The English Cricketers. pancy between the ret) and the promised incretee tn the 160 bags Rio at ll>4e.,and 50u do. St. PomiDgo at POLITICAL. HOUSKB, noows, JtC., TO LBT. MTIICJUU CANADA AND NSW YORK MATCHES.COMPARI¬ month'e 11 M«c. earnings. The (took opened tt alwut 78\, ad Cotton..The a regular meeting or democratic NUMBER OP SPLENDID FURNISHED AND UN- great SON OR TBI PI.AYKRH.SKETCHES OP THE KNQ- market was without animation, while iho tile also bargain..a round cornered nn£ vanced to 79>4, at which price it wan offered botween the stock on hand vii sales At I'm 'ii awm" 1, hi ib. r it'll ward, held at L John h A furnished houses to let, tn the finest parts of the city; A seven KUve rosewood finished In the moat naii PLAYERS.TUX PROPOSED BASE BALL comparatively light The were Park Hotel, ou October 100 for sale; one on the isomer of street end Fifth modern pianoforte, In the afternoon it sold at end cloned at confined to 300 a 400 on the basis of tho Hiurwlay, 6, Tbirtv-ntnth magnittAencs; carved legs, In grape and serpentina MATCH, ETC. boards; 70V. bales, following Peter M Scbeuek lu the clus avenue, 26xflfl; will be sold et e arcalu. Apply in N. C. work; superbly Inlaw with real pearl work of lilies, bouqeele, or this 79V bid. Operators seem surprised that while other quotations:. It won, on motion, resolved tint a committee of live incm- BISHOP, 143 Broadway. n. a» . plenty, Ae full rich tons; celebrated Hie crickoting community city bare, during the V1CW YORK CIASSIUCATIO*. hi ia 1». to draft ex t ie views of city makers, stocks have reacted Central holds its appointed resolutions .rowing TV'.^u e/ vlvr*®**^ fr,lm ""P*- ,H"l; piano Is richly liuisb- past week, enjoyed a capital opportunity of witucasiug 6 a 7 per cent, I'pUuuL f'lvruta. JtuOile. JV. O.dC Texat. thin association on tie cnMndntca nominal . P^loe $230. Apply at the St' l« "i« eiition at Byrac furniture for sale for ft It i* ¦" ownerlwrl.r>»nL¦ residence, #78svVci^mgemSixth twir favorite by eleven of the moet accom¬ own so strongly: tho readiness to soil it short has Ordinary 9 0 9 9 A 0, Just half thevilue avenue, near Fortieth street,¦>«*», for'«r game played Middling l'H The Chair cnled near Bleei kt r street, 2^ Cottage place K ervthing I* In three days, from 7 A. M. till a P. m. in the been quite marked for a few days. Galena was dune 11*< U« U* Appointed Meant* linker, Crane, order, and niual be « Id fur cash, aa the iwoer i- plished players world, against twenty-two oppo¬ Middling fair let1; 12W 12V Kelly, anl Wlnne going GREAT tho whole extent of the United as low as 70V on Boilers' option; in the afternoon it closed fhlr lirowue Jsrfect(California. Rent only 9310 per annum. App v on prealec*. CHANCE..BPl.RNniD 7 OCTAVE BOSB. nents selected from States. 1212)i 18 who reported tit reailst'ons, which tvere unanimously A wood Piano, made b, one of the and as as an name belt ^k^s fully But the late match at Hobckcn cannot be termed at 72 bid. Rock Island sold low 62V, the price at Krkhiihs .Engagements were light, while rates were adopted pnh'inh In Saturday's paper, Mr. Keilev'e FINE MODERN HOUSE, KEPT Art A (1ENTEEL warranted worth BOO, been uned a few months* made with atf strictly To bat iik been ontilte rout tin- committee WU1 which it stood in and August; it closed In the niter- steady. Liverpool 105 bales of cotton were taken by inadvertently. A private boarding houae, to let, furniture for aale ut a ¦ «*»P an International one, seeing that there were only three July steamer at a bbls. of rosin at 2s. to I'KTKH M. SCIIKNOK, Uhairmvt. ice twelve reaponalhle boardera dealre to remain in "ho! a J4d. 9-32d; 1,800 | ^e'wliTCth'S: ""ld^ «f the noon at 64 bid. These roads cannot fad to do large bu¬ li< oee; average f.15. Selling on amount of >'l Americans in the list twenty-two players. The London 400 bbls. of rosin were engaged at 28. 0d. per 2*0 WARD..AT A PRIMARY AT weekly profits pianoforte fall. rattled from the Rates to wore To ELEOTIGN. HELD lesltb. A rash cuatoiaer only, with from $1,001) in II.a*) may puroh ahrrr .mao. game of is only just becoming naturalized in this siness this Michigan guaranteed pounds. (ilasgow tlrra, bat unchanged BurP*', ho. 7 Morris street, ou evening, Oct Id, si'dreia W. J., Union l'ost ulhco nlficent stock of rnsewood seven octave Havre rates were with moderate 1ST to Monday George Proprietor, square Attention, plauofortea ak and it cannot be that or extrcrao depression of Saturday, and sold at 18, closing at steady, engagements. IKA9. in pursuance the call emanating from the General Com wholesale prices for enah this week. Also several second band country, expected playors of two Hay..Hales ol about balcB were for intttee at Tntmnany Hall, the ticket received a tna one seyen oci*vrosewood ca'ved. Ac 17 bid. For the second 36 was bid. 1,000 made, slop following foub story house to lease.or pianos; for $1H6 ana throe years, experience can equal those who have from V mortgage bonds, meut, at 66c. a 70c. jorlty of the vote* cant:. FurnishedThirty fifth street, Murray Hill; an elefant brown atone for$17»,mahogany do. *.'16 to $100 MACDON AM) 400' been Tho question whether the November interest will be paid Molassss..Tlie sales embraced 87 hhanagti. for sale to than in any other city in tho United States, the clubs are moderate, prices 6,000 gallons within tho range of 67c. a 68c. Crude whale Jnhn Hogau. John A Boston, makers, very low, pay advances. ternoon the market was and stocks closed Arm and were held at last with O'Neil, to let, possession ist novemiier.the Apply to P. GAGE, loan office, 108 Broadway, oorner ef Ful- composed almost entirely of Americans, and the progress stronger, Bperm firmly week's quotations, Vsenatorial. John Kane, located 10- street. N. advanced on all kinds of personal at tho moderate sales. Michael llalpln, Ktchard ualey, Housepleaaantly three story and Nuement houae No. 3 B..Money they have made in the game was evidenced in the result following quotations:.Tennessee 6's, 88V; Mibsou- Provisions..Pork.The Thomas Kdward Vai iek place; la in good order and baa all the modern Improve- property. market' was steady but not Brennan, Burke, menta. Apply to PHILIP HENRY, Jr., 17 and 19 Warren .f the recent match between tbo Philadelphia and New rls, 84.V; Canton, 17V; Cumberland, 12V a 18; Pacific active, with sales of about 800 mess at John Ahem, Michael Biggtna, atreet. A barrels, including Patrick Fttzsimmone, Willi tin Hharne, RONS, Tork Cricket Clubs. In another wo Mail, 78V; New York Gontral, 79V; F-rie, 6; Hudson River, $16 62>£, prime at (10 62>i a tlO 76, and clear mess at CTI1ICKEBING J MsstirAcrusiBS or year fully anticipate $17 60. Beef was in fair John Foi, Dennis Mannion, to GRAND, AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. seeing an American Eleven a match for any English 36V; Harlem preferred, 35V; request, with sales of 400 barrels, ASSRRBt T. Kdwanl Cuirk, let-yearly rent S52& lease 2',; SQUARE Reading, 40V; Michigan including country prime at $4 mess John With to nil vacancies. Houseyear*, and furniture for sale, $600. New modern Warerooms, No. 894 Broadway. ¦even in the States that can bo brought against them. 6$, country Haley, power on avenue price C. A Rons have been awarded fisr Central, 43V> Southern guaranteed, 17V; Panama. 117V; at $6 26 a $6 37)4. was Michael Doran, RICHARD horae Islington Poem-salon of lower part at ooce. thirty-five prize medals, hi the llrst match which the English Eleven played at Repacked unchanged. THOMAS MURPHY, J A email family occupies upper part till May. the superiority of their manufacture for the past thirty-five two of Lower Canada, were Illinois Central, 67V, Galena, 72V; Cleveland and Beef hums were steady, with Bales of 200 bblq. BURNS, J Inspectors. Montreal, against twenty they Toledo, hero and 100 do. to arrive at THOMAS McCOKMICK, ) KIN8HIMKR, 343 Fourth avenue. years. not in a proper condition to display to perfection the beau¬ 19V; Rock Island, 64V u»d Illinois Central bonds, 84V- $16, and 60 do. Also, for sale, ties of this scientific game. had after good quality, at $17. Cut meats were steady, with sales WARD DEMOCRATIC OOMR TO LET, FURNT8ED.CONRISTINO OF THREE MARON A HAMLIN'S They Just arrived, Tho business of tho to was as of 40 hhds. and REPUBLICAN PRIMARY on SUPERIOR MKMiDKONH AND the ordeal of a severe across tho Sub-Treasury day tierces, including shoulders at 8c. and election..At an election held at No. 6 Duane street, on R or fonr third floor, to a email family or gentlemen, ta HARMONIUMS, having passed voyage :. liains ut Lard was in fair 4TH street, neer Alan a For parlors, churches, vestries and lodges. and were not in proper trim for follows 9t«c. request and prices sus¬ Monday evening, loth limb, put suant to the call of the Demo Twenty-lint Broadway. basement, suit- At Atlantic, consequently with sales of460 bbls. and tiercos at 11 a 11 erotic General Committee at able for a doctor'* office. For addreee inquire at Medians wholesale and retail. playing a game which requires such steadiness of nerve, Total receipts 81 tained, '4c. Sc. Tammany Hall, the following sqaare Poet oflice. PIANOS TO BENT. 8406,210 Butter and cheese were in steady demand and un¬ ticket was duly elected quickness of eye and activity as cricket. Notwlthstand- .For customs 76,000 00 prices judicial. John were able to beat their opponents easily by Total pay ments 69 changed. Wm. JameaKearney, POWER IN CLIFF STREET..TO LET. IN PIANOFORTE BVEB OFFERED IN THB this, they 441,666 Rida..The market was with Rmall Baird, Bonavan, city: price $1N0, worth double the amount, nearly new. eight , although, from the heavy rains which had Balance 4,677,642 62 comparatively quiet, James White, John llalcy. STEAMparte to suit tenants, six lofta In the building No. 80 Olill CHEAPESTmanufactured and warranted a % sales wlthiu the range of 3>4c. a 4c. atreet, adjoining Harpers, end three lofta in No. 78, with or by responsible city makers, fuffi fallen, the ground was not in sufficiently elastic condi¬ Tho at the O. H Purser, Martin McEnerney, seven octave, rosewood, round corners, keys. tion to do to the admirable of exchanges Clearing House to-day were Pi'OAits..Tho market continued firm, while tho sales Jeremiah Donavan, John Cusack, without power. Rooms 48x22. Inquire of J. BROMBACHER scolloped 4 justice bowling Jackson, embraced about Powers. James A SON, No. 1 Hague atreet. splendid lone, Ac. Apply at the realdence, 286 Madt* and Wisdom The bowling they encountered there 824,378,103 09, and the balances 8976,634 08. 1,400 hhds. Cuba musoovado, chiefly James t'aaey, son street. Gaifyn within the «f a and with some a 40 courty. Daniel was far from being Urst rate, and the Eleven declare thai The net receipts of the New York and Hurlom Railroad range 6'4'c. 6>fc., 30 Haley. TORE TO LET.WITH TOREK ROOMS FRONT AND would to bhds. do. at 7c., and 30 do. New Orleans at James Riley, arsrrsi.y.first oistsict. BEFORE PURCHASING AT THE they influitely prefer really good bowling play Company for the month of Beptcmber are as follows:. Wm. Drew, Wm. N. Brown. S' beck baaement on Third avenue. The leaae and fixtures Hleerker RESIDENCE, against than tbat of a loose, irregular description. James Iangdon. Daniel Dougherty, w:U be sold cheap; auitable for any buafnesa. Apply at 454 (TALLJ 14 I.eroy place. street, near Broadway, and ex¬ 1868 21 senatorial. 1 bird between and streets. amine a splendid toned, highly Unlabel. 7 octave, pearl keyed That larger scores can bo made of good bowling than 884,833 Matthew McGnwan. avenue, Thirty-third Thirty-fourth which will be sold nt full half Its cost for was 1869 62 Import! than Good* and Edward J. assknblt.second disthict. pianoforte, cash. The sf bad evidenced in the recent match in New York, 97,218 (Other Dry Spe. Kelly, above was made In the city and la new. where Bam Gibhus and Hallis bowled. Those *'.) Fort of Mew York, for the <}. W. Casserlv, John Baulch, LET-ROOMS, WITH STEADY STEAM POWER, ON nearly Wright, Not increase Week Oct. James Drlfcou, Thomas Brown, TOSedgwick street, near Columbia, Brooklyn. Inquire af E. players are confessedly far superior to Uardinge, Ellis and 812,385 41 Ending 8,1839. Timothy Sullivan, Michael Sullivan, R. PUKKEE 1 CO., 181 Pearl atreet. Now York. PIANO FOR BALE..AN EXCELLENT SB- Fisher in tills of the game, tho Eleven The for the are as 1'kgt. Value. Pkgg. Value Kearln. cond hand French cottage piano, made by Detir; very department yet receipts year follows:. and cor'warc. Michael' Jamea Donavan, COTTAGE in scored of their bowling 160 in one innings, against 149 in China, glass Iron .hoop, ts 8 $424 ward. Daniel Catolr, LET-TO 8INULE OBNTLEMEN, TWO sweet tone, anil good order; price $180; cost (060. Apply M 1858 . BEDROOMS, at with 8975,863 86 $2,224 pig.. .1.850 22,097 Owen Jamea furnished In the a 90 Wall street, in the basement. two innings Montreal, eight wickets to go 1869 19 ®f,ttles Iron, Haley, Dunphy. TO best manner, by private family, at 136 down. The ground was also in better condition 1,076,322 463 24,311 Iron,KRhglO,460 106,776 t- Woogter atreet, near Prince. Terms 92 per week, including Earthw'e.. Iron 118 4 769 gas. References of the Alexandre organ at IIobokcQ than it was at Montreal, and the Increase 1,001 30,040 jth't.tns M£IStaDos.!t-ES"4JOHN HKALY, Klecu>m'- exchanged. Depot REMOVED TO 208 BROADWAT. of magnificent cricket last week was con¬ 8100,468 33 Glass 94 1,632 Iron, tubes.. 486 1,406 fr ALEXANDRE ORGANS. display The Cincinnati Qatttt* of the 8th Glassware.. 38 683 LET-THE UPPER PART OF A THREE STORY sequently superior to anything of the kind ever witnessed. says:. 2,773 Iron,other,ts 28,802 WAf D .AT A PRIMARY ELECTION. HELD AT TObrick hnuee, with all the modsrn Improvements. Inquire (Patented In the United Slates, May S, 1888.) On the side of tho two the fine of The new corn Class plate. 188 17,781 J/*ad, pig. .3 405 21,830 West on on lib For draw ing rooms, churches, chapels and sthools. Twenty playing Lang, first of the season was received on tho Oth 4c~ Metal 68 5TH101 Broadway, Monday evening, October lu, ls58. the premises, East Thirty-second street. SOLE MEDAL OK HONOR and Newhall was while the . goods. 11,194 between the hours of 6 and 8 P. M., In acoordaure with the call Hammond, Sharp conspicuous, by Indianapolis and Cincinnati Railroad, and wo may ¦Acids 46.. At the Universal Exhibition of 1855. .f the Eleven, Hayward, Carpenter, Lucky er and hereufter look for that the in 3,260 Nails 93 2,797 of the Democratic Republican General Committee of Tam¬ LET-THE STORE AND BASEMENT, NO. 25 SIXTH This Grundy heavy receipts by road, crop Am. carb... 6 329 2842 liall, the following ticket was elected:. sue magnificent Instrument, which the brilliant perform¬ made the largest scores. But it wus in the fielding of the Southern Indiana very Needles.... 5 many TOavenue, opposite Amity street; of each 22 by 75 tort; ances of being large. . . For 6tate Senator.John Y. Savage, Jr. For latter that their skill was the most conspicuous. Their Alum. cake. 1,961 Old metal... 1789 given Immediately. particulars inquire of K. VILANOVA, The Baltimore of :. . Senatorial.John T. Henry, Robert C. James [aureus street and Exchange Saturday reports Alum 426 Platiua . eio Mclntlre, rtesslonVOORHRKS, 157 precision, quickness harmonious action were truly Blea 888 Clark, M. C. Murphy, James Lawrence. THALBERG, wonderful. The of er created uni- The money market Is tightening up somewhat. The powder 13,690 Plated ware. 13 4,165 Judicial.Jamea B. Dupignac, Peter M. Schenck, John Mile. WEI.rjR, keeping Lucky is OasUir oil... 63 Per. 973 FOUR 8TORY BRICK HOURE, WITH CETe have rendered as popular in America as in has been ersal admiration and surprise at tho extraordinary com¬ demand for money increasing, and paper is less easily 1,840 caps... 7 Moore, Vincent Clark. Thomas Brennan. lar. The first fioor Is 25 100 feet, the rooms above In the artists Europe, Chalk . 121 H. Charles rLF.T.A by adopted by greatest of both continents. mand the ball ho possessed. It is indeed difficult to placed than it was, but no actual advance has been es¬ Saddlery.... 12 2 691 County.W. Baker, Rtlev, James Conner. proportion; it Is suitable for hoop skirts, corsets or any light LISZT. tablished In the discount rates. Cream tar.. 6 Bteel 2,287 Assknblt.Henry Hopktnsou, Thomas Weaver, K, <1. Wood¬ wbhln five minutes' GOTTSCHALK, RORINI, MEYERBEER, Ac. Ac. particularise the good playing shown by each, as all were First class single-name 1,892 4o'731 Nell Robert manufacturing purposes; walk of all the Prices at the depot: paper still goes on tbe street at 8 a 9 cent for short Chickory... 97 1,699 Silverware. 1 '155 ruff, Newlson, Rogers, W. Crane, John T. Bur¬ ferries. A lease will he given for a term of years If required. $80. $l>-6. $238. equally perfect. They have undoubtedly given a groat im¬ per 126 18.990 ling. Daniel Moore, W. Cornell. to A. RUYDAM, 144 Pacific atreet, $45, *180, $260. $300, $320, $375, $400. to cricket in this country their visit, and we shall and long dates, and we quote prime endorsed paper at 7 Cochineal.. Tin, bxs.. 13,344 77 560 Ward.Andrew John W. G. Apply Brooklyn. A descriptive circular sent to anv address on application td petus by none 149 793 Wire Clarke, McFadden, Herbert, BERNARD A FAMREOUETTE8. 203 undoubtedly witness the good eflects in the improvement per cent, but there is of this description offering on Gums,crude ' 42 0*447 W. B. Howenstein, J. H. Sherwood, Hugh O'Neal, Jaa. A JR., Broadway. tin- street. For call loans rates 3 263 Richard A. Clumbers. Long, LET-FURNISHED, TO PRIVATE FAMILY ONLY, Importers of Busaon accordeons violins, violin strings, Aa manifested in our players in future, tho result of the range at from 6 to 9 per Gums, copai Spices. Robert Watson, rthe fonr story marble bouse 92 West Twenty-third street to offered. Indigo 141 34,699 Ginger . ols M.C. 1 lessons they have learned of the English Eleven. cent, according security CI1AB.MURPHY, containing all the modern improvements sod completely fur thirty-five years. leeches.... 9 366 . . 744 BANTA, > Inspectors. niahed. Bent a Can seen We have already described the peculiar style of play With reference to the market for American Nutmeg MARTIN 93,400 year. be any time after 0 A.M. EstablishedWe don't make the patent (I) pianos, or planes with tkf and merits of each individual cricketer our securities, Lie. paste.. 96 4,470 Stationery, Ac. MURVANE, ) but we do make substantial among Eng¬ Mr. E. F. Sattcrthwaite as follows :. "attachment," good and warrant¬ lish visitors. There is one which arrests reports Oils 665 2,660 Books 94 15 276 LET.IN TWENTY-EIGHTH STREET, BETWEEN ed pianofortes, of excellent tone and action. Our instruments thing forcibly WARD..AT A PRIMARY ELECTION HELD AT Fonrth and avenues, a front attention of the casual We have had an inanimate market the Oil, cod ... 379 17,349 Engravings. 8 3*399 corner of street TO Islington third] story room, recommend themselves In price as well as in other particulars. W>e observer. The majority of during past UTHUnion Hall, Fourth and avenue C, Oct. furnished; terms 913 a month. of Hazard A see tbem. are men rather below than above tho week in I/indon lor American tho business Oil., ess.... 3 461 Paper 71 8 873 10. and to the resolutions of the Democratic Be Inquire Caswell, Call and New end second hand pianos to rent them medium securities, 4 246 1MS9, pursuant r of Fifth avenue and Twenty-fourth street, under Fifth FIRTH, POND A CO.. 641 Broadway, New York. that it is not that is doing bciDg only on a limited scale. Some purchases of Oil, lins'd.. Other* 83 7 086 General Committee of Tammany Hall, the following i Hotel. height, showing pure physical strength cket a of all the voles cast was requisite for an accomplished cricketer. George United States five per cent bonds, 1874, have been made Oil, olive... 805 2,281 Woods- Sublicanhaving majority declared duly Parr, Oil, 67 Cedar . medal grand and square pianos.. confessedly the finest batsman in tho world, is a flne- at 93; New York Central six per cents are in demand, but palm... 2,064 703 Judicial.Bernard F. I. A. Francis LET.TO A GENTLEMAN ONLY, AT NO. 7 CAR- . Kelly, Boole, Clark, Jus. STEINWAY A SONS, No*. 82 and 84 Walker street, near leoking, powerfully-built mau, about five feet eleven inches tbe seven per cent 1876 bonds are offering at V b> 1 por Opium 5 8,814 Cork 3192 John N. Cornell. TOroll i lace, Bleecker street, three unfurnished rooms on Gold New have . Corvln, Broadway, York, always received the first in of cent below last week's quotations. Erie 1883 bonds have Paints 29,383 Fustic 86 6*421 Daniel second floor, with bath and hot and cold water; will be let where whenever In premium height, bearing couviuclug proof his Anglo Saxon County.George White, Bogtwick, Peter Bowe. Alsoa front a and competition with the beat makers of been more and close dull at a 10 . W H. separately. basement, eligible for doctor's of. descent. He, with Wisdon, is tho manager of tho corps offered, 60 62. There Potash, hyd 1,146 Ebony Senatoriai^-,fohn llooghkirk, James Tracy, Hiram on the Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore. Every plana . lice. Inquire premises of cricketers, and make all the has been rather more demand for Illinois Bhares at a Phosphorus. 3 192 Lima wood. 29 227 Engle, James R. Steers, Henry C. Woolley. warranted for three years. they necessary arrange advance. Construction Quinine..., 6 686 267 Assknblt.12th dlateict.John E. White, Anderson ments. He is a person of excellent education, his father slight bonds remain steady at 77 Ixtgwood... 'j'ltkl Jacob John O. John B.McDevlt, LET-THE THREE 8TORY HIGH BASEMENT a 20 . 6 267 Wm. F. Long. Schneider, Neil, Donttel medal premium pianofortes.-^, a being a largo and respectable farmer at Radcliffe, near 78. Reg. ant'ray 2,133 Mahogany.. Joseph Waitgler. bth district.James Robert r bouse, 409 Second avenue, between Twentyfiflh and BARMORE, 348 h. 49 Ratan Vb . ly, Townley, sixth streets. Possession Gold manufacturers, Bleecker street, offer* Nottingham. He has always been connected with the All Sarsaparilla. 1,139 McG ulre. Twenty immediately. Inquire of J. large and elegant assortment of their at Soda bicar. . 1049 DODGE. Jr., Naval office, Custom between the Improved pianos, great Eleven, and succeeded the late celebrated slow Stock Exchange. 0,626 27,126 Willow... Ward.Richard II. Bishop. Andrew Smith, Henry Dre'er, House, houra bargains, pronounced unrivalled by tbetest war¬ Soda . of 10 A. M. and 3 P. M. judges. Fully howler, William Clarke, as the captain and secretary of Monday, Oct 10. I860. sal....8,692 22,438 Other j'742 Edward P. Fox, John O. Donnell, Jamea Crilley, Michael Mc- ranted splendid 7 octave second hand pianos for $170 ana $140. $1000 N Carolina 6's. 7675 shsaha MicbOcuMkIiO n RR.RK.. Soda ash... 921 26,794 Miscellaneous. I jtughlin, James Reilly, Chas. Loew. that body. His merits as a cricketer may be Judged from 97V 42V FRANCIS 1 LET.ON BROADWAY, TWO NEW FOUR STORY the fact tbat his all unite in 4000 Missouri 6'f 88V 200 dodo.421? Sponges.... 97 3,121 Baskets.... 18 1177 CLARK, basement next door to the corner and companions pronouncing him " -- J A M ES S TO booses, of Twenty-fifth binoino.-napoleon w. 3000 do 84 oflead 10 687 Bricks . CORVIN, Inspectors. gould, the "best bat in the world." As one of the Eleven re¬ 160 do... ,k30 Sugar 740 JAMES TRACY, ) street, one block above the Fifth Avenue Hotel; have a good Guitarguitarist, from the principal concerts. Italian Opera, Ae., observed in of Parr 6000 California 7's... 83 150 do l)3u Sumac 600 1,676 Boxes . 2 078 view of Filth avenue ami Madison square; are nearly ready enables bis pupils In s few lessons, to accompany songs ana cently speaking him, "George plays the the most admired cricket from in to and if a 1000 Tenn 6's'90 ... 88 V 50 do s30 Tonq. beans 8 604 Buttons... 21 5187 ¦1 WARD..AT A PRIMARY for occupation; combine all modern conveniences. A good play effectively compositions. Address M going coming out, match is in QTH ELECTION HELD AT for a or Fourth avenue, or Firth A Pond's music 6000 K RK 3d in b '83 06 200 do.,. cflO Van'a beans 1 671 stone.. . 5 639 the house of corner location physician dentist. Apply to the owner, No. 9 store, M7 Broadway. danger of being lost he is the man we all look to to re¬ Bldg XO H. Grlbbln, of Broome and Pitt West Twenty-fifth street. trieve it." of whose wicket abilities wo 6000 ERR 4th m b.. 40 60 do... 1)30 lermillion., 8 402 Burr stones. 2100 streets, on Monday evening, Oct. 10. In accordance with the Lockycr, keeping 300 call of the General t 'ommittee of the have already is a middle built 2000 Har RR lBtmtg 93 60 do...... BlO Yel'w ochrc 1,269 Clay 'nr. Tammany Hall, following LET..A PRIVATE AMERICAN WILLIAM SCHUBERT, TEACHER OP THE spoken, sized, squarely . ticket was duly elected FAMTLY, WOULD has returned to this and will resume his about with an 10000 111 Con RKbds. 84 V 50 do... )..«30 Other 6,739 Cheeso 43 2 let a or whole of a first class bouse with MR.guitar, city, In¬ young man, thirty-one years old, open, do 200 (lev k Pits Ac.. Judiciary..Philip Merkle, William P. McCormick, Charles TO part every modern structions. A ppllcatlou to be mode at bis residence, 13 Neilsatt good tempered countenance, and fiorid complexion that MV RR... 0i? Furs, Coal, tons..6,274 77,445 K. Smith, Charles Hosier, John H. Trspp. improvement, with furniture In part. Rent of whole house place, near Clinton place. A supply of Schubert's fc 20 165 . or celebrated unmistakably marks him for an Englishman. Jackson 1000 T H A 2d mtg 3« 100 Hud R RR b60 85 Felting Corks 0.077 County..Bartlet Ward, Charles Carter, James D. Flynn. 9400. part In proportion; would board with the party. Call silver strings on band. and are 1000 Chi &.Rklbds. 91 100 do 35>' Furs 54 20,778 Cotton, bis.. 62 2 194 Senatorial..John Phalan, John James Cala or address A. H., 5 College place, second loft, where full par¬ Stephenson both tall, strongly built men, about Plckford, Jr;, ticulars can be learned. five feet eleven inches in height, and with open. 2000 H A St J .RR b.. 03 0 MSo& N in gua Btk 18V Fruits, Ac.. Clocks 11 L334 han, Peter Boylan, John U. Long otto muller, teacher of the PIANOFORTE Intelligent . Assrhsi.t .Fourth.P. H. Collins. Siith.Isaac countenances. The former ranks as a Nottingham 6 eliH Bk of Com'co 99V 26 do17 Currants.... 5,612 CoJf"o,bgs.l7,894 325,233 Wells, Ed¬ LET.THE SECOND STORY Mr.and singing, continues to give lessee either st his resi¬ player, . ward F. McMauus. H. OF A FIRST CLASS do 99 Nuts . Eighth..lames Lynch, Thomas dence or st the residence of his For terms. ten although in reality he is a Suffolk man, but has been a re¬ 30 60 do 17 V 1,360 Fancy goods 49 628 Thomas Samuel D. '1'. Taylor, bouse, having every convenience for six pupils. Ac., pie . Brady, John TO housekeeping; st bis 124 Ninth near Prunes 317 _ Walters, Hawkins, Robert apply residence, street, sident of the former county since he was quite young. 80Pac Mail SS Co... 72 200 18do Fish 12990 Nichols. rooms, use of lauudry and cellar, gas, hot and cold water, Ac. Broadway. The latter is a Surrey man, and is attached to the Man¬ 276 do 71Ji 160 do b60 18 SaueesApres . 5,366 Furniture.. 1 '55 Ward..Frederick F. Miller, William McCarty, Isaac M. Apply after 6 o'clock P. M. at 91 second avenue. -l/TR. ERNEST PEERING, 13 Instruments. . chester Cricket Club as professional bowler. Call'yn, Hay- do b30 72 160 111. Central RR... 67 V Grindstones 1 682 Averell, P. J. McAleer, John Deger, John O. Mcuee, James JYl rmormasoB or smowo an rtisorom arc 60 do 860 71 60 do b30 67V Chemical... 1 126 Gunny cloth 632 15*420 Sbeppard, Alexander Proudfoot, John T. Belch. LET.UNTIL THE FIR8T OF MAY, THE FURNISH Mr. ERNEST PERRING decided to ward and Julius Ca-sar all about the same age EDWARD ed bouse 245 street, near avenue. having make New York 100 do b60 72V 100 do 1)60 67V Musical .... 63 11,246 Hair 34 4 061 GRADY,) TO Bridge Myrtle Brook¬ etty his permanent residence, begs to acquaint the and and height.viz: five feet eight inches. They arc all 11 I'ETER BOYDAN, } Inspectors. lyn, within Ave minutes walk of the ferries Rent 9750 per bis friends and that he will public the first and last 200 Far loan & T Co.. 80 30 Clcv Col & (In RR 93 Optical 4.353 Haircloth.. 10 4*934 P. H. \ annum. pupils give Instructions in the art ot handsome, intelligent men, 360 N VCeu RR..b30 79 200 GaUChiRR. .600 70V Surgical 1 118 Hemp 643 .8B48 COuLINS. \ singing and pianoforte. Applications for terms, Ae.. toba as ward is of . ." being 8urrey men, Hay Cambridge. 100 do b60 79 .300 . Ac.. 383 mode st Messrs. Chlcksrings. corner of Broadway and Fourth Ckffyn is a finished cricketer in every department, and at do... 71 Jewelry, Honey 9,770 WARD..AT THE PRIMARY ELECTION HELD LET-TO A SMALL FAMILY ONLY, A PART OF street, sad also at Messrs. Breusings, 701 Broadway. and stands first on the list. His 60 do slO 78V 160 do... 71 Jewelry.,.. 14 29.900 India rub'or 187 23,231 MTIIat the Crystal, 228 Grand street, October 10, In accor TOthe house No. 161 West Thirteenth street; has gas, hot and , bowling fielding the call the cold water on the or is and his scores 25TH WARD.AT AN ELECTION OF very and pleasant Testimonials."The Horaoe Waters Broadway. sessing expression 79V V Copper . 12,304 Tobacco".. .2,162 44*768 THE DE- nelghborb3 68V Daniel Dougherty,Bernard Philip first rate tenant. Apply to GARPU A HOPOPCK, 38 Dey INSTRUCTION. of and about the middle He tiosscsses 200 Mich S & N la s &0 do b3 C4 RETURNED UNEXPBCTEDLY. I WANT griff, McGown, Garvey, James M. Clusky, street. years age, height. g 17V . to see on Thomas Dean, Peter Welch, Peter Carroll. FOR a with AW.JUSTyou Important business. look out at 6 o'clock $10..PENMANSHIP AND well knit frame, combining great strength activity. J1 notable, write soon. This at Bve o'clock. Yours Issrs.cTORs and Canvamirs .Peter Hnlpin, A. R. nerrick, three months, 78 lessons, or ARITHMETIC, He is a handsome man, of day Francis Cornelius Michael LET OR LEA8E.THE SECOND, THIRD AND ALL bookkeeping, lessons un¬ very intelligent, looking very M. HASH. Early, ttallaghan, Wilson. Samuel fourth stories of 22 Aon near limited. $10. Ladies' private writing lessons $2, 16 lessons. manners. His services arc in demand as Statement of the Bank* of the City of Monaon, Thomas Hearn. .tared Gilson, 1 Usury Mcltermott TO street, Broadway, this dtr; $3 per month. Academies 62 pleasing alwnyB New Oct. 1859. PETER a lso. a three story brick factory and sereral lota connected with Boys Bowery, corner of Canal a professional by some of the best clubs in England. He York, 8, CHARLEY-TOURS IS RECEIVED. THE BEST HALPIN, > same, near Morris and Essex street New York, and 283 Fulton street. Brooklyn. Banks. Loans. Spent. Circ'n. Net I know of to WILLIAM MORRISON. Railroad bridge, Newark, N. J. MARTIN belongB to the Ail England Eleven, and his scores in this Dep. pwme get good segsrs and liquors Is at 37 HK'UAKD > Inspeclors. Apply to FRANCIS BYRNE, 132 Nassau street, New Ysrk. 8. PAINE. country in the matches played have always been very America $4,771,209 1,450,496 153,362 3,219.562 pulton street, under the Fulton Bank. DOUUHERTY, J large. Am. Exchange.. 6,823,442 1,008,666 216,110 3,527,347 LET OR FOR SALE..A THREE STORY ENGLISH graduate in noNORs of an English uni- Artisans' INFORMATION WILL BE THANKFULLY RECEIVED OfVTII WARD..WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, nERERY ¦basement house, In a good and In A verstty wishes pupils. lie has had great eiperience in The English cricketers express their gratification at tho 1,019,161 140,201 93,374 637,439 A of fm. L. Green, of 96 real estate that at the TO neighborhood complete teaching, and is thoroughly competent to instruction manner which have been in Atlantic 77,977 249.592 formerly Broadwav, ZU certify primary election, held pursuant to the order, with all the modern improvements, to let, and furniture give in handsome in they received 647,623 61,308 agent since J uly 1 till 29th ult, at Elizabeth, N J call of-the Democratic Republican General for or both house and furniture for sale. classics, mathematics and modern languages. Address A. M. treatment have from Broadway September Committee, the fol¬ sale, For further care of Dr. A. C. 246 Fourth street New York, and the they experienced 2,418,667 423,642 262,220 1,771,641 Address John F. Simons, 650 Broadway, N. Y. lowing ticket was duly elected.. inquire at 111 Chambers street, up stairs from 12 to Castle, all with whom they have boon brought into contact. Had Bull's Head 388.800 42,611 108,172 344,830 Cocktt..William J. Peck, William Murray, Noah A.Chflds. Sartlcularso'clock. time permitted they would have had great pleasure in Butchers' 1,688,463 220.803 180,636 1,144,188 WANTED-OF IOWEN OAFNKY A Judicial..Peter B. Sweeney. Edward W. Bishop, Douglass YOUNG SPANISH GENTLEMAN OF EDUCATION, making arrangements with the base ball clubs of this Chatham. 697,975 81,940 130,204 430,062 INFORMATIONboat builder, formerly of I/indon; when last beard of'wns Taylor, Thomas D. .Fame?, Nelson J. Waterbnry. I-EA8E FOR 20 YEARS-A LOT IN CANAL A arrived two years since from Spain, wishes to receive city Chemical 1.844.864 789.649 In New York address Abm A M Senatorial..John Brlce, William Menck. Thomas within 360 feet of STREET, lessons in for for a match at that game; but the time ol' their visit being 809,160 2.003,631 YorkMytog city/Please8 . Bogert John James J. Klernan, TO Broadway. Apply to OLARKSON English exchange lessons in the Castilliau lan¬ and two matches still on Citizens- 706.066 117,931 street, Jersey City. McGrane, Mooney. BROTHERS, M Wall street. guage. from a lady or gentleman of education. Address for brief, having Philadel¬ l.r3,S81 627,477 Assembly..Alexander Frear, Michael John C. one 311,740 . Dee, Ellrodt, week C. De U., Herald office. phia and Hamilton, C. W..compels them regretfully to City 2,138,044 1,361,296 "INFORMATION WANTED.OF JAME8 OF Patrick Toole, Edwin Dohbs. Enns McMulleu, James Burners, RENT-A SECOND WITn decline the Invitation received for such a match. It Commerce 12,764,226 1,462,960 1,975 6,075,786 MURPHY, Brenan. Adam Hermann. FLOOR, THREE LARGE they Commercial Ex.. A county Wiekford, Ireland. When last heard from, which TO pantries, gas, bath, hot and cold water, to gentlemen, with GENTLEMAN OF EXCELLENT EDUCATION, WHO would undoubtedly have proved a most exciting aud in¬ 1,640,861 238,777 128,361 707,619 was about the 4tb of July, he was at Jamaica, Lonir Island n..Axel Freeman. James Aspell, John Coughlan, Janios breakfast if desired, at No. 5 Amity place. A is at present giving lessons in the French, Spanish and teresting affair, and wc should have been glad if a match Commonwealth.. 1,178.036 190.878 230,492 867,583 Should this meet his eye, he will write to his sister, wSo Is vemr 'I Patrick Dlmond, Thomas Baer, John Shaw, James Di Italian languages, and who is conversant with toe English, have been between them. Continental 3,026.891 442,227 1,600.439 sick at the hospital. Write soon, to Michael Quirk, No. 2 ucis Curran. THeTeST wishes s few more at moderate He could arranged 185,334 Noi5 JOHN- location in the next to corner pupils prices. would also Pry Pock 492,723 47,037 140,865 272,740 Second wti eel, Williamsburg. BRICE, 1 T~0~B00T~AnI)°~SHOEMAKERS.T(TTeT,city, the of Oortlandt street, be disposed to accept a situation as corresponding clerk In soma East River 302,417 28,898 91,182 177,142 THOMAS KIERNAN, 5 Inspectors. on Broadway, west side; only $26 per month. Inquire at 2*1 commercial house, or In any other establishment where ha Fulton 1,442,708 306,203 165,808 1,093,321 "INFORMATION WANTED.OF BRIDGET DALY A N! BARTHOLOMEW DOYLE, > Broadway, In the engraving office. could make himself useful. No objection, If good prooosi- FINANCIAL ANP COMMERCIAL. Greenwich A live ol the parish of Ogitlo, county of Boscommon. Irelui O PHYSICIANS..A FINE SUIT OF nAND lloiis were made, to l«ave lie* country or 'ravel Best refe¬ 744,242 102,834 145,540 643,071 when last heard from she was in New York about kRD AT AN ELECTION HEI.D ON MONDAY OFFICES, rences given. Address Leon, Madison square Post office. Grocers' 392.011 information ol her Oct. 10, 1869, at T" somely furnished, with every convenience. Croton, gaa, 616,169 76,681 46,763 years ago. Any will be thankful % Cotter's, Second avenue aud a Monday, Oct. 10,1869. Hanover 1,441,416 129,678 92,019 639,422 reived by her staler, Mare Daly, at 176 West Sixteenth i street, under the direction of the General Com- water closet, Ac., everything desirable for first class phvgi- between Seventh and avenues. nmany Hall, the ticket was sian. English basement residence, 123 Ninth street. GENTLEMAN, 28 YEARS OF AG*, WISHES TO DK- Importers & Tra. 2,616,616 347,647 201.924 1,470,322 ' * 1 Eighth (Kentucky! following elected by a a of his time to Hie bank statement made up tliis day compares as fol¬ 807.404 126.760 please copy. its vote:. -TO RENT, A NEW A vole part giving Instruction in French, with (hat of Irving 186,087 628,793 judicial. Michael Cotter, AND*ELEOANTLYFfN- German, Ac, in a private family, in compensation for partial lows last week leather 1,912,397 816,092 241,822 1,137,871 Andre Froment, tjpvjUU. lshed three story dwelling No. 138 West Twenty- board. Highly satisfactory references can be given. Address Manhattan WANTED..IF E. EA8TON WHO ¦¦ Jonathan Trotter, third street, between Broadway and Eighth avenue; every l*Q6t office, box Week endiny Loaru. Specif. Oirculatirm. DcpotHs. 4,429,871 749.269 334,607 2,783,692 INFORMATIONelded in Cincinnati, Ohio, in October, 1863, will' address B Bernard McCabe, Jeremiah Mahoney, modern Improvement and contiguous to Central Park. Pos¬ Board, 2,708. Oct. 1.... *118,008,762 10,260,126 8,o37.702 70,812,lu5 Marine 962.028 129,432 126,139 637,608 York Herald office, ho may hear of sorae- S. L. M. Barlow, Hugh McCabe. session Immediately. Apply to ALBERT WELLES, No. 239 Oct. 8.... 117,211,627 19,493,144 8,685,739 Market 1,588,768 236,436 214,723 907,826 ohithing to his125advantage.NT Gilbert Dean, ward. Broadway. Arithmetic, writing, 69,601,207 Mechanics' 314,192 Menzo Deflendorf. H. P. Carr, Bookkeepino,RENVILLE'S rooms, 362 Broadway, are open day and 3,409,895 766,693 2.400,824 8. senate. Bernard evening for thorough Instruction. Each student Is Increase.... . Mech s ATrad's. 848,761 147,466 "VT M..PRAY CALL ON ME AT ONCE, OR LET ME Devlin, and and to separately 234,018 248,037 122,786 718,810 A1 . know where arc. This James Mnhony, John Herring, MlgCKIJUAJnCOUs« carefully taught, enabled readily apply in prsctloa . . Mech. Ass.. you suspense is dreadful. The the to Decrease.... *797,126 1,810,898 Bkg. 678,828 86,139 161,109 288,767 watch and chain affair can be arranged satisfactorily to both John Kerr. Matthew Nugent. knowledge imparted him. The reduction to is Mercantile 2,460,170 662,068 36,209 1,975,931 Devoted still and unchanged. B B J C. W. Baker, D. J. Rooney, T IQUOR BOTTLES-BRIGHT GILT, IN A GREAT VA- loans, though considerable, hardly Merchants' 4,024,643 1,030,329 231,690 1,903,361 John Mtu-pbv. S4th st, Thoe. Bradburn. Jj riaty of patterns, at 25 eauts sack, the only place In the fkench course. as large as was looked for by those who wish to see the Mor. 276.928 1,103,167 -ADDRESSED YOU ON SATURDAY: George W. Gafflt. J. E. Crowley, city where this kind is done. JAMES BRHfSLEY, Evening COOPER INSTITUTE. Exchange.. 2,114,736 187,086 PLEASE CALL assembly. Cornelius 31 East near Catherine street. By M. X. FABRKGOU and loans reduced to the of one hundred mil¬ Metropolitan 1,066,334 8,446,283 P . on Wednesday, same time and place, If only for a short Csllshan, Broadway, OUDIN, Instructors neighborhood Nassau 6,087,286 246,768 C. Ia Purdy, John King. In the French department of the Free Academy. For par* lions. It seems that the banks arc not yet prepared for 1,591,639 186,260 129,724 816,585 Alexander Brandon, supervisor. MANTUA.THE SCBSRIBER WOULD IN- tel lers apply at the Cooper Institute, room 19, after 7 P. Mi National 2,084,042 240,066 169,611 873,148 Thomas McCoy, Joel Wolfe, form his friends and the that he Is to sell so a reduction. Public opinion favors New York BULLMAN.INFORMATION IS WANTED, OF Peter O'Connor. MARBLE pnblle prepared thorough decidedly .4,668,378 744,676 401,055 2,665,984 the whereabous of Thomas son lAwrence Dunphy, mantels, plumber's slabs, Ac., Ac., cheaper than any other par- ACADEMY..a FIRST CLASS a N. Y. Thchas Bullraan, of Robert ftull John R. Feeny, Mansfield son in the A assortment on hand. A. KLA- boarding school for both sexes; a reduction which shall be guarantee that no risk is County.... 899,633 68,812 91,466 328,242 man. of Caherdrtiia, county of Cork. Ireland, bjr Joseph H Lovefi.' city. good always FERGUSONVTI.LE expense, $190 per year; N. Y. Exchange. 340,822 27,347 113,797 300,805 Choate, No 2 Hanover street, New York. C. L. PURDY. 1 Inspeclors BER. 118 East Eighteenth street, near Third avenue, N. T. term begins November 1. Equestrisnshlp end gymnasium. to be run by the banks; but the necessities of tho GEO. W. GAFFIT, of s line to 180 Fourth to Insure a call going North America.. 1,612,614 166,139 86,789 749,795 WALLACE J Drop street, from the prin¬ jobbers and the natural tendency of thej^ank managers to North River 442,666 78,781 77,800 899,472 WATERS TRINITY CHURCH.YOU AND KEU3EY, > Election. APRS' KITROGENIXKD SUPER PHOSPHATE OP cipal, J. Oliver. Ocean TPfJyour old friend meet me and M lime.For top dressing grain and grass crops la falL leavo none of their idlo havo thus led to 1,697,600 T. . please my old Mend at the WARD..AT A PRIMARY torn deposits not, far, 270,017 113,740 972,120 old place, this day, at two o'clock. "Don't fail." K.J. ELECTION, HELD ON Price $4 per 5*0 per institution and the desired result. In coin the movement is rather better Oriental 660,982 83,864 104,169 377,819 ZlZt Monday, the 10th day of October, 1869, at 714 Eighth baj^or sale by CHAS. V. MAPRS. Gymnasium..calisthenicFencing Academy. Pacific 1,068,100 169,668 119,249 833,961 avenue, pursuant to a call of the General Committee of Taru- Manes' agricultural Implement and ased warehouse, 132 and (Stuyveaant Institute. 669 Broadway.) than was expected. A California steamer Park A. CHILI) TO SOME RESPEC- mnny Hall, for the purposeof electing delegates to the diffe¬ 131 Naamu street, and 11 Beekman sliest. New York. Mr. HENRY GERHARD, returned from generally 4,472,600 962,663 187,801 3,631,166 WAE5EI?~T.P AIi0PTw°nld h® * *ood father and mother to we, the having Europe, Is now about with over a million and People's 672.168 117,001 471,612 it-1 iiitta iw1xll}7\Th0 rent'Conventions, undersigned Inspectors of Election, begs leave to Inform his pupils, friends and the public In gene¬ due, 118,967 A"f "W*°n U wU1 ^ duly appointed for said election, do hereby certify that the fol¬ ral, that his new course of modern gymnastics end fencing, l'hcnlx 3,041,378 446,998 161,034 1,696,994 dreas C. ^/tieraklofflce11 ticket wa# elected:. EXTRA SUGAR CURED HAMS; after the lsst most has commenc¬ a half, and from present appearances tho prospect lowing duly 2,600 dry Halted, or 100 line Cincinnati sugar cured bag¬ Improved European method, Republic 3,619,389 687,060 216,874 2,493,991 judicial. .Tas. A. M'Cormack, PROVISIONS..t,000 sides, breasts and ed. Claasee are forming. Ladies and misses meet on Wednes¬ of further large lossos by export is at the present time St. Nicholas 1,060,028 171,820 96,562 621.874 TI/"n.I,IAM CUBBIDOR..IF WILLIAM OUBBTDOE, Alexander Ward. John Maaterson. ged hams. Smoked shoulders, loins. For day and Saturday at 3 P. M., exclusively. Gymnasium open who left sale by WM. LEE. smoker and packer of provisions, 325 Wash¬ or rather slender. 8tiU the banks must bear in mind that Seventh Ward.. 1,237,307 176,004 238,998 610,289 J1 formerlyofWickham Berks, England, England Michael Connolly, William I. Unden, between and Harrison streets. from sunrise till 10 P. M. For circulars call on address tha Shoe & Leather. 8.036,423 321,101 96^697 1,981,127 yearii?s0i b* rt'" "Vlng. or any of Us chUdren. he or ltlcbard I. Clark. Edward Kelrnan. ington street, Jay proprietor. HENRY QEBHARD. they can no longer hope to draw gold from tho interior, 222.567 they may poesfbly hear of something to their advantase bv an- John M. Helck, Patrick Murphy, N. B..All sorts of gymnastic and fencing apparatus con¬ that gjate 8,288,080 675,896 1,706,472 mM William Cubbidre resided N cholas Seagrist. Mathlaa Nicholas, BITTERS.-A CARD. NEARLY ALL stantly on hand far the supply of schools and tamllies. and while, on the other hand, a moderate export of Tradesmen's.... 1,426,767 137,928 326,194 060,983 Sat ^rtn'n.various timestL-de,r,,Jfn*^at Mexico, Veraw"* Crux and New York The county. John the bitters in the market at the Colon names of the children Kelley, STKTNFELD'S present time, notwithstand gold to Europe must bo expected, it will bo safe to calcu¬ 2,662,794 886,826 197,163 1,000,163 were Scott, Joseph, and a babv'name Peter Masterson, John Wilson, ing the puffing and advertising, are nothing but common stuff unknown. The mother's name (maiden name) was Sarah cluu-les Albeiinou, ward. and the French ARSH'S COUNTING ROOMS. on the remittances to to and she died of cholera trash, except Cognac bitters, and they are real¬ For and Instruction in late, other, upon largo tho South Total $117,211,627 Norton, In June, 1834, at Puebla. He Daniel Grtnnon. John F. Betx, ly medicated, and are what they are represented to be Any M practiceAND BUSINESS AFFAIRS. 19,493,144 8,686,730 69,601,207 'nventor of a superior descrtptinn of machine senatorial. John K. aa BOOKKEEPING move the cotton crop. WS? ??is to be paper Vanaervoort, family could make good bitters as those to which we have No. 348 Broadway, Appleton's Building. which believed still in use in America. William H. Doherty, Frederick Myers, alluded aa being no better than trashy quack medicines The In the money market there is no material change to CITY COMMERCIAL REPORT. H. J. WOOD, No. 9 Warnford court. William L. Wiley, Hugh Murray, are being humbugged the charlaUna who Throgmorton F. Msthias by sell them. "MwatSSTbenuUful edi¬ note. Some brokers report more money while Monday, Oct. 10.0 P. M. street, London, England. Philip Hannaran, Goetxel, SubllcSteinfield desires to have hie Cordial Cognac Bitters subject¬ tions, printed In colors, for sale. offering, to a in Charles Seagrist, Francis Crossoo, ed to the strictest chemical anv chemist, and ^ other on BRKADfnrnrrs..Flour.Owing reported break tho John Fllser. analysis by Is houses, the contrary, state that they are selling canal the market was and cloacd at an advanoo KKW8TAPERg. Alois Miller, willing to abide by the test The public can depend upon them with 6c. firmer, assembly. Hugh Smith as a cure for all bowel complaints, and a sure paper more difficulty than last week. Tho late ad¬ or about per barrel, especially for common and me¬ John O'Kerfe, Patrick Delancy. diarrho-a, and cholera preventive MBS- mFRE**HSAND ENGLISH, vance dium The higher grades were DVDRTI8ERH1 against dysentery morbus. For sale BOARDING AND DAY is mostly felt on long paper. Ali fears of a rovul grades. unchanged. Tho The best chance for advertisers With power to fill-vacancies. by all druggists, grocers and bare, and by 8. 8TKINFKLD, 37 No 26 West Thlrtv ninth street, near Filth SCHOOL,' sales footed up about 12,600 bbls., closing within tho range A DANIEL GRINNON, 1 John street. Bole agent for the United States. for the avenne, sion this fall having short paper with two of IN SPANISH, .TAMES A. Is now open reception of pupUs. vanished; good the following quotations IS I.A QUIA DE I.OS ESTA DOS UNIDOS M'CORMICK.S Inspectors. An* omnibus will be provided for pupils residing at a distance*. names goes readily at or below the legal rate. Tho stock Sound old and new superfine State $4 66 a $4 60 (Guide of the United States). JOSEPH LINDON, $ CTRANGKR8 broken) are from 6 to Extra State from old and new wheat 4 76 a 4 80 Now ready to be bound, and wtutina k3 AND INFANT PLAY SCHOOL, paying 7, according to the charac¬ Old and new Western 4 66 a 4 80 ONLY FOR ADVERTISEMENTS? FURNITURE. CITIZENS ,UR ter or the socurity, &c. superfine l'lcasc call, or address immediately to Arc Invited to examine our stock of 0 iMETROPOLITAN GYMNASIUM.) ftc., uld and now common to choice Western ex.. 4 90 a 6 70 Z. GAS $3 and 98 SIXTH AVENUE, Tho _ DURAND, emamelled furniture in all FIXTURES, NEW foreign exchange marked has Extra Genesee 6 60a 7 00 Terms jgiz Broad wav an Immense of YORK. for hardly oponcd yet to Southern 6 80 cheap. Bedroomcolors and styles, of superior and warranted manufacture, Embracing variety Wednesday's steamer. Tho loading drnwer has not Mixed straight a 6 00 This guide will circulate In the island of Cuba, Central Anie finished In landscapes, fruits, fresco and flowers, at F. H. FAR- CHANDELIERS, Changed his rates, and is Straight to good extra do 6 66 a 7 00 eneluelR' 1*ern' chUe' »nd all round in RINGXON'S. 968 Canal street, opposite Wooster. Msmifscto- BRACKETS, PENDANTS, AC AC., OCIIOOLB AND FAMILIES SUPPLIED WITH OOMPE- doing very little business. Tho Choice extra family and bakers' brands 7 00 a 8 60 St'uth America. ry 46 and 48 Wooster street Established In 1848. OF FRENCH. h' tent teachers and teachers with positions, by aonHeathm ta market rate nppears to be about 110 for 60 flour 8 00 a 4 80 ENGLISH the American 8chool Institute, Appleton's Building, 946 Broad¬ and day sterling Rye 4 AND AMERICAN way. Reference*-Hon. Henry Barnard, Hon. Theo. bills, 110>{ for short sight; for francs 5.13\a 5.16 Corn meal, Jersey and Brandywlne 10 a 4 80 WIEB8, LIQPORg, AC. bought for ready money..a Manufacture. hugsen, Rev. D. C. Van Gorman, Ac. Frellng- for 60 day bills. At these .Canadian flour was scarce and Arm, with small Bales,at Furniturefair value given In isady money tor furniture, carpala, PRICES EXTREMELY LOW. SMITH, WOODMAN A CO. rates, allowing for freight, win¬ $6 26 a $040. Southern flour was better, with sales of sale.-just received, s puncheons of books, Ac, at IS sixth avenue, between Ninth and Tenth st*. Also a complete assortment of ter instrance, &c., it hardly pays to draw about within tho of tho abovo For whlrtey Samples may be had FRENCH CHINA SCHOOL LATE against ship¬ 2,000 bbls., closing range IAnMK^n»ritv'«rjGUMMIN08, "J?No. S New street, corner of Wall DESSERT AND TEA SETS, UNDER THE PATRONAGE OP ments ot specie. The present prospect is quotations. Rye floor was Arm, with moderate sales at our ¦UuL (fcenn -WANTED, FURNITURE AND CARPETS TO DINNER, THEthe General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen. Is still that the steamer the above amount on a four RK?H CUT TABLE GLASS, a 471 of will tako little or tlgurcB. Corn meal was In fair demand, with sales of 825 .PUU'U. months' note, secured SILVER PLAMD *eiun2 ®ro*d*fty- Terms low. Instruction (full Wodneniay no gold, though somo bbls. and wine at Wheat was T A PEBLE by mortgage on real estate. Addresa Home, box 196 Ilerald CUTLERY, English course, modern languages, Latin, mule wai-n. and may bo engaged to morrow. The latest Jersey Brandy quotations. case, 631 P?1"*)no'»urpsssed In the city. Special bmtohMst pro- European advices firmer, and In some cases about2o. per bushol better: tho .Mttio CHAMPAGNE. Broadway. Crttoaote rotes. M. Y. point to a further accumulation of gold in tho sales embraced about 24,000 whtto A»H FRUITY b BEAN, Principal Bank of at bushels, including Ca¬ TAST?TlJn i*2E FsLAY°RWMPARE FAVOR. lUHTAURAJITI. mo IMPROVE THE INJURY Englnnd, and are not calculated to stimulate Kentucky, $1 46, white Southern at $1 30, white Am vViTU I^JlUnJLir,VCSEJr? should^OTLMIONWITHOOTuse Madame LKWENBERG ITIOM.A further ship¬ nadian ni $1 28 a $7. 06 for No. AMKRICAN *ARKSfc 1 to the sktn, ladles * f|1U YOUNG LADY EXPERIENCED IN TEACH- from this $1 Milwaukee olub at $1 FOR RA LK BY 61 THIRD no .« naiUllea do Florence, the purity and efficacy of which are ae to teach ments side. 1. Corn was scarce and with sales of about 11,000 AU^RlE1W&K HOUBE, AVKNUK, BETWERN Dr. J. R. (Chilton. For the ,fv engagement visiting governess, stock higbor, CRAMER, ABIGG A McCLOSKEY. IMPORTERS, IfARRISH'8Eleventh and Twelfth streets. Choice alee, wines and fStfieStohy£ celebrated cfiemlst, English branches In a family where the children ore ysung: Tho market opened feebly, but gained strength as bushels, Including Western mixed at 98c. and Southern 19 BROAD STREET. segars of the first qualities. Ordinary every day from II to 3. the principal dn,gists In this city, and at W) and 820 would bsveno objection to going South. Referencesexchanged. $!. was firmer in Furnished rooms with or Seby ft-incipal depot 167 Bosery. Address box the business of tho day progressed. There worn NP* Rye and good demand, without board. Bmtdway. Tuition, 1,687 Poet office. largo with salon of ajmut 4,000 bushels at 87o. u 88c. Barley IRISH AND BCOTCn WniSKEYS. transactions both in New York Central and in the waa sternly, with tales of 1.000 PURE Irish from two / \Y8TF.R8, RKLLY A8HINGT0N HYDRANT..SELF-CLOtINO, RON- FLOWERS..MRS. WTLLIAMBSON HAS OPENED loading bushels State at 78c Oats fnd Pairs' whiskey*, " OT8TER8.-FRRDRRICK AN stocks. were Armor, with sales °r at »?lenWhnagar, Ramsay, and Stew- V nounces to his friends and the In that be waaflag and non-freextng hydrants. Prices.Iron aeaea, WAX where she is prepared to give Western The foimer was rather stronger this State 44c. a 46c., and West¬ artL'/tiab old Hootch v Ardbeg has public general and wood eases, 510. Liberal discount to the trade. instructionrpoomsopIn Broadway, ern, with Canadian, at a 45 hisk®yi, warranted pure, by tiie Qnckafff. opened an oyster stand at No. 63 William street where he ¦20 516; this beautiful art. Terms, $1 per lesson; teugM norms* than on Saturday, notwithstanding the discr«- 44Vc. Vo. gallos, dozen or bottle, m low price*. ii. b. kirk, krepson hand the best kind of oysters, and where families Terms cash. Address Meter and Hydrant Company, Nea. M in tlx lessons. Iadlee ore Invited to coil st 898 Broadway and Conm-tta market was quiet, ana sales wnfluctJ to K Fulton MreoL i'»n be supplied with pleUed oysters at like shortest notice. and 57 First street, Williamsburg, Brwkljn., ID, see >ome specimen*