divided into


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North and South. Japanese Occupation can not be separated from the history of

Korea. Kim Won-il uses Yi In-t’ae, the main character of this novel to show the life of the Korean people at that time. Yi is a soldier that feels guilty because he becomes a traitor to Korea itself. Yi tried to escape from Japanese, but he did something wrong that makes him become a traitor. Yi felt like an animal. Yi felt guilty and felt like going to die sooner because of his kidney disease. He told to his best friend, Mr.

Choi to find a good burial site. The life of Yi In-t’ae and his society is reflected in this novel. Japanese Occupation, World War II, and Korean War made Korean people seem like ‘beat’ their life to riot conditions. The glamour of Korea today is not like in the past. The social change that happened in this country made Korea in economic problem. When reading the novel The Wind and the River, Kim Won-il as the writer of this novel describe the condition in the time of those events that happened in Korea in which made the country and the people in a chaotic condition.

4.1.1 Personal Impact of World War II in Jack Kerouac’s On the Road

America as one of the country that became an ally in World War II absolutely got personal impact when struggle in the biggest war in this world. Soldiers, veterans, and citizen got personal impact in this war. Now, the writer begins to analyze the impact of World War II in America based on personal impact. Personal impact divided into two; physical and mental impact. Physical

America, as people knew was one of influential country during World War II.

In the novel On the Road, Kerouac does not mention kind of physical impact that happen to the characters. He only mentions the conditions of people and social in


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America after World War II, the crisis of American society, economic inflation, higher cost of education, and race. In other words, the writer here does not find such a physical impact in this novel. Mental

The war made people got mental impact. The horrible of the war made people in a traumatic condition. Kerouac mentions that they are ‘Beat Generation’ that means they are actually feels ‘beat’. The American people in this novel can not accept the reality of their life and the social changes that happen after World War II.

In this novel, both Sal Paradise and Dean Moriarty got mental impact because of

World War II. Sal Paradise, a writer, actually tries to describe his friend’s life, Dean

Moriarty. However, their life actually only can be described in two words, that is

‘broken’ and ‘emptiness’.

The opera was Fidelio. “What gloom!” cried the baritone, rising out of the dungeon under a groaning stone. I cried for it. That’s how I see life too. I was so interested in the opera that for a while I forgot circumstances of my crazy life and got lost in the great mournful sounds of Beethoven and the rich Rembrandt tones of his story. (Kerouac, 1976: 52)

Reading this novel makes us know what American people survive in their life. In this novel, almost all of the character seems to enjoy their life, but actually they feel deep sadness. The quotation above represents Sal Paradise actually sad, but he tries to enjoy by finding a pleasure, such going to the opera and cried out like nothing happened in his life.

I was so lonely, so tired, so quivering, so broken, so beat, that I got up my courage, the courage necessary to approach a strange girl, and acted. (Kerouac, 1976: 82)


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Sal Paradise is one of characters that portrays American life during and after World

War II. Sal, in the quotation above, is the portrayal of the life of America who feels loneliness, tired, quivering, broken, and beat. Sal Paradise actually wants to escape but he can not. He seems tired of his life in riot condition and situation.

We were very happy in our little hotel room. In the middle of the night I got up because I couldn’t sleep, pulled the cover over baby’s bare brown shoulder, and examined the LA night. What brutal, hot, siren-whining nights they are! Right across the street there was trouble. An old rickety rundown rooming house was the scene of some kind of tragedy. The cruiser was pulled up below and the cops were questioning an old man with gray hair. Sobbings came from within. I could hear everything, together with the hum of my hotel neon. I never felt sadder in my life. LA is the loneliest and most brutal of American cities; New York gets god-awful cold in the winter but there’s a feeling of wacky comradeship somewhere in some streets. LA is a jungle. (Kerouac, 1976: 86)

Sal Paradise actually thought that World War II became tragedy of American people.

He sees tragedy and sadness everywhere after World War II in America. As

American people, he got the impact of World War II. It made him felt loneliness, sadness and despair. It was not only Sal’s, but every American person felt same like

Sal. American became strength in their technology at that time, but it made American people unhappy.

I realized these were all the snapshots which our children would look at someday with wonder, thinking their parents had lived smooth, well-ordered, stabilized-within-the-photo lives and got up in the morning to walk proudly on the sidewalks of life, never dreaming the raggedy madness and riot of our actual lives, or actual night, the hell of it, the senseless nightmare road. All of it inside endless and beginningless emptiness. Pitiful forms of ignorance. (Kerouac, 1976: 253-254)

In this novel, Sal actually got a mental impact as emotional because of social condition after World War II. Sal realizes that social condition at that time was not


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well as people think. Based on the quotation above, Kerouac as the writer of this novel describes the social condition at that time based on Sal’s life that America at that time was in critical condition. It means that World War II made people got traumatic, especially to family condition. The quotation above reflects that Sal realizes that his life is not in good condition and when he has a child, they only think that their parents have a good life.

At dusk I walked. I felt like a speck on the surface of the sad red earth. I passed the Windsor Hotel, where Dean Moriarty had lived with his father in the depression thirties, and as of yore I looked everywhere for the sad and fabled tinsmith of my mind. Either you find someone who looks like your father in places like Montana or you look for a father where he is no more. (Kerouac, 1976: 179)

The quotation above emphasizes that the depression still happened to people who live at that time. When Sal says ‘I felt like a speck on the surface of the sad red earth’, it means that Sal feels nothing in this life and ‘the sad red earth’ means that

Sal feel sad and mad. The writer assumed that ‘red earth’ is a symbol of anger.

Suddenly he bent to his life and walked quickly out of sight. I gaped into the bleakness of my own days. I had an awful long way to go too. (Kerouac, 1976: 254)

American life after World War II can be described by one word; free. Besides of that, people never know how actually their life is fulled of madness and sadness, seems that the American people always tried to find the way to escape. The ‘road’ is the way their escapes to find happiness, although it was not really make them became

‘a happy person’. In Sal and Dean’s trips, they met many people from different places. It made them then realize that other people also felt the same as him. All of


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American got trauma because of World War II. The horrible war made American life in trouble mental impact.

4.1.2 Social Life Impact of World War II in Jack Kerouac’s On the Road

Social life takes the impact because of the World War II. The novel On the

Road really portrayed American social life after World War II. In this novel, Jack

Kerouac as the writer of this novel describes social life at that time in detail. This novel is the reflection of Kerouac’s life that he wrote based on his experience. Social life in this thesis divided into seven points; family life, play, education, economic life, community life, religion, and art. Now, the writer begins to analyze the impact of World War II based on social impact that found in the novel On the Road by Jack

Kerouac. Family Life

World War II brought America into the increased number of divorce. The writer says like that because in the beginning of this novel, Kerouac mentions how

Sal and his wife separated. In this novel, Kerouac mentions many times about divorce. This happened in both Sal Paradise and Dean Moriarty. In the beginning of this novel, Sal states about himself:

I first met Dean not long after my wife and I split up. I had just gotten over a serious illness that I won’t bother to talk about, except that it had something to do with the miserably weary split up and my feeling that everything was dead. (Kerouac, 1976: 1)

After World War II, divorce became common in their society. It was common when they talked about parents, they have two mothers or conversely. At that time,


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the rate of marriage in young couple was increased and also the rate of divorce was high. Divorce happened in Sal’s life, it also happened in Dean’s life. Dean has three wives; Marylou, Camille, and Inez, and he is going to get divorce with one of his wives, Marylou. Besides of divorce, actually Dean Moriarty had pitiful life. World

War II brought American life into ‘free’; free to do something what they want. That is reflected in Dean’s life, that his parents did not care about him. Dean’s life reflected family as social life that ‘broken’ and ‘poor’ life.

His father, once a respectable and hardworking tinsmith, had become a wine alcoholic, which is worse than a whisky alcoholic, and was reduced to riding freights to Texas in the winter and back to Denver in the summer. Dean had brothers on his dead mother’s side - she died when he was small - but they disliked him. Dean’s only buddies were the poolhall boys. (Kerouac, 1976: 37-38)

Social change changed everything in America. Alcoholism made family become apart and did not care each other. No love portrayed in Dean’s family. That was happened in Dean’s life. His father was alcoholic and his mother was dead. That situation made Dean seem live alone. His personality becomes ‘wild’ as the symbol to escape the reality of his life. The family has no meaning in his life. The family seems a strange person to him and he finds another man to escape his life. Play

When read the title of this novel “On the Road”, reader can conclude that this novel is about someone’s trip to some city or another. This novel actually is a diary of Sal Paradise’s trip with his friends and talks about Dean Moriarty, as the man whom he claims himself as the perfect guy for the road. In this novel, Sal tells the


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readers about the American people that enjoy their trip by car that walked through him, or go by bus if he has some money.

The greatest ride in my life was about to come up, a truck, with flatboard at the back, with about six or seven boys sprawled out on it, and the drivers, two young blond farmers from Minnesota, were picking up every single soul they found on that road – the most smiling, cheerful couple handsome bumpkins you could ever wish to see, both wearing cotton shirts and overalls, nothing else; both thick-wristed and earnest, with broad howareyou smiles for anybody and anything that came across their path. (Kerouac, 1976: 22)

The World War II brought America to consumerism. In this case, American people use car to go everywhere as a symbol of free life. When Sal had a trip, he sometimes joined to someone’s car. That made him met many characters with various stories of life. That various characters represent the American people after World War II. Sal also met many people during his trip. Based on quotation above, joined with other people’s car was common at that time. They seemed not felt uncomfortable to people who joined with them, but they felt happy and enjoy their trip. The trip became common after World War II as a reflection of social change of America society.

Sophisticated technology such as cars made them enjoy going trip everywhere. They felt enjoy when had a trip and met many people.

Our battered suitcases were piled on the sidewalk again; we had longer ways to go. But no matter, the road is life. (Kerouac, 1976: 212)

The road becomes the life of Sal and Dean. The road represents their life. For them, their trips have a meaning in their life. When they have problems, they go trip to forget all of their problems. The road becomes the part of their life.


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“What’s your road, man?—holyboy road, rainbow road, guppy road, any road. It’s an anywhere road for anybody anyhow.” (Kerouac, 1976: 251)

When Sal and Dean have trip, the road is not only ‘road’ for them. The road has a meaning. The road represents what they are feeling. The road like ‘rainbow’ when they are in good mood, but it can be sad or other when they are in bad mood. All of that allegoric word actually portrays they true feeling.

So in America when the sun goes down and I sit on the old broken-down river pier watching the long, long skies over New Jersey and sense all that raw land that rolls in one unbelievable huge bulge over the West Coast, and all that road going, and all the people dreaming in the immensity of it, and Iowa I know by now the children must be crying in the land where they let the children cry, and tonight the stars’ll be out, and don’t you know that God is Pooh Bear? (Kerouac, 1976: 307)

Sal actually gets many meaning in his trips. When he past in one place, see the nature, the society, the condition at that time, he realized that his country was not in good condition. Many things happened in America after the biggest war in the world.

Many things have changed because of World War II. It was not only for their country, but the people. American people can not accept the reality. They seemed mad to God. They wanted live in a good life but it can not. All over the America, the people can not accept and believe that they live in trouble condition. Education

Education after World War II actually exists in America. America is popular as the country with many good universities. In this novel, the character was the student university. In part one of this novel, Sal as the main character and also the narrator in this novel mentions about campus.


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One day I was hanging around the campus and Chad and Tim Gray told me Dean was staying in a cold-water pad in East Harlem, the Spanish Harlem. (Kerouac, 1976: 1)

The fact that Sal and his friends were students, then, in this novel, the writer found that Old Bull Lee, introduced to Sal and Dean the orgone accumulator box.

Old Bull Lee mentions one name as the quote below:

According to Reich, orgones are vibratory atmospheric atoms of the life- principle. People get cancer because they run out of orgones. (Kerouac, 1976: 152)

The name that Old Bull Lee mentions is Wilhem Reich or Reich. Reich was one of a psychiatrist from Vienna that introduced about the orgone accumulator box.

Based on that, the American people are an educated person because education has been available in that country. That is not only Sal, but other character such as Chad,

Carlo Marx, Old Bull Lee, and others. Dean had also become an educated person, although in this novel the writer did not mention that Dean was a student, but he likes reading a book.

The World War II made education in America became expensive. There is

G.I Bill (the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944) as created program to pay for the continuing education for veterans that returning from war.

It was over a year before I saw Dean again. I stayed home all that time, finished my book and began going to school on the G.I Bill of Rights. (Kerouac, 1976: 109)

G.I Bill was created by the American government as the impact of social change in

America. The World War II affected the financial condition of institution immensely and also influenced certain academic concepts, the aims of education, the 50

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introduction of new program and curricula, the measurement of learning, the nature of teaching, administration, and changes in the campus culture. All of that points led to change in the way students were treated, in service to students, and who should go to college. Batten in the Journal entitled The G.I. Bill, Higher Education and

American Society (2011: 15) mention the aim of G.I Bill was to help integrate waves of returning veterans back into American society. The primary purpose of the G.I

Bill, therefore, was to ensure that the returning soldiers would have a smooth transition back into civilian life. In this novel, Sal and other his friend is need to get education for themselves, also for their country. The government made G.I Bill to made American people easy to get access in education. Economic Life The most problem that happened in America after World War II in America was economic life. Economic in America growth but the people still in poor condition. In this novel, most of the characters that found are jobless and unemployment. The main character, Sal was a university student who becomes a writer. In this novel, Dean has ever worked in a parking - lot job as shown by the quotation below:

One night when Dean ate supper at my house – he already had the parking- lot job in New York – he leaned over my shoulder as I typed rapidly away and said, “Come on man, those girls won’t wait, make it fast.” (Kerouac, 1976: 4)

Besides, Sal in this novel claimed that he is the writer and it was his job except as the university student:

Yes, and it wasn’t only because I was the writer and needed new experience that I wanted to know Dean more, and because my life hanging


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around the campus had reached the completion of its cycle and was stultified, ….

(Kerouac, 1976: 7)

When Sal met Terry, a Mexican girl, they spent their time together for a while. When they arrived to Sabinal, Terry’s hometown, there was cotton field. Society in Sabinal had a job as cotton farmer and cotton picker.

…. so in the morning I walked the countryside asking for cotton-picking work. Everybody told me to go to the farm across the highway from the camp. I went, and the farmer was in the kitchen with his women. He came out, listened to my story, and warned me he was paying only three dollars per hundred pounds of picked cotton. I pictured myself picking at least three hundred pounds a day and took a job. (Kerouac, 1976: 95)

The quotation above represents that some of American people at that time worked as cotton farmer and cotton picker. Sal, then, became a cotton picker to make money.

The cotton farmer became a business during and after World War I and II. Cotton field became an economic income for American people.

Actually, there was no decisive job that found in this novel. It represent

American people after World War II as jobless and unemployment, although it was not all American people was jobless and unemployment. In this novel, American people only did casual work, such as parking job, cotton-picker, etc, and then they left that job to find another job. Community Life

This novel talks more about social condition in America at that time. In this novel, the character seems to have no problem in their life. They did what they want, they went whenever they want. Everything they do reflected community in America.


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This novel was not only in one place, but this novel described the America society after World War II. The characters in this novel, especially Sal Paradise and Dean

Moriarty really reflected the American society at the time after World War II.

It was a warm and beautiful day for hitchhiking. To get out of the impossible complexities of Chicago traffic I took a bus to Joliet, Illinois, went by the Joliet pen, stationed myself just outside town after a walk through its leafy rickety streets behind, and pointed my way. All the way from New York to Joliet by bus, and I had spent more than half my money. (Kerouac, 1976: 12)

The quotation above tells that Sal has only a half money, it means that Sal has not enough money when decided to go on trip. This condition was not only happen to

Sal, but also other person that Sal met on the road:

During the depression," said the cowboy to me, "I used to hop freights at least once a month. In those days you’d see hundreds of men riding a flatcar or in a boxcar, and they weren’t just bums, they were all kinds of men out of work and going from one place to another and some of them just wandering. (Kerouac, 1976: 18)

We can say that the society in this novel is in bad conditions. In other words, they have problem in looking for a job and have no money. If they have money, it is only enough for they buy a meal.

He used to plead in court at the age of six to have his father set free. He used to beg in front of Larimer alleys and sneak the money back to his father, who waited among the broken bottles with an old buddy. (Kerouac, 1976: 37-38)

In Dean’s life, his childhood actually was not in a rich family. As the point before mentioned that Dean grew up in alcoholic father. The quotation above mentions that Dean used to beg in front of Larimer alleys and sneak the money back to his father. When analyzing this part, the writer assumed that social problem in 53

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America deals with poverty condition. As the writer said before, this novel does not take in one place, but the main characters did trip to some places. In this case, a

Larimer alley was in Denver. Denver is the capital city of Colorado. In the capital city, Dean lived in poor condition. It is also happened to Sal in the first quotation in this point that he was from New York. New York is the biggest city in America and he has half of money. This condition emphasis that big or small city in America has problem in their economic that makes America society in poor conditions.

The beatest characters in the country swarmed on the sidewalks – all of it under those soft Southern California stars that are lost in the brown halo of the huge desert encampment LA really is. You could smell tea, weed, I mean marijuana, floating in the air, together with the chili beans and beer. That grand wild sound of bop floated from beer parlors; it mixed medleys with every kind of cowboy and boogie-woogie in the America night. (Kerouac, 1976: 87)

Kerouac makes this novel be true life of America in the situation after World

War II. Kerouac named American people as ‘beat’. The American’s life actually is not in good condition. In this novel, their life seems ‘go ahead and enjoy the life’, but actually they escape their life. In the quotation above, the glamour save the people who actually feels mad, uncomfortable of the condition, and try to escape the reality in their life by finding a pleasure in each place that they find.

The main character of this novel did not stay in one place, but they went on trip to many places around America. Sometimes they went to the place that people live in bohemian style, sometimes they went to the place that people live in clannish, and so on. However, almost of the story here is about urban community. The reason is Sal and Dean’s lifestyle refers to bohemian style. They love party and everything about pleasure.


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America after World War II produced sophisticated technology that made

American people become consumerism. America at that time also has many big buildings that represents America seem ‘rich’ country at that time. Urban country in

America full of sky-scraper and many things that people see luxurious. Actually,

American people at that time, with great depression of the war and consumerism, live in a suburban area. In this novel actually Sal and Dean have trip to big cities such as

New York and others. In this novel the suburban life is not really full described, but represent the city itself. However, in the quotation below we can see the life of

American people at that time:

We were sitting in Ritzy’s Bar when he proposed the idea; we’d spent an hour walking Times Square, looking for Hassel. Ritzy’s Bar is the hoodlum bar of the streets around Times Square; it changes names every year. You walk in there and you don’t see a single girl, even in the booths, just a great mob of young men dressed in all varieties of hoodlum cloth, from red shirts to zoot suits. It is also the hustlers’ bar - the boys who make a living among the sad old homos of the Eighth Avenue night. Dean walked in there with his eyes slitted to see every single face. There were wild Negro queers, sullen guys with guns, shiv-packing seamen, thin, noncommittal junkies, and an occasional well-dressed middle-aged detective, posing as a bookie and hanging around half for interest and half for duty. It was the typical place for Dean to put down his request. All kinds of evil plans are hatched in Ritzy’s Bar – you can sense it in the air – and all kinds of mad sexual routines are initiated to go with them. The safecracker proposes not only a certain loft on 14th Street to the hoodlum, but that they sleep together. Kinsey spent a lot of time in Ritzy’s Bar, interviewing some of the boys; I was there the night his assistant came, in 1945. Hassel and Carlo were interviewed.

(Kerouac, 1976: 131)

Times Square is a popular place in New York City. In that place, there are various characters that portrayed American society. The American people are commonly known as ‘free’ society. It is look like that the people in America life as no rule and feel free. That is also common when see teenagers and adult has kissing in front of


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many people. The member of gay and lesbian increased during World War II. That kind of conditions can be found in America. The quotation above represents how

American society does their activities every day. All people know about America to

‘free life’.

It was near downtown, where things looked more sleek and American, several semi-skyscrapers and many neons and chain, yet with cars crashing through from the dark around town as if there were no traffic laws.

(Kerouac, 1976: 271-272)

America is one of the countries that produce many sophisticated technology.

In this novel, Kerouac describes the greatness of their country, as reflected by urban community. Several semi-skyscrapers, neons and chain, and cars is one of sophisticated technology, it is also the symbol of an urban city. There is no skyscraper in the village, it is only in the big city.

Community in America has many races. The variation of culture and race in

America is known as Melting Pot. America is popular as immigrant country. That is actually also appeared after World War II. In this novel, Kerouac describes about how various race create a social problem, especially about the difference between black and white.

There was an old Negro couple in the field with us. They picked cotton with the same God-blessed patience their grandfathers had practiced in ante- bellum Alabama; they moved right along their rows, bent and blue, and their bags increased. My back began to ache. But it was beautiful kneeling and hiding in that earth. (Kerouac, 1976: 96)


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The quotation above describes how the Negro works in their field. The Negro in this novel portrayal as the farmer and most Negro that Sal described were in the field did farm working.

On rails we leaned and looked at the great brown father of waters rolling down from mid-America like the torrent of broken souls–bearing Montana logs and Dakota muds and Iowa vales and things that had drowned in Three Forks, where the secret began an ice. Smoky New Orleans receded on one side; old. Sleepy Algiers with its warped woodside bumped us on the other. Negroes were working in the hot afternoon, stoking the ferry furnaces that burned red and made our tires smell. Dean dug them, hopping up and down in the heat. (Kerouac, 1976: 141)

We know that American people consist of the Negro. In this novel, Sal and his friend included Dean went to some city in America when they are trip. Based on the quotation above, they met ‘sleepy Algiers’ that means there was not American people but live in America, and ‘Negroes’ that worked in the hot afternoon. The writer found something interesting when analyzes this part. Almost in every part that

Sal tells about the Negro is they are always working and working. In this part of analysis, the writer assumed that the Negro is hard working people and also there is social stratification in America that makes the Negro always look like working every time, also Negro is lower than white people.

At lilac evening I walked with every muscle aching among the lights of 27th and Welton in the Denver colored section, wishing I were a Negro, feeling that the best the white world had offered me was not enough ecstasy for me, not enough life, joy, kicks, darkness, music, not enough night…. I wished I were a Denver Mexican, or even a poor overworked Jap, anything but I was so drearily, a “white man” disillusioned. (Kerouac, 1976: 179-180)

The quotation above emphasizes that actually black people is a victim of racial oppression in America. During World War II, black people helped the


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American. They registered for the draft and served as draftees or volunteers. At that time, most black men who served were in the Army and were relegated to segregated combat groups. The quotation above also mentions about ‘overworked Jap’. Jap means Japan here. Japanese surrender in World War II because of the atomic bomb that caused Hiroshima and Nagasaki crumbled. In World War II, Japanese was one of ambitious except Germany. Japanese worked hard to win the biggest war in this world, although their expectation had not reached.

Race has existed in America after World War II. The most popular is about black and white conflict, that black people are a victim of racial oppression.

American also is an immigrant country that makes America has many races in their country. Religion

Religion is something that people believe about how human are existed in this world. When talk about religion, it is one of sensitive topic that no one cannot force someone to believe this or that religion. In the beginning of this novel, the main character, Sal Paradise and Dean Moriarty never talk about religion or something that they believe in. In the middle of this novel, Dean told to Sal that he actually felt that

God existed.

He was out of his mind with real belief. "And of course now no one can tell us that there is no God. We’ve passed through all forms. You remember, Sal, when I first came to New York and I wanted Chad King to teach me about Nietzsche. You see how long ago? Everything is fine, God exists, we know time. Everything since the Greeks has been predicated wrong. You can’t make it with geometry and geometrical systems of thinking. It’s all this!" He wrapped his finger in his fist; the car hugged the line straight and true. "And not only that but we both understand that I couldn’t have time to explain why I know and you know God exists." At one point I moaned about life’s troubles – how poor my family was, how much I wanted to help Lucille, who was also poor and had a daughter. "Troubles, you see,


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is the generalization-word for what God exists in. The thing is not to get hung-up. My head rings!" he cried, clasping his head. (Kerouac, 1976: 120)

Dean also told about time that can not be explained with everything. Sal, then, realize about his life. This quotation emphasizes that Dean believe God exists in this life. In this novel, we can find Dean tells repeatedly about he believe God exists.

We passed a little kid who was throwing stones at the cars in the road. "Think of it," said Dean. "One day he’ll put a stone through a man’s windshield and the man will crash and die - all on account of that little kid. You see what I mean? God exists without qualms. As we roll along this way I am positive beyond doubt that everything will be taken care of for us - that even you, as you drive, fearful of the wheel" (I hated to drive and drove carefully) - "the thing will go along of itself and you won’t go and I can sleep. Furthermore we know America, we’re at home; I can go anywhere in America and get what I want because it’s the same in every corner, I know the people, I know what they do. We give and take and go in the incredibly complicated sweetness zigzagging every side." There was nothing clear about the things he said, but what he meant to say was somehow made pure and clear. He used the word "pure" a great deal. I had never dreamed Dean would become a mystic. These were the first days of his mysticism, which would lead to the strange, ragged W. C. Fields saintliness of his later days. (Kerouac, 1976: 121)

Dean believes that someone takes care everything people do. It can not see with our eyes, but people who believe in God can feel it. Sal feels that Dean becomes mystic and he likes Dean like that.

In America, as we know, that almost American believe in Christian. In bohemian lifestyle like America after the biggest war in this world, not all people believe in God. They seem like rejecting God because the war that happen makes them experienced traumatic and lose their people whom they love such as family. In this novel, Dean Moriarty drags in their chat about God. As the quote below:


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Now you see, Sal, God still exist, because we keep getting hung-up with this town, no matter what we try to do, and you’ll notice the strange Biblical name of it, and that strange Biblical character who made us stop here once more, and all things tied together all over like rain connecting everybody the world over by chain touch…. (Kerouac, 1976: 138)

Dean tells to Sal that God still exist, that means he believe that God is present in people’s life. Dean seems not really believe about religion, but he tries to realize that

God exists in people’s life by sum this up as “all things together all over like rain connecting everybody the world by chain touch…”. It means that Dean believe in

God that this life is nothing without God.

…. And Shearing began to rock; a smile broke over his ecstatic face; he began to rock in the piano seat, back and forth, slowly at first, then the beat went up, and he began rocking fast, his left foot jumped up with every beat, his neck began to rock crookedly, he brought his face down to the keys, he pushed his hair back, his combed hair dissolved, he began to sweat. The music I picked up. The bass-player hunched over and socked it in, faster and faster, it seemed faster and faster, that’s all. Shearing began to play his chords; they rolled out of the piano in great rich showers, you’d think the man wouldn’t have time to line them up. They rolled and rolled like the sea. Folks yelled for him to "Go!" Dean was sweating; the swear poured down his collar. "There he is! That’s him! Old God! Old God Shearing! Yes! Yes! Yes!" And Shearing was conscious of the madman behind him, he could hear every one of Dean’s gasps and imprecations, he could sense it though he couldn’t see. "That’s right!" Dean said. "Yes!" Shearing smiled; he rocked. Shearing rose from the piano, dripping with sweat; these were his great 1949 days before he became cool and commercial. When he was gone Dean pointed to the empty piano seat. "God’s empty chair,"he said. On the piano a horn sat; its golden shadow made a strange reflection along the desert caravan painted on the wall behind the drums. God was gone; it was the silence of his departure. (Kerouac, 1976: 127-128)

In the quotation above, Dean actually met God in music. He was sure with his own thought. Dean believed that the instrumental and bliss of the melody represent of

God ‘here’ around him. When he has seen the great jazz pianist, George Shearing performance, he believed that music represented God is exist. Shearing performance 60

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was too great for Dean. He thought that Shearing’s performance is perfect as God.

As a human believes that God is a perfect creature, so that Dean when he sees

Shearing performance. When Shearing was done his performance, Dean also thought that God was gone. That is what Dean thought about music and God.

As we crossed the Colorado-Utah border I saw God in the sky in the form of huge gold sunburning clouds above the desert that seemed to point a finger at me and say, "Pass here and go on, you’re on the road to heaven." Ah well, alackaday, I was more interested in some old rotted covered wagons and pool tables sitting in the Nevada desert near a Coca-Cola stand and where there were huts with the weatherbeaten signs still napping in the haunted shrouded desert wind, saying, "Rattlesnake Bill lived here" or "Broken-mouth Annie holed up here for years." Yes, zoom! In Salt! Lake City the pimps checked on their girls and we drove on. (Kerouac, 1976: 181) pIn the quotation above, Sal believes that God is on his side. When he looks at the sky, then his brain imagines of God, he feels that God shows the way to heaven.

Although it is only his imagination, the fact that Sal believe that God exists is proven.

Religion is one of the most important in this life. World War II makes

American actually believe or not in God. Sal and Dean in this novel is not religious, but he believes that God exists. They believe that God in his side. They also believe that because of God, they live in this world. Through music and through nature that he found around him, he believe that God exists. Art

Art is kind of beauty in this world. Believe or not, people enjoy art in their life. In the riot condition because of war that happened in America, American people seem enjoy the music. Everywhere, anywhere, they enjoy listening music. Music can


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be representation of their life. After World War II, people felt broken, lose their hope, many things have changed in a crack, but music healed them. They went to saloon and drunk, sing with others, and forget their problem for a while.

At this time, 1947, bop was going like mad all over America. The fellows at the Loop blew, but with a tired air, because bop was somewhere between its Charlie Parker Ornithology period and another period that began with Miles Davis. And as I sat there listening to that sound of the night which bop has come to represent for all of us, I thought of all my friends from one end of the country to the other and how they were really all in the same vast backyard doing something frantic and rushing-about. (Kerouac, 1976: 12)

At the time after World War II, Jazz became the identity and culture of

America. Levine in the journal entitled Jazz and America Culture (1989: 8) says that

Jazz is an expression of that other side of American that strove to recognize the positive aspects of newness and heterogeneity in America; that learned to be comfortable with the fact that a significant part of American heritage derived from

Africa and other non-European sources; and that recognized in the various syncretized cultures that became so characteristics of the United States, not an embarrassing weakness but a dynamic source of strength. For an American, Jazz is part of their life. There was no significant reversal of jazz become culture until and after World War II, but Jazz musicians, convinced that their art was an integral vibrant part of American culture. In the quotation above, Kerouac mentions the name

Charlie Parker Ornithology and Miles Davis. Charlie Parker and Miles Davis were famous Jazz musicians at that time.

It was a wonderful night. Central city is two miles high; at first you get drunk on the altitude, then you get tired, and there’s a fever in your soul. We approached the lights around the opera house down the narrow dark street; then we took a sharp right and hit some old saloon with swinging doors. Most of the tourists were in the opera. We started off with a few


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extra-size beers. There was a player piano. Beyond the back door was a view of mountainsides in the moonlight. I let out yahoo. The night was on. (Kerouac, 1976: 53)

Drunk and music were things that they looked for when they were feel weary and wants to find ‘happiness’. After World War II, the number of alcoholism increased because of World War II. Depression because of World War II makes

American people had pleasure with drunk and dance in the bar, and then American people felt happy by doing that kind of thing. Then, they forget their problem of life for a while.

The boys from the chorus showed up. They began singing “Sweet Adeline.”They also sang phrases such as “Pass me the beer” and “What are you doing with your face hanging out?” and great long baritone howls of “Fi-de-lio!” “Ah me, what gloom!” I sang. The girls were terrific. They went out in the backyard and necked with us. There were beds in the other rooms, the uncleaned dusty ones, and I had a girl sitting on one and was talking with her when suddenly there was a great inrush of young ushers from the opera, who just grabbed girls and kissed them without proper come- ons. Teenagers, drunk, disheveled, excited – they ruined our party. Inside of five minutes every single girl was gone and a great big fraternity-type party got under way with banging of beer-bottles and roars. (Kerouac, 1976: 54)

No other words can be said except “Party, Music, and Sex” on American people who live during and after World War II. A woman at that time was kind of ‘object of sexual’ for man. Based on this novel, there was nothing different in attitude between man and woman. The women are also drunken and love party. Teenagers also become drunk. It means that adult or teenager feeling ‘uncomfortable’ in their life.

They also had their problems. Drunk and sex became a culture of American life during and after World War II. If people pay attention to American life nowadays, these conditions still happen. It does not mean that America still have a problem, we


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do not know it, but American people think that if they have problem, then they drunk to escape the problem of their life.

They ate voraciously as Dean, Sandwich in hand, stood bowed and jumping before the big phonograph, listening to a wild bop record I had just bought called “The Hunt,” with Dexter Gordon and Wardell Gary blowing their tops before a screaming audience that gave the record fantastic frenzied volume. The Southern folk looked at one another and shook their heads awe. (Kerouac, 1976: 112)

All of people agree that music represents what the people feeling. The quotation above represents what Dean’s feeling. Dean’s madness is inspired by Jazz music.

Holy flowers floating in the air, were all these tired faces in the dawn of Jazz America. (Kerouac, 1976: 204)

The quotation above represents that Sal uses jazz to view people and America. The music here means the conditions that happen in America. Music is the way that people express the condition, either personal or the social condition, all of that express by music. After World War II, Jazz is known well in America. Jazz become the identity of America. Wherever and whenever, music becomes friends for

American people. Music also becomes American people’s feelings.

4.1.3 Personal Impact of World War II in Kim Won-il’s The Wind and the River

To read the history of World War II, the reader can not find Korea became an ally of that war. Actually, Korea is a victim of Japanese. Japanese exploited Korean nature and the people were sent to World War II. Japanese occupation made Korean


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people got personal impact. There is personal impact that portrayed in Korea based on the novel The Wind and the River by Kim Won-il. Physical

Japanese occupation had a strong influence in Korean’s life. During World

War II, Japanese was one of the countries that become an axis powers. The Japanese, with their power, colonized Korean because of their nature. The Japanese also exploited Korean to do hard labor.

I was dragged to Hoeryong to a Japanese military police station where they tortured me mercilessly. They beat me, poured water into me, hung me upside down, stood me up under bright lights for three days without letting me rest of sleep… they even gave me electric torture.

(Kim, 1988: 56)

Japanese occupation made Korean got physical impact. Yi In-t’ae, one of the main characters got physical impact. The Japanese did physical abuse to Korean. What the

Japanese did to Korean was too cruel.

Yi was sent to a mine in Hokkaido. For two years he did forced labor. He was nearly killed several times when the mines caved in. His body was tired down to his bone marrow, and he was suffering from kidney infections. He had seen the world and he thought he was going to die like a mole in a dark cave. (Kim, 1988: 64)

Yi also got forced laborer by Japanese during the Japanese occupation at the time of

World War II. The Japanese forced Korean to do mine work. Forced labor made

Korean became sick and got a disease. A kidney infection was one of disease that happened in mine worker.


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Clubs, rocks, and kicks showered upon him mercilessly. He slowly lost consciousness. Someone poured cold water over him and the bearing started anew. (Kim, 1988: 208)

Yi In-t’ae, ever became a soldier, but then became a traitor to his country, got physical attack from Korean citizen. When Korean citizen knew that Yi became a traitor for his own country, the people can not accept that. They were mad. Yi showered with kicks, clubs, rocks, and poured him mercilessly.

The old man then lopped his ears off. He fainted. Despite all the horrible beating and excruciating pain, he survived. Until he came around the next day, he lay like a lump of torn meat, abandoned in a corner of the trashing area. He was naked. The hot sun shined on him. (Kim, 1988: 209)

Not only cruel treatment that Yi got from citizen, he also got physical defect. His ear was cut by someone. He lost his one ear. He survived all of the treatment because that was his own entire fault. Yi then felt guilty of that.

After the sun went down, it became chilly. His legs broken, he could not walk. Naked, blood-covered, and half-dead, he crawled out of the village, truly like a dog. He shed tears as much as he lost blood. He rolled in the dirt to cover himself. He crawled, crept, and rolled like a worm. (Kim, 1988: 210)

Yi tried to survive his life from Japanese by told the truth about secrets that Korean had, but then he got physical violence from Korean citizen. His life seemed like not end until that condition. No one believed him. He was naked and bloody. No one helped him. He felt near death, but no one cared to him. His life was too hard for him. Japanese occupation and the war that followed made him suffer.


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Japanese Occupation followed by World War II and continued to Korean War that happened in Korea made Korean people got traumatic. The three of condition above made Korean miserable, trauma, and got mental impact. For Korean people, life is too hard. Yi In-t’ae got mental impact that made him always blame himself.

I have had a hard fate. A fate like mine ought to stop with me. No one should ever live like me again. (Kim, 1988: 30)

Yi In-t’ae as the main character of this novel reflected Korean people life during the time of Japanese Occupation, World War II, and Korean War. In this novel, Yi who always blame himself thought his life was like a wind and a wisp. He thought that his life was too short.

You know how life is. I go wherever my fancy leads me, like the wind and like a wisp. If I feel like it, I stay for a while. If I get bored, I leave. Then, I’ll die someday. Isn’t that life? A man’s life as short as a wink. While roaming around the world, I felt one thing deeply in my heart, and that was that people on the bottom rung of life are nameless blades of grass. They are mere wild flowers in the field. In the summer when the sun hot, they turn green, and when fall comes, they wither away. That’s how they live their short lives. Life is a ball of sorrow, here now but gone the next minute. (Kim, 1988: 45)

Life for Yi was a sorrow. He always blame himself because he felt guilty about what he did in the past. He seemed always to have a thought about ‘why I do that’ and made him worried about what he did. His life was too miserable that made him felt defenselessly. Nothing can he do, no one knows what the true feeling about what he feels. He cannot accept it, but he must accept it.


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His insomnia was different from that of others, because he was also tormented by remorse and guilt about all things he had done in his life. One night to him was like a month. Only under alcoholic influence could he hope for a few winks of sleep. (Kim, 1988: 96)

Yi’s life was too hard for him. Mr. Choi, his best friend felt Yi had much mental problem that made him live like no other day. He only thought that he will go from this world sooner.

“Frankly speaking, I do not deserve to have a grave site. But I guess I have the same human weaknesses as the other people. Since my life in this world has been worthless, like that of pig, I pin that much stronger hope on my after-life. Peoples who have never been treated like human beings hang onto their last hopes, those being to have good after-lives. It is the last hope a man can hang on to,” Yi said with sad smile. (Kim, 1988: 100)

Yi felt worthless. He felt like a pig. He felt so beat and did nothing in his life. He blame himself and felt guilty of what he did in his life. Yi’s life soon to be ended, he thought. He could not do anything except hope. He hope that his after-life much better than his life in this world.

You, yes, you…. As you said, I’ve lived like a dog. Yes, all my life, I’ve lived like a dog…. (Kim, 1988: 196)

Yi always says that he live like an animal, such as pig or dog. That is actually from

Japanese. They use sarcasm word to Yi that makes him feels like an animal. He really feels live like an animal then.

In his head, Akiyama’s last words, “You’re worse than a dog. Now go and live like a dog,” echoed and re-echoed in his head, no matter where he went. (Kim, 1988: 206)


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Japanese Occupation during World War II made Korean got much mental impact. Blame, mad, can not accept the reality is kind of mental impacts that happened on the Korean. Yi In-t’ae, got so much mental impact. He blame himself because he felt regret to everything that he did in his life. When Japanese told him with sarcasm to live like a dog, which word echoed and re-echoed until he was really live like an animal, he thought.

“I’m going to be an animal in this final stage of my life. If I become an animal vow, will I be an animal in heaven, too? They say that hell, and the beasts’-den? Do you know?” (Kim, 1988: 156)

Yi also thought that in his after-life, he also became an animal. Yi actually got a mental impact of Japanese words. He always felt guilty and blame himself. As the result, he always blame himself. He could not forget the Japanese word that made it became a root of his life problem. He became a traitor to his country. Because of that, he felt really like an animal.

Reverend, as you said, my life has been controlled by sexual desire. That is why I’ve ended up like this, with no children around me and only with a terrible disease. There is no hope for me.” Yi shook his head slowly and continued, “There certainly is no hope for me. I committed sins and will reborn most probably in an animal form! (Kim, 1988: 148)

Before Yi with Madam Wolp’o, Yi lives with doing sex with many women during that time. He did that because it was such a pleasure for him. He seem can forget his problem by doing sex with some woman. He also had a child, but then he went to other place and left his children with his wife.

Life is changeable, vain, and empty. Now I can see life and my own past footsteps from afar. Since I have nothing to leave behind, I have no


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attachment to anything. I have gotten rid of the last trace of carnal desire too. I can only say that I’m sorry. I’m truly ashamed of my past. (Kim, 1988: 157)

The quotation above represents that Yi feels has no hope in his life. He feels ashamed of his life. He can not do anything except escape to other place and find a new situation. He thought that life is changeable, vain, and empty. That word represents his life.

4.1.4 Social Life Impact of World War II in Kim Won-il’s The Wind and the


Japanese occupation made Korea got social impact. Japanese had high ambition to win the World War II, but it was threaten Korean people life. Social life in Korea in the past was not like today. When people see Korea now life in high- class society, that was not happened in Korea in the past. As the writer said before, the social life impact has seven points. Now, the writer will analyze the social life impact of World War II in Korea found in the novel The Wind and the River. Family Life

Family is one of the most important that people have in this world. Someone born in family, grow in family, learn in family, and many things do with family. War breaks all of that. War only leaves some happy memories that it is impossible to rewind it. In this novel, Mr. Choi remembered about Myong-ku’s family.

Before the war, they had sat around and had had such happy meals. Now that his father was dead, such happy days would never come again. (Kim, 1988: 80)


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The World War II that happened makes some countries got the impact. Someone could be lost their family member. That is happen on Myong-ku. His father was dead because of the war that happened in Korea. Japanese Occupation, World War II, and

Korean War were ‘beat’ their life.

Mr. Choi also had been around this condition. His eldest son was dead when he sent to the frontlines of Southeast Asia during World War II. His second son got an amputee because of the Korean War.

…. Mr. Choi and his wife came to Ibam every two or three days, as well as on market days. They were desperate for news of their eldest son who had been sent to World War II. Out of the six young men from Tuma-ri who had gone to war, three had returned two weeks ago and two had been killed, one in the spring, another in the fall. The Choi’s son was the only one yet to be heard from, and their anxiety was overwhelming. (Kim, 1988: 32)

No one can make sure that someone who join the war can back to his family in healthy condition. It is possible if he back in lost his leg, got disease, or only his name. The family must accept the reality that is possible if their family member dead in the war. It was happened to Mr. Choi. He lost his eldest son in World War II. He could not do anything except to accept the condition.

As he had received a letter more than a month before, that his son’s leg was going to be amputated, he wasn’t shocked. Even so, a cold chill went down his spine. Hak-su said he would be fitted with an artificial leg and released in a month or so. Even if Hak-su had an artificial leg and crutches, he would still have to be carried across the river just like his sister. Thinking of this, Mr. Choi couldn’t help silently lamenting over his hard luck. Perhaps their family burial plot was in the wrong place, he mused. (Kim, 1988: 141)


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Another problem that Mr. Choi got that his second son, Hak-su, got his leg amputated. It was happened because he joined the war that made him lost his leg.

Mr. Choi was in good condition, but it was not with his children. That was like he had to be patient with all the condition that he get in his life.

Thinking of his missing eldest son, crippled second son, and his fatally ill daughter, Mr. Choi swallowed hard to stop his tears. (Kim, 1988: 214)

Mr. Choi life was miserable. He lost his eldest son, crippled second son, and fatally ill daughter. As a father, he felt so sad. He could not do anything to his son and daughter. Mr. Choi condition was too hard to accept, but he can not do anything except accept everything that God give to him. Play

Korean people like playing card. In this novel, the writer mentions Korean people playing card to make a pleasure in their life. Young and old, all of Korean people like playing card. In this novel, an idlers as the example of Korean people likes playing card.

Between market days Wolp’ook served as a kind of salon for the community. Here in a tiny room with only four straw mats covering the dirt floor, middle- aged idlers would gather to play hwat’o, a traditional card game. The winner had to treat others to drinks. (Kim, 1988: 7)

Actually, they play card because there is nothing can they do. Hwat’o is a traditional card game that actually the cards came over to Korea when Japanese come to this country. The Japanese Occupation influenced Korean to adapt the Japanese things. In this case is a card game.


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If there weren’t enough men to make a card game interesting, people would look out the glass door and gossip about anybody and everybody happening to pass by. (Kim, 1988: 7)

When Korean people did not know want to do, they became gossip to each other.

Gossip can make them get jollity in their life. By talking about other people, it can entertain them that make them happy. Education

Education actually is one of human needs in this life. The reality is, until nowadays not all of people get formal education. In this case, education in Korea is looked by the social stratification of someone in the past. In this novel is clear that not all Korean get education like us today, but only someone who has power and from good clan can get the education.

“When I was child, I came from Tuma-ri to Ibam to learn Sohak (a Confucian book for school children) at a school here. “ “Did the Kwon family accept a child from an ordinary farming family? Times have changed, but at that time the Kwon family was the most powerful one.” “My grandfather asked the teacher for special permission. He wanted me to learn, as I was the eldest son of the mainline Choi branch.” (Kim, 1988: 39)

The quotation above emphasizes at that time only people who from noble family can get an education. Mr. Choi is from an ordinary family, he actually could not go to school to learn as common people do today. Special permission that his grandfather did make him can go to school and learn.

During the reign of Taewongun, old-style schools in the entire nation were closed. Even so, the school building stood majestically, reminding


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everyone of the mighty power of the Kwons of Andong and the high reputation of the school as a center of learning and teaching for scholars and students. (Kim, 1988: 48)

At that time in Korea, education was something for high class, because scholar or students became a high level person. Reputation of the school at that time was luxurious. Only people who from a rich family and has a power can get the education.

The time was immediately after the March 1 Independence Uprising in 1919 and the new Japanese vicerocy was changing the oppressive military rule to so-called cultural policies. The three college students from Seoul stayed in Ttakpat for only one week. Each day, when it was dusk, they gathered all the illiterate village people and taught them to read, lectured them on Korean history, and emphasized the necessity of a new life. Then, at night, they divided people into smaller groups and instilled in them the idea and the method of emancipation from Japan. The students were captivated by the racial leftist anarchism. (Kim, 1988: 50)

This quotation actually is not portrayal the time of World War II, but here the writer wants the reader to know about the impact of education in the time of Japanese

Occupation in 1910 – 1945. Education in Korea actually interfered with Japanese. At the time of Japanese Occupation, Korean should be learned about Japan, also they banned Korean language into Japanese language. The quotation above is the fact, at that time Japanese interfered education in Korea. They tried to brainwash Korean through the students who taught them to read, learn Korean history, and so on.

In this novel, Kim Won-il as the writer of this novel introduces someone called Preacher Min, who bachelor that living alone.

Preacher Min was a bachelor living alone in small rented room behind the kitchen of the house next to Wolp’ook.


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He had been an Elementary school teacher in Angang when he got conscripted and sent to war. After being discharged from the army, he began study theology through a correspondence school. (Kim, 1988: 13)

Preacher Min in this novel was the one who got a formal education except Mr. Choi.

He got his bachelor from his learn, and then became a teacher in elementary school.

Preacher Min, then study theology through a correspondence school. Preacher Min was educated person except Mr. Choi. In this novel, Mr. Choi, who as the

Geomancer know much about his work. He sometimes mentions some book that he knows when he talked with Yi In-t’ae.

“According to P’ungsu divining principles, the best site is a site that draws water and stops the wind. A dead person depends on ‘Ki’ (spirit and vitality), and this ‘Ki’ is scattered by the wind and comes alive the water. A truly good site is protected from the wind. In famous book written by Kwak Pok of the Chin Dynasty, it was said that water leads to vital places, and vital place is always with water. It also says that there should be no wind to scatter the vital spirit. Water is the antithesis of wind. In short, water gives vitality.” (Kim, 1988: 130)

When Yi told Mr. Choi to find a place for his burial site, Mr. Choi mentioned about

P’ungsu as the quotation above. According to Choe and Torchia, P’ungsu means

“wind and water,” is a Korean geomancer or in commonly known as Chinese Feng

Shui. According to them, Korean people often seek advice from geomancers on where to build a new house or family graves. In this novel, Mr. Choi knew well about that. Mr. Choi also mentioned some books such as the quotation above. Mr.

Choi in this case knows well about geomancer.

“In another book called Solshimbu, there are these words,” Mr. Choi began, “there are two conditions required for a good burial site. The first is chok-tok, which means that one must have done much good for one’s fellow men. In short, an accumulation of good deeds is an essential condition. It is said that good land is in the hands of heaven, and a good man can read the


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will of heaven. If a person has the insight to find his own resting place, that is good. In principle then, a man who has not accumulated good deeds cannot have good burial place.” (Kim, 1988: 131)

In this novel, Mr. Choi not only mentioned one book, but more than one. He remembered these books well and explained it to Yi. Mr. Choi was really educated person who can read and write also know much about the geomancer book and the author of this book itself. Economic Life

Economic life in Korea after World War II can be says is in trouble problem.

Many problems that can not be solved. The separation of Korea into South and North made Korea really in chaotic condition. One of economic problem in Korea at that time was inflation.

This year, however, there had been a currency change and the won was reduced to one one-hundredth of its original value. Still, the woman insisted that Myong-ku get only 400 won per month. Inflation was so rampant that prices went up as fast as a loan shark’s interest rates. (Kim, 1988: 10)

The inflation at that time made the people in difficult condition. Everything was in high value besides almost of the people in this novel live in poverty condition. In this novel, no one work in industrial, but work in agriculture or as a farmer. Most of

Korean people work in agriculture. They were a farmer who had a field. The

Japanese came to Korea to exploit their nature. It can be concluded that the Korean has a beautiful nature and fertile area.


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They worked on the rock-strewn barren fields, raising corn, potatoes, chickens and cotton. They live in and with nature. (Kim, 1988: 126)

Korean people worked in their field, raising corn, potatoes, chicken and cotton.

Korean people live in and with nature. In the past, they did not work in a factory, but mostly Korean people worked as a farmer.

In the valley there was a village, sunken lower than Tuma-ri. Here nomadic farmers who burned land for cultivation had built a few cottages. (Kim, 1988: 124)

In the past, most of Korean people who lived in a village worked as a farmer. Their field was the one and only place that produced something to get money. However, the war made them survive because the horrible war broke everything. It impacted to their land. Lived in the valley was possible for them at that time. The farmers still engage in farming to produce something to get money.

That night, before he went to bed, Myong-ku took 800 hwan out of savings and gave it to Mr. Choi, who refused to accept it. Myong-ku finally persuaded him and put it in Mr. Choi’s vest pocket.

The railway ticket prices had jumped three times, and a ticket from Pusan to Seoul, third class, cost 739 hwan. And 800 hwan was the entire sum of Myong-ku two months salary.

(Kim, 1988: 139)

Korea after Japanese Occupation, World War II, and the Korean War got economic problems. That was social change that made Korean people survive in the inflation of value. The quotation above shows the fact that there was inflation happened in Korea. The railway ticket prices had jumped three times, it means that the prices had inflation.


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In the past, Korean was one of the countries that known as a poor country.

Korean people lived in poverty. In the time of inflation was like a disease in Korea, the Korean people were suffering. In this novel, the characters live in rural area, that everything is underprivileged.

Wolp’ook was a tavern in the rural town of Ibam.

(Kim, 1988: 1)

The writer of this novel at first already mentions about ‘rural town of Ibam’ that means the setting of this novel is much in Ibam, South Korea. Based on the quotation above, all of activities that the characters do is in a rural town or it can call a village.

People who live in the village are different than in a city. People who live in a village known to live in a lower class, although not all of the people there is poor.

From his walk that morning around Ibam, looking at its natural beauty, its pure air and its old and clean aura, Yi returned with a quiet determination that he would take it easy and put in order all his past history. Though he had not a penny to his name, he had found means to survive in Ibam.

(Kim, 1988: 48)

Yi come to Ibam, as the quotation above, he found Ibam in natural beauty that had pure air and its old and clean aura. Yi came to Ibam with no money. He had nothing except his determination and wanted to forget his past history.

I was born in the little village of Ttakpat to a poverty-stricken family without even a vegetable bed to its name. (Kim, 1988: 49)


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Yi lived in poverty condition. In the quotation above also says that Yi live in a village “to a poverty-stricken family without even a vegetable bed to its name”. It means that they are really poor and nothing can they eat.

Because of the war, everyone’s life had become harder than before. Moreover, from the later part of the winter until the late spring, farmers everywhere had had to go through what was called “the spring hunger”, a period of survival on wild roots and pine bark-and-flour cakes. Though Mr. Choi was the head of the Choi clan, he had no money either.

(Kim, 1988: 85)

Not only Yi, Mr. Choi also had no money. The quotation above tells about the war that made people life became harder. Most of Korean was a farmer, but the war made them lost their field. They became famish. Based on the quotation above, the writer assumed that Korea was in poverty condition. Korean people suffered because they lived in poor condition.

No sophisticated technology found in this novel and also there is no skyscraper. The Korean people found in a simple life in the nature around them.

They live in a village and they are villagers. The war made their life become harder.

The valley, then, become their places to live in. Religion

Religion in Korea in the time of war was influenced by western. Historically,

Korean people religion is shamanism, Buddhism, Daoism or Confucianism. Then other religion such as Christian came to Korea. In this novel, Mr. Choi believe in two religion; Christian and Buddha. In this novel, religion was much described when Yi

In-t’ae realizes his life is not long.


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I’ve never believed in either the Christian or the Buddhist religion, but I never thought death was the end of living. Religion merely makes a man change his way of life. (Kim, 1988: 127)

Yi actually not believe in religion. He thought that religion makes a man change his way of life as the quotation above. Yi did not know what religion means to human life and he also can not felt that God exists in his life. Mr. Choi was not like Yi. Mr.

Choi believes that God exists in human life.

“T’angnip, my friend, you are going to freeze to death if you stay here. Besides, killing yourself is the biggest sin of all. As you born by heaven’s will, so will you die by it. Trying to hasten your death is against Nature’s laws. To wait patiently for heaven’s command is to gain wisdom. You are doing this to yourself as a sign of remorse and self-flagellation, but heaven already knows your mind.” (Kim, 1988: 156)

When Yi slept outside in the cold, seem like he tried to suicide, Mr. Choi then told him that suicide is the biggest sin. Not only Christian and Buddha, all of religion believe that suicide is the biggest sin that God give to human because he against the nature’s laws. As the quotation above, Mr. Choi really believe God in his life, but it was not for Yi In-t’ae. Mr. Choi, in this novel, knew about Christian and Buddha.

Mr. Choi much knew about Christian, so that Buddha. When Yi asked something, he answered it based on what he believed.

“Whether in Christian church or the Buddhist temple, there are far more don’t’s than do’s. There are ten commandments in Christian teaching and forty-eight in Buddhism. Ordinary people can in no way observe them all. For example, Buddha taught us not to covet what we see, not to listen to vulgar words, not to cling to sweet tastes, not to hang on to anything of this world, not to be afraid when condemned and not to be proud when praised. And also stay away from avarice, meanness, anger, swearing, vanity, alcohol, and meats…. (Kim, 1988: 168)


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Mr. Choi in this novel much gave an explanation to Yi about both of the religion.

Although Yi in the end only accept the religion without became a ‘Christian’ or

‘Buddhist’, Mr. Choi still like to explain what he believes about both of that religion.

Religion is only for people who believe that life is for God and everything is

God’s decision. For the people who cannot believe this, they only accept it and then live as what they believe. Religion in Korea is back to the person’s itself. If they believe in God, and then he has a religion. If he can not believe, then he lives without religion. Art

Art is the way people find the harmony in their life. Art is the way people express their feeling. Art has also become the culture of the country. The war broke everything in the country. In Korea, music entertained them in the riot situation. The lyric of the songs actually expresses the true feeling of Korean people.

“When I heard that there was someone who wanted to hear our P’ansori singing at a chaotic time like this, I decided to come along. One can listen music, alone in a quiet room, of course, but listening to music by a troupe singer evokes a different feeling. The master of the house should understand that, I hope.” (Kim, 1988: 186)

Yi In-ta’e wanted to look a troupe singer as his last request in his life. Music is one thing that entertained Korean people at that time. As the quotation above, music made them enjoy for a while in the chaotic condition of the war that happened in Korea. Listening music makes them enjoy, calm, happy, and all of the feeling that they feel based on a meaning of the song. That also based on the instrumental. Music is a representation of human feeling. When the music in happy instrument, it makes


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us happy, besides the music can be in sad instrument. Music is like a human feeling.

The truth is, the song based on the condition at that time. In the chaotic condition because of war, the song become mellow and has a sorrowful meaning.

“For starters, I shall sing Im Pang-wul’s Memories,” the singer announced, and he slapped open his folded fan on his left palm. “When did he learn the famous Im Pang-wul’s eastern style of singing?” Mr. Kwon asked the old man. “He lost his wife in the battle of P’ohang. That’s why he always starts with that song,” Mr. Ku told his friend. (Kim, 1988: 189)

The music expresses the true feeling of someone. The songs actually can be

‘memory’ to remind someone who we love. In chaotic war, Korean people lost their family members. It can be wife, children, it also can be their best friends. The quotation above represents the singer lost his wife because of the battle of P’ohang.

The song that he chooses makes him remember his wife. The song expresses his feeling that he always remember and love his wife.

The singer’s voice deepened as he reached the halfway mark of the song, but it lacked strength when it hit the higher pitches. Yet he brought out the pathos of the song’s message in such a deeply moving, husky tone that many women and old men wiped away silent tears. Yi’s eyes slowly filled with tears too. (Kim, 1988: 191)

The songs actually have a meaning. In each lyric has a meaning that makes the listeners feels the atmosphere change as the songs itself. If the song is a sad song, the listeners may be cry. The quotation above tells that the song has a deep sorrow. The song makes the listeners cry.


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Only Yi was wiping his eyes with the back of his trembling hand. To a man who was mortally ill, waiting for impending death, the song White Hair must have been especially moving. (Kim, 1988: 192)

It is really true that the song expresses the feeling of someone. In the quotation above, the song White Hair has a deep meaning for Yi. Yi felt sad and suddenly cry.

That song has special meaning for him. That song represents his feeling.

4.2 Finding

Before going to find out the similarities and differences impact of World War

II on personal and social life in both of the novels, it is better to know the elements of both of the novels. By seeing the elements of both of the novels, it makes easy to find out the similarities and differences of both of the novel.

Table 4.1: The elements of the novels

ELEMENTS OF THE WIND AND THE ON THE ROAD THE NOVEL RIVER PLOT Linear Flashback Time 1940s – 1950s 1940s – 1950s Some cities in America SETTING (specifically in New York, Place Ibam, South Korea Denver, Chicago, San Francisco, and Mexico City) Outer Conflict: Conflict with Inner Conflict CONFLICT social forces The life of Korean people after The life of American people THEME Japanese occupation, World after World War II War II, and Korean War The impact of Japanese The impact of World War II occupation, World War II, and MOTIF on American people’s life Korean War on Korean people’s life POINT OF VIEW First Person Narrator Omniscient


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Actually, both of those novels are far different. The first is from a country, that both of those novels are from Western and Asian country. Western and Asian novel have different culture, the way of life, different forms, and different thought. After seeing the elements the two novels on the table above, the similarities only found in the setting of time. Besides the setting of time, there are no similarities found in the novels. The ways Jack Kerouac and Kim Won-il wrote this novel are different and also these novels are based on the background of their country where they are from.

The similarities and differences found in those novels. It is not the impact of

World War II, but the similarities and differences of those novels. There are the similarities and differences that found in the novel On the Road and The Wind and the River:

Table 4.2: The similarities and differences of the novel On the Road and The

Wind and the River

THE SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES OF THE NOVEL ON THE ROAD AND THE WIND AND THE RIVER SIMILARITIES DIFFERENCES - Both of the novels have same motif; - Both of the novels are from different about the impact of World War II. culture that is Western and Asian - Both of the novels have same culture. background of time; in 1940s-1950s. - Mostly the novel On the Road - Both of the novels deals with music. describes about the social life in The characters in those novels America, meanwhile the novel The express their sorrow, anger, and Wind and the River more describes disappointed through music. about personal impact on Yi In-t’ae as the main character. - Mostly, Korean people life and culture influenced by Japanese because of Japanese occupation in 1910-1945. It includes arts and religion. - In the novel On the Road, the character such as Sal and Dean seems enjoy their life, meanwhile in


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the novel The Wind and the River, the character such as Yi In-ta’e is full of regret and sorrow.

4.2.1 The Similarities and Differences Impact of World War II in the Novel On

the Road and The Wind and the River

The two novels are from different countries that have different forms and culture, also the way of life. The explanation above gets the result that both of the novels have different impacts in the time of World War II. In this part, the writer makes the table to find out the impacts that have the impact or not in both of the novels.

Table 4.3: The impact that found in the novels


Both of the novels in the table above have some points that get no impacts because of World War II. Now, we have to turn to find out the similarities and differences impacts that found in both of the novels into specific:


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Table 4.4: The similarities impact of World War II in the novel On the Road and

The Wind and the River

THE SIMILARITIES IMPACT OF WORLD WAR II IN THE NOVEL ON THE IMPACT THE ROAD AND THE WIND AND THE RIVER PHYSICAL - American and Korean people experienced in PERSONAL Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), they MENTAL had trauma on war that happened in their country. FAMILY LIFE - PLAY - EDUCATION - ECONOMIC LIFE - COMMUNITY SOCIAL - LIFE LIFE RELIGION - Music becomes part of the American and Korean people life. Music expresses their ART feeling. The meaning of the song at that time refers to sorrow and anger.

Table 4.5: The differences impact of World War II in the novel On the Road and

The Wind and the River

THE DIFFERENCES IMPACT OF WORLD WAR II IN THE NOVEL ON THE ROAD AND THE WIND AND THE RIVER THE WIND AND THE IMPACT ON THE ROAD THE RIVER Korean people get much physical impact PHYSICAL - such as beat, hung, disease, etc. PERSONAL Depression and trauma Korean people more happened in American emotional in facing MENTAL people life, but they their life. Trauma and escape that by find a depression happened in pleasure. Korean people life.


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- Divorce in America Korean people lost their increased after World family. The war also War II. FAMILY LIFE makes one of their - Young man become ‘wild’ and do family members got whatever they want. physical defect. American people become mobile. They go to one place to PLAY - another by using a car. They enjoy trips around America. G. I Bill helps them to Education only for EDUCATION get an education. noble people. SOCIAL The growth of LIFE economic in America ECONOMIC was increased but some Mostly Korean people LIFE of the American people work as a farmer. still have no decisive job. American people live like have no problem. Live in a rural area, COMMUNITY American people also Korean people survive LIFE survive in poverty in poverty condition. condition because mostly they are jobless. RELIGION - - ART - -


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After analyzing the data, the writer has conclusion and suggestion that related to the result of the analysis in the chapter IV. Based on the analysis and findings in chapter IV, the writer found the similarities and differences impact of the World War

II on personal and social life that happened in America and Korea in both of the novels that the writer used.

5.1 Conclusion

Based on the analysis, the writer takes conclusion of the study related to the analysis and findings in the chapter before:

1. The novel On the Road portrays the life of American people after World

War II, where the characters in this novel got depression and trauma

because of the war. In this novel, social life in America was not as good

as other people thought. Most of the characters were jobless, became

drunken addict, sex everywhere, high cost of education, and divorce


2. The novel The Wind and the River portrays the life of Korean people after

Japanese occupation that followed World War II and continued to Korean

War. In this novel, the character, especially Yi In-ta’e feel oppressed by

Japanese, parents lost their family member because of World War II and


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Korean War, and economic condition such as inflation and poverty

condition that makes them more survived at that time.

3. There are the similarities and differences impact of World War II that

found in the novel On the Road and The Wind and the River:

a) The similarities impact of World War II that found in the novel On the

Road and The Wind and the River are:

 Personal impact: the characters in both of the novels are experienced

in Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). They were trauma

because of the war, had bad dreams, flashbacks of that event, and

psychological distress that invited traumatic memories. In the novel

The Wind and the River, it is portrayed in Yi In-ta’e, that he always

blame himself and flashbacks his memory when he experienced in


 Social life impact: the characters in both of the novels are expressing

their feelings through music. Art, especially music expresses the

character’s feeling at that time. Their madness, sorrow, and

everything they express in music.

b) The differences impact of World War II that found in the novel On the

Road and The Wind and the River are:

 Personal impact: there is no physical impact that found in the novel

On the Road, meanwhile the physical impact found in the novel The

Wind and the River such as disease, hung, torture by Japanese, and

others that happened to Yi In ta’e in this novel.

 Social life impact: social life impact that found in the novel On the

Road are: (1) family life; divorce happened among the characters in


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this novel and young man become wild. They do whatever they

wants and family means nothing for them, (2) play; automobile

revolution made trip by car from one place to another is popular in

American people's life. They find a pleasure by doing that, (3)

education; G.I Bill helps them to pay a cost of education at that time,

(4) economic life; jobless and unemployment become the American

people problem, and (5) community life; drunk, sex, and find a

pleasure by going to saloon become habit of American people life at

that time. Suburban area increase because of immigration. American

people life do whatever they like without worry about anything. (6)

religion; they express their believe through music. Meanwhile, social

life impact in the novel The Wind and the River are: (1) family life;

lost the member of family and physical defect on family member

happened on Korean people, (2) education; education is only for

noble people, (3) economic life; poverty happened on Korean people

life, and (4) community life; Korean people live in rural area and

survive in poverty condition.

5.2 Suggestion

The novel represents the time when it wrote by the writer. Reading novel makes the readers know about the culture in the country where the novel is made, the way of life and thoughts. The novel sometimes connects to the history of the country itself. Reading the novel from other country makes the reader get more knowledge.


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Comparative literature would help the readers to be realized that different national literary works make us get more knowledge. In this case, the writer found the impact of World War II in the different countries, Western and Asian countries that actually have many different culture and way of life. In different continent the writer found the impact of the biggest war in this world by two novels that accidently the writer found in a university library. To compares the literary works make the readers realize that this world is too interesting and colorful because of the differences in each country.


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i. Summary of the Novel

On the Road by Jack Kerouac

Sal Paradise, a young writer, begins to write his story about his trips with his friends. He meets Dean Moriarty, who energetic and likes sex. Sal thought that Dean is a hero. Sal trip begins in New York to Chicago that there is lots of jazz, then to

Denver to searching Dean’s missing father and hanging out with Carlo Marx, and to

San Francisco to visit Remi Bencoeur. The first trip features sex, drugs, alcohol, and music. On the way back east, Sal meets a Mexican woman named Terry. He has no money and thought to live with her. Then he lives with her and become a cotton picker to get money. After that, he back to New York.

Dean shows up with his first wife, Marylou with Ed Dunkel. Sal decided to go back to trip with them. They go to New Orleans to see Old Bull Lee and his wife,

Jane, who drug addict. They ends up in San Francisco. Sal leaves for Denver, where his boredom quickly drives him back to San Francisco. They then drive to Chicago, the city is wild with jazz and booze. They end-up in some self destructive in Detroit before heading back home to New York, where Dean meets and marries Inez. Sal leaves Dean there and goes to Denver, until Dean follows him there shortly after.

The last trip is Dean convinces Sal to go to Mexico. They spend lots of money, have lots of sex, and drinks lots of alcohol. Sal accidentally gets dysentery fever, but Dean abandoned him. Sal, then, feeling mad to Dean.

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Dean traveling to New York to see Sal and Sal's new partner. Sal, despairing over the mess and trouble that such a mad and free lifestyle of travel has brought him, nonetheless remains inspired by Dean's madness. This time, however, he cannot follow Dean back to San Francisco. It is the last time that Sal ever sees Dean. As the novel closes, Sal sits by the bank of a river, thinking of the great American landscape that he has seen in his journeys, and thinking of Dean. He thinks about Dean. He thinks about America, Dean, and old Dean Moriarty.

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The Wind and the River by Kim Won-il

Yi In-t’ae lives in miserable. Yi In-ta’e, an illiterate destitute farm boy, an independence fighter, a guilt-ridden traitor, a wandering beggar, the sire of four abandoned children, the gigolo of a tavern owner, and a remorseful seeker of salvation. A victim of Korean history, Yi is the very symbol of the broken lives of

Koreans during the Japanese colonial occupation, World War II, and the Korean


The story is about the life of Yi In-ta’e. During the period of the occupation, thousands of Korean fled to Manchuria, living his expatriots. Yi was trained at a

Korean military school for two years, and later fought in guerilla attacks against the

Japanese occupying forces. Unluckily, he was captured by the Japanese and severely tortured. Under tortured, Yi finally broke down and betrayed his Korean compatriots.

He was the sole survivor among those who were captured. Upon his subsequent release he limped to the small Korean village, where people had often fed and hid him, only to that it had been decimated by the Japanese forces, who had used the information Yi had surrendered to them. Yi had learned of his betrayal. They beat him mercilessly and severed both of his ears. Half-deranged of this point, Yi wandered aimlessly throughout Manchuria, living like a dog. He had been heinously tortured by the Japanese, unforgivingly tortured by the betrayed Koreans, and he suffered the private torture of his own guilt.

Yi succeeded in cultivating a very deep friendship with Mr. Choi, the well- known geomancer. Mr. Choi was an honest, wise man and was Yi’s sole confidant. It was only he who would slowly learn of Yi’s life story, including the painful details of his betrayal and the loss of his ears by the hands of his countrymen. Mr. Choi

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actually has miserable life, too. He lost his elder son in World War II, crippled second son, and fatally ill daughter.

Plagued by kidney disease, Yi feels his life will end sooner. His kidney disease becomes a serious condition. He told to Mr. Choi to find out good burial site.

Mr. Choi tried to find a good burial site for his best friend. Despite his suffering and sinful past, Yi discovered redemption in his struggle for forgiveness and salvation. In the end of this story, Yi death in peace.

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ii. About the Author

Jack Kerouac

Jack Kerouac was an American writer best

known for the novel On the Road, which

became an American classic, pioneering

the Beat Generation in the 1950s. Born on

March 12, 1922, in Lowell, Massachusetts,

Jack Kerouac's writing career began in the

1940s, but didn't meet with commercial

success until 1957, when On the Road was published. The book became an American classic that defined the Beat Generation.

Kerouac died on October 21, 1969, from an abdominal hemorrhage, at age 47.

Early Life

Famed writer Jack Kerouac was born Jean-Louis Lebris de Kerouac on

March 12, 1922, in Lowell, Massachusetts. A tqhriving mill town in the mid-19th century, Lowell had become, by the time of Jack Kerouac's birth, a down-and-out burg where unemployment and heavy drinking prevailed. Kerouac's parents, Leo and

Gabrielle, were immigrants from Quebec, Canada; Kerouac learned to speak French at home before he learned English at school. Leo Kerouac owned his own print shop,

Spotlight Print, in downtown Lowell, and Gabrielle Kerouac, known to her children as Memere, was a homemaker. Kerouac later described the family's home life: "My father comes home from his printing shop and undoes his tie and removes [his]

1920s vest, and sits himself down at hamburger and boiled potatoes and bread and butter, and with the kiddies and the good wife."

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Jack Kerouac endured a childhood tragedy in the summer of 1926, when his beloved older brother Gerard died of rheumatic fever at the age of 9. Drowning in grief, the Kerouac family embraced their Catholic faith more deeply. Kerouac's writing is full of vivid memories of attending church as a child: "From the open door of the church warm and golden light swarmed out on the snow. The sound of the organ and singing could be heard."

Kerouac's two favorite childhood pastimes were reading and sports. He devoured all the 10-cent fiction magazines available at the local stores, and he also excelled at football, basketball and track. Although Kerouac dreamed of becoming a novelist and writing the "great American novel," it was sports, not writing, that

Kerouac viewed as his ticket to a secure future. With the onset of the Great

Depression, the Kerouac family suffered from financial difficulties, and Kerouac's father turned to alcohol and gambling to cope. His mother took a job at a local shoe factory to boost the family income, but, in 1936, the Merrimack River flooded its banks and destroyed Leo Kerouac's print shop, sending him into a spiral of worsening alcoholism and condemning the family to poverty. Kerouac, who was, by that time, a star running back on the Lowell High School football team, saw football as his ticket to a college scholarship, which in turn might allow him to secure a good job and save his family's finances.

Literary Beginnings

Upon graduating from high school in 1939, Kerouac received a football scholarship to Columbia University, but first he had to attend a year of preparatory school at the Horace Mann School for Boys in the Bronx. So, at the age of 17,

Kerouac packed his bags and moved to New York City, where he was immediately

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awed by the limitless new experiences of big city life. Of the many wonderful new things Kerouac discovered in New York, and perhaps the most influential on his life, was jazz. He described the feeling of walking past a jazz club in Harlem: "Outside, in the street, the sudden music which comes from the nitespot fills you with yearning for some intangible joy—and you feel that it can only be found within the smoky confines of the place." It was also during his year at Horace Mann that Kerouac first began writing seriously. He worked as a reporter for the Horace Mann Record, and published short stories in the school's literary magazine, the Horace Mann Quarterly.

The following year, in 1940, Kerouac began his freshman year as a football player and aspiring writer at Columbia University. However, he broke his leg in one of his first games and was relegated to the sidelines for the rest of the season.

Although his leg had healed, Kerouac's coach refused to let him play the next year, and Kerouac impulsively quit the team and dropped out of college. He spent the next year working odd jobs and trying to figure out what to make of his life. He spent a few months pumping gas in Hartford, Connecticut. Then he hopped a bus to

Washington, D.C., and worked on a construction crew building the Pentagon in

Arlington, Virginia. Eventually Kerouac decided to join the military to fight for his country in World War II. He enlisted in the U.S. Marines in 1943, but was honorably discharged after only 10 days of service for what his medical report described as

"strong schizoid trends."

After his discharge from the Marines, Kerouac returned to New York City and fell in with a group of friends that would eventually define a literary movement.

He befriended , a Columbia student, and William Burroughs, another college dropout and aspiring writer. Together, these three friends would go on to become the leaders of the Beat Generation of writers.

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Living in New York in the late 1940s, Kerouac wrote his first novel, Town and City, a highly autobiographical tale about the intersection of small town family values and the excitement of city life. The novel was published in 1950 with the help of Ginsberg's Columbia professors, and although the well-reviewed book earned

Kerouac a modicum of recognition, it did not make him famous.

'On the Road'

Another of Kerouac's New York friends in the late 1940s was ; the two took several cross-country road trips to Chicago, Los Angeles, Denver, and even Mexico City. These trips provided the inspiration for Kerouac's next and greatest novel, On the Road, a barely fictionalized account of these road trips packed with sex, drugs and jazz. Kerouac's writing of On the Road in 1951 is the stuff of legend: He wrote the entire novel over one three-week bender of frenzied composition, on a single scroll of paper that was 120 feet long.

Like most legends, the story of the whirlwind composition of On the Roadis part fact and part fiction. Kerouac did, in fact, write the novel on a single scroll in three weeks, but he had also spent several years making notes in preparation for this literary outburst. Kerouac termed this style of writing "spontaneous prose" and compared it to the improvisation of his beloved jazz musicians. Revision, he believed, was akin to lying and detracted from the ability of prose to capture the truth of a moment.

However, publishers dismissed Kerouac's single-scroll manuscript, and the novel remained unpublished for six years. When it was finally published in 1957, On the Road became an instant classic, bolstered by a review in The New York

Times that proclaimed, "Just as, more than any other novel of the '20s, The Sun Also

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Rises came to be regarded as the testament of the 'Lost Generation,' so it seems certain that On the Road will come to be known as that of the 'Beat Generation'." As

Kerouac's girlfriend at the time, , put it, "Jack went to bed obscure and woke up famous."

Later Works

In the six years that passed between the composition and publication of On the Road, Kerouac traveled extensively; experimented with Buddhism; and wrote many novels that went unpublished at the time. His next published novel, The

Dharma Bums (1958), described Kerouac's clumsy steps toward spiritual enlightenment on a mountain climb with friend , a Zen poet. Dharma was followed that same year by the novel , and in

1959, Kerouac published three novels: Dr. Sax, Mexico City Blues and Maggie


Kerouac's most famous later novels include (1961), Big

Sur (1962), Visions of Gerard (1963) and Vanity of Duluoz (1968). Kerouac also wrote poetry in his later years, composing mostly long-form free verse as well as his own version of the Japanese haiku form. Additionally, Kerouac released several albums of spoken word poetry during his lifetime.

Final Years

Despite maintaining a prolific pace of publishing and writing, Kerouac was never able to cope with the fame he achieved after On the Road, and his life soon devolved into a blur of drunkenness and drug addiction. He married in

1944, but their marriage ended in divorce after only a few months. In 1950, Kerouac married Joan Haverty, who gave birth to his only daughter, Jan Kerouac, but this

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second marriage also ended in divorce after less than a year. Kerouac married Stella

Sampas, who was also from Lowell, in 1966. He died from an abdominal hemorrhage three years later, on October 21, 1969, at the age of 47, in St. Petersburg,



More than four decades after his death, Jack Kerouac continues to capture the imagination of wayward and rebellious youth. One of the most enduring American novels of all time, On the Road appears on virtually every list of the 100 greatest

American novels. Kerouac's words, spoken through the narrator Sal Paradise, continue to inspire today's youth with the power and clarity with which they inspired the youth of his own time: "The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles."

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Kim Won-il

Kim Won-il was born on March 15, 1942 in Gimhae,

Gyeongsangnam-do. Kim was only a child when his

father, a communist activist, defected to the North

during the Korean War. The father left his wife and

four children behind, to a legacy of great poverty and

a cloud of ideological suspicion. Kim attended Daegu

Agriculture High School, and holds bachelor's degrees

from Sorabol College of Arts and Yeungnam

University and a master's degree in Korean Literature from Dankook University.

He made his literary debut in 1966 when his short story “Algeria, 1961” was chosen as the winner of a contest sponsored by Daegu Daily News. The following year, his story “A Festival of Darkness” (Eodumui chukje) was selected for publication in Contemporary Literature (Hyeondae munhak). As of 2013, Kim works in the Creative Writing Department at Sunchon National University, where he works with Korean poet Kwak Jae-gu.

Work With this background, Kim began writing in the early 1970s. His first works were short stories studded with childhood trauma and bitter memories, with families destroyed by unspecified conflicts. In other words, retellings of his own experiences,

He published his first collection of stories, Soul of Darkness, in 1973 and it garnered the Hyundai Munhak Literary Prize in 1974. His first full-length novel, Twilight, was published in 1978.

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Kim was a representative of "peoples literature," the literature in which authors argued, or portrayed a world in which, all the tragedies of Korea were the result of the separation of the nation by foreign powers directly after liberation. This literature argued that without the division there would not have been ideological feuding between the North and South, no sundered families, and no need for the dictatorships that ensued in the South. Consequently, in the 1980s, Korean authors began to focus on the issue of division and its results. This was called the "literature of division" and Kim Won-il was one of its strongest writers.

Kim believed that the war and division have left scars that economic prosperity cannot erase. In his novel Winter Valley (apparently Korean only), Kim retells the story of the massacre of the entire village of Koch’ang, who were killed on the suspicion that the village had worked with communist guerrillas during the Korean War. Kim captures the psychological landscape of the scared-witless villagers caught between the Scylla and Charybdis of leftwing and rightwing ideologies and the communist guerrillas hiding at the edges of Koch’ang.

The overall message contained in Kim Won-il's work, which ended in the

1993 nine-volume novel The Evergreen Pine is that historically determined suffering can be overcome, as can human frailty.

Kim's autobiographical novel A House with a Deep Garden was turned into a popular TV series in 1990. In volume 7, no 1 of Acta Koreana, Kim's Prison of the

Heart was translated by Michael Finch and is also available online in a translation by

Brother Anthony of Taize.

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Works in Translation

 Evening Glow  The Wind and the River  Soul of Darkness  Prisons of the Heart  House with a Sunken Courtyard  Crepuscules (French)  Das Haus am tiefen Hof (German)  rлyбoким двором: Pоман (Russian)  La casona de los patios (Spanish)  La cárcel del corazón y otros relatos (Spanish)

Works in Korean (Partial)  Spirit of Darkness (Eodum ui chukje, 1973)  Today’s Wind (Oneul buneun baram, 1976)  Evening Glow (Noeul, 1978)  Meditations on a Snipe (1979)  Chains of Darkness (Eodumui saseul, 1979)  A Festival of Fire (Buleui jejeon, 1983)  Wind and River (Baram gwa gang, 1985)  Winter Valley (1987)  House with a Deep Garden (1989)  The Long Road From Here to There (Geugose ireuneun meon gil, 1992)  The Evergreen (Neul pureun sonamu, 1993)


 Contemporary Literature (Hyundae Munhak) Award (1974)  The Republic of Korea President’s Award in Literature (1978)  The Korean Creative Writers’ Prize (1979)  The Dong-in Literature Prize (1983)  The Yi Sang Literature Prize (1990)  The Han Musuk Literature Prize (1998)

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iii. Chronological Events of World War II

Year Month, Date Events 1933 January 30 Hitler appointed chancellor of Germany 1936 July 18 The Spanish Civil War begins

1937 July 7 Sino-Japanese War begins 1938 March 12 German annexation (Anschluss) of Austria July 28 Russo-Japanese conflict begins in Manchuria September 29 Munich agreement concedes the Sudetenland to Germany 1939 March 15 Germany occupies the remainder of Czechoslovakia March 28 End of Spanish Civil War April 7 Italy invades Albania May 28 Russo-Japanese fighting breaks out again August 20 Surprise Russian attack on Japanese at Nomonhan (Khalkin-gol) August 23 Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact signed September 1 German invades Poland September 15 Russo-Japanese cease-fire begins September 17 Russian troops invade Poland November 2 U. S Congress modifies the Neutrality Acts by Passing “Cash and Carry” November 20 Russia invades Finland and starts the Winter War December 14 Russia expelled from the League of Nations 1940 March 12 Russia and Finland sign peace treaty March 20 Wang Jiawei forms pro-Japanese government in Nanjing April 9 Germany invades Denmark and Norway May 10 Germany invades the Lowlands and France; Churcill becomes prime minister of Great Britain May 26-June 4 Evacuation at Dunkrik June 6 German High Command issues Commissar Order June 10 Italy declares war on Britain and France June 16 Petain becomes prime minister of France June 18 de Gaulle broadcasts from London June 22 Petain’s government signs an armistice with Germany June 23 de Gaulle declares his intention to continue the war against Germany June 27 Romania cedes territory to Russia, which also annexes the Baltic states July 3 Britain attacks French fleet at Mers-el Kebir July 26 The United States begins partial embargo of Japan August 15 Eagle Attack begins Battle of Britain September 2 Britain receives American destroyers in return for leasing bases for 99 years September 16 U.S Selective Service and Training Act passed September 22 Japan occupies Indochina

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September 27 Tripartite Pact signed October 28 Italy invaded Greece November 5 Roosevelt reelected for third term 1941 January 22 British take Tobruk for the first time March 11 Lend-Lease signed April 2-May 30 Rashid Ali’s pro-Axis coup in Iraq April 6 Germany invades Yugoslavia and Greece April 13 Russia and Japan sign Neutrality Pact May 27 German battleship Bismarck sunk June 22 Operation Barbarossa begins July 5 The United States occupies Iceland August 14 Atlantic Charter signed August 25 British and Russian occupy Iran September 18 Tito takes command of partisans in Yugoslavia October 11 Tojo replaces Konoe as prime minister of Japan December 6 Russia opens counteroffensive agains Germany before Moscow December 7 Japan attacks Pearl Harbor, the Phillipines, Hong Kong, Malaya, and other bases December 10 Japan sinks Prince of Wales and Repulse; Germany and Italy declare war in the United States December 25 Hong Kong surrenders 1942 January 1 United Nations Declaration signed January 20 Wannsee Conference on the “Final Solution to the Jewish Problem” February 2 Stillwell becomes Chiang’s Chief of Staff February 15 Singapore surrenders April 18 Doolittle raids May 6 Corregidor surrenders May 8 Battle of Coral Sea May 12 Russia opens offensive against Germany May 20 First 1,000-bomber raid (against Cologne) June 2-6 Battle of Midway June 11 Free-French establish the military reputation at the Bir Hakeim June 21 Tobruk falls to Rommel’s Afrika Korps June 28 Germany opens offensive against Russia August 7 U.S Marines land in Guadalcanal September 7 Australian and U.S troops defeat Japanese near Milne Bay, New Guinea September 16 Battle of Stalingrad begins November 8 Operation Torch begins November 26- Anti-Fascist Council of Peoples’ Liberation of 27 Yugoslavia first meets in Bihac 1943 January 11 The United States and Britain give up extraterritoriality in China January 14-24 Casablanca Conference, Symbol February 2 Von Paulus surrenders at Stalingard

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April 19 Warsaw ghetto uprising begins April 26 News of Katyn Forest massacre announced May 11-25 Second Allied Washington Conference, Trident May 12 Axis forces driven from North Carolina May 15 Stalin disbands Third International May 24 Donitz withdraws U-boats from the Battle of Atlantic May 27 National Council of the Resistance (France) forms June 2 French Committee of National Liberation forms July 5 Battle of Kursk begins July 10 Allies invade Sicily July 24 Hamburg air raids begin July 25 Badoglio becomes prime minister of Italy August 17-24 First Quebec Conference, Quadrant September 2 Britain and the United States invade Italy September 8 Italy surrenders September 9 Committee of National Liberation (Italy) forms October 10 Moscow Conference with Hull, Eden, and Molotov opens November 23- Cairo Conference, Sextant 25 November 28- Tehran Conference, Eureka December 1 December 3-7 Continuations of Cairo Conference 1944 January 16 Eisenhower becomes Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force January 22 Anzio landings in Italy March 20 Germany occupies Hungary April 17 Japan opens offensive against China June 4 Rome is liberated June 6 Normandy invasion begins June 13 Germans use first V-1 bombs June 19 Battle of the Philippine Sea begins June 23 Russia opens Operation Bagration, summer offensive against Germany; Japanese offensive in Burma defeated July 1 Bretton Woods Conference opens July 20 Assassinations attempt on Hitler August 1 Warsaw uprising begins August 21 Dumbarton Oaks Conference opens August 23 Romania surrenders August 25 Paris liberated September 4 Second Russo-Finish war ends September 8 Germans use first V-2 rockets September 12- Second Quebec Conference, Octagon 16 September 17 Operation Market Garden opens October 9 Stalin and Churchill agree on the percentage of their relative influence in eastern Europe October 20 Belgrade liberated, the United States invades the

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Philippines October 21 Battle of Leyte Gulf begins November 7 Roosevelt reelected to fourth term November 24 B-29 raids on Japan begin December 16 Battle of the Bulge opens 1945 January 12 Russia opens winter offensive against Germany January 17 Russians occupy Warsaw February 4-11 Yalta Conference, Argonaut February 13 Dresden air raids begin March 9 The United States begins incendiary campaign agains Japan March 22 Arab League formed April 5 Suzuki becomes prime minister of Japan April 12 Roosevelt dies; Truman becomes president April 19-25 Partisans lead insurrection in northern Italy April 23 Russians enter Berlin April 25 United Nations Conference opens in San Fransisco; American and Russian soldiers meet at Torgau on the Elbe River April 30 Hitler commits suicide May 2 German army in Italy surrenders May 7 German surrenders in Italy surrenders May 8 V-E Day July 16 Potsdam Conference, Terminal; first atomic bomb exploded at Alamogordo, New Mexico July 26 Potsdam Declaration; Labour Party wins British elections August 2 Potsdam Conference ends August 6 Atomic bomb is dropped on Hiroshima August 8 Russia declares war on Japan August 9 Atomic bomb is dropped on Nagasaki August 14 Japan surrenders August 17 Sukarno proclaims Indonesian independence September 2 Japan signs surrender terms; Ho Chi Minh proclaims Vietnamese independence October Pan-African Conference meets in Manchester, England

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iv. Military and Civilian Deaths during World War II

Military Deaths Civilian Deaths Total Deaths (in 1,000s) (in 1,000s) Australia 23 12 35 Austria 230 145 375 Belgium 10 78 88 Britain 270 50 320 Bulgaria 32 3 35 Canada 37 0 37 China 1,350-2,200 8-18,000? 21,000? Czechoslovakia 250 90 340 Finland 84 16 100 France 210 360 570 Germany 4,500 2,000 6,500 Greece 73 390 463 Hungary 180 290 470 India 30 1,500 1,530 Italy 400 100 500 Japan 2,000 350-1,000 3,000 Jews 0 5,900 5,900 Netherland 6 200 206 New Zealand 10 2 12 Norway 2 8 10 Poland 32- 5,480 5,800 Romania 350 200 550 South Africa 7 0 7 U.S.S.R 10,000 15-17,000 27,000 U.S.A 300 0 300 Yugoslavia 410 1,200 1,610 TOTAL 21,934 54,024 76-77,000

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